#its hilarious thank you hermit fandom
tubbytarchia · 2 months
Ok Jizzie is one thing but I'm sorry. Cumscarian?????? Wow that takes the cake wow good job fandom I don't think it's gonna get better than this
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I’m Leaving Tumblr: A Farewell to my Followers
I haven't been very active on this blog lately. If you're observant, you've probably noticed it. If I really wanted to, I could probably just leave it that way; everyone would eventually take me off their followed list as an inactive blog and absently wonder where I went. But I don't really want to do that.
In his poem “The Hollow Men,” T. S. Elliot wrote, “This is how the world ends: not with a bang, but with a whimper.” In my case, though I'm not a popular blog by any stretch, and though this arguably isn't a website that deserves the fanfare, I don't want to leave with a bang, but at least with a whisper: “Thanks for the memories. I'll be on my way now.”
To do that properly, I have to take you on a little ride. 
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In my time on this website, I:
Joined tumblr in June of 2017 for the purposes of posting art.
Proceeded to not post a lot of art.
Found the Captain America, Voltron, and Ninjago fandoms on here and got swept up in those instead.
Got my first 100 notes on a post about Dr. Julien. Dabbed in celebration.
Made a post about Shiro and Bucky maybe being friends.
Bought a mug from mintmintdoodles—and liked it!
Went on a missions trip. Came back.
Reblogged a LOT of fandom stuff.
Saw Wonder Woman, which was good.
Celebrated my first Steve's Birthday—I mean Fourth of July on the site.
Made lots of Clone!Shiro theory posts. 
Made a dumb “who in Voltron likes anime?” post. 
Fell in love with Matt Holt.
Started posting “Grass Whistle”, my first multi-chapter fanfic. 
Got a job, which kinda put the kabosh on the fanfic for a bit.
Bought a print from mechinaries.
Found a bunch of my other fandoms on this site including Lord of the Rings, How to Train Your Dragon, and Hamilton.
Celebrated my first Christmas on the site. 
Participated in the Ninjago Secret Santa, where I actually got my friend Candaru's prompt and it was hilarious.
Kinda ghosted through the first winter months of 2018 as my job occupied more and more of my time. 
Resumed posting Grass Whistle in the spring of 2018 and finally finished it, to a wonderful reception.
Saw Black Panther and loved it!
Started posting “The Run and Go”, to a better reception on FF.net than this site.
Saw Thor: Ragnarok and wished we got to see that hug.
Witnessed the best season of Voltron (S6) before everything went downhill.
Went on vacation. Came back.
Wrote and posted “Brother”.
Posted art celebrating Candaru's story “Several Dead LEGOs Play Cards”.
Went on the missions trip again. Came back.
Saw Infinity War and was in DENIAL.
Reconnected with a friend with whom I'd been through a really rough patch over the past couple of years, and began to mend our friendship.
Posted a really long queue of LotR stuff for no particular reason.
Watched Voltron end; it was terrible.
Started a new year and continued to keep the blog busy with lots of queues.
Watched Alita: Battle Angel and it was AMAZING.
Posted a really long How to Train Your Dragon queue for no particular reason.
Continued to dread Endgame.
Watched Endgame. Stayed in denial.
Fell behind on Ninjago seasons.
Watched the Voltron and Ninjago blogs I follow fade into inactivity until I was left with nothing but gifs of Endgame and my own sadness.
Kept the charade going until the summer of 2019 hit and I realized that I'm doing out of obligation what should be for fun.
I don't really know how to state this in a kind way, but neither the circumstances that brought me here nor the conditions that kept me here exist any longer. This is a fandom blog, and it's a tough break when you've fallen either out of step or out of love with your fandoms. Keeping up the queue is the only way that my blog stays active on my work days, but it isn't fun. This blog stays inactive because upkeeping it is a chore—a chore that I keep putting off, and a chore that no one asked me to do.
2 Timothy 2:20-21 says, “In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.”
I never really understood that. What does Paul have against common things? Does he have beef with clay? But I think I get it now—it's a simple matter of removing clutter. Cleaning out what's unnecessary so that the only things that remain are the best ones.
I'm not leaving tumblr because I have any anger against the site or any one person or fandom or whatever. I'm not leaving because something cataclysmic happened, or because I was abducted by aliens and their planet has bad wifi. I'm leaving because I've had some time to think, and I've decided that it's for my best mental health that I leave this chapter behind. Plain and simple.
Those who know me personally probably know that my prayer for 2019 has been centered around a single word: Restoration. The past few years have been hard ones for me, and it's time to rebuild and restore what's been broken. Sometimes repairing a house means tearing out the moldy walls first. Sometimes being your best self means eliminating distractions.
