#jynx comes out
genuine-possum · 1 year
COMING OUT & MOVING OUT UPDATE + Inactivity Explanation
(Most Past TWs apply: mentioned unacceptance ig, unstable homelife, moving out at as a teenager, just general uncomfortable relationship with family
(Posting this all together because it all ties together)
hi, sorry for kinda falling off the face of the earth with sporadic updates since the day I said I would be coming out. that was,,,, not a good idea and I think I might've worried a couple of people. so here's my explanation for that
I didn't come out. I was up until like 4AM the night before I was meant to come out. I had spoken to other family members, most notably my uncle who encouraged me and was insanely supportive. but I chickened out anyway. I had a bit of a mental breakdown between 2.30AM and 3.45-ishAM with my bf telling him I couldn't do it.
I felt like even if I did have this talk that things might not change, or it might be brushed aside again or something. I also felt that if I started with coming out I'd end up telling them that I want to move out because of how miserable I am. I didn't want to have those talks together, or even the latter at all because I feel it'll burn bridges quicker than I want.
Speaking of moving out, I've spoken to a support staff member at my college and she is putting me in contact with the Financial Aid staff member to hopefully help me along with moving. Nothing is guaranteed and while I'll be 18 soon some support I can't access until I'm 19, but they are going to try and help me best they can.
Finally I want to address my sporadic activity. I've just been so overwhelmed with everything happening and I haven't had the energy. I know that I don't need to be active here but a lot of you are my friends and this is the only place I get to talk to you all. I miss you guys and I know it's my fault, but I'm trying to come back as much as I can.
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mysicklove · 4 months
Sukuna : “Move your fat ass out of my seat”
s/o : “you don’t complain when this “Fat ass” is sucking your dick”
sukuna : “damit woman just move! That’s my spot”
s/o : “shut the fuck up, you’re gonna wake up my baby! I had to read 3 stories for him to fall asleep!”
sukuna : “he’ll be fine, he’s a heavy sleeper. You know…. We could have sex? It’s been so long and it’s not like anyone is gonna come banging on the door for us”
s/o: “SHHHHH… do not jynx us! Come here.”
sukuna : *scoots closer* “finally getting laid, dear lord”
*little yuji who’s been waiting for the movie to start* “you’re in my way kuna!”
sukuna : “You fucking brat”
s/o : “that’s my baby, don’t talk to him like that.”
sukuna always getting bullied in the au i love it
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stanwixbuster · 10 months
jynx absolutely fascinates me as a game dev because they're like. inspiration but in the opposite way of literally everything they've ever done
jynx decided they want to make touhou-like shmups, and decided to approach this by building most patterns around extremely fast bullets relying entirely on player reaction or having already seen a pattern before, infamously the most disliked and player-antagonistic way of approaching bullet hells
jynx added a great iteration on touhou-like shmups with flash bombing, an infinitely regenerating way to clear bullets if you put yourself in active danger in contrast to the use of bombs as a safe but finite resource, and then made sure you could only use it if you aren't focusing your shots, which you spend over 90% of a touhou-like doing
jynx created "absurdly extra" stages just as a complete fuck you to the player. half of them are humanly impossible to complete
jynx's version of character development is to add more characters. jynx will drop one of the most fascinating backstories you've ever heard that has groundbreaking and sweeping impacts on len'en lore, yet somehow being entirely consistent with it, and then proceed to do literally nothing and minutes later introduce another character with one of the most fascinating backstories you've ever heard. len'en has 40+ characters and all of them have been in perpetual Big Things Are Coming hell for over half a decade
jynx has spent over an alledged 15 years working on the world and lore in mugenri and the outside world, desperately wants to share this and continually mentions the short stories and lore dumps they write, which we never see, because they have somehow convinced themself the only way to show this story is through touhou-likes, which are notable for showing "story" as an excuse for people to shoot bullets at each other
jynx treats feature creep like an arms race. there isn't a single idea they come up with that doesn't end up in a game or is planned to at a later date. len'en 4 is still technically unfinished despite it having enough paths to dwarf all the previous len'en games combined thrice over and featuring the entire cast of the series in it (i will stress again, 40+ characters), and they've promised a dlc with even more stuff to do
jynx wanted to make a mobile cafe management simulator after having made nothing but bullet hell shmups on pc, just because it sounded fun, realised their previous tools couldn't make mobile games well, realised they'd be going in entirely blind on a new tech stack, realised they'd be going in blind on a genre they have no experience with, decided to tag on a second entire game to the cafe management with a turn-based rpg, realised they also have no experience with that genre, continued anyway, learnt how to use unity from the ground up, realised the multitude of issues unity development brings, decided every single character also needed to be in this one with unique boss battles, realised the problems of having 40+ character assets and 5min+ music themes in a mobile game that very infamously is a platform you need to stick to strict asset and tech limitations, decided to stream in assets from a server, made it a live service game because it would be online and that was an obvious next step, stuck through it, totalling in five years of dev time to make a full "gacha" game that is generous beyond belief and makes them a net zero in ad revenue vs server costs
jynx iterates nothing. literally everything you see in their games is the first go and if it sucks, too bad
jynx creates all their music with default fl studio sounds and the touhou trumpet. everything's unmixed. they earnestly believe that loud = better
jynx, allegedly, "blacks out" when making music after hitting some kind of flow state, and wakes up with a complete track. like everything else, these are never iterated on
jynx wrote the entirety of len'en 4's 100,000+ word script in one week. i don't even have a funny comment for this one
jynx doesn't think len'en would fit the format of a visual novel despite the fact len'en 4 has a 100,000+ word script
jynx refuses to collab with anyone for any reason. motives unclear
jynx did three 12 hour back-to-back livestreams crunching to finish book of the cafe. literally no part of this is a good idea
jynx is like the quintessential representation of everything you shouldn't do as a game dev. they should have burnt out years ago and been remembered as nothing but a random quirky touhou ripoff that was an interesting yet janky interpretation but ultimately went nowhere and YET here we are coming in to len'ens decade anniversary
how the fuck is jynx a real person. why am i so obsessed with everything they've ever made
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kanmom51 · 8 months
JK live 23 September 2023 (NYC)
20:11 or 8:11 pm EST
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
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24 September 2023 9:11 am KST.
Coincidence? Starting the live at 8:11? I think not.
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And not the first time he goes live at that time either.
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So yeah, JK came live at 8:11 and ended the live at 13:23 minutes.
13 again? Coincidence again? Given that he said his goodbyes at around the 12 minute mark and then waited (?) for it to reach 13? Maybe. Fact is it did.
OMG, he opens up the live like this:
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He's so damn adorable.
And it's a Bratz lip gloss, lol.
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How can you not love him?
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Anyway, JK starts the live saying long time no see and with talk about 3D coming out on the 29th. He tells us how it was his idea to add the clip at the end of the GCF performance, but someone ruined the surprise by running it during the rehearsals, which they obviously weren't supposed to. Oopsy. Spoiler king was spoilered. Lol.
He is a little fidgety, feels like he's doing the live cause he needs to, rather than really wants to... just a feeling I had.
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JK says that as much as he was busy he actually did have time to come to us live, but, and this is where JK has decided to place the boundaries that he himself kind of tore down just a little while ago - he talks about there having to be a push and pull, but I guess he realised, perhaps with some help from others, that tearing down those walls between himself and us has also created an expectation from some fans for more, too much. Also, there needs to be some mystery (he was probably told) and leave the fans with a want for more...
I don't think this is the end of the JK we came to know and love the past few months, but I do think that he is trying to re-assess and set some boundaries between the artist that he is and us as fans.
And truthfully, let's be real here for a sec. Us, the fans, we were kind of a filler in. When the real thing is there, and the time to enlistment is getting shorter and shorter, and there is a choice between the two, who do you think he will choose? A 3 hour live with us or a sleepover with JM? I really don't think the choice is such a difficult one. Do you?
