#iterally burn it fr
angstydiaz · 11 months
listen im not saying someone should burn buzzfeed to the ground but im not NOT saying-
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outeremissary · 10 days
🌈🌍🐉 for Carmen and Ismene?
Oh man. Big night for women with issues!!!! I went through a full spectrum of emotions answering these, thank you
🌈 - Do you associate any colors with them?
Oh for sure. On both counts, haha. I feel like this is a thing for most of my OCs- at least, it’s a major point of trying to like. Visualize a design for them when drawing. At any rate.
Carmen has always been strongly associated with red to me. It’s a very vibrant, strong color, and it’s also a very heroic and regal one. Maybe it’s just the kinds of books I read as a kid, but when I think of kings and knights, I think of crimson and scarlet and all that jazz. She’s proud, principled, and aspires to be a paragon of what she considers virtue. I’ve also always portrayed her with a rose as an emblem- a romantic symbol. Of course, the obvious flip side of that is that there’s a lot of negative association with red as well- fire and blood are the obvious ones here. She’s not fiery in the sense of raging passion or blistering anger per se, but more like… a destructive flame that would burn everything to ashes, maybe. Someone with burning ideals and zealotry so hot that it’s searing her too. Of course, the less fanciful aspect of the red is that it’s a color that was also associated with the chivalric order she was a part of in tabletop (also an anchor point of the rose). Carmen’s kind of a funny character for color though. She’s been around in some form or other for ten years or more at this point, and she’s always had the red association. It’s something that’s kind of transformed over time.
Ismene is an easy purple. And one day I swear to fucking god I will manage to color some of my art of her. Although I guess it wouldn’t be posted here so uhh maybe it doesn’t matter. Anyway. Purple. Regal and mystical. That’s the kind of vibe that I always want her to give off as a first impression, so purple is an obvious choice. I think there’s also something to purple being a kind of cool, somber color- she’s become a more mischievous character than originally planned, but I think it’s right for her to have a certain self-serious gravitas. This is a bit of an open and shut one I don’t have much more to say ^^;;
🌍 - What are this oc’s religious views?
Oh good god.
Carmen’s religious views are Very Different in Wrath from her original tabletop iteration (where her schtick is generally kind of inverted from part of Wrath), so I’m going to preface this by saying I’m answering for the Wrath iteration of the character. Carmen is a dogmatic atheist. You know the goofy edgelord atheist dialogue in this game? Honestly totally on point for her. She doesn’t believe that people should rely on the gods, and she believes that gods are ultimately all self-serving and tend to use mortals as proxies for their conflicts and the most extreme expressions of existence. The affairs of mortals should belong entirely to mortals. She’s not a person who sees the good gods as fundamentally better than the evil. In the end, they’re still imposing the same manipulative systems on their followers. They still inspire violent, irrational conflict. And they don’t “inspire” their followers. They breed helplessness. They make people reliant, cause them to wait and pray for salvation instead of searching for it themselves. The gods are cowards and parasites. And one day, it would be nice to see them torn down from their thrones.
I had to look up/double check FR lore for this one, which was half the time spent on this whole thing if I’m being real with you. Anyway. Ismene’s upbringing obviously meant a lot of exposure to gods of knowledge, and she tends to regard these deities with a reasonable level of respect. Knowledge, to her, is the highest power; those who reign over it are the highest Powers. She identified particularly strongly with Savras, Alaundo’s patron, from a precocious age- one of a number of ways she has taken aspects of the life of the one true prophet for herself. This seemed like a bit of childish fancy when she was young, but the release of Savras during the Time of Troubles gave it more gravity- another uncanny bit of foresight from the girl. For her, it seemed a sign in and of itself- thought not a person of deep devotion, she quietly claimed the returned god as her patron, developing a personal belief that her prophetic abilities had been an omen of his return and deepening her sense that she was personally connected to Alaundo. In the years between the Time of Troubles and the revelation of her Bhaalspawn heritage Ismene developed a conviction that she had a destiny to take up Alaundo’s mantle as a true prophet of Savras in the new age. Her personal dedication to the god is partially responsible for her aversion to outright lying- to speak untruth is anathema to the All-Seeing, though she never quite internalized his dedication to wholly avoiding misdirection and deceit. The revelation of her divine blood shook her faith deeply- in some form or other, her abilities originate in truth from Bhaal. Of course, with pride and precocious self-importance as the origins of her devotion to the Lord of Divination, she’s certainly able to adapt to the idea of being a demigod given time. I don’t want to say more when I have yet to y’know. Finish the original Bhaalspawn Saga. But I certainly have an idea of the trajectory of a hubristic young wizard who gets to live with the smug satisfaction that she can outfox a god.
🐉 - Very serious question… are they more like a dragon, or a unicorn?
Carmen is an easy dragon. It’s the fire thing. And the knight thing. What’s the opposite of a noble knight? That’s right, a dragon. And also being very cool despite objectively killing a lot of people, which isn’t so awesome.
Ismene is like a unicorn because she’s just so goddamn special. I wrote that sentence as filler for later but you know what? I’m right. What else needs to be said, really. And also it’s the princess-y thing. The maiden-y thing. The magic-y thing. Like. Y’know.
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medicallymercury · 3 months
Haunted (24/02/24)
I feel ill and tired but I watched the episode when I woke up, so.
I know I normally post this after the episode airs but I'm not worried about spoiling anything because all my discussion of the actual episode is below a cut. Just don't read below the cut if you haven't watched yet. Also, I'm only talking about what I can be bothered to write up (so I’m extremely focused on a few characters) because I'm really very tired and my brain is melty.
Is that really it for Paige? It felt like a pretty un-final final episode. Whether that's actually goodbye or not, PAIGE DESERVED BETTER, she's been treated like a side character in another person's life (yes, I know that person is my fave but I get to give him preferential treatment, the writers probably shouldn't) since the start of AHOV but she at least should've been the absolute focus of this episode, not the love triangle. Maybe Barriers set my standards for final episodes too high with how well they handled Sah’s exit.
The patient plot they had going on with Paige and Jodie didn’t feel like it made sense for the two of them as much as it might’ve made sense for Sah and Teddy during the original iteration of the love triangle. Like, since when are Paige and Jodie comparable to ’rush into a burning building’ friends?
I’m sure there could’ve been a way to make Teddy and Jodie interesting, I still wouldn’t have like shipped them or anything but I might’ve accepted them in the same way I accepted Teddy/Paige happening immediately after I thought we were finally getting our Sah/Teddy storyline in With a Bullet, but they have not done it and I want them to break up immediately.