Because that's what these are—distractions, layered on distractions. Marvel distracted me from the real world, and Voltron distracted me between Marvel movies, and Ninjago distracted me when Voltron turned sour. When those fell through, I turned to old fandoms to distract myself. And when I finally extricated myself from that mess, made amends with some people, looked up, and faced my situation for what it is, I realized that it's not something I can maintain.
I'll still keep the blog up. I won't deactivate it, because deactivated blogs make me sad and wonder if there's some tragedy here that I don't know about. Especially since the platonic prompts post continues to make rounds, I want people to be able to come back to this blog if they wish and see what the original poster was like—someone who loves friendship in fandoms, celebrates it, and spent two years creating a safe haven of nothing but positive, pro-bromance content. If this blog was ever a safe haven for anybody, I want them to still have it available in its entirety. Even if it should never have been work, I did work hard on this. I don't want that to go to waste.
As for those I follow, there will still be some blogs that I check on from time to time—particularly the ones that my personal friends run—but I likely won't be interacting with the posts. If you know me in real life, you can still contact me through email or my fanfiction account. I'll be there.
But starting today, I'm taking the tumblr app off of my phone. I might come back sometime, but I don't see it happening. No offense or hard feelings to anybody—I'm just done for now.
If I ever made anyone smile, I think this would all be worth it. If I made someone laugh, or think, or cry, or if I inspired them to write something or draw something or create something that had never existed before, I think it would all be worth it. If I can truly say that I was a positive Christian influence in my short time here—that I touched somebody—I think it would be worth it.
After all, life isn't about followers. It's about friends. It isn't about notes. It's about whose lives you touched, whose day you made just a little bit better. And I know that all of you (except for the pornbots) are real people, and I want you to know that, to the best of my ability, I care about every single one of you. I want all of you to live happy lives, and I hope that God makes Himself very, very real to you and fills you with a love that words can't explain and a joy that our hearts can't contain and a hope that our minds can't imagine in our wildest dreams.
I wish all 119 of you well. I wish everyone who has ever crossed my path through this blog well. I hope I could make you smile. It's been fun, and I've met some great people and made some wonderful friends, and I'm glad to have been here.
Thank you to my friends. Thank you to anyone who ever liked or reblogged my art. Thank you to everyone who reblogs the platonic prompts post—it's just over 3,000 notes as I write this, which is about the size of my church, and while that isn't terribly a lot I guess it's still wild to think about.
I especially want to thank the Ninjago community for always being so enthusiastic, warm, and wholesome my whole time on this website, from giving me my first 100 notes on the Dr. Julien headcanon post just a few days into my time here to your staggering and sincere support of Grass Whistle a year later. Never stop being your wonderful selves—it was wonderful to interact with all of you.
Thanks for the memories. I mean that.
Here's a picture of one of my hermit crabs, Clover, on a tiny boat I got in Michigan. Peace out!
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—Sincerely, EA
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autumnalsaffron · 5 years
This is a rambley post about how I found Grian/Hermitcraft and my first impressions. This is mostly because I want to just sit and type this out - I know that this is too long for anyone to actually bother reading :^)
So I only found Hermitcraft like a month ago. I had been watching Jack and Felix play Minecraft on their single player worlds and so Minecraft was in my reccomended.
I was reccomend Grian's video called 'I made a Mumbo Proof House in Minecraft' and I didn't know who he or Mumbo was, I ignored it. It kept popping up in my reccomended but I thought it seemed clickbaity and assumed he was one of those Minecraft channels that press F5 too much and are just too over the top for my taste. Anyway, I succumbed to the YouTube algorithm and watched it. It was confusing but I enjoyed it.
I remember I wasn't weirded out by the moustache-less Mumbo paintings in the house because I didn't know what he was supposed to look like! There were so so so many inside jokes in the video and it was very confusing but I just kind of went with it and enjoyed the wacky house. Anyway long story short, I watched Mumbo's reaction to his house next and again it had many inside jokes I couldn't follow but they seemed nice. I remembered Grian at one point when talking about his lack of a storage system saying "...if you know me from Hermitcraft... " and that's what prompted me to check it out to see if I could get some context for all the inside jokes I couldn't understand.
I remember I watched one of the more recent episodes that had come out and Mumbo was being killed by his own Zombie to promote Sahara Now (not that I knew what what was lol). When Grian went to rename the Zombie he said "It feels like the beginning of the season!" and I after watching him hide from Mumbo and almost being caught, I decided to check out the beginning of the "season" (not that I knew what that meant or that there had been 5 other seasons.) I remember being really surprised that there were 90+ videos in the Hermitcraft playlist but I decided to give it a go anyway.
