#james fitzjames/henry t.d le vesconte
transterrorweek · 2 years
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We’re back! Trans Terror Week 2022 will run November 20-26th.
This year your mods are a bit stretched thin, so I would strongly recommend coming to our Tumblr for any questions or concerns, though everything will be cross posted to Twitter. You’ll get a quicker answer on Tumblr. Additionally, thank you so much to everyone who helped us with prompt ideas and graphics!
The rules are the same a last year, detailed on our FAQ page (for the mobile accessible FAQ go here). 
Rules and Reminders:
This event is for anyone who is trans, nonbinary or is currently questioning their gender. Our goal is to uplift trans content creators in the Terror fandom and we encourage cis creators to show their support for their trans compatriots.
There is NO restriction on type of content: art, fics, edits, playlists, videos, everything is welcome!
November 20th is also for Creator Spotlights, make a post highlighting your works and we’ll give you a boost!
Please tag your works #transterrorweek/#transterrorweek2022 and/or ping us @transterrorweek to make sure we see your stuff! This applies to both Tumblr and Twitter.
Fics can also be added to the Ao3 collection. Simply search for “Trans Terror Week” when posting your fic or follow the link on our blog. Our FAQ has instructions for posting anonymously.
This years prompts are following the theme of “In their own voices,” and quotes from the recently released letter book May We be Spared to Meet on Earth will be paired with the titles of memoirs by trans authors. We got a few trans memoirs in 2020′s prompts, but this is a whole new selection. The expanded prompt list can be found on our Prompts page.
Day 1: In From the Wilderness - David E. Weekley | “Read these two notes and tear them up” - James Fitzjames (96)
Day 2: Tranny - Laura Jane Grace | “any blue clothing you can put into the case” - Francis Crozier (33)
Day 3: We Both Laughed in Pleasure - Lou Sullivan | “the suffocating jab of delight mingled with the fearful anticipation of the dreary void” - Charles Osmer (136)
Day 4: A Lowlife in High Heels - Holly Woodlawn | “I was surprised to see him attempt anything so risky” - Edward Couch (148)
Day 5: The Testosterone Files - Max Wolf Valerio | “I have made my cabin very snug & found it best to be my own carpenter” - James Fairholme (105)
Day 6: Exile and Pride - Eli Clare | “occasionally some few rather irksome things occur” - Harry Goodsir (53)
Day 7: Something That May Shock and Discredit You - Daniel M. Lavery | “I am wanting a promotion and a quick return to England” - Henry T.D. Le Vesconte (55)
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terrorpovfest · 2 years
Title: For then he leaps up to catch the musk
By: melismata
Rating: M
Tags: POV Outsider, Sir John is a cat, Cat/Human Hybrids, Cat Puns, First Time, Catverse, James Fitzjames' Improbably Large Silicone Pink Scratch Post, Toys, (Northwest) Territorial Sir John, Reader I harried him, Strategy & Tactics, or: Sir John is good at one but not the other, Inspired by Fanfiction
Pairing: Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames, Sir John Franklin & James Fitzjames, Sir John Franklin/Lady Jane Franklin, Past James Fitzjames/Henry T.D. Le Vesconte, James Fitzjames & Henry T.D. Le Vesconte
Summary: Sir John, James' august cat, does his best to safeguard his charge from the evil (and smelly) machinations of Francis Crozier, human mouser. Features ruminations on God, Thai food, and the human penis. For Terror POV fest.
Inspired by: won’t you be my valentine?
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henrylevesconte · 6 years
"are you trying to give me a heart attack" for fitzconte
yeahhhh boooiiii. My favorite rarepair 
send me a hurt prompt and a pairing and I’ll make something sappy/sad
Fitzconte (James Fitzjames/Henry T.D Le Vesconte), some pre-terror history with mild depictions of gore
Henry T.D Le Vesconte rushed to the side of his best friend.Doctor Stephen Stanley had long since finished operating on him, telling theLieutenant with a grim yet annoyed look that the man in question would surviveand may wake over the course of the evening.
Henry practically ran to him oncedismissed from his station. He had watched in horror a single shot rang out andJames Fitzjames crumpled before him like a piece of human parchment. He managedto take a single step before falling hard on the earthen floor. Truth be told,Henry did not know if James was going to live.
Clearly panicked, the silver haired man pushed his waythrough tents filled with the wounded and dying, causalities of another one ofEngland’s senseless wars. Henry was focused, heart pounding in his chest andanxiety on high as he scanned the crowd for his beloved’s face. God what if I’m too late? Wracked withconcern, he truly feared the worst had become of the invincible James. But afamiliar, yet dirty mop of chestnut curls proved otherwise.
