lunaa007 · 1 year
Astrology observations #2
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This is for fun, they are just my personal observations :)
♦️ Capricorn Venus might be attracted to people with good social status like doctors/lawyers, social success might be a turn-on for them. They value stability and financial success.
♦️Virgo venus is the venus sign most likely to have cosmetic procedures done as they project their perfectionism on their appearance and aesthetic. They want to (and often do) look perfect.
♦️Mars in 1st house might come across as agressive or intimidating. They might not look very approachable. They could have a strong body and look athletic regardless of their exercise routine.
♦️Mars in scorpio: I know only two people in my close circle with this placement and they both have dark circles under their eyes. Even when they are not tired. It gives them a penetrating and intense look.
♦️Sun conjunct/square Saturn natives might have a harder time expressing their core personality in the first years of their life. They might feel restricted in their self-expression and might show their sun sign only with people they truly feel comfortable with.
♦️Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Mercury can easily express their emotions and feelings. Especially by writing, they find the perfect words to express how they feel. They could write amazing love letters ❤️
♦️Mars conjunct/square/opposite Uranus often love speed. These aspects are very common in Formula 1 drivers and motoGP racers. These people love to take risks and live for the adrenaline. However they also must be careful when driving as they can be too impulsive. But they usually have excellent reflexes (conjunct especially). The square and the opposition might be more clumsy and often hit themselves against furniture and stuff like that.
♦️The people I know who ride motorcycles all have Mars-Uranus aspects, but more tense aspects. A lot of them also have a Mars-Pluto aspects, but more harmonious ones.
♦️Sun-Uranus positive aspects (conjunct, trine, sextile, quintile) have the gift of not caring what other people think about them. They could easily express their individuality and follow their own path, not caring about following a socially accepted one.
♦️Chiron in the 4th house might have had a chaotic childhood. Their family might trigger trauma responses in them. They might have to do inner work on accepting where they come from and might help other people with troubled families.
♦️Sun or venus in the 5th house might be interested in polyamory or open relationships. They might love the thrill of romance and flings and might not want to give that up for one person.
♦️ Aries on the 3rd house cusp might be very impulsive drivers, not respect speed limits and have aggressive interactions with other drivers on the road.
♦️Sagittarius + Scorpio placements can be very contradictory in relationships. They might not want to commit to one person and keep their freedom but at the same time they could be obsessive and jealous in love, wanting the other one to only have eyes for them.
♦️Neptune in the 1st house might receive a lot of projections from other people. This is a common placement for celebrities as their fans can see in that person whatever they want to see, regardless of who that person really is. Neptune puts a filter, a blur in the house it sits and the 1st house rules the appearance among other things. This also gives an ethereal look, they are often considered beautiful. They could be very photogenic as Neptune rules images and mirrors.
♦️Jupiter in the 8th house people might receive inheritances during their life, and they might also marry rich. They might have a huge interest in psychology and taboo topics.
♦️North node opposite MC people might find that their direction of growth in this life is to not prioritise their work and career over their home/personal life but to find a balance. They might have an easier time focusing on their career but paying less attention to their family.
♦️Pluto in the 1st house might like having piercings and tattoos. They might do these to mark new beginnings in their life.
♦️Moon in the 11th house might rely on their friend group for their emotional balance, their social life can be highly important for them.
♦️Pluto conjunct MC people: please never do illegal things and immoral things because your deepest secrets/wrongdoings will be revealed for everyone to see. Pluto represents what is hidden, our underworld, and the MC is the highest point in our chart, the first part of us that the public sees. This might also mean that if you have an affair it will become public.
♦️I noticed a lot of Aquarius risings go through a hard time with their hair before learning to love it and treat it in the right way.
Thank you for reading ❤️
© lunaa007
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xeeroo08 · 1 year
Astro Observations 《1》
Disclaimer : I am not a professional astrologer. This post is only for fun and it is solely based on my observations and experiences. So, please take it with a grain of salt.
♠️ Taurus Mars 🤝 Anger issues. It's either a disaster or unhealthy suppression. No in between.
♠️ Mars-Neptune placements have some wide imagination when it comes to steamy stuff. It be going on in their heads 24/7! Also they might get frequent wet dreams. Infact on a side note they are quite looking forward to it when they go to sleep.
♣️ Mars in 4th house went through a lot of family trauma in childhood. It could be anything like daily arguments, abusive household, domestic violence etc.
♠️ Sagittarius venus and their frequent crushes. If influenced by Scorpio could be secretive as hell.
♠️ Jupiter–Saturn negatively aspected could indicate a hard academic life in the beginning but once you work on it, you will succeed with flying colors. My friend has her jupiter squaring saturn and she was always at the bottom in her class. But once she decided to put her mind into it, she became one of the toppers in our school.
♣️ Venus at 0° has no idea where to began with love. They want it but are clueless about what they actually want.
♠️ Sagittarius people love freedom. Speaking from personal experience, you don't want to tie them down by any means. Like Sagittarius moon hates being emotionally tied down by some melodrama. Don't even think about manipulating them they will run away know right away. Sagittarius venus hates being controlled in a relationship.
♣️ Virgo sun might tease their partner now and then after their night together just to see their reaction. You better blush🔪
♣️ Someone mentioned in their post that having jupiter in 2nd house in solar return chart could indicate buying a lot of books. It's true! I had it last year in my chart and omg I bought so many books in one year! Also I never faced any shortage of money that year so later when I calculated the expense, I was surprised. It's also funny because whenever I felt like, okay I want this book, in the next few days I would have it in my hands by some means. I was obsessed with books. Let it be study material or novels. I still have many novels that I bought last year but haven't read yet. Lol no regrets tho, I love books 📚
♠️ Moon conjuct pluto 🤝 love-hate relationship with their mothers. It's like— I can't live without you. The next moment—but if I die it will be only because of you. And it goes both the ways. I have this and trust me it hurts on a subconscious level.
♣️ Asteroid Actor conjuct moon could mean that when you act, you act flawlessly. No one could tell if you are acting or not. Emotions are always on point. It comes very natural to these people. If underdeveloped, could make sly manipulators, like a wolf under sheep's skin.
