#its super scientific demographic research
ratsoda · 9 months
gays help me out, also leave your answer + your orientation in the tags
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fitzrove · 3 years
Endeavour Episode Titles & Obscurity
As I briefly outlined in a previous post, it has really seemed that with every new series of Endeavour, the single words making up episode titles have become less understandable - at least from my second-language English speaker perspective. And it certainly seems so at first glance - I think most everyone knows what Girl means, but what about Deguello or Zenana? :D Granted, it’s a Morse show, so some mythological and musical references are to be expected, but it really seems like things have been getting out of hand lately. Or have they really?
So, I thought I’d do some super-scientific research into this. After a brief survey, which 22 people responded to (thank you!!), I’ve come to the conclusion that reality isn’t quite as simple as “Russ Lewis got more confident to pick increasingly random big words as the series went on, and understandability steadily dropped as a result”. Have a look at this graph I made (and decided to call the Endeavour Episode Title Understandability Average Quotient, or EETUAQ):
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The hypothesis does seem to be right on the fact that early series (1, 2) included very understandable words, bringing the average up to over 90% understandability. S3 marks the start of a decline, but the graph jumps back up at S5 (thanks to easy titles like Colours and Passenger, as well as well-known myths and music terms like Icarus) before the descent into non-understandability resumes. That is, if we disregard S8...
More details (such as how the graph came to be) under the cut, since I want this post to be rebloggable XD
So, as I first approached my hypothesis of title understandability dropping as Endeavour went on, I ran into a problem - how to group words into “understandable” and “not understandable”? I first looked into word frequency lists, but that data isn’t available for free for all words, and it also doesn’t take into account how understandable words seem to viewers of the show. Therefore I decided to pick a survey approach instead, asking fans of the show to check-mark all episode titles they understood out of a list. I’d trimmed down the list a little, omitting words I thought everybody would certainly know, such as Prey and Game. This is the result:
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After obtaining a “understandability score” ranging from 0 to 100 for each word from these results, I calculated the self-titled “understandability quotient average” (I have no idea what quotient actually means, but I like the word) for each series separately. That is, each series’ “average understandability”: adding up that series’ episode scores and dividing them by the number of episodes. This allowed me to give each series an average understandability value, ranging from 90.9 for S1 and S2 to 42.4 for S7, and draw a graph based on those values. As S8 wasn’t included in the original questionnaire (because I forgot), I roughly extrapolated its values and therefore the average from other words’ understandabilities, considering Flowers and Octave understandable to all (100) and Lazarus as an average between Apollo and Lazaretto’s scores (65.9). Hence the dashed line in the graph XD
Naturally, native speakers (77.3% of respondents) and non-native speakers (22.7% of respondents) of English would have different ideas about what constitutes an understandable title. I found that “Pylon” especially was a point of contention in this regard, as I did not know this word before watching the episode, whereas many native speakers argued it was easy.
Out of interest and desire for “depth” in the survey, I included other “demographic questions” that inquired whether participants had any special knowledge about music, ancient history or mythology, which the show often draws its episode titles from. I also provided an opportunity to explain where else they knew some of the obscurer words from. I thought these insights would be interesting in general, so I’m sharing them here:
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I think it’s charming that many people in the fandom are, in some ways, secretly (or not-so secretly) actually Morse. XD The percentage of people with “obscure degrees” (I say this with all the love as a political history student) was especially high in comparison to the general public (40.9%) and I bet that classical music as a hobby isn’t something 60% out of everyone in the world enjoys.
In the free space, many people cited other media (reading the dictionary for fun; science fiction like Stargate SG-1; the game The Arcana; the band Bastille; a love of literature in general, most exemplified by someone who wrote “I just read a lot like a gigantic nerd lol” XDD) and a love of music and mythology for knowing of the more obscure titles. All in all, I think it would be safe to assume that not everyone watching the show has these specific interests that seem to be somewhat disproportionately common in the active, online Endeavour fandom. Therefore, the title understandability scores should be seen as being on the high end, given that the sample consists of word nerds and classical music & mythology aficionados.
I guess I should put some final conclusions here... idk, mostly I really love that the fandom is so nerdy, feels like I’m right at home - and I bet many of the fic writers around have such insight into Morse for a reason ;D
Let me know what you think about these findings! Is Russ Lewis being pretentious with his titles? Does anyone know whether the episodes/episode titles he wrote for Lewis stood out from the rest? Any other stuff to say or add?
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tchaikovskaya · 4 years
conch reversal mayhaps but i feel like it should be said lol so uh. although “science” (apparently a somewhat difficult term to concisely and thoroughly define) certainly has a political component, the way people on here and on twitter (pop social justice spheres essentially lol) talk about modern research that dips into the issues of ethnic studies, environmental justice, colonialism etc really misses the mark… this most prevalent example has already been pretty widely acknowledged but when “water is wet” studies come out and people tweet the link to the article after just reading the headline and say something glib about how Scientists should just listen to and trust the word of [demographic] when the study in question doesnt frame its conclusion as some sort of groundbreaking revolutionary discovery but rather demonstrated quantifiable evidence for what those people have been saying all along. another thing ive been seeing a lot more of recently is when enviro researchers publish literature about indigenous agricultural practices and why theyre better than the western european colonizers’ imported techniques that whoops ruined the whole ecosystem within literally two centuries! and journalists will report on it but the headline will be like “according to this new study it turns out that this indigenous method is actually super sustainable and ecologically healthy” and everyone jumps to say the aforementioned “THEY KNEW ALL ALONG FOR MILLENNIA YOU CLOWNS” and you look at the actual study and its all about scientifically explaining the WHY of how it works/worked better and WHY the modern method sucks ass, not treating it as some revelation that everyone should adopt because Science suddenly declared it was Good now. same phenomenon happens when people say “HISTORIANS dont want you to know about xyz” when its not actual historians saying that, like the truth is literally on the topic’s fucking wikipedia page its not some kind of secret knowledge, what those people are referring to is like…… k-12 history textbook writers lmfao
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etst430brynneadams · 2 years
Module 12
Chapters 29 and 30 explore Latinx representations and experiences with American sports at the amateur and professional levels. Like most other American institutions, American sports have long histories or racism and discrimination (334-335). Scientific racism branded Latinx people as athletically inferior attributing the reasoning to physical and emotional characteristics (346). This rhetoric kept many people of color, including Latinos, from participating in professional sports during the early 1900s (). Over the last sixty or so years Latinx athletes such as baseball player, Roberto Clemente, have paved the way for increased diversity and inclusion of people of color (337). In Latinx culture a lot of importance and emphasis on sports is not always placed due to the idea that it is recreational not work (336). Sports dedicated media such as ESPN have greatly contributed to the popularity and visibility of pro sports and its athletes (340). These programs recognize the importance of the Latinx fan base and attempt to appeal to them through things like Spanish programming (342). 
The author of chapter 30 has done extensive research on the history of Latinx amateur athletes. In the south during the 1900s Mexican Americans used baseball for community and union building as well as to get job opportunities (346). There is also a long history of Latinas playing baseball and softball (346). Football has always been popular, but the absence of many Latinos from high school kept their participation low until the post WWII era (347). Local youth sports programs like Catholic Youth Organization basketball leagues attempt to teach kids important skills while keeping them out of trouble (). The author believes programs like these and amateur sports play a larger role in contributing to Latinx culture and transforming demographics than professional sports (369). 
Roberto Clemente’s Baseball Hall of Fame page: https://baseballhall.org/hall-of-famers/clemente-roberto
Chapter 31 explores the combination of the secular and the saint, particularly Santa Muerte and her devoted followers, in the borderlands and how it is a diverse practice. When people devote themselves to saints they enter into a sort of intimate give and take relationship where power is not necessarily equal between the parties (358-359). A “secular saint” is any cultural figure that goes through a “process of popular canonization” and “[highlights] the juxtaposition of sacred and profane,” (359). They act as intermediaries between heaven earth that humans feel a closeness to where intimate, personal relationships can form (360). Santa Muerte, the saint of death,  is a secular saint. Many of her followers view her as a mother, close friend, and confidant and speak to her in this way. She is not worshipped for her purity or sanctity but for her  “accessibility to masses…and resistance to the powerful forces of the state (364). She is so relatable and adored because her duality of good and evil is inherent in all humans and her ambivalence still represents the choices that are often denied to her marginalized devotees (368). 
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A Santa Muerte altar 
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A Santa Muerte tattoo
I had never heard of Santa Muerte and her cult before reading this chapter. I thought it was super interesting and cool to learn about another example of syncretic religious practices that resist the colonized religious ideologies. I think a lot of times religion can make people feel ashamed for a lot of things that are really just a part of the human experience, and it’s really nice to see a religious figure that people can tailor to provide them the comfort and faith they need.
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blogthepandasthumb · 3 years
Question 1
·         Predictit – Online prediction market offering exchanges on political predictions. You can trade shares on things such as current events and the outcomes of congressional races. New Zealand based, and is a project of Victoria University of Wellington, where it is used to facilitate research.
·         Polymarket – Online information markets platform that allow you to bet on things such as the future price of cryptocurrency, how many people have received the COVID vaccine, and who will be the next president. There are no fees or trading caps when trading with Polymarket.
Question 2
·         I feel as though prediction markets are a very interesting idea. To be able to get an idea of how a sample of individuals feel about a certain topic has very interesting implications. Also, these individuals have a higher incentive to get their prediction right when compared to a poll, because in a prediction market the individual has agreed to some degree of monetary risk. However, I do feel sampling bias might be an issue when trying to determine a likelihood of an event based on its position in the market. Those participating in trading on a prediction market most likely is of a higher socioeconomic class, and perhaps is more likely to be several various demographics. Since the data that the predictions are based on comes from those making the predictions themselves, there could be some degree of sampling bias or error.
Question 3
·         I try to live my life under the framework that good things happen to good people. I truly believe that good deeds can be contagious, and if every single person on earth made a conscious effort to treat others with empathy and respect, that the world could be a very different place. However, I think this feeling is based on reciprocal altruism acting as a powerful evolutionary force that we sometimes frame as social constructs such as karma. Reciprocal altruism works when one individual temporarily reduces its fitness at the benefit of another, expecting that individual to return the favor. For instance, a bird acting as a lookout when its flock is feeding is not acting out of love for its fellow feathered brethren but expects another bird to take over when it is time to change guard. I think this applies to people as well. Subconsciously we do not agree to keep an eye on our neighbor’s house when they are away because we have deep feelings of compassion, but we hope them to return the favor when it is our turn to leave. Deep down I suspect that entropy is the one true universal constant, and our minds tend to find patterns in the randomness to keep ourselves from plunging into a nietzsche-esque cloud of hopelessness.
