#kimestu no yaiba spoilers
acacia-may · 1 year
Welcome Home [Obanai Iguro Fanfiction]
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Story Description: After tragedy, Obanai Iguro returns to the Rengoku family's home for the first time in years to share a meal and reminisce about the boy and the family who changed his life. After all, Kyojuro always said, "Meals taste better with friends."
Fandom: Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Friendship, Grieving Together, Rengoku Family Adopts Iguro, Memories, Meals Taste Better With Friends, Sad and Sweet
Relationships: Obanai Iguro & Kyojuro Rengoku Friendship, Iguro and the Rengoku Family, Senjuro Rengoku, Mitsuri Kanroji, & Obanai Iguro Friendship, and Slight ObaMitsu.
Characters: Obanai Iguro (POV Character), Senjuro Rengoku, Mitsuri Kanroji, and Kyojuro Rengoku
Rating: T for Thematic Elements (Please see "Warnings" below for more details)
Warnings: Heavy Themes, Depictions of Grief, Discussion of Non-Depicted Death, Hints at Childhood Trauma. SPOILERS FOR the Mugen Train Arc/Ch. 66 & mild/vague spoilers for Ch. 188
Word Count: 2379
Link to original post on AO3. Please do not repost to another site.
(A/N: This is an older story of mine, but I'm on a bit of a Demon Slayer kick at the moment so I wanted to get all my KNY stories cross-posted to Tumblr).
Thank you for reading! 🍲
Iguro's steps felt heavy as he made his way around the familiar house. Very little had changed. It was almost as if he would come bounding out of one of the doorways any minute with a big smile on his face—throw an arm around him and reassure him this was all some kind of dream, a nightmare, and there wasn't anything to worry about.
Iguro's throat tightened, and he clenched his fist. It was stifling here—almost suffocating. The walls seemed to be closing in—shadows darkening the halls as if to say he wasn't welcome here. And maybe they were right. After all, he couldn't protect him, the one person who had always been there for him. When he had needed him most, he had been hundreds of miles away. If only he had stepped in, offered to take that mission on the Mugen Train himself… It should've been him who had died not Rengoku who brought so much joy and goodness into this world. It should've been Rengoku roaming these halls—bringing warmth into this home again—not Iguro darkening these doorways he never had any right to be in in the first place. Out of more kindness than he deserved, the Rengoku family had taken him in when he had nowhere else to go, but now, Kyojuro was gone and he was left in his place—standing where he had stood, walking the halls he had walked. He had no right.
Iguro swallowed hard. He didn't have time to think of such things now. He wasn't here for himself. He had stayed away for too long—far too pathetic to show his face here—but then he thought of Senjuro. He was too young and too gentle and had suffered much more than he deserved. Iguro wasn't the best with people so he wasn't sure he'd be much comfort, but he couldn't just leave him alone.
Iguro turned a corner and could hear voices in the garden. He stopped. Someone was here already. He caught a glimpse of pink hair, and his face softened. Kanroji-san. She was so kind—she had probably come here right away. Her arms were wrapped tightly around Senjuro, and she was gently stroking his hair almost maternally. Iguro could tell they had been crying together, but they seemed so peaceful now.
Kanroji was the far better person for this, Iguro thought, and he was about to turn and leave when a voice called out for him, "Oba...Iguro-san." Senjuro was walking towards him. His hair was much longer than when Iguro had seen him last, and he had grown much taller. Iguro swallowed. He looked so much like his brother.
"Iguro-san," exclaimed Kanroji standing up and wiping her eyes.
Iguro turned back to Senjuro. The boy's warm eyes were misty, but he was smiling slightly as he said, "I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in."
"I didn't mean to interrupt," Iguro answered looking off over Senjuro's shoulder. It was much harder to do these days. Soon Senjuro would be much taller than him.
"Not at all," reassured Senjuro shaking his head. "I'm glad that you're here…" He paused looking a bit flustered. "Well what I mean is…it's good to see you." Senjuro's smile widened. "Won't you sit down? We were just starting to eat."
