#junoflo scenario
Off-Limits III
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Off- Limits III [Frustrations. │Junoflo]
▽ Off-Limits I ▽ Off-Limits II
Sam just finished laying down the second track for his album and was finally getting a well-deserved break between takes. It’d been non-stop since he came in early that morning and he’d been running on absolutely no sleep, three cups of coffee too many, and the sheer will to live. He’d only gotten about halfway down the hall before you pulled him into the other recording studio.
“What in the world are you doing?” he chuckled quietly as you pressed him against the wall, cupping his face, making him look down at you. He licked his lips watching you.
“You have a break right?” you beamed, looking up at him.
“I only have a ten.”
“That’s all you need. Isn’t it?” you smirked, letting your hand brush against his crotch.
Licking his lips he nodded. “I-I can work with ten” he gripped your hips, lifting you up and placing you on the desk. “I can definitely work with ten” he moved your dress up, hooking your panties around his thumb. “I’m not used to you in dresses…I like it…”
“Well you complained about my jeans last time” you kissed him as he moved your panties down your thighs.
“They just take so long to take off.” he brushed his tongue against the roof of your mouth. “Mmm…”
Over the past two weeks, you and Sam have decided on pursuing a very physical, very secretive relationship. As far as your sister knew you two couldn’t stand being near each other, and personally that’s what you preferred. It kept her and her nosey husband out of your business. And so far it’s been working out beautifully.
“You wanna come over tonight?” Sam whispered against your neck as he slipped his finger inside of you.
You gasped, gripping his shoulder feeling him loosening you up. “I wanna come tonight” you grinned.
“I’ll make plenty sure that you come. Don’t I always?”
“Most of the time” you shrugged.
“Only most?” he scoffed.
“You were slacking last night~” you teased.
“I’ll show you slacking”
“Oh, I’m sure you will”
“Is that right?” he laughed, spreading your legs open and biting down on your lower lip. You grinned kissing him. He moved his fingers deeper into you, squeezing and teasing your clit as he trailed his kiss down your jaw. His free hand grabbing and kneading your breast under your dress. Hearing you pant and moan his name only encouraged him to deepen his fingers.
His slow strokes were getting to you, grazing over your sweet spots that he knew so well but never committing to them. It was driving you crazy and he was doing this on purpose. You gasped feeling him pull his fingers away before returning to the same spot, teasing you for far too long. Once he pulled his hand away you groaned. “Hey! What are you doing?” you were practically panting, looking at him with the most frustrated pout on your face. Every single time you were close he’d pull away, never giving you the satisfaction of coming.
“Well since I’m always slacking~ I might as well just stop here. Right?” he gave you that cocky grin and if you weren’t so pent up you would have just walked away and not give him that satisfaction of knowing he affected you so much.
“You’re an asshole.” you grabbed his hand, wanting him to go back to what he was doing.
He smirked “I’m sure you could finish on your own.” he gave his slick covered index finger a lick. “Mmm. Too bad.” he reached for the door.
He raked his hand through his hair and looked over his shoulder. “What was that?”
“You heard me…” you grumbled.
“Hmmm, I dunno. I don’t think I ever heard you say that word.”
“Please….Sam…” you chewed on your bottom lip, hating that it’s literally come down to begging and this was all your fault.
“Please what?” he crossed his arms over his chest. “Was there something you want me to do for you?”
“I’m not begging anymore! I have some dignity!”
“Aite, well I’ll be seeing you.”
“Sam I swear to God if you walk out there” He shot you a wink before heading out the door and you just sat there dumbfounded. “Did he really just?” you huffed. “I’m gonna fight him.”
You returned to your studio, and you had to admit getting any form of work done was a daunting task. You tapped your pencil in frustration on the desk as your producer continued talking. “Did you hear anything I just said?” Bizzy groaned. “Yo? I’ve been talking to you for an hour and all you’ve been doing is nodding” he waved his hand in front of your face.
“And?” you sighed in annoyance. 
“And because of that, you’ve agreed to make a grime, ballad, with funk elements and a bagpipe.”
“Wow, how the hell did that happened?”
“You stopped listening to me and I just started naming shit. That’s how it happened.” he set down his pen. “Look you’re my artist and I’m trying to work on your comeback. “I need you with a level head, so what’s wrong?”
Finally snapping the pencil in your hand you sighed. “What is wrong with men!?”
“Like in general? Or are we talking about a specific man?” He slouched in his chair. “Perhaps a certain rapper from Cali that you allegedly hate?”
“Oh it’s not alleged I hate him. He’s a cocky little shit that thinks he’s too good for everything.”
“Is he now?” he chuckled.
“Yes, he is!”
“Look I’ve known Tiger and Tasha for a very long time and I’ve seen this all before. This whole sneaking around- pretending to hate each other.”
“Well guess what? I’m not pretending”
The door swung open and you were greeted with your sister. “Hey, everything alright in here?”
“Of course Unnie.” you gave her a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. It was hard trying to calm your building frustrations. But you couldn’t let her know you were annoyed. “What’s up?”
“We’re all going out for drinks tonight.”
“Whose we all?”
“All of us. We’re welcoming Black Nine.”
“Didn’t we have a team building lunch just a few weeks ago?”
“That’s before Black Nine joined. We’re a family. I want him to feel welcomed. And a lot of people never got introduced to you since you were away.”
“So you’re not asking me are you?” you groaned.
“Consider it a schedule.” she grinned.
“I never agreed to that.”
“Take it up with your CEO-Oh wait that’s me” Tasha laughed.
“Ha Ha.” you rolled your eyes.
“We’re leaving in ten so I’ll meet you in the lobby.”
Waiting in the lobby for the company vans to come around you shot Sam glare. He looked so satisfied and amused you were ready to kick him in the shin. “You look nice.” he smiled.
“Don’t talk to me.”
“Are you actually that mad at me? Or are you mad that I left you all hot and bothered?” he whispered.
“Well since it’s not the first time you up and abandoned me-”
“You can’t still be talking about our first night. I mean, I had a legitimate reason.”
“Did you? And your reason for leaving me this time?”
“Just imagine how good it’s gonna feel tonight? Since you were waiting for me all day” he brushed his lips against your ear. “Patience is a virtue Jagiya~”
“You think this makes me want you more? It makes me want to just let out my frustrations.”
“See? That’s what I mean.” he grinned.
“Honestly, I think I’m tired of waiting for you” you smirked standing up and walking past him. “Maybe I’ll just release my stress with the first person that’s willing and ready.”
Sam chuckled. “That a threat?”
“Depends, do you feel threatened?” you smirked.
To be continued~
You guys waited a long time for the next part so I hope you enjoyed it <3 Your feedback always means the world to me.
