#jl meyer
viaov · 1 year
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Jennifer L. Meyer, Black Cat
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kmp78 · 1 year
I’ve realized one thing. Often famous rich men fuck hot models, actresses, but when it comes to marriage, they settle down with absolutely average women. Jonathan Rhys Meyers (from “Match Point” with Scar Jo), Conor McGregor, Hugh Jackman, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, etc., look at their wives. Nothing striking. I think for marriage they choose women who support them, accept them as they are with all their demons, and who are their best friends. When you’re famous, it’s really important to have a partner you can trust and trust your money as well. Valery wasn’t that type of a woman for JL. She was his lust but not a true soulmate with whom he’d be ready to share the rest of his life. Thoughts?
The problem is that JL is shallow as fucking hell and is not gonna marry some unremarkable grey mouse like Zuck. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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ohxdios · 1 year
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Me encanta pensar en esta imagen de Matrix 
Mis amados hermanas y hermanos en Cristo Jesús el auténtico Hijo de Dios, que la paz de nuestro Señor esté siempre con ustedes. 
Recorriendo las promesas del SEÑOR en las Escrituras me llegó esta imagen a mi mente.
“Todavía sigue vigente la promesa que hizo Dios de entrar en su descanso; por lo tanto debemos temblar de miedo ante la idea de que alguno de ustedes no llegue a alcanzarlo” (Hb 4:1) En contexto, la escena de las píldoras clarifica la toma de una decisión;  al igual que el autor presuntamente Pablo le escribe a Los Hebreos y les habla de los otros, los que tomaron la otra píldora.
“se nos ha anunciado tanto a ellos como a nosotros, pero a ellos no les sirvió de nada porque no tuvieron la fe de los que escucharon a Dios” (v.2) 
La semana pasada platicábamos de la base de nuestra fe que es la Palabra. Hay quienes leen mucho la Palabra pero nada sucede con su vida.  En cambio habemos quienes con apenas unas cuantas lecturas experimentamos la gracia de Jesús en nuestras vidas. 
Cuanto tienes un encuentro con  La Palabra tienes que tomar una decisión. Es ahí donde se me aparece Morfeo con sus dos píldoras. Si dices NO y tomas la pildora equivocada, como podemos leer en Hb.
Tal y como comento (hace dos semanas) hay claramente una selección, ese descanso está anunciado desde el Génesis (2:2) pero aquí vemos que “Ellos nunca entrarán en mi lugar de descanso”(Hb 4:5 y Sal 95:11).  
“Cuando oigan hoy su voz no endurezcan el corazón” (Sal 95:7-8).  
Nuestro amado Maestro quién es el más elocuente, nos explica que solo hay de 2 opciones, 2 caminos, 2 puertas, 2 destinos diferentes pues hay dos tipos de personas ¡PUM! (Mt 7:13-14)
Si dices NO y tomas la pildora equivocada, endureces tu corazón, te quedas fuera de la Matrix pues has aceptado a los Zombies. Si quedas adentro es porque escuchas y obedeces: Shemá. 
Así es la Palabra, punzocortante como un cuchillo japonés, penetra entre tu alma y tu espíritu, en el interior de tu columna, penetra en tus pensamientos y despierta tus anhelos más íntimos. 
“Pues la Palabra de Dios es viva” (Hb 4:12)
¡Esa es la Matrix!
Ese tiempo no es mañana ni cuando el Maestro vuelva. Es HOY pues recuerda que el sabaót o descanso sabático es Jesús.
Él es Mejor, Superior y Suficiente.  Siempre habrán pruebas, de hecho de eso se trata, ponerte a prueba y fortalecer tu paciencia. Quien fortalece la paciencia está fortaleciendo su carácter.  
 Joyce Meyer escribe: «El gozo es el fruto del Espíritu Santo. Sin embargo, solo se libera al tomar la decisión de no permitir que las circunstancias adversas rijan tus actitudes emocionales y mentales. Por medio del gozo, puedes fortalecerte para hacer cosas que de otra manera serían imposibles». WOW  
“¡Alégrense en el SEÑOR su Dios!” (Jl 2:23b) 
Para mí este pasaje es tan claro como la escena de Morfeo, que no creo sea coincidencia es “el que te hace soñar” ¿cierto? 
Hoy Dios te dice Escucha y toma una decisión. “No es demasiado tarde” (Jl 2:12) ¿No es maravilloso? 
Ahora acompañame a Juan “De su corazón…” (Jn 7:38). 
Que la paz del SEÑOR que es bienestar esté siempre con ustedes… 
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wamicediduvo · 2 years
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qemetesameje · 2 years
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biggoonie · 4 years
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written by SCOTT SNYDER and JAMES TYNION IV art by BRUNO REDONDO cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL card stock variant cover by JONBOY MEYERS “The Justice Doom War” part four! Apex Lex Luthor is in ascendance, and he’s taking out the remaining members of the Justice League in the present just as his Legion of Doom is beating down the time-traveling heroes in both the past and the future. Batman, Superman and the rest of our heroes may have just figured out how Kamandi’s timeline works when terrible Hypertime quakes rattle their existence, threatening to strand them far from their own time. Meanwhile, the Flash, Green Lantern and the Justice Society take another leap through time, heading for...ancient Atlantis? ON SALE 10.02.19 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES CARD STOCK VARIANT COVER $4.99 US FC | RATED T+ This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.
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forestandgalaxy · 7 years
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- I was super inspired by @comicsalliance‘s article about J. L. Meyer’s Wonder Bunny and decided to draw one.
- This Wonder Bunny is influenced by movie Wonder Woman.
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weeklyhumorist · 4 years
Better look out… for tears, it’s The Incredible Sulk! It’s #MoodyMonsters on this week’s trending joke game! Here are some of the best on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST.
