#kenyan vibe
honeyqueenbee · 1 year
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Perfect perfect perfect! 🤩💫
💫✨Via Tw!tter✨💫
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michasmusic · 3 months
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goodvibescoffeepc · 7 months
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cryptotheism · 2 years
"What if you were hiking in the woods- Have you ever been hiking? Not like you stayed at a cabin in the mountains for the weekend, like you were staying out in the country, and you wandered out past your backyard. What if you were hiking, and you came across a labyrinth. You know, like a big maze. It's just you in the woods and this huge stone structure covered in vines and grass, and there's the entrance.
You gotta peek inside right? You gotta. You gotta look. Its huge. The walls are tall, and open to the sky, and there's plenty of light so you're not gonna get stuck in a cave-in. But you're not stupid, you were hiking so you brought some rope. So you tie one end to a tree outside the entrance and you go inside to see what you can find.
Its beautiful inside. Nothing crazy happens, there's no special energy in the air or monster or whatever, its just a beautiful place. Its warm and the birds are chirping and maybe some flowers are blooming. There's just this sense of wonder, you know, this powerful sense of wonder. But eventually you run out of rope, and you realize that this thing goes on way further than you thought it did.
So you head home, right? You head home and maybe you look up the name of your town and labyrinth on the internet. And there's nothing. There's nothing! There's like, sci-fi or fantasy stories, or weird pages about aliens or ghosts or whatever. But right before you're about to give up, you find like, an old message board or a deleted reddit comment about finding a weird labyrinth in the woods behind their house. So you read a bit more, and you realize that this dude is actually German, or Indian, or Kenyan or something. He's not talking about your labyrinth, but he might as well be.
So you message him, right? You're like 'hey! I found a maze thing just like yours, whats up with this?' and after a bit he responds like 'Dude, I don't know what's up with this fuckin' labyrinth. I don't know why people aren't talking about the labyrinths. But there's some old books about them, and there's like, a community of people who have found these things.
So you become a labyrinth guy. You start talking to other labyrinth guys. You learn about how they navigated theirs, how they discovered their labyrinths, and you exchange tips about how to navigate the labyrinths and speculate on why the damn things are even there to begin with. You learn that some of the other labyrinth guys are weirdos. Like, real freaks. Like nazis and stuff. But you're not an idiot, you know not to talk to those guys, but you also know to keep an eye on them.
You find a handful of dudes who you get along with. They've read a lot of the old books, and you all kinda vibe with each others theories on the labyrinths. And you get good at navigating the labyrinth. Like, really good at navigating the labyrinth. You're starting to map yours, getting a sense for how its designed. But there's people who are way better at it than you, like WAY better. There's people who have whole theories on what the design of their labyrinth suggests about the designers, and they have all these theories on the authors of the old books and their opinions on the labyrinths.
And then you like, you catch something. Its subtle, like, the sort of thing you wouldn't notice unless you spend all this time being a labyrinth guy. A few people have been talking about there being like, more layers. People say there's like, steps. Like, stairs that lead down or up or somewhere else. At first you were like 'this just sounds like more alien shit from the weirdo Nazis but there's a few people who have solid theories on there being entrances to something else that only happens in specific places in every maze. And it checks out, it really does check out, but in a way that you'd only notice if you were already a labyrinth guy.
And at this point, you know your labyrinth, you know it like the back of your hand. Like, you dream about your labyrinth and you know exactly where you are inside it. So you go. Like, you go to check it out. You do the math and check your maps and you spend a day walking around in the labyrinth. You find the place it should be, and you clear away some leaves and dirt and. Yeah. Sonofabitch is there.
But its not steps. Its not a spiral staircase or some kinda magic lift. Its a well. An old stone well. And its dark. It's really dark. You can tell it goes somewhere, but you can't tell where. But its there. It's there. That's what it's like."
"What's in the well?"
"I don't know. I haven't gone down the well yet."
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sysy-studyblr · 1 month
Hi! Your page is so wholesome and aesthetically pleasing! I love your vibes. I'm a fan of your penmanship, so I was wondering if you had a favorite pen!
hello! I have just seen this! thank you so much, messages like this genuinely make me feel so nice!!!!!!!! also thank you for liking my penmanship, every single teacher, friend, and person around me have said it's illegible, to a point where I had to take time and slow down so my papers get marked properly!!!!!! personally I think it's aesthetic in a messy mad scientist kind of way, so thank you for encouraging me!!! so to my fave pens, right to left!
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gel x [no idea what size]
this is a random Kenyan brand I would kill for. I love these, I used them as replacement for my pilot pens when I couldn't find any, and I love them. 10/10. a pen is worth like a dollar/euro (idk I use kenya shillings)
pilot g2 0.7 [basic fave]
I love these, I can't even say anything against them, I just love them, they are pretty expensive based on where I live (kenya), but when they stopped being imported - even now you cannot find them here, I felt it in my heart
muji gel pen 0.7 [I own three of these in total]
I bought these when I went to India, and I use them exclusively for the planner in the photo. I love the way they glide and are so pretty.
miniso 0.5
this one is a fave bc I like how it looks, solid for smaller notes, and just all in all a comfy pen to carry around, make random notes with. I like it for side notes in my actual like academic work, as well as novel annotations - I did my extended essay on the god of small things (arundhati roy) and all my notes and analysis in the margins are by this pen)
kaco 0.5 [big pack with many pens]
bought these on amazon India, fantastic pens. I love them, I use them for subheadings, margin notes, side calculations, marking, annotations, etc. the nib is perfect for smaller writing, and the variety of colours allow solid solid contrast - these are in a lot of my posts I think
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afrotumble · 5 months
Kenyan artist Bankslave working on a graffiti mural of Kenyan hip hop legend Kitusewer, with reggae music vibes in the air
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midnightmah07 · 2 months
Don't mind me just dropping my hcs for everyone.....
Riddle, Trey, Chenya - British, specifically London
Ace - British but he also gives me American vibes if that makes sense??
Deuce - British + Japanese
Cater - Scottish
Leona + Ruggie - Kenyan, but Ruggie is biracial
Jack - Romani + German
Octatrio - Cuban, with Azul also being half Italian
Kalim and Jamil(+Najma) - Iraqi, Kalim also being half Indian
Vil - German
Epel - Irish + French
Rook - South African that got really into European/French culture
Idia + Ortho - Greek, mainly because I'm Greek myself and I love Greek inspired characters
Malleus - Russian + Chinese from his dad's side
Lilia - Russian + Romanian to stay the to that vampire aesthetic lmao
Silver - Polish
Sebek - Irish from his dad's side and South African from his mom's/grandpa's.