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suga-jusshi · 6 years
Look I stan bts and im proud of them, but I will never EVER shit on someone else’s talent just be cause they might not be as successful as bts. That’s a shit thing to do and that’s part of the reason why you won’t see me calling myself an army. I love bts but I will not associate myself with a fandom that has toxic people. I know the whole fandom isn’t like that but still the ones that are are the reason so many people are starting to hate bts. You will never see any og fans say shit like “you have no talent. Your fans are shit. You’re a shitty person.” Blah blah blah. Especially to someone who is in a place of sorrow and hurt. The mans friend just died and your gonna sit here and hate on him and call his friend a fucking ‘Ching Chong’ like wtf is wrong with you. This is why we can’t ever have nice things. Cause people always wanna go and fuck shit up. Owen and Young West don’t deserve that shit. They did nothing wrong. Honestly no one deserves anything like that. I’m sorry but if you think bts is the only group or artist who paved the way for korean artists you are sadly mistaken🙄But my rant is over now 😂
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And no I’m not blocking out their Instagram because i don’t give a fuck🤷🏽‍♀️
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*not my gif*
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richrubies · 5 years
Any music recommendations?? I listen to a lot of Nafla and AOMG but I want something different
Junoflo’s 2019 album ‘Statues’ has a lot of great songs. I’ve had it on repeat for a few days now and it makes me feel some type of way! 😌
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wowiekid · 6 years
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This is my first imagine. I’ve decided to do one of my favs, my man Junoflo because he slays my life no joke. ummmm yeah, I’m rambling through text so I’ll start the imagine now the gif isn’t mine
Summary: Your boyfriend Juno hasn’t seen you in almost a year. When he makes it farther through in SMTM6 you decided you had to show up and surprise him
          I thank the taxi driver after paying him and he drove off. I look down at my outfit and straighten it out before walking backstage. Tiger JK greeted me as I made my way back. “Wow, (y/n) I haven’t seen you in forever,” he pulled me into a hug, “I can’t wait to see Juno’s face when he sees you.” We go over to where I’ll be in the crowd (which was by the other contestants' families) and laugh about how we think Juno will react. 
          Juno is performing a solo today so I’m really excited to see him do well today. JK leaves and I sit alone chatting with the families around me. Contestants had started performing and being eliminated when my phone vibrated in my back pocket, I looked and saw texts from Juno:
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        I was touched that he thought of me right now but I knew I couldn’t reply without ruining the surprise. Luckily I don’t have on my read receipts on so he won’t know I read it. Not too long after the lights dimmed down and smoke filled the stage, then suddenly Juno’s voice filled the whole place and all the girls in the crowd started screaming. His performance truly took my breath away, I could feel the passion radiating from him. I quickly started making my way backstage and to Team DoPark’s dressing room.
           I made it back before Juno did and greeted the rest of the DoPark team. Before we could even begin conversation the doorknob jiggled. The guys rushed in front of me congratulating him and then exiting the room. He turned his back to me, looking at the door in confusion. I snuck up behind him and put my arms around his waist. He quickly spun around and when he saw me, he froze. “Surprise”, I say while doing jazz hands. Tears had gathered in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. It’s been over a year since I’ve able to see Juno in person and seeing him now felt so surreal.
        He shook his head and tears began to roll down his face. The look on his face made it seem as if he couldn’t believe his own eyes. Once he came to his senses I was immediately swept into his arms. He held on to me as if his life depended on it and I did the same to him. I started sobbing, like an ugly cry, I ran my fingers through his hair while my other hand gripped onto his shirt as if he was going to disappear at any moment. We pulled back to look at each other and just.... stared at each other. So much seemed to have changed in the years we didn’t see one another yet the feelings between us didn’t. “It’s nice to see you in HD quality again”, I say teary-eyed breaking the silence. Juno chuckled and put me back on the ground. 
“ What are you doing here?”, he asked keeping me within arms reach.
“I had to come support my mans, especially since I couldn’t come last time.”
“How long are you going to be here?”
“As long as you”
         He raised an eyebrow at me, “You mean you’re going to stay here in the building as long as me or....”, I smiled and shook my head no, sidestepping I showed him one of my suitcases. A smile spread on his face as well as he realized what I meant.
          “ I’m moving here, with you. My job gave me a promotion that offered a position over by your apartment so I hit up JK we made arrangements and poof I’m here.”
      “Yes you are. The day before our anniversary too. Did you plan that or was that by luck,” Juno asked smiling that heart melting smile always does. “You know it was all luck. I’m hella lucky how else would I end up with you” I fake gagged at the words that just came out of my mouth. Juno chuckles at my childish behavior and takes me in his arms again. He squeezes me as if to say that he'll never let me go again and at this point, I don’t want him to. We’re together again finally and it feels amazing. I never want this moment to end.
I didn’t really know how to end this one. Request are open if you want to put in a request. I do drabbles, text scenario, imagines, headcanons, and selfie/description ships.
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yelowsmobmerch · 6 years
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SAMUEL SEO stickers available for purchase!! get some today!! 
[ link ]
note: Im working on posters now if anyone knows any photo shop apps for Mac  airlock please let me know!! love y'all 
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dprwolfgang · 7 years
I will update as I go along.
Jay Park
Lights Down Low // Completed 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / End.
Cha Cha Malone
100 Percentin
Only 4 Me
Simon Dominic
Medicine Pt. 2
High Heels
Kim Namjoon
My Name Is Baby!
Christian Yu
What’s In My Mouth?
Break Up Prank Gone Wrong
Tell Me You Love Me
Maid for Yu
Hold Me By The Heart
Hold Me By The Heart Pt. 2
Santanico: The Making of a Mafia Queen // On Hiatus
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Hong Dabin (DPR LIVE)
Break Up Prank
So Simple
Don’t Be Shy (Island Girl)
Key 2 My Heart
idc bout the club, i just want you
White Light 
Everything is Yours
Park Jinyoung
Bottle You Up
Lim Jaebum
It Was Good Until It Wasn’t
2. Can I
3.Bad News
4. Water
5. Everybody Business
6. Change Your Life
7.Hate The Club
8. F&MU
9.Can You Blame Me.
10. Open (Passionate)
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khhsh-t · 7 years
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honeybearloco · 7 years
“Yes Loser?”
Requested by @sophiak62 . I apologize in advance.
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Junoflo X Female Reader Plot: His crush is an idol rapper and she beats him in a rap battle.
“I’m saying that maybe, I could take you out after this.” He suggested.
“Okay so I beat you pretty badly in a rap battle for you to confess your feelings for me and ask me out on a date.
“I mean you don’t have to say yes, but I would really enjoy it if you did say yes.”
“I don’t understand you, Juno.”
You were a very well respected and known idol rapper. You were known for not caring. A lot of people said,you were privileged and you didn’t have to care about what people had to say about you because of who you were. More importantly, who your Dad was.
You are the daughter of Lee Soo Man, founder of SM Entertainment. Your existence was something only a few people knew about. You didn’t want to be famous at first. Your best friend, B/F/N, talked you into auditioned for YG. At first you did it just to spite your Dad’s social status, but you ended up successfully auditioning.