♠️ Scorpio MC people always have a strict control over their public image. They are not said to be mysterious just like that. You might think you have them figured out but there is always something going on in their lives which is unknown to the public. And if they don't want you to know about it, you will never know either.
♣️ Pluto in 11th house/Sagittarius/Aquarius could mean that you might have a wide variety of friends all over the world, through online or even through mutuals. But for some of you these people just come along and go. Or maybe you are the one who gets distant for some reason. They still remain good friends though, it's just that the sudden closure is gone. Plus they don't reveal every single secret to their friends. They know later it won't matter.
♣️ Venus conjuct/ Sextile/trine Mercury gives a very pleasant voice. These people should try applying in music industry.
♠️ Asteroid Skip in natal chart could indicate what all things you missed or neglected in your life. For example, in 6th house you could have neglected your health a lot to the point later it backfired. Or in Capricorn it could indicate that you skipped working.
♣️ Jupiter–AC people are very sharp minded. Especially if it's conjuction. They know how to turn the situation in their favour. They are also very versatile in nature, which makes them very well liked by people. Basically the All rounder placement.
♠️ Asteroid Scientia positively aspecting Jupiter/Sun/moon could mean you work good in science fields. Whereas if it's negatively aspected you might face a little difficulty in dealing with science majors and need more effors to put in. I have jupiter square scientia and I know exactly what I am talking about.
♣️ Asteroid Academia in 11th house/Aquarius could indicate changing many schools, colleges throughout your life or living in a hostel.
♠️ Aries risings are the most restless beings alive. They can't sit still for two minutes to save their lives! These people are very competitive when it comes to athletics, as for academics, they are okay with being average. Two of the people that I know who have this rising sign won gold medals during their school lives in sports competitions.
♣️ Mars conjuct MC or Mars in 10th house people are very dedicated and driven when it comes to their profession. They pursue their career with full potential.
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punksocks · 10 months
Astrology Observations: No.20
*just based on my opinions, only take what resonates
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I feel like 2nd house overlays can make you overly forgiving towards the person with planets in your 2nd house. It’s a Venusian house and that can bring a sort of desire to see the best in that person (7th can have this effect to a lesser degree imo bc Libra is focused on balance, so there’s affection there but it’s less likely to skew into being overly forgiving)
Chiron in the first can be a very beautiful person when they’ve really healed their wounds. A person who has a sort of glow from their inner light.
Earth moons in general like to receive and give gifts and Capricorn moons tend to be hyper fixated on giving the right gifts to the people they’re close to
5th house Venus could make you more creative in a relationship
7th house venus/Taurus/Libra definitely creates more in a healthy relationship
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Mars conjunct MC could mean being known for a career in violence, like martial artist or action star
Lilith MC could mean success in a taboo career, like s*x work or just some alternative field (I’m a tattoo artist :0)
People with planets conjunct your south node are definitely tied to your past life and may be destined to do certain actions towards/with you
North Node overlays can also be tied to past life but they’re usually here to make sure you grow in some capacity/move towards your destiny.
Your Venus sign could show the most beloved features of your body (Sagittarius Venus- a lot of people may notice your legs, Libra Venus- a lot of people may notice your butt, Virgo Venus- a lot of people may notice your hands, etc)
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Moon conjunct Jupiter could make you very empathetic, could also make people see your emotions as big whenever you express them
Imo Virgo shows where you are a minimalist (Virgo Asc usually has a minimalist approach to fashion/accessories/tattoos/etc, Virgo Venus or Virgo in 11th could point to having a circle of only a few friends, Virgo in 4th could show a minimally decorated home, etc)
Aries risings tend to have big heads/foreheads or their heads are the first things people notice about them (my mom used to get called tweety bird bc she had a big head and a little body which was mean, but so is she so…..)
Pisces moons tend have this look like they could cry at any time (like their eyes always look wet and sad if that makes sense lol)
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Wherever Pluto aspects (trine, Sextile) your personal planets shows where you can be the most transformative (or obsessive/possessive lowkey, especially for harsh aspects like square/oppositions— conjunct feels the intensity of both). Moon can show that your emotions push you to transform, Venus is this for your personal/romantic relationships, Saturn is how you use the lessons it teaches and how it affects your self discipline, etc
Leo in 6th could point to dealing with performance anxiety
Cancer in 8th could point to trauma around family (Scorpio over 4th could point to this too)
Gemini in 8th could point to trauma with neighbors/siblings/cousins/the education system or communication in general (Scorpio over 3rd could point to this too)
Sagittarius in 8th can point to having religious trauma or having intense/taboo experience with religion (Scorpio over 9th could point to this too)
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Capricorn can show where you start to lose yourself and can’t go through with when your stressed (I have Capricorn in 3rd and I literally lose my voice when I internalize stress, it’ll start cracking so fast it’s spooky. Capricorn in 5th could mean you absolutely cannot relax when your stressed. In 6th your health starts to act up immediately and you catch colds. In 1st you may have issues with your skin/breakouts when you’re stressed out.)
Mercury in 12th could stay up all night overthinking or experiencing intrusive thoughts
Virgo moons that oversimplify are underdeveloped
The mother of a Capricorn moon views love as super transactional (like if you don’t give them a hug you don’t love them, instead of the child being a person who deserves their own autonomy)(I was watching Beef and I got frickin triggered when Ali Wong’s character said her daughter was “supposed to love her forever” but wouldn’t give her a hug when Ali wanted her to, so she thought her daughter’s love was conditional— I was like holy sh*t I’ve heard that before!! Lol Saturn moon gang lol)
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astrologythingzzz · 1 year
Astrology observations Number 2 💜
I'm soo happy, this is already my second post! 🥺
These are my personal observations, they aren't meant to hurt anyone. Take what resonates!
