#just a few more batches and I'll also post all of them together tomorrow
cinimuffin · 4 months
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Are these hearts endless? Instersex, Neutrois, Maverique Usual disclaimer If you use them for anything please give design credit (and also @ me because I would like to see). Intended for personal use only.
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Christmas at the Mansion (+ the castle)
I'm posting this now because I leave for a trip for the holidays tomorrow (and I don't know how my schedule will be), although I also have an old holiday scenario queued up for Christmas day :) If you celebrate anything, Happy Holidays, and if not, have a nice end of the year! I'll still be around to answer questions and post quotes and stuff at the very least.
Like with Thanksgiving, first and foremost, Slender is cooking and baking a fuck ton of food. But, he's got a lot more company in the kitchen this time as LJ, Candy, and Jason are all making a whole bunch of candy and cakes and other desserts as it's their time to shine. LJ actually has his own candy-pulling hook, and he makes homemade candy canes for everyone in whatever flavors they might want that year (they usually vote on them and he'll make a few batches), and everyone snacks on them while waiting for dinner to be ready. 
I think they probably do Secret Santa in the mansion because there are just so many of them, and if they want to get an extra gift for specific people they're allowed to do that too, although those gifs are usually exchanged privately, although Slender gets at least one gift for every resident. They all get up early in the morning, and Slender will make a big yummy breakfast with pancakes, homemade cinnamon rolls, and hot chocolate for everyone, and they'll sit around the giant tree and exchange all the Secret Santa gifts. Some years they might do themes, but most of the time they just all try and get something that they think their person will enjoy. After they exchange those gifts, if anyone got an extra gift for specific people they usually pair off and exchange those. 
After the gift exchange, it's Christmas movie time. They'll go into the big living room and they take turns picking Christmas movies to pass the time while Slender is making Christmas dinner. Everyone snuggles up with their hot chocolate and just relaxes, telling jokes and funny stories while they watch Christmas movies they grew up on, and it's fun for the creeps that were/are human to show movies to the demonic residents who haven't seen them yet. For lunch, Slender will usually have Tim prepare some food for everyone, and by that time the candy canes are usually ready so everyone snacks on those as well. 
By the time dinner is ready everyone's excited and rushing into the dining room to have Slender's famous Christmas feast. Slender usually has his brothers and his mom over for Christmas dinner, Toby invites his mom over, and Natalie invites her younger brother. Everyone is happy to be surrounded by the family they love, especially since Mrs. Rogers and Slender's mom always bring extra dishes that taste so fucking good. It's one of the most lively dinners in the mansion because everyone's bantering and sharing stories about each other, and the room always fills with laughter and smiles. I think Slender's mom would probably also get gifts for all of the residents (and the extra guests) too, and she'd share them after dinner was over. After dinner, everyone normally just hangs out and plays video games or board games, especially if someone got a new one for Christmas, and they'll just spend time together laughing and having fun until everyone gets too tired to stay awake anymore.
On the other side of the Underworld, Zalgo also tries to have a Christmas for his employees as well. He and the best cooks of his employees will prepare a gigantic, lavish feast for all of the workers that reside in the castle, and they'll all eat together in the large dining room in the castle meant to fit all of them. Zalgo also takes care to provide a gift for all of his employees, and while he has well close to 100 including his castle and the employees of his assassination company, he makes sure to get them a gift they'll honestly enjoy. Of course, they always get him gifts as well, even if he tells them that he doesn't need them, but the blush and shy smile on his face at their generosity makes it worth it for them to do so. Zalgo will have to return to some work eventually, but he does his best to provide a good holiday to his workers, as he feels they deserve it for all of the hard work that they do.
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Part 3: No More Waiting
Here is the requested part 3 to Guess I Waited too long. Honestly I just wrote that fic to process my own emotions about episode 13 and did not think I'd get any notice on those fics. I'm so sorry for the long wait! I finally had some reprieve to edit and post but I promise I have been working on it since part 2.
Also that season finale was NOT OKAY!! I cried for a full day so I definitely had to finish this to give myself and others comfort and lots of therapy. After this, I will write quite a few fix it fics if anyone requests them cause that was not on.
I've never really published anything I've written but I would hope this 3 part series gave my fellow Tech lovers a little therapy.
My stories are 18+. Minors begone.
I honestly don't know the word count so enjoy the numberless paragraphs of sex.
Warnings: Sex. Lots of sex. PiV sex, unprotected, NSFW, explicit PiV, crude language, aftercare, fingering (fem receiving), oral (both receiving), just filth. Pure filth
Also Cid is not a backstabbing asshole in this cause she shouldn't have done that to the boys or Omega
Part 1 Part 2
Enjoy you horny bastards!
You had returned to Pabu over 40 rotations ago and you and Tech had been... less than affectionate. Honestly, you didn't mind. Tech was still quite new to the whole relationship thing and you certainly did not want to push him. You loved the man and would be as patient as possible. But Maker were you horny! Why did he have to be so damned attractive? Everything he did just made you think about how he'd feel against you, inside you. He really did not realise how much you needed him.
Phee had returned shortly after you and the boys, successfully clearing yours and their name. Cid was callous and harsh but she could be understanding when she wanted to be. Besides, the Batch were her best assets. She wasn't going to risk severing ties. Apparently the whole reason she'd left them stranded was the Empire had finally made its way to Ord Mantell. She needed time and a way to keep the boys out of the Empire's sight. Easiest way was keeping them away. Course she had to act all threatening; she couldn't risk anyone think she'd gone soft.