Iguro thought of protesting, but the boy was so earnest so he sighed and took a seat next to him. "I brought this for you," he said holding out the covered dish in his hands.
"Oh, miso soup. Thank you," answered Senjuro brightly. "This will go wonderfully with the rice balls Kanroji-san brought." Iguro looked over at Kanroji who smiled slightly at him but looked away. It seemed they had had the same idea though he imagined the food she had prepared tasted much better than his.
"They didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, but I hope they're still okay," said Kanroji as her cheeks turned pink. "I had just been thinking about how Rengoku always loved when everyone ate together and…" Her voice grew tight and she stopped. She sniffled and wiped her eyes again. "I'm sorry, Senjuro. Here I am trying to comfort you, and I just keep crying." Senjuro reached out to take Kanroji's hand as his own eyes grew tearful again.
Something twisted in Iguro's chest. It was possible he had never felt so inadequate. Kaburamaru slithered around his neck and nuzzled Senjuro's cheek as if to do the comforting for him. Senjuro smiled and patted the snake's head.
"You should eat," suggested Iguro pouring a bowl of soup for Senjuro.
"Yes," agreed Kanroji turning to get some rice balls for him. "It might make you feel a little better."
Senjuro took the food so gratefully they might as well have given him gold instead of rice balls and some soup. "Thank you so much," he said. "You're both so kind." He turned and started to serve them as well. "Please have some yourself."
"Senjuro, this food is for you," explained Kanroji holding up her hands in protest, but Senjuro shook his head.
"Please. Let's eat together." He pushed the rice balls towards Kanroji, and his voice faltered, "My brother always said, 'meals taste better with friends.'"
Tears welled in Kanroji's eyes again. "He did say that, didn't he?" Her shoulders shook as she wiped her hand across her face. "And he was right," she added smiling through the tears that cascaded down her cheeks as she took a bite of a rice ball.
"Yes," Iguro answered quietly nodding in agreement as he poured soup for Kanroji. He rarely ate with people, but he had shared a meal with Rengoku a couple of times when they were very young. And though he may not have a lot of compare it to, the first meal they had ever eaten together may have been the best meal he had ever had.
In the darkened room illuminated by a single lamp, Iguro stared at the small bowl of soup Mrs. Rengoku had left out for him. "In case you are hungry later," she always said. She was a truly kind person—to make sure to leave him food so he wouldn't starve even though he always declined to eat with her family.
Iguro folded his hands and hung his head slightly. Though her spirit was strong, Mrs. Rengoku was a physically frail woman—she should have been resting not making special bowls of soup for him. She had opened her home to him which had only made more work for herself, and she worried about him. As he had quietly crept out to eat when he thought everyone was asleep, he had accidentally overheard her talking to Mr. Rengoku.
"I'm worried about him, Shinjuro," she had said. "He's been here for almost a month and has barely spoken a word."
"Ruka, if you had seen…" Mr. Rengoku had said before he stopped. "I can't imagine what kind of hell this boy has been through."
Iguro scurried off as tears welled in his eyes. Such kindness—he didn't deserve it.
Iguro wiped his nose before he carefully unwound the bandages around his mouth. He tried to be as gentle as he could but winced as his hand brushed his severed cheek. Kaburamaru looked up at him sympathetically. He tried to smile at the snake reassuringly. Trying his best to ignore the pain, he opened his mouth just enough to sip the soup from the spoon.
Mrs. Rengoku always left him soft, liquid foods. He wondered if she knew about his wound. He had done his best to hide it from them—even though he knew it was selfish. As soon as they saw his face, they would surely throw him out on the street in disgust. Always so intuitive about what Iguro was thinking, Kaburamaru wrapped around his arm comfortingly, but Iguro wasn't reassured. Even though Iguro had been given this glimpse of a real family and a real home, it was only a glimpse—a dream. Soon it would just be him and Kaburamaru against the world again—lost and alone. That was how it always was and how it always would be, and nothing would change that.
