#kimmy farm
thekimspoblog · 7 days
I've been sort of circling this point for a while now. But given how many remakes of public domain stories Hollywood has been putting out recently, I think it's kind of weird we haven't gotten any Animal Farm trailers yet.
Revolutions are hard, and ugly, and even if you win it's an uphill battle not repeating the mistakes of the previous regime. These are themes which are incredibly relevant right now, and yet most of the movies that have come out in the past 5 years discuss the overthrow of tyrants in very black-and-white terms, if at all.
I think what's important to keep in mind is that the farm WASN'T doomed from the start. That while the story has a downer ending, the idea that revolution is a crapshoot is a thought-terminating cliché and misunderstands the point of the book. There were times where it seemed like everything could have worked out for the better... then Snowball was chased off by Napoleon, and the focus shifted from citizen welfare to competing in the human economy, and a caste system began to reemerge. These were tangible missteps which give the reader a deeper appreciation for how hard it is to establish a true democracy. We study dystopias to think critically about or imaginings of utopia, not to simply bum ourselves out.
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North To The Future [Chapter 7: King Of Wishful Thinking]
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The year is 1999. You are just beginning your veterinary practice in Juneau, Alaska. Aegon is a mysterious, troubled newcomer to town. You kind of hate him. You are also kind of obsessed with him. Falling for him might legitimately ruin your life…but can you help it? Oh, and there’s a serial killer on the loose known only as the Ice Fisher.
Chapter warnings: Language, alcoholism, addiction, murder, discussions of sex, outdoor excursions, Trent being the Hulk, Sunfyre sightings, emotional outbursts, a late-night phone call, a wild traumatic backstory appears! Also I have bronchitis and wrote this while very heavily medicated, in my Aegon Era you could say.
Word count: 6.7k.
Link to chapter list (and all my writing): HERE.
Taglist: ​​​@elsolario​ @meadowofsinfulthoughts​ @ladylannisterxo​ @doingfondue​ @tclegane​ @quartzs-posts​ @liathelioness​ @aemcndtargaryen​ @thelittleswanao3​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @b1gb3anz​ @hinata7346​ @poohxlove​ @borikenlove​ @myspotofcraziness​ @travelingmypassion​ @graykageyama​ @skythighs​ @lauraneedstochill​ @darlingimafangirl​ @charenlie​ @thewew​ @eddies-bat-tattoos​ @minttea07​ @joliettes​ @trifoliumviridi​ @bornbetter​ @flowerpotmage​ @thewitch-lives​ 
Please let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist! 💜
When you return from helping to deliver a calf on Mr. Campbell’s reindeer farm, you find Aegon in the vet clinic lobby. He is squaring up with Jennifer; the heap of twenty-dollar bills he stacks on the counter are crisp and uncrumpled, very much unlike his usual currency. He counts until he gets to $300 and then tucks his thin, tattered wallet into the back pocket of his jeans. He’s wearing half of his hair in a man bun again, along with his long-sleeve shirt that’s striped with black and white: night and stars, ink and snow. He startles when he turns to leave and sees you.
“How did you get that?”
“I told you,” Aegon says. “I sold a kidney. The slicing part was unpleasant, but I feel so much lighter now.”
“No, really.”
He shrugs nonchalantly. He seems mostly sober. “I pawned something.”
“Pawned what?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does.”
“It honestly doesn’t.”
“What do you own that’s worth that much…?” You glance through the window. His green Nova is straddling two spaces in the parking lot, illuminated by dim melancholy streetlights. If it wasn’t the car, what was it? What the hell was it?
Aegon holds his hands open, empty. “You wanted me to pay you back. Now you’re mad that I paid you back. I don’t know how to win with you, Appletini.”
The words themselves are irritated, he should sound irritated; but he just sounds sad. A heavy quilt of silence settles over the lobby. Your gaze is tangled up in his: blue, oceanic, mottled like a bruise. Jen watches from behind the front desk with huge, zooming eyes. She clears her throat to get your attention. Bear mace! she mouths, pointing at your purse.
You shake off your paralysis. “I’m sorry,” you tell Aegon. “Thanks for the money.”
He rubs the back of his neck anxiously. “Do you want to get a drink or something? Maybe talk…about…things…?”
“No. I’m covered in reindeer placenta.”
“Fine.” He blows by you, yanks open the front door, and is gone before you can take it back.
What’s there to talk about? you think, trying to convince yourself that you made the right decision. He’s still with Kimmie, I’m still with Trent, his time in Juneau is still ticking down towards zero. And yet, as his Nova swerves out of the parking lot, you feel an ache in your bones like a fracture.
“You okay?” Jen asks.
“Yeah. Can I get that $300?”
Confused but ever-compliant, Jen hands you the $300 in twenties.
“Do I have any more appointments this afternoon?”
“No, Ms. Flynn just called to reschedule Hyacinth’s yearly checkup.”
Oh yes, Hyacinth the semi-tamed opossum. Not your favorite client. “Perfect. Let’s close up a little early. I need to go home and scrub the blood out of my hair.”
In the midst of the steam and the pounding rainfall of the shower, you turn it over and over again in your mind: What did he pawn? What did he risk losing to pay me back? Reindeer blood, viscous and lifegiving, turns the soap bubbles dark pink as they are sucked down the drain. It’s not until you step out onto the bathmat and catch a glimpse of your reflection in the fogged mirror—of the foamy white flecks of soap still dappling your throat like pearls—that you remember the gold chain necklace Aegon wore to Thanksgiving dinner.
$300? you think doubtfully. A pawn shop will only loan someone a portion of the value of the item they hold as collateral, rarely more than half. Usually much less. Is that chain worth $600, $800, $1,000? Maybe. If it’s real gold. You don’t want to imagine how Aegon ended up with something like that. There’s no honorable answer. You throw on jeans and a chunky royal blue sweater and head out to your Jeep Cherokee.
There is only one pawn shop in Juneau, which makes things easy. You arrive ten minutes before closing time. Sure enough, store owner Mark Morehouse confirms your hypothesis: a peculiar white-haired out-of-towner showed up earlier today, offered a gold chain, received cash in return.
“But I didn’t give him $300,” Mark says. “I gave him $500.”
“$500?!” you exclaim. “You really think that necklace is worth a grand?”
“A couple grand, more likely. Haven’t gotten a proper appraisal yet.”
“Well…” You count every last cent of cash you have in your purse. The cannister of bear mace clatters as you dig through gum wrappers, pens, tissues, strawberry Creme Savers, crinkled receipts. “I can give you $410 now and a solemn vow to settle the balance later. Plus interest, of course.”
Indisputably, it is a breach of pawn shop ethics to let one customer walk out with another’s collateral before they’ve had adequate opportunity to pay back the loan. But Mark grew up with your parents, just like Dale did, and Heather’s parents, and Joyce’s parents, and half of your vet clinic clients, on and on until Juneau feels less like a city than an inescapably embroiled web. Everybody knows everybody…though not well enough to recognize the face of a killer. You explain to Mark that the white-haired out-of-towner is in fact a friend, and one that you are trying to do a favor for. He gives you the gold chain necklace in exchange for your cash and your word. It’s worth a lot around here. Vince and Debbie are good, honest people; surely their daughter must be too.
“Be careful,” Mark calls after you as you depart. “Until they catch that murderer, you shouldn’t be running around town alone after dark. And you definitely shouldn’t be getting too cozy with strangers.”
“Aegon’s not a stranger,” you say, smiling a little as you linger in the doorway. “Not anymore.”
Once you’re back in your Jeep, you turn on the heat and the interior light and inspect the chain more closely. It definitely feels expensive: heavy, flawless, golden links that are smooth like butter when you thread them between your fingers. On the long rectangular clasp, you find this engraved in artful cursive letters:
Happy birthday, dearest Aegon!
You flip the clasp over. There are three more words on the back, accompanied by—however bizarrely—a tiny praying mantis.
Much love, Helaena
“Helaena?” you say to no one as your Jeep idles outside the pawn shop. “Who the fuck is Helaena?!”
You have no right to be jealous, and yet you can feel the dark green poison of it growing into you like ivy: needling through joints, cracking bones, drinking up rust-scarlet marrow. You hate how much you want him. You hate that so many people on this planet carry pieces of him that you will never know. You shift your Jeep into drive and glide through the night towards his apartment building.
You shouldn’t go up there, you tell yourself as you park under a streetlight. He might be busy. He might not be alone. He might be with Kimmie.
But maybe that’s what part of you is hoping for. Maybe you’re looking for a chance to interrupt them, to stop them, to work up the courage to tell Kimmie the truth. She would listen if you told her, you believe that wholeheartedly; Kimmie has never been malicious, only self-involved, only shallow in a way that can be frustrating but also somehow pure. You always know exactly what Kimmie’s intentions are. She is as clear as still water, as glass.
As it turns out, Aegon is alone in his apartment. When you turn the spare key he gave you in the lock and open the front door, you find him sprawled on the couch and three rum and Cokes deep. He’s watching reruns of the X-Files. He yelps in surprise, flails, rolls onto the floor with a loud thud.
“Hi,” you say. Sunfyre frolics over to greet you, barking gleefully. You stroke his silky amber fur and scratch his ears, admiring the neat faint line of the scar on his muzzle. It was excellent suturing, you have to admit to yourself. It was a job well done.
“Jesus Christ, I thought you might be…” Aegon shakes his head as he lurches to his feet. “Never mind.”
“No. Kimmie wouldn’t break and enter. And she doesn’t have a key.”
You stare at each other across the sparce room, silent except for the X-Files, the clacking of Sunfyre’s nails on the hardwood floor, the swishing of his tail. Then you toss Aegon the necklace. He grabs it out of the air, the shock blatant on his face. “You lied again.”
“About what?” he says, puzzled.
“You are married.”
Aegon remembers the engraving and then chuckles in relief. “Helaena’s not my wife. She’s my sister.”
“Oh.” This is interesting. This is a rare divulgence; you don’t intend to waste it. “Older or younger?”
“Is Helaena your only sibling?”
“Too many questions.” He holds up the necklace. “Why did you pay to get this back?”
“I decided I didn’t want your money. You don’t seem to have an abundance of it, and I wouldn’t want to deprive you and Sunfyre of anything. Food. Rent. Condoms. Rum and Cokes.”
“That’s very thoughtful. My nonexistent illegitimate children send their regards.” He considers you. “I can’t give you the rest of the $500 yet. I don’t have it on me anymore.”
“Forget about the money. You need it far more than I do.”
He seems to find this amusing, though you aren’t sure why. “That’s fair, I guess.”
“Why do you hate Microsoft so much?”