"So... it's safe to come back?" Omega asked.
"Only if ya want. If you're happy on where you are, I'll just send stuff your way. It's how I keep Phee invested." Cid shrugged. Maybe she had changed after all. Or Omega crawled her way into Cid's cold heart.
You looked over at Tech, meeting his eyes. You nodded your head over towards the Marauder, wanting to talk to him. He nodded back and followed you quietly to the ship. You were pacing, which confused him. You hadn't mentioned any upset or anger since the mission so to see you anxious worried him.
"Mesh'la? Is something wrong?"
You looked at your man, your handsome sexy man. "Nothing you can't fix my love... I miss you."
Tech cocked his head to the side. "I'm right here. Why would you miss me?"
You sighed and tapped your lips, a small signal to him that you wanted a kiss. "I miss feeling you darling. We've been busy lately. We haven't had any time together.... alone."
Tech smiled, understanding what you wanted. He approached you, hands finding their place on your hips. Touching his forehead to yours, it was a moment of pure love and intimacy. Neither of you could believe how lucky you were to be together and hoped nothing would ever come between you.
"Well cyare, how do you propose we rectify this? Surely the ship is not a place for such intimate affairs?"
You smiled, knowing he was genuinely curious as to how you'd find time. You weren't worried though; Tech was a man of curiosity. You knew he'd do whatever you wanted him to to make sure you were fully satisfied.
“No but that’s definitely something I’d like to do eventually. We shouldn’t rush it so how about we have dinner tomorrow and just see where the night takes us!”
Tech nodded, giving you a kiss. “Sounds good my darling. Now how about we get back before Wrecker comes looking?”
Dinner was quiet but sweet. Plus the food was perfect; you and Tech had some sort of connection where you two working in tandem in the kitchen was second nature. This caused every new recipe to be perfect and well done!
Cuddling on the couch in your borrowed home, you felt more than content. You really couldn't be happier. After so much drama, it was nice to have a space your own and settle down. You weren't 100% sure what Tech's thoughts were but you knew him and his brothers had been talking about moving permanently to Pabu and honestly? After the shit you dealt with on Ord Mantell, settling down in a bungalow on an island paradise with the man you love was more than what you'd ever ask for.
Tech pressed his lips to your temple, allowing you to let out a small sigh of happiness. It wasn’t often you two had quiet moments like this. You were either helping around town or tech was working on the ship.
You turned your head upward, wanting a kiss, which Tech happily gave. It was clear you two were pent up however as the chaste kiss soon turned heated, tongues battling for dominance. You were quick to straddle your beau’s waist, slowly grinding down on his crotch. Tech let out a groan of lust at your ministrations, wanting more. He went to push his goggles up over his head but you stopped him.
“Keep them on,” you whispered in his ear. “I want you to see me clearly.” You ground down harder, making Tech cry out in pleasure. “Plus I like you with your goggles on.”
Tech nodded quickly. “Of course mesh’la! Whatever you’d like tonight, it’s yours!” His hand came to your chest, gently palming your sensitive breasts. He wasted no time in gently pulling at the buttons, wanting to see more.
It was a beautiful thing, you thought. That you of all people could make the intelligent clone desperate and inarticulate. It made you swell with pride; giving you the confidence to slowly move off his waist and onto the floor. Unbuckling Tech's belt was a task and a half. You always knew it would be cause dear god that man had ALL the pockets strapped to his waist. Buckle after buckle, you eventually became frustrated enough where you sat back and started pouting.
Tech chuckled, leaning forwards, he took your chin in his hand. "Something wrong, cyare?"
You glared at him and then his pants. "You know damn well what's wrong! YOU HAVE TOO MANY POCKETS!!"
He laughed softly before taking over removing his bottoms. As he removed his jeans he laughed again. "My darling, you must work on your patience. Plus my pockets can hold many things... like remotes to certain toys?"
You gawked, never having considered that. Tech could and probably would make you writhe in constant pleasure while no one would be wise to the situation. The mere idea made you feel your undies become soaked. This was definitely something you’d have to discuss later. Who would’ve known that Tech would be kinky! You loved it and absolutely wanted to explore more scenarios with your love. But right now...
“Just help me undress you, smart-ass!”
Tech laughed before continuing to remove his clothing for you. He knew you had patience but the more desperate you became, the less patience you’d be. He pulled you back up onto his waist, bringing you in for another passionate kiss. Your frustration at his clothing disappearing into his soft lips.
You pulled away and knelt back onto the floor, pulling his cock out of its confines. Your mouth started to water, the tip glistening with pre cum. You gave an experimental lick from the base to the frenulum. You heard Tech suck in a breath, gaining courage to take all of him in your mouth. Eventually finding a rhythm, you bobbed your head, making sure to pay attention to his tip. Tech was gasping, the feeling of your warm mouth overwhelming him. His hands found purchase at the back of your head, gripping your hair at its roots. The slight pressure on your scalp caused you to release a low moan, sending vibrations down Tech’s cock.
“Kark cyare! You’re perfect! It's like your mouth was made for me!”
You smiled, giving him a little suck at his tip as a thank you. You felt him start to buck into your mouth and you knew he was getting close.
“Mesh’la, please! If you keep going like that I’m going to cum. I’d rather do that inside you!” he whimpered.