Mercury in the tenth/ mercury conjunct mc is a law placement
Do all virgo sun/moon/rising women nag about everything when they're tired/ stressed? I feel like they are also really bad know-it-alls sometimes
They are also the ones to point out how much you're eating. "Do you really want to eat all of that?" YES! I feel like their parents were very strict or criticising in their childhood! 🥺 I love you guys, but please stop. This isn't healthy for you and neither for me
Virgo and pisces paired in a birth chart is an indicator of working in the medical/ health field
They are amazing at caring for other people and their virgo makes them detail oriented which helps them at university
Pisces mc's are sooo creative! They love showing or even showcasing their creativity on social media
They could also have a really nice aesthetic on social media, they are the ones to post only aesthetic stuff
Ic / moon in Virgo. Their parents prioritised books and wisdom in their childhood. Could have spent many days in libraries or with many books around in general!
Sagittarius moons/ dominants or 9th house dominants excel at university. They are known for their success and good grades, especially in law or politics
Leo suns can be very insecure. I don't understand why, because they're so creative and generous, but somehow they are.
Please embrace yourselves more leo suns! You are great!!
Also, aquarius paired with aries or sagittarius in a birth chart is a massive law indicator. Even Aquarius sun in the 11th or 9th house is.
Jupiter conjunct sun individuals are just beaming individuals. They are popular, well liked and really lively. They love adventures and travelling.
Sagittarius Venus / moon women love horseback riding. They love horses! Of course this can apply to other sag placements, but I noticed these two the most!
Virgo risings are ethereal. Gosh I love their beauty
Venus conjunct neptune hide their romantic feelings. They are literally drawing hearts all over the room while being too shy to actually speak to the person they're in love with.
Definition of falling in love with a version of someone who doesn't even exist. 🥺
These are all that came into my mind. Hope you liked it and resonated!
Until soon, love you, byee💜
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circesastro · 21 days
Hey love,
What are placements or aspects in your natal chart that can make you a legend or myth in your field or life in general?
Love your posts💕
Hello love! 💕 Thank you for the interesting question, I haven't done much research on this yet. However, upon my previous research, I think if you were asking more about people who are considered legends in their fields, I see:
Jupiter/Sag in 10th House (Micheal Jackson has Sag MC, Beyonce has Sag Degree on her MC)
Saturn influence (Micheal Jackson has Saturn conjunct MC, Elvis Presley is a cap stellium, BTS's Taehyung also have cap stellium, MLK is a Cap Sun+ MC, Jungkook is a cap rising, and PSY also have cap sun+venus)
Mars in 10th (Beyonce and Jungkook from BTS and Angelina Jolie all have Mars in 10th)
Cancer/Moon influence tend to be more memorable too (Again, Beyonce has cancer MC and Taylor Swift)
Sun-MC influence (MLK has Sun conjunct MC)
What do you all think? This is just what I've observed previously, feel free to add more!
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 2
more observations today for ya? this time both signs and aspects. 🦊 
Should I call it the Aquarius post? 🤔 I mentioned Aquarius too many times, sorry I relate too hard, bear with me. 
Highlights: aquarius, MC, IC, sun, virgo, capricorn, gemini, sagittarius, jupiter, mercury, moon, scorpio, aries, uranus
🦋 Aquarius placements especially sun, moon, mercury, mars, MC and ascendant are PROS at ignoring your texts until they want to answer. It's like they either consciously ignore your text to rebel against what others expect them to do and do exactly what they want at that time, or unconsciously rebel in the same way desiring complete "freedom". My bestie is aquarius sun and I'm aquarius MC, we answer each other's texts days or weeks later and are okay with it 💀 oh, the answer is also too irrelevant it makes you want to throw your phone at a wall yay 😻
🦋 Fire moon + fire/air mars and anger issues 🤝
🦋 Virgo moons, you had a critical mom or parental figure, you internalized her voice, you criticize without knowing. Your words can make someone self conscious even if you think it's innocent judgment 🥺 Your words can also make some's day because you are trusted! (applies to gemini moons and mercury too). Don’t take it for granted. Until you know how to use your judgment for good, with balance and kindness you become the warmest most looked up to friend.
🦋 Capricorn moons are such complex individuals, their trauma is unique to them, they can endure and have endured a LOT. They are extremely caring or deadly careless no in between. Keeping it professional is what they're good at. Each one I met is so much different than the other, they have similar but different stories, but they all have this grounded energy that can make them even seem heavy energetically. Once evolved, they can be the wisest people to talk to.
🦋 Aquarius MC individuals might have been too emotionally attached to their family at a young age, especially their mom (with leo 4th). They had so much passion and love for their mom and realized it wasn't equally reciprocated, they were manipulated (hits home). They also might have been jealous and needed the love and attention all on them, but they dgaf anymore. 😎 At a certain age, their family broke their trust and they became completely detached. They learned to be emotionally secure and set strong boundaries with people which shocked everyone. They stopped giving energy to their family or anyone else. They ran out of f*cks to give so soon.
🦋 Aquarius MC/IC they were and always will be seen as weird and different from their family and everyone else (hell I'm seen as controversial and questionable even when I sit still and do nothing). love that.
🦋 Also if you have Aquarius MC, IC or Ascendant check when saturn transits 4th or 10th or aspects the nodes/mc. This indicates the end of karmic cycles with your family related to your self concept and self expression. You will have a chance to break cycles and be more individualistic. It may be painful but hold on. 🥺
🦋 Gemini and Virgo ascendants can be introverted or extroverted, mostly introverted, unless they have planets in the 1st, much air or fire energy. They always have a way with words tho no matter what, and they always are nervous, their minds never shut down, they keep thinking and rethinking lol. These individuals break social norms, research and discuss topics much more profoundly than what has been done before. They have topics to talk about that were forgotten or not discussed enough.
🦋 Sagittarius moons and placements, feeling the need to laugh at the wrong, very wrong time. LOUD laughs . Laughs that make others stare with a look of concern. Making jokes when it's time to get serious. Repeating jokes as it gets more serious. Making more jokes when someone tells them to stop. Laughs at people not laughing at their jokes. Laughs at their own joke before they say it. plz I admire. 
🦋 Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Scorpio mercuries intrigue me the most, they got something impressive about them, the way they talk and their words are powerful, can equally be destructive and toxic. People can take them the wrong way. What they have to say should be heard period. Watch your speech if you have these signs, you don’t want to hurt people or yourself.