The crowd's reaction to the explosion sounds like an obvious and very silly added-in sound effect and that isn't a complaint because I found it funny. Also the explosion-y scenes we saw today only represent half the explosion-y scenes in the trailer.
Jan and Teddy can have one scene together and I will love every second of it. Di Botcher and Milo Clarke play them so well, they've got the dynamic on point and I just love them so much. I completely believe, as Jan is dragging Teddy away from running into a burning building, that she has been been putting up with him for 24 years. As silly as that can be, I also think it really adds to their storylines (when they get them...), being able to believe that Jan has known Teddy his whole life fuels the I-need-to-lie-down feeing I get any time I think about Teddy and Jan when Teddy was younger.
I’m interested in Tariq. It must be hard to introduce a new main character who already has a relationship with another main character because you have to really hit the ground running, it's probably why the Holbyverse is so full of estranged families. But they did it well with Jan and Teddy and I hope they do it with Rash and Tariq too.
I think I like Siobhan but in the sense that when I was giving my non-Casualty friends the weekly Casualty update, the overwhelming response to "there's a new clinical nurse manager and she's older" was "GIRLFRIEND FOR JAN??????" which I doubt will happen but it's a brilliant suggestion.
She’s what the ED needs, though. Everything is exploding all the time and she has shown up to try and stop that a bit and I love her for it.
With the Harry and Mel stuff: Stevie will be obviously fucking right and they’ll (Charlie and FAITH) all be like “omg Stevie is overreacting fr” IS SHE???? hhhhhhhh… SIOBHAN KNOWS SHE’S RIGHT THOUGH (I’m happier with how this stuff has been this week, actually, just because the show isn’t also treating her like she’s unreasonable anymore)
I’m sure other stuff, important plot stuff, happened but I've not got much brain power left for words so I'm leaving it here.
OH, WAIT, YEAH. “Must have a hell of a bromance going on to go back in there." Theodore, my love, you got shot for your best friend, though that wasn't really a 'bromance' situation, was it? Aughshsh... I miss them and the get-a-room-losers way they used to stare at each other so much.
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queennai714 · 1 year
What do you wanna talk about?
I love tmnt and rottmnt with my whole heart but I feel like I'm not doing any of my other interests justice since that and Ninjago are basically ALL I post about, so I decided i would just make one huge posts with all of my interests just so you guys know what I like (and could maybe send me asks about so I can add more to my hcs series? Maybe? Please?)
So, here it is. A compiled list of most of the things I'm into in no particular order (Just a heads up, its A LOT):
Music (every genre istg I love music so much)
God of War (just got into it so I don't know too much rn)
TMNT ( I haven't seen every iteration but I'm down to talk about any of them)
Bendy And The Ink Machine
Anime (I can specify which ones in a seperate post if anyone asks)
Five Nights at Freddy's
Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel
Ninjago❤❤❤(My fave in all of fiction)
Monster High
Puss in Boots (God I love this cat so much)
Steven Universe
Science in general but mainly physics
Coraline (I fr have the whole script memorized I ADORE this movie with a burning passion)
Disney/Pixar Movies
The Amazing World of Gumball
Analysis of any kind (it doesn't matter if I've never even heard of whatever you're analysing, I ALWAYS LOVE IT)
Elmo (Just the character. I've never seen a single episode of Sesame Street in full but I love the little red guy so much)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Mummy movies (the og trilogy)
Escape The Night
Remember, you can ask for specification on anything I've listed!
(Also, keep in mind there is NO WAY I'm gonna be able to remember them all rn so this post is probably going to update occasionally)
The whole reason I came to tumblr was just to have another platform to freak out about the things I love so feel free to rant to/with me if anything you like is on this list
(I was gonna add what YouTubers I watch but felt that they were kinda separate, but I can definitely list those too in a seperate post if anybody asks)
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carissimipaixao · 11 months
Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for the great writing, especially your Lupin stuff (fr it’s so hard to find)
For the ask tag I’d like to hear: B, G, I, and M
That’s all, keep up the good work 😚✨
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these aren't tears, you're seeing things 🥺😭 but seriously, thank you so much! i'll keep doing my best, just for you, dearest anon
also, this reply actually got very long, so i'll be putting under a "read more"!
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
hmm, well, i do try to incorporate my personal experience(s), depending on the subject and the story itself. for example, i think i tend to add my own mannerisms into characters' getting ready, how they have their inner dialogue, etc.? it's really splattered everywhere, although it's never fully self-indulgent either. i don't like making readers/oc feeling completely like empty slates. people can add/change things as they read the stories to themselves! (fun fact: when i was younger, i'd pretend fics' dialogue went differently, because i felt like the stories were awkward or out of character, and proceed reading according to my own changes or personal tastes) however, the closest fic i have to personal experience is this fic for yu-gi-oh, because it's 100% based on a very vivid dream i had with yami malik chasing me, as i ran in circles in the dark.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
well, most of the time (or for one-shots), it's from start to finish. sometimes i start a story but then decide that scene fits better for the middle of the story, so then i go back and write the beginning to get to that same scene (which might get rewritten or not, so it's incorporated nicely into the story). however, if there is a particular scene i am dying to write, i sometimes go ahead and write it and i let it sit there until the current storyline gets there. then, i might rewrite it, depending on how long it has been since i picked the project up or depending on any new details on the plot or characters. this is a maybe scenario when writing one-shots, but it's a definitely when i'm writing multi-chapter stories.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
i really, really love time travel and stories involving alternative timelines, multiverses and that sort of thing. if i catch any tag that merely suggests it or a summary of a fic involving it, i'm clicking and i'm reading it for sure. i even have a doc (all the way from 2020) based on a project that may come out soon, where a lupin and jigen from another universe show up in the current universe, where jigen and the protagonist have completely different backstories and relationship. and i'm actually creating a doc where i will try to write down the gist of each main version of the main lupin cast, in case i decide to do the same type of fic for other characters. maybe people would like to read how, for example, a certain jigen would react to a certain scenario compared to another jigen? it's complicated. the doc is still very much in progress and i'll try to combine certain universes/iterations of lupin just so that it's a small guide (and considering certain iterations are quite similar). additionally, i like reading dark stuff, especially yandere!
