#izzyizumi edit
taichi-x-koushiro · 22 days
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Digimon Adventure ~ Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KOUTAI} / {Taishiro[u]} / {TaiKou}
"In Paris I spent my first night in Montmartre. In all those nightclubs where now everyone is my friend I went from discovery to discovery. Everywhere I encountered the same warm, smiling welcome, the same excellent champagne…everywhere my cap, my light beige suit, and my suede shoes made a sensation." "Panama" Al Brown {x} {Queer History}
Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary Pop-Up Shop {x} "DIGIGIFT" Official Calender/Wallpaper {x} (Note: Full version of latter contains #TheBeginningSpoilers for Taichi's full design, and a potential aftermath or in-between for the film!)
(Anyway, I need an A.U. like this where Taichi runs into +French-speaking Koushiro in France, {in Tri: Saikai, Koushiro is canonically attempting learning some French, and as the cap above shows, takes Koushiro's parents to a fancy French restaurant - it is also heavily implied it's Koushiro paying for their meal, as well as helping them order} and Taichi's "beige suit" and shoes "make a sensation" for someone we all Know...)
Fan Edit by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Reproduce My Works Under Any Circumstances}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digi-Advs A.M.V. Timeline for A.M.V. ~ “robot” boy featuring : KouTai{shiro} [Koushiro x Taichi] + 2020!KouTai{shiro}, (also) Yamato as support with {a side of possible YamaKouTai as polyship and/or friendship} (includes bits from all series; Adventure, 02, tri., Kizuna, and 2020)
This A.M.V. has 115~ edited clips (the last couple have audio so I’m not including them specifically, but) Any clip with a square of boxes in corner has an effect on. Some clips get weirdly corrupted if you edit them too long/much or clip them at a certain timeframe, don’t ask me “why” but they make keeping track of the timeline hard sometimes if there’s a lot of them.
A.K.A. Yes, I’m Still Using Windows Movie Maker in 2k22. I have another editor for a few effects if I need them but the timeline’s cursor/marker (?) blinks/flashes and it’s not easy on my eyes with sensory issues and such, and absolutely no way to turn that off? so this will have to do!
Everything from the last 4 rows onward was edited in a new file, copied, and pasted into the completed timeline as I hoped for this thing to not crash on me because typically by anywhere from 20~50 clips it WILL Crash On You if you edit too much
It’s technically not actually completed I wanted to add a bit more in but The Crashing TM had already begun so we’ll see if it’s even done by August 1st?!?
Time spent: 10~ hours over a period of 18 days since the start of the month (A.K.A.: Please respect A.M.V. makers too. A.M.V. Making Is Hard)
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[Note: replying/Tags that are respectful/Positive are OK!]
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koushirouizumi · 23 days
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Oh boy
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taikouvember · 6 months
In 2022, Taikouvember had been announced on short notice, leading to not many people knowing about the event. And even if several people were participating, causing a nice little atmosphere, we wanted to make sure that this year would be even more enjoyable for everyone involved. And we believe this has worked out wonderfully!
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Thus we wanted to thank everyone who took the time to draw, write, make edits, compile posts and so on and so on. We know lives are busy and yet, you all did your best to contribute and that is worth all the praise in the world. Our favourite ship might not be the most popular one out there, but we are proud to have a small community dedicated to showing their love for it. And it doesn't matter what you did, how much or how little you did, if you could finish it in time or just handed in drafts: It's all wonderful.
We hope you've had as much of a fun time as we had! A big shout-out goes out to:
@breadbirdmp4 [Day 1] [Day 5] [Day 7]
@dutchforstrangers [Day 1] [Day 3/5] [Day 4] [Day 2/6.0] [Day 2/6.1] [Day 2/6.2] [Day 2/6.3] [Day 2/6.4] [Day 7]
@fauxfoxden [Day 1] [Day 2]
@froggie-bolt [Day 1] [Day 2] [Day 3] [Day 4.1] [Day 4.2] [Day 6] [Day 7]
@jamesthedigidestined [Day 4.1] [Day 4.2] [Day 5.1] [Day 5.2] [Day 6.1] [Day 6.2] [Day 7]
@koushirouizumi / @izzyizumi / @taichi-x-koushiro [Day 1] [Day 7.1] [Day 7.2] [Day 7.3] [Day 7.4] [Day 7.5] [Day 7.6] [Day 7.7]
@seventeenlovesthree [Day 1.1] [Day 1.2] [Day 2] [Day 3] [Day 4.1] [Day 4.2] [Day 5] [Day 6] [Day 7.1] [Day 7.2]
@sznmjun [Day 1] [Day 2]
@taichi-izumi [Day 1]
@valtren [Day 1] [Day 2] [Day 3] [Day 4] [Day 5]
As we mentioned previously, we will keep checking the tags for a while (at least until the end of November) and will certainly reblog all late entries as well. So the list above will be adjusted as well!