Aegon is taken aback; he wasn’t expecting that. He finds his footing. “With computers and the internet, there are no more secrets, no more mysteries. I think the world is a more interesting place when you still have room to wonder. You shouldn’t be able to get all the answers to life’s thorniest predicaments from a cold white screen. You should have to go out and find them yourself. You should have to pay sweat and blood for them.”
“How contrarian. Self-righteous, even.”
He smiles. “That’s the Aquarius in me.”
You smile back, unable to help it. “Are you coming tomorrow?” Tomorrow is Saturday, December 11th. Heather has planned a hiking excursion in the Tongass National Forest; it’s forecasted to be unseasonably warm, 40 degrees by noon, practically balmy by Alaskan standards. You’ll have a few hours of daylight to enjoy before sunset around 3 p.m. And since the Juneau Police Department is adamant that no one traverses the trails alone until the Ice Fisher is apprehended…a group outing is both a welcome excuse to socialize and the only sensible option.
“I don’t know.” Aegon is avoidant; he stuffs the chain necklace into his jeans pocket and reties his man bun. “Do you want me to go?”
He raises an eyebrow.
“I mean, I don’t not want you to go, but I also don’t want you to go. I don’t care, that’s what I mean. I have no preference.”
“I want you to do whatever you want to do.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to intrude, so I don’t want to go if you don’t want me there.”
“I’m not saying I don’t want you to go hiking, I’m just saying I also don’t not want you to go hiking.”
He sighs dramatically. “You are being remarkably unhelpful.”
“I’m sure Kimmie would like you to attend,” you jibe.
He throws up his hands, exasperated. “She probably would!”
“She hasn’t mentioned it?”
“Kimmie and I don’t do much…um…talking.”
You frown sullenly at the scuffed, dusty floor. “Awesome.”
“Oh yeah, I’m sure you and Trent have lots of profound conversations when you hang out,” Aegon snaps. “You talk about science and animals and Ricky Martin and travelling the world and he talks about…what? Commercial fishing? Godzilla?”
“Steak tacos, mostly.”
That’s supposed to be a joke, but no one laughs. You actually wince at it. Aegon swallows noisily. He starts to say something, stops, starts again, gives up. He comes to you and points to your left hand. “Do you mind?”
You offer it freely. He massages your hand until it is supple and relaxed, gently bends and flexes your fingers, and then runs his calloused fingerprints down the lines of your palm as he studies them. You feel it everywhere: a cool tingling that shoots up your forearm, a jolt down your spine, the quickening of your heartbeat, a fresh wave of longing that crashes into you like the ocean against rocks. Why do I still want this? Why can’t I, after everything that’s happened, just learn how to hate him?
Aegon smirks crookedly. “It says you want me to go hiking tomorrow.”
“Who am I to disagree with an illustrious Taco Bell medium?”
Aegon drops your hand. “Is Trent going?”
“Yeah, that’s the plan.”
He nods. “I’ll be there.”
“Okay. Fine.”
You give Sunfyre a parting kiss on the top of his head and turn to go…but your eyes catch on the magnets that clutter Aegon’s refrigerator, the vestiges of cities and experiences and women that he’s collected like seashells from the types of beaches you’ve never been to.
San Diego, you think vaguely, wistfully, looking at the splashing dolphin magnet. That’s where he said his favorite beach is.
“…You alright?” Aegon asks tentatively, following your eyeline.
Not really. Not anymore. You leave without answering him.
“Truth or dare?” Kimmie asks, grinning from across the flames.
You’re gathered around a crackling campfire, sitting on stumps and felled logs; Trent rolled over an impressively massive one for you and him to share. Aegon is next to Kimmie, Joyce is next to Rob, and Heather is once again lamenting her awkward singleness. There’s snow on the ground, though it’s squishy and melting under the short-lived midday sun. There are hotdogs and marshmallows being roasted on sticks; bags of hotdog buns, graham crackers, and Hershey’s chocolate are passed around in a never-ending rotation. As far as drinks, mostly everyone is sticking to Surge and Snapple. Trent has had a few Heinekens. Aegon is pouring spiced rum from a Captain Morgan bottle into his half-drank cans of Coke. Heather’s battery-powered yellow Sony boombox is playing a Go West cassette tape. Their biggest hit, King Of Wishful Thinking, thrums through the forest of towering pine trees. Sunfyre—wearing a jacket and dog boots so snow doesn’t get impacted between his footpads—romps blissfully around the woods, eating fallen bits of hotdogs and graham crackers whenever the opportunity presents itself.
“Seriously?” Heather says. “Are we twelve years old? We’re not playing truth or dare.”
“Come on, please?” Kimmie presses her palms together as if in prayer, like she’s the patron saint of indecent party games. “It’ll be fun. It’ll be so fun.”
“I’m game,” Trent says.
“Me too!” Rob adds, gnawing on his fourth hotdog.
Joyce bites into a s’more, gooey chocolate-stained marshmallow oozing out from between the graham crackers. “I decline to participate.”
“You can’t decline,” Kimmie pouts. She peers around for inspiration, then spots the creek babbling a few yards away. She announces triumphantly: “You can only surrender!”
Joyce blinks at her. “Explain.”
“If anyone refuses to play, they have to dunk their face in the water for five seconds.”
“But it’s freezing cold!”
“You are a menace to civilized society,” Heather tells Kimmie. “You should be on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. Right next to Osama bin Laden.”
“Who?” Trent asks.
“He’s behind bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa,” you explain. “Killed hundreds of people.”
Trent smiles at you proudly, drapes a heavy arm across your shoulders, pulls you in close and kisses your temple. “You’re too fucking smart, you know that?” You giggle dutifully but lean away from him, mortified. Aegon mixes more rum into his Coke can. “She’s so fly. I’m always learning new stuff from her.”
“Oh yeah? Getting some quality anatomy lessons?” Rob teases.
Trent brays out laughter and flips his hair. “Man, I wish. No anatomy lessons yet. But, you know…Christmas is right around the corner…it’s a very romantic time of year…maybe I’ll find her wrapped in a bow under a Christmas tree.”
“Please shut up immediately,” Heather says, disgusted. “You’re my brother. I don’t want to know about your sex life. I barely want to know about your non-sex-related life.” Aegon casts her a rare glance of approval, of gratitude. You can relate; you’re feeling pretty grateful too.
“So we’re playing truth or dare?” Kimmie prompts.
“I’m willing if everyone else is,” you say. Kimmie, ecstatic, leaps out of her seat and sprints around the campfire to hug you before returning to her log.
Aegon slurps on his unorthodox rum and Coke. “Same.”
Joyce groans. “Fine, I guess I’ll play.”
“Okay,” Heather relents. “If it will make you happy, Kimmie, then I’ll mentally transport myself back to the dark days of middle school and play this asinine game with you.”
“Yay!” Kimmie cheers. “Okay, I’ll start.” Her mischievous gaze travels around the circle. You try to appear inconspicuous by focusing your attention on your s’more. “Rob, truth or dare?”
“Dare,” he says, sitting up straighter and grinning enthusiastically.
“Go lick a tree.”
You burst out laughing; this really is so middle school.
“A tree?” Rob says, already scoping out the selection.
“Yup. A tree. Any tree.”
Rob stands, plods through the snow to a monstrous pine tree, and takes a long, slow lick of the bark. Everyone applauds his commitment. He returns to sit beside Joyce, who gives him a smile so swift it’s almost imperceivable. Joyce likes to pretend she’s above silliness—and maybe she is most of the time—but she’s still human.
“So you choose the next victim,” Kimmie instructs Rob.
“Okay, let’s see…” He makes a great show of scrutinizing everyone else before coming back to Joyce. “Darling Joyce, truth or dare?”
“If you try to make me lick something, I’ll stab you with your own hotdog stick.”
Rob smiles placidly. “Does that mean you’re choosing dare?”
“Yeah, I’ll choose dare. Only because Heather thinks I wouldn’t.”
“I am shocked,” Heather says, deadpan. “My heart just stopped. Someone resuscitate me.”
Rob thinks, tapping his bearded chin. “Hmm. Okay, Joyce, I dare you to stand on this log and serenade us with the entire Friends theme song.”
“No,” Joyce gasps, horrified.
“She can’t,” Heather says. “She’s allergic to fun and spontaneity.”
“I’ll do it,” Joyce huffs. She balances on top of the log and sings—even managing a few reluctant dance moves—while the rest of you clap at the appropriate moments: “So no one told you life was going to be this way…your job’s a joke, you’re broke, you’re love life’s DOA…”
“Who do you choose, Joyce?” Kimmie asks when the song has ended.
“Heather, obviously.” She is delighted, anticipating revenge. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth,” Heather says primly, winking as she sips her can of Surge.
“You bitch! Who’s allergic to fun now?!”
“So ask me a fun question.”
Joyce sighs in defeat. “What are the five best books you’ve ever read?”
“You’re pathetic.”
“I need new reading material…!”
Next, Heather dares Kimmie to get a Sharpie tattoo drawn on her face—producing a black marker from her hiking backpack—though she gives Kimmie the generous courtesy of choosing the artist herself. Kimmie asks Aegon to do it. He sketches a cartoonish little dragon on her right cheek. He’s wearing all black again: black parka, black turtleneck, black jeans, black combat boots. You pet Sunfyre while Aegon draws on Kimmie’s cheek with his right hand, holding her face still with his left. You hate seeing him touch her. The blood burns in your own face, in your throat, in your lungs, all over.
“It’s getting warm by the fire,” you say casually, and start taking off your parka; you still have a turquoise sweater and white thermal T-shirt on underneath.
“Here, let me help you…” Trent reaches over and tugs at your parka, his large hands forceful and intrusive somehow.
“I got it.”
“Just let me—”
“Trent, I got it!” you insist. He lifts his hands away in capitulation. Aegon has stopped drawing Kimmie’s dragon and is watching Trent, who fortunately doesn’t seem very offended. You finish taking off your parka and fold it up neatly, setting it beside you on the log. Sunfyre whimpers until you resume petting him. There is an uncomfortable lull; Joyce assembles another s’more, Heather pretends to inspect her chipping nail polish, the hotdog Rob is roasting catches on fire and he flings it into a snowbank. Aegon looks back to Kimmie and finishes her dragon, tucking the Sharpie absentmindedly into his jeans pocket once he’s done.
“Trent,” Kimmie says. “Truth or dare?”
“Dare, totally!”
“Hmm…” She wordlessly deliberates. “Oh, I know! I dare you to make out with the most beautiful girl here.” She beams, sweetly, innocuously. She thinks she’s giving you a compliment. Aegon’s jaw falls open and he glares at her, furious. Before Kimmie can notice, he clears his face and takes a swig of rum straight from the bottle.
Trent chuckles. “Easiest dare I’ve ever agreed to.” And then he turns towards you.
