#kana ⭐
modstarfell · 7 months
Kana Ise... birthmark... star shape... hidden on part of her stomach.
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yasamsallik · 10 months
İlhan Selçuk'un harika bir yazısı.....
🤢Arap İngiliz'le birleşmiş Türk'ü arkadan vurmuş;
🤢Ermeni Rus'la birleşmiş,
Doğu Anadolu'yu kana bulamış;
🤢Rum Yunan'la, Yunan İngiliz'le birleşmiş,
Batı Anadolu'yu ele geçirmiş.
🤢Ülkenin mahvolmadık, yıkılmadık, yanmadık,
kan dökülmedik, kül olmadık hiçbir yeri kalmamış,
🤢Elde avuçta İstanbul ile İzmir bile yok!..
🤢Anadolu'nun altı yedi milyon nüfuslu en yoksul bölümüyle, yüzde doksan beşi okuma yazma bilmez,
🤢Yorgun,yoksul, bitkin, ezik bir halk..
Nasıl kurtulmuşuz?..
Şaşıp kalıyorum...🤔
☘Yunan'ı nasıl denize döküp hizaya getirmişiz,
☘İngiliz'i İstanbul'dan nasıl çıkarmışız,
☘ Dünyanın süper güçleriyle masaya nasıl eşit oturmuşuz?
⭐Yıl 1923
Anadolu'da 10-11 milyon savaş artığı yaşıyor; aç biilaç, parasız;
⭐Yüzde 95'i elifi görse mertek sanacak kadar alfabesiz... .
⭐ Ne yapacaksın?..
Demokrasi yap!.. Nasıl yapacaksın?..
🤔2000'li yıllarda Nurcu tarikatının ardına
Bu kadar adam takılmışken,
🤢1923'ün yanmış yıkılmış Anadolu'sunda nasıl demokrasi yapacaksın?..
🤔Kalan ne? Yıl 1923
Komşunun komşuyu boğazladığı iç savaşlardan, Anadolu'yu mezbahaya döndüren dış savaşlardan yeni çıkmışsın.
🤔Fabrikan yok,
İşçin yok,
İş adamın yok,
Mühendisin yok,
Doktorun yok,
Uzmanın yok,
Tüccarın yok,
Suyun yok,
Barajın yok,
Elektriğin yok,
🤢Kadınların çarşafta çuvala giriyor,
Erkeğin dört karı alıyor,
🤔Yurttaşlik yasası yok,
🤔Üniversiten yok,
Banka yok,
Burjuva yok,
Proletarya yok,
İhracatçı yok,
İthalatçı yok,
Sermayen yok.
🤔Kalkın bakalım...
Nasıl kalkınacaksın?...
🤢Sermayesiz ekonomik kalkınmanın yumurtasız omletten ne farkı var?
🤔🇹🇷Mustafa Kemal kuşağı ne yapmış?...
🤔🇹🇷Yöneticiler devletçiliğe neden ve nasıl sarılmış?..
🤔🇹🇷Türkler bankacılığı nasıl öğrenmiş?..
🤔🇹🇷Merkez Bankası 1930'a değin neden açılamamış?..
🤔🇹🇷Özel sektör nasıl oluşturulmuş?..
Yeni devlet nasıl kurulmuş?..
🤔🇹🇷Çağdaş öğretime nasıl geçilmiş?
🤔🇹🇷1920'de 10-11 milyon nüfusun yüzde 95'i Alfabesizken savaş artığı bir toplumla,okuma yazma seferberliği nasıl açılmış?
🤔🇹🇷Kitaplıklarda kitap yokken,
Ulusal kütüphane nasıl kurulmuş?..
🤔🇹🇷Okullarda tarih kitabı bile yokken tarih nasıl yazılmış?..
🤔🇹🇷Yok olmanın kuyusundan çıkıp var olmanın doruğuna nasıl tırmanılmış?..
🤔🇹🇷Yunanlı ile dostluk nasıl kurulmuş?..
🤔🇹🇷Avrupa'da saygınlık nasıl kazanılmış?..
🤔🇹🇷Şaşıp kalıyorum...
🤔🇹🇷2000'li yılları geçtiğimiz,
Yetmiş milyonluk Türkiye'nin haline bakıyorum...
🤔🇹🇷Hiçbir şeyimiz yokken neler yapmışız?..
🤢🇹🇷Herşeyimiz varken neler yapamıyoruz?..
🤢Bir de bu ortamda,
Mustafa Kemal'e saldıranlara bakıyorum...