See you (hopefully) next November!
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chemicalfairyx · 9 months
I write Digimon fanfiction too
And I am actually organizing with some old friends an event dedicated to our favorite ship everrrrrrrrrr
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(sometimes known as #koumi or #mishiro)
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(GIF posted with permission of the edit maker @izzyizumi)
I mean, aren't they freaking adorable?!
Anyways! follow @mishiroweek to learn how to participate! This year we're scheduling the event to take place from Sept 25th to October 2nd and we have got ✨prompts✨
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mishiroweek · 9 months
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(GIF posted with permission of the edit owner @izzyizumi @koushirouizumi)
ES / EN Cuenta oficial para compartir fechas, prompts, fanfictions y fanarts para la Mishiro Week.
Fandom: Digimon Ship: Koushiro Izumi x Mimi Tachikawa
Official Tumblr account for the Mishiro Week event! Here we'll share dates, prompts and the resulting fanfictions and fanarts for the annual Mishiro Week.
Fandom: Digimon Ship: Koushiro Izumi x Mimi Tachikawa
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(GIF posted with permission of the edit owner @izzyizumi @koushirouizumi)
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noctisfishing · 3 years
5 Works Tag Game
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
[Noct note: This includes headcanons and WIPs too! I hope I’m not spamming too much with fics and end of the year talk but I’d love to see everyone’s favorite creations from this year - even if you have one or two! Let’s celebrate the things that made us happy!! :D
If I tag you, don’t feel obligated to respond <3]
Tagging: @earlgreymon @tangledupblue @digidigi-monmon @patamon-ears @yoroyazu @calamansifresh @digitalworldbound @renchan7 @izzyizumi @ahiddenpath
I would love to read about your 2020 favorites! :D
My Five:
1) Takari Week Day 7: Comfort OR Healing/Taking Care Of
Takari Week was the first Tumblr Week event that I got to be a part of and it was SO MUCH FUN!! I loved all of my responses but this one is my favorite; I’m partial to angst.
2) Knives Out Headcanon
This was another first. Do you guys ever watch something and think ‘imagine the Digidestined in *this* setting’? That happens a lot with me.. and I thought putting them in this movie’s universe was so “out there” but I love those kinds of ideas ;) 
3) "I’m never buying IKEA furniture again” (Koukari)
You know how you write a fic and you stop writing at the fluffy part because it was too cute to handle? Yeah, that’s what happened here. And it was amazing to see others feel the same way. XD <3
4) The Princess and the Dragon (Taiora, AU)
THERE WAS SO MUCH TAIORA (surprise, surprise) but I only wanted to choose one work. It was hard ranking my Taiora stuff personally LOL. But I’m going with this one because this one had hints of romance but was more about family love - Yagami siblings and of course, Papa Taichi and his baby girl <3
5) Effervescent Fires (Howl’s Moving Castle)
I hope to write more of this! I’ve been working on a fic about Calcifer. The idea of writing the story through the eyes of a cursed star/exasperated flame being is so fascinating to me. I can’t find the link to where I originally posted my excerpt (it was a few months ago but buried in the depths of Reddit, so I’m just going to post it under a cut. :D
The boy seemed to know this star's fate as he reached his arms up, holding out his palms for it to land. The star could tell as he settled with his gentle sparks leaving the boy's hands unharmed that this boy was no ordinary boy; this boy knew magic, and he could help him live.
The star could also tell that this boy wanted something in return. A contract? The star did not truly understand, but if it meant that he could avoid his fate for much longer, then he was willing to accept.
And so, with the boy’s inhale, the star was devoured and was met with darkness. It was a different kind of a falling, from all of the bright colors to none at all, until he stopped moving. After a moment’s pause, he felt a beat. A slow, steady tempo within him while his flames lit up in a soft blue.
The blue turned into bright orange as he flowed back out into the world and onto the boy’s palms once again. He was no longer a star on his way to the end; he was now a vivacious fire demon, entwined with the boy by the manner of his heart.
No words were spoken between them, but the fire gathered their introduction by contact.
The boy's name was Howl.
And his name: Calcifer.