Let’s play #MoodyMonsters with co-host @delaneyWHmag @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WeeklyHumoristHashtags https://t.co/RBuA4DJSi3 pic.twitter.com/YScgM5lA47
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters I Don’t Care-Wolf pic.twitter.com/CcG06aog8l
— TheOtherAngeOfTwittter 💙 (@TheotherAnge) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters The Glummy pic.twitter.com/BPGbn9OpbY
— Wayne Hepner (@meamwayne) October 7, 2020
OH MY GODZILLA! #MoodyMonsters
— CK (@charley_ck14) October 7, 2020
Gloomy Ghost #MoodyMonsters pic.twitter.com/fBboZUOxJY
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters Children of the Scorn
— Wayne Hepner (@meamwayne) October 7, 2020
Sighclops #MoodyMonsters
— CK (@charley_ck14) October 7, 2020
The wistful Werewolf. pic.twitter.com/j0u2IWbCbn
— SkyWriter 🖊️ (@SkyeDawn) October 7, 2020
My teenage daughters #MoodyMonsters
— Robyn staying in the nest (@robyndwoskin) October 7, 2020
Jack The Tripper #MoodyMonsters pic.twitter.com/Yle6qbd6qC
— Alisun Jane (@AlisunJane) October 7, 2020
Jack The Tripper #MoodyMonsters pic.twitter.com/Yle6qbd6qC
— Alisun Jane (@AlisunJane) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide his face
— DM (@patchdennizen) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters my cat lol pic.twitter.com/IjQdnaAlHt
— LisaHalloweenCandyCanes84 (@Lisacaines841) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters Cousin F’ It pic.twitter.com/dWhJ5iEAOp
— jhawk4life (As seen on TV)🇺🇸 (@jhawk4life) October 7, 2020
Donald Trump #MoodyMonsters pic.twitter.com/DJE7EgtdcX
— CK (@charley_ck14) October 7, 2020
Sullen Sully #MoodyMonsters pic.twitter.com/qypbbX5xNX
— 👻 staMishincghost 👻 (@StamishincGhost) October 7, 2020
Count Grumpula pic.twitter.com/kG2ofSaQN7
— Alicia 🎬🎞️🎥 (@silentmoviegirl) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters Not feeling so king kong
— Sammy is here 520 (@520Sammy) October 7, 2020
Swamp crotch thing #MoodyMonsters pic.twitter.com/D82rN2WVHo
— teatime75 (@teatime75) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters Why do I always feel invisible man
— Sammy is here 520 (@520Sammy) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters Bitch pic.twitter.com/1EUoi8Fzv3
— Justme….👻🕷Ghostist with the mostess (@Ladyfish666) October 7, 2020
Franken-IT’S FINE! #MoodyMonsters pic.twitter.com/MzFOVKDxtS
— Kristie Smeltzer (@KristieSmeltzer) October 7, 2020
Sigh-clops #MoodyMonsters pic.twitter.com/CRky0oT4bk
— Marcus (@markaurelius_1) October 7, 2020
The Stay Gruff Marshmallow Man #MoodyMonsters @paul_lander pic.twitter.com/BfHXEPFOwZ
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) October 7, 2020
Crankystein’s monster #MoodyMonsters
— Nick Coffman (@thatCoffman) October 7, 2020
The Incredible Sulk #MoodyMonsters @bleicher_newton pic.twitter.com/XcyuhOHM0Z
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) October 7, 2020
Creature From The Bleak Lagoon #MoodyMonsters @KitLively
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) October 7, 2020
Sadquatch #MoodyMonsters @bleicher_newton pic.twitter.com/WEeB8jo2Fl
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) October 7, 2020
Grim-lin #MoodyMonsters
— Jeremy Hooper (@goodasyou) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters Pennywhine the Clown pic.twitter.com/aqB6xY23pe
— Cynical and Crusty AF (@KevinIsCrusty) October 7, 2020
The meh wolf. #MoodyMonsters pic.twitter.com/RsqGnvjMmP
— There is no Dan, only Zuul (@iamdanlevey) October 7, 2020
Centaured and feathered. #MoodyMonsters
— Zlati Meyer (@Zlatimeyer) October 7, 2020
Sass quatch #MoodyMonsters pic.twitter.com/zKx3EA9CDk
— El Capitan Americano (@badLwithbadLcat) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters Sad thing pic.twitter.com/FSGR0Atakw
— Sammy is here 520 (@520Sammy) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters Moodusa pic.twitter.com/LnHcrN9Vwm
— Sophie the Bear (@SophietheBear1) October 7, 2020
The Desperate Demon@WeeklyHumorist @delaneyWHmag pic.twitter.com/R6VSr49Q3A
— JL Matthews (@JLMatthews5) October 7, 2020
Jason PoorMees #MoodyMonsters @KitLively pic.twitter.com/qFeoOdiMq3
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) October 7, 2020
#MoodyMonsters was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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towardafierygrave · 6 years
The Greatest Automotive Subwoofer For Below $200 For 2018
Are you on the look out for the perfect competition subwoofer, however aren't sure the place to begin? Too low and the facility delivered can be too high and will damage both your audio system and amp. The main goal is to find out the difference within the loudness of the sound speakers make. Subwoofers are speakers which are solely dedicated to recreating low frequencies.
Whereas it provides the very best quality of bass and sounds, it additionally delivers optimum sturdiness and robustness to face up to pressure and shock in the vehicle. But we recommend that an amplifier able to 200- 300 Watts be used along with the subwoofer. DS18's 15 inch subwoofer is among the powerful subwoofers on the market on get10best: best subwoofer for car: a blog post.
All in all, when selecting a subwoofer ensure you have the proper watt amplifier to energy your new greatest car subwoofer. The Energy Acoustik MOFO-154X is a value for money car subwoofer for all. Subwoofers give attention to a small a part of the whole low-frequency sound spectrum.
As far as amplifier wattage, excellent power must be 450-900 watts RMS at 2ohms. With the voice coil improvement, it's extremely immune to all temperatures, which subsequently helps to boost its efficiency as effectively. Nevertheless, as you recognize, every automotive is unique so may have to test the dimensions of the audio system in the car, earlier than you order your new audio system.
All-in-one subwoofers embody an amplifier built in and can usually fit underneath the entrance seat of a automotive. Subwoofers are designed to reproduce low bass frequencies and can be included with new speakers or can be added separately to current automobile speakers.
Shopping for new automotive speakers can considerably enhance your automotive's sound. As a subwoofer cone that is manufactured from polypropylene and crammed with mica, this makes a very sturdy, dense material that allows sound to travel via it easily and eliminates distortions.
Watt RMS in subwoofers refers to the peak point that the best worth of voltage will attain when in the waveform. Kicker's 15-inch automotive subwoofer is definitely able to rock. In the case of high quality, design and popularity, the Kicker 40CWRT122 CompRT Sequence 12 inch Dual 2-Ohm Subwoofer is unquestionably on the list of top subwoofers at the moment.