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
pearls and daggers (name subject to change)! it's a story pairing up jigen and reader/oc (i say original character because there is a reason for it, but readers can 100% see themselves as the protagonist), in a sort of slow burn/enemies to lovers situation. it's also going to be set before and after jigen meets/works with lupin. there might be another (former) pairing with the reader/oc, but we'll see! it's been in the works for two to three years now, because, as i've said in the past, 2019-2022 were difficult years to write in, due to blockages and lots of things going on, but i'm definitely looking forward to posting it and talking about it! alternatively, this series (because there will be extra stories, alternative scenes, etc.) will most likely get side-stories featuring other couples, such as lupin/reader, fujiko/reader, goemon/reader and zenigata/reader. these stories will have a somewhat different plot or pairing development, considering jigen's story is the main plotline. people can request prompts or even one-shots set in either of these plotlines, if they want, too!
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also, like it was for what a thing to admit, i will be releasing a short story (20k+ words) for jigen, called chamber of reflection!
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fanfic ask game!
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spizevilla · 1 year
118 Agile Project Manager Interview Questions with Answers
  Question - What are the most effective Agile metrics?  This establishes where time should be spent as a time factor and which tasks should be given priority. In an interview, it's common to talk about your prior employment. This gives the interviewer some insight into you as a candidate. It is crucial that you include a few things in your response because most companies will use this question to determine whether you can work with and lead a team. An employer will find you more appealing if you can demonstrate that a project was successful, but a strong interview is not required. Since they will evaluate your approach and character more so than your performance, it is crucial to be honest and upbeat in your response. The key responsibility for a change management specialist is to communicate with stakeholders inside the firm and acquire new practises. People and interaction over procedures and equipment - and adapting to changes is preferable to following a plan. Question - What is the length of a Scrum cycle?  Here are some project dangers that are increasing. Stakeholders are crucial to the project because of their significant influence and the function that their permission plays in it. They occasionally be difficult to manage. This is what I do in certain circumstances: - Being organised and having different techniques in place can help you as a project manager determine whether the project is on schedule. The majority of project managers maintain track of targets and objectives set at specific dates while also actively monitoring the project through project schedules. Because it is a live-updating system and uses colour coding for individual team members, using monitoring apps like the Kaban Board can be helpful in making sure the project is proceeding smoothly. You can see how each team member is doing with their work and whether there are any risks that they may veer off course.. List the roles and responsibilities. - be adaptable and flexible; - Cross-functional teams can work on projects gradually and iteratively with the help of the agile methodology. Talk about the last project you worked on, including how it functioned, the system you employed, and your team members. Question - How Can a Project Manager Be Proactive in Your Opinion? The interviewer may inquire about agile metrics if you are appearing for a project manager interview. They might inquire about a particular agile metric, or you might have to explain all of them. Here are some of the typical Agile metrics that they might inquire about: - Cumulative Flow Graph - On this basis, an examination of the particular - Defect Removal Awareness - The team was able to produce the greatest product because to this element. It is crucial to spot active flaws, be aware of them, and fix them. It is crucial to producing a top-notch product. - Sprint Burn Down: On the Scrum cycle, this graph shows the number of implemented and unimplemented sprints. Utilizing Sprint, you may monitor the job that has been completed. First, pick the appropriate illustration. Make sure you choose a recent project that you are comfortable discussing in detail. Keep in mind that they aren't just interested in the project itself, but also in the management style you employed. Describe your organisational methods, meeting schedules, and any tools you employed.. Additionally, it's critical to develop your communication skills. Employers appreciate individuals who present themselves with assurance, so if discussing a project that went wrong, it's preferable to emphasise its successes. For example, you might say something like, "Two colleagues missed their deadlines, but we all pulled together to help them, and after the conference, our client feedback was 100% positive. Even one of my clients sent me an email saying this year was the finest yet.. It is advisable to adopt a positive outlook and explain to the employer what you did as soon as difficulties arose in the project, how you have learned from the mistakes that were made, and what you would do in your future strategy to ensure that similar problems are avoided. One interview question that the Agile project manager can encounter is this one. Kanban is a mechanism for tracking the team's work and progress. In addition to the current state of the development strategy, progress is accurately defined using Kanban and tracked using the Kanban board. You can write the entire scenario at once on the Kanban board to get the wider picture, workflow progress, the job is finished, or the general state of a project.. Question - What's the length of a Scrum cycle? For many project managers, submitting status reports on a regular basis can be quite difficult. I personally am aware of a few project managers who view submitting reports as an unneeded distraction. I have no issues with giving status updates to my clients in my situation.. This question is intended to help the interviewer determine whether you are a good fit for the company and how you handled projects at your prior employer. You must use the Agile approach and demonstrate leadership while reporting the project management strategy here. Question - What Kind of Risks Could You Face When Managing a Project? Schedule - Market Risk - Operational Risk - Question - What Forms of Communication Do You Employ in a Project? To get the best performance out of my team members, I follow these steps: Question - When Does a Project Derail in Your Opinion? How Do You Plan to Handle That? Determine the underlying issue; spend additional time and effort obscuring the timeframe Stakeholders are crucial to the project since they have a lot of power and their approval is essential. They are occasionally difficult to manage. In those circumstances, I do what follows: - Be honest and tactful while making decisions. - Question - How Do You Know When A Project Is Off Track? It is very important and time-consuming to prioritise tasks in a project. It ensures the project will be completed successfully and on schedule. Use the following advice to prioritise your tasks: - Be prepared to adjust and maintain flexibility. - Be clear on what is important and what is urgent. Most businesses are searching for someone who is personable to team members and has open communication. So, rather than merely barking commands at your team, engage them in conversation and invite their input so that they feel involved in the process and may even come up with a brilliant idea.. Along with more team leader-focused actions like keeping the team engaged and making sure that everyone is completing their tasks by the deadlines, you may also describe any practical project management practises you use, such setting milestones and organising your files. The best performance from you and your team is required, therefore the interviewer can ask you about how you prioritise improvement. As a project manager, you should always try to learn and improve your skills after a project and view each one as a lesson, regardless of whether the project was successful or not. A project's progress, any issues that arose, and recommendations for improvement for future projects are always reported after completion by successful project managers.. Having a thorough grasp of the team is essential for delegation so that you can correctly assign tasks to people based on their skills. Once tasks are assigned, it is advised to begin a spreadsheet with milestones for each team member so that their progress on the project can be tracked. This should be done in addition to holding regular one-on-one meetings so you can provide feedback and address any questions they might have. Question - What Are Your Project and Career Goals for the Next Six Months? In the interview, you won't always be asked about the benefits and characteristics of agile. So, be ready for the flaws in the agile project management methodology. - • Concentrating on the project's paperwork and design can be challenging at times. - Question – What is ‘Scrum of Scrums’? Question - What Are Scrum Impediments, specifically? Describe Using Examples Inadequate team members or missing resources  - and more One of the agile project management interview questions that interviewers favour is this one. While Scrum is merely a variation of Agile that succinctly describes its procedures and processes, Agile is an umbrella term, i.e., a project management methodology. Agile is a process that goes along with this technique, and Scrum is a procedure. An increment is just the sum of all the sprint-completed backlog items for the product. Since it is known to be cumulative, all prior values are included in each increment. As a means of achieving your end aim, it ought to be made always accessible. describe the values' guiding concepts and goals. - welcoming