#korrasami is my life
loklove48 · 1 year
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This is for a new fanfic that I’m not even close to finishing………but…whatever
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strayconstellation · 15 days
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so anyway yoga gfs
❗️ DISCLAIMER: this was drawn on two bases and was simply done for practice. bases were from pinterest HERE—i tried to track them down and i believe they were made by Ahmed Aldoori. pls correct me if i’m wrong!! thank you for the stunning work that inspired me so!!
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unpersoniverse · 2 months
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of course my girl is an aries
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jade-of-mourning · 4 months
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i started this korrasami scribble so i'd have an excuse to post music hcs lol (trust)
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Me, December 19, 2014: why is the canonization of this queer ship making me so unbelievably happy to the point that I think about Korra and Asami all the time and I can't stop smiling 🤔🤔🤔
Also me: must be nothing 😊
. . . . .three months later. . . . .
Me: oh shit oh fuck
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hello please what is entropy. i always gravitate towards crazy asami.
BUTTTT if you're looking for crazy asami, id recommend THIS AND THIS
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I‘m currently suffering through four seasons of stiff dialogue and wierd random 3D animated scenes for one (1) kiss.
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cxvern · 1 year
one big thing that's annoyed me about ATLA universe comics (besides most of them like a lot of bad takes were made in them in my opinion but that is neither here nor there) is that korrasami had to come out not as a fun guess what we're dating but as also a 'look the homophobes are here too!' thing. and then them talking about how the air nomads were very open with this stuff etc just annoyed me. because up until that point i just existed under the assumption that the universe was already queer inclusive and the gays were healthy wealthy and thriving. you can argue 'it's good for kids to see coming out scenes' but also fuck that i want us to just not write homophobia into fantasy settings. talk about them being gfs in the comics and everyone just being like dope
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virtualdimensionsss · 2 years
can yall tell that ive been flung headlong back into my lok obsession
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loklove48 · 8 months
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One of the perks of having a gf is wearing each others stuff
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curemoonliite · 2 years
To that one girl I saw at a con gladly shelling out $500 for a 2-foot-tall extremely detailed official Korrasami statue: I may not know you, and there's a very low chance you'll be reading this, but you're an absolute legend and everyone on this godforsaken hellsite deserves to know about you.
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lovelooksgudonu · 1 month
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korrasami "spirity" vacay I've been thinking about this Korrasami concept for the past three weeks. I needed to get it out of my system so I can finally move on with my life.
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mormegils · 9 months
korrasami and longing
please walk with me here, i wanna make a point.
i recently rewatched tlok, and remember someone pointed this out years ago after the finale dropped but i don't remember who was it, or where it was posted. i can't find it so i assume it's gone by now, and i wanted to give my own thoughts.
SO. we all know the 3 years korra and asami spent away from each other between book 3 and 4 is very important to their story. in reunion, asami tells korra she's been talking to her father again and is thinking about forgiving him. korra is concerned that hiroshi might wanna hurt her again, and asami goes off:
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obviously korra was just worried and had no ill intentions, but asami's reaction is understandable. personally, i would at least feel a little bothered if someone who disappeared for years and refused to keep in touch after a while wanted to judge what i was doing with my life all of a sudden.
especially after having offered to give up everything to go with and support her in any way possible, and everything i got was a quick decline and a big ass ghosting after a couple of letters...
anyway. then we have this scene in kuvira's gambit:
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i've watched some reactions on youtube and most people didn't GET it. it's not a surprise since it's a trend in avatar fandom to misunderstand korra's character a lot (and the writers fumbled a little bit with korrasamis development in b4 imo).
this is not a badass korra™ scene or something out of place, it's actually simple: korra knows how it feels to be distant from the ones you love and not being able to do much about it, because it happened to her. korra's body recovered relatively fast and she could've came back sooner but, as toph told her in the swamp, korra was unconsciously sabotaging herself so she wouldn't be susceptible to getting hurt again. still, it felt so horrible to be separated from someone she cared about that she --knowing that bataar jr had love and devotion for kuvira-- used it a fucking threat to get him to talk!
and we reach THE korrasami scene, where they finally get some time alone after the battle and things have cooled down a bit, and the first thing korra does is apologize:
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this is one of the few times since coming back that korra actively shows regret from what happened. it's the only time she apologizes for it, and it's to asami.
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asami's answer is heartbreaking, but it is what it is. she could've lost both korra AND her dad, the people she cared for the most, but she still has korra. she's here. and that's what matters now.
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korrahsamis · 6 months
Happy 9 years to korrasami the ship that changed my life and I will forever love them. They are the best couple ever and mean so much to everyone and have changed the industry forever. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KORRASAMI
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mysteriouslee · 4 months
The Avatars and silly little tickle headcanons.
first off, the rankings from most ticklish to least ticklish.
Yang Chen
Roku and Kuruk
Jetsun used to tickle little Yang Chen all the time. Especially if Chen was being cheeky or just for the point if being silly.
I'd like to think Kuruk would giggle when being tickled, Ummi tickled him just hear it cuz she thought it was cute.
Korrasami got into plenty of tickle fights in the spirit world vacation, many of which Korra lost.
