#it's totally your choice but do yourself a fav and listen to that song
moonchild-in-blue · 8 months
Those emoji asks are so cute, it was hard to choose which ones to send you; I think 🏵️,🍄, 🫐, 🥀 seem interesting!
Thank you for the asks Kay!! They really are super cute, aren't they? 🥺
🏵️ what flower symbolizes you? if none come to mind, what’s your birth flower and do you identify with its meaning?
Well, my middle name is Yasmin, after both the Disney princess and the jasmin flower. It means "gift from God", which I personally really love! I feel very connected to it, and I looove the smell! My mother once gave a really expensive little flask of jasmin perfume that I wear every year on my birthday. I'm planning to get them tattooed on me one day, they're so cute and dainty 🥺 My actual favourite flowers though, would probably peonies (and tulips!)
🍄 if you had to live the rest of your life as either a gnome, a fairy, or another woodland creature which would you choose and where would you live?
FAIRY 🧚‍♀️!! I love fairies SO SO MUCH, they're super cute! I'd love nothing more than be a tiny fairy or pixie, dressed in leaves and flower petals, sleeping on top of mushrooms and hollowed-out trees 🥺 I'd probably choose somewhere where there's plenty of tall, giant trees, moss, and flowers all year round, maybe close to a stream? If not a fairy, then probably a woodland nymph! I could bathe in rivers by the moonlight and feel the earth with my bare feet. That's the dream.
🫐 do you consider yourself a passionate person? if so, about what topics?
Ha, if by passionate you mean completely and totally obsessed and unhinged, then yes. No, but really. Asides from the ~obvious~ (and excluding cliché answers like art and literature etc), something that I'm actually super passionate about would be floriography (flower language), and colour theory! It's not super surprising if you pay attention, but I feel like they're somewhat niche topics? I also adore analog photography - in fact I'm thinking of reviving my photography side blog and picking up my cameras again.
[oh I just thought of something else - contemporary dance! I LOVE seeing choreographies and performances on it (and love love when it's combined with ballet). There's this indie artist that I really like, Ry X, who has collaborated with a dancer couple (?) for his last album. The song "Your Love" features them in the video - it's truly beautiful to watch and peaceful to hear.]
🥀 what keeps you motivated/helps boost your mood when you’re feeling off?
Again, I feel like this is a super boring answer, but just looking/interacting with art! More specifically, I like to listen to my favourite albums whenever I'm feeling a bit more droopy, and watching my fav comfort movies. My personal favourites for situations like that will forever and always be Stuck In Love and It's Kind of a Funny Story. They're very very close to my heart and I always feel renewed when I'm finished. I know thar for a lot of people, talking with friends or loved ones would be the obvious choice, but I really am an introvert through and through - I always feel better by myself (even though I love my friends!). Reading also helps - whether be poetry, or just studying about my favourite artists' life and work.
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songbirds-sweet · 1 year
I'm from Newfoundland. I did live in the GTA for a few years but longed for my island in the Atlantic. I love looking out and seeing the mountains and water. Have you always lived in Ontario? Is there a province/territory that you could see yourself moving to one day?
He really did have an outstanding range. I love his cover of Nothing Compares to U. I loved that he'd try all genres too or songs by female artists. He knew his voice could do any song justice.
I'd love that! Me and one of my mutuals recommend music docs to each other all the time and I love it. We both like a wide variety of stuff so it's fun to watch something from an genre or artist I'm not overly familiar with. Then we'll have a chat about it.
I know and I hoped to go to that PJ show. But I couldn't get the time away from work as it was a Thursday show and I would of needed 3 days away with travel and all. I've not seen them sadly. Though they've always been in my life I've only really been obsessed with them the past 2 yrs or so. They did play here in NL yrs ago but I wasn't as into them at the time. If only to go back in time, right? Is there an artist you wish you could go back and see? Say you can pick any 3 for an ultimate show of acts no longer performing.. Which 3 would you pick?
People say that the Foos put on an amazing show. I'm only a casual listener but you can't deny Dave is great songwriter with an amazing career. Most would of given up when Nirvana ceased to exist but luckily he found a way to handle his grief with his creativity.
I don't listen to all the members of PJs solo stuff or side projects but I like knowing they all have an outlet between the bands long stretches of inactivity.
I'll have to add the Foos docs to my list. From what I've learned from mutuals posts about them, they're a fun loving bunch. I love that when a band/artist doesn't take themselves too seriously.
I've also seen plenty of posts about the GVF boys with some fun fashion choices so clearly they like to keep things light and fun too. Do you have a fav look of theirs? Do you like to play with fashion yourself?
I do have other sideblogs but they're not really for blogging more for keeping track of things (music docs watched; etc..) I'm a nerd that way lol. But my main blog is a mishmash of everything else that pops in my brain 🙃
Is this your 1st year doing Secret Santa on here? It's such a fun thing. I don't think any of my mutuals are doing it though I learned about it from one of them who rbed the post.
We have our Santa Clause parade here in a few hours though it's absolutely freezing ☃Have you ever been a part of a parade?
Oh that's so cool! Where in the GTA? I've lived in Ontario my whole life! I always wanted to go to PEI to see the Anne of Green Gable house but I haven't thought about moving anywhere 😱 Is there anywhere in Canada you would like to go see?
Oh I agree, I miss Chris so much and I especially miss his friendship he had with Eddie.
That's so cool! I'd love to do that with you when this is over for sure!
Ahh yeah I get you. If you ever come to the GTA again, we can try and see PJ in Toronto sometime the next time they tour!
Ahh as for acts no longer performing: Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, and either Chris Cornell or Amy Winehouse.
I saw the Foos twice and I can honestly say they were amazing both times and I highly recommend Dave live. and YES all of the Foos are sweethearts and every single day I miss Taylor.
Ahhh I fully understand with solo stuff with bands!
Honestly all of their outfits in this pic they did with Metallica are my favs
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I mean I'm not 100% sure what my fashion is I mostly wear band shirts and jeans 😂
That's so cool! I'll totally follow them once the Secret Santa is over!
Ahh this is my second year doing this (and my first year for the GVF one) AND I AM STOKED, I'm having so much fun!!!
Oh I hope you had a fun time at the parade! I went to it a lot when I was a kid!
Since it's officially two weeks until Christmas, if you were dating your celebrity crush, what would the holidays be like with them?
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brolinskeep · 7 years
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Saturn by Sleeping At Last
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Hi jo!! I know we just recently became mutuals so if u cant answer I’m totally cool with that but for the Bakugou ask game here are some things about me!
Ummm I’m really loyal and get angry if people mess with my friends or family. I loooove to read it’s one of my fav pastimes. I also really love movies and music to the point where like if you get me talking about something I love I will not shut up about it Lmao. I make a lot of playlists for almost everyone in my life. My love language is physical touch but I’m not really a clingy person if that makes sense. I like my space. That’s all I can really think of! Why is talking about yourself so hard like who am I lmao but thank u!!! this ask game is really cute🥺♥️
Bakugou would admire and respect your loyalty. I think he’s also fiercely loyal to those he cares about so together you would be a force to be reckoned with.
I can just see the smug smirk on his face if anyone ever got in his way because they won’t have to deal with him, they’ll have to deal with you and it’s almost worse😂
I think it would take time for him to get used to physical touch, growing up as quite an independent guy. I think he’d ease into it with you and you’d be able to show him how it truly feels to give love and receive love in turn. I think as a couple it would be the little things? Like your thighs touching as you sit together in silence reading your favourite books, a cute playlist playing in the background while you cook dinner together as he wraps his arms around you while you plate up, or just having a cuddle after a rough day.
I think he’d appreciate the playlists more than you know, because he’d actually take the time to listen to each song individually. Listening to the lyrics or feeling the music to understand why you picked these songs for him. He’d probably try and do the same for you because it’s brought him so much happiness.
Bakugou loves hearing you talk about the things you enjoy, he’ll often ask you what you’re reading even if he knows it, just because he loves seeing the expression of pure joy on your face as you go on and on about it- he could listen to you for hours. Even if it’s the worst book you’ve ever read and you’re giving it a scathing review he still loves listening to you, watching how passionate you are about it. He’s gotta stop himself leaning over to kiss you because you’re just that cute-
I feel like you’d both enjoy your own space and your own time and I think Bakugou would be perceptive enough to know the times you want a few moments to yourself.
I think most of all Bakugou wants someone that would give their all in the relationship, because thats exactly what he would do. And knowing that you’re going to put in the same effort as him? It ensures he made the right choice falling for you.💕
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imbellarosa · 4 years
Let’s Talk Calm-ly about Two Loves
OR: When you’re a grown man who writes stories for a living, you definitely wrote your own weird bedtime story, too. 
The TLDR here is that H has taken one specific listener around the globe, notably to Tokyo and Jamaica. He quotes an old Victorian Poet who was an awful human but who’s lasting legacy is the phrase “a love that dare not speak its name” which is - you guessed it - a reference to queer love. He also is super excited to spend what seems like the foreseeable future with this listener and has bought a little house with a garden of daisies with them and it’s very sweet and domestic. Anyways this is a wild time and it’s all under a cut because it’s...really a lot. 
Anyways I think the people I owe thank yous this times around to are @queenlokibeth​ who had to listen to me scream about this for a while, Astrid, who screamed with me when this came out, and “M” who convinced me to finally get to work in this fandom. And, of course, all of the lovely people tagged below who’s work I used to build my argument. 
1.) Who Wrote “Dream With Me”? 
Well, not H, or so the story goes. Two other people (Steve Cleverly and Sanj Sen) did! I mean, right, okay, for a while I was like...that seems like an odd choice for a man who didn’t want to hand Two Ghosts over to his own band because it seemed too personal. He wrote on every song in both albums’ he’s released thus far, because he seems to be passionate about telling the stories he wants to tell (even if he won’t tell you explicitly what they’re about). But for a while, I was totally going with the flow there, and the rest of this analysis would still stand: the writer of this story definitely referenced a poem by Lord Alfred Douglas and Harry’s own songs. 
However, I then read this fun quote from the Co-founder and CEO of Calm: 
“Well,” he said, “The the Harry Styles one is interesting because that came purely from Harry Styles himself...we took the approach of creating a sort of musical epic poem – he doesn’t sing, it’s spoken with poetry, but there’s a sort of musical sound bed to it and it’s pulling on things and themes that Harry’s fans really adore about him and associate with him. So his story was driven really by him – we really created a concept around him.” 
-  Chris Advansun, July 7th, 2020 via @hlupdate​
And I thought, hmmm. This does not sound like a project that he was not involved in creating. From this point on (July, 7th 2020), I began to think of it as a three way co-collaboration between him and the other two authors. But this confused me a bit, because there was largely a nonreaction from the fandom. I was waiting for an actual transcript, because I always fall asleep to these meditation stories, but it was being referenced to as some sort of Y/N fic, which was...honestly not what I expected, but also not implausible, thanks to the ~lovely~ image this man has had since the age of sixteen. But also, twitter seemed to be concerned by other things at the moment, and no one was analyzing the story. . 
In fact, I messaged a friend the day that this story dropped, because it had been kind of a shit show day on Twitter. Rumors were sort of flying about everyone and everything: had Liam shaved his head? Was he engaged? Had he and Maya broken up? Were Zayn and Gigi engaged? Had they broken up? Did Niall have a girlfriend? (this one was true lol). Were Elounor engaged? Were they pregnant? Had they broken up??? My personal fav was the bald Liam rumor, which he promptly put to rest in LP Act 1 by...having a huge mane of hair. 