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JK asks how the performance was. Hasn't monitored it yet (oh, and believe me when he does he's going to be hard on himself). And yet, even though he heard from fans they liked it, he feels he did better at rehearsal. Says it's a jynx. On the day of the performance his throat got dried up. It's called anxiety or nerves JK. If only there was someone there with him to calm those nerves...
And before you come at me, yes. I do feel he was anxious. He was a little closed up and distant as well. The enormity of it. The having to speak English. The being there ALONE. There were these little moments of disconnect during the performance. Maybe if he would have started his set with the more lively songs it would have helped, but if only there was someone there to support him and calm him, that dryness in the throat he talks about... yeah, non existent. My opinion. Fight me.
Then Jin shows up in the comment.
I mentioned that it felt like he did the live because he had to (after the performance and the 3D teasers dropping). Jin showing up in the comments, his reaction, felt like relief in a sense. He was really happy.
He saw one of the members commented, went in to see who it was and was really happy to see him.
The whole interaction between them was so older and younger brother, lol.
Jin with the "stop touching your hair", the whole call me convo (JK saying the times aren't lining up him being overseas and Jin answering with him texting Jhope 300 messages a day, as in "you ass, you can always send me a message instead", lol).
Watch the interaction here:
What did I take from the interaction with Jin?
First of all, that JK was really happy to see him. Not JM level happy, of course, but really happy. Do I say what I'm thinking? About members showing up in his comments and his reaction to them? Nah. In this instance I will take the fifth.
Second, we get it straight out of the horses mouth: JK is enlisting soon. Not like we didn't know it already. Like seriously. But there are those, solos mainly, that seem to still think that JK won't be enlisting with the others. Well, JK made it abundantly clear in that conversation that he's definitely enlisting and it's happening soon. It's the "I'll be joining that party soon" (as in the Jin and Jhope army party) and it's in the "you'll be out while we're still in so take care of Army until we're done" whole convo as well.
Anyway, you gotta love Jin.
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Moving on.
JK tells us that 3D is different from Seven - and to look forward to it.
Wanted to thank army that came to the concert, thank K army for taking the time and supporting him.
29th September is Choseok. JK says the reason the song is released that day is he thinks we will like it more. Ok, yeah. Not the tight schedule and looming enlistment. Well, he does hint about it. Starting up about the reason it's hurried, and why he's been in a hurry, but leaves it up to our imagination. I guess we know, right? If they want to be back by mid 2025 enlistment needs to happen by at the latest start of 2024. And in the little time left he has the single and an album to release. And my guess is there is more too. Some set for before enlistment, some set to land while they are away. JM and him.
He asks "what's after this? what is it?" laughingly answering "your curious, right?"
"What is it? I am really looking forward to it." he says cheekily.
Then he says he's working hard in preparing something for us.
And then he looks down and finds the exact comment he wants to answer:
The Weverse translation is a little different.
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The gist is the same.
We have JK recognizing a JM comment and answering it specifically. And I say specifically because there were PLENTY of Tae comments in his live. Layover, Tae, Slow dance, screaming at him to just say a god damn thing about Tae's album or releases. But our man, he stood fast, lol.
And don't get me wrong, I don't think he doesn't support Tae or want him to succeed. He's his bandmate and friend. But you know what he ain't, is his boyfriend. That is the one and only Mr. Park Jimin. So, it's not that JK doesn't care, it's that Tae just ain't on his mind. Wasn't it Tae that used to say, repeatedly, that JK just ignores him? Lol. But even if Tae isn't on his mind, the comments, they can definitley serve as a fucking annoying reminder. Which JK chooses very loudly to ignore. And making a statement of sorts while doing so, by reacting, out of all of those comments, to the one relating to JM.
That's what I call a big ass JK FUCK YOU to the cult.
Anyway, we were talking about JK's reaction. And when you talk about reactions you look not only at the verbal but also the body language.
The way he leans in to read the comment once he recognizes it's about JM.
The way he does that head tilt when talking about JM's dancing.
The neck crack.
The hand gesture.
Let's talk about the hand gesture for a second here.
Man knows the choreography. That hand gesture was him doing part of the choreo. Muscle memory. And his eyes and facial expression.
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Also, have a look at this:
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Ok, so it is funny how JK knew JM posted to IG and watched it as well... You know, considering the man told us he not only deleted his own IG account but deleted the app from his phone all together...
Thing is man monitors SM. We know that!! You think he wouldn't have seen it on Twitter? Or TikTok? JM's dance is all over the place. So yeah, my initial thought was: hey, how did he see it without an IG account? But then, you know, when common sense took over, I realised he could have seen it ANYWHERE. We know he monitors. We assume he monitors JM and Jikook accounts. He would have seen it either way.
But in any case, as I mentioned, this wouldn't have been the first and only time he has seen this choreo or dance.
JK continues to tell us he's going out for diner with staff. A good reason indeed to end the live (that like I said, he wasn't in the feels for).
And continues telling us to be curious.
Didn't someone tell him curiosity killed the cat?
At the end of the live JK makes us know he's monitoring SM (like I said before, something we already knew). He knows what fans are saying. He talks about the good. And he is thankful for those kind words.
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But he also sees the bad. We know it!!
Ooh, btw, do we talk about that ring JK was wearing?
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This is the second time around we have him wearing this kind of ring.
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So to sum it up:
In those 13 minutes and a bit of his live, he mostly spoke about the performance, 3D coming out, talked to Jin in the comments and answered the comment that happened to be about JM.
I guess that wraps it up.
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flame-shadow · 3 days
@fly-sky-high-bug-games asked for folks to share their bug murderers, so here are some of mine :)
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There's Charon, obviously. He's selective about his prey, often spending time learning their quirks and subtly testing their reactions before he decides to hunt them down for the kill. Though he's not opposed to the occasional kill of opportunity if circumstances work out!
Chalice is next. Though he's a nosk and a proud beast, some of his kills are absolutely murders rather than just him needing to eat. You cannot make him feel guilty about it, though. He is pleasantly unphased. Genially removed from the ethical foibles of bug society. He will also vivisect some of the bugs he captures. For scientific purposes, mostly.
Jynx down there is a tiny terror who has caused a few of her siblings to develop negative associations with the happy sound of jingling bells. She plays cute and innocent to charm bugs and get on their good sides, and she takes advantage of those good rapports to have people who will defend her when the stray accusation comes her way.
Koretta. She doesn't like being in this group, but it's where she feels she belongs. She may have been infected when she performed the marketplace slaughter, but it was still her hands, her nail, her fists... And the scars are right there on her shell as the victims -some even her fellow guards- fought back, trying to defend themselves against her....
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mellybabbles · 2 months
Masterpost?! Me?! Never
so anyways have a masterpost
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Hello! A masterpost has been due for a long time- but I've finally gotten around to making one!
Things Change - Chapter 1/Prologue (Bill Cipher x Reader) Dreamscape - Chapter 1/Prologue (multi-sanses x fem reader) Misplaced Royalty - Chapter 1/Prologue (bad sanses x nonbinary reader) Just Add Water - Chapter 1/Prologue (Dust + Killer x Siren!reader) From Me To You (Hiatus) - Chapter 1/Prologue (error x fem reader) Ao3 acc Several other fics on my acc! (mainly dust💀)
Tag List! #melly's silly talks - basically any post that isn't a reblog #melly's silly reblogs - reblogs #melly's reblogs - serious reblogs #my art - my art/drawings/sketches #my animations - my animatics/animations #my writing/my fanfics - writing Tags may differ, I'm really bad at sorting tags LOL
Do's and Don'ts!