“Wait, right now?” you say nervously. “In front of everybody?”
“Or Trent can always dunk his face in the creek,” Heather suggests. Joyce nods along.
“Not necessary at all,” Trent replies cheerfully. “Right, babe?”
What can you say?
No, you think abruptly, jarringly. I don’t want him to touch me. I could say no.
But there’s something that stops you from refusing…or, more accurately, several things. Firstly, you can’t really refuse without making it evident to everyone that you are less than smitten with Trent. Secondly, if you’re going to be forced to watch Aegon have his hands all over Kimmie, the least you can do in return is stop pushing Trent’s away. And lastly…
I don’t want to make Trent angry. I don’t know what he’s capable of when he’s angry.
You can’t bring yourself to believe that Trent is a serial killer, his size 12 L.L.Bean boots notwithstanding; in your estimation, he lacks the brutality, the cunningness, the strategic thinking. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of hurting someone. That doesn’t mean you have no reasons to fear him.
“Okay,” you tell Trent, conjuring up a timid smile. “But, like, thirty seconds tops. PG-13, not R.”
“You got it.” He flips his hair off his forehead, grips your face rather roughly, and kisses you. His lips are soft and warm, but ravenously hungry; his tongue pushes into your mouth and explores you like a conqueror. He doesn’t try to feel you up—thank God—but one hand drops down to slink around your waist. You try to act like you’re enjoying this; but when Trent finally pulls away, your expression is palpably ashamed. You chug half a can of Surge to wash him out of you.
“Aww, no, she’s embarrassed!” Kimmie cries. She rushes over and squeezes in beside you on the edge of the log, constricting you in a familiar and theatrical embrace, stroking your hair. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You can’t help but feel better. Kimmie has no boundaries, that’s true, but it’s not universally a bad thing. Aegon takes another swallow of his rum. He looks shellshocked; he looks despondent.
“My turn to pick someone now, right?” Trent says.
“Right,” Kimmie concurs.
“Babe,” he says to you. “Truth or dare?”
“Oh, definitely truth.” Everyone laughs…well, everyone except Aegon. He’s watching you now, chewing the corner of his bottom lip. His eyes are intense, dark, seeking. His wayward lock of white-blond hair rests on his cheek.
Trent asks you: “What is your ultimate fantasy?”
“Stop!” Heather begs her brother. “Stop being so…so…so slutty!”
“He didn’t say sexual fantasy,” Joyce counters. “She could tell us that her ultimate fantasy is moving to Los Angeles and becoming a vet to celebrities. She could work on those tiny purse dogs all day. Maybe she could even meet Ricky Martin.”
“Yeah,” Trent agrees, though perhaps halfheartedly. “Whatever kind of fantasy.”
You ponder this for a while before you speak. “I want to lie on the beach in San Diego, California. I want to hear the waves crashing and feel the sun beating down on me. And I want to throw fish to the sea lions and watch them waddle around, barking like dogs. That’s my fantasy. Oh, and I want to eat like a million tacos. Not Taco Bell tacos, real tacos.”
“Okay, but Ricky Martin would be there too, right?” Rob jokes, eliciting laughter from everyone except Aegon.
“Naked,” Joyce adds.
“Sure.” You smile a little pensively, a little mournfully. “Why not? Ricky Martin can be there too. It’s just a fantasy, after all. It’s not real.”
“Why haven’t you gone there yet, babe?” Trent asks sympathetically, scoring himself several good boyfriend points.
“Well, you know…there’s the vet clinic…and my family…the timing has just never been right.”
“You’ll go to San Diego one day,” Heather promises.
Kimmie nuzzles against you, resting her head on your shoulder. “She hasn’t gone yet because she’s a mature, responsible person, truly the best of us.”
“Because she’s a coward,” Aegon mutters.
Everyone goes quiet and stares at him. Aegon looks stunned, like he hadn’t intended to say that out loud. Sunfyre snorts and canters off into the woods.
“What?” you say.
Aegon shakes his head. “Nothing.”
“No, really. What did you just say?”
Rob tries to broker a peace. “It doesn’t matter—”
“It does matter.” Your voice is dark like night, cutting like glass. “You think it’s cowardly to have responsibilities? You think it’s cowardly to care about other people?”
Aegon gulps down more rum and glares at you through the campfire flames. “I think it’s cowardly to blame other people for your lack of a spine, yeah.”
“Aegon!” Kimmie scolds harshly, incredulously.
Trent begins: “Hey, man, not cool—”
“You know what’s really cowardly?” you level at Aegon like the barrel of a gun. “Spending your entire life running away from things—things that are worthwhile, things that you want, things that you are desperate for—because you’re too fucking weak to cope with the possibility of losing them.”
And then you stand, tearing away from Kimmie and Trent when they try to stop you. You flee into the trees, scalding tears brimming in your eyes. Branches rip at you; one carves a shallow gash across your cheek just below your left eye. Snow collapses under your boots.
Faintly, you can hear Aegon saying to the others: “I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll apologize.” And a few moments later, rapidly approaching: “Hey! Stop! Hey!”
“Leave me alone!” you scream over your shoulder. You run until you trip over a gnarled tree root and fall to the ground, sobbing, wet, cold, miserable.
Aegon catches up to you and bends over, gasping for air, his hands on his knees. Even from several feet away, you can smell the rum sweating out of him. “Are you psychotic?! You can’t just run off into the woods by yourself, there’s a killer on the loose!”
“Like you’d care if I got murdered!” you shout up at him. “It’d be the best day of your life, then you’d be free to fuck whoever you want and drink yourself to death without the inconvenience of having to be around me, boring, uptight, accountable, revoltingly cowardly me—!”
“God, you’re so fucking stupid—”
“Why are you even still here?! You could be jetting off to some other city, some other new adventure, you could leave anytime you wanted, so why if you hate me so much are you still here?!”
“Because I’m stuck here now!” he roars.
That doesn’t make any sense. That’s incompatible with absolutely everything about him. “Why?!”
He stands up straight and rubs his face with both hands. He’s calmer now; he’s trying to compose himself. His eyes are glistening, you realize. His cheeks are flushed. “Because of the Ice Fisher.”
“What are you talking about?”
He struggles to get it out. “I can’t leave…you…here…alone…until they catch whoever the killer is.”
You gaze up at him, not understanding. “Why do you care about what happens to me?”
“I think the answer to that is really obvious.”
“No, it’s not, because you don’t like me, you don’t respect me, you don’t want me—”
“I want you all the time,” Aegon says, and the feverish words in your throat vanish. “All the time. I pass out at night wanting you, I wake up hungover wanting you, I want you all the fucking time. I want you in the vet clinic, I want you in the bar, I want you in my apartment, I want you in the middle of the woods, I never for a single solitary goddamn second stop wanting you, and it’s hell, in case you’re wondering. But that’s not good enough for you. So now I’m the idiot. I’m never the one who gets left. I’m the one who leaves people, I’m the one who packs my bags in the middle of the night and catches a flight to the next city, I’m the one who runs away. It’s always me. But I showed you who I am and you couldn’t leave fast enough.”
Oh god, you realize. I can’t stop forgiving him. I can’t stop wanting him. I love him, I love him, I love him. “I wasn’t leaving you, Aegon. I was trying to fix you.”
“I’m not fixable!”
“But why?”
“I’m just not, I never have been, I’m never going to be. I can’t magically transform myself into the person you wish I was. Believe me, I would if I could, but I can’t. And I can’t stay here forever. I’m on a clock, I’m always on a goddamn clock. I’m just hoping they arrest the Ice Fisher before…before…” He trails off, staring vacantly into the wilderness.
“Before what?”
He says nothing. You haul yourself out of the snow and go to him. “Your face…” he whispers, touching the cut just beneath your eye.
“Before what, Aegon?” you ask, you plead. “I want to help you. I want to understand. What are you so afraid of? What is it? What the hell is it?”
He takes several steps away from you, looks down at his boots, stays that way for what feels like forever. “Okay,” he begins at last, his voice shaking.
Oh my god, he’s finally going to tell me. He really is. You brace yourself for the inevitable: he’s married, he’s a father, he’s being pursued by drug lords he’s indebted to, he’s a criminal, he’s a con artist, he’s a killer.
“My dad was the first investor in Microsoft.”
Your mind goes blank like a chalkboard wiped clean. “Microsoft…the…the company that’s worth $600 billion…?”
“Yeah. That one.” He gestures randomly. “My dad is a venture capitalist. So he owns equity stakes in a bunch of different businesses. When Bill Gates was just starting out, he and his partners needed money, so my dad invested and they gave him equity in return. A healthy slice of equity, because they weren’t worth anything yet. And so…as the company grew…”
“Wait, you’re a…?” You gawk at him. “You’re a…billionaire?!”
“Not me,” Aegon says. “Them! They’re the billionaires. Not me. I’m just a guy.”
“You are them, Aegon, because you’re the same people, you’re…you’re…”
“No, I’m not, because I left. I left when I was nineteen and I’ve never been back since. That was six years ago. Almost exactly six years ago.”
“You grew up in Miami,” you say, your voice sounding very far away.
“Yeah. Gorgeous mansion on the ocean, boarding schools, yachts, golfing, parties with lobster and prime rib, all of it.”
“And you left…because…?”
“Because I was the oldest son and the heir to the empire, and I didn’t want any of it. I didn’t want to live in a suit, I didn’t want to stare at a screen all day, I didn’t want to spend my life scheming, counting, networking, grasping. And I was no good at anything. I was an abject failure by any possible metric, and everyone knew it. All I ever wanted to do was work outside where I could see the sun and the stars, drink, get high, play guitar and sing punk rock songs. All I wanted to do was live. So I left. There’s more to it than that—a lot more to it—but now you know where I came from. I’ve never told anybody that. Not once in the last six years.”
“You don’t talk to anyone from Miami? Ever? No letters, postcards, phone calls, nothing?”
“You don’t ever miss your family?”
He smiles grimly. “I’m glad that you’ve lived the kind of life that makes it next to impossible for you to comprehend why someone would want to run away from home and never look back. Really, I’m genuinely happy for you. But that’s just not my reality.”
The revelation hits you like a fist. “They’re still searching for you.”
Aegon nods. “One of them in particular.”
“Then who?”
“I don’t want to tell you that.” He glances at your cut again and shudders. “I don’t know how he’s finding me. But he is. I’ve seen him twice.”
“Twice? Since you left home…?”
“He didn’t see me, but I saw him. From a distance both times. Once in Phoenix, once in San Francisco. Both around the six month mark. If I stay too long in one place, he finds me. And if he ever gets ahold of me, I won’t be able to stop him from dragging me back home. Nothing on earth can stop him when he wants something.”