🤢🤔Daha çok şaşıp kalıyorum...🤷‍♂️
İlhan Selçuk
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wp-blaze · 3 days
Drink Your Fill of Love
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So, you want to be loved and feel it! There is a time and place in a marriage where God would like you to have your fill of love. How … Continue Reading Drink Your Fill of Love
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aro-langblr · 11 months
here’s some ways that dyslexia can manifest in someone who’s dealing with japanese:
consistently refusing to write certain kanji. ex: opting to write もつ and まつ instead of 持つ and 待つ. similar kanji can be just as confusing to jp kids as foreigners when they first encounter them, but if a native heavily prefers hiragana further into their schooling, there might be a problem. especially for basic kanji like 持/待
conversely, they might be able to write a relatively complex kanji bc it’s distinctive and doesn’t look like much else. a student might be able to write 瓶 with little issue but still avoid 使/便. (the more radicals in a kanji tho, the more susceptible a dyslexic person would be to make errors and avoid it)
flipping kana. さ/ち/ら are the most common culprits. also め/ぬ and わ/ね among others. pretty self explanatory
struggling with compound words like 内容. they can understand what 内 and 容 mean separately, but struggle to actually discern the meaning when combined. even if it makes logical sense. it’s often bc they’re hyperfocused on trying to understand the info piece by piece, then struggle with the bigger picture
writing わ in place of は and お in place of を when transcribing
transposing sounds in written and spoken speech. ex: 曜金日 instead of 金曜日
they do better on oral assignments compared to written ones
if you notice signs of dyslexia, ask them some of the following:
“do words seem to move or jump around when reading? (follow-up) does it make you dizzy?” [this doesn’t happen to every dyslexic, but it is a telltale sign if they say yes]
see if they show any signs of dyslexia in english too
“do you see the difference between [x] and [y]? can you tell me what it is?”
introduce them to a bland typeface like ariel if you haven’t already and see if that makes a difference
take note of differences in skill between spoken and written assignments
if you have suspicions that a student is dyslexic, try to cater your next few lessons to them / tack on a more individualized approach over the next few lessons. do your best to see what works for them. you will notice a change in demeanor if they notice you’re trying to help them when nobody else has.
I’ve seen even the most defiant students become calm with me bc I was the only one willing to work with them instead of against them.
if the student is dyslexic, uhhhhhh, I don’t have great advice actually. when I was tutoring, I actually went against my contract to let parents know that there was a possibility their child was dyslexic. I just don’t want to let a kid struggle and suffer needlessly. I def could have lost my job for going behind my bosses back. just do your best to help while you can!
I thought this might be a suitable fact for you since you work with japanese children now! please keep your eyes open and help any kids you see struggling. very few people actually know what to look for and how to help dyslexic students ♡
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kur-an-ve-risalei-nur · 5 months
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'Kendisi ve zürriyeti cehennemden uzak kılınmış olan...' İsimlerinin hîkmeti ile müsemma 'cennet hanımlarının hanımefendisi'. Varlığı mutluluk sebebim, isimlerinin her anılışında kalbimin titrediği, susuz bir sahrâ nasıl vahaya dönüşüyorsa
benim de hüzünlerimi dağıtıp rahmet rağmuruna çeviren şefkât eli.
İçinde yaşadıkları o zor topluma karşı tevhid şuurundan bir an dahi olsa ayrılmayarak
Sevgili Peygamberimiz aleyhisselatüvesselâmın her an yanında olan vahdet timsâli.
Validemin hayatlarını ne zaman okudu isem; son derece mütevazı kişiliği,
Allâh'a iyi bir kul olabilme âzim ve gayreti, dünyaya ve içindekilere asla meyl etmeme duruşu ile îsâr duygusu ile örgüledikleri örnek tabloya şahid oluyorum.
Peygamber çizgisinden asla taviz vermeyen canım Validemin modern çağın toplumuna vereceği çok kıymetli mesajları var.
'Bizi biz yapan değerlerimizin' söküp alınmak istendiği, önceliklerimizin değiştirilmek súretiyle tahribe uğrayan bu çağa en güzel örnek; Hz.Fâtıma Validemdir.
Sadık bir eş, hayırlı bir evlat, arı duru bir kul nasıl olur'un karşılığı olan Hz.Fâtıma ikliminde biraz soluklanmalı. Âb-ı hayat sunan bu rahmetten kana kana içmeli.
Bu dünyada 'var oluşumuzun' sırrına ererek özümüze dönmeli.
Hz.Fâtıma Validem için daha pek çok şey söylemek isterim. Rabbim sevgisini kalbimize daha da nakş eylesin; "Kişi sevdiği ile beraberdir" müjdesine
nâil eylesin...
... Huzurlu Vakitler
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aynodndr · 4 months
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"Karşıyım ulan
Ben ölüme karşıyım
Ölümü kolay görene karşıyım
Savaşlarla uyanan güne karşıyım
Katliamlar inkar edilen düne karşıyım
Zalimin eliyle dökülen kana karşıyım
Faşistle bir olan yana karşıyım
Etnik ayrım yapan dile karşıyım
Yalnız bahara sevdalı güle karşıyım
Aykırıyım işte
İnsanım ulan ben
İnsana kölelik eden kula karşıyım ..."
⭐Uğur Akbulak ⭐️ .
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shibemuses · 8 months
⭐ if you feel like it uwu
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi. If you like any of the suggested combinations, you are welcome to come plot or start interactions with them.
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Canon and Swap Nezuko. I think it would be fun to explore how they would fight with Douma, or perhaps try to infiltrate his cult to get info on the demon who had killed Kanae (Shinobu in my swap AU). Just have fun with this punk ass 14 year old blasting Douma's ass and proving she's wily.