DNI: Incest, pedophiles, proshippers, dreammare or frans shippers, homophobes, etc
This is a SAFE PLACE. Adults and minors alike are welcome, but please do not make it weird.
Requests are: Open!!
Please refer to this post if you're interested!
I'm open to talking with anyone, followers mutuals or randoms. My discord is mellybabbles, alt is melatonindepicts, and you can also message me on here! I'm a-okay with being pinged in posts! Tag games, art, etc. Tag me in it all! If I don't respond, don't take it personally, it means I forgot or already have seen it/did it Sexual jokes/flirty jokes are okay! I tend to make them, so please let me know if it makes you uncomfortable. Okay, so this one is a bit weird, but if you are an rp account or impersonate a sans (THAT'S COMPLETELY OKAY, i do it as well), please do not say "guys it's me!" or things along those lines to my art/writing. Especially if it's implied sexual/flirty! This makes me extremely uncomfortable, especially if I don't know your age. Unless you're a friend of mine, then go ham, cause chances are I've already flirted with you relentlessly lol
A lil about me!
Hello! You may call me Melly, Mel, Jynx, or Sharpie! Friends call me whatever hehe I'm pansexual, genderfluid and extremely fuckin flirty and chaotic. I have ADHD and heavily struggle with understanding tones and stuff. I have a small emotion range, so I'm sorry if I'm constantly hyper and happy and that bothers you. I'll be constantly cracking jokes, and if it offends you, please let me know! I'm just mapping you out to figure out what's best for the both of us. I don't tend to approach people first, so if you wanna chill and be broskis, sadly you'll have to extend the olive branch. Then I'll probably cling to it like a desperate bird idfk I swear. A lot. Sorry if that scares you I'm Korean-american! Fuck yea, I'mma come eat your dog- /j /j Anyways, so yea, feel free to come poke me whenever :D I'll be happy to breakdance for you hehe
I HAVE A DISCORD SERVER!!! COME POP IN AND SAY HI!! we're almost at 100 members !! HEEUHUHEUHE
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goodbyeapathy8 · 4 months
Departure letter
As mentioned in this post, that outlines why I needed to let this be my last message in the Kindergarten Mafia Discord server... here is the Scathing Letter™. ------------------------
It is time for me to go. 
I absolutely loathe having to do a departure announcement because this is not an airport and I’m sure not a lot of people care. 
But as someone who has spent 10+ years of their life actively decolonizing and liberating my viewpoints, it would be absolutely remiss for me to not leave final remarks here expressing my utter disappointment and feelings of not being safe in this space. Not just as POC but someone chronically ill and autistic. Y’all have not made it kind for someone who has any sort of marginalized identity, as evidenced by the public dogpiling in this thread as well as the now deleted messages in clarifications.
I’m not going to address the majority of the drama except for what started it all : someone refusing a Native person’s (well-deserved) call out for a culturally appropriative phrase. 
It is devastatingly clear to me that a large portion of folks in this server have a poorly curated personal life extremely lacking in diversity. 
The defensiveness and elitism (really? Dictionary definitions?). Refusal to actively listen and instead attack others about lacking critical thinking. Self-claimed expertise. I could go on. 
So I revise what I had posted previously. Everyone is a little racist and this server is full of white supremacy tenets. 
This is my last attempt at educating some of you, which will go poorly, I’m sure. 
I spent an inordinate amount of time/energy/spoons to provide coherent context the last time but to find the entire thread deleted with no respect for the effort I spent there, has been one of the final straws. 
Frequently mentioning your volunteer status is frankly laughable. I have volunteered for quite a few places, including mutual aid organizations, and across multiple timezones and never have I seen so many excuses to say that y’all do not care about POC. (1/2)
I don’t care how old anyone is, what their job IRL is, what works you’ve posted with how many kudos, etc. I *do* care about the fact that multiple people, when speaking up, are treated with callousness and hurtfulness. That is a larger indication of your mental age and capacity than any other words you can type. 
That I felt safe enough to be so vulnerable in this space for a while was an illusion. There are continued indicators that POC words are ignored, especially calling out that I know both Jynx and William have requested their labor be deleted in the server but have not been. 
Last, but not least, I’m sure people will read this and think oh it’s Phoenix banding together with their friends. I say this with as much passion I can muster : I would have the same amount of disdain for the actions seen in this server without any personal friendship ties and emotions. That is how the social justice aspect of my autism works. 
You all have so much work to do when it comes to respecting other human beings that have different experiences than you. If I weren’t so consumed with the feelings of my actual divorce, recent termination, and the continued trauma of world events like that in Falasteen, I’d feel bad for you. 
As it stands, I believe my energy is precious and I simply cannot spare any more in spaces where I (and others) am not welcome or given respect to. Let it be noted that I’ve actually gone viral on social media before and I still have not left THOSE spaces and yet am choosing to leave this one. The troll comments I received on Tiktok can be ignored because they are from complete strangers that I do not give a single fuck about. The ones here, purportedly from those who claim it’s “safe”, are even more insidious in nature. 
Whatever race or ethnicity you are, to take people who have shown you their vulnerabilities and turn around to show your entire behinds in the least sexiest way ever, is not a good look. Ever. 
Leave the ass scenes to KinnPorsche. 
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hazel-of-sodor · 8 months
Day 5-Down a Well
Traintober 2023
Other Stories
Day 5-Its only me
Down a Well
Henry had had plenty of bad days. His early years had been marked by plenty of days remembered for all the wrong reasons. But even by his standards...this day was almost impressive in how poorly it had gone before the sun appeared.
He looked up at Gordon, who looked distinctly unimpressed with his existence. James looked whether he didn't know whether to laugh to be nervous about his own part in all this. Jinx was eyeing the turntable with concern. He couldn't see the others from his position, but he could hear them whispering nonetheless.
He felt more awkward than he had since the last time he had failed before his rebuild, it was not a feeling he enjoyed feeling again. Fortunately, Gordon took a measure of pity on him and finally spoke up.
"Are you quite alright Henry?"
Henry looked down. "...my front aches badly. I'm afraid it's only gonna get worse."
Gordon looked down in concern, "I'm afraid I must agree with your assessment."
James stopped snickering long enough to look down to where Henry's front jammed into the side of the turntable in a mass of bent and twisted metal. "At least you can't fall further in," The red engine offered.
Henry glared up at the scarlet menace.
In the distance, the sound of an engine approaching through the yard could be heard.
"Finally." Henry sighed, "Someone who can do something to help."
"Fraid not Henry, it's only me." Thomas peeped happily, causing Henry to sag in defeat. 
"Thomas," Gordon said in warning.
Thomas just chuckled, "Don't worry Henry, I'm only teasing. Edward is on his way, so even if I can't pull you out, we'll be able to."
Henry was wondering what exactly he had done to deserve Thomas of all engines being the one to come to his rescue. He sighed, at least the morning couldn't get any worse...except it did.
"I would certainly hope so Thomas. As he is currently blocking the sheds," the Fat Controller said severely.
"Good morning sir!" Thomas peeped far too happily as his crew attached him to Henry's detached tender, "we'll have him quickly."
"As long as he's not wedged in the table," Jinx said concernedly.
Sir Topham Hatt climbed down the ladder into the turntable well to inspect the damage. As he pulled back a piece of metal he addressed the stricken engine. "Well Henry, would you care to explain?"
"Well, Sir I..." James snickered at Henry's predicament 
"Yes, Henry?"
"Sir if I may? Gordon offered.
"Go ahead."
"A new driver was moving Henry towards the table when James started a fuss about being repainted," James' expression quickly changed from amusement to betrayal. "He caused such a commotion the shunter failed to heed Henry's warnings and braked too late."
"Is that true Henry?"
"Yes sir," Henry said despondently.
"James?" It looked like James wanted to proclaim his innocence for a moment, but thought better of it. "Yes, sir." He sighed.
