#jj vents
jjfantasy · 2 years
so anyway, if you guys need anything you’ll find me buried in the Eddissy au section on ao3
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
TW Vent /talk of impure regression
Thinking about this one time me and my step mom were arguing and she called me “a little girl” and I absolutely snapped. Like I could not do anything but cry and scream at her to stop talking. Which she did, she actually paused and asked what was wrong and I half way explained that I’m not a little kid. She was so understanding and so nice about it with a “okay, I’m sorry, I didn’t know that triggered you. I won’t say that anymore.” And it somehow made me more angry??? Like what do you mean you understand?? Be mad at me like you were! Yell at me again! Say I’m being dramatic!!? Have a (what I deemed) normal reaction?!?
But now I think back and like, she was correct about how to handle that. She didn’t freak out at me sobbing in her passenger seat because she just knew it wasn’t the actual fight upsetting me but the word choice. I find it crazy that some people are okay?? With me having triggers?? They aren’t mad at me?? I’m allowed to be upset??? It still baffles me.
Especially now where I’m feeding into my little side a lot more, or trying to, and I can figure out why those words triggered me so bad. It’s just cause I have so many bad memories associated with being deemed immature or childish (Ahem thank you mother for that one) and now I can’t fathom a reason why it’d be okay for me to like childish things.
I had to deadass convince myself to buy a monster high doll that I’ve been wanting, I had it when I was a kid and got rid of it at 11 cause my mother said I was too old to play with dolls, I listened and threw away all my dolls. The dolls I loved. The dolls I sobbed about because I got rid of them but I never said anything as I was doing “the right thing”, but I wasn’t. I was a kid and got rid of them because of an adult. It’s fucked and it’s fucked that I still feel guilty for spending my money on something I wanted.
And sometimes when I regress I snap out of it because “what the hell am i doing?? I’m acting like a child when I’m not. I have responsibilities and should be doing them. This isn’t okay. This is fucked up and wrong.” When logically it isn’t. I like going small and doing small things like watching kids movies. It’s fun, I relax, I don’t overthink, I simply am small for a bit. But I feel so wrong.
It makes me want to sob, it’s healthy to regress and thinking about how much of a “childish baby” I am when I’m mentally seven is not a good time. It feels like I’m doing it wrong anyways cause I don’t go into baby space and tend to stay on the bigger side and can text/talk normally. But I know I’m not, I’ve been told I’m not, there’s no wrong way to regress, it’s just my own insecurities that I hate.
Okay vent over. I’m just stressed and hating life rn sry to dump this onto to tumblr but this is the only place I talk about my regression at all
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jjfantasy · 1 year
Honestly, after two semi-finals the one song that stuck with me is the Czech one. Cz-pop, go girl, I hope you fly high.
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possible-area · 1 month
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redrum-alice · 11 months
Migrated to ibispaint midway...
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The pink sketches were from december 2022 and the black one (ibispaint) was made recently
Was hoping to finish this back in January, but i had other stuff to do :'>
This is all a WIP btw..
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averagetmntfan · 1 month
(vent under cut)
don’t you love just fucking PUNCHING your own sister and feel guilty as hell because you know you’re actually a terrible person?
love that!!
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leontheluxuriousone · 5 months
TW! Vent & Swearing
My sister rlly just came into the living room and fucking called me fat. Like actually shut the fuck up. SHUT UP. IK WHAT I LOOK LIKE. I FUCKING KNOW OK?! And it isnt the first time she’s done this. I don’t know why I even tolerate this shit anymore. Like body shaming? Not funny. its literally just making me more insecure.
I cant Even anymore. I promised myself I would say smth, but I didn’t. im so sick of it all. The arguing, the yelling, the screaming. honestly? I just wanna run Away. But I have no where to go! I’m stuck!
Sorry for the long text, I’m just really frustrated rn.
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ahwait-no-yes · 2 years
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they rlly are my comfort ship
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jjfantasy · 2 years
Ugh, this again? People are okay with actors shipping when they ship what these people ship, the moment it’s not the case it’s “problematic” and “gross”??? People, come on, for fuck’s sake... ship and let ship, this is so basic I can’t believe I have to repeat this again.
