#karen wilhelm
winguontheweb · 8 months
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Getting to hang out with the INFECTIOUSLY PINK Karen Wilhelm~
Karen belongs to @roaryandfriends!!
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gogmstuff · 2 years
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1837 Karen Margrethe Borch by Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (location ?). From tumblr.com/history-of-fashion/166639680739/1837-christoffer-wilhelm-eckersberg-karen; fixed spots w Pshop 536X907 @72 132kj.
1837 Les Visites by Paul Gavarni. From tumblr.com/clove-pinks 1698X2048 @72 1.5Mj.
1838 Madame de Villeneuve Bargemon et sa fille by Joseph-Désiré Court (location ?). From Wikimedia 992X1422 @72 443kj.
1839 Frau als Amazone mit ihren Windhund by Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller (Louvre). From tumblr.com/artthatgivesmefeelings/688238660783603712/ferdinand-georg-waldmüller-austrian-1793-1865; fixed obvious spots & cracks w Pshop  1189X1463 @72 636kj.
1839 Helene of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Duchess of Orleans with her son Prince Louis Philippe by Franz Xaver Winterhalrer (Versailles). From Wikimedia 3847X5991 @300 7.6Mj.
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buckhelped · 2 years
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@pscentral event 04 » LOVE
@lgbtqcreators event 01 » get to know the members
↳ (mostly canon) queer pairings + touch (list below the cut)
in order left to right, top to bottom:
1. Dean and Castiel, Supernatural (2005-2020)
2. Sarah and Hannah, Fear Street 1666 (2021)
3. Jamie and Dani, The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020)
4. Wilhelm and Simon, Young Royals (2021-)
5. Dizzee and Thor, The Get Down (2016-2017)
6. Johnny and Gheorghe, God’s Own Country (2017)
7. Tara and Darcy, Heartstopper (2022-)
8. Hen and Karen, 9-1-1 (2018-)
9. Ronit and Esti, Disobedience (2017)
10. Black and Kevin, Moonlight (2016)
11. Noah and Will, Fire Island (2022)
12. Quentin and Eliot, The Magicians (2015-2020)
13. TK and Carlos, 9-1-1 Lone Star (2020-)
14. Richie and Eddie, It: Chapter Two (2019)
15. Tao and Elle, Heartstopper (2022-)
16. Joe and Nicky, The Old Guard (2020)
17. Nomi and Amanita, Sense8 (2015-2018)
18. Jack and Ennis, Brokeback Mountain (2005)
19. Paige and AJ, Crush (2020)
20. Lito and Hernando, Sense8 (2015-2018)
21. Vi and Caitlyn, Arcane (2021-)
22. Hideko and Sook-Hee, The Handmaiden (2016)
23. Charlie and Howie, Fire Island (2022)
24. Charlie and Nick, Heartstopper (2022-)
25. Claire and Kaia, Supernatural (2005-2020)
26. Calliope and Juliette, First Kill (2022-)
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So I was scrolling through tik tok last night, as one does, and I came across the "victorian child" trend. If you don't know what that is, it's when people list things they think would send a victorian child into a coma. And I had the absolute cursed thought of: half of these things would put Wilhelm into a coma, too. So, without further ado, I present
Things I Think Would Send Prince Wilhelm of Sweden Into a Coma:
a single episode of Dance Moms
a Bass Pro Shop
the cornbread muffins from a Cracker Barrel
trying to blow out a trick candle
a single serving of cherry flavored cold medicine
Simon's coffee order
the Autism Speaks controversy (this one nearly sent me into a coma to be honest)
a bag of Hot Cheetos
warheads sour candy
his first real life interaction with a "Karen"
finding a story about himself on wattpad
a glass of plain full fat milk on an empty stomach
seeing a Magic Mike show in person
Madonna's cone boobs
literally five minutes locked in a room with a chihuahua
American tap water
Simon calling him beautiful
This has been the most cursed thing to come to my mind in weeks. I hope you enjoyed. This is all obviously a joke no one get mad at me in the reblogs.
