#just makes me think of the chatting stream he did after vidcon
transphilza · 2 years
people giving phil gifts that were either something they wished they could give to techno or just a tribute to techno they wanted phil to have is so. i dont have the words to articulate it right now but it’s so special to me
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kumezyzo · 1 year
streamer!gf is also a good idea i’d love to read
again, with this one, its mostly just for me [and this amazingly supportive anonymous] but i still felt like writing it. (although it took me three hours to come up with ideas that made sense lol) i also think this ones kinda ass in comparison to the others.... sorry.
but yea, this is streamer!gf that i tried to make gender neutral until the very end really.... enjoy! or dont.... :) m.list
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bf!sapnap who most likely knew you from the SMP before you started dating. and only recently when he realized how much he liked you, did he start trying to pursue the relationship (which was maybe over a year and a half ago)
bf!sapnap who agreed with you to not say anything about the relationship for a few months just to let it sit and see where you guys lead
when you do finally announce it, its because you guys notice a genuince shift in the relationship where you can tell its getting more serious.
bf!sapnap who shyly brings up the idea of doing a relationship q&a on your channel after the announcement (that was also on your channel)
during the video, hes very clearly all over you, hugging you and leaning against you. your fans think its absolutely adorable how much of a simp he is.
in the middle of that video theres a moment when you two look at eachother after answering a question and it cuts to you two giggling and looking away from eachother. sapnap with a very clear blush and wide grin on his face mostly because you guys took a break to just kiss eachother which accidentally went on longer than expected
bf!sapnap who didnt realize how many people were already shipping you two when he called you the honourary dream team member once a few years ago
bf!sapnap that gets edits of you (sometimes you and him) during TNTL streams and just on his timelines and tries his hardest to not act flustered although he clearly has that glint in his eye
bf!sapnap who manages to come into your room during the most inconvenient times during your streams. ie. when youre actively and/or loudly simping over an actor in your fav movie or show.
you just freeze mid sentence, mid gesture, and stare at him as he steps into the room. he stares back and peeks his head into the frame and your chat proceeds to spam 'LMAOOOOO's
"can i help you....?"
".....so who were you yelling about-"
"Oh my- GET OUT😭!"
bf!sapnap who will very openly brag about dating you and just talk about dating you (he just wants people to know youre taken🤭)
"well im dating y/n"
"how does that have anything to do with vidcon-"
bf!sapnap who gets teased for not being as good of a gamer as you. and not having as many followers (because youre def. very popular) (i also imagine this next convo with george and dream laughing the entire time)
"sapnap, how does it feel having a girlfriend thats better at minecraft than you?"
"george, shut up."
"sapnap, hes not wrong. and doesnt she have more subscribers?"
"im literally never doing a manhunt again then."
"good, then we'll just have your girlfriend replace you"
bf!sapnap who jokingly suggests yout two starting an onlyfans where he posts videos of you two fucking (but he secretly really wants to). cause he has a whole album of pictures and videos of you two that he would be willing to post (if people pay for it obvi)
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again, gimme suggestions and stuff. and show support for my sanity lol -Nony
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abschaumno1 · 8 months
How Not To Distance Yourself From Fandom Drama As A Youtuber
this is addressing what Scott Smajor said on stream regarding recent twitter harrassment of Ecto. I will preempt this by saying that I have known Ecto for a few years now and I support them. I think I have made my stance on "problematic content" and antis clear in the past, but to summarise: I am against censorship and harrassment. People can and should create whatever they want. If someone has an issue with what they make they should block and move on.
With that out of the way, what did Smajor actually say?
