#khent's tv hour
khentkawes · 8 months
I'm finally getting around to watching a few episodes of Ahsoka (after only watching the double-episode premiere up until this point) and...
I LOVE Huyang. He's the best! And not just because he's voiced by David Tennant, although that's awesome too. He's just perfect--snarky and sassing the other characters and reminding them that he represents a millennia of Jedi tradition and history and that the Jedi were GOOD for that whole millennia and that their history and traditions MATTER. He's easily the best droid character since R2-D2.
Huyang is awesome and I love him.
The rest of the series... I could leave it without a single regret. It just does nothing for me. *shrug*
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khentkawes · 8 months
Ahsoka, episode 4 - Yay, lightsabers! but... they're kinda meh?
Okay, so, on the upside... how refreshing is it to finally have a piece of Star Wars media that uses lightsabers! After so much Mandalorian and rebel alliance material in the shows so far, we actually get to see lightsabers in action again! Which, let's be honest, lightsabers the single coolest and most iconic thing Star Wars has ever produced.
But, unfortunately... they look kinda lame? Like sequels kind of lame? I mean, they cut through trees, which is good. But... most of the lightsaber battles so far are shot in close-ups, which means you can't really see the battle. I don't need to see Rosario Dawson's face while she's fighting. I want to see the actual lightsaber fight... the whole thing! Which means you need to zoom out more often. I don't remember any prequel lightsaber battles being filmed this way. Close-ups were used sparingly for moments when we needed to see the characters' faces and emotions. Other than that, we got full-body shots that showed the characters' movements.
Does Rosario Dawson look bad when she's doing the footwork, or something? Is that why they did it this way? They're doing it with Sabine and Shin too, but not as much.
And what the force-forsaken fuck was that spinning move from the fake inquisitor-dude and how in the blazes did Ahsoka defeat him just by stepping into his spinning blade? I replayed it five times and I still don't get what happened. I mean, it looked badass at first until I realized I had no idea what had happened. And then Ahsoka just... stood there? With her lightsaber still above her head... for a reeeeaaallly long time. Like an unnecessarily long time. And sure, the not-inquisitor-guy exploding in Buffy-verse Vampire fashion was unexpected and kinda cool. But I still don't know what the bloody hell happened?
*sigh* New Star Wars is still not really doing it for me.
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khentkawes · 2 years
Me: "I can't decide what TV show to watch next."
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: *shoves Matt Murdock at me* "Here."
Me: "Okay, problem solved!"
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khentkawes · 2 years
Spoilers: The Boys season 3
Warning: rant on new fandom in-coming (don't worry, this fandom is not going to become a mainstay on this blog).
I've been watching The Boys over the past few weeks, largely because I had heard The Boys was a good deconstruction of the superhero genre. And on the one hand, it is. But season 3 is increasingly making me kind of uncomfortable with the way that deconstruction is also just reinforcing the glorification of vigilantism, which is the bread and butter of the superhero genre. It's one of those cases where they are deconstruction the genre so thoroughly that they've looped back around to just reinforcing all of the same tropes they were deconstructing/critiquing in the first place.
Like... okay, vigilantism is appealing in theory, but you have to have the critical awareness to realize that "the heroic vigilante" is just a myth. It's a re-purposing of the Robin Hood legend. It gives us a single "good guy" who will stand up to the "the man" or "the system," and if he's a "noble thief," then the vigilantism becomes a good thing. It's not the bug, it's the feature. But the problem is that the myth of the "noble vigilante" is not real and it's not possible in real life. There is no case when it is good for one person to operate above and beyond the law just because "they mean well" or they make the case that they are best suited to handle tough situations (Cap's "the safest hands are our own" mantra is bullshit. It's appealing bullshit, but it's still bullshit). In real life, we need accountability. We need equal justice under the law (and yes I am well aware of how flawed the justice system is, thank you, but that doesn't mean we just throw the entire legal system out the window. We still need laws. We still need to strive for a more just society). Vigilantism is the antithesis of all of that.