You pulled off with a pop, smiling gently up at him. “Of course my love. Anything you’d like.”
Now it was your turn to completely undress. Tech had already taken care of your top, leaving you in your bra and pants. You wanted to tease him so you slinked away from your love’s lap, standing before him. You started to sway your hips in a figure 8 motion while feeling yourself up and down. You smirked when you saw Tech lean back and palm himself, obviously liking what he was seeing. Reaching back, you unclipped your bra, letting it fall off your shoulders. You chuckled a little at Tech’s expression.
His mouth was pressed into a line, and he was looking up at you desperate for you to do something other than dance. He wanted, no NEEDED, you to touch him. He was stiff, trying not to melt into a puddle of submission to your will. While he loved when you took charge, he really wanted to be in control tonight.
You shimmied out of your pants, pulling your underwear with them. Straddling Tech’s waist again, you started suckling at his neck again, leaving as many marks as possible.
“Darling, as much as I love this, I think we need to move to the bedroom. I would hate for someone to catch us in a state of undress,” Tech panted. He stood, gripping your thighs to keep you where you were. You squealed at the sudden change of position, wrapping your legs tighter round his waist.
“I couldn’t agree more, my love.”
He gently place you on the bed, hovering over your body. His kisses made you breathless but you couldn't muster a care. His lips were too soft, too sweet. Oxygen was overrated anyway, you thought as his lips left yours to trail down your neck again. Leaving little hickies and bruises all over, Tech continued his mission lower, kissing over your breasts, your belly, until he reached his destination. Kissing up your thighs, teasing you, he decided to leave more spots, hickies only he would know about and would remind you who you belong to.
"Teeeccchh!" you whined, "Stop teasing!" You bucked your hips towards his face, wanting to feel his mouth on you.
He smirked, pushing his goggles up his nose. "And who am I to deny such a pretty thing?" One lick from your entrance to your clit had you crying out in pleasure and relief. Finally!
He ate you out like a man dying of thirst, suckling your little button like his life depended on it. You were certain you'd lose your voice before the main event at how much Tech had you crying out and moaning.
"Kriff! Kark Tech! How did you get so good at this?" you cried out.
He only answered in a moan against your clit, sending vibrations down your whole lower half. He may not have had much relationship experience but he did read up and research every single erogenous zone a woman of your species could have. Thankfully, humans were quite easy to research as male and females had similar erogenous zones. Tech paid special attention to your vulva and clit, stimulating it in every way possible.
Once he thought you were sufficiently lubricated, he started probing your entrance with one finger, before sinking inside. You screamed, not expecting it but welcoming the intrusion. His fingers were long and reached that perfect spongy spot just inside. Curling his fingers in a come hither, he added a second and eventually a third.
You felt so incredibly full, becoming more and more overstimulated with each pump of Tech's fingers. You were so close, that knot in the pit of your stomach becoming more and more tight. Tech could feel your clenching around his fingers, knowing you were close to your finish.
"Come on cyare. Cum for me. It's okay," he murmured against your clit.
It didn't take too long for you to reach that precipice. You fell over that edge, every muscle in your body freezing as you saw stars behind your eyes. It took you a moment to catch your breath, Tech gently kissing your thighs as you came down from your high.
"Karking hells... that was amazing love!" you moaned out.
Tech crawled back up your body, kissing every piece of skin he could reach. "Don't pass out on me yet cyar'ika. We're not done yet."
You smiled, pulling him in for a kiss. You could taste yourself on your tongue and it made you whimper against him. Tech pulled away and smiled softly as he lined himself with your dripping cunt. Just the feeling of his tip against you made you buck your hips, wanting more.
"You ready darling?"
"Tech, I swear if you don't fuck me, I'll find someone who will!"
Tech laughed, knowing you were all talk. You didn't make yourself suffer through hurt and jealousy just to walk away when he teased. Slowly entering your warm walls, it took every bit of Tech's willpower not to bottom out instantly. You felt so good! So warm, so tight and inviting.
You used your legs to pull Tech deeper, not caring about slow anymore. You needed more! Your movements caused Tech to lose balance and hilt himself inside, making him curse something you never thought you'd hear.
"FUCK darling!! You're going to be the death of me if you keep doing that."
You giggled, rolling your eyes like the brat you were. Tech started to move, slowly in and out, allowing you to become accustomed to his size. You closed your eyes, biting your lip in ecstacy. Thank the Maker for Jango Fett's DNA cause you knew every clone would be well endowed but Tech was genetically enhanced so you knew his intelligence came with other perks as well.
Tech started to move faster, his hips snapping against yours deliciously. His pelvic bone gently hit your clit with every thrust, it did not take very long for your orgasm to approach quickly again. Why did he have to be so good at this? He'd give you so much pleasure you'd be unable to walk. Tech was perfect in every way, shape and form.
Wanting to prolong, you used all your strength to flip Tech over so you'd be on top.
"Taking control are we, cyare?"
In response you ground down, loving the hiss of pleasure he drew. Grinding down gently, you teased him. Tech bucked up into you, letting you know it wasn't fair to tease.
"Darling please! You know I don't last long in this position! The angle in which I enter you is quite possibly the most pleasurable and if i continue at this pace I won't last and be able to give you the pleasure you deserve."
