#kinda ig since they're my personal design!
12neonlit-stage · 2 years
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// Overseas.Mission
Don't tag as ship
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katzske · 1 year
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For a kids show, I'm glad that they're able to touch upon serious topics like the effect war has on individuals and, in this case, species. I think TFA is the only notable TF show that wiggled its finger and made clear yo these are fucking aliens. But even there it felt one sided, as in, robots finding organics gross.
In TFE, you get so many perspectives on the Cybertron- human relationship and I love is so much. You have people who embrace it and accept each others differences. You have those who have internalized xenophobia but don't notice. People who don't care and just wanna be themselves and live in peace. And those who outright HATE the other species.
Visuals: the first half had its animation mainly focused on action. and while there is still action here, the conclusion of the season offers a lot of cinematic shots which tbh kinda took out of the immersion but are awesome screenshot material. it gets really dark as well, and there is a shot with Bee that stood out to me, where he's hanging from a ceiling, and his expression is full of fear. It was grand.
Audio: You still have the same synth wave music (which I like) but you also get some amazing sound designs for animal based alt modes, like Grimlock and Tarantulas. Nightshade unfortunately has this repetitive sound playing whenever they fly, (hawk screech) since they don't have a motor IG??
Characters: The viewer will be introduced to Hashtag, Jawbreaker and Nightshade. They have distinct abilities and personalities. (By now, I can already tell that my favorite Terrans are Nightshade, Jawbreaker and Twitch lol). They're interesting characters and their dedicated episodes were quite entertaining.
The most notable new characters who actually have their dedicated episodes and voice lines are Shockwave and Tara. Shockwave, as you can see from my memes, is a raging classist and racist. He's pure evil. But I really enjoy him because he's so smug. Imagine TFA Shock's smugness but in higher dosage. I fucking love it. HIS VOICE HAS SO MUCH RANGE. reminds me of an evil DJ subatomic supernova. His eye also reminds me of shin godzilla's... an unrelenting blank stare, unnaturally wide. Tarantulas on the other hand takes a much different spin than his BW counterpart. I think he joined the cons and stuck with them is because he wanted equality for all (during a short convo between Megs and Shock it's implied that it was their original goal). He's sick of the war and just wants to survive. He wants to be himself. He does these typical cinema spider noises like hisses, or gargles in his alt mode BUT OH BOY in his robot mode he's one fine fella. And his voice. chef kiss. i think it's British, but can't pinpoint what region.
Plot: Earthspark is gonna build upon the concept which TFP poorly introduced: A villan human faction. TFE is building upon and further fleshing out what they tried to do with M.E.C.H. The execution so far looks very promising.
They have taken their time to introduce G.H.O.S.T for a whole season, and put a bit of effort into showing that the organization is made out of individuals who have different motivations.
Their official motivation is understandable. The "good guys" wanna protect civilians from threats, like bots who break shit. But ofc there are some nasty people in the ranks who are lowkey masochists lol
Also, since Cybertronians are known to the public, it deepens the complexity of the conflict. Xenophobia against Cybertronians ranges from this cooperation to just regular people, who are mad that their planet was turned into a battle ground.
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Here they are!! All my AU Shadow's!!
Some design info + small trivia bits under the cut:
Refraction of a Shadow:
Story takes place after Sonic Heroes but before SHTH 2005. Emerald and I go back and forth about how it's like Shadow The Hedgehog (2) in the sense that there's multiple endings but also like Sonic Adventure (3) where you'd follow different characters in overarching stories with different perspectives. It was, at first, a fun idea about what it'd be like if Terios (The prototype of Shadow during sa2's development) were to exist within Sonic canon. This rides off how Shadow NEVER joins GUN and as a result, they seek to create their own "Shadow" of sorts, as a basis for a robotic/organic army (Since Shadow never joined them, they view him as a potential threat, both politically in how they're responsible for the covered-up ARK deaths and shadow knows and physically, as the Ultimate Lifeform.) Shadow's design is close to how I'd draw him cemented into the Team Dark dynamic; he ditched the white gloves for fingerless black ones and wears red mascara. He's attempting to heal from his experiences and trauma, but this new threat is opening up old wounds.
Rumination in Saudade:
Oh this guy is just so fucked up
Sa2 but everything is so FUCKED amiRIGHT!! So uh. I'd imagine hurtling towards Earth and losing all your memories after this blue angel of a hedgehog tries to save you. That can kinda..fuck you up. Esp if you're a weird little alien thing. Like...Having to relearn how to be something, how to be personable, and mask (haha...autism) He doesn't remember how he was conditioned by Gerald and Black Doom to train and be the Ultimate Lifeform, and doesn't remember how he grew up with Maria, loving Earth and all the people in it. He doesn't have any of it. He's just a weird little freak of a guy. He's off-putting, doesn't know how to control his chaos energy and black arms DNA, and overall just...Trying his best to re-learn what it's like to be a person. No influences from anybody except himself and Sonic. His design elements are basically Sa2 But With Some Extra Bits. Thousand yard stare, singed from becoming a fucking meteorite, an extra eyeball, messed up little tail, 'n an awkward demeanor. So your average unmasked teenager
I Was a Teenage Werehog:
The anxiety and dread of not being able to remember anything but bits and pieces not your style? How about a werewolf au where I self-indulgently combine everything I love about werewolf stories and their tropes for shits and giggles? No please don't run awa-
Basically Unleashed..2. I was inspired by the zombot arc in the comics and was like "haha what if....werewolves" and it kinda went from there. Shadow is your typical Experiencing Werewolf Issues protagonist, except he's not patient zero. Like instead of the real werewolf protagonist dealing with the pain and turmoil of waking up in a mess of blood knowing that something horribly went wrong for some random joe on the street, you get to see what happened to that guy instead. Shadow keeps things to himself; he's the ultimate lifeform, nothing can hurt him! He fell out of space! He fought THE DEVIL !!! Sonic's fucked up werewolf virus will have no effect on him and his mobian/alien DNA <- Guy who is so wrong and incorrect. For design elements, I purposefully fuddled with his proportions to make them a bit less...?? Sonicy?? ig? To put everybody in clothes that didn't make my head spin in confusion. He's got the hot topic 'fit he's got the mascara he's got the RIPPED JEANS!! He's ready for a gritty 2000s teenage werewolf drama baby!!
anyway, thanks for reading this far! I like these guys they're cookin', these cats are swingin'
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spilledmilkfkdies · 1 month
So what are your personal thoughts on Yilidth (if you haven't already answered). I hadn't read the comics in a while but I don't think they ever said anything about him being related to Duman, though considering his eye and hair colour I guess it was probably implied. How do you think he created him? Like did he just use magic or did he had a one night stand and then years later, a basket with baby Duman just appeared with a letter telling him he's the dad, and he's like "Oh, f*#k".