If you don't want to go to TikTok to hear it here's a transcript:
“If you don’t know what this is about, that is fine, you can stay not knowing. But if you do, this is me mentioning it, okay? I’m gonna do it. So. I’m going to try keep this short and simple, as I just want to clear some stuff up, I do not support proshipping. And until yesterday, I had no idea what proshipping was. Um, after last MCC, I removed, uh, Twitter from my phone, and I would only use it if I was on my laptop while I was travelling to VidCon and visiting [?]. So, on Saturday I was packing up my stuff and I checked Twitter before I shut off my laptop and noticed that an artist I followed, um, was receiving death threats and hate. And, me, not knowing fully what was going on, I shot them a DM along the lines of ‘sorry you’re getting hate’. Um, and then I logged out and flew home [?]. That was my mistake, as I should not have said anything without fully reading what was going on. Um, I’d just seen someone upset and wanted to help. After I got home and found out what was happening, I realised that people were saying that my DM meant I supported it, again, I do not. Um, I immediately unfollowed the artist, and have since told them that I do not- I did not realise the full degree of what had happened. Um, since this, I have made the decision to step away from Twitter, really. Um, I’m gonna do my best not to log in to look at it, um, or if you, or someone you know, is affected by this stuff, please do find the help you need, and take steps, uh, to protect your own mental well-being, like I am. Um, I would also like to say that my boundaries, um, with fanart and such has changed, and I am no longer okay with NSFW art of me or my characters. Um, and, that is the last I am going to talk on this subject. — As I said, chat, if you don’t know what it is, or what’s going on, enjoy the ignorance, enjoy the bliss. Just, you don’t need to know anything, nothing else is happening here, we’re not talking about it, we’re not going to be answering questions in chat, that’s it. Done."
(See also this twitter thread)
I'm not gonna inspect every word in that tbh and I've talked extensively about what I think of creator boundaries in fandom before so I'll spare you guys that. But there are a few points I want to address.
"And until yesterday, I had no idea what proshipping was."
I will say that I have no idea how the term was explained to him or where he got his definition from. I do know there are various definitions floating around the internet, often biased in their approach. It might be that he got one of the definitions that was heavily biased towards the anti side. I won't judge him for that. The internet, and this discourse in particular is hard enough to navigate for someone who knows their way around it.
I will also acknopwledge that it might be hard for an outsider to understand any of it in the first place.
Which is why I think the statement "I do not support proshipping" is not the statement to make in this situation. This is not a discussion he has any experience with. And I am perfectly aware of how loud antis can get, particularly on twitter. This should not be a statement. Not just because I disagree with it. He is entitled to his opinion, as am I to my own. But because as a youtuber or any other celebrity or creative, you have to realise where your space ends and fandom begins and you have to realise that fandom will have its own rules and discussions and terms.
Honestly, it's like walking into a foreign country, reading one newspaper and starting to make statements about their politics. It can and will go wrong.
Here's the thing. If you truly think you have to make a statement addressing this particular issue, while completely ignoring any other criticims thrown at you by a lot of the same people who are saying a lot of things about this, try and make an informed statement. And maybe think about the message your sending to your viewers.
Ecto received harrassment, suicide bait, death threads, and got doxxed on top of it all. I would think someone who's been on the receiving end of harrassment the way Scott has been would at the very basic least be able to address that.
Instead, what he actually said amounts to "I don't support them. I wash my hands of all of it. I don't care what you guys do with them."
At best the harrassers will feel vindicated and quiet down. At worst he just enabled them to find their next targets.
I don't think it matters what he (or anyone else really) thinks about the content that Ecto was harrassed over. No one has to like it. But that does not mean there should be any doubt about the fact that harrassment and doxxing are wrong and that there should be no space for that. Not suppporting someone is one thing. Being someone with a platform who makes a statement like this, effectively giving in to people who have harrassed someone with a vastly smaller platform, without even mentioning that the harrassment is not okay, is a very different thing.
I understand that Scott might also be trying to protect his own mental health. I understand his history with twitter. But I will say that telling affected people to "take steps to protect your own mental well-being" is not the statement I personally think he should be making. I guess we'll just leave everything to the loudest, worst people then instead of even pretending what they're doing is not okay.
Hands down, the statement he made feels very much like he's saying "but surely the leopards won't eat my face". It's only been a day and MCC teams were released. The leopards on twitter are eating his face once again. And I wager I am not the only one out there who now knows that a youtuber we enjoyed watching would rather side with people who send death threats and doxx others than their victims.
