#judas priestess
robotpussy · 1 year
This is part of a series of polls I want to make. I am sticking to bands that are mainly metal, although there is some crossover with these bands, some even hybrid bands.
I also just wanted to make this so I could get probably some suggestions on BLACK musicians that made/make rock music. It's not a contest, I just want to see which musicians some people like and for this to be a way for people to discover them.
Other Polls:
Classic Rock
Randomly selected musicians in rock
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thehordereigns-blog · 9 months
"Game start- Won’t you do the same for us?"
Casey x The Horde (Dennis, Patricia, Hedwig)- Alternative scene of Glass
(since I saw Glass again, I want to honor the very moving duo, the very beautiful dynamic between Casey and the Horde in the film. I am sorry for my English, which is still academic but poorly developed.)
The scene takes place during the events of Glass, in a completely parallel reality here, since we will say that Casey lives alone, in a small apartment that her guardians (now adoptive) have rented to her during her studies, close to their home. She receives an unexpected visit.
Casey is working on the table in her tiny living room, sunny with bay windows. She is concentrated, headset on her ears, her hair caressing her face (beautiful, normal it's Anya Taylor-Joy :) ). Suddenly the doorbell rang. Casey almost jumps, thinks she hears someone. A loud, precise knock on the door. She takes off her headset and walks slowly towards the door, and slows down when she hears a couple of little knocks, as if made jokingly by a child. She hears a chuckle, then an adult reprimand. She looks in the Judas, it's him . It's the Horde whispering low. In her startle, her heartbeat quickened: a thousand questions crossed her mind. She opened the door slowly, revealing Dennis' tight face, eager to greet her first.
-It takes a long time to explain...
-Are you alone?
-Yeah, if I may say so.
She looks on both sides of the landing, afraid that someone will hear the whispers of the man so sought to put him back in jail again and now forever. She approached him and gestured for him to come inside; he entered abruptly and closed the door.
-Damn Dennis...
She hugged him with a distance, afraid of being separated, but in a kind of deep friendship in their mutual suffering and wounds. Dennis held her in his arms and looked away.
-Me too Casey, enough. Yeah.
He sighed. "It's very clean in here." She looks him in the eye, his beautiful blue eyes puffy with anxiety.
-you haven't changed you know.
He smiles. He plays the game.
-Someone else wants to say hello, you know.
Casey's face remains stunned seeing Kevin's face light up. She understood from the frantic movements of his arms that she was seeing an old friend, an old playmate.
-Casey!! My girl !! Ya home sooo cool , you're an adult now!! you see, we wear the same color like real lovers! Pointing out her pink sweater that matched his sweater. Do you have your own room ?? Is the TV yours??
He was running towards the sofa, lifting all the cushions, like a small tornado. He disturbs all the classes placed, and notices the headset and grabs it.
- Wow class!! What were you listening to?? Nicki?? If you're on her side, we can't be together, but I accept it..
She smiled as she tried to approach him.
  -Hedwig, I need to talk to...
- Did you cook? It smells so good! In the hospital it was old porridge, yucky..worse than the time Jade tried to make meat, it was horrible..it looked like jam.
She picked up the headset, her lessons, and the sofa cushions. She heard a silence and turned around.
-Like I was telling you, Casey, there's been a problem at the hospital. Mr Glass got us out, and reading the reports, gave us the address where we could found you without any trouble. He was not mistaken.
-It’s completely insane!! But you ran away?? But what's your problem, you all want to be killed?
-you don’t unders-
- Gently girl!
Her air of a schoolteacher, clapping the students fingers, she recognizes the priestess.
-Be polite, you knew where you were going from the start after visiting us. Staple couldn't believe it, you have to see the face of this ill-fated little bitch.
- Patricia, you let Kevin out of the hospital, it’s completely unconscious.. think of Kevin!
- We have the situation under control, my dear.
- Oh you do ?