The first episode was really really fun to watch. I was very impressed that his starter base was so creative and well executed that I immediately watched the next episode. Equally great. I'm sure I watched like 2 hours of Hermitcraft that day because every episode was just a joy to watch.
I think Hermitcraft Recap got reccomended to me pretty soon after that and I loved it too. The Recap is a fantastic way to keep up with everything happening on the island without watching 20+ different people's episodes (especially when you're a year and a half late to a series like I was lol).
As I watched more and more of Grian's episodes I would go back to that original Mumbo Proof House video that sparked my interest in Hermitcraft and I would understand more and more of the references and inside jokes that had previously gone over my head.
Around this time I had checked out a few other Hermit's channels, and had seen that their subscriber counts were in the hundreds of thousands. Because of this, when I looked at how many subs Grian had, I read the 4.22M as 422k. I thought Grian had 400k lmao. I was a bit surprised when I realised that I had misread that number by a few million.
At this point I was spending any moment I had available to watch Grian's Hermitcraft episodes, and I was determined to get up to date as fast as I could. I worked it out and the most I watched in one day was episodes 35-56 which came to about 8.8 hours!
I would often watch episodes in split screen mode while working on my iPad and so pages in my note taking app, Notability, have little doodles of things they said that I wrote cause I was bored. Just little phrases like "no one wants to be tagged", "don't clog your mail system with chickens", "INFINITE EGGS", "Punching obsidian takes 36 minutes" "they touched Ren and Doc's bush" and "sweed in shorts"! Also little doodles of things like moustaches, Phantoms, the Jangler's hat and Iskall in golf shorts!
I love looking through the Hermitcraft related hashtags and seeing all the fan art and posts about it - you can really feel the sense of community here.
I've made a few pieces of fan art only one of which I actually finished enough to post (it didn't get much traction so feel free to check if out here).
I really enjoyed watching/listening to Mumbo and Iskall's old End Busting livestreams while drawing - they have such a wonderful friendship and their voices are so calming 💕
Also the Salmon Pickle Ghost?? Is the most infuriating and confusing but also hilarious thing I've ever seen?! What??
Sometimes when I find a moment in someone's episode especially entertaining or funny and it doesn't need too much context, I screen record it and send it to my irl friend who barely knows what I'm talking about but it's nice to share it with someone :^)
I think that might actually be the end of my story. I doubt anyone has read this but it was such an amazing time taking a trip down Memory Lane (not that it was that long ago, I started on about the 14th and finished watching all 38 hours of Grian's Hermitcraft on the 25th of September.)
I missed out on being part of the fandom during the big events like the Civil War, the Great Build Off of 1.14, or Sahara opening, but I'm here now and I got to witness the tail end of the Area 77/Hippie scenario, Hot Potato mini game, and now Demise (which somehow found its way onto Tumblr too which was fun)!
I'm not such a huge fan of Grian as I was a month ago - In fact I am catching up on Iskall's videos from a few months ago because I quite like the way he does his episodes too.
I find Hermitcraft.com really helpful for keeping up to date with what's going on and who's live without having to be subscribed to every Hermit on the sever which would be a bit chaotic.
In conclusion, I really like Hermitcraft! I'm very glad I found it and the community surrounding it (it's the only reason I'm actually active on Tumblr at all). I'm excited for the Demise game Sahara and 1.15 and all future developments and events!
Please tell me if you actually read this, I'm really curious although I doubt anyone will because like 2 real people follow me lol.
Thank you!!
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hexenmeisterer · 5 years
listen up hermits
if you’re ever in the situation where you’re staring at netflix wondering what to watch next, FEAR NOT BECAUSE I HAVE THE UNEQUIVOCALLY CORRECT ANSWER FOR YOU. 
do me and yourself and your dad a favor and watch the two-part due South episode “Mountie on the Bounty.” (invite your dad to watch it with you, because he will like it too. its appeal is universal.)
This fuckin episode of a Canadian ‘90s buddy cop show’s got everything anyone could possibly want:
Pirates? yep. Sea shanties? check!!! Fake ghosts? Oh yeah Real ghosts? you kNOW IT Bars of gold? IN PYRAMIDS. An all-permeating sense of absurdist humor? y e a h Fascinating real-life backstory? check nautical derring-do action choreography? … .. i don’t answer stupid questions And, of course, that heavy-duty slash fodder our hearts all still yearn for after all these years.