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withcolebrock · 4 years
Caught Simping
Corpse Husband x fem!Reader
Requested: yes :)
Summary: Corpse gets upset when he thinks Colby is flirting with Y/N
Warnings: swearing and cringe stuff
Word Count: 2,351
Author’s Note: I was going to wait to post this tomorrow but why not now lol haha. honestly this could’ve been better but ummm yeahhh, anyways the person had asked for Mr. Brock to be here so yay my two favorite men in one fic love it lol. also I literally could not figure out anything to title this so this is what ya get lol haha anyways I hope you guys enjoy it!!
It had been an hour since they all started playing, a few people were getting tired. While others were willing to play for several more hours. “Be right back, gamer bladder,” Corpse and herself said around the same time, she stood up from her chair, placing her headphones on the desk. She left her gaming room, and shut the door behind her. She walked into the living room to see Corpse walking towards the bathroom. He stopped short as he looked towards her. His eyes looked her body up and down.
“Are you playing much longer?” he asked while he began to walk towards her. She shrugged slightly as she dropped the hoodie covering her head.
“I’ve got a few more games in me, are you almost done?” she asked while he slowly wrapped his arm around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I’ll be done when you’re done,” he smirked as he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. She smiled against his lips as she slowly began to kiss him back. They pulled away, smiling towards each other as they walked towards their gaming rooms. She entered her room again, she couldn’t hide the smile she had to her lips, as she sat down in front of her face cam.
She put her headphones on as she heard Sykkuno say, “Anyone got a fill?” A few people had said that they didn’t have anyone, Y/N began to text a friend of hers from the Vine days. Before she started doing gaming, she was pretty popular on Vine, she had over two million followers and she hung out with Sam and Colby all of the time during that time.
“Dave? Boyinaband? I know he has proximity chat already,” Corpse asked, Y/N smiled to herself as she heard his voice.
“Oh yeah, of course!” Poki cheered.
“Awesome,” he said into the mic, “We still need one more, right?” Corpse continued, muting his mic shortly after.
“I think I got someone, one second,” she said into her mic as she continued to text Colby. She muted herself briefly as she focused on what she wanted to say to him. Explaining that the group was playing the proximity version, asking if he had that version or if he could download it quickly.
“Who is it?” Toast asked.
She unmuted her mic and explained, “His name is Colby, We’ve been friends for years, if that’s cool with you guys,” she chuckled. They waited for a few of the people to join, they began to discuss some things going on in their lives, while talking to their chats. She muted herself in discord while she talked to her chat. “A few of you guys might know him, he has a channel with Sam Golbach, like creepy paranormal stuff. It’s pretty cool. We did vines together all the time, I’m sure they are on YouTube somewhere.” her eyes widened at the memory, the vines were overwhelmingly cringey as most of her vines were.
She unmuted herself in discord and told the group,“He’s coming and he already has the proximity chat,” she explained as she added his information into their discord call. She sent him the invite over discord.
“Sweet,” Sykkuno said, Y/N smiled to herself as she listened to Sykkuno. Shortly after, Dave joined the call. Everyone started asking Dave how he was doing, since they all haven’t played with him in a while.
“Uh, hello,” Colby spoke, everyone in the call immediately started greeting Colby. Poki had asked how Y/N and him had met, Colby laughed slightly, “We met at Vidcon like four years ago, when Viners were invited that year.”
Shortly after everyone introduced themselves to the new people, the game was started. She was a crewmate. “Oh my god, oh my god,” Y/N giggled as her character moved towards the lab. Colby’s pink character was following him, “No, Colby no get away from me, I don’t trust you,” she joked. He chuckled.
“Hey, come on, I promise I’m not an imposter, please stay with me and keep me safe,” Colby begged. Corpse’s character ran past them, he ran towards one of the nodes. “You have med scan? Let’s scan together,” he offered while making his character dance. Y/N rolled her eyes as she followed Colby’s character to the med scan.
“I do have med scan,” she giggled. She clicked off her med scan, seeing that she had to wait for Colby, she officially cleared him. “Okay, you’re cleared,” she explained as she started heading towards decontamination.
