#klaus is the subtitle bitch
Dave: There are two types of people in this world, ones who need subtitles to hear the TV and ones who despise subtitles
Klaus: And they marry each other
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chinchillinator · 3 years
Alright I’ll play. Tag 9 people to learn more about their interests!
tagged by @paradisetemporarilymisplaced
fav genre? pop-punk prob
fav artist(s)? Pierce the Veil, Taylor Swift, The Civil Wars
fav song? So Contagious by Acceptance
most listened song recently? According to Spotify, MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)
song currently stuck in your head? House a Habit by We Are the Guests
5 fav lyrics?
- "you smile dressed in Coppertone tan lines" (Bedless, PtV)
- "I stayed there/dust collecting on my pinned up hair” (Right Where You Left Me, Taylor Swift)
- "I brought a gun in as the preacher tried to stop me/hold my heart it’s beating for you anyway" (Caraphernelia, PtV)
- "if madness overtakes us both/than nobody would be alone” (The Killing Kind, Marianas Trench)
- "I can’t help falling out of love with you” (Falling, The Civil Wars)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists and bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow and fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headphones | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? uhhhhhhhh fantasy I guess
fav writer? I don’t really have one I guess?
fav book? The Night Circus or The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray
fav book series? Wake, Fade, and Gone by Lisa McMann
comfort book? Twilight + sequels (don’t @ me)
perfect book to read on a rainy day? literally any of them??? rainy days are for reading just pick any book ever and it’s perfect
fav characters? ...all of the characters...? can’t we do least favorite? I’m sure I might be able to pull a few least faves
5 quotes from your fav book that you know by heart?
- "The circus arrives without warning."
- That’s it, that’s all I got, I have a terrible memory and I haven’t read anything besides fanfic in a very long time, including my favorite books
hardcover and paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels and book series | ebook and physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator  | realism or fantasy | one and multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fav tv/movie genre? romcom
fav movie? Chocolat
comfort movie? Jurassic Park or Coraline
movie you watch every year? The Nightmare Before Christmas
fav tv show? Black Sails
comfort tv show? Psych
most rewatched tv show? Parks and Rec I think...?
ultimate otp? sorry I have to pick???
5 fav characters?
- Captain Charles Vane (Black Sails)
- Anne Bonny (Black Sails)
- Jack Rackham (okay, stop listing all the Black Sails characters, bitch)
- Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
- ...Max (Black Sails)
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) and full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or bingeing | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
Tagging from my recent activity: @weird-is-all-ive-got @emorion88 @vivacious-vero @mx-flint @69-toojay @assassin-or-templar-56 @loflight501 @miraxb @moreta1770
but you don’t have to (the mortifying ordeal of being known and all that...)
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thesevenumbrellas · 5 years
hey! in what ep did klaus say ‘mother’ in a german accent? i cant seem to remember when.
Okay so I re-listened to it and both @nessadb and @fuck-this-shit-im-out-bitches have told me he says “madre”. I’m an idiot. Just, when me and my flatmate watched it we both thought he said mother in a German accent and we were really confused.
He says madre but the subtitles on Netflix say “mother” so that’s where the confusion happened.
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dulcedemon · 6 years
Current Attractions...
Lost in Space: Season 1(2018): There is a lot of science in this sci-fi series, which is how I like it. The ever rapidly changing planet is a brilliant plot point. The bots are beautiful, and terrifying. Molly Parker(Maureen Robinson) and Parker Posey(Dr. Smith/June Harris) play some amazing point-counterpoint. Molly Parker also deserves an award for the Best Implied Use of an Expletive in Space. It's a family show, so you don't hear her say the complete word, but you know what it is; it's the only word appropriate for the given situation.
Tokyo Decadence(Topâzu - 1992): This is my second time around with this one. I watched it instead of biting my nails over election results coverage on November 6th. Over the years, titles featuring adult sexual content have been culled from [movie rental service]. Of what remains, Tokyo Decadence is one of the more interesting and less tame choices. Ai(Miho Nikaido) is a sex worker, whose specialty appears to be BDSM. She is timid, soft-spoken, but very professional. At first, she seems well adjusted, lonely, but not unhappy. In truth, she is superstitious, consulting with a fortuneteller(Yayoi Kusama). She also has an unhealthy fixation on her ex-boyfriend. The best parts are in the first hour. The rest is a minor nervous breakdown. For the most part, it follows her mundanely through her work day, which would be considered anything but mundane by many people. The works of Xavier Cugat and Pérez Prado enhance the soundtrack, though their CDs take some abuse in the longest, and perhaps best scene in the movie.
Fitzcarraldo(1982): No one portrays terminal madness quite like Klaus Kinski. Here he plays a desperate(and always sweaty) entrepreneur, whose previous business endeavor to build a railroad across the Andes mountains met with failure, and made him a laughing stock among his collegues. His fetish-like love of opera cements his reputation as an eccentric fool. The story begins with him seeking a loan to build an opera house in what is basically the jungle in South America in the early 1900s. No one will loan him money for his opera house, which leads him to purchase of a boat for yet another business endeavor in the hopes of being able to finance his pet project with the proceeds. With the boat lies the rest of the story...a story is based in truth, which is drawn from certain events in the life of rubber baron Carlos Fitzcarrald. Yes, there really was a boat, and it was really taken over a mountain, but not in the fantastic way depicted here. I liked this, but not as much as I liked Aguirre, Wrath of God, which I have seen twice now, and hope to own a copy of someday. I strongly recommend both titles.