Okami-Amaterasu. How would Douma deal with an actual god? He has doubted them his whole life, and suddenly here's the mother of them all... And she's a doggie?
Ashireiko. They're a nogitsune OC that can fit easily in KNY lore, and they're pretty much just hellbent on power. Could be a new Upper Moon meeting situation and they realize how much they have in common.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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aykutiltertr · 18 days
Nideyim - İbrahim Tatlıses ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (Hicaz Oryant...  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ✩ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjQZ0d0L1q4 ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ Nideyim - İbrahim Tatlıses ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (Hicaz Oryantal Arabesk) NİDEYİM SÖZ MÜZİK: Ahmet Satılmış Zalım yar sanin için dağları aşmadımmı Hayın yar sevdan ile yolları düşmedimmi Ömrümü ben senin ugruna harcamadımmı Nideyim söle zalım senin için nideyim Ömrümü ben senin ugruna harcamadımmı Nideyim söle zalım senin için nideyim Nideyim senin için bu canımı vereyimmi Ah nideyim başımı alıp diyer diyer gideyim mi Nideyim söle zalım ben bu dertten öleyimmi Nideyim yar nideyim Nideyim senin için bu canımı vereyimmi Nideyim başımı alıp diyar diyer gideyimmi ahh Nideyim söle zalım ben bu dertten öleyimmi Nideyim yar nideyim Yanarım senle geçen o günlere yanarım Ağlarım geçip giden geçligime ağlarım Bağrıma hazan vurdu döküldü yapraklarım Nideyim senin için soldum gittim nideyim Bağrıma hazan vurdu döküldü yapraklarım Nideyim senin için soldum gittim nideyim Nideyim senin için bu canımı vereyimmi Nideyim başımı alıp diyar diyar gideyimmi Nideyim söle zalım ben bu dertten öleyimmi Nideyim yar nideyim Nideyim senin için bu canımı vereyimmi ahh Nideyim başımı alıp diyar diyar gideyimmi Nideyim söle zalım ben bu dertten öleyimmi Nideyim yar nideyim Nideyim senin için bu canımı vereyimmi Nideyim başımı alıp diyar diyar gideyimmi Nideyim söle zalım bn bu dertten öleyimmi Nideyim yar nideyim Yağmurla Gelen Kadın Madde Tartışma Oku Değiştir Kaynağı değiştir Geçmişi gör Araçlar Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi Yağmurla Gelen Kadın İbrahim Tatlıses stüdyo albümü Yayımlanma 7 Mayıs 2009[1] Tarz Arabesk · Türk halk müziği Süre 47:08 Dil Türkçe · Kürtçe Şirket İdobay Müzik Yönetmen Sendur Güzelel Yapımcı İbrahim Tatlıses İbrahim Tatlıses kronolojisi Neden (2008) Yağmurla Gelen Kadın (2009) Hani Gelecektin (2010) Yağmurla Gelen Kadın, 7 Mayıs 2009 tarihinde İbrahim Tatlıses'in İdobay Müzik firmasından çıkardığı stüdyo albümdür.[2] Albümde toplam 13 şarkı bulunmaktadır. Albümün yönetmenliğini Sendur Güzelel yapmıştır. Tatlıses bu albüm ile, 17 Mayıs 2010 tarihinde Lütfi Kırdar Spor ve Sergi Sarayı’nda yapılan 16. Kral Müzik Ödülleri gecesinde En Çok Satan Albüm ödülünü kazanmıştır.[3] Şarkı listesi # Şarkı Söz Müzik Kaynak kişi Derleyen Düzenleme Süre 1 Yağmurla Gelen Kadın İbrahim Tatlıses İbrahim Tatlıses   Ceyhun Çelikten 4:33 2 Kim Çeker Seni İbrahim Tatlıses İbrahim Tatlıses   Ceyhun Çelikten 3:43 3 Dağlar Dağlar Barış Manço Barış Manço   Emre Moğolkoç 3:22 4 Şemmame (Kürtçe) İbrahim Tatlıses Anonim   Emre Moğolkoç 3:47 5 Davacı Reza Zarrab Reza Zarrab   Emre Moğolkoç 4:18 6 Kolbastı İbrahim Tatlıses Anonim   Murat Ceyhun Çelikten 4:20 7 Batan Gün Kana Benziyor Necdet Rüştü Efe Sadettin Kaynak   Emre Moğolkoç 2:32 8 Kara Bulutları Kaldır Aradan Ramazan Gökalp Arkın Sadettin Kaynak   Emre Moğolkoç 3:01 9 Ağam da Şimdi Gelir (Urfalıyam Dağlıyam)   Ahmet Cemil Cankat Muzaffer Sarısözen Emre Moğolkoç 3:27 10 Yalanmış İbrahim Tatlıses İbrahim Tatlıses   Emre Moğolkoç 3:43 11 Yara Bende (U.H.) İbrahim Tatlıses İbrahim Tatlıses   Bahadır 2:54 12 Antebin Kalesine İbrahim Dizlek İbrahim Dizlek   Emre Moğolkoç 3:31 13 Nideyim Ahmet Satılmış Ahmet Satılmış   Emre Moğolkoç 3:51 Kaynakça ^ "Arşivlenmiş kopya". tr.mu-yap.org. MÜ-YAP. 4 Ocak 2023. 