“James? James, monamore?” Henry sunk to the floor besides the cot containing his friend.James opened his eyes upon hearing his companion speak, a pained yet classicsmirk on his chapped and blooded lips. The worst had yet to come but for now hewas conscious and alert. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Henrycouldn’t help himself, no longer fighting back tears of dread but now ofrelief.
“I’m not quite deceased, moncher.” James managed to croak out, voice hoarse from the operation. Heweakly reached out to Henry with his good arm, for his left had been bandagedand placed in a sling around his neck. The Frenchmen happily took it, pressingkisses to dirty and bloodied knuckles. He looked upon James as if he had neverloved any one more in his entire life.
“Never do this to me again! I don’t think my heart couldtake it.” He playfully chided him, while the injured man laughed which quicklyturned into seething from the vibration against his tender wounds. His Jameswas a wild one, he would dive into oceans and cross over mountains, fight off banditsand evade capture by thugs, all for the recognition he thought he deserved. Itall came at a great cost to his health. Henry mentally counted the injuries andnear-death experiences they collected between them all before their thirties.
“I cannot make any promises but God himself will have totake me from you.” He grimaced, overexerting what little energy he had beforethe removal of the ball his spine. Henry gently shushed him, shaking his headat Fitzjames.  
“Please rest, I will be here to watch over you. And I willfight death off if I must,” He wiped his eyes on his stained uniform jacketbefore moving closely to press a kiss on his lover’s forehead.  “Jet'aime plus que tu ne le sauras jamais.”The injured man did not have the energy to protest, instead opting to shake his head and close his wearybloodshot eyes. He allowed himself to rest with the comfort of Vesconte besidehim for now.
Even with moreholes added to his body, Henry knew he could not slow his friend down from thepath he was on. A bullet would temporarily inconvenience him and before he knewit, James would be marching towards his next adventure, beckoning Henry to joinhim wherever he desired. He had no qualms where they went or what they did solong as he was there to protect the adventurer from an early demise.
He had followed him across the globe already, for five yearsthey had been companions, growing from fresh friends to lovers. In the blink ofan eye James Fitzjames went from a budding young officer to the love of hislife. In that moment, Henry sat in the dirt besides the cot in the middle ofChina and battle still blazing off in the distance but nothing else matteredexcept for the steady rise and fall of the injured man’s chest and the raspingof his breath. For now, he was safe under his watchful eye, as he made a silentpromise to himself to never let Fitzjames this close to death ever again.  
*i love you more than you will ever know
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pianodoesterror · 4 years
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: The Terror (TV 2018), The Terror - Dan Simmons Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Commander James Fitzjames/Lt Henry T. D. Le Vesconte, Captain Francis Crozier & Commander James Fitzjames Characters: Lt Henry T. D. Le Vesconte, Commander James Fitzjames, Captain Francis Crozier, Various Characters Additional Tags: Fix-It, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Canonical Character Death, Friendship, Established Relationship, Stress, Period Typical Attitudes, dundy suffers, Grief/Mourning Series: Part 2 of by land or by sea Summary:
 Henry took comfort in the knowledge that Erebus was close, her masts sitting clear of the pressure ridges all about them. As soon as they reached her the damned sting of freezing cold across his cheeks would be banished, and his chest could see about not being crushed by the hauling harness that was pressing in to the week’s worth of a bruise that it had given him. It hurt like the blazes, but it hurt the men of his sledge party also, to the extent that they had stopped their singing of hauling songs or chatter, so Henry simply leaned into the hurt and kept on keeping on.
Fitzconte no one asked for but I did it anyway, pt 2
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gullbones · 3 years
Gull's Terror Playlist Masterpost
Hello I am a clown with so many Terror character playlists, please enjoy them in this very convenient format.
Henry Collins
Henry T.D. Le Vesconte
Cornelius Hickey
Harry Goodsir
James Fitzjames
Francis Crozier
Alexander McDonald
Thomas Blanky
Stephen Stanley
John Bridgens
Thomas Jopson
John Irving
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clove-pinks · 3 years
🗣️ for Marryat and/or 🌟 for Le Vesconte?
🗣️: for a quote about them
🌟: for the “best of” / best moments
Maybe I am misinterpreting this, but I have the option to do these for both of them?