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dillydedalus · 9 months
women in translation month wrap-up
here's what i read this witmonth, faves marked with *
das verbotene notizbuch, alba de céspedes (translated from the italian by verena from koskull, english translation: forbidden notebook, by ann goldstein)
salomés zorn, simone atangana bekono (translated from the dutch by ira wilhelm, no english translation yet)
witches, brenda lozano (translated from the spanish by heather cleary)
*three summers, margarita liberaki (translated from the greek by karen van dyck)
breasts and eggs, mieko kawakami (translated from the japanese by sam bett & david boyd)
im park der prächtigen schwestern, camila sosa villada (translated from the spanish by svenja becker, english translation: bad girls, by kit maude)
*boulder, eva baltasar (translated from the catalan by julia sanches): READ BOULDER BY EVA BALTASAR
sweet days of discipline, fleur jaeggy (translated from the italian by tim parks)
the wandering, intan paramaditha (translated from the indonesian by stephen j. epstein)
my pen is the wing of a bird, anthology of short stories by afghan women, translated from dari & pashto
all your children, scattered, beata umbyeyi mairesse (translated from the french by alison anderson)
*waking lions, ayelet gundar-goshen (translated from the hebrew by sondra silverston)
*the lover, marguerite duras (translated from the french by barbara bray)
*trieste, daša drndić (translated from the croatian by ellen elias-bursać)
evil flowers, gunnhild øyehaug (translated from the norwegian by kari dickson)
*empty wardrobes, maria judite de carvalho (translated from the portuguese by margaret jull costa)
die tochter, kim hye-jin (translated from the korean by lee ki-hyang, english translation: concerning my daughter, by jamie chang)
still reading:
the books of jacob, olga tokarczuk (translated from the polish by jennifer croft
mister n, najwa barakat (translated from the arabic by luke leafgren)
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nem0c · 1 year
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Vietnam War - Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, June 1968
Sourced from: http://natsmusic.net/articles_galaxy_magazine_viet_nam_war.htm
Transcript Below
We the undersigned believe the United States must remain in Vietnam to fulfill its responsibilities to the people of that country.
Karen K. Anderson, Poul Anderson, Harry Bates, Lloyd Biggle Jr., J. F. Bone, Leigh Brackett, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Mario Brand, R. Bretnor, Frederic Brown, Doris Pitkin Buck, William R. Burkett Jr., Elinor Busby, F. M. Busby, John W. Campbell, Louis Charbonneau, Hal Clement, Compton Crook, Hank Davis, L. Sprague de Camp, Charles V. de Vet, William B. Ellern, Richard H. Eney, T. R. Fehrenbach, R. C. FitzPatrick, Daniel F. Galouye, Raymond Z. Gallun, Robert M. Green Jr., Frances T. Hall, Edmond Hamilton, Robert A. Heinlein, Joe L. Hensley, Paul G. Herkart, Dean C. Ing, Jay Kay Klein, David A. Kyle, R. A. Lafferty, Robert J. Leman, C. C. MacApp, Robert Mason, D. M. Melton, Norman Metcalf, P. Schuyler Miller, Sam Moskowitz, John Myers Myers, Larry Niven, Alan Nourse, Stuart Palmer, Gerald W. Page, Rachel Cosgrove Payes, Lawrence A. Perkins, Jerry E. Pournelle, Joe Poyer, E. Hoffmann Price, George W. Price, Alva Rogers, Fred Saberhagen, George O. Smith, W. E. Sprague, G. Harry Stine (Lee Correy), Dwight V. Swain, Thomas Burnett Swann, Albert Teichner, Theodore L. Thomas, Rena M. Vale, Jack Vance, Harl Vincent, Don Walsh Jr., Robert Moore Williams, Jack Williamson, Rosco E. Wright, Karl Würf.
We oppose the participation of the United States in the war in Vietnam.