“How can you be so sure it was him?” you say. “If it was from far away, maybe you were just imagining it…maybe you saw someone who looked kind of like him, and because you’re so afraid of being found you thought it was him, but it wasn’t really—”
“He’s very distinct looking. Very, very distinct looking. There’s no mistaking him.” Aegon picks up a handful of clean snow, takes a small clump of it between his fingers, wipes the length of your cut with it gently, carefully. It soothes the stinging. It cools the roaring blood in your face. “Every year there are less and less people without internet. If someone Googles my last name, my family is the first result that pops up. Articles about my father’s success, my mother’s grace and beauty and philanthropy, the socialite daughter, the degenerate eldest son. One day there will be nowhere left to hide.”
“You never tried to change your name?”
“To legally change my name, I’d have to publish a public announcement so creditors—or anyone else—can come forward and object to it if they have a reason. The media would pick it up. There would be headlines, news commentators, maybe even court hearings. My family would find out, and they would come get me.”
“They’re that determined? They’re that capable?”
“One of them, yes.”
“You can’t stay in Juneau,” you say, your voice splintering like thin ice.
“No, I can’t. Not forever. But hopefully long enough make sure you’ll be safe once I’m gone.”
You look at him. “Do you have any idea who the Ice Fisher could be?”
He shrugs, like if he ignores the possibility he can make it disappear. “Not really. I guess…I guess have one person I’m concerned about. I don’t really think it’s him, I can’t bring myself to believe that, I never thought he was capable of violence before, but now…now…something about him worries me. It keeps me awake at night.” He pauses. “It scares the hell out of me, because he’s so close to you.”
Trent. He means Trent. And I can’t disagree. “I don’t know what to do about him.”
“Don’t make him angry,” Aegon says urgently. “I’m not saying you have to do anything with him that you don’t want to, no, he doesn’t own you, he shouldn’t bully you into anything. I’m just saying to avoid confrontations. And try not to be alone with him.”
“I understand. I won’t make him angry.”
Aegon takes the Sharpie out of his pocket. “Here. Give me your arm.” You do so without any hesitation. He considers your left palm, then decides against it: too noticeable, too easy to get smudged. He pushes your sleeve up to your elbow and writes a phone number across the soft skin of your forearm in black ink. “This is for if he ever tries to do anything that you’re not cool with. Or if you just need to talk. Okay?”
“Okay,” you agree quietly.
He puts the cap on the Sharpie and tucks it away again. Out of the trees appears Sunfyre, panting and jubilant to see you both. He accepts pats and scratches and then heads back towards the campfire. You and Aegon follow him, walking close enough to touch each other but not daring to.
“You’re alive!” Heather rejoices when she sees you. And then she glowers at Aegon. “Get over here. I’m going to gut you like a deer, Greek boy.”
“It’s fine,” you say. “We talked, we’re friends again, everything’s good.”
“Really?” Kimmie asks hopefully.
“Yup,” Aegon says, standing beside her but making no eye contact.
“You better be.” Trent grins, hugs you—lifting you clear off the ground—and then notices where the branch gashed your cheek. “What happened to your face, babe?”
“Just a tree. I ran into it, it’s my fault. I can clean it up when I get home.”
“That’s the great thing about being a doctor,” Trent says brightly. “Even an animal doctor. You can fix almost anything yourself.”
You glance at Aegon, heavy with a steely grey fog like grief. “Yes. Almost anything.”
You ride home the same way you arrived to the hiking expedition, with Trent and Heather; Aegon and Sunfyre leave in Kimmie’s pink Land Cruiser. When you get inside, the first thing you do is write down Aegon’s phone number on a Post-it note and stick it inside the top drawer of your nightstand. You shower, tend to your shallow cut—“not too bad, ladybug,” your dad offers supportively, “not too bad at all”—and help your mom make dinner: reindeer sausage from Mr. Campbell’s farm, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, broccolini, homemade chocolate bread for dessert. Not quite prime rib and lobster, you think dazedly, your mind swimming.
Hours later, as you lay in bed gazing up at your ceiling, you can’t stop hearing what Aegon said, his voice deep and raw and achingly beautiful. I want you all the time. I never for a single solitary goddamn second stop wanting you.
You get out the Post-it note, pick up the phone on top of your nightstand, dial the number for Aegon’s shabby little apartment on the other side of Juneau. He answers almost immediately. He’s very tipsy, but alert.
“Hi,” you say softly, and only silence follows. You wring the phone’s blue spiral cord between restless fingers. “It’s—”
“I know who it is.” Now you can hear that he’s smiling. “What can I do for you, Appletini?”
“Tell me about San Diego.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Everything,” you say. And then again: “Everything.”
And that’s exactly what he does: he paints a vision with his words, he tells you about driving through the Mars-red canyons and peaks of the Laguna Mountains until you crest the top and see the Pacific Ocean, endless and sapphire blue and glittering under sunlight that bakes the shadows from your bones. He tells you about the surfers, the dolphins, the cliffsides, the sea lions, the sailboats, the hot air balloons and kites and parasailers, the historic district of the city that still remembers its origins as a Spanish fort and mission. You can almost see it; you can almost reach out and touch it.
You listen to Aegon until you fall asleep, the phone tumbling out of your grasp and onto the pillow beside you; and even then, your dreams are filled with him.
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kfvarela · 5 months
My top 23 from 2023
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1. Daenerys and Isolda, her maid, have a conversation
#Drogo household #Daenerys #Isolda
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2. Noah having coffee
#Noah #Kim household
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3. Americus receives an unexpected kiss from Xavier
#Americus #Xavier #Delgado household
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4. Thea goes out to splash in a puddle of water
#Thea #Jonhson household
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5. Jeen and Leon kiss
#Jeen #Leon #Iro household
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6. Mayra, Jennie, Jin Young and Amaranta at lunch
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7. Amelia and Dave leave their restaurant to talk
#Amelia (Amy) #Dave #Matute household
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8. Trivago starts a party at his house in the absence of his guardians
#Trivago#Bloom household
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9. Agrippo on a normal school day taking photos
#Agripo#Dahlia household
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10. Bob complains to Red about being exhausted
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11. Matthew splashing around in puddles of water
#Matthew #Johnson household
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12. After reconciling, Josh and his girlfriend Anna move out of the apartment with their friends Kim and Gary to live on a farm.
#Anna #Kim #Josh #Gary (Magnet)
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13. Caresse watches television while eating cookies
#Caresse #Dahlia household
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14. Luz Consuelo goes out to buy food
#Luz Consuelo #Melton household
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15. Kimmy Chad and Gavin sitting around a campfire
#Kimmy #Chad #Gavin
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16. Jenna, Mirah, Jacob and Aleki
#Jenna #Mirah #Jacob #Aleki #Latu household
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17. Eva, Andrej and their daughter Marta #Eva #Andrej #Marta
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18. Dalton gets engaged to Marissa
#Marissa #Dalton #Serrano household
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19. Zarel accompanies Catrina for exercise
#Zarel #Cordero household #Catrina
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20. Jun Seo sings at karaoke
#Jun Seo
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21. Misa her boyfriend Tomeo and Kyoung eating in the patio of their house
#Misa #Tomeo #Kyoung #Hardy household
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22. Vicky, Francisco and Marissa enjoying the summer
#Vicky #Francisco #Marissa #Serrano household
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23. Rikako and Junior eat ice cream in the patio of their house
#Rikako #Junior #Levitt household
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24. Bonus. Vicky, Francisco's girlfriend, Francisco and Marissa, Francisco's sister.
New sims and more stories next year. See you soon. 🤓👋🏽 Happy new year.🎊🎉
#Vicky #Francisco #Marissa #Serrano household
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someroach · 5 months
Im bored, here's my top interests rn
Warning: it is an ungodly amount.
Daisy Jones & the Six
Percy Jackson series
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
(not sure if it counts but its here anyways) The Glass Scientists
Monster High
Black Christmas
David & Lisa
Bullet Train
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Boy Meets World
Girl Meets World
Day of the Dead
The Boy
Mean Girls
30 Rock
That 70s Show
Stranger Things
Animaniacs (original)
Don't Starve
Bendy & the Ink Machine
Crimson Snow
Dead Plate
Five Nights at Freddy's (mostly security breech)
Andy's Apple Farm
August the Duck/Duck the August
Charlotte Dobre
(don't judge me-) LineChu
Destroy Boys
Rob Zombie/White Zombie
Ozzy Osbourne
Insane Clown Posse
My Darkest Days
Scene Queen
Leanna Firestone
Mindless Self Indulgence
Evelyn Evelyn
Mean Girls
The Heathers
Dear Evan Hansen
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
Be More Chill
Sweeney Todd: the Demon Barber of Fleet Street
That's all for now.
Shut up I know it's a lot. 😭
It's a lot to tag omgg-
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equestrianempire · 3 months
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Finalists for the week: Southern Pines, Full Gallop, SAzEA, and Bouckaert, Full Gallop, and Full Gallop.
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Bouckaert Equestrian has been running through the 4* this past weekend, and we’ve been following along with them, but we also saw plenty of other events taking place this weekend, with Full Gallop, SAzEA, and Southern Pines bringing Eventers on.
Congratulations to all of our Weekend Winners for this trip across all events, with a special mention to Redfield Lotte and Amanda Vines, both of whom received our Illegal Low Score Award, who won the SAzEA Open Beginner Novice with a 14.4!
Bouckaert Equestrian H. T. International ( Fairburn, Georgia ) Website [Scoring ]
Hannah Sue Hollberg and Capitol HIM CCI 4*S ( 43. 3 ). Fernhill Salt Lake and Waylon Roberts CCI 3*S ( 32. ) Sherry Pound and Carnaby CCI 2*S ( 29. ) CCI 1*S: Billy Be Jolly and Caroline Pamukcu ( 21 ) Advanced: SKM Lux Sonata and Tik Maynard ( 55 % ) Lauren Nicholson and Vermiculus ( 57.4 ) are the Open Intermediate. Open Preliminaries A: Fernhill Esmerelda and Jonathan Holling ( 40. % ) Open Preliminary B: Trinity ThankQ and Lisa Marie Fergusson ( 38 ) Eileen Galoostian and Ardeo Lord Lancelot, the preliminary riders ( 56. 5 ). Modified Rider: Newtown’s Llewellyn and Kasidy McMartin ( 35.1 ) Open Modified A: Seabanks Theygo and Claire Strehlow ( 29.3 ) Open Modified B: Kiss My Jambo M ( 31.3 ), Valerie Pride, and Open Training: Ballynoecastle TD and Melanie Smith ( 26. 1 ) Lone Star WS and Greg Ragusa in the Training Rider ( 28.6 ) To Infinity and Beyond DASH ( 24.4), Celia White, and DASH ( no novice riders ) Open Novice: Je T’Aime and Valerie Pride ( 26.7 % )
Full Gallop Farm March I H. T. ( Aiken, SC )[ Website]]Scoring
Starters: Lucky Clover / Clover and Stella McGuire ( 28. % ) Beginner Novice A: Caitriona and KC’s Lizzie Chamberlin ( 33.2 ) Pace Deppa and Galivantor, Beginner Novice B (3. 22. ) Novice A: Elodon Zodiac and Carol Kozlowski ( 29.4 ) Emma Hartzler and Southern Charm ( Novice B) 35. Molly Casey and MoonLight Crush ( 37.2 ) are trained/novice. Training: Madhatter and Paula Dupuy ( 31 ) Heart of Hollywood and Kelly Ransom ( 35.4 ) are preliminary. Sierra Thomas and Chambery are preliminary/trained ( 41. 6 ).