Quote about: Frederick Marryat. I will never get over this passage from Oliver Warner, who I think had a great understanding of him:
Marryat was anything but a saint, as might have been expected in one who was encountering his country’s enemies in bloody hand-to-hand fights at an age when, today, he would only just have left his preparatory school. He cannot, in fact, be judged by contemporary standards, though there are passages in his life which admit of no praise, judged by any other. But he was a man, with the imperfections to which men are heir, and he was quite unlike anyone else, either of his own or of a later time. Greatly gifted, largely uncontrolled, once he had left the sea for the perils of life ashore he sometimes ran amok.
Quote about: Henry T.D. Le Vesconte. Those of us who have read William Battersby’s Fitzjames biography, does it get any better than, “The 1st Lt, Le Vesconte, is just the man for me and I don’t think we are in bad order.”
Another favourite quote about Henry Le Vesconte is also from James Fitzjames, in his journal-letter entry for 6th July 1845 (as printed later in the Naval Chronicle): “Le Vesconte and I on the island since six in the morning, surveying. It is very satisfactory to me that he takes to surveying, as I said he would. Sir John is much pleased with him.” I love how Fitzjames feels his confidence in Le Vesconte is rewarded: he knows this guy is a big nerd, detail-oriented and mathematically gifted, of course he’s going to get along with a theodolite and do a great job surveying. And Sir John Franklin praising his competence as well!
Best of moments: Frederick Marryat. I’m going to say his creation of Frank Mildmay, the novel and the character. There’s a whole lot of Frederick in Frank, in case the name alone wasn’t obvious, but he transcends his creator and he’s a bonafide Byronic hero. He’s a victim and a perpetrator, a compelling character, a heartbreaker and flirt, he’s a fascinating and awful person who would have a prestige TV miniseries if there was any justice in the world.
Best of moments: Henry T.D. Le Vesconte. I’m going to interpret this in two ways. Highlights of his life? Definitely the time he was Fitzjames’ second on Clio. He clearly enjoyed the exotic travel aspect of it, liked Fitzjames, and really liked being the first lieutenant (specifically mentioning it in letters to his father). Best of moments: from my transcriptions of Henry’s letters. That time he cursed out an old shipmate with the amazing oath, “may his potatoes never be meaty or his pigs get fat” (from a letter to his father from HMS Excellent dated Dec 24 1836, the whole thing is solid gold).
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phoenixflames12 · 3 years
He leaves a white      Unbroken glory, a gathered radiance, A width, a shining peace, under the night. The Dead- Rupert Brooke (1915)  If the line doesn’t scream Henry T.D Le Vesconte and James Fitzjames, then I don't know why I’ve written 700 words (and am planning more, don’t worry @horrible-from-supper!) about these two in my WW1 Pro Patria Mori AU 
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helenarasmussen87 · 4 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: The Terror (TV 2018) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry D. S. Goodsir/Lt Graham Gore, Commander James Fitzjames & Lt. Graham Gore, Lt Henry T.D. Visconte & Commander James Fitzjames, Thomas Jopson & Lt Graham Gore, Harry D. S. Goodsir & Lt Graham Gore, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Characters: Harry D. S. Goodsir, Lt Graham Gore, James Fitzjames (1813-c.1848), Captain Francis Crozier, Henry T. D. Le Vesconte, Thomas Jopson, Thomas Blanky, Crew of the HMS Erebus & HMS Terror, Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Academia, Field Trip, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Major Character Injury, Caretaking, Injury Recovery, Literature, Slow Romance, Background Relationships, Introspection, Hurt/Comfort, Past Relationship(s) Summary:
Professor Graham Gore has a pretty good deal going at Franklin University-He's got tenure, he's teaching English Literature and has decent friends in the office and to hang out with afterwards. Life is good and then he starts noticing the shy professor of intro Biology and Zoology, Harry Goodsir, and thinks of reaching out. Can't hurt to have new friends, yeah?
After a painful stint in Nunavut and B.C. Harry takes a position in Franklin University for a clean start, not expecting to have anything awakened in him. Enter Professor Gore, and Harry is gone.
Yet after volunteering for a field research trip run by Harry, things go awry in the best way possible due to a surprise bear attack and falling off a cliff. Injured and housebound, Harry offers to help in his recovery, which has them getting closer and possibly falling in love.
