#konoha med school
fjb-blurbs · 1 year
[On a mission]
Shizune: I just remembered, I have a bottle of chloroform in my pack. 
Sakura, grabbing the bottle: great! we can use this to knock out the guard.
Sakura: *whacks the guard on the back of the head with the bottle*
Sakura, beaming: it worked!
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powerful-niya · 1 year
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— (ℓαтє иιgнт ¢αℓℓѕ.)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚𝙸𝚗 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙, 𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚡 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚝𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛, 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎.
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Pairing˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Naruhina
Synopsis˚ ༘♡ ⋆。Every night, until the early hours of the morning, Naruto and Hinata converse on the phone, compensating for their protracted absence by savoring only one another's voices and inclinations. Only this night, the desire for one another has grown stronger than ever before.
Content Tags˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Angst • Clit Play • College AU • Dirty Talk • Explicit • Fantasies & Fantasizing • Female Masturbation • Fingering • Fluff • Forlorn • Hot • Humor • Late Night • Lingerie • Long Distance Relationship • Male Masturbation • Mutual Masturbation • Modern AU • Naruto's P.O.V • Naughty • NSFW • Phone Sex • PWP/Porn With Plot • Romance • Small Talk • Yearning • 
Overall Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚7.9k
Tumblr Post: Word Count:˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚4k.
Preview ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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"Mmm, it feels good to finally hear your voice, Hinata-chan." A male voice groaned, "Hearing it alone has made my shitty day a hundred times better."
A husky voice echoed from the crevices of thin lips against the white walls of a dark room, light blue irises gazing up at the ceiling above.
The male's body was entirely collapsed on his bed, anchored on his backside; fatigued from working tirelessly on his feet all day.
The man in question, Naruto, wore little to cover his chiseled torso; simply orange boxers to conceal his lower body. His body lay directly on top of the blankets of his bed because he was simply too exhausted to crawl within them.
However, he wasn't too weary to phone his lover, as to, continue their tradition of nighttime calls.
He never misses any of his girlfriend's calls.
After all, Naruto looks forward to the clock striking 10:30 p.m., every single night. During that time, his phone rings, a lovely sound signaling that it was time for his special rendezvous with his girlfriend.
Of course, there were occasions when Naruto would be the one to pick up the phone and call his beloved.
It really only matters who picks up the phone and calls the other one first.
Both are quite eager to do so; practically racing to the phone.
Before 10:30 P.M. arrives, the blonde male makes sure he is fully prepared to give his beautiful girlfriend his undivided attention, that is, to be fully ready for the most tranquil time of his day.
Hinata is all that matters to him.
Nothing else.
With a hum, Naruto ran one callous hand through his spiky blonde locks, just aimlessly gazing up at his ceiling fan which spun round and round within his small room, causing him to feel refreshingly chilled.
A smirk slipped across his lips when he heard an adorable giggle erupt from his phone, held close to his right ear.
"Oh Naruto-kun, I must say, I feel the same. It's truly a pain we spend so many days apart. I truly wish you were here with me..."
Hinata, his girlfriend, spoke pleasantly through the phone, who was also settled down in her bed, but located hundreds and hundreds of miles away from Naruto.
Given that their respective paths in life have taken them apart, the two lovers have chosen to keep their romance alive by engaging in a long-distance relationship.
Hinata chose to enter medical school after finishing Konoha High in order to pursue her academic goals. Such a choice brought her far from Konohagakure, Tokyo, and to Guangzhou, China, an expansive city that was, in Naruto's eyes, an unusually costly destination to live.
But lucky for Hinata, her prestigious family was happy to provide her transportation, money, and her own dorm as she attended medical school as a med student.
Naruto, on the other hand, decided to stay in Konoha, Tokyo, and pursue a career in which he could use his handy talents, vast energy span, and social abilities to fix vehicles; a temporary employment as a mechanic.
He'd hoped to pursue such a job for just a short while to accumulate enough money to leave Konoha and move to Guangzhou to live with his beautiful girlfriend.
However, his plan was taking a long time to come to fruition, to his utter dismay.
Naruto let out a deep sigh into his quiet room, the sound seeping into his cellular device and into his girlfriend's ear.
"Yeah, I know, Hina. But remember, this is only temporary. I'll be with you soon, I promise."
A relieved sigh was heard from the other end after his words were spoken. Such a pleasant sigh of emotion certainly meant that Naruto was successful in erasing Hinata's worries.
He was happy about that.
A grin revealed itself on his whiskered face.
"Yes, you're right, Naruto-kun. Gah, I'm such a worry wart."
Hinata giggled, promoting Naruto to do so as well.
Naruto shook his head, "Oh, don't call yourself that, Hinata-chan. Instead of worrying, why don't you tell me about the marvels of your day, beautiful?"
Naruto's ear twitched when he heard a piercing gasp escape his girlfriend's lips, followed by the sound of a bed creaking, indicating that Hinata had changed position.
He gripped his phone with all five of his fingers, leaving it plastered directly on his right ear. He listened closely to every creak, every gasp, every word that emitted from Hinata's side to his own.
He also waited patiently for Hinata to respond back to his questions.
"Ooh! Ooh! Good idea, Naruto-kun! For the entire day, I've been dying to tell you something."
"Tell me what, baby?" Naruto chimed in, eyebrows raised, and interest piqued.
"Today in medical school, I discovered some fascinating information about the human body. I've learned so much, it's incredible! My perception of our bodies as a whole has really changed; I now consider them to be some of the most fascinating machines in all of creation!"
As he listened to his intelligent girlfriend ramble on and on about her passion, enthusiastically sharing the incredible things she had learned while pursuing her chosen field of study, Naruto couldn't help but chuckle to himself.
Often when Hinata informs him about what she's learned in medical school, he absolutely has no idea what she's talking about. To be respectful, he listened anyway, asking questions, applauding her intellectual prowess, and generally expressing delight in her many outstanding subjects.
For Naruto, hearing Hinata on the phone express so much enthusiasm about her interests and be willing to include him in her world was truly endearing.
Her angelic voice always managed to relax him, lulling him into a tranquil state ready for bed.
Naruto smiled brightly, his whiskered cheeks sprouting upward in relation,  "Ahh, the human body's fascinating, eh?" Naruto's grin broadened, "Well, go on. Tell me about all the exciting new things you've learned, my love."
Naruto ruffled his blonde hair a bit with his hand, causing the unkempt strands to fall in all directions, slipping down his forehead, eyes, nose, and cheeks.
He listened closely as his girlfriend giggled once more in excitement.
"Alright, don't mind if I do, Naruto-kun."
Hinata took a moment to clear her throat before speaking once more.
"So did you know, when you listen to music..."
"Yeah?" Naruto breathed lightly.
"your heart syncs to the rhythm! Hah! Isn't that fascinating, Naruto-kun?"
Naruto's eyes widened a tad, indeed taken aback by that particular fun fact. It was certainly bizarre.
He was quite intrigued.
Naruto snickered, "Wow, I had no idea my heart could pull off being a professional break dancer. That's intriguing, but also pretty...strange.."
Naruto thought out loud, visually imagining his heart bob, whirling, and gambolling around, in his chest as he listened to upbeat tunes of music.
The more Naruto considered Hinata's interesting fact, the more unsettling rather than intriguing it began to seem.
Naruto shuddered in response.
But Hinata knew her boyfriend well enough to know he was beginning to spiral down a wormhole of confusion just by the one fun fact she told him.
She laughed amusingly on her side of the phone.
"Oh Naruto-kun, you're so silly! Your heart doesn't dance! The beat of it, as it pumps blood, mimics the beat of the song you're listening to, babe."
Naruto's eyes widened and he smacked his head, face-palming himself.
"Damnit, I-I knew that. I just..." Naruto bit his lip, his whiskered cheeks flushed from embarrassment, "I was just joking.."
The blush on his whiskered cheeks grew darker as he listened to his midnight blue-haired beauty begin to laugh her ass off through the phone, her beautiful voice surfacing as sounds of joy and merriment.
She knew he wasn't joking. But dead-ass serious which made it all the more amusing for her.
Naruto groaned, laying one arm over his eyes to sulk in the darkness in an attempt to hide away as his entire world was filled with his girlfriend's laughter.
"Oh Naruto-kun! Your cognitive process never fails to intrigue me. It's just so random!!"
Hinata giggled in happiness causing Naruto to groan.
"Hardy har har. Very funny. It's been a long day, that's all." Naruto groaned into the phone, turning his head to peer one eye from his arm to observe his basic, gloomy room, which was devoid of anyone but himself.
A desk, a chair, a few ramen posters decorating the walls, a closet, and a bed were the only objects that occupied his room.
However, Naruto's leisurely motion of examining his room was cut short as he noticed Hinata's laughter dwindling down quickly, as a result of his earlier statements.
Instead, he heard a guilt-filled whimper coming from her side of the phone.
"O-Oh, I'm so sorry, Naruto-kun. I didn't mean to l-laugh at you."
Currently, Hinata's demeanor has entirely changed; instead of expressing happiness and comfort, she has begun to express guilt and gloom, all of which severely disturb Naruto.
"Would you like to talk about it? I'm here, N-Naruto-kun."
The blonde male threw his arm away from his eyes to sigh, his chest heaving.
With Hinata's relatively convincing words, Naruto found himself debating in his head whether to tell her of the horrible day he's had at work where he worked endlessly, fixing tons and tons of cars, utilizing his hands and legs with no breaks in sight.