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masquerading-man · 5 months
Anyone else get periods of time where the things that bring you joy are suddenly annoying to you? Not like depression where you lose interest, but like it makes u agitated or angry? But then one day you go back to normal and u find joy in those things again?
Does anyone know what might cause this???
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littlecajunlady · 3 months
Hold on, I actually have something to say about Lucky Spencer, his recasts, and the punishment of actors through character assassination.
Under a read more because I have A LOT to say:
For some reason, every January for the last few years, I watch clips of General Hospital - sometimes storylines I've seen before, and sometimes stories I want to see for the first time. This January I decided on Lucky (JJ) and Elizabeth, and I've watched every scene of theirs I could find from '97 to '99 and '09 to '11. I'd seen a few of their older scenes, a bit more of their recent scenes, but it was my first time watching everything from the beginning. Two months later and I'm still thinking about them, how sweet they were together as teens, and how the writers ruined them over and over again.
My first memory of watching GH was with my older sister, and it just so happened to be the episode in '99 with Lucky's funeral and the reveal that he was alive. As a lover of angst, I was enthralled. I wanted to know what happened next. Now in hindsight, that was truly the end for them. Sometimes I feel like Lucky died in that fire and he never came back. Lucky said it himself in a scene with Luke in '10 - "Elizabeth and I never recovered from that fire," and he was right. And it is so disappointing to me. A small part of me almost wishes I didn't know how good they were then, so that I never learned how far they'd fallen.
The characters as teenagers were beautiful together. They were IN LOVE, and they sold it, and had better chemistry than almost any characters I've ever seen. I know this is a soap opera and almost no one is allowed to stay married to one person, much less with their high school sweetheart, but I just wish they hadn't done so much deliberate, irreparable damage to this couple. And for what?
From the wiki I read recently, Jonathan Jackson wanted to leave as early as '96 or '97 and they convinced him to stay, which I'm grateful he did so we could get the Liz/Lucky story. I hate that he left, and really dislike recasts in general, but I would never begrudge an actor for wanting to move on from a soap opera, even if I miss them. And to expect an 11-year-old actor to commit to a lifetime as one character is ridiculous. He wanted to leave again in '11, and while that was incredibly disappointing, I understand why he did.
He's said in interviews that he wanted to work with Tony and Becky, and have Liz and Lucky reunite, and have lighter stories. I know actors rarely get a say in their storylines, that they've gotta shut up and do the work they're given, and I get that. But considering those requests were the whole reason he even agreed to come back in the first place, why did they apparently agree when they had no intention of following through? So he left, which was within his right to do. Creators/producers/writers don't have to cater to actors' wants, but then they shouldn't act surprised when the actor leaves when they've lied to get them in the door. So yeah, I don't blame him for leaving, and I'm happy for him that he got Nashville soon after.
Unfortunately, now Lucky has since been punished for this. They turned him into a deadbeat dad who doesn't see his kids. They absolutely did not have to do that. They could so easily say he talks to them at least once a week on the phone, that he sees them every few months, and sends them gifts on their birthdays. It might not be perfect but at least it's not the complete abandonment of his children. Jax was allowed an offscreen relationship with Josslyn, so why can't Lucky? It's so out of character for him to do this and the writers' motives are so transparent to me.
And frankly, I feel like they've been ruining Lucky since the first time JJ left. After running out of JJ scenes to watch, I finally grit my teeth and watched some scenes with the recasts. I watched some of JY's Lucky return storyline. The actor was fine I guess, but I didn't buy him as Lucky, and the chemistry with Liz just wasn't there anymore. I hate the brainwashing stuff and how he no longer loved Elizabeth. If I'd been watching this live then, I probably would've quit because that is NOT the story I would've wanted to see with these characters.