Forrest J. Ackerman, Isaac Asimov, Peter S. Beagle, Jerome Bixby, James Blish, Anthony Boucher, Lyle G. Boyd, Ray Bradbury, Jonathan Brand, Stuart J. Byrne, Terry Carr, Carroll J. Clem, Ed M. Clinton, Theodore R. Cogswell, Arthur Jean Cox, Allan Danzig, Jon DeCles, Miriam Allen deFord, Samuel R. Delany, Lester del Rey, Philip K. Dick, Thomas M. Disch, Sonya Dorman, Larry Eisenberg, Harlan Ellison, Carol Emshwiller, Philip José Farmer, David E. Fisher, Ron Goulart, Joseph Green, Jim Harmon, Harry Harrison, H. H. Hollis, J. Hunter Holly, James D. Houston, Edward Jesby, Leo P. Kelley, Daniel Keyes, Virginia Kidd, Damon Knight, Allen Lang, March Laumer, Ursula K. LeGuin, Fritz Leiber, Irwin Lewis, A. M. Lightner, Robert A. W. Lowndes, Katherine MacLean, Barry Malzberg, Robert E. Margroff, Anne Marple, Ardrey Marshall, Bruce McAllister, Judith Merril, Robert P. Mills, Howard L. Morris, Kris Neville, Alexei Panshin, Emil Petaja, J. R. Pierce, Arthur Porges, Mack Reynolds, Gene Roddenberry, Joanna Russ, James Sallis, William Sambrot, Hans Stefan Santesson, J. W. Schutz, Robin Scott, Larry T. Shaw, John Shepley, T. L. Sherred, Robert Silverberg, Henry Slesar, Jerry Sohl, Norman Spinrad, Margaret St. Clair, Jacob Transue, Thurlow Weed, Kate Wilhelm, Richard Wilson, Donald A. Wollheim.
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akaessi · 1 year
Since you have an education with Scandinavian folklore, I'd be curious to hear if you have any book reccomendations on Scandinavian Folklore? It's a topic I adore but I find that sources are a bit of a struggle to dig up.
I can read English, Norwegian, Danish (and tentatively with a lot of struggling and swearing) Swedish, so don't worry too much about the dreaded language barrier too much. :>
Hello hello! Thanks for asking! Pardon the late response as well, I wanted to compile a decent list as best as possible! Apologies in advance that I couldn't find easy links for most of them.
Introductory Books:
Vaesen (2013, originally in Swedish) by Johan Egerkrams (I have an English translation by Susan Beard). A beautifully drawn catalog of common Scandinavian folklore creatures. The downside of this book is the lack of direct source quotations and/or super in-depth folkloric analysis. Still a lovely easy read to familiarize yourself with some creatures!
Scandinavian Mythology: An Annotated Bibliography (1988, English) by John Lindow. Simple guide to Scandinavian mythological terms. If I'm remembering correctly, it focuses more on Norse mythological creatures (such as gods and giants) but also features explainers for folk belief figures.
Scandinavia Folk Belief and Legend (1988, English) by Reimund Kvideland and Henning K Sehmsdorf. A very detailed (and chunky!) book that focuses on folkloric beliefs and "old wives' tales" within Scandinavia. It has a lot of citations and references to folklore catalogs, which can then be used for further reading! Also, nicely organized to focus on generalized motifs.
Grimm's Fairy Tales (original German Title: Kinder- und Hausmärchen) by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (1812, German but with widely available translations.) While not exactly specifically Scandinavian Folklore, the Grimm brothers and their folklore collections did great work within the field of Germanic folkloric studies and comparative religious/folklore studies. (And if you're a linguist too, we love love love Jacob Grimm) Anyways, there are a million versions of these tales, some very watered down but if you're looking for a chance to read them here's a link (in English and German). The site is a bit clunky and doesn't have ALL the tales. But a good portion of them are available to read. It's good to familiarize yourself with these in general because of the motif commonalities in folklore studies.
More In-Depth Books:
Old Norse Mythology-Comparative Perspectives (2017, English) with Pernille Hermann, Stephen A. Mitchell, and Jens Peter Schjødt, eds., with Amber J. Rose. 2017.  An anthology of scholarly articles focusing on discourse within the field of Scandinavian (Norse) religion and folklore studies. Lots of different authors and scholars, some with incredibly specific article focuses but others with more broad analysis and literature reviews. If you need a link, Harvard University seems to have one and it should work if I link it here.