I actually made an au where the wizards had joined Yilidth's wizard cult as novices and one task that he made them do was babysit Duman. Imagine the chaos😂
I think I have given my thoughts on him before, but that was both a while ago and I didn't appreciate him as much as I do now, which you can tell 💀💀 very angry very rambly stuff over there- So let me give some more/updated thoughts!!
Him being underused and shoehorned is still very true, unfortunately. He could've been a super handy tool to give us more information about the whole Terrestrial conflict, since that was an interesting part of canon that might have benefitted from a bit more exploration, even if it was a bit late. But then he just. Wasn't?? He was announced, he came, he died?????? And that was the first and last we saw of him. Honestly deranged boooo yucky.
He never even got to interact with the wizards again- You could literally say he was just some random criminal that had been locked away and almost nothing would change, and that's really his main problem. Aside from his design. I mean, love a blank canvas to throw a bunch of takes at, but come on!!!!!
Him and Duman's relation was never really mentioned either, I don't think? Beyond the "He was the leader of the fairy hunters!" there's really um. Nothing. Like in general. Ask canon Yllidith their names and he'll give you a blank stare fgbhbn- Tbh I'm surprised Duman's even in the lil flashback thingy at all ngl
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Now, can we call any sort of relation implied? Are we gonna give them that much credit? Well idk! I'm just personally a fan of it so I just kinda. Squinted real hard. Matching eye colour? Mhm. Hair colour? Sure kinda. Yllidith having illusion magic and Duman being a shapeshifter? Yep that lines up enough for me, that does it, they're related now. Some people see the vision, others might not- I've spoken to plenty of people who aren't a fan of the take and that's a-okay, just know that I very much am 👉👈
This is a. Surprisingly consistent thing for me too?? Like yeah there's a case of "it depends on what I'm doing", there usually is- But not to a large extent ig? The method varies, but in a lot of stuff I'm doing now there's definitely a relation in one way or another.
Usually Duman is more or less made from scratch, a magic'd up baby, if you will. Though the process did include Yllidith's blood, so you have enough wiggle room to still say there's a blood relation. (Duman wouldn't.) (Yllidith only does when it's convenient.) But I've been getting the urge to explore a more normal approach where he was just regularly born lately, so maybe I'll get to that at some point too.
And!! If you ever feel like sharing more of that AU in any way, please do, because it sounds absolutely DELIGHTFUL. Imagine them thinking it's gonna be an easy enough task, and they wonder why nobody else wants to do it, then little Duman starts shapeshifting into horrors beyond mortal comprehension. Bye, I'm obsessed.
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ncat · 2 months
Hi there, I've been thinking lately about a D&D 3.5 class and how I would create it in 5e, and since you're my "bringing cool stuff from 3.5 to 5e" mutual, I was wondering if I could ask for advice/for your help.
Specifically, the beguiler from the Player's Handbook II.
The basic concept of the class is being a skill monkey arcane spellcaster, who is limited almost exclusively to enchantment and illusion, and who benefits from being sneaky while casting spells.
The main feature that I enjoyed about playing this class is that it's a spontaneous caster who has access to their entire spell list. So even though the spell list is limited, the character still has more options than any other caster in terms of spells known/prepared.
The problem with the class is how to make it unique. Other than having access to the whole spell list, the main mechanic of the Beguiler is basically the 5e Arcane Trickster ability Magical Ambush, and there are already a number of classes that can fill the niche of an enchantment and illusion caster, such as enchantment wizard, bards in general, and fey warlock.
I have some ideas, but I'm wondering if you have any thoughts on the matter?
Ooh absolutely happy to help a mutual, and to talk dnd 3.5 stuff!
Well, lets see. I tend to start with focusing in on a specific mechanic and building from there, and with the beguiler, I think we can focus in on Cloaked Casting and Surprise Casting.
Beguiler in the way its designed is, actually kinda close to a 3.5 Rogue. They're similiar in the way of them getting a boost when an enemy is denied a dex bonus to AC, though the Beguiler especially wants the player to lean in on Bluff
In that case, I'd try to mechanically do something similiar to a modern rogue. Give it an equivilent of cunning action, (Maybe with Dash replaced with instead something more equivilent to a bluff (Feint) check?) and giving their spells a boost in that circumstance. How i'd mechanically write that idk, something like "If you'd have advantage on attack rolls against a creature due to being hidden or feinting, that creature has disadvantage on its save", something like Arcane Trickster - Magical Ambush, though more open to allow other means of generating advantage.
And from there I think that creates an interesting game loop, where its similiar to rogues and how they're constantly trying to position themselves correctly to apply sneak attack, you are instead using your positioning and bonus action to make your spells more likely to hit.
As for making it a full class or bard subclass, I'm not too sure.
It could do reasonably well as a bard subclass at a glance? Though I worry having it be so bonus action dependent would cause it to conflict with bardic inspiration, that and I'm unsure how to feel about them being forced into being Charisma casters, rather than being Int casters.
As a full class, I'm unsure either, I wonder if there is enough width in the flavor to give them a good range of subclasses? Thats the annoying downside to subclass based design in 5e, is that it forces each class you make to need to be broadly applicable enough to make a lot of subclasses (Which is why stuff like Cleric gets a lot of subclasses, cuz its easy, and something like ranger doesnt, with some mechanical repeats in that too like Drakewarden/Beastmaster ig?)
But if you've got enough thoughts for it to work as a full class, go for it. I'd say if its at least 3 you can make, and a handful more outside of that you can conceptualize and leave to do later (Or then do them too if they're really fun!) then its good enough to be class material.
In my own personal hands if it were my thing I was writing, i'd probably write it as one of my alternate classes (Creating a new class and putting an existing classes subclasses on it), most likely on a rogue? That could be neat actually, seeing how a rogues subclasses work on a full caster. (Though, arcane trickster would neat some clauses adjusting it in its entirety since it entirely would conflict with the base class features?),
But thats a way to start with subclasses, the way rogue does them. Same way rogue has Inquisitors, Swashbucklers, and A-Tricksters who have unique and additional ways to generate sneak attack, you could have those apply to this, or if you write it as a class, have that be the core concept you design the subclasses with.
When it comes to writing new classes and subclasses, creating a template for features is a great way to go. The Conduit which I wrote earlier has this method of design very blatantly on purpose to make it easier to work with its multi subclass nature, but even the base game classes work this way, such as the Cleric and how its features work.
Ah! And if its a class, it has got to get its gish equivilent subclass. i.e. Valor Bard.
I think, if you go for a class route, giving it the Expert type features rogues and bards get is a good way to go. Expertise is important, as is a good range of skills, and even the option to have 3 starting skills unlike other classes which start at 2. I also think giving it its charisma focused spellcasting, but intelligence based casting, it should have a way to use its intelligence to boost other skills. Maybe some sort of self bless, or ability to substitute int for a different skill a handful of times per day (Which can be really cool, i.e., walking up to an arm wrestle and just, sherlocking your way to victory? Could also go really cool if this could be used on weapon attack rolls too?)