“See, I would never lie to you,” he said teasingly. They entered the small room and Y/N went to do wires.
“I gotchu,” she giggled. Shortly after a body was found near admin. Everyone began to ask each other where everyone was at, “I was with Colby the entire time,” she said as she hovered over the skip vote button.
“I wouldn’t let her out of my sight, she’s med scanned,” Colby explained, everyone laughed as they quickly began to ask everyone else where they were at.
“I was by O2 tree,” Corpse said, with no further explaination. He was never straight forward with his responses. Instead of further investigating, the group decides to skip vote. Except there was a rogue anonymous vote to Colby. Everyone gasped slightly at the sight.
“What? I hard cleared him,” Y/N laughed, as the screen faded into the game.
“Y/N please stay with me, I need your help,” Colby whined as they walked towards the admin table together. She quickly clicked onto the table checking to see where everyone was at. There were a few in the lab and a few near electrical. They both walked into decontamination. “Everyone else is so scary, you make me feel safe,” he drew out his words as they walked through the long hallway together. They entered the bigger room together to see Corpse doing simon says.
“Corpse!” Y/N whined as she motioned her character towards him, she danced near his character. Colby walked away briefly to do another task. He finished his task and as his screen lit up, he saw her character. He chuckled as he began to dance with her. “What are you doing down here alone, it’s not safe,” she muttered as she continued to dance her character with Corpse.
He giggled as he said, “I’ll join you guys,” himself, Y/N, and Colby’s character headed up towards the decontamination that led towards the admin table. They all stumbled upon Poki’s body.
The next round she was imposter with Poki, she was doing amazing. The proximity chat made it even harder to be imposter. She always screamed after she killed someone, but she had to stop for this type of game play. One of Poki’s kills was called, “Where’s the body?” Corpse asked.
“By the button,” Colby responded, “Where were you, Y/N?” he asked. Corpse let out a huff of air, while leaning back into his chair.
“I was on the left side of the map the entire time, Sykkuno can vouch for me, I was with him for most of that round,” Y/N explained, her heart racing. She raced her eyebrows and forced a smile.
“Yeah, there’s no way she could’ve done this kill,” Sykkuno responded.
“I don’t believe it, Y/N’s acting weird,” Colby said.
“How am I acting weird?” she asked through laughter. Corpse smiled to himself as he heard her laugh.
“I dunno, you’re just being all different, it’s weird,”
“I’m not being different,”
“Maybe a little bit you are,” Colby teased, everyone laughed as they all skipped at the same time.
“Definetly not,” she rolled her eyes playfully. The next round began and Y/N ran off with Corpse. “Bub, what tasks do you have?” she asked as she chased after his character, contemplating on killing him or not.
“Wires,” he said shortly. Her head shot back slightly at his response, he was never short with her. Suddenly coming from the other direction was Colby.
“Y/N, thank god! I missed you!” Colby shouted jokingly, he danced his character around Y/N’s as they walked towards decontamination together.
“Missed you too! What tasks do you have?” she asked to try and switch the conversation. Corpse didn’t say anything, he just stood and began to do his wires. They continued to walk down the long hallway. Once they were in the big room Corpse and Colby began to do tasks. Y/N stood awkwardly in the middle of the room as she saw Poki come running down one of the hallways. They moved their characters towards each other as they ran up and killed both Corpse and Colby.
“Oh my god!” Colby yelled.
“Uh, fuck I knew it,” Corpse commented. With the double kill, they won the game. “Good game,” he commented as he leaned back into his chair.
“I’m totally going to get you back for that,” Colby teased. It wasn’t much, but the more he spoke Corpse was getting annoyed. He wasn’t even sure if he was flirting with Y/N, but it sure felt like it. He knew Colby would never intentionally flirt with her, but he needed to do something.
“I’ll be right back,” he spoke into his mic. Corpse muted his mic in both discord and his YouTube stream. He stood up from his desk and left his gaming room. He walked towards hers across their apartment. He knocked on the door several times.