The subwoofer is a major a part of the house theater system that, aside from amplifying the audio quality of the speaker, additionally boosts the aesthetic enchantment of your personal area. So, let us figure out the varied sizes of the car subwoofers obtainable out there.
While the time period "subwoofer" technically only refers back to the speaker driver, in frequent parlance, the term usually refers to a subwoofer driver mounted in a speaker enclosure (cupboard). By way of bass, it gives wonderful value for the money and is a fraction of the price in comparison with the JL Audio 12 Inch Sub.
Passive subwoofers are the precise reverse of the active or powered subwoofer. As nicely, throughout the Nineties, DVDs had been increasingly recorded with " encompass sound " processes that included a low-frequency effects (LFE) channel, which may very well be heard utilizing the subwoofer in home theater programs.
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Even with a size of 10 inches, subwoofers can deliver distinctive energy, however only if you make the precise selection. There's versatility of dual four-ohm voice coils, and for this subwoofer to be in either a sealed OR ported field. After all, among the many finest 12 inch subwoofer in your car this doesn't lag behind ease-of-installation options and value which may be very much akin to pricier subwoofer models.
The result from our in-depth analysis and inner testing is an inventory of the highest rated automobile subwoofers. This 15 inch subwoofer from kicker packs a maximum power handling of 2000W and RMS power dealing with of 1000W (500W per coil). Its development is up to requirements, comprising of an excellent inflexible, injection-molded cone in a strong metal basket specifically designed to hold nonetheless even when subjected to excessive bass.
He is more likely to trick out his journey with a flowery subwoofer in the trunk to blast that rich-sounding bass. JL makes many various subs and amps, as well as amplified bins that embrace every little thing you want, apart from the wires, to add bass to any vehicle.
However there may be additionally a question of the size of the subwoofer speaker itself and the 4 most common subwoofer sizes are 8, 10, 12, and 15 inches (diameter of the speaker). It is not only the sound quality and the ability to measurement ratio of the Meso D4 that makes it an incredibly worthy competitor for the most effective 8-inch automobile subwoofer trophy, but in addition its construct high quality.
The bass with only one punches fairly well, but if you happen to grab two of the Pioneer TS-W3003D4 subs you're going to be set in terms of energy particularly at this value. This is because because the subwoofer strikes, so does the resistance values and mismatching amplifiers will trigger efficiency issues to your car audio.
Meyer Sound means that its 650-R2 Live performance Collection Subwoofer, a 14-sq.-foot (1.3Â m2) enclosure with two 18-inch drivers (45Â cm), can be utilized for bass instrument amplification. The quality of the audio that's produced by the subwoofer has also been given phrases of praises by many individuals, especially because it belongs to the more affordable price range.
Immediately's subwoofers are extraordinarily efficient versus years past, allowing larger subs to perform in smaller enclosures than ever earlier than. Its most energy dealing with is 7,500 watts, which is far more than most other audio devices can handle. The MTX Terminator TNP212D2 amplified bass system gives the facility you want for a chest pounding audio experience.
Among the many finest manufacturers of automobile subwoofers accessible on the market as we speak are Infinity Reference, JBL GTO, and Pioneer Champion primarily as a result of they are able to blend high quality low-finish sounds with proficient power handling.
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danthedrakk99 · 6 years
How Much Does It Value To Set up Automotive Speakers?
Purchased a new automobile that fits your life-style and your driving expertise, nicely now is the suitable time to know what kind of automotive subwoofers will suit your automobile and never your  tastes. Adding subwoofers takes care of this drawback. Relating to voice coils, there's loads of variation between totally different subwoofers.
 Cash - There are some subs which are price range-pleasant and priced at beneath $200 and fewer, whereas others can go a bit larger but present some extra quality and energy.
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In practice, many entrance-loaded subwoofer cupboards have a vent or port within the speaker cabinet, thus creating a bass reflex enclosure. Alpine is the trade-leading audio manufacturer of excessive-efficiency speakers, subwoofers, amplifier, and many others its a company that teaches about all musical equipment. Infinity has a nice choice of all kinds of audio system especially subwoofers and you can't go fallacious with this manufacturer.
JL Audio's effectively reputable W6v3 subwoofers embody a number of generations of subwoofer, each enhancing on the precision, power and design of the final. Particular cinema subwoofer fashions appeared from JBL , Electro-Voice , Jap Acoustic Works , Kintek, Meyer Sound Laboratories and BGW Systems within the early Nineteen Nineties.
The voice coil is 2.5 inches in diameter, and is what is behind the power this subwoofer has to offer, as well as a 160 ounce Y35 graded triple stacked ferrite magnet, composite foam, double stitched handled paper cone, and tough arm styled basket frame.
The Polk Audio subwoofer not solely presents effortless SPL that works high-quality with any energy you'll have obtainable. Right this moment's subwoofers maximize sound efficiency, they're devoted to audio precision, they usually seek to immerse the driving force and his passengers with unfiltered resonance that transcends many conventional vehicular speaker programs.
The actual fact it, you're going to get audio system which are made by some unknown firm or somebody that is not superb in making car audio system. The thin size of this subwoofer allows you to get pleasure from massive bass sounds from a system that takes up little house.
This end in top quality and crisp bass added to your car audio system. Earlier we've got some small and mid-size of one of the best subwoofer for vehicles which is adjustable for optimum autos. However you must watch out not to turn the acquire on an amplifier too high since you may blow the subwoofer.
Some models have a metal-bolstered gap by which a speaker pole might be mounted for elevating full-frequency range cabinets. Voice Coil Dimension: A bigger voice coil presents higher audio, has higher management over the audio cone, and can deal with greater power than a smaller one.
Now the perfect subwoofers are the key element in any automotive audio system for a lot of causes. SPL subwoofers are for those of you who want as much influence and feel to your bass as attainable. You'll be able to browse the checklist of subwoofers that range from 10 inch single voice coil subwoofer and spherical subwoofer to 12 inch lively subwoofer and bass tube.
Ought to we start by stating the truth that these subs come packing a dependable RMS of 500 watts, or the truth that they've a peak energy of 1500 watts? These subwoofers are loud for what you spend and provide first rate sound high quality. A traditional car stereo comes with small parts, and therefore, they'll deliver dismal audio quality.