"Hi! Can I eat with you?" asked an exuberant voice pulling Iguro out of his thoughts. Startled, Iguro turned to see the eldest Rengoku son, Kyojuro, sitting beside him with a wide, bright smile. Iguro's eyes grew wide as he frantically tried to cover his mouth with his hands. In a desperate attempt to hide, he had pressed his hands to his face too hard. His brow furrowed as his jaw throbbed.
"Are you okay?" asked Kyojuro, and Iguro guiltily forced a nod. Now he had worried Kyojuro as well. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," said Kyojuro. "I've just been noticing you coming down here in the middle of the night, and I was wondering what you were doing. I'm glad to see you're eating. Senjuro and I have been worried. We tried to leave some bowls of food outside your door, but maybe you didn't see them or they were foods you didn't like. What kind of foods do you like?"
Iguro stared down at the table, and his hands started to shake. Kyojuro and his little brother Senjuro had been worried about him too and had been leaving food for him out of kindness? He hadn't known. He honestly thought he had been imagining things—those trays of food outside his door were tied to such painful memories. But all along it had been Kyojuro and Senjuro trying to look out for him. He felt guilty—but how could he explain this to Kyojuro?
"It's okay if you can't pick a favorite," said Kyojuro filling the silence. "I know it's really hard to decide. I don't think I could pick a favorite either. Mother's miso soup is really good though!" He motioned to the bowl, and Iguro nodded.
After a lengthy silence, Kyojuro said, "You don't have to stop eating just because I'm here. I didn't want to interrupt you—I just thought I could come and keep you company. But you were eating when I came in and now you've stopped."
Iguro's face flushed, and his eyes burned. Kyojuro had seen him eating earlier? Then he had seen… He inhaled sharply. Kyojuro, however, was unfazed.
"You don't have to stop eating. We can eat together," he continued as he poured some soup into a bowl for himself. "Tasty!" he exclaimed with a wide smile when he took a bite.
Iguro's eyes grew wide and he choked out quietly before he could stop himself, "You're…you're not…disgusted?"
Kyojuro turned to look at him, and his brow furrowed. He tilted his head. "Why would I be disgusted? My mother's miso soup is the best! It's not disgusting at all. Weren't you eating it earlier? You should take another bite to see how good it tastes!"
Iguro shifted in his seat uncomfortably as Kyojuro stared at him expectantly. Kaburamaru nudged the side of his hand in encouragement as Iguro stared intently at the table. His heart pounded. His hands were shaking as he slowly moved his left hand to shield his face as he moved his right hand away from his mouth, picked up a spoonful, and took another bite of the soup.
"Well?" asked Kyojuro exuberantly.
Confused, Iguro met Kyojuro's intense gaze and answered a little unsurely, "Tasty?"
A bright smile spread between Kyojuro's cheeks before he took another bite of soup himself. "See, I told you!" he answered with a good-natured laugh. "Now go on and eat lots more!"
Iguro looked down at the bowl and back up at Kyojuro who scarfing down his soup with gusto. "You…you still want to eat…with me?" he stumbled.
Kyojuro looked up at him mid-bite. "Mhmmm!" he hummed nodding in enthusiastic agreement before he swallowed. "It's always better to eat with friends!"
Iguro could feel tears prickling in his eyes. "Friends?" he repeated—his voice barely audible as if he could scarcely believe it.
"Of course," said Kyojuro as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "Meals always taste better with friends!"
"Meals always tasted better with Rengoku," Iguro agreed whether with Kanroji and Senjuro or with his memories he didn't know. Kyojuro Rengoku was always so kind. Iguro never could tell if he had seen his wound that day or not, but he was sure it wouldn't have mattered to him. That was just the kind of person Rengoku was. He saw the best in everybody and believed in them even when they didn't believe in themselves. Iguro had never deserved such a friend—a brother. He couldn't believe he was gone.
Iguro felt a single tear break free from his burning eyes and trickle down his cheek.
"Iguro-san," gasped Kanroji, and within moments, Senjuro's arms were wrapped around him.
