#kidney dieases
flomagic-blog · 1 year
This is my first blog here. This year has been extremely tough for a lot of folks.This year was a Strain for sure on me. In June my spouse told me that we wetent going to be a We anymore. I was married to a woman. It didnt work because of religous reasons. So in Feb divorce will be in the works.
A very good friend of Mine died of Covid and Kidney diease. That was rough too. So here I am seperated older not old trying to survive and I will do it of course.
So here is to the next adventure.
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ainudsnr · 4 years
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Haematuria is the presence of blood in the urine. There are two types of haematuria
Gross haematuria: - Person can see blood in the urine
Microscopic haematuria: - Person cannot see blood in the urine, it can be seen by a microscope.
The most common causes of haematuria include
Infections in bladder, kidney, and prostate, vigorous exercise, menstruation, endometriosis, trauma
Serious causes of haematuria include
Bladder or kidney cancer, blood-clotting disorders, sickle cell disease, nephritic syndromes
 Haematuria is most commonly seen in?
The person who affects with an enlarged prostate, Urinary stones, strenuous exercise, bacterial or viral infection, and having a family history of kidney disease.
People with gross haematuria has a urine colour that looks like pink, red, or brown. A small amount of blood in the urine can change colour. Other symptoms of gross haematuria are blood clots in urine that can cause pain in the bladder or pain in the back.
People with microscopic haematuria usually doesn't have any symptoms.
 Treatment and Test
Treatment depends on the nature of illness which has to be evaluated.
To find how the blood passing of urine doctor might ask you for the urine sample this helps to find out how blood passing in urine due to kidney disease, infection or other problem.
Health care professionals diagnose haematuria with a urine test called a urinalysis.
 Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) is the best kidney hospital in India, providing world-class treatment for all your renal problems. AINU hospitals successfully completed 500 robotic surgeries and proven that they are the best kidney transplant hospital in India.
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ainu-vizag · 4 years
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Haematuria is the presence of blood in the urine. There are two types of haematuria
Gross haematuria: - Person can see blood in the urine
Microscopic haematuria: - Person cannot see blood in the urine, it can be seen by a microscope.
The most common causes of haematuria include
Infections in bladder, kidney, and prostate, vigorous exercise, menstruation, endometriosis, trauma
Serious causes of haematuria include
Bladder or kidney cancer, blood-clotting disorders, sickle cell disease, nephritic syndromes
 Haematuria is most commonly seen in?
The person who affects with an enlarged prostate, Urinary stones, strenuous exercise, bacterial or viral infection, and having a family history of kidney disease.
People with gross haematuria has a urine colour that looks like pink, red, or brown. A small amount of blood in the urine can change colour. Other symptoms of gross haematuria are blood clots in urine that can cause pain in the bladder or pain in the back.
People with microscopic haematuria usually doesn't have any symptoms.
 Treatment and Test
Treatment depends on the nature of illness which has to be evaluated.
To find how the blood passing of urine doctor might ask you for the urine sample this helps to find out how blood passing in urine due to kidney disease, infection or other problem.
Health care professionals diagnose haematuria with a urine test called a urinalysis.
 Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) is the best kidney hospital in India, providing world-class treatment for all your renal problems. AINU hospitals successfully completed 500 robotic surgeries and proven that they are the best kidney transplant hospital in India.
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strawberri-syrup · 2 years
just realized i accidentally wrote eugenics propaganda last year in my essay about cloning, my bad guys
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Booh. A picture of me from a Marti Gras party I went to before I became so chronically ill with my health problems.
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ask-a-vetblr · 3 years
Recently when discussing treatment for my cat's Kidney Disease, the vet mentioned that in a laboratory setting, specialized diets specifically for Kidney Diease are better at controlling it than Subcutaneous Fluids. I was wondering if yall could explain exactly why specialized diets are better at this?
gettingvetted here.
Subcutaneous fluids are actually quite poor in achieving any kind of long term relief for kidney failure patients. The idea behind it is that a) kidney failure patients are chronically dehydrated because their kidneys cannot effectively retain water, and b) they cannot properly flush out normal byproducts of metabolism due to their kidney failure which is part of what makes them feel so miserable. So, the SQ fluids supposedly help with rehydration and also with flushing. However, SQ fluids are absorbed quite slowly, over the course of hours. A kidney patient may well need more fluids over the course of those hours than the SQ fluids provide. Additionally, if you really want to achieve flushing of the kidneys, you need quite a high rate of fluids that just isn’t possible with SQ fluids. So, it has a non-zero helpful effect, but doesn’t ever truly achieve what we want.