For the love of Kevin, she was ready to defy the world if necessary.
- For now, we'll have to hide, my dear, because we're on the run. We'll find a solution by then, and the Beast will thank you.
- I don't need to be thanked! You are all going to be killed with your nonsense!
Patricia, as usual, looked determined by whatever the Beast dictated to her. She knew how to lead and wanted to remain master of everything and of herself. As a priestess, she must not show a sign of weakness, nor a wavering of her faith. Hedwig, he, as a player, laughed at this completely crazy situation.
- Eh LOL !! Before it was us who hide you and now won’t you do the same for us? How dare you, you’re so mean ha ha ha !!
She smiled and giggled at this incredible situation. Anyway, her life and Kevin’s life were tied forever together now. What was she going to do? Leave Kevin to all those who lost him by wanting to protect him, brood him? Leave the child, leave the Horde, let the Beast lead to the inevitable fall of the group? “Fuck, shit…” whispered Casey. (Patricia creaked inside) She sighed, looked behind her, took a deep breath. 
Dennis and Casey looked at each other. Dennis, who crossed his arms, hoped in her eyes. He had become tender and sincere on several occasions. He had already shown his respect for this girl, this very special girl..
Both were surprised by the ringing of the pasta timer. She dodged Dennis who stood at the kitchen door. She dripped the pasta, with her empty gaze, lost in reflexions. Dennis was desperate for an answer in her panicked air. Until she grabbed two plates, and exclaimed:
- how many plates do I serve you? One or twenty-three ?
And in Kevin’s smile, she saw that of Patricia, that of Dennis, that of Hedwig and all those who approved of the joke.
for those who held on and read to the end, thank you very, very much. I really really appreciate talking about these two, without explicitly talking about Love, but a bond of deep respect and mutual recognition bonding them. Let me know your opinion on this hehe 😃
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kemetic-dreams · 4 months
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Conner has done a great job of explaining how and why Jesus apeared to be a sorcerer or magician, as well as shedding light on one of the major reasons the Pharisees were perecuting him. Having spent time in Egypt, land of Egyptian Magick, where he also met Mary Magdalene, a Temple Priestess in the huge Alexandrian church (run by John the Baptist no less), he returned to his homeland (after spending 20 years in Egypt) where he had learned some basic tricks of the Magicians there. Jesus was not a sorcerer per se, it is just that the way he did his miracles looked like the way the Egyptian Magicians did it -- spitting (twice according to Mark) to give the blind man sight -- would not The God just speak the healing, or touch the man's forehead... why spit in the dirt? This is all better explored and exapanded on in Hegland's book Anunnakki Endgame III which goes into the backstpry of Jesus, Mary, John the Baptist, Paul and the creation of the New Testament (NT). Hegland also shares that he had the advantage of a Jewish Rabbi to explain scenarios in the NT and the Wedding at Cana is a real surprise. Key to the whole overall backstory is what the Piso Family in Rome was up to, and unfortunately Conner is not (yet) aware of that side of the story, but Hegland exposes it and connects the dots. You really need both Connor's and Hegland's books to get the whole picture... one expands the other.
‘Jesus the Sorcerer’ gets a ‘5’ just for putting ‘Jesus’ and ‘Sorcerer’ in the same sentence and title while being one of the very, very few to step into the huge footprints of Morton Smith (‘Jesus the Magician’). Conner doesn’t just repeat Morton’s focus on the pagan and Jewish witness of Jesus but rather does a better job on all the contemporary historical-critical issues of the New Testament ( a la Bart Ehrman) as well as a more complete comparison with the Greek magical papayri. Conner even extends his analysis to Paul who he dismisses as “concerned only with convincing”, Clement of Alexandria and Origen who admitted to keeping secrets, and early church theologians who were busy cursing their opponents (in good Egyptian magical tradition).