"Hmmmm. And where is the driver?"
"He was fleeing before Henry had even come to rest," Jynx answered. "My driver had to climb up and shut off Henry's steam."
"I see."
Mr. Smith, the British Rail representative arrived, walking up to the edge of the turntable. "Morning, Sir Hatt. Seems the day's trouble started early.,
"Morning Mr Smith, it had indeed."
Thomas returned and pulled behind Henry, The waiting yard crew began attaching chains between the two engines.
"Can you pull him out Thomas?
"I can try Sir. If he's fully wedged I'll need Edward's help."
"Very well. Everyone clear out. The sooner he's back on the rails the sooner we can repair the damage."
The workmen cleared away as Sir Topham Hatt climbed out of the well."
"Everyone ready? One. Two. Three. Pull!"
With much wheel slipping and clouds of steam, Thomas heaved his hardest. At first, nothing seemed to happen, but then with a groan and screech of metal, Henry felt himself slowly start to move.
"Go it, Thomas!" Jinx called, and the others quickly joined in, cheering the straining tank engine on. In what felt like hours, but what was probably less than a minute, Henry felt the last of his wheels return to the rails. Thomas came to a stop, audibly gasping for air from the effort.
"Well done Little Thomas," Gordon said.
"Thank you." Thomas panted out, smiling from the rare praise from the pacific.
Sir Topham Hatt had climbed back down into the turntable well to inspect the damage.
"The main mechanism is jammed." He said grimly, "It cannot be moved until it is repaired. We will need to find an engine to pull the morning express quickly, as we can't get any of the engines in the shed out in time."
Henry stared down at his bent front, it was clear he wouldn't be pulling any trains till he was repaired.
"Edward is coming," Thomas said hopefully.
Gordon shook his head, "he's not strong enough to pull it alone."
Mr. Smith looked to Sir Topham Hatt, "None of the Barrow or Vicarstown engines could arrive in time, could they?"
The Fat Controller shook his head, "No they could not."
Gordon suddenly smiled as an idea occurred to him. "If only we had an engine here with express experience. One who had not only served as my back engine on the Wild'nor Western before but had pulled the trains with Edward when we were indisposed."
Thomas understood first, "Oh no."
The other engines and crews turned to look at the tank engine, who looked one second away from bolting.
James smirked, "Of course! He did such a good job covering for us in the 30s," he purred.
Thomas glared, "I am a tank engine, not a bloody express engine."
"But you are capable," Hatt said thoughtfully. Thomas looked betrayed.
"He is?" Smith asked dubiously.
"Of course!" Henry interjected, "he runs a non-stop service from Tidmouth to Ffarquhar in the evenings."
"He would have to stop at Marion for coal and water." Gordon said smoothly, "but he is capable of making the run, and he would never let the passengers down."
Sir Topham Hatt nodded, "Can your branchline spare you, Thomas?"
Thomas looked desperately around as if hoping an express engine would magically appear, but in the end, he sighed, "Yes. Callan and Toryreck are covering my trains."
"It's settled then." The fat controller nodded, "Thomas and Edward will pull the express while the workmen find a way to get the rest of you out."
He walked off towards the station platform, "Thomas, place Henry on the siding with his tender then fetch the coaches." 
"Yes sir." 
"Cheer up little Thomas." Gordon mock soothed.
"I hope they have to use a crane to get you out," Thomas puffed away to the sound of the big engines chuckling.
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pudding-parade · 1 year
Old Capa's Forest by Vany
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I hesitated to overview this one, for reasons which I'll go into under the cut, but in the end, I do think the world is beautiful and deserves some attention, so here we are.
As usual, the title of this post is a link to a page that has the world up for download, and also as usual I have re-uploaded a .world file here, just in case the linked paged vanishes. (The .world file goes in your game install files at GameData - Shared - NonPackaged - Worlds.)
There is also a German-language forum thread here in which the creator describes the backstory of the world and shows in-progress pics, etc. My German is extremely rusty, but sufficient to understand that the backstory is about Native (North) Americans, a famine, and grizzly bears, and then settlers moving in. That being said, much of the world looks very German/Alpine/central European, and while that's very pretty, it doesn't fit as American in any sense, native or otherwise. But as a German/Alpine-inspired world created by a German-speaking creator, I think it's wonderful. In any case, I did manage to glean from the forum thread that the world uses all EPs up to Generations and also the SPs that were released up to that point except for the Outdoor one but I'm too lazy to look up what SPs those would be. Sorry.
BUT ANYWAY! There are several reasons for my hesitation in overviewing this one. Among them…
1) In general with these overviews, I want to feature worlds that are complete enough that you can drop in some sims, maybe let Story Progression create some other families, and just play, without having to do anything else. With this one, you can't do that because the residential houses are all empty, some of them not even partitioned into rooms inside. In order for Story Progression to put families in them, you'll need to go through and put at least a fridge and beds in them, plus cribs if you want families with toddlers to move in.
(But speaking of families, many of the houses are tiny one-bedrooms on teeny-tiny lots, which is a huge minus for me, but I suppose may be a plus for others.)
2) There are a ton of trees and other plants. There are so many that it makes it hard to take pics of the lots, frankly. And even though the playable area of the world is relatively small, there are so many trees that I fear the world will lag when it's fully populated and played, unless they are thinned out. And arguably, they should be thinned out on the lots because many of them intrude into the buildings and/or would make playing more difficult because the "plantings" are so dense. Like so:
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Now, it is supposed to be a forest-type world, of course, so there ought to be lots of flora, but I think it's a bit excessive. Many of the lots make me want to pull out a chainsaw and a giant weedwhacker, but maybe that's just me.
3) The blurb on the download page (again in German) says the world uses the rabbithole rugs/doors by Jynx, and there's a link to them. I don't normally use that set, but I went ahead and downloaded them and then installed them in the folder that I use to take pics for these overviews. However, they still don't function as rabbitholes in the world. I don't know what's up with that. So when it comes to many of the community lots, I am uncertain as to what they are supposed to be. Some of them are obvious -- one is called a school (in English, so this may be a lot that the creator downloaded), one is called the Krankenhaus (German for hospital), and one is called Wissenschaft (German for science), and one looks like a military base with a barracks and exercise equipment, etc. -- but there are others that aren't so obvious, and I'm not going to go through them and offer my guesses. So, that will require some fiddling if you want to play this world.
4) The world uses store content, at least some of which I don't have -- particularly doors and windows, as you'll see in some of the pics -- so I can't tell you what all might be needed. Other than the rabbithole rugs (which as far as I can tell don't work even if you have/download them, as I said), it doesn't have or require CC, though.
5) Some of the lots are very, very large. There are a couple that are entire mini-villages including both residential and commercial spaces on one lot, so the size is justified, but some of them are just danged big single-purpose lots. Personally, I don't like huge lots at all unless it's livestock-related, so this is a minus in my book, but of course YMMV.
So there are the big downsides, as I see them. On the up side, the world is gorgeous. For reference, this is the world where I took the pictures for this little 'story.' It's big, but not too huge, and the distant terrain makes it feel larger. I'm guessing it's 2048x2048 (but don't quote me on that), but the playing area is fairly small, so it shouldn't take a long time for sims to get from place to place.
What makes the world unique, IMO, is that, as you can see in the first pic of this post, it's created at high elevation with most of the surrounding distant terrain sitting lower than the playable area, increasing the feeling of height. The height allows for, among other things, some truly massive waterfalls, three big ones and a couple smaller ones. Adding to the feeling of altitude (as well as moisture from the massive waterfalls) is the use of fog emitters, so that you feel like you're up in the clouds.
Layout-wise, the world is broken out into discrete sections, which I like. There is an "old town" area with remnants of walls/gates and small residential and community lots built close together, reminiscent of a German/central European town that dates back to the Middle Ages. Then there's a "newer" part with small, densely-packed, more modern-style lots. Then, larger lots are spread around the rest of the world, mostly on roads that are big circles.