You made your debut as a solo idol rapper. You were the first solo female rapper under YG that didn’t debut in a girl group. And for that, you grabbed a lot of attention. The world blew up once they had discovered you were Lee Soo Man’s daughter.
You were more into the underground scene than the idol scene, which was why most of your friends were underground rappers.
You had recently stopping promoting your newest album. You were on a break.
Junoflo was your biggest fan from your debut. The two of you weren’t that close. You were invited to a club opening hosted by one of your father’s good friends. Of course you were going. You slipped on a pair of shorts and a white sweatpants, nothing too formal, nothing too casual.
You had arrived by yourself, but you sure did make everyone turn their heads. But guys and girls were looking at you from all directions. This was normal to you, as you were an idol.
“Y/N!” A voice called out.
“B/F/N!” You screamed back as you saw your best friend.
She always looked amazing in no matter what she saw in. She wore a short red party dress while you were sweatpants and a crop top. She hit the back of your head.
“Yah! This is a club opening! Not one of your performances! Couldn’t you at least dress up a little bit?” She whined loudly over the music.
“This club could get ton of publicity just by me breathing here.” You sassed back.
“Whatever. Come on, I have some people who would like to meet you.” She said grabbing your wrist and pulling toward a hallway.
Finally the two of you stopped a velvet rope with a group of both females and males on the other side. By first glance you couldn’t tell who they were, but after looking again you can see. They were just rappers. Ones you weren’t interested in, but not ones who weren’t good.
The Guard unhooked the rope for the two of you and winked at you. You gave him a smirk before walking in behind your best friend.
“QUEEN HAS ARRIVED!” She shouted and showed you off like a prize.
“If it isn’t the billion dollar princess herself.” A deep voice had said.
There was that name again. ‘Billion Dollar Princess’. It was used as a diss toward you by many rappers, a lot of them struggling. You weren’t the one for rap battles or diss tracks, you were peaceful, you wanted to be friends with everyone. But some people just made it hard to like them. You snapped your head toward the voice. In front of you was Junoflo.
“And who are you again?” You asked folding your arms.
“Ah, come on. You should know me.” He said with a smile inching toward you.
“I’m sorry, I’m too busy being a princess to hear rappers who don’t make anywhere near as much as me.”
A glass breaking could be heard right behind the two of you, also giggling and whispers.
“Woah, you are mean.”
“I just don’t have time for rappers like you. Now if you excuse me, I’ll be leaving.” You said walking toward the rope again.
“Battle me!” He yelled after you.
You stopped in your tracks. You didn’t like rap battles. Loved to rap, but battles just weren’t your thing.
You turned around to face him once more. “Like I said, I don’t have time for rappers like you.”
“Well make time then.” He replied leaning forward.
You scoffed and walked over to him. He wasn’t that tall, or maybe you’re just quite tall.
“You’re on.”
“Let us make a bet shall we?” He suggested.
“What kind of bet? I don’t make deals with the devil.” You added.
“If I win, you have to admit you’re a spoiled little princess and you have to buy drinks for my friends and I for the rest of the night. And I get your number.” He said before winking.
“And if I win, my friend and I get to pour as much champagne on your head as we want.”
“Deal! Be on stage in an hour. You’ll need it.” He said.
You rolled your eyes before turning around and walking off.
‘What did I just get myself into?’ You thought to yourself.
B/F/N ran up to you. “That’s my best friend! Sticking it to the man!”
“Whatever, I just want to beat this asshole!”
For the next hour you spent pacing back and forth in a corner thinking about how you were going to approach this situation and getting yourself prepared both lyrically and physically. You made your way to the stage that was placed in the front of everyone to see. You stood on the right side.
“Everyone, we have a treat for you tonight! We have a lot of rappers here tonight, but two of them are going to be battling it out for us on stage tonight.” The DJ announced.
The crowd went wild. Most of them were either out of it, or a little too into it.
“In this the corner, we have Junoflo and in this corner, we have or lovely, Billion Dollar Princess, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes at the introduction before turning your focus back to him, who wa staring at you with a wide smile as if he just met you for the first time. The DJ went on.
“Drop the beat already.” You spoke up.
He put his hands up in defeat before walking over to his turntables. A beat could finally be heard. One you weren’t really used to. It just wasn’t your style. You were blinded by anger and rage so that didn’t matter right now. Two of you were given microphones. The DJ flipped a coin to decide who was going first.
“Heads or tails, princess?” Juno asked.
“Tails, because I’m going to beat yours in the battle.” You answered.
He chuckled before rolling his eyes.
“Heads, Juno you’re up first.” The DJ announced through his microphone, which began the battle. One for the ages! Maybe not that important, but quite close.
His jabs toward you were simply cute in your opinion. Coming after your idol status and your father as usual. You simply didn’t care, you had heard the same thing over and over again. Now it was simply getting old. You couldn’t only roll your eyes. Finally he stepped back and bowed.
“My turn now.” You said, rolling up your sleeves and inching toward him.
You weren’t usually aggressive. You were simply playful with your rhymes, but that changed. Your jabs coming at him all at once with venom packed deeply into them, almost enough to kill a man. Everyone was just listening, even he was. You were just that good. He tried to cut you off, but you weren’t done. You pushed him back and continued to on and on.
B/F/N shocked with her mouth wide open. She was shocked, so was everyone else. You didn’t have a foul mouth, but the way words were flying out of your mouth now said otherwise.
Finally the beat cut. You let out a few more lines coming not only for him but her haters.
“I ain’t no mothafucking princess, I’m a mothafucking empress.” You said, before dropping your mic.
The crowd broke into cheer. The DJ held up your hand. “Your winner ladies and gentlemen.”
Juno also clapped and smiled at you. You walked up to him.
“You sir, lost fair and square. And now, for the champagne.” You said smirking.
B/F/N rushed from behind the curtain of the stage with two huge bottles of champagne. You grabbed one and popped open both yours and hers.
“Cheers to my victory!” You said, clinking your bottle with hers before spilling every ounce of it all over him.
He gasped slightly before accepting his punishment.
“You’re a good sport.” You said before walking off stage with a smile. You felt a hand grab yours. You turned around to see him.
“Yes loser?”
“I like you.” He confessed.
You chuckled before looking at him again. “Funny joke but that won’t take away from your lost.”
“I’m being serious.” He said kicking his foot out.
“What are you saying boy?” You questioned.
“I’m saying that maybe, I could take you out after this.” He suggested.
“Okay so I beat you pretty badly in a rap battle for you to confess your feelings for me and ask me out on a date?”
“I mean you don’t have to say yes, but I would really enjoy it if you did say yes.”
“I don’t understand you, Juno. What the heck? Sure.” You answered.
He tried to hug you but you pushed him back.
“Woah, woah. Wash up before you even touch me.”