Question 4
·         I have decided to finalize my project topic as a paper on the current state of the search of extraterrestrial life. After creating a storyboard for a short story, I could not help but feel a sense of potential regret, so the project was scrapped, and I have leaned in to gathering information on my final topic. I have purchased a few books with differing perspectives on the phenomenon and I have identified other sources of reputable information. I have also created a rough outline for the project. I hope the final document can serve as a starting point for both believers and skeptics alike to dive into the topic of SETI. I will cover a brief history of sightings, from past to present. I will also cover what scientific research is being conducted. I will discuss what evidence should be taken seriously, if any. I will also include a section on the implications of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence becoming successful.
Question 5
1.    https://www.mufon.com/ - MUFON is a volunteer based nonprofit organization that is the oldest civilian UFO investigation network. The organization has experienced many changes over the years, but still serves as great starting place for those interested in UFOS.
2.    https://home.tothestarsacademy.com/ - To the Stars Academy is a relatively new organization that serves to investigate documents and physical materials related to unidentified aerial phenomena. They are also involved in media outreach to raise awareness for the cause
3.    https://www.seti.org/ - The SETI institute is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to searching for life elsewhere in the universe.  SETI Institute serves as science-based portal for accessing information about the search for alien life
4.    https://breakthroughinitiatives.org/initiative/1 - Breakthrough Listen and Breakthrough Message are multimillion dollar programs that serve to identify signs of intelligent life.
5.    Purchased Book - Jacques Vallee – Passport to Magonia -This book serves to connect the modern myths and legends of alien abductions to tales from our historic cultural pasts and how we humans have been influenced from tales of visitors from the sky for a very long time.
6.    Purchased Book - Jacques Vallee – Confrontations – Scientist’s Search for Alien Contact – This book serves to provide frame works for ways scientists can discuss the ideas of UFO sightings in a clear, and quantitative manor. He examines 40 cases from around the world
7.    Purchased Book -Passport to the Cosmos – John E Mack – Dr. Mack examines whether the phenomenon of UFO’s are physically real, or if existence in our psyche is enough to justify their existence, even if they are not found in physical space.
8.    Purchased Book - Richard Dolan – UFO’s for the 21st Century Mind. A practical, more grounded investigation of the UFO phenomenon. Offers insights on how these subjects can exist and be discussed in an academic setting with scientific integrity.
9.    Purchased Book - Whitley Strieber – The Super Natural – Whitley Strieber is known for his book Communion, where he describes his experience with contact with what he describes as an alien. In this book, he revisits some of the claims he made in the past, and how his views have evolved over the years, all through the lens of how the things we view as paranormal are radically different than standard convention.
10. https://lexfridman.com/david-fravor/ - Commander Faber Interview – This long form interview is between a Navy fighter pilot and Lex Fridman, an artificial intelligence researcher out of MIT. This interview covers what is generally understood to be the most credible UFO sightings in history.
Question 6
·         Last week I identified some behaviors to be addressed, and I was successful this week in addressing them.
Question 7
·         I found that the use of incentives to be the most effective method to work towards my goals.
Question 8
·         As time progresses, I hope my behaviors will naturally transition into healthier ones, for incentives are not always available or practical for addressing every challenge or issue.  
Question 9
·         In this section of Homo Deus, Harari addresses the introduction of cybernetics into our bodies and in addition to the discussion of the rate at which technology is advancing. I feel Harari brings us very interesting points, including the idea of at what point to our bodies cease becoming human? If we replace our organs and body parts one by one with cybernetics, is there a point were limitations of our former biology no longer dictate how we live, think, and interact? For some of his arguments, I feel as though can come across as short sighted. If we are at a point were the human life expectancy is at a scale of centuries, then our relationships with our families, careers, and selves will be altered in ways that will no longer be limited to our imaginations.
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funnydove-blog · 4 years
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Let’s discuss breaking up with unnecessary beauty products and the companies that put their corporate profits before their customers’ health. Women are the target market, the dominant demographic, and the driving force behind the 50 billion dollar a year beauty products industry. The products are marketed to them as ‘personal care’, implying that these products are a necessity. Most are not.
While we’ve touched on the health hazards of many beauty products, we should also address the financial impact. One of the biggest drains on a woman’s budget is the constant purchase of beauty products. This expenditure makes money management difficult. Women have billions of advertising and marketing dollars directed at them persuading them to spend money on beauty products and services that they do not need.
Seeing certain products or services as ‘not necessary’ can be challenging. Women have been brainwashed to believe that they actually do ‘need’ these things and ‘must’ have them. (Women are not alone in being brainwashed by advertising: I see plenty of metropolitan men driving big, burly pick-up trucks they’ve seen advertised on television. The closest some of them get to going ‘off road’ is when they pull up to valet parking.)
It’s not just advertising and marketing that reinforce this ‘need’ belief associated with beauty products. It’s the formative experiences of childhood and adolescence: watching your mother, grandmother, sisters, aunts, and friends apply makeup and share advice about it. It’s almost a ‘rite of passage’ which many women include in their memories of what they think of as ‘growing up’ and ‘life’.
What you need to remember as well is that your mother and grandmother were probably very selective about purchasing makeup and parting with their hard-earned and well-managed money. Cosmetics for previous generations were a luxury. Women rarely owned more than two of any particular item: a compact, a tube of lipstick, hand or face cream, and some lotion. That was about it, and they used all of it before they purchased more.
Today, many women can’t imagine living without an abundance of these products. They’re just a part of daily existence—routine and essential.
I have some shocking news for you: food and shelter are essential. Everything else is optional. This seemingly hardcore concept is foreign to many people, but when you endure an extended period of limited resources, you will learn the truth in it. Your life can go on just fine without television, designer labels, ‘accessories’, four-dollar coffees, overpriced manicures, and many beauty products. Again, you’re going to have to do your own personal calculations as to how overspending on beauty products impacts your personal bottom line and your progress toward financial independence.
You also must weigh its health impact, as we’ve discussed. Foundations and powders applied all over your face just clog your pores and set you up to purchase even more products to get your skin clean and healthy again. Be aware that your skin is your body’s largest organ. It absorbs up to 60% of whatever you put on it. When chemicals are absorbed through the pores of your face, those chemicals enter your bloodstream. Think about that.
Note: if you need some color in your cheeks, skip the rouge and exercise on a regular basis. Get the blood flowing. If you want to avoid wrinkles, avoid cigarettes, excessive alcohol consumption, and overexposure to the sun.
Anti-aging creams, face powders and foundations, eye-shadow, lipstick, blushes, mascara, nail polish, nail polish remover, face primer, hair, hair, and more hair products—the list is long and the costs add up, especially for women trying to get ahead. Trim your shopping list.
I support you doing things that make you feel beautiful, that make you feel more confident, that make you feel more empowered. However, I would encourage you to seek those positive feelings through education, exercise, and effort first. Then turn to cosmetics to only enhance the inner beauty and wisdom that are yours. Know your value, then spend your hard-earned money wisely. Remember the words of Bob Marley, who said, ‘A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman’s body.’ I’d add that it’s also the most beautiful thing she can put on her face.
The good news about this break up is that there really are ‘a lot of other fish in the sea’, i.e., other companies that you can look at and perhaps start a relationship with. These are cosmetics companies often owned and operated by women (a total of 43 as of this writing). They are also companies that have done serious work to offer their customers products at a greater value with higher health and safety standards. Some of these companies include:
Deborah Lippman—Founded by celebrity manicurist Deborah Lippman, the beauty company that bears her name is one of the most renowned in the world.
Charlotte Tilbury—From age 13, Charlotte Tilbury knew she wanted to work in the beauty industry. After training at the Glauca Rossi School of Makeup in London, Tilbury jumped into the world of makeup. Now, her brand is a household name.
Honest Beauty—Actress Jessica Alba founded Honest Beauty when she saw a need for responsible, quality products with maximum ingredient transparency.
Edible Beauty—The naturopath and nutritionist Anna Mitsios launched Edible Beauty with the sole intention of creating a luxury botanic brand that is equally safe and effective. Anna’s strong belief in the natural power of herbs is evident in her formulas.
It’s A 10 Haircare—Founder Carolyn Aronson made history as the CEO of the first indie hair care brand to land a national Super Bowl ad. She also founded Kyana’s Dream Foundation (in her daughter’s honor) which focuses on providing emergency response for children in schools.
AveSeena—After spending 20 years researching the effects of estrogenic and endocrine disrupting chemicals on the immune system, Dr. Ebru Karpuzoglu decided to pour her scientific discoveries into a 100% naturederived skin care brand.
MaBrook & Co—In 2014, Aliya Dhalla launched her brand of 100% natural and aluminum-free deodorant. The Clean Deodorant fully harnesses the benefits of activated charcoal, baking soda, and sweet floral scents.  
Fact—Founder Cassy Burnside has launched her brand of Paleo-friendly and cruelty-free skin care products that are packaged and formulated for women on the go.
Aphorism Skincare—After battling a rare but curable cancer, Urvashi Singh set out on a journey to research the links between the toxic chemicals in cosmetics and disease triggers. This led her to launch a luxurious line of non-toxic skin care products.
Also consider Joshua Onysko’s Pangea Organics, Dr. David Bronner’s Magic Soaps, Greg Starkman’s Innersense, and Olown N’djotehala’s Alaffie. These are just a few companies to consider. Do your own research and find those that are best for you.
It’s important to look at the beauty industry in political terms as well. While women purchase the vast majority of beauty products sold around the world and are often featured in the advertising and promotional campaigns for these products, they are vastly underrepresented in the executive ranks of these companies. As of this writing, women comprise less than 25% of the Boards of Directors of major beauty companies, and only 24% of their executive teams. Only 23 of the 500 largest cosmetics companies in the world have a woman as their CEO. The 6 most dominant corporations in the beauty industry all have men as CEO. These include L’Oreal, Estee Lauder, MAC, and Revlon.
A question you might ask yourself is this: with so many qualified female executives out there, why wouldn’t the Board of Directors and the shareholders put a woman in charge of a company that sells most of its products to women?
It’s important to remember that with beauty products—and all your purchasing choices—your dollars are your vote. Your dollars are your voice. In order to make informed choices, it’s important to know which corporation owns your favorite brand or brands of makeup. There are reasons for this: one is to determine if a company is prioritizing the health of its customers. Another is to determine if a particular company is being a good corporate citizen.
Are they building strong communities by paying their employees fairly? Is their philosophy inclusive and their workforce diverse, both on the assembly line and in the executive ranks? Do they invest in a sustainable future? Are they attentive to their environmental footprint with regards to manufacturing, packaging, and distribution? Do they have ‘green’ goals? Do they participate consistently in charitable giving? (Not just feel-good publicity campaigns around charity events.)  