GV's Lucky is even worse. I'm sure the actor is good in other things but that character was definitely not Lucky. I mostly blame the writing, but every time I see him, I say aloud to myself, "I do not know this man." Lucky would not be a cop. From some scenes I've seen, he was controlling and downright mean to Elizabeth. He was so unlikable and annoying. While the drug addiction storyline is good for drama and a challenge for actors, I just don't buy that as a story for Lucky, and definitely not the cheating. Again, it's just so very out of character that I simply don't think of that man as Lucky - that rage-filled, Dudley Do Right cuckhold? I realize this sounds really harsh, and yes there were some nice moments too (I begrudgingly admit their 2005 wedding was very sweet) but for me the bad far outweighed the good. I don't know what the character (and actors) of Lucky did to deserve such character assassination
It's very telling to me that the moment JJ returned, Lucky was allowed to be smart again. Competent at his job. To actually be respected by the other characters. What a concept, huh? There's no way JJ would've returned to that mess of a character otherwise. I agree that it's fucked up that GV was fired and that JJ was told that GV moved on of his own volition, but I'm glad JJ returned for the time he did, even though they had no idea what to do with him.
Siobhan? She was fine at first but then became shrill. And she was just the rebound girl he never should've married. The Balkan storyline was definitely not one of their best. Lucky's exit - which both JJ and Tony complained about - by having Lucky leave his kids just before Christmas to go talk to some rocks? Wtf were they thinking? An actor leaves and they no longer have any obligation to make a satisfying conclusion for fans, I guess. The Liz/Nik affair was so gross to me. I don't know a lot about Becky's firing, but they clearly wanted to punish her and her character too before getting rid of her. While I hate what Liz did, I don't hate the character, because they clearly had some kind of vendetta against Becky to want to trash her character so thoroughly. And I understand that's even the nature of soap operas - that everyone gets the chance to fuck up and do unforgivable things - and I guess that's just an aspect of soaps that I absolutely hate. That some characters aren't allowed to stay good and true to themselves for the sake of drama and who's the daddy storylines.
I know there are GH fans now, and probably many back then, who are sick of LL2 and want Liz to move on. And that's fair. But I'm also sure that there were so many people who wanted them back together, especially after JJ returned. I was one of them. What an absolute waste of history and chemistry. Jonathan and Becky both wanted it. A lot of the fans wanted it. They didn't even have to keep them together forever - soap couples never last - but to NEVER allow these characters any happiness together when we finally had JJ back is one of the biggest fumbles I've ever seen. They ruined the characters a long time ago, and they ruined this couple yet again. And I'll never forgive that.
I want JJ to come back as Lucky, I always will, even if it's just for a little while. He probably won't, and why would he after last time? I don't want a recast but if they decided to then maybe I'd give him a chance, only because I want them to stop trashing the character. But honestly whoever they cast probably still won't be Lucky to me - JJ IS Lucky, and some characters just can't be recast. I'm trying to make my peace with that, and with the fact that the last time we saw the REAL Lucky and Liz happy together was back in 1999. The showrunner and writers at the time had the rare opportunity to fix that in 2010 and chose not to do it. Why? I could never guess.
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crime-red-night · 14 days
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It’s cold out!
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dilfcherricola · 6 months
Doing so bad at using the pressure pot it absolutely should not sound like this
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maeraevokaya · 10 months
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nuclearnerves · 1 year
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doodles of me when i was goin thru it real bad last year!!! not any more tho!!!! now im healthy and sane!!!!!!!!!! so long as nothing triggers me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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averagetmntfan · 1 month
ofc course shit like this happens.
(rant/vent under the cut:)
Aint no fucking way my dads limiting my drawing time now.
like, it’s literally something I love to do, and now he’s limiting how much I fucking DRAW??? Claiming is “unhealthy”
is it though??? It’s better then starting at a TV though, right?? Like bro already gave me a limit on my phone for 2 hours a day, now he’s gonna limit something else?! It’s like he’s trying to control me at this point bro
It doesn’t sound like that big of a deal but it is to me. Apparently a really big deal cuz I was even trying not to cry like a wimp 💀
I’m sick of this dude. And here I thought home was a place where I can do the things I enjoy.
I guess fucking not. Honestly living here isn’t fun. It never has been. If I’m still being honest, I’m still grieving over my life from like, 3 years ago. I just really miss it.
so I guess that means I might be offline on Tumblr earlier and more often. I apologize in advance.
I’ll try my best to be active.
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