He was debating whether he should tell her about his sweaty days, where he reeked of muss and grime, drenched in grease and oil from head to toe.
He thought it best to tell her that he doesn't get much sleep because he made the decision to work additional hours, early in the morning, in order to obtain more money.
He wondered if he should tell his girlfriend all about his dark days.
But knowing Hinata the way he did, he knew that if he told her about the difficult life he was currently leading, she would undoubtedly be concerned for his welfare.
She'd be worried sick, so worried that she wouldn't truly enjoy her time at medical school anymore. Instead, she would be concerned for his well-being and spend the remainder of her days at college thinking about him.
He would deprive her of her happiness and instead fill her days with anxiety and concern, all in an attempt to fill the void in his own heart.
Naruto shook his head.
No, he can't do that to her. He cannot burden Hinata with his troubles.
As a result, he made his decision.
The blonde male rushed his fingers forth to burrow them within his thick, blonde locks, once more lost in his thoughts.
Hinata called out to him through his phone. Her tone had now changed to one of concern.
Her voice also dropped an octave, becoming low enough to resemble a soft whisper, and whimpers marred each word she spoke.
"Naruto-kun, are you there? What's the matter, babe?"
Naruto was quick to answer.
He shook his head violently, which each time brought his upper torso into contact with his fluffy pillow, "Nothing, nothing. I'm fine. Everything's fine, babe. Just tired."
"O-Oh alright."
Silence crept through the air as the two lovers awkwardly inhabited the phone line, both mute, both unmotivated to say anything further. The two just listened mindlessly to one other's breathing, finding content in the indiscreet sounds alone.
Naruto closed his eyes, gritting his teeth at the tension that now existed between him and his girlfriend. He was now cursing at himself for making the conversation so... uncomfortable.
He longed fervently for the circumstances to change so that their phone call would be more memorable.
Naruto gasped to himself.
He had an idea.
After a little period of silence, he eventually heard Hinata's gentle voice emerge through the phone line once more, interrupting his train of thought.
"Naruto-kun? Are you s-sure you don't want to talk ab-?"
"Ahh, that reminds me!" Naruto was quick to cut Hinata off, change the conversation, break the tension between them, and divert his lover's attention away from an interminable worry spiral.
Naruto's grin surfaced again which brightened up his tan face, "I want to hear another fun fact about the human body."
"Another fun fact? Really!?! You're interested?
"Yeah." Naruto boasted, pleased to hear that Hinata's joyful temperament had returned, free of worry.
"Alright! What do you want to know?"
"Hmm, tell me a fun fact about..." Naruto skimmed his brain a bit before gasping, "blushing! You blush all the time; I'd like to learn more about when a person blushes."
Right on cue, Hinata giggled, showering his right ear with more of her delightful voice.
"Oh, Naruto-kun, are you just asking to tease me?
"What? I'm being serious! I wanna know!"
"Fine, fine."
Hinata groaned before giving Naruto what he wanted.
Naruto grinned like an enthusiastic child as he waited in anticipation for Hinata to explain just what happens when a person blushes, or in other words, what happens to her body when she blushes or experiences feelings of flusteredness.
Yeah, Naruto was quite the jokester.
Naruto heard a few creaks from Hinata's line before her voice appeared once more.
"Well, I've discovered that when a person blushes, they also tend to feel the sensation in their stomach lining, or the epithelium, since it also changes to a scarlet hue, just like the cheeks do. That is why people often associate that flustered feeling with butterflies in their stomach."
Once more, Naruto felt himself grow incredibly intrigued and even quite impressed by his girlfriend's intelligent responses.
She was awesome.
Oddly enough, he felt his body grow very excited...
Hinata's wide intellect and assurance were undoubtedly making Naruto feel emotions he never expected to feel.
He was beginning to grow a bit... horny.
His dick twitched in his boxers on cue.
He certainly wanted more. He wanted to hear more from Hinata.
Naruto squinted his hooded blue eyes at the ceiling, humming low in his throat, "Ahh, impressive. It's remarkable to see how a minor occurrence in a particular part of the body may have a ripple effect on the entire body. Kinda like a chain reaction, right?"
"Ah yes! Excellent observation, Naruto-kun. Everything in the human body is connected, after all, my love."
Naruto smirked deviously. He was beginning to conjure up a naughty idea as to how to spice up their conversation and of course, tease Hinata. 
He was just about to enter into one of his nighttime horny episodes, as he always seems to do. It was encroaching on him like a virus that was becoming worse and thus, yearning to escape.
The blonde adult bit his lip, "Mmm, that's extremely intriguing, babe. I have to say, I'm impressed." Naruto complimented, "Now why don't you tell me a fun fact about..." He paused to chuckle, "the tongue."
Hinata's side was silent for a moment before she returned seconds later to let out a sheepish laugh into the phone.
"The t-t-tongue? Th-That's rather specific, d-don't you think?"
There was a stutter present in Hinata's question, her breathing growing a tad bit heavy through the phone which Naruto can identify that he's certainly made her flustered.
Naruto smirked, nodding his head as he kept his phone plastered by his ear, "Yes, the tongue. You can do much with just the tongue, can you not? That particular body part is rather important, yes?"
"Yes, i-i-it is. What are you getting at-?"
"Come on, babe. Tell me something interesting about the tongue."
Naruto's voice was dropping an octave, becoming deeper and huskier, and he even began slurring his phrases, an unusual shift from before.
Hinata couldn't pinpoint what Naruto was, in fact, planning.
His remarks were odd, but she went on and answered his desired question anyway.
Naruto heard her gulp from her side of the phone before she proceeded on.
"W-Well, one fun fact I f-find interesting about the tongue is that it's covered in about 8,000 taste-buds, each containing up to 100 cells helping you taste your f-food."
Naruto's eyebrows rose, a tingle rushing through his body at the sound of Hinata's voice obediently giving him the answer he was looking for.
"Oh really now? Mmm, ya know, I'm certainly thinking about tasting something quite delicious right at the moment. It starts with Y and ends with U-"
Hinata sighed.
"Naruto-kun... You're horny, aren't you?"
Naruto had to bite back his laughter as he heard his girlfriend's chastising tone, who read him like a book.
Hinata knew he was horny, and knowing that Hinata knew what state he was in, even without actually being physically present, only made his emotions skyrocket.
She could tell he was definitely in a state controlled by his arousal and desire, again driven by his deep longing for her, just by the husky timbre of his voice and the peculiarity of his words.
Hinata knew him all too well.
Naruto grew to want his girlfriend even more.
Naruto licked his lips, his chest heaving upon the ecstatic emotions that were flooding through his body, "Heh, oh no no, love. That's not me horny at all. That was me merely being a tease. Now, what I really want is for you-"
"Let me guess? Tell you another fun fact?"
Naruto smirked deviously, "No, tell me what you're wearing."
Hinata was unable to hear Naruto's response in time because it was spoken so quickly. She didn't even notice what the now-horny blonde asked until her response passed her lips.
"Oh, I'm wearing... wait? What?!?"
Naruto couldn't help but laugh his ass off, laughing uncontrollably at Hinata's flustered outburst at his previously naughty question.
Hinata fell right into his trap.
It was now his turn to fill Hinata's ears with laughter, his mouth wide open so that streams of hilarity may erupt from it and instead fill his gloomy, depressing bedroom.
His parted lips ached his cheeks, and his taunt core muscles tightened as he wiggled hysterically along his bed.
Despite Hinata's flustered filled whimpers and hushed remarks for Naruto to stop laughing or that her mishap wasn't humorous, the blonde merely laughed louder and louder.
Her gentle voice was entirely concealed beneath Naruto's booming laughter, making all her efforts to quiet his amusement seem effortless.
"Oh Naruto-kun, you're always s-s-such a tease."
Hinata whimpered into the phone line, unable to get her boyfriend's attention and thereby save herself from further embarrassment.
But, eventually, she came up with an idea.
A very good one.
Meanwhile, Naruto hooped and hollered, drawing his thumb up to wipe fake tears from his eyes, completely intoxicated by drowsiness and, of course, desire.
"Oh, what an amusing girlfriend I have. You were actually gonna answer my question a minute there, eh?" Naruto teased Hinata yet again, whilst staring up at the ceiling through a wad of water secretions that had accumulated as a result of his abundant laughing.
To clear his vision, he quickly blinked the liquid away.
He was so immersed in his own thoughts that he failed to notice his girlfriend's hum of interest.
"Oh, I was only kidding, Hinata-chan. You don't have to answer-"
From Hinata's side, one word was breathed into the phone, piercing the phone line and settling in the deep canals of his ears.
Naruto's laughter, the idiotic grin that accompanied his lips, was erased shortly after he took in his girlfriend's sneaky little remark.
He scratched his chin with his fingers, honestly complimenting if he heard his girlfriend correctly. He cast a doubtful glance up toward the ceiling.
"Um, Hinata-chan, did you say something? I believe I'm beginning to hear things-"
A giggle was heard from his girlfriend.
"Oh Naruto-kun, I wish to answer your question."
"What q-question?"
Now completely perplexed, Naruto wished nothing more than for Hinata to clarify for him what she was actually implying.
Because simply, the blonde male was unable to comprehend the reality that his lover was actually in the mood to play with him and engage in phone sex.