So then I thought - huh. Why has today looked like this? I’m not saying that there aren’t days that twitter goes wild because of boredom, because there definitely is - the articles about secret meetings in Italy that are coming out this week (8/12/2020) are proof positive. So that definitely does happen, but it doesn’t usually happen on the days that there’s a lot of content. And maybe I’ve just been starved for content in this fandom, but I would consider a 40 minute video quite a bit of content. 
Then the transcript dropped. I’m using two as references - this one on Wattpad and also @carl-and-pearl ‘s version here (thank you so much for the transcript!!). We’re going to get into a more detailed description of what’s going on in the story, but the first thing I recognized immediately is that it was first person POV. I knew that going in, based on the number of Y/N jokes going around on twitter. Then I read it aloud, and I realized that it read like a letter. Like an experience specific to the writer and the reader. And while that’s not super uncommon to write about an experience from the author’s POV - I listen to a podcast called Nothing Much Happens: bedtime stories for adults which has a similar concept - I thought it was odd that they were trying to include both the author and the listener. I completely understood why the y/n jokes were pertinent. But at the same time, it felt like something had snagged in my mind - like a particularly annoying splinter. 
The conversations I was having around this story - completely based on the content, concept, and my own instinct - was that this story contained specific references to one person. I thought that it did read like a love letter, and that most identifying features would have been taken out, but the essence remained. Which, once I thought about it, was something that H excelled at doing. Think about Sunflower Vol 6 and Adore You and Canyon Moon and even Watermelon Sugar and Golden.  Ask yourself, What do I know about the person they are about? They have skin that browns, they have a secret, they have mesmerizing eyes, they’re willing to dance in the kitchen with him (to dancehall), they have a belly, they’ve been through hard times, they’re witty, they have an accent, and they have lips. I know - super specific right?
So the splinter grew into a thorn - what was I missing? And then - when I was looking for something completely different - I stumbled upon this old interview Harry did with Zach Sang and the Gang Show back in 2017.  For context, he was being asked about Sweet Creature. As you can imagine, it’s hard for people to believe he wrote such a beautiful love song when he hadn’t ever really had a long term relationship (two hearts in one home?? Who did you move in with, you can imagine them asking. When did you have time?). So what did he have to say about this?
"In my opinion,” he explained, “I think most songs are written for one listener. Maybe there's one thing in there that only they'll notice about them.... It's so much easier to say something in a song than it is to say it to someone and I think it's really amazing to be able to communicate through that and be able to wrap up everything that you want to say in three and a half minutes and say it in a song."
- HS, May 3 2017
By this time, please believe that I was screeching. Seeing this felt like he put into words the exact feeling I had about “Dream With Me”. It felt like a nod to someone that I didn’t know, which made the story hard to listen to, tbh. Although, I will say that when I did finally listen to it, it knocked me out and gave me odd dreams so. Once was enough for me haha! 
So my new operating theory is exactly what Advansun said: I think that H was the primary writer/the driving force behind the story. Because of the references I’m about to run through, because it feels like the way he tells stories, and because they admitted to him being more involved than they originally claimed. That’s going to be how I write the rest of the analysis - under the impression that H had a direct hand in the story that was being put forth. However, I think that the analysis itself would stand whether or not he wrote any of it. It would just be a more tenuous reflection of him than I believe it to be. 
2.) How Do I Love Thee? In Two Ways. 
Before I jump into the story, let’s talk a little about the poem that I want to compare it to: Two Loves, by Lord Alfred Douglas.  Let’s be clear this is not at all a defense of who Bosie was - he was a terrible person, particularly in his later years, when he’d converted to Catholicism and turned his back on his younger self, and his partner, Oscar Wilde. He was violently anti-Semitic, and turned his back on his own community. I want to get this out of the way because I very much believe that we should examine artists for who they are. That is, after all, what I am trying to do here. 
But his poem Two Loves has often been used - much to his disappointment, I’m sure - as an exploration of queer love in Victorian times. A line that I will be exploring more deeply in a second was in fact used against Oscar Wilde in his trail for indecency . He attempted - unsuccessfully - to explain it away, but it was too blatantly about their relationship for even the British Victorian society to ignore. I really, really recommend a read of this poem, because it is - despite it’s author - a good piece of work, which explores the themes of shame and love and longing between two men in that time. 
I’m going to start with my own background, as someone who’s analyzed fandoms before. I first came across this poem in the Sherlock fandom, with this analysis by @the-7-percent-solution​, when I was running in that fandom, and she explains the poem brilliantly in just a few lines. I’m going to take a little longer to run through it, but if you want a concise explanation and a brilliant meta, I encourage you to run to their blog and check it out. That fandom taught me most everything I know about catching symbols and recurring themes and “clueing for looks” and I love it desperately, still. 
But we’re here to talk about this fandom, so on with the poem! Essentially, the poem outlines a dream the speaker had: In his dream, he’s standing in a field with flowers - beautiful ones of all kind - and he meets this young man with clear blue eyes and bright red lips and they kiss a bit and have a picnic, and it’s all lovely. If you think I’m kidding, I’m really not. Please, read it for yourself. 
Anyways, after they did they did the whole picnic thing, the speaker and his date go on a walk in this field, where they come across two figures. The first is described as, 
“...fair and blooming, and a sweet refrain Came from his lips; he sang of pretty maids And joyous love of comely girl and boy, His eyes were bright, and 'mid the dancing blades Of golden grass his feet did trip for joy; And in his hand he held an ivory lute With strings of gold that were as maidens' hair, And sang with voice as tuneful as a flute, And round his neck three chains of roses were.” 
- Two Loves, 1894
The speaker, however, was drawn to the second figure: 
“He was full sad and sweet, and his large eyes Were strange with wondrous brightness, staring wide With gazing; and he sighed with many sighs That moved me, and his cheeks were wan and white Like pallid lilies, and his lips were red Like poppies, and his hands he clenched tight, And yet again unclenched, and his head Was wreathed with moon-flowers pale as lips of death. A purple robe he wore, o'erwrought in gold With the device of a great snake, whose breath Was fiery flame..”
- Two Loves, 1984
Of course, the speaker immediately asks the second man who he is. The second man says, “My name is Love”. The first man corrects him quickly: 
“ He lieth, for his name is Shame, But I am Love, and I was wont to be Alone in this fair garden, till he came Unasked by night; I am true Love, I fill The hearts of boy and girl with mutual flame.”
-Two Loves, 1984
The second man sighs and acquiesces, “Have thy will. I am the love that dare not speak its name.” 
It was, of course, this last line that really gave the meaning of the poem away. It was the line that was put to Oscar Wilde as proof of a romantic relationship, it was the line that went down in history as a way to refer to queer love, and it was the line that first stuck out to me when I was reading “Dream With Me”. 
The reading here is clearly that “Love” is the love that is acceptable to society - easy, sweet, and cherished. “Shame” is the love that happens in secret - beautiful, alluring to the speaker, passionate, anxious ( as can be seen in the clenching and unclenching of his hands), and proud. He refuses to call himself as anything but what he is. The first man may call him Shame, but he refuses the name, and instead, offers a qualifier to his own descriptor. He is still love, he is just the love that can’t be spoken about. 
3.) Walking in Golden Fields of Sunflowers
Now let’s talk about “Dream With Me”. I’m ignoring the first few stanzas (from the line “Have you ever wondered” to “What the two of us can find”.) because those are pretty standard introductory paragraphs to a guided meditation. So we start with the line “Let’s travel now to moonlit valleys...”. 
I’m going to do the same thing I did with “Two Loves” first. I am going to describe literally, in general terms, what happens in the story. Warning, I change pronouns from “they” to “you” because the whole thing confuses me, but note that I’m always talking about the speaker and the listener: 
So after doing the standard intro, the speaker and the listener take a walk through the woods enjoying nature, particularly the grass, the trees, and the blue sky above. You’re already clearly in love. Then you’re magically on a raft, with cherry blossoms all around you. If you want a good visual for that, here’s a site that has pictures from a boat rental in Tokyo where you can snuggle on a raft in the  Chidorigafuchi moat. And then suddenly it starts raining, and they (you) watch the rain for a hot second, and then the scene magically shifts again, and you’re under a porch (although I guess it could be the boat rental’s porch. They do usually have covered areas). 
Kind of furthering that theory, they then lounge by the shoreline, skipping stones and hanging out, looking at the snow capped mountains. In case you’re curious, because at this point I sure was, you can see mountains from certain areas in the city of Tokyo. 
Anyways, then it’s snowing, and you’re magically in a cabin, just chilling by the fire, and you fall asleep again. You wake up somewhere else.
Where are you now? Well, you’re on a tropical island filled with palm trees. As an American, my mind immediately jumps to the Caribbean, but I suppose it could absolutely be in the Mediterranean as well. The island has white beaches, mangroves, a turquoise ocean, and a gorgeous, peaceful atmosphere. 
If you’re curious as to what a mangrove looks like - and I certainly was - they are a group of trees and shrubs that live in the coastal intertidal zone and Jamaica is doing a massive restoration project involving primary school children to regrow this vital part of their ecosystem. More interestingly, there currently exist no mangrove forests in the Mediterranean, so my initial feeling that this scene would take place in the Caribbean was correct. On that note - again, because I was curious - Jamaica has gorgeous white sand beaches with turquoise oceans. 
But I’ve gone off topic again! After you’re minds are “in tune” once more (trying to find a heartbeat, anyone?), you reappear in a meadow, with beautiful flowers of all kind, where you are now walking hand in hand through a field of sunflowers, which give the feeling a “warm and golden hue”. Then you come across a little farmhouse with daisies poking out (clearly I have no way of locating this anywhere in the world, but I assume that the UK has both sunflowers and daisies). It’s an empty house which was loved and left because of the passage of time, which inspires my favorite line in the poem: “ The thought of passing time inspires/A feeling that grows stronger”. It’s just...really sweet to me. 
So, of course, they do what anyone would do when they come across an empty farmhouse, they go inside. And there, they begin to fall asleep, reflecting on all they have just seen, referencing other scenes of the poem: “ Moonlit valleys, Burdened forests, Gazing at the ocean. Summer meadows, Tranquil sunsets steeped in emotion”. 
The next few stanzas are just going to be copy-pasted, and then I’ll go into them a bit, but this is the end of the poem, so they’re the final reflections;
“The tenderness we feel When we are close Two minds as one Surrounds us and connects us But we’ve only just begun.
For now we dream together Of all there is to follow. And know that sleep will keep us safe From now until tomorrow.
Maybe all the memories That we’ve gathered here tonight Are all dreams now remembered Or wishes in plain sight.
No matter what They’re with us now. For this night and forever. And every time we close our eyes They’re yours and mine to treasure.” 
- HS, Dream With Me, via @carl-and-pearl​
And that’s it! The literal story, in short, is that you started in a forest, then went to Tokyo (maybe) and then Jamaica (perhaps) and then back to a field of sunflowers and daisies in the UK (which is also a guess, it could be Italy or France or Idaho for all I know, but let’s call it an educated guess). 
4.) My Dream Journal
So now that we know what happens in the story, how do we interpret this? Well, There are a few lines in the poem that I want to draw your attention to: the first takes place in the first part of this story, when you’re still in the forest. This is, I must say, the most direct reference to Two Loves in the whole poem/song/story. Both works are describing a walk in the woods with your loved one, and, in a fun reference in the middle of the story, Dream With Me says
The shimmering reflection Shows us smiling from above. But what we think But dare not speak is L-O-V-E love.