As for its spell list, I think a set spell list is a pretty cool way to go about it. I thought it was a cool mechanic in 3.5, and seeing it make a return could be nice. If you run it similiarly to 3.5, its funky because you get the upside of having a lot more spells at hand compared to other casters, though these spells will all be in theme.
The only downside to this approach is that it does stop the players from having as many choices in character building, and players being given options as they progress is pretty important in my opinion, especially for spellcaster players, since picking your spells is part of the fun.
Though, this isnt entirely a downside. I know some people who dont really want to bother with spellcasters, since the trouble of building up an entire spell list, or list of prepared spells in a day is a hassle. In a way, a set spell list is perfect for these kinds of players, it lets them get to spellcasting without that.
So, I'd say theres two things that come to mind here:
Limited outside of spell list bonus spells, like bardic inspiration. The upside is it gives people a way to customize their spell list, but I dont think its the best option of the two, since it both breaks the fun in the set spell list design, and makes the choice of spells unintentionally even more important since you get so few, and all people will do is most likely choose really high value chase spells like say, shield.
My preferred option is to instead give them points where they can choose their own class features. Comparable to a Hunter Ranger, Fighter Fighting Style, or a Warlock Pact, or even something like 3.5 rogues Special Abilities that they get to pick 4 of. Gives the upsides of customizability without expanding the spell list.
And lastly, as for a spellcaster that focuses on enchantment, I think it should be fine? I mean, sure, there definitely is overlap with the Bard, but the wizard has overlap with the sorcerer, and those still have distinct identities, even when their spell list is similiar. Heck, if you want to make it more distinct from the bard list, give them access to spells bards wouldnt usually get. Theres a bunch of them, and a handful of them are already in the Illusion/Enchantment spell list.
Lastly, when it comes to the spell list, it needs to be versatile enough. I think the hardest part of designing this class will be the spell list. My immediate core points in designing it would probably be
List size. The list should give enough spells at each level that it feels fair. Too few viable spells at each level and the player ponders why not take a different spellcaster, too many and they will be to strong.
Spell versatility and potency. The player should have the right spells available that they should feel like they are able to interact with the world magically, but not enough that they can solve every problem on their own. Its the right mix of having a wide range of spells for different purposes, both utility and combat.
Spell Potency. Its also important to be choosing the correct power level of spell. For instance, they might want some sort of aoe spell, which spellcasters get. Fireball would be too potent and out of their focus, and is designed with the idea its hard to get, being limited to wizards, sorcerer, and choice subclasses. In contrasts, bards get the AoE spell Shatter, which does less damage for the same spell slot, but is balanced against bards getting more potent class features than a wizard or sorcerer.
So yeah, thats my thoughts Ig?
TLDR: Could go well as a Subclass, Class, or Variant class. I think it might work best as a class, using something similiar to rogues Cunning Action gameplay loop but for a spellcaster rather than a martial. Make sure its spell list is carefully curated and balanced.
I'd love to hear more developments on the class if you have any and want to tell me them ! <3
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nerflufser · 5 months
<casual questions PART TWO!!!!>
(5) what’s your art style?
(6) what’s a specific thing you can draw and never get tired of?
(7) do you o you have a favorite book/movie/show?
(8) yet not having any idols, are you a fan of many diffrent creators and take inspo of them? (You don’t have to awnser this one, you actually don’t have to awnser any of these btw.)
((THERE YA GO. >:3))
Oooo~ yay more questions :)) (sorry if my typing is a bit wonky I just woke up LMAO)
5) uhh honestly I dunno, people have said it's realistic with cartoony features other people call it a weird more cartoony form of anime, ig just my own style?? Cause I see where they're coming from I have taken inspo from all those things and shaped it into something of my own style:)).
6) Zip. She's pretttyyyy much the one thing I've been drawing since day one of digital. Now I did have this other OC I did draw non stop their name was like XZIRLIC?? (All caps cuz I'm sure that how I wrote it on paper 💀) I've been thinking of re-drawing them but they are a WILD OC I have. I also have this horse pony thingy I don't think I ever gave it a name 💀.
7) For books uhhh I haven't really read anything too new to me. But there was a book a few years back around the time covid stuck up that I got from target 💀 it was called' a wolf called wander/wonder (can't remember) ' it was about this wolf that left their home after their clan died from this other wolf clan past the mountains seeking haven. It don't think I ever finished it 😭 I was thinking about re-reading it but I do have another new book I got. Movie? Mhmm I have a lot of those ig mostly John wick movies, a little free guy is good to, another good one I recently watched was bullet train. (I'm sure you can see where this is going 💀💀) so mostly comedic violence (No this doesn't go for like SAW or some bs that shit is nasty AF man.) My favorite show of all time is the good place. Shocker ikr /sar I got into it about mid way last year and has watched it over and over again it's become a comfort show of mine. I also like the concept of it with all the plot twists but also teaching people about philosophy!? That's fuckin awesome.
8) pfft I am a fan of a lot of creators- I really like @/whoectypes stuff I really like their OC designs and how they're building a world, they are also a super cool person in general. I'm not close to them I wouldn't even call each other friends or anything, more of moots, we both support each other and treat each other with respect. For another person?? @/cupsie most definitely, they were actually one of my first followers. And then we became like besties cuz yk we simp for ray- I mean ram- I mean cause of a common interest. I really like how they use pastels and they doo rubber hose soooo gooooooddddd arugh I just start jumping up and down and flapping my lil silly hands when I see their art /pos. Now I don't take inspo from any creators that I remember seeing on this app (or at least not intentional) alot of my inspiration comes from dali. **Insert dramatic duh duh DUHHH here** yeah dali. I grew up with dali, now the real question is, "how can a cartoonist be inspired to start drawing from a surrealist?!" Actually surrealism and cartoonism is actually VERY similar, look at the colors look at how proportions aren't correct, don't look directly at the picture look at what something has to be deemed surrealism and cartoonism in a modern day conversation (omg me actually being kinda stupid and smart 🤯). Anyways before we get off track is the question ' how? ' the answer to the question is **drum roll please** colors :p. And the flowy-ness of his art, you can see a lot of different ways I use like smoke or water, that's from looking at dalis work, same with all his vibrant colors ugh I love it. I didn't study off of him, oh no. I just live a bike ride away to a museum that features his work so granted I would go there like every other month or something stupid cause of school or families in town, so I'm quite familiar with his art. So as DR. Seuss there's a mini art gallery again a bike ride away and they change out the paintings and sculptures like every other month or something. So you get more familiar with his work. Same reasons as dali too color and flow.