Between the two, it was never a routine occurrence. The couple routinely talks to one another at night, updating each other on their day-to-day activities, reminiscing about past expenses, and simply engaging in amusing discussions.
If Naruto was lucky, Hinata would profess her longing for him, but only after which they would both grow horny and engage in dirty banter.
But that is all it would be.
Their conversation would usually finish with Naruto wishing Hinata a good night, causing the phone line to drop, leaving the blonde male hot and bothered.
Normally, he was fine with jerking off to calm his hormones and satisfy his desire for his lover, but after a while, he discovered he began to feel excited every time he initiated a discussion with Hinata.
He began to think about her more. He began to jerk off more.
Once a week became three times a week, and soon enough, he began masturbating every single night, jerking off at just the mere thought of his girlfriend.
Her voice. Her appearance. Hell, the recollection of her mere breathing through the phone turned him on.
Naruto was in bad shape, but his feelings and actions were merely an outward manifestation of his strong longing for his girlfriend.
He missed her so damn much. He missed intimacy so much.
So now, the sound of his lover feverishly engaging in intimacy with him over the phone led his dick to jump to life in his boxers, making itself known by twitching and bulging against the fabric of his underwear.
He gasped when he heard Hinata's voice reappear, but this time there was no mistake. He heard her plainly.
"You want to know what I'm wearing right?"
Naruto answered his seductive girlfriend without hesitation, and with all honesty.
He gave Hinata a self-conscious nod as if she could see the gesture, "Yes, Hinata-chan. I-I wanna know, baby-"
"Then, I want you to guess, babe. Telling you is too easy, don't you think? How about we make things more exciting, hm?"
At that exact moment, Naruto's breathing hitched in his throat, making it harder for him to breathe. His chest tightened, his blue eyes widening.
Holy shit, did he love the sound of that.
His dick did too.
In his boxers, Naruto's scorching friend performed a strange little dance, throbbing as it now lay erect yet completely bent to remain concealed and submissive.
Naruto's head dropped downward subtly, his gaze traveling down his mighty form to lock eyes with his bulging cock between his legs.
He clicked his tongue, a dirty grin slowly etching his lips, "Mmm, is that a challenge, babe?" He voiced huskily, furrowing his brows and squeezing his phone tightly. Naruto moaned, "That's perfect, you know how much I enjoy a challenge."
Naruto smirked in triumph when he heard his horny girlfriend giggle through the phone line.
"I predicted you would. But are you truly up for the task? To fulfill my challenge?"
"Oh baby, don't underestimate me." Naruto growled low in his throat, rocking his tongue across his lips, "I can guess what you're wearing, babe—wouldn't even break a sweat."
"Well go on then; guess. What is clothed on the body of your naughty girlfriend, hm?"
Naruto didn't think much about his first response, instead trusting his arousal to seize the wheel.
He licked his lips once again, staring up at the ceiling in a daze, lost in his own thoughts, fantasizing about his midnight blue-haired beauty dressed in a white tank with purple panties...
No, a thong.
"Fuck." Naruto breathed under his breath, his own thoughts driving his dick harder and harder.
"White tank top. Purple panties." He breathed into the phone, going with his gut.
Immediately, he received an answer.
"Nope. No tank top. I'm wearing panties, yes, but they're not purple."
"No tank top, eh?" Naruto scoffed playfully.
He tried again, happily and enthusiastically participating in Hinata's desirable game.
"Well, then, how about white; matching bra and panties?"
Naruto's grin was cheeky, confidence flooding every inch of his body as his brain erased the vision of Hinata wearing a white tank top and purple thong in favor of the current image he mentioned—white lingerie.
He imagined Hinata's sleek body covered in the pure fabric of white, inducing a sense of innocence and purity, as he has always known her to be.
As his desire increased, the vision of Hinata in Naruto's thoughts began to change into something more, twisting and shifting to provide greater detail.
The blonde male had a vivid imagination, particularly when he was horny.
Naruto imagined his beautiful girlfriend's midnight blue hair pulled in a messy bun, with a few straggly strands cascading down her brow to tickle her nose.
Her fair complexion was completely shiny from her hormone-induced sweat, but it was brilliantly enhanced by the pure white lingerie she wore—to make her gleam.
'Yes, white lingerie has to be the answer.' Naruto reflected confidently in his mind.
He was confident in his response, confident in the mental image he had created of Hinata, which was so obvious and descriptive that it certainly could not be rejected.
Only from there, Naruto waited for his lover's voice to emerge once more, in an effort to approve or disapprove of his next decision regarding her.
And oh boy, did it come.
Hinata clicked her tongue, gently humming into the phone line. Her voice invaded Naruto's ears and traveled throughout his entire body, making the blonde tremble all over.
"Nuh-uh, my love. I'm not wearing any white. After all, I've decided to take a walk to the dark side tonight, baby."
This time, Naruto's brow wrinkled in reaction to Hinata's statement, and his dick twitched in his underwear once more.
Only now, did Hinata's voice shift octaves and instead take on a breathless intensity, virtually moaning after every word that slipped her lips.
Her voice was so exquisite that it completely melted Naruto's soul.
The sound of his lover's voice was an unparalleled act of seduction, drawing him into a world of desire that he can't help but visit every single night.
But tonight was different.
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handageddon · 2 years
Does konoha have civilian med school? Sakura joined the military because she wanted to stab people*. So being a surgeon was a good career choice. But like, there had to have been cute sadboys in civilian schools too right?
*I mean it was written as trying to get close to Sasuke but also like. She did canonically have Issues. She probably would have started stabbing people a lot earlier had she not had self expression issues.
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dayseternal-blog · 2 years
naruhina highschool angsty fanficss. i actually never saw one except peppermint mocha. so pleaseeee. thank you have a great day. 🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I didn’t know what Peppermint Mocha is so I searched it up...it’s a college / university au based on the summary.
“Peppermint Mocha” by TaigaClaw - Rated T, College / University AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. A small café two blocks from the university. A jock/bad boy who everybody knows and love. A quiet, shy pre-med nerd who nobody knows. Except for the bad boy... who always wants that Peppermint Mocha made only by the quiet nerd.
So uhh... you want angsty high school fics?  Also, I can’t believe you haven’t read any other angsty school aus besides this one????
I’ve read so many.  All angsty ones listed below the cut.
Angsty High School NaruHina
“Second Chances” by enzhe - Rated T, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Namikaze Naruto was abducted, then declared dead. Twelve years after he disappeared, his parents find him: now a scrappy, reckless teenager, with good friends, a lot of trauma, and ties to the murderous, anarchist Nine-Tails gang. As the family tries to put itself together, trust breaks, hurts heal, and the power struggles that led to Naruto’s abduction resurface.
“you totally almost killed me that one time (it’s okay I still love you)” by @itachiboutit - Rated G, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete.  Naruto, a promising baseball player, returns to Konoha Prep, and, without so much as even a “long time no see,” hits a ball into Hinata’s face.
“It’s High Tide, Baby” by @spyder-m - Rated T, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. “Despite everything that happened around it, the water would continue to flow. It was majestic and free, so unlike the nature of his own existence.” Could their love withstand the test of distance and time, or was it doomed to slowly fade away?
“With you” by suryass - Rated E, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto has ways of making her test her limits.
“A Love Never Seen” by HoneyWriter78 - Rated E for lots of non-con, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete.  Hinata has a one-sided crush on Shikamaru, but little does she know, the moody Naruto has had his eyes set on her.
Chapter 5 from “Naruhina Oneshots” by @powerful-niya - Rated E, One-shot. Hinata isn’t just called the mean girl for nothing. She’s the boss in school. Everyone makes sure to stay out of her path except– The popular kid. He isn’t going down without a fight. He tends to try, to loosen up her spring. Can he do it? Or will he end up silenced like everyone else?
“Accidentally in Love” by lagseeing1123 - Rated M, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete.  Naruto was supposed to help Kiba get a date with Hinata, but in the process finds himself falling for his best friend’s crush.
“afternoon sky” by @quirrrky - Not Rated, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete.  Uzumaki Naruto has returned. Konoha Gakuen must prepare and so must Hyuga Hinata.
“Forced to Call You Mine” by Se7enthDragon - Rated M, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto hates Hinata Hyuga. Hinata hates Naruto Uzumaki. However, being the son and daughter of two very successful men creates unfortunate events that leads them to being forced into an engagement with each other. It’s hate. They know. But is it what they truly feel for the other?
“cheerful” by @vegebulsoup - Rated M, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete.  Naruto and Hinata join the cheerleading team!  Love drama ensues.
“Idol Gossip” by vegebulsoup - Rated M, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata promised herself she would finally admit her feelings to Naruto on their senior class trip to Tokyo, but her plans change when she’s mistaken for a famous pop idol.
“October - Horror” from “Still Falling for You” by @chloelapomme - Rated T, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata has an unhealthy obsession.  Naruto does, too.
“Just Friends” by karumenchan - Rated M, High School/College AU, One-shot. Naruto and Hinata had promised to stay friends even after they broke up, but Naruto felt like nothing had really changed. Not that he wants it to.
“Uninhibited” by EroPrincess - Rated M, High School AU, One-shot. People have said confidence is gained through inebriation.
“Asynchronous With You” by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated E, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Hinata is done pining for her foster brother, Naruto. And yet, maybe that’s the best time for him to pick up right where she left off.