In case you only want a slight increase to your current sound system, or enjoy nice, tight bass, smaller subs of about 8-10 inches will get the job completed. A bass reflex subwoofer, also called a ported or vented box subwoofer, has a port hole or vent minimize into the cabinet section of the enclosure.
That mentioned, the Kicker subs additionally pack a low-frequency response of 25Hz (which is excellent considering the mounting depth), and excessive-frequency attain of 500 Hz meaning they need to go a great distance in boosting your mid frequencies ranges considerably.
The upper sensitivity of a so speaker requires less power and makes louder sound. Which is why subwoofers improve the sound of any form of music, be it club, digital, pop, rock, jazz or even classical. Nevertheless, the largest subwoofer is 15 inch and it is really an enormous speaker with enormous potential in playing low and powerful tones.
Whereas all subwoofers have voice coils, you will need to observe that they come with the ideal number of voice coils. Planet Audio AC12D is one of the first rate subwoofers available in the market within the low cost value which is able to present you laborious bass.
Touring subwoofer cabinets are typically designed with options that facilitate shifting the enclosure (e.g., wheels, a "towel bar" deal with and recessed handles), a protective grill for the speaker (in direct radiating-style cupboards), metal or plastic protection for the cupboards to guard the end as the cabinets are being slid one on prime of one other, and hardware to facilitate stacking the cabinets (e.g., interlocking corners) and for "flying" the cupboards from stage rigging.
An enclosure or box permits for air stress to build, creating stronger sound output. Because of this subwoofers are so essential in your automotive sound system. Often time folks could have two 10 subwoofers or two 12 subwoofers when wanting for a lot of bass that will probably be observed a block or two away.
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nakajimabone · 3 years
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# 股関節インピンジメント(寛骨臼と大腿骨近位部の異常な接触によって、痛みや機能障害を生じる疾患になる) 股関節インピンジメントとは 股関節インピンジメント(FAI)は、寛骨臼と大腿骨近位部の異常な接触によって、痛みや機能障害を生じる疾患になります。 股関節インピンジメントはスポーツを行う若年や成人に蔓延しており、多くは大腿骨頸部または寛骨臼縁の形態異常に起因します。 さらに、股関節の痛みを訴える人の割合は人口の15%に上る可能性があるともされています。 股関節インピンジメントと診断された患者は、機能障害を緩和、体力要素を向上させる手段として、安全で痛みを伴わない運動に参加することが推奨されています。 病因 整形外科学において、股関節インピンジメントには3タイプがあるとされています。 カムタイプ、ピンサータイプ、そして2つの混合タイプになります。 カムタイプは、大腿骨の形態異常(非球形)が認められ、非球形が認められるのは、大腿骨頸部の前方(前額面)への張り出しが原因とされています。 骨の形状が変形しているために、股関節の内旋や内転(脚を組む)、あるいはディープスクワットなどの股関節の屈曲角の大きい姿勢を取ると、関節唇や寛骨臼縁との衝突(インピンジメント)が生じます。 カムタイプのインピンジメントは、関節唇、大腿骨頭、寛骨臼縁損傷の危険因子として、主に若年男性にみられ、アスリートに多いとされています。 ピンサータイプのインピンジメントは、寛骨臼縁の形態異常、あるいは後傾(後捻)によって起きます。 このタイプの形態異常は「被覆過剰」と呼ばれ、寛骨臼縁の上前方(前額面)が突き出します。 ピンサータイプの特徴である寛骨臼縁の突出は、スクワットなど股関節の屈曲を要求する姿勢でインピンジメントを引き起こします。 そのため、深いスクワットを行う場合や、異常な動作パターン(股関節の内転など)が存在する場合に、インピンジメントが生じる可能性が高くなります。 ピンサータイプの股関節インピンジメントは中年の女性に最も多くみられ、インピンジメントは寛骨臼縁をほとんど巻き込まず、主に関節唇を損傷します。 最後に、カムとピンサーの両方が存在する場合、混合タイプのインピンジメントが発生します。 混合タイプのインピンジメントは若年男性に最も多いとされています。 症状を持続させるような不適切なエクササイズ処方を避けるために、股関節インピンジメントという障害を知り、そのバイオメカニクス的特性を心得ておく必要があります。 #股関節 #インピンジメント #リハビリ #トレーニング #柔道整復師 #インディバ #横浜 #桜木町 #野毛 #みなとみらい #nakajima整骨院ブログ #Nakajima整骨院 引用・索引Austin AB, Souza RB, Meyer JL, and PowersCM. Identification of abnormal hip motionassociated with acetabular labral pathology. JOrthop Sports Phys Ther 38: 558–565, 2008 https://www.nakajimabonesetter.com/entry/blog/post-14580 (Nakajima整骨院) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVuCHRoLgrp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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comeofage1 · 6 years
A to Z Book Rec Tag
Thank you to the lovely @that-quirky-girl for tagging me, she recognises the book weakness in me. These books are all linked on goodreads, where I have an account, linked HERE.