The Norns in Old Norse Mythology (2013, English) by Karen Bek Pedersen. This book hyper-focuses on the Norns within the larger context of Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore. I highly recommend this book for people who are confused by the various female supernatural figures and their various names and titles. Though it has a specific focus, it is still helpful for overall studies on dísir, nornir, vættir, etc.
Folklore in Old Norse: Old Norse in Folklore (2013, English) edited by Karen Bek Pedersen and Daniel Sävborg. A relatively short book that focuses on literary and medieval textual criticisms about current scholarly trends within the field. Very helpful for understanding scholarly trends as well as bodies of thought in the field of Scandinavian studies--which is always useful for students and newbie researchers!
Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages (2011, English) by Stephen Mitchell. This book can be helpful in its discussion about the ambiguities between folklore, religion, magic, and witchcraft within the Scandinavian context. It references a lot of primary sources as well as historical sources commenting on said primary sources. It focuses mainly on the transition between Norse paganism to Christianity in Scandinavia but still, I think this book serves as a helpful introduction to understanding how folkloric practices change throughout time for various reasons.
Additional Miscellany Sources:
Motif-Index of Folk-Literature....(6 vols. revised and expanded from 1952-1958, English) by Stith Thompson. This is the compendium for folklore studies and is one of many folklore motif catalogs. Very helpful for understanding folklore in a broader comparative context. Unfortunately, it's very hard to find copies of the volumes, at least for me, but there is a digital link here.
Old Norse Folklore: Traditional, Innovation, and Performance in Medieval Scandinavia (English, 2023 pending release) (edited?) by Stephen Mitchell. This book isn't out yet so I can't comment too much on its content! But in the field, we are waiting to read it! According to the synopsis, it is an anthological book that will feature essays (mainly theoretical) that focus on the transition of mythological and folkloric material in the medium of orality. Hopefully, this book will serve as a good guide to understanding how to connect orality theory (in broader Scandinavian lit. studies) to folkloric motif studies (in Scandinavian folklore studies).
Some Scholars I Recommend:
Pernille Hermann, PhD. Focuses a lot on memory studies and literacy in Medieval Scandinavia. Writes in English and Danish.
Karen Bek Pedersen, PhD. Focuses on in-depth discussions of fate motifs in Norse sagas and mythological texts. Also frequently focuses on female folkloric figures in Scandinavian religion. I believe she writes English and Danish.
Daniel Sävborg, PhD. Focuses on comparative literature studies and somewhat psychological looks into Norse literature and motifs. Writes in English and in Swedish.
Stephen Mitchell, PhD. Focuses on various genres of Norse/Nordic literature with interests in magic, mythology, and legends. Writes in English, I don't know if any other languages.
Thanks for the ask! Hopefully this is helpful! 🖤
Most of the books are in English, since these are the texts my classes focused on specifically and my program is taught in English. It might take me a bit longer to find (throughout my laptop files) the non-English ones we read! As always, research carefully! There are a lot of people with no academic background writing in this subject and getting popularized. And there is also a danger of people using this subject to promote false and dangerous ideologies. (ahem Nordal).