You smiled, loving it when he started to go on a tangent. Knowing this particular one was because of you was delicious to say the least. So, you tortured him a little longer. You continued to ride him, bracing yourself on his chest. Tech's hands flew to your hips, forcing you down even more onto his cock with each thrust. Your nails dug into his skin, leaving little crescent marks on his pecs. You could feel him start to stutter his hips and while you loved the feeling of it, you did not want the fun to end yet. This was the man you loved and you were going to give him whatever he wanted at this point. So you flipped back over, letting him be back on top.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him as close to you as possible. You heart was bursting and you once again felt that little knot becoming tighter and tighter. This time, you did not want to tease. Tech thrusted harder and faster, feeling your cunt pulse and grip him like a vice. His hips stuttered a bit and you both knew neither would last much longer.
"Darling, where?"
You moaned loudly, loving the feelings you had. "Inside me my love! Fill me up with your cum!"
A few thrusts later, you felt warmth spreading through your lower half and felt Tech release inside you. You fell off your precipice, seeing the galaxy behind your eyelids. Muscles tensed and relaxed, riding your orgasm out.
You felt Tech collapse against you, nuzzling into your neck and leaving little kisses. You relaxed your legs from around his waist and he turned you both onto your sides, cuddling into you further.
"You feeling okay?" you rasped, running your fingers through his hair.
"Mmm" he moaned. Tech lifted his head and adjusted his goggles. "More than okay cyare. I'm spent."
You laughed a little at that, feeling the exact same. Tech got out of bed, leaving you a little shiver at the lack of his body heat, but promptly returned with two canteens and a wet cloth. Spreading your legs, he gently wiped away any cum that was left on your skin. He gently encouraged you to go pee because "urination helps with clearing out any disease or sperm that may be left" but you scoffed.
"I'll pee later! Just come cuddle me please? I need a nap after that."
Nodding, Tech crawled back in next to you, wrapping his arms around your form. Snuggling in, you inhaled a breath of his scent, loving the man. You felt your heart rates calm down and slow as you cuddled. You were essentially fucked out and loved Tech for knowing your body so well.
"You're thinking very loudly mesh'la."
You smiled and curled into his chest more. "I'm sorry love. Just thinking about how much I love you."
"I love you too my darling. Now try and get some sleep. I have set tomorrow aside for us and I plan to use it well."
You smiled, blushing hard. You didn't know what Tech had in mind but you were excited for it. A whole uninterrupted day with the man you love? A certain yes please.
You slipped Tech's goggles off his head and set them on the nightstand. No indents for this clone. As you looked over you felt a rush of emotion run through you.
No more waiting you thought. You both had waited long enough to be together. Blast the Empire, the rebellion, the crime lords and everything horrible in the galaxy. You had everything you needed right there next to you.
Hopefully it's what you all hoped for! As always criticism is always welcome as long as its kind and constructive. Thank you for all the love in the last month or so. If anyone wants anymore please feel free to reach out with requests!
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dk-wren · 5 months
Buddy Daddies Week - Ep. 9-12 Rewatch
Hello and welcome to Day 5 of my Buddy Daddies anniversary week! If you read the little end blurb from yesterday's post, let's just say things did not go according to plan and I decided to switch my planned post for today to tomorrow. That means today, I'll be sharing the last batch of thoughts and questions I had while rewatching the final four episodes of the series. And because this was a bit of a last minute switch, I was not able to grab as many images to accompany my notes at the time of posting. I will likely add those in later today or over the next few days. Hope you enjoy!
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This interaction between Kazuki and Rei about Miri and who she gets her grit from is so cute because Kazuki saying she gets it from him paired with Rei’s side-eye (which in this case I interpret as due to disagreement) both convey how they deeply they feel connected to Miri and the father figure roles they’ve taken on for Miri
It’s kinda interesting to me how throughout this episode, at least based on the subtitles, Miri is the one who constantly says how she’s gonna win the gold medal. There are a few lines from Kazuki that sort of support that mentality, telling her she’s sure to win or that’s the spirit after saying she’s gonna get that gold medal, but overall, he generally just tells her to try her best. And I think that’s very sweet how he doesn’t really put that pressure on her and just wants her to do the best while enjoying herself.
Reason #? of why I love Miss Anna - her determination in the tug-o-war game (also gotta love how everyone is impressed/loves her even more for it)
Random bit, but again the sound design for this moment-perfect! I was so confused at first because I heard the crunching noises but in my head, I couldn’t put two and two together as to what would make that noise if Miri is just eating a normal onigiri. Then, it’s revealed why when Miri gets to her rice ball’s filling. Also, judge me all you want, but sound delicious and I will gladly take Kazuki’s judgmental stares and comments
Two other things about Papa Rei’s rice balls: 1) I love how imperfect they are in terms of shape and sizes, at least compared to Kazuki’s other prepared food. It does a good job illustrating how Rei is trying his best and still learning. And 2) I love how the different shapes/sizes might be due to the different fillings Rei put in, which of course would be revealed a few moments later, suggesting that Kazuki gave Rei his own space while he was making them based on his confused reaction
Even though Kazuki questions Rei’s choices in terms of what he put in the rice balls, I like how he puts back on a smile and asks him “See?” after hearing Miri’s enjoyment of them, circling back to Kazuki’s point that Miri would love anything he made for her (+ bonus small Rei smile)
The fact that there is no hesitancy in their actions. Miri takes a few seconds to read and process her scavenger hunt “item,” then immediately goes for Rei. She tells him to come with her, giving zero explanation, and, okay maybe after a beat or two of processing and thinking about it, Rei gets up and follows her. Then, when Miri and Rei come back to Kazuki, she tells them to run and the two exchange a glance and go for it, winning Miri her gold medal.