1 Ocak 2023 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 4 Ocak 2023. ^ "Arşivlenmiş kopya". www.diskotek.info. 18 Ocak 2023. 4 Aralık 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 18 Ocak 2023. ^ "Kral TV Video Müzik Ödülleri verildi". www.sabah.com.tr. 18 Ocak 2023. 23 Mayıs 2010 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 18 Ocak 2023. İbrahim Tatlıses İbrahim Tatlıses Genç Parti toplantısında, 2007 Genel bilgiler Doğum İbrahim Tatlı 1 Ocak 1952 (72 yaşında) Şanlıurfa, Türkiye Tarzlar Türk Halk Müziği · Arabesk müzik Meslekler Şarkıcı · besteci · söz yazarı oyuncu · yönetmen · albüm-film yapımcısı · sunucu · iş insanı Etkin yıllar 1968-günümüz Müzik şirketi Yalçın · Uzelli · Sönmez · Urfa Emektaroğlu · Türküola · Star · Bayar · İdobay · Emre · Raks · S Müzik · Erol Köse · Poll Eş Adalet Durak (boşandı) Perihan Savaş (e. 1979; b. 1982) Ayşegül Yıldız (e. 2011; b. 2013) Çocukları Ahmet Salim Tatlı Gülşen Sara Tatlı Gülden Ferrah Tatlı Melek Zübeyde Tatlı Dilan Çıtak İdo Tatlıses Elif Ada Tatl
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venllari · 4 months
3rd anni kanade x 2nd anni mafuyu *explosion as the crowd goes wild*
oughhn yes... they need to explode so much...
brat x brat tamer...
i feel like kana would try cop a feel in public n mafu would leave her unable to sit comfortably for a week.
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modstarfell · 9 months
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Just a silly creature.
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natsu7mero · 8 months
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あとねKANA-BOONの曲本当に超最高だったんだけど、個人的にはボーカルの方のお話に超絶感動して涙止まらなくて…「こないだの海外ライブで超盛り上がったよ、なんでかわかる?ナルトがあったから!あなたたちの好きなナルト!世界でも人気ですよ!」みたいなこと言ってたんだけどもう死ぬほど泣きましたよ。だって自分が大好きでやまないナルトが、実際世界を見てきてるアーティストさんにこんな風に言ってもらえて、本当に死ぬほど嬉しくて😭ライブ中日本語で歌ってくれるってのも聞いて、こないだ動画調べてジャカルタ公演かな?見たんだけど本当にみんなで歌ってて、KANA-BOONの人たちも嬉しそうで、ナルライで言ってたことは本当だったんだ…話盛ってるとかじゃなくて本当やん…7代目火影いるやん…と動画見てめっちゃ泣きましたよ…ボーカルの人が言ってた「ファンのみんなもナルトに人生変えさせてもらったけど僕たちもナルトに人生変えさせてもらいました。ナルトに世界に連れてってもらいました」って言葉、すごく響いて、ほんとにナルトに関わる全ての人が人生変えさせてもらったんだな、と。調べたらナルトがきっかけで海外で人気が出たらしいそれが本当かは分からないけど、あの人生変えさせてもらったって言葉は嘘紛れない心から思ってるんだな〜って上から目線な発言だけど、ナルト1ファンからしたらアーティストからもそう大切に思われてるって本当に本当に嬉しいことで。ナルト愛が本当に伝わりました。(上からすぎ) もうねその言葉だけで本当に嬉しくて超感動してこちらこそこんな素晴らしい曲を作ってくれてありがとうございますって気持ちなんですよ。 けど本当に感謝を伝えたいのは2日目の遥か彼方をカバーしてくれたことです。本当に本当に大好きな曲で思い入れもあって、死ぬほど聴きたかったけどアジカン出演しないてアーティスト発表されてからナルライ当日までかなり根に持ってて()そんな中「ナルトといえばあのバンドきてないですよね?」って煽り、最高すぎた。会場みんなが遥か彼方だって盛り上がった瞬間人生で初めて嬉し泣きしました。私の中でナルトといえばアジカンの遥か彼方でopで聴いて以来ずっとずっと大好きでこんなに興奮させられて、いつ聴いても中忍試験のあのワクワクを思い出させてくれる大切な大好きな曲だから遥か彼方聴いて泣く日がくると思わなかった()歌ってる最中も嬉しさと興奮ともう何が何だか分からないくらいテンション爆上がりして、もうほんと最高すぎました…まさか聴けるなんて思わなかったので、本当にありがとうございますと伝えたいですT^Tそのテンションからのシルエットはこんな幸せすぎていいの??!って発狂しそうになりましたよ…2日目はシルエット聴いてる時ずっと泣いてた。どんな感情で泣いてたかは不明、、もう自然と涙止まらなくてそんな自分に笑けてきたよね。本当にKANA-BOONって最高だなってなったよね。ナルトを通してKANA-BOONを知ったので他の曲とかあまり知らないけど、なんかめっちゃ素晴らしいバンドだな?!ってなったし、ツアーやるらしくて軽率に行きたいと考えだしてる最中ですwwナルトの曲しか知らんのに来ていいのか?っていう気持ちがあるので、行くかは分からないけど…でももし仮に私が行ったとしたら本当にナルトに繋いでもらった縁になるんよね。けど私がこうして心を動かされた時点でもう繋げさせてもらってるのかな…と考えてまた涙出てくるのよね。本当にナルトには色んなものに出逢わせてもらってます…
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purekanacbdofficial · 8 months
Pure Kana CBD Gummies, 2023 Result, Offers, Buy Now!
