#izzyizumi amv edit
izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventures ~ - Adventure Episode 21 {Taichi says Goodbye to Hikari} - Adventure Episode 38 {Koushiro’s Adoption Reveal} - Adventure Episode 48 {Taichi’s Secret Reveal} - Adventure Episode 54 {Koushiro says Goodbye to Tentomon} - Tri Movie #3, “Kokuhaku” [“Confession”] {Koushiro’s Meltdown} - Tri Movie #6 “Bokura no Mirai” [“Our Future”] {Taichi cries out in response to the event Taichi JUST WITNESSED} featuring DUO/SHIP/OTP: Taichi Yagami x Koushiro[u] Izumi {KOUTAI}/{Taishiro}
“Is it wrong to want to KNOW Everything?” - Koushiro Izumi, Adventure Episode #24, immediately before ‘entering’ Vademon’s Dimension, {Implied} against Koushiro’s Will
A.K.A just before being dragged down into the “Mysterious Sacred Universe”, and being forced to give up Koushiro’s “Inquisitive Heart” (Note: the U.S. dub referred to it as “Curiosity”, but “Inquisitive Heart” is the actual term used in the original version.)
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{ It’s OK if you DON’T KNOW Everything }
- Probably, what BOTH Koushiro (AND the person Koushiro cares about) Needs to Hear
caps/gifs by izzyizumi, {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove caption} {Please ASK to Use} {usage of caps/gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.}
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS SHIP/OTP. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting please tag only as the ship name and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along with the ship!!)
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izzyizumi · 1 year
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Digi-Adventures ~ Taichi Yagami & Koushiro[u] Izumi {A.M.V. Out-lining/Timeline} for Koushiro x Taichi (+Izumi Family) A.M.V.: Glow [#Tri Spoilers, #Kizuna Spoilers, #Digimon Adventure: Spoilers]… This is the current initial ‘previewed’ look of a half-finished A.M.V., but with sections I can easily jump around and edit in if I ever go back to it in the future.
Time Spent: About 2~ hours total on edits so far, the full amount of time of which basically was an entire full 'work’ day’s worth of work / attention recently (and this isn’t even my job!)
(Still working on this though!)
There's only 34 clips so far, but did you all know this vid editor can start crashing around the 20 clips mark if your files/clips are too large?? :')
(It's basically on hold until I can determine it won't crash on me should I continue the interlude.)
Clips with a 4-square symbol in upper left corner have effects on. (Added by me.) White blank-like spaces are clips that already have fade-in effects. (On the time-line they'll look like placeholders and can make editing around them pretty hard if you have a lot in a row like that - you basically have to rely on your memory to remember which clip it is.)
The bottom left clip in bottom row is a corrupted image; this seems to happen sometimes now with this editor too, at totally random times (don't ask me why!) The clip will still play but if you're not careful the whole clip might corrupt, become un-playable and then you have to swap them out :D
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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izzyizumi · 1 year
Digimon Adventure (+02, tri, 2020) (x GhostGame Cameo) ~ Edit Pre-view [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - “TOMODACHI” {“Friends”} + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} + Friendships: Koushiro & Tentomon line; Koushiro & Izumis; Koushiro & Chosen (briefly)
“That’s WHY I HAVE TO DO IT!!”
“…YOU and {Hiro}/[Koushiro] are F R I E N D S!!!” - Gammamon to {Espimon}; [GhostGame 54]
“…{Friends}”? [ 友達 ] ? ( “TOMODACHI?” ) - {Espimon} (voice line provided via GhostGame Ep54 by 2020!Koushiro’s V.A.; Yumiko Kobayashi)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
My Commentary:
Some DigiAdvs Fan @ Me: “EXPLAIN Canon!Koushiro Izumi (from any of) {Adventure} / {02} / {tri.} / {Kizuna} / {Adventure:} (2020 reboot) to me!!!”
M E: “OK” *drops vid edits using a significant audio clip from GhostGame Ep 54 because Koushiros various Seiyuu Are Wonderful*
(GhostGame inclusion can be A.U. spin-offs or even canon-compliant A.U. spin-offs, you decide!)