The emotional heart of this silly, silly episode is the relationship-defining moment between the two main characters on this show. And like.. .. oh boy.. You’re going to have a fucking field day man
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(It’s easy to see how this was The Ship in slash circles in the late 90s. fun fact: due South was one of the first fandoms to find its way onto the internet from fanzines! [major sidebar: and as such was the host to one of the first online fandom wars, which was a fucking doozy and also hilarious: the Due South Religious Wars of ‘96.]) Anyways, the action, comedy, and relationship arc all work together seamlessly— it’s an episode that really knows it’s a big one, and it’s not afraid to spend a fuckton of both the show’s financial budget and like budget of emotional currency on unbridled, tropey, silly JOY at every turn.
(Alright, you’ve watched the episode. And you are wondering what’s going on with that fascinating real-life backstory I promised. Both of these two parts involve actual real tragic shipwrecks. Well here we go)
Part One: The Real-Life Robert Mackenzie
OK so you know that absolute banger of a song that carries the whole two-part episode from start to finish? Here’s the music video:
That guy look familiar? YEah, that’s because the song was written and performed specifically for the episode by Paul Gross, the guy who... wrote and starred in the episode. He originally intended the episode to revolve around the legendary Canadian folk song by Gordon Lightfoot, “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.” It is a true-to-life account of an actual shipwreck that killed 29 people in 1975 on Lake Superior. When Paul Gross asked for permission to use the song in the episode, Gordon Lightfoot said he wouldn’t allow it unless they got permission from the families of all the men who had died. So, instead of calling up those 29 grieving families to ask if he could use their loved ones’ death story as a plot device for Canadian action-adventure-comedy hijinks (which like… I’m not sure what you were thinking would happen there buddy), he decided to change the story slightly and write his own song. Epilogue: Once upon a time Paul Gross said, "My ambition is to one day be driving a truck out on my parents' ranch and hear one of my songs on the radio. My life could be complete."
His dream (sort of) came true sometime between then and now:
"I was driving to the dump and the Robert Mackenzie came on. Very exciting. Much more exciting than the dump."
Part Two: The Real-Life Bounty
That ship that really makes the episode shine in all its Pirates of the Caribbean realness was a sized-up replica of the HMS Bounty, originally built in 1960 in Nova Scotia for the Marlon Brando movie “Mutiny on the Bounty.” It was originally supposed to get burned for the final scene, but Marlon Brando threatened to quit the movie if the ship was really destroyed, so it survived! The Bounty went on to do lots of tours and movies and educational programs in the next 50 years. But alas, tall ships are expensive as fuck to maintain, and it was kind of falling apart. It had a tentative, if shaky, plan to become funded by a Down Syndrome awareness foundation and, with people with Down syndrome on the crew, attempt to become the first tall ship to sail the Northwest Passage.
Tragically though, in 2012, the Bounty sailed into Hurricane Sandy and capsized, killing the captain and one crew member. There were a lot of real questionable and inexplicable choices that went into that— if you’re curious to read more about the Bounty’s story, here’s an engaging article exploring how it all went so wrong.
Before she went down in Hurricane Sandy though, she was a filming location, not only to Pirates of the Carribean movies, but also to Pirates, the high-budget porn version of Pirates of the Carribean. (which, sidenote, got a bunch of AVN awards and a 2-paragraph mention in the New York Times?) In conclusion, 
a) ring a bell for all who have died at sea and 
b) watch Mounty on the Bounty. Thank you and good night 
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atamascolily · 6 years
I've been reading a lot of Star Wars fic on A03 recently, and I discovered I have certain favorite subgenres. Here are a few of them, along with some fic recommendations in each category.
Subgenre: The Skywalkers Are Eldritch Horrors
-wonderterror, by peradi - Quite possibly my favorite Star Wars fic EVER. Well-written, zinging delightfully between humor and horror, with the best sex scene I've found yet in this fandom (SFW, too). Also: the premise really explains so much about the Skywalkers that canon leaves kinda vague. Brilliant! -Luke Skywalker, 19, Full Human, by samvelg - Similar premise as the above, but goes in a drastically different direction with emotional heart-to-hearts as Han tries to figure out WTF is so different about Luke and Leia and the implications for the galaxy.
Subgenre: Naive Luke Meets Water and Trees Fluff
Because watching a farmboy from a desert planet discover there's more to life is just... adoreable. And frequently hilarious. (Frequent overlaps with Post-Battle of Yavin Angst.)