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purekanacbdus · 9 months
Pure Kana CBD Gummies: Best Result, Ingredients, Benefits {Get 50% Off} Where To Buy?
➤Product Name - Pure Kana CBD Gummies
➤Category - Health
➤Side effects – NA
➤Sale price - Best price
➤Product Availability - Available in Stock
➤Rating -⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
➤Official Website - [SALE IS LIVE] Hurry up to get your best deal "Pure Kana CBD Gummies" for 1st user limited-time offer!
Pure Kana CBD Gummies Enduring constant torment and stress is definitely not a high priority honor. Everybody is qualified for a superior personal satisfaction liberated from medical conditions and stress. Numerous physical and mental issues emerge because of becoming older. Not simply grown-ups need to manage this. The pandemic radically modified many individuals' lives, leaving them intellectually and truly debilitated.
Pure Kana CBD Gummies The numerous illnesses welcomed on by becoming older are joint inflammation, persistent torment, muscle hurts, back torment, knee torment, and various others. As stress, despair, sleep deprivation, uneasiness, migraines, and other mental illnesses rise, so do the psychological victimizers. These issues are more normal in the older, yet they presently influence individuals, everything being equal.
Therefore, Pure Kana CBD Gummies items can assist with an extensive variety of profound and actual medical problems. This strategy makes disposing of issues and living a more serene and calm presence substantially more clear. Pure Kana CBD Gummies are the most famous and viable CBD item. It will be helpful in treating a wide range of physical and mental torment.
However as of late acquainted with the market, it has previously amassed numerous cheerful clients and keeps on growing in accordance with request. It tastes really charming and is immediately consumed by the body to help the brain and body unwind and patching.
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✅Visit The Official Website To Get 50% Off Now✅
What are Pure Kana CBD Gummies?
Pure Kana CBD Gummies These Pure Kana CBD Gummies are a notable brand from the organization that makes these treats. To work on your general wellbeing, you ought to eat these chewy candies produced using every single regular fixing. Melancholy, uneasiness, stress, and other psychological well-being issues can be eased utilizing these chewy candies. Many confections available guarantee to help different actual infirmities, however they make no such commitments about working on your emotional wellness. The vast majority of their consideration is on making you in great shape, not your emotional wellness. We ought to care very much about our emotional wellness and focus on it to keep it with everything looking great.
Therefore, these Pure Kana CBD Gummies additionally pay special attention to your psychological prosperity; in the event that it isn't, it gives its best for make things right. These confections enable your body to normally mend your injuries. Your resistant framework will be upgraded, and you'll be more safeguarded from sicknesses and contaminations from taking these sticky bears. It will likewise assist you with keeping up with sound energy and endurance all through your everyday exercises.
Motivations to attempt Pure Kana CBD Gummies
Pure Kana CBD Gummies Since all of the cannabinoids used in these Pure Kana CBD Gummies are removed from pot delivered, there is no great explanation not to attempt it. The hemp plant is developed utilizing harmless to the ecosystem strategies and clinically analyzed before it turns into a significant answer for those out of luck. In the wake of going through a long course of clinical testing, assessment, and endorsement, this item is presently available. Subsequently, the mind works better, and the body gets the nutrients it needs. Pure Kana CBD Gummies Likewise, it helps the body's muscles, joints, and insusceptible framework get more hearty. It supports the expulsion of poisons from the body and the purging of the body. Furthermore, it has various medical advantages, like further developing assimilation, alleviating pressure, quieting the brain and body, easing agony, and that's just the beginning. However long you stay with the chewy candies, you will not need to invest any energy into your routine. They'll deal with everything.
How Pure Kana CBD Gummies work?
Utilization of these cannabinoid-rich chewy candies conveys their dynamic fixings straightforwardly to the circulatory system. Instead of basically concealing the side effects of agony, Pure Kana CBD Gummies tends to the fundamental reason for the condition. It has been displayed in examinations that cannabinoids influence the body's endocannabinoid framework.