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kkpopdroptop · 7 years
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whoever ends up with this man will be a happy camper
but they gotta go through some ups and downs with juno
his career asks for a lot of traveling and long distance so you both gotta be patient with each other
bc long distance is v v hard
you guys actually broke up for a little while to focus on yourselves for a bit
but thankfully, you both realized how much you love each other and got back together
his schedule will have him in another city while you're sleeping, and then when you're finally off work, he's sleeping soundly on your shared bed
dates will commence at odd times
juno took you out right after a performance in the city at 3 in the morning with a late night dinner and walk around the city
and then another time y’all got groceries bc y’all ran out
and another you bot were craving ice cream and went to your favorite place in the city
which was a 30 minute drive btw
facetiming each other and skype are real og's
you always call him at the end of your day, aka the beginning of his
and when you guys reunite!!
you guys never leave the bed
netflix and chill;)
nah, it's mostly bc y'all are catching up on sleep together
running your fingers through his ungelled hair:)
on your day off together, he brought you to a secluded spot in the city he discovered at a mv shoot and called it a photo shoot day with you
loves loves loves taking photos of you
on his dslr camera, on his phone, doesn't matter to him
never ever posts them bc he wants to keep them to himself
you're also his personal photographer on your days off
he doesn’t have a bad side
taking his daily hq photos for him
you steal some of them to keep for yourself
damn y'all are both selfish for each other
back to couple stuff y'all do
he surprised you on your birthday with flowers and a physical CD mixtape of songs dedicated to you on your desk
he's good at surprising you
you're shit at surprising him
it just doesn't work out for for some reason
his schedule's always changing, he's always on the move
and you can never text him
bc he's already a hoRRIBLE TEXTER
he admitted it on twitter and so it's v reasonable here too
you always have to call him to reach him bc texting is never option 1
you have to text his friends at work or tiger jk or tasha to surprise him
but even then that sucks bc juno gets v suspicious
like tiger jk will try to busy juno with smth about song lyrics, but he can tell it's all a distraction for you to get to the studio
he totally knew you were on your way bc tiger jk accidentally brought it up when his microphone was on inside the booth
but he acted like he didn't know a thing bc you did go through all that trouble to try and surprise him
you always hear him write out his lyrics on his phone, running them over and over with the sample/demo track till you fall asleep
his voice is very calming to you in a good way!
not in a 'you're boring me' type of way
you're always caught on the tail end of his snapchats and instastories
standing in the wings of his shows and festival performances!!!
you're always given a backstage pass and try to calm any nerves he has
but this man is so full of confidence and charm
so doing a show is a cake walk for him
and yet when he wakes up with you in his arms, he still gets butterflies in his stomach
he can never escape your butterflies
bc he just wants to do well for himself and for you bc you support him through so much and go through a lot yourself
will always want his hands on you
holding your hand, having a hand on your waist, your hip, over your shoulder, on the small of your back
he'll be tapping his fingers on your skin
bc 1) he has some song stuck in his head
and 2) you underneath his fingertips reassures himself that you're there the type to slip his hand into the back pocket of your jeans when you're
waiting in line for smth
bc 1) being close to you
and 2) bc he like the booty;)
also being his date to all the red carpet events and show!!
like goDDAMn you look so beautiful
and he's so handsome with his hair slicked back and so clean cut
you two are definitely the best dressed couple out there
even if it took y'all an extra 45 minutes to get out of the apartment;)
when he mentions his feel ghood and glx and native lox teams for their support, he also mentions your name
bc he whole-heartedly loves you so much
what a dreamboat
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Off-limits [Junoflo falls for the one person he’s not allowed to]
Even after being here for a year Sam still couldn't get over how Seoul was. The booming nightlife that never seemed to sleep, the growing hip-hop scene that was thriving in the smallest parks in Uijeongbu. It was both awe-inspiring and dumbfounding.
He took a sip of his beer as he found himself being drawn into a crowd of people just spitting a few bars.
The true essence of hip-hop was always found in neighborhoods. People just rapping about what they knew, and what they loved. It didn't matter the language, the message was the same.
"Aye, Juno what's poppin?" Dumbfoundead chimed, pulling him into a hug.
"Oh Hyung, what's good?" he grinned. "What brings you here?"
"Meeting Jessi and YOX tonight, but I had time to kill. You wanna spit some?"
Figures, Dumb had a way of bringing the culture with him, no matter where he went. "Nah, Just watching tonight." His eyes wandered to the next rapper who seemed to unwillingly get the mic. He was instantly peaked hearing the English roll off your tongue. There was something about the waviness of your rap, and how easily you found the rhythm.
It was familiar yet unrefined.
He looked over to Dumb who was handing him a napkin. "What's this?"
"I figured you needed something for that drool man." he chuckled.
"Haha." Sam scoffed. "I was just-"
"Shook" he grinned. "Yeah, she's good. The guys were telling me she just got back from Texas today."
You passed the mic, laughing as you stumbled over your words toward the end, but played it off. He could tell your experience by how you didn't even seem to blink an eye at the mistake.
"She's just a good rapper." Sam mumbled taking another sip of his drink.
"Yeah, well, so am I and you've never looked at me like that once Playa."
"Ok, she's pretty." Sam blushed. "Not the first time I've seen a pretty girl."
"You gonna do something about it, or just keeping talking to me?"
Sam tossed back the rest of his beer making his way over toward you. Even he had to admit, he was a little rusty. He hadn't exactly been on his A game when it came to flirting in Korea. His Korean wasn't all that good, and there was so much happening in his life that dating was the farthest thing on his mind. But it had been a while if he was being honest.
He couldn't make it a step toward you without you locking eyes with him. A playful smirk on your lips as you cocked your head.
There was something about how confidently you looked at him. Like you knew his every intention, and you welcomed it.
As he got closer you handed him the mic. Almost like a test. A real emcee could give you a genuine introduction with just a few bars. He chuckled taking it and found the beat. 
“Yeah, uh. Lemme show you how the west coast do it~ I arrive on the scene like a young Batman so they wondering who dat That kid with the swag and the cool rap Flow nice on that trap and the boom bap”
You laughed bobbing your head to his flow, especially as he transitioned into Korean. There weren’t too many people that were still that competent on a boom bap beat and didn’t rely on mumble rap and trap beats. 
He had your attention.
He coolly passed the mic and licked his lips as he finally approached you. "Hey"
"That's your pick up line?" you laughed, running your hand through your hair.
"To be honest, I wasn't really expecting to get this far." he shrugged. "Most girls leave before that”
Giggling you leaned against the wall, looking up at him. "I find that very hard to believe." you touched his arm, gently before introducing yourself.
"I'm Sam...Um my friends call me Juno” he cleared his throat “You...Rap good." he smiled bashfully. 
You raised a brow and nodded. "I know." you couldn't help but smile at the quirky awkwardness.
"You know who I am?"