Rollo - Estonian + French
Neige - German + French
Ace and Rook's is so real to me I also think the same😭😭 I like to think that Ace is genuinely like full British but no one freaking expects it so when he opens his mouth and his accent comes out everyone is just???? "I thought u were American?????" And he just sighs like "I know. You're not the first one."
Ruggie being biracial is actually pretty interesting :OO
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wwolflesbian · 9 months
the FACT that SF6 doesn't have any SF3 characters despite being after it in the timeline is a real shame. the game is amazing but (as much as I hate DLC conceptually) I really want a SF3 fighters pass to happen after this season of DLC is over. my picks are absolutely Alex, Elena, Dudley, and Makoto. I want Sean too but he just ended up being 5th on my list.
here's my argument:
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id: a gif of Alex. He is a big big muscle man. A white new yorker in his 20s with long hair, a headband, military style pants, fingerless gloves, and absolutely no shirt. end id.
Alex is the poster boy for SF3 but he is also a grappler which I think SF6 could use another of after all the season 1 characters are in the game. right now it's just Zangief and Manon and some would say thats enough but I'm biased cause I like grapplers.
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id: a gif of Elena. she is a young black kenyan woman with short hair. she is more or less just wearing a bikini but to me that doesn't register in a sexual way. she is also wearing various colored bangles on her neck, arms, and legs. notably, she is doing an awesome idle animation where she dances back and forth like she is preparing to dodge and weave any attacks. end id.
Elena is just amazing. Do I even need to explain why she deserves the spot? Capoeria is a really cool inspiration for a fighter and another black woman in the SF6 cast would be great!
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id: a gif of dudley. he is a black gentleman boxer from england. he is wearing fine clothes, a short sleeve white button up with suspenders that hold up his well tailored pants. and of course fancy shoes and boxing gloves. he has a foppish haircut and a fancy mustache. end id.
Dudley is maybe my favorite character in the SF3 cast. something about his whole vibe and attitude. sure, SF6 will have a boxer in the form of Ed but he represents a dirty boxer. He was trained by Balrog after all. Meanwhile Dudley is a very clean and honorable boxer and that creates a very interesting dynamic between the two. You can argue against having 2 boxers but how many shotos do we already have? you can deal.
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id: a gif of makoto. she is a young japanese martial artist. she wears a Gi with a black belt and a long yellow scarf that flows behind her. she has short scruffy hair, giving off a tomboy look. she has a focused wide stance, preparing for any attack her opponent might throw. end id.
Makoto is maybe The standout character from SF6. She has an extremely unique and scary fighting style that would fit really well with SF6's universal mechanics. she is a fan favorite and I just like her a lot. plus we could see her a little older and more trained which would give her not only a cool redesign but a great story and gameplay opportunity. I mean come on, everyone wants Makoto.
anyway thats my rant thanks for listening lol
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yeetlegay · 2 years
Hey! Any wlw recs? Fics movies shows anything
Some personal favorites off the top of my head:
Carol (2015) - Cate Blanchett, period (1950s), absolutely stunning and iconic lesbian cinema
The Handmaiden (2016) - reimagining of Fingersmith by Sarah Waters, set in Japanese-occupied Korea during the 1930s, brilliant and imaginative and lush
Imagine Me and You (2005) - Lena Headey (Cersei from GoT) being a hot florist, love at first sight, cheesy romcom deliciousness, big warning for cheating tho it’s handled very well imo
Rafiki (2018) - coming of age love story, beautiful and ends on a good note but there’s a LOT of homophobia and some violence so be careful, was the first Kenyan film screened at Cannes which is amazing
Vita and Virginia (2018) - based on the real life romance between Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West, the 1920s fashion + delicious sexual tension 🤌🏻🤌🏻 cw for depiction of depression and suicidal ideation
Tv shows:
First Kill (2022) - SUPPORT THIS SHOW, vampire and vampire hunter fall in love, set in one of my fave cities (Savannah), very camp Romeo & Juliet high school romance just with more blood and fangs
Fingersmith (2005) - British miniseries based on the same novel as The Handmaiden but much closer to the source material, Victorian lesbians ft the most magnificently crafted plot and sexual tension galore, holy shit watch it
Killing Eve - okay this one is a little controversial bc of the ending (which I pretend doesn’t exist) but holy fuck if you like VegasPete, Villanelle and Eve are their even more murderous and batshit crazy cousins. Cat and mouse games between a psychopath assassin and a British intelligence officer (altho she’s actually American but whatever) that I was sure would be queerbaiting, but nope they’re in love. Consider looking up how it ends tho if you need HEAs in your stories
Gap the Series - not out yet but when it is, WATCH IT. Currently in production I think, probably out later this year. It’s Thai and will be available on YouTube with subtitles. Office romance, so many lesbians I’ve lost count and like one (1) man total in the cast.
Gentleman Jack - just dropped season 2 unffff. Period British show based on the life of lesbian Anne Lister, who is one half of the first known gay marriage in England. She’s so fucking hot and butch if you’re not in love with her the second she jumps off that carriage in episode 1…and her love story with shy, repressed wallflower Ann Walker is tender and sexy and complex. Cw for depiction of anxiety and suicide attempt in season 1 (lmk if you’d like the exact ep and time stamp)
Portrait of a Marriage (1990) - a little hard to find but worth the hunt. Based on the romance between novelist Vita Sackville-West (yes, who also had an affair with Virginia Woolf) and her socialite lover Violet. I cannot believe more people don’t talk about this miniseries bc holy shit. Vita and Violet are so fucking in love and their chemistry and love scenes had me gripping the edge of my seat despite the abysmal quality of the version I watched on Dailymotion. Cw for a shitload of cheating, some toxic vibes, and an ending that while mostly historically accurate was still a bummer.
Obv I will shamelessly plug my Kinnporsche f/f smut bc I love her and also am desperate for more f/f fic in the ao3 tag so I’m not over here by myself anymore lol
I don’t know what fandoms you’re in but if you’ve watched Word of Honor or read 2ha, holy shit is there some good f/f fic in those tags. Sort by kudos and godspeed friend
You didn’t ask about books lol but here are some faves of mine anyway
Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake - hot tatted bi protagonist, very gender, falls in love with cute single mom in her hometown when she comes back for her stepsister’s wedding
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston - Kate and Leopold but gay and good, butch lesbian from the 1970s gets stuck in time on the subway, grumpy bisexual falls in love with her, makes me reconsider my stance on subway sex bc holy shit.