What a great episode, with such a cute ending of Rei and Kazuki thinking about next year’s Sports Day. Post-credit scene? Nah, don’t know her. This episode also just ends with the credits.
(Okay, pettiness aside, did Ogino take these photos or another member? And has Kyu been stalling? This is most likely a threat, but is it to warn him that he could have some control as to what information gets back to the Boss (or the illusion of that idea)?
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From my first watch of this episode, I always thought/joked in my head, you can literally see the moment Kazuki’s heart breaks when Miri runs to Misaki instead of him. Just another moment which has always stood out to me.
Say it with me…character growth! When Misaki tells Kazuki and Rei that she is here to take back Miri, I can’t help but scream a little in how you can hear and clearly see Rei’s facial expression change at the thought of Miri being taken away
I know there’s a lot of conflicting opinions and views about Misaki, and while I will concede it was incredibly reckless and uncaring for Misaki to send Miri by herself to find her father, I think how Miri reacts to seeing her mother again says a lot about how Misaki outwardly presented/treated Miri. Underneath everything, I do believe Misaki loved Miri, even if just a tiny bit. Was she the best mother, probably not, but did she do the best she could given her situations, probably.
That being said, Misaki asking Miri (based on sub) if she’d rather be with her papas than with her does kinda irk me. The wording already sets up an underlying opinion, or that Miri would rather stay with Kazuki and Rei, which is only half of what Miri feels. Miri responds to Misaki’s question by saying that she loves her mama and papas, disagreeing with Misaki’s underlying question, but also making it known that she loves or wants to be with both of them. (I’m sorry if this is diving way into what I was taught in my rhetoric/writing classes)
Framing, let’s talk about, but not really because I am not knowledgeable enough in that regard, just gotta appreciate how when Misaki tells Rei and Kazuki that she wants to live her life for Miri, she is in frame, asleep on the couch, but right next to Misaki’s head/face. Maybe this is looking too into things (but that’s nothing new for me), but I feel like a connection could be drawn between what the mind wants and what her heart wants. And previously, all shots focus Misaki in the center of the frame, not seeing too much around her. Up until this point, Misaki is talking with the two of them with the knowledge they are in a “dangerous business,” but has yet to reveal this information to them. Before having to outright say it, Misaki is likely trying to convince Rei and Kazuki to agree to return Miri to her care. This is not to say Misaki made up or lied about having lung cancer (I do think she’s telling the truth about that), but in this moment, her mind is leading her more than her heart as she is attempting to remove Miri from this supposedly dangerous situation. Again, I do think Misaki loves Miri and wants to spend time with her, especially if she does not know how long she has to live, but I don’t think in this moment, it is her heart that’s fully leading her
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When Kyutaro tells Rei and Kazuki that they better be willing to face the organization if they want to keep Miri, asking them if that’s what they want to do, Kazuki’s stuttering just comes up as “I…” in sub, which doesn’t give me a lot to work with. I think at this point, Kazuki is uncertain or unsure if he’s truly ready to fight back against the organization for a multitude of reasons. But, if he was about to say “I am,” or he’s ready/willing to take on the organization, I think that would explain a lot about his behavior when entering Suwa Manor in ep. 12 (which pulling from one of my previous post’s, I described as “Kazuki is radiating an abnormal amount of chaotic energy for him”)
Kyutaro’s line, “All this was ever a dream,” I’ve always been interested in what his intention was. Was it purely to convince them? Was he completely serious? I don’t think I have an answer for this, but it’s something that intrigues me
Give me another year and then maybe I’ll be able to put all my thoughts and feelings about the ferris wheel scene into coherent words. One thing I will say though,  something I’ve never thought too hard about before, but during this rewatch it sorta stuck out to me, I feel it is towards the beginning of this scene that Rei fully processes or understands that the decision has been made for them to give Miri up based on his reaction to Kazuki saying “Normal happiness.” Also, whoever chose to have the same song in the background of this scene as in the hydrangea fields in ep. 7, thank you for irreversibly hurting me
As has been pointed out before, the freaking parallels with Kazuki leaving his scarf with the kitten in ep. 1 to leaving his scarf with Miri in this episode, I will be crying in the corner if anyone needs me
Can I just say how much the end credits hurt after watching this episode? Especially the last frame! They’re all chilling, napping on the couch together, what do you mean Kazuki and Rei just gave Miri up? No, they’re all still together!
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Something that I really liked how it was handled was Miri’s perception on her parents. To her, Misaki is her mother and Kazuki and Rei are her fathers. Maybe it is just because she is young, but there are few things that could probably shake that view for Miri. She loves each parent for a specific reason or rather because they are really good at a certain thing. You could call it naive or innocent, but I loved how this then translated into Miri constantly saying she wants to be with her mama and papas whenever the question was posed. For her there was no choosing one over the other.
Hello, high school English really rewired my brain because I am back on my Shakespeare symbolism. First off a random thought: how long were Rei and Shigeki talking that it went from being sunny (okay, maybe it was already sunset) to fully dark outside? And secondly, the fact that Shigeki reveals his hand, or that he will now take care of Rei’s outside ties (i.e. Miri and Kazuki), at night, in the dark, ooooo!