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reliablejoukido · 5 years
[ Aww thank you! I’m really excited to come back and make more Digimon stuff and talk to everyone in the fandom again! Thank you for welcoming me back, that made me smile ♡♡♡♡♡♡ ]
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izzyizumi · 1 year
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Digi-Adventures ~ Taichi Yagami & Koushiro[u] Izumi {A.M.V. Out-lining/Timeline} for Koushiro x Taichi (+Izumi Family) A.M.V.: Glow [#Tri Spoilers, #Kizuna Spoilers, #Digimon Adventure: Spoilers]… This is the current initial ‘previewed’ look of a half-finished A.M.V., but with sections I can easily jump around and edit in if I ever go back to it in the future.
Time Spent: About 2~ hours total on edits so far, the full amount of time of which basically was an entire full 'work’ day’s worth of work / attention recently (and this isn’t even my job!)
(Still working on this though!)
There's only 34 clips so far, but did you all know this vid editor can start crashing around the 20 clips mark if your files/clips are too large?? :')
(It's basically on hold until I can determine it won't crash on me should I continue the interlude.)
Clips with a 4-square symbol in upper left corner have effects on. (Added by me.) White blank-like spaces are clips that already have fade-in effects. (On the time-line they'll look like placeholders and can make editing around them pretty hard if you have a lot in a row like that - you basically have to rely on your memory to remember which clip it is.)
The bottom left clip in bottom row is a corrupted image; this seems to happen sometimes now with this editor too, at totally random times (don't ask me why!) The clip will still play but if you're not careful the whole clip might corrupt, become un-playable and then you have to swap them out :D
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventures ~ Taichi Yagami & Koushiro[u] Izumi {A.M.V. Out-lining/Timeline} for this Koushiro x Taichi A.M.V. [#Tri Spoilers, #Kizuna Spoilers, #Digimon Adventure: Spoilers]... This is the current initial ‘previewed’ look of a mostly-finished A.M.V., but with sections I can easily jump around and edit in if I ever go back to it in the future.
After re-counting clips it looks like this one totals 43 clips. My editor (using an older version of Windows Movie Maker) began crashing yet again around Clip #25, which is Something considering the scene I was showing there (maybe a bit too much motion for WMM to handle at points.)
Clips #7 and #37 look oddly glitched up but play fine, it seems to be another issue of this WMM version. Sometimes I’ll shorten/trim a clip and it just gives me... that. Which is fine if it’s only a few, but when it’s a lot, it makes remembering where I placed certain clips and spliced clips into the timeline; kind of annoying. (And also difficult to work with in general when a lot of such things happen.)
Every clip with a small square of four squares in corner has effects added on. I usually use fade-in or fade-out effects on these for Emotion.
Clip #36, from Adventure ep 28, the gate ep, where Taichi has his hand on Koushiro’s shoulder, is an example of a clip I often use zoom-in effects on because they’re kind of off in the left-hand corner and it can be a very blink-and-you-miss-it scene/moment, especially when I’m using it in sequences of clips that flash quickly, like here.
I started this around 8:30 P.M. last night; finished around 10:30 P.M. Thus in total it took about 2~ hours, give or take, including loading time for clips. 10:30 P.M. ~ 11:30 or so, a.k.a the hour or so after I finish an A.M.V., I usually test it multiple times by viewing and making sure there’s no (or otherwise not much) editing glitching going on, which can very easily happen to me still, especially when I’m using way more than 40~ clips. Sometimes my clips will be placed perfectly fine and still glitch up for completely unknown reasons.
I made this A.M.V. because I was seeing blatant hate comments about canon!Koushiro which deliberately mischaracterized him and his canon again, and then I saw hate comments of a similar manner about canon!Taichi again almost immediately after, not even an hour later. Almost all of these were by “fans” claiming to “love & respect!!1!1!” the so-called ““true”” “canon” of “Taichi” & “Koushiro” (in their view). This was happening ON 08/01 (August 1st, 2022).
(I’m so tired.)
But I was really happy this A.M.V. came out well. (I’m still annoyed at those “fans” though.)
{Anyway, A.M.V.s take time to make too.}
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[Note: replying/Tagging Positively/respectfully is OK!] (If not, please MOVE ON, Thank You.)
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izzyizumi · 3 months
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{Edit/Crop by Me} (Please Ask to Use!) (Full version of the new arts can be found on the website, but have transparent backgrounds there so far!)
from the collaboration official game art with "Dragon Poker"! The collaboration will run Feb. 12th through 26th. The event will start when the game comes up from maintenance that day.
It's a short time window for people not local, but at least we get gorgeous new character arts!!!