🦋 Now I don’t like to talk about how Scorpio and Aries mars are seen as "sexy" because it's been said trillions of times (even tho I like to read them because I'm a scorpio mars 💀). But hear me out, the most prominent thing about all scorpio mars individuals is that they like to move in complete silence, like they don't exist, like you will never catch them. Every decision they take in life is private, because that's the only way they can shock you with their big success and revenge on all people that didn't believe in them. They want to keep you guessing and never give you answers but will show actions and accomplishments only. Their biggest dream is to come out on top once everyone has forgotten about them (or not), but to see your jaw droppin is their wet dream loool.  
🦋 Mercury conjunct Uranus? and all aspects for that matter, but especially the conjunction. You cannot convince me that these individuals are not geniuses, no matter how dumb they act. Take care of your mind, it's something special gorg. Also your voice must be so unique, it stays on someone's mind and is so vivid when they think of you. 
🦋 Mercury conjunct Jupiter, the philosopher. You just like to talk about abstract and broad topics. Spiritualist at heart, rational to deny it often tho. You have sooo many interests it's insane. You are the jack of all trades. People expect you to know things? You come off as a know it all, even if you don't mean it (yea I have it I relate). You have lessons to learn and teach those around you especially about their concept of life and beliefs. Any compliment you give can mean a lot to people. Your positivity is infectious. 
🦋 Mercury aspecting Jupiter, especially conjunctions can give a lot of optimism, this applies to neptune positively aspecting chiron as well. I see it in charts of people that have heavy saturn, pluto or chiron energy, to balance the darkness, their ability to think positively is healing to them and others because likely other things are destroying them in life and they already have many wounds. Your optimism is not an illusion, it's a gift from the universe. Life gets better as you spiritually evolve. 
🦋 Moon opposite/square mercury, such a hard aspect. A constant mental and emotional conflict. You don't know whether to trust your thoughts or emotions. You don't know when you're trusting either. There is a direct and strong influence of thoughts on emotions. Now that means your thought can hurt you or elevate you so be careful. Especially at a young age your thoughts and others' thoughts have hurt you deeply, as you grow you learn how to balance it out, to not give a f*ck. The good thing about this aspect is that these people pick up on their thought patterns easily and have potential to manipulate their minds to their benefit. Mental health is important to these individuals. Don't let your mind run wild especially in a negative direction. It's also important to surround yourselves with positive people. Music might be important for you to process emotions. 
🦋 Conjunctions are far from being "neutral" aspects imo. They are powerful natural talents and gifts in perspective, confidence, expression and skills. These aspects are always positive, even to challenging planets, if they act negatively then there are likely other challenging aspects to the same planets, the native might have not learned yet how to work with this energy or hasn’t realized their potential. Conjunctions are the highest and strongest potential any two planets can reach. The planets don't become "one", they rather meet eye to eye, acknowledge their qualities fully and work out their differences beautifully which manifests in the form of talents and potential. Yes like all aspects they got their negatives too but their positives enormously surpass the negatives. Conjunctions are highly positive aspects, it's unfair to call them neutral.
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starseed-twenty · 2 years
Mini Astro Notes pt. 4 - Aspects Edition
[Btw, Libra season is making me contemplate if I was a little harsh here or not. 😂 So caution.]
🌌 Planets that aspect your midheaven [conjunction, opposition, trine, or square] can be visible in your interactions with the public. E.g, Venus square MC - your beauty can capture the eyes of the public. Or Uranus opposition MC - you have cool & interesting relationship with the public.
🌌  You are most likely to make the best of friends with people who share the same Sun-Moon aspect as you. E.g, Sun square Moon individuals make the best of friends with other Sun square Moon people. Sun opposite Moon individuals make the best of friends with other Sun opposite Moon people.
🌌  If you have planets that square your Sun, it could mean you contradict yourself a lot when it comes to conveying the traits of that planet. E.g, Sun square Mars - you contradict the way you should show your anger or even move your body (with any physical training/movements). Or Sun square Neptune - you contradict the ways to express your dreams, fantasies and even intuition, so you could be prone to being withdrawn about speaking those stuff, or just question yourself when it comes to your intuition and subconscious.
🌌  Any planets you have that conjunct your ascendant are planets that you feel and how you may want your life to shape up as well. And these are planets that are with you daily. E.g, Pluto conjunct ASC - you could feel power, occultism, and transformation daily, so that can be how you live your life as well, and you could want that kind of life as well (a powerful and transformational one). Or Saturn conjunct ASC - you could feel like maintaining patience, self-control, discipline and responsibility are important to you, and that's pretty how much live life and want your life to shape up; with structure through patience being the story of your life.
🌌  Planets that conjunct or trine your Venus are planets that benefit your relationships for the long run and ones that make relationships an amazing union for you. E.g, Venus conjunct Mercury - communication and expressing your views & opinions are what make a relationship last for you. Or Venus trine Moon - emotional security, receptivity, and being nurturing/nurtured really make you feel loved and give you a sense of stability, which you need.
🌌  If you have planets that square Jupiter, those planets could be planets you either hide or struggle showing off, and so they may be small or just generally don't grow large. (Jupiter rules success, pride and expansion. A square aspect is an aspect of some tension and takes discipline to run smoothly. Having planets that square Jupiter would thus mean it would take time for you take pride in the energy of that planet.) E.g, Venus square Jupiter - you find it hard to show off your love/romantic connections like that. Or Mars square Jupiter - you probably don't like to show off your body like that, and perhaps you have a petite body and could even seem young. The only way this works out is you consciously practicing that pride, until it becomes a norm, then you end up loving the showing off.
🌌  Planets you have that positively your Sun [conjunction, trine, sextile and semisextile] are ones you should use tap into to get to your higher self (the self that's confident and has the ability to reach their goals and live their best life). E.g, Sun conjunct Uranus - tap into your individuality, uniqueness and the changes you want to make in the world to get to your higher self. Or Sun sextile Mars - tap into your willpower, aggression and anger to get your higher self.
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🦄🦄🦄
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Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
Join in our little astrology tea time today!