-Green, by sparklight - Luke meets trees. Han is amused. -Blue, by sparklight - Luke meets water, shares a moment of grief with Leia. -Neither Is It Tears, by NikkiAgent - Luke meets rain, and Leia and Han get to share his joy. -Rain, by starlingjedi - Luke meets rain. Han and Leia have a moment. -Puddle Jumping, by justanorthernlight - What the title says.   -Ice Water, by Joysweeper - Luke's awkward and not used to ice water being served at restaurants. -Snowball's Chance on Hoth, by Sholio - Luke meets snow. -you can take the boy out of the desert, by Iorata. -More Luke water moments on Yavin.
Subgenre: Post-Battle of Yavin Angst and Other Shenanigans
-Hope is Bright Beautiful Thing, by Imaginary_Bomb - Luke and Leia hurt/comfort -Bravery, by gardnerhill - Medals don't mean to Han what they mean to Luke. -Homecoming, by Thistlerose - Luke and Leia grieve after the Battle of Yavin. -The Truth About Tatooine, by bethagain - A delightful subversion in which Luke is not as innocent and naive about life as everyone around him automatically assumes. -In Starships and Cups of Coffe, by Iorata - Han's birthday celebrations, or lack thereof. -Planning Session, by Guardian_of_Hope - The plan to rescue Han is put together... with the help of alcohol.
Subgenre: Han/Leia Hurt/Comfort
-shatter those cold bones, by philthestone -Soothing by MissRachelThalberg - Hurt/Comfort from the aftermath of Jabba's palace. Probably the most realistic post-Jabba fic I've seen thus far. -Pointy Things, by madame_alexandra - Leia has a phobia of needles after the Death star torture. Han is here to help.
Subgenre: Owen and Beru's Life on Tatooine/Obi-wan in Exile/Young!Luke fics/Luke's Pre-canon Life on Tatooine
I love, love, love this subgenre and all its various permutations to bits. Thank goodness there's a lot of fic for this. Also, Owen/Beru, Beru/Obi-wan and every possible variation of Owen/Beru/Obi-wan were the fic pairings I didn't know I needed, but I do.
-A Good Woman, by leavinghope - Beru's take on events.   -A Look Within, by iamfitzwilliamdarcy - It isn't easy being Owen Lars. -Dawn of Hope, by alexcat - Luke Skywalker's Childhood. -Family, by mosymoseys - Beru comes to terms with not having another child. -1:30, by ambiguously - Luke/Biggs fic, featuring an epic fly-through of Beggar's Canyon. -Flasback, by Elizabeth (anghraine) - The real reason why Owen refused to let Luke go to the Imperial Academy. -for when my chin is on the ground (i pick myself up), by Phosphorescent - Obi-wan gets adopted by a bantha. Hilarity ensues. -Kin, by mabel - Luke learns about family on Tatooine. -Madonna Under the Suns, by Vongchild - Beru deals with Owen, Luke and her complicated relationship with Obi-wan. -One Hundred Credits, by jedicallie (writergirlie) - Luke is injured in a farm accident, Owen is angry, Beru tells Luke about his grandmother -our shining hour, by rain_sleet_snow - Luke and Biggs have a fling and Obi-wan, Owen and Beru reflect on the implications. An Owen/Beru/Ben fic where Owen and Ben don't hate each other, wow! -Salvage, by celeste9 - Luke rescues droids and his guardians aren't sure what to think. -say hello, say hi, by ninemoons42 - Young!Luke meets Obi-wan with Beru's supervision. -Seas of Sand, by esper_aroon - Obi-wan exile angst. -Somewhere It Hides a Well, by dieplainlife - Obi-wan's watching out for Luke and keeping him out of trouble. -Split the Shroud by Desipio - Child-rearing, Tatooine-style. -The Boy from the Stars, by Lefaym -The Hermit's Son, by landsail0r - AU where Obi-wan raises Luke -The Last Cup by Acacieae -Truth, by ambiguously -what are we living for by Elizabeth (anghraine) -What I'm Afraid Of, by Beatrice_otter
Subgenre: Prequel-Era Character Studies
-a clean break, by wrennette - Obi-wan returns to Coruscant after a mission to discover that a treasured gift from Qui-Gon has... transformed. just leave me your stardust to remember you by, by stonefreak - Disney Princess Obi-wan Kenobi and all of the implications. -on the other side, by esama - Obi-wan goes into the AgriCorps, but still has to deal with Quin-Gon's Padawan.
Subgenre: Leia and Winter Friendship Fic
Okay, so Winter is a minor character from the EU/Legends canon - Leia's adopted sister/best friend on Alderaan who was off-planet when the Death Star destroyed it. She serves as Leia's aide and occasional decoy in New Republic books. She had long white hair and people frequently mistake her for Leia on account of her posture and bearing. Winter is great and more people should write fics with her in them.