The book also gets a ‘5’ for its comprehensive and insightful Greek scholarship. The Jewish trial accusations against Jesus of “deceiver” and “imposter” are easily decoded as “sorcerer” as well as the accusation in Luke of “perverting our people”. The Spirit descending “on” Jesus like a dove is re-written in Matthew and Luke as “upon” so as to not give the impression Jesus is channeling or being ‘adopted’ at that point. Conner explains insightfully that the ‘Beloved Disciple’ who is “lying against Jesus” often translated in his “bosom” actually can refer to being in his “lap”.
Conner also gets a ‘5’ for his superb scholarship. His footnotes are as long as his chapters, however his chapters are mercifully short. He easily makes the overall point that there is virtually no difference between magic (which he succinctly defines as ‘religion that works’) and Christian prayer, exorcism, miracles, casting lots for the replacement of Judas, and using ‘black magic’ against their opponents. He notes that Luke screwed up using the “finger of God” phrase since it goes back to magical papyri and sorcerer opponents of Moses. Magical techniques Jesus used most often referenced in Mark are using spit, groaning, looking up to the sky, using special words of power, and dramatics. He insightfully recognizes that the power of Jesus was magical in that it had no moral or personal quality to it since it adhered to his very clothing—and, later the same idea transferred into the veneration of relics. He also perceives that Paul really had an adoptionist theology. Jesus was “appointed” son of God at the Resurrection using several quotes from Romans and Acts.
Conner even ventures into the area of Secret Mark and makes a great case that its depiction of Lazarus being roused out of the tomb and spending the next six days with Jesus in the home of Lazarus before a secret initiation was the original Mark with the current versions in Mark and the Gospel of John being the cover-up. Conner also makes a decent argument that Lazarus is the ‘Beloved Disciple’ of John but does not convince me since the same circumstantial argument could be made for Mary Magdalene who he unfairly consigns to the second century rumor bin.
The book is a worthy companion to ‘Jesus the Magician’ but its biggest failing is taking modern scholarship too seriously in portraying Jesus as a failed end times prophet and keeping Gnosticism at arms-length in the second century. Paul was actually the end-times prophet and his Herodian family and friends who penned the four Roman gospels followed his lead. Jesus was actually a mystery school teacher who taught soul travel as one can see clearly from the Dialogue of the Savior that scholars agree is first century material. The Gospel of Thomas is obviously a crypto-gnostic work of the first century as well since the Gospel of John was so clearly written to counteract it by embarrassing Thomas, saying that you can’t follow Jesus in soul travel, and that all one has to do is believe in the new Logos theology. A 2014 book called ‘The Lost Gospel’ also does a scholarly job of fixing the allegory of ‘Joseph and Asenath’ in the first century as a Jewish-Christian gnostic work about Jesus and Mary Magdalene. All these issues are covered in my book of 2013 on Amazon called ‘The Samaritan Jesus’.
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theeflowerofcarnage · 7 months
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So um got to that scene w asatrion,……….its a whole thing
so like an immense sense of guilt followed me thru the durge playthrough cuz of what happened in last light inn, which I wouldn't have even felt THAT bad abt if I hadn't tried really hard to save Jahiera and the nightsong. Like I am the reason she had to kill her girlfriend n I feel so bad about that I don’t even go near her side of camp……..sheesh n don’t get me started on jahiera like she deserved a warriors death I literally obliterated the harpers n then I take her w me to baldur's gate n orin wipes out the rest like I am her Judas
THEN we get to the murder tribunal  that’s  when I found out what happens to a bhaal spawn when they die; they become servants of their lord and technically their souls go back into bhaal so he is resurrected- and that durge is a being born from an immaculate conception, an antichrist like figure- this has been in the back of my mind while playing like damn when we die we are NOT seeing those pearly gates.