[ Website]]Scoring SAzEA Spring H. T. ( Tucson, Arizona )
Paige Dinnie and Crown Royal ( 27.4): Open Preliminary Training Rider: Larimar and Chelsea Luedke ( 45 ) Open Training: Fine Dutch Chocolate and Paige Dinnie ( 28 ) Just Boo and Heather Bogdan ( 24 ) are the novice riders. Open Novice: Delta Court and Michael Elmore ( 31.9 ). Kyla Roberts and Wildflower: A Beginner Novice Rider A ( 26. ) Ande Bergmann and Kingdom Springs Rayne ( 32.1 ): Beginner Novice Rider B. Redfield Lotte and Amanda Vines ( 14.4 ) Open Beginner Novice. Open Starter A: Sonrisa Bella and Taylor Jensen ( 41.10 ) Barb Gasper and Carrick Diamond Legacy, the Open Starter, ( 34.7 ) Te Amo Tiama and Jessicca Butorac ( 22 ) in the pre-contest.
[ Website ] Southern Pines H. T. I ( Raeford, NC)]Scoring
Advanced CT A: Monaco by Kimmy Cecere and Landmark ( 31 ). Emily Beshear and Rio de Janeiro in the intermediate CT class ( 15. 5 ). Emily Beshear and Bad Moon Rising ( Plain Preliminary A): a discussion. Ellie van Gemeren and Excel Star Lewiston ( 28.0 % ): Open Preliminary B. CLEITER CT: Dan Kreitl and Odyssey ( 28.9 ) Susanne McDaniel and Corelli WWW: A Modified Rider ( 26. 22. ) Open Modified: Bossanova and Mandolin Whitten ( 24 ) Open Training A: Izzy Leo and Rick Caldwell ( 24. % ) Caitlin Silliman and NK Mirabeau ( 33. 3 ), open training Training CT: Never Enough ( 35.7 ), Cassie Sanger, and Samantha Reinbold and Donald Drake ( 29.1 ) are the training riders A. Ann Bower and San Rubin, Training Rider B ( 23. 13 ) Training Rider Junior: Oy to the World and Darcy Dean ( 35.5 ) Ariana Schimt- Chow and Little Lauries ( 10 ): Novice Rider A Novice Rider B: Foxtrot Treacle and Siri Carr (3. 5 ). ( 32.3 ) The Novice Rider Junior is Claire Nestor and A French Connection. Emily Beshear and Ser Dantae ( 26. ): Open Novice A. Johnny Walker and Martin Douzant ( 27.5 ) are Open Novice B. Susan Beebee and Bugsy Malone ( 19.4 ) are Open Novice C. Beginner Novice CT: Madeline Moton and The Family Feud ( 30.9 ) Beginner Rider A: Ballymores Charisma and Amy Howes Warren ( 27.5 ) Renee Wheeler and Joe Frank ( 30.3 ) are Beginner Novice Rider B. Scout Spencer and Sterling’s Bailesa ( 29.7 ): Beginner Novice Rider C Open Beginner Novice A: Rebecca Lee and DGE Swipe Right ( 26. 9 ) Sunhill Rover and Jillian Newman ( 24.7 ) Open Beginner Novice B. Starter A: Sunnyside Up and Elena Sparacio ( 30. % ). Starter B: Silvanus and Alannah Mabus ( 26. ) Starter CT: Chillie and Sloane Nelson ( 27. 5 ).
0 notes
design-emporium · 4 months
Hens geese ducks chickens farm animals birds seamless repeat spring Easter pistachio
Hens geese ducks repeat pattern digital download This is a non exclusive digital product (other people may purchase and use this product) This design is: 20 inches x 20 inches (50.8 cm x 50.8cm) 300DPI JPEG Once you have purchased this product you will be able to download the file. All images and designs are owned by Kimmy Gowland, you are not permitted to upload the design to any third party…
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jonkatzatbedlamfarm · 11 months
Moment Photos: Kimmy In The Barn, The Afternoon Sky. Climate Change Can Be Beautiful...
I call them “moment photos”. They capture the moment at Bedlam Farm. Kimmy staying in the shade – the sun finally came out, and the sky to the west at 6:30 p.m. Climate change can be very beautiful.  
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zathong · 1 year
Best Kimmy build 2023 :: Items, Emblems & Strategy [Mobile Legends]
Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Kimmy Build in Mobile Legends.
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Items build:
If you like Kimmy sustained DPS you can use combo items: Genius Wand, Arcane Boots, Ice Queen Wand, Concentrated Energy, Holy Crystal, Blood Wings.
If you like Kimmy physical DPS – jungle you can use combo items: Berserker’s Fury, Ice Hunter’s Arcane Boots, Scarlet Phantom, Blade of Despair, Concentrated Energy, Divine Glaive.
If you like Kimmy burst – Jungle you can use combo items: Ice Queen Wand, Ice Hunter’s Arcane Boots, Glowing Wand, Concentrated Energy, Divine Glaive, Blood Wings.
If you like Kimmy pro build you can use combo items: Ice Hunter’s Arcane Boots, Genius Wand, Glowing Wand, Ice Queen Wand, Holy Crystal, Divine Glaive.
Mage emblems set:
Magical PEN: +13.5.
Magic Power: +17.
Cooldown Reduction: 5%.
Magical Lifesteal: +5%.
Movement SPD: +2%.
How to play Kimmy:
If you can farm well and get ahead in the early game, you should be able to snowball and dominate in the mid and late game as well.
Kimmy’s Hybrid Damage stats allow her to bring sustained magic damage to her team from range.
Source: https://zathong.com/kimmy-build-mobile-legends/
0 notes
amberlyn-34 · 2 years
Forever! chapter 2
Landon startles awake, breathing heavily and sweating profusely. 'What the hell was that he wonders.' He has never had dreams like that before. Truthfully, he rarely dreams and when he does, it's always familiar, relatable to his life. Niall or Sam are in them. Sometimes the bar or some other place in town. This was different, and he still can't seem to shake it while he showers or heads down to open the bar.
He's happy that he's the first one there, maybe working will help take his mind off it. He turns the grill on so it has time to heat up, and makes a pot of coffee. By the time Niall gets there Landon has calmed down and has decided that the dream was nothing, just a dream, and has convinced himself to put it out of his mind. Jamie the daytime cook comes in right behind Niall and thanks Landon for starting up the grill, he then begins to cook some brunch for both Niall and Landon. Landon finishes his coffee and pours a cup for Niall.
 "I'm gonna need a nap before my actual shift tonight," Landon says exhausted
"Didn't sleep well?" Niall questions. Landon contemplates sharing the dream with Niall but decides against it. After all, it was just a dream it doesn't have to mean anything.
"No, I slept fine, just tired I guess," Landon lies.
  The rest of the day goes by smoothly, Landon does get his nap after he visits Sam at work and takes her lunch. When he wakes up he feels much better. That evening the bar is packed, which isn't unusual for a Saturday night. He is super busy all the way till closing. Robbin and Kimmy were working with him again and he tag teamed with Kimmy to clean the dining area, then helped Robbin finish up. He was exhausted when he laid down, even after his nap he was still tired. He just prayed he would sleep well and that his sleep would be dreamless. Thankfully it was and he woke up feeling super refreshed and ready for whatever. It was Sunday which meant everything in Havenston including Nialls was closed. He and Sam attended church with her family, at The First United Methodist Church of Havenston. Sam and her family have always attended this church, even though there are several more to choose from, eight others to be exact, why a small town like Haventston needed that many buildings to preach the same message Landon will never understand. Church wasn't really Landon's thing but it was important to Sam and Sam was important to him so he went every week without complaint. After church, they had dinner at her family's farm and spent the afternoon and evening relaxing and enjoying being with family. Landon loved Sam's family as his own, even called her parents mom and dad, and considered her four brothers his. He liked having a family. That night after sharing a shower, they climbed into bed. Sam cuddled close and kissed his chin.
 "I love you, Landon." She whispered into the dark room.
"I love you too baby," he said kissing her on the forehead. "It was a great day, I love your family."
"I know, and they're your family too. Also, they love you just as much." They share a lazy kiss and whisper some good nights and I love you's.
 It doesn't take long before he can hear her breathing even out. He lays there awake for a while. The dream from the other night is still heavy on his mind. He isn't sure how long he lays there but eventually; he falls asleep. That night he tosses and turns, he sees the same dream he did a couple of nights ago, the same sweet girl he called Piper and the same house with his mom standing out front. He again wakes with a start. He lays there for a long time unable to shake the dream, a part of him wants to go back to sleep in hopes to see more but the other side is terrified of what he may learn. He lays there until his phone starts ringing, checking the caller ID he sees it's Niall, he realizes he is probably late and Niall is probably worried. He has never been late and has never called in sick in nearly eight years but today he just might. He ignores the call and gets up to use the bathroom. He has an awful headache. When he is finished he grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and downs half of it, then takes a couple of Tylenol with the rest. He climbs back in bed while giving Niall a call.
 "Hey Bro? Where ya at? Niall says when he answers instead of hello
"Hey, I'm at home, I think I may be sick," Landon grumbles into the phone.
"So I'm guessing your calling to tell me you're not coming in."
"I'm sorry Niall, It's just"
Niall interrupts. "It's ok, Landy. I know I was just worried you are never late."
"I know."
"Do you need anything?" Niall asked
"No I should be okay, Sam will be home in a few hours."
"Are sure I could bring you up some soup"
"No, but Thank you," Landon answers.
"Alright man, If you change your mind you know where to find me."
"Thanks, Niall, and I'm sorry."
"Don't be, just get better," Niall says they then exchange goodbye, and Landon hangs up.
 Soon after he feels his headache subside and he begins to relax so he allows himself to fall asleep maybe rest is all he needs.