change at any moment, - Question - Describe Your Day-to-Day Activities as an Agile Project Manager.? • The project manager is expected to join his project team for a daily stand-up meeting. The team members are expected to report on what they accomplished the day prior to this meeting, as well as any difficulties they encountered and any solutions. - • The manager is tasked with checking the issue and risk register and making sure all necessary measures are completed. All open issues in place should also be followed up on by the manager. - Three key responsibilities make up the agile project management team: Team Lead (Scrum Master), Project Owner, and Team Members. Coordination of all team activities while taking into consideration what has to be done is the responsibility of the Scrum Master, sometimes referred to as the Team Lead or project manager. To complete all the coordination tasks, he will need the team member and project owner's assistance. All members of the project team, including the manager and the project owner, are considered team members. Their responsibility is to listen to the scrum master's instructions, follow them, and complete their work within the specified time frames.. The majority of projects are affected by Artificial and Data Intelligence Technology; - The project management team's diversity is becoming more apparent. It is undeniable that expanded diversification is one of the newest trends in the project industry today given the quick advancement of technology. You must have a varied project team if you are an agile project manager. You should have a diverse project team for a number of reasons, including changing policies and an ageing workforce. Recognize and get to know each member of your team personally. - Encourage your project team to work together as a unit. Collect all ideas, but carefully consider each one on your own. Discard any that are unnecessary for the project. Allow everyone to voice their opinions, but work together to refine the ones that you can use. - Question - How Will You Manage Risk Analyst In A Project As An Agile Project Manager, Is The Question? Debriefing is one of the most crucial post-project procedures because it provides everyone the chance to consider their contributions and offer suggestions for how the team as a whole may improve. This is significant in agile management since it's critical to have the ability to adapt. Question - How Do You, As An Agile Manager, Minimize Team Anxiety? Question - How Can You Be Certain That You Remain Professional and In Control While Handling Unforeseen Situations In Your Project Team? Question - Describe the process you use to manage an agile project from planning to completion. Then there is sprint planning, which is selecting which item to focus on at each stage of the project based on the list of items in the product backlog. The team will then begin formulating a plan on how to tackle those items. Once the project has begun, holding daily scrum meetings is a smart method to stay on top of management. At these meetings, you may brief the team on any changes or issues while also maintaining morale. Regular 1:1 meetings with each team member are necessary to discuss concerns and progress. Planning a sprint requires adhering to a few predetermined stages once all team members are prepared. Before breaking the project down into smaller daily tasks that each team member may perform, the scrum leader must first remind the entire team of the larger goal that his sprint is aiming to achieve. Question - What Tasks Do You Complete In Daily Standup Meetings? It is also crucial that the meeting be concise and only cover the crucial topics. Establish an objective for the meeting, inform everyone on the team of any changes to the project and how those changes will influence their work, and then go over each team member's daily tasks before taking any concerns or questions.. While the retrospective meeting should be led by one person who ensures that specific issues are covered, it is crucial that, like the sprint process, the retrospective be collaborative so that every team member has the chance to voice their opinions. The focus of the retrospective should be on creating strategies for the sprint process to function better for them in forthcoming projects rather than trying to find solutions for things that didn't go well.. Question - Which agile techniques do you think are most often used? Question - What would you say is a Sprint planning meeting? Question - When should we utilise waterfall instead of Scrum? A retrospective is a gathering when the process is examined and modified. The question about Agile approach asks how to do a retrospective, so it's critical to describe one or two styles.. A project manager assigns responsibilities to the team members while concentrating on processes. Question - What, in basic terms, is Agile methodology? The project owner manages the product backlog, which contains all of the features and specifications for the product. Question – What are Agile quality strategies? brief feedback loops - Question - What exactly is an Agile manifesto? Lean software development, feature-driven development, dynamic development, and crystal approaches are a few methodologies and innovations that can use agile.. Question - What distinguishes agile testing techniques from conventional testing techniques? Question - How do you recognise that you're using agile development? A story purpose is what the scrum team refers to when estimating the overall effort needed to complete a certain task, handle a backlog, or perform a specific task.. Question - What does Agile's "Zero sprint" mean? The graphical depiction of a description that displays the implemented and unimplemented product backlog is called a product burndown chart.. Question - What exactly do you mean by a release burndown chart? There are a number of flaws that are noted and subsequently fixed in this rendition.. Question - What do you mean by the term "sprint retrospective meeting"? Question - What do you do when a fresh project is conceived? Give specific instances of how you've done it in the past, such as by holding quick meetings, utilising a project management tool, etc., or your brilliant suggestions on how to do it in the future. Of course, delegation is crucial to every project, and learning how to delegate well is essential.. Question - How do you ensure that your team achieves all deadlines? Question - What is the best way to plan an Agile project? Never can everything be found under one roof. Utilizing dynamic project management solutions will assist you fulfil the demands of managing a distant workforce when you come across an outsourced resource. Project managers must be knowledgeable about how to recruit them, the best tools to utilise, and how to manage people and resources.. Question - What type of project management programme do you favour? For effective project management, team development is crucial in addition to project management. You should be well-versed in how you live up to team expectations, demonstrate people management abilities, and demonstrate your leadership.. Question - Do you have any experience with the Scrum framework? "Communication is the most crucial skill for an agile project manager. Effective communication with my team, clients, and stakeholders is a requirement of this job. I also need to be able to listen intently in order to comprehend what everyone else expects of me. Collaboration is another critical characteristic. I collaborate closely with a variety of team members as an agile project manager. Collaboration enables me to establish trusting bonds with others and solve issues..” "I begin by having a meeting with my team members to go over what we have accomplished thus far, our objectives for the next weeks, and any difficulties or concerns we may be experiencing. I then use all of this data to construct a project's visual representation using a piece of software like Microsoft Project. This gives me a general picture of the project and allows me to understand where we stand in relation to our deadlines. I then divide each goal into smaller assignments and distribute them among the team members..” Question - How would you respond if a project started to deviate off course? “I am confident in my ability to communicate with various kinds of professionals because I have experience working on projects with both technical and non-technical teams. In my previous position as an agile project manager, I collaborated with a group of engineers that were not only extremely talented in their field but also incredibly receptive to criticism. I would meet with them frequently to go through any updates or adjustments to the project. “I've worked on a number of projects where communicating with a remote team was necessary. In these circumstances, I find it useful to schedule weekly meetings so that everyone is informed of the project's progress. When necessary, I also like to use programmes like Slack or Skype for instant chat. I can swiftly answer inquiries from my team members thanks to these technologies..” "I'd make sure I'm always informed of the organization's objectives, both immediate and long-term. This will enable me to develop project strategies that help me achieve those objectives. I might wish to add features or make adjustments to our product if, for instance, the company wants to grow sales by 10% this year. I could wish to add functionality to our software that will work effectively for customers from different nations if we have long-term expansion plans..” “Because of its flexibility, Agile is the method I choose to utilise. I find that different approaches are needed for various projects, therefore being flexible in my approach is crucial. In my previous position, we were charged with developing an app for a client that desired the ability to make updates independently of our involvement. Agile development was chosen so that the client could add new features whenever they desired..” Read the full article
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lochroma · 3 years
I hate both varieties of fanon Marth so much... they either make him a "uwu soft boi" or "asshole prettyboy prince" when he's friendly and gentle but not without fangs.