“Powerless” by bunny-hoodlum - Rated E for a lot of things, like depictions of violence and character death. Multi-chapter, Incomplete. His family’s past can’t be taken at face-value, and it comes clawing back to hurt him in ways that are out of his control.  DELETED FIC.
“Territorial” by bunny-hoodlum - Rated M, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete.  ANGST WARNING. When Hinata takes advantage of Naruto’s desperation for love, they’re both a little too much for the other to handle.
“I want you to cry” by Devahhole - Rated E for everything, like dub-con and graphic murder, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. A sociopath blinded by revenge runs into his greatest opponent.
“Secret Lovers” from “The Wonderful and Heartfelt Times of NaruHina” by @journalsofagoddess - Rated T, High School AU, One-shot. Their relationship was a hardship.
and I wrote these ones:
“Friend of Mine” - Rated T, High School AU, One-shot. When Naruto finally decides to confess to Sakura, Hinata begins to reevaluate her close friendship with her longtime crush.
“It’s No Secret” - Rated M, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Hinata returns to Konoha to enjoy her last year of high school, but her secret grows too heavy to bear. 
“Tell Me of Forevers” - Rated T, High School AU, Two-shot. Delinquent Naruto is trying to change himself for the better.
I’m sure there’s more!  Anyone can feel free to add on.
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al-lenn · 2 years
sasusaku : the mortifying ordeal of being in love with your roommate.
Sakura didn’t mean for it to happen. She really didn’t. It just happened all the sudden. When they first met. It all started the first day of university.
📍Konoha Universty
Moving into a dorm room was something Sakura never imagined she would do. Originally, she wanted to rent out an apartment, but she found out that she didn’t have the money to do so. Instead she had to situate herself with living in a dorm.
Sakura never was a person type of girl. She never really liked the thought of having to talk to strangers by herself. So now that she’s all alone, no friends or family by her side, she’s gonna have to change that and get to know the person who she’ll be living with.
She didn’t know anything about her roommate. What they’re like. If they’re messy or clean. Or even their gender, as they have yet to meet.
If her roommate was a girl, Sakura would be fine. If they were a boy however, that would be a different scenario and story. Thinking about the chance that her roommate may be a male had her thoughts going all over the place.
‘What if he’s messy?’ ‘What if he’s a creep?’ So many what ifs ran through her head like a tiger. Anxiety found it’s way inside her head.
However, she refuses to let it ruin her time during university. So instead, she slapped her cheeks and shook her head agressivly. Sakura got rid of her thoughts and changed her focus onto the boxes infront of her.
‘I may have over packed.’ The med student thought, feeling sweaty from all the moving she has done. She sighed and wiped the sweat off from her forehead. Rolling up her sleeves she picked up the last box, only for her to lose her balance and trip from how heavy it is.
nstead of meeting the harsh slam of the hardwood floor, she felt herself crashing into somebody, her face slamming on something soft yet also hard.
Feeling a hand pushing her away, but not too hard where she loses balance, Sakura could see who and what she had crashed into.
Standing there was a tall man. He wore an expressionless face, depsite that his facial features could still be described as divine. Sakura felt her heart beating loudly. ‘Thump.’ ‘Thump.’ She could hear. She hoped that the man she crashed into couldn’t hear her heart beating.
“You should watch where you’re going.” The man stated, his voice cold and deep. Despite how handsome he was, Sakura couldn’t help but get pissed at his words.
“For your information my legs got tired and I didn’t notice you in the first place!” She shouted, pointing her hand right at the man’s chest.
The male ignored her, taking the heavy box from her hold he went inside the dorm, leaving a puzzled Sakura standing.
her heart kept beating. skipping a beat every second. her fave was flushed red. from both embarrassment and the feeling of her blood pressure getting hotter.
Sakura wasn’t dumb. No. She was anything but dumb. She was the top of her class throughout primary school all the way to high school. She wasn’t dense either. Her heart pounding. Her blood pressure rising all the way to her face. The heat she was feeling made her become sweaty.
It was love. Sakura couldn’t believe it. She only just met the man, but she just couldn’t help her heart feel this way. The things love can do.
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imagines-mha · 3 years
✧ what fanfic trope hq boys would fit best with ✧
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Daichi- established relationship. Everything’s gentle and soft when your boyfriend’s making pancakes in the morning. 
Suga- mutual pining. Aching, yearning souls and quick-stepped heartbeats lead to sleepless nights and blasting taylor swift at 2am. it’s a rollercoaster kinda rush
Noya- high school au. He’s the class clown who never has his homework done, and you’re his favourite audience member who always sends him the answers before you leave the house
Ennoshita- tutor au. He helps you pass all your tests AND makes you fall in love with him at the same time?? What more can you want?
Tsukishima- bully au. Teasing remarks and shoves in the corridors turn to handing you his umbrella and walking you home at night. Its bittersweet
Yamaguchi- fate au. You keep bumping into him at the most unexpected places until you finally realise it was the universe putting you in your place all along
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Kuroo- wrong number au. You never knew who kenma was until you’re mistaken for him one night, by a boy who gives you no choice but to fall in love with him through text
Yaku- *gasp* and there was only one bed. Waking up tangled in someone else’s arms never felt so good
Kenma- online au. You troll people in among us servers for fun. One day, you hear his laugh and realise its the sweetest sound you have ever heard
Lev- he does something dumb and ends up with both of you in hospital but you slowly start to fall for him even if he almost killed u and if that aint love idk what is
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Bokuto- college au. He’s the local frat boy and you always end up caught in his elaborate plans to escape responsibilities 
Akaashi- dark academia au. Quiet glances and discussing books at 10am. Recommendations and coffee runs. Its soft and delicate.
Konoha- lost phone au. He leaves it on a bench and you call it, falling immediately into the rabbit hole of meeting him and the rest of his friends. you feel like you’re living in a 2013 wattpad fanfic
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Oikawa- best friends to lovers. You kiss his flaws away and smack him when he overworks himself, and he calls you a bitch. You wouldnt have it any other way
Makki- party au. You dont know how you ended up jumping into a freezing cold swimming pool with a boy you just met, but the adrenaline rush his smiles give you is once in a lifetime and you decide to roll with it
Iwa- hurt/comfort. Noone makes you want to succeed more than iwaizumi, and noone kisses the rough callouses on his hands quite like you do
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Futakuchi- enemies to lovers. The only person who can handle his snarky comments is you- what a pity he finds you insufferable
Aone- soulmates au. You don’t need a lot of words to know he’s the one- you can feel it in all the silent little building blocks
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Ushijima- childhood friends to lovers. You understand his gentle nature better than anyone else, and he’s been your personal bodyguard ever since the age of seven
Semi- band au. He’s a rockstar and you’re his favourite groupie. He writes songs for you that make you feel like the centre of the universe
Shirabu- cafe au. Hes an overworked med student and you’re the barista who always seems to brighten his day and who knows his order by heart
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Kita- arranged marriage au. At first you hated your betrothed out of spite, but he defies every single quality you held him to. 
Suna- fwb to lovers. He swears love isn’t real until its 3am and you’re tracing his scars at a bus stop with only the sounds of your breathing to bring him back to earth
Atsumu- fake dating au. He’s petty and needs an s/o for christmas to impress the family. You fall in love with supposedly the most insufferable man you’ve ever met
Osamu- work au. Getting a job at his shop was the single best decision you’ve ever made
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Terushima- one-night stand. It’s second nature for him to leave before waking up next to someone until he finds himself counting the colors in your eyes at 11am, cozy in a hotel room
Sakusa- secret relationship. Holding hands beneath the table and sharing knowing glances whenever something happens. So, so many inside jokes
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sakurasimpnation · 3 years
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SasoSaku Modern High School AU!
Brief Summary:
After Gaara transferred from Suna to Konoha High to escape the toxic environment of his previous school and to be with Naruto, Chiyo was tasked to observe Gaara's studies for the day and brought along Sasori for the lols. Sasori sees a loud, obnoxious girl and decides to judge and project his problems and insecurities onto her bc he's an asshole like that.
Then he sees that little-miss-perfect wasn't so perfect after all and just thinks "Ahh yes, that is the love of my life."
Then he doesn't see her for the next 4 years lmao *queue sasosaku med school au!*
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bouncyirwin · 3 years
Hey! Hope you’re doing well! 😊
I finally got some down time from life and if it’s not a bother, can you recommend me some Kakasaku fics for newbies like me? Since I can finally take a break, I would love some chaptered fics, but oneshots are okay too!
Thanks a bunch! ❣️
Hi Hilde, I'm so excited to see you dip your toes in KakaSaku!
It's been a while since I did any fic recs, forgive me I'm a bit rusty. I'll rec you some classics + favourites and recent fics I've been enjoying. These are in no particular order. Well, except House Calls, it was my first KS fic and it holds a special spot in my heart.
House Calls (M) Always the Team Mom, Sakura opens up her home as a clinic for the hospital-phobic ninja of Konoha. At the same time, her relationship with Kakashi begins to evolve in a way she never expected.
Double Edged (E) Seduction is like a double-edged sword. You never know when you'll go from being the seducer to being the seduced.
Identity Crises (E) "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet."
Wife to the sole Uchiha survivor, mother to the only Uchiha child, the name Uchiha seemed to consume her identity-but who was Sakura when she wasn't playing those roles? Sakura held herself back whenever Sasuke was around and everyone knew it. Ino. Naruto. Sarada. It wasn't until she was crying half-naked in Kakashi's lap that she realized that was there was no going back.