🦄 Sign and planet over your 10th and your MC shows themes between you and your boss at your workplaces throughout your career. Scorpio MC: you might find your boss postpones a meeting, because of a death. Virgo MC: your boss could cancel a meeting due to needing to help or train someone else or a situation that involves their sibling. Capricorn MC: your boss might not be present at the workplace due to something happening with their parents.
🦄 Speaking further on that note, if you have Virgo MC your boss/teacher/professor/even parents might often reschedule your meeting or gathering.
🦄 I think Capricorn MC supposed to be the leader indication. However, I’ve seen often times they fail this due to inner insecurities or poor self-esteem. They always think they could be a leader, but sometimes even shy away when given the opportunity to lead. Often they feel like previous authority figures let them down in their life, even their parents, so they don’t trust the authority. Hence, never wanting to resemble one.
🦄 Aquarius Jupiter or Jupiter in the 11th house might decide to never marry.
🦄 Here is my personal testament, but from what I experienced all 8th house Moon synastry brought me was pure irritation. I can’t understand how people experience it as deep and soul bonding since in my cases I got constantly irritated, even at the first meeting. Both people stared at me when I least wanted despite being surrounded with other people to the point it got awkward due to such prolonged staring. Each time I was like “go find yourself something to do and stop staring”. I felt as if we were in a stare competition😂😅. And even in later interactions the person, intentionally or not, often found a way to do or say something that would end up in irritation. So I really can’t tolerate this overlay for something long-term. I just think your emotional worlds and how you process emotions are too different.
🦄 Jupiter in the 1st house people really like pilots or people connected with airplanes as inspirational icons. For example they love Amelia Earhart and others.
🦄 Often times, your birthday number already tells you significant things about your major natal chart placements, your dominant sign or what stands out the most in your chart. For example: your are born on the 4th of any month, you might have Cancer Rising, MC or Moon or you are a Moon dominant person. If you are born on the 30th, you have a Gemini MC, Gemini Moon or are Mercury dominant etc.
🦄 The best for investments when it comes to possessions is when Moon is transiting your 8th house. It’s when you find the best deals, offers. For example you have Cancer over the 8th house, look for when the Moon is currently in Cancer.
🦄 Cancer Suns might go for quite boring looking partners (sorry guys) since they much prefer something as natural looking as possible. Unless they are a Leo Venus haha.
🦄 The 7th house planets in the Solar Return chart and even sign over it show with which Sun sign you will hang one on one the most this year! So if you have Moon in the 7th house—> Cancer Suns
🦄 Often Libra Rising feels disconnected from their real identity. It’s like they put a costume on. They dress in a way they think they will be perceived positive, but it usually doesn’t even reflect or match with their true identity (Aries on the 7th house)! This would be the type to dress classy or even preppy, but it’s a true metalhead at their core.
🦄 If you have Cancer over the 8th house or even Moon in the 8th house, but to a lesser extent, you might end up living together with your first sexual partner.
🦄 You know how people that put their planets (not malefics) in your 2nd house usually buy you food or give you money? Well, I think this overlay indicates that they will sooner or later want something in return. But the real givers that will give selflessly and not want anything in return are indicated by your Part of Fortune sign and house. For example: you have Sagittarius Part of Fortune in the 1st house, Sagittarius and Aries Sun people will be like that with you.
🦄 The Rising sign in Solar Return chart indicates major themes of the year that you will be dealing with. For example: Capricorn Rising: issues with authority figures, your father, elderly, on social media. Sagittarius Rising: foreign travel or just travel in general, higher education, expanding your life and new major life experiences. Scorpio Rising: the year of sexual awakening and meeting of your potential future sexual partner. And MC sign shows for what you will be recognized this year.
🦄 I think Aries IC really struggles with becoming the socialite that their Libra MC is meant to be. Because they usually come from humble background, really hard-working people that might not have an office job etc., but were labour workers even or were not used working with many new people or even a team. So often times they are like a scale, one day they despite socialite kind of people and the next day they strive to become one. They also usually had jobs, where they didn’t deal with people or were working with items on their own.
🦄 If you’ve ever been in a long-term relationship with a Virgo or Capricorn Venus consider yourself lucky. Because they really fall in love, like 2-3 times in their life.
🦄 Cancer Mars people literally hold tight to their partners during sex. They might hold tight your hands for example.
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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inthestarsme · 1 year
Astro Observations pt. 6
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These pictures are not mine! Left: "the massivist", right: "kippery" (both in pinterest).
‼️Don't repost my Observations without consent and mentioning my page‼️
I very much respect non-binary or trans people. If i'm talking about man or woman, i'm talking about cis-men or woman i know, because often, due to societal coding/standards, there can be differences depending on the gender. But it could very much apply to you if you are non-binary or trans. Just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, as spiritual people like to say.🫶🏻
If you don't agree with my observations, please don't send any hate. They're only my personal observations that i'm posting just for fun. Especialy the specific ones can only apply to certain people. So don't take anything you read too seriously. It's not a science, just pop-astrology!😎
Hey, i'm back! I've been struggeling with my mental health lately, which is why i didn't really post much. But i've been seeing all your likes and all these new people following me and it makes me very happy to know that people can resonnate with my observations!
I hope you enjoy this one! Let's go!
Jupiter conjunct MC: This is more of a speculation than an observation, but i feel like jupiter conjunct the mc could mean being known by the public for being a husband or being known for being the husband of someone or being known because of your husband? Or for doing something with your husband? I don't think this is the typical interpretation of this placement, but because of jupiter being the archetype of the husband, i feel like this could fit.
Ruler of your Ascendant conjunct your MC or conjunct planets which are conjuct the MC: I have noticed this kind of placement with celebrities who aren't just known for the work they do, but also their personality and their looks. And not a personality you put on as a show, your real personality. This could be the thing that actualy gets you famous, or what you are just best known for. Or just the thing that really pushes your public image and career.
Saturn 3rd house: Your friends could really bring you some trouble i life. For example, Kylie Jenner has this (no further explenation needed i think) and Billie Eilish who talked about loosing close friends to her because they died in tragic ways. So be careful with the friends you choose and alway tell your good friends to stay safe.
Saturn 11th house: This one can also talk about friends but i feel like this is more about not being able to fit into a bigger group or just group of friends. Bullying and being outcasted is a big thing here, while in the 3rd house it's more a one on one problem with friends.