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bluebacchus · 4 years
Francis's plans come to fruition; Betsy Hartnell takes charge; John Irving commits a little sin, as a treat Chapters: 6/8 Fandom: The Terror (TV 2018), The Terror - Dan Simmons Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Captain Francis Crozier/Commander James Fitzjames, Thomas Jopson/Lt Edward Little, Harry D. S. Goodsir/Lady Silence | Silna, John Bridgens/Harry Peglar, Lt. Henry T.D. Le Vesconte/Lady Jane Franklin, Cornelius Hickey/William Gibson (minor), John Hartnell/Graham Gore, Thomas Hartnell/Lt John Irving, Lt Edward Little/Sgt Solomon Tozer (implied) Characters: Captain Francis Crozier, Commander James Fitzjames, Thomas Jopson, Lt Edward Little, Lt John Irving, Harry D. S. Goodsir, Lady Silence | Silna, John Bridgens, Harry Peglar, Lt Henry T. D. Le Vesconte, Lady Jane Franklin, Cornelius Hickey, William Gibson, Sgt Solomon Tozer, Magnus Manson, Charles Frederick des Voeux, Thomas Hartnell, Thomas Blanky, John Hartnell, Lt Graham Gore, Sophia Cracroft, Betsy Hartnell, Tuunbaq, Lt George Hodgson Additional Tags: TAKING FITZJAMES TO CHILI'S TONIGHT, Romantic Comedy, 3 weddings and a night at chili's, "Romance", i believe in topson rights, Fluff and Humor, Domestic Bliss, "tozer is going through a marxist phase", $5 margarita of the month, hawaiian shirts, french canadians, Marriage Proposal, Rimming, Attempted Murder, (no one dies), Weddings, Slow dancing to Cyndi Lauper, Pube Heist, Jartnell's fragile bones Summary:
A week in the lives of the staff of the Sir John Franklin Memorial Hospital. OR The “taking Fitzjames to Chili’s tonight” AU that the world deserves, set in the world of a medical drama
Chapter 6: Francis's plans come to fruition; Betsy Hartnell takes charge; John Irving commits a little sin, as a treat
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henrylevesconte · 5 years
Henry “Dundy” Le Vesconte’s Looks, Rated
I’ve been itching to take a stab at the meme @bomburjo​, @radiojamming​, @theiceandbones​, and @subsequentibis​ have all completed (AND MORE OFC! Everyone’s posts have been great!) So journey with me with my favorite minor character and notorious background lurker. 
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Go For Broke assisting Collins by stealing his medicinal whiskey look -6.5/10. The finger-less gloves and full coat really sells the look for me personally. This is about as dressed and hatted as the lad gets. 
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Go For Broke awkward work meeting look- 100/10. Dashing. Astounding. Someone got over dressed with their work meeting and made sure their hair was perfect before just going to town on a plate of biscuits. Bonus points for clear coordination with Fitzjames in looks, style, and mutual disdain for Crozier. 
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The Ladder Janky Franky’s hallucination fun time look- 1000000000000000/10. Truly my favorite look for him. The smile, the drunk amusement, the gloved grip on his drink, hair and sideburns on point, FULL DRESS UNIFORM! Perfect look for a perfect boy! 
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The Ladder “Oh my boss just died” look ft. Mad at Crozier pt 2- 5/10. It’s a solid look. Dundy looks about ready for a nap which after Sir John’s death scene I always feel the same way. BONUS POINTS: Invisible hat tip to Crozier. Really spruces up the scene in a bizarre way. 
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First Shot A Winner, Lads aka depressed lieutenant winter look ft. Charles “Horny Feet” Des Voeux- 10000/10. Bundled Dundle. He looks pretty cozy tho.
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First Shot A Winner Lads toe removal scene look- 0/10. No. 
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A Mercy awkward meeting round 2 look ft. Blanky at his finest- 3/10. A classic look, one we have seen before but he’s got more noticeable injuries and seems to need a nap even more. Dundy reminds me of an employee who has been to so many Monday morning meetings he’s counting on his boss not noticing if he shuts his eyes for just one second. 
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A Mercy Benjo Boy look- 10000000000000000000000000000000000/10. Look, everyone wears slops but the swagger exuding from this scene makes it a complete look. The pose, the confidence, the refusal to let anyone on Terror touch him after announcing a big party. What even is a benjo? I love it. 
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A Mercy Carnivale look minus gun- 100/10. Look at the King who stole my heart while also blasting off a shot gun in a closed tent like a jack ass. It’s such a good look you know he asked Fitzjames for the best when picking out his costume. Also notice height difference in officer (Dundy towers over all). 
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Horrible From Supper No Shave 1848 look- 7.5/10. Oh I do love the scruffy look for ya boi. The finger-less gloves again really add to the “I’m dying of scurvy” look. The cravat really stands out. Everyone looks a bit rough but he’s still managing to get by and for that Dundy gets a higher rating. It’s probably why he got invited to Jopson’s surprise party instead of Hodgson. 