It’s also important to know if a company is selling two almost identical products, but marketing and pricing one ‘brand’ differently—and pricing it more expensively— than the other (the ‘drugstore brand’ and the ‘luxury store’ brand.) Some large corporations do this—produce essentially the same product and market it as two different products—to reach more customers in different demographics, saving the company money on production costs. Many times, only scents, textures, or packaging differentiate the products. This is the reason, for example, that Lancome Eau Micellaire Douceur and L’Oréal Paris Skin Perfection 3 in 1 Purifying Micellar Solution are almost identical products. The same corporate owner manufactures them with the same active ingredients. Only different ‘brand names’ and packaging separate the two in the eyes of the consumer.
It is true that some high-end products are made using more expensive ingredients and innovative technologies. However, the truth is they usually cost more because people expect expensive products to work much better than inexpensive ones and are, therefore, willing to pay more for them.
So, before you spend lots of money on a luxury product, do a little research on the company and its line. Compare the luxury product line’s ingredients to those of their less expensive sister brands. Make an objective, informed determination if the difference in the ingredients is really worth the difference in price. To make your initial research easier, we’ve provided a starter list of ‘who owns what’ in the cosmetics industry in an appendix in the back of this book. It is not comprehensive, and the information may change as companies buy and sell brands, but it will give you a bird’s eye view of the landscape.
Having this information will preserve your health, encourage good corporate governance, and save you money. Hopefully, this will also help you see beauty products for what they are: a big, profitable industry.
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johnconnell0 · 4 years
Using ASMR for Video Marketing
Already millions of subscribers on YouTube and Instagram follow the trend around Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR). Enough evidence to look closer into what this phenomenon entails and how it can be relevant for your video marketing.
The Fastest Growing Genre for Relaxation Online What is ASMR? Back in 2007, on a website called steadyhealth.com, a form discussion talked about “a weird sensation which feels good”. The term ASMR was coined later in 2010 by Jennifer Allen who was searching for answers regarding that weird sensation.
ASMR is a phenomenon induced by sounds and visuals where viewers experience brain tingles, goosebumps and an overall relaxed feeling. According to the University of Sheffield’s Department of Psychology, ASMR shows significant reductions in heart rates and benefits the overall physical and mental health of people. Even though there is no scientific evidence that these videos produce reliable neurological responses, millions of people tune into ASMR every night to help them sleep. What started out as niche content has made its way to the fastest growing genre in relaxation online.
So-called ASMR’tists publish videos on social media channels, in which they whisper into microphones, eat crunchy food or scratch on items that are placed next to their microphones. All of this allows viewers to experience a tingling sensation!
Existing ASMR advertising campaigns What might sound like a super strange and odd pleasure, has actually made its way into advertising, shifting advertisers from loud and overstimulating ads towards quieter and more relaxing versions.
For instance, the advertising campaign of Michelob Ultra “organic” beer which got aired during the Super Bowl in 2019. A campaign starring Zoe Kravitz who is surrounded by waterfalls and mountains, whispering into dual microphones, tapping on the beer bottle and popping off the cap. The brand went with ASMR since Michelob Ultra-Pure Gold Beer is aimed at bringing more people interested in general wellness, health and nature towards buying that product.
Another good example of ASMR in an advertisement is the “Oddly Ikea” campaign, promoting a new range of dorm room solutions. A female narrator is gently de-crinkling pillows as well as grazing her nails over a lamp. The target audience “Oddly Ikea” is aiming at, fits the demographics (18-24 years old) ASMR has on YouTube.
Tips and Tricks to Implement ASMR Advertisement The right approach to video marketing is essential for brands to stay relevant to the market. ASMR marketing works with visuals, audio and tactile stimuli, hence it can create a more immersive experience for viewers, resulting in higher brand recognition. Tactile stimuli are probably the strongest experience. Only the thought of getting touched through these so-called “personal attention” videos, in which ASMR’tist pretend to give you a facial massage, can trigger.
Getting one of the popular ASMR’tists onboard of your video marketing campaign gives you access to their millions of followers. ASMR Darling with over 2 million subscribers on YouTube helps her viewers fall asleep by whispering and tapping into the microphone. ASMR’tist Gentle Whispering who has over 1 million subscribers speaks with a soft Russian accent and is probably the most known ASMR YouTuber in mainstream media. Some of them are already partnering up with brands and feature their products in ASMR videos called “Tapping on all Apple Products” or “The Lush Store Roleplay”.
But be aware that not every product is suitable for ASMR. Depending on what kind of product you are selling and if that can produce soothing sounds eliciting a certain sensory response. Moreover, if you want to make ASMR work, the video needs to have a human component, a human element. It needs to involve personal attention, a feeling of safety, security and slow movements.
Another aspect worth mentioning is the risk of audiences not being able to respond to ASMR. According to research, some people have responses to stimuli such as endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin or serotonin and some simply don’t. Parts of those stimuli can be FELT by individuals experiencing ASMR.
Maybe ASMR is just another trend that comes and goes. It is no secret that brands have been using psychological marketing approaches for quite some time and ASMR happens to be one of them. In the end, it is all about pulling off a creative content marketing strategy, and if your product fits the concept of ASMR, it is definitely worth looking at it!
The post Using ASMR for Video Marketing appeared first on Bold Content Video Production.
from Bold Content Video Production https://boldcontentvideo.com/2020/04/15/36876/ via IFTTT from https://fidelmartin0.tumblr.com/post/615464793479020544 from https://johnconnell0.blogspot.com/2020/04/using-asmr-for-video-marketing.html
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topicprinter · 7 years
Many entrepreneurs and companies struggle to breach online markets and turn profitable, so we’ve decided to share our recent experience.Around 3 months ago I’ve meet Jonathan Miller, top-notch marketer & co-founder of Breeo Industries, company that manufactures smoke-reducing fire pits.Breeo Industries just started advertising online – their Facebook Page counted less than 200 likes.Page Likes on Breeo's Page, Rethinking FireBut, Jonathan’s product amazed me. Its design is just marvelous, quality is super-high and guess what else? All Breeo Industries products are 100% handcrafted in the USA.We decided to give it a go and started preparing the campaign. 10 days later we launched a trial campaign that had 727.8% return on advertising investment.What did the Jonathan say?In this case study, I’ll outline key tactics used to successfully launch a product on Facebook and turn profitable from day 1. (You can also read the full article here)Understanding the basics of Facebook advertisingThroughout the years, I’ve heard many explanations of how Facebook works. Most of them are complete BS based on ignorance and in 99% of cases those stories are nothing different than conspiracy theories.Facebook is a content network and Facebook strives to serve ‘only the best’ content to people which find that content relevant. Facebook measures relevance by checking the ratio between content reach (impressions) and engagement rate (reactions, comments, and shares).When your post or an ad is highly engaging, Facebook will mark it as relevant and give you a ‘push’ in distribution pipeline – in other words, you’ll get bigger reach for less money.Every successful Facebook advertising campaign is contained from 2 factors – Content and Distribution.Content is the king... but distribution is the queen and she wears the pants.1. Content or ad relevance You need no more than 1000 impressions to see if your ad is working, or not. CPM (Cost-per-mille, mille=1000 impressions) is less relevant in this stage, doesn’t matter if it’s $5 or $75. Focus only on metrics that will show you how your content (ad) is performing;CTR (Click-through-rate)Engagement rate (Reactions, comments, shares)Video view rate (Until which point (%) is your video being watched)Through these 3 metrics you can see if you have an ad that can drive engagement, clicks and ultimately, sales.Note: This is not ad relevance score that Facebook displays in Ads Manager.2. Distribution When you have an ad that’s relevant (and working), it’s time to start investing in outreach. In this stage, you should focus on metrics that bring you closer to the desired action, such as making a** sale** or acquisition and overall CPA.CPM (Cost-per-mille, mille=1000 impressions)CPC (Cost-per-click)CVR (Conversion rate)CPA (Cost-per-action)Through these metrics you can have a direct influence on your sales record, a number of leads generated or apps installed.For instance, you have a budget for Facebook Advertising which says $500/day. By lowering your CPC (Cost-per-click) by 50% (and maintaining landing page CVR of 4%) you can get your CPA down by 100% and double your sales/day.Optimization breakdownThat’s the way that Facebook and Facebook advertising work.Video killed the banner starOriginal Buggles famous refrain from 1979 said ‘Video killed the radio star’, which carried a deep message about emerging trend of music videos. Radio was already dying and the video was about to explode. People could enjoy not only the audio aspect of music but a visual medium as well.The same thing happened when Facebook introduced video advertising back in 2014. From an advertising perspective, it was just amazing, especially in the terms of distribution. Cost-per-impression in video advertising was drastically lower than banners. And it still is.But not only that, the medium of communication changed. Two-minute video can explain (and sell) more than a greatly designed banner with a 2000 word copy. For an average reader (200 words per minute), it would take 10 minutes to read and they still wouldn’t get that special feeling of your product.I’ve heard many times that videos are ‘expensive’ to produce, which is completely false. Solid video a.k.a. the commercial will cost you around $2000 to produce in HD or full HD.If you’re selling something simple to understand, your videos can be shorter and done in a sequence. If you decide to go with animated explainer videos, it’s going to cost you between $500-1000 for something decent. If you want to get a video produced for less than a dinner for two, visit fiverr.com (not recommended). In other words, possibilities are merely endless.Now let’s break the math behind the Facebook advertising with video. Imagine that your total advertising budget is around $5000. Here’s the simple math behind it;Banner vs. videoIn this imaginary case, numbers say that video production would pay off (in the terms of distribution) in around 25 days. With a video, you could reach almost 20% more people just in the first month. If you continue running for the second month, the video would get around 1 million impressions vs. a banner which would get around 500K impressions.Don’t let your ads look like – adsNo matter if you’re using banners or videos, your ad copy shouldn’t sound like an ad copy. Rather, make your ads feel natural. When people scroll through their newsfeed, they’re being bombarded with ads. Nobody likes that. People don’t like being manipulated or pushed to do something.Gary Halbert QuoteDon’t believe me? Just pick up the phone, type in the random number and start blabbing about the greatness of your product to a random person. In 9 out of 10 cases, they’re going to hang up. Your ads aren’t going to do any better than that, trust me.Call-to-action (CTA) is very important part of every ad. That doesn’t mean that you should include it in the headline. Tell your story first and then ask for the money. The converse will not work.Also, try to avoid buzzwords like FREE, new, the best, etc. in your first interaction with the target audience. Don’t bring the big guns to the game too early. You don’t want to sell them something just once – aim to build a relationship which will result in high customer retention rate. Just liked Rand