Lilith in the 11th house: Talking about bullying, this is also an indication for that happening. I have this placement and people in bigger groups always had a problem with me because (so i think) they always saw me as too rebellious or out of the norm. Not because i was too sexually expressive (i'm adding this one because this could also have to do with it), but because i just always did things my way, even though i knew it would get me in trouble, and if someone then bullied me or anything like that, i would just be more rebellious as a form of revenge, which in the end didn't help me. I now learned that sometimes it's just better for my own mental sanity and safety to not fight back, even though fighting back is my natural instinct.
Your Ascendant in your partners 7th house or conjunct their descendant (and vice versa): This one is a big indication for the relationship/ marriage being a long term one, even life long. I don't know if i would say this means this is your absolute soulmate (i think for that you would have to add venus or north node into it), but you two probably share a very strong bond and a lot of love for each other, which keeps you together for a long time.
A lot of planets in your 7th house: I've seen this with relatives who's life kind of revolved around their marriage/ life partner or just put a lot of time, energy and focuse into their marriage.
Mars conjunct venus, especially if in the 7th house: If it's well developed, it can mean a lot of passion in love, especialy in the bedroom. But underdeveloped, it can also mean being very aggressive and prone to fighting when in love and in a relationship. So watch out for this one if you're reading your partners chart.
The house of your sun: I kind of talked about this before, but the house your sun is in can really influence how your sun sign expresses itself. So don't just look at the sign of your sun, also look at the house!
North Node conjunct Ascendant: I think one of the biggest soul lessons in your life is finding love and time for yourself instead of just your partner or other people you love. You come into this life with a big focus on the people you love, but you struggle with focusing on yourself and loving yourself. It's not about not caring about your loved ones, but also putting the same love and attention you give to them also to yourself. The south and north node is about balance, not just moving from the south to the north node.
North node in the 5th house: I feel like we always feel the need to be part of a group, and even if we are rebellious and have problems fitting in (i talked about my lilith in the 11th house), we always search for a group where we can finally have a place in. Wanting to be seen as "cool" and "populare" is a big one here. If you are being bullied, you might even try to still fit in, or if not (because you have a lilith placement like i have lol) you just keep on searching for a group to fit in. But the lesson here is to do things for yourself, to find peace in just being by and for yourself, no matter if you fit into group or not. You need to learn to express yourself creatively and just have fun with your own mind and feelings. You might find a group where you can fit in, but you will never find one that fits into your life and your needs, if you don't care about yourself enough already.
This one was a little harder for me, because i was lacking charts of people i know. But i hope you could still resonate with it. I wish you the best and see you next time! Bye! 🫶🏻
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the-defendery-189 · 4 months
Sun - your exterior, the relationship with your father, your career, how you seem to be, how you de with people and society
Moon - how you process your emotions, relationship with your mother, feelings and their sources in your childhood.
Mercury - how you speak, how you think, intellectual ways you talk in and how your brain works.
Venus - Who you're attracted to, how you love, what you want in your life and your love life and relationships. ✨ The vibe you secretly want in your life and go for.
Mars - People that are attracted to you. How you're angry. How you deal with your attention. How you're loud and how you act when you're mad. Your sports opinions and sex drive. Also how you're in relationships. The energy you exclude. Often what people think your sun is, just bigger.
Jupiter - your opinions, strenght, how you grow, your maturity and when youre older. Stress, financial stability, wealth.
Saturn - your decisions, your love life and partner in a status like way, money.
Uranus - Fantasy, creativity, changes, freedom, spirituality
Neptune - Sleep, Imagination, spirituality, intuition, creativity, responsibility
Pluto - Spiritual shit, death, religion, secrets and mystery and dark awakenings and shit. Intuinion, spirits, family trauma.
Rising - how you really are, what you seem and sound like, your persona, temperament, most influence on your appearance and body type and clothes you wear, eyes.
MC - Your job later in your life, what people think of you that know you only from your friends descriptions and never saw you in real life, career life. Vibes.
Lilith - Femininity in you, how women treat you and look at you, inner trauma connected to women, why people envy you and hate you for no reason.
Chiron - Body image, trauma, your earliest childhood life and how it affected you. Injuries and unhealable trauma.
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cursedlegacies · 11 months
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the gorgeous girlies of the green gals dorm // nymeria lee (@gcldensnitch), bryony rose, shreya battersea-parson (@endlessly-cursed), jupiter durand (@cursed-herbalist) have you ever seen four pretty roommates? now you have. they're judging you
yes hpma owns my ass right now, so ofc i ended up drawing bryony's dorm in game. b/c i can~ this was a bit of a mission b/c my art style is transitioning to a more over-painting style - one i've wanted for YEARS but could never figure out how to make it work, but things are finally falling into place with and I'm figuring it out this time??
w/e i'm taking the w and running with it. so yeah there's a lot about this that can be improved upon, but there's also A LOT that i'm super proud of with this.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Hii any recommendation to understand you career ?
a loaded question, haha.
but SURPRISE i recommend persona charts :)!
easily, check out your natal mc and the aspects to its planetary ruler or you can look at your mc chart. but i suggest you look at the planetary ruler persona chart of your 10h as well!
example in my natal chart my mc is in sagittarius - in my natal my jupiter (planetary ruler of my mc - sag) is in 3h! so my career will heavily rely on me talking to others based on the natal alone. my natal jupiter is also opposite venus and pluto, so i might not be the most liked BUT it also trines my uranus and neptune so i will be regarded for my methods of thinking both intellectually and creatively.
in my mc persona all this is reassured:
talking to others: 3h stellium (neptune, venus, and uranus) and 1h mercury.
might not be the most liked: mc in leo (sun conjunct chiron), 11h mars, 1h pluto, and pluto conjunct mercury.
regarded for my methods of thinking both intellectually and creatively: libra 12h, 3h venus, venus conjunct neptune, 8h vertex at 27° , and uranus in aquarius at 17°.
and in my jupiter persona (my natal mc's planetary ruler):
talking to others: 3h mercury at 29°, 3h nn, virgo 6h, and gemini 3h.
might not be the most liked: 7h ruler in the 12h, 8h pluto, chart ruler is mars and conjuncts chiron and opposes mercury and jupiter, and mc ruler is saturn and conjuncts sun but opposes pluto.
regarded for my methods of thinking both intellectually and creatively: 9h ruler in the 2h, 3h gemini mercury at 29°, 6h moon at 28°, 6h vertex at 12° and trine neptune and sun, nn in cancer, 9h part of fortune, 12h venus, and mc ruler trines moon and neptune.
if i were to hazard a guess i would say that i am going to be teaching upper level literature (young children rarely express their dislike for their teachers is the logic behind "upper level").
hope this gets you on the right track to examining your chart!