"I know that I rap well." you smiled. "Are you always this awkward? Maybe we should try flirting in Korean."
"English is just fine, thank you." he laughed "And I'll have you know that I've been told I was really smooth. Especially back in LA."
"Oh yeah?" you grinned, stepping closer to him, arching your neck toward him. "Is that what the Cali girls told you?" you placed your hand on his chest.
"Yeah." he subtly licked his lips and closed the space between you two.
"They lied" you grinned letting him pull you into a kiss. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss, feeling him nip at your lip. "Mmm...maybe they didn't."
Pulling you in by the small of your back. Your hand moved down to his chest, pressing against it just slightly to pull away to catch your breath. "You're a very good kisser Cali boy..." you brushed your nose against his. Grinning as he nipped at your lower lip again.
"You should see what else I can do."
"Wanna get out of here?" you ran your hand down the length of hi am before grabbing his hand. “My place isn’t too far from here.”
“Y-Yeah.” he stuttered.
“I have one condition” you pecked his lips again. “You can’t stay the night.”
Pulling you waist he chuckled. “Damn, what if I like to cuddle?”
“Not too late for you to find someone else to hook up with.”
“Damn, then I guess we have a deal.”
Neither of you were willing to separate from your kiss as you made your way inside your far too dark apartment. Almost tripping over your luggage that you haphazardly tossed by the door. His jacket, and your shoes littering the path to your room “Ow!” Sam winced as he fell back onto the bed, landing on your blow dryer.
“I’m sorry!” you laughed as you moved it and tossed it on the ground. “I just got back into town, I didn’t really have time to clean.” you straddled his waist and cupped his face. “Are you ok?”
“I’ll live” he winced rubbing his side.
“Wow that was not convincing at all.” you giggled kissing the side of his mouth. “I’ll make it better.”
His eyes darkened watching you pull off your shirt and tossed it aside. Which probably would have been the sexiest thing he’d seen had you not have hit your lamp shade with it, making it topple over and shatter. “Shit!” you groaned, covering your face in embarrassment.
He couldn’t help but smile as he hugged you, rolling you over beneath him. “You are fucking adorable.”
“How the fuck?” you pouted looking up at him.
He pulled his sweater off, carefully just placing it on the bed, before pinning your hands down. “I mean there were easier ways to tell me that you wanted me to spend the night.”
“How the hell did you get spend the night from that?”
He nibbled on your neck and smiled against your skin. “I’m stuck in your bed until morning, because I can’t see the glass.” he laughed. “I can get really hurt if I try to leave with broken glass on the ground.”
Running your hands through his hair you laughed. “Have it your way cuddle boy.” you panted as he moved his way under your blanket, pulling your jeans down your legs, before burying his face between your legs. His tongue, teasing you through your panties.
The soft whimper escaped your lips as you arched your back against the mattress. “Ah-”
His hand made its way up your body, squeezing your breast through your bra. “C’mere” you whispered taking his face between your small hands and pulling him back up to you. “Don’t be a fucking tease” you bit his upper lip, before letting your tongue roll over the top of your mouth.
“You gonna stop me?” he pressed his hips against your core, bucking playfully. Hearing you moan he deepened the kiss. “Damn...I love the sounds you make.”
“Then keep at it” you leaned into his touch as he ran his thumb down your plump lips.
Hearing your apartment door open, you pulled away from Sam. “Why the hell..?”
Someone called your name from the living room happily. “How could you not call me to get you from the airport! I missed you! How was Texas?!”
“Who is-” you cut Sam off by covering his mouth with your hand hastily.
“Shhh! Be quiet please!”
Sam pulled away from you so fast looking for his sweater. “What is this!? You have a boyfriend?!” Angrily pulling it over his head, he adjusted his pants.
“Please be quiet Sam- It’s not what you think it’s-”
“You in here!?” your bedroom door swung open.
“My brother…” You sunk under the blanket, tightly wrapping it around your body. “Yah! Oppa! Get Out I have a guest!” you threw the pillow across the room.
“Sorry!!” he hastily looked away. “Tasha told me you got back into town today. I just wanted to bring you dinner.”
Sam raised a brow. He knew that voice anywhere. Out of all the people in the world did he really just find himself in his CEO’s younger sister’s bed. “Tiger-Hyung?”
“Juno?” Your brother flipped on the light to your dismay. He was seething looking between you and Sam. Crossing his arms over his chest he seethed. “Living room now.”
To Be Continued?
Please welcome new artist Junoflo~ A few of you have been asking for for him so tada~ <3 If you liked this and would like to see a part 2 let me know
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flyba3 · 7 years
Move-In Day pt. 2
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A/N: Idk if this should be cute or spicy… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i kinda, maybe, probably wrote this while listening to creepypastas…..
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Reader x Junoflo
Summary: Y/N and Juno go on a lunch date, and get to know each other.
Word Count: 2292
“We are we are we artist baby
We are we are we artist ZICO” 
 was the first thing you heard as you woke up. While you searched for your phone, you realized that it was your alarm playing ‘ Artist ‘ by Zico, one of your favorite musicians. Once you finally felt your phone, you turned off the alarm while looking at the time. It was 8:30am on the dot. Luckily you didn’t start classes until next week, but it still puzzled you why you woke up this early in the morning. As you looked across the room at Monica, you prayed you didn’t wake her up. But to you surprise, she was already up looking at her phone and headphones on, so she probably didn’t hear your alarm. Today’s plan was to meet up with you friends, then meet up with Juno at around noon.
You were pretty excited to go out with him, but at the same time it was very nerve wracking because this was the first date you’ve EVER been on. Part of this was due to your lack of interest in dating, but majority of it was due to your lovely family. And the word lovely is meant to be used lightly. Ever since your high school days, someone in your family always took the opportunity to embarrass you in front of your male friends. Whether it be your mom, dad, or even your brother; it never failed. The brother part really hurt you since he was supposed to be your wingman.
The story you can remember most vividly was during your junior year winter break. One of your guy friends, Christian, invited you to the movies with a few of his friends from a different school. Christian said he would pick you up from the park near school, and you guys would meet up with the rest of his friends at the park. You told your parents and brother about your plans for the day, and they were all ok with it. Your parents made your brother drive you to the park and wait until Christian got there. While you guys drove to the park, your brother asked you a series of questions about whether or not you were dating Christian. Of Course you told him no, but he was convinced that Christian want to be with you even if you said the feelings weren’t mutual. Once you arrived, you saw Christian sitting on a bench. As you got out of the car about to greet your brother farewell, you saw he was getting out with you. When you both got to Christian, your brother pretended to be your boyfriend and started accusing Christian of trying to take his girl. Every time you would try to say something, your brother would cut you off. Eventually you told him to cut the crap and apologise to Christian for your brothers behavior. Your brother also apologised and offered to drive you to the theater. Thanks to your brother, you never went on a group date, which is still a date in his standards, with Christian again. But none of that matters now since you’re an adult.   