Fishkin said;Tell me Rand.Take a look at what we did with Breeo – ad did its job perfectly.'The ad'All the credit for the video production goes to Jonathan and the team from Breeo.Start with split testingSplit testing isn’t about getting 100s of ads out and seeing which works the best. That’s not split testing, that’s not a scientific approach for long term results – that’s guesswork.I’ve heard people talking about scaling in the same manner. Scaling campaigns is not just ramping up a budget from $10/day to $1,000/day, or even worse, $10,000.In 99.9% of cases, it’s just a recipe for a financial disaster.Aaaaand it's goneOne simple, yet effective strategy we use for video advertising on Facebook is contained in 3 simple steps and performs marvelously every single time.Before you start split testing, do the research to get a feeling of your target audience. Male or female? Both? 18-35 or maybe 36-50? Go with something similar and don’t fear to go to broad. You’ll go more specific once you have an ad that’s working.Step 1 – Test videoWe won’t start from the fact that you have a good video. You probably don’t. Your video isn’t finished when the editor says so – it’s finished when you achieve decent view rates.Average video view rate can easily tell you to which point is your video being watched and when it actually becomes boring and people stop watching it.For products with mass market potential you should aim for 20-25% average view rate, everything below 10% is unacceptable. For B2B and niche high-end products, everything between 10-15% is ok, below 5% is unacceptable. Why? Because both business and niche high-end products are understood by smaller groups of people – even though you’re targeting well-defined audiences, most of the people are going to find your ad boring.Video view metricsAlso, track how much people are actually clicking through the ad and going to your website. Before you decide that your video isn’t working and you need a new one, make sure that you try strong call-to-action at the end of the video.Step 2 – Test copyOnce you have a video that’s being watched and click you’re halfway there. Now it’s time to create a compelling message. In most cases copy on top of the video doesn’t have to be written by professional copywriter – it just has to catch the attention or briefly describe the problem or the solution in the video to the potential watcher. Including a question often does the job. Get the engagement going.The best thing about Facebook advertising is social proof. Not just on Facebook, but on every social network. People tend to trust other people (even if they don’t know them). Having an ad with high engagement, especially if the engagement is positive, sells.Engagement rateHigh engagement results in instant brand awareness and instant sales.Step 3 – TargetingHere’s one trick that works marvelously on mass market products. It worked on Breeo.Instead of having 10 different ad sets containing slightly different or same ads, try pointing 10 different ad sets to a single PPE (Page-post-engagement) ad.PPE campaign structureThat way you don’t have to build up the social proof on 10 different ads, but just on one, which is for the start more cost effective. More engagement brings, of course, more engagement – which leads to the ad going ‘viral’ and you getting filthy rich (or not).Ramp up the number of different demographics, see which lead to the desired action and which score higher engagement. Then optimize and scale.Note: This strategy works extremely well on cold traffic and product launches, but fails to deliver results on retargeting and retention campaigns.Next stepsSticking to strategical points I’ve outlined above helped us to serve almost a half a billion impressions (498 million) to more than 200 million people across the globe for our clients, just in 2016. I’m quite sure that you can apply it to your business too, so get out there and start testing.SCIENCE!Note: Number of served impressions represent combined effort of all clients that Udonis Agency served in 2016, across multiple ad exchanges, and not just Facebook.
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nancygduarteus · 5 years
Suicide Memes Might Actually Be Therapeutic
In a recent post to the popular meme-sharing platform 9gag, two side-by-side storybook illustrations depict a girl watching snowflakes fall outside her bedroom window. The left panel is titled “kids then”: In a thought bubble, the girl wistfully muses, “I sure hope they cancel school for all this snow.” The right panel is “kids now.” The girl looks at the snow outside and thinks, “I hope a car loses traction on the ice and rams into me and I fucking die tomorrow.”
This is a joke—and apparently a very relatable one for its target demographic, the millions of Generation Y and Z digital natives for whom memes are a mother tongue. A casual scroll on 9gag, which receives 3.5 billion page views a month, will turn up dozens of memes daily about self-harm or wanting to die, and young people are sharing, retweeting, and reblogging similar content across the social-media landscape. You’ll find storybook illustrations doctored to show children dreaming of grisly deaths, Spongebob joyfully flailing to his doom during a bank stickup, and Obama about to throw himself off a bridge.
At first blush, these jokes couldn’t be in poorer taste. The World Health Organization ranks suicide as the second leading cause of death for youth worldwide. In the United States, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed staggering 70 and 77 percent increases in suicide rates of white and black teens, respectively, between 2006 and 2016. In response, public-health officials and tech giants alike have been cracking down on potentially dangerous messaging on self-harm. Last Friday, Instagram rolled out a new policy banning “graphic” depictions of self-harm or suicide.
But memes about suicide remain largely uncharted territory. While disturbing, they’re far less graphic than actual depictions. And they’re often darkly funny. As the gatekeepers of social media are wrestling with how to police this trend, some suicide-prevention experts see a window of opportunity. Typically, suicide memers aren’t mocking suicidal thoughts; they’re commiserating and bonding over being suicidal. Morbid memes, these experts believe, may be a foot in the door to one of the most vulnerable and hard to reach populations: socially isolated young people.
April Foreman is a seasoned veteran of the dark web. As a licensed psychologist and executive board member at the American Association of Suicidology, she’s clicked through the foulest content on the internet to keep tabs on the volatile and high-risk souls that live there.
Foreman wasn’t surprised when suicide memes began to percolate up into the surface-level internet after a long incubation period in more hostile and conspiracy-laden depths (see: 4chan). In a way, she’s heartened by the memes’ increased social acceptability. Like so many anonymous platforms, 9gag struggles with pervasive racism, misogyny, and old-fashion trolling. But while the predictable ‘lol, do it’ replies pepper the comment sections to suicide memes, messages of support tend to be buoyed to the top by hundreds of upvotes. Internet scamps with usernames like necrolovertown gently direct suicide-meme posters to local suicide hotlines (or, in necrolovertown’s case, provide his Facebook contact info and a standing offer to chat—“any hour anytime I’ll be there”).
[Read: Social media is redefining “depression”]
What we’re witnessing on 9gag, Foreman explains, is the writing of a new “social script.” Sometimes it’s tough to know what to say, “like if someone’s dog dies, or if you have to go to a funeral,” she says. But through experience, communities develop a formula for how to respond supportively, something like, “Dude, that’s rough. I’ve gone through it. Here are the resources, let me know if you need support.” Foreman has identified several corners of the internet that seem to have healthy social scripts for suicidal thoughts. “Reddit communities around certain video games”—like the Eve Online universe’s Broadcast 4 Reps–“tend to have communities where you talk about your mental health and you feel better. People help you.”
Still, Foreman cautions, destructive conversations about suicide abound deeper in the bowels of the internet. “We have people that go in there as trolls to really stir people up and make them feel worse,” she says. They make “‘sui-fuel,’ memes to get people even more depressed, with the idea that you might ‘rope’—which is kill yourself—or you might even go and do a murder-suicide.”
Foreman’s colleague Bart Andrews, another clinical psychologist and executive board member at the AAS, is a full-throated advocate for suicide memes as an alternative to these destructive depths. Andrews bucks the traditional wisdom on suicide contagion, the idea that suicidal thoughts can spread through a community like a virus. It’s an evidence-based notion that’s been widely unchallenged for decades, and informs national and international guidelines for media coverage of suicide. Andrews acknowledges that irresponsible reporting of suicide—such as sensationalistic, needlessly graphic descriptions of celebrity suicide—likely has population-level effects. But if safe-messaging guidelines prevent people from having meaningful conversations, Andrews contends, they can be deadly.
“The very people we’re trying to reach, the youth—we’re telling them they can’t talk about suicide the way they talk about it,” Andrews says. “When you read the threads on these memes, people find them helpful. They don’t feel alone. It’s a way for them to anonymously communicate their inner pain in a way that’s artistic, super clever, and that people who are struggling identify with.”
Andrews believes that decades of an effective “gag rule” on suicide stifled conversation and perpetuated stigma—and that while the younger generations are more willing to talk, there’s still a vestigial wariness among listeners that the very act of discussing suicide could make their friends worse. He rattles off a list of memes formats that emphasize hope or resilience. Perennial favorites are “not today, old friend,” where Moe from The Simpsons decides not to kill himself, and “my mom would be sad.” “They get at reasons for living,” Andrews says. “And those can be really small.”
Another camp of suicide-prevention experts prefer to err on the side of caution. Jane Pirkis, the director of the center for mental health at the University of Melbourne and an expert on suicide-contagion theory, is the traditionalist yin to Andrews’ laissez-faire yang when it comes to safe messaging. “I wouldn’t say I’m alarmed, but I don’t think it’s very good,” she told me after reviewing a handful of 9gag memes. “The work we’ve done looking at traditional media definitely shows that representation that normalizes suicide or glorifies it at all can lead to so-called copycat acts.”
Pirkis concedes that the bulk of the scientific literature on contagion came from the pre-internet age, but she insists those lessons carry into social media. “They’re very basic, Psychology 101 principles about modeling behavior, and people learning what’s normal, what’s likely to get a response,” she says. “That’s why you don’t see depictions of smoking in film and television any more.”
This conversation around suicide memes is complicated by a generation gap between suicide-prevention experts and the communities they serve. I talked to several mental-health experts who were well beyond the age of the average memer and entirely unaware that suicide memes exist. Once they recovered from the initial surprise at this undercurrent of dark humor, however, they warmed to the idea that memes about suicide could have a capacity to heal.
These experts emphasize that it’s a fine line between destigmatizing suicidal thoughts and normalizing them. The right messages can let people know they’re not alone and that it’s okay to reach out for help. But overexposure could, in theory, lead to the belief that thoughts about self-harm are normal and not a cause for concern. Further muddying the waters, the very meme that could inspire one teen to call a psychiatrist could dredge up painful memories of a prior attempt in someone else.
There’s a dearth of experimental research on how people respond to non-graphic content about suicide, so social-media platforms are left to cobble together their own policies through high-stakes trial and error. The changes to Instagram’s self-harm policy last week, for instance, were reportedly spurred by the death of a 14-year-old in the United Kingdom Most social-media outlets draw the line at text, image, and video that appear to encourage suicide or self-harm. Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram have “hot words” associated with self-harm that automatically trigger messages to users about mental health and links to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a network of crisis hotlines that offer free counseling around the clock. But since image-based memes are hard for AI to parse, platforms generally rely on users to report sensitive material that isn’t simply text-based.