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the-unforgotten · 4 months
2024 reading list
my list of 50+ something books I plan to read this year. a mix of random fiction some series as well as classics fiction and philosophy and some political stuff
Little Women Louisa May Alcott Meditations Marcus Aurelius Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Flowerheart Catherine Bakewell Bookshops & Bonedust Travis Baldree Blood Debts Terry J. Benton-Walker A Broken Blade Melissa Blair Utopia for Realists Rutger Bregman Break the Cycle Dr. Mariel Buqué Small Pleasures Clare Chambers The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Suzanne Collins Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes, Edith Grossman Evicted Matthew Desmond Ripe Sarah Rose Etter Polysecure Jessica Fern The Wicked + The Divine (2014), Volume 1 Kieron Gillen Fear of Black Consciousness Lewis R. Gordon The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work John Gottman, PhD, Nan Silver A Wizard of Earthsea Ursula K. Le Guin Seraphina Rachel Hartman Royal Assassin Robin Hobb Ain't I a Woman Bell Hooks Five Survive Holly Jackson The Queen of the Tearling Erika Johansen Time Squared Lesley Krueger Yellowface R. F. Kuang Jade City Fonda Lee Six Crimson Cranes Elizabeth Lim What We Owe the Future William MacAskill Earth Logic Laurie J. Marks The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels One of Us Is Lying Karen M. McManus Killing Commendatore Haruki Murakami How High We Go in the Dark Sequoia Nagamatsu Hello Beautiful Ann Napolitano Beyond Good and Evil Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Murder in an Irish Village Carlene O'Connor 1984 George Orwell Boy, Snow, Bird Helen Oyeyemi Children of Chicago Cynthia Pelayo Murder on Black Swan Lane Andrea Penrose The Republic Plato Mort Terry Pratchett Everything's Fine Cecilia Rabess Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe Benjamin Alire Sáenz A Gathering of Shadows V. E. Schwab Vicious V. E. Schwab The Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare Frankenstein Mary Shelley They Both Die at the End Adam Silvera How Fascism Works Jason Stanley Dracula Bram Stoker She Is a Haunting Trang Thanh Tran Womb City Tlotlo Tsamaase The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle Stuart Turton The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde
after the creation of this list two weeks ago I've already added more
Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity in This Crisis Dean Spade
The Complete Maus Art Spiegelman
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thebridgehqs · 9 months
Most wanted characters for connections?
some of our members answered with: Tara, Darcy, Elle, Tao (Heartstopper), Freddie, Harper, Millicent, Spencer (ICarly), Anyone (XO, Kitty or To all the boys), Jack, Grace, Vincent, Karen (Will and Grace), Wilhelm (Young Royals). Shay, Ziio, Conner, Edward (Assassins Creed), Grog, Caleb Widogast, Yasha, Nott, Cadeusus Clay, Mollymauk Tealeaf (Critical Role), Georgianna Darcy, Jane Bennet, Lydia Bennet, Mr. Collins, Mr. Bingley (Pride and Prejudice), Meg Giry, Madame Giry (Phantom of the Opera). Michonne Grimes, Glenn Rhee (The Walking Dead), Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones), Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender), Willow Rosenberg, Angel, Tara Maclay, Dawn Summers, Anya Jenkins (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
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ghostcultmagazine · 11 months