-Astronomical Odds, by anonymous - Leia meets Winter again before the Battle of Endor.   -Still Here, by WinterSky101 - Han passes on a message that Leia is very happy to get.
Subgenre: Luke in Exile (Disney Canon)
I usually try to avoid the Disney canon, but apparently I'm a sucker for good angsty!Luke fics.
-Between Two Thieves, by Walutahanga - In the aftermath of the slaughter at the Jedi school, a character from the EU/Legends canon makes an offer of assistance to Luke. AWESOME ON SO MANY LEVELS. -Understanding, by ambiguously - Luke is grieving and a mess of self-pity. Obi-wan is having none of it. -Water, Water Everywhere (The Albatross Remix), by theladyscribe - Luke's past history with water means he responds to Rey's gesture at the end of TFA very differently than in canon.
Subgenre: Angsty/Grieving Luke
-Halfway Real, by Acacieae - Luke grieves for Owen and Beru, Obi-wan offers some comfort. -Holographic Blue, by sparklight - Luke stumbles across old wedding holos that Artoo still has in his data banks. -Homecoming, by Joysweeper - Luke grieves for Owen and Beru. -Only Forgotten, by treenahasthaal - Before going into Jabba's palace, Luke reflects on his early life on Tatooine. -Someplace You've Never Been Before, by jessebee - Luke grieves for Biggs and his old life. Han/Luke. -The Insolence of Office, by ATMachine - Luke has one regret about the Jabba's palace rescue. -Understanding Owen, by BeckyS -contradictory, by catbeans - Luke muses on the light/dark distinction. -for a hundred miles through the desert - wreckageofstars - Han has to go rescue Luke when Luke fucks up. Lots of angst.
Subgenre: Sedoretu
-Smugglers Make the Worst Matchmakers, by dreamiflame - An OT4 that solves every shipping problem in the entire Star Wars fandom. Talon Karrde approves. -The Invisible Corners, by Walutahanga - Padme is engaged, but Naboo marriage customs are such that that may not be an impediment to her relationship with Anakin. LOVE IT!
-A Little Control, by Joysweeper - Or, why Luke is so good at getting out of handcuffs. Surprisingly SFW. -Always a Third Wheel, by wingsyouburn - Even in the New Republic era, Luke's still pretty good at ignoring hints from Han and Leia. -Homecoming, by GryfoTheGreat - Luke, Leia and Han fic, post-ROTJ/early New Republic. -It's Just Cake, by JediMordsith - A reconstruction of a famous Alderaanian desert gets the gang into a lot of trouble... Bonus: Luke/Mara. Fluffy as all get out. -Speak and Be Heard by ambiguously - Oola lives and the gang takes her with them when they leave Tatooine after the Jabba's palace rescue. -canis, by peradi - ANH AU where Vader realizes Leia is his daughter... and decides to rebel against the Empire in his own way. AMAZING.
There’s so much Star Wars fic out there that this is only the tip of the iceberg... but these are my favorites at the moment.
Happy reading!
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caredogstips · 7 years
6 Far-famed Rooms From Movies( That Spoilt The Owners’ Lives)
When love get super into a movie or Tv establish, they typically dress up as their favorite personas and hit up their neighbourhood convening — in which client, the only martyr of Hollywood’s seductive siren song is said fan’s wallet. But that’s merely the ordinary rank of infatuation. When fandom reaches Single White Female ranks, on the other hand, we get entertaining and/ or depressing yarns like these …
# 6. The Breaking Bad Creator Asks Follower To Stop Throwing Pizza On Walt’s Roof
” Breaking Bad followers remain hurling pizza on someone’s roof” is a bizarre sentence to type, but a bunch of you know exactly what we’re talking about. If you don’t, there’s a far-famed background in the show in which Walter White goes “re pissed at” his wife and throws a pizza over his own roof.
Toss a pizza in the air, and Emmys rain from the sky. It’s the law of television .
Hilariously, the pizza stayed there for various chapters, essentially becoming a brand-new character in the demonstrate. You know what’s not humorous, though? When literally anybody else does it. When a bunch of drink frat boys roll up to the very real New Mexico home and lob red-hot cheese pies at the roof, it’s not a joke; it’s trespassing and vandalism. If you do this, Breaking Bad developer Vince Gilligan personally thinks you’re a prick, pizza-slinging guy.