Foreman points to Tumblr as a platform that’s getting it right. Tumblr partners with mental-health advocacy groups, like the Suicide Prevention Lifeline and National Alliance on Mental Health, and reviews every post reported with the “self-harm” flag, according to Victoria McCullough, the company’s head of social impact and public policy. Depending on the post itself and its reception by the community, Tumblr might remove abusive responses, remove the post itself, or refer the creator to additional mental-health resources. McCullough says the company is very cautious about removing content altogether for fear of “undermining those recovery conversations.”
[Read: Tumblr has a cutting (and an anorexia and bulimia) problem]
9gag only added a tag specific to self-harm in the past several months. “Personally, I don’t think any community can claim that users’ comments are 100% positive at all times. There’s no such thing in life either. LOL,” 9gag’s COO Lilian Leong told me over email. “Of course, we can always level up our filtering measures. But we are very cautious not to get over-engineered and overkilled.”
Unlike Facebook and Twitter, 9gag is a single-scroll platform; regardless of a user’s previous activity on the site, everyone sees the same grab bag of memes. What’s on the ‘hot’ and ‘trending’ pages is determined by users’ upvotes and any editorial choices 9gag makes. Leong did not respond to questions about specific curation decisions—like why users couldn’t search the tag “suicide,” but could search “kill myself” and “suicidal”—or describe the decision-making process behind the removal of a sensitive post. In the days following our exchange, however, 9gag plugged all the holes in its search system pertaining to self-harm.
At the end of my reporting for this story, I posted on 9gag asking users to talk about their experience with memes about suicide. You can see the full threads here and here. The replies were a case study of what happens when a diverse community is left all-but-unsupervised in their reactions to suicide memes.
Some users like dracothedragon told me to “F.O.A.D.”—or “fuck off and die.” But most shared stories about how suicide memes sparked feelings of belonging amid isolation. @angry_doge42 said, “I tried so hard to gather the courage to end it. But I remember this post about how this random dude from the other side of the planet turned his life around after surviving the attempt and was now doing his own thing (I think, making candles). Gave up trying to knock myself haha. You guys maybe pricks but most of y’all are awesome.”
@streethastle wasn’t going to let me off easy: “You’re going to set people up with false hope if you’re really going to pull through with a naive article filled with cherry picked examples of ‘supportive’ comments. This website is a fucking cesspool of social degenerates.” But @infexo rushed to my aid. “I don’t see any harm in shedding light on the positive side of 9gag, because like it or not, it does exist ... And a few lines coming out from a caring heart can change drastically a [tragic] act.”
Pirkis, the University of Melbourne mental-health expert, agreed with @infexo, saying it’s a deadly myth that only professionals can help people at risk of suicide. “This great unwashed population that we’re talking about has a role to play,” she says.
Foreman and her colleagues at the American Association of Suicidology look forward to seeing the dialogue expand around suicide memes, however inelegantly. “I’ve never known a single problem that got better by not talking about it,” Foreman says. “Not a single public health problem has gotten better by reducing conversation.”
from Health News And Updates https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2019/02/suicide-memes/582832/?utm_source=feed
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ionecoffman · 5 years
Suicide Memes Might Actually Be Therapeutic
In a recent post to the popular meme-sharing platform 9gag, two side-by-side storybook illustrations depict a girl watching snowflakes fall outside her bedroom window. The left panel is titled “kids then”: In a thought bubble, the girl wistfully muses, “I sure hope they cancel school for all this snow.” The right panel is “kids now.” The girl looks at the snow outside and thinks, “I hope a car loses traction on the ice and rams into me and I fucking die tomorrow.”
This is a joke—and apparently a very relatable one for its target demographic, the millions of Generation Y and Z digital natives for whom memes are a mother tongue. A casual scroll on 9gag, which receives 3.5 billion page views a month, will turn up dozens of memes daily about self-harm or wanting to die, and young people are sharing, retweeting, and reblogging similar content across the social-media landscape. You’ll find storybook illustrations doctored to show children dreaming of grisly deaths, Spongebob joyfully flailing to his doom during a bank stickup, and Obama about to throw himself off a bridge.
At first blush, these jokes couldn’t be in poorer taste. The World Health Organization ranks suicide as the second leading cause of death for youth worldwide. In the United States, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed staggering 70 and 77 percent increases in suicide rates of white and black teens, respectively, between 2006 and 2016. In response, public-health officials and tech giants alike have been cracking down on potentially dangerous messaging on self-harm. Last Friday, Instagram rolled out a new policy banning “graphic” depictions of self-harm or suicide.
But memes about suicide remain largely uncharted territory. While disturbing, they’re far less graphic than actual depictions. And they’re often darkly funny. As the gatekeepers of social media are wrestling with how to police this trend, some suicide-prevention experts see a window of opportunity. Typically, suicide memers aren’t mocking suicidal thoughts; they’re commiserating and bonding over being suicidal. Morbid memes, these experts believe, may be a foot in the door to one of the most vulnerable and hard to reach populations: socially isolated young people.
April Foreman is a seasoned veteran of the dark web. As a licensed psychologist and executive board member at the American Association of Suicidology, she’s clicked through the foulest content on the internet to keep tabs on the volatile and high-risk souls that live there.
Foreman wasn’t surprised when suicide memes began to percolate up into the surface-level internet after a long incubation period in more hostile and conspiracy-laden depths (see: 4chan). In a way, she’s heartened by the memes’ increased social acceptability. Like so many anonymous platforms, 9gag struggles with pervasive racism, misogyny, and old-fashion trolling. But while the predictable ‘lol, do it’ replies pepper the comment sections to suicide memes, messages of support tend to be buoyed to the top by hundreds of upvotes. Internet scamps with usernames like necrolovertown gently direct suicide-meme posters to local suicide hotlines (or, in necrolovertown’s case, provide his Facebook contact info and a standing offer to chat—“any hour anytime I’ll be there”).
[Read: Social media is redefining “depression”]
What we’re witnessing on 9gag, Foreman explains, is the writing of a new “social script.” Sometimes it’s tough to know what to say, “like if someone’s dog dies, or if you have to go to a funeral,” she says. But through experience, communities develop a formula for how to respond supportively, something like, “Dude, that’s rough. I’ve gone through it. Here are the resources, let me know if you need support.” Foreman has identified several corners of the internet that seem to have healthy social scripts for suicidal thoughts. “Reddit communities around certain video games”—like the Eve Online universe’s Broadcast 4 Reps–“tend to have communities where you talk about your mental health and you feel better. People help you.”
Still, Foreman cautions, destructive conversations about suicide abound deeper in the bowels of the internet. “We have people that go in there as trolls to really stir people up and make them feel worse,” she says. They make “‘sui-fuel,’ memes to get people even more depressed, with the idea that you might ‘rope’—which is kill yourself—or you might even go and do a murder-suicide.”
Foreman’s colleague Bart Andrews, another clinical psychologist and executive board member at the AAS, is a full-throated advocate for suicide memes as an alternative to these destructive depths. Andrews bucks the traditional wisdom on suicide contagion, the idea that suicidal thoughts can spread through a community like a virus. It’s an evidence-based notion that’s been widely unchallenged for decades, and informs national and international guidelines for media coverage of suicide. Andrews acknowledges that irresponsible reporting of suicide—such as sensationalistic, needlessly graphic descriptions of celebrity suicide—likely has population-level effects. But if safe-messaging guidelines prevent people from having meaningful conversations, Andrews contends, they can be deadly.
“The very people we’re trying to reach, the youth—we’re telling them they can’t talk about suicide the way they talk about it,” Andrews says. “When you read the threads on these memes, people find them helpful. They don’t feel alone. It’s a way for them to anonymously communicate their inner pain in a way that’s artistic, super clever, and that people who are struggling identify with.”
Andrews believes that decades of an effective “gag rule” on suicide stifled conversation and perpetuated stigma—and that while the younger generations are more willing to talk, there’s still a vestigial wariness among listeners that the very act of discussing suicide could make their friends worse. He rattles off a list of memes formats that emphasize hope or resilience. Perennial favorites are “not today, old friend,” where Moe from The Simpsons decides not to kill himself, and “my mom would be sad.” “They get at reasons for living,” Andrews says. “And those can be really small.”
Another camp of suicide-prevention experts prefer to err on the side of caution. Jane Pirkis, the director of the center for mental health at the University of Melbourne and an expert on suicide-contagion theory, is the traditionalist yin to Andrews’ laissez-faire yang when it comes to safe messaging. “I wouldn’t say I’m alarmed, but I don’t think it’s very good,” she told me after reviewing a handful of 9gag memes. “The work we’ve done looking at traditional media definitely shows that representation that normalizes suicide or glorifies it at all can lead to so-called copycat acts.”
Pirkis concedes that the bulk of the scientific literature on contagion came from the pre-internet age, but she insists those lessons carry into social media. “They’re very basic, Psychology 101 principles about modeling behavior, and people learning what’s normal, what’s likely to get a response,” she says. “That’s why you don’t see depictions of smoking in film and television any more.”
This conversation around suicide memes is complicated by a generation gap between suicide-prevention experts and the communities they serve. I talked to several mental-health experts who were well beyond the age of the average memer and entirely unaware that suicide memes exist. Once they recovered from the initial surprise at this undercurrent of dark humor, however, they warmed to the idea that memes about suicide could have a capacity to heal.
These experts emphasize that it’s a fine line between destigmatizing suicidal thoughts and normalizing them. The right messages can let people know they’re not alone and that it’s okay to reach out for help. But overexposure could, in theory, lead to the belief that thoughts about self-harm are normal and not a cause for concern. Further muddying the waters, the very meme that could inspire one teen to call a psychiatrist could dredge up painful memories of a prior attempt in someone else.
There’s a dearth of experimental research on how people respond to non-graphic content about suicide, so social-media platforms are left to cobble together their own policies through high-stakes trial and error. The changes to Instagram’s self-harm policy last week, for instance, were reportedly spurred by the death of a 14-year-old in the United Kingdom Most social-media outlets draw the line at text, image, and video that appear to encourage suicide or self-harm. Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram have “hot words” associated with self-harm that automatically trigger messages to users about mental health and links to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a network of crisis hotlines that offer free counseling around the clock. But since image-based memes are hard for AI to parse, platforms generally rely on users to report sensitive material that isn’t simply text-based.
Foreman points to Tumblr as a platform that’s getting it right. Tumblr partners with mental-health advocacy groups, like the Suicide Prevention Lifeline and National Alliance on Mental Health, and reviews every post reported with the “self-harm” flag, according to Victoria McCullough, the company’s head of social impact and public policy. Depending on the post itself and its reception by the community, Tumblr might remove abusive responses, remove the post itself, or refer the creator to additional mental-health resources. McCullough says the company is very cautious about removing content altogether for fear of “undermining those recovery conversations.”