-Dream With Me, 2020
Remember that line I mentioned before? I am the love that dare not speak its name. Right, so that’s almost a direct quote. It also has a really fun nod to “I Would” (Would he say he’s in L-O-V-E?/Well if it was me then I would), but I digress. 
This first part of the narrative, I feel, really sets up what the rest of it will look and feel like, in the same way that “Golden” sets the tone for Fine Line. (You didn’t think I was going to make a post about Harry and NOT mention Golden, did you?? If you did, I’m disappointed!!). So  let’s take a look at what’s happening, and the language he’s using to describe it. 
One of the best things about this poem is how vivid it feels. Of course, I’m about to argue that it’s vivid because it was based in reality, but let’s talk about the sheer amount of detail he uses to describe the place he’s walking through. The valley (canyon lmao) is moonlit, the grass and the leaves make mosaics of green, you’re walking by the heather (the symbolism of heather is good luck, admiration, and protection), the sepia sunlight breaks through the trees. 
You know what it kind of sounds like? Sweet Creature. You’re about to roll your eyes at me! I can feel it! But listen, okay?  
“Sweet creature Running through the garden Oh, where nothing bothered us But we're still young I always think about you and how we don't speak enough”
Which, to be honest, sounds like what they’re doing. They’re walking through the garden in the sun, not daring to speak about the Love that he (they both) feel, and instead refering to it in veiled Victorian terms. 
And then we head to Tokyo! I know that you’re about to ask me why I think it’s Tokyo versus...idk, anywhere else? Well, for one, he went to Tokyo (to let it go) publicly in 2019. He was there for a few months, and there are some great pictures of that time: 
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Look! Here he is with his club owner friend and his dog, and a fun red bandanna! But let’s be honest, the dog really steals the show here. But wait! there’s more! More dog content, too!
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This was on Jan 31st, 2019, and he’s taking the dog for a walk! Very cute! If nothing else, he spent a lot of time with dogs in Tokyo! And the city fits the description of the story. So I feel rather comfortable with my interpretation that this first date is a memory of this trip - or another - to Tokyo. 
So what did “you both”do in Tokyo? Well, chill on a raft while the cherry blossoms flutter around you, clearly. You also refocused your purpose. What did he do in Tokyo in 2019? Well, he took time to think about and write songs for the album he was about to go record. Kind of like refocusing on what’s next, right? And then, in the story when “you both” had time to think amongst the lake and the water and the rain and the moon, and you’d come to the conclusions you needed to, you left. What did he do when he did the things he needed to? Well, he left, too. 
And where did he go? Well, in real life, I suppose he went to do his job. But, in the story, you’re meant to be falling deeper and deeper into sleep, so it’s sort of like traveling backwards, you see? Like counting down to one. So you end up on this island with turquoise ocean and mangrove forests. I’m calling this Jamaica. Why? Well, the description fits, for one, down to the four types of mangroves that exists within its ecosystem. 
And - probably the biggest reason - I can place him there, too. Here’s him in 2017:
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I added this picture because the water around him....looks rather turquoise, doesn’t it? Kind of like he’s enjoying his time on a tropical island by the beach?? Oh, and here’s another one!: 
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The red bandanna makes a comeback! 
So what are you doing in Jamaica, according to the story? Well, you’re hanging out, basically. Enjoying the beach and each other, of course!  What else? To be exact, “[Your] thoughts dovetail and unify/ In tune two minds together”. I’m so glad that you’re tuned like an old guitar now! Congrats! Really happy for you! 
What was he doing in Jamaica three years ago? Why, he was recording his first album, or so the story goes. I’ll tell you something: finding press for that album was literally the most difficult part of this whole analysis. I got a fair bit of the tattoo roulette with Kendall Jenner, and some things about Carolina, but the interview with Zach Sang took me like an hour and a half to find again to link. The fact that a lot of it has been buried is...not great, for posterity purposes. He’s going to want that one day. 
But I’ve gotten off track again! We gotta go back and finish our story, right? What happens now? Well, this does: 
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hahahaha okay, I’m really sorry, but I had to. I’m not, actually, making it up though! According to the story: 
“ As minutes turn to hours We drift off somewhere new. And visualize a stairway To a door we now walk through”
- Dream With Me, 2020
So maybe Louis was just...demonstrating for you. 
Anyways! Where do you walk out to? A golden field full of sunflowers. You walk for a minute, then come across an old house with daisies popping up out of the garden. And that’s where the story ends. I guess you’ve made that farmhouse feel like home. 
Now to the little reflection he does on the outro. The lines I want to bring your attention are: “The tenderness we feel when we are close two minds as one surrounds us and connects us but we’ve only just begun” and “Maybe all the memories that we’ve gathered here tonight are all dreams now remembered or wishes in plain sight.”
Let’s talk about the first sentence first. In the context of finding a home that could be a shared home, and a future, this is very much an “end of the story, beginning of our lives” sort of thing. You’re back from all over, and it’s time to settle down, and see what’s next. 
And now the second sentence. I think this is the one that really drives my point about this story being a collection of memories he has - that’s what he calls it. The story is “gathered memories” that might also be called “remembered dreams” (think of how people say of vacations, “oh it was a dream!”) or you might call it “wishes in plain sight”. This feels in line with the rest of the story. In this stanza, he’s sort of letting you in a bit. If I’ve read this right - and I really think that I have - he’s giving the larger context for the story. It’s a collection of memories he’s had with someone he loves. 
5.) Cool! Can you prove it? 
I mean, I’d argue that if you read this far, I have proved it, but let’s make some more links, shall we? This was called a “muscial epic” that was “driven by him”. I’d argue that if I know my Victorian literature (thank you, Sherlock!), then he definitely does. Then there’s the fact that he quoted it, so. That did happen. And he knows what it means. And even if he didn’t, there were two other people on the story. Someone was more than capable of catching that one, and the fact that they didn’t speaks to intent. They want you to think of that phrase when you read this poem. They want you to think of that walk in the woods while you’re going on this one. 
And, as for my assumption that this is for and about one person, well. Think about it. He said that he writes his songs for a single listener. I’m not saying it’s the same listener each time, let’s get that right, but it is always just for one person. With that, and with the assumption that he’s been involved in the writing of this story, I’d say that the same rule applies. He went with someone to Japan and Jamaica (J^2 haha). And, if I had to guess, it was the same person. 
Why, you ask? Well, for one, if that weren’t the case, then this poem would no longer be for one listener, it would be for multiple. And, for another, imagine how awkward it would be to listen to it with his current partner and have to explain “oh, yeah that was the super romantic vacation I took with someone else” . And, I suppose that because I think that attitude of “refocusing” and “dovetailing” and “tuning” and getting excited about imagining all of the tomorrows with your partner speaks to a long term relationship breathing easily, you know? 
I’m also going to argue that describing the aura around the house as “golden” was intentional, especially when paired with the location - in the middle of a field of sunflowers. Those are both direct references to his songs. And those two songs are particularly linked by the number 28. The third song that features 28 is Fine Line the song, but that’s a different story. Anywho! “Golden”’s bridge just repeats the word ‘golden’ twenty eight times (if you go here , you can count the bridge) and “Sunflower Vol. 6″ ends the song with 28 “boops” (believe me, I wish I was making this up. I’m not.). So then, once again, you’ve linked a story to two already linked songs. 
And, even if you don’t buy the intentional repetition, they’re linked another way, aren’t they? The color scheme and the sun symbol. Sunflowers were named because of their sun-like appearance. They turn to face it. They symbolize loyalty and adoration. And then, of course, the sun is - say it with me - golden. And it - like the person in golden - waits in the sky, beautiful and dangerous and constant. And here that symbol is, in a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. At home. 
This whole story feels like you’re taking the time to find that heartbeat that you think you might have lost, and sort of coming back to a space where you understand that this is what you want, now and forever. It feels like finding a home that could be yours forever, and it feels like walking through some of the moments that remind him of that. 
It really is rather lovely, if you think about it, especially since he has a tendency to attribute “home” to people rather than place, in his songs. So it’s like. Going all around the world and always being at home. 
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chemiste · 4 years
Voicemail. ~one-shot~
a/n: howdy babes, last night i was reading through @toothpastekissy​ masterlist, basically gobbling up everything and came upon Leaked Feelings! I loved the concept of it so I decided to write my own version :) lmk if y’all want a part two!
ALSO, i recorded myself singing both songs i wrote for harry,,,, if ya want to know the tunes i was thinking for them, comment if you want them and ill post em.
my masterlist
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There they were.
The leaked files.
When you got a call at 4 am this morning, you did not expect your publicist to be telling you some of your exes songs were leaked.
“What’s that got to do with me?” You asked, still half asleep.
“They’re about you, Y/N.”  Well now you’re awake.
“What?” You shot up out of bed, padding over to your white desk, fuzzy pink socks on your feet. You opened your laptop and jumped onto twitter, scrolling through with one hand while the other held your phone. #StylesLeak was trending worldwide, as was #Y/N.
HarryUpdates tweeted:
FineFuckinLine tweeted:
OOF, what the fucccccck did harry do to Y/N? These are all apology songs!!! No wonder the break up was hush hush
E!News tweeted :
Hey everyone! We know Harry Styles and Y/N L/N stans are up early this morning! Leaked songs from Harry sales have been put out on the web for everyone to see. The two singers had called it quits 3 years ago, but now they’re the trending topic again! #shipname is now trending #1 worldwide, I didn’t ever think we’d see that one again! Go to our website for more!
You heard you publicist let out a big sigh, you put your phone on speaker and set it down on the desk next to you so you could keep looking.
“There are 7 songs, and each one has your name in it or as the title.”
It was a bit of shock, to say the least.
You had hung up with your publicist a while ago and were now debating on whether to listen to the songs or not, you had found a fan account that had the leaked files all ready to go for your entertainment, but something made you hesitate clicking the url.
“You Bastard!” You screamed, shoving him back into the wall. 
Mascara was streaming down your face, the satin red cocktail dress you wore now crumpled as your crouched to grab your suitcase from underneath the bed.
“Please listen, it’s not what you think—“ Harry started, you whipped around to the man before you, fire burning in your eyes.
“Oh, really Harry? How is me hearing you say ‘yeah Y/N is alright, but gotta keep the media happy ya know’ on a voicemail I probably wasn’t supposed to get not what I think?” 
Quickly, you zipped the bag closed, kicking your heels off and shoving your feet into your beat up converse. He let out an exasperated breath, tears starting to shine in his eyes.
“I—I was drunk Y/N! I was with some friends just joking around and—“ 
“Drunk words are sober thoughts Harry.” 
You snapped back, slipping your tench coat on and racing for the stairs, luggage in hand. You rubbed away the endless tears running down your face as you made it to the living room, collecting your keys.
H raced down after you, mumbling over words—
‘Excuses’, You thought.
Right before you opened the front door, he grabbed your hand that was wrapped around the handle of your suitcase. 
“Please Y/N, can’t we just sit down and talk this out—“ 
“There’s nothing to talk about Harry, you made that perfectly clear when I had to listen to you compare me some ‘other models’ while at a very important record dinner! I had to fucking sit there, eyes on me, and act like you weren’t ripping my heart out one word at a time!” 
You snatched your hand out of his and moved out the door, 
“Don’t call me,” was the last thing you said before slamming the door shut.
