jjyusmile · 1 year
wow hello.. it's been a while
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deobiwritersnet · 1 year
As of February 13th, 2023, Deobi Writers Net will officially be closing its operations and will no longer be accepting members/reblogging works.
We’d like to thank all members who took interest in the network and actively used our tag for their works – it was a pleasure reblogging your stories and helping you gain more exposure! A big thank you also goes out to our staff members and those who were involved with making Deobi Writers Net come to life: our admins @chocolattees, @jjyusmile, and @pearlhoon
Once again, we appreciate the interest in our network and hope that writers will continue to write amazing stories with school-related themes. The blog will remain in existence until Tumblr deletes it in due time, but it will not be active. 
Wishing you the best in the future! - Deobi Writers Net team ♡
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byunbaekhyunie · 3 years
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  🍭 ˚. ୭ ˚○ 1더하기1은 JUYEOMI !!! ꙳ . ꒱⠀
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bbangsoonie · 3 years
skdjksjdj that made me feel so warm !! thank you for your support always hehe~ I can’t wait to see what you come up with next 🥺
thank you so much ! 🥺
i’m so excited for “signing off” i can’t believe i didn’t see that the first two chapters were already posted aH please add me to the tag list
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sunlightwoo · 3 years
ahh congrats on 2.5k and your anniversary !!
if this is still open.. could I please request:
juyeon + A9+46 + college au + a scenario where you’ve had a friends w benefits deal w bad boy!juyeon behind everyone’s back and you got emotionally attached and you’re scared he isn’t...
thank you in advance :’)
AAAA thank you so much it means a lot hehe
hopefully the outcome of this was what you wanted, just know you can find your request here !!
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changminurheart · 3 years
and the night was made for loving. ( sohn youngjae )
you love in secrecy, shy hidden glances that last longer than they should. kisses that burn on your lips and in memory for a lifetime, but eric is not yours to love during the day
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part of the ‘reveal yourself” collab hosted by @jjyusmile in honour of tbz’s fourth anniversay, this is what it feels like to love a man that’s never been yours, sohn youngjae.
genres : angst. fluff. childhood best friends to lovers to not, secret romance. honestly, no warnings.
pairing: the boyz eric x gender neutral reader (if you do spot any pronouns that are possibly female please let me know so i can change bits of it)
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the first warning comes when you’re six.
six years old when you can just about spell each other’s names, signing his off with a heart using your extra special pink gel pen. pink was his favourite colour he told you. pink because your sweater is pink, the flowers that bloom in his garden you play in on sundays are pink, because he saw in a book a pink soccer ball he’s always wanted.
at six your hearts are pink and young, clear of any ugly purple bruises or cracks of heartbreak. just a tiny ache when he builds the confidence to march up to your table at recess. tiny fists bunched at his sides with brows furrowed in a pretty knot.
“you didn’t come over to play on sunday,” the pout on his pink lips is enormous, probably as big as his eyes that held your six year old’s world.
“you didn’t come over to play on sunday,” the pout on his pink lips is enormous, probably as big as his eyes that held your six year old’s world.
you bite your lip nervously but then shrug, cardigan slightly slipping off your shoulders. “dad said i couldn’t,” that last word is a little hard for you to pronounce but your heart swells with pride once it leaves your mouth when you let out another breath. your beam blinds eric and distracts him for a moment, anger vanishing in thin air and all he can see is pink again.
“come over next week?” his voice is tiny but demands all your attention. you play a finger on your chin cutely to contemplate on how you could possibly ask your parents to play with the boy they’ve said no to countless times but you nod nonetheless. he uses his eyes that hold the stars captive to make a memory of your smile that holds the sun, locking this secret promise of a moment away forever.