"I miss him too," Senjuro choked out as he started crying into Iguro's shoulder. Kanroji cried loudly as tears streamed down her cheeks, and she hugged them both tightly.
Iguro patted Senjuro's head gently and placed a sympathetic hand on Kanroji's shoulder. Kaburamaru helped to comfort them as well, but Iguro was finding himself sorely inadequate. "Senjuro," he began guiltily. "I'm sorry…I shouldn't have come."
Senjuro stopped shaking and pulled away to look Iguro in the face. "No, I'm so glad that you did. It's what my brother would've wanted. He was always happiest when his family was together."
Tears pooled in Kanroji's eyes, and Iguro's insides twisted. As if sensing this, Senjuro sniffled and took Iguro's hand in one hand and Kanroji's in the other. "You've all been working so hard and have been so busy keeping everyone safe from the demons that you haven't been able to come home in such a long time…but now we're all together again."
Senjuro's eyes began to fill with tears, but he closed his eyes and smiled the kindest, brightest smile. Iguro swallowed hard—biting back tears. He looked just like his brother, and as he said the words, it was almost as if Kyojuro was there saying them right along with him, "Welcome home."
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raggydraws · 3 months
Alright y'all, I'm on a Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba hyperfixation rn and you're gonna hear about it!
Demon Slayer Anime & Manga Spoilers beyond this point 👇
Ok so take this with a grain of salt, as I am a HUGE fan of Fullmetal Alchemist and Demon Slayer, but I can't help but compare the two a little bit.
KNY is very good, it tells a nice story and I love the characters a lot! But there's a lot of characters...and they don't really get a lot of time put into them because of Tanjiro. He's the main character of course but it felt like he had to be shoehorned into some arcs for anything to happen to anyone else. (Mainly the Entertainment District Arc) The pacing in KNY isn't great, a lot of the ending felt rushed and a lot of plotlines came up out of nowhere only to get dropped just as quickly too. A lot of this could've been sprinkled into the anime as foreshadowing or foundation for later full reveals. (Like that random prophecy or Shinobu and the Wisteria Poison! Like, literally give me crumbs I am BEGGING.)
Now take a look at Fullmetal Alchemist, it has a similar plotline (older sibling has something terrible happen to younger sibling and goes on a journey to fix it. Etc. Etc.) and FMA has a big cast of characters too. However, these characters are allowed to exist without Edward Elric having to hover around them all the time. They've got their own shit going on in the background and it makes them compelling and well rounded. Even the characters who only show up for two episodes (I'm looking at you Devil's Nest) are given time and care so we get invested into them! But there's also a lot of stuff we don't know about these characters as well, because they aren't the main character but it doesn't hurt their existence in the story. Imagine if we only saw things from Tanjiro's perspective, no other backstories, no one else's inner thoughts, nothing. You wouldn't care about those characters at all!
I feel like the Demon Slayer anime could've helped with this by adding more episodes and straying slightly from the Manga. The anime is incredibly faithful to its source material, but the source material also had a lot of stuff that couldn't get added that would've made good 'filler' episodes or scenes to help flesh out the characters more!
Tanjiro was in a coma for 4 months. You're telling me we couldn't get a Zenitsu centric episode while he was knocked out?? We can't get a more somber look at Inosuke waiting for his best friend to wake up? I CANT HAVE AOI AND KANAO ANGST?? (<- Aoi and Kanao have so much untapped potential that we don't get to see CAUSE THEY DONT INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER! AOI WANTED KANAO TO BE HER SISTER!!) The anime also already did this with that exclusive Kyojuro focused episode! We got a little sprinkled backstory for him AND his dad, plus what he was doing before he got on the train! (I didn't know I needed to know where all those bentos came from lmao but it was good! It made the world feel more alive.)
It would've also helped if characters, outside of Tanjiro, were allowed to interact with each other on screen! We're left to fill in gaps between characters who supposedly interact a lot with 0 examples of their relationship. Kanao is Shinobu's tsuguko but I can't think of a single time they spoke to each other that wasn't a flashback.