Bringing back those memories was something you didn’t want to do, it had been 3 years since the break up. Harry didn’t come after you, even though a part of you wished he had. Wished he had tried harder to get you back. But alas, shortly after, he started dating a model, Camile or something, and your relationship was tossed aside like yesterdays newspaper. 
You moved back and forth with your mouse on the link, eventually you closed the page. Instead of fully chickening out, you decided to go to your favorite platform for celebrity gossip, tumblr.
“At least one of his die-heart fans must have the lyrics written down already.” 
You mumbled to yourself, logging into your secret side blog about cats, Captain America, and cute outfits. 
After not that much digging you found a blog, harrysmygod, (you definitely rolled your eyes at the name) had a whole posting written out about it already.
“They’re sure on top of everything, I’ll give them that.”
You started to read.
Hello my harries! 
So if you’ve been up these past few hours, something big has happened! HARRY STYLES HAD SOME FUCKING SONGS LEAKED!!! And no, I don’t mean songs that could have been on the FineLine album, I mean OLD songs! 
And they’re about, you know my fav girl, Y/N! Now, we know their break up 3 years ago was very quick and hush-hush, not much details ya know? 
The boy wrote 7 songs that got leaked, and you wonder why I know they’re about her? Y/N is a lyric or title word used in all of them! Thats right, all 7 songs. I’ve done the best thing for everyone and written out the lyrics for you to look through, I’ve only kept one chorus and each new verse, if you listen to the song and its repeated I only wrote it down one for you, blah blah you get it? 
Great! Heres the first one, it’s called Voicemail.
You took a deep breath and scrolled down.
The look on your face,
The hurt in your eyes,
Made me realize, my lover was gone,
I never got to say goodbye.
Oh, Oh, Ah, Oh.
The words I had said, not true,
I’m so sorry you heard them too.
When you came home in that dress,
Mascara dripping onto your chest.
I knew I had fucked up,
One voicemail turning us to dust.
If you ever hear this song,
Know that I was wrong,
You were the best thing in my life,
Now those flames have turned to ice.
Oh, Oh, Ah, Oh.
Y/N, please remember the love we once had together,
So I know I am real
And then maybe, we could try to heal.
Wow you guys, this SONG! Totally sucks that harry didn’t mean to release them cause totally invasion of privacy (sorry harry), but lucky for us we’ve got some info on what happened between Y/N and him! 
I’m thinking maybe a voicemail gone wrong? They could have been in a fight and he said something that cut too deep? Lmk what you guys think, heres the next on called Gone.
You scrolled through them, you read all the songs. Lover’s Funeral, Drunk Thoughts, Empty Seat, Your Sock Drawer, and then finally, Y/N.
Alright, we’ve made it to the last song my dudes. And personally it’s my favorite!!!! This was the last song leaked, but I feel the most important. Here’s Y/N.
Oh, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,
You make my heart fly,
I feel as though I could touch the sky,
I only need your love to try.
My love, love, love
You shine brighter than any star above.
Make me count everyday,
I should have tried to make you stay.
Oh, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N
I know we can agree
That I’m a bastard
Im a flake,
You made the right choice
Walking out on me
But could I have
A second chance,
I know it would be worth it
In the end
Because I’d get,
On one knee,
And promise myself to you
For all eternity.
Oh, Y/N Y/N Y/N
My love, love, love
Oh, Y/N Y/N Y/N
My love, love, love
You gasped, basically jumping away from the computer like it was on fire. Thoughts raced through your mind, you grabbed your head, trying to keep it all together. 
He wanted to marry you? Impossible. 3 Years ago this man was thinking about proposing, then how could he say all those horrible things about you?
“He’s not worth another heartbreak, stop it, stop it!” You chanted to yourself.
While you paced back and forth making a dint in your soft white carpet, you had tuned out the notifications for instagram, twitter, and calls coming through to you. 
But then a certain dial tone popped up that you had only set for one person.
You glanced to your phone on the table and froze.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Sent you a message.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Sent you a message.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Sent a voice file “Mrs. Styles.”
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Sent a voice file “I Should Have Fought.”
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Sent a voice file “I’m Sorry.”
here’s part 2!!!!!!!!!
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flamediel · 3 years
Ok ok, you asked which songs I associated with CNCO but you clearly weren't asking for the cookie cutter ones (if you want more PG-13 version I can do those). These are mostly nsfw lyrics so please minors do not go searching for them. So here they are:
Richard -my personal fav tbh Mala Conducta by Alexis y Fido
Its dirty, the beat is absolutely nasty and incredible to dance to. Lyrics are literally talking about how she is just asking to be "punished" but then she clearly likes it and about a blowjob 🤷‍♀️
Christopher- Fanática Sensual by Plan B
Song is basically them calling out their fans about being horny on main for them and just saying (and probably doing according to their imagination) dirty things just based on a pic of them. They also basically say "gosh, the things you say make me blush but I really wanna know if you'd really be like that if we meet face to face". Does that not give you Chris vibes?!?!?!
Erick - 5 letras also by Alexis y Fido
Yeah the five letters are MOTEL 😂😂😂 It basically says let's have sex in a motel but lets put music loud enough so no one hears what we are up to. Also mostly because it has this part "ese mirada de asesina me engatusa" which roughly translates to "your killer stare has me mesmerize".
Joel- Zun Da Da by Zion
Ok ok, this one isn't that dirty. This is more on the romantic reggueton style. It talks about "having sex with our clothe on" and just hugging, kissing, dancing close and feeling each other out. I'm not saying that I don't think Joel doesn't have a dirty mind but I don't see him being soo much into dirty beats and explicit lyrics, he seems the kind that likes the subtle hints more 🤷‍♀️
I also considered Atrevete-te-te by Calle 13 hahaha but thought that would be doing him dirty 🙈
Zabdiel- ok so cause he is my bias and I just can't pass on making a joke, he is getting two:
1-Mayor que yo by Baby Ranks, Daddy Yankee, Tony Tun Tun, Hector and Wisin & Yandel
Do I need to explain? The title literally is "I don't care that you are older than me" 😂😂😂
2-Ilegal by Cultura Profética
Listen, this song has such a reggae chill vibe but the lyrics are 🥵🥵🥵 Like its clearly about sex but its not just that but that the corus is literally about telling the girl after the first round "honey that was just the beginning, now that we got to know each other the real fun starts and will last all night if you let me".
I can prob find you less filth suggestions if you want 🙈
Ok hello yes I downloaded these songs ans listened omw to work and CAN I JUST SAY. iara you outdid yourself here holy shit
Richard: when I first heard this i kind of focused on the beat and was lile damnnnn I wanna dance to this with him. THEN I paid attention to the lyrics and 😳😳😳 MAAM THAT WAS UNPROVOKED HOLY SHIT. this song. This SONG. Anyway richard come tear my clothes off ok thanks
Chris: i- I dont even know where to begin. This song reminds me of him saying "I know you want my dick" in that video. Thats literally all there is to say. Man is hot, he knows it, and he knows we think about fucking him. I fucking hate thissss he makes me feel things.
Erick: this is perfect erick vibes I can almost hear him sing it!! Like, the lyrics are just the right amount of freaky and eager and the singer is so confident that the person wants them and its sweet but a little cheesy. V much erick, 1000000/10 pick
Joel: this song is lowkey such a bop like im in love w it?? The vibes are immaculate and yeah its more soft and sensual but still erotic af. I completely agree joel is freaky but in a ✨romantic✨ way and this song encapsulates that imo. Also I listened to the other song you mentioned and yeah this is a MUCH better choice lmao.
Zabdiel: love that you saved him for the end AND you gave him two songs lmao. OK, so the first one. Yep that's zab. Not just the older person thing but the line about having a million lovers and still wanting her? I think that's the translation anyway Spanish isn't my best language, but if its right its totally him. Like, he just has a million girls and they all think he's the one lmao. Zabdiiii I can be one of the million yk 👀👀
Ok onto his second song. The CHORUS DAMNNNNNN. yes sir come whisper that in my ear. Anyway this is my fav song on here and literally everything about it is amazing like not only does it have zab vibes but I personally LOVE it like its so sensual I wanna dance to it so bad ahh
Okok, iara, you really did smth here bc I cant stop thinking about these boys rn. Like. This is so good. There are a million ideas in my heard rn and if I wasn't about to start an internship I'd be writing them alllllllll down. Its fine I'll do it tn. Or this weekend. EVENTUALLY, esp the richard and Chris ones. Those. Those are eminent.
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justsomefluff · 4 years
Hi! May I request for a karaoke date ateez reaction? Their s/o doesn't have the best voice so they kind of act like crackheads but like fluffy at the same time? I hope that makes sense, I really like your writing!!!
Ok this is so cute... I wish karaoke was more popular in the US because it would be my fav thing to do every weekend.
Anyway I hope you like this!! <3
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So, when Joong invites you to karaoke you’re kinda nervous bc
Joong can sing and his best friends are amazing singers too so like how’s he gonna react if you aren’t as good
When you get there he’s really excited and stuff and he lets you pick the first song
And you just pick one that you both know
But you pick more of a rap-style song so that you can just scream it without him judging too much lol
Even that ends up making you nervous though bc... Joong is a professional rapper
But you actually end up really enjoying yourself bc he’s being just as wild as you are
At the end of the date you don’t really understand why you had been nervous in the first place bc karaoke really is all fun and games
Plus Joongie would never dream of making you uncomfortable even if he was low-key like “I’m dating the world’s most tone-deaf person”
He’s totally blind about that stuff
Love-stricken puppy
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(this was so cute I cant breathe)
Okay I feel like Seonghwa is a huge crackhead when he does karaoke
especially if it’s just you guys and he doesn’t feel pressured to be mature in front of his bandmates
I also feel like he would force you to choose only girl group songs
Let’s face it, if Ateez could turn into a girl group.... he’d do it in a heartbeat
The reason he would choose these songs is because he’s obsessed with girl group choreographies
So you wouldn’t even have time to focus on singing with him bc he’d be like
and you’re just watching him and laughing hysterically
until he tries to get you to dance with him and it’s like... dear god no
But it actually is super cute and soft bc he’s gentle and like guides your movements and stuff
So overall, I think for Seonghwa, karaoke isn’t even about the singing
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Yunho is already insane though
So when you get to karaoke he’s already picking super difficult songs
like difficult even for him
So your nerves will melt away in seconds
Because he’ll start off with some crazy vocalists and then end up screaming for the notes he cant hit
And when it’s your turn, if he doesn't hear you being as crazy as he is he’s gonna be bitter
like “I just put my entire lungs into that song and you can’t even yell a little bit?”
Will definitely make you do a duet
And it’s a super romantic song right... not anymore
Even if it’s notes he has no problem hitting, he’s gonna do some terrible singing just for you baby ;)
Like totally off-key and dancing like an idiot just to make you smile
*insert random twerking*
But one thing about being crazy with Yunho is that you both get tired really fast and so you end up just listening to the tracks run while you slow dance and...
it’s so SOFT
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He’s shy too
Don’t ask me why bc I mean the logic just isn’t there
“Yeosang, you literally sing for thousands of people...all the time... you’re nervous in front of just me though? Really?”
He’ll just nod... “it’s different. okay?”