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And then we went to cazador- I got this dialogue with him, since I romanced him n was like no, no we arent going to let him ascend this time its an insane choice! This 'to care is to live again' would not have hit the same if I wasn’t playing durge!! It in perfectly incapsulates my entire experience its why Rhena didn’t fuck everyone over to be the last woman alive to rule over a dead world- as Amelyssan (Bhaal's former priestess) would've done like damn w an evil durge ending Rhena could've become a messiah like figure in the bhaal cult- the power she couldve received from it, makes a nice parallel with Astarion n Cazador- was it worth it? I am HAUNTED BY consequences astarion shouldn’t be!! its like they say you may start the walk towards power as a person of dignity but ultimately you end it as a gnat
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melaniekingreal · 2 years
my picks for songs that really just feel like TMA Entities, saw some other people doing it and wanted to give it a shot
Buried - Work Song by Hozier
It has that sort of old folk asethetic that the Buried really has, the Buried is one of the big ones that calls to people, drawing them in to either eat or avatar them, and a lot of it reminds me of A Gravedigger's Envy.
Corruption - I Love You Like An Alcoholic by The Taxpayers
Might seem odd to pick a song that doesn't really reference filth, but to me the Corruption is just as much about an irresistable pull, instinctual attachment, and this is a song about just that.
Dark - The Horror and the Wild by The Amazing Devil
A song all about monsters, about whispers and howls in the night, and making reference to blindness and cold, two of the Dark's big asethetics. Plus "the Wild" reminds me of the unknown that is so central to the Dark.
Desolation - Burning Pile by Mother Mother
In addition to the obvious fire stuff, this is a song about burning everything you have, setting the world ablaze with it, until you yourself burn as well.
End - For The Departed by Shayfer James
A song about a death inescapable and unpreventable, and the acceptance of it. Really not much to say here.
Eye - Electric Eye by Judas Priestess
Literally a song about surveillance states, of a thing that watches over all and knows you and your secrets, every detail of your life, cameras and eyes that watch your every move.
Flesh - Body Terror Song by AJJ
The Flesh's whole deal is hating being trapped in your flesh, of being nothing but meat, and this song goes into detail on how that body will fail you.
Hunt - The Wolf by SIAMES
It's about a hunt, something chasing you down, that you can run from, that you have to run from, but that will inevitably catch up and devour you. Nothing more Hunt than that.
Lonely - Devil Town by Cavetown (especially v2)
A sad song, about loneliness, anxiety, not a literal death but a metaphorical one, one of the ability to care, with reference being made to the cold as well.
Slaughter - Voices by Derivakat
Voices in your head. All of them screaming at you, telling you to kill and hurt and make things bleed. A constant tirade of violent noise. That's just about the most Slaughter thing possible.
Spiral - The Mind Electric by Miracle Musical
A song about insanity, madness, being gaslit and lied to at every turn, falling deeper and deeper into maddening despair. Simple enough.
Stranger - Ruler of Everything by Tally Hall
Ruler of Everything is all about things not making sense, it somehow manages to almost feel like the uncanny valley, it tells of false faces and robotic hands and dancing and dancing and dancing.
Vast - Infinitesimal by Mother Mother
Another pretty simple one, nothing matters, we're all so small, so why give a shit?
Web - Wires by The Neighbourhood
Again, fairly simple, all about someone being caught up in strings, manipulated beyond belief or recognition
Extinction - Sweet Hibiscus Tea by Penelope Scott
It's about a world made artificial, unrecognizable, hopelessness, destruction at the hands of something awful, referencing several other entities, but with one vein running through it all - A world that we have ruined for ourselves.
So uh, yeah
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
i saw you mention that tarot originated from catholics adding jewish symbolism to make it more ~mystical~ (and i’m not arguing) i just heard that it originated from the deck used to play brisca/briscola
I've never actually heard that version, but it lines up with the fact that the deck was used in a lot of Italian games like Tarocchini, though that's the only one called out in the Wikipedia page on the tarot deck and A Brief History of Tarot by @breelandwalker. It's also possible that the first divination-focused deck was inspired by any number of playing card decks.