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nxtsukashi · 6 months
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idk if this should still be labelled as a leak since mhy decided to change his entire design for 4.4 cny/lantern rite event
i first saw this leak before fontaine was even released and i immediately fell in love with lion boy's design, he is based on the mascot for the lion dance, a traditional chinese dance mostly performed on cny and for important personal events like weddings, company openings, etc. to bring in good luck and fortune.
i definitely did not expect them to completely change the design tho
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i personally don't like that one random orange strand on his fringe lmfao (his hoodie is so cute tho!!!), i love his first design the best, but the recent leak for the lantern rite event banner which reveals his potentially finalized design disappointed me a lot.
i've never seen a white and blue lion irl, i've always seen either red and orange lions and since they're much more common, it might be why mhy decided to change his colour palette. another that i just realized after mopping around was that they decided to not use white is because it's associated with death and mourning in chinese culture (in opposition to black in the west).
but even so, they could've just changed the colours and not touched his design, now he just looks so basic and lacks the features of a lion mascot unlike the previous two designs ;-;
perfectly understand that these are merely concept arts and are highly likely to change, but as someone who had been waiting so long for him, you can't expect me to not cry over it hahaha
its kinda like the fanart heizou almost two years ago ig, tho most of us are aware that it was a fanart so its different but similar
oh well, looks like i won't be using him, and maybe i can use his first design as a ref for an oc hahaha
edit: i've calmed down a bit sksksk, anyways i saw that there's people who actually prefer his finalised design (which is shocking to me, maybe they're not chinese so they didn't understand)! half a year ago, when i first saw him, i was extremely grateful to mhy for making another culture-ly important character after yunjin who i still love and use for my ayato. while it's hard to tell from the lantern rite leak, bro def didn't have the lion ears anymore and his attire doesn't have any lion design so def a big fat F. idk how to articulate my feelings properly via words (even worse in eng), but i just gotta accept the fact that mhy scrapped an amazing design.
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mundanemiseries · 2 months
                                         GET  TO  KNOW  THE  MUN
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐮𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 ?
uh well...i've definitely rambled about it in the past but most of my muses (basically all of the main ones except Aurelius) are all more or less aus of my first muse on here, Joel that became more than own dudes than just "joel in a different universe" so they became their own muses unto themselves. for Joel? he came about around 5 years ago when i stumbled onto the t.wewy rpc and so i made this blog and Joel!
𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 ?
i mean besides the general kinda ick inducing topics there's not really that much else. combat/fighing based threads probably? but that's more because i'm not that great at/confident with writing those and ik i can get kinda "don't look at me" when it comes to posting types of writing/threads/etc im not confident in
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 ?
a lot of things really! i always have a soft spot for fluff, goofy/silly/moe playful things are always fun, when u get some good angst going it's just chef's kiss. what i'm personally really enjoying writing changes from time to time but idk, there's a lot i have fun writing!
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ?
i more or less play things by ear with headcanons, sometimes, with more fandom based muses (ex. Koko) it might come from some realization i had about some aspect of the universe they're from or a headcanon will form out of rambling about my boys to a moot over disc.ord or smth, or i'll get an idea that i end up building on from something i'm watching/listening to regardless headcanons kinda just sneak up on me ig
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 ?
music 100% i find i struggle to focus even moreso without something in the background so it's normally music and/or a podcast/some other long form video i'm prolly rewatching
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 ?
i very much wing it most of the time, i tend to get sdetracked real bad when i try to plan things out proper so 9 times outta 10 replies are me winging it and letting my muses take the wheel.
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 ?
yes, always! not just romantic, familial and platonic ships are always great when they happen oooh, ooh! and like...hateships and the like...i've really only ever had one but that was fun
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐬 / 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 ?
𝐚𝐠𝐞 ?
22, 23 come the summer
𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 ?
july 13th!
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ?
purple, grey, blue
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬 ?
oh god plese don't make me pick. i mean as always i adore anything from new design, a.venturine's boss theme's stuck in my head and i've had s/t by j.oyce m.anor on loop for days so...theres those lmao
𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 ?
uh.....i think the m.ario movie???
𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 ?
??? not sure, if web series count though, h.unter the p.arenting
𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 ?
constant headache - joyce manor
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝 ?
sweets, like...in general probably.
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 ?
:Tc hmmm, fall probably, not so warm that im melting but also not hilariously cold, the leaves are pretty, i end up getting a shitload of pumpkin donuts at this place near me, good season imho
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 ?
firstly, i absolutely have to call out the og on this blog @the-grim-heaper. she's been around here more or less since i started this blog and has just, always been there ( also fun fact, she's the one who got me into w.arframe so legit Koko and Raziel just wouldn't exist without her :3 ) aside from the bro, @cosmicdreamt and @strawberry-barista for just...being friends and awesome and i lowkey consider my mains friends, or at the v least very cool ppl and 👉👈 i hope they think so too and there's other ppl too but i am...head empy rn and been trying to do this for days x_x
tagged by: @attroxx tagging: legit just steal it and say i tagged you. crimes! :D
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snowdeong · 1 year
fake dating info dump(1/?)
Ig also spoilers for the au because this is really just me on full on info dump mode just throwing out every single idea I have. I kinda plan to write a fic at some point
Yeji's a vendor manager at Tdoong Snacks
First things first the girlies jobs:
Ryujin works in the IT department of Tdoong snacks, particularly in app development and maintenance. Which is how she originally met Yeji, their vendor app was bugging out. That then devolved to Ryujin annoying tf out of Yeji on the regular while she helps her fix her work pc
Yuna's an intern in the IT department (because I can never give up my Yuna intern agenda) and was originally the one helping Yeji with her shitty pc most of the time. That's how Ryujin found out about it (maybe Yeji comes in looking for Yuna and Yuna had college that day soo Ryujin is like bet let's piss her off)
Minju got a new job working under Dahyun (a famous news anchor and tv personality) at JYP News
I really love the idea of HR Chaeryeong lmao she's also in HR in my secretary Yeji au but I want her as one here as well
Jisu works under Mochaeng in the graphic design section of the Tdoong marketing department
Jihyo is a ceo somewhere probably lmao. I physically can not not include her in my ideas but surprisingly I haven't thought of anything this time
Eventually Ryeji realise they live in the same area on a really rainy day when Yeji begrudgingly offers Ryujin a ride. So they come up with this system where Ryujin drives them both to and from work using the company car cause Yeji gets so tired from having to drive around doing vendor negotiations and stuff. Which leads Minju to assume they're dating cause Ryujin is always around lmao and they bicker like 24/7
Ryujin jokes about the whole misunderstanding and makes a statement about how this is good for Yeji anyway cause now she can keep her lie going. Which gives Yeji the brilliant idea to properly ask Ryujin to be her fake gf. Ryujin mulls it over and eventually accepts cause it's not like it'll be very hard since Minju already suspected them just from how they interacted in general
Need a scene where they draft a whole ass contract for the terms of their fake dating (Ryujin: you're so dramatic 🙄) and decide they need to give each other nicknames and Ryujin's coming up with all sorts of annoying ones then finally looks at Yeji for a loooooonnnggg second and goes "Yeddeong" in a kinda sentimental voice that surprisingly has Yeji kinda malfunctioning a bit (which she justifies as Ryujin being hot af not because Ryujin actually has an effect on her Ryujin's fucking annoying after all) and Ryu gets all smug over it. And also just keeps calling ger Yeddeong at every opportunity now
I also need a scene where they go out drinking (while fake dating) with Yeji's friends (Hyunjin, Minju, Jisu, Jisung and Somi) and ryeji both get kinda drunk and Yeji kisses her but it's not the usual short kisses they usually have Yeji really goes for it this time. Ryujin's a better drinker so she kinda comes to her senses a bit and stops it all. She wants to take Yeji back home but Yeji insists on staying with her because she really doesn't want to see Minju rn and Ryujin doesn't say anything for a bit then offers to go to her apartment. She's actually slept over before cause one time Yeji wanted to make it look like they actually fuck and all since Minju would know how she is. Her plan was to stay at the office and work since Jisu and Somi are having a date night and Yeji doesn't wanna be in their apartment plus staying with Hyunjin is always super annoying but Ryujin just offers her to stay over at hers since it's not a big deal.