But whatever
You’ll have to end up taking the lead even if you don't really want to
And like, you’re not that bad, you’re just a little harder on yourself
But Yeosang is just heart eyes the whole time
Big ole goofy smile
ends up finally joining in and serenading you
is actually really genuine about it until you get too shy and just start screaming the words back at him lmao
He’s totally caught off guard but also thinks its hilarious
You just spend the rest of the night screaming random lyrics at each other like you’re an up and coming metal band
Super fun but you definitely lose your voices the next morning
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Sannie best boy
He’s really intuitive about your feelings so when he told you he wanted to take you to karaoke he knew you were nervous about it pretty much immediately
wants to have fun with you though so he’s constantly assuring you that it’s not a big deal
says super cheesy stuff like “even if you’re the worst singer in the world and make me lose hearing in my right ear, I’ll still love you so much bb”
Him saying that actually helps though bc nothing you do could ever be as embarrassing as that lmao
Even if you are a bad singer, he’s gonna hype you the whole time
low-key coaches you too 
will randomly be like “so good, bb, just LOUDER”
But if you’re really uncomfortable he’ll get up and literally lose his mind
like he’ll become the literal definition of screeching into the void
Will not stop until you’re literally crying with laughter
then he’s gonna make you join in for the last song of the night
and you’re both screaming so thats fun
But then as you’re leaving, he’ll kiss you and tell you how much fun he always has with you
bc he’s a closet sentimental
places so much value on your time and just hopes you always enjoy yourself as much as he does :’)
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Ok Mingi cant really sing either I mean I love him but have y'all heard him sometimes lmao
So if you go with him, I don't see how anyone could possibly be nervous bc you’re just gonna make fun of each other the whole time
like if he starts and you laugh at him he’ll be like “this is why I’m a rapper,  babe”
Will totally make fun of you just as hard though
like he’ll be calm for a little while but then all of a sudden he’ll be like “I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE”
and literally die laughing and say stuff like “Are my ears bleeding?”
and you’ll swat at him and stuff
boom, you’re now wrestling in the room you guys rented
it’s really fun though bc you guys just feel so comfortable around each other
singing in front of someone, even if both of you suck, is really intimate I think so
karaoke night just brings you guys closer
one of your favorite memories together
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Okay this child is the definition of crackhead so
he’s not gonna take any of this stuff seriously
Like if there was a soundtrack for this date, it wouldn’t be any of the songs you sang at karaoke it would just be his hyena laugh on repeat
Bc that’s pretty much all you hear the whole night lmao
his voice tends to be on the higher side so naturally he chooses songs that are really low in pitch
Just because he thinks it’ll be funny
and he’s making weird faces as he tries to get his voice down the where the song needs it to be
Will make you do the same thing for any of your songs
like if your voice is low then you have to go high and vice versa
he doesn’t give you the opportunity to even try to be good bc he’s like
“you gotta scream it or else it isn't funny”
and you both have so many videos of each other singing terribly
perfect for blackmail
like later if you’re ever play fighting or something you’ll be like “Wooyoungie, one more word and I will tweet this for all Atiny to see”
but some videos are just for you bc you want that memory to be only between you guys bc it was so special
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This boy, I definitely understand if you get insecure about going with him okay
he’s got the vocal range of the century okay
and if he takes you to karaoke, he’s out to impress
so he’s gonna be performing his ass off for you and you’re just like :o
like “oh, it’s serious”
and then you’re making up excuses like “just keep singing I love your voice”
which is true, but you’re really only saying that at that moment so he won’t make you sing in front of him
but he’s gonna make you, you have no choice ok
if you’re nervous he’ll do funny stuff to show you that he doesn't care
like if you pick a ballad he’ll turn on his phones flashlight and wave it around and pretend to cry
and if you pick something more upbeat he’s gonna dance and pretend to be a fan or something super cheesy and dumb
just wants his baby to be comfortable :(
so even if you were uncomfy before, he’ll sing the last song and it’ll be super slow and he’ll hit you with that back-hug while he’s singing
so if the portion of the night when you were singing was awkward for you, you forget about it in the end bc boy took your breath away with his sweetness
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
Shota’s Cool Times Summer Jamz Mix
But for real, this is a Class 1-A Character Analysis, but with their music choices! 
So it’s editing day, and @albinoburrito​ and I got a little off track. It started with, what do you think Bakugo would listen to? And then it just spiraled out of control. 
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So, here it is. Shota’s Cool Times Summer Jamz Mix
Izuku: Indie music, general pop, his dad’s old classic rock albums - was especially excited when he found out that All Might also listens to classic rock and uses it for his workouts. He prolly made like 20 new playlists after that and always tries to play them on the down low when All Might is training with him. He fucking loves it when All Might is like, “oh! I love this song”. Or, asks for him to turn the volume up. Has done some low fi for studies, but that’s really the only time he does it. He likes Young the Giant, MGMT, Alt-J, Strfkr and bands like The Rolling Stones and Van Morrison fill out most of his workout playlists.
Bakugo: Honestly, he doesn’t have any hard and fast preferences. If he likes things he SoundHounds them and moves on. He can cultivate playlists, but it’s not like he’s Kaminari level, having playlists for any and all activities. I do feel like he would lean more toward rap & hip hop titles. As well alt and alt rock. No fucking scream-o, or Eminem, please and thank you. Artists like: Childish Gambino, Travis Scott, Drake, blackbear, Missio, NCT 127, and Jaden’s Icon. However, he does have one low key, wind down playlist with sad, sappy songs that he had to immediately lock when the others found his Spotify. Shit like Band of Horses, Lord Huron, and Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish.
Sero: Indie and indie bops: i.e. Loud Pipes by Ratatat. Some rap & hip hop. Maybe upbeat alternative jams. He strikes me as a Gorillaz fan. He’s good at making playlists, he’s better at the low key ones. Things that you can comfortably listen to and don’t mind them. He doesn’t overthink this. If you hand him the aux you’re never upset. You’ll get bands like: Two Door Cinema Club, Passion Pit, St. Lucia, COIN and Coast Modern.
Kaminari: The KING of cultivated playlists. Like, has one for every occasion. Need something for a party that your parents will also attend? Cross generational? He’s got you. Pump up jams for specific people? He made them like a week ago and has choices. Makes playlists for certain people, but won’t give them out unless you actually want them, or ask him. Yes, he made one for Shinso after that training battle. No, he hasn’t worked up the courage to show him yet. Personal preference: he’s into all the latest pop & he keeps up with artists and tends. For upbeat playlists he goes for: Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Rihanna, Maroon 5 and Major Lazer. For low key playlists his go to are: NIKI, Khalid, KALEO, Transviolet, Noah Cyrus, and Bea Miller. His favorite artists waffle. They change rapidly. He loves them one week, but next week he’s got a new fav. He also likes the Jpop scene.
Mina: Hip Hop QUEEN. If it’s got a good beat she is all over it. MUST be a banger. She has mood banger playlists. Like, Kamanari, she’s got some good playlist cultivation skills. She’s also who you want to go to for road trip & sing along playlists. My girl loves a good upbeat “friendship,” playlist. She has a soft spot for some indie bands, i.e, MisterWives, Lorde & Billie Eilish. For her everyday listening needs she is all about: Run the Jewels, Lil Nas X, Quinn XCII, Logic, Calvin Harris, Nicki Minaj and Bhad Bhabie.
Jiro: She listens to all most everything. Massive, massive music pallet. Her family was always big on diversifying her musical tastes. Never let yourself be limited or judgmental because it’s not what you usually listen to. That said, she super big into rock and alt rock. She really like to follow bands. Like Paramour, Panic at the Disco. Bands that have shifted and changed over time. She admires that skill. Jiro cultivates playlists that are super specific and poetic. You know, those concept playlists that are like: enchanting, serene. You are laying in an abandoned castle and you’ve never felt this content and at peace. You are one with the universe, never in your life... Like that shit that’s like a paragraph long and you don’t even understand why, like, why is it so long? And so, specific? She’s got that shit locked down on Spotify. Mina found hers once, ONCE, and she tightened that security seconds later. She loves to listen to: Fleetwood Mac, The Zombies, Joni Mitchell, Terror Jr, Woodkid, Foo Fighters and David Bowie. Literally, she likes everything. Equal opportunity music listener. If it feels good it’s going in a playlist and that playlist is turning into a poem.
Tokoyami: 100% listens to GOTH rock - POST PUNK jams. Don’t @ him. It’s just his vibe k? Siouxsie and the Banshees shit, The Cured, The Smiths, and some good ole’ Evanescence. The darker the better, Revelry in Dark y’all. He’s a sucker for rock opera, that epic extra shit, but it’s also low key embarrassing. He wants no one to know of this. Like if you find it, go away and leaf him alone. Also, never speak of this again. He’s redacted, he’s not even on this list. You didn’t see this.
Iida: Oh my king, he likes some of that Bastille, Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, One Republic in his playlists. Low key, alt rock. Good ole’ safe, alt rock. But, he does like some pop songs. Not that he will talk to you about that. When he’s with his folks he likes to masquerade as a classic rock buff. But he’s bluffing pretty hard. He’s working on that with Izuku. He’ll get there you guys. He knows his brother loves it so he’s trying his BEST. For his pump up work outs he does go for that DAFT PUNK techno.
Aoyama: Oh. My. God. He loves flashy bands. Fucking Glam rock all the way. He’s also super, super up to date on the French hip hop and pop scene. Into people like Yelle, Phoenix, Soprano, Ayama Kamura, Stromae. Loves ELO just for the sheer operatic value. ABBA all the way baby. Anything exciting and anything that makes him feel invigorated. His playlists are a little scattered. He really just tosses whatever he’s vibing on in them.
Kirishima: You already know, why are you even looking here? He’s got the manliest playlists. When he was younger it was like, all alt rock, edgy stuff. Once he got to UA he cleansed that pallet. Not that he don’t go back to those playlists sometimes, but he’s also wanting to move on from those feelings. Now? He’s all about that positive rock babyyy. Anything that has a good, upbeat feeling he’s down for. He’s really looking for those VIBES. Things that get him pumped up and ready to go. Bands like: The Bleachers, The Mowgli’s, Banners, Jukebox The Ghost. Just real positive stuff, man. He also dips into classic rock for his workouts. If he feels like that rap song works with his workout jams it’s going in and he’s cranking it up. He totally found Bakugo’s sadboi playlist and immediately told him, hey, man, I have one of those too, emotions amiright? This is why Bakugo private locked his entire account HARD. Look what you did, Kirishima, you can’t see ANY of it now.
Uraraka: My girl likes pop. That bubble gum shit. But, she’s also has a superrrr hardcore rap playlist for her workouts, like, it’s kinda confusing. Mina found that playlist first and was like ????? I-Is this you? Like this playlist has DMX, Jedi Mind Tricks, Kanye, LL Cool Jay, A$ap Rocky, like, some tunes that get her GOING. But, she loves that cute Jpop and Kpop. She’s got tons of road jam playlists. Those you can put on and everyone is like, ooooooh, this song!!! She’s also has like 3 Disney playlists, for different moods. She also loves Girl in Red, Louis the Child, Hailee Steinfeld, and Mitski.
Todoroki: He...doesn’t have much experience with music cultivation. Like, he knows some songs, he didn’t live under a rock, but he also kinda did...so, that stunted him, in more ways than one. Thanks Endeavor. But, thanks to his classmates, he is starting to get the hang of this. He over thinks this stuff. Like, this music must speak to him. From Iida he likes Bastille, from Uraraka he likes King Princess, From Izuku he’s learned to love Grizzly Bear, and he really, really likes the playlist that Kaminari made for him. He’s leaning heavily on it to find some more tunes for his own small collection. He also learned that he loves anything that is hard rap as well. Especially if he can play it in front of Endeavor. You know, the ones are like, you didn’t fucking pay your child support, you ass. That aggressive, angry rap: Kendrick Lamar, Wiz Khalifa, J. Cole, 21 Savage and Montana of 300. It’s to make his father as uncomfortable as he possibly can be.
