#iwtv web weaving
isabellehemlock · 2 years
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Caitlyn Siehl ▪︎The Hours ▪︎Mary Shelley ▪︎Crimson Peak ▪︎ unknown
Lestat & love and monsterhood
Image descriptions and sources under the cut
First quote:
When is a monster not a monster?
Oh, when you love it.
First image:
Lestat is looking at Louis off screen from the scene at the opera. His hair is tied back, and he is wearing a suit, staring longingly at his companion. Like all the pictures, it is a black and white still.
Second quote:
Still, there is this terrible desire to be loved.
Still, there is this horror at being left behind.
Second image:
A still of Lestat from his monlogue about his creation, looking off screen, and covered in bruises. His face is an expression of restrained pain.
Third quote:
There is love in me the likes of which you’ve never seen. There is rage in me the likes of which should never escape. If I am not satisfied in the one, I will indulge the other.
Third image:
An image of Lestat floating in the night after his attack on Louis. The frame is cut off just beneath his eyes.
Fourth quote:
But the horror - The horror was for love. The things we do for love like this are ugly, mad, full of sweat and regret. This love burns you and maims you and twists you inside out. It is a monstrous love and it makes monsters of us all.
Fourth image:
A close up of Lestat on the street car. He is wearing a tailored stripe suit and looking off screen as if contemplating something while out on his hunt.
Fifth quote:
I've been bad. These days, when I tell you I love you, what I mean is, I'm sorry. I daydream pain into myself / in hopes I'll be too tired to refuse your gentleness. I need it. I want to crawl into your chest and come out when I've given you all the love I have. It was never meant for me. I love you. I want my blood in your mouth.
Fifth image:
A still of Lestat and Louis embracing near the coffin. Lestat is kneeled against it from the outside, while Louis is reclined within. Lestat’s arm is draped around Louis' shoulder, and Louis' hand gently touches Lestat’s - smiling as they kiss.
All images were edited by me and were found online via pinterest (x, x, x, x and x). And two screengrabs from gifs I unfortunately saved when the show first came out and can no longer find the source for - happy to edit with credit of course.
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horreurscopes · 2 years
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ELEKTRA: I am the shape you made me. Filth teaches filth.
(prints)(process video & high res)
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intezaarlily · 4 months
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on monsters loving each other
we were young by fortesa latifi / frankenstein by mary shelley / killing eve season four / snow and dirty rain by richard siken / start here by caitlyn siehl / the guest by anna akhmatova / crimson peak (2015)
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persephonesque · 2 months
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sharp objects, interview with the vampire, & hannibal + yumi sakugawa
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macaulaytwins · 1 year
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Interview With the Vampire (2022), Orestes tr. by Anne Carson (2009)
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handsomelyerin · 2 years
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claudia & lestat + on mothers and daughters
"my infant death. it was never you." bailey bass & sam reid in interview with the vampire (2022) cr. by rolin jones // 1. this post // 2. this post // 3. piss river - kevin morby // 4. a mother's hate - sam gordon // 5. elektra - sophocles // 6. on earth we're briefly gorgeous - ocean vuong // 7. unknown // 8. nayyirah waheed // 9. susan smith - wych elm // 10. unknown // 11. elektra - sophocles // 12. the ghost is dead, long live the ghost - mara avoth // 13. this post // 14. this post // 15. love drought - beyonce // 16. confessions - ijeoma umebinyuo // 17. unknown // 18. mother - john lennon
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mirefireflies · 20 hours
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I don't like windows when they're closed, I want to fly where the wild wind blows.
IWTV 1x01 // 2x04 (without text)
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severedfloors · 25 days
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giovanni's room, james baldwin / 2x01 - "what can the damned really say to the damned", interview with the vampire (2022-)
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isabellehemlock · 1 year
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Poem transcribed under the cut
What do you feel -
when you realize you have survived the worst things someone can do to you?
Do you feel like a warrior?
Enduring the pain of the sting on red flesh
The gasp for air in the choke
The burn, the bleed, the bruise
But surviving things - 
That have killed other people
Or do you feel angry?
Angry for the tears that were mocked - 
The secondary strikes for defiance - 
The identity that was stripped away from you 
Until you no longer see a person in the mirror - 
Just a bruised caricature of a thing that was once human
Or do you hold multitudes?
Do you feel both the empowerment, and the rage, and the sadness?
Empowerment for making it to the other side
Rage that churns into righteous anger - 
Sadness for what could have been, should have been - 
Do you hold multitudes?
. . . And how are you surviving?
Poem by moi 🤗
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sweetmilkbread · 10 months
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Interview With The Vampire // The Oresteia
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portraitoflestatonfire · 11 months
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Rebecca (1940), dir. Alfred Hitchcock // Interview with the Vampire 1.02, dir. Alan Taylor
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need-grows-teeth · 26 days
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1. speeches for doctor frankenstein, margaret atwood/ 2. & 3. interview with the vampire (2022)/ 4. wuthering heights, emily brontë/ 5. & 7. & 8. hannibal (2013)/ 6. silver springs, fleetwood mac/ 9. killing eve (2018)/ 10. spiracle, flower face.
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ironcolouredocean · 8 months
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sun bleached flies-ethel cain / october-jackson.c frank / stalker 1979 / the ballad of costa concordia-car seat headrest / nowhere 1997 / possession 1981 / Frank Bidart / georgia lee-tom waits / interview with the vampire amc
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the-rainbow-meme · 4 days
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another version of me, i was in it
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macaulaytwins · 1 year
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“A Barbie Dream House But All the Dolls Are Kitchen Knives”, Cassandra de Alba // Interview With the Vampire (2022) // If My Body Could Speak, Blythe Baird // “Elektra”, Anne Carson
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saintarmand · 8 months
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iwtv + intertextuality: love's coming of age by edward carpenter
Surely in some subtle way if one person sincerely love another, heart and soul, that other becomes a part of the lover, indissolubly wrought into his being.* Mentally the two grow and become compact together. No thought that the lover thinks, no scene that he looks on, but the impress of his loved one in some way is on it — so that as long as he exists (here or anywhere) with his most intimate self that other is threaded and twined inseparable. So clinging is the relation. Perhaps in the outer world we do not always see such relations quite clear, and we think when death or other cause removes the visible form from us that the hour of parting has come. But in the inner world it is clear enough, and we divine that we and our mate are only two little petals that grow near each other on the great Flower of Eternity; and that it is because we are near each other in that unchanging world, that in the world of change our mortal selves are drawn together, and will be drawn always, wherever and whenever they may meet.
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