# - #Junkie and #Rev by Cambria Hebert 
A - Adorkable by Sarra Manning
Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Andersen 
Adulting 101 by Lisa Henry 
Alan Partridge: Nomad by Alan Partridge (Steve Coogan) 
The Alex Crow by Andrew Smith 
All the Single Ladies by Jane Costello 
And Call me in the Morning by Willa Okati 
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins 
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake 
Austenland by Shannon Hale 
B - The Backup Boyfriend by River Jaymes
Beauty by Robin McKinley 
The Best Corpse for the Job by Charlie Cochrane
Between Ghosts by Garrett Leigh 
Big Mouth, Ugly Girl by Joyce Carol Oates
Blame it on the Mistletoe by Eli Easton 
Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton 
Bone Gap by Laura Ruby 
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne 
Breakfast at Tiffanys by Truman Capote 
Breathe by Sloane Parker 
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh 
Bridesmaids by Jane Costello 
Brighton Rock by Graham Green 
C - Carry On by Rainbow Rowell 
Carry the Ocean by Heidi Cullinan 
The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jessica Rothenburg 
Caught! by JL Merrow 
Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles 
Chance to be King by Sue Brown 
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 
The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher 
The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
Cinder by Marissa Meyer 
Clear Water by Amy Lane  
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein 
Cold War by Keira Andrews 
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black 
Collide by Riley Hart 
The Color Purple by Alice Walker 
Corkscrewed by MJ O’Shea 
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo 
Crossroads by Riley Hart 
The Crucible by Arthur Miller 
Crush by Richard Siken 
D - The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black 
Dash & Lily’s book of Dares by Rachel Cohn 
Death of a Naturalist by Seamus Heaney 
Devoted by Sierra Riley 
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness 
Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy 
E - Eclipsed by Dominic Holland 
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine 
Emma - Jane Austen 
Epic Fail - Claire LaZebnik 
The Epic Love Story of Doug and Stephen by Valerie Z Lewis 
Every Move he Makes by Barbara Elsborg 
Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande 
F - Fairest by Gail Carson Levine 
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by JK Rowling 
Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy 
The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien 
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk 
Filthy Little Secret by Devon McCormack 
Fish Out Of Water by Amy Lane
Fish Stick Fridays by Rhys Ford 
Flash Burnout by LK Madigan
Flawless by Lara Chapman 
Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman 
From What I Remember by Stacy Kramer 
The Future of Us by Jay Asher 
G - Gangsta Rap by Benjamin Zephaniah : 
Girl on the Run by Jane Costello
Glass Tidings by Amy Jo Cousins
Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner
Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian
Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
H - Harry Potter by JK Rowling
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey
The Heart of Texas by RJ Scott
Heidi by Johanna Spyri
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Helping Hand by Jay Northcote
A Hero at the End of the World by Erin Claiborne
Him by Sarina Bowen
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien 
Holly Lane by Toni Blake
Hostile Ground by LA Witt
Hot Head by Damon Suede 
Hottie Scotty and Mr Porter by R Cooper
How to Repair a Mechanical Heart by JC Lillis
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
A Hunted Man by Jaime Reese
Hunting Lila by Sarah Alderson
Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
I - I Love the 80s by Megan Crane
If Only in My Dreams by Keira Andrews
Illegal Contact by Santino Hassell
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde 
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
Inseparable by Chris Scully
An Inspector Calls by JB Priestley
J - Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
 Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
K - A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn
Know Not Why by Hannah Johnson
L - Law of Attraction by Jay Northcote
Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles
Liam Davis & The Raven by Anyta Sunday
Light from the Dark by Mercy Celeste
Lima Oscar Victor Echo and the Truth about Everything by Suki Fleet
The Little Book of Vegan Poems by Benjamin Zephaniah 
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
M - Mark Cooper versus America by Lisa Henry
Mark of Cain by Kate Sherwood
Me and Mr Darcy by Alexandra Potter
Merry Christmas Mr Miggles by Eli Easton
Midwinter Night’s Dream by Eli Easton
More than This by Patrick Ness
Motel. Pool. by Kim Fielding 
Mrs Warren’s Profession by Bernard George Shaw
My Love Lies Bleeding by Alyxandra Harvey 
My Single Friend by Jane Costello
N - The Nearly-weds by Jane Costello 
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman 
Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn 
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
The Nothingness of Ben by Brad Boney
Noticed Me Yet? by Anyta Sunday
Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman
Off Base by Annabeth Albert
Open Tackle by LC Chase
Out of the Blue by Sophie Cameron
P - Passing Through by Jay Northcote
Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
Persuasion by Jane Austen
Peter Pan by JM Barrie
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
Pressure Head by JL Merrow
Pride and Modern Prejudice by AJ Michaels 
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Private Eye by SE Culpepper
Promised Land by Adam Reynolds
Promises by Marie Sexton
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry
Q - The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
R - Rattlesnake by Kim Fielding
Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella
The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness
Rock Solid by Riley Hart
Roughing the Passer by Alison Hendricks
S - The Secret History by Donna Tartt
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
Shiny by Amy Lane
Shrinking Violet by Danielle Joseph
Shut your Face, Anthony Pace by Claire Davis
Silent by Sara Alva
Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Skellig by David Almond
Skin Deep by Laura Jarratt
Slam! by JL Merrow
The Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman
Sock it to me, Santa! by Madison Parker
Someday by Sierra Riley
Songs of Innocence and of Experience by William Blake
Spencer Cohen by NR Walker
Splintered by SJD Peterson
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
Starter for Ten by David Nicholls
Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel
Stay With Me by SE Harmon
Strong Side by Alison Hendricks
Sugar Creek by Toni Blake
Superhero by Eli Easton
T - The Tales of Beedle the Bard by JK Rowling
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab
The Time of Our Lives by Jane Costello
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Tonight by Karen Stivali
Turkey in the Snow by Amy Lane
The Two Gentlemen of Altona by Lisa Henry
U - Unwrapping Hank by Eli Easton
Uprooted by Naomi Novik
V - The Vintners Luck by Elizabeth Knox
W - Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks
The Walls of Troy by LA Witt
The Waste Land and Other Poems by TS Eliot
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
We were Feminists Once by Andi Zeisler
A Weekend With Mr Darcy by Victoria Connelly
Where he ends and I Begin by C Cardeno
Where the Lovelight Gleams by Kiera Andrews
Whiskey Business by Avon Gale
The Wish List by Jane Costello
Wonder by RJ Palacio
X - X-It by Jane George
Y - Y: The Last Man by Brian K Vaughan
You Against Me by Jenny Downham
Z - Zero at the Bone by Jane Seville
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dfwsellfast · 4 years
Stream Realty Partners facilitates four DFW transactions
Stream Realty Partners recently completed four transactions in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metro area. DRP Countryside, LLC purchased an 8,205-square-foot office building at 3737 Hulen Street in Fort Worth. Cullen Donohue and Vic Meyer with Stream Realty Partners represented the buyer. Jayson Williams with JL Williams Co. represented the seller, K/NECI Ltd. Cavalry Construction Company, Inc. […]
The post Stream Realty Partners facilitates four DFW transactions appeared first on REDNews.