So, yeah. I love Demon Slayer, it's really good on its own but I feel like it needed to be refined and polished a little more, ya know?
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sattosugu · 1 year
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favorite upperrank demon in kny - douma 
kny 3.01 -  “someone's dream"
for my amazing and wonderful friend - sky @upperranktwo
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belovedmuichiro · 2 months
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I saw a post once that entertained the idea of Tsutako being in the background of Sanemi’s hometown in the anime, and it got me thinking about a sanegiyuu childhood meet cute.
- When Giyuu was 13, he took a trip with Tsutako to a neighboring city where her fiancé had come from
- Though Giyuu was a much friendlier person as a child, he was still quiet, reserved and nervous. As a result, being in a bigger city was overwhelming and he struggled to keep up with Tsutako as they walked
- Before they could reach her fiancé’s home, Giyuu was separated from her in a crowd
- Without any people skills to speak of or the confidence to ask for help, Giyuu let the crowd swallow him up until he found a small spot he could cower in
- He ended up hiding under the stairs of a shrine where nobody could see him. He cried so quietly, nobody could possibly hear him either, but a boy did miraculously find him
- The boy was strikingly beautiful with stark white hair and piercing eyes. His presence made Giyuu stop crying almost immediately, but only because he was mesmerized.
- When the boy spoke, he was blunt and sort of rude but Giyuu hung onto every word he said as if he was a kind spirit come to save him
- “You cry like my little siblings,” he observed. It was a simple, random sort of thing to say but it perplexed Giyuu so much that he didn’t cry any longer
- Giyuu learned that this particular shrine is where the boy would find one of his brothers hiding, so when he saw Giyuu curled up, he thought something might’ve happened to him
- Giyuu reluctantly explained he was separated from Tsutako while visiting. In truth, he wasn’t sure if he should trust a stranger but they were clearly of a similar age and that put him at ease compared to an adult
- The boy gave Giyuu a small canteen of water before they could continue because the crying had obviously overwhelmed him. He then asked for the fiancé’s name, which he scowled upon hearing, surprisingly knowing the person
- “Is that bad?” Giyuu nervously asked
- “He’s one of the sons of our landlord,” the boy explained, “He’s fine. His family’s a buncha dicks.”
- Profanities aside, Giyuu asked if he could lead him there, and the boy agreed
- “What did his family do?” Giyuu asked on the way
- “Their kid brother said some shit about my family bein’ too big and my brother got into a fight with him about it.”
- “How big is your family?”
- “Nine of us. I have six siblings.”
- Giyuu learned that his mother had just given birth, which prompted the rude comment from their landlord’s son. He also had a father who he didn’t want to talk about on account of him angering some violent people
- Though the boy didn’t seem terribly interested in prying into Giyuu’s life, he still asked, “What about you?”
- “I just have my sister. My parents died when I was young.”
- “Lucky you have a sister.”
- “Yes… I’m Giyuu, by the way.”
- For a moment, the boy looked hesitant to give anymore details about himself, but must’ve decided he doesn’t have much to lose.
- “Sanemi.”
- On the way to the landlord’s home, it began to rain so Sanemi pulled Giyuu aside near a food stall to wait it out.
- Giyuu, as luck would have it, did have a small amount of money on him and suggested they share a meal.
- Sanemi agreed, not letting on that he rarely has enough money to ever eat out. However, Giyuu became curious when Sanemi awkwardly held his food at his side and wouldn’t take a bite.
- He didnt want to admit it, but his plan was to pocket whatever Giyuu bought him to bring home to his family. He wasn’t going to tell Giyuu, but the boy’s earnest, honest face pulled it out of him
- In response, Giyuu bought him another and asked that he feed himself as well
- When Sanemi finally did eat, Giyuu smiled for the first time. It flustered Sanemi, who quickly learned he couldn’t handle a pretty face
- When the rain ended, people came flooding to the streets in overwhelming numbers that scared Giyuu again
- To reassure him, Sanemi grabbed his hand and returned his earlier smile, promising he’ll be okay as long as they stick together
- Giyuu took to Sanemi with awe. The crowd was still scary, but Giyuu grounded himself in the feeling of his companion’s hand and trusted his word.