Dowry of Blood by S. T. Gibson - okay this one is sapphic but in a polyamorous context so if you want, like, zero men then skip this rec. Inspired by the lore around Dracula’s brides, very gothic and queer, Constanta (narrator) is the first bride who’s in love with Dracula but also her fellow brides Magdalena and Alexei. Cw for depictions of emotional abuse and gaslighting, Dracula is a manipulative piece of shit (who would’ve guessed lol)
Hope this helps anon!
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dear-indies · 8 months
hi there, i hope you're well!! i was wondering if i could have some female face claim suggestions for someone who has apocalyptic resources and/or otherwise fits that kind of vibe, please? i'm looking for anyone within the 20s or 30s age range, i don't mind which + a variety might actually help a lot. thank you so much!!
Catalina Sandino Moreno (1981) Colombian - From.
Lee Si Young (1982) Korean - Sweet Home, Zombieverse.
Cara Gee (1983) Ojibwe - Stange Empire, The Call of the Wind.
Lupita Nyong'o (1983) Mexican Luo Kenyan - Little Monsters.
Emily Blunt (1983) - A Quiet Place.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead (1984) - Kate, Birds of Prey, 10 Cloverfield Lane.
Elle-Maija Tailfeathers (1985) Kainai Blackfoot and Northern Sami - Blood Quantum.
Jennifer Cheon (1985) Indigenous Mexican and Korean - Van Helsing, The Wheel of Time.
Olivia Thirlby (1986) Ashkenazi Jewish / English, Bohemian Czech - Y: The Last Man.
Kim Ok Bin (1987) Korean - Arthdal Chronicles.
Hera Hilmar (1988) - Mortal Engines, See.
Hannah John-Kamen (1989) Nigerian / Norwegian - Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City.
Nora Arnezeder (1989) Sephardi Jewish, Ashkenazi Jewish / Austrian - Army of the Dead, Tides.
Park Shin Hye (1990) Korean - #Alive.
Cara Theobold (1990) - Zomboat!
Christian Serratos (1990) Mexican / Italian - The Walking Dead.
Aliza Vellani (1991) Indian - Sweet Tooth.
Tanaya Beatty (1991) Himalayan / Da'naxda'xw - Murder at Yellowstone.
Ellora Torchia (1992) South African Indian / Italian - In the Earth, Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands.
Ashley Romans (1992) African-American - Y: The Last Man.
Georgina Campbell (1992) Afro Jamaican / English - Bird Box Barcelona.
Adwoa Aboah (1992) Ghanaian / English - Willow.
Jessica Henwick (1992) Chinese Singaporean / English - Love and Monsters.
Millie Brady (1993) - The Last Kingdom.
Luciane Buchanan (1993) Tongan and Scottish - The New Legends of Monkey.
Zoë Robins (1993) Nigerian - The Wheel of Time.
Mia Goth (1993) Ashkenazi Jewish, Brazilian [Portuguese, including Azorean, small amount of African, possibly other], English, Irish, Scottish, French-Canadian - Infinity Pool.
Devery Jacobs (1993) Mohawh - is queer - Blood Quantum.
Park Gyu Young (1993) Korean - Sweet Home.
Anna Leong Brophy (1993) Irish, Chinese, and Kadazan - Shadow and Bone.
Taylor Russell (1994) Black Canadian / European - Bones and All.
Han So Hee (1994) Korean - My Name.
Avery Konrad (1994) - From.
Ivana Baquero (1994) - The Shannara Chronicles.
Christine Lee (1994) Hongkonger - Black Summer.
Jessie Mei Li (1995) Hongkonger / English - is a gender nonconforming woman who uses she/they - Shadow and Bone.
Alexa Mansour (1996) Mexican and Egyptian - The Walking Dead: World Beyond.
Go Youn Jung (1996) Korean - Sweet Home.
Thaddea Graham (1997) Chinese - The Irregulars.
Amber Midthunder (1997) Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux, Hudeshabina Nakoda Sioux, Sissiton-Wahpeton Oyate Dakota Sioux, Norwegian / Chinese, English - Prey.
Amita Suman (1997) Bhojpuri Nepalese - Shadow and Bone.
Ella Purnell (1996) - Army of the Dead, Yellowjackets.
Morgan Holmstrom (1998) Metis of Cree descent, Ilocano and Sambal Filipino - Day of the Dead (series).
Annalise Basso (1998) - Snowpiercer.
Stefania LaVie Owen (2000) Cuban [Spanish, possibly other] / Unspecified - Sweet Tooth.
Pegah Ghafoori (2000) Iranian - From.
Natalie Malaika (?) Black Canadian - Day of the Dead (series).
Paula Silva (?) Uruguayan - Virus-32.
Leah Brotherhead (?) - Zomboat!
Mia Tomlinson (?) - The Lost Pirate Kingdom.
Chloe Van Landschoot (?) Unspecified - is queer - From.
Here you go!
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sleepyselkiesiren · 8 months
Part 4 of my thoughts on Coral Island characters!
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I LOVE his design. And I vibed with him so so hard, I wanted to be besties. But given recent story events, I've backtracked to reserving judgement until full release
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Actually, same as Joko. but with a side of gender-envy. And also I think story-wise she's been a lil worse than her husband.
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He's a cool dude. I appreciate his drive. But we simply Do Not Vibe. And I'm ok with that tbh. Wish him the best tho!
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I have no clue what his deal is, but I would fight god for this man. Apparently I have very strong caretaker urges for him specifically. I also have Mad Respect for him, thought that might just be the Kenyan values I was raised with. God I hope the game is good to him.
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ezra-iolite · 7 months
Some OC Facts to Fill the Void...
.... Still figuring out if I wanna give Swift a new bio or not, so have this for now.....