In Case of Blue Scroll (E) In Case of Blue Scroll the Hokage must lock himself in his office and pull his hair out as what he thought were memories of a long lost love turn out to be the memories of a mission he was about to assign his former student, Sakura Haruno.
Better Man (E) Sakura and Sasuke have been married for over a decade, but things are far from perfect, and Sakura's beginning to realize that maybe she deserves better.
And They Were Roommates! (T) Sakura is a work-obsessed student in her second year of med school and Kakashi is getting his MFA. One rent controlled apartment, two wrecks! Chaos, fluff, and pining ensue.
Heavy Reading (E) A terrible book series might be Sakura's only chance to save Kakashi's life.
a brief introspective on sunflowers (E) Sakura and Kakashi meet at a bar. The sex is not unexpected. What is unexpected is everything that follows afterward.
Discoveries in Oil (K) Kakashi always knew that he would always be there for Sakura, even when she belonged to someone else. Birth AU
Honourable Mention
pleonexia (your hands tremble with all you are afraid of grasping) (M) He shouldn't be here. There's nowhere else he could be.
the intimacy of being understood (T) “How many ghosts haunt you?”
“There are too many to count.”
Two people, surrounded by loss and grief, slowly but surely save each other.
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shamylicious-blog · 3 years
Hellooo beautiful! Mind sharing your favourite fics from Wattpad? Thank you 🥰
♥️ (alltimefaves)
♥️ Peppermint Mocha + Peppermint Stone - A small café two blocks from the university. A jock/bad boy who everybody knows and love. A quiet, shy pre-med nerd who nobody knows. Except for the bad boy... who always wants that Peppermint Mocha made only by the quiet nerd.
♥️ Konoha High's Bad Boy + Konoha Bad Boy CEO - One day, a mysterious, intriguing, yet hot bad boy named Naruto Uzumaki transfer to their school. When she has to help the bad boy out, she falls head over heels for him. She finds herself separating Naruto's fights, treating his injuries, hanging out, supporting him through hard times, and controlling his temper.
♥️I Love You - Naruto and Hinata are best friends. Both of them are Konoha High school finally year students. How will a new feeling would develop between the two best friends. ( when you love a jealous completly heartbroken naruto...gosh)
Inseparable - Naruto Uzumaki. When one hears the name, they know exactly who he is: the youngest and richest technology bosses ever. Hinata Hyuga. Nobody really knows who she is. Some say she's way too stuck up to talk to people. A pair with minds above the average humans. Are now, inseparable.
phantasm - COMING SOON!!!She could see him, but no one else could. He wasn't a ghost, he just wasn't real, anymore at least... That didn't stop her from wanting to be with him though, because she believed he was really there. (cant wait for this)
Her Nameless Thief + The Unsung Hero《Sequel》 - A notorious name known throughout the land, he didn't choose this path but it had to be done. His past begins to haunt him, a certain Hyuga comes to him in a forgotten decaying village known as Thieves Landing.
Taming the Wild Fox - And being rich and young, he is quite the reckless only child of Minato and Kushina. Quite content with his lifestyle, he was so sure that nobody could break down the proud walls he build himself and when the Hyuga girl who carry storms behind her back appears in his life, she is instantly the number one on his target list. Dying to get a piece of her, starving to have a taste, Naruto would do anything in his power to mark her as his. (for those who love possessive naruto)
Homeless Heart + Way Back to Your Heart - Naruto is living a perfect teenage city life in Tokyo until a terrible car accident cost him his parents' lives. He was left alone, having no other relatives aside from his godfather who decided to adopt him. Naruto is cool with that since he is very close with his godfather, the only problem is he need to move miles away from the buzzing noise of the city. Can he handle all these changes, the loss of his parents, the new community, his new acquaintances and a new feeling towards a girl he just met.
Anima - Hinata and Naruto. Both inseparable since their first encounter as toddlers.They were the best of friends, no secrets would go unheard to each other. No problems would go unattended. Their hearts yearned for their bond, for they were the pieces to each other's personality and hearts. However, it all turns as a sudden tragic accident would forever sever that bond. Naruto, devastated, completely disappears without a trace, simply at the age of twelve.
Forced to Call You Mine - Naruto hates Hinata Hyuga. Hinata hates Naruto Uzumaki. However, being the son and daughter of two very successful men creates unfortunate events that leads them to being forced into an engagement with each other. It's hate. They know. But is it what they truly feel for the other?
have fun !!!♥️
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fjb-blurbs · 2 years
[Sakura, exhausted from multiple all-nighters and passing(!!!) Tsunade's medical exams]
Sakura: I’m not convinced I know how to read. I’ve just memorized a lot of words.
Ino, slyly: You know what they say. All work and no play-
Sakura, reciting: -leads to the eventual destruction of the cerebral cortex.
Ino: ...
Tsunade and Shizune: 🤣😂
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kuroken-lovechild · 3 years
How haikyuu characters would play genshin impact:
//featuring me nerding out about mbti types 😔
As an ESFP he would probably choose his main based on who feels good to use
Quick movements, lots of jumping, strong = XIAO MAIN (probably finds the flashiness and edginess cool and enjoys the button mashing too)
would aggressively compete with kageyama on who can beat spiral abyss the fastest and with the shortest time
unfortunately they’re both not very good (initially because kenma helps him out after)
Would try to follows the plot but dialogue goes over his head
Does not understand stats other than attack at first
Wish impulse is real and never has any primos
would attempt to talk to every npc
Has no idea what wishing/gacha is at first and builds his starters really well
Then he found out and currently mains Ganyu, Zhongli, Hutao for the big numbers
gloats about his first 5 star to hinata
Does not talk to NPCs at all and barely digs into the story
only there for spiral abyss and to make his characters stronger
Didn’t wanna play until yamaguchi dragged him in to have someone to co op with
Appreciates the story and lore more than the gameplay aspect
Eula, razor (cv uchiyama kouki) main—easy to build, easy to use
Doesn’t care about wishing either
Got Eula by accident and now holds it over kageyama’s head
Has really good artifact RNG that it infuriates kagehina (gloats about it to fan the flame 😚)
he’s infp he chooses based on characters he likes 🥺
Diluc, albedo, ayaka main
(i can’t explain why I think he’d like those three, it just Makes Sense)
Co ops with tsukki and yachi, plays both dps and support
Spiral abyss makes him anxious but he pushes through anyway!!
Starter team king 😩
Feels bad about switching his regular team out FJDFJDJJDDJ DAICHI
Probably a casual player though
Plays to coop with suga and tanaka but they carry him through domains
he’s trying his best
Mains based on whoever’s fun to play too!!
but enjoys more of a challenge
Childe main
Waiting for Scaramouche to drop hAha 🥲 and harbingers in general
Appreciates the plot and is very interested in lore!!
Diligently does spiral abyss
Doesn’t quite wish on impulse, but if theres a character he likes he’ll spend everything on their banner
Does not play, got too scared (see: haikyuu ova)
Rolls VERY much on impulse
Similar to hinata in that he also likes playing playstyles that feel good
Xiao and/or yoimiya main
(xiao because he’s short jk)
Probably raised Rosaria and planned to use her
Plot who???? we only care about world exploration and fighting in this house
wished for all the women, raised all the women, uses all the women
Primarily mains Rosaria, ningguang and Lisa though
sorry beidou you remind him of his sister too much
waiting for signora like many of us are
Coops with noya and has INSANELY bad rng luck
Also chooses based on characters’ personalities
gay, mains sucrose and jean
isfj child and probably feels bad about the underrated characters :(
uses amber, xinyan and qiqi too!
Raises all characters but hasn’t raised anyone to 90
Coops with yamaguchi and uses jean (as healer, support, damage dealer)
Talks to NPCs and sympathizes with their sad backstories
Gets too anxious to do spiral floors 9-12 too (mood)
Oh boy
this ENFJ 3w2 guy? you KNOW he’s gonna be the best
As long as it doesn’t clash with volleyball of course
Very VERY competitive in abyss
Has one character hed get attached to but doesn’t limit himself to using them only
Incredibly focused on team synergy, carefully crafts teams to bring out the best in each character
Tests best damage output too
But also he’d probably use meta characters and secretly raise the ones he actually likes?