“Aw drivel, what am I gonna do with a pizza now? ” — a demon
This “joke” got so out of control that actor Jonathan Banks( who plays the sexagenarian hitman Mike) threatened to “hunt down” those who did this. That’s an outcome the home’s owner is frantic to experience, judging from this clue TAGEND Although that’s precisely what person privately cooking meth would say .
At least some followers seem to have gotten the message and are learning less invasive ways to get their damn pizza ceiling photos.
“Thanks, but maybe you should do some other situation, like going dissolved in acid maybe.”
# 5. The Owner Of The Goonies House Becomes A Reluctant Hermit
You grab your Wheaties container and sit down to breakfast. You gaze out the window at the clearly defined and sunny morning … and then you see it. A man, his shirt pulled up to his chin, shaking his flabby belly all over your front ground. He is, without a doubt, 30 years old. Throughout the day, more souls start, of all sizes and conditions, all pulling their shirts up and waggling their guts. All of them, indisputably, 30.
This, all day, every day .
This was the existence of the owner of the Goonies house. When she originally obtained the home over 10 years ago, visits were few and far between, so she was more than happy to invite beings inside for a speedy tour at the time. But with the coming into effect of Twitter and the upcoming remake of the 1980 s classic, unannounced calls increased substantially — to the tune of thousands of belly-dancing 30 -somethings a daytime. To represent questions worse, the city officials themselves supported this awkward behavior, to the chagrin of the unhappy homeowner.
Tired of the endless ocean of tourists, the owner ultimately walled herself away from “the worlds”, putting up whale blue tarps to hide her famous house and setting up clues trying to convey her pathetic surface of the story.
“Please, pectin now fetches me to tears.”
Apparently, overgrown children with an undying passion for ‘8 0s nostalgia usurped it was their advantage — nay, their right — to have unlimited access to this poor woman’s residence. Above all, Goonies never say “re growing up” and stop watching kids’ movies.
# 4. Beings Keep Ghost-Hunting At The Conjuring House
Everybody enjoys a good terrifying floor, but nothing am willing to live in one. Regrettably for the recipients of the members of this house put forward in The Conjuring , that’s exactly what happened to them when their home unexpectedly became far-famed for being full of haunts( according to a “based on real events” movie about two uncovered fraudsters, regardless ).
For months, the poorest of the poor elderly duet endured trespassers traipsing through their ground searching for the souls of the dead they presupposed must inhabit this peaceful British dwelling, simply since they are determined it in a movie once. The detail that the people who’ve lived there for decades say that they’ve never seen a soul didn’t seem to deter them. It’s not like they shot the movie there; the real neighbourhood doesn’t even look like the create they used.
“Holy shit, it’s a reptilian shapeshifter very! ”
The real fear here is being in your 70 s and constantly having flashlights glint through your spaces at three in the morning. That’s heart-attack-inducingly panicking at any age, which is a potentially huge problem, to review the gentleman who is resident in the members of this house actually has a center health . If there isn’t a specter there now, there might be at some detail because of these assholes. The harried pair regularly had to break the news to hopeful devotees that The Conjuring was just a movie and their home is just a room, merely to have brand-new visitors show up the following week. That’s worse than any curse Hollywood could think up.
When people weren’t peeping in the couple’s spaces, the latter are announcing the couple on the phone and uploading YouTube videos of their illegal tours of the home. Often, the poorest of the poor homeowners had no idea the interlopers had been present on their grounds until the videos demo up online.
Thankfully, The Cumjuring porn lampoon was filmed elsewhere .
But at least the elderly duo doesn’t have any gullible young children … unlike the inhabitants of the Haunting In Connecticut dwelling. In their occurrence, beings would barge up to the front doorway in order to tell the young ones living inside that their live was entirely recurred, because they’re not the ones who are gonna “re going to have to” calm down the calling little critters afterward.
“That’s claim, supernatural occasions prevail. Except Santa. He’s forgery as hell.”
# 3. Copulation And The City Devotees Have Destroyed All Happiness
Despite all the hate spewed at Sarah Jessica Parker every time an Internet angel gets its fedora, Sex And The City was and still is a hugely popular TV see. The first follow-up movie obliged $57 million in its first weekend, while the show’s initial sale into syndication guided TBS $ 700,000 per chapter . That’s enough to actually have sex with everyone in the city, we’re pretty sure.
Clearly, Carrie Bradshaw and her gal buddies are a hot commodity. So it only constitutes sense that Carrie’s swanky townhouse would be a piece of prime belonging unless it is real. Which, of course, it wholly is TAGEND Unfortunately for the also-real people who live there .