A list of what Swift would be like with the other Transformer OCs of my mutuals~
Swift with Starhawk, on the Lost Light: (@dimorphodon-x)
.... Siblings. They got that sibling vibe, for sure~ ~*~
Her nickname for him is Hawkie or Ndugu (Swahili word for Brother) ~*~
When they first met, her first impression on him was... memorable, to say the least. She joined at the start of the quest to Cyberutopia, and when she entered the bar for the first time and was about to greet Hawk.... She immediately tripped on the much shorter Rewind and fell face first, Blitzø from Helluva Boss style, right in front of him. Never one to feel ashamed for such things, Swift simply laughed and rolled over onto her back, apologizing to Rewind.... before simply offering her hand to Hawk from the floor and introduced herself in a playful tone, "Nice to meet you, darling. I'm Swiftwire, but people call me Swift.... The floor is surprisingly comfy." ~*~ But in due time, after a few shared drinks with him and exchanging trauma stories, she'd see him as a big brother she loves to annoy... But she would 100% protect him from harm and be there for him when he needs her, especially as a babysitter. ~*~
Her main expression around him is a smug grin... She definitely pranked him somehow. He doesn't know what it is yet, but he always knows she did something. It's ALWAYS something with her~ ~*~
Swift's accent is something Hawk would definitely try to tease her on the most, for the first half of their prank wars~ Purely because her Kenyan accent makes her pronounce Rodimus as "Roddy-Moose" with a rolled R, and Starhawk's own name as "Star-Huckoo". And thus, the nicknames began... with Rodimus becoming Roddie and Starhawk being Hawkie. ~*~
Is Rodimus innocent in their pranks? Naaahhh~ He's the one who plotted half of them, at least, allowing Swift to carry them out in his stead, when captaining takes up most of his time. But the pranks are never big or humiliating, only silly~ ~*~
The common types of pranks she'd most likely pull would be to put big chunky eyebrows on his baby/babies or dress them up in funny costumes to surprise him, jumpscare him by popping out from the vents above his head and dangle from her dreadlocks Spiderman style, or switch his drinking glass with an empty one to make him think he drank too much without realizing it.... like stealing a toy from a dog without them noticing~ She mostly loves to confuse him. ~*~
Thunderclash is the mediator to Swift and Rodimus's pranks. He makes sure they don't give poor Hawk a heart/spark attack, and he mostly does this by plucking Swift out of the vents or holding her up like a cat in air prison to carry her away and scold her. Megatron is the main one to do this when Thunderclash isn't around. He is immune to her pranks towards him, when Swift wishes to make Hawk laugh.... since she knows her pranks towards Megatron always end in a chase or her being plucked and tossed out of a room~ ~*~
The moment Swift hears an inkling about children, she'll be giddy and eager to provide her services and aid to Hawk and the papa trio. If she meets Elbent and Verglaust in this AU with their own kids, Ferrous and Indicolite, then Swift would definitely be taking notes on how to be a Mom and Aunty from both families and eagerly offering to be a babysitter to ALL the kids~ She's surprisingly good at managing a whole hoard of them, and thus would easily become the Lost Light's daycare person.... ESPECIALLY after having her own daughter, Sira. ~*~
Speaking of Sira.... Since Swift would technically die for a short while after the birth, I have a feeling she would have Sira after the birth of Flareblaze, once she's gotten to know the full depth of child rearing from Novabird's experience and getting to babysit him. The day that happens, and Swift dies from the pregnancy becoming ectopic but allowing Sira to be delivered safely at the cost of her voice.... Yeeaaaahhh Hawk gonna be traumatized seeing Swift all bloody and grey, only to come back after being patched up and healing a bit. But...... If Cybertronian births occur through the spark chamber.... This would be the day Swift's secret about her spark would be revealed~ And here, if Hawk was present or came after the birth of Sira.... He would see Asya's brutally destroyed corpse within Swift's spark, the only true sign to show that Swift is dangling between the edge of life and death. ~*~
And finally.... If Swift was around after Hawk's death, she would be there to help raise the kids as a supportive family friend, or Auntie/Shangazi Swifty to the kids. But because of her past brushes with death, Swift would DEFINTELY have a weak but consistent ability to sense Hawk's ghost~ She would mourn him massively and paint her plating white (the colour of mourning in most African cultures) for a full month. In turn, Swift would happily babysit little Nova, and through the constant presence of being there for the family, she'd be able to tell where Hawk was.... And perhaps see him like a flickering shadow when he interacts with objects. Due to this, she would keep it a secret and subtly help him out using her dreadlocks when anyone is around, until either Hawk assures her that it's ok to know his secret, or Thunderclash tells her himself. ~*~ In turn...... Hawk would most likely be able to see a small, lingering light in her chest constantly only after his death, like a ghostly presence that embodies Swift's spark. This white light would flicker weakly like a star in the distant night sky, but would grow brighter subtly when Swift becomes nostalgic of her human past or is encouraged to teach the kids or anyone about her culture and mother tongue of Swahili. And should Hawk ever touch this light....... He would experience a very quick but brief flash of her memories as a child, of her time spent with her mother Gasira. All Hawk would see is her mother's face, maybe a whisper of her gentle voice praising her and calling her "my darling rose", before he'd jolt back into the present.... Both him and Swift shivering from the sudden chill up their spines. She'd have some trouble explaining THAT to Rodimus~
................. Will update when the brain decides to brain properly... For now, THIS is what I mean by Swift falling when meeting Hawk:
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Just immediately.... plops. XD
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bilbobagginshome · 1 year
A Deadbeat’s Journal 23
A Jotaro Kujo x blackreader! fic
1 May 20XX,
 To be extremely fair, this is what I wanted but not what I expected. I love Brazil. I especially love how familiar Brazil feels to me. For a minute, looking into the distance, I see home. Though the illusion fades whenever someone speaks Portuguese to me and I have to go “eu não entendo” (I don’t understand) and then they begin speaking English to me like how embarrassing! Like it’s genuinely giving tourist vibes and I hate how I seem like a target to scammers now.
Also the gunshots?? I’ve heard gunshots before but gosh, are they always that loud? Patience was introducing me to some of her colleagues in the organisation she’ll be working with and tell me why I heard blaring police cars racing armed mafiosos that are just shooting up the streets with no disregard. Like, they definitely don’t make those kinds of moves in the richer areas.
Speaking of the inequality gap, can we just talk about race for a brief moment? I always knew I was black but damn after the tenth neighbour looked me up and down in the public pool area of the apartment complex, I noticed that all the scowlers were a bunch of wrinkly red-toned white people. Rather than minding their business and investing in some proper sunscreen, one of them even had the audacity to call apartment security and I think their saggy skin dropped in shock when they found out we are renters just like them. Mind you, they said something about favelas and only played nice when they found out we aren’t even Brazilian. When the people of Rio have their next protest, you best believe I’m front and centre.