But now here we are in season 3 of The Boys, and... we're rooting for the vigilantes again. Butcher and Hughie going off the reservation and teaming up with Solider Boy is exciting because we have seen over and over again that working within the system will never work, so obviously we are hoping that working outside the system and doing "whatever it takes" will prove successful. But... damn, that's dangerous. And I'm not sure if the show is self-aware enough to know that this is what it's doing.
On the one hand, sure, they've made it clear that Butcher and Homelander are the same in some ways, that they are mirrors for each other and both have the same core of ruthlessness and hate (although... do they? They are both ruthless, yes, but Homeland is driven by ego, a yearning chasm of insecurity, and an unquenchable lust for recognition; while Butcher is driven by the deep pain of loss, feelings of rage at his own helplessness, and an incessant fear that he is, in fact, that monster that he is fighting, the same monster that his father was. But I'm getting off track...). While in some ways, we know that Butcher isn't "right," that what he is doing is incredibly sketchy and far too similar to the worst of the Supes misdeeds... and while we do have Annie and M.M. both standing up to Hughie and Butcher to say, "yeah, this isn't the right way to do this, I'm not on board here, you're wrong and messed up to think this is all okay." But while the narrative tells us all of that, I think the vast majority of the audience feels that Annie and M.M. are right, but also that they're too naive. There is always a part of us, as viewers, that is going to be hoping Butcher will win, that he'll get to rip Homelander apart and put an end to this by killing all (or most) of the Supes. Right? It's not just me, right? I think we are still on Butcher's side, more or less. (Side note: I have no intention of reading the comics, but I have heard that Butcher is the final villain in the comics... but I don't believe that's where the show is going, not least of all because Karl Urban has succeeded in making Butcher sympathetic far too often for that to work).
So I can't decide if the show is just undercutting its entire point about the way power corrupts and we need oversight / accountability... or if it is intentionally playing with the idea that part of us wants to see the vigilante win and defy all of the rules, even while we know that it's wrong. Is the show that self-aware? I'm not sure. When I heard the premise of the show, it seemed obvious to me that this was a "Team Iron Man" philosophy that says no one should have unchecked power. But now... it seems to also be saying, "well, since the people/agencies that should be a check on power are all corrupt, the only way to stop those with unchecked power is to exercise that power ourselves." In essence... "the safest hands are still are own." And yeah, that's not it, my dudes. Whatever you think you're advocating for, this ain't the moral highground you're looking for. It's just leading us back to the simplistic glorification of the vigilante.
On another note...
I heard so many people call season 3 "a masterpiece" and I'm like... really? It's addictive, I'll give it that. And there are some pretty amazing moments of pathos where the actors manage to convey a lot with very little. It seems to be relying less on spectacle (with some exceptions) and giving the characters moments of quiet emotion. So there's a lot that's good here.
But there are way too many instances where they didn't even bother to write the gags and the supposedly "ironic" moments. They just straight-up ripped stuff out of the real life news. A-Train stars in Kendall Jenner's Pepsi commercial. The Deep tries to pull off the famous "Imagine video" from the early Covid days. The Hawk-whatever guy just parrots every apology we've ever heard from police departments whose officers have killed yet another unarmed black man. Gunpowder repeats straight-up NRA talking points. Homelander tells a female reporter "that's such a nasty question" when she asks a completely valid and innocuous question about what to tell people who feel scared of Covid... I mean, of Supe-terrorists. Like... you've run out of imagination and are now just taking Trump's dialogue from real press conferences and giving it to Homelander? At least last season there was a tiny veneer of distance between Stormfront and the "Stormchasers" and the real life Patriot Prayer/Proud Boys. But now... they're not even trying to make up these moments in the show or use a bit of creativity to reference real world events. We all saw the parallels (they were never terribly subtle) but those parallels worked better when they weren't just... copy-and-pasted from the hellscape that is reality. We've seriously lived this whole Trump-induced wasteland with his botched Covid response and deaming comments about women (and the "only I can save you" BS) and dumbass militias trying to drag us back to the past and racists giving shitty apologies and the celebrities trying to be relatable and failing because they only care about their brand. We don't need you to dramatize exactly the hellish bullshit what we've been living with for the past four years! It's just "change the names" copy-and-paste from real American life, which is occasionally funny, but is quickly becoming tiresome.