We chatted recently with Laura and Veronica, two of the three founders and bookers of the 3rd annual Camp Punksylvania, the awesome Punk festival taking place in Scranton, Pennsylvania over Labor Day weekend. The lineup includes The Suicide Machines, A Wilhelm Scream, Tsunami Bomb, Bad Cop Bad Cop, War On Women, The Dollyrots, The Bar Stool Preachers, Belvedere, Mikey Erg, and many more!! We learned a lot about the team and this festival in this informative convo! To buy tickets and for more information: https://ift.tt/1Ph4RdY The confirmed artists to appear at Camp Punksylvania each day include: Friday, September 1, 2023 Tsunami Bomb (California) The Dollyrots (California) Mikey Erg (New Jersey) Lenny Lashley’s Gang of One (Massachusetts) The Squalors (Pennsylvania) Teen Mortgage (Maryland) Dead Rest (Illinois) Oh the Humanity (Massachusetts) Coffee With Lions (Pennsylvania) Tail Light Rebellion (Wisconsin) Black Guy Fawkes & the Co-Conspirators (Maryland) Saturday, September 2, 2023 The Suicide Machines (Michigan) Bad Cop Bad Cop (California) Escape From the Zoo (Texas) The Bar Stool Preachers (England) The Potato Pirates (Colorado) Belvedere (Canada) The Homeless Gospel Choir (Pennsylvania) Fat Chance (Pennsylvania) Working Class Stiffs (New York) The What Nows?! (Pennsylvania) Stop the Presses (New York) Pity Party (California) ÅSMR (Ohio) Suburban Downgrade (Pennsylvania) Cardboard Homestead (New York) Condition Oakland (Pennsylvania) Brandon Richie (Pennsylvania) Amy Gabba (Toronto) Vulture Raid (Pennsylvania) The Karens (Pennsylvania) The Chemical Imbalance (New Jersey) No Complyance (New York) Sunday, September 3, 2023 A Wilhelm Scream (Massachusetts) War On Women (Maryland) River City Rebels (Vermont) The Bar Stool Preachers, unplugged (England) Jon Snodgrass (Colorado) Dissidente (Pennsylvania) Froggy (Pennsylvania) Fat Heaven (New York City) The Car Bomb Parade (New York City) Dead 77 (California) Doc Rotten (New Jersey) Avenues (Illinois) Freeze MF (Pennsylvania) The Mostly Dead (Maryland) Sweet Anne Marie (Pennsylvania) The Wasted (Pennsylvania) Interview by Keefy https://ift.tt/SCnkPHU Produced & edited by Ojaay https://www.instagram.com/ojcpics​​​​ Theme music by Salted Wounds https://ift.tt/eNDkPuY ▵ PODCAST ▵ (Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Anchor) "Ghost Cult MagazinePODCAST" ▷https://ift.tt/6uh4Tg1 ▵ GEAR WE USE ▵ (These are affiliate links) Set up A: Sony A7 III - https://amzn.to/3tQm422 Tamron 17-28 - https://amzn.to/3ePrlTd Tamron 28-75 - https://amzn.to/3fqCjgY Desview Mavo-P5 Monitor- https://amzn.to/33LlTub Manfrotto Befree Travel Tripod - https://amzn.to/3hxbL0e Set up B: Feelworld T7 Monitor - https://amzn.to/2Re9hta Audio: Sound Devices MixPre-3 - https://amzn.to/3tKkJd2 Gearlux XLR Mic Cable - 3 Pack - https://amzn.to/3w3zN6Y Deity D3 Microphone - https://amzn.to/3tRa6W2 Fifine Usb Mic - https://amzn.to/3w8JHEG Lighting: YONGNUO YN600L - https://amzn.to/2QkNrn5 YONGNUO YN300 Air - https://amzn.to/2QjN5gu Dfuse Softbox - https://amzn.to/3uQq4AN Aputure MC - https://amzn.to/3oirFgx NanLite PavoTube II 6C - http://bit.ly/NanLitePavoTubeII Lightstands - https://amzn.to/3uSBl3x 5 in 1 Reflector - https://amzn.to/33KHdjo And our iconic Rope Light https://amzn.to/3ycdmyz For the full list of Ghost Cult gear: http://bit.ly/OJCPicsKit This video contains a shoutout to the band Villians In Vain https://ift.tt/tomBRVz Get your DIY band, record label, or shop mentioned in our videos on YouTube, by visiting our pinned post on Twitter for instructions! https://twitter.com/GhostCultMag/status/1142861626590355456
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mentsen · 2 years
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We had a fantastic trip to Copenhagen last month, where we were awarded with the Finn Juhl Prisen 2022 by Wilhelm Hansed Fonden of Denmark, together with a Danish-Swedish designer Chris Liljenberg Halstrøm and a Greenlandic designer Aviaaja Ezekiassen. Thank you again to Bjørn Bredal, Bente Lund Poulsen, Katrine Gislinge, Steffen Aarfing, Karen-Maria Bille and Marianne Lützen Bonde from Wilhelm Hansed Fonden and many congratulations to Chris and Aviaaja!