So, if you really want to achieve those effects, you would need to do one or both of two things: intravenous (IV) fluids, which are far superior in the task of rehydration and flushing, or dialysis, which artificially removes those byproducts of metabolism. IV fluids are much more common just because there are only a handful of dialysis centers for animals in the US and each round will cost you upwards of $10k, whereas IV fluids are typically under $100 and can be performed at any vet clinic. (technically kidney transplants are now available for cats at the University of Pennsylvania vet school, but I digress)
Meanwhile, kidney diets are a marvel of modern medicine. If started early in the course of disease, they can give a cat or dog up to 3-4 years longer comfortable lifespan than if the pet was never on a kidney diet. These essentially reduce the need for flushing out of the metabolism byproducts by reducing the amount of nutrients that result in those byproducts. For example Urea is produced in the liver as a byproduct of protein metabolism. This is one of the byproducts that builds up and causes animals to be miserable. If you reduce the protein in the diet, then naturally there will be less urea for the kidneys to remove and the animal will feel less poorly. Additionally, kidney patients struggle to remove excess phosphorus and sodium from the blood, so the amount of those elements in the food is reduced as well. Meanwhile, kidney patients struggle to retain potassium, so kidney diets are fortified with extra potassium. Obviously these foods would be a very poor diet for a normal animal, but in a kidney failure patient, the basic premise is that kidney disease will kill them much more quickly than a lack of protein will, so you stick to the lack of protein.
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ainuhitech · 4 years
Haematuria is the presence of blood in the urine. There are two types of haematuria
Gross haematuria: - Person can see blood in the urine
Microscopic haematuria: - Person cannot see blood in the urine, it can be seen by a microscope.
The most common causes of haematuria include
Infections in bladder, kidney, and prostate, vigorous exercise, menstruation, endometriosis, trauma
Serious causes of haematuria include
Bladder or kidney cancer, blood-clotting disorders, sickle cell disease, nephritic syndromes
 Haematuria is most commonly seen in?
The person who affects with an enlarged prostate, Urinary stones, strenuous exercise, bacterial or viral infection, and having a family history of kidney disease.
People with gross haematuria has a urine colour that looks like pink, red, or brown. A small amount of blood in the urine can change colour. Other symptoms of gross haematuria are blood clots in urine that can cause pain in the bladder or pain in the back.
People with microscopic haematuria usually doesn't have any symptoms.
 Treatment and Test
Treatment depends on the nature of illness which has to be evaluated.
To find how the blood passing of urine doctor might ask you for the urine sample this helps to find out how blood passing in urine due to kidney disease, infection or other problem.
Health care professionals diagnose haematuria with a urine test called a urinalysis.
 Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) is the best kidney hospital in India, providing world-class treatment for all your renal problems. AINU hospitals successfully completed 500 robotic surgeries and proven that they are the best kidney transplant hospital in India.
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crowcrest-remade · 6 years
I have a rare genetic diease that causes cancer and tumors in areas like kidneys and I'm super freaked out at this point BC idk what's going on and no ones taking me seriously
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namastarshango55 · 3 years
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You may not take your health seriously now, because you may not feel chronically ill. But illnesses become life threatening in stages:
Early Stages
1: Tiredness/Lethargy/Fatigue
2: Headaches
3: Insomnia
4: Bloating
5: Digestive Issues
6: Consistent Urination
7: Dry Mouth
8: Constipation
9: Stiffness
10: Diarrhea
11: Nausea
12: Fever
13: Cysts
14: Dizziness
15: Impotence
16: Foggy Brain/Confusion/ADHD
17: Weightloss/Weightgain
18: Strong Vagina Odour
19: Depression
20: Difficulties breathing
21: Loss of Appetite
22: Candida
23: Consistent colds/flu
24: Rashes/Hives
Second Stages:
1: Pain & Pressure
2: Diabetes
3: High Blood Pressure
4: Infectious Diseases
5: Arthritis
6: Cancer
7: Tumors
8: Kidney Disease
9: Heart Disease/Failure
10: Liver Dieases
11: Colitis
12: Endiometriosis
13: Autoimmune Disease
14: Prostate Issues
15: Pneumonia
16: Parkinson Disease
17: Schizophrenia/Biopolar/Psychosis/Neurosis
18: Blood In stool
19: Asthma
20: Alzheimer’s/Dementia
21: Dermatitis/Ezcema
Please don’t ignore your bodies many cries for your attention! Without good health, you cannot have a good life!
If you need Nutrition/Plant Medicine advice, Parasite Detection Test or General HEALth Support, DM ME. I AM qualified to support your healthcare!