“okay,” he whispers, suddenly shy that a pink blush dusts over his honey cheekbones. he pauses, almost thinking before running his tongue over his rosy lips. you look up at him, questioning look knotted in your forehead creases and he swipes the sheet you’ve written his name on with your precious gel pen that cost you the past two week’s pocket money to get. your protests fill the air with a laughter that bubbles in his chest, he runs with however far his little legs can carry him. lungs heaving with love as you break out into giggles when he almost trips on his own two feet, focus lost in that moment as he let his eyes wander over to you again.
he presses a soft kiss to his thumb and index before crossing them over in a soft finger heart. he throws it in your direction, actions forming the unspoken words that have become your own language.
i’ll wait for you, the tiny heart says. and you nod, returning one back at him with a smile so much bigger before the bell breaks through the air and he makes a dash for his desk- afraid of the scolding mr. lee will give him.
sunday comes with a tantrum, bawls and threat to tell your teachers you were being neglected from attention. your body is hunched in the corner as you cry, you hear your mother bargain with your father but the words are final. you’re not allowed to see sohn youngjae, the boy across the street. but he’s not just the boy across the street; he’s your best friend, the boy who blooms your flower path and no one in the big wide world could stop you from ever being his friend. rage fills your tiny body, heart bigger than your brain and you decide at nightfall the plan will begin.
moonlight rests in the sky, like you should be in bed. but you’re lying in eric’s arms that feel like light. hidden in his treehouse under a mess of blankets and tangled limbs, you sleep soundly unaware of the panic your runaway scheme has caused. but you don’t mind, turning over and forcing your eyes shut. they can’t scold you if you’re sleeping, they can’t take you away is eric holds you tight enough and so you bury your neck further in his neck- eric sohn and sleep hugging you close.
you’re six and you’re only a fraction of your parent’s age and wisdom of the big wide world, but you do know this; you won’t ever have to wait for sohn youngjae because he’ll always be by your side.
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ten years later you’re both sixteen and nothing has changed since you were six except now you can feel the butterflies that swirl in your stomach and the teenage love that thumps in your chest.
it’s just a crush, you tell yourself. it’s normal to have feelings in this life- would you call it love? maybe not yet. you do know that you feel ever so warm when he drags you along to the arcade and you want to curl inside the house all day instead, when he has your cafe order memorised for the free period on friday that begins at two, when he ties your hair back in a little scrunchie he keeps on his wrist so its out of your way just as you like. you feel warm because he seems to know every little thing about you.
it’s just a crush, you remind yourself when you’re walking side by side, hands knocking every once in a while. your hands want to reach out and hold his so bad. you’re millimetres apart but he’s worlds away from you.
until you feel the softness of his pinkie interlocking with yours; a silent promise when the leaves serve as background music to your walk home. you look to him from under your long fluttering eyelashes but he’s looking away to combat that blush; red hues dancing up his ears already. your heart smiles.
it’s just a crush, your young sixteen year old mind still whispers but the beating of your blood pumping organ wipes that thought clean.
he’s just your eric.
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you’re nineteen and past the hesitating hearts. now you comfortably grab his hands, pressing your lips to his knuckles as he watches you in awe.
you’re giggling into his neck and he has you up against the wall of this alley.
“youngjae,” you whisper at the nonexistent distance between you two. he’s a whole head taller and is stargazing in your orbs, head gently nudging and prodding you to continue whilst his lips busy themselves at your neck.
“jae they’ll see us,” you whisper harshly, the thrill of hiding your forbidden love was not as exciting as you had initially thought it would be.
sometimes you live for nights like tonight, the heavy hues of dark ash that paint the sky, a sea of stars that illuminate his cheekbones that you trace your fingers over. the sneaking out the house and into his car, slow kissing at red lights with his lips melting over yours till the cars behind grow impatient and honks break you apart. its the hoodie of his you wear to hide the purple paint on your bodies, wide grins flashing in secrecy- pure excitement from seeing him and only him. he was yours and no one had a single clue in the world. at least, in your world.
but there’s also nights like tonight. the ugly darkness that camouflage your dancing demons. the sly snarl of his lips as they attack yours. you don’t want anyone to see you but he’s hoping to god someone will. just anyone will so they’d know you were his. you’re engulfed in his warmth, a sky of stars above and he’s the brightest one in front of you; hugging you close and you wish upon him that this moment could last forever.
but it can’t, there’s no way it could. “jae,” you break apart and take a step back from him and his hands loosen themselves slightly around your waist.