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Terror Camp Clear “Silence Himbo!” look- 5/10. Dignified, tired, someone decided to let him have a gun again (probably Fitzjames). Still going strong. Bonus image: 
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Should be titled “I’m getting too old for this shit!” Seriously though who let him have a gun again? 
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The C, The C, The Open C Rescue look- 1000/10. What can I say about this casual look? It’s a classic, the open sweater, the re-purposed pants, the goggles, the silver waves, the finger-less gloves, the obvious concern and quick run to James’ side when he goes down. King of upcycling. I can see a modern instagram influencer calling this a thrifted look. Hurts my heart to look at if I do so for more than five minutes tho. 
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The C, The C, The Open C awkward meetings never end look- -100/10. Love the hair, not much else. Dundy looks desperate for a tube of moisturizer and for the suffering to end (which coincidentally it’s about this point when I too want it all to end!) Beard and chops don’t seem as wild as previous episodes. 
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We Are Gone and so am I look ft. a really creepy guy in the background- 1/10. Ouch. I love the suspenders, I love the hair curls, I love the ratty sweater. I love how he’s snapped and abandoning the sick. Just kidding. I hate that. If someone just let him nap maybe Dundy wouldn’t resort to this. Also the windburnt look, coming for Tozer’s look.
Bonus image: 
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“Oh god he’s still looking at me isn’t he?”
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henrylevesconte · 5 years
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uh oh look who found a new meme template 
I feel like terror fans and mcelroy fans are pretty much the same thing. And before you ask, no I do not accept criticism on my alignments
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henrylevesconte · 5 years
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I really love the first picture... 
source: x
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henrylevesconte · 5 years
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countdown until new season of the terror memes
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henrylevesconte · 5 years
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more memes and a bonus for @jamesfitzjames
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henrylevesconte · 6 years
there’s only two types of best friends: 
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henrylevesconte · 6 years
The friendship between James Fitzjames and Henry T.D Le Vesconte
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A lot of people know Lt. Henry Le Vesconte as the silver haired fellow who looks depressed all the time and eats snacks in AMC’s the Terror but historically Vesconte was important to the expedition and to Commander James Fitzjames.
Before the Franklin Expedition both men served aboard HMS Excellent in 1838 and participated in the First Opium War. By May 1843, Fitzjames received command of the vessel HMS Clio and his First Lieutenant became his long time friend, Le Vesconte. 
Fitzjames wrote on the man: 
“I like the Clio and all in her - in fact, I am very happy. The 1st Lt, Le Vesconte, is just the man for men and I don’t think we are in bad order.”  
Together they ran Clio successfully and in the style of two young and flamboyant young men. The highlights of their time together include co-owning a pet cheetah that subsequently attacked Fitzjames and had to be removed from the ship. However, right before the Franklin Expedition, both men were assigned to the “capital story” aka the guano island. 
They were mostly employed to keep the booming guano business peaceful and to stop pirates and thieves from making off with bat poop. Fitzjames described the island as “the father of all Dung-Hills” and with a smell of “rotten kittens” and Le Vesconte was wrote “It i s the most dirty miserable employment possible.”
But not everything was about collecting droppings and misery between the two. They visited St. Helena, the island that held Napoleon prisoner until his death. 
Upon arriving in England in October of 1844, Fitzjames introduced Le Vesconte to John Barrow. Thanks to Fitzjames’ quick work in Shanghai covering for whatever scandal John Barrow’s son, George was involved in, James was able to become part of the Franklin Expedition. The show has a brief scene of Gore, Fitzjames, and Le Vesconte speaking to Barrow at a party. 
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Fitzjames was in charge of hiring the crew for the expedition and immediately his first choice for a fellow officer on HMS Erebus was Le Vesconte. 
Both men took part in recording the magnetic observations as part of their duties on the expedition. You can see Le Vesconte and Des Voeux completing these recordings at the beginning of episode 5: First Shot a Winner, Lads. 
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Le Vesconte was also there for the infamous pantless Fitzjames in a canoe scene of the expeditions stop in Disko Bay. 
Both men knew each other for a long time before the expedition and participated in a long list of shenanigans. It’s a shame the show did not show this dynamic relationship these two had but I also blame Dan Simmons for not bothering to mention anything about Le Vesconte. 
most of my sources come from William Battersby’s biography of Fitzjames.
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