The lots are all original, as far as I can tell. As I said, in my game, many are missing doors/windows because I don't have a lot of build content from the Store, but if you have that stuff, this probably won't be an issue. The world has some, but certainly not all, of the "standard" community lots. There's a library, two gyms, a graveyard, a couple dive bars, a vampire lounge, a nectary, and several markets as well as a couple of "real" rabbitholes, namely the movie theater and the police station.
Overall, I feel this world has some excellent bones to it, and it has some truly spectacular scenery. So, I think it's a excellent world to have if you like to finish/renovate lots but not build them from scratch, especially if you like the architectural style. With finishing and, in my opinion, taming some out-of-control flora, this would be a completely gorgeous world that (hopefully) would run well. Or, if you want to take some beautiful, atmospheric scenery pics, it's good as-is. But, it's not as "plug and play" as I'd generally want for these world overviews I do. I do think it deserves a feature, though, just for the world sculpting/decoration and the prettiness of many of the lots.
But enough talk! Time for pictures. Since the rabbitholes don't work, I'm going to dispense with the usual map view and Edit Town pics and just post a bunch of random pics.
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howlingday · 1 year
Pokemon AU
After the cinder fight*
Jaune: I don't think I know you but thank you for helping me and i'm sorry you got hurt your the best
Corviknight: (happily resting on his leg) Suck in you rusting hunk of metal
Crocea mors: Please he says that to every one but he only meanes it to me you overgr-
Oshawott: If you don't shut up all that will be left you you is scrap metal and they won't be able to tell whose is whose
"Mr. Arc, I believe you were given strict orders from the hospital to rest."
"I want to, Professor," Jaune cried out to the woman, "but I also want to break up this fight!"
Jaune was in the middle of quite the scuffle. Shelly was swiping at his foot from below while one hand was pressed against Crocea Mors' shield and the other holding back the large Corviknight that had been appearing here and there.
Professor Goodwitch sighed as she tossed her Poké-Ball.
Fog and mist rolled across the wet grass, and a cold wind blew over the feuding Pokémon. A silhouette loomed with gleaming eyes at them as ice began to form around along the blades of grass.
'My, my, so many bad boys~.' A haunting voice echoed, silencing the squabbling Pokémon. 'Maybe it's time you received some discipline?'
'Ancestors' blades...'
'Not her...'
'And the best discipline is sweet smooches from Mama!' The Jynx pierced through the veil, reaching for Crocea Mors. She passed through him with a huff before turning to the large Corviknight. 'Sweet birdie, come sing with Mommy~.'
With a flap of their wings, the Corviknight fled to the treeline. All Pokémon were dealt with, save one. Shelly soon found the icy weapon of the Deputy Headmistress grasp tightly.
'Come here, sweet baby, and let mother kiss you~.'
Jaune sighed, then fell forward. Professor Goodwitch caught him and carried him back to the main building. She huffed as she shook her head.
"Leaping in without thinking of the consequences." She mumbled. "What is it with children today?"
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genuine-possum · 2 years
Coming Out Plan / Vent
TW: mentioned unacceptance ig
I'm thinking of coming out to my parents within the next two weeks. I wanna be going by Jynx with my family for my birthday which is in mid-January which is why I'm hoping to do it now.
I am terrified because even though I know I'm safe and have a place to go even if I wasn't, the last few times I've tried to come out it's been ignored. I've said that I'm non-binary and it's been discuss at the time and then left completely unacknowledged afterwards.
I've been going by Jynx on here for over a year. With close friends for about as long. With my boyfriend practically since I met him. And at college ever since I started in September. My parents are the only ones not listening and so I haven't been able to tell my siblings.
Hopefully this is gonna change. I've mostly talked to my mam about this so I'm gonna try talking to my dad first maybe, I'm sure he will listen. he might be confused but I'm willing to answer questions and I think that if he's on side then it might be easier for my mam to accept it and let me 'go public' as far as she knows.
I'm sorry that this is so vent-y and ranty and rambley. this was supposed to be short and explain my situation but I need to get all of this out.
tagging mutuals so that they're aware and can maybe give me support and advice: @angelwiththeblue-box @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @slaysicle @redacted-thething @blueskiesandstarrynights @ghost-light @royalswille
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Hey do you think if I used baneful magic to give silver insomnia, that it would just cancel out the curse?
Witch yuu: ok I made you some coffe- Don't touch that!
Silver: oh sorry...but why not?
Yuu: it has mold on it
Silver:....Yuu. why do you have moldy lavender on your desk?
Yuu: uh. Don't worry about it?
Silver: it's a little late for that
Yuu: I'm gonna burn it later anyways
Silver: just throw it out?!
Ruggie, stealing shit from yuus herb garden: you'll get used to it. Better not to ask questions though lol
But if we fast forward, then will the insomnia jinx actually give silver insomnia, or will he just sleep like a normal person for once?
Also I got a new tarot deck! My favorite card in it is the high priestess because it has Scheherazade on it 😋 9 of wands coming in at a close second because that card has baba yaga
Oh that sounds like a lovely tarot deck! I remember reading the penguin books translation of 1001 Arabian Nights when I was a kid and I really loved Scheherazade. Shame fate never made a version of her c: that would have been cool cc: you know if they had done it CCC: And anything with baba yaga is automatically cool.
Anyway, no I do not think any spell Yuu could cast on Silver would do anything to his curse. Silver specifically says that his curse negates any effort to keep him awake, so I don't think the jynx would work normally either.
Briar Valley's culture surrounding gifts, and Idia's description of how the only difference between a curse and a blessing is the intention of the caster sort of reminds me of a Geas. Or well I say that but I suppose after looking more closely at wikipedia I mean a Tynged... I have an English folklore dictionary in my room somewhere but I do not want to look for it at the moment. Anyway both of those concepts impose a very specific destiny or order on a person that they cannot deny or else something bad happens. I thought of that specifically because of the example listed on wikipedia actually.
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Anyway you can't exactly get rid of a geas or a tynged as far as I know, but curses in fairy tales more or less function the exact same way. A certain condition needs to be met to break it, and until those conditions are met nothing else matters. Geasa specifically can grant powers so long as their conditions aren't violated, and in Silver's case he cannot be awakened by artificial means. I think he would be very grateful to Yuu for trying though, he says in his labwear vingette that he is willing to try anything since his curse bothers him a great deal.
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thatdamnmutt-exe · 8 months
Stitches - Trevor Philips
Haha haven't posted a smut in a hot minute. I have 6 drafts saved but I need the motivation to finish them.
Trevor Philips x Male!OC (Name: Jynx)
Trevor shows up at Jynx's house, needing a place to lay low. Jynx allows it cuz they've been friends since Jynx was like 19. One day, his ex decides to peep through the windows and Trevor sees it so he takes him inside and makes the man watch as he gives Jynx the best sex of his life. (idea based from @stat1cstarz - go read it! it's really fuckin good)
Sex, NSFW Shit, Age Gap, Voyeurism, Choking, Squirting, Hair Pulling, Hickeys, Possessive Trevor if you squint, FtM Pre Bottom Surgery, and It's a Trevor smut so it's gonna be a lil weird.
Stitches - Orgy
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"Someday soon you'll find that someone, waiting for the chance to beat you." ______________________________________________________________
“Get the fuck out of my house! God, everyone was right about you, and right that I was an idiot to let you stay here!” Jynx yelled at the naked man on his couch that was now his ex boyfriend.
“Woah, woah, slow down! You can’t just kick me out. I have nowhere to go!” He pleaded. Jynx didn’t care though, he grabbed the man’s clothes before yanking him off the couch and pulling him to the door.