yeah exactly!!! like....... idk how else to put it, but like. smash fanon is stupid and shallow and i KNOW im sitting here reiterating the same points i've made over and over again and it won't change other ppls (wrong) concept of his character but. H!
i want more interpretations of marth where he's mean sometimes, but not in a shallow vain kinda way, more like a "im 16 and im emotionally lost and deeply traumatized by existing and HONESTLY it really sucks. also i listen to mcr"
case in point, sd marth literally looks like this
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brucesterling · 5 years
All Things Facebook Libra
 In preparation of MoneyLab #7 in Amsterdam on November 14-15 I made the following link list. Many of the topics will be discussed there. No coincidence much of it is related to the Libra developments. 
Best, Geert Lovink
MakerDAO decentralized stablecoin, collateral loans, and community governance
"The desire to travel far away and start a new currency will become a powerful driver of human expansion into space” (via Inte)
Olaf Scholz vs. Facebook's Libra
Zuckerberg at Washington hearing on Libra
Solution for Deepfake Problems…?
American conservaties, Libra and Europe
Stolen: How to Save the World from Financialisation by Grace Blakely
Anti-globalization blog
Ethereum: Scam or Iteration?
A gallery selling work of cryptoartists
A London-based crypto artist
Libra coalition is falling apart as eBay, Visa, Mastercard and Stripe jump ship
More on OneCoin crypto pyramid scheme court case
The Radical’s Survival Guide to Adventures in Cryptoland: Can Cryptocurrencies Save Us All? (via Inte)
Tank Magazine’s Libra link list
“Degrowth is about redistribution by design, not by collapse”
Bitcoin will be how we transact with aliens
A different look at the history of money, apparently more grounded what actually has happened (via Eduard)
EU-Funded Projects in Blockchain Technology
Rhythm in Economic Space by Stamatia Portanova         
Proposal for voluntary degrowth by redesigning money for sustainability, justice, and resilience (via Patrice)
France to block Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency in Europe
Fund to launch alternative business models for online content
Money is the Oxygen (via Patricia)
Laura Lotti: Blockchain Affordances (via Luca Recano)
Gavin Mueller: Digital Proudhonism (via Luca Recano)
Coinbase: The 2019 Leaders in Crypto Education
Proposal making in DAOs: the limitations of “Anyone Proposes Anything”
ECB’s Mersch Warns Over ‘Treacherous Promises’ of Facebook Libra
French pry-trance festival that promotes local currencies
Bitcoin Rap Battle Debate: Hamilton vs. Satoshi (via Maisa)
RIP Decentralization--Sorry, Bitcoin, it’s Libra’s turn now (via Eduard)
Libra: The social media company’s move into cryptocurrency takes advantage of regulatory oopholes
What’s wrong with Ethereum?
Of Art Tokenization, Blockchain, and Provenance with A Sprinkling of Non-Fungible Tokens
MEMRI (connected to Israeli intelligence): The Coming Storm – Terrorists Using Cryptocurrency (via Donatella)
Libra, a Cyberpunk Nightmare in the Midst of Crypto Spring
Facebook admits Libra cryptocurrency may not happen after all
https://mur.at/ is hosting a one week worklab "block that chain” in October.  Here is the open call:
Conner Brown: Bitcoin Has No Intrinsic Value — and That’s Great
Libra untangled: what lies behind facebook's digital currency project - PART I by Andrea Bianconi
Ten reasons why Facebook’s Libra is a bad idea – and we should stop it now
ETHBerlinZwei is a hackathon, a culture festival, an educational event, a platform for hacktivism, and a community initiative to push the decentralized ecosystem forward
Remember, blockchain replacing everything...
From Jaya Klara Brekke’s newsletter:
Breaking the ZuckBuck overview of claims by the good crew at Alphaville
The need for global payment system as a public good by Rohan Grey
Tank Magazine's shortlist
Good New Models podcast discussion of ZuckBuck
Facebook’s plan for a cryptocurrency is right to set alarm bells ringing
Strengthening Hyperledger Indy and Self-Sovereign Identity
Alt-C is an installation by Michal Sedbon  that uses electricity produced by plants to power a single board computer mining a cryptocurrency (via Tatjana Seitz)
Massimo Ragnedda and Giuseppe Destefanis (eds) *Blockchain and Web 3.0. Social, Economic, and Technological Challenges*. Routledge, 2019
Facebook Libra: on the 4 steps road for World Presidency
Offshore Finance: How Capital Rules the World by Reijer Hendrikse and Rodrigo Fernandez
http://longreads.tni.org/state-of-power-2019/offshore-finance/ (via Francesca Bria)
Jack Ma’s $290 billion loan machine is changing Chinese banking (via Patricia de Vries)
The Invention of Money (via Eduard de Jong)
Pragues Crypto-Anarchists are Spreading the Gospel
Duniter, a fully decentralized libre currency based on the relative theory of money (via Michel Bauwens)
Radix: a fast, scalable, easy-to-use ledger, ready-made for 7 billion people
I was wrong about spreadsheets
YAIR | Your Art is Reality: Unleash Digital Art
Glen Brook: In Zuck We Trust?
https://pv.glenbrook.com/in-zuck-we-trust/ (via Eduard de Jong)
New Models podcast on Libre
A massive facility that opened last spring located near Buffalo (via Stephanie Rothenberg)
With cryptocurrency launch, Facebook sets its path toward becoming an independent nation
Nate Tkacz on Facebook’s Libra, Or, The End of Silicon Valley Innovation
Is Libra the West’s response to China's payments empire?