Before you got out of your bed, you chucked your small mermaid pillow at Monica to catch her attention. The pillow hit her arm, causing her to look up at you with a startled look on her face.
“Ohhhh,  child you got me shookth,” She said as she took off her headphones “ But what’s yup.”
“I just wanted to return a favor, and invite you out with me and my friends.” You told her as you made your way to the bathroom.
“Well lucky for you, I don’t have any plans today. So sure, I’ll hang out with you today.” Monica told you as she but her headphones back on.
When you were in the bathroom you washed your face, brushed your teeth, and took a shower. Once you finished bathing, you went to pick out an outfit for the day with juno in mind. You wanted to look good for him since he seems to be a fashionable guy. As you looked through your closet, you found the perfect outfit. You settled on a black crop top, black ripped jeans, red vans, topped off with an army print hoodie. You decided to put on minimal makeup, and you styled your hair in a neat high bun. As you looked at your phone, you saw that it was 10:15am. You saw that Monica was ready to go, when you saw her sitting at her desk.
“How are you... already ready?” you asked monica as you slightly tilted your head.
“Oh yea, I guess I should tell you that I prefer taking showers at night.” She said getting up from her chair about to get her purse.
“Alright, good shit. Since we’re both ready, I guess we can head out.” You told her heading to the door.
“So what’s the plan for the day?”   
“We’re gonna go my favorite place on campus… the music studio~” You answered in a sing song voice. As you guys were walking to the studio, Monica started asking about your convos with juno last night.
“I saw you talking to Sam last night. He must like you cause he tried to make himself known as Juno. Lol! That guy. So… are you guys gonna go on a date or something.” She asked in a teasing tone slightly nudging you.
“Actually… Sam asked me out on a lunch date later today.” You told her starting off shy progressing into an excited tone as you smiled brightly at her. Monica started to do a little dance as she entered the Campus Art building. Once you guys entered one of the studios, you saw your friends sitting in a circle, and as you you two go closer you realised it was a rap cypher. Most of you you friends were music majors, so it was no surprise for you to find them this way.
“Aye Y/N, aye aye. I missed you aye aye. And I wanna kiss your ne-ew friend.” Your friend Brian said as he ‘rapped’ his freestyle during the cypher, which apparently was dedicated to Monica. You and monica made your way to the circle and introduced everyone to monica.
“Hey Monica, do you like musicians?” Brian asked anticipating her answer.
“Only if they have a college degree.” She responded in a slightly sassy tone, causing everyone to ‘oooooh’ and shout a few ‘rejected’ sounds Brian’s way.
“Well, Y/N it’s great to see you. It’s been awhile.” One of your friends, Allison, says trying to detract from Brian’s rejection, you think.
“Dude, we live in the same neighborhood.” You told her while laughing.
“Hahaha, ever heard of sarcasm?” She says light heartedly mocking your laugh. After a few minutes of catching up, one of your friends suggested having a jam session. Of  course everyone agreed, and everyone went to an instrument, while you and Monica went straight to a mic. After a forty-five minute jam session, everyone exchanged info on where their dorm was. While everyone left, you saw Monic still talking to Brian, and it was obvious that he was flirting, trying to get her number. After a few more minutes, Monica head towards you ready to leave.
“Hey it’s 11:23, you ready to go?” She asked you
“Nahhh, not yet. I have some where I want to take you. Follow me!” You told her as you led Monica upstairs to a studio your brother took you to all the time.
“Wow, it’s beautiful here.. How do you know about this place.” Monica asked in amazement.
“My brother use to bring me here all the time when he had practice for Jazz band.” You explained to her, but suddenly you heard the door open. So you and Monica both turned you head to see who came through the door on the other side of the studio.
“Sam, what the hell.” Monica asked asked surprised to see Sam.
“Hey, I guess I’m not the only one who knows about this spot.”
“Yea, I guess not.” You state responding to Sam, “So, Juno, what are you doing here?”
 “I was just about to work on my mixtape, but I guess I’ll hold off on that. Since you two ladies got here first.” Sam said slightly surprised that you called him ‘Juno’, but none the less still pleased.
“You know what. I’ll just leave cause I not about to be a third wheel.” Monica said as she dabbed her way through the door.
“That girl..” You say under your breath.
“You look good…” Juno says while biting his lip and leaning back against the recording studio desk.
“Boy it’s no time to be flattering, I have a date at 12.” You tell him while walking past him and lightly brush his hand as you make your way to the door.
“I guess I better get going to cause my date looks fine as fuck, and I don’t want to keep baby girl waiting.” He says following you out of the studio. His little comment made you clench in between your thighs a bit, but you played it off. As you and Juno leave the studio, he tells you to follow him to his car. Once you get there you see he has an all black Audi a8.
“You never said anything about being a rich boy.” You told him trying to hide the fact that you’re impressed as you get into the car.
“I guess I should mention, ya boy doesn’t live on campus either.” He says throwing a small wink at you as he starts the car.  
While you and Juno were driving, you asked where you planned on having lunch.
He told you it’d be a surprise, and to sit back and enjoy the ride. While Juno was speeding on the highway, you got a text from Monica.
Monica: ‘ Did u fuck yet??? (≖ ͜ʖ≖)”
Y/N: ‘ Nahh, B… u didnt tell me ya boi has paper “
Monica: ‘ Yea, but we all do TBH lolol, but it’s wat ever ‘
Y/N: ‘ Okiee (¬_¬)... I’ll talk to you later, this man is taking me to hell knows where ‘
Monica: ‘ K, boo. Have fun!!!! ‘
When you looked up from your phone, you saw the car was parked in front of a restaurant that seemed to be on a pier. Once we entered the restaurant we were greeted with a host saying ‘Welcoming to vessel. Please follow me.’. The first thing that caught your eye was the bar in the center of the room with a glass pole that had 4 TVs on each side going through a large hole in the ceiling, and tables that surrounded it. The restaurant gave off a relaxing tropical vibe. The walls were silver with oval shaped indents with in them, but the walls were mostly of windows, showing off yachts and other boats. The host led you to your table on a patio overlooking the ocean.
“Sam… did you plan all of this?” You asked him in awe with a smirk on your face.
“Yea, do you like it?” He asked pulling out your chair.
“Of course, I didn’t expect you to go all out. I don't think I dressed up appropriately for this.” You said as you felt your cheeks heat up.
“Babe, you always look great. Plus, these old fass men should be happy to get an eye full of you.” He says once again complimenting you. Once you both look over the menu, your waiter comes back with water and 2 glasses of wine. You ordered Flat Iron “Steak Frites” and Juno ordered Atlantic Salmon. You and Juno got to know each other more while you waited for your food to come out.
“Did you live in California before college?” You asked Sam.
“Yea, I was born here, but my parents met in South Korea. After they got married, they moved to LA for business.” He explained a small bit of his background to you. “ What about yourself?”
