#jordan payne
fhuzee · 6 months
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By @jordanpaynee
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strathshepard · 1 year
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Photography Jordan Payne
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carnevol · 29 days
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We're all that's left, aren't we?
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dcsnextgaycharacter · 5 months
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ventingfc · 5 months
Missing you
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Khalil Payne moved to Akashic Valley in order to protect Jennifer, the love of his life. He feared relapsing into painkiller and killing the Pierce family. Here he had no friends, no family, no home. At least here he was far from Freeland.
He had tried to forget Jennifer Pierce, the girl he loved and left behind. He had tried to erase the memories of their time together, the kisses, the laughs, the promises. He had tried to convince himself that he was better off without her, that she deserved someone who wasn't a monster. But he couldn't forget her. He couldn't stop thinking about her. He couldn't stop dreaming about her. He struggled daily to resist the temptation to go back to Freeland and see Jennifer and his friends there.
The only thing helping him resist this temptation is getting updates from TC during their monthly appointments. Where they try to remove the kill order in Painkiller.
Today was one of those appointments that resulted in failure as the previous ones were. To distract himself from the failure he asked TC for updates on everyone there. To which TC updated him on the new school program of robotics that he has enrolled in to better their chances of removing the kill order and his new girlfriend. When asked about Jennifer TC hesitated to tell him that she had moved on Connor Hawke, the son of the former Green Arrow, Oliver Queen.
He immediately hung up and went to his room. There he felt a surge of emotion, a mix of anger, jealousy, and longing. He couldn't believe that Jennifer had moved on and she was with someone who wasn''t him. He wanted to see her, to talk to her, to hold her. He wanted to tell her that he was sorry, that he still loved her, that he wanted to be with her.
But he knew he couldn't. He knew that if he approached her, he would put her in danger. He knew that Painkiller would try to kill her, or worse. He knew that he had to stay away from her, for her own sake. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but he couldn't. He saw her face in his mind, her smile, her eyes, her hair. He heard her voice in his ears, her laugh, her whisper, her scream. He felt her touch on his skin, her lips, her hands, her tears. He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. He whispered to himself, "I miss you, Jen. I miss you so much."
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Okay so below you'll see the first draft of my ✨pride project✨. This isn't the finished version and I might still change or swap some things but I already wanted to do some planning so this is the rough outline on which character is going to be featured on what day :)
Oliver Queen
Mal Oretsev
Hartley Rathaway
Roy Harper
BG3 Crew
John Constantine
Percy de Rolo
Bruce Wayne
Tim Drake
Jason Todd
Connor Hawke
Bat family
Remy LeBeau
Edwin Payne
Magnet Family
Gale Dekarios
Cat King
Scott Summers
Hal Jordan
Arrow Family
Teen Titans
Wyll Ravengard
Nikolai Lantsov
Dick Grayson
Wally West
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kylaym · 6 months
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Another MotA related silly/funny stuff!
This one is based on the interaction between Anthony & Jordan Coulson. Anto brought up Coulson’s character, which is Crosby’s crew, Hambone Hamilton’s gold teeth.
So, this fanart is about Crosby introducing his bomba boy’s super cool and wicked gold teeth. 😬
Just found out not only for Hamilton, Anthony commented “🫧” under Louis Greatorex’s MotA related post! So here we go, updated version of Crosby and Bubbles Payne 😁.
P. S. I extremely wanna see those BTS photos Louis mentioned, still need to wait for almost 2 months 😭
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jordancallowayswife · 2 years
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This man here WHEWWWW I'm weak in da knees 😂🥰
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deadly-disturbed · 5 months
Jordan Calloway as Khalil Payne/Pain Killer from Black Lightning?
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cocoagenie · 3 days
We can't keep calling this man a literal drug. 💀
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eldritcmor · 7 months
Rainbow operator, Jordan “Thermite” Trace, making some observations about the strangers on his base
Taglist: @skylordgrey
“I can’t preach to the darkness without putting up a fight.” Daniel plucked the baseline of the song as Avery filled the melody and Joseph played the points in between. All three voices singing in low harmony.
They were enjoying a bit of downtime after their most recent mission. Staying for a few days on Hereford base in England before returning to their joint base in New York.
“And I don’t expect a savior so I’ve got to be the light!” All three were unaware of the eyes on their back as they sat a little ways outside the training fields.
Jordan didn’t really know what to think of the little group of three currently sitting just in the shadow of the fence separating the training fields from the rest of the base. Apparently they were just making a quick pit stop before heading home.