Current fave: Yoimiya
Uses strong characters for coop but uses his faves for single player domains (or coop with iwaizumi)
Likes characters but surprisingly wouldnt be too invested in the plot
does not whale out of pride
Geo user
Uses characters he finds respectable in the storyline + hard hitters
Razor, klee, jean main but unaware of the family relationship
Sometimes uses beidou although her burst takes too long sometimes
Pretty casual player, only started because of Oikawa
obviously he and matsukawa would make zhongli pillar dick jokes
Kaeya and beidou main (he thinks they’re cool)
Not that impatient to wait for bursts to charge or has a lot of energy recharge
……. Hutao main
funeral home
Would use qiqi and hutao together for the meme then grows to genuinely like qiqi
Saves up for a really long time then spends it all at once
Doesn’t play much tbh
Offline for a week, comes back to do commissions for one day, leaves
Hed be pretty good
but lazy and forget to do dailies
then buy welkin moon instead
Focuses more on the story too rather than gameplay and points out loopholes
Mains whoever he has in his team with good synergy (like chongyun xingqiu xiangling)
Rage quits 5 minutes in after hearing paimon’s voice 😔
Throws his phone at the wall
Simps for jean
Mains jean
Dedicated to dailies and spiral abyss
But doesn’t wish that much
Was the one who tried getting kyoutani into it and suffered the consequences
ENTP king raises a whole arsenal of characters for spiral abyss
I cant see him really getting attached to one in particular ?
makes zhongli pillar dick jokes every chance he can get
but also uses him for utility
Wants to try using a whole bunch of characters and wishes on every banner
But uses the meta ones with good team comps
sparks twitter debates with ….. interesting takes
“_____ is completely shit”
Whale whale whale whale
He’s tony to
Best synergy teams, understands the value of elemental mastery, REALLY values good supports, calculates possible damage numbers
Kazuha, zhongli, bennett, venti are a staple in his teams
Helps hinata and kuroo until kuroo teases too much by deliberately playing horribly
mildom and youtube streamer like murase ayumu
Appreciates story and lore very much too
he’d LOVE the children
Probably would use characters that remind him of family members and friends
Klee, diona, qiqi, chongyun, xingqiu, razor, bennett
does spiral abyss but not obsessively
I’m sorry he would not know how the game works
Doesn’t do the ascension quests and gets stuck at AR 26 with 500k extra points
Thinks he’s amazing but it’s because he’s stuck at world level 1
I’m sorry lev ily but ……. its the truth
Tries pulling for everyone too and mains the first 5 star he got
(childe because he’s russian AKSHDKDHSKSHS /j)
Wants diluc and xiao because they look cool but gets Mona instead (doesnt understand how to use her)
Also raises the women like tanaka but + kaeya
Lev complained to him about getting Mona while he’s wanted Mona for months
Not really a dedicated intense gamer EXCEPT for during those battle events
Eula, zhongli, diluc, xiao
but doesn’t know how to build either
doesn’t understand stats
would feel really bad for qiqi
Wouldn’t like signora for hurting venti :(
Wouldn’t like childe too :( until he plays the story quest and sees the ruin guard cutscene
then starts sobbing because of what a good brother he is
“AKAAAASSHI I wanna do that too!!!” then he dies
Tries to use childe but doesn’t understand the cool down management
Mispronounces and misspells tartaglia (タルタリア)
for more info on how bokuto plays genshin see Kimura ryohei’s YouTube channel ✨
the true childe main (just like me)
Uses characters based on utility
but mains whoever reminds him of bokuto FJDHFJFJDKSJ
Very good supports but unlike Kenma, he chooses and builds supports around his main
also uses very good supports so people won’t realize he’s using childe for the cv kimura ryohei (everyone knows anyway)
Literature nerd appreciates the plot, writing and deep lore too
Tries pulling for everyone but has REALLY bad luck
Has really good characters but never the one he wants
loses all 50/50s and has a c4 qiqi
Ends up maining qiqi as dps
sorry konoha i didn’t mean to slander you
does not know how to play or build
Uses whoever he has (aka starters)
Only plays because tendou downloaded and made an account for him
Doesn’t know how to ascend characters or farm
Forgets about talents (me)
Weirdly good RNG and doesn’t realize it 😩
“Let me look at your account wakatoshi-kun”
“You didn’t tell me you had 6 of jean’s Stella fortuna???”
“What’s that?”
this man pulls for the seiyuus
Mains childe, hutao, mona for 5 stars
childe and hutao’s instinct based quickswap playstyle works so well for him!
jokes about cosplaying mona then actually does
Knows how to build, grinds, and manages ushijima’s account for him
Probably whales too
Meta meta meta meta
But f2p meta
Loves setting up reactions
More into the lore too and researches theories
Remembers actual names of boss drops
Semi: so how many of those buttplugs do you have again
Shirabu: 💢stop calling them buttplugs, they have actual names 💢
VERY diligent with battle pass, dailies, achievements and spiral abyss full stars
Until he //SPOILERS gets into med school and has no time for shit
Would have a crush on a character I just know it
Invests heavily on his faves and is great at utilizing each of them
fussy . complains about a certain unit and how they can improve
or complains about how the game can improve to osamu
Osamu: yer just saying that cuz you couldn’t get a high score
Archons main (already saving for the tsaritsa)
Wouldn’t have a main dps but several hard hitting supports
Whale and falls victim to the weapon banner
More casual player than Atsumu but still tries to get higher than him in events and spiral abyss
If atsumu’s a whale, osamu’s a dolphin
Great at dodging
Catalyst user!!
Mains ningguang, klee, yanfei + other catalyst supports
Also uses keqing
the man appreciates routine aka VERY diligent with dailies, battle pass, farming
“if you do things properly results will follow” or whatever quote he said ✨
Starter team but raises other characters for abyss
Reads dialogue and appreciates the plot
Barely gachas
will defend TO THE DEATH the underappreciated characters
Has empathy for noelle 🥺🥺
Noelle, Barbara, xinyan, bennett, children user 🥺
Talks to every NPC and loves the backstories and lore
also would feel really bad for qiqi
Uses the tall men and women and builds them all as dps (childe zhongli diluc kaeya beidou ningguang jean lisa rosaria eula)
He’d probably make a support character a dps tbh
Disregards team synergy for the shits but somehow manages to do domains and abyss
c6 everyone
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eepy · 3 years
oh my god youre in med school too. whats up with naruto fans and being in med school this is so fucked up. anyway you can always embroid konoha symbol on your scrubs, since you probably still have some time till you graduate lmaooo
anzjnsjs I’m still studying for the entrance exam so I’m not in med school yet but hopefully I will be next year! also a guy in front of me in class is also studying for the entrance exam and I saw him watching naruto on his laptop today 😭😭
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heartensoul · 3 years
[Fic] Colleges and Copiers, Ch 2 [KakaSaku, G, AU]
Title: Colleges and Copiers, Chapter 2: Dean for a Day
Rated: G
Pairing: Kakashi + Sakura (Adults)
Summary: Dr. Kakashi Hatake, Dean of the School of Engineering and Konoha University’s’s most successful current dean, suddenly had a new issue that took up his time. Namely, for the first time in his career as an administrator, he had some worthy competition for Konoha University’s best and brightest students. Dr. Sakura Haruno was whip smart, beautiful, an attentive dean, and had an immaculate reputation. In the semester and a half that she had been Dean of the School of Medicine at Konoha University, they had seen a 150% increase in applications to the medical school, and a 30% increase in majors in their undergraduate programs switching to pre-med.
Prompt: Written for Day 1, Week 1 for KakaSaku Month: College | @kakasaku-haven
Link to chapter 1: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30290382/chapters/74656998
Link to new chapter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30290382/chapters/76790018
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morosexualkakuzu · 4 years
Naruto hospital au works so, so well, and lends itself to so many silly interpretations of canon.
Genins are first year interns that are paired with specialty docs until they pass their 1st year exams and become specialized residents.
iruka is a family practitioner who mostly does medical education helping MS4s transfer into their residencies, he “adopted” naruto in medical school to help him out and help him get his residency at Konoha General
Kakashi is the long-suffering cardiothoracic surgeon who went to grand rounds for the free food and ended up getting drafted for the internship mentor program because Gai (gynecologist; med school rival) would not let him physically leave
Sasuke is a member of a proud family of anesthesiologists whose star older brother was de-licensed for stealing meds
The Hyuugas are all radiologists and they are all VERY PROUD OF IT! Neji did one summer internship with radiology and insists that he knows everything. Rock Lee tries not to be scared by how accurately he can read MRIs.
Shino is very into infectious diseases and parasitology. People give him a wide berth, but when someone comes down with c. diff? you’re gonna call shino babe
The Sand Siblings are older oncology residents. Temari is chief resident. Kankuro is specializing in robotic surgery, especially the Da Vinci system:
Tumblr media
Tsunade is an ER general surgeon who retired into outpatient clinic work after her boyfriend and brother died in an accident; she got drafted into being the Chief of Surgery after Hiruzen was forced to retire by widely hated Hospital Director Orochimaru
Naruto found orange scrubs somewhere, and nobody can find any rule against it.
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bouncyirwin · 4 years
🔥 Steamy Fics - Rec List 🔥
I decided to compile a list of some of my favourite smutty fics for you guys to enjoy as well! Remember to let the author know if you like their work ✨
Room Service by mummapaintstheblues || KakaSaku || 11.6k words
“If you've got a kink there, I can help work it out for you.” Sakura almost choked on her drink. Turning her whole body to regard him fully in a show of, what she hoped was obvious disgust. The sight of his smirk reigniting her fury. While it was attractive enough to send tingles of anticipation through her before, right now it only served to add to her misery
AU where Sakura struggles to resist the charms, and fingers, of Hotel Masseuse Kakashi.
Watching You Watching Me || KakaSaku(Gen) || 2.1k words
Sakura reveals that she wants to be on display for Kakashi. Kakashi asks Genma to help out.
Kakashi Candyman by Endoh || KakaSaku || 7.6k words
"Just how much did you drink before coming down here?" "Sakura," Kakashi murmured darkly, trailing his hands down her thighs as he knelt at her feet, "I'm still thirsty." Kakashi notices that his wife could use a little 'de-stressing' before hosting the Halloween Benefit Gala….
Better Man by Kakashisgf || KakaSaku || 179.7k words
Sakura and Sasuke have been married for over a decade, but things are far from perfect, and Sakura's beginning to realize that maybe she deserves better.