Perhaps because I have my mind wired a certain way while rewatching this time (sorry if this has already been pointed out before), but I find it very intriguing how scenes between Miri and Misaki are paired with scenes between Rei and Shigeki. Both children, Miri and Rei, are more or less reuniting with their parents after some time apart. However, Misaki is there almost comforting Miri, telling her that she’s changed and wants to continue changing to provide a better future and life for Miri. Whereas with Shigeki, he’s there to remind Rei he cannot change and his return to the organization was inevitable. Unlike Misaki and Miri’s scenes, Rei and Shigeki’s reunion is cold, formal, and all business.
Again, perhaps it is just a translation thing, but I can’t get over the implications that come with Shigeki telling Rei he has yet to close up his “affairs.” Sorry gonna let my inner nerd out for a little bit, but based on the definitions from Merriam-Webster, the first definition is “commercial, professional, public, or personal business,” which easily relates to this situation. Based on this definition, we can interpret Shigeki as asking Rei if he tied up his personal business, as in his connections to Kazuki and Miri. Adding a second layer, the second definition is listed as “a procedure, action, or occasion only vaguely specified.” To me, with the keyword of “vaguely” in this second definition, “affairs” in this sense would compliment Shigeki’s clear distaste for Kazuki and the idea of Rei spending time away from the organization and with people he views as “lower” than their family. Likewise, it represents Shigeki’s distance from Rei and how he is only concerned with the end result, or Rei returning “home,” and not what comes in between or what must be done to get to that point. And for the third definition of “affair,” Merriam-Webster states “a romantic or passionate attachment typically of limited duration.” Now, “romantic” can be omitted depending on how you view Kazuki and Rei’s relationship, but the general ideas of a deep, or “passionate,” connection and “limited duration” stick out because under this lens, then Shigeki is literally undermining Rei’s ability to grow or belief that he has changed. “Attachment” goes back to Shigeki’s talk about Rei finding fixations that he must overcome or ignore because of the future he envisions for Rei in terms of taking over the organization. Shigeki believes Rei’s love for Kazuki and Miri is simply that, a fleeting feeling, and not one that was fostered and equally reciprocated. Similarly, in viewing Rei’s relationship with Miri and Kazuki as only temporary, this reflects Shigeki’s certainty that Rei would always come back to the organization. Bottom line I guess is no matter which definition you interpret Shigeki’s use of the word “affairs” at Rei, or in viewing each definition as another layer, it is loaded with his sole goal of making Rei feel like it was inevitable for him to return back to the organization and back to his side as the future heir
Ogino’s reaction to Kazuki yelling “Now, Rei,” conveys a lot of information about Rei’s image and status within the organization. If even a top member like Ogino immediately reacts, without fully knowing if it is a ruse or not, I’d argue tells a lot about the level of skill and efficiency Rei is known to have by other members
It’s a small gesture, but in her dying moments, Misaki telling Miri she’s sorry for being selfish, and then using the back of her finger to touch Miri one last time, a part which is not bloody, I just, ahhh. Forgive me if this is a stretch, but the fact that Misaki is purposefully not getting Miri “dirty” and in her own way, is trying to spare Miri from the darkness of the world or in doing what she can to help keep Miri’s innocence. Let me go scream over in this corner.
The four episodes covered in this post have a lot of really good examples of Rei’s growth over the season. The balcony scene is no different since you have Rei going from asking Kazuki if they can change (from ep. 8), uncertain of the answer himself, to telling Kazuki they can change, already having convinced himself and now needing to convince Kazuki
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I still can’t get over the fact that Rei and Miri both have their own aprons now too! Though I’ve still yet to fully figure out what Rei’s is. For whatever, reason the white coloring makes me think it’s a polar bear on the front, but I don’t know how much sense that would make otherwise. I feel like if Kazuki bought the aprons, it’s likely a cat on Rei’s apron. (And that’s this episodes random thought or detail I’ve spent too much time thinking about)
Another moment that always manages to melt my heart: Miri struggling to put on her boot because she’s grown that much and the rapid succession of Kazuki asking if she forgot anything, Miri saying no, Kazuki asking about her handkerchief, her immediately saying she forgot, then Rei joining Kazuki and Miri with said handkerchief in hand. They’re a family y’all and they sure do operate like one.
Thinking about it now, I kinda wondered why Miri only made Rei make a pinky promise with him. Rei has grown a lot over the series, but between the two, he is still the more reserved and papa. Perhaps, this is why Miri only makes Rei promise since she knows Kazuki will be at the concert no matter what. Based on the translations I had though, when Miri tells them they better be at her concert, especially since her mama, or Misaki, won’t be, Kazuki responds with “We will” while Rei says “We promise.” With Rei explicitly saying “promise,” maybe that’s what leads Miri to make a pinky promise with him, which so clearly affects him for the remainder of the episode
What it’s been, like nine months and I still cannot get over Kazuki and Rei’s entrance and fight in Suwa Manor! Like, I wish I had more to say but I’m just yelling, rooting for them and love seeing them both be badasses
I know it's been pointed out, but man, the fact that Rei’s hair comes down during the kitchen fight as he is about to deliver the final blow to Ogino, with a little help from Kazuki, just shows his progression of who Rei really is, not the Murder Machine, or a living weapon, but Rei Suwa, a person and father
It’s so simple, and yet, and yet! the power that comes with Rei saying goodbye not to his Boss but to his Father, oh my gosh. He is not just walking away from the organization and his position, he is fully walking away from his family cause he’s got a new (and better) one waiting for him, just as he is
Such a small detail, but gotta love how Miri has kept that green teddy bear with her as she’s grown up
Perhaps this is just my imagination, but does teenage Miri’s voice sound different here than the one in Kazuki’s imagination. If so, that’s awesome because Kazuki wouldn’t know how exactly Miri would sound that many years later, and how Miri turned out nothing like Kazuki had feared
These photos! I love it all! I hope Kazuki, Rei, and Miri are all able to continue living peacefully and with each other for a long time!
