#judas the deceiver
thebindingofpillo · 5 months
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Judas Judas Judas Judas
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sgtxavi · 4 months
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tainted judas/the deceiver being silly
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pyromaniacblujay · 3 months
Since you made the gender swap drawing of Survivor Bethany and Survivor Judas, what would the gender swap of their tainted versions be like? :0
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probably something like this!
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starlightmeaww · 2 months
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Ну.. мне купили новый скетчбук, который я стараюсь заполнять хорошими рисунками. Второй рисунок решила будет с иудой, первый сейчас буду выставлять
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magimcull · 11 months
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I see what I'll always be remembered for, whether I like it or not; a liar, a betrayer - a deceiver, consumed by greed and hatred.
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Fighting the final boss while HIGH ON SHROOMS
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rastronomicals · 2 years
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9:36 PM EDT July 19, 2022:
Judas Priest - "Dreamer Deceiver" From the album Sad Wings of Destiny (March 23, 1976)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Like the Montrose album, Sad Wings seems just about five years ahead of its time.
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ankhbot · 2 months
We followed the dreamer through the purple hazy clouds He could control our sense of time We thought we were lost but no matter how we tried Everyone was in peace of mind
We felt the sensations drift inside our frames Finding complete contentment there And all the tensions that hurt us in the past Just seemed to vanish in thin air
He said in the cosmos is a single sonic sound That is vibrating constantly And if we could grip and hold on to the note We would see our minds were free, oh they're free
We are lost above Floating way up high If you think you can find a way You can surely try
Judas Priest - Dreamer Deceiver & Deceiver
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gotankgo · 6 months
Judas Priest “Deceiver”
• Sad Wings of Destiny (1976)
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In Narnia's metaphor, Edmund isn't Judas Iscariot. He's us.
Edmund's betrayal isn't eating the Turkish Delight or even liking the Witch. That, and the effects of the Turkish Delight that follow, are his temptation.
His actual betrayal comes when he's seen evidence of the Witch's evil (at Tumnus's house) and heard all about the Witch's tyranny and the goodness of Aslan (from the Beavers) and he still chooses to go over to the Witch alone.
Of course the deck is stacked against Edmund! Of course he's being deceived and manipulated! Of course he's just a child! That's how sin works!!! Haven't you read Screwtape???
Edmund's sin is easy for us to excuse, but it is still inexcusable. That's the whole point. It is petty and small and childish and still wrong. Just like so much of our sin.
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thebindingofpillo · 5 months
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Want unlimited rizz? Just let yourself be possessed by a demon!
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beanlet-boi · 3 months
I got bored, so uh
Isaac's "personas" and what I feel they represent:
Isaac - Isaac
Magdalene - Isaac's feminine side, along with his love and desire to *be* loved.
Cain - Isaac's own (percieved) selfishness and jealousy
Judas - Isaac sees himself as a betrayer, likely because of his fondness for his father and his *very* mixed feelings of his mother
??? - Dead Isaac
Eve - Isaac's personification of his desires of self-harm
Samson - Anger, wrath, violence, destruction
Azazel - Isaac's inner demon, he believes it's his true nature
Lazarus - His desire to die
Eden - Chaotic, random, and in Tainted form, even unstable and glitchy. Isaac's perception of himself as someone who shouldn't exist.
Lost - Dead Isaac 2
Lilith - Isaac's internalization of his impact on his mother's life. After all, Lilith is the mother of a demon (at least in game)
Keeper - Greed, constant desire or need for more. It's present in more or less everyone, although to varying extents
Apollyon - Isaac's hopelessness, his state as a vessel for the void of his depression. Perhaps also his belief that he destroys everything around him, like his own family
The Forgotten - Dead Isaac 3 and 4
Bethany - Isaac's unwavering faith, and his hope that maybe God will look kindly upon him
Jacob and Esau - Probably the biggest stretch, but maybe Isaac sees himself as *both* brothers: Jacob, who convinced Esau to sell his birthright to him for a stew, and Esau, the manipulated, deceived, and wrathful. Potentially his own inner turmoil, the very reason both Bethany and Azazel can exist, personified within the same child.