Follow Your Nose by TipsyRaconteur || KakaSaku || 8k words
Sakura decides to find her signature scent. Kakashi “helps”. Things get out of hand.
Icha Icha Fanfiction by TipsyRaconteur || KakaSaku || 12k words
Kakashi suspected that Sakura was writing Icha Icha fanfiction. And if she was the author… and she was pairing Junko with her former teacher… well, that had some very interesting implications.
Pin Me Up, Pin Me Down by J-Pop Princess || KakaSaku || 20k words
Sakura is in her third year of medical school and is struggling to pay the bills. When an opportunity comes to pose as a nude model for a men's magazine, she reluctantly takes it, but she didn't expect the magnetic pull toward her photographer.
Something Dangerous by moderndayportia || KakaSaku || 17.3k words
Sakura must submit to Kakashi's special training to prepare for a lethal mission.
Repercussions by AshleyTrecartin || KakaSaku || 3.9k words
Kakashi hates hospitals, and Sakura knows that. Usually she handles her boyfriend's checkups, but when he finds out that he made her an appointment to see Ino he decides to punish her.
The Gift that Keeps on Giving by ivegotpurple || KakaSakuShisui || 4.4k words
Shisui likes to buy his two partners gifts.
Based on the prompt "The skirt is short on purpose."
Hands To Yourself by TipsyRaconteur || GenIno || 6k words
Genma takes a very handsy, very drunk Ino home to NOT sleep with her. Yet.
Players by Kukaburraxxii || GenIno || 153.1k words
Ino joins the league of players.
Snapdragons and Steel by SomnificSheep || GenIno || 6.7k words
Fox doesn’t know why he continues to do this. Every mission he dons the mask it’s the same. He rolls deep in the oceans of regret, waves cresting and breaking over him with terrifying force. Years of this, and it never gets easier. Fox does his duty, comes home, pastes on a smile, and pushes through with a stoic determination he’s not sure anyone expects from him.~or~Genma comes home to something new.
magic in your hands by exarite || TobiSaku || 4.3k words
Haruno Sakura is a massage therapist. Senju Tobirama is her hot, older client.
Push My Buttons by mrssakurahatake || GenSaku || 5.7k words
Ino has set Sakura up on another blind date, but she gets trapped in the hospital elevator before her date can even begin.
Sakura looked around at the worn-out speaker and the dead security camera and for a brief moment considered just punching a hole in the floor. It would serve the board right for refusing to fix the stupid machine properly.
Genma's voice brought her out of her own spirling thoughts, "I don't like that look."
"I was thinking of just punching my way out, but the board would probably take the cost of fixing it from the general budget, and that would affect my patients."
"I guess we finally found a situation you can't just punch your way out of?"
"Don't push it, Shirunai. I would be more than happy to punch you."
Ask Me Nicely by TheCopyMistress || GenSaku || 4k words
He could give her what she needed. All she had to do was ask for it.
Supplemental Training by ohayohimawari || KakaOC || 5k words
At Jiraiya's insistence, Kakashi learns the art of seduction, as well as how to keep his inner demons at bay. A Konoha Brothel story.
Overindulgence by ohayohimawari || KakaMei || 2.7k words
Thanksgiving is a time to grow closer to your loved ones and indulge in the pleasures of the harvest from the year. Kakashi and Mei do both...with gusto.
Things you just don’t talk about by Enodia || ShikaSaku || 119.3k words
"Do you enjoy sex?" Shikamaru asked bluntly. I just can't believe I'm talking about this, and with Shikamaru, of all people, Sakura thought. Sakura is in for a surprise. Or, rather, a series of surprises.
Party of Three by J-Pop Princess || NaruSakuSasu || 63.1k words
Sakura has never really explored the world of sexual desire but after a little too much sake, all that could change!
Punishment and Reward by thetoxicstrawberry || KakashixKakashi || 2.2k words
Kakashi finds a unique use for his own Kage Bunshin.
Give and Take by Stark_Black || KakaGen || 113.9k words
Genma made a mistake, a tragic mistake that may have cost him everything. He can't hide it from Kakashi though, and now the Copy Ninja is being torn apart by his honor, and by his feelings for one of his oldest friends.
Welp folks, that’s it ... or is it?
Find below the cut some shameless self-promo ✨
Cravings || KakaSaku || 3.8k words
When you mix alcohol and pent-up frustration, things are bound to go somewhere. Phone sex, sexting and mutual masturbation.
Let The Truth Sting || KakaSaku || 3.1k words
Sasuke's first glance at Kakashi's face comes in the form of Kakashi's open mouth pressed over Sakura's. Or, in which Sasuke sees Sakura has found her happiness with someone else. Quite graphically. [KakaSaku, Sasuke's POV]
Make Me Lose Control || KakaSaku || 6.4k words
A mission to Ame turns into a paid vacation, and Kakashi and Sakura find themselves crossing all sorts of lines.
Nocturnal Activities || KakaSaku || 3.7k words
Actions have always spoken louder than words. Book vs. Movie.
Knock Knock, Let The Devil In || KakaSakuShika || 29.3k words
Kakashi had always appreciated Shikamaru's ability to turn any situation in his favour. He just never expected to become a willing target to his whims.
Mission Report || KakaSaku || 6.9k words
Through a haze of confusion and a killer hungover, Sakura discovers she’s in Kakashi’s bed.
Every Last Drop || KakaSaku || 3.3k words
“This isn’t about you. You’re amazing at what you do. I just … the shower—well—you’re just not a showerhead. And sometimes that’s what I want.”
When she chances a look at Kakashi again his eyes have widened slightly, and he looks entirely taken aback. “You—the showerhead?” The amount of disbelief packed into that word would’ve made a lesser woman dissolve into uncontrollable laughter.
The blush steadily spreads down her neck as she contemplates this bizarre conversation he pulled her into having. She really hadn’t wanted to ever discuss this with anyone. “Yes, the showerhead. Problem?”
Sakura looks away again, feeling the slow, simmering burn of embarrassment.
A few moments of silence later, Kakashi shifts, and when he speaks he nearly purrs.
“Can I watch?”
Serendipity || KakaSaku || 11.7k
It's tough being a med-student but between running into her ex-boyfriend and his actress fiancée, and meeting her favourite author Kakashi Hatake, Sakura thinks that could be the least of her worries.
Stay With Me || KakaSaku || 2.6k words
Falling for her doesn't leave him with bruises and broken bones, it leaves him with warmth and the colour green and the rapidly addicting revelation that it might all just be alright after all. KakaSaku Proposal AU.
When You Awake || KakaSaku || 4.2k words
Prompt: Could you please do "We slept in the same bed for space reasons but now we're just waking up and there's something about your bleary eyes and mussed hair"
Stolen Moments || ShisuiSaku || 1.8k words
Prompt: "all that blood really brings out your eyes"
Late Night Revelations || KakaOC || 4.1k words
Nousagi and Kakashi crash in an Inn after a gruelling ANBU mission. Things take an unexpected turn as Kakashi's more playful side makes an appearance.
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justwritesome · 5 years
a vacation, perhaps
(part 3)
Hinojima. That's the island where Konoha stood. Unlike the main island of Okinawa Prefecture, which have been urbanized, the island remained untouched from the changing times. It's practically a middle of nowhere.
The only evidence Madara knew that he hadn't travelled back to the past were the mini-Airport, the telephone pole they just passed by and the dingy truck he'd been riding for fifteen minutes now.
So far, Madara is just seeing a lot of trees. The bustling and convenient city of Tokyo spoiled him, the Uchiha realised. Besides the occassional trips to the mountains of the countrysides in his youth as a college student indulging in the hobby of Falconry, he never had to leave from the civilization he's used to. And whenever he travelled to Okinawa when he was young with either relatives or schoolmates and friends, they never strayed from the main island where the popular tourist spots they had visited.
Madara had stepped foot in the island for the better part of half an hour, but his gut instincts told him this trip would definitely be different from his previous trips.
"Madara-san?" The driving pink-haired woman called him from his thoughts. "Can I call you Madara-san?"
"You're already addressing me as such." Madara replied blandly.
Sakura made a face while staring down the road, "Whatever. I'm Sakura Haruno. Or is it Haruno Sakura to you?"
Madara felt the corner of his eye twitching at her nonchalance. For someone whose job is supposed to be amicable and polite, she's a real impudent one.
"Anyway, I need to drop by real quick in the marketplace before I take you to the place you're going to stay at." She added as she made a turn the right.
"What? Why? Can't you do it in your own time?" Madara inquired as he frowned at the girl's professionalism.
Sakura scowled. What did he think she's doing?!
"I'm already doing it in my own time!" She snapped, uttering those words through gritted teeth. "It seemed to be you're mistaking me for a servant or the hotel's staff, but I assure you Uchiha-san, I'm only doing Sasuke-kun a favour."
After that, Sakura harshly stepped on the brake pedal and removed her seatbelt to get out of the truck. Madara watched her marched towards the wooden fern green gates, which made him realised that they arrived in the small village of Konoha. He pondered if he should follow her to the village, but it's hot outside, so he decided to stay put inside the truck. He's going to be in this island for two weeks. He will just visit the village after he settled down in his temporary lodging.
For now, he will work on the paperwork he couldn't read properly because of all the jostling from the uneven roadway of this island.
Sakura gently placed the beige eco bag in her hand to one of the six red stools in the Ichiraku Ramen Stall before dropping the two sacks of rice from her shoulder to the foot of said stools.