And that's a wrap on my rewatch!
I had a lot of fun getting to revisit so many of these scenes and letting the more analytical side of my brain take-over. I know these were long posts, so I really mean it when I say I appreciate your time and support! Also, I originally wrote down all my thoughts on a doc, which is currently sitting at just over 9k words and 16 pages. So, I did try my best to condense what made it onto each post (let me know if you want me to post the full version for any of the eps). I've still got two more days of content planned, which I'm really looking forward to sharing! Unfortunately, school is about to start up for me again, so it might be a little bit of radio silence afterwards.
Thank you again for all your support and joining me on my rewatch!
-Dakota Wren
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thathartleykat · 6 months
A very lengthy letter before the series' departure.
Hey, everyone, Hartley here.
By June of 2023, it would be my 4th year in the Hilda community, and i'm still in disbelief that i've been active in the community for this long, as well as the animated series is coming to an end tomorrow.
I have been wanting to post this since then, but i've been extremely busy in my life, as well as my personal computer was broken for almost an entire year - hence why my activity in the community also got died down a little bit.
I have a lot of things to say to everyone, from people in the community to the people who worked on the show, as well as the past, present and future, so for the convenience of your reading, i'll divide what i want to say into chapters.
I. About me & how i got into the show ( Trigger warning: Deaths ) I've rarely talked about this to anyone, but... I live by myself, and there's a good chance i might not be around for much longer. It's sort of the reason why i got into Hilda from the first place.
I first found out about Hilda in October 2018 when i was browsing on Tumblr, but never really watched it until May 2019, when a friend of mine gave me a month free subscription of Netflix. I started to go down the list of things i wanted to watch on the platform, and when it came to Hilda, i never thought i would get fixated on the show. Well, guess where we're at now?
I was stunned by the show's colorful vibes, amazing plot writing and how the show built the characters and mythologies, especially how they portrayed the mentality of the children in the show when the kids interact with each other or with adults.
The one thing that i also extremely adore in the show is the relationship between Hilda and Johanna... because it deeply reminds me of my parents when they were still alive. I had a similar life and relationship with them. Every time i see Hilda and her mum together, it always makes me remember about my former childhood life, how kind my parents were to me, and how i wanted to be the adventurous kid that never disappoints them.
I had a pretty good life until my parents got cancer when i was 11 years old - the same age with Hilda in first & possibly second season. Things got worse since then, and they passed away a few years after that.
Now i'm pretty much alone, with a good chance that i might follow them, so if i ever just disappear without telling anything, well... at least i had a good run, i never thought i'd make it this far anyway.
The show had made a significant change on my life, as well as some of my future decisions and helped me through hard times.
It would be an understatement to say this series meant a lot for me.
Because of this, and the feeling of the show doesn't get enough attention that it deserves, i've been dedicating myself for the last few years to help the show and its community thrive.
II. About the animated series Sometimes, i feel really sad that they couldn't have done more for it. - As someone who lives in Vietnam, it's really sad to see the show lacks Vietnamese subtitles and audio language - despite there being a huge number of Netflix users in the country. Due to this, the series basically got hidden from anyone who's watching with their Netflix's interface language set to Vietnamese, which makes the show really hard to be recommended to anyone here. At the same time, many other animated series on the platform have either or both of those. - A lot of merchandise of the franchise has either never saw the day or short-lived. Hilda's GUND plushies only lived for 1.5 years, and by my count, there were 3 Hilda board games that got reported to the news, but never got released. - Hilda video games. The only official Hilda game we ever got was Hilda Creatures, and sadly, the company that made the game went defunct in April 2022, dragging Hilda Creatures along with it. - Netflix. Batch releasing the show and giving it the bare minimum marketing. The same thing happened with Jojo and we all know what happened to its hype. - The mishandling of social media pages, which led to Hilda's Facebook page got hacked for an entire month during May 2023, as well as a lack of interaction posts after season 1 to keep the community up.
I really wish the show got better treatment in a lot of stuff, but at the same time, i'm grateful for the crew's work to get the series this far. One of the directors at one point confirmed that the show got pitched to various networks like Cartoon Network, Disney, Children BBC, Nick... and no one accepted the show until Netflix came along. If Netflix never took the show in, or if it was another network that got it ( which i suspect it'd change the direction of the show by a lot ), where would we be now...?
Though the show will definitely not be reminded by Netflix every now and then as other networks do, but at least it is going out with a bang. Really wish the show would become a sleeper hit at some point in the future.
III. About the community Genuinely, it's one of the most amazing communities i've ever been in. People who are younger, same age, or even parents who are much older than me... I had amazing experiences with all of them. I've made many friends from here, which sometimes makes me wish our community would stay the same like this forever after the series ends.
Honestly, i don't know what else i could say about everyone, other than thanking you guys for making my days within the community, as well as your efforts in making it an amazing place for me and everyone else to stay in.