Yeji accepts and they get there, both tumble into Ryujin's bed not even bothering to bicker about who gets it and it's quiet and Yeji apologises for kissing her like that to which Ryujin is like "it's fine it's not like we haven't done it before anyway" and Yeji explains that she's kinda been overwhelmed by the whole Minju thing and she's really trying to show everyone that she's okay and moved on
Ryujin: why though
Yeji: ??
Ryujin: why do you have to prove you're okay even if you're clearly not
Yeji: cause I'm the one who broke up with her
Which surprises Ryujin cause you'd think Yeji got dumped and Yeji goes on to detail how at some point Minju clearly stopped liking her that way and was kinda just with her because that's what was always the case for them. There was no more passion from Minju so Yeji decided to end it and let her go. Yeji's got this fear that she can never be loved again because the one person she's ever been with basically stopped loving her. So it kinda fucks her up that Minju is in a happy commited relationship now that not only seems deeper than anything they had but is strong enough that they don't even seem to have problems being long distance despite being together shorter than the time her and Minju were together. In her mind this shows that Minju's capable of love and that it was just Yeji who was the problem.
Ryujin kinda just holds her hand through it all, not really sure what to say that can help her without confessing her own feelings. But she really wants to say SOMETHING somehow so she turns to face Yeji on the bed.
Ryujin: are you sobered up now
Yeji looks at her kinda weird: why?
Ryujin leans in and repeats herself.
Yeji: I think so?
Then Ryujin leans in and kisses her real soft and slow and whispers "don't discount how lovable you are Yeddeong. Cause you are. And you deserve to be loved"
And they both just don't bring it up again until a later moment where they maybe have an argument or something
Lastly for now I need like a chapter of Ryujin realising she's falling for Yeji and deciding to go all scientific method to prove whether she's actually falling or not and the conclusion is goddamnit she is 😭
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first impressions of the PJSK character designs (i know nothing about their personalities or anything yet)
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Ichika Hoshino: it's alright, just not the most interesting? her eye colour is nice
Saki Tenma: i love her hairstyle and hair colour!! and the bright pink eyes! not the biggest fan of the yellow cardigan though
Honami Mochizuki: so pretty!! her light brown hair goes super well with her blue yes, and both contrast beautifully with her dark red outfit! the black bows on the sleeves are a nice touch too! lovely hair tie too
Shiho Hinomori: though her hair is grey, her design doesn't look dull, cause her eyes and outfit are that bright, light green, i think it's pretty! her hairstyle is simple, but i really like it
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Minori: she looks very nice! i don't like orange, but it works on her, especially with the green. her eyes stand out a lot too, since they're a cool-ish grey and all the other colours are warm
Haruka Kiritani: her hair and eye colour, that like ink blue, is one of my favourite colours!! and my hairstyle's kinda like hers rn. i like the black and white stripy bow in her hair, and the colours of her oufit
Airi Momoi: i love her bows!! i wish the pink on them stood out a little more from her hair more though
Shizuku Hinomori: i love her design so much, it's so pretty. the colours all go so well together. i love the mint green rose especially. her hair colour is really nice
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Kohane Azusawa: she's okay, the pigtails are cute. i just don't really like the outfit that much? idk why though
An Shiraishi: my favourite design, i already love her so much. everything is perfect. the cute hairclips? her amber eyes which look GREAT with her dark hair? the blue ombre at the bottom of her hair? her asymmetrical hoodie with the beautiful teal colour? everything is amazing!
Akito Shinonome: he's kinda ehhhhh. like i said, i don't like orange, so i'm not the biggest fan of his colour palette. his design doesn't really stand out to me
Toya Aoyagi: love his hair!! i really like those colours, especially the periwinkle blue. the rest of his design is just okay
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Tsukasa Tenma: he has that hair colour that Saki Tenma also has which i like! oh wait, they're both Tenma? are they siblings? anyway, i also love the ruffled collar! fancy!
Emu Otori: she loves sweets probably? respect that! her outfit's cute... but the sleeves... they don't match with anything else... at all
Nene Kusanagi: i like her outfit and butterfly hairband!! she gives me cottagecore vibes sorta? it's nice
Rui Kamishiro: THIS IS THE GUY THAT'S EVERYWHERE um i really really like his hair, those are two very pretty colours and they work together! the purple also compliments his yellow eyes. his outfit would probably look horrendous irl but it works on him!
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Kanade: her eyes are a very pretty blue, and her hair's a nice colour too! her hair looks kinda flat though. i like that her hoodie drawstrings are different colours
Mafuyu Asahina: i love her hair and eye colours!! and how wavy her hair is
Ena Shinonome: i. have literally nothing to say. she... exists ig? her design's boring i'm sorry
Mizuki Akiyama: i love how pastel their hair is!! and their eyes too, they're so pretty. look so so nice with their dark red hair ribbon
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rev3rb · 10 months
Hello! First off, I def appreciate the info explained in this chp. Even if I had to read it over to really grasp the second half lol. So, if I’m getting this right, does this mean that Yu is the personification of darkness (and maybe more specifically creation, resurrection, and apothnasia)?? And would that mean that The First used Yu to create Mikaela?? Who ig represents the first taboo committed and maybe that’s why his death is needed to undo the taboo from the Apocalypse? Tbh I’m also confused on how the trumpets that appeared are different from the other angels. The way they’re depicted kinda makes it seem like they’re the ones created from darkness. Maybe that’s just bc they don’t seem to be fully formed ppl just instruments of destruction ig. Seriously though, why is this like God’s only way of communicating???
What was extremely clear to me is how gay Paimon and Bael are, like come on now. Bael saying the only thing he wants his beyond his reach and then pulling a Romeo/Juliet move so that their souls can be together 😭 Seriously shipping goggles aside, Ik ppl say not to reach for queer rep in stories that aren’t specifically created to be that, but holy shit man. ONS is becoming more and more about the gays fighting God and winning.
Wanted to respond to this earlier but it's been a busy week!