“what?” his tone’s a bit rough, he’s annoyed with brows creased and body on fire.
“they’ll see us,” your eyes soften and you let your whisper sink into the growing coldness of the night.
“would that be such a bad thing?” he leans his forehead across yours. “we’re not kids anymore,” a secret into your hair.
“you know its not that,” your palms are lied flat on his chest and you hold him slowly.
“then what is it?” his eyes desperately search for answers that die on the tip of your tongue, all you can taste is salt. it’s bitter.
don’t make me say it you beg, please don’t make me say it.
“we just can’t,” you settle for and your voice breaks, the pupils in your eyes shake and suddenly you feel so damn small, the world out there is just way bigger than the two of you.
you knew your parents would never accept him and you could never accept that. he was bold and brave and beautiful. he was warmth and light, the smartest boy you ever knew; dreams that could take him worlds away from you but he’s always stayed. but your parents pay your rent, you live under their roof in their town along their rules. you may be eric’s lover but first you’ll always be their child and as much as you’d give up everything for eric- you don’t have it in you to walk away from your family.
“i’ll go in right now,” he blinks away stray tears and the tongue in his mouth threatens to break through the inside of his cheek, pressing hard against the flesh. “i’ll go in there right now and tell them we deserve to be together,” his voice raises volumes you could never reach and your eyes widen in panic, hands grasping his arms and falling heart.
“jae you can’t no,” you plead, “please don’t,” the tears spill from your eyes and you throw your body to block the pathway.
“move,” he mutters quietly, “i need you to move.”
“i need you to stop,” you shout. you hate being painted as the villain, as the one who always to bring you both back to reality but you only do it because you know he never will. eric still thinks you’re young, you’re sixteen and he can race you home and demand a victory kiss. he still thinks he can sneak you out of your house to the new dessert parlour on fifth. he still thinks he can protect you from the world.
but he can’t because he’s not a superhero, he’s just sohn youngjae, your lover in the night.
“you never want to fight for us,” he yells out and a large part of him hates how bad he wanted someone to see your skin on his in the alley but those secrets are saved, not like the way his heart screams on the streets and everyone can see.
“it’s not about fighting eric, there’s things bigger than us both,” you reason, the cold of the night bites at your exposed skin but at this point you’re completely numb. “please don’t go in there,” you beg.
you can already picture it, you in the middle of a game of tug and war. your parents will scold you, scold him and remind him that hed never be enough for their child and he’d stand there, you’d stand in front of him- a broken shield and carry the burden for you both but you knew you couldn’t carry that burden with you out that door.
“why can’t it be me?” his eyebrows flail and his head shakes, thoughts tossing and turning the way you will tonight in your empty bed.
“eric it is you for me,” you take a step forward and he takes another back. for the first time in his life eric just wants to get as far away from you and your twisted family as possible; far away from the scrutiny, the insecurities and the love that has always been a make-believe lie.
“jae!” you call out, but its no use his body is disappearing into his car and down the moonlit alley. a slam of the door and a slam of your heart against your ribs. “jae, come back baby let’s talk it out!” you run after the diminishing car until you’re completely alone with the darkness wrapping around you.
you walk the block over till you get to your house. it’s only a house. because sohn youngjae will always be your home.
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your kdrama moment in the street blew over in two weeks of radio silence, like these arguements usually do. he’s like a broken record trapped in this routine when he turns up at your door when he knows your parents aren’t in, cursing himself for having to detail schedules of when he can come over.