IV. About the future Well, i've been thinking about it quite a lot.
After the animated series ends, i'll try my best to continue sticking around in the community and do a lot more stuff for it. The franchise will still seem to continue for at least some more time, with the upcoming release of the new prequel Hilda comic series, "Hilda and Twig".
I'd be selfish for saying this, but if the current state of animations improves in the future... I'd want to see Hilda's world return as animation at some point - either following the same blue-haired girl that we all know and love, or just a spin-off from an entirely different character. It's hard to imagine how the worldbuilding we've seen in the last 12 years, where "there's so much we've never seen, so much we don't know" and "there's mystery everywhere you look" would potentially disappear after this... I really hope i would see it again, as well as be around long enough to see it.
As of now, this chapter is about to come to an end. So before it does, i want to say thanks to everyone who has been involved in this show.
Thank you Luke Pearson, the people who made Hilda the series possible, and especially - you. Whether you worked on it or are just simply a fan of the show, you have my sincere gratitude for all the great things that happened to the series in the last 4 years.
This is Hartley, and i hope everyone enjoys Season 3.
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100dayproductivity · 4 months
I am sooo tired today. Anyone else? 🙋‍♀️ One thing I am noticing about myself is that my energy comes in ebbs and flows. Or maybe it's fits and spurts? 🤔 I can have a really energized, productive couple of days, then I crash. And I'm always trying to fight this/feel guilty about it. Maybe it's time to allow myself to go with my own flow instead of fighting against it all the time.
So today is a crash day. Feeling burnt out. I've wasted a lot of time today, playing games on my phone on the couch. But sort of feeling bored with doing nothing as well. So I thought I might as well update Tumblr on my venture into bullet journaling.
It's only been a few days but going well so far. I've been writing absolutely every little task, and sub-task, that pops into my head. Has really helped me keep on track. I'm finding that I feel a little more relaxed when I jot something down because I know that as long as I keep referring to my list, I won't forget anything I was going to do. It could be something as simple as not forgetting that there are wet clothes in the wash that need to be put in the dryer. Or that I need to remember to pick up some milk on my way back from the post office. Jotting it down seems to free up some mental energy I would normally use to keep these little tasks in the back of my mind while doing larger tasks. It's also been helping me be more efficient. A few times I've noticed that while looking over my to-do list, I've been able to batch tasks together to save time and energy.
Right now I'm not feeling too anxious about doing nothing because I know what's on my list and there isn't anything on it that I can't do tomorrow. And, knowing me, after a crash like this, I will feel energized and productive again (eventually).
So, about the bullet journaling specifically: I'm starting with the bare bones, basic "core" layouts as per the Ryder Carol original bullet journal. Index, Future Log, Monthly, Weekly, Daily. No art, no fancy layouts, no frills. I added a reading log right away, as I'm currently trying to meet reading goals every night. And I just added a lights out/wake up log a couple of nights ago.
I know that you are supposed to customize your journal to your own needs, and I'm already thinking about some changes. I've already started doing a "rolling daily log" instead of migrating unfinished tasks every day. I just scratch out yesterday's date and put today's. If some unfinished tasks get left behind too many pages back, I'll migrate them then.
I'm also thinking about maybe dividing the daily log into three sections horizontally per page. As a task pops into my head, I'll jot it down in one of the three sections based on: a) priority and b) time of day. For instance, the other day I needed to remember that a neighbour was dropping by in the evening to discuss something and I had to remember to give her back her key then. It was jotted down halfway up the page, and there were a bunch of tasks that I jotted down, and completed, after it. With the three sections method, I would have instead jotted it down further down the page in the third section. That way, it wouldn't have gotten lost in the weeds of all the tasks I completed earlier in the day. I think this will just help me visually keep a rolling list of tasks that mostly get completed from top to bottom. As well, some tasks can only be done at certain times of day (i.e. during regular business hours). So if, for instance, there's something that doesn't really matter when it gets done but, when it does, it should preferably be in the morning, I'd always jot that down in the first section of the daily log. If I miss doing it, I migrate it over to the next morning's section. I'm thinking there's probably other ways I can divide the daily log page as well, like a section for kitchen chores, a section for online chores and a section for errands. That would help me batch tasks together. But I'm sure a logical setup will shake itself out as I continue using the journal.
Something I've learned about the bullet journal community: I've been watching YouTube videos for "beginner bullet journaling" and I'm beginning to understand that some people spend a lot of time making their bullet journals pretty. Like, maybe too much time. Like, maybe to the point where they quit bullet journaling because it takes too much time. Or, they don't even get started in the first place because all they see are these beautiful, trending journals and they have a panic attack before even cracking open their shiny, new, $125-dollar, leather-bound, gold-embossed, hand-made organic paper harvested on a new moon notebook. That seems like such a shame. I think we need a counter-trend: mediocre bullet journaling. I'll start. Here are the daily log pages (circled in blue) of my mediocre bullet journal. It's been about 5 days and I have three full pages of bullets already! The first two pages of bullets mostly have a lovely x beside them 👍💪
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It'll be fun to look back on this and see what changes I make to the layout as I get further along in the practice.
P.S. My cataract surgery was cancelled!! Rescheduled for next week 😮‍💨 I think this is mainly why I'm feeling burnt out. I spent a lot of mental energy preparing for this last week, and now the adrenaline is gone.
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