Yes! It's about time that we started getting some answers. Yeah, that is a little complicated. Seemingly? Yu is definitely something that is meant to harvest light, so I'm wondering if he/it is supposed to *create* darkness sort of as a byproduct. Either way, he seems to have a lot of potential power. Now I'm just wondering how he turned into a person. Obviously, the whole reviving Mikaela thing didn't work out, so maybe this experiment was what lead to that. Time will tell though. Back to what you were saying.
I always thought Mika dying was just a result of his being a demon and all vampires and demons being eliminated by the revival. Maybe I'm wrong though! Your idea is an interesting one and it makes some sense!
Yeah! The angel design was interesting. I wonder if they looked like that because all three taboos were kind of being committed at once or what because as far as I remember, the angels didn't look like that before. If they are created from darkness, does this mean that God's power isn't just over light? I mean, god is supposed to be all powerful, but still. His power was specifically listed as light, so hmmm. An absence of light being the enforcer of abuse of it. Thinking on it, that makes sense. Wild thought but what if paradise is a lie and reaching paradise corrupts you, turning you into something like that? Probably not the case, but I think it's an interesting thought. I digress though. It's been a while since we've seen the trumpets, and... wait that just made me think of something. The trumpets that we've seen in modern day hold the keys. Here we learn that the keys are a sort of conduit or capacitor for light. Maybe light DOES corrupt in a way. Hmmm... it's a lot to think on.
TRUE!! I may have my gay rose tinted glasses at most times, but this is very much a "how else are we supposed to interpret that" sort of thing. It was VERY Romeo and Juliet. The gays are fighting God and it may take millennia, but they're very motivated to win.| As a side note, I do really enjoy how there are different types of love shown here. Even if Bael and Paimon were just supposed to be friends (lmao) you have familial love with Sika Madu and Mika, and you have romantic friendship love with Paimon and Bael. Fun to see.
Overall, I'm satisfied, and am really interested to see what the result of this little resurrection attempt will be. Is this how everyone was turned into demons/vampires? HMMM Questions. Questions. Always with more and more questions.
Thanks for sending in another ask this month!
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planefood · 1 year
do you have any tips for designing clothes? some of the outfits on your robot characters are really appealing to the eye and i wanna know if you get them from anywhere or if they're from your brain? (and. again any tips if you have any)
Ohhh I’m like the last person to ask I personally think I’m totally shocking at designing outfits, I think it’s all about colours first and foremost just like any other design element
then I just look at references online and think about the kinda clothes I would wear ig mix and mash is all really
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Since all my characters just wear everyday clothing I basically just go window shopping and throw clothes on characters haha
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pinkdinkydoon · 2 years
Due to peer pressure I am going to be rambling about my GotG insert under the cut. Lots of writing, just a warning.
Part 2 will sadly be made.
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So a few things before we start. I rewrote all of the mcu in a over 240+ page doc. This is just what I thought was important.
Very obviously self insert. Its my horribly written hyperfixatipn and I get to put myself in it to kiss my husband and make it better
Tony didn't freaking die. Idk I think he's kinda important for what a mid character he is.
after the gauntlet was destroyed as was the stone Gamora died for, she came back. Woo!! I hate this series so much. Widow isn't back because that stone was in a different time.
Peter is half celestial, quarter spartanax, quarter human. I love the TV series for doing that. keeping it.
superior gamora design from the comics. Love those white circles.
I hate that like they made ONE MONTH PASS BETWEEN THE FIRST AND THE SECOND MOVIE. Fixing that. Second movie takes five years after the first, the time between the second and Infinity War takes 6 years.
Now I'll drop how I perceive the main gang
Peter - Personality: Movies | design: movies | Backstory: movies
Gamora - personality: TV show | design: comics/novels | backstory: movies
Rocket - personality: novels | design: movies/comics | backstory: movies
Drax - personality: movies | design: TV show | backstory: TV show/movies
Groot???? - personality: novels | design: all ig?? | BACKSTORY: TV show!!!!!!!!!
My insert, Lici, is a Terran Assassin that works for the Italian, American, and Japanese government. Only hand to hand combat and only used weapons for instant kills.
Killing a kree leader that was in disguse on Terra, she had no idea what Kree were and that she killed one, she was abducted and sent to prison. Not the Klyn.
She escapes, and decides that she likes the space life better!! It's time to become a space assassin!!!
Got there when she was 19, spent 5 years messing around. 24 when she meets the gang.
Very odd day. Just so happened to get arrested and put into the klyn around the same time all of them did.
"Wow... you're really pale for kree! Weird. Most kree girls are bright pink"
"I'm Terran. Sorry"
Peter gets super excited and immediately starts going off about his tragic backstory while she stands there extremely confused and concerned. "0-0 I just met you"
Quill drags her along for the ride escaping prison, going to Tivan, the ravagers, and fighting Ronan.
They all succeed, and the Nova Corps wipe away all their previous crimes. Allowing them to now do mostly good... from now on.
Now in one giant ship, a team.
The first week is super awkward. Quiet. Rooms haven't been assigned. No music at all because Quill has headphones in as they wander space.
Lici decides its time to break the mold!!! She immediately gets into some comfy clothes, and decided to make dinner and listen to music loudly.
Big mistake.
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Drax takes lyrics too literal and it takes him awhile to finally understand them as a whole. But after the incident the finally are comfortable relaxing a bit more and realize they all have a love of music.
The finally get rooms situated as well!
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Rocket, Groot, and Lici all share a previous storage room. She gets a mattress on the floor, Baby gets his plant on the window sill. Rocket gets a hammock above them both.
Drax and Gamora share a bedroom while Peter gets his own room.
Since majority of their time is spent on the ship it becomes more and more homey. It takes awhile to get places and it also may take time for orders/people in genuine danger to come in.
Only reasonable thing is to make cassette tapes for everyone and their specific taste. They share personal favorite foods, experiences. Lici becomes the designated cooker/ship cleaner.
They're mostly friends. Not exactly a family yet.
One day Peter requests they go to earth and go grocery shopping. As he's tired of the alien food and REALLY REALLY WANTS poptarts and all the other name brands.
Gang agrees. And while the trip to Terra's sector, Lici walks over to Rocket who is piloting.
"Hey uhhhh... you're good with Tech right??"
"Nearly 5 months living together and you're asking me that?"
"Can you take out tracking devices?"
"Depends. Where?"
She motions to her left thigh and right arm. "Government put them in in case I ever decided to ditch and expose them. I don't wanna get Mac n cheese and suddenly be ambushed by officals."
"Yeah I gotcha. I'll take em out"
A very odd way of bonding, but it's an execption that he allows someone to actually touch him. So while he rips her tigh open to get the tracker out, she's sitting there aggressively holding the couch and part of his arm. Same applies to her arm.
They wrap her up, hook her up to a small blood transfusion and get groceries.
The two of them get more comfortable together. As over the next 5 years they are raising a super small tree in a storage room.
Th holidays come around and Peter has honestly forgotten about those sort of things. Abducted at such a young age, she brings it up and they excitedly decorate the place.