Kavik had only managed to get Yang Chen very few times, and his head almost got blown off mutiple times. (She got him back tenfold, rip Kavik :P)
Rangi is an evil ler, rip Kyoshi :P. Kyoshi's laughter is really snorty when being tickled. (Rangi thinks its adorable)
Wan acts all big so the other avatars jump him in the spirit world but jokes on them, he knows all their weak spots since he's the first avatar. He sees and knows and he will get you if you come after him.
Katara once dragged a finger up Aang's spine and he screeched so loud, birds flew away.
When lee:
Aang's laugh is and was full of squeals, even as an adult. Full on fights you, its a reflex and he doesnt mean it tho.He harbours no shame about being tickles and outwardly admit to liking it and will ask for it. Katara is mostly gentke with him unless he was being cheeky or annoying, she will have him in tears.Toph likes to use soft and light tickles to drive her oppenent insane, Aang being her biggest victim.Worst spot: mid-lower back, especially the sides of the back and near the point that connects your sides to your back.
Yang Chen's go from soft quiet giggles to full on hearty belly laugh, and sometimes she loses control of her airbending through her voice and it shakes the room. If you get her weak spot, her airbending powered scream comes out by accident. If you get her good, she'll go limp but otherwise, prepare to be wrestled. If you tease her, she'll shout at you to shut up. Worst spot: Everywhere below the waist, from hips to toe tips, my girl will just die.
Korra gets into a cuddlly mood after being tickled, especially when its with Asami. She will put up a fight when it matters but other wise she'll just squirm or go limp. It matters when Mako and Bolin try to ambush her or if its a tickle fight. Korra is only rough with Asami gives the ok and when they do, they shake the bed with their tickle fights. (I know what you were you were thinking you naughty wackus bonkus). Naga accidentally tickles Korra all the time. If you roughly tickle her, her laughter will be a loud belly laugh you can hear from miles away but with soft tickles, her laughter turns into hiccupy giggles that Asami loves. Asami loves to tease Korra and Korra blushes hard at that.You cannot tell me the airbender kids havent jumped Korra before and she sometimes lets them win.Worst spots: Tummy, Thighs and Under her knees.
Roku's laughter when tickled is loud cackling or goofy giggle, he will do all in his power to crawl out of your grasp, unless its Ta Min, he lets her get him. Sozin used to get him and wreck him til tears all the time when they were kids. When Fang was smaller, she woukr nuzzle his head into Roku's tum, making Roku laugh. Blushes easily and cannot take teasing. Worst spot: Chest, Hips and Ears.
Wan will straight up scream at you then dissolves into cackles and wheezing.Cocky Lee but crumbles so quick. He's pretty fast tho so its almost harder to catch him than Yang Chen.Worst spot: Ankles and Feet.
Kuruk may be a big burly guy but his laughter when being tickled is soft and giggly first. After time it turns to guffaws, not as loud as Korra tho. Worst spot: Back, Ribs and Knees
Kyoshi secretly also likes being tickled but she'll never admit it on her life. Rangi figured it out quick tho. Loud giggles and snorts. Rangi used it a lot against Kyoshi when they spar or when Rangi was trying to get Kyoshi to take care of herself. Kyoshi has freckles almost everywhere and Rangi loves to kiss and raspberry them. Worst spot: Ribs, Neck, Upper Back and Tummy.
When ler:
Aang is a goofy ler, gentle with all (except with Sokka, Sokka isnt gentle with him either). Laughs with his victim and coos at them, only with Katara will he baby talk.
Wan is quick, swift and evil. Menacingly good at being a ler. His fingers are quick and nimble and is accurately good at finding weak spots that havent been revealed to him. He will get you before you even know what just happened, quick to attack, quick to escape. Knows when someone cant handle rough attacks and will be gentle on that occasion, otherwise, prepare to be on the floor in tears and begging for mercy, a certain avatar learned it the hard way (comment to post on who you think said avatar is).
Korra is almost as goofy a ler as Aang. Loves to tease and baby talk. Cocky like Wan, especially when she's winning a tickle fight.Might be soft with the airbender kids, gets into silly tickle fights with them all the time.
Kyoshi is a gentle ler to Rangi and Rangi only, everyone else suffers her wrath. Teasy asshole.
If she's getting revenge, you cannot escape Yang chen, no matter how far you run, Kavik knows from experience. Soft and light to drive her victim to insanity, Kavik knows from expereince.Whispers, teases into Kavik's ear. However if its just for fun, she is for most part not vicious, however if you are a certain waterbender from Bin-Er named Kavik, she will tickle you to see your smile.
Roku and Sozin got into rough tickle fights all the time when they were little and they tied a lot. Roku is very gentle when it comes to Ta Min.
Kuruk is just as a goofy ler as Aang, and is extremely competetive in tickle fights.
And now: A little treat for the Szeto and Gun fans (idk shit about Salai sorry :[ )
I just have an idea of young Szeto, as a junior officer being tickled by his comrades after a long mission. Also methinks he would be a bratty lee. For the most part, I cant see him involving himself in being tickled, twas a bit of a sourpuss majority of the time.
Gun was pretty hard to tickle, only Mesose has gotten close enough to tickle him and Mesose got it back tenfold. Gun didn't like being tickled after Mesose died tho :[
Please forgive me if anything I've said is inaccurate and do correct me in the comments
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