* Currently un-sub’d, I’ll see what I can do in the future to add them in!! (For now, please refer to the link + text & etc. here!)
There are small but significant Koushiro-spoilers from: DigiAdv 2020 Ep 36 (Taichi & Koushiro moments; & Ep 43 (2020!Koushiro & Mimi moment) + (Koushiro & Tentomon friendship) Tri: Kokuhaku (Koushiro & Tentomon friendship; +1 Kou+Mi moment) Bokura no Mirai (Koushiro & Tentomon relevancy; Agumon is briefly seen along with Chosen too, it’s a kind of significant moment if context-free.)
(Along with some moments from Adventure + 02!)
BONUS gif’s with context (+some Spoilers for Tri; Kizuna; 2020) under the ‘read more’!
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{usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections/banner.}
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS SHIPs/PERSONAL PREFERENCE. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting please tag with the ship name[s] and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship!!) {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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0 notes
izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digi-Adventures ~ Taichi Yagami & Koushiro[u] Izumi {A.M.V. Out-lining/Timeline} for Koushiro x Taichi A.M.V.: Only Exception [#Tri Spoilers, #Kizuna Spoilers, #Digimon Adventure: Spoilers]… This is the current initial ‘previewed’ look of a mostly-finished A.M.V., but with sections I can easily jump around and edit in if I ever go back to it in the future.
So this one didn't reach 100~ clips like This one did a bit earlier on, but I got pretty close again. (I could have added in more, but errors started up etc) Though, it wasn't as fast a track this time; Still, it did take quite a bit of effort regardless.
This one still has 84 clips total (if you include the 4 on the fade-out at the end) And took about 3 hours 35 min total, spread out over a span of a few days.
Also, it crashed badly around the point of Kizuna clips. I had to go back in and re-do that entire section of about 12~ clips after. But I wanted to keep all clips in, for the sake of the emotion if it was possible to keep them in.
I'd just like to point out, but, I'm not even being paid to make these and I don't make a single cent off any of my fan works, blog, etc. (I'm just saying...)
I make them because I enjoy the series and I appreciate these characters enough to make these. That's all.
Every clip with a series of four squares in the corners are effects I added in for either start and/or end of said clips. (I mainly use fade-in and fade-out effects the most. Sometimes I'll experiment a bit and attempt things like speeding up a clip, which I also did on some of Ep24 scenes.)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
{Index} IzzyIzumi / KoushirouIzumi's AMVs for Koushiro Izumi, Taichi Yagami, & Koushiro x Taichi
One (Digi)-Week (with Taichi & Koushiro) {made pre-2011}
Beautiful Disaster
In the rain {Miraculous!Inspired Koushiro A.U.s}
"Miraculous?" Koushiro {Miraculous!Inspired Koushiro A.U.s}
Chosen Family [+Izumi Family; 02; Tri]
OBJECTION!! (Every Puzzle Has An Answer?)
I'll Be There For You
To A Brand-New World {Sailormoon!Inspired A.U.s}
Oshiokyo!! {Sailormoon!Inspired A.U.s} [+Mimi] (In-Progress)
Southern Cross Waltz [+2020!KouTai}
In the Infinitely Distant Sky
"KOUSHIRO on Self" (In-Progress)
Who Is Koushiro Izumi? {BELLE!Inspired Parody}
Forget About Love [+Kizuna; 2020!KouTai]
Spring Night Love Song [+Sora; Taikoura{to}; KouTai+YamaSora]
Love-Lost Elegy [+2020!KouTai]
Tsuki no Uta {Moon's Song} [+Kizuna]
{Dirty} Computer [+Tri, etc]
19sai [+Menoa; Kizuna] (In-Progress)
"rob0t" b0y [+Tri, 2020, etc] [+2020!KouTai]
Moon Rain [+2020!KouTai] (In-Progress)
Moon Revenge [+Frontier crossover; 2020 A.U.] (In-Progress)
Part of THIS World
KIMIPedia {YouPedia} [+Kizuna]
"BOKU" / "I" {Chobits!Inspired Character Introspection} (In-Progress) Parts: 1 / 2 / 3 / 3 End (Ongoing!)