[Read: Tumblr has a cutting (and an anorexia and bulimia) problem]
9gag only added a tag specific to self-harm in the past several months. “Personally, I don’t think any community can claim that users’ comments are 100% positive at all times. There’s no such thing in life either. LOL,” 9gag’s COO Lilian Leong told me over email. “Of course, we can always level up our filtering measures. But we are very cautious not to get over-engineered and overkilled.”
Unlike Facebook and Twitter, 9gag is a single-scroll platform; regardless of a user’s previous activity on the site, everyone sees the same grab bag of memes. What’s on the ‘hot’ and ‘trending’ pages is determined by users’ upvotes and any editorial choices 9gag makes. Leong did not respond to questions about specific curation decisions—like why users couldn’t search the tag “suicide,” but could search “kill myself” and “suicidal”—or describe the decision-making process behind the removal of a sensitive post. In the days following our exchange, however, 9gag plugged all the holes in its search system pertaining to self-harm.
At the end of my reporting for this story, I posted on 9gag asking users to talk about their experience with memes about suicide. You can see the full threads here and here. The replies were a case study of what happens when a diverse community is left all-but-unsupervised in their reactions to suicide memes.
Some users like dracothedragon told me to “F.O.A.D.”—or “fuck off and die.” But most shared stories about how suicide memes sparked feelings of belonging amid isolation. @angry_doge42 said, “I tried so hard to gather the courage to end it. But I remember this post about how this random dude from the other side of the planet turned his life around after surviving the attempt and was now doing his own thing (I think, making candles). Gave up trying to knock myself haha. You guys maybe pricks but most of y’all are awesome.”
@streethastle wasn’t going to let me off easy: “You’re going to set people up with false hope if you’re really going to pull through with a naive article filled with cherry picked examples of ‘supportive’ comments. This website is a fucking cesspool of social degenerates.” But @infexo rushed to my aid. “I don’t see any harm in shedding light on the positive side of 9gag, because like it or not, it does exist ... And a few lines coming out from a caring heart can change drastically a [tragic] act.”
Pirkis, the University of Melbourne mental-health expert, agreed with @infexo, saying it’s a deadly myth that only professionals can help people at risk of suicide. “This great unwashed population that we’re talking about has a role to play,” she says.
Foreman and her colleagues at the American Association of Suicidology look forward to seeing the dialogue expand around suicide memes, however inelegantly. “I’ve never known a single problem that got better by not talking about it,” Foreman says. “Not a single public health problem has gotten better by reducing conversation.”
Article source here:The Atlantic
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atakportal · 6 years
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Sounds unbelievable, right?
Well… it’s not! It’s 100% real, and it’s 100% possible.
Whether you’re a man, woman, grandchild or a grandparent, this website could change your life forever.
You’re probably wondering – “how?”, and we’ll get onto that in a moment, but first…
How many of these things do you want right now:
What if you could have all these things and more – would you be interested?
If you’re anything like me and most people, you’d be happy to get just one or two of the benefits listed above, right?
Keep reading to discover the secrets to a happier, healthier, longer and more fulfilling life.
And as you read through the rest of this website, allow yourself to imagine your life changing, starting today.
Imagine yourself feeling stronger, sharper, healthier, more energetic, more flexible, more powerful, more… alive.
Imagine all of your aches and pains disappearing, your worries and anxieties fading away.
Imagine yourself at your absolute best, your peak, the ultimate you.
You can become that person starting today, all thanks to…
Hello, my name is Sarah Short, and I’m a superfoods fanatic.
I don’t want to talk about myself too much since today is all about you, but I wanted to let you know how this website came about.
Like you, and like many other people, I spend my life looking for ways to improve my health and my body, to avoid illness and to live my life to the fullest.
I’ve always had an interest in diet, nutrition and wellbeing, and I strongly believe that what you put into your body determines what you get out of life.
Think of it like a car. If you put good quality fuel into the car it runs smoothly and goes at top speed.
If you put the wrong type of fuel into your car, the engine jams up and your car breaks down…
Your body is no different.
You have to put the right “fuel” in to get the best results.
Having lots of energy, sleeping soundly, being fit and active, staying young, keeping healthy and living longer… all these things are the result of having the right fuel for your body.
Put simply: to keep your body running at its best, you have to eat the right foods.
When you eat right, your body will turn into the perfect example of a healthy human being, and you’ll feel and see the change in yourself.
– You’ll start to notice all the little aches and pains that used to bother you are suddenly not there any more.
– You’ll start to notice that you sleep soundly as soon as your head hits the pillow, and that as soon as you wake up you’re ready to go.
– You’ll start to notice that you feel more energetic all day, and that you’re not ill as often.
– You’ll start to notice other people complimenting you on your youthful vitality, good skin and beauty.
I wanted all of these things just like you do today.
So I’ve spent my life trying to find the perfect foods and the ultimate diet. And…
Years of continual research has led me to a few key “super” foods over and over again.
The same foods kept appearing in scientific and nutritional research papers with some incredible claims:
Protection against cancer and heart disease, rapid and natural weight loss, immune system boosting, improvements in your vision, keeping your brain working at its best and literally hundreds of other benefits.
At first I was skeptical, as I’m sure you have been at some point.
But the more I looked into superfoods, the more it made simple and perfect sense.
But hold on a second, I’m getting ahead of myself…
Put simply, superfoods are foods which are absolutely jam packed with vitamins and minerals, more so than regular foods.
They’re also foods which have health benefits beyond their nutritional content.
Most of these extra add-on benefits come from various natural compounds found in plants and animals, called “phytonutrients”.
Some of these phytonutrients have special powers on their own (such as improving skin tone and eyesight), and some are “antioxidants”.
Antioxidants fight against free radicals (bad cells) in the body and are linked to prevention of many serious diseases, notably heart problems and cancers.
There is a huge amount of scientific research currently going on into phytonutrients and their effects on people, and some of it is showing extremely promising results…
For one thing, they’re completely natural.
In fact, the more natural and organic they are, the more powerful and healthy they become!
For another thing, we’ve been eating some of these foods for 5,000 years or more.
Even that long ago, our ancient ancestors knew these foods were good for their health.
Unfortunately, a lot of what they learned so long ago has been lost over time, and only now are we starting to rediscover it.
Superfoods have been used in traditional medicines almost since time began, but now is science starting to catch up with what traditional culture has known all along.
Advances in technology mean we better understand the biological processes inside our own bodies, and how these foods impact those processes in a good way.
Medical and nutritional scientific research is proving that these superfoods are not just good for you, they’re GREAT for you.
They support and supplement your body to make it the best it can be, in every way.
And all this means one thing…
It is now possible to carefully select your diet to get the best nutrition you’ve ever experienced.
And here’s how you can do it…
Obviously you don’t want to spend weeks or even months rummaging through boring and long-winded research papers, so I’ve done the hard work for you.
The “Simple Superfoods” list is a collection of the top 30 most nutritionally dense and most powerful superfoods on the planet today.
This list is the result of my extensive and thorough investigation into ancient culture, traditional medicine, huge demographic diet studies, and medical and scientific research papers.
I’ve pulled together absolutely everything and produced a definitive list of the most amazing 30 foods you will ever eat.
Best of all, these foods are all natural and available in your local supermarket!
Do you want any of these?
We all want to live longer to be with our families for as long as possible.
To see our children and grandchildren grow up and be happy, to enjoy our hobbies and passions and savour every single second of a passionate relationship.
The superfoods in the list not only have anti-aging properties, but they’ll also protect you from serious diseases like heart failure and cancers. With a lower the risk of those diseases, your life expectancy could be longer.
Heart disease is one of the world’s biggest killers today.
Caused by many things, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and weak or thin blood, heart disease kills one person every 34 seconds in the United States alone.
BUT… you can drastically reduce your chances of suffering from heart disease with the superfoods in my list, and live your life with a strong and healthy heart.
Disease and illness is a constant worry for everyone. Nobody wants to get hit with any bad news about their health.
Heart disease and cancers are the worst. I don’t need to tell you how serious it is if you develop one of these conditions.
The foods in my list are backed with scientific research which show they may be able to help prevent and reduce the effects of cancers, and help defend against other serious diseases ranging from diabetes to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Poor sleep patterns can seriously ruin your life, because every day becomes a struggle to stay awake and stay focused.
Interrupted sleep happens for many reasons, but most of them can be corrected with simple changes to your diet.
There is at least one superfood in the list which is reported to rebalance your internal “sleep clock” to help you sleep like a baby and get you back on track in no time.
Your brain is the most complex organ in your body, far beyond complete scientific understanding.
However, we DO know that certain foods can help keep your brain sharp, help avoid the natural decline in mental health as you get older, and fight off serious mental conditions.
Not only that, but keeping your brain sharp will also improve your concentration, memory, mental agility, alertness and much more.
Do you ever have days where you just don’t have the energy to do anything?
Once you introduce the “Simple Superfoods” into your daily routine, you won’t ever have them again!
My superfoods deliver long lasting natural energy that will keep you “on task”, focused, concentrated and always ready for the next challenge, all day, every day.
We’d all like to be a bit slimmer, and thankfully it’s not that hard once you know the secrets.
There are some foods which do two things: first, they help break down fat in the body so the body can use it more quickly, and secondly they stop fat from accumulating in the first place.
This powerful combination means you can easily and naturally control your weight and stay slim.
As we talked about earlier, your body is like a car. When you put the right fuel in, it runs like a Formula 1 race car!
My superfoods will let you do just that, and your body will become a model example of perfect human health and fitness.
You might have seen products on TV and in the news recently, promising amazing things if you eat a few berries or drink a magic potion.
They often sound incredible, but don’t be fooled by their marketing hype.
Or worse, they are simply lying to you.
Several companies have been sued and shut down for fraudulent marketing practises in recent years because of not being able to back up their claims with scientific fact.
But that’s not the case for the “Simple Superfoods” list.
You see, everything in the book is based on the research that the wider scientific community is doing, and on thousands of years of experience from ancient tradition and the world’s healthiest cultures.
These foods are NOT fads – they’re not going anywhere, they’re not expensive, they’re all natural and there’s no outrageous subscriptions to pay!
Some of the world’s oldest people attribute their jaw dropping longevity to the foods in this list.
For example, Jeanne Calment (the worlds oldest person ever) lived till she reached the unbelievable age of 122!
She listed 3 of my superfoods in her everyday diet and considered them part of the reason for her incredibly long life.
Now I’m not saying you’ll live till 122, but if you’ve ever wanted to:
Then this is your chance…
Plus, if you order today you’ll also receive a copy of my Natural Herbal Remedies guidebook.
This book is packed with tons of fantastic information on how herbology can complement superfoods to improve your health and wellbeing.