Libra geen open cryptomunt, maar databank van Facebook (in Dutch)
Introducing the Decentralized Autonomous Kunstverein (DAK)
Even Joseph Stieglitz is against Libra (via Patrice Riemens)
Kaspersky reports that only 1 in 10 people ‘get’ crypto
Blockchain: Technology alone cannot protect freedom of expression
NYT: Libra is a bad move for Facebook (via Eduard)
Jameson Lob on Libra
Stating the obvious: Bitcoin is not ready for the world
Andrew Keen on Libra
Evgeny Morozov on Libra
Final nail in the coffin for physical money (via Inte)
Facebook, Libra, and the Long Game
Libra, a Cyberpunk Nightmare in the Midst of Crypto Spring, by Daniel Jeffries (via Patrice)
Why ICOs were doomed from the start
Review “DARK HAVENS: Confronting Hidden Money and Power” Disruption Network Lab Berlin/April 5-6 2019
GNUcash, a personal and small-business financial-accounting software
Stablecoins are booming
WeChat is Watching
Recap (Part I): Blockchain, Open Education & Digital Identity Conference in Lille, France
Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future
Facebook announces cryptocurrency with the release of Libra Whitepaper
Flash Boys 2.0:Frontrunning, Transaction Reordering, andConsensus Instability in Decentralized Exchanges https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.05234.pdf
Things got weird for stablecoin Tether
George Gilder’s Life after Google—The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy is disappointing American (fin.) conservatives
Erik Bordeleau talks fabulation, finance and cryptophilosophy at
Economic Space Agency – Transit Lounge Radio
Interview with Max Haiven on Art after Money, Money after Art (for Romanian Bienale catalogue)
Social Good & Blockchain
Banning stores that do not accept cash (via Patrice)
Just in case you did not notice: the unsuable bitcoin 
Is Fake Bitcoin Volume a Roadblock For Full-Fledged Crypto Rally?
Welcome to the RaveEnabler Unlock your Cryptorave #10 entry by donating your CPU. Support your local Cryptorave network mine Monero (XMR) and embody another identity https://0b673cce.xyz/
-Out in June-Finn Brunton: Digital Cash, The Unknown History of the Anarchists, Utopians, and Technologists Who Created Cryptocurrency https://press.princeton.edu/titles/13537.html
Quinn Dupont speaks to Finn Brunton about his book Digital Cash
Bitcoin and Friends | Episode 1 (via Inte)
Interview with Gina Pieters by Quin DuPont on why crypto reamains marginal amongst economists
Dark Crystal: Back up your secrets using the trust in your social fabric
A 'Blockchain Bandit' Is Guessing Private Keys and Scoring 
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stephaniemarlowftw · 6 years
TJ Cowgill’s seventh album under the Luciferian nom de plume explores war in all its iterations.
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TJ Cowgill has been releasing Luciferian folk epics under the moniker King Dude for nearly a decade, and his sound has only grown more striking with each new release. With his seventh album, Music To Make War To (out today via Ván Records), Cowgill tackles the foibles of war with piercing poetry and ambitious instrumentation. In celebration of the album’s release, Cowgill has unveiled a video for the LP’s third track, a blues-inflected duet with Josephine Olivia (of dark wave duo Blacksage) entitled “Good & Bad.” Watch the bewitching video in full today.
“Good & Bad” caps of a trilogy of videos released in commemoration of Music To Make War To, a ten-song chronicle of war in all its iterations—within families, between hearts, across borders and beyond. Videos for the galloping siren song “Velvet Rope” and grim hymn “Time To Go To War" round out the trio of epic releases.
“Music To Make War To is an effort to explore what living in a perpetual state of conflict means to humanity,” Cowgill says of the album’s intent. “It represents an attempt to find war in less conventional places and explain those findings through allegory and rock 'n roll. Now more than ever, in times like these when it appears that some invisible yet inevitable war is on the horizon, it is crucial to recall the past and the total reality of war.”
Cowgill began churning out electrifying neo-folk as King Dude in 2010, with the barren and eerie acoustic tracks of My Beloved Ghost. Cowgill’s sound has seen a staggering evolution, strapping his plaintive songs with bombastic ‘80s sheen (Fear, 2014; Sex, 2016) while still dabbling in heart stringing balladry (Songs of Flesh & Blood — In The Key of Light, 2015). Music To Make War To finds the King Dude persona at its most poised and fully realized.  
Music To Make War To is now available via Ván Records. Order a copy of your own here. Catch King Dude on tour throughout Europe in the months to come.