Lights are set up, a poster by the living room talks about the gift giving and she starts making holiday sweets just about every night.
One night she wakes up, waking up her roommate, unaware. She starts he morning sweet making to which he follows.
She's humming, like usual and he clears his throat.
"AH- Oh. Did I wake you?"
"No I'm here on my own intent. I set an alarm and everything...." small pause. "Its like 2 am. Why are you up."
"Mhmm... I wanted to make muffins for breakfast. And also holiday cookies and brownies."
"Yes well. Quill doesn't wake up until 10 am Earth time and it doesn't take 8 hours to make muffins. Kiddos gonna wake up and go "oh where's mommy and daddy!!! Time to cry!!!""
".... mommy?"
"That's the part you pay attention too???"
"I'm up cause I couldn't sleep...." She pauses. Waving a baggie. "Wanna help me frost?"
So he does, and they mess around getting frosting everywhere and laughing. He then decided... fine. I'll participate in gift giving. Because she... kinda deserves it.
Gift day comes around and everyone is given something. (Excluding drax who everyone all agreed they couldn't think of anything, and he replied "the greatest gift is company" ((nerd)))
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She gives Peters elemental blaster an upgrade. Gamora a engraved sword, and Rock a new gun holster.
He pulls her to the side and gives her his gift. Cant let people know he ACTUALLY PUT EFFORT. She gets the trademarked hair pins that she never takes out after she gets them.
Both get pest parent mugs.
After that they start hanging out more. More close friends. Close enough to share her mattress. Wow.
As Drax and Quill have their friendship, they have theirs. like everyone has their own built friendships??
Quill and Gamora have the unspoken thing. Quill and Rocket are bickering engineers. Quill and Lici are the Humans. Lici and Gamora or Sucks being the only Girls Club. You GET THE GIST OF IT. At the end of it all they're a family.
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5 years post the first movie, Groot's 5 now and they are far more comfortable than they were before.
After the fight against the giant beast for the sovereign, Lici stares straight into Rockets eyes as he steals the batteries and two keep the straightest eye contact.
"Whaaatt?? Anulax batteries are a once in a life time grab."
They meet the high priestess, the fly away happens. And they crash. They meet ego, and immediately everyone is suspicious. Quill agrees to go with him along with Drax and Gamora
Lici stays with Rocket, and helps rebuild the ship and watch nebula. He goes to set up traps, she watches the kid and thinks.
Is it normal to share a bed with the person you take care of a child with and also be the only person he actually allows touch from???
A rational person would say no.
He comes back, gets to working back on the ships and hums along to her personal cassette tape. And she stares while he works.
Like stares. Hard.
"Ya mind?"
"huh. hUH.- UHHHHHH-"
"You're staring.
"Yeah i realize that. I'm trying to think of an excuse gimme a second..... you uhh.. sing nice."
"Sure," he squints a bit.
His notification that people are in the premises and he jumps off to deal with it. Southern Nights comes on and Lici stays with Groot while she continues to think.
And then she hears and explosion and panics immediately. Tells her kid to stay still and runs into the forest. Knocks out one of the aliens close to the ship... realizes its a ravager. Panics.
Sees his figure in the trees and jumps up onto the one he's in. Immediately has a gun pointed to which she shoves out of her face.
"Rock these are-"
"Why the hell are you here????? You're supposed to be watching groot."
"Well these are Ravagers and I thought you needed help."
"I'm fine. Go watch the kid"
"No! I'm helping."
"he's fine--" she hesitates.
They finish up the gang, only for yondu to come down. The betrayal happens they're put on the Ravager ship. Tied up and upset. Groot in a cage while she yells for them to stop and Rocket sits there extremely upset.
"You know maybe if you stayed with the kid-"
"Oh so now you're gonna blame me for this??"
"Oh no of course not all of it!! Just about HALF OF IT!"
The main one revolting shushes them and does his taseface speil while Lici sits there mildly amused with the remarks her friend is doing despite it all.
And it hits her like a bus.
Oh she is totally in love. Like a train she sits there and stares into the distance of her horrible situation and then turns back to Rock. Wow.
Yeah she'll ignore it. The rest of the movie happens as it does, Ego is killed and they head back to the ship with new scars and very tired expressions.
Everything is relatively normal. Things stay the same. Gamora and Peter now share a room so woo to Drax and mantis sharing a place now.
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And it continues....
Lord all mighty I have to make a part 2. Massive kudos those who actually read this. I'm sorry for your braincells 😭😵‍💫
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We haven't heard shit about Alice's husband but I designed him anyway
let me explain myself.
I don't usually do fandesigns (god knows I'm bad at drawing) but I think too much and probably shouldn't be applying our-world genetics to Teyvat. Even so, I've had the thought for a while that by the rules of modern genetics, Klee's father would need to have very pale hair and eyes for Alice's traits to be genetic, since it's semi-canon that Klee is basically a small version of her mother. So Alice's husband would have to be an albino, or something very close to that. Then I reread Alice's speech from the original Golden Apple Archipelago event, and started thinking what if Alice's family were allegories/connected to the four seasons somehow. Klee is summer, obviously, Alice is spring since she gives life and is explosively enthusiastic, also very double-sided which if you've ever seen a spring storm develop in five seconds flat you'll know what I mean with that. Albedo is autumn because he's (a.) Born in autumn for them so I don't have a choice and (b.) Sits in between warm and cold personality-wise and can easily switch between the two, sometimes he's kind sometimes he's not but he tends to lean towards the colder side by default. So that would leave Alice's husband for winter and so guess what I did? I went full fantasy mode and made him a snow spirit of some sort. Snezhnayan dad ig. It would fit ngl a multicultural family suits them.
So I grabbed a base of Genshin's tall male model (thanks to @/moinii on Hoyolab for the base, very useful) and designed him myself. Paragraph post incoming because I must explain my every action like a criminal whenever I do these
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it's very much a beta design so if there's any design suggestions I'll be happy to put them in.
For reference these are his shoes since his coat covers most of them.
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My colour palette:
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I explained earlier that I came up with the idea for him to be a Snezhnayan snow spirit, fitting in with the winter aspect of the family's season-based theming that I came up with out of nowhere. Because of that he doesn't need a Vision (and thank god for that I don't want to draw one.) I also referenced a previous idea I had that he'd look closer to Albedo, being a sort of visual missing link between the family- as in, when all four of them are there, you can actually kind of tell that they're family.
I decided to try and look for any Slavic or Russian snow spirit mythology to see if I couldn't find a base. Surprisingly, there weren't many (probably because they had more focus on the harvest and summer seasons like most mythologies do.) The best i could find was the Mythology Wiki page for an entity known as the Zimadevushka, which from the description is an entity that uses attraction to lure people into the snow. While I wouldn't say they're the same as a Succubus, they're fairly similar in respects to their ability to shapeshift to fit someone's tastes. While Zimadevushka are usually female, there is a male version known as Zimamalchik, so that's what I based this fandesign off of. That said, I'm being tentative with this as I can't seem to find any other resources for this particular entity.
the Cicin wings were a personal choice. I wanted his back to be more interesting, and that's what I chose- despite the fact that he wouldn't nessecary need them, per se.