“One second,” she whispered into her mic, muting herself on both platforms. She stood up and pulled open the door seeing Corpse standing at the door fuming. “What’s going on?” she asked, noticing the small frown to his lips. Without saying anything he takes a small step towards her. He rested his hand on her lower back, he lifted her shirt slightly as he rested his hand on her skin. The sudden cold feeling sent chills all over her body.
“Why is Colby flirting with you?” he asked as he looked her features up and down, he looked back into her soft concerned eyes. Her mouth fell open as she shook her head slightly. She stood silently as she looked into his squinted eyes. His fingertips grazed over her skin as they spoke.
“He isn’t, that’s just how he is,” she explained, he raised his eyebrows slightly as he took a long breath. “I promise he’s just messing around,” she reassured as she rested her hand onto his cheek. He pulled her body towards his, he pouted his lips. “It’s nothing more than just jokes, I promise,”
“He’s not very funny,” he let out. She chuckled as she shook her head slightly. She moved her hand slightly as she ran her finger across his bottom pouted lip. His lips curled upward slightly, at the touch. “I don’t like it when another guy jokes around with you like that,” he whispered as she slowly pulled her finger away from his lips. She slowly moved her hand from his cheek to the nape of his neck. “I’m the only guy that can do that.” She rolled her eyes playfully as she moved closer to him.
“I’m sorry,” she let out, he looked her body up and down slowly before he slowly dropped his hand away from her skin.
“It’s okay, I’m just-whatever,” he shook his head as he bit his bottom lip, she raised her eyebrows as her eyes widened.
“Were you just going to admit to-”
“I think you were,” she teased as she watched him walk away from her gaming room.
“No,” he sing-songed as he walked into his room. She giggled as she shut the door and headed back to the game. She put on her headphones and unmuted herself in the discord call.
She ran her fingers through her wet hair as she walked towards her bedroom. She pushed open the door to see Corpse laying on the bed scrolling through Twitter. She walked towards her side of the bed and picked up her phone from the side table. She read a text from Colby, thanking her for allowing him to play with her. She quickly responded as she sat down on top of the comforter. She rested her phone down onto the side table again, while plugging it into the character.
She inched closer to Corpse, he lifted his gaze towards her, a wide smile forming to his lips. “Hey,” he muttered barely above a whisper. She slowly laid down beside him, while adjusting the pillow beneath her head.
“Did you make something trend on Twitter or something again?” She questioned, he rarely sat on his phone scrolling through his social media unless he was messing with his fans or reposting his fans art or people who share his music. He chuckled while shaking his head.
“Not intentionally,” he motioned the phone towards her, she took a hold of it and saw that #SimpCorpse was trending. She furrowed her eyebrows as she clicked on the first video that showed up. It was a slowmo of Corpse taking a hold of her waist earlier in her stream. She gasped, covering her mouth. He nodded slightly. She lifted her head to meet his gaze, she thought he would be mad but he wasn’t. “I think that’s funny,” he chuckled as he rested his phone on his side table.
“I didn’t think to turn off my face cam, oh fuck,” she laughed nervously.
“It’s fine, Baby, I promise,” he tilted his head to look towards her. “I mean, I am always a simp for you,” he teased, her features scrunched together as the words left his lips.
“That was really cring-” she tried to say but he shook his head as he leaned down slowly to press his lips against hers. She kissed his back softly as she giggled slightly, “You were definitely a jealous simp today, then,” she played along. He pressed his lips together while shaking his head. He slowly fell back onto his back.
“I wasn’t jealous,”
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mrs-iruka · 7 years
Think Before you Speak!
I was sent a prompt by the lovely @mairenyaf as follows:
‘I have a prompt (even tho you're not asking for any I just really want you to write this cause I love your writing) established relationship au where they do a joint live show because Phil has laryngitis so he texts Dan all he wants to say so Dan reads it to the audience and Phil sends Dan some sappy message and Dan reads it without noticing so that's how they come out, very fluffy and a kiss at end of the live show so i can live my dreams through fiction (you can add all you'd like Ily).’
I truly hope you like this, my lovely. I did my best with the prompt. Enjoy!