- Eventually they did find themselves at the landlord’s house. Most of the family was out looking for Giyuu, but luckily Tsutako stayed and was there to greet him.
- This was also a relief to Sanemi, who wasn’t sure he would be able to resist driving his fist into the face of the boy who fought with Genya
- Sanemi intended to leave with no commotion, just an odd empty feeling at the notion of leaving his new acquaintance, but Giyuu stopped him
- “Thank you for helping me,” he said with much more confidence than the first time he spoke. “You’re very kind, Sanemi.”
- Sanemi, flustered, shrugged and promised it was no problem. “Couldn’t just leave ya there…”
- “Maybe we’ll see each other again.”
- When Giyuu said this, he held onto the hope that because Tsutako new husband had close ties to Sanemi’s, they would surely meet again one day
- It was hard to explain but Giyuu felt drawn to Sanemi, like he was a special person he was meant to meet
- Of course, he couldn’t predict the tragedy that would befall both of them
- Years later, long after Tsutako and the Shinazugawa family were murdered, Sanemi was welcomed into the Hashira and finally met Giyuu again
- Only this time, he was quiet and cold. He didn’t give any indication that he remembered Sanemi and didn’t have any of the kindness he was full of as a child. Sanemi decided that he must’ve turned into a conceited ass with no time for the little people, he probably didn’t even remember him.
- But it was impossible for Giyuu to forget who Sanemi was. Even under all the scars and curses, he was still the boy who saved him that day. But Giyuu knew they had fundamentally changed as people, and clearly Sanemi wanted nothing to do with him any longer
- Unfortunately for them, the draw remains there no matter how far apart they try to drift.
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nno-user · 10 months
POV: You're Muzan boutta hear the hardest diss track about you.
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[Muichiro + Mitsuri + Tengen]
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yacchannanamin · 1 year
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t0temswamp · 2 years
Favorite KNY headcanon ever is that after shinjuro rescued iguro from the snake demon he brought him home with him,,,,
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The most headcanon ever THE ONLY HEADCANON IT HEADCANONS SO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!
I will die on this fucking hill.
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nanamikeento · 11 months
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Haganezuka Hotaru | Kimetsu no Yaiba: Katanakaji no Sato-hen
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bbq-potato-chip · 10 months
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Nezuko learns…some words
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dubylou-draws · 2 years
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💪 Training with Rengoku! 💪
Watched the movie recently and drew this to console myself afterward lol. AU where everything is finee, nobody dies and they’re a perfectly happy functional family~
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lunaefall · 11 months
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acacia-may · 1 year
Could I ask you to put together a bouquet of five red roses? For Mitsuri Kanroji? 🙏🥺💖
She is the Love (koi 恋, which is romantic love) Pillar so I just want some romantic thoughts about her. Please and thank you!
Absolutely, dear! 💗 I adore Mitsuri, and you're absolutely right that as the Love Hashira she's a great fit for a Valentine's Day event! I hope you will like what I've come with for her. 🥰
Truth be told, I went through some of your posts to figure out if you were caught up with the manga and what ship(s) you like for Mitsuri (Fantastic taste btw! 😁) so it is perhaps a bit reflective of that... 😅 As I didn't want too many spoilers, however, I didn't pull any songs that are ultra specific, and I wanted to keep my event headcanons fairly lighthearted and not too angsty so I picked more upbeat songs. However, as you seem to be a big fan of angst (and ObaMitsu), I'm going to add a few more song links under the cut just in case you were looking for something with a little more emotional punch to it...