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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aphrostarot · 1 year
I have a grand trine in my chart with Lilith in pisces in the 10th house (my moon is also in pisces exact conjunct my mc still in the 9th), Venus in Scorpio in the 6th house, and Jupiter in Cancer on the border of my 1st &2nd , falling in my first. I’m not sure what this means for me!! I can’t find much info about it!
Hi! Thank you for your question, I’m not the most knowledgeable about Grand Trines in a chart, but I know a bit about it so, I will do my best to answer your questions.
Grand Trine in Chart:
A Grand Trine occurs in a birth chart when you have three planets that share the same element; fire, earth, water, or air. They also have to be within 120 degrees of each other.
It typically means that some things come easily to you, that you have effortless strengths, talents, and gifts. Now the element it is in can tell you more about what these are.
Water Trine:
People with their grand trine in water typically have a great intuition and are able to tap into their more sensitive side more easily than others. Their ability to tap into their emotions is their biggest strength, they should use them to make decisions in their life because their emotions are typically their intuition giving them messages.
These people are typically very empathetic and oftentimes become the emotional support and comfort person to the people in their lives. This is something that comes naturally to them.
Earth Trine:
People who have an earth trine in their chart typically find establishing consistency and productivity to come easily to them. They are typically very level-headed individuals who can connect to their more logical side fairly easily. They are very grounded individuals who are very loyal and reliable. However, they tend to be a bit stubborn at times.
Fire Trine:
People who have a fire trine in their chart are typically very energetic individuals. They are often very eager to start new projects because they are constantly inspired. They excel at motivating people in their lives, even themselves. Furthermore, they are natural optimists who have a drive and excitement to live life to its fullest.
Air Trine:
People with air trines in their chart are very opinionated. They excel at communicating their thoughts, ideas, and opinions to the world. They would be great writers, speakers, or teachers. Likewise, they love to learn new things, so they are constantly searching for more ways to expand their knowledge. Their brains are constantly moving, the wheels in their brains are constantly spinning.
Pisces Lilith in the 10th house:
Lilith in your birth chart signifies the point in your life where you rebel, where you embrace your darker sides. So, having it in Pisces shows that you rebel through escapist tendencies. You may be ashamed of your fantasies, compassion, and/or neediness. In a sexual way, you may be embarrassed to share your fantasies with people, and you may be ashamed of your desire to be submissive.
You may struggle with drinking, sex, or gambling to escape your fears.
The 10th house tells you more about where in your life these things come into play. So, you may overcompensate in your career to show that you are worthy. You are probably a perfectionist who wants to show everyone that you are the best. You are a hard worker who wants to make a great impact on the world. Likewise, you want to be accepted by the world and may find it hard to choose a career that you enjoy.
This placement gives you power to easily influence others, especially when you bring emotions into it. You should however pay attention to your escapist tendencies and how they affect your public image, because any impulsive action may ruin your reputation.
Lilith Conjunct MC:
It is hard for you to suppress your inner longings in professional settings. Your sexuality, power, and inner feelings fuel your public image. You are fiercely protective of your ambitions. Because Lilith is where you rebel and the 10th house or MC is your public image and career, it is fairly easy for you to rebel against authority figures and the status quo and this helps you succeed in your career. Your sexuality and ability to stay true to yourself will help you gain success and recognition in your career and in society.
Venus in Scorpio in the 6th house:
People with Venus in Scorpio usually have a need for intimacy and power in their relationships. This need for power often manifests as a controlling attitude, however if you work on this you can have a great amount of sharing of energy in your relationships. You may have trust issues especially in your relationships which is where your need for control is manifested. There is a possibility that because you struggle to trust people, you struggle to be intimate in turn. Which is why it may be difficult for you to enter relationships.
With Venus in the sixth house, you may approach relationships from a dependent perspective. On the other hand, the self-analysis, striving for perfection, and humble attitude that are associated with the 6th House can create in you an ability to relate sensitively to others and also to develop a discriminating sense of values, including a more positive appreciation of your self-worth.
If you are an insecure person, you will often find yourself being dominated in relationships. You will take on the more submissive role in most of your relationships and serve your partner's every need. You have a set of expectations when it comes to how you want your relationships to go, and this may make you overly demanding either of yourself or your partners. This will lead you to be in a constant state of dissatisfaction in your relationships.
With Venus in the 6th House, your evaluative faculty is focused on areas involving self-refinement and service. You may have strong preferences with respect to your work environment, health matters, moral or cultural standards, or modes of serving others. You may be a harsh judge of yourself, evaluating your thoughts, motives, and actions critically. These judgments are more likely to be expressed as feelings rather than thoughts, and they may also be projected onto others. Having Venus in the 6th House, the judgments that you make are likely to be influenced by codes and standards, by your work or health environment, and by consideration for the welfare of others.
Jupiter in Cancer in the 1st and 2nd House:
Jupiter in Cancer in the first house can make the native pretty good-looking. They are typically someone with great intelligence, especially emotional intelligence. They are typically good-natured, generous, truthful, charitable, and loyal. Jupiter in Cancer people typically have a great understanding of morals and follow their own moral code very strictly. They are typically great friends who are emotionally attached to these people. People with Jupiter in the second house tend to accumulate a great amount of wealth due to their ability to manage their money and save as well.