Let’s Get Healthy
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dranandhomeopathy · 3 years
Dr Anand Homeopathy is founded by best homeopathy doctor in Jaipur Dr. Nitin Anand. He is well renowned homeopath from Jaipur. His expertise in treating piles, kidney stone, and others dieases. He has successfully treated many patients in his 15 years of clinic practice. He is one of leading homeopaths in Jaipur.
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ainudsnr · 4 years
Haematuria is the presence of blood in the urine. There are two types of haematuria
Gross haematuria: - Person can see blood in the urine
Microscopic haematuria: - Person cannot see blood in the urine, it can be seen by a microscope.
The most common causes of haematuria include
Infections in bladder, kidney, and prostate, vigorous exercise, menstruation, endometriosis, trauma
Serious causes of haematuria include
Bladder or kidney cancer, blood-clotting disorders, sickle cell disease, nephritic syndromes
 Haematuria is most commonly seen in?
The person who affects with an enlarged prostate, Urinary stones, strenuous exercise, bacterial or viral infection, and having a family history of kidney disease.
People with gross haematuria has a urine colour that looks like pink, red, or brown. A small amount of blood in the urine can change colour. Other symptoms of gross haematuria are blood clots in urine that can cause pain in the bladder or pain in the back.
People with microscopic haematuria usually doesn't have any symptoms.
 Treatment and Test
Treatment depends on the nature of illness which has to be evaluated.
To find how the blood passing of urine doctor might ask you for the urine sample this helps to find out how blood passing in urine due to kidney disease, infection or other problem.
Health care professionals diagnose haematuria with a urine test called a urinalysis.
 Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) is the best kidney hospital in India, providing world-class treatment for all your renal problems. AINU hospitals successfully completed 500 robotic surgeries and proven that they are the best kidney transplant hospital in India.
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ainu-vizag · 4 years
Haematuria is the presence of blood in the urine. There are two types of haematuria
Gross haematuria: - Person can see blood in the urine
Microscopic haematuria: - Person cannot see blood in the urine, it can be seen by a microscope.
The most common causes of haematuria include
Infections in bladder, kidney, and prostate, vigorous exercise, menstruation, endometriosis, trauma
Serious causes of haematuria include
Bladder or kidney cancer, blood-clotting disorders, sickle cell disease, nephritic syndromes
 Haematuria is most commonly seen in?
The person who affects with an enlarged prostate, Urinary stones, strenuous exercise, bacterial or viral infection, and having a family history of kidney disease.
People with gross haematuria has a urine colour that looks like pink, red, or brown. A small amount of blood in the urine can change colour. Other symptoms of gross haematuria are blood clots in urine that can cause pain in the bladder or pain in the back.
People with microscopic haematuria usually doesn't have any symptoms.
 Treatment and Test
Treatment depends on the nature of illness which has to be evaluated.
To find how the blood passing of urine doctor might ask you for the urine sample this helps to find out how blood passing in urine due to kidney disease, infection or other problem.
Health care professionals diagnose haematuria with a urine test called a urinalysis.
 Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) is the best kidney hospital in India, providing world-class treatment for all your renal problems. AINU hospitals successfully completed 500 robotic surgeries and proven that they are the best kidney transplant hospital in India.
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1440phut · 4 years
TS Trần Văn Hùng: Trở về cùng khát vọng tuổi trẻ
TS Trần Văn Hùng: Trở về cùng khát vọng tuổi trẻ
Những nghiên cứu của anh về sử dụng chất xơ thực phẩm đã chứng minh thành công ảnh hưởng của chất xơ trong làm giảm viêm nhiễm đường ruột, ung thư đường ruột và ngăn ngừa bệnh viêm thận (Chronic Kidney Diease- CKD)
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TS Trần Văn Hùng tham gia chương trình trại hè quốc tế với sự tham gia của 17 Trường ĐH và 7 quốc gia trên thế giới tại Nhật Bản năm 2018
Thực phẩm hạn chế ung thư đường ruột
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meghan84 · 7 years
Get to know the author 23
) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
This is me talking about what do you think? Let’s see Jesse’s kidney disease and the resulting chemotherapeutic treatment or at least the things he relayed to me about genetic kidney diseases brought On a fascination with treatments for it. Thus Luca and secondhand choice was born. Obviously, thier diease is different and have different issues.
Abby ward is inspired by lux
And there are little bits of me and my experiences within both Jenna and liv
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bunnysquid · 4 years
i still can’t believe my dumbass ended up having a rare disease like ???
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medsdrive · 4 years
Chronic Kidney Disease:Causes,Sign and and symptoms,Treatment.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the progressive and irreversible destruction of the kidneys. The kidneys are essential parts of your body.
They have several functions, including:
Helping maintain the balance of minerals and electrolytes in your bodies, such as calcium, sodium, and potassium.
Playing an essential role in the production of red blood cells.
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