Tsuyu: Fucking rainforest and ambient noises. Not really, but also actually. She likes calming sounds, ok? Everyone was like, this is a joke, don’t be ridiculous and then she showed them her playlist of rain sounds. I mean, you go girl. But really, her collection is mostly pop songs, she likes them easy going. Much like her fighting and hero style, she is the glue that holds things together with the class in terms of music selection. Kinda of the bridging gap. Music that you just can’t complain about. Besides, why would you? What’s wrong with you? It’s Froppy. She and Uraraka often find themselves overlapping on their upbeat indie pop playlists, stuff like: Sara Bareilles, Oh Wonder, Kygo, Kero Kero Bonito, Taylor Swift, MARINA, and Regina Spektor. She did find Uraraka’s rap playlist and didn’t....approve. Did not want to use it for their joint workout. No, thank you.
Ojiro: Oh, you don’t get enough screen time son. You really don’t. He’s very low key. Into some indie stuff, like: Lumineers, Local Natives, Morningsiders, Manchester Orchestra, Vampire Weekend. He likes acoustic sounds, really down to earth. Once again, you cannot complain whenever he gets to select the music. Izuku especially approves when he plays his music because he always finds something new. For his workouts he prefers some heavy, heavy rock. You know, when you get to wail the shit out of stuff with your tail. He’s playing that Five Finger Death Punch in his MIND.
Koda: Nature sounds. Honestly. Full. Stop. Dead-ass he is living for artists like Corrine Bailey Rae, Hozier, Alesia Cara, Adele, and Maggie Rogers. He’s also got that Kacey Musgraves and Florence + The Machine on LOCK. Anything that feels ethereal and light is right up his alley. He likes it a little spooky sometimes. He does have a killer Halloween playlist, but he hasn’t ever quite worked up the courage to play it for his classmates. Oh. Also, listens to Enya un-ironically. He also might have a repeat problem with Imogen Heap’s Hide and Seek.  
Sato: He’s into new bands that I don’t even fucking listen to. He loves him some alt rock too. But, he’s not above that classic rock. He just likes stuff that he can head bang to. Not a metal head, but low key IS a metal head. Stuff like: Arctic Monkeys, Bring Me The Horizon, Highly Suspect, Royal Blood, The Smashing Pumpkins. He also has a wonderful baking playlist. Like 1950’s crooners. Think Dorris Day, The Ink Spots, Billie Holiday, Nat King Cole, and Frankie Valli.
Momo: Classical. Moving on. But really, she loves a good brain playlist with musicians, cuz they aren’t artists to her, they have a specific name for the work that they do: Bach, Debussy, Beethoven, Strauss, and some Tchaikovsky...some of his stuff is too much, even for her. She is starting to broaden her tastes. She really loves Sato’s baking playlist, those 50’s and 60’s beats are right up her alley. Jiro is slowly getting her to try out some pop and low key alt rock bands too. She’s growing and learning, y’all.
Toru: POP. That Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera MOUSE CLUB STUFF. She likes sing-alongs. Like has 20 Disney playlists and is always, always down to do a Grease playlist. You honestly feel attacked by how upbeat and peppy her playlists are, ATTACKED BY A GOOD TIME. It’s teen bop pop all the way here folks, no need to dig too deeply into it. She likes: Lizzo, Beyoncé, T. Swift, but like, leans into her hard, she is a swifter head, or whatever it’s called...Arizona, Carly Rae Jepson, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Harry Styles, Katy Perry, and Kesha among the millions of others.
Shoji: This guy. He loves him some alt rock. He, like Ojiro, needs more screen time. He likely listens to lofi playlists fully. Like, not in the way Izuku just listens to them when he’s studying, but like, for fun. Like he actually GETS them, you know? He likes bands like: Cage the Elephant, Beck, Broken Bells, Modest Mouse, The Killers, Neon Trees and Grouplove. For real tho, he needs more screen time.
Aaaaaaaand Mineta: He needs less screen time. Thank you your honor, I rest my case. Um, but like, he’s down for that dirty rap. Like, the slimier the better. If it’s ass, money, pussy, he’s on it. Big Sean is his hero. He thinks the Weekend is the best singer known to man. If this upsets you, I am sorry. I love him too, but sometimes we gotta face the truth. Mineta loves, loves, loves the Weekend. He’s also super down on the Megan Thee Stallion train. Oh, and Cardi B too. He also likes Tyga and Sage the Gemini. These are his top pics. His current ringtone is WAP and Aizawa nearly snapped his phone in half when he heard that go off in his classroom.
- Aizawa: Yes, he has heard WAP. He’s literally attached at the hip to a dj and you know Midnight and Present Mic were all over that song when it was released. Those two tried to do that tiktok choral rendition of it. It didn’t go well. But seriously, this man likes a little bit of everything. He’s a no-fuss, low key guy and his music tastes are the same. He likes alternative and indie the most. Some of that: Sylvan Esso, Silversun Pickups, The Black Keys, The Flaming Lips, The Strokes, Cake, Incubus, and the Deftones. While he has no time to cultivate playlists, he does have a grading playlist that he quickly threw together. It helps him to zone in and work. Yes, Present Mic likes to add funky shit to it, just to ruffle his feathers. In the worst universe, slash in THIS universe, Aizawa was too lazy to get his own Spotify and he shares one with Present Mic. That poor algorithm has no idea what to recommend. He’s just waiting for that cease and desist letter from Spotify’s fraud department. Any day now.
Alright! Hope ya’ll liked it. Lemme know if you want more. We kinda started on one for the LOV, but it’s not finished just yet. In other news, we WILL edit the new chapter of “Look Upon the Light” tonight, don’t worry, we’ll be good. It should be out in the next few days. 
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nymphl · 5 years
In the General’s Bed - Regency!Hux x Reader - Ch. 6 - To resent a General
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A/N - Hello, sweethearts! Here’s chapter 6 of ITGB. This chapter has a lemony scene, a bit more detailed then the others in this story xD I hope you like this chapter, it’s one of my fav, even more because it entails a bit of shift in this story and what I’m planning for future chapters xD Anyways, thanks for leaving notes and reblogging. I appreciate your feedback very much. 
Story Summary: The General is cornered… Upon returning from a successful campaign in Battle of Waterloo, Armitage Hux knows he has no excuses left; he must produce the much-needed heir. The problem is, when the two of you parted five years ago, it was not in the best of terms. Now, he may not find his wife, you, so willing as he first expected, nor keen on taking part in any of his political games. [Hux x Reader – Hux x You – Regency AU].
Warnings for the entire story: Will contain at times; graphic violence, sex, drugs and manipulation, coarse language and OOCness.
AO3 Tags: Regency Era; Alternate Universe; Alternate Story; Alternate Universe - Historical; Arranged Marriage; Politics; War; Napoleonic Wars; England - 1815; Married Couple; OOCness; Smut
Wordcount: 7898
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You smiled as Lux positioned his chubby hands over the piano keys and played the brief song you had just taught him. He was a smart kid and learned fast. Part of you would rather if he did not catch onto things so quickly, as to delay his imminent parting as much as possible.    
“Well done,” you said, before pressing your lips lightly to his forehead. You knew Rae Sloane was watching everything with her attentive eyes as she read a book in the nearby ottoman. “Well done.”
As he continued to play, you let yourself think of Hux’s words. Of his whispered confession last night.
My damned father made sure I will only have access to the total sum of my inheritance only when I have an heir of my own. 
You remembered you reacted with a loud What? and that you told yourself there was nothing to be surprised about. Brendol Hux would do anything in his power to undermine his own son — flesh, blood… those were notions the previous General did not give a damn about. If he could jeopardize Armitage’s standing, he certainly would.
The very thought made you bit your bottom lip in anger. You did not know which father was worse, if yours — with his prejudice and blatant disregard of women — or Brendol — with his dubious character and… well, you could also say blatant disregard of women and his own flesh and blood.
There were days in which you were grateful for having barely interacted with the man himself. And in most of them, you pitied Hux for having had to put up with him for almost three decades.
Bad character aside, Brendol’s actions posed a problem for both of you. Armitage had the money, he just could not use it until…
You sighed.   
And recalled Rae’s own words to you.
…give him a damned heir…
Well, it seemed now you had no other choice. It was either give him a damned heir or watch him making a deal with Lady Carise — the devil herself. Borrowing money from a banker was completely out of the picture.  
“Mama… Mama!”
You were startled as Lux’s voice reached you. He had placed both of his tiny hands on your face, directing your attention to him. The piano keys — his recent fixation — completely forgotten.
“I am terribly sorry, Little Lord. I am…” You stopped yourself before you could lie. Rae cast a glance at you from her book, eyes narrowed. “Very much distracted today.”
He nodded, but his face hid nothing of his disappointment. You chewed your bottom lip; overcome with guilty, but feeling your mind racing with possibilities all the same. You had to find a way to get you out of this situation — to repay for his… understanding. To name it as kindness would be a bit too much.
The fact is… Hux had a meeting with his investors today — one in which he would be accompanied by Lord Mitaka — and only God could know what their reaction would be as soon as they knew how little profit the Arkanis Brewery would give them in the next few months — it is, if Hux found a way to pay for his debts. You admitted that in such devastating scenario, the was the fastest and safest way to get out of this predicament, without leading him to compromise his candidacy for Prime Minister, would be to accept Lady Carise’s money.  
Nevertheless, you would have no way out if you did not get pregnant soon. Well, needless to say you were trying, but there had to be something else — something faster and precise — that could be done.
With a defeated sigh, you messed his ginger hair. He ran his fingers through his tresses and stared at you with a scowl — to which you did your best to muffle your laughter. He was just too adorable when he was mad!
“Mama! And Lord Hux?”
“What about Lord Hux, Little Lord?” You pressed a lovingly kiss to his cherub cheeks and watched with amusement as he wiped his face with the back of his hand. He was indeed mad at you. 
Rae Sloane cast a glance at you; one that showed that in spite of her disapproval of Lux’s inappropriate behavior, she was still at least a bit amused with his frustration. 
“The violin, Mama!”
Ah yes…
He had been talking excitedly for a good few minutes — a few days now — about Hux’s violin — you were still trying to wrap your head around the fact Lux had actually seen his uncle playing the instrument. It had been years since you last saw him near it — and you barely heard anything he said.
You sighed.
“I know you want to play violin, but listen to me, I myself don’t know how to play it and I’m not sure Lord Hux has the time to teach you.” 
His face fell.
It was obvious he had developed some sense of… admiration to your husband. He worshiped him — honestly, Lux was a very lonely child and he had the tendency of looking up to anyone who paid him a measly few minutes of attention.
You left the bench and kneeled in front of him, adjusting his clothes and bringing him closer to you by his waistcoat.   
“But I can keep teaching you how to play the piano.”
He smiled. Begrudgingly, but he did.
You were ready to answer the both of you should get ready to have lunch and later — after you got some well needed time to send a message to your contact in The Times — you could teach him a thing or two about the piano, but you were interrupted by the sound of someone opening the door of the drawing room.
Looking up, you were surprised to see your husband crossing the threshold. The boy beamed up as he saw Hux and he quickly left your embrace to run towards his new idol.
You rolled your eyes.