Regardless of how it originated, when the Golden Dawn got their hands on it and Pamela Colman-Smith designed the cards, they stuffed it full of Christian/Catholic and Jewish symbolism (which is the most clashing combination I've ever heard, not gonna lie).
A few examples of Christian and/or Catholic imagery in tarot include:
The Hierophant is very similar to a Catholic cardinal, right down to the color scheme. The exception is that the Hierophant in the RWS deck wears an elaborate gold crown.
The Devil card as a whole. Not even Satanists believe in Satan as a real figure.
Judgment depicts Judgment Day, specifically the Catholic variation of it.
I also have a personal, not-peer-reviewed theory that the Death card is number 13 because of the Last Supper, where Jesus and his twelve dudes (thus, 13) were chilling until Judas sold him out and Jesus was crucified.
A few examples of Jewish symbolism that I've noticed stuffed into the RWS include:
The High Priestess sitting between the pillars of the Temple of Solomon with the Torah on her lap.
The Hebrew letters on the Wheel of Fortune card spell out "TORA".
The Jewish Tree of Life that the Ten of Pentacles was quite literally transposed over.
I recommend reading The Jewish History of Tarot on jewitches.com (and the rest of their blog posts for interesting information and discussions!) and asking other Jewish magic practitioners here on Tumblr if you're interested in that side of it - very often, they've addressed these things ad nauseam. These include posts like Tarot Through a Jewish Lens (Part I) by @/mysticmachmir.
Most RWS-based tarot books I've seen trip and drool over the Jewish symbol-packed parts of the deck, which is...a big nope from me, since I'm very much not Jewish. It's even more fucked up when a deck makes a big deal about getting rid of the Catholic imagery but leave in the Jewish imagery. Like...be consistent, y'all.
I have no clue where I was going with this, but hopefully it was interesting and you'll get to learn more about the history of tarot and its imagery! I welcome any Jewish folks and Catholic folks who want to add on, as I am not part of either group and want to open this discussion of history and symbolism up to people who know better and have more context for this!
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cinderspots · 2 years
Updated: 8/21/22
Judas [KokoSara]
Follow [QingGuang]
Guide [Paimon]
Captive [Eula & Sara]
Purple Lines [ShenLan]
The Sakura [Makoto]
The Fox & The Crow [Sara & Miko]
Punctuation [Yae Miko]
Tail [EiMiko]
The Puppet & Me [EiMiko & ShogunSara]
Sea & Sky [BeiGuang]
A Weathered Sky [Cloud Retainer]
Sights Unseen [Alice]
Like Glass [YoimiYaka]
Sea Monster [KokoSara]
Vengeance On Behalf [Eula]
Adopted [Shenhe]
Mom! [JeanLisa]
Gossip Ring [Lisa, Ningguang, Yae Miko]
Priestess Club [Barbara, Kokomi, Yae Miko, Nilou]
Fishblasting [Klee]
Diplomatic Jealousy [JeanLisa]
Sleep When I'm Dead [JeanLisa & BeiGuang]
Pathetic [JeanLisa, EulAmber, BeiGuang, YanTao, EiMiko, KokoSara, GanQing, ShenMine]
Advisors [ShenMine]
Bail [Shinobu]
The Not Feral Quilin [GanQing]
Government Siblings [Keqing & Ningguang]
A Crane And A Gambler Walk Into A Bar [ShenLan]
Archons Know [Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Kusanali, Tsaritsa, Murata]
Young God [Jean, Ningguang, Fischl, Collei, Kokomi, Qiqi, Thoma]
In The End [EiMiko]