 ("Piper", he yells "please wait for me" but it's too late the young girl has already jumped out of the car and is halfway up the drive clearly excited. "Hey, mom" He hears himself saying on autopilot as he gets out of the car. He too makes his way up the driveway. "Hey Lou-Bear" his mom calls. "Mom, stop calling me that I'm 27." She laughs as he leans in to kiss her cheek. They walk into the house, it is smaller than it looks on the outside. There's a set of stairs right as you walk through the door and to the right, it opens up into the living room. There's a door also straight ahead, kind of under the stairs that he knows leads to a kitchen and small hallway that has a half bath and laundry room. He also knows if he was to go upstairs, he would find 4 bedrooms and two full baths. One room was always his till his sister took it over when he left for college. The other rooms were his mom's and his other 3 sisters. "Hey thanks for keeping her this weekend, she's been so excited and with the baby, trust me this helps her and us." He says to his mom. At that moment, there's a noise on the stairs and two little girls come running down the stairs. "Piper!" one yells "Yay! You’re here. Finally!" the other says. Daisy and Phoebe are identical twins they both have big blue eyes and long brown hair and are full of energy and excitement. Now the three little girls take off up the stairs together, talking loudly about their plans and giggling.)
 This time when Landon wakes, he has tears streaming down his face. He knows these are not dreams but memories. He has a daughter and a baby somewhere, he has a mom and 4 sisters but who is he? He can not remember his name or his mom's. He has no clue where they are or if they're still alive, but he knows they existed. He is sad because while he has no clue who they are, he misses them and it hurts. He stays in bed, crying off and on until he hears the door. Sam is home, so he quickly makes his way into the shower to freshen up, he really just doesn't want her to know that he has cried. She comes into the bathroom as soon as he is in the shower.
 "Hey, babe. I stopped at the bar, Niall says your sick?" Landon can hear the concern in her voice.
"Yeah, I'm not feeling right. I'm tired and I've had a headache all day. I'm hoping this shower will help. Maybe," he says feigning hope.
"Have you eaten," she asked lovingly.
"No, I've mostly been sleeping."
"I'm gonna fix us some dinner, ok."
"Thanks," he whispers as she leaves closing the door behind her.
 Landon stands in the water, feeling his body relax, he's still thinking about his possible family, and what these memories mean. He feels the tears start up again, he has to pull himself together. He has to be strong, he's not ready to talk about it yet. So he has to pretend the dreams or memories aren't happening. He has to act normal, thankful they all think he is sick today so he doesn't have to pretend that hard. He finishes up and vows to put it away within his mind till later. He leaves the bathroom just in time for Sam to come in with a bowl of soup and some french bread. He tells her he'd like to eat at the table because he has been in bed all day. The soup is wonderful,  it's warm and soothing him with each bite. It is her famous Chicken noddle, his favorite. It's made with fresh veggies and real chicken chunks. It's so good and exactly what he needed today. Somehow she always knows just what he needs.
 "This is delicious, Samantha." Landon praises.
"Thank you, Are you okay? Your eyes are puffy and your skin is all blotchy. Do you think you have a fever? Should I call Dr. Wanda?"
"No. I'm fine just I've slept a lot today. If I'm not better tomorrow I'll go see her." He says taking another slurp of the soup. "This is really amazing, it's everything I needed today baby. It's helping already."
 They have a nice dinner, Sam tells him all about her day at the store, and how grumpy Mr.Peters came in to buy a birthday gift for his wife, and then complained the whole time. He didn't like that he had to spend more than a dime for "these fancy soaps, in his day soap, was soap and it didn't cost no more than a nickel a bar." He kept repeating over and over again. He did end up choosing a nice bath set, which contained a shampoo, body wash, bubble bath, some bath salts, and a purple sea sponge, she gave him a deal just to make him happy. She promised him that Mrs. Peters would love the gift and if not they could come to trade it for something else. So he left happy with his purchase. After dinner, Niall called to see how he was feeling and then he and Sam curled up on the couch under a blanket to watch some TV. Landon just wanted to lay down but he was afraid that laying down would bring the memories back and he didn't want to cry, not now. They watched TV till after midnight then climbed into bed together, Sam was super tired and had to be in early to do some inventory tomorrow so she fell asleep quickly. Landon allowed the memories to come to the surface then, he was proud he didn't cry but he tried to make sense of what it all meant. He eventually fell asleep, but not soundly he was flooded with dreams of his beautiful little girl named Piper.
 When the alarm went off around 10 am, he decided to get up. He was exhausted but laying in bed wasn't helping. He got dressed and went downstairs to the bar to begin opening. First, he started the coffee pot, then heated the grill, and finally walked into the dining room pulling all the chairs down off the tables. At 11 am sharp he unlocked the door and he also heard singing in the kitchen, which meant Jamie was there. He went back to the bar, to finish his coffee. Ten minutes later, Niall walks in followed by their first customers of the day.
 "Good Morning Landy. Are we feeling better?" he says leaning over the bar and feeling Landon's head for fever. Landon swats his hands away and walks over to the customers at one of the tables to get their orders. He turns it into Jamie so he can begin to prepare their meal. Finally, he answers Niall.
"Yes, I am," He says "I think I'm just exhausted, but I can't stay in bed again today."
"Are you contagious, you think?" Niall ask
"No, I don't think I am, I feel fine, I think I'm just dealing with some things, but thanks for yesterday."
"What's up," Niall asked concerned "Wanna talk about it? Is it Sam?"
"No," Landon says grabbing the food Jamie just put up in the window and delivering it to Mr. Higgins and his son. "Enjoy," he says with a smile and makes his way back over to Niall.
"I don't know Niall, maybe I should talk about it but not now. I'm not ready but know that everything is ok with Sam and me and I'm sure I'm all healthy, no worries, ok."
"Alright, just know I'm always here."
"I know, thanks. You're the best, now go take their order." Landon says pointing to the two young women who just walk through the door. Successfully ending the conversation he doesn't want to have now.
 Landon works until Mike, the part-time bartender comes in to relieve him around 2 pm. Landon will be back later after the dinner rush. Until then he heads to the library. He loves to read and often falls asleep reading in their oversize chairs.  The library isn't very big at all, the outside is made of brick and the door is made of wood and beautiful stained glass, that dates back to the late 1800s. The inside is kind of run-down, when you walk in you're greeted by Mrs. Fern Jenkins, the librarian who has managed the library for over 40 years. To the left of her desk is the adult books, both fiction and non-fiction. In the back, there is plenty of semi-secluded areas to read and study. Some desk and one long table if you need to spread out a little. On the right is the children's section, it is very friendly and colorful. It's filled with bean bag chairs and stuffed animals you can read to. They have all sorts of story times and fun activities that happen in the mornings. Today is quiet, today Landon is on a mission, he wants to find information about his dreams or memories. He attempts to start with some medical journals however, this small library doesn't have any.  Then he looks up a few books on amnesia, and one on acute memory loss, he read an autobiography about a young girl, who lost her memory after a tragic car accident. The young girl named Mary lost her memory for two years, however, one day she fell off the swings in her backyard and suddenly remembered everything from before the accident but nothing in the two years since. It was like her brain just paused. She never did regain those memories. Landon really hopes that doesn't happen, if he ever regains his old memories he doesn't want to lose the ones he is making now, with Sam and Niall and this town. So the library all in all turns out to be a bust. He didn't find any new information or anything that related to his situation. He left feeling defeated, wondering if he should maybe make an appointment with Dr. Wanda maybe she could shed some light but he wasn't ready to talk yet. Instead, he walked down to Sam's to surprise her. The bell above the door chimed when he walked in.
 "Be right out." He heard Sam yell from somewhere in the back. He looked around, he doesn't come in here as often as he should. It smells amazing, sweet, and flowery so many different fragrances mixed together to make something close to heaven. He is smelling a bottle of yellow lotion called  'Bottled Sunset' when Samantha May comes from the back room.
 "Hey, you." She says coming over to give him a hug and a small peck on the lips. "What are you doing here?"
"I thought I'd come and take my beautiful girlfriend to dinner. Whatcha think?"
"Sounds wonderful, give me a few minutes to finish closing up, and then we can go.
 She heads to the back room, while he looks around a bit more, and smells a little of this and that. She finishes about 20 min later and locks up and they walk hand in hand down Main Street to Kimballs, the only real sit-down type restaurant they have in Havenston. They are seated immediately and both order iced tea. Kimball's is a lovely place, cloth table clothes, candles, and flowers adorn every table. There's soft music playing in the background and the lights are dimmed to give a romantic feel to the room. Landon doesn't eat here often, he prefers the casualness of Niall's or even McDonald's but sometimes it's just nice to get out and take Sam someplace romantic. They spend a few moments looking at their menu before, their waiter Lucas Kimball, a lanky 16-year-old who likes to play soccer in the park comes to retrieve their order. Sam orders a salad, mentioning her mom stop by and brought her a huge lunch this afternoon. Landon orders the Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes and gravy because he is starving and it's also what he always orders when they eat here. Lucas leaves them promptly promising to return soon to check in on them.
 "So how was your day?" Sam asked
"Good, Spent most of it at the library. How was yours?
"Mom came in, she wanted to talk to me about a trip they want to take for their 45th wedding anniversary."
"Yeah, what are mom and dad thinking, Vegas? A cruise would be nice."
"Actually, they're thinking they want all of us to come to celebrate with them."
"Really? The kids and all.?" Sam has 4 older brothers, Nick, Timmy, Steven, and James. They are all married and three of them have children, seven in total. So Landon knows how crazy things can get when they are all together, so a trip or cruise seems a bit much.
"Yeah, well you know their anniversary is in February and the kids will be in school then so they are thinking we can all go celebrate for New Years."
"Yes, they are thinking maybe we can leave a few days after Christmas and travel to California, where the weather will be nice and we can go to Disneyland."
"Wow, That could be fun."
"That would be the idea." Sam, says as Lucus returns with their meals and refills for their teas. They eat in silence for a while enjoying their dinner. Then Sam continues to give Landon some of the details of what her mom and dad are thinking. Like renting a large house and visiting, L.A and seeing it all while their there for a week. Landon is mostly listening and thinks it all sounds amazing, but it's hard to think about it while it's still so many months away. Plus Landon can't help but think of his dreams and what they might mean for his future. When they are through with their meals and have paid Landon and Sam walk back to their apartment. It's only 6:30 and Landon doesn't have to be at Niall's until 9 so he lays down for a while.