The Only Exception [+Izumis; Yagamis; Advs&02 Chosen]
Further information under the 'read more'!
NOTICE: Lately, the video player has been having Issues displaying videos that I use the uploader for at time; this Issue has particularly been affecting "Study Me", but may also affect other more recent ones like "Part of Your World", etc. IF YOU Notice a video doesn't appear, please check back in a few days. If it still hasn't displayed again, PLEASE PING ME, PREFERABLY by the chat {messaging} feature, NOT ASKS OR @'NG (I might miss Asks and frequently miss @'s!!), and I'll see what I can do!! (In the meantime, you can also try watching one of my other A.M.V.s instead, as many of them are still functioning properly!!)
This post is not rebloggable (sorry!!) but I'll have another linking to it soon!
(More info under the '
All of these can be watched as stand-alones! Though they can also tie into my fic-verse / other A.M.Vs-verse; All of these are fine to watch on their own. The songs here tend to be much calmer than my other 'Verse, but even some of these can be passionately intense (which isn't very bad 'fitting'-wise for even direct Koushiro or Taichi focus specifically!)
Some are still currently being worked on (marked with "In-Progress") and may take a while to reach full Completion, but feel free to check back to this Index!
Please be sure to read ALL Notes on A.M.V.s before watching! (I add in Notes and attempt {for most all edits} spoiler warnings for your convenience. Please USE THEM) [If I forget to mention a part, I apologize! A lot of scenes tend to be used, but I try my best to indicate!]
Tip: Click any "H.D." button on a player so the quality is more smooth! Tip #2: Not all of these are Download-able, sorry! But if one is on V.I.M.E.O check the arrow icon in the corner of the player!... (You didn't hear it from me)
Not everything has been sub'd yet, (especially later ones) but I'm trying my best to eventually add in sub's for all the rest as I go / find the time! (In the meantime, please feel free to refer to any linked fan translated materials!)
Some A.M.V.s contain alternate ships depending on 'verse. (Alternate!-Universe) or not, Poly-ships and semi-canon compliancy, may also be represented and included. Please read ALL notes re ships on posts before Interacting!
I WILL BLOCK PEOPLE WHO Ignore these rules. My fan-works are for people who appreciate the series, Koushiro, and Taichi, NOT for people who hate the series as a whole or most any aspects of them canonically. They are also not meant to promote any sort of hate for any other Chosen or ship, regardless of their current focus. PLEASE try to Understand & remember this. I may also Block people who leave overtly negative commentary on any series character or ship featured. That is NOT the point of me making my fan-works, Please respect this if you choose to Interact.
I HAVE an 'About' and 'F.A.Q' (I am planning to make a newer / updated one for this blog specifically eventually. In the meantime please refer there, thanks.) Please read them before asking questions/sending messages! THANK YOU.
"Why are you doing this?"
Because when I was much younger, so many other ships already had LOADS of A.M.V.s and I never found very many for Koushiro or Taishiro / KouTai specifically, which I always found very odd, because they had more than just enough material to make full-length A.M.V.s out of... (and maybe more than you expected!!)
Years later, I'm evening out the playing field for Koushiro!!! (But more seriously, it's because I seriously enjoy making these and if I don't make them the idea is going to repeatedly echo in my head until I finally have it DONE, also as many of these were planned for many months~years and the outlines can take equally as long!!)
I'd be really happy and glad if anyone can come to understand Koushiro, Taichi, or KouTai (/Taishiro) more via these A.M.V.s, including from my own perspectives.
I'd be really happy to hear your thoughts or tags rambles!! Please let me know if something intrigued you or stood out to you, or if you liked a particular edit I made on a scene or sequence of scenes!! A lot of these can be quite hard for me to achieve! Respecful Feedback helps me improve and I may branch out further to other parts of the series + characters later on once I wrap up as many of my currently planned A.M.V.s as possible.