Aside from that one instance though, the people here are a lovely bunch. I mean in the evenings when we got out of Patience's new office buildings, you see women dancing with blaring speakers and children playing football or even having mini dance competitions and I have to say, I did put my best foot forward courtesy of Step Up (The office mob dance scene is a part of my consciousness) But when it came to b-boying, I was ate up, no crumbs. Abdul however, managed to moonwalk his way through victory and Patience practically spit at the face of her ancestors with her atrocious freestyle.
Then we headed to the food stalls and I’m sorry to say this but Kenyan street food DOES NOT compare. I mean, who even thinks of a chicken kebab with cassava shavings on top? And I’ve never had healthy yet savoury hotdogs and smoked chicken. Even the scent of the food took me back to the cultural festival and I wish I could send him some food but a gloating picture of me eating will do.
Anyway, it's been a lovely week and so far, Rio has treated me kindly. Like even as we were unpacking and genuinely goofing off before we started working , I did not think (as much) about what I left. Though Mom does call me daily alongside Samosa and Granny so that kind of helps. Jojo is calling, I have to catch this call.
Third-Person Narration.
Y/n went in her finest suit, all black and tailored with a little scarf on her neck to add a layer of colour. Though this proved to be a problem as after she stepped out to the morning sun, she realised her outfit choice was not suited for a long working day. Luckily she’d be staying in an air-conditioned environment so after hailing a cab she headed straight for the Starfish Hotel.
“Y/n you do know that I love you but just know that I pulled many strings to get you this position so please don’t act up.” Joseph pleads to the speaker.
“As I said in my CV, I work well with people ” Y/n mutters to the phone as she enters the cream-coloured reception area. The brown-skinned woman with a serene smile, dressed in the hotel’s white polo shirt with the hotel’s logo embroidered on the side looks up to her after welcoming the family in. She nods politely in question and y/n quickly mutters,
“Ok bye, take care, love you.” and cuts before listening to the barrage of ‘must-dos’ that Joseph is insistent she keeps through.
“Hi, I’m Y/n and I’m here for the clerk position,” Y/n said with as much enthusiasm as she could. The receptionist's smile tightened before once more relaxing to a less frigid one and said softly in a tone that has to have been dipped in honey 
“Oh, welcome, Please, let me help you to the office.” 
She opens the wooden door beside her semi-circular large desk that shows her to management and it's almost like opening the doors to a mini paradise. Unlike the old office that faced the ocean, the floor-to-ceiling windows faced the nearby forest and gave the entire area a cool and refreshing look. White marble floors and a sparse yet open planned office area definitely increased the large room’s capacity. Minimalistic tables and chairs filled the area though it was soothed by the colourful pillows and decors that adorned each employee's taste. She was shown to the desk in a corner and excitedly said,
“Thank you, I can't wait to decorate it.”
She simply nodded and showed y/n to the break room. Though small and kind of claustrophobic due to the little window high up, the baby blue background,  dark green rug carpet that made itself known in almost every crevice of the room, and comfy yellow bean bag chairs that were sparsely placed made the room feel brighter. Atop the white marble-walled counter sat a white smeg coffee maker and a matching fridge at the furthest left corner.
She found a few of her colleagues talking though the loud ramblings turned to hush murmurings when she entered the room. The receptionist then said.
“This is Y/n our new colleague. Please make her feel welcome.”
The blonde gave a polite smile and nodded. The taller of the man, with distinguishably blue eyes and a lean frame, nodded in acknowledgment yet the last guy, with bleached blonde tight coils and brown eyes that y/n thought would look stunning when reflected by the sun rays slightly sneered.
“Welcome Y/n I hope you have a wonderful time here with us, I’m Melanie, the supervisor.”She says whilst shaking her hand which she shakes in response.
“Hey, I’m Lucas, Head of HR, pleasure.” He says this time with a small smile as she greets him. She heads to greet the third colleague, arm already outstretched when he says,
“Are you Joseph Joestar’s granddaughter?” He questions with a glare. Y/n quickly retracts her hand and replies smoothly.
“Not biologically but yes he considers me like family.”
He murmurs something in Portuguese which the receptionist and Lucas laugh slightly at. Melanie however, stays quiet and looks onto them in disappointment. Y/n although unaware, is very much sure a slight insult has been made due to the acknowledgment of how she got here, and tightness pools in her heart.
4 May 20XX,
I can’t stand him. Honestly, aside from school, I don’t think there have been many times I’ve reached breaking point till now. It's almost like Thiago is aimed at making my life a living hell. And what’s worse, aside from Melanie, almost everyone doesn't seem to mind. Matter of fact they might be revelling in the fact that they can treat me like absolute shit. And it's not like physical bullying like forcing someone to submit to them by demanding unheard-of paperwork or getting them coffee. This one actually stings. They purposely block me out of conversations by speaking in Portuguese, they refuse to sit by me during lunch and I’m treated like a pest when I need some files translated.
To be honest, it hurts even more when it comes to Nalu. I would have taken the stiff hospitality any day in comparison to the cruelty she displays when she and Thiago scoff in my presence. I can tell she likes him and could be also doing this to win his favour or she’s just a bully that likes stomping on people. I feel like I’m in kindergarten, trying to fit within the already tight-knit groups, but I don’t think even then the kids were mean to me. 
Melanie however, despite her busy nature, has been my saving grace. She's too busy helping Pedro in managing the hotel but is always checking up on me. She and the lovely janitor Julietta, who’s surprisingly Thiago’s cousin, are the sole reason I’m not eating lunch in the locked bathrooms. Julietta, especially, has been loud about her disapproval of the way they treat me and seems especially annoyed at Thiago who she assured is ‘Not like that’.
Well, Julietta, he is like that and he should be grateful I’m taking meds and went to therapy. Speaking of which, I need a new therapist, it seems like I’ll need it.
Third Person Narration
“Hi, my love.” Jotaro’s even deeper voice voices out as y/n places herself sideways whilst looking at him.
“Hi, Jojo. I miss you.” Y/n says softly.
“I miss you more. Why do you look so sad? “ Jotaro questions while peering at the slight pout that seems more of a permanent fixture as the days go by.
“Nothing.” She withdraws while attempting to smile.
“Baby, just tell me, and I’ll listen to you vent.” 
And this ensures a long ranting session where he calmly listens, eyes never looking away, ears fine-tuned to the soft ramblings of her troubled work life, nodding and interjecting only when he couldn’t get a point to its fullest.
“So this Thiago is harassing you, and you can't tell Lucas 'cause he seems uncaring for your issues.”
“Yes !”