"You looked like you're about to explode." Kakashi commented when he saw Sakura sliding to the seat beside him.
"No, I'm not!" Sakura vehemently denied as she reached for the cold glass of water beside the bowl of ramen in front of the silver-haired man.
"Hmm..." Kakashi hummed. "Are you Outer or Inner?"
"I'm Sakura! There's no difference!" She insisted, having the urge to raise her fist at him as she quenched her thirst.
"Of course. Of course." Kakashi nodded, placating the young woman. "So, did you already take your meds? It's for your own good, you know?"
Sakura grimaced at the scolding tone he's using. Like she's a petulant child, refusing to eat her leafy green veggies. Kakashi, on the other hand, just kept smiling with his eyes while the lower half of his face was covered with medical mask. She glowered at nothing before pulling her pill case from her hip pouch, popping a white tablet to her mouth and biting it with a crunch.
"It never failed to amaze me how you can chew that bitter pill like it's chitose-ame, Sa-ku-ra." Kakashi nonchalantly remarked at the pink-haired woman.
The nonchalance in the silver-haired man may seemed indifferent, but there's a hint of concern and clinical scrutiny in his tone.
"Yeah, well, always be amazed."
Since she was twelve years old, Sakura had been staying in this island. It was to hide the dirt in her family: her. Beside the fact she's a bastard child of the family's illegitimate son, she also have another her inside her head and was diagnosed with split personality disorder. At pre-teen, it was decided that Sakura had no hope to marry because of her apparent mental disorder.
Like, she could care about that, really. The voice in her head had helped her in many ways than her own flesh and blood could before she met her bond family.
"One miso and chasiu ramen on the go for you, Sakura-chan."
Teuchi smiled at the friend of his favourite hyperactive blond customer. His ramen is one of the reasons Uzumaki Naruto was persuaded to live in this remote island in the first place. The main reason was to help and accompany Sakura, one of his childhood friends, of course.
Sakura stood up from her seat and placed the appropriate bill on the counter before taking the ramen take-out from the old man and putting it inside the eco bag she deposited Sasuke's tomatoes and Sai's ink bottles and sticks along with the things one of the guests in the hotel had asked of her to procure.
"I'm leaving! See you tomorrow, Kakashi. Ah! Sasuke's uncle also arrived. He's with me in your truck." Sakura informed him, noticeably calmer than before.
"Alive and in one piece, I hope." Kakashi teased.
"You can always hide the body." Sakura quipped back.
"Always nice talking to you, Sakura. I will come up there when I have time later." He told her before turning his back to eat his ramen.
Sakura sceptically looked at Kakashi. His later may mean tomorrow or the next day bearing ridiculous and over the top excuses simply to troll people and to put them off. She left the ramen stall with her purchases. Before she could completely step away from the place, the silver-head man reminded her with a holler,
"Also, don't forget to eat! You're not you when you're hungry."
Madara was about to sign his signature of approval on the last paper in one of the files he'd been working on when he saw a flash of pink in the corner of his eyes. He looked up from his work and saw her.
She's carrying two sacks of rice on her one shoulder and a large beige eco bag in the other hand as she walked out of the village's gate with no difficulty. He felt his lips parting slightly at the shock of seeing this delicate-looking, pink-haired woman of five-four lugging two sacks on her left shoulder...
How exactly strong is she?
Madara closed his eyes and firmly shut his lips, arms folded over his chest. She could probably bench press him with that kind of strength. He concluded.
He opened his eyes to look behind him- at the tinted back window to observe her feat of strength: she unloaded the two sacks in the back of the truck with ease before pulling the latch to close it.
When Madara saw her coming near the door of the backseat, he hurriedly turned around and stared at the paperwork in his hand. He discreetly observed her pushing the eco bag beside his own travelling bag before she closed the door. His dark eyes drifted to the fountain pen in his hand and he became conscious that his grip on it had tightened.
Just as Sakura settled down once again on the driver's seat, the older Uchiha was signing on his paperwork before arranging them and putting them back inside his suitcase. Sakura coughed lightly to gain the older man's attention. Madara looked her way and saw that her face, flushed from the heat outside and from something else.
That something else is probably because of the thing or two in her hand, which she thrusted in his direction, seemingly abashed.
"Here, Madara-san." She whispered, but loud enough for him to hear.
The sudden change in her mood intrigued him. What happened to her between the period she'd gone to the village? Did she realised the error of her ways?
"Thank you, Haruno." Madara said with a tint of amusement in his eyes, taking the paper box and pineapple juice in can from her hand, their fingers brushing briefly.
Sakura almost squeaked at the contact, but she refrained herself from doing so. But inside her hear, Inner Sakura yelled at the hotness of this Uchiha. They're all hot to her.
Sakura cleared her throat to stop herself from blushing bright red. Sure, the voice in her head helped her a lot when she was a young girl being bullied by her so-called playmates in pre-school and early grade school because of her bizarre appearance and the fact she's a child from a reputed family, but born out of wedlock... However, this is too much!
"There's no bento left and I couldn't get you a proper lunch beside ramen, but that stir-fry bitter melon and inarizushi would hopefully do to fill you up a bit. It's nothing special, but Akimichi-sama cooked the most delicious food here in Konoha." She babbled awkwardly to drone out Inner's perverted ramblings before Sakura bit her lips and started to pull over from the gate to drive him to Fire Kitsune's.
Madara removed his dark obsidian eyes from her lips before opening the box when she said his favourite food. Upon seeing the four pieces of inarizushi beside the stir-fry bitter melon separated by baran, Madara chuckled inwardly. This woman is after his own heart. Giving him his favorite food in their first meeting, albeit without her knowing it is his favorite food, is quite endearing. And added by that display of strength, despite her mood swings and temper, Madara would like to get to know her better after he's finished with this sham of a business trip.
"Welcome to Fire Kitsune's Hotel & Resort, City Boy." Sai greeted Madara with a fake smile pasted on his pasty face. "How can I help you?"
The older Uchiha's jaw tightened at the person inside the receptionist box of the three-storey establishment. His attempt to pronounce the "city boy" in the English Language sounded like "shitty boy". What kind of place is this? Did Itachi seriously think a partnership with this place will benefit their company?
The treatment of the staffs to their guests were rather appalling. Seriously. Well, he's not that certain for what the other guests thinks, but he would like to speak for all of them.
"Sai! Stop giving people nicknames. It's not appropriate!" Sakura chided as she dropped a brown paper bag with the ink bottles and stick inside it in front of him.
Sai continued smiling as he rummaged the paper bag. Upon seeing the brand of the ink sticks, he faced Sakura and bluntly said,
"What's not appropriate here is the wrong brand of this ink sticks you bought, Ugly."
Sakura was about to open her mouth to retort at Sai when Sasuke appeared at the wooden staircase of the ryokan.
"Madara-ojisan," Sasuke coolly greeted back his relative as he stepped down the stairs, taking his sweet time.
Some of the women guests in the hall who just came from the man-made hot springs of the resort sent their pink and red heart eyes at the cool and hip Uchiha when they saw him. Naruto left the kitchen he often manned with Chouji to see the commotion in the lobby. When he saw Sakura in the midst of the dark-haired Uchihas and Sai, his blue eyes immediately landed on the box of instant ramen inside her foldable eco bag with his Ichiraku ramen.
The automatic response to this, is what followed:
"Sakura-chan~!!" Naruto blissfully called as he tried to embrace his sister in all but blood when she remembered to get his ramen from Ichiraku. It almost skipped his mind because they're slammed from work.
Sakura briskly stepped away, so Naruto crashed and fell on the wooden floor. His face first. Sasuke sighed inwardly when he saw the arrival of comedy skit between his friends. Before they could even begin their antics again, in front of his uncle no less, Sasuke told Naruto that the noodles in his ramen will get soggy and that he shouldn't leave the kitchen with Chouji when Ino or Sakura wasn't around to help. After that, Naruto went back to the kitchen with his ramen take-out and his instant ramen in his arms- a look of utter joy on his face.
Sasuke visibly sighed before looking at Madara again, "I'll show you to your room, ojisan."
Before they left, Sasuke's eyes landed on the package of ripe tomatoes Sakura had withdrew with Hinata's parcel. Seeing his attention on the fruit, the pinkette beamed while folding her eco bag to store it back inside her hip pouch.
Madara gazed at the beautiful and bright smile on her face, noting the faint dimple on her cheek. The strands of her silky pink hair cascaded down her pale neck and barely touched her shoulders. He studied the three young adults with concealed interest in his eyes.
"Ino and I made a good harvest!" Sakura happily exclaimed, her forest green eyes shining. "When you and Sai are done with your shifts later, come down with Naruto to pick up the pineapple and watermelon we planted this season to share with everyone here."
The faux smile on Sai's face significantly dropped, but his expression lightened and softened genuinely when he and Sasuke saw the guileless and peaceful smile on their precious friend- almost sister's face.
This is what they wanted to protect when they all resolved to join Sakura here after college and left Honshu.
Sasuke subtly smile on his own way as he gestured for his relative to follow him. The older Uchiha knew he hadn't mistaken the determination burning in the eyes of his nephew and the rude boy in the reception box.
Maybe agreeing with his cousin, Mikoto, to take this vacation otherwise known by his scheming relatives as business trip in Okinawa will not be tedious as he had first thought.
part 1 || part 2
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