I AM NOT TAKING REQUESTS AT THIS TIME. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME, I will have to REJECT. THANK YOU FOR NOTING. (Full-length A.M.V.s can be really time consuming!!) If I'm open to requests, I'll usually note it (or ask mutuals for ideas). However this is NOT common and at this time, I have not officially opened requests. Thank you for understanding!
0 notes
izzyizumi · 3 years
I can hear it now I can feel the encore This endlessly thrumming beat Let it RING OUT once more {Jou Kido appearance} I just want to know what’s out there Beyond the furthest reaches of the sky I set my sights on the beyond In my desire for an infinite shine {Mimi Tachikawa appearance} [+Tachikawa Family] No matter how hard it got You gently wrapped me in those kind arms of yours These feelings too overflowing to express in words {Takeru Takaishi appearance} [+platonic Takaishi-Ishida Brothers] Let me express them to you now Take your voice And this dream of mine Let’s bring them together {Sora Takenouchi appearance} This LIVE {LIFE} is beautiful Let my song dance and rise high above {Koushiro Izumi & Tentomon appearance} Though this may be goodbye It would make me happy if YOU could KEEP SMILING Even if I can’t see you anymore This place will always be special to us
{Yamato Ishida appearance} No matter how many times I’m reborn or travel the stars I want to find you again I’ll embrace you in my kisses {Taichi Yagami appearance} Let my love RING OUT to the farthest futures {Hikari Yagami appearance} [+WIZARDMON friendship] Take your voice And this dream of mine Let’s bring them together This LIVE {LIFE} is beautiful Let my song dance and rise high above This love of mine This song of mine The voice calling for it all This encore is forever I wish you endless happiness {Adventure Chosen & Digimon} I sing out in THIS moment because IT WON’T LAST F O R E V E R {02} I can hear it now I can feel the ENCORE This endlessly thrumming beat Look, a rainbow spans the sky Instead of saying goodbye Let me hear you call for me one more time Believe that it will start once more in the future A call for us and only us {tri.} We’ll CREATE TOMORROW This love of mine This song of mine The voice calling for it all This encore is forever I wish you endless happiness I wish for the beginning of eternity Our love lasts through the encore
{ WE L O V E ... }
- M A M O R U . M I Y A N O ; E N C O R E
“When my {Quality of Life} is so diminished that I can no longer enjoy even eating, {when I can only be fed through a feeding tube lying in a hospital bed}, That’s when it might be time for me to go.”
“... BUT I’M NOT A F R A I D.”
- Dedicated to my Grandmother C., Z”L*, (*May her memory be a Blessing) 1926 ~ August, 2015 (passed near 89 years old) - Jewish, she also lived through the years of the Holocaust, (1941~1945) and her entire Jewish family got safely through those years. [Not long before WWII ended, she met my Grandpa.] My grandmother was one of my closest family members. When I was little (around 8 years old myself when first watching), she wholeheartedly supported my strong interest in Adventures/Digimon when I was first getting into this series, even if she didn’t know anything about it, (other than small bits I told her) even she could see how much I loved it. (Because she was one of my closest family members, she was also the one who overall learnt the most about my health. When I was, few years after discovering Adventure as a child, diagnosed Autistic and with generalized Anxiety disorder as well, she continued to support me all throughout, educated herself & our other interconnected family about my conditions, and continuously encouraged my interests and growth.)
Original Posters [Mine] commentary: I made this quick A.M.V edit a handful of days ago to this gorgeous song by Miyano, one of my favorite JPN voice actors/singers, {You may know him as: Dent[o] in JPN Pocket Monsters, Tamaki in Ouran, Rin in Free!, Tokiya in Utano*Prince-sama (where this song comes from), Konoha, Haruka & “Clearing Eyes” in Kage-Pro, among many more} mainly made with thoughts of general appreciation for this series in mind. I also made it with thoughts of my Grandmother in mind, who passed late August 2015, (yes, August). Tri had been announced, but wouldn’t yet air until November. I didn’t start much more actively blogging about Digimon until a bit later on, starting from a couple years later, because I was still heavily grieving. However, I still enjoyed reblogging Digimon posts I enjoyed to other blogs I had at the time even in the pre-Tri and early Tri years.