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pyromaniacblujay · 11 months
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judas' shadow and tainted judas
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homoeroticbetrayal · 1 year
Iconic Homoerotic Betrayal: Round 3
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Summary by Clock
Judas sold Jesus to the Romans for 13 pieces of silver. He signaled the Romans and marked out Jesus amongst the disciples with a kiss. (He could have just pointed and said "that's Jesus" but he decided to kiss Jesus one last time.) He later hung himself, the 13 pieces of silver laid unspent by his feet.
Summary by Anonymous Contributor
szll is already iconic but I'm just going to list all their betrayals (and perceived betrayals) as a refresher:
(first, for context, one thing you gotta understand is lelouch, leader of the rebellion who believes ends justify the means, is also the discarded prince of the empire he's fighting against. suzaku, rising knight of the empire who believes means have to justify the ends, is the son and killer of the prime minister of the country being oppressed. this is PEAK narrative foils and enemies-to-lovers recipe right there.)
- lelouch and nunnally were sent to japan as political hostages. britannia takes over japan quickly after and lelouch, knowing how much japan means to suzaku, promises to destroy britannia. suzaku should be angry at britannia! lelouch will free them!! except years later he learns that suzaku is now WORKING for the empire? he's becoming a KNIGHT for the empire, betraying his own country and their shared hatred for britannia. what the fuck, what happened to principles, suzaku? this is lelouch's first (perceived) betrayal.
- lelouch (accidentally) kills euphemia, the only princess who's trying to make peace with the japanese, the princess that suzaku is knight of, the princess suzaku LOVES and lelouch adores. now yes, this was an accident, but lelouch ROLLS WITH IT and lets suzaku and the rest of the world believe that it was intentional, thus fully driving that knife deep. he never tells suzaku this was an accident. this is suzaku's most painful betrayal.
- suzaku finds out lelouch is zero, leader of the rebellion, and turns him in to his evil dad, emperor of the empire, in exchange for becoming a knight of round (the highest military status). now if you count akito the exiled as canon, this also means sending lelouch to be BRAINWASHED into serving the empire as a master tactician before R2 happens. suzaku monitors him all throughout, watching lelouch destroy nations and praise the empire against his own principles.
this is just season one of code geass. this doesn't even touch how suzaku is also forced to betray his own loyalties/principles sometimes whenever the "live" geass that lelouch condemns him with acts up. how suzaku would monitor lelouch and keep deceiving him that rolo is his beloved sibling, not nunnally. etc etc.
AND YET despite all of this, code geass culminates with them SWEARING LOYALTY to each other, with lelouch becoming the demon emperor and suzaku becoming his right-hand man, the knight of zero. lelouch becomes a tyrant that suzaku is destined to kill. lelouch brings peace to the world but will never be able to live in it. he will always be remembered as the dictator, the scourge of the world. suzaku atones for all his sins by being reduced to a heroic symbol, by being punished to kill his best friend and never becoming suzaku the person ever again. with the "live" geass, he is cursed to never die, never to escape, always bearing both of their sins -- the eternal punishment he has been seeking. and by killing lelouch, he is able to avenge euphemia in the end, and bring the peace all three of them desired.
code geass is a hot mess but there is poetry in their betrayals. they are thematically bound to live this tragedy, and that is why they are iconic. the ending of code geass is well-known and highly regarded as one of the most iconic endings ever, and it can only ever be so because it stands on the love and loss and betrayals of suzaku and lelouch.
See other descriptions of Suzalulu
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Pairing: Andrew (Hozier) x fem!reader
Word Count: 3,500
Warnings: rpf, language, mentions of alcohol, slightly smutty daydreaming, mentions of online dating disasters, slander, pining, mentions of past heartbreak, fluff
Summary: Andrew has been secretly in love for a long time. Will he finally find it in himself to confess his feelings to his beloved?
A/N: It took me quite a while to finish this, but it was important to me that I did. I've been struggling with my writing for some time now and maybe it shows. Still, this one is special to me and one of the most personal stories I have ever written.