Phil had woken up that morning with laryngitis. His throat had been feeling a little scratchy since his return from America just over a week ago, but he thought nothing was actually going to come of it this time, as usually the virus would break a few days after getting home. He’d been trying to shout up their connecting staircase to Dan that he’d made coffee, and when no sound had come out, Phil had slumped at the kitchen table with his head in his hands. So when he awoke to find his voice was totally gone, he was less than happy - especially as it was the first Thursday since getting back to the UK and he’d been looking forward to doing a liveshow, the first in a few weeks. When Dan had woken he found his boyfriend curled up beside him in bed looking thoroughly fed-up and miserable.
“Morning, love,” said Dan sleepily.
But got no reply from Phil.
“Okay, what have I done?” sighed Dan.
Phil motioned to his throat.
“What? I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me. Just talk to me Phil.”
For a moment Phil looked very frustrated before he extended an arm across to his nightstand and grabbed his phone. Phil opened his memo page and began to type.
‘I’ve lost my voice!’ :(
It took Dan a little while to process what exactly Phil had written, but when it did sink in, Dan let go a small laugh, causing Phil to glance at Dan balefully.
‘It’s not funny, Dan! I’ve got calls to make, plus a liveshow to do later.’  Typed Phil.
“Yes it is! It’s too funny. So I’m finally going to get a few days of peace at long last,” said Dan jokingly.
This caused Phil to pout.
‘I hate you!’
“No you don’t,” laughed Dan before pulling his boyfriend into his arms to give him a good morning cuddle.
All day Phil had been alternating between texting Dan and using his memo pad on his phone to communicate.
At around four o’clock Phil text Dan:
To: Danny Boy 16:00
Dan, I’ve just fallen over in the bathroom and now my ankle hurts! Help!
Dan came barging his way into the bathroom to find Phil sat on the floor holding his ankle, a sad expression on his face.
“What did you do? No, you know what, never mind, let’s get you onto the bed.”
Dan bent forward and helped pull Phil to his good foot. Phil wound his arms around Dan’s neck and buried his face in the crook - it was the place he loved the most and just held Dan close.
“Honestly Phil, you’re a nightmare,” said Dan softly before drawing back a little and planting a soft kiss to Phil’s forehead. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”
Phil kept one arm wound around Dan’s neck, the other he held out to the side to try and balance himself as he hopped along the landing. A few times Phil nearly fell taking Dan with him, but thankfully, Dan managed to stay manfully upright.
Once Dan had managed to get Phil on to the bed, Dan collapsed across the end of the bed.
“Jesus Christ, Phil, you nearly had us both over,” complained Dan as he rubbed his arms.
Phil chucked his phone at Dan.
‘I’m so sorry, my foot went from under me and I just went down. It hurts so much.’
Dan sighed and sat up. “You had better let me check that.”
Gently, Dan pulled the sock off of Phil’s foot, and indeed there was a slight swelling.
“Right grab a couple of the spare pillows underneath my top one whilst I go and grab an ice pack from the freezer,” ordered Dan.
Doing as he was told, Phil grabbed the spares, and put them under his ankle to elevate it. Dan was back in minutes with an ice pack wrapped in a tea-towel and gently placed it on Phil’s ankle. This action caused Phil to wince a little at the cold contact to his skin, but this soon melted away.
“Okay?” asked Dan.
Phil just nodded miserably.
‘Dan, I want to still do a liveshow tonight? Will you be my voice?’ asked Phil via his memo pad a couple of hours later.
“Really Phil? Can’t you just put a tweet out explaining that you’ve lost your voice, and you’ll do one next week?” asked Dan with a frown.
‘No! It’s been a few weeks as it is, and I want to see everyone’s lovely words!’ typed Phil stubbornly.
“You mean get attention, you tart,” said Dan good-naturedly.
Phil had the good grace to blush at that statement.
‘So you’ll do it? Pls? Ily!’
Phil gave Dan his most loving smile, the smile that made Dan feel like agreeing to anything.
“Okay, okay, I’ll do it,” grumbled Dan. “I hate you!”