This was made very quickly, so it’s not perfect, has minimal editing, and the 1st Adventure portion is straight from the final battle with no editing done to it, but it fit the music well enough, so I included it as-is for now. I’ll probably re-arrange scenes if I remake it later and include much more other, varied scenes from Adventure, (for example, during end of Yamato’s portion, I was also thinking of the Yamato&Sora+Jou scene from the end of Dark Masters Arc).
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(^One of my favorite Adventure scenes regardless of personal favs) But until I can edit those in, I’m just leaving this as it is. The middle portion with 02 is edited slightly more timed to music. A major Tri ending spoiler for the final battle’s result appears during the end. Kizuna is not included in here as of yet, but it may be in the future, along with Adventure 2020. All of this will probably be rearranged in a remake overall, but I’m keeping the general themeing & feel as-is for now, along with the Tri ending scenes.
Because this was made in appreciation of this series and out of respect to and with thoughts of my grandmother, please be respectful when interacting with this post. Thank you.
{& Pretty soon, in a few days, I’m getting my 2nd C.O.V.I.D shot.} (So I’m posting this now as-is, but I’ll see if I can work on it more later. It’d be nice if I could manage to finish it in time for August 1st, but we’ll see.)
{because every August, I think of not only this series, but also my grandmother.}
(August 2021 will be the 6th-year anniversary of her death.) Please remember this if you interact with my blog during the month of August. Or just during the summer in general.
This blogs’ queue will be ongoing in general for a while after this post.
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended GENERAL CHARACTER/SERIES SUPPORT-FOCUSED. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting} {my other major ship/O.T.P. is Taichi x Koushiro, though I’d probably keep this A.M.V. more gen[eral] overall later} [I also enjoy various other ships with all characters on the side anyhow]
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure + Digimon Adventure tri. ~ R.E.D [A.M.V. Edit] Featuring Characters/Duo/Ship/O.T.P: (+Tri!)Koushiro(u) Izumi x Taichi Yagami with bonus: Tentomon line & Tri Chosen
“You’re NOT LIKE ME,” (...?) “... At all.”
“With THOSE EYES of yours, dyed in a color I’ve never SEEN before, YOU SIMPLY...”
“AH, refusing to BLINK EVEN ONCE, I look into your EYES INTO a COLOR that ADULTS will never understand.”
{“AH, with not a SINGLE ‘farewell’ SPOKEN...”}
... “I look into” “your” “eyes--”
“Watching everything that took place TODAY.”
-  RED (Song/lyrics) (C) Jin
Gifs by @izzyizumi​ / @koushirouizumi​​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce my Editing {+Video Editing} without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
Image usage rules + original commentary under the ‘read more’!
Original Posters’ [Mine] Commentary:
I have a lot of fun making AU!(Alternate Universe) KouxTai {Koushiro x Taichi} A.M.V. edits. (Sometimes they even actually work as gif-set edits, kind of.) These were some of my favorite moments from this A.M.V.
The footage I can use isn’t always in highest quality but man, I tried. (I can only hope it shows) (Originally uploaded final version on Aug. 1st, 2019)
It’ll be nice to try and remake any old edits in full H.D. now that official D.V.D releases have been announced! (Sometime in a far future, but for now, I can show my edits.)
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS SHIP/(SIDE) OTP. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting please tag only as the ship name and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship!!) {Failure to acknowledge rules WILL result in a block}
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{DO NOT DERAIL THE CHARACTER/CANON POSITIVITY INTENT} {Failure to acknowledge rules WILL result in a block} [Further rules under the read more!]