As to items in these Pure Kana CBD Gummies, you'll be satisfied to discover that every one of the fixings utilized in this item have been developed normally and tried in the US. To hold you over, here are the CBD item's dynamic fixings: Coconut Oil: Known for its various medical advantages, coconut oil is a famous decision. Expanded degrees of solid cholesterol benefit your wellbeing since they bring down the probability of creating coronary illness. Likewise, your body will actually want to consume off overabundance fat, and you will actually want to thin down normally. Pure Kana CBD Gummies As a little something extra, it'll give you the energy you really want the entire day to be the best version of yourself!
Green Tea: Upgrades your cerebrum's capacity to work, making it more effective than any time in recent memory. Moreover, it will assist you with disposing of awful breath and abundance weight from your body. It will likewise assist with limiting the impacts of maturing and stay away from coronary illness. It is feasible to keep a solid way of life because of these benefits. Vegetable Glycerine: Utilizing a characteristic glycerine like vegetable glycerine, your bones will be recuperated, and your body will be given a mending support. Shields you from a great many sicknesses and microscopic organisms by battling contaminations. As well as working on your actual execution, the hydration given by the water will assist you with disposing of clogging issues.
Pure Kana CBD Gummies Ginger concentrates: Ginger concentrates are notable for their extensive variety of medical advantages. Your brain and body will profit from it. One of the main advantages of this supplement is that it shields your cells from oxidative pressure and battles ongoing illnesses that can prompt different dangerous ailments on the off chance that not treated in time. It likewise assists with holding your circulatory strain under wraps and advances a solid maturing process.
There are a few benefits to utilizing Pure Kana CBD Gummies:
Agony and throbs can be feeling better from the body with the assistance of CBD.
Treats a sleeping disorder and gives better rest cycles
Further develops absorption
Loosens up the psyche from stress, sadness, and numerous other mental sicknesses
Accomplishes better neurological, mental, and actual wellbeing
Has no psychoactive parts like THC
How could I take Pure Kana CBD Gummies?
These bright chewy candies taste brilliant and a satisfying appearance. Therefore, it is easy to eat and process. On the off chance that you don't eat the item, nobody will actually want to get their hands on it. We made these desserts more delectable in light of the fact that the certified marijuana oils have a brutal scent. Two chewy candies a day are expected, with a ten-hour break between each portion. On the off chance that you experience any secondary effects, quit utilizing the item immediately.
Safety measures
Pure Kana CBD Gummies, there are a couple of things you ought to know about. These are a few models:
You shouldn't consume these chewy candies in the event that you are under 18.
Liquor and different substances ought to be thoroughly stayed away from while utilizing this prescription.
Assuming you are presently going through clinical treatment, you ought to counsel your doctor prior to ingesting these chewy candies.
Pregnant or nursing ladies shouldn't utilize these confections since they might hurt an unborn youngster.
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Is it secure?
Indeed, these Pure Kana CBD Gummies are altogether without risk, as indicated by the producer. Since they're produced from natural fixings, these chewy candies won't hurt you. Furthermore, every one of the parts used in the plan of these Pure Kana CBD Gummies have gone through thorough testing in American research centers and have been clinically demonstrated to work. As a little something extra, you will not need to stress over taking this item before you eat its pills. Likewise, the producer professes to have followed all FDA guidelines while making this food supplement. Additionally, it has gone through all the assembling rehearses rules, which is the best quality of scaling and testing in these Pure Kana CBD Gummies. Purchasing this article won't seriously jeopardize you of being defrauded in light of the fact that it will just help you.
In the wake of perusing this outline, you don't have to mull over purchasing these Pure Kana CBD Gummies. These chewy candies have gone through thorough clinical preliminaries in the US. The accompanying will help you in conquering an assortment of medical problems and broadening your life expectancy. Clients have gotten no bad things to say about how well this item has been gotten.
Numerous physical and mental issues emerge because of becoming older. CBD items can assist with an extensive variety of profound and actual medical problems. Despondency, tension, stress, and other psychological well-being problems can be mitigated utilizing Pure Kana CBD Gummies.
Buy Link==> https://purekanacbdgummies.us/
Blogspot==> https://healthwebmagazine.blogspot.com/2023/09/Pure-Kana-CBD-Gummies.html
Google Site==> https://sites.google.com/view/pure-kana-cbd-gummy-offers/
Jimdo Site==> https://pure-kana-cbd-gummies-3.jimdosite.com/
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misspeppermint2003 · 9 months
⭐ Friday Vote Battle (Round 7) ⭐
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purecbdgum45 · 10 months
Purekana CBD Gummies 1000mg Fraudulently Exposed Must Read Side Effects Ingredients Price Where to buy?
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Purekana CBD Gummies  are edibles infused with CBD. These gummies are made with natural ingredients and are gluten-free, non-GMO, and vegan-friendly. They come in different flavors, and each gummy contains a specific amount of CBD. Regen CBD Gummies  are formulated to help people with various health conditions. Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, has become increasingly popular over the years due to its therapeutic benefits. CBD is a naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis plant. CBD products have gained immense popularity in the health and wellness industry for their potential to help with a variety of conditions. Regen CBD Gummies  are one such product that has been gaining popularity in recent times.