“can we talk?” diffuses into a long hug where “i can’t lose my best friend” fills the warm air. he stays a little longer, holding you as you drift on his arms. the air may be warm but it’s unsettling, wraps around his entire body like a weight above him.
it’s the realisation of what ifs that will always remain what ifs. its the way you’re so close to him but he feels like he’s holding you by a thread and you’re slipping through his fingers.
“hey,” he whispers, throat as tight as your legs tangled together in the crisp white sheets of the hotel room a night of loving behind closed doors again in this destructive cycle- why did it feel like he was the only one breaking?
“yeah,” you look up at him, his phone is dangling in his hands- eyes no longer boring into the white glare of his screen but rather on you. the stars in his eyes are no longer you galaxy but a broken constellation of his ragged thoughts. he doesn’t speak for several moments, lips unable to form the words of his cracked heart, the bruises of purple on the flushing red.
“you were right,” another whisper and it doesn’t take long for you to realise the meaning behind his words. you want to cry again, tears that might make him stay but you’ve both cried enough and you sigh, a sign of giving up and eric doesn’t know whether he’s hurt or glad that you’re not fighting for him anymore.
“we can’t carry on like this can we?” he licks his lips and you sit up in the bed, creating a gap between you both. your hand still reaches out to cup his cheek and he lets it stay there- your love has always been lingering, never truly there.
you shake your head softly and press your foreheads together. “i’m sorry,” your mumble reaches his ears and he closes his eyes to savour his last moments of affection with you.
“i’m not sorry for loving you,” he clears his throat. “i don’t regret it one bit. i’m sorry for not being the man you felt like you could bring home, the one you had to hide from daylight, the one who couldn’t give you what you deserve.” he hesitates for a moment at your pondering silence, glitter dripping from your eyes and you stutter out the tears. he comforts you with the gentlest shush and holds your hands ever so softly.
he presses his lips to your temple- fleeting the kiss is. like this moment may seem but he knows it’ll last forever burning in his mind.
“i love you,” you squeeze your eyelids shut.
“i know you do,” he smiles “and that’s enough for me, love.”
and it’s true, eric sohn may have lost you as his lover, but he could never lose you as his best friend.
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a year later . . .
he watches as you walk down the steps of your house- the house that’s always haunted him, never once feeling the ounce of love personally but that had somehow blossomed you into the beautiful flower you are.
he also watches the way choi chanhee walks with his hand tight in yours; a sweet promise of a love in the light. his pink lips press to your knuckles where the sparkling diamond sits and he watches how you giggle with delight, cupid brow stretched into the prettiest smile he’s had the fortune to love and live for.
your eyes falter as they cast over at him and eric smiles, waving you off and telling you to go ahead without him. you bite your lip gently the memories that will forever live through polaroids, hotel rooms on a sunday morning and only the moon who will ever know the truth of your shortlived secret romance.
eric watches as you go hesitantly go ahead, it was bound to happen anyway but when your eyes meet again he kisses his thumb and his index again and crossing it in a soft heart and throws it in your direction gently.
i’ll wait for you, it says. i’ll always wait for you.
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minnie’s note ; honestly this is queued and idk when i set the date or time for (?) but take this as a present whilst i disappear for a little while (ive already gone hehehe) but i did try to make the reader as gender neutral and inclusive as possible? (i tried focusing on the emotions rather than the people? if that makes sense)
also !! genre was fluff but idk why this turned out to be kinda sad but if you ask me the start and ending is the fluff okay omg
i honestly am not even happy with this tbh i was running out of time (there was a month left but this month is full of exams so i dont have time to write ??) so i rushed this all out and wrote it in a day which i do personally regret bc i wish i couldve put more effort in to write it better but yeah ig this is it, love it please and love me lots mwah bye bye see u soon !! <33
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staysuki · 3 years
my sunshine ☼ | lee minho smau
chapter 11.—“college level physics.”