Opening it and throwing the bigger man out along with his clothes, he yelled, “Go stay with the skank that you just had your dick inside of on my couch!”
Jynx slammed the door, vibrating the room as it did. He moved back to his living room, deciding how he wanted to deep clean the juices off his expensive couch.
Two hours had gone by since Jynx threw his ex boyfriend out of the house. He had decided to throw out the couch and order a new one, not even wanting to attempt to clean the stains out.
Two hours go by as Jynx searched through furniture stores to find a better couch when he was interrupted by his door bell.
He sighed and got up from the kitchen table to go see who it was. “Jake, I swear to god if it’s you-“ He opened the door to be met with his long time friend, Trevor.
“Heyyyy! Jynx! My main man- my compadre!” He walked in past Jynx who still was collecting himself from Trevor’s sudden appearance.
“What do you want Trevor?” His voice came out annoyed and irritated on accident. He followed Trevor who ended up in the living room and sitting on the couch before Jynx could warn him.
“Why is this couch wet? Did you and what’s-his-face do something?” He asked while standing back up.
Jynx grimaced and rolled his eyes. “No, he and another chick did. Since you’re here, come help me throw this couch outside.”
“Oh shit. I was waiting for this day, and I mean I told you he would that-“ Trevor started but was cut off by Jynx snapping.
“Trevor, test my patience, I dare you.” He glared at the older male who only put his hands up in surrender while chuckling.
“Calm yourself sugar, I didn’t mean to step on your toes. I only need to lay low for awhile.” He moved to the other side of the couch to help move it outside.
“Always using me for something, huh Trevor.” He muttered while also moving the couch. “Fine. You can stay here, but you’re showering everyday and putting on clean clothes. You smell like ass.”
The two moved the couch out of the house, setting it on the curb before going back inside. Jynx sent Trevor to the bathroom to take a shower before going to grab some other clothes from the guest room for Trevor.
Trevor had stayed with Jynx enough so where the guest room basically became his room with some clean clothes in it. Jynx had come to know Trevor when he turned 19 and was hanging out with Tracey. The two connected in a weird way and it started out as Jynx looking up to Trevor.
Jynx was 27 now and now considered Trevor to be a close friend. There was also something about the older man that Jynx couldn’t help but be attracted to. He ignored this feeling though, feeling ashamed of it.
He moved to sit at the other couch that sat in the living room, silently thanking his parents for giving him a house where it was big enough to have two couches in the living room. He turned on his current show, letting himself get lost in show, wanting to forget the previous moments from today.
He was brought out of his trace by Trevor stomping down the stairs, wearing only gym shorts. "Should we order some take out, kid? I'll pay." He said while moving to sit on the couch next to Jynx who was trying to avoid looking at Trevor's chest.
“Chinese?” He asked, little happiness coming through in his tone.
“Yes! You’re placing the order though! I don’t know how to fully work that app.” Trevor stated, pointing at Jynx as he did. He noticed that he was avoiding looking at him, he chuckled at it.
“You haven’t looked my way since I got back. Usually you hit me with a ‘you finally look like a human’ line.” He teased, scooting closer to Jynx who was trying to order the Chinese food. Jynx ignored Trevor’s comment and movement towards him, not wanting to give himself away.
He was forced to look at Trevor when the older man grasped his chin and faced Jynx towards him. “I’m talking to you, boy.” Trevor’s tone had gotten low and sort of sensual.
Jynx audible gulped, looking at Trevor who was only inches away from him. His other arm moved to wrap around Jynx's waist, holding him close. "Trevor... We can't- I just-" He tried to form words but his mind couldn't.
His heart was speeding, his breath ragged as he tried to push Trevor away but the older man kept his grip. The two stayed like that, their breath hitting each other as their gazes held lust for the other. Trevor ended up pulling away, not wishing to make Jynx upset or uncomfortable.
"I'll finish ordering the Chinese food." Jynx said, composing himself and trying to ignore the wetness that had built up between his thighs.
"Chinese food, right, you do that." Trevor shifted away from Jynx, grabbing a blanket to hide his lower half before going back to watching the show mindlessly.
- Time Skip -
It had been three months and Trevor was still hanging around, insisting that he keep Jynx company now that he didn't have his ex around. Jynx allowed him to stay of course, finding the most comfort in the crazy man.
Jynx was busy cleaning the house, wearing nothing but one of Trevor's oversized shirts and a pair of his own boxers. Jynx always liked to steal Trevor's clothes while he was around, saying the reason was that he liked how big they were on him.
Trevor didn’t mind of course, the younger was letting him live there, plus he found the boy cute in them.
The two had grown closer in that time frame, sharing secrets that haven’t shared before. They weren’t exactly dating but they acted like a couple and did coupley things.
Jynx wanted to get an official label on their relationship and find out Trevor’s real feelings for him, but he didn’t know how. He hoped to talk to Trevor later tonight about it.
It had grown late into the night with the time now reading 12:30 am and Trevor still wasn’t home. It wasn’t uncommon for Trevor to be out late, but tonight was different.
Jynx sat on the new couch, playing a video game that he had recently bought. He was in the middle of an intense scene when the door opened to Trevor and a man with a bag over his head.
“Trevor what the fuck?! I told you no hostages here!” Jynx hissed, pausing his game and standing up.
“Calm down sweetheart, it’s not a hostage. It’s your ex boyfriend!” He ripped the bag off of the man, leaving Jynx in shock.
“Why the hell is he here?!” Jynx’s face was angry and confused as he was trying to figure out why Trevor would bring him back into his house.
Trevor began tying the scared looking man to a kitchen chair. “Found him looking through the windows watching you while i was coming home! Figured we better show this rat a show he’d never forget.”
Jynx’s eyes widened at the information of his ex watching him. He felt icky and like his privacy was threatened. “What kind of show?” He asked confused.
Once Trevor finished tying the man up he turned to Jynx. A devilish smile graced his face as he moved towards Jynx, his arms going around the younger’s waist. “I think you know… I’ve seen how you around me and I know you like wearing my clothes for other reasons than them just being big on you.” He whispered in the younger’s ear.
Jynx felt a shiver go through him, his legs closed to try and calm the excitement that had filled him. “Guess I’m not good at hiding it as I thought I was.” He chuckled slightly. His arms moved to wrap around Trevor's neck, holding the man close to him. "You have no idea how long I've wanted you, Trevor." He whispered.
Trevor licked his lips before grasping a hand full of Jynx's hair and pulling their lips together roughly. He tasted of cigarettes and alcohol along with a breath mint trying to hide it.
"Oh baby, I've been thinking about you for awhile. I'm gonna fuck you better than you've ever been fucked." He purred to Jynx before lifting the smaller and pinning him down on the couch.
Trevor's grasp on Jynx's hair became tighter as he moved the boy's head to the side so he could attack his neck with hickeys and bites. Jynx looked over at his ex who wanted to look away but couldn't. He watched Jynx's body and his facial expressions, his own filling with rage as he watched.
Jynx's legs moved up to wrap around Trevor's waist, thrusting his hips up against Trevor's, savoring the groan that had left the older's lips. "Mmm, fuck, Trevor." He moaned more. One of Trevor's hands slid between Jynx's thighs and into his boxers. "I've barely done anything but you're already soaked for me? Damn baby." He chuckled as his fingers began to move against the boy's soaked cunt.
Jynx's head fell as his back arched up against Trevor, a loud moan leaving his lips. Trevor's fingers felt so much better than he had been imagining. "Why don't we give our audience a better show? Show him what he lost when he decided to be a dick and cheat on you." Trevor chuckled and pulled his fingers away, earning a loud whine from Jynx.
Before the younger could protest, Trevor moved them so he was sitting up against the couch and moving Jynx on his lap, the boy's back against his chest. Jynx's boxers were removed from his body and his legs were spred open by Trevor's own legs. One of his hands moved to wrap around Jynx's throat, gripping it tightly.