Wilted Roses [JeanLisa]
When Lightning Strikes Twice [QingGuang]
Loyal Tengu [Sara]
Appalled Bloodline [Jean & Eula]
Madama Butterfly [Columbina]
Strings Attached [Sandrone]
Code Of Arms [Arlecchino]
Destructive [Alice, Klee, Jean]
Opinions [KokoEi]
Testing Patience [KokoYae]
Hurricane [Kokomi]
Omen [Hu Tao]
Adepti [Cloud Retainer, Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, Xiao, Ganyu, Yanfei, Shenhe, Zhongli]
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idontknowmyownmind · 1 year
Main post
Age 8
Knowledge of Fate
Ron Molan (Human, Assassin)
Beacrox Molan (Human, Torture Expert)
Indestructible Shield
Vitality of the Heart
Age 9
Dominating Aura
White Crown
Dragon Dead Mana
Dragon Skeleton
Gray Dragon Egg
Super Rock
Annual Rings of Life
Super Rock Villa
Age 10
Strings of The Performer
The Lurking Shadow
Black Dragon Egg
Red Dragon Egg
Age 11
Gray Dragon (Astraeus) he
Hannah (Holy Maiden, Church of the Sun God)
Jack (Saint, Church of the Sun God)
A Frozen Soul
Age 12
Red Dragon (Ilya) he
Black Dragon (Demian) he
Hermes (Dark Elf) he
Billos (Human)
Besnik, alias: Judas (Archmage, Magician) he
Red Spider Lily
Age 13
The Sound of the Wind
Whale (Nikolas) he
Shark (Calandra) she
Mermaid (Kairos) he
Tiger, Shaman (Gashan)
Jopis (human, shaman)
Achlys (Necromancer) he
Eilif (Saintess of Abandoned God)
Age 14
Fire of Destruction
Freesia (Human, Assassin)
Hans (Human, Assassin)
Asher (Elf)
Green Dragon (Olienne)
Eric Wheelsman (human)
Gilbert Chetter (human)
Amiru Ubarr (human)
Taylor Stan (human)
Cage (Priestess of the God of Death)
Age 15
On (cat)
Hong (cat)
Sky Eating Water
Blood-Drenched Rock
Bud Illis (Mercenary King and a Sword Master)
Glenn Poeff (Highest-grade mage)
Noelani (the abandoned island)
Noir (demon)
Esmeray (vampire)
Fredo Von Ejellan (vampire)
Age 16
Magic Tower
Toonka (human)
Harol (human)
Litana (human)
Terrestrial Paradise
Phoenix Heart
Mother's Embrace
The Eye of Providence
Age 17
Clopeh Sekka (human)
Dodori (pink dragon)
Mila (beige dragon)
Rasheel (dragon)
Age 18
Maes (wolf)
9 unnamed wolf children
Pendrick (elf)
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phoebehalliwell · 1 year
any past lives headcanons (specifically king arthur related)???
hmm that's a good question i've seen a lot of wyatt = arthur and chris = merlin and i like it tbh but while admittedly i have not watched merlin i do love the idea of idiot x idiot romance where both are gifted in one field and severely lacking in the other so i would love to do a wyatt romance where wyatt is arthur in a past life and merlin's reincarnation is his boyfriend. bonus if the boyfriend was a wizard and was raised in that "merlin was an overrated hack" ("We're Off to See the Wizard." Charmed, created by Constance M. Burge, season 4, episode 19, Spelling Television, 2002) culture only to find out he Was merlin and just go oh lmao. which in this case i would make chris lancelot and bianca morgana and then add a zesty little backstory there. i don't think i'd have a guinevere. wait wait wait. Wait. arthur and morgana are related. yes? Chris is morgana. Wyatt is arthur. TBDLI (to be determined love interest) is merlin. Bianca is. is there a judas figure in arthurian legend?? i guess i'll make her lancelot and then establish the lore that she was wyatt's right man under the evil regime, which made her betrayal hurt that much more. oooh.