warnings: semi-angst(? friend fight)
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genre: lee minho smau | fluff, angst, crack, college au, strangers to lovers
synopsis: two people with completely different personalities living in completely different circles. in your years of college life, you’ve never once interacted with each other, and everyone thought it’ll stay that way. but after a cruel twist of fate revolving a blind date mishap, you find your lives suddenly intertwined— and perhaps, maybe, you two weren’t so different after all.
updates: weekly to bi-weekly
taglist: @jakesahi @seungmoz @yangyanghasnotoes @softforqiankun @felixs-freckles-forever @staysstrays @eajone @softyfor-sweaterpaws @softy-ficrec @trials--error r @jin-neck-shaft @luvshye @nycol-ie @ninjaleeknow @helpsplease @thethreedemons @heartowl @thethreedemons @am3l1a-24 @jjyusmile @hyuckslytherin
couldn’t tag: @changbinsworld
mastertag: @leagreenly @geniejunn @90s-belladonna @loveliebri @fuzzylard @todorokiskitten
comment, reblog, or send an ask if you wanna be reminded ^^.
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networkluvs · 3 years
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bittersweet | exposed
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★ synopsis: in which y/n and wonwoo are forced to share an apartment in secret.
a/n: hello, if you havent read the previous update i put out, I’ve decided that I’ll be updating Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridaysfrom now on!!
taglist: @sea-gyu @rjsmochii @so0bercore @aishabear @bleach-006 @kwonsyoungs @yaebbinnie @seokkjin @dk-gie@yoonzinow @dawnover-dusk @w8nuzone @luvswonu@coupsiekkuma @haniehae @notyourmousse @g4m3-b01 @jakesahi @hoshi4k @wuriwoori @markleepooh @lovely-sicheng @verasantos2002 @tfmingyu @wooziujidoots @wonhaotrsh @cherryskles @skylions-den @ygimsgw @kittysbtscorner @violyn20 @lynniac @onigiriyuki @wonwooslibrary @meltinghershey @nottodayjjk @hoshbrownie @cloudyhaos @itsyaapollochild @2dmoonenback @stonyiscanon @ceebunnyy @jnwwo @daisyhwa @boowanie @kuroovz @mimaisiomai@serenadesvt @sdoulc @semicolorn @ngayongabi @jjyusmile @g-u-ppy @simplewonderland @faithceq @hannahdinse8
coudn't tag: @smileyjimvn @youbloominsideofme
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jjyusmile · 2 years
jjyusmile hiatus over hehe
hello! it’s bec... I’m back ;-;
after a long break, I’ve decided that I can’t give up on what I love doing and that’s writing au content for myself and everyone who takes the time to read my stories! these last 6 months I’ve been reading your comments and fic recommendations of my au’s and it warmed my heart so much so that I’m back for good. so really, thank you so much for supporting me even though I’ve been absent.
please be patient with me as I do intend to pick up on unfinished projects and au’s that I left last year... I will get there I promise!! also tagging my networks- @deobiwritersnet @tbznetwork @kpopscape @akademia-net (I’m not sure who’s still active anymore but hi anyway!) to let y’all know I’m back :))
also a massive thank you to @chocolattees and @pearlhoon for being so kind and patient with me as admins of DWN, it meant a lot to me back then!
but for now- if you’d like to request something from my prompt list to help me get back into writing again, I’d appreciate it a lot!! anyone can request, followers or new readers are all welcome pls come talk to meeee <33
and a new link to my updated and remastered work list can be found here!! also come follow me on twitter bc I love talking to y’all hehe
love, bec x
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cuppasunu · 2 years
hii! do you mind sharing some of your fav tbz fics🥺
haiyoo anon!