 Niall's is dead tonight. Landon and Camie a young beautiful girl with golden blonde curls and bright green eyes have been playing hangman on napkins for hours. Robbin the cook went home 2 hours ago. They have had no customers since and Landon is exhausted he is ready to go. It's currently 1 am, technically they don't close till 3 am but he and Camie decide to clean up early. Robbin took care of the kitchen and grill before he left, so all that needs to be done is wiping down the bar, tables, and floors. It takes them 20 min to finish up and Landon sends Camie home early. He then sits and puts his head on the bar, he could probably close, he knows Niall wouldn't care but he feels guilty closing early.  So he just sits there instead.
 (He must have fallen asleep because suddenly he is not at Niall's. He is sitting in a living room that he doesn't recognize but feels very comfortable in. He can hear a man singing in the other room maybe in the shower and realizes he has a baby in his lap. The tv is on, Mickey Mouse is on the screen singing and the baby is bopping up and down on his lap to the song. Looking around he realizes he is not in a living room, as much as maybe a hotel room, like a suite. There are two doors, one he guesses leads outside the room, the other to a separate bedroom. A small kitchenette and a glass door is leading out unto a balcony. He gets up, leaving the baby sitting on the floor. He looks out the glass door trying to figure out where he is, someplace bright, sunny, and warm looking. He notices, families all sitting down by the pool below his balcony. The pool is shaped like Mickey's ears. Is he at Disney? He turns, checking on the baby girl, who is still mesmerized by the television. He creeps over to the bedroom door, trying to be quiet, not sure what he'll find when he opens the door. He peeks in but he sees no one, a large unmade bed sits in the middle of the room and a travel crib is against the wall. There's a suitcase open on the bed and the shower is running behind the bathroom door. The singing has stopped though. He tiptoes over to the open suitcase, attempting to figure out who it belongs to. The initials L.T  are on the luggage tag, and the bag is filled with men's clothing, but nothing more. The shower shuts off and Landon quickly begins to make it back out the door, but he stubs his toe on the door frame and shouts out loudly from the pain before he can stop himself. From the bathroom, a man's voice "Lou? Is that you?" Landon turns to look back at the bathroom door that is swung open quickly)
 The next thing he's aware of he has landed on the floor, looking around slightly disoriented, he sees he's still at Niall's. He has fallen off the stool while dreaming. He stands, rubs his eyes, and checks his watch its 3:20 am. He walks over and locks the door. They are officially closed. He turns off all the lights as he makes his way out the back door and up the stairs to his apartment. It isn't until he lays down that he lets himself process, the dream he just had. Some of it is foggy, but he remembers the baby girl, the luggage tag with the initials L.T and the male voice calling out from the bathroom, but what does it mean? Is he Lou? Is that his name? Who is the man in the bathroom? He lays there, for what might be hours or maybe just minutes, he's not sure. He does fall back to sleep though but wakes even more tired than he was when he fell asleep. Sam has already left for work but he feels like it's still early. He checks his phone it's only 9 am, and he tries to go back to sleep but his thoughts keep him from settling again. He wishes he can make better sense of what is happening here. He is tired and confused. He knows these are memories, he just knows it. He is scared about what they mean. He is afraid that getting his memory back will change everything. He use to want it, he use to want to remember so much and now he's not so sure. What if the male voice he heard was who hurt him, what if he was the one who left him for dead, what if Landon was running from him? What if he wasn't, what if this man is his soul mate, he has never felt uneasy or scared in any of his dreams he always feels happy and comfortable there. Landon is just really fucked up right now. He decides to get up and shower, and since he is early he walks across the street to the bakery before going into Niall's. He orders breakfast and eats there, his mind still whirling over it all.
 When he's finished he heads back to Nialls, again pushing aside everything within himself to appear normal. He opens like usual, this day no different from any other. He hangs out till right before lunch and then heads to the Library. He is greeted by Mrs. Jenkins before he makes his way back to his favorite chair. He could just borrow the books he reads and takes them home, but he much prefers the solitude of the library to the solitude of his own home. He falls asleep like he often does, he doesn't wake until the sun has begun to set. He is surprised when Mrs. Jenkins shakes him awake, she tells him that it's almost closing, which means Landon has been here 5 hours. He gets up apologizing for falling asleep. "No Worries, Love" Mrs. Jenkins responds. He leaves the library, thinking how that was the best sleep he had gotten all week. For the first time in days, he hasn't dreamt. He feels rested as he heads to Nialls, feeling better than he was and ready for his shift. Nialls is slow again tonight but at least Niall is there with him so the shift goes by quicker. They spend the night goofing off and telling jokes. Actually, Landon has forgotten how good it feels to laugh. It's a good night, they finish their close-up procedures by 3:15 and Robbin heads home leaving Landon and Niall to have their late-night drink. Landon makes them both rum and coke and sits next to Niall at the bar.
 "So, you went out with Jessica last night? How was it?" Landon prodded
"Yeah, it was nice"
"Just nice?" Landon asked elbowing Niall, come on I want details.
"Okay, well it was really nice," Niall smirked, then after a moment. "No, seriously it was nice. We went to dinner at Kimball's and then the theatre was showing 'The breakfast club', which Jess said she had never seen, so we watched it. Then we took a walk, I walked her home, and we shared a goodnight kiss. It was nice."
"You mean it was boring."
"No, I mean it was nice. We are gonna go out again this weekend. I'm gonna take her into the city, thought we could go dancing if she wants to. I mean there's not much to do here, dinner at Kimball's a walk in the park. I'll figure it out. I really like her."
"Hmmm" is Landon's response
"What!" Niall says
"It's just, I don't know. You don't seem as excited as you have with other girls. I don't know."
"Well, Maybe I'm growing up."
 They finish their drinks and Niall washes them up and they walk out together. Niall heads to his car and Landon up the stairs. Landon washes up and climbs in bed, Sam rolls over and cuddles against him, he places a soft kiss on her forehead and settles into sleep. He dreams again, of soft baby curls and little girls named Piper, of a certain faceless male voice, of his mom and sisters.
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Hướng Dẫn Cách Làm Sữa Hạt Điều Thơm Ngon Tại Nhà
Hạt điều chứa nhiều chất dinh dưỡng tốt cho sức khỏe. Ngoài những món bổ dưỡng từ hạt điều như chúng ta đã biết: hạt điều rang muối, gỏi hạt điều đu đủ, bánh tart hạt điều, chè hạt điều… thì vẫn còn một cách chế biến hạt điều rất nhanh gọn mà thơm ngon cho thực đơn của bạn đó là sữa hạt điều tươi ngon. Công thức làm sữa hạt điều tươi rất đơn giản. Cách làm sữa hạt điều mà bạn có thể áp dụng ngay tại nhà.
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kimmyfarmvietnam · 2 years
Why Are Cashew Nuts Kernel So Expensive? Cashew nuts cost almost 5 times more than peanuts even though their demand has increased significantly over the years. So every 8-10 tons of cashew apples, we get only 1 ton of raw cashews nuts. A raw cashew nut contains 30% cashew kernel and 70% cashew nutshell. Normally, in cashew nut production, 1 ton of raw cashew nuts can be processed 250-300 kg of cashew kernels and 700-750 kg of cashew shells. => Read Full Here: https://kimmyfarm.com/en/why-are-cashew-nuts-so-expensive
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spillingthefarm · 5 years
i’m dropping unbreakable kimmy schmidt
unless someone has a watch order for me that skips all the episodes that can’t be spun as not-racist?? i just watched season 2 ep 3 kimmy goes to a play, and like, all the nonsense up until then i could rationalize to myself as positive, anti-racist satire (you can imagine how much i had to stretch. the native american backstory thing? whew. i had to convince myself that jacqueline was a sad little white girl who got switched at birth. but then she took out her fucking contacts in the season 1 finale. what?). but this episode is an overt criticism of POC-led racial discourse, which for me is going to damn every race joke in the series as under-the-table malicious. the creators of this show [tina fey] obviously want POC to stay in their lane. read some articles online while hunting for a watch order and found out that season 2 also progresses towards some super extreme anti-semitism. so i’m done. i thought i would continue the show for kimmy and titus but i don’t want to waste my time watching something that i know now will make me pretty upset lmao. peace out i’m going to watch she ra season 3
EDIT: just remembered that season 2 should include titus and mike’s first date. so i will watch that episode. and THEN I’M OUTTA HERE!!!
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nofragrance · 5 years
@unrivalled-trio - ❀
Tsubaki was not much of a tech kind of person , nor did she even own a computer oh her own. The only game consoles she had played were the ones her roommate owned , which was rare due to him constantly hogging the controller. She didn’t really like the speeds of the new games these days , nor did any of them interest her.
However , she owned a very small handheld. For the sake of nostalgia , and the beautiful floral pattern that decorated it , she kept it as a memento and a way to pass time when she was the absolute definition of ‘ bored ‘. Her favorite game in particular was one like a farming simulator. In this game , tending to animals and paying off your land payments was the primary plot , but she spent most of her time gardening and crossbreeding flowers to grow beautiful ones. The more combinations you grew , the larger her garden would have space to be unlocked ! For years she was stumped on more and more combos , hardly unlocking any new ones as years went by. She knew of strategy guides and books on certain games , but this game was not very popular , so she had little hopes on one for this game existing. She wasn’t much into games and things , so as years went by , this book was the last thing on her mind.
Walking down the steps of the DWMA yard , she noticed an unfamiliar student sitting atop the first step enjoying a book she seemed invested in. Making her way almost past the girl , the book in her hands caught her eye. The floral print and the looks of the virtual protagonist on the cover , she recognized it as soon as she saw it ! It was the very rare guidebook to her childhood favorite game !
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❝ That book ! I’ve looked for it everywhere but never managed to find a copy here in town ! You’re really lucky ! ❞ she yelped , paying no momentary mind to her excitement or volume in her voice.
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design-emporium · 4 months
Hens geese ducks chickens farm animals birds seamless repeat spring Easter taupe
Hens geese ducks repeat pattern digital download This is a non exclusive digital product (other people may purchase and use this product) This design is: 20 inches x 20 inches (50.8 cm x 50.8cm) 300DPI JPEG Once you have purchased this product you will be able to download the file. All images and designs are owned by Kimmy Gowland, you are not permitted to upload the design to any third party…
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nymphastoriasblog · 2 years
Carlisle: He’d watch something like The Great or The Tudors (even if he wasnt born back then yet), because he would truly enjoy to add historical facts while watching. “Oh, this actually never happend” or “this type of dress was created ten years later”. Or he would be really like “I was there when this happened.”. You would probably learn more from him than from any doc. And he wouldn’t like Grey’s Anatomy (*ded) because it’s too much drama, as he would say. “This never happen in hospitals” “The avengers arent real and you still are a fond of them” “iTs DiFFeRenT”.
Esme: She’s such a softie and would watch Anne with an E, and probably would start to grow in her inside a desire of living in a farm. She would also be really into watching Gilmore Girls and would be like “Hm, I am going to try this with the girls later”. 100% cuddling while watching. Would place your head in her lap while playing with your hair and if you’re a human, would prepare you some snacks to eat while watching.