beyond that. i think i have undisclosed inklings of past lives for the davis squad (not so much effie considering she's already So Old.) kat defo has some past lives that are going to be explored. henry i kinda wanna give a past life where he's a pirate just to do a pirate episode. i kind of want peyton to be a reincarnation of brianna their super powerful telekinetic great great great great great aunt. i think i wanna give one of the cupitches (prolly pj or peyton) a high priestess past life where some old demons have beef with her soul and try to get her ass. tamora i would love to see as a great warrior in a past life something epic but only after she kind of starts to shed her shy skin you know?
were once besties: pj x parker x peyton, bianca x wyatt, WILDCARD henry x effie
were once lovers: chris x bianca, kat x viola, melinda x [REDACTED], melinda x [REDACTED] (two!!), wyatt x [TBD]
once betrayed one another: wyatt x chris, wyatt x bianca, kat x viola, henry x [REDACTED]
um bonus i'd say that either dency or penn is melinda warren reincarnated dove Also has a specific reincarnation but that's top secret, warren and sheridan have definitely existed in the family before but i wouldn't say as any pre-established members but i would probably give them some type of narrative in the past just for funsies hey maybe they knew leo, keyboards has been a witch before, jenny has been a witch before, monica has been a witch before, luz has been a witch before, who else exists.... patricia, penelope, & phillipa of the prandy!lives au i would actually say probably have more incarnations in andy's family than the warren line,,,, just 4 zest. w shane & abel paige's source kids i feel like one of them has to have whathisface. the warlock. ummm. matthew. matthew tate. bc taste. idk who else would be there. who else do i have. bennie. the paige richard kid. probably comes from the montana line bc i feel like they've got some fucked up folx there. in another world (sorry leo) i would love to see a gen3 kid end up being a reincarnation of piper and falling in love w a reincarnation of mark.
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teefa85 · 4 months
Anyway, I also got my spells for the Swordian Masters worked out for the Muse Universe, though if one of them had to cast in a ToD postgame fic or ToD2 era fic, they'd pull from that list too. But just tagging what its purpose is...
Stahn basically has all the spells Kyle had access to, so Fire, Wind, Light, and Dark elements. Unlike Kyle, however, he has Ancient Nova to represent his innate connection to Fire.
Rutee can use all of the Water spells, naturally. She also has access to all Fire Spells as well as Basic and Intermediate Wind and Dark spells. Her reason for not having the other Advanced spells are because she can use every Healing spells Reala and Harold had along with status magic that wasn't in ToD2 but was still a big part of her moveset. She's also more physically inclined than either of ToD2's main magic user so sacrificed some spells. I wanted her to share some Elements in common with Leon as they're siblings, but didn't want to give either of them each other's main Element. She's also one big reference to Lina Inverse from Slayers who used A LOT of Fire based Shamanism, specialized in Black Magic (Dark), and made heavy use of Levitation and Raywing to fly (Wind).
Leon's got his spellset as Judas for obvious reasons. Also, Grand Cataclysm for the same reason Stahn has Ancient Nova.
Philia was the hardest for me since she was originally Lightning, but that was combined with Light in both Destiny 2 and Destiny R. However, she also could use ALL Elements (even Dark via Black Hole). So with the "Four Element" limit imposed by Destiny 2, she was missing out on part of her whole gimmick. I ended up making her have Fire/Water/Wind/Earth to mimic Reala, as one is a Priestess and the other a Holy Maiden, thus both connected to goddesses. Because since nothing would be 100% ideal, I needed some sound reasoning.
Garr can use all three Wind Spells due to his past connection to Igtenos, along with Basic and Intermediate Water Spells representing Phandaria being a land of Ice and Snow.
Rutee and Philia can cast all Basic and Intermediate Extensions of their spells. No Summoning, as they have other ways to do Mystic Artes and we can conclude Reala does it via her Holy Maiden powers and Harold because she researched the hell out of how to be able to Summon for herself! Meanwhile, Stahn and Garr can't Extend magic at all (like Kyle and Loni) and Leon can use the same Extensions Judas was able to (the Beginner and Intermediate Earth and Dark Spells).