Music To Make War To — Track Listing
1. Time To Go To War
2. Velvet Rope
3. Good & Bad (feat. Josephine Olivia)
4. I Don’t Write Love Songs Anymore
5. Dead Before the Chorus
6. Twin Brother of Jesus
7. In The Garden
8. The Castle
9. Let It Burn
10. God Like Me 
King Dude Tour Dates (with Kælan Mikla)
September 20th, Berlin, DE 
September 21st, Leipzig, DE
September 22nd, Poznan, PO
September 23rd, Krakow, PO
September 24th, Budapest, HU
September 25th, Vienna, AT
September 26th, Munich, DE
September 27th, Martigny, FR
September 28th, Langres, FR
September 29th, Nantes, FR
September 30th, Paris, FR
October 1st, London, UK
October 2nd, Sint Niklass, BE
October 3rd, The Hague, NL
October 4th, Den Bosch, NL
October 5th, Oberhausen, DE
October 6th, Wurzburg, DE
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spizevilla · 1 year
118 Agile Project Manager Interview Questions with Answers
  Question - What are the most effective Agile metrics?  This establishes where time should be spent as a time factor and which tasks should be given priority. In an interview, it's common to talk about your prior employment. This gives the interviewer some insight into you as a candidate. It is crucial that you include a few things in your response because most companies will use this question to determine whether you can work with and lead a team. An employer will find you more appealing if you can demonstrate that a project was successful, but a strong interview is not required. Since they will evaluate your approach and character more so than your performance, it is crucial to be honest and upbeat in your response. The key responsibility for a change management specialist is to communicate with stakeholders inside the firm and acquire new practises. People and interaction over procedures and equipment - and adapting to changes is preferable to following a plan. Question - What is the length of a Scrum cycle?  Here are some project dangers that are increasing. Stakeholders are crucial to the project because of their significant influence and the function that their permission plays in it. They occasionally be difficult to manage. This is what I do in certain circumstances: - Being organised and having different techniques in place can help you as a project manager determine whether the project is on schedule. The majority of project managers maintain track of targets and objectives set at specific dates while also actively monitoring the project through project schedules. Because it is a live-updating system and uses colour coding for individual team members, using monitoring apps like the Kaban Board can be helpful in making sure the project is proceeding smoothly. You can see how each team member is doing with their work and whether there are any risks that they may veer off course.. List the roles and responsibilities. - be adaptable and flexible; - Cross-functional teams can work on projects gradually and iteratively with the help of the agile methodology. Talk about the last project you worked on, including how it functioned, the system you employed, and your team members. Question - How Can a Project Manager Be Proactive in Your Opinion? The interviewer may inquire about agile metrics if you are appearing for a project manager interview. They might inquire about a particular agile metric, or you might have to explain all of them. Here are some of the typical Agile metrics that they might inquire about: - Cumulative Flow Graph - On this basis, an examination of the particular - Defect Removal Awareness - The team was able to produce the greatest product because to this element. It is crucial to spot active flaws, be aware of them, and fix them. It is crucial to producing a top-notch product. - Sprint Burn Down: On the Scrum cycle, this graph shows the number of implemented and unimplemented sprints. Utilizing Sprint, you may monitor the job that has been completed. First, pick the appropriate illustration. Make sure you choose a recent project that you are comfortable discussing in detail. Keep in mind that they aren't just interested in the project itself, but also in the management style you employed. Describe your organisational methods, meeting schedules, and any tools you employed.. Additionally, it's critical to develop your communication skills. Employers appreciate individuals who present themselves with assurance, so if discussing a project that went wrong, it's preferable to emphasise its successes. For example, you might say something like, "Two colleagues missed their deadlines, but we all pulled together to help them, and after the conference, our client feedback was 100% positive. Even one of my clients sent me an email saying this year was the finest yet.. It is advisable to adopt a positive outlook and explain to the employer what you did as soon as difficulties arose in the project, how you have learned from the mistakes that were made, and what you would do in your future strategy to ensure that similar problems are avoided. One interview question that the Agile project manager can encounter is this one. Kanban is a mechanism for tracking the team's work and progress. In addition to the current state of the development strategy, progress is accurately defined using Kanban and tracked using the Kanban board. You can write the entire scenario at once on the Kanban board to get the wider picture, workflow progress, the job is finished, or the general state of a project.. Question - What's the length of a Scrum cycle? For many project managers, submitting status reports on a regular basis can be quite difficult. I personally am aware of a few project managers who view submitting reports as an unneeded distraction. I have no issues with giving status updates to my clients in my situation.. This question is intended to help the interviewer determine whether you are a good fit for the company and how you handled projects at your prior employer. You must use the Agile approach and demonstrate leadership while reporting the project management strategy here. Question - What Kind of Risks Could You Face When Managing a Project? Schedule - Market Risk - Operational Risk - Question - What Forms of Communication Do You Employ in a Project? To get the best performance out of my team members, I follow these steps: Question - When Does a Project Derail in Your Opinion? How Do You Plan to Handle That? Determine the underlying issue; spend additional time and effort obscuring the timeframe Stakeholders are crucial to the project since they have a lot of power and their approval is essential. They are occasionally difficult to manage. In those circumstances, I do what follows: - Be honest and tactful while making decisions. - Question - How Do You Know When A Project Is Off Track? It is very important and time-consuming to prioritise tasks in a project. It ensures the project will be completed successfully and on schedule. Use the following advice to prioritise your tasks: - Be prepared to adjust and maintain flexibility. - Be clear on what is important and what is urgent. Most businesses are searching for someone who is personable to team members and has open communication. So, rather than merely barking commands at your team, engage them in conversation and invite their input so that they feel involved in the process and may even come up with a brilliant idea.. Along with more team leader-focused actions like keeping the team engaged and making sure that everyone is completing their tasks by the deadlines, you may also describe any practical project management practises you use, such setting milestones and organising your files. The best performance from you and your team is required, therefore the interviewer can ask you about how you prioritise improvement. As a project manager, you should always try to learn and improve your skills after a project and view each one as a lesson, regardless of whether the project was successful or not. A project's progress, any issues that arose, and recommendations for improvement for future projects are always reported after completion by successful project managers.. Having a thorough grasp of the team is essential for delegation so that you can correctly assign tasks to people based on their skills. Once tasks are assigned, it is advised to begin a spreadsheet with milestones for each team member so that their progress on the project can be tracked. This should be done in addition to holding regular one-on-one meetings so you can provide feedback and address any questions they might have. Question - What Are Your Project and Career Goals for the Next Six Months? In the interview, you won't always be asked about the benefits and characteristics of agile. So, be ready for the flaws in the agile project management methodology. - • Concentrating on the project's paperwork and design can be challenging at times. - Question – What is ‘Scrum of Scrums’? Question - What Are Scrum Impediments, specifically? Describe Using Examples Inadequate team members or missing resources  - and more One of the agile project management interview questions that interviewers favour is this one. While Scrum is merely a variation of Agile that succinctly describes its procedures and processes, Agile is an umbrella term, i.e., a project management methodology. Agile is a process that goes along with this technique, and Scrum is a procedure. An increment is just the sum of all the sprint-completed backlog items for the product. Since it is known to be cumulative, all prior values are included in each increment. As a means of achieving your end aim, it ought to be made always accessible. describe the values' guiding concepts and goals. - welcoming change at any moment, - Question - Describe Your Day-to-Day Activities as an Agile Project Manager.? • The project manager is expected to join his project team for a daily stand-up meeting. The team members are expected