Picture by Joshua Newton via Unsplash (edited)
If you like my story, you are very welcome to like, comment or reblog. No permission is given to copy, repost or share my work on other platforms.
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Andrew could feel the cold creeping up on him from behind his back. What had been supposed to be the last night of summer had turned out to be the first night of autumn instead. Probably sensing the crisp bite of nightfall approach, someone had lit a fire hours ago, back when the sun had still been powerful enough to deceive the rest of them for a little longer. The oak logs, now turned into embers of glowing red, still gave off enough heat to keep the whole group outside way past midnight. Not that he would have needed the fire to keep him warm though. Her sight was more than sufficient to drive away the chill in an instant and provide him with enough heat to turn his cheeks pink whenever his eyes lingered for too long and his thoughts began to wander. 
He could have easily sat through the night without their bonfire if only she was there with him. He had to admit though that the fire suited her well, unveiling her full beauty to him once again in all its splendour, like the day he had finally realised he was in love with her. 
Dark shadows and golden lights danced across her face, caressing her soft skin with the tenderness of a lover’s touch. With every flicker of the flames, the glossy sheen of her painted lips twinkled enticingly, as if he would have needed the sight to remind him of the countless times he had yearned to taste them. What drew him in most though were her eyes, they always did. But it was here, in the glow of the fire, that they shone like they did only in the rarest of moments, when she allowed her feelings to breach the surface of her usually so reserved demeanour. 
The fact that he hadn’t seen her in quite a while only added to the effect she had on him. It must have been a good year ago, but the memory was still as vivid as if it had only been a few days. Andrew would never forget the darkness he had seen in her eyes that day. And he would never forgive the one who had put it there. The one she had called her lover back when lightning had first pierced Andrew’s defenceless heart. The one that sat right here by the fire among all their friends, like Judas among the apostels. Maybe even worse. 
With the heed of each and every single one of Argos’ ninety-nine waking eyes, Andrew had watched them all night, searching for even the slightest signs of discomfort on her side, or worse, of phoenix rising from the ashes, but so far nothing alarming had passed between them.
Andrew had always admired former lovers who were able to turn failed romance into friendship, but seeing these two on friendly terms, watching her laugh about his witless jokes as if he hadn’t almost broken her heart beyond repair, made him seriously reconsider the veracity of that belief.
“Oh come on, not again,” someone broke his train of thought with their whiny complaint about the empty cooling bag. “I’m not going all the way up into the kitchen again to fetch you lazy fuckers more booze.”
Immediately more and more voices joined in, eager not to leave their comfortable spots by the fire and walk through the cold and dark of the garden—all but one, and he knew even before her lips had parted that she would take it upon herself to get the supplies from inside the empty house.
“All right,” she uttered with a soft sigh as she stood, “someone hand me the bag. I’ll go.”
Too quick for his brain to catch up on the movement, Andrew found himself on his feet as well and lunged towards the bag, beating her to it without any effort thanks to his long legs.
“I’ll come with you.”
He had feared she would protest, fastening his grip on the handle just in case she would try to yank it out of his hand while telling him she was plenty able to find the way to the fridge by herself. But she didn’t. Instead she just smiled up at him before her lips formed a silent thank you and Andrew was very grateful that his feet somehow remembered how to move on their own.
All evening a thousand questions he wanted to ask her had spiralled through his head. How was she doing? Had life treated her kindly since he had last seen her? God, he hoped it had. Still a part of him wished that didn’t extend to her love life as well and even though he knew it was childish to hope that her heart was still unclaimed because he wanted to make a home in it himself, he did. 
But he probably never would. Especially not since telling her about the feelings he had nursed for so long seemed impossible if he wasn’t even able to start a simple conversation now that they were alone. Maybe it was for the best though, seeing that she obviously wasn’t too keen on starting a conversation either.
It hadn’t always been like this, awkward and unfamiliar, as if they had never talked whole nights through, deeply lost in their own tiny universe where everything orbited around music, poetry, literature, mythology, politics, philosophy and all the other topics the rest of the gang found too profound for a night of drinking and light entertainment. He had lived for those moments, loved to pick her marvellous brain until, if only for a brief point in time, he was able to see the world through her eyes. 