Daniel “Moose” Wilson seemed to be the one in charge of the ragtag group. At least from what jordan had seen so far. He was the one to pull the other two away from getting themselves into too much trouble. And more than once, Jordan had seen the man literally yank the other two from some of the more dangerous tech on Hereford with a rather sharp, ”Don’t.” Though there was a wild edge to the man too. Jordan had observed the little group sparring one day, and well moose certainly held his own, against the other two at the same time. He had talked to the man a grand total of once so far. The man was polite but certainly to the point. Jordan could certainly appreciate that. The man had left him with a rather neutral impression but Jordan was okay with that.
Joseph “Ferret” Payne and Avery "Storm" Scott were never seen far from each other. Enough so that Jordan had honestly thought it was similar case to Elżbieta and Zofia. The two generally brought chaos along with them where ever they so happened to wander, though a few of the more engineering inclined at Hereford didn't seem to mind them too much. Something about a wrench and a box of scrap. Though some where less inclined to welcome the chaos that the two dragged with them. That's usually when Captain Wilson would get involved. Jordan had witnessed to two spar on numerous occasions. They could constantly be found on the training mats or in the obstacle courses trying to one up each other. They rarely took the offers of others fighting them, though they took the advice pretty decently. Jordan had tried to talk to them on more than one occasion just to get a feel for them, personality wise but was near always met with either polite but strained conversation or complete silence. The two very much left the impression of hiding something but they weren't his operators so he simply let it be.
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fhuzee · 2 years
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Christie Photographed by Jordan Payne
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Saturday, 17 May 2014
Liam's having a night out with some friends at Mahiki in Mayfair
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credits: harrystylesdaily's Tumblr
While he leaves, he gets spotted with his friend Jordan Sailsman
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scorbleeo · 5 months
TV Series Discussion: Black Lightning
Season 4 (2021)
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Source: Google Images
School principal and retired superhero Jefferson Pierce leaps back into action as the legendary Black Lightning after a gang threatens his family.
Source: Netflix (2018)
Not A Good Finale
I'll be honest here, Black Lightning has always bore me for most part of each season. Usually, I only begin to enjoy the show as the action comes onto screen, and that's mostly at the end of each season. This is the first TV show I finished in this new year and as much as I enjoyed season 4 a tad bit more than usual, this was not a good season, much less a finale.
Like every other Black Lightning seasons, the first third of this season was just plot development and it's the same thing, over and over again. For example, I understand the death of Jefferson's friend affected Jefferson and thus affected his relationship with his family. However, did I need four to five episodes showing me just how strained the Pierces' relationship is? No!
Afterwards, when the action finally started, it didn't live up to my expectations. The past seasons had better action. The action in season 4 really did not need to happen for most of the time.
Last but not least, so much was happening for such limited time. Honestly, we didn't need that much to happen. First things first, what was the deal with prolonging Grace's coma if there was no repercussions or long term effects after that? Secondly, why introduce the Ionosphere storyline and not develop it properly? That fight between both "girls" in the last episode was so redundant. Third of all, the entire Tobias Whale storyline since the first season. Goodness gracious, he is one of the most annoyingly frustrating superhero-show villains ever. Dude was boring and yet the entire show revolves around him half the time. The only thing Tobias did well was annoy the hell out of me but really, his villainous actions are not up there at all.
Closing off with one last complain, Khalil's arc in the final season. I have always liked Khalil but Painkiller on the other hand was a bore as well. At least, he was a bore until this season. The parts in this season that I enjoyed the most were Khalil's scenes. Unfortunately, again, why bring in his team filled with capable people and not develop on it? Also, the last part, really? The show was already coming to an end, why make him forget as a side effect of removing the kill order?
I had high hopes for Black Lightning Season 4 considering it was the end of this superhero family. Sadly, it fell so much from my expectations... If the writers wanted to end it with so much extra sub-plots, I don't see why they couldn't have argued for a few more episodes. Then maybe the last two episodes would not have felt like a badly rushed job.
Rating: ★★★☆☆
PS How has Jennifer not mature at all in four seasons of superhero-ing?
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liam-93-productions · 2 years
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jordan.dawson: BTS at @socceraidwith @puma 🎥 Customised boots for @usainbolt @idriselba & @liampayne 🎨
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tvshowscouples · 2 months
If you love Jennifer&Khalil (Black Lightning) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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