"Come on sweetheart, don't be shy now. Show this cocksucker who you belong to now. Let him hear those pretty moans of yours." Trevor praised and he moved his other hand to rub Jynx's sensitive cunt again.
Jynx felt his head go dizzy as the lack of air flow hit him. He squirmed a bit as he moaned desperately against Trevor's fingers. He felt his climax building up within him. "Trev- mmm-" He whispered out, being so lost in pleasure he completely forgot about the man who was watching.
"Bet you never made him feel this good with just your fingers, huh buddy?" Trevor chuckled, biting down on Jynx's shoulder, drawing blood as he did.
Jynx moaned louder and more frequent as he was brought to the edge. The pleasure of Trevor’s fingers, the dizziness of being choked, along with the pain on his shoulder made him close control as he squirted on Trevor’s fingers.
“That’s it baby, that’s a good boy.” Trevor continued moving his fingers until Jynx’s high was rode out. Trevor released his grip from Jynx’s neck, allowing the boy to fall back against him and catch his breath.
“I’m guessing from the way you’re reacting, that was the first time you came so hard you squirted?” Trevor teased Jynx as he moved his hands down to his own pants to free his aching cock.
Jynx shook his head, biting his bottom lip he savored the high he was still coming down from. "Trev, where have you been all these years? No one has ever gotten me off that good." He turned his head and gripped Trevor's chin, forcing the older to face him into a deep, rough kiss.
"Jynx is lying to make me mad! There's no fucking way this fucking creepy old man is that good!" Jynx's ex spat, anger clear in his face as he tried to undo the bindings. It made him frustred to see someone else touching what he still claimed as his.
Trevor only laughed at the pathetic man, he pulled away from Jynx to look at the man bound to the chair. One hair gripped Jynx's hair tightly while his free hand moved to slap Jynx's dripping pussy, making the younger jolt up and moan. "I don't know kid, from the mess between his legs and on the floor, I would have to disagree." Trevor moved his cock between Jynx's folds, moving himself slowly to tease Jynx.
"What's that pretty boy? I can't hear ya, tell Uncle T how badly you want this." He sped up his pace a bit more, chuckling at how much Jynx was coming undone in his hold.
The younger tried to close his legs as the overstimulation hit him but Trevor's stronger ones kept them open. Tears fell from his cheeks as he just could only whimper and whine, his brain too desperate and clouded to form proper words.
"Come on boy, use your words otherwise I'll stop." Trevor instructed, slapping Jynx's thigh hard in the process. Jynx jolted up again before trying his best to form a sentence.
"N-no... mm... Don't stop! Trevor- please I need you." He moved his own hips against Trevor's cock, gaining more friction as he felt the older's tip rubbing against his clit.
"Need me where? Come on boy, don't half ass your words here." Trevor growled in Jynx's ear, slapping his thigh again.
"Inside! Please! Trevor!" Jynx cried, his own patience running out as all he wanted was to be stretched out by Trevor. The older man chuckled once more before giving into what Jynx was begging for.
He moved to push his cock inside Jynx, bottoming out as he pushed himself fully in. It didn't talk long for Jynx to adjust due to how wet he had become, allowing Trevor to start thrusting up into the younger boy. He released his hand that was in Jynx's hair to move under Jynx's thighs, holding him up a bit to allow him to thrust more into him.
The only sounds that could be heard in the room was the sounds of squelching, Jynx's moans, Trevor's grunting, and Jynx's ex yelling angrily while trying to get out of the ropes. Neither Jynx or Trevor paid much attention to the other male, too lost in pleasure to really care.
"More... please..." Jynx begged, his head now falling back against Trevor's shoulder as his hands gripped Trevor's forearms, his nails digging into the skin.
Trevor gave into Jynx, absolutely loving how he was able to give the younger so much pleasure. "Such a needy little thing." He teased, thrusting as hard and as fast as he could go.
Jynx felt his second orgasm building up in his stomach, his walls tightened around Trevor, signaling to him that Jynx was about to burst any moment. "Come on baby, show Uncle T and that pathetic excuse for a man just how good I made you feel." Trevor instructed, his own thrusts becoming sloppier.
Trevor's words made Jynx spill over the edge for the second time, coming hard around Trevor's cock while moaning the older's man name loudly. His walls squeezed Trevor harder, making him grunt against Jynx's shoulder. He thrusted one last time hard and deep inside of Jynx, allowing him to empty deep inside of Jynx.
Light thrusts went in and out of Jynx as the two rode out their high together. Trevor let go of Jynx's thighs and moved to wrap around the smaller's waist. He grabbed his face and kiss him deeply as he moved the younger to lay down on the couch. "Such a good boy you were. Rest a moment while I deal with this peeping tom."
Trevor turned his attention back to Jynx's ex, puting his pants back on before moving to undo the bindings. "Come on big man, you've had a good enough last show, time to get your real punishment." Trevor dragged the other male outside, blowing a kiss to Jynx as he did.
Jynx only laughed lightly, accepting the air kiss before moving to sit up and attempting to get up and clean himself up, only to fail and land on the floor. "I'll wait until he comes back." He thought out loud.
"Drooling on the set to feel you, blessing you with every kiss."
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singular-yike · 7 months
Getting into Len'en Lore: Part 1
Cause I mean there's a lot of it, isn't there?
With the 10th anniversary coming up I thought it might be nice to share my personal recommended reading order(?) for all the Len'en material, for people who really want to dig into the lore.
Of course, I'm sure most folks reading this are already neck-deep into the lore swamp but hey, on the off chance that it reaches someone new, right?
Getting the information in English
To start off, you'd either have to learn Japanese, or find a good translation for the series and its associated materials. Here I'll go with English, since it's, well what I'm writing in.
The Len'en wiki, for 99% of all cases, will absolutely be where you want to go to read up on the lore and translation of Japanese material.
All of the translations on the wiki have been diligently worked on by me and other brilliant translators, and even now we revisit old translations to polish them up, so I guarantee it's quality (I suppose there's no reason to trust me, but I do promise).
Now the wiki also has links to English patches for all 4 of the shmup games, if you'd prefer to read the dialogue in-game, though I must note that they won't be the most updated version of the dialogue, and have further paraphrasing to trim things down to fit textboxes.
Still, they're more than enough for getting a basic understanding of the plot, and the visual elements of the game are not to be missed out on, so do give the games a go!
The Reading List
Now that the preamble is over with, let's actually get into my recommended order for lore-exploration. Forewarning: It's a lot, so brace yourself for some good old reading.
Major Entries in Release Order
The first place to start is of course each of the series entries in release order, though there are some curiosities about how this series tells its story through changes to the games itself, so I'll walk you through those as well.
These are separated into "story reading order" and "additional reading", the first ones are pretty much necessary to, well, understand the story.
Additional reading, on the other hand, are not as crucial to grasping the story, and will be ordered from most important to least.
They often contain little tidbits of lore tucked within, and are fun reads perhaps only for fans of JynX writing or those who really want to dig deep.
Game 1: Evanescent Existence
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We of course start with the first game in the series, Len'en Mugenri ~ Evanescent Existence (often abbreviated as EE in English).
Story Reading Order
Yabusame Houlen's story — Main Story → Bad Ending → Good Ending → Extra Story
Tsubakura Enraku's story — Main Story → Bad Ending → Good Ending → Extra Story
Official Profiles
Additional Reading
Music Room Comments
Spell Cards
Documentation Pages — omake.txt, manual.txt, readme.txt, readme.txt (trial ver.)
Note: Bad Endings Bad endings are non-canon in all of the games, in the sense that the events depicted within haven't actually occurred. They're still very useful to read as "what-if" scenarios though, since they actually provide a lot of interesting information.