– Learn the natural health concepts: Hydrotherapy, Herbalism, Eclectic Medicine and Natural Hygiene.
– Learn which natural herbs have a combined medicinal and culinary purpose you can use to enhance your health and lifestyle.
– Learn the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs and how you can avoid the bad drugs and pills.
– Learn how the Chinese combine their natural medicinal herbs.
– Discover natural cures to treat all kinds of disorders…like the common cold or preventing influenza.
– Learn one of the oldest forms of health care dating back thousands of years. Alternatives that are very safe with no side-effects.
To make this an easy decision to for you, the “Simple Superfoods” package comes with a guarantee so strong even Superman himself couldn’t break it.
“Simple Superfoods” is a digital product. That means it comes as a PDF file which you can download onto your computer immediately after your payment.
No shipping, no waiting, just a list of the world’s most powerful natural foods in your hands, 3 minutes from now…
Use the form below to order your copy of the “Simple Superfoods” list right now, and begin your journey to health and happiness today.
YES! I want to sleep better, be more awake, have more energy, have smoother and firmer skin, pretect myself from disease, be healthier and live life to the max.
I understand I’m buying a digital ebook which I can download immediately after my payment, even if it’s 2am in the morning.
I understand that “Simple Superfoods” is covered by a 60 day money-back guarantee, and that all I have to do is send an email to Sarah to get a refund.
Click the big yellow button below to order.
If you’re unsure whether “Simple Superfoods” is right for you, consider this.
Today, you stand at a crossroads.
To your left is your life as it is now.
The same aches and pains, interrupted sleep, bad skin, dodgy digestion, slow days that seem to drag and the constant worry of illness.
To your right is your new life, and a new you.
A new you who glows with life and vitality every day. Who sleeps soundly, and springs out of bed in the morning, excited about the day.
A new you who hardly ever gets ill, has beautiful soft skin, healthy hair and nails, a mind sharper than Albert Einstein and a heart as strong as an ox.
Which path you take is up to you…
But I know which I’d recommend!
Change is hard. It can be scary, and difficult to commit to something new.
But this change will be the best you’ve ever made, I promise you that. Plus, it’ll probably be the easiest, the most fun, and the most rewarding!
Click here to order now, and I’ll see you in the members download area.
Sarah ShortAuthor and Creator, SimpleSuperfoods.com
P.S. – You’re obviously unhappy with something in your life at the moment, or you wouldn’t have ended up on my website. You can change whatever it is you’re unhappy about using my superfoods guide, starting today. Sleep better, have better skin, be healthier, improve your memory and concentration, be full of energy, protect against heart disease and cancer… you can do all these things and more. Go ahead and order and get started in a few minutes.
P.P.P.S. – Remember, when you download “Simple Superfoods” you are protected by our full money-back guarantee for 60 days. For any reason at any time in the next 60 days, send me an email and I’ll refund your money. You have nothing to lose by giving it a try, and a whole lot to gain. Download the guide now and get started!
ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics, Inc. SimpleSuperfoods.com is not affiliated with, or endorsed by, ClickBank, Click Sales Inc., or Keynetics, Inc.
Click here to get Superfoods Made Simple at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Superfoods Made Simple is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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custardtoast · 6 years
hmm small (edit: really lengthy) rant about my life rn
I just had a week off school and it was a much needed break... I did volunteer for 3/5 of the days so it wasn’t a crazy break, since I still had quite a bit of stress about those 3 days
I am currently in that typical position of “I didn’t do anything productive pertaining to school work all week so now I feel guilty and I should stay up and get something done” but at the same time... I feel like I always beat myself up so much when I know that I was quite busy with other things, and school work isn’t always the only priority. Granted, I did watch a kdrama lol and didn’t sleep until 2-4 am on most days, while waking up close to noon.... but I feel like I needed that. I just hate how i can never fully relax but I also can’t bring myself to work... but that is the ultimate student dilemma. I wish I had better self-control and organizational skills to balance everything
On a related note, I’ve been thinking rly hard about what I want to do after I graduate from uni... I was thinking about applying to a summer internship for half of the summer, but I need a reference letter and the deadline is this week, so I feel like its sort of inappropriate to ask any of my profs at this point... I also was thinking about just bumming around for the entire summer and being productive in other areas of my life ... like I’ve been thinkin about starting a youtube channel (lol me and everyone else in this internet world) bc I’ve just been so inspired by all these amazing ppl who show their struggles to everyone and at the end of the day they’re all beautiful ppl... I really like the idea of sharing my life w all these internet friends bc frankly, I don’t really share my life with anyone irl (i know that sounds super sad but it’s true... i dont feel like im close w anyone anymore and once i graduate from uni i feel like i’m gonna be cut off from everyone I currently talk to and I feel like no one would rly make the effort to talk to me otherwise)
so idk i kinda wanted to start a vlog/lifestyle channel so I could just chat to the camera, since i rly do have a lot of thoughts i’d like to share, but i’m just too scared to share them with anyone i actually know irl. it feels easier to just talk it out to no one in particular like a diary, but then have ppl (hopefully) care about it. but at the same time there are TONS of lifestyle channels out there and i dont think i have a particular “tv personality”? 
also filming those kinda videos have nothing to do w my university degree and idk i feel like.... it’s important to be well-rounded but i don’t want my degree to be for nothing, so i also have to think about what i want to do as my future career. which is really tough because... i’m in the sciences, i currently do clinical research in a lab, and it’s okay... i love the learning aspect but i’m not a fan of the actual scientific research process. i can’t really explain why but you’re just... studying something so small for so so so long and it’s hard to feel like you’re making any progress. but i suppose the beauty of the field is if/when you actually make progress and a contribution. i’m also scared about the whole competition in the field and constantly keeping yourself afloat with grants, idk if i want to dedicate my life to that. and to be honest i dont think im smart enough or that much of a critical thinker to become a researcher and get a phd, although i would really love to be a university professor (too bad u have to have a phd loool)
some other options are going to med school, optometry school, becoming a dietician or a physician’s assistant... med school is the scary one bc i always think about.... why would i want to be a doctor over another medical professional? do i actually have the qualities to be a good doctor, or am i just doing it bc of the image or the pressure? do i actually enjoy working with patients?? ofc those questions apply to the other options as well but... im always doubting myself and i feel like that quality alone is not very ideal for being a doctor. i would feel more comfortable being an optometrist, dietician, or physician’s assistant bc it feels like... even if you mess up there are still other people to back you up, whereas with a doctor, you are the one running the game. which is super important and impressive, but i just don’t know if i could handle with the stress and if i have the capabilities to make unwavering decisions. just cuz i know im so indecisive.... man. i got rejected from med school which is why im rethinking all of this. i might go to grad school next year, either in nutrition or continuing in physiology. i really like topics in nutrition and a masters in nutrition is only a year long, but i would have to find a new supervisor and im not a super huge fan of research (like i’ve said before)... but it seems better than a 2 year masters in physiology. i could stick with my current physiology supervisor, but that also means im stuck studying the same thing as i am now for 2 years. and idk if i love it that much.... agh... i dont know......... i wish someone could tell me what’s the best path... but i know no one can... and i know that no one is gonna read this huuuuuge text.... im just rambling at this point bc i have no one i feel comfortable personally messaging all of this to
being indecisive.... leads me to my next point. which is strange, but i really want to get a tattoo after i graduate. ive been thinking about what to get, and ofc, due to my indecisive nature, i can never really decide, but i think... i kinda know what i want? i just need to think of a good placement for it bc i dont want it to be visible in my every day life, just due to the judgemental nature of the field that im in right now and possibly will be in the future (eg. if i work in the medical field, i will most definitely be judged if i have visible tattoos, maybe less by the younger demographic but by the older ones for sure, and that can affect the whole patient-doctor interaction, or even interaction with mentors?) so if u have any tattoos, i’d love to know what you have (if you’re comfortable w sharing) and why, so it helps me justify getting my own lol (even though that doesnt rly make sense.. i should just get it if i want it, but im still debating)
guhhhh my brain has run out of juice and i should go to bed, im really trying to not sleep at 2 am today. i wish i could fall asleep faster. im not gonna give myself heck for not getting anything done during reading week, or tonight, cuz i know i’ve been going through some rough mental patches, but i hope if i sleep earlier, wake up a bit earlier, take back more control of my life, i can be more productive and less stressed. pls wish me luck.
i rly want... to make meaningful connections and impacts in this world.
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Female candidates are targeting 3 key Senate seats in 2018
Three congresswomen — Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Arizona Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, and Nevada Rep. Jacky Rosen — are strong contenders for Senate seats in 2018.
Sinema and Rosen, both moderate Democrats, are challenging the most vulnerable incumbents: two Republicans who have been critical of Trump.
And Blackburn represents the rise of ultra-conservative GOP women running for elected office.
In the months leading up to last November, many predicted that 2016 would be the next "Year of the Woman."
The October 2016 release of the "Access Hollywood" tape, in which Trump boasted about sexually assaulting women, would be another Anita Hill moment calling attention to gender disparities in politics in much the same way that Hill's sexual harassment allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas did in 1992, a year that saw significant gains for women in public office.
Instead, female candidates came up short in 2016. As they have for the past few decades, they made small, but steady, gains in the Senate in 2016, their numbers risings from 20 to 21, with female senators of color growing from one to four.
And in 2018, three women are in strong positions to pick up Senate seats, two of them in states that have never elected a woman senator.
Courting swing voters in the Sun Belt 
Two of the most vulnerable senators up for reelection in 2018 are GOP incumbents: Nevada Sen. Dean Heller and Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake.
Heller, who has distanced himself from Trump on immigration and healthcare policy, will be challenged by first-term Democratic Rep. Jacky Rosen, a computer scientist and synagogue president. And Flake, one of the GOP's most vocal Trump critics, will face Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, an openly gay two-term Democrat with a compelling life story.
Both incumbents will be primaried by more conservative candidates, both of whom are backed by Trump's former chief strategist Steve Bannon, who has vowed to challenge every incumbent Republican senator in 2018 in an effort to undermine the GOP establishment.
Sinema and Rosen are banking on those primary races to move the senators father to the right and alienate swing voters.
Lucinda Guinn, vice president for campaigns at Emily's List, told Business Insider that as Heller and Flake are forced to stake out more conservative positions, they will "get more and more out of touch with their states, with those they represent, than they already are."
Emily's List, a political action committee that works to elect Democratic women who support abortion rights, was quick to endorse Rosen and Sinema and has already begun campaigning against their opponents, launching a series of attack ads on Heller in August.
The rise of 'hardcore' conservative women
AP Photo/Zach Gibson, File
Meanwhile, veteran congresswoman Marsha Blackburn is running as a Trump-supporting, far-right conservative to replace retiring Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, a prominent Republican who recently broke with Trump.