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➢Product Review: —Purekana CBD Gummies Reviews
➢Main Benefits:—Improve Metabolism & Help in Pain Relief
➢Composition: —Natural Organic Compound
➢Side-Effects: —NA
➢Rating: —⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Visit the Official Site of Purekana CBD Gummies Discount [Available Here]
Purekana CBD Gummies  -Everybody merits their greatest wellbeing, satisfaction, and well-being! In any case, that can be difficult to accomplish without the pure kana  CBD Gummies Reviews. These fantastic sticky colors contain probably the most grounded hemp CBDs to assist you with mending and simpler than any time in recent memory. Also, best of all, these new gummies taste path better than their CBD partner. In this way, continue perusing our Purekana CBD GummiesReviews Audit to discover more! Something else, click the standard underneath to check whether you can get to a FREE Preliminary Proposal of the top selling color while supplies last!
How does Purekana CBD Gummieswork?
The human body produces cannabinoids called CB1 receptors which regulate movement, pain, appetite, emotions, mood, cognitive function, memory, and more. The CBD Oil in CBD Gummies has been medically proven to attach to your cannabinoids and quickly improve and optimize your body, mind, and spirit.
BODY: Jumpstarts an anti-inflammatory response to alleviate all types of chronic aches and pains. It reverses metabolic disorders, which can aid in your weight loss. And studies suggest that it may also help with both falling asleep and staying asleep.
MIND: Instantly ignites your brain's dopamines (a chemical neurotransmitter) to dramatically enhance memory, focus, and mental acuity. It can help you to retain more information, learn faster, and achieve true clarity.
SPIRIT: Slows down messages being sent to the brain to quickly relieve the debilitating symptoms of anxiety, OCD, PTSD, depression, and more. And it promotes increased serotonin, which can vastly improve your mood and your general outlook on life.
Purekana CBD Gummies Side Effects
 Our primary concern about CBD is by and by. Most CBD customers have not declared any coincidental impacts. It's absolutely normal and comes from Mother Nature. This looks good. Purekana CBD Gummies Cubes don't contain any fake trimmings. Regen CBD Gummies Reviews Cubes simply utilizes the best hemp oil in the United States. You can take extraordinary thought of yourself without coincidental impacts or dangerous trimmings.
Step by step instructions to Utilize Regen CBD Gummies Reviews
For the best effects, you actually should take Purekana CBD Gummieson a daily basis. CBD Oil is lipophilic (fat-soluble), which means it compounds in your body, adding to the health benefits over time. The longer you take it, the better the results. And it’s 100% non-habit forming, so you can rest easy taking it each day.
Our all-natural Purekana CBD Gummiesare made from purity-tested CBD Oil. And they begin to work within mere seconds of entering your bloodstream by binding to special receptors throughout your body and mind. They quickly boost your immune system, target disease, eliminate pain, and extinguish anxiety.
Purekana CBD Gummiescan lower high blood pressure and considerably improve your heart and circulatory system health, which may prevent strokes, heart attacks, and metabolic syndrome. Not only can it help you with things you are dealing with today, but it can also help eliminate ward off medical issues in the future.
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 Benefits of Regen CBD Gummies Reviews
ARTHRITIS :- CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and data shows that it can lower levels of cytokines which are the immune system cells that are associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
SCHIZOPHRENIA :-  A recent study investigating the impact of CBD in schizophrenic patients found that after 6 weeks of CBD treatment, those who took CBD had lower levels of psychotic symptoms.
CHRONIC PAIN :- CBD has been shown to provide symptomatic relief of neuropathic, radicular, and chronic pain in people.
SEIZURES :- The FDA approved CBD as a treatment for seizures as its action on sodium channels in the brain reduce symptoms for people with epilepsy.
ANXIETY :- Brain imaging studies show that CBD creates brain activity patterns that lower anxiety and help with a variety of anxiety disorders.
DIABETES :- CBD has been shown to help protect diabetics by reducing brain and pancreas inflammation, thus reducing the incidence of diabetes.
DEPRESSION :- Research has shown that CBD may provide quick antidepressant effects through its actions on neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin and glutamate
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE :- CBD may improve heart health by protecting against vascular damage thanks to its impact on the immune system and the ability to reduce inflammation.
What are The Purekana CBD GummiesFixings?
The Purekana CBD Gummies  Fixings contain of unadulterated, greatest strength hemp CBD! Dissimilar to so numerous other hemp items that are only segregates, this one is a FULL Range recuperating CBD. Implying that it contains probably the best, most impressive fixings. These staggering gummies are taken from the hemp plant. Which implies that they have no psychoactive impacts! Not at all like THC, Gummies can't get you high. Be that as it may, it can in any case help you recuperate.
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There are Purekana CBD GummiesResults?
Probably the most awesome aspect about this color is the Purekana CBD Gummies Results. What's more, that is on the grounds that you shouldn't perceive any. The explanation such countless individuals go to GUMMIES is on the grounds that it doesn't have however many results as most meds. Pastor CBD be told, one investigation expresses that GUMMIES has a decent security profile. In the event that you do encounter results, it's presumably in light of the fact that your body doesn't work well with GUMMIES.