And in spite of all of those criticisms, I am still going to go right back to binge-watching the last two episodes today. Because it is addictive, even if the nihilism is definitely fucking with my head at the moment. Should there be a trigger warning for "do not watch this show when your depression is acting up"? Probably. But it's too late now, I'm already hooked, whether I want to be or not.
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khentkawes · 2 years
It's Tuesday evening, and there's no new episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi coming tonight/tomorrow, and now I'm sad. :( I know most people prefer to binge tv shows, and I get that, but I really enjoy having episodes released weekly because it gives me something to look forward to and it stretches out the experience. But now there are no more episodes, and I'm sad (I'm happy with the ending, to be clear, just sad that it's over).
So... time to rewatch? Or figure out what my next TV show is going to be?
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khentkawes · 2 years
Obi-Wan Kenobi Part III first reaction
Holy Shit! Holy Shit! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!
The producers seriously decided to hold nothing back and just go straight for maximum pain.
(more specific spoilers for episode 3 under the cut...and more swearing)
Like... HOLY SHIT!
Vader is fucking terrifying!! I literally jumped when he ignited his lightsaber the first time. And as he's walking through town, dragging the strangling, writhing bodies of the townspeople... he's legitimately terrifying!
And that cliffhanger?! However bad I expected things to get, I didn't expect them to get this bad this quickly. Nor did I expect the boys to cross lightsabers quite this soon.
Have I said "holy shit" yet? Because HOLY FUCKING SHIT!
(I'm sure someday I will have a coherent, non-sweary reaction to this episode, but today is not the day. Tomorrow's not looking good either)
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khentkawes · 3 years
I just watched the Loki season finale and like... dude.
I need to go lie down in a dark room for a while.
Like that was... something.
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khentkawes · 3 years
Watched episode 4 of The Falcon and the Winter Solider last night, and most of the episode was kinda boring (just running around Latvia looking for Karli and the flag-smashers... and obviously that last scene that everyone’s talking about and was totally spoiled before I watched the episode). But omg omg omg... Marvel did something right!
The Marvel-people finally remembered that Sam Wilson is more than just a generic I-fight-bad-guys-and-do-what-Steve-says sidekick. For the first time since CA: WS, they remembered that he counseled veterans going through PTSD. This was one of the greatest parts of his character in CA:WS and they just... dropped it. Sam was the one trying to get Steve to deal with his trauma and his transition into this new world. Sam was the one who recognized that Steve was more hurt and human than his outward persona. Sam was the one who challenged Steve to try to figure out who he was and what he wanted and how we was going to fit into the 21st century. And all of that made him a better, more interesting character. He had the soft skills and the experience understanding trauma that none of the other Avengers had (and they ALL needed). And I was half convinced that the Marvel writers were never going to bring that element of his character.
But they finally did! They did something right! Sam Wilson was amazing in this episode! He’s thoughtful, empathetic, skilled at negotiation and relating to others... and he still kicks butt, stands up for the little guy, and wants to protect people from violence. This is what we need from a new Captain America, and I am here for it! Finally.
(now please, marvel, please... don’t screw this up. I know that’s what you’re best at, but you did something right. don’t mess it up now)
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khentkawes · 5 years
I started re-watching Killjoys, only got through the first episode, but damn! I mean, seriously, I forgot how much I love this show. What I did not forget is that Dutch is a badass and I love her!