“I want your violin.”
“Lux Dameron!” Rae admonished him; her voice was harsh and hid nothing of her disapproval. “That’s no proper way to ask for anything.”
He lowered his head, ashamed and muttering a small, feeble apology. You could barely hear him saying I’m sorry, Lord Hux.
Armitage, however, did not seem to mind the boy’s lack of etiquette. Blue eyes focused on you — and the intensity of his stare made you shiver; it felt as if he could read your thoughts and what you were planning… or thinking about planning… —, he dismissed Lux’s apology, “I’ll teach you how to play it one of these days.”
Lux looked up at him with adoration in his chestnut eyes. Your husband was doing a hell of good job of turning the boy against you and Rae. Firstly, he promised to teach him how to ride a horse and now… he promised violin lessons.
With a sharp intake of breath, Rae fixed her dark eyes on him, making Lux hide behind Hux’s long legs.
Hux nodded, dismissing Rae’s stare as if it meant nothing. You wondered how many times she terrorized him in his childhood — and how many times she did not act on those stares, if Hux treated it so lightly.  “Now, you must go with Lady Rae and get ready for lunch.”
He was so excited at the prospect of spending more time with Hux, he paid Rae little to no attention — a fatal mistake if your memory did not fail you; Rae would probably ground him for the entire week and only you knew how terrible Lux’s mood got whenever he was banned from visiting the stables and his beloved friend horses, but at the moment, he did not seem to even remember how devilish Lady Sloane could be.
Accepting her hand, he followed her out of the drawing room humming to a childish song. You were ready to trail after them, when you felt your husband’s hand enclosing around your wrist.
“I never allowed you to leave, Lady Hux.”
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A happy sigh left you as he brought your body closer to his and his lips fell upon yours in a slow, seductive kiss. He entangled his fingers in your hair — and if he did not know how to drive you mad with want, you would have scolded him for undoing your perfect hairdo — and angled your head for his better pleasure; his tongue running enticingly over the rim of your lips.
Placing your hands on his shoulders, and then slowly sliding them into his ginger locks — you almost expected him to trap your hands between his, but this time he did not seem to mind a disheveled appearance —, you gladly let him in, stroking your own tongue boldly against his.
He let you go after what seemed a good few minutes and pressed a kiss to your temples. You fought to reign in your breathing as he lowered his forehead to yours.
“I know what you’re thinking…” You wetted your lips nervously. “He isn’t a Dameron and you dislike seeing him being addressed as such.”
There was a minute of silence as you caressed his face.
“No. He isn’t,” he replied as he put some space between the two of you.
A tired sigh left your lips.
You could have pointed out he could never be a Hux — not if he wanted to become Prime Minister in the near future — and that he once hated his family name, but you understood what he meant. After Brendol passed away, the name Hux gained a new face: his — and later on yours —, and with it a new blank chapter; one he was willing to write differently, for the sake of his new family. And Lux is family.
Part of you wondered if the desire to recognize Lux as family came from the desire to right his father’s — and yours too — wrongs. If not for you and Rae, his fate would be… probably worse than Hux’s.   
However, you both knew that if anyone just dreamed about Lux being his nephew and your little brother it would be the end of his aspirations. Your standing in the town would be compromised and no sane King would approve of him as the Head of the Parliament. And that position meant a great deal to Hux.
You walked to him, until you invaded his personal space.
“Would you rather if he were your son?” you whispered against his lips, but as soon as the words were out, you realized how stupid that question was.
He chose silence.
You swallowed.
“How did it go?” you said, trying to change the topic and get some control over the situation. “What did the board say?”
It was all it took for him to break apart. Again.
You pursed your lips, trying not to let his actions get to you so easily. It was obvious he did not like to be further inquired on his meeting with his investors. It must have gone horribly if he was so against talking about it. That… or he did not like to talk about business at all.
Part of you understood where he came from. Most husbands did not talk to their wives about… Well, they simply did not talk. Most wives were there just for the show. Very few of them ran their estates and even fewer understood about business and politics. Even if they were interested in such topics, it was expected of them to shy away from them. Except for the Ton politics, noble ladies… Wealthy families, it is… they did not — should not — waste their precious time with the intricacies of business and income… They just… spent money as if there was no tomorrow and in case they lost it, well… they simply gained it back through marriages.
An accomplished lady knew about dancing, playing the piano, embroidery… but never about income and basic taxation. And the few men who understood the intricacies of the business world, probably came from the lower classes, working class, as Armitage’s family did. Your father, for one, knew nothing of business. He ran his estate with the same regard he showed your mother: which is to say, almost none. When he realized he spent all his wealth on courtesans back in London, he decided to regain it at the gambling table.
But you were no trophy wife. You refused to be. You would not back down. Sitting beside him on the setee, you took his hand between yours. Slowly, you traced the gold band on his finger.
“What did they say, Armitage?”
He narrowed his eyes at you; a clear warning. You should tread carefully when looking for answers, pressing him would not do. You rolled your eyes. You were not scared in the least.
“We’re not having this conversation, Lady Hux.”  
You snorted.
“Well then, Lord Hux, perhaps you’d like to tell me what you’ll tell Lady Sindian.”
He inhaled sharply at your words.
“Or you’re not having this conversation with me either?”
“Careful, Lady Hux.”
You knew you were playing with fire, but you were not about to back down. Not now. Not ever. You told him you were in this for real — you told him that if he wanted to be Prime Minister, he would need you and you stood by that. If he wanted to get out of this debt, he would have to start trusting you.
If he thought you would not understand about his business, the least he could do is to tell you about how he would approach Lady Sindian. He would have to be smarter than her with his excuses — a simply refusal would not do.
You knew and he knew Lady Carise was dying to get back at your family — at you — for years now. If not having you pressing your father to let you marry Armitage, she probably would be your stepmother now… A Marquise. Having Lord Hux owing her a large sum of money seemed the right way to go. It did not seem to you she would let such matter go that easily. Unless… Unless she had something else in mind to use against the two of you. Something bigger. Something better.
That’s why he would have to be smooth. Lady Carise was not just any woman. Just like you, she did not bow to other men — she did not take no for answer.
You were ready to inquire him further, when you felt him bringing your wrist to his mouth. Your heart quickened as got a brief taste of your skin. A gasp left you as he pulled you to him, forcing you to straddle his hips. His lips quickly found yours in a searing kiss. You knew what he was doing and even though you thoroughly disliked it, you would let him have his secrets.
For now.   
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You woke up later with a strong headache.
There was no need to look for Hux’s watch-pocket to know it was late afternoon — he had left you spent, and you slept more than you usually did whenever you took an afternoon nap — and that you had gone by without lunch once more. No wonder your head felt like exploding, yet you felt no hungrier than before. To your surprise, he was still by your side. But, this time, instead of relief, you were disappointed.
You left the comfort of his arms and rolled on your back.
“Ugh… Why is it so clear? And who’s playing Schubert?”
As expected, there was no reply from his part. There was no need to. In spite of Rae’s misgivings about the piano, she was quite proficient at it. She put many of the accomplished ladies of the Ton to shame with her skills — after five years living with you and seeing you practice, she became quite fond of the instrument, even though she would not admit it.
Since the two of you disappeared to your chambers before lunch, you imagined she would take it upon herself to keep Lux busy and out of your hair. By now, you thought the poor boy was probably sleeping in the setee, while Rae played to her heart’s content.
You closed your eyes — as if it could relieve the pain and ease the guilt —, but they quickly snapped open when Armitage moved over you, his nose touching yours and his breath caressing your face.
He kissed you.
A mere brush of lips.
“You worry too much.”
With a gasp, you let him in, stroking your own tongue against his. He let you dominate it — dominate him —, not caring once more that you had slid your hands between his ginger locks. His fingers traveled the extension of your legs lightly, prying them open, so he could slide between them. He did not stop until he reached your hips, applying the slightest of pressures.
The kiss did not last long. He let go of your lips and moved downwards, placing open-mouthed kisses on every inch of exposed skin. Your breath grew heavier as he paid thorough attention to your throat at the same time his hands traveled upwards, in a quest for your breasts.
“We’ll be late for dinner.”
He paid little no regard to what you said. And in spite of what you said, you, too, could not care less about your lateness. Even the melancholic sound of the piano downstairs did not deter you from your quest for the astounding heights of pleasure you could reach together. A moan left you as you tried to move your hips, seeking the much-needed friction. He was so hard, and you were… so ready to take him, you moved your hand from his shoulders and tried to reach his cock… Just to have your wrists trapped. You grunted in disappointment, but he merely lowered his head to your chest and pressed light kisses to the undersides of your breasts. Quite but never touching you were you needed most.
“I won’t beg.”
His lips tilted in the shadow of a knowing smirk.
A gasp escaped you as he placed a small kiss over your nipples. First, on the right breast and then the left. He did not take his time to worship them, however. He kept on lowering his kisses, going past your ribcages, your belly, your navel, till he reached your hipbone.
You pressed your lids together, waiting anxiously for what was to come. For a man who did not enjoy small talk, he surely knew how to put his mouth to better uses than to those of meaningless discourse.
Squirming in his hold, you tried to get your hands free — to fist the sheets, to grab onto his hair —, but he did not allow you to. His lips ghosted over the insides of your thighs — it was so light you could barely feel it. You arched your back, lifting your hips — offering yourself to him. He ran the tip of his tongue over your clit.
“Yes! Gods, yes!”
With a smirk, he drew away. His lips glistening with your wetness. You bit your own bottom lip, frustrated beyond measure.
“You won’t have me begging.”  
He ran his lips over your left calf, letting go of your wrists — to which you checked for marks and thanked the old-fashioned use of gloves; the General had a penchant for leaving you marked. With his left hand he held your leg close to his mouth and lazily pumped himself with his right hand.
You inhaled sharply at the sight. It was indeed a feast to the eyes. Armitage knew how to please your every sense — vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch… none was left unattended for too long.
“Touch yourself.”
You bit your bottom lip, unsure. It is not to say that in the five years you were apart, you never sought to pleasure yourself — but to have him watching you was completely different. The intensity in his eyes made you warm all over. Your lids fluttered closed as you reached down, tracing your own thighs, approaching your center very slowly… outlining your lips… testing your wetness… quite but not entering yourself, as you knew he wanted.
“Look at me,” he whispered against your calf; his lips were almost on your knees, kissing the underside of it. “Keep your eyes open. I want to see them when you come.”
His words had you breathing deeply through your nose.
You opened your eyes, looking at his face and then sliding down… to the path of ginger hair leading to his engorged, beautiful shaft… Your mouth watered — you moaned — at the sight of precum oozing from his head.
Under his attentive gaze, you slid one finger inside of you and then a second; the heel of your hand applied a sweet pleasure to your clit. More than once, you thought about closing your eyes — the intensity in his blue orbs too much for you —, but as you lost yourself to the growing pleasure, you realized you could not shift your attention from how he stroked his shaft, timing it to the rhythm of the music. The feel of his lips, inching closer and closer to your center forced you to keep your eyes wide open and focused on him.
As the piece of music reached a crescendo — and you could swear you would never be able to play or listen to Schubert without reliving this very afternoon —, so did his movements — and yours too. Your breath grew heavier, beads of sweat pooled in the valley of your breasts, sliding down your skin. You were close and he knew it.
Armitage lowered himself on the bed and placed one of your legs over his shoulders; your hands were put aside. His heavenly mouth ghosted over your clit, his warm breath making you clench around nothing. This time, the thought of not begging flew off your mind as you uttered a broken please.