“Yea, I was born here, but my parents are from the East Coast and they wanted to settle down here. Lol I could have been a New Yorker.” You say trying to imitate a Brooklyn accent.
When your food came out, you and Sam went ham, and not a fry was left on your plate.
“Thanks, Sam. I’m blaming my freshman 15 on you.”
“Shit, baby you’ll still look good.” He said leaning back in his chair while running his hands through his hair.
The waiter came back over asking if you wanted dessert, but you guys declined and Sam asked for the bill. After Sam paid, you guys left and head towards the car. After 30 minutes of driving and vibing to music in the car, you guys reached campus. And Sam parked in front of your dorm building.
“I had fun with you today.” You told Juno as you lean across the seat and molded your lips with his. When you first kissed him, you heard him make a sound that was mixed with a grunt and moan. This sound was so sexy, and you couldn't wait to hear more, but you figured it was too soon. You’re sure it’ll be worth the wait because the way your lips melted together made you anticipate that moment. After the kiss you sat back in your seat and looked at him with a seductive smirk.
“Damn baby, your such a tease. But I guess that make you my girl now right.” He asked a slightly disappointed.
“I guess so.” You said getting closing the car door and throwing him a wink.
A/N: Shittttt, the end got a little spicy…. I really want to write a smut, but BUILD UP IS EVERY THINGGGGG    
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thoughtfulwooshin · 7 years
please read!!!
hey guys, long time no see. I just wanted to let y'all know that scenarios aren't going to be done for a while, and I've decided to go on hiatus.
I'm having family things to deal with, school, SATs studying, and no internet. I'm also extremely sad and stressed, and I can't write because of no internet so that doesn't help. I really hope you guys understand, and I will be back as soon as possible.
goodnight/morning/afternoon to you all, love you guys. I'll be back soon.
-shay 🍃
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yelowsmobmerch · 6 years
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Junoflo stickers now available!!
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dprwolfgang · 7 years
White Light // Junoflo
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This is just a little something inspired by the song White Light by SoMo.It doesn’t exactly follow the song but in some aspects.I really don’t know where I was going with this as i switched in between first and third person alot.But enjoy nonetheless.
Messy.That was the only way I could describe our break up.A ticking time bomb that exploded because of lack of communication.He was in Korea living his dreams and I moved back home to Brazil.
Sam and I met my first year in university when I’d moved from Brazil to California.We didn’t always get along,truthfully I think it’s because neither of us knew how to approach the other and every time he annoyed me I’d ignore him not giving him the time of day.It’s crazy how things changed in those first four months.Never did I think I’d love someone as much as I love him.
Not everything good last forever though.
I placed my phone against my ear for the twentieth time this morning.Sam was supposed to be here already.
“Hey babyyy..” I could hear the slight slur in his speech,hoping to god that this really wasn’t happening.
“Sam where are you?” I question.
“Out with the guys.Why is something wrong?” He asked.
“Out with the guys where Sam?”
“We’re at this new restaurant in Itaewon with Jay.Is everything okay?”  
“Sam Juno Park tell me you’re joking.This isn’t the time for jokes.” I couldn’t help the way my voice cracked at the end. The call ended and he was calling me on FaceTime.
“Baby talk to me.Wassup?” Taking in the voices around him I knew this wasn’t some joke and he wasn’t here.
“What’s the date today?”
“Well it’s almost the 25th here so it’s  almost 8am on the 24th in Cali,why?” He looked lost and I honestly have no idea how he could be lost when we spoke about this already.He promised he’d be here.He knows how much this means to me.He was the only family I had after my grandparents passed and now I was about to attend my graduation alone. Pathetic, I know.
“You forgot Sam,again.” I wasn’t going to cry.Well not for him to see at least.
“I didn’t forget anything though.Babe what’s this about?”
“You promised and you broke it once again.It’s the third time since you’ve left and I let it slide because I know how big the opportunity is for you but lately it’s like I’m in a relationship by myself.” I really rather we not do this over FaceTime but I couldn’t keep doing this anymore.
“What are you tryna tell me Larissa?” He sighed excusing himself from the table and heading outside.
“I can’t do this anymore Sam.We’re only hurting each other thinking that this is going to work.M-maybe we should see other people.”
“Is that what this is about? Are you seeing someone else?” He asked his voice raising a bit and I swear if he was here I would have slapped him for even thinking something so idiotic. I love him, I do but there’s only so much a woman can take until she breaks.
“Really? After everything we’ve been through you think I’d cheat on you? That’s not me Sam and you know it.You promised me you’d be here to see me walk across that stage and get my degree and I feel so stupid for thinking you’d uphold that promise with the amount you’ve been breaking lately.You’re the closest thing to family that I’ve got and lord knows I love you Sam but I think I need to be by myself for awhile.”  
At the mention of your degree Sam knew he’d fucked up but it wasn’t going to stop him from trying to fix this.You stuck by him through everything and he knows you let a lot of shit slide because of his career and maybe he took you for granted but he couldn’t lose you.
You were his white light. The reason he opened up his heart and showed his scars.From hopping flight to flight he knew there were nights he couldn’t make it home to you but you accepted that and held him down nonetheless.This couldn’t be how you ended.He wasn’t having it.
“Baby I’m on the next flight out,please just don’t go.” He pleaded.
“What do you mean don’t? I’m not letting you go. I know I haven’t been the worlds greatest boyfriend but I love you and that’s never going to change.” Running his hand through his hair I could see the hurt in his eyes.
“I won’t be here when you get back Juno.This hurts so fucking much but it’s for the best.If it’s meant to be we’ll find our way back to each other,don’t wait on me.One day you’ll find love and someone who makes you as happy as you make me. I love you Sam Park,don’t ever forget that.” I ended the call before he could reply.Fighting back the tears I got myself ready and headed to my graduation,a fake smile on my face throughout the entire thing.
Meanwhile in Korea,Sam did everything he could to not think about you.Endless hours in the studio,sleepless nights or partying whichever one numbed his feelings for you was the route he took.He had returned to California as soon as he could only to find your shared apartment only filled with his things.He got back on a flight just as quickly as he’d gotten on one.He didn’t want to be there if you weren’t there.
Being back in Brazil wasn’t as easy as you’d hoped especially with the bomb that was dropped on you.Although you weren’t complaining you couldn’t help but feel like you were missing something.
2 years later  
Seoul,South Korea
“AJ please stop crying.” I pleaded with the toddler.A cranky AJ is something I don’t like dealing with but as a parent it’s something that I have to deal with.
“Aww why’s my little niece crying? What’s wrong with auntie’s baby?” Tasha cooed as she took her from me.
“I don’t know,she’s been cranky since we got into the car.” I replied following Tasha into the restaurant. I met Tasha after her husband had booked me to do their family photo shoot last year and now I’m their company’s full time photographer.