In an October campaign ad announcing her Senate bid, Blackburn sold herself as a strong Trump backer — a "hardcore, card-carrying Tennessee conservative" and "politically incorrect and proud of it."
Syracuse University professor Danielle Thomsen has found that that since the 1980s, Republican women elected to Congress have become more conservative (along with the rest of their party) and their numbers have declined in recent years, while Democratic women have made steady gains both in the House and Senate. Just five of the 52 Republicans in the Senate in 2017 are women. Of the 46 Democrats in the Senate, 16 are women.
Blackburn — along with Kelli Ward, Flake's conservative primary challenger — epitomizes the rightward ideological shift among Republican women elected to Congress over the past several years.
In her 2017 book on partisan polarization in Congress, Thomsen used Blackburn, who has been in Congress since 2oo2, as a benchmark for ideology, and found that between 1980 and 1992, just 6% of incoming Republican members of Congress were more conservative than Blackburn. But between 2006 and 2010, 42% were as or more conservative than the Tennessee congresswoman.
Among female candidates, Thomsen found that ultra-conservative candidates are 20 times more likely to run for office than moderates are.
Alex Wong/Getty Images
Avoiding identity politics
In her 2016 campaign memoir, "What Happened," former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton wrote about how her campaign struggled to find a sweet spot in its messaging around gender and the historic nature of Clinton's candidacy. She wrote that key demographics, including undecided voters in swing states, didn't respond well to Clinton's focus on her gender.
"Many of our core supporters were very excited by the idea of finally breaking the glass ceiling," Clinton wrote. "But some younger women didn't see what the big deal was. And many undecided women in battleground states didn't want to hear about it at all. Some were afraid that by leaning into the fact that I was a woman, my campaign would end up turning away men — a disheartening but all-too-real possibility."
Some predict that all three female Senate candidates will avoid talking explicitly about their gender during their campaigns.
Despite the fact that, if elected, Blackburn would be the first ever female senator from Tennessee, she mentions her gender only in passing in her nearly three-minute campaign ad.
After quoting former President Andrew Jackson — "One man with courage makes a majority" — Blackburn adds, "Courage comes in both genders and I'm running for the US Senate because I'll fight every day to make our Republican majority act like one."
But Blackburn's "100 percent pro-life" position — what she calls "pro-baby and pro-woman" — positions her as an outspoken activist in a highly gendered debate around reproductive rights.
Notably, Blackburn touts her work investigating Planned Parenthood following the release of secretly filmed videos purporting to show healthcare providers discussing the sale of fetal tissue for scientific research.
"I fought Planned Parenthood and we stopped the sale of baby body parts, thank God," she says in the ad.
The claim is manifestly untrue — the investigation never found that Planned Parenthood engaged in the sale of fetal tissue — and it prompted Twitter to block the ad from promotion on the platform, sparking an outcry among conservatives who accused the "liberal elite" and Silicon Valley of censoring their speech.
Because Simena and Rosen will both target Trump supporters and swing voters, their campaigns will likely avoid discussing glass ceilings or "playing the woman card," as Trump famously accused Clinton of doing in 2016.
"They need to gain voters that are sometimes turned off by 'identity politics,'" Kelly Dittmar, a professor at Rutgers University's Center for American Women and Politics, told Business Insider.
But, Dittmar added, regardless of whether Sinema, for example, discusses her sexuality during the campaign, it will play a role in her race.
Sinema, who would be the first woman senator from Arizona, makes no mention of her gender in the ad announcing her candidacy, which focuses on her life story — she lived in an abandoned gas station for three years as a child — and a positive, uniting message reminiscent of Clinton's "stronger together" tagline.
And while evidence abounds that Democratic and progressive women are more politically engaged than at any time in recent history, they are not the voters who will make the difference in Arizona and Nevada.
"They can't win on the Democratic progressive women who are super engaged and want to see more women in politics," Dittmar said.
NOW WATCH: Tom Price resigns after controversy over private flights — here are the casualties of the Trump administration so far
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse Review (UPDATED 2017): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse is a product that aims to eradicate candida with use. This product works to fight yeast overgrowth that leads to vaginal infections, digestive problems and brain fog.
Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse relies primarily on an herb called horopito, which may have some antifungal properties. This product is meant to be taken orally on an ongoing basis.
Femmetrinol has proven time and time again, that it is the most effective tool in helping combat some of the most uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. Made with from key feminine support herbs like the phytoestrogenic black cohosh, as well as wild yam and chasteberry—which both work to boost progesterone levels, this formula is ideal for getting back in balance. Users can expect relief from hot flashes, night sweats, headaches and more. Click here to learn more about taking Femmetrinol for your daily menopause needs.
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Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse Ingredients and Side Effects
Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse has a fairly short list of active ingredients included in the formula, as per the product label. Based on our evaluation, it seems that this product has a very narrow focus—killing candida in the body. Here’s a look at the key components in this product:
Horopito Extract  Olive Oil
Horopito Extract: Horopito is an herbal ingredient that has long been used for medicinal purposes by New Zealand’s Maori people. Traditionally, the horopito leaves were used to treat toothaches and stomach aches, as well as coughs, colds and more.
Horopito is also thought to have anti-fungal properties, which may help reduce candida overgrowth in the body—treating digestive issues and yeast infections with use.
Olive Oil: Olive oil contains both caprylic and lauric acids, which are known for their anti-candida properties and potential to strengthen the immune system.
Click this link to get the latest thinking on which plant-based menopause pills offer safe and effective relief.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven menopause pill such as Femmetrinol for better results.
Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse Quality of Ingredients
Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse really only contains a couple of anti-candida ingredients, and as a result, it seems that this product only has one indication—to kill off excess candida.
There are a number of studies that have been conducted on horopito and its use as an anti-candida supplement, but it’s worth mentioning that if this product does what it sets out to do.
Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse does not do anything to replace any lost bacteria or yeast with good bacteria, so any efforts at maintaining a healthy balance of microflora will need to be provided by additional probiotics.
Overall, this product seems like a good product, with science standing behind it—which is more than we can say about many of the products we review.
Unfortunately, for our purposes, this product may not be right for most of the women in our target demographic. While menopause may bring about a range of changes that lead to frequent vaginal infections or dryness, this is a separate issue than candida—an issue meant to be solved through hormone balancing herbs, or in some cases, hormone replacement therapy.
If you think you have candida, it’s a good idea to get tested before resorting to taking care of the issue without supervision. Otherwise, you may end up killing off some of your body’s essential organisms.
Check our website for the latest reviews on the menopause products you need in your life.
The Price and Quality of Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse
Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse is offered through the official Kolorex website, but the company is based in New Zealand, so international shipping might get expensive for potential consumers.
Fortunately for US consumers, this product is available through a broad range of online channels. Amazon, Swansons Vitamins, Lucky Vitamin and more. Amazon sells this product for around $30 for a one-month supply, with free shipping available for Prime members.
It’s hard to say whether or not Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse is a good value. While reviews are generally pretty positive and horopito has a number of studies documenting its use as an anti-fungal agent, users are paying $30 a month for a supplement with one active ingredient, and nothing present that ensures consumers replace any lost bacteria.
Take a peek at the menopause creams, pills and suppositories you didn’t know you needed. More details by clicking this link.
Business of Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse
Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse is made by the New Zealand-based company, Kolorex. Unfortunately, this company does not provide any contact details outside of a form included on the website.
Kolorex is a natural supplements seller, that has based its entire business model on the anti-fungal herb, horopito. A whole page of the website is dedicated to discussing the scientific links between horopito and candida, as well as how horopito can help with foot fungus and maintaining positive vaginal health.
The site features a range of products; supplements for bone health, body building, sleep, diet and more. The about us section is fairly extensive, giving users a chance to learn more about what they do, and their guiding principles.
Customer Opinions of Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse
Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse has a fair amount of reviews, most of which are positive. There were some people who claimed this product did not work for them, but it’s worth pointing out users will might experience a wide range of effectiveness when using this herbal solution. Here’s a look at some of the feedback we encountered in our research:
“If you are dealing with yeast problems, this product is perfect for you. It’s essentially like swallowing napalm—it gets the job done in short order. So far no tolerance build up and no negative side effects.”
“I think this is working! I find that it’s a good idea to take some omega 3s and probiotics along with the candida cleanse to replenish any lost microflora. Don’t take this with food, it tends to make me nauseous.”
“Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse is has been a gift from the gods. I get candida here and there, and this always gets me feeling back to normal after just a few days. Recommend this to anyone with yeast woes.”
“I’ve been dealing with candida for years. My doctor always gave me medications for yeast infections and they never worked. This has been super effective.”
Overall, it seems like most people who used Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse were pleased with the results. But, it’s worth noting, most reviewers did have some sort of ongoing issue with candida, beyond frequent yeast infections.
Another thing we should point out is, while the commenter above did not have a good experience when taking this supplement with food, the instructions on the package claim otherwise. Different bodies have different needs, so some may find this product goes down smoother without food.
It’s clear that horopito is a solid ingredient—it’s just interesting that it hasn’t been picked up on a massive level by other supplement companies.
Learn about the lesser known herbs that do it all — from keeping yeast at bay to treating hot flashes. More here.
Conclusion – Does Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse Work?
Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse has a number of positive reviews, but it’s clear that this product simply isn’t designed for purposes beyond eliminating candida from the body.
That being said, this product does appear to be good at what it sets out to do, and relies primarily on horopito to deliver the advertised benefits. We like that Kolorex has dedicated so much time in researching the link between candida and horopito, and that there are documented studies, from reputable outside sources proving its use as a potent antifungal.
While Kolorex Advance Candida Cleanse seems like it might be a good product for candida, we’d like to iterate once again that this doesn’t necessarily mean this product is for everyone experiencing vaginal irritation. It’s designed for candida overgrowth. Taking an antifungal when it’s not necessary may have a negative impact on the microflora populations inside the body, killing off essential organisms along with the yeast.
Menopausal users experiencing vaginal issues may want to go to a doctor to find a solution before using this particular product. Why? Menopause causes a drop off in hormones which may cause all sorts of issues stemming from vaginal dryness or a change in pH. In many cases, getting hormones back in balance through the use of a supplement, as well as taking a probiotic may do the trick.
Femmetrinol stands out in a sea of menopause products for its ability to really do it all. Users can expect to find meaningful relief from hot flashes, low libido, insomnia, night sweats and more because of a high quality, hormone-balancing blend of herbs—black cohosh, wild yam and chasteberry, to name a few.
Femmetrinol is made from ingredients that have been extensively tested in order to provide customers with the best possible product. Learn more about the herbs that make Femmetrinol a must-have for anyone in menopause.
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