“Do you want me to book a plane there? I will at any moment if you need me.” Jotaro calmly replies 
“No, no don’t. I’ll get over it, Just need to keep up taking my meds.”She replies in a slightly cheery tone.
“I wish I was there, or should I tell Gramps? The old man should be worth-”
“No, don’t think of it. This happened because they know I’m related to him and think I’m some pompous rich kid. And you know what, they aren’t far off, I do have the privilege that comes with having connections and my mom being a partner of the law firm but I have never acted as so. Or have I?” The once confident tone dims to a silent murmur of contemplation.
“Of course not love.” He reassures her. He wishes he could teleport to her rather than remain helpless in Zanzibar but he knows his girl can pull through and when she can’t anymore he’ll aid Thiago in finally using that dental insurance coverage.
“Anyway, what’s up with you? Where is your anchor currently stationed, Captain Kujo.” She ends with a salute
Jotaro tells her of his tales, omitting parts that may cause a heart attack and explaining the beauty of the city and the marine biologists he’s already met up with as he plans on working with them a bit for some research.
“And I hope that ring is on display y/n. Everyone must know that you are a kept woman.” He reminds her
“‘Kept?’ babe this is the 21st century, not 1AD and yes it is always around my finger.”
“Y/N DINNER!” Abdul shrieks out.
“It seems you are needed, don’t keep them waiting,” Jotaro says with a slightly disappointed face.
“They can wait, I still want to talk to you.” Y/n whines out. Right on cue, Patience shouts.
“Stop talking to your man and get here already.” 
“This is the reason you sleep alone at night,” Y/n shouts back in mild frustration and Patience shrieks out
“Says the woman in a long-distance relationship. Will Jotaro cuddle you virtually? I don’t think so, I guess we are riding the same waves.”She argues back, tone increasing as she decreases the distance from the dining to y/n dimly lit bedroom.
“I think she’s actually coming to beat me up. Bye. I love you, my starfish.” 
And before Jotaro replies back, mind swirling with the affectionate nickname and breath hitched, she cuts the call. And as he hears the waves crashing on the seaside, he texts back 
“I love you too, my koi.”
8 May 20XX,
I resent Thiago. It’s not the not-so-subtle insults, the ignorance even in more professional settings like group meets, or even his thinly veiled sneers whenever we meet paths. No, it's just him. He reminds me a lot of my former self for some reason. At least I never stopped as low as bullying anyone but still. To see a representation of who I could have been doesn’t make me grateful that I worked so hard to rid my ego, actually, it seems the world favours such behaviours.
It may sound crazy but then why on earth is he head of marketing? Like he for sure can’t put himself in the same position as the consumer as his head is too busy stuck up his ass to care about anything other than his fade and the Brazilian football team. The point is, I worked so hard to be a better person. I moved to another freaking continent in an attempt to understand the world around me and it seems like my hard work was all for naught. Why did I spend hours in therapy if someone like him gets the easy way out? He’s well-liked, has an outstanding social dynamic, and gets to have quick lies with someone as stunning as Nalu whenever he feels like whereas I was reduced to feeling like a monster for having his traits.  It's not fair. I put in the work, I put in the hours to become a good person and yet I’m the pathetic new hire that everyone hates because I got this job through connections. 
Was this all for nothing? Does it seem the world rewards bad behaviour so what benefit do I have from staying good?
Third-Person Narration.
“Y/n if you don’t bash the head of this nigga one of these fine days I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.”Patience tsks on one of those rare days when all of them are coincidentally off. 
They are seated on their couch, a beautiful, rust-coloured shade with the finest of leather that spans the majority of the sitting room. The couch was a delightful find in a second-hand refurbishing furniture shop nearby. All of them are looking onto y/n as the tunes of some classic hip hop play in a low tone, and their brown shades dimly light up their sitting room creating a cosy atmosphere as dusk settles tonight.
“I’d love you to but I promised Grandpa Joseph I won’t be a bother.”Y/n moans out.
“Look babes, give him a taste of his own medicine. You genuinely can’t be allowing anyone to be talking to you like that . Personally, I’d be talking back.” Abdul says in an encouraging lilt.
“I just want a peaceful working environment. That doesn’t sound peaceful. And Dr. Hose said I should just ignore him.”Y/n countered.
“Well, Dr. Hose is not taking the insults for you. Or defending you. The man is seated making $25 an hour for telling you something soft feminine girls say on the internet regularly. When did you become such a wimp?” Patience sighs out while aggressively munching the popcorn sat on my lap.
“Stop eating that, dinner is almost here,” Abdul chides.
“I’m not a wimp, I just don’t want to undo my hard work over some man-child who could be a xenophobe.” Y/n quietly mutters.
“Therapy has made you soft. University you would have started a sumo match on the first day. Where did that fire go? You are a Goddamn lawyer l/n, the basis of our job description is to shit-talk with really good arguments!” Patience exclaims, still chomping the last of the popcorn to the point of crushing the unpopped seeds 
“I know you still don’t know why I went MIA after graduation. Or why I’m taking therapy but trust me when I say that my anger issues were not just that and returning to that would be bad.”Y/n expresses in a low tone.
A chill swept by causing y/n to hug her blanket in comfort. After a near-deafening silence, Abdul then asks
“So what will you do?”
* * *
After taking her morning coffee from the break room, Y/n  heads to the conference room. Since it's her first time, she seems captivated by the mural depicting the nightlife of Sao Paulo at the back of the room  and is only brought back to the present when Melanie softly mutters to her
“Y/n let's sit, the meeting is about to begin.”
This is the first time she is introduced to the Hotel Director Fernando. He seems like a sweet pal and if it weren’t for the grey hairs you’d think he’s much younger. He and Joseph share the same vibe and y/n understands why they get along well.
The meeting went well. The monthly quota of yadda and the marketing yadda seems to be well and by the end of it all things seem to be in more order and thus everyone leaves with a smile.
“Oh, and by the way Y/n, our new data analyst has been doing such a splendid job already. A round of applause. Sorry, we didn’t meet earlier but welcome to Starfish Hotel. She did law consulting for our new branch in Kilifi, Kenya so she’s become quite experienced in the hospitality industry.” He says as they lightly clap sans Thiago, Lucas, and Nalu. Y/n lets out a tight smile. Kind of like the ones people who accidentally meet each other's eyes give.
This time though Thiago gives off a slightly shocked face.
‘Yeah, I’m experienced. Thought I was just an unsuccessful nepo baby huh.’ She thinks with a slight smirk.