But Phil just winked.
Phil put out a tweet:
Phil Lester
Hey guys! So I am doing a liveshow tonight, but I’ve lost my voice, so Dan has agreed to be my voice tonight. See you at 7pm.
The liveshow was a few minutes late starting due to Dan mucking about in the kitchen making drinks for them both.
When Dan had sat down, Phil hit the ‘Go Live’ button and the show began. Dan knew the routine of saying hello to some of Phil’s followers as they arrived. Once sufficient amount of people had been greeted, Dan turned to Phil, and hastily, Phil began to text. The phone in Dan’s pocket pinged.
Dan let out an inaudible sigh and pulled his phone out of his pocket to read Phil’s message aloud.
‘Hey guys, so thanks for joining us tonight. As you can see I have lost my voice so I have Dan acting as my voice for this evening.’
Phil began scanning the chat for questions whilst Dan made some small talk. A moment later, Dan’s phone pinged again.
‘Mary asks: How was Vidcon? It was good. Got to see lots of our friends again, and to meet a lot of you guys, which is always nice. Though whoever it was that sneezed on me is in my bad books lol.’
Dan read the text aloud again.
“Would you like me to read the premium messages?” asked Dan of Phil.
Phil gave a nod of approval.
“Phangirl33 says: thx for doing the show tonight,” read Dan.
“Phil said: Thanks for being here,” read Dan.
The longer the liveshow went on, the more irritated Dan seemed to be getting. He wasn’t even really paying attention to what was even being said anymore. Which in the end caused Dan to make a huge mistake!
Dan read aloud the text that Phil had just sent him.
‘Dan, I know you’re not enjoying this very much, but I really do appreciate you doing this for me. You know if it was the other way around I would do the same for you, right? I love you so very, very much, Dan, always have and I always will.’ 
Dan’s eyes widen when he realised what exactly it was he’d done. He hadn’t meant to have read that message aloud, Dan looked at Phil in complete horror. Phil looked as if he was ready to pass out, Dan didn’t dare look at the chat has he knew full well what was likely being said. For a moment the guys just stared at each other before Phil began to silently laugh at the whole damn situation. It wasn’t long before Dan started laughing his head off too.
“I can’t believe I’ve just royally fucked up like that,” spluttered Dan. Red faced and wet cheeked, and totally forgetting about the liveshow for a moment. It wasn’t until Phil started pointing at the laptop did Dan remember. Dan gave Phil an enquiring look, and when Phil nodded Dan began to speak.
“Okay, so we hadn’t intended to come out that way, fuck, we never intended to come out at all, we were going to leave to your imaginations. But now that I’ve gone and screwed things up, this is it,” said Dan nervously.
Dan dared glance at the chat, it was speeding along at a hundred miles per hour by now, and was full of ‘OMG!’ ‘I’m crafting’ ‘Kiss’ ‘ASDFGHJKL WHAT?’ ‘WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?’ Dan glanced back at Phil before wrapping a large hand around the side of Phil’s neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
When they broke apart, they found the stream had completely crashed. The servers had been broken and they were just facing a black screen.
“Oops!” muttered Dan. Right now, his worries about the backlash they were going to likely face over the next few days sat heavily on his shoulders, but at the same time Dan felt so free.
‘I can’t believe you did that, Dan! But I’m so glad you did. I love you, and at long last I feel so... free... what abt you?’
“Me too, Phil, me too.”
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sweetnestor · 7 years
crankgameplays livestream 4/25/17
(((lmao im 2 days late i was at the movies when he did this)))(((also should i do this for every stream he does??)))
Hes eating popcorn ‘even though its greasy and i broke out!!!’
Forgot to take acne meds for like a week and he broke tf out :(
Still cant record in his new place which is why he decided to stream
Fave dog breed is portuguese water dogs bc those are his doggos back home :’)
Hes excited for tour and hopes ppl will go :D
It was fun making the tour announcement video, but he realized how out of shape he was afterwards
He should be going to vidcon, and while he said that he bit down on a kernel and it really hurt :(((
Doesnt rly care what ppl think abt his acne, he just really wants to get rid of it
Says good luck to everyone going thru finals!!!! Also says to make sure to give urself a break and not to burn urself out!!!! Drink water!!! Eat food!!!!