Game 2: Earthen Miraculous Sword
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Moving onto game #2, simple enough. Here's Len'en Tasouken ~ Earthen Miraculous Sword (abbr. EMS).
Story Reading Order
Main Story (Any character order is fine) — Yabusame Houlen: Story → Bad Ending → Good Endings A & B — Tsubakura Enraku: Story → Bad Ending → Good Endings A & B — Kuroji Shitodo: Story → Bad Ending → Good Endings A & B
Extra Prologue
Extra Story (Any character order is fine) — Yabusame Houlen, Tsubakura Enraku, Kuroji Shitodo
Official Profiles
Note: Good Endings A and B The two endings differ only in a single textbox at the very end, so no need to read it twice, just jump to the very end to see the difference. Or honestly, since it doesn't affect the story at all, you're free to just read either one and be done with it.
Additional Reading
Music Room Comments
Spell Cards
Documentation Pages — omake.txt, manual.txt, readme.txt & readme.txt (trial ver.)
Note: On the EMS Documentation Pages EE and EMS were actually released at the same time, as a result some files are unnecessary to read. ・omake.txt: Only different in the game title ・readme.txt files: Identical in every way in the trial version The manual and readme files are however different, so give them a glace if you'd please.
Game 3: Reactivate Majestical Imperial
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Onto the 3rd entry: Len'en Reiretsuden ~ Reactivate Majestical Imperial (abbr. RMI). This game first introduces the team system, so each story features 2 playable characters.
Story Reading Order
Main Story (Any team order is fine) — Shrine: Story → Bad Ending → Good Endings A & B — Bottle Opener: Story → Bad Ending → Good Endings A & B — Slaver: Story → Bad Ending → Good Endings A & B
Extra Prologue
Extra Story (Any team order is fine) — Shrine, Bottle Opener, Slaver
Official Profiles
Note: Good Endings A & B This time, the two endings have more differences, stemming from a slightly different outcome of the main scenario. So I'd personally recommend giving both a read. Though to be fair there's no functional difference between the two in terms out final outcome. So I wouldn't say that you must read both to understand the plot or anything.
Additional Reading
Music Room Comments
Spell Cards
Documentation Pages — manual.txt & readme.txt
★ Len'en Kanji Change
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It is while working on the next entry of the series that JynX decided to change the kanji "Len'en" is written with, from 鏈縁 to 連縁, changing the first character, as you can see above.
There's actually quite a bit to read about this, though since it doesn't relate to the story, I'll just mention that this happened for now, more on this later. Onto the next game!
End of Part 1
This actually got so long that I couldn't fit it all in one post, so let's end things here and move onto part 2!
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Six Sentence Sunday
Thank you for tagging me @artsyunderstudy your new wip looks so yummy, I'm dying to read it 😍
So this week I actually wrote pretty consistently??? Like a lot of words??? I'm shook. Don't want to jynx it, but this new wip is coming along pretty well! I've got 3 out of maybe 10 chapters written, and I can't wait to share it with you guys! (Though, I'll try to hold on until it's finished.)
For now, have a snippet:
Fiona is waiting for me at the base of the tower. For a moment, we just stand there, looking up.  These places are notoriously hard to find. The towers Mages use for incarceration are extremely well-protected, as well as indetectable to Normals and to any Mages not on the Coven.  Luckily for me, although she’s not exactly a member, Fiona knows many powerful people on the Coven. And she owed me one after I had to come all the way from America to get her out of one of these very towers.  She thrusts her chin out. “Here we are. Now it’s on you.”  “Thank you, Fi,” I say, flexing my fists. A shiver of anticipation travels up and down my spine. “Did you get it?”  [...] “Basil, wait.” I turn to look at her. Her eyes look like steel. “Are you sure about this? The consequences it could have for you and your future?”  I think for a moment before nodding. “Yes. I’m sure.”  “Well, then.” She nods back, once. “You know, boyo, I spent over half my life planning my revenge against Davy Cadwallader. Waiting for the moment I’d finally repay him for all the shit he put our family through. And when that moment came…” she snorts, rubs her eyes. “Shit, I wasn’t even there. I didn’t get to land the killing blow. And I just felt so empty, you know? The whole thing felt empty and cold. Not worth wasting one’s life over.”  I turn back to her, trying to hold back a sneer. “So you’re saying vengeance is shallow and useless?”  “Nah.” She smirks. “I’m saying, go in there and make that fucker pay while you’re still young. Hopefully it’ll bring you some peace.” 
Tagging: @cutestkilla @bookish-bogwitch @facewithoutheart @larkral @aristocratic-otter @martsonmars @prettygoododds @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @whogaveyoupermission @hushed-chorus @palimpsessed and anyone else who'd like to join!
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Hiiii, I saw the match ups and i had to participate 🩷
(my first tav was technically based off of me heavily, so i hope that’s okay? and i wanted to give this photo for some help bcuz i love them sm)
So, Jae is afab but uses they/them pronouns, a high elf druid that loves chaos - in healthy amounts - and they’re tattoos represent smudging their eyes when hunting, the dye in their hair comes from their sibling who loved messing with colors. They tend to be pretty neutral when it comes to making decisions, however they help anyone for a bit of coin, if they can cough it up. Their scars are from the animals they tried handling before they were ready :’)
They love swimming, telling stories by the campfire, and listening to their partner read to them since it helps them sleep. They have sleep terrors/visions that usually keep them up, so hearing their lover helps a lot. Quality time and physical touch is their love language, but they can get overwhelmed by too much heat, so they usually just hold hands or hold the others’ pinky. they tend to stare into space just lost in thought with everything going on
(i hope this was okay !!! and thank you in advance !! 🩷)
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A/N: Ahhhh, your Tav is so pretty! And it’s totally okay! I basically did the same thing with my Tav- she’s me, but like with powers lol. 
For you, @a-jynx I think Jae’s best matchup would be Halsin! 
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ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Halsin doesn't have preferences when it comes to gender or appearance. He’s very in tune with his feelings and when he falls, he falls pretty hard. He can’t help it. 
As a fellow elf druid, Halsin is immediately drawn to Jae. They appear cunning and mischievous, which draws him in all the further. Halsin may prefer to keep the peace, but that doesn’t mean he isn't up for a little more, shall we say adventure, every now and then. Jae’s desire for chaos keeps him on his toes- in a good way. He may occasionally frown upon Jae’s moral compass being so dependent on the coin, and he’ll voice his displeasure should the situation arise. But for the most part, Halsin is also neutral and can be swayed not by coin, but by the exchanging of favors. He’s more of an ‘I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine’, guy, so he usually goes along with Jae wherever they lead.
And Halsin finds Jae’s tattoos gorgeous. They’re primal, yet natural, and it just hits that sweet spot for him. He also admires Jae’s hair color, as he, himself is rather apprehensive about coloring his. He thinks it’s rather brave of Jae to proudly showcase their personality. Jae’s scars are also a point of admiration for Halsin, as it shows Jae’s learned to give creatures, and by extension, nature itself, the respect it deserves. 
Halsin loves spending quality time with Jae out in nature- be it swimming or hanging out by the campfire. And he loves reading to Jae. He’s an avid collector of books- his camp is practically overflowing with them and he’ll never pass up an opportunity to share them. 
And physical touch is most definitely one of his love languages. He makes it very clear throughout the game just how much he wants to touch the player- to love them in that way. However, Halsin is also very much aware of his size. If his body heat is too much for Jae, he’ll happily back off and be very happy with just holding Jae’s pinky. Whenever Jae has night terrors or disturbing visions, he’s right there, ready to lend Jae his soothing voice or warm hand. 
Jae is such a source of light in Halsin’s troubled life. He would love nothing more than to stay at Jae’s side and support them, in whatever way they need. 
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