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rxbodybuilding · 4 years
i have no idea if someone has posted this or something like it but... A phase I/IItrial of MYO-029 in adult subjects with muscular dystrophy. Wagner KR, Fleckenstein JL, Amato AA, Barohn RJ, Bushby K, Escolar DM, Flanigan KM, Pestronk A, Tawil R, Wolfe GI, Eagle M, Florence JM, King WM, Pandya S, Straub V, Juneau P, Meyers K, Csimma C, Araujo T, Allen R, Parsons SA, Wozney JM, Lavallie ER, Mendell JR. Department of Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287-7519, USA. [email protected] Comment in: * Ann Neurol. 2008 May;63(5):543-5. Abstract OBJECTIVE: Myostatin is an endogenous negative regulator of muscle growth and a novel target for muscle diseases. We conducted a safety trial of a neutralizing antibody to myostatin, MYO-029, in adult muscular dystrophies (Becker muscular dystrophy, facioscapulohumeral dystrophy, and limb-girdle muscular dystrophy). METHODS: This double-blind, placebo-controlled, multinational, randomized study included 116 subjects divided into sequential dose-escalation cohorts, each receiving MYO-029 or placebo (Cohort 1 at 1 mg/kg; Cohort 2 at 3 mg/kg; Cohort 3 at 10 mg/kg; Cohort 4 at 30 mg/kg). Safety and adverse events were assessed by reported signs and symptoms, as well as by physical examinations, laboratory results, echocardiograms, electrocardiograms, and in subjects with facioscapulohumeral dystrophy, funduscopic and audiometry examinations. Biological activity of MYO-029 was assessed through manual muscle testing, quantitative muscle testing, timed function tests, subject-reported outcomes, magnetic resonance imaging studies, dual-energy radiographic absorptiometry studies, and muscle biopsy. RESULTS: MYO-029 had good safety and tolerability with the exception of cutaneous hypersensitivity at the 10 and 30 mg/kg doses. There were no improvements noted in exploratory end points of muscle strength or function, but the study was not powered to look for efficacy. Importantly, bioactivity of MYO-029 was supported by a trend in a limited number of subjects toward increased muscle size using dual-energy radiographic absorptiometry and muscle histology. INTERPRETATION: This trial supports the hypothesis that systemic administration of myostatin inhibitors provides an adequate safety margin for clinical studies. Further evaluation of more potent myostatin inhibitors for stimulating muscle growth in muscular dystrophy should be considered. PMID: 18335515
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
The Definitive Guide to Saturated Fatty Acids
I’ve written guides to fat in general, animal fats in particular, and edible oils as well. I’ve written a definitive guide to saturated fat. But what are these fats, exactly? Today, I’m writing the Definitive Guide to Saturated Fatty Acids—a guide to all the individual fatty acids that make up the saturated fats we eat, store, and burn.
I won’t cover every single saturated fatty acid in existence. Some of them don’t play any significant role in human health or diet. Like cerotic acid, which appears mainly in beeswax. Or arachidic acid, which you can get by hydrogenating arachidonic acid or eating a ton of durian. There are a few more that aren’t very relevant.
I will instead cover the most important ones.
But First, a Word about Saturated Fatty Acids…
Saturated fats have all available carbon bonds paired with hydrogen atoms, making them highly stable and resistant to oxidation and rancidity—even when heated. That’s why our bodies tend to build cellular membranes with a significant portion of saturated fats. They provide stability and a strong foundation.
Caproic Acid, Caprylic Acid and Capric Acid
I included these together because their names come from the Latin word for “goat,” and all three are found most famously in goat milk—they run about 15% of goat milk fat. Capric acid is also found in coconut oil (10% of coconut fat) and palm oil (4% of palm fat).
The “goat” fats are what give goat milk its distinctive “goaty” odors. Come to think of it, I’ve had coconut oil that had a “funk” to it, and I bet the capric/caprylic acid was to blame. But if you can get past the goatiness, there are benefits to these fatty acids.
Capric acid has been used to inhibit seizures in people with epilepsy, and if you combine it with caprylic acid, the anti-seizure effect seems to increase.
As medium-chain triglycerides, the goat fatty acids increase ketone production. In fact, caprylic acid is the most ketogenic medium-chain triglyceride of all.
Capric acid has anti-fungal properties, showing particular efficacy against Candida, while all three are effective against oral bacteria.
Best sources: goat milk, coconut oil, palm oil.
Lauric Acid
Another medium-chain triglyceride, lauric acid is the primary fatty acid in coconut fat (40-50% lauric acid) and palm kernel fat. It also appears in human breast milk (about 6.2% of total fat).
Lauric acid is anti-microbial. That’s why it appears in breast milk—to help infants ward off pathogens while their immune systems are still developing. And it’s probably why people report getting rid of foot and toenail fungus by smearing their feet with coconut oil at night.
Lauric acid reduces hunger. In one study, people who had lauric acid shot directly into their guts ate less food than the people who had oleic acid shot in.
When you consume lauric acid, some of it is converted into monolaurin, a more potent compound (both coconut oil and breast milk also contain some monolaurin directly) with anti-viral, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal properties.
Lauric acid is not as directly ketogenic as the “goaty” medium-chain triglycerides.
Best sources: coconut fat, palm kernel fat, breast milk.
Myristic Acid
Myristic acid is a perplexing one. Some studies find that its presence in the blood indicates metabolic issues, whereas, as you’ll see below, in the diet it can have some good effects and play some important roles.
The odor of myristic acid draws the newborn to the breast and helps trigger the appetite for mother’s milk.
Myristic acid in milk also possesses anti-listeria activity.
Eating 1-2% of calories as myristic acid—about what you’d get from including a little coconut or moderate amounts of full-fat dairy in your daily diet—improves red blood cell membrane fluidity and lipid profile. Eating that much also improves omega-3 status.
High-fat dairy is consistently linked to better cardiovascular health despite being one of the best sources of myristic acid.
The Tokelau islanders ate a coconut-based diet that was very high in myristic acid; they had excellent cardiovascular health.
What’s happening? Why the discrepancies?
Some in the diet is way better than none. Too much more than 1-2% of calories (about 10% of calories from dairy fat), and the benefits start dropping and even reversing. However, that “1-2%” limit was in the context of a higher-carb diet. If you’re lower carb, you can probably benefit from higher intakes.
Myristic acid in the blood isn’t so much “dangerous” as it is indicative of metabolic dysfunction. For instance, the most reliable way to reduce blood levels of myristic acid is to reduce your carbohydrate intake.
Best sources: nutmeg butter (don’t eat that and go driving, though; nutmeg is downright psychoactive), coconut fat, palm kernel oil, milk fat, breast milk.
Stearic Acid
Stearic acid is enjoying a bit of a renaissance lately. People are mixing isolated stearic acid into clarified butter to create a “super-stearic butter.” Why?