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But also... the writing is just masterful on this show! We get trope subversion in the first scene (which I had forgotten entirely!) where Dutch plays the innocent defenseless girlfriend while Johnny plays the team leader...only to turn all of that up on its head. And then near the end, when Dutch is getting lectured by Turin, there is just the right mix of seamlessly delivered world-building, while the writers explain The Company, the RAC, and the RAC code...without it ever seeming like the info-dump it easily could have been because it is plot-essential and situationally appropriate exposition. Meanwhile, they drop a ton of hints about Khlyen and Dutch’s past but leave it all in tantalizing mystery. Oh yeah, and I totally forgot that Johnny lies through his teeth when he tells D’avin that he doesn’t know who Dutch is or how she was trained or where she comes from. Johnny is totally messing with D’avin! Johnny and Dutch are perfect and they know each other so well.
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Just...ugg, I love this show. I’m going to live in hope that the final season this summer ends well (because after Endgame and The Magicians, I want one piece of media to have a hopeful ending, dammit!).
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khentkawes · 5 years
Killjoys season 5 if making me stress eat. It's like, "hello, I just ate a half pint of ice cream and a whole bag of rice cakes while watching this episode!" I really do think this season is well-written so far, and if the season ends well, then I will love re-watching these episodes later...but right now, not knowing how it ends, I'm in a state of such constant fear that I can't fully enjoy it, somehow?
I mean, is Johnny gonna be okay? Is Dutch gonna sacrifice herself in the final battle with the Lady? Because you know she totally would. Or given that this show has killed off beloved supporting characters before, who will be the next victim? (I mean, we’ve also had characters who died, or seemed to die, who are now back, so....who even knows?). Most importantly, will Dutch and Johnny make up and work out their issues so that their adorably weird family unit (complete with Dav’in) can finally be happy? Is this finale gonna make me sob like a baby and feel sad for weeks?!?
I need them to get back to this:
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And this:
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I want team awesome-force back. I want Dutch-and-Johnny as nonsexual-life-partners back. I want Dutch to remember that Johnny is her left hand man because he's "closest to my heart." Look, Dav'in is awesome. And if Dutch and Dav'in are the endgame romantic ship here, that's fine...but only if it's in a way that doesn't diminish Johnny's role in their lives. (To be fair, 5x05 is giving me hope here--clearly Dutch knows she’s losing Johnny and that she needs him back, and Dav is right there cheering her on and telling her to go after Johnny, because of course Dav wants his brother back too).
And since I just rewatched the entire series before season 5 started...I am terrified of the vision that the Lady showed Dutch last season, with a beaten Dutch on her knees and a heartless (possibly Hullen, possibly Lady-possessed) Johnny pointing a gun at her head and laughing manically. I can feel us marching towards that scene and it's going to break my heart.
Please writers---don’t let me down. I know you’re good enough to pull this off, just please, please don’t let me wrong. Give us the beautiful, hopeful ending we all deserve.
Please, just this once, can everybody live?
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khentkawes · 3 years
I did NOT see that ending coming. I should have. But I didn’t. Oh, come on Loki variants (variants plural! plural Lokis!). Join forces, Lokis, and burn the TVA to the ground. I’m with y’all!
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khentkawes · 7 years
2017 TV show renewal score card  - as of 10/14/17
Broadchurch (ITV)
Orphan Black (BBC/BBC America)
Night Shift (NBC)
Dark Matter (Syfy)
Killjoys (Syfy) - renewed for seasons 4 and 5, after which it will end
The Magicians (Syfy)
Status Unknown:
Salvation (CBS) EDIT: renewed!
Doctor Who (BBC) - continuing sometime next year but literally everything is changing and I’m in mourning... don’t judge me while I’m crying over Peter Capaldi leaving... :(
Conclusion: So this year I’m looking at a 50% or greater loss in TV shows that I watch regularly. It might be time for me to pick up some new shows. Too bad everything in the fall line-up is utter crap. Also, since when is Syfy the network I can semi-depend on to renew cool and unique shows? When did I step into this alternate reality? And BBC, you have some work to do.
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