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9-11, 26, 32, 38, 45-49, 67
Oh damn, thank you, friend!! :D
9. What CD did you play to death as a kid?
Shania Twain's Up (Red Version)! Shania and Brittney were two of the artists I was allowed unsupervised. I would listen to Eminem, Guns n Roses, and Metallica in mom's car; I'm pretty sure we burnt out Curtain Call in her old Acura.
10. Hike to a mountain top to watch the sunrise or drive out of town to stargaze?
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11. What song has the most relatable song lyrics to you?
The one that immediately comes to mind is I Am the Fire by Halestorm. I get chills.
26. Did you enjoy high school?
I did when I hit end of Sophomore year, just transitioning into Junior - from then on I had fun! That's when I was doing Honors Choir, All County & State, Musicals, and my class schedule loosened up + I got Pumpkin, so I had much more freedom.
32. What song is stuck in your head?
Oh GOD - yesterday it was Bo Burnham's 'Country Song' but today it's Nightcrawler by Judas Priest.
38. What’s your favorite flower?
Oh I love them all! I'm not picky with flowers, but I do have a special place in my heart for roses, baby's breath, and daisies. (Also tulips)
45. Are you a romantic?
Yeah! Big and little R romantic.
46. Do you have any tattoos or want to get one?
I do! I have a caduceus on my left forearm with the words 'Type One Diabetic' in pretty cursive. I do want more though! I want a black and white lineart one of the Rider-Waite 'High Priestess' card on my left shoulder/bicep area. I also want, on my right elbow area, some bats! Then, on the inside of my left bicep, I want the words: 'Sempre Avanti' in a pretty script. I also found one that's an eye surrounded by clouds - it looks fucking cool - that I want on the back of my right calf. Also maybe a moon right beneath my ear? Undecided on that one.
Eventually, and I try not to think about it bc it makes me sad, I want Fluffy's pawprint on my right shoulder blade too.
47. Biggest pet peeve?
Popping gum, or people eating with their mouth open.
48. Favorite personality trait about yourself?
I am a delight. In every sense of the word.
49. Sum up your type in three words.
Creative, Intimidating, (very) Pretty.
67. Do you often dream or have nightmares that you remember when you wake up?
I do! I have like three separate notes pages on my phone where, after I wake up, I go to write down my dream. I take screenshots of that, afterward, so I can look at them properly later and copy them into my dream journal for analysis, and just, ya know, fun.
Most of the time I remember them, thankfully, bc that's how I get messages. The Universe Says Things to Help, and I am so incredibly grateful for it.
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steveconte · 2 years
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Good times today at a rock ‘n roll wedding with Clem Burke (Blondie), Fred Smith (Television), Cindy & Dennis Dunaway (Alice Cooper), Tish & Snooky (Sic Fucks), Gyda Gash (Judas Priestess) & my lovely wife - to celebrate the marriage of Orion Perenyi! ❤️❤️🎸🎶🎤 (at Nyack, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ciom4KIObEA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crybabyboyscout · 4 years
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Black Women in Metal
Skin - Skunk Anansie
Militia Vox - Judas Priestess
Alexis Brown - Straight Line Stitch
& Miss Tamar-kali
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ghostcultmagazine · 4 years
Militia Vox Shares New Single - “This Leather Heart”
Militia Vox Shares New Single – “This Leather Heart”
Award-winning Singer/Songwriter, Lead Singer of all-female heavy metal sensation Judas Priestess, Militia Vox has dropped a sexy new single in time for Leap Year Day 2020, ‘This Leather Heart’! Featuring Doc Coyle (Bad Wolves, God Forbid)on guitar and Militia Vox on everything else, the song is avaialble on all DSPs. The first song from her upcoming remix album, ‘This Leather Heart’ is a remix…
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