What Is The Purekana CBD GummiesCost?
The Purekana CBD GummiesCost  is continually changing, however now is the best an ideal opportunity to attempt it! By clicking any picture or catch on this page, quite possibly 's you can get to a FREE Preliminary Proposal of the top selling color. With this offer, you'll have the option to get to this unfathomable color for the simple Purekana CBD Gummies Cost of postage. Yet, in the event that you stand by excessively long, you could botch your opportunity!
Instructions to Get Regen CBD Gummies Reviews
It is not difficult to arrange Purekana CBD Gummies  at the most ideal cost since you should simply tap on the request currently picture in the content. You will be immediate to the organization that sells the item and that can give you the astounding arrangements. They don't sell the item in stores, so they set aside cash selling it direct. It is a select offer! Act currently to guarantee your markdown before provisions are no more! At last, be better once more! 
Affiliate Disclosure:
The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high quality products.
Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any
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marykaxmuses · 10 months
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♠ Voyons voir ce qui pourrait être intéressant... : Riku, Taichi, Charlye, Mélodye et Kana pour le moment. Je peux ajouter Thoma et Aether version EnStars aussi.. (Si je m'écoute, je te donnerai toutes mes muses sans hésiter..)
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purekanacbd2023 · 11 months
Pure Kana CBD, 2023 Result, Offers, Buy Now!
➤Product Name - Pure Kana CBD
➤Category - Health
➤Side effects – NA
➤Sale price - Best price
➤Product Availability - Available in Stock
➤Rating -⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
➤Official Website - [SALE IS LIVE] Hurry up to get your best deal "Pure Kana CBD" for 1st user limited-time offer!
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Pure Kana CBD are a notable brand from the organization that makes these treats. If you have any desire to work on your general wellbeing, you ought to eat these chewy candies produced using every normal fixing. Misery, uneasiness, stress, and other psychological well-being problems can be mitigated utilizing these chewy candies. Many confections available guarantee to help different actual afflictions, however they make no such commitments about working on your psychological well-being. Pure Kana CBD The majority of their consideration is on making you in great shape, not your emotional well-being. We ought to care very much about our emotional well-being and focus on it to keep it with everything looking great.
Subsequently, these Pure Kana CBD additionally pay special attention to your psychological prosperity; in the event that it isn't, it gives its very best for make things right. These confections empower your body to normally mend your injuries. Your resistant framework will be upgraded, and you'll be more shielded from sicknesses and contaminations from taking these sticky bears. It will likewise assist you with keeping up with sound energy and endurance all through your everyday exercises.
Pure Kana CBD Since all of the cannabinoids used in these Pure Kana CBD are extricated from pot created, there is no great explanation not to attempt it. The hemp plant is developed utilizing harmless to the ecosystem strategies and clinically analyzed before it turns into a significant answer for those out of luck. In the wake of going through a long course of clinical testing, assessment, and endorsement, this item is currently available. Accordingly, the cerebrum works better, and the body gets the nutrients it needs. Pure Kana CBD Additionally, it helps the body's muscles, joints, and insusceptible framework get more hearty. It helps with the expulsion of poisons from the body and the sanitization of the body. Also, it has various medical advantages, like further developing absorption, easing pressure, quieting the brain and body, alleviating agony, and that's just the beginning. However long you stay with the chewy candies, you will not need to invest any energy into your routine. They'll deal with everything.
Pure Kana CBD Utilization of these cannabinoid-rich chewy candies conveys their dynamic fixings straightforwardly to the circulation system. As opposed to just concealing the side effects of agony, CBD tends to the basic reason for the condition. It has been displayed in examinations that cannabinoids influence the body's endocannabinoid framework.
A few ECS frameworks in the human body are liable for the overwhelming majority substantial receptors. Subsequently, Pure Kana CBD mental abilities and gives prompt help with discomfort. Accordingly, the body seems more youthful than it is. Actual afflictions like joint inflammation, ongoing agony, cerebral pain, and some more, as well as mental issues like pressure, tension, and sadness, can be in every way lightened with this very much planned gadget.
Fixings: Concerning items in these Pure Kana CBD, you'll be satisfied to discover that every one of the fixings utilized in this item have been developed normally and tried in the US. To hold you over, here are the CBD item's dynamic fixings:
Coconut Oil: Known for its various medical advantages, coconut oil is a famous decision.Pure Kana CBD Expanded degrees of sound cholesterol benefit your wellbeing since they bring down the probability of creating coronary illness. Moreover, your body will actually want to consume off abundance fat, and you will actually want to thin down normally. As a little something extra, it'll furnish you with the energy you want the entire day to be the best version of yourself!
Ginger concentrates: Ginger concentrates are notable for their extensive variety of medical advantages. Pure Kana CBD Your brain and body will profit from it. One of the main advantages of this supplement is that it shields your cells from oxidative pressure and battles persistent illnesses that can prompt different destructive ailments in the event that not treated in time. It likewise assists with holding your pulse under control and advances a solid maturing process.
Buy Link==> https://purekanacbd-us.com/
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