“And as usual, I’d like to welcome her with a nice group dinner, so I booked a reservation at that Brazilian fusion restaurant nearby. Mandatory.” He says with a smile, punctuating his sentence with a semi-serious tone.
The room buzzes in glee. It seems like a popular restaurant and when y/n questions why Melanie responds.
“It’s not that it's posh, it's just the food is really good, and sometimes since we are  are closer to a stadium, footballers eat there after the game.” She excitedly remarks 
Y/n says nothing though she thinks that it would be wonderful to eat there. If she likes it so much, she can even take Patience and Abdul there. 
Aside from the meeting, the day went surprisingly well. Largely because Thiago is out and Lucas is busy but still it seems better than most. She’s introduced to one of Lucas's subordinates, Richiarldo and they get along well once they discover their love for similar Anime. Though bickering ensues on whether Jujutsu Kaisen is good or just that it was a well-written Naruto and Y/n, despite hating Gege’s sadistic ass, defends the show like she’s personally getting paid.
“Damn, no wonder you are a lawyer. I was moved enough to even read the manga.” He laughs after her last defence.
“I only got the degree so that I could properly argue out controversial anime opinions.”
“Though you do admit, the similarities are uncanny.” Richiarldo teases.
“Kind of. He definitely took the foundation of Naruto.” She admits.
Then he’s called over by Lucas who has an undefined scowl on his face and he cheerfully bids her bye, brunette ponytail swishing as he moves away from the lunchroom and encourages her to get back to work.
By the time the orange hues in the sky get significantly darker, y/n is done with her current assignment and quickly heads over to the staff parking lot where everyone is meeting to wait for Fernando. She detects mutters in Portuguese of the orders they will make and she just seems excited that she is slowly understanding the dialect.
Soon he walks out and the group of 12 heads to the restaurant. The open-planned restaurant is brightly lit and has fairy lights in every booth. Alongside those strings are threads of fake vines that lead up to the large circular bar at the centre. The ground is covered in fake grass and luckily the spot reserved sits at the perfect point to see the ocean. The large table is properly dispersed and despite y/n being able to sit beside Richiarldo and Melanie, she directly faces Thiago and Lucas. Nalu is nowhere near them and for some reason, that earned her a glare.
Dinner went smoother than expected, Y/n  had a lovely prawn cream known as Vatapa, recommended by Richiarldo. He then ordered some Pastels and Pao de queijo which we shared. His personal dish was a Feijoada, a dish his mom used to sell. They chatted the entire time and y/n felt comfortable around new people for the first time in a long time. Smiling and chatting with them in spite of the language barrier and despite the odd accent as she tried saying phrases in the dialect, they still cheered her on like a child learning to walk.
By the time nine reached, Fernando ordered beers, and y/n ordered a mocktail. And the night went on and on. Melanie just slumped out after arguing with absolutely no one. Richiarldo wants to call his girlfriend and hasn’t been off the phone since and Fernando has been even more jovial, encouraging bad behaviour by asking for even more beers. 
“So y/n, how’s life as a rich kid? I haven’t seen you driving a Porsche or is that for your one-year working anniversary.” Thiago snarls with a slur. Some at the table look at her yet most seem unaware of the brewing tension between the group.Y/n stays silent, instead eating her lukewarm Canjica.
“Or will you be made a COO under some mysterious circumstances ?” He pressured on. Those who were merely eavesdropping seem to look at him questioningly, and soon the cheer and loud yapping seem to dilute to murmurings.
“Hey, shut up. Take your bitter ass elsewhere.” Richiarldo slurs out in Portuguese
“How about I punch you instead.''Thiago lunges at Richiarldo and what should have been a table-crashing, glass-shattering argument was instead a total smackdown. Thiago punched the already too-drunk Richiarldo to the floor and the entire restaurant erupts into murmurings. Soon, the group is forced out and Fernando talks to the manager wide-eyed, pleading to not get banned.
Y/n, is at her breaking point, in comparison to all the drunkards, she’s the soberest and so after  putting most of them in a safe Uber home, she’s left with Thiago, Lucas, and Nalu. Then she calls her own Uber.
“What about us?” Nalu questions.
“Thiago can manage. I mean he could beat up his own colleague. He has the strength to call for an Uber.” She calmly responds once confirming the location.
“Yeah, all you rich people are the same. Couldn’t care less for us because we aren’t worth much huh.” Thiago shouts out in an odd mix of English and Portuguese.
“Jesus Christ ENOUGH WITH ALL THIS. Why are you so bent on making my life a living hell? Ok, I got my job based on pulling a few strings and so what? Clearly, I’m good at it. I couldn’t give less of a fuck if you had to work hard. And if you haven’t already figured out that life isn’t fair, here’s a quick reminder.” She gestures dramatically at her full figure.
“Do you know that my aunt worked hard for your position? I promised her that after struggling to get her diploma in IT I’d get her a job here. To get Juliette to university at her chosen school which she couldn’t be able to get because they are poor. And then at the last minute, you waltz in and suddenly I’m told the job that I promised her is gone. And her daughter has to scrub floors and I have to watch you have the life I so desperately wanted for them.” Thiago chokes out, eyes watery. Nalu attempts to hug him and he softly shoves her away as he stands more upright.
“And, so what? You blame the burdens of life on me , someone you didn’t even care to know properly? You think I’ll feel pity for you because you had it hard? I don’t give a shit. Cry me a river for all I care and the world would remain unfair. To think, you could have told me this issue and I would have aided you but instead, it seems acting like a middle school bully was the better option. “ She punctuates the sentence with a click and a ding from her phone notifies her of her requested driver. After bidding Fernando bye and assuring him that all is well despite the outburst, she leaves, not once looking back at them.
12 May 20XX
Do I feel bad for Thiago? Kind of. My mom wasn’t born wealthy and based on what I heard from my childhood she was barely able to afford the roof over her head. I don’t remember that much because she landed a case that got her paid well and hasn’t struggled since. Typical rags to riches. But that was a one-in-a-million opportunity. Not everyone has that kind of advantage. 
Guess you’ll always be a villain in someone’s story no matter how minuscule your involvement in their life may seem to you.
Third-Person Narration.
The next day was awkward, yet people politely asked if y/n was fine after the outburst. Juliette, almost teary, seemed close to bowing in apology for her cousin, and Y/n feeling more awkward than ever, bought her a juice and hotdog from the canteen and made her promise to not feel bad about the instance. 