i hope it’s not to your dismay to see that from my last fic rec post, i have not read any new tbz fics 😭😭
BUT i shall tag some talented writers and point you to the right direction,, (I KNOW IM MISSING SO MANY BUT BEST BELIEVE .. if i’ve interacted with your acc in any shape or form, i deem you worthy of praises) <33
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bbangsoonie · 3 years
I am so late to the party but can I pls be added to the break your rules taglist 🥺 I am obsessed~
aksbdwlxksb of course ! it’s such an honor to have you ask and to be moots 🥺 i’ve been following your blog since before making my own tbz writing blog
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ceruleanskies · 3 years
the music shop (collab)
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it was easy to find comfort in music. be it soft piano or hard rock, those sounds had the power to both divide and unite. when y/n walked into the music shop, she was immediately drawn to the records section, for it reminded her of a time gone by...
this is to celebrate a milestone i reached a couple of months ago! the theme for the collab is simple: choose an album (any album) off of which to base your story. there is no restriction in genre of music or work. 
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first come, first serve. one writer per member as well as one album per writer. 
22 slots available as i will take one for myself. 
strictly no smut for chenle, sungchan or jisung.
all works must be member x reader, however other members can feature as non-romantic interests. 
works can be released after the 1st of january 2022 with no fixed end date for release. 
all works must be inclusive to all races. here is a helpful guide for non-poc writers on how to make their works more reader-inclusive
if you choose to write smut, you must be over 18. 
works that include graphic descriptions/glorifications of the following are not allowed: paedophilia, incest, rape, sexual assault, self-injury, suicide, abuse, eating disorders and other mental illnesses.
plagiarism is strictly prohibited. 
if you’re interested, send me (@ceruleanskies) a DM with the member you would like to write for as well as the album you’re basing your story off. a discord link will be sent to you. 
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(once added to the collab, please reblog this post!)
taeil - @jaemxxi
johnny - @seulgiswhoreee​
taeyong - @stayinzencity + Electra Heart- Marina and the Diamonds
yuta - @127-mile + AM- Arctic Monkeys
doyoung - @ceruleanskies + White Noise- PVRIS
kun - @taemin-jaemin​ + Press It- Taemin​
ten - @lebrookestore​
jaehyun - @stealerz
sicheng - @jaesqueso + 130: Mood TRBL- Dean
jungwoo - @peachyoonoh​​ +​ Limasawa Street - Ben&Ben
lucas - @dreamystuffers​
mark - @markisms​ + ​
xiaojun - @jjyusmile​ + bcos u will never b free- Rex Orange County
hendery - @peachyychenle​ + Your City Gave Me Asthma- Wilbur Soot
renjun - @minthoodie​ + blue neighbourhood- Troye Sivan
jeno - @jenosslut​ + Teatro D’ira- Maneskin 
haechan - @dhoya + Somewhere City- Origami Angel
jaemin - @prettyjaems + boy.- offonoff
yangyang - @moon-typewriter77​ + i like it when you sleep for you are so beautiful - The 1975​
shotaro - @hyuckdove​
sungchan - @aquamoonchaii​ + Más- Alejandro Sanz
chenle - @prettychannie​ + Walls- Louis Tomlinson
jisung - @neosta + Awaken the World- WayV
all works belong to their respective authors. reposting or translation without express permission from the author of the work is prohibited.
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taeyongandfree · 2 years
2021 was..... for the lack of a better word... a rollercoaster of emotions.
the past year started with a lost gio trying to make her life better, so the decision she made was to start being more active on tumblr with writing and other things. in january, i started my 2nd semester at university and it was completely online, the only time i got to leave my house was when i went to work, and at work, id write.
writing was and still is a way for me to live outside of my reality, one where i had complete control over and could prevent bad things from happening to people, in a time where many bad things were happening to me at the hands of others. of course, in typical gio fashion, i managed to stay consistent for 4 months, releasing a series, and a few one shots but then school got really hardcore and all of my brainpower was focused on studying.
but i miss writing.
then, came the people.
during 2021 i have a few people here on tumblr that marked my year. i despise twitter because of the anxiety it gives me, and i only use instagram as a private juyeon fan account basically, so i rarely get to interact with people.