I found images online of 16th century Russian mens outfits and used the heavy coats as a basis for this. Although he is a Mondstadter, I wanted this to be his true form, what he looks like without any illusions. Although the original idea was more of a snowstorm spirit, I'm kinda attached to the idea of him being a Zimamalchik, since there's something romantic about an entity using love to lure others in being lured away from home by someone they themselves have fallen for.
For the brushes, I did this on Ibispaint, and while it was mostly just regular hard pen, (sizes 2.3 and 4.1 for the lineart) I used a watercolour pen for the shoes to try and convey the fact that they're furry shoes, and for the rings at the top of his shoes and the ends of his sleeves I used a crayon brush. The snowflakes I just used one of the stamp brushes, because I'm not a coward and take what I can get. His hair was modeled off my siblings' (shoutout Leo) because I wanted him to have fluffy hair. I didn't shade except for the highlights n stuff in the eyes because I wanted this to just be his base colours. And also because it took a day just to do the draft sketch so I wasn't gonna fuck around with the lineart and colour. The glasses were... Just because. I think he's cute with glasses. He's not jacked, just wearing a thick coat 😂
But yeah, my image of Alice's husband has been shaped by years of headcanons to try and make up for the empty space he's left in canon. To me he's a really nice guy who's a mediator. He was probably good friends with Ivanovna. My #1 headcanon for him is that he has more of a connection to Albedo than Alice does, but less so to Klee (although he'd gladly die for them both anyway.) While he's still sentimental about Snezhnaya, he's happy living in Mondstadt, especially since there he can get out of being drafted into the Fatui. While Alice is more connected to humanity, he's less so, which helps since he's taken up the mantle of a literal father figure for Albedo. 🤍 I realise he's not a talked about character at all but if anyone does have heacanons (or suggestions for design edits lmao) do tell!!! I can't be the only one thinking about this man can i
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aptericia · 1 year
The Tellius games!
Lol you caught me fast, I just deleted that post bc I realized most of it was shippy stuff and most of my answers would probably be like “idc”. Anyway, I love Tellius so here you go!
Fave character: ughhhhh don’t make me choose…. I feel like I ought to say Sanaki because she’s my icon, so we’ll go with that.
Least favorite character: hmmm I like most of the characters! I’ll say Geoffrey purely because he's incredibly boring (and his name is pronounced the Very Wrong and Incorrect Way)
5 favorite ships: Ike/Soren & Ike/Ranulf are good (although I don’t see them living together permanently), Jill/Lethe, Kieran/Oscar, and Edward/Leonardo. For shipping in general I care more about the characters interacting than the type of relationship, so any of these could be platonic or romantic (or something else)
Character I find most attractive: Nasir has my favorite design 😁
Character I would marry: none of them lmao, even non-romantically
Character I would be best friends with: Mordecai seems like a chill dude
a random thought: I headcanon that affinity is part of Tellius’s version of astrology, with different affinities supposedly “foretelling” things about the person’s personality, relationships, and destiny
An unpopular opinion: Ike is aroace. Apologies to all you Ike/Soren shippers, I think you're 100% valid and absolutely supported by the canon, but it's not my personal preference
My canon OTP: err... what canon pairings does Tellius even have? Calill/Largo ig?? Ena/Rajaion could be cute but we don't know much about them.
My non-canon OTP: ***sweats nervously*** Sephiran/Zelgius????? Seems messed up in the right ways for them.......
Most badass character: *sigh of relief* Caineghis! Badass fighter AND ruler :D
Most epic villian: I personally really like what they did with Jarod, although Sephiran is unquestionably more Epic
Pairing I am not a fan of: Ike/Elincia, Micaiah/Pelleas, Naesala/Leanne, Jill/Mist, Jill/Haar, a bunch more... (don't kill me plz)
Character I feel the writers screwed up: Petrine was fun but she kinda got on my nerves eventually. I feel like she was only given as much personality as the random chapter bosses (which is fine, some of them are great), but was forced into a larger role that made her look one-note and goofy.
Favorite friendship: Since I already mentioned Ike/Ranulf, I'll say Tormod/Muarim! Or since they're more like family than friends, I'll drop my personal hc friend ship of Jill/Zihark
Character I most identify with: Soren, probably. What can I say, I'm a moody teenager.
Character I wish I could be: none of them. But also Elinica.
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shiny-jr · 2 years
heard you were open to ideas on genshin~ thus i present to you: favored characters falling out of the player's favor.
ig this takes place in the "default" sagau where the player is just a guiding force/otherwordly entity that the playable cast is aware of but doesn't necessarily worship. imagine a player who has been maining/stanning this one unit for a ridiculously long time. as in their ingame pfp, namecard bg, and signature was dedicated to this one unit. but then the player hears of a new unit who is going to be released eventually.
normally this wouldn't be any threat to the favored char since the player has always stayed true to them even if they pulled on other banners. but this time, they overhear the player talking to their friends about how this new unit might just the One to kick them off first place.
the other chars might be a little smug at the favored char once they catch wind of this since its about time someone put them in their place, even if theyre bitter that a new char who isn't even aware of the player's existence gets their favor despite the existing chars trying their best to get the player's attention for more than a few moments at a time.
not necessarily a request, just some food for thought hehe
and no, this is totally not because ive been stanning zhongli ever since his debut and made his namecard my phone homescreen and ever since i saw the early ayato leaks have been going mmmm ayato 👀 maybe hes the One to kick zhongli off his spot
Okay, but this is actually low-key what I've been doing. See, I started genshin during the first Zhongli banner, so like November of 2020, but despite wishing for him until the very end, I never got him. I got another geo boy: Albedo, during his first banner. I didn't love him, I actually kinda disliked him in the beginning but he grew on me with his story quest and event. People said I acted like him, which is ironic considering he was like my main. I don't plan to change my profile picture, which is Albedo, but I've been using him less and less on my team. Not to mention Ayato coming out soon.
I don't even like Ayato, personality and design-wise, at least at the moment. The only reason I'm even considering wishing for him is because he looks like a very useful hydro user, and he's voiced by Chris Hackney aka the guy who voiced the feral blonde Dimitri from Fire Emblem Three Houses. Chris Hackney now having a character and Enjou talking, were what brought me back to genshin after maybe a few months of not playing. But maybe I’ll skip him, who knows? 
Anyways, imagine taking a character off your team and they’re so angry with themselves/or confused/or broken-hearted. Until eventually you start seeing them in random places around the map. Is there an event because why is Kaeya just at the statue of the seven in Windrise? Why is Zhongli at your wishing spot? Etc. Whoever it was you took off your team, they're now just appearing at your favorite locations and they have dialogue lines you've never heard of.
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