She went to Fernando’s office with a brown letter in her hand.
“Y/n, come sit down. How have you been?” He remorsefully asks.
“I’m fine. These things happen .” Y/n politely replies.
“So, what brings you here?” Fernando asks, a thick eyebrow raised.
“Here.” She says whilst sliding the letter.
Fernando reads it slowly and says softly.
“Did what Thiago say hurt you that deeply?” 
“It wasn’t about being hurt. It felt like the moral thing to do. I’ll manage on my own.” She says in a monotonous tone.
After a long sigh, and a look at his window which directly oversaw the pool area and beach, now filled with cherry children and scared parents, he says.
“You’re a grown-up. Ok, I accept the resignation.”
                            prev masterlist next
Apologies dear coven, I have been bestowed the work of administrating the work of my fellow sisters {Yes we have adopted to modern technology for convenience} and thus have been unable to update the holy writings ( Work and school has made me busy and thus unable to update. Don't worry , what was to be only fifteen chapters is drawing to a close. Thank you once more for the eyes that grace my noob like writing. Its very encouraging.)
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arichz · 2 years
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                outside of her classes, social events, and time that she was spending with her friends + sorority sisters, 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 was doing her best to prioritize her time in the studio. she was currently working with another producer on a project for an upcoming kenyan-american rapper mark makora mbogo, also known as kaycyy. 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 was in the studio one day and overheard the rappers music from his studio room as she was walking by, and decided to peak in. the two meshed immediately, and as the cliché goes, the rest was history. 
             they were finishing up a single that kaycyy had created with another UK rapper named lancey foux entitled 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘 𝐔𝐏, which was an upbeat track with inspired arrangements from the likings of travis scott, playboi carti, lil uzi vert, amongst others. it was important for both artists to showcase their appreciation and inspiration for the bigger named artists, as their artistry had since great impacts on both of their careers, as well as the UK rap culture in general.  𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 was definitely a hands on kind of producer, so throughout the project, she spent a lot of time with the engineers in ensuring the instruments and beats co-aligned perfectly, along with the artist to ensure that they were fully into the overall vibe of the song and staying true to it with their flows and cadencies. each night in the studio was filled with nearly fifty people in the room to help ensure the good and club vibes of the track. 
            finally, they were finally at the release date, and the entire team was sitting in the studio, taking shots to celebrate the release of the song. 
            ‘       i wanna make one last toast before we drop ( ! ) i just wanna’ thank y’all so much for trusting in me to produce this track for y’all ( ! ) boy, we had a time last night. but really, i loved the last few weeks with y’all in here, and watching you guys’ in your element has been the most rewarding part. cheers to y’all, and... stay up ( ! )       ’ 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 grinned, raising her red solo cup filled with a double shot of deleon tequilla, as kaycyy pressed the upload button to finally release the track into all streaming services simultaneously. 
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Kenya Awaits! Discover the Explorer Within You
Kenya on your mind? Ditch the boring brochures and imagine this: spotting lions lazing in the sun on a safari, chilling on pristine beaches with the Indian Ocean breeze whispering secrets, or maybe even conquering the majestic peak of Mount Kenya. Yeah, Kenya's got it all, and we can help you experience it in the coolest way possible.
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Adventures for Every Tribe
Whether you're a backpacker with wanderlust or a luxury seeker with a taste for the finer things, we've got Kenya trips that fit your vibe. Here's a glimpse into what awaits:
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Planning Made Easy, Memories Made Epic
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Capture Kenya's Beauty: Turn your trip into a photo masterpiece with our photography safaris. Expert guides, who are not only wildlife enthusiasts but also photography gurus, will show you the best spots to capture iconic landscapes, abundant wildlife, and unique cultural scenes. They'll teach you technical skills and creative tricks to take Insta-worthy pictures of Kenya's magic, ensuring you return home with a portfolio of stunning photographs that will make your friends jealous.
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Let's Make This Happen!
We're passionate about sharing the wonders of Kenya with you. Contact us today and let's build your dream Kenyan adventure. Get ready for breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cultures, and experiences that will have you saying "Hakuna Matata" (no worries) all the way home! You'll return from your Kenyan adventure with a heart full of unforgettable memories and a yearning to return to this awe-inspiring country.
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dear-indies · 1 year
Hello Cat 🐱 & Mouse 🐭!! Hope you’re both having a nice weekend! May I please ask for some female black faceclaims between 23-40 that have strong and alluring vibes, please? Thank you so much for all your amazing help towards the roleplay community!! <3 :)
T'Nia Miller (1980) Afro-Jamaican - is a lesbian.
Angelica Ross (1980) African-American - is trans.
Meagan Good (1981) African-American, Afro-Barbadian, Puerto Rican, Cherokee, Creole, and Jewish.
Lupita Nyong'o (1983) Luo Kenyan.
DeWanda Wise (1984) African-American.
Vivienne Acheampong (1984) Ghanaian.
Amber Riley (1986) African-American.
Jurnee Smollett (1986) African-American, possibly other / Ashkenazi Jewish.
Jodie Turner-Smith (!986) Afro Jamaican.
Michaela Coel (1987) Ghanaian - is aromantic.
Lauren “Lolo” Spencer (1987) African-American - has ALS.
Javicia Leslie (1987) Black German.
Anna Diop (1988) Senegalese.
Amiyah Scott (1988) African-American - is trans.
Anita-Joy Uwajeh (1989) Nigerian.
Kota Eberhardt (1989) Lakota Sioux and African-American.
Danielle Brooks (1989) African-American - hasn’t labelled her sexuality but has openly dated a woman.
Damaris Lewis (1990) Kittian.
Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (1991) African-American, one quarter Puerto Rican - is trans.
Azie Tesfai (1992) Eritrean.
Khadijha Red Thunder (1994) Chippewa Cree, African-American, Spanish - is pansexual.
Ryan Destiny (1995) African-American 1/4 Irish.
Kahara Hodges (1995) Navajo, African American, Mexican, and English.
Megan Thee Stallion (1995) African-American - is bisexual.
Eva Reign (1995) African-American - is trans.
Zaria Simone (1996) African-American.
Zendaya (1996) African-American / German, Irish, English, Scottish.
Tati Gabrielle (1996) African-American / Korean.
Arisce Wanzer (1996) African-American - is trans.
Joy Sunday (1996) Nigerian.
Alyah Chanelle Scott (1997) African-American.
Sydney Park (1997) African-American / Korean.
Coco Jones (1998) African-American.
Here you go!
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