Stearic acid is one of the saturated fats that even SFA-phobes admit has a neutral effect on cholesterol levels. If anything it boosts HDL.
Dietary stearic acid appears to cause “fusing” of our mitochondria—the power plants of our cells—and increase fatty acid oxidation shortly after consumption. In other words, it’s a potent boost to our ability to generate energy.
Diets based on either red meat or cheese—two foods high in stearic acid—improve metabolic and blood markers.
It’s getting really tough to deny the benefits of stearic acid.
Best sources: cocoa butter, beef fat (steer/stearic), dairy, lard.
Palmitic Acid
Palmitic acid gets a terrible rap. In study after study, we find palmitic acid doing bad things to our cells and our health markers. And when you douse cells in pure palmitic acid, they tend to suffer and even die. This looks really bad.
For instance, palmitic acid lowers expression of the LDL receptor gene. Less LDL receptor activity, more time for LDL to hang around in the bloodstream and cause trouble. That’s not good.
Or the fact that palmitic acid is toxic to skeletal muscle cells, impairing glucose uptake and increasing insulin resistance.
Or that palmitic acid induces inflammation and disrupts insulin signaling, suggestive of diabetes. We don’t want diabetes, we don’t want heart disease, and we like our muscle cells to function, so we should probably stop eating any palmitic acid, right?
Except a modicum of oleic acid stimulates LDL receptor activity. And arachidonic acid, a polyunsaturated fat found in animal products often alongside palmitic acid, prevents cell toxicity. And finally, if you throw in a little oleic acid alongside that “inflammatory” palmitic acid, you obliterate the inflammation.
Okay, but what about serum palmitic acid being a harbinger of metabolic disorder? Easy. When you overeat sugar and there’s nowhere to put it and you can’t burn it, the liver converts any extra into palmitic acid to be stored. Elevated palmitic acid is a marker of eating too many carbohydrates (and food in general).
Best sources: dairy fat, ruminant fat, palm oil.
What does it all mean?
Even though today’s post was about the individual saturated fatty acids, we very rarely eat individual fatty acids. Instead, we’re eating fats that contain a half dozen fatty acids or more, or foods that contain fats that contain a half dozen fatty acids. We aren’t cooking with lauric acid or sprinkling pure palmitic acid in the pan. We’re eating foods. And, as part of the food matrix, all the saturated fatty acids I’ve examined have important and valid roles to play.
If you want to avoid palmitic acid but welcome stearic acid, guess what? You’re gonna have to craft some Frankenstein-fat. Foods that contain stearic acid also contain palmitic acid. The best sources of lauric acid are also pretty high in stearic, palmitic, and myristic acid. And so it goes. You can’t avoid palmitic acid and only eat lauric and stearic acid while eating actual food.
If you have any questions, drop them down below.
Thanks for reading, everyone!
Wlaz P, Socala K, Nieoczym D, et al. Acute anticonvulsant effects of capric acid in seizure tests in mice. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2015;57:110-6.
Huang CB, Alimova Y, Myers TM, Ebersole JL. Short- and medium-chain fatty acids exhibit antimicrobial activity for oral microorganisms. Arch Oral Biol. 2011;56(7):650-4.
Feltrin KL, Little TJ, Meyer JH, et al. Comparative effects of intraduodenal infusions of lauric and oleic acids on antropyloroduodenal motility, plasma cholecystokinin and peptide YY, appetite, and energy intake in healthy men. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008;87(5):1181-7.
Intorre F, Venneria E, Finotti E, et al. Fatty acid content of serum lipid fractions and blood lipids in normolipidaemic volunteers fed two types of cheese having different fat compositions: a pilot study. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2013;64(2):185-93.
Gutiérrez-garcía AG, Contreras CM, Díaz-marte C. Myristic acid in amniotic fluid produces appetitive responses in human newborns. Early Hum Dev. 2017;115:32-37.
Chen X, Zhao X, Deng Y, Bu X, Ye H, Guo N. Antimicrobial potential of myristic acid against Listeria monocytogenes in milk. J Antibiot. 2019;72(5):298-305.
Prior IA, Davidson F, Salmond CE, Czochanska Z. Cholesterol, coconuts, and diet on Polynesian atolls: a natural experiment: the Pukapuka and Tokelau island studies. Am J Clin Nutr. 1981;34(8):1552-61.
Hunter JE, Zhang J, Kris-etherton PM. Cardiovascular disease risk of dietary stearic acid compared with trans, other saturated, and unsaturated fatty acids: a systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010;91(1):46-63.
Thorning TK, Raziani F, Bendsen NT, Astrup A, Tholstrup T, Raben A. Diets with high-fat cheese, high-fat meat, or carbohydrate on cardiovascular risk markers in overweight postmenopausal women: a randomized crossover trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015;102(3):573-81.
Mustad VA, Ellsworth JL, Cooper AD, Kris-etherton PM, Etherton TD. Dietary linoleic acid increases and palmitic acid decreases hepatic LDL receptor protein and mRNA abundance in young pigs. J Lipid Res. 1996;37(11):2310-23.
Wen H, Gris D, Lei Y, et al. Fatty acid-induced NLRP3-ASC inflammasome activation interferes with insulin signaling. Nat Immunol. 2011;12(5):408-15.
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The post The Definitive Guide to Saturated Fatty Acids appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
The Definitive Guide to Saturated Fatty Acids published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
The Definitive Guide to Saturated Fatty Acids
I’ve written guides to fat in general, animal fats in particular, and edible oils as well. I’ve written a definitive guide to saturated fat. But what are these fats, exactly? Today, I’m writing the Definitive Guide to Saturated Fatty Acids—a guide to all the individual fatty acids that make up the saturated fats we eat, store, and burn.
I won’t cover every single saturated fatty acid in existence. Some of them don’t play any significant role in human health or diet. Like cerotic acid, which appears mainly in beeswax. Or arachidic acid, which you can get by hydrogenating arachidonic acid or eating a ton of durian. There are a few more that aren’t very relevant.
I will instead cover the most important ones.
But First, a Word about Saturated Fatty Acids…
Saturated fats have all available carbon bonds paired with hydrogen atoms, making them highly stable and resistant to oxidation and rancidity—even when heated. That’s why our bodies tend to build cellular membranes with a significant portion of saturated fats. They provide stability and a strong foundation.