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izzyizumi · 3 years
D I G I M O N x K A G E R O U . P R O J E C T “C H I L D R E N . R E C O R D” R E M I X . V E R S I O N {V o c a l o i d : M I K U version}
“YOU KNOW, about that WILD WORLD
I laughed it off as being” “TOO HARSH”
“...So ends the SIGNAL---”
Original Poster’s [Mine] Commentary: Other A.M.Vs in this series & Story information is below! This is a remix version edited to the original A.M.V! So there’s not many changes due to it being a music edit;
REPEATVERSE/EXTENDED STORY INTRODUCTION: HERE {Ficverse version can be found via my AO3 link on that post!} {Please note any and all warnings for ficverse version! A.M.Vs-verse version is overall Safe for Work in comparison, however please be sure to read all information on A.M.Vs posts too!} (*Note: Extended summary contains some spoilers for the fic-verse ) [However, it also explains more of worldbuilding involved & plot setup!] (*It’s ok to start on/only watch this current edit!) [*You may understand the story/implied timeline of things better if you begin from my “Kagerou Daze” A.M.V, though it’s also not required! “Children Record” is also recommended as a starting point/upbeat song! ] {For lighthearted songs try Otsukimi Recital, or (maybe) Yuukei Yesterday!}
My past A.M.Vs tag: here! My A.M.V with links back to A.M.Vs in this series: here! My most recent A.M.Vs/edits for the series: here, here, and here!
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS SHIP/OTP {Taishiro[u]} but can also be read as canon complaint. However please remember + RESPECT this when interacting please tag only as the ship name and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventure{s} x Kagerou Project ~ AMV “Shinigami Record” A.M.V Preview {Short Edit} [Music (C) Jin, Singer: I.A. / Vocaloid] Featuring implied DUO/SHIP: Taichi Yagami [“Taichi (Tai) Kamiya” in U.S. Localization] x Koushiro(u) Izumi [“Koushiro (Izzy) Izumi”] [Taishiro(u)] {Links to past A.M.V.s/edits in this series here!}
[Note for this one: Somewhat angst-implied] {But perhaps with a lingering hopeful feeling?} (It’s also still very unfinished for now so you get a minimal ending instead?) [The links below contain inspiration from a fan*-made video + {*It’s fan-made / not official but it pretty much tells the exact actual story} information/lyrics on the full song / originating series, but it’s also not a direct / exact parody (still very inspired)]
Short Version Summary: The timeline of Inquisitive Heartless Koushiro stuck in Vade{r}mon’s dimension; where Koushiro was ‘stuck’ ‘mentally’ for 71 days in novel; known in the Adventure novel as the “Room of the Mysterious Universe”
{Note: In Adventure Episode #24, Koushiro loses Koushiros “Inquisitive Heart”; In the U.S. localization, this became (was localized to) “Curiosity”, however, the Digimon Adventure novel had more context on the state of it being Koushiro’s actual “Inquisitive Heart” that Koushiro had lost.}
Lyrics Preview:
... BUT EVEN N O W ,
I STILL                                        ... LOVE YOU.
I {still} love you = {“Aishiteru”} - implied from Koushiro to Taichi here.
{Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption}
SHORT VERSION SUMMARY #2: - THEY’RE MAYBE STUCK IN A   TIME LOOP … - Do Not let Koushiro Izumi get stuck in a certain Dimension
“ IF SO, I’m NOT INTERESTED anymore , ”
... Should I disappear into this world ALONE ?
{ I DON’T WANT TO                         F O R G I V E  Y O U }
... BUT EVEN N O W ,
 I STILL                                         ... LOVE YOU .