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izzyizumi · 3 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ Koushiro{u} Izumi Official Merchandise + {NOISE CANCELLING} HEADPHONES {Tri} Merchandise 2017 (Pre Soushitsu) x Ani-On Station vs {Adventure Merchandise 2024} x KARATEZ {Karaoke}
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izzyizumi · 6 months
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Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna ~ ~ Meiko Mochizuki’s (Canon) Appearance (as Younger Meiko, same design used in Tri) + Meiko & Meicoomon
“Mochizuki...” - Yamato Ishida (Taichi also watching), Voice wavering, in growing shock
Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
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Image usage rules + original commentary under the ‘read more’!
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general!}
{Additional note: this post is mainly intended as INFORMATIVE/DETAILS FOCUSED, please remember + RESPECT this when interacting} (*It is ok to tag character interactions but please remember this post is overall meant as informative!) {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result IN A BLOCK}
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[Note: commenting/tagging positively/respectfully is ok!] (Please AGREE TO BANNERS BEFORE interacting) (Note: click on the banners to enlarge!)
{If repeated rules breakage occurs, re blogs will be Turned OFF. Don't make me have to do it, please.}
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izzyizumi · 4 months
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Digimon Adventure 02 ~ {United States of America Chosen} ~ {Personal} Favorite Supporting Character{s} Steve & Frigimon {+Bonus New York Chosen Children Group} + Daisuke Motomiya + Mimi Tachikawa (+Satoe & Keisuke Tachikawa) & Michael (also technically a U.S. Chosen) "We couldn't have done it without you {Daisuke}." - Steve
"...That was on December 25th at 3 A.M., local time." (Narrator)
Notes: In the books released post-series production and 02's conclusion, Steve was revealed to be the very first confirmed Jewish American Chosen Child, a significant step forward for the Digimon franchise, as it acknowledged the Jewish community living in real-world America.
Because Steve is Jewish, Steve would have been personally celebrating Hanukkah that year, not Christmas (hence I left out the last subtitle referencing Christmas to prevent confusion).
Chanukah in 2002, when 02 officially takes place, however, was November 29th ~ December 7th, and these scenes took place closer to Dec. 25th (early 3 A.M.). But that doesn't mean Steve, as a Jewish American, wouldn’t have noted Hanukkah (or Chanukah) at all earlier that year, and it’s good to note that when we're discussing potentials of 02′s “real-world based” “timeline”!
(Basically, what Steve is doing here is joining in on, via being invited by being a Chosen Child who is able and willing to help, an Interfaith gathering of individuals that was originally meant to simply send corrupted by virus Digimon back into the Digital World, and was not actually a "holiday" focused gathering initially!) :) {If Steve joins them after the fact is unknown, but either way, Steve would have to be invited and it would have to be acknowledged that Steve as an individual does not celebrate Christmas religiously.}
In the scenes above, Steve is one of only two U.S. Chosen that are also given spoken lines to personally thank and acknowledge Daisuke Motomiya's help (along with the rest, but also specifying Daisuke). {Michael aside, as even Michael doesn't get to comment verbally.}
Gifs by @izzyizumi, {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
Image usage rules + original commentary under the ‘read more’! {Along with another, not Steve specific, but maybe significant "Kizuna spoiler"}
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^ Though Steve can't be seen clearly in the shot, in the 'gathering' of Chosen Children including many International ones, a Frigimon can very clearly be seen on left. As other Chosen from the World Tour are included here, it is almost defintely Steve's Frigimon, and either Steve is somewhere in the background but off-screen, or Steve and Frigimon were somehow separated...
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izzyizumi · 2 months
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izzyizumi · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure tri. ~ Bokura no Mirai (J.P.N Version) + Koushiro{u} Izumi & Meiko + Meicoomon ~ Moments of Support / Acknowledgement {of the crisis, each others’ Partners, and each other} + Koushiro’s Attempts To {Help} Stop the Crisis (via using Koushiro’s laptop or otherwise commenting + taking action on it)
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post as new post} {DO NOT remove this caption!} (Please ASK to Use)
(Usage rules under ‘read more’)
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{Please also LIKE this post if you are wanting to use!} {Once you have “Liked”, feel free to CONTACT ME POLITELY to ask for permission!} (Please Note: I do not auto-contact; you must reach out to me to use.) {However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do not use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” section.} {I MAY POLITELY DECLINE USAGE. Please do not take it personally!} {if you are unsure if you can use you can SEND ME AN ASK} {I will check your blog; if you do not match anything on my “DNI”; [CHECK THE FAQ FOR MY DNI SECTION/S] you will likely/may pass the check and can use!} {However please note my ENTIRE FAQ sections on such} {It is possible I may not grant permission for other reasons} [i.e.: You post a lot of something I have blacklisted]
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my edits ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MxF, MxM or WxW relationships in general!}
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS Friendship/{Gen} Support/PERSONAL PREFERENCE. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along with the ship!!) {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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