Caproic Acid, Caprylic Acid and Capric Acid
I included these together because their names come from the Latin word for “goat,” and all three are found most famously in goat milk—they run about 15% of goat milk fat. Capric acid is also found in coconut oil (10% of coconut fat) and palm oil (4% of palm fat).
The “goat” fats are what give goat milk its distinctive “goaty” odors. Come to think of it, I’ve had coconut oil that had a “funk” to it, and I bet the capric/caprylic acid was to blame. But if you can get past the goatiness, there are benefits to these fatty acids.
Capric acid has been used to inhibit seizures in people with epilepsy, and if you combine it with caprylic acid, the anti-seizure effect seems to increase.
As medium-chain triglycerides, the goat fatty acids increase ketone production. In fact, caprylic acid is the most ketogenic medium-chain triglyceride of all.
Capric acid has anti-fungal properties, showing particular efficacy against Candida, while all three are effective against oral bacteria.
Best sources: goat milk, coconut oil, palm oil.
Lauric Acid
Another medium-chain triglyceride, lauric acid is the primary fatty acid in coconut fat (40-50% lauric acid) and palm kernel fat. It also appears in human breast milk (about 6.2% of total fat).
Lauric acid is anti-microbial. That’s why it appears in breast milk—to help infants ward off pathogens while their immune systems are still developing. And it’s probably why people report getting rid of foot and toenail fungus by smearing their feet with coconut oil at night.
Lauric acid reduces hunger. In one study, people who had lauric acid shot directly into their guts ate less food than the people who had oleic acid shot in.
When you consume lauric acid, some of it is converted into monolaurin, a more potent compound (both coconut oil and breast milk also contain some monolaurin directly) with anti-viral, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal properties.
Lauric acid is not as directly ketogenic as the “goaty” medium-chain triglycerides.
Best sources: coconut fat, palm kernel fat, breast milk.
Myristic Acid
Myristic acid is a perplexing one. Some studies find that its presence in the blood indicates metabolic issues, whereas, as you’ll see below, in the diet it can have some good effects and play some important roles.
The odor of myristic acid draws the newborn to the breast and helps trigger the appetite for mother’s milk.
Myristic acid in milk also possesses anti-listeria activity.
Eating 1-2% of calories as myristic acid—about what you’d get from including a little coconut or moderate amounts of full-fat dairy in your daily diet—improves red blood cell membrane fluidity and lipid profile. Eating that much also improves omega-3 status.
High-fat dairy is consistently linked to better cardiovascular health despite being one of the best sources of myristic acid.
The Tokelau islanders ate a coconut-based diet that was very high in myristic acid; they had excellent cardiovascular health.
What’s happening? Why the discrepancies?
Some in the diet is way better than none. Too much more than 1-2% of calories (about 10% of calories from dairy fat), and the benefits start dropping and even reversing. However, that “1-2%” limit was in the context of a higher-carb diet. If you’re lower carb, you can probably benefit from higher intakes.
Myristic acid in the blood isn’t so much “dangerous” as it is indicative of metabolic dysfunction. For instance, the most reliable way to reduce blood levels of myristic acid is to reduce your carbohydrate intake.
Best sources: nutmeg butter (don’t eat that and go driving, though; nutmeg is downright psychoactive), coconut fat, palm kernel oil, milk fat, breast milk.
Stearic Acid
Stearic acid is enjoying a bit of a renaissance lately. People are mixing isolated stearic acid into clarified butter to create a “super-stearic butter.” Why?
Stearic acid is one of the saturated fats that even SFA-phobes admit has a neutral effect on cholesterol levels. If anything it boosts HDL.
Dietary stearic acid appears to cause “fusing” of our mitochondria—the power plants of our cells—and increase fatty acid oxidation shortly after consumption. In other words, it’s a potent boost to our ability to generate energy.
Diets based on either red meat or cheese—two foods high in stearic acid—improve metabolic and blood markers.
It’s getting really tough to deny the benefits of stearic acid.
Best sources: cocoa butter, beef fat (steer/stearic), dairy, lard.
Palmitic Acid
Palmitic acid gets a terrible rap. In study after study, we find palmitic acid doing bad things to our cells and our health markers. And when you douse cells in pure palmitic acid, they tend to suffer and even die. This looks really bad.
For instance, palmitic acid lowers expression of the LDL receptor gene. Less LDL receptor activity, more time for LDL to hang around in the bloodstream and cause trouble. That’s not good.
Or the fact that palmitic acid is toxic to skeletal muscle cells, impairing glucose uptake and increasing insulin resistance.
Or that palmitic acid induces inflammation and disrupts insulin signaling, suggestive of diabetes. We don’t want diabetes, we don’t want heart disease, and we like our muscle cells to function, so we should probably stop eating any palmitic acid, right?
Except a modicum of oleic acid stimulates LDL receptor activity. And arachidonic acid, a polyunsaturated fat found in animal products often alongside palmitic acid, prevents cell toxicity. And finally, if you throw in a little oleic acid alongside that “inflammatory” palmitic acid, you obliterate the inflammation.
Okay, but what about serum palmitic acid being a harbinger of metabolic disorder? Easy. When you overeat sugar and there’s nowhere to put it and you can’t burn it, the liver converts any extra into palmitic acid to be stored. Elevated palmitic acid is a marker of eating too many carbohydrates (and food in general).
Best sources: dairy fat, ruminant fat, palm oil.
What does it all mean?
Even though today’s post was about the individual saturated fatty acids, we very rarely eat individual fatty acids. Instead, we’re eating fats that contain a half dozen fatty acids or more, or foods that contain fats that contain a half dozen fatty acids. We aren’t cooking with lauric acid or sprinkling pure palmitic acid in the pan. We’re eating foods. And, as part of the food matrix, all the saturated fatty acids I’ve examined have important and valid roles to play.
If you want to avoid palmitic acid but welcome stearic acid, guess what? You’re gonna have to craft some Frankenstein-fat. Foods that contain stearic acid also contain palmitic acid. The best sources of lauric acid are also pretty high in stearic, palmitic, and myristic acid. And so it goes. You can’t avoid palmitic acid and only eat lauric and stearic acid while eating actual food.
If you have any questions, drop them down below.
Thanks for reading, everyone!
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The post The Definitive Guide to Saturated Fatty Acids appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
The Definitive Guide to Saturated Fatty Acids published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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