And now he was standing here like a bloody fool, holding the bag for her in silence while she loaded bottle after bottle of cold brew into it. She was so close to him, her unique fragrance filling his senses every time she stirred the air between them when she turned. It was almost completely blanketed by the sharp stench of smoke. Almost. But not to him. He had memorised her scent like his favourite song, ready to recall every single note of it from memory even after all this time. Yet he seldomly allowed himself to do so. It made him careless, made his mind wander off to a place in which he imagined how she would feel, skin on skin. He wondered if she would taste just as good, her salty-sweet aroma still fresh on his tongue as their bodies became one in heated passion. He longed to feel her breath crawling up his neck as she moaned his name in pleasure, yearned to be wrapped tightly in the warmth of her—
The touch of her fingers gently pulled him from his fantasy, away from her and still back to her, back into the bleak reality of the kitchen with its buzzing fridge and cold neon lights.
“Huh?” he muttered sheepishly, his brain still unable to form a coherent sentence after what it had just dreamed up.
His irritation seemed to amuse her, a soft giggle breaking through her concern for a split second before she became serious again.
“Are you all right?”
“Yeah. Sure.” He tried his best to sound convincing, but he knew she could read him like a book and so he was quick to add, “How about you?”
“Me? I’m not the one who zoned out for a moment.”
“True.” He smiled down at her, warm and soft. “But that’s not what I meant.”
“Oh.” For the blink of an eye the smile she had shot him in return faltered, and when it steadied on her lips again, it wasn’t quite the same anymore. “I’m good. Fine, actually. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, I just thought…you know…with him being here and all…”
“Ah, I see.” Her hand found his arm and gave it a gentle squeeze before gliding down the length of it and Andrew thought he could feel her touch in his very bones. “It’s very sweet of you to worry about me, but there’s really no need to. After all it was a mutual split.”
Actually, he remembered their breakup a little differently, but if this was the narrative she had chosen to hold onto, he wouldn’t be the one to crush it for her. But when she pulled her hand away from his, it was her who felt the need to correct that statement. 
“Okay, maybe the split itself wasn’t that mutual, but I know now that we had it coming for a long time. And I’ve made my peace with it.”
“That’s good to hear.” Andrew felt the awkward silence lure in the darkness that awaited outside the kitchen and still he needed another moment to gather the courage to ask the one question his heart feared the most and was still desperate to find the answer to. “So…um…are you…is there someone new in your life?”
“God no!” He hadn’t expected that reaction at all and even though he didn’t find his fears confirmed, there was something about her eyes and the tone of her voice that made his heart heavy for her. “I put that hope to rest rather quickly after I started online dating.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Part of him truly was because no matter how much he had wished for her to be single, he would never have wanted it to come at the cost of more hurt.
“No, don’t be. Some of the shit I’ve been through is actually quite amusing in retrospect. Come on, I’ll tell you a few stories on the way back.”
It had taken them quite a while before they could hear the laughter from the fireplace drift over to them again. They had stopped a few times on the way, mostly because he had temporarily forgotten how to walk in the face of the things she had told him. But no matter how he looked at it, amusing was far from the word he would use to describe most of the things she had endured. Disbelief had alternated with rage up to a point that he himself felt awful for even sharing the same sex with this scum. 
After what he had just learned, Andrew couldn’t blame her for losing faith in love, not in the least. If anything, he was surprised how well she seemed to handle everything she had been through. In his eyes it was more than admirable. Of course he had known before that dating was seldomly an easy thing, but until now he had never realised what risks it held for women in a world almost entirely shaped by men.
“Promise me you won’t tell the others, okay? I wouldn’t want them to know. Especially not…”
Despite the darkness he could see her eyes shimmer with embarrassment. What for, he didn’t know. She had nothing to blame herself for. 
“Of course. I promise. Cross my heart.” 
A slender finger moved across his chest in two strokes to support his words and his childlike gesture made her smile. He had hoped it would. What he hadn’t anticipated however was her next move, and as her palm found the very spot he had just marked with a cross, his heart sank into his feet. There was nothing he could do to prevent it from speeding up, forced to stand and watch her catch on to it any second now while he felt its powerful drum underneath the thin layer of skin that covered his neck. 