@wilhelmhansenfonden #finnjuhlprisen #finnjuhlprize #wilhelmhansenfonden
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badgaymovies · 3 years
The Worst Person In the World (2021)
Films from Cannes 2021 including The Worst Person In the World by #JoachimTrier, winner of the Best Actress prize, today's review on MyOldAddiction.com
JOACHIM TRIER Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBBB Original Title: Verdens verste menneske Norway/France/Sweden/Denmark/USA, 2021. Arte France Cinema, B-Reel Films, Film i Vast, MK2 Productions, Oslo Pictures, Snowglobe Films. Screenplay by Joachim Trier, Eskil Vogt. Cinematography by Kasper Tuxen. Produced by Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, Thomas Robsahm. Music by Ola Flottum. Production Design by Roger…
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yorgunherakles · 5 years
ben ne bu çağa ne de bu yere aidim. bu çağa sürgün olmuş ben; karşında gördüğün bu ben değilim.
carl jung  - kırmızı kitap
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geistesgegenwart · 6 years
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mantaypeli · 3 years
La peor persona del mundo (Verdens verste menneske)
La peor persona del mundo (Verdens verste menneske)
★★★★★ La crisis existencial de una joven treintañera le sirve al cineasta noruego Joachim Trier para plantear un corrosivo ensayo sobre cómo el machismo enquistado pervierte las relaciones sexoafectivas y cosifica a la mujer. Presentada desde los iniciales títulos de crédito como una tricomía dividida en doce capítulos con prólogo y epílogo, La peor persona del mundo es una inteligentísima y…
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justdalek · 2 years
@vanlegion hehehe my excuse has been given!
Thomas and Laura are quite the interesting duo in the detective au. While both are private investigators, they work together all the time no matter if the case calls for one or two detectives. It’s actually extremely rare to see the two separate on a case.
They met during the decade annual Writers Convention, a meeting held every ten years where all the Writers of the world come together and share each other’s writing progress or new books that they’ve written to add to the Scared Library. Thomas hails from Wilhelm Grimm’s lineage while Laura is from Hans Christian Andersen’s lineage. Upon meeting each other, it’s like the stars aligned. The second Thomas asked Laura for a dance, they two knew they were meant for each other.
A Writer marrying another Writer is extremely rare due to monsters being able to sense Writers from a distance. Two Writers together often meant that they were going to execute multiple monsters, as such the monsters went after the Writers to kill them. Both Thomas and Laura lucked out when the peace treaty was signed in 1980 to have the Writers change from mercenaries to peacekeepers and detectives (also to ensure that regular humans are not to know about the monsters that walk among them).
The duo decided to move to Colorado, a very quiet place with a very low crime rate from monsters. There they had both Craig Quinlan Tucker and Patricia “Tricia” Ruby Tucker. Thomas was shocked that his brother, Skeeter, decided to move to Colorado with his newborn, Rebecca (Red) and his (now ex) wife Scarlet as now there were six Writers in Colorado, the most in any state in the U.S.
Thomas’ weapons of choice are stun guns and a katana that was gifted to him by a Chinese Wingless Dragon upon saving it from being attacked by Goblins. The katana (know formally as the Dragon’s Wish Katana) has an ability where when it strikes it’s target, instead of slicing through it, it wraps around the target (akin to how the Wingless Dragon wraps around mountains to create rain).
Laura, while mostly the keeper of the books for the Tucker family, also has a few weapons she uses. Her main two are the Shrink Box (used for capturing monsters) and a morning star (which while the other Writers scoffed at it since it’s a very old styled weapon, Laura proved to them all that she is a master at the weapon upon saving a group of Writers from a pack of rebelling werecats single handedly with it). Laura’s morning star was passed from generation to generation in her family (she’s still deciding who to give it to, Craig or Tricia, but both seemingly refused to accept it for the time being).
Both Thomas and Laura are very protective of each other and their kids, especially when monster criminal cases started to rise every year. Both were a bit tense with Tweek when he and Craig dated after the events of TxC, since Tweek is an imp, the parents thought it was an elaborate prank, but seventeen years later were rather happy to find out that the two bold genuine love for each other (what they aren’t too pleased about is A. Having Tweek’s parents as in-laws and B. Eventually having Kenny McCormick as a son in-law when Tricia marries Karen as Kenny is a hilariously loose cannon of a zombie mortician).
Thomas and Laura, when not working insanely long hours on cases, tend to just cuddle up and watch cheesy movies, quietly enjoying each other’s presence and love.
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