Daredevil: Season 3(2018): I give it an "S" for satisfactory. The dynamic of three holds it together for yet another season. Having done eight years hard time in Catholic school during my childhood, the heavy-handed Catholicism both entertains and irritates me. I still think they are cancelling the wrong Marvel shows. Not that I want any of them cancelled, I don't, but Iron Fist was just starting to get good, when they killed it. So, yes, I neglected to do a real review here, because I'm still sulking about Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. Also, Misty Knight should have her own show.
Nite Owl(AKA: Night Owl - 1993): For good, this is bad, but for terrible, it's truly great. A very low budget vampire movie, John Leguizamo is the biggest star, though he was not yet a star at the time this was made. Quick appearances by Michael Musto, and Holly Woodlawn add to the off-kilter ambiance. It's fairly traditional as vampire stories go, though more sexually graphic than many of the classics, which is a plus in my book. Being shot in black and white gives it an extra gritty feel. It's also a glimpse of a less commercially homogenous NYC circa 1990. This is the second movie with the title Night Owl that I've seen this year. The other one starred Jennifer Beals, and came out the same year as this one. Maybe that is why this one has that deliberate misspelling... I had no intention of seeing either of them. I was looking for a much older movie of the same title(proper spelling). [Movie rental service] had never heard of it, and suggested two completely different movies that happen to have the same title, which makes no sense, but here we are.
Earth(1947:Earth - 1998): I don't want to put down a movie for reasons unrelated to its content, but I have a duty to warn those who would rent it on DVD. The copy I was sent promised a choice of original language with English subtitles or English audio, but it would only play in English. English would be fine, but it's not entirely in English, and much of the English that is spoken is heavily accented. Fine...English with English subtitles it is. The problem there is the heavily accented English has no subtitles. For me it's just an annoyance, but for people with hearing difficulties, this one is an absolute bitch. Thus concludes my complaints about the disc itself. Now, onto my complaints about the movie: It has story, but no heart. Characters are not fleshed out enough to care much about them. Nandita Das is good here as Shanta the nanny of the young girl, Lenny(Maia Sethna). It is through young Lenny's eyes that we are supposed to view the life and strife of 1947 India, immediately before the India-Pakistan partition. The trouble there --the kid is just not very likeable. She seems too naive for her age, whether it's a product of her insulated, privileged upbringing, or maybe she is just not that bright. She spends most of her time with her nanny, who spends a lot of her time getting fawned over by at least one man of every religion in India. Everyone is good friends, but conflict grows as the day of "independence" draws near, dividing people as well as land. The hate toward a certain group is not subtle, and neither is the violence. I think having seen Fire(1996) and Water(2005) before this set a certain level of expectation on my part, which simply was not met.
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boredandelusive · 2 years
TokyoRev React: Ep 9
Episode 9
no the animation’s really like off-brand Mappa
say something stupid bitch, damn. Standing there does nothing
I’ll say this until I’m done with it. These are not middle schoolers
draken is too huge to be in 7th grade, right around
mind your business, Hina, just stay in the back
and Draken already looks hurt
they’re not men, apparently
just don’t let draken die
you can tell someone by their bike sound? that’s wild
and who is that 
he looks weird, his name is Sin? Really? How dramatic
smoking in high school, he’s probably a first year
oh wait, Hanma, whatever the hell that means
Sin on one hand, Punishment on the other. What is he, klaus hargreeves?
did the person who did the subtitles intentionally put the heart there?
glad reinforcements showed
is baji in toman? Is that who I just saw? Cool
the pink hair looks great. Muto, Nahoya, and as I thought, Baji
if they’re kids, why do they sound like grown adults
pull the hair back, ig huh Baji. This is gonna get ugly
Draken sit your ass down. You’re tired
Hanma is built like Bart Simpson, that’s the only way I see it
you’re lying
Nahoya’s insane, isn’t he?
while you protect draken, let’s do the same for Baji, kay?
damn, there’s a lotta fighting, huh
let’s maybe not agitate them, okay?
are you gonna kill him? You look like you’re gonna kill him
but y’all are what, middle to high schoolers?
did he get socked? Fight back nigra, what are you doing?
how..... uh.... heartfelt
are you done now? mitch, you can’t walk in the middle of a fight and expect to find someone specific
don’t tell me you still failed
what the fuck, are you serious?
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Things I realize when when watching ASOUE
1) It's way better when they're parents are alive and it's all connected. The continuity vs the books is amazing. Also, it makes more sense. They nailed casting with the parents. 2) Sunny's subtitles are everything. She be roasting everyone 3) Klaus is a fucking savage with some balls man 4) Monty was the guardian they deserved 5) Lemony Snicket, and the narration also add more to the story. Lemony was the involved with the VFD, until Olaf killed Beatrice and then started the house fire 6) I'm excited for it to continue. I want to see Isadora, Duncan and Quigley. I want to see Klaus and Fiona. IM DYING FOR THE "HOSTILE HOSPITAL"!!! 7) on that note Carmilita Spats can go fuck herself. Not looking forward to that. And Esme 8) I can't wait to see it all tie together at the end. 9) WHO THEY CASTING AS KIT???? 10) If their parents die in the hotel fire in "The Penultimate Peril" I will stab a bitch.
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