After the film’s release in 2008, throngs of rabid devotees traveled to Perry Street to plow an average vicinity like it was a Disney World attraction. While the tours facilitated boost sales in neighbourhood stores and bakeries, love were so rude that they would litter wall street with cupcake liners after recreating that iconic background in which Carrie and Miranda gobble cupcakes on a bench. You know the one. No? Neither do we, but something tells us it was both fornication and municipality as all fuck.
Practical use for a butt pack #37: portable trashcan
This blatant disregard for Mother Earth get so out of hand that one neighborhood occupant described wall street as a “hellhole, ” while another took to sitting outside her apartment and hollering “Idiot! ” at anyone who would listen, because she is the hero we deserve. Seriously, if she was digitally inserted into every escapade, we’d actually watch this show.
Eventually, the Perry Street holders won their hard-fought combat and had their street collected from the show’s tours. The cupcake zombies moved on to infect other regions of New York, eventually committing those people some armistice. That is, until SJP started a new shoe text, and guess where she decided to promote it?
We’re no manner experts, but a line of single shoes seems kinda stupid. You usually necessary at the least two .
Just when they conceived “peoples lives” were back to normal, Parker waltzed right back into them for the purposes of an unauthorized photo shoot on the steps of the place she formerly announced pretend-home — discounting a “do NOT go on staircase please” clue the owners had to install. Perhaps she didn’t see it? Yeah, that’s perhaps it. She absolutely missed the signed while taking a picture of it.
Putting a chain around a lieu typically represents “please come here and mess up all our shit.”
# 2. The Person Who Preserve The Jersey Shore House Had To Repaint It On A Weekly Basis
This might come as a surprise to you, but it is about to change that die-hard followers of Jersey Shore are various kinds of douchey. Not satisfied with simply taking ghastly selfies in front of the members of this house where Snookie slept, these super devotees wanted to leave a part of themselves behind, celebrating up the walls with memoes to the shed. The casting that only lived there for two months a year.
That’s what you get for unleashing “The Situation” on an gullible commonwealth .
They even took pieces of the house home with them, rending off chunks of the ceiling, walls, and whatever they could get their grubby fingers on to ensure they had a permanent slouse of video disaster record forever in their homes.That’s about as stylish as taking some goop from the Chernobyl nuclear plant, and possibly about as toxic.
The owneds have clarified that they’re not liable for any bacterial warfare agents these parties might catch as a result .
The house was meant to be rented out in the off-season, but the realty firm had to pay for weekly upkeep and repainting in order to keep the place searching respectable. They also had to hire protection to prevent away the multitudes of coconut-oil-smelling vandals. While the display was in make, upkeep tariffs fell to the show’s producers, but that gravy train derailed years ago. Then again, the owners charge $ 2,500 for a one-night stand in this perfectly median residence, so perhaps they’ll manage to get ahead after all.
# 1. The Mrs. Doubtfire House Had A Unending Shrine To Robin Williams In Its Yard
The world was dazed when we lost the paragon of childhood slapstick last year. And naturally, followers seemed the need to gather together to comfort one another through their shared loss. Unfortunately for one 79 -year-old man, hundreds of them decided to band together outside his San Francisco home — the house stimulated eternally famed for being visible for a few minutes in Mrs. Doubtfire .
On the report of Robin Williams’ passing, fans gathered outside the residence to pile stacks of heydays, slides, and movie memorabilia in affection reminiscence of their favorite wacky performer. The problem is that the piles originated so high-pitched that it became literally impossible to leave the house via the figurehead door.
Built-in zombie/ Jehovah’s Witness/ Avon Lady deterrent, though. So, upside .
This year, the front doorway remained accessible, but heartbroken followers are still coming to scribble all over the sidewalk and rock-and-roll garden-variety instead.
Even the Smurfs were sad about Williams .
In spite of it all, the homeowner( who is a retired surgeon) “ve never” mentioned a single disparaging observe about the commemorations and never-ending sea of love. But how could he, right? You can’t be the person who alleges, “Walking out my entrance to a enshrine for a beloved dead performer various kinds of blows sometimes, you guys” without immediately being branded an asshole for life. On surface of everything, he had to deal with a disgruntled ex-patient of his setting fire to his garage, which is like the plan of one of the more upsetting Williams movies( you know, like Old Dogs ).
By comparison, the Mork And Mindy mansion, and even Williams’ own home, are left nearly completely alone.
Vietnam remains largely unchanged, more .
The obvious respect for the Williams family’s privacy is a wonderful thing to see. Maybe the same courtesy should be extended to the person in the Mrs. Doubtfire residence. There’s always that bench in Boston.
Read more: www.cracked.com
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