Edward: Would 10/10 watch outer banks and be like “why cant I go to the beach like other people?” “Why my skin sparkles on sunlight?” “I wanna learn how to surf” “I am miserable” “This is the skin of a killer, y/n, a skin that will never get tanned.” But to be honest, his favorite tv show is Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. He’s always so sad and since you came to his life, he started to search happiness and colors in everything. You forced him to watch the first ep and now he watches it when you’re not around, is his comfort show.
Rosalie: Gossip Girl. All the ways. And Elite, but more gossip girl. Her favorite character is Serena because she just looks like her. While watching it, she would force you to do girls night with her. When she’s at school her mind goes like “Blair is so toxic and so does Chuck. They were made to each other.” or “Dan and Blair just doesnt fit”. For some reason, she has this crush on Chuck but would never admit it.
Emmett: Modern family. He just loves it. It makes him laugh to no end and his favorite character is Phil. They are just the same person. One of his favorite scenes is that one that Joe says he likes stealing. It makes Emmett piss himself by laughing (if that could be even possible). Sometimes he will skip classes to watch the show with you in his bedroom. And would watch Rick and Morty as well.
Alice: That’s so Raven 💀💀. I am not even kidding. She thinks its funny to see Raven struggling with her visions that are so silly. But she also would like to watch Ginny and Georgia to judge their acting skills. She likes to watch Peaky Blinders too, because it reminds her a lot of the 20s. Would lay her head on your chest to watch it and probably would rewatch a tv show because she misses it.
Jasper: Would watch Outlander. I don’t know why. He would just do it. And would watch it silently, and would finish it in less than two weeks, and would complain to you and to himself sometimes that season 6 is taking too long to come out. It would be so awkward to watch all sex scenes with him. He’d be like “if I skip it will show that I am taking it too seriously and if I don’t skip it will looks like I am a pervert”. And probably would try to say something like “Its a little rainy today” between the scenes and it would turn it even worse.
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ewritesthangs · 4 years
3 weeks. Being engaged to your best friend is bliss. Today, you guys had your engagement photoshoot. It was going to be fall/Halloween/masquerade themed. Corpse, was going to wear a mask, to conceal his identity still. Only a few pictures were going to have him without one and those were for you guys only. You prepare for your photoshoot. Hair, makeup, the works. Corpse wanted you to feel as beautiful as you are to him. Corpse watches you as you do your own makeup. Deep red lips. Smokey eye. Natural base. You look up, mid smoking the eye, to see your fiance. He was watching you intently from the doorway, a look of pure love plastered upon his face. 
"I love you, fiance.” You say with a large grin. 
“I love you more.” He blows you a kiss before hopping into the shower. You continue on with your makeup, finishing up when Corpse comes out of the shower. A towel hanging upon his hips. You turn, a lipstick bullet in hand, mouth ajar from applying your lipstick. 
“Hello handsome. You going my way?” 
“Always.” He smirks before going to the closet and putting on a SUIT. 
Dayum. He cleans up good. You think to yourself. You pull on your dress. “Babe? Can you zip me up?” Corpse nods and walks over to you. He slowly zips you up, kissing the exposed skin of your neck. You sigh contently, the feel of his lips bringing a certain peace over you. “Thank you Cor.” 
“You’re more than welcome, my love. You look breathtakingly beautiful.” You blush and bite your lip. Corpse turns your head with his finger under your chin and he presses a sweet kiss upon your deep red lips.  His lips didn’t turn red, for you had some great lipstick that was transfer proof. 
“We’re gonna be late!” You gasp out and grab his hand. 
“Baby we have 45 minutes.” 
“I like to be early.” 
“Yeah yeah yeah okay babe.” He shakes his head with a snicker. You guys head out, singing loudly in the car. You were the driver, so you kept your eyes on the road, hand intertwined with Corpses. Corpse put his mask on already, but let you take a photo with him before he did. For your own personal collection. You guys arrived at your destination, a cute little pumpkin farm. Your photographer was already there. You smirk at your fiance. 
“See? Early bird gets the worm.” 
“Yeah yeah yeah shut up.” His raspy voice said to you. 
“Only one way to shut-” He kisses you, holding your chin with his pointer finger and thumb. “Hmmmmmmm.” You hum in response, content with getting kisses. At any point, especially to shut you up. 
“Let’s get your smart ass over there. Before we have a makeout session in the car.” He smirks and winks. You can barely tell he winked, but his eye closed so you figured he did. You put your mask on and get out of the vehicle. He follows you, hand in hand. He was starting to shake a bit. You stop and take his other hand in your free one. 
“Baby, nobody is here besides me and Kimmy. She knows your situation. She understands. It’s okay my love. I am right here. I love you.” You take your right hand and rub his cheek, in an attempt to comfort him. He leans into your touch, his nervousness subsiding. 
“Thank you baby girl.” You just press a kiss to his supple lips. 
“Hey guys!” Kimmy says, as she walks up to you guys. “Again for the tenth time, congratulations.” She smiles and hugs you both. “Ready to show off each other?” 
“Hell. Yes.” Corpse says with a new found confidence. You guys begin. Doing a few of the more common photos with and without masks. You guys use the chalkboard to put ‘Save The Date 10/30/21’ on it. You guys were out of focus, the chalkboard in the foreground. Corpse looks at you lovingly, no mask on. You do the same, so the ambiance is felt within the picture. You guys finish up your photoshoot. The last photo of you guys kissing, the photo was up close to show off the ring. Your hand was upon Corpse’s cheek. That was going to be your favorite, you just knew it. 
“I will edit these when I get home. They look so good!” 
“Thank you so much Kimmy!” You hug her again before leaving with Corpse. 
A few hours later you get a sneak peak at your photos. Your favorite one being the one that Kim messaged you. You guys still had yet to announce your engagement. 
“Hey babe? Can we announce the engagement with this photo?” You show him and his face lights up. 
“Yes!” You post the photo. Captioned: ‘Save the date, 10/31/20'
Corpse posts his own post, of your hands together and your ring on display. Captioned: ‘She said yes!’
“To the rest of our lives, my love.” He holds up his drink of water and so did you. You guys clink glasses. To the rest of your lives, together. 
The next day arrives, it is one of the days you'd always been looking forward to. Wedding dress shopping. With your mom and best friend. You were having a girls day while Corpse was getting the perfect suit. Your day starts out with brunch, for you and corpse overslept. 
"My baby is getting married!" 
"We always knew she would be getting married before me." Y/BFF/N said. 
"Thats true. Since Cor and I got together. You guys said we'd go far." You point out to your mother. 
"Yeah yeah but I wanted to at least have another year or so to plan!" 
"Well Cor wanted to get married on Halloween. And I wanted a Saturday so we said why not this year." You shrug and order your favorite brunch item. 
"Its gonna be magical." 
"Do you still want that garden venue I sent you? You have to let them know by tomorrow if you're gonna reserve it." Your mother expresses. 
"I know. I have to talk again with Corpse. He has been avoiding it." You sigh, exacerbated. 
"Okay babes. Just please do it. That place is perfect." 
"Yes momma." 
"I can't wait to see you in dresses!" Your best friends face lights up at the thought. 
"I'm so excited to go choose." 
"I'm gonna cry i know it." Your mom chuckles and fans herself. "Already choking up now." 
"Aw, mom." You hug her from the side and kiss her cheek. "I'll always be your little girl." 
"Lets not cry!" Your best friend exclaims. 
"Yes! Let's eat and then go shopping." You guys enjoy your meals and talk about life and wedding planning. 
"I want a red velvet cake. Or carrot cake. But corpse is hesitant about the red velvet cause it could stain." 
"Such a drama king." 
"Oh you have no idea." 
"Roses. All red and white. For love and wedding." 
"Okay so you have the cake tasting tomorrow?" 
"Yes mom." 
"So thats most of the planning right?" 
"Yes. Hhe has the honeymoon taken care of i guess." You shrug, unsure if he did or not. 
"He probably does." Your best friend encouraged, hopeful. 
"Are we ready to go shopping?" 
"As ill ever be." 
You guys go to a little boutique, one you've been eyeing for the duration of you being with Corpse. You looked around and picked out a few dresses to try on. They had your size, so you guys wanted to try them on as soon as possible. The first one was a flow dress. A little extravagant for you. You walked out and your best friend made a face. 
"Not you. Its too out there." 
"Yeah I like it but its not you baby." Your mom chimes in. You nod and go back in. Trying on a mermaid dress with lace on it. It was beautiful. You walk out and your mom is the first to say anything. 
"Ooh thats a contender. I love that one." 
"More your style babe." Your best friend smiles and makes you twirl in it. 
"I love this one and the next one." You beams, so excited to be here trying on dresses. You go back and try on the third of five dresses you picked out. You walk out and it was everyone was silent, even the owner. 
"Thats the one." Your mom whispers out, tears in her eyes. You turn and see yourself in the mirror. You choke up yourself, seeing the beauty that is you. 
"Its perfect. Beyond perfect for you." The owner chimes in and you nod. 
"I call it! I want this dress." You say, causing everyone to chuckle.  
"Consider it bought baby girl." 
"Mom i could have-"
"No, I want to pay for it." Your mom insists. You just nod, defeated and go back and change into your clothes. Youbring the dress out and hand it to the owner. She puts it in a bag and says sold to 'Y/N Y/L/N future H/L/N.' (his last name) 
"Certain ring to it. Y/N H/L/N." You smile at the thought. Once paid for, you guys part ways. You head home, after getting bubble tea for you and Corpse. Once home, you walk into his recording room, knowing he was setting up. 
"Babe, I got you some bubble tea. We also need to talk about the venue." 
"Later babe. Thank you." 
"No, bow i need to call tomorrow to reserve it if with gonna reserve it." 
"Babe im gonna be going live soon."
"They can wait. This can't! Corpse please." 
"Really babe? They made it so we can get married and you're saying that?" 
"You sure you want to get married? You've been avoiding this subject." 
"Of course I do!" 
"Then act like it!" 
"I'm scared okay!?" 
"You're what?" 
"Scared. What if you get there and say no? What if something goes horribly wrong?" 
"Corpse. Babe, have faith. I will not, in any universe, say no. I love you more than anything in this world. If something goes wrong we have backup plans." He gets up and takes you into his embrace. He holds tightly, but not too tightly. 
"I love you so damn much. Reserve it. Its beyond perfect for us." 
You look up to him and peck his lips. "Thank you." 
"I uh booked our flight today for our honeymoon." 
"Its all getting real." 
"It sure is. Holy shit."
Tag List: @liljennyx3
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