(Warnings: Sad, dark songs. Mentions death, the apocalypse, and car accidents. Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer spoilers but no specific discussion just song lyrics so proceed with caution and do with this information what you will)
"Tell me where the good men go before I wash away Walk me down the old brick road so I can die where I met you Hold me like we're going home. Turn your tears to rain Bury me beautiful, Heaven knows how I loved you"
--"Heaven Knows" by Five for Fighting (YouTube)
"I've waited way too long to say, everything you mean to me
In case you don't live forever, let me tell you now I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth I'm everything that I am because of you"
--"In Case You Don't Live Forever" by Ben Platt (YouTube)
"To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die."
"To die by your side--Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine."
--"There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" by The Smiths (YouTube)
"And here it is, our final night alive And as the earth burns to the ground
Oh, girl, it's you that I lie with as the atom bomb locks in Oh, it's you I watch TV with as the world, as the world caves in"
"Yes, it's you I welcome death with as the world, as the world caves in"
--"As The World Caves In" (Acoustic Version) by Matt Maltese (YouTube)
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mistresssofdarkness · 3 months
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Tbh I think for the fans waiting for these two since 2019 , it's a gift . Given these two are always seen together.
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They are criminally underrated duo.
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sattosugu · 11 months
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demon slayer 3x09 - rengoku
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secretsofflowers · 28 days
The evolution of Kanao Kocho's dress
When we first see Kanao, she is wearing a special-made Demon Slayer Corps dress uniform, which consists of a pleated, long, purple skirt. Image below.
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As we can see, there is barely any skin showing between her legs and the top of her boots. She is nearly completely covered. This symbolizes body image difficulty, which we know she has, as it was explored in several of the light novels, and in the anime. Kanao was starved from a young age, but was led to believe she was overweight, and ugly, which most likely stemmed her request to Shinobu and Aoi for a unique uniform. She had also seen Shinobu burn her first uniform (with the open chest, like Kanroji's) and she had seen Kanae politely hand it back and create her own with Aoi. This was most likely also a part of why Kanao chose to cover up, because she could not make her own decisions, and she had seen two of her sisters, people she looks up to, choose to cover up, which is most likely a contributing factor as to why Kanao wore a special-made uniform, sewn by Aoi Kanzaki.
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But, that all changed after meeting Tanjiro. After meeting Tanjiro, she began to feel more confident in her body, and in her choices. After their meeting at the butterfly mansion, in which Tanjiro flipped her coin, and it landed on heads, leading her to make her own choices. After this happened, Kanao felt even more afraid at first, and even refused to go on missions for a couple days afterwards. But, when she began to realize what Tanjiro meant, and the freedom she had now, she began to use that freedom. She began even asking Shinobu for missions, unlike before, where she would be waiting for Shinobu to hand them to her. After she began asking and receiving, and successfully completing more missions, Kanao began to feel more confident and comfortable in her own skin. She then altered her uniform herself, making it with a slightly shorter skirt. This is seen in the first episode of the Swordsmith Village Arc. Picture below.
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After Kanao starts to grow more comfortable in her body, she starts to wear the uniform pictured above. But, after Kanao found out about the growing feelings and affection between Genya Shinazugawa and Tanjiro Kamado, Kanao started to feel something she never felt before. In fact, it had been a long time since she felt anything. But Kanao started to feel jealous. Tanjiro and Genya had just been through so much together in the Swordsmith Village, while him and Kanao had just trained together. When Kanao found this out, she asked Aoi to alter her uniform again. Aoi asked what it was for, but Kanao wouldn't say, likely due to embarrassment. After Aoi altered it again, it became even shorter and tighter, emphasizing her bust and showing off her legs. Picture below.
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As you can see in the above picture, most of her legs are showing, and the skirt is barely covering her backside. She did this most likely to catch Tanjiro's attention, and to drive Genya away, since Genya hated girls, and showing more of her body would most likely make him uncomfortable.
Everything I've talked about above is a great sign of growth for Kanao Kocho. Stay tuned for more!
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nanaskittle · 10 months
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Their backstory makes me so sad..🥺 I love em to death.. After I watched the episode with Muichiro's backstory, I had an urge to draw them. 💙💙💙
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