“So, you still seem to get along with Y/N exceptionally well. Any chances for a reunion then?”
Her hand fell away, his fear of getting caught forgotten immediately, when she turned towards the voices. The little group that sat around the fire was still veiled from view by a few thick bushes, but the teasing tone was enough to imagine the grin on the talker’s face. Andrew and the woman by his side were far from grinning though.
“Not in a million years. We split for a reason, you know.”
“Yeah, I totally understand. She’s kind of…special.”
“You can say that again.”
Even in the dim light that reached their hiding spot from the fire, Andrew could see her face fall. Fascinated and petrified alike by the myriad of emotions that flickered in the treacherous gleam of her eyes, he wished he could do anything but watch disaster unfold right in front of him. He might have thought of something, anything, had he known that they were far from finished with their humiliating ordeal.
“Might be the reason online dating isn’t going too well for her.”
“Honestly, I can’t say that comes as a real surprise.”
The conversation was far from over, but Andrew didn’t care anymore. All he cared about was the pair of wide eyes that seemed to stare right into the darkness of the cosmos as her body stumbled back a few steps.
The bag fell into the grass with a thud, the bottles inside clinking dangerously, but all he heard was her trembling voice that mumbled an absentminded excuse.
“I…I’m really tired. I should probably head home.”
And with that she just turned, the hint of an apologetic smile on her face, and let the shadows swallow her. For a second he just stood there, frozen in place by the rising panic inside of him, until the faint noise of a shaky breath carried over to him on the breeze.
But she didn’t. Of course she didn’t. And why would she? He had done nothing to stop those eejits from their slander and he couldn’t blame her for assuming it was because he secretly agreed with them. 
“Y/N, stop.”
His feet had begun to move at last, hurrying after her as fast as the slippery grass allowed until he could make out her silhouette only an arms-length away and reached for her. 
“Please stop.” 
His voice was soft, but his hold on her wrist wasn’t. He couldn’t let her walk away from him, not like this. Not before he had told her—
But the moment she turned to face him, the words died away in his throat as he took her in in the faint moonlight, two watery lines cascading down her cheeks like streams of stars. Words would not be enough to make them stop. It was foolish, a gesture born from sheer helplessness in the face of his beloved’s despair, but there was no falter in his hands when he pulled her in and sealed her lips with his own. 
It wasn’t at all what he had hoped their first kiss to be like. But at least for a second he could feel her return it, her hands coming up to his chest, fisting the thick denim of his jacket, before she pushed him away.
“Don’t what?”
His honest bewilderment seemed to be completely lost on her. Instead her chin began to tremble dangerously.
“Don’t be kind to me because I’m sad. Your pity just confirms they are right.”
“Pity? You think this was a gesture of pity?”
Her silence was answer enough and Andrew could see her retreat into her shell again. Soon, she would once more shoot him that apologetic smile and flee the scene, without ever knowing that in this very moment, pity was the last thing he felt for her. 
“What about this then?”
This time, he knew exactly what he was doing. Fully prepared to be pushed away again, to be yelled at or be slapped in the face, he leaned down. Gentle fingers cupped her cheek and he took it as a good sign that she didn’t shy away from his touch. He waited, one last moment for her to stop him, but she didn’t, and so he closed the last gap between them. 
This was what it should have been like the first time. Soft and tender, full of affection, every fibre of his being filled with her until he didn’t know anymore where he ended and she began. Through the haze of his rapture he faintly noticed the soft press of her body against his, unwavering arms wrapping around his neck, and he pulled her closer, securing her in his arms while she moaned her sweet approval into his mouth. 
He could have kissed her like this forever, but he still had a point to prove, a statement to make, and so he pulled away.
“Still think this was a pity kiss?” he panted against her lips and when her answer didn’t come, he pulled away further to look at her. He had hoped to be met with the familiar warmth of her eyes, but he found her gaze fixed on his jacket instead, where she watched her own hands adjust his collar.