Tonight was the welcoming dinner and I’d be lying if I said I’m not nervous.As I took my seat next to Tasha,AJ seated comfortably in her lap Jk started introducing the people around the table as dinner progressed with slight small talk.
“And last but not least the man who never leaves the studio lately,Mr Junoflo.” He introduced. The name set off so many alarm bells in my head but I shook it off every time it was mentioned.It couldn’t possibly be the same person.
“It’s just my stage name,the name’s Sam and it’s nice to meet you.”  
Sam outstretched his hand across the table waiting for the woman to raise up her head.She seemed out of it throughout the introduction but for some reason he felt like he’d seen her before.Eyes locked on hers as she looked up he felt as though time had stopped.This wasn’t happening.Not now,not when he was finally getting over you.
“Sam.” The entire table stared at the both of them shocked.
“You two know each other?” Tasha asked.
“He’s the ex-boyfriend I told you about.” I told her dropping my gaze from him and looking at her.She looked from Sam to Aj and back to me before her jaw dropped.
“No way!” I looked her pleading with my eyes for her not to say anything but Aj had other plans.
“Mamãe! I wanna sleep.” She rubbed her eyes with a slight pout.That was my cue to run for the hills. I could feel his eyes on me as she crawled onto my lap from Tasha’s arms.
“It was really nice meeting you guys but it’s getting late and I should probably get her to bed.Thank you for having me.” I slid Tasha a couple of bills to help with dinner before putting Aj down and standing.
“I’ll give you a ride. I gotta get back to the studio anyways.” Sam offered as he dropped some cash on the table standing.
“Oh no,no It’s fine.I’ll just call an uber.” I told him trying to avoid having to talk to him.
“Cute,you thought I was asking.” He retorted bending to scoop Aj up into his arms shocking me.She’s never this open with strangers.He bid farewell to everyone else and made his way out the restaurant with me following behind him.
“Sam I’m serious you don’t have to take us home.”
“And I said I wasn’t asking now get in the car Larissa.” He opened the back door waiting for me to get in before passing Aj and getting in the drivers seat.
The silence in the car could be cut with a knife as neither one bothered to speak.Aj fell asleep on the ride home and Larissa couldn’t help but be grateful.As Sam pulled up to the condo complex she noticed him parking but didn’t question it.Getting out she made sure she had everything before thanking him and heading inside.Her eyes opened wide when she got to the elevator and saw him entering right behind her.
“Sam what are you doing?” She questioned frantically.
“First of calm down I’m not following you, I live here and lastly we need to talk.”
She signaled for him to follow her when the elevator opened up on her floor.Pulling out her keys she opened the door and entering.
“Are you going to come in or do you want to stand here all night?”
“How long have you been living here?”  
“About a year and a half.”
“You’ve been my neighbor for almost two years and I’m just finding out about this?” He spoke more to himself as he entered and closed the door behind him.
I put Aj to bed before joining Sam back in the living room sitting on the couch opposite him.
“Why didn’t you tell me? Didn’t you think I at least deserved to know I got you pregnant?”
“Who said she’s yours though?”
“She’s no more than two years and we’ve been broken up for the same amount of time and I know you’ve never been unfaithful so why didn’t you tell me?” He looked at me.
“Because I didn’t know until after I left. I was gaining weight and I didn’t know why until I went to the doctor. I didn’t know how to tell you and I felt as though this would only get in the way of your career.”  
“That wasn’t your decision to make Larissa. I know things weren’t the best between us then but I would do anything for you and you know that. I helped create that insanely beautiful little girl inside there,” he pointed to Aj’s room. “and I missed out on everything. I don’t even know her name.
“Alexandria Juno Park.”
“Her name.Alexandria Juno Park.” I smiled lightly at him.
“You gave her my name.” I nodded.Sam got out his seat pulling me up into a hug.
“I’m sorry.For everything,missing your graduation,breaking my promises and not treating you like you deserve to be.” He mumbled into my hair.Being this close to him had everything rushing back to me.Not like I could forget him anyways.Not when we’d made a miniature version of him in female form.Everything from his smile to eating habits even that little beauty mole she had it.
“I forgave you long ago Sam. I had no reason to be mad at you. I knew what would happen when I agreed to try the long distance thing and it didn’t work but at least we tried.”
“You told me that if this was meant to be we’d find our way back to each other and this may not be the ideal time but I need you to know that I never stopped loving you.There’s never gonna be someone who loves and makes me as happy as you do and I completely understand if you don’t feel the same anymore but all I’m asking is for you to give me the chance to know my daughter and to be in her life.” He rubbed soothing circles on my lower back pulling away slightly to look at me.
I leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “I never stopped loving you either and yes you could can be in her life.” One hand caressing my cheek the other on my waist Sam pulled me closer pressing a soft kiss to my lips testing the water before he pressed harder.
Sam knew that you needed to find yourself.He knew letting you go was stupid but it’s something that the both of you needed to get to here and now.
“Say you want this life.Say you want this life with me. I want you by my side and I want you in my life. I need you in my life always.The both of you.Just say you want this life with me.” He looked me in the eyes.
“I want this life with you if you’ll have me back.Even when you can’t make it home because you’re catching different flights.You’re my white light. The reason I’m not afraid to open my heart to you and show my scars.As long as you’ll have me I’m all yours Sam Juno Park.”  
That was all it took for Sam to capture my lips in another kiss this one much more heated than the last.Pulling back for air we both found ourselves cuddling on my couch at 2am before falling asleep in each other’s arms just like we used to.
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khhsh-t · 7 years
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excusemyobsessions · 4 years
AU requests officially open
After considering this for a while, I’ve finally decided to officially open AU (alternate universe) requests, to hopefully spark up my creativity.
Therefore, you can send in requests for the people in the list below.
Please state the idol and AU scenario you’d like to see (ex: gangster!Jooheon or cultivator!Hui pardon me, I’m really into The Untamed atm) and tell me whether you’re just looking for bullet points (main aspects of how they would be like, act, etc.) or if you want an actual elaborate one shot text (in which, please specify the scenario you’re looking for whenever you do have something specific in mind).
Keep in mind I do not write smut. My writings will also always be gender neutral unless you ask for a gender specific text.
Groups I write for: A.C.E, 1TEAM, B.A.P., Block B, DAY6, GreatGuys, GOT7, HOTSHOT, IMFACT, IN2IT, KNK, Monsta X, PENTAGON, The Rose, TREI, VAV, Victon, VIXX
Solo artists I write for: Crush, Christian Yu, DPR LIVE, Gaho, Gray, Hyolyn, Jooyoung, June, Jung Jinwoo, Junoflo, Moti, SAAY, Sam Kim, Villain
(If you’ve requested something and I haven’t gotten to it yet, it does not mean I won’t write it. All requests are safely stored up, waiting for me to get to them.)
(Also, I’m very close to my 100th text post and I’d like to make it special. If you have any special requests in mind, please drop by. Or just any ideas of what my 100th post should be in general.)
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