even when i mainly wrote for nct, i rarely had mutuals, and i always wanted to have them, and this year it came true. i might not have a lot of mutuals but the ones i do have i hold dearly to heart cause yall are amazing and so so so goddamn lovable.
i sometimes feel bad for them because i am the worst person at keeping contact, im either texting you 24/7 or disappear for 3 months, but i'll strive to do better this year, i promise.
not only for you guys but also for me, because you played a great part of my days, days so gloomy and painful. you made me feel loved and worthy of love, when i spoke to you guys you made me feel accepted and understood.
so, to 2022, a year that i hope is kinder to everyone.
to my mutuals:
@bloom-bloom-pow (who is unfortunately not on tumblr anymore) @bbangsoonie @timextoxhajima @wooyoung-a @softforqiankun @juyoens @jjyusmile @yojeongin (BUBS I KNOW WE MET BEFORE 2021 BUT YOU ARE MY RIDE OR DIE IN THIS APP !!!!!) @bvidzsoo (my sweet girl whose friendship has transcended the online world and the one libra i call best friend LMAO)
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staysuki · 3 years
my sunshine ☼ | lee minho smau
chapter 10.—“new friends.”
warnings: none.
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genre: lee minho smau | fluff, angst, crack, college au, strangers to lovers
synopsis: two people with completely different personalities living in completely different circles. in your years of college life, you’ve never once interacted with each other, and everyone thought it’ll stay that way. but after a cruel twist of fate revolving a blind date mishap, you find your lives suddenly intertwined— and perhaps, maybe, you two weren’t so different after all.
updates: weekly to bi-weekly
taglist: @jakesahi @seungmoz @yangyanghasnotoes @softforqiankun @felixs-freckles-forever @staysstrays @eajone @softyfor-sweaterpaws @softy-ficrec @trials--error @jin-neck-shaft @luvshye @nycol-ie @ninjaleeknow @helpsplease @thethreedemons @heartowl @thethreedemons @am3l1a-24 @jjyusmile @hyuckslytherin
couldn’t tag: @changbinsworld
mastertag: @leagreenly @geniejunn @90s-belladonna @loveliebri @fuzzylard @todorokiskitten
comment, reblog, or send an ask if you wanna be reminded ^^.
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networkluvs · 3 years
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bittersweet | is your boyfriend single
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★ synopsis: in which y/n and wonwoo are forced to share an apartment in secret.
a/n: hello, if you havent read the previous update i put out, I’ve decided that I’ll be updating Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from now on!!
taglist: @sea-gyu @rjsmochii @so0bercore @aishabear @bleach-006 @kwonsyoungs @yaebbinnie @seokkjin @dk-gie@yoonzinow@dawnover-dusk @w8nuzone @luvswonu@coupsiekkuma@haniehae @notyourmousse @g4m3-b01@jakesahi @hoshi4k@wuriwoori @markleepooh @lovely-sicheng@verasantos2002@tfmingyu @wooziujidoots @wonhaotrsh@cherryskles @skylions-den @ygimsgw @kittysbtscorner@violyn20 @lynniac @onigiriyuk i@wonwooslibrary@meltinghershey @nottodayjjk @hoshbrownie@neolee231@itsyaapollochild @2dmoonenback @stonyiscanon@ceebunny07@jnwwo @daisyhwa @boowanie @kuroovz@mimaisiomai@serenadesvt @sdoulc @semicolorn @ngayongabi @jjyusmile @g-u-ppy @simplewonderland
coudn't tag: @smileyjimvn @youbloominsideofme
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jjyusmile · 2 years
hi y’all~~ I was hoping to have my tbz collab posted by monday but i’ve had some problems trying to get home from a trip (yep i’m still not home) and haven’t had a chance to finalise and post my fic :((
i’m sorry to those who joined my collab— thank you for those who have posted already!! i’m hoping to have it all sorted by this weekend and get the collab list up too!! thank you for your patience ;-;
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