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plutosmoonchild · 2 years
astro notes IV
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aqua venus people often are described as being fickle. which I don't think is true, tbh. aquarius is a fixed sign. once they have decided on you as a friend/romantic partner/whatever, they will be loyal and stay for a long time. they need freedom to be, though. like spending time with other people or pursuing their hobbies. actually they often don't mind doing this together with their romantic partners. since quarius is also associated with social circles and friendships, they could really enjoy having you around when doing "their stuff" since they probably will see you not only as their partner but for the most part as their best friend.
gemini venus looooves texting or any way of communication through technical devices like smartphones or laptops etc. I mean, the communication part is obvious (gemini being a sign heavily associated with communication, information, ...). the tech part could be mercury ruling the sign? mercury is, besides uranus, often linked to technology and networks as well.
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you can see SO many patterns in family charts. e.g. a client of mine has a sun venus conjunction in the 9th, her dad has a sun venus conjunction in the 8th. both have jupiter in earth signs in the 10th conjunct the MC as well.
another client, her and her brother both have a venusian mars, which talks a lot about how they have difficulties recognizing and expressing their anger and aggressive sides, since they couldn't really do this in their childhood because of one parent being sick (addiction issues) and one being away a lot - she also has a pisces IC, her brother alledegly has a pisces moon conjunct saturn. like tell me astrology isn't real? lol.
tw child abuse then: a friend of mine and both of her sisters all have mars in the 1st house. they all had to endure some kind of abuse in their childhood. didn't check for asteroids but I could see chiron or dejenera being there as well.
mothers often share the same saturn sign with their children. this is because a lot of women will get pregnant around their saturn return (roughly from age 27 to 30), since this time is usually about maturing and taking life to another level, the next step so to speak. you also kind have to "mature into" your saturn sign. saturn rules time, it takes time to get to know your saturnian site. it's said that with your saturn return you'll start to grow more into it. which could also be a reason why people say that, as your grow older, you tend to become more and more like your parents.
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
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Sun sextile MC
- gives me a sense of leadership
- finding success easily or in a easy way
- I’m seen as confident and determined by others
Sun conjunct Singer
- expressing myself when I sing
- powerful singing talent
Moon sextile Neptune
- Very active imagination
- Intuitive and Spiritual af
- Creative Talent
Moon trine Fama/Enterprise
- feminine nature and features are popularized
- emotional connection to my work/career
Mercury Conjunct Singer
- an indication of great singing talent
Venus trine Jupiter
- charismatic charm
- wide range of creative/musical talent(s)
- being comfortable while still looking glamorous ✨
Venus trine ASC
- graceful, charming and youthful energy
- aesthetically pleasing/ fashionable
- flirty and friendly
Venus conjunct NN
- life path involving beauty and love
- popular person
- physical attractiveness
Mars conjunct MC
- determined and ambitious
- competitive nature
- striving for independence and goal oriented
Jupiter trine North Node
- lucky and optimistic person
- Spiritual and material blessings
- forever expanding my mind
Jupiter sextile Varuna
- natural abundance and luck pertaining to extreme recognition
- more potential to be globally known
MC sextile Singer
- potential career in singing
- known in the public for singing
North Node conjunct Apollo
- naturally shining a standing out
- personal journey/growth involving my talents
- Art becoming an extension of myself
(These last two are more of me guessing and theorizing)
North Node sextile Varuna
- leader/pioneer
- possibly some immortal fame? 🤷🏽‍♀️
- potentially destined for long term recognition
Enterprise conjunct Fama
- fame, career and money go hand and hand
- careers that make me the most money can also grant me fame
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This was fun! But please remember that there’s always two sides to aspects, positive or negative. I didn’t just put down my favorite aspects but my favorite things about them. Some of them have not so fun sides to them but that’s ok. We as people are not all good and not all bad. We’re just human 💋
- ⚜️💫⚜️
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astrojulia · 1 year
hey luv, hope ur doing good ! jus wanna ask ur interpretation of URANUS PISCES conj. MC PISCES and JUPITER SCORPIO trine MC PISCES (jupiter in 5h, uranus & mc ruler in 9h)
hope this isn't much of a task ^.^ love ur page SM ! (& thank u in advanced 💕)
Uranus Pisces conj. MC Pisces and Jupiter Scorpio trine MC Pisces
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Hello Siren!
I'm going to warn everyone again about this so no one can say that I didn't warn them. In my askrules I say to ask one question at a time, I'm answering everything for now due to the state of my life currently (always being attentive to a sick person and doing activities that can be paused, like writing), that's why I'm answering almost all the types of asks. But this will end someday!!
When Uranus, the planet of innovation, unpredictability, and individuality, aligns with the MC in Pisces, it suggests a unique and unconventional approach to your career and public image. Uranus brings a visionary quality to your professional pursuits, pushing you to explore new frontiers and break away from traditional norms. With Uranus in Pisces, there is an emphasis on spirituality, creativity, and intuition in your chosen path.
The conjunction of Uranus and the MC in Pisces signifies a strong desire to make a significant impact on the world through your work. You may be drawn to progressive and humanitarian causes, seeking to bring about positive change and inspire others. Your career may involve unconventional or cutting-edge fields, and you may thrive in environments that embrace innovation and forward thinking.
Now let's turn our attention to Jupiter in Scorpio trine the MC in Pisces. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, abundance, and higher knowledge, forms a harmonious trine aspect with the MC in Pisces, amplifying the potential for success and fulfillment in your career endeavors. This aspect suggests that your professional journey can be marked by growth, opportunities, and the ability to tap into hidden resources.
With Jupiter in the 5th house, there is a creative and expressive energy infused into your work. You may find success in fields related to entertainment, arts, teaching, or speculative ventures. This placement also indicates a strong sense of personal joy and passion in your chosen career path.
The trine aspect between Jupiter and the MC in Pisces signifies that your career and public image are supported by your natural talents and abilities. Your optimism, enthusiasm, and expansive vision can attract favorable opportunities and recognition. You may also have a knack for networking and building beneficial connections in your professional sphere.
Overall, the combination of Uranus in Pisces conjunct the MC in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio trine the MC in Pisces suggests a career path that is marked by innovation, humanitarian ideals, spiritual pursuits, creativity, and the potential for growth and abundance.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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