to report on what they accomplished the day prior to this meeting, as well as any difficulties they encountered and any solutions. - • The manager is tasked with checking the issue and risk register and making sure all necessary measures are completed. All open issues in place should also be followed up on by the manager. - Three key responsibilities make up the agile project management team: Team Lead (Scrum Master), Project Owner, and Team Members. Coordination of all team activities while taking into consideration what has to be done is the responsibility of the Scrum Master, sometimes referred to as the Team Lead or project manager. To complete all the coordination tasks, he will need the team member and project owner's assistance. All members of the project team, including the manager and the project owner, are considered team members. Their responsibility is to listen to the scrum master's instructions, follow them, and complete their work within the specified time frames.. The majority of projects are affected by Artificial and Data Intelligence Technology; - The project management team's diversity is becoming more apparent. It is undeniable that expanded diversification is one of the newest trends in the project industry today given the quick advancement of technology. You must have a varied project team if you are an agile project manager. You should have a diverse project team for a number of reasons, including changing policies and an ageing workforce. Recognize and get to know each member of your team personally. - Encourage your project team to work together as a unit. Collect all ideas, but carefully consider each one on your own. Discard any that are unnecessary for the project. Allow everyone to voice their opinions, but work together to refine the ones that you can use. - Question - How Will You Manage Risk Analyst In A Project As An Agile Project Manager, Is The Question? Debriefing is one of the most crucial post-project procedures because it provides everyone the chance to consider their contributions and offer suggestions for how the team as a whole may improve. This is significant in agile management since it's critical to have the ability to adapt. Question - How Do You, As An Agile Manager, Minimize Team Anxiety? Question - How Can You Be Certain That You Remain Professional and In Control While Handling Unforeseen Situations In Your Project Team? Question - Describe the process you use to manage an agile project from planning to completion. Then there is sprint planning, which is selecting which item to focus on at each stage of the project based on the list of items in the product backlog. The team will then begin formulating a plan on how to tackle those items. Once the project has begun, holding daily scrum meetings is a smart method to stay on top of management. At these meetings, you may brief the team on any changes or issues while also maintaining morale. Regular 1:1 meetings with each team member are necessary to discuss concerns and progress. Planning a sprint requires adhering to a few predetermined stages once all team members are prepared. Before breaking the project down into smaller daily tasks that each team member may perform, the scrum leader must first remind the entire team of the larger goal that his sprint is aiming to achieve. Question - What Tasks Do You Complete In Daily Standup Meetings? It is also crucial that the meeting be concise and only cover the crucial topics. Establish an objective for the meeting, inform everyone on the team of any changes to the project and how those changes will influence their work, and then go over each team member's daily tasks before taking any concerns or questions.. While the retrospective meeting should be led by one person who ensures that specific issues are covered, it is crucial that, like the sprint process, the retrospective be collaborative so that every team member has the chance to voice their opinions. The focus of the retrospective should be on creating strategies for the sprint process to function better for them in forthcoming projects rather than trying to find solutions for things that didn't go well.. Question - Which agile techniques do you think are most often used? Question - What would you say is a Sprint planning meeting? Question - When should we utilise waterfall instead of Scrum? A retrospective is a gathering when the process is examined and modified. The question about Agile approach asks how to do a retrospective, so it's critical to describe one or two styles.. A project manager assigns responsibilities to the team members while concentrating on processes. Question - What, in basic terms, is Agile methodology? The project owner manages the product backlog, which contains all of the features and specifications for the product. Question – What are Agile quality strategies? brief feedback loops - Question - What exactly is an Agile manifesto? Lean software development, feature-driven development, dynamic development, and crystal approaches are a few methodologies and innovations that can use agile.. Question - What distinguishes agile testing techniques from conventional testing techniques? Question - How do you recognise that you're using agile development? A story purpose is what the scrum team refers to when estimating the overall effort needed to complete a certain task, handle a backlog, or perform a specific task.. Question - What does Agile's "Zero sprint" mean? The graphical depiction of a description that displays the implemented and unimplemented product backlog is called a product burndown chart.. Question - What exactly do you mean by a release burndown chart? There are a number of flaws that are noted and subsequently fixed in this rendition.. Question - What do you mean by the term "sprint retrospective meeting"? Question - What do you do when a fresh project is conceived? Give specific instances of how you've done it in the past, such as by holding quick meetings, utilising a project management tool, etc., or your brilliant suggestions on how to do it in the future. Of course, delegation is crucial to every project, and learning how to delegate well is essential.. Question - How do you ensure that your team achieves all deadlines? Question - What is the best way to plan an Agile project? Never can everything be found under one roof. Utilizing dynamic project management solutions will assist you fulfil the demands of managing a distant workforce when you come across an outsourced resource. Project managers must be knowledgeable about how to recruit them, the best tools to utilise, and how to manage people and resources.. Question - What type of project management programme do you favour? For effective project management, team development is crucial in addition to project management. You should be well-versed in how you live up to team expectations, demonstrate people management abilities, and demonstrate your leadership.. Question - Do you have any experience with the Scrum framework? "Communication is the most crucial skill for an agile project manager. Effective communication with my team, clients, and stakeholders is a requirement of this job. I also need to be able to listen intently in order to comprehend what everyone else expects of me. Collaboration is another critical characteristic. I collaborate closely with a variety of team members as an agile project manager. Collaboration enables me to establish trusting bonds with others and solve issues..” "I begin by having a meeting with my team members to go over what we have accomplished thus far, our objectives for the next weeks, and any difficulties or concerns we may be experiencing. I then use all of this data to construct a project's visual representation using a piece of software like Microsoft Project. This gives me a general picture of the project and allows me to understand where we stand in relation to our deadlines. I then divide each goal into smaller assignments and distribute them among the team members..” Question - How would you respond if a project started to deviate off course? “I am confident in my ability to communicate with various kinds of professionals because I have experience working on projects with both technical and non-technical teams. In my previous position as an agile project manager, I collaborated with a group of engineers that were not only extremely talented in their field but also incredibly receptive to criticism. I would meet with them frequently to go through any updates or adjustments to the project. “I've worked on a number of projects where communicating with a remote team was necessary. In these circumstances, I find it useful to schedule weekly meetings so that everyone is informed of the project's progress. When necessary, I also like to use programmes like Slack or Skype for instant chat. I can swiftly answer inquiries from my team members thanks to these technologies..” "I'd make sure I'm always informed of the organization's objectives, both immediate and long-term. This will enable me to develop project strategies that help me achieve those objectives. I might wish to add features or make adjustments to our product if, for instance, the company wants to grow sales by 10% this year. I could wish to add functionality to our software that will work effectively for customers from different nations if we have long-term expansion plans..” “Because of its flexibility, Agile is the method I choose to utilise. I find that different approaches are needed for various projects, therefore being flexible in my approach is crucial. In my previous position, we were charged with developing an app for a client that desired the ability to make updates independently of our involvement. Agile development was chosen so that the client could add new features whenever they desired..” Read the full article
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