Moving from maine to california was really scary for him bc he never lived anywhere else before and he went from a small town to a big city
Mainly says to be smart abt spending and things bc ‘when u dont live with ur parents anymore things get fuckin expensive!’
Someone was making him a friendship ring for when they meet him, and they asked for his ring size, which he doesnt even know :p
Secret to adulting: no one knows what theyre doing
Eats mac n cheese with a fork apparently, spoons are for ice cream
Was originally just gonna keep the blue hair after dyeing it once, but he ended up really really liking it so he kept it
What was your dream job in high school, ethan? “this right here!! Youtube!!” :’)
Never finished the last guardian bc there were technical difficulties every time he recorded, so he’ll probably stream it at one point
Is it hard being a youtuber? ‘Yes and no. its not like labour work but it is hard work’
Puts 16-18hrs youtube work when hes not doing video stuff with mark :o
Recommended several places to eat in la (didnt catch the names fUCK)
Do i have to donate for him to answer my question?? ‘No no not at all!!’ HOLY SHIT HE ANSWERED ‘yeah cos im just reading the chat!!!!’
*continues being flustered over ppl donating*
*chokes on a kernel mid sentence*
Fave part of youtube is meeting ppl in the community and talking to all of us :’’’)
How do u deal with ur peanut allergy? He has to read ingredients and ask at restaurants if they us peanuts or peanut oil in the kitchen,and if they do then he wont order there :/
He enjoyed 13rw but there were things he didnt like, like the dialogue
‘Aahh im not that cool im kinda dumb’ -after ppl say how much they like him and his videos (shut the heck up ethan ur cool shhh)
Has decent eyebrow shape, never has done anything to them
Surprised he hasnt recorded with tyler, amy, kathryn for his channel
Doesnt have anxiety, but really feels for people who suffer from it daily and hopes theyre doing okay (thank u lil bean)
Might not get a po box bc itll probably get out of hand
Wants to record VR stuff so bad but he aint got space at the moment :(
Doesnt think he’ll make a public video of him singing
hES GOT AN UNLISTED VIDEO THO WHAT (someone link me pls)
Ppl frequently ask if he would ever record with a smaller youtuber and he says as much as he’d want to help them out, he wouldn’t do it just so they can benefit off it, he’d want to do it bc they’re friends or something
He’s not much of a reader due to his attention span, he’ll be reading and then starting thinking about something else and then 5 pages later he realizes he hasn’t read anything at all :/
He doesnt like when ppl touch his hair :(
Or his butt :(((((
Someone grabbed him at pax and it was p aggressive :/
Be gentle with the boy ok :((((((((((
Doesnt know if he wants kids, like he’s only 20 so he don’t know
Can i call u daddy? ‘I’d like it if you didnt!’
Tattoo plans? Wants to get his first at some point in the year, doesn’t know what he wants, possibly a nitw tat :o
Fave dodie song? *goes on a long ramble abt dodie being v talented* :’)
If u see him in public, dont be afraid to go say hi :)
He might dye his hair white or something but definitely not anytime soon, he also wonders how it would look completely black
Went to gymnastics camp when he was ‘a little lad’
Ppl frequently ask his sexuality, *sings straight white male*
He dreams in color
Conventions in the summer: vidcon in june, indypopcon in july, pax west in september
Wasnt feeling too happy the other day, gets through it by telling himself that tomorrow will get better, or that things will get better over time, reach out and talk to people 
He wrote a long tumblr post when he was having that shitty day
*dancing to music*
Disney movies he likes: the jungle book, the little mermaid, the lion king
*moving around rapidly* stop lagging stop lagging stop lagging stop lagging
Gave specific tips on how to do backtucks (is that what it was i couldnt catch the word on time)
Headed out bc he has to get up early the next day
Said thanks to the ppl staying up late in different time zones
Appreciates ppl who donate, but doesnt encourage
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