“Even if it was—”
“It wasn’t.”
“Still,” she paused for a second, “what they say is true.”
“So? What’s wrong with being special?”
“I think we both know they didn’t mean special in a good way.”
Andrew sighed as his palm found her cheek again. “Maybe they didn’t.” He gently tilted her head and waited patiently until she finally decided to look at him. “But I do. I mean it in the best way possible when I say you’re special to me, Y/N. They may be right, you are complicated. But aren’t we all in our own way? That’s how nature has created us, as absolutely unique individuals, beautifully complicated. None of them may understand this, measuring you by society’s grotesque norms instead, but to me you are easy to love.”
“Andy, I…”
“It’s okay, love. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same about me. I just wanted you to know.”
This was it. He had said what he had wanted to say. Now she would try her best to be gentle in her rejection, thank him for his honesty and leave. He would probably not see her again after tonight. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled as his forehead sank against hers, “I should have told you a long time ago.”
“Maybe, yes. Then again, I don’t think you could have chosen a better moment to tell me than this exact one.”
His brain had no time to process what she had just said, distracted by the hands that found his trembling form again, one gliding into the warm space between his shirt and jacket, the other smoothing along his cheek and into his hair to hold him in place. As if he would ever even consider parting from her in a moment like this. And then he could feel it again for a heartbeat, the feathery touch of her lips on his, ethereal and unreal like a fleeting daydream. 
His next words came in a whisper against her own, anxious if he lost their touch, he might wake from this dream after all. “Do you still want to get out of here?”
“Will you let me walk with you then? Just to make sure my special girl gets home safe and sound.”
“I think,” she said quietly, her breath leaving a honeyed due on his lips, “that’s the best idea you had tonight.” Slowly he moved, still reluctant to part from her, and it was only when he had secured her hand safely in his own that he dared to pull away and began walking. “Your best idea apart from that pity kiss, maybe.”
“I told you, woman, it wasn’t a pity kiss.” 
It was too dark to see her now, the moonlight shielded from them by the thick branches of a fir tree that hung above. And so, there was nothing he could do but squeeze her hand to make his protest known. 
“Bollocks,” she huffed teasingly as she squeezed back, causing Andrew to stop in his tracks.
“Do I need to show you again?”
“It surely won’t hurt.”
She squealed in surprise as he wrapped his arm around her middle and manoeuvred her backwards. With a soft groan, her spine was pressed into the gnarly bark of the tree while her head landed securely against the back of a large hand that shielded it from impact. 
“Kiss me, Andrew,” she breathed into the expectant silence, her fingers finding his lush curls again and guiding him towards the source of her heady whisper. And he did. Until he could feel the world around him starting to spin. He could have blamed it on the lack of oxygen or the darkness around them that heightened his senses, maybe even on the mere fact that this kiss had seemed so utterly unthinkable by the beginning of this evening, but he knew too well that it was the woman in his arms who made this kiss the most special he had ever shared. A kind of special he vowed to always cherish and never take for granted.
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An illumination from a book of hours, sixteenth century © Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
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“Genesis acknowledges a crucial variable that is not present in the Babylonian epics—human culpability. To have been too noisy is more anodyne, even, than to have tasted an apple. But Adam and Eve disobeyed, doubted, tried to deceive. These are all complex acts of will. The old Christian theologies spoke of felix culpa, the fortunate fall. This is, in effect, another name for human agency, responsibility, even freedom. If we could do only those things God wills, we would not be truly free—although to discern the will of God and act on it is freedom. Our human nature as fallen and our human nature as divine have a dynamic, asymptotic relation with each other. The centrality of humankind in the creation myth of Genesis is from the beginning an immeasurable elevation of status, made meaningful in the fact of our interacting with God even at the level of sacred history. This is unique to the Bible and central to both Testaments. Could Moses really have refused to return to Egypt? Might Judas have refused to betray Jesus, who knew he must be betrayed? All this is related to the fact that the Bible does not exist to explain away mysteries and complexities but to reveal and explore them with a respect and restraint that resists conclusion.”
— Marilynne Robinson
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