{ NOTE : PLEASE read my FAQ and “about” sections BEFORE interacting directly with me, my contents / fanworks / this series, or my blog !! ! }
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[ Note: commenting/tagging positively/respectfully is ok !! ]
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Frontier ~ AMV PREVIEW “ Warriors ” { Opening #5 from Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters }
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In the wavering facade, our { WISH } is eternally endless
To live unnoticed, I deserted a happiness That was relying { with pretense } on, ... and { dancing } to what was merely an illusion
At the edge of my sight with { MY EYES CLOSED },
I was searching for --- { your smiling face --- }
We embrace our dreams and run through the wavering facade, that's right This thought --- ( that I've kept shut in my chest since some other day, I'll grip it once more NOW ... )
Me: “ What if I try remaking one of the ACTUALLY very FIRST Digimon AMVs i ever made literally pre 2010 fandom days ”
ALSO Me: “ ... AMV Making takes Time but Have This ”
#digimon frontier#takuya kanbara#kanbara takuya#FRONTIER INSPIRATION#amv: warriors#izzyizumi amvs#izzyizumi posts#izzyizumi amv making#('gOD you are such an aDVENTURE STAN I bet you have nothing but ADVENTURE NOSTALGIA GOGGLES TM On')#(Wow You are so Right and Articulate and Smart mEANWHILE i sit here sobbing over Young Me's 2000s era Frontier AMV)#(CRIES BECAUSE TAKUYA)#(TAKUYA MY LOVE)#(THIS IS ONLY THE START OF IT AND VERY UNFINISHED AND UNPOLISHED BECAUSE WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER WAS MOVING)#(UNBEARABLY SLOW AND I HAVE TO FIT IN SCENES OF THE OTHER 5 AROUND ALL OF THIS TOO SO SOME OF IT IS FILLER)#(MAINLY I JUST REALLY LOVE HOW WELL HIS EVOLUTION HERE FITS TO THE MUSIC LIKE)#(this is pretty genuinely unedited from how Young Me edited this thing too like it was EXTREMELY low effort editing back then)#(I was mainly trying to fit what scenes I could without having to jump around scenes too much because if I did Movie Maker would Crash Lots)#(this AMV got sadly deleted in one of the numerous computer crashings of my childhood but i will rEMAKE THIS THING IN FULL)#(the opening instrumental is supposed to have the first 5 receiving their Spirits while eventually landing on Takuya like That)#(anyway I don't care what you think about Frontiers writing but if you dislike Takuya we CANNOT Be Friends)#(the fully finished version might have a Bit more editing if minimal to be more fitting to the lyrics but Yup)#(gotta try and see if I can edit in Kouji's part tonight)#(meanwhile I spent an entire day sobbing over Koushiro and Taishiro OTP feelings)#(BY THE WAY SERIOUSLY IF YOU SOMEHOW ACTUALLY HAVE A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL AMV TO THIS PLEASE LET ME KNOW SERIOUSLY)#(I KNOW for a fact it floated around Some Sections of Digimon fandom back in the day but it's a matter of did any files for it sURVIVE)#(I can definitely say the full version existed during the timeframe of LJ era when Tumblr Did Not Exist)#(... also yeah I had to use a converter for these files so sue me I'll hide the watermark LATER)
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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DIGIMON ADVENTURE TRI ~ Edits + (Direct?) PARALLELS / FORESHADOWING “Kokuhaku” (Movie #3) [Hikari Yagami] vs. “Soushitsu” (Movie #4) [young Maki Himekawa] + {+Animation} Comparisons / Parallels
+ “HOMEOSTASIS” Possessing Hikari (+MAKI?)
Digimon Adventure Ep. 45 ~ Digimon Adventure tri: Kokuhaku
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure Tri ~ Taichi Yagami / Taichi “Tai” Kamiya
“ Under the withering sun, THE ‘ HEAT HAZE ’ WAVERED:
     “ ‘ Don’t forget , come on , let’s go FORWARD . ’ ”
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izzyizumi · 4 years
me, on Valentine’s day, 2k20:
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ALSO ME on Valentine’s day, 2k20:
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izzyizumi · 5 years
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DIGIMON ADVENTURE TRI ~ x Kagerou Project “ Children Record ” AMV by: @izzyizumi scene/gifs featuring (above): Meiko Mochizuki & Meicoomon [w/bonus implied*: MiMei ( Mimi x Meiko ), Meichi ( Taichi x Meiko )] [*please see the AMV link for notes on other ships!]
“ Now’s THE TIME, take it back ! , ” “ As if from INSIDE MY MIND, ” “ The world is lovable yet harsh ”
          “ there were some who . . . l o a t h e d  i t ”
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izzyizumi · 4 years
( wonders if I can eventually finish a
Yobanashi Deceive ! inspired amv within . the next . year )
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izzyizumi · 5 years
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