With a smug smirk, he took your clit between his lips, sliding two of his fingers inside you. Losing no time, he looked for that sweet spot that would have you singing for him as he worked you towards an earth-shattering orgasm.
As it hit you — just a marvelous, indescribable feeling that had you arching your back off the bed and your eyes filling with unshed tears —, you sought his hair — to keep him in place or to pull him apart; you were so sensitive you thought you could not take any more stimulation —, instead, you felt the fingers of his left hand entwining with yours as he continued to lap at you; allowing you to ride your orgasm fully.
The piece came to a diminuendo and so did the movement of his fingers and his tongue against you, until they completely stopped. A deep, contented sigh left you as you looked at him through half lidded eyes. Your legs were trembling; you were so weak you thought that if not for being laid over the mattress you would fall on your knees — exactly like last time when he ate you out against the door of his study. The mere remembrance made your face hot.
With the final notes, he entered you without warning.
Both of you gasped.
He took the opportunity to slide his tongue inside your mouth — letting you taste yourself. Part of you expected him to give you a moment to adjust to his size or at least to recuperate from the last orgasm. Instead, he set a punishing rhythm against your hips.
It did not hurt — and even if it did, you learned how to find pleasure in a bit of pain — but you were so sensible, the second wave of pleasure found you without voice. Your nails punctured his flesh as he sought his own release.
He was so worked up, it did not take him long to abandon the timed strokes. His mouth was against your throat, and broken moans and grunts escaped through his opened lips. You brought his hand to your breasts and he kneaded the pearls between his fingers, with his right hand he stroked your clit in a circular movement, to the point you were sobbing.
As your second orgasm came to an end, his own started. He pressed a kiss to your breasts, and you pulled onto his hair till a grimace of pain took over his features — exactly like he enjoyed. He grunted your name; his eyes fell closed as his hips jerked forward one last time.
It felt like ages had gone by as he emptied himself inside you. His lips worshipped the column of your throat and his hand travelled over your thighs in a slow, sensual caress as you both tried to recover.
His breath became normal before yours. He kept on placing small open-mouthed kisses to your glistening skin, whispering words you could not understand — or care less. Your eyes were heavy, and you were so tired all you wanted was to doze off at least a bit. He softened still inside of you, but you were so comfortable in such position, you did not want him to move an inch.
He did not.
“You should get ready.” He captured your lips lightly. You sighed happily. “I’ll bring you something to eat.”
“Thank you, my love,” you whispered against his mouth. You pressed a light kiss to his lips, but he did not kiss you back. Your words had him drawing apart — it was impossible not to be aware that it was all because you addressed him in a novelettish manner.
Armitage slid out of you and sat on his side of the bed.
You bit your bottom lip.
He stared ahead. His mind, however, was distant. You closed your eyes, running your hands over your face, as if it would just erase what you just said; you heavily regretted your form of endearment.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.”
His impossibly blue eyes snapped back to you. He breathed deeply through his nose.
“Think not of it. My mind is just busy.”
His words — so detached — coupled with his facial expression — so perfectly schooled —, made you flinch. You bit your bottom lip, realizing what you did not want to acknowledge before: whenever the two of you made love, his heart was not into it. He enjoyed the physical act to its fullest — he ensured you did too —, but like he said… his mind — and heart — was elsewhere.
You chewed the inside of your cheek and sat on the bed, wrapping the sheets wrapped around your body. You seized the moment to introduce a topic you were dying to discuss with him a while ago.
“We should sell the estate in Southampton.”
His answer came quicker than you expected; his voice firm — not loud or authoritative, “Absolutely not.”
Coupled with how still his body went, you quickly understood he did not want to talk further about the topic. It did not mean you would concede defeat so easily, though.
You sought his fingers. He caught your wrist, running his thumb over your palm. He brought it to his lips, bestowing upon your knuckles a small kiss.
Biting your bottom lip, you focused your attention on his face. The slight tilt of his lips indicated he knew what he was doing to you and what exactly were your thoughts concerning it.
You snatched your hand away, focusing on the present issue. You spent a great deal of the afternoon being distracted — fooled — by him. You dismissed it before, letting him have his way with you, but now, you could not avoid the politics and the sensitive topics concerning his imminent bankruptcy.
“Hear me out.”
“My answer is final, Lady Hux.”
The fact that he did not call you by your name indicated he really did not — and would not — want to discuss such topic any further. Your shoulders slumped, but you did not concede defeat. Not so quickly. 
“That’s my house and therefore my decision to make.”
He pursed his lips into a thin line. It was obvious he was getting tired of it. Getting tired of your insistence — it was clear he was not in the least inclined to share a few things with you. His business was one of them.
And honestly, he was not wrong. Actually, he was — but not legally speaking. According to British law, you were his property to do as he pleased and talking or not about business as his decision to make. Selling your house was his decision to make — not yours.
How you hated being a woman most of times!
You rolled your eyes. He was going to make this hard for you — he could be very difficult when he wanted to. Displeased, you watched as he rose from the bed and slipped inside his robe. Shoulders down, your mind raced with possible arguments as you waited for him to go fetch his cigar and a glass of brandy.
It was needless to ask for him to pour some for yourself. As you were trying to conceive, anything alcoholic was out of the picture. And yet, you could feel your mouth watering at the mere thought of the amber liquid running down your throat.
After a few minutes went by, it became strikingly obvious he chose not to return to the bedroom. You slipped inside your robe, already sure he would admonish you for leaving the bed — the family’s physician had recommended for you to lie down after the two of you engaged in sexual relations; according to him, it would increase the chances of fertilization. Rae had rolled her eyes at the suggestion, but you were not one to disobey doctor’s orders that easily when there was so much at stake.
This was an entirely different situation.
You were no expert when it came to finances, but after managing your father’s estate for five years, it was crystal clear the situation at the brewery was quite complicated — and it was you putting it mildly. He needed money — a large sum of it — and although a pregnancy and an heir would solve the problem easier than making a deal with Lady Carise, you were not so naïve as to think you would get pregnant that quick.
For that, you would have to count on luck and that was not something either could afford right now. That’s why you should convince him to sell your summer manor. That was the fastest way to solve the money problem without recurring to Lady Carise and her… less than adequate intentions towards your husband.
The mere thought of the woman made your entire body shudder.
You did not trust the her. You never did. Not even when she was to marry your father and become your stepmother. Something about her smelled fishy. And, God, it was in no way jealousy.
There was just something about her… that simply did not sit well with you.
And when your guts told you to stay away from something or someone... You would rather pay attention to it.   
You dismissed such thoughts as you tightened the knot at your waist and ran your fingers through your messed hair — in case you met a servant in your way. Nevertheless, there was no need to go that far, for he was in the anteroom. Back turned to you, he exhaled the smoke, before bringing the cigar back to his lips.
Carefully, you approached him, encircling your arms around his waist. He stilled in your embrace but did not move away from you. With a relieved sigh, you tightened your hold and leaned your forehead against his back.
For a moment, all you could hear was the cadenced beating of his heart. It was calm and so very comforting. He placed his cigar in the cinder-box and entwined his hand with yours. It did not take him long to turn around in your embrace and face you.
“We’re not selling the Southampton manor, (Y/N).”
You could have asked why, but you were too tired for that. Suddenly, all you wanted as to get some sleep and forget that disastrous afternoon — dinner be damned. Aside the fact he could tell you he had a monetary problem — more likely he did not have a choice to begin with — it was obvious he did not want you having a part in solving it.
“I refuse to be the kind of husband that relies on his wife’s heritage to solve his problems.”
You snorted, ready to pretend you did not hear that. Or ready to ask him how it could be so different to borrow Lady Carise’s money, but not yours. After five years living only with Rae Sloane — a remarkably independent woman — and Lux — and a few servants, of course, but they would not meddle in how you decided to run the house or your life — it was easy to forget how men behaved and how societal expectations weighed heavily on their shoulders. Truth is, Rae taught how much free a woman can be making her own decisions and you were not ready to give up on that.
Instead, you settled on, “I don’t want that heritage. It has brought me nothing but pain.” You realized your mistake as soon as he broke away from you, but now… Now you could not back down. You looked at him, at his impossibly blue eyes as you continued, “The happiest moments I have in that house are related to Lux.” And Rae, of course. But that was a given. Honestly, even if there were happier memories from the house, it was not something you could so selfishly hold onto in times of need. And this very situation configured as such, in your opinion. You just had to make Hux see that.
He nodded…
…and you breathed slowly…
He was finally seeing things your way.
“The manor in Southampton is not to be sold. That’s final.” 
Oh, dear God!
With that, he brought the cigar back to his lips, his eyes focused on the quickly darkening sky outside. “Now, go get ready. I’ll wait you downstairs.”
Seething with anger, you bit your bottom lip, but decided not to give him the answer you desperately wanted. He was right, you should get ready. You should leave his presence and stay alone for a while, least you wanted to end up killing him.
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“Like this, Mama?”
You pressed a small kiss to Lux’s forehead and nodded. You were a bit distracted, but more focused on him than that morning.
“Yes, exactly like this, Little Lord.” A small smile blossomed on your lips as you ran your fingers through his ginger hair. He was very enthusiastic about you having dinner with him and later keeping him company as he played the piano. You dismissed his tutoress, giving her an earlier respite.
Part of you — the childish part — was dying to know how Hux reacted to your absence. Even though the Lady of the House could indulge in the luxury of having breakfast in her chambers, dinner was an entirely different story. And part of you — the part that was trying to behave like the grown woman you were — just wanted some peace and the opportunity to sort your thoughts.
Spending some time with Lux gave you exactly what you were looking for. Not to mention, you felt bad for neglecting him during a great deal of the last few days.
“Promise me that if you ever get married, you will listen to your partner.”
He stopped playing and removed his chubby hands from the keys. He looked at you with a confused face, as if he had no idea what you were talking about — and how could he? Lux was just four — sometimes it was easy to forget. 
“Never mind.” You placed both of his hands back on the keys and instructed, “Keep going, you’re doing great!”
Lux beamed up at your words — a genuine smile curving his lips and highlighting his dimples. You felt tempted to pinch his cheeks, but you knew he would get mad at you. And he was doing so well, you did not want to distract him right now.
“Rae is no fun,” he commented when he got bored of the melody you were teaching him.
You smiled once more.
He was right.
Rae is no fun.
“Adults are no fun,” you commented, placing both hands on the piano and inventing another melody just so he could copy you and thus you could extend your time together — even though it was way past his bedtime.
“No! You are fun, Mama!” His vehemence made you laugh a little.
“Lord Hux would probably say I’m no adult at all.”
And with your recent behavior, you could say he was right. And as soon as he knew what you did, he would be even sure of it. You bit your bottom lip, expecting him to chew you alive next day when he read the newspaper tomorrow morning.
You did the right thing.
If he was not willing to see things your way, you just had to force him to. You had done it before, and it worked. There was no way it would not work now.
“You should not speak for myself.”
Both you and Lux looked up to see the figure of your husband leaning against the threshold. He unfolded his arms and approached you in a few, firm strides.
“Lord Hux!” Lux exclaimed, shifting on his seat. He moved closer to you, giving space for Armitage to sit beside him.
“Lord Hux,” you acknowledged his presence with pursed lips. Not keen on talking to him in front of a small child — you still resented him for his behavior earlier —, you moved your fingers over the keys.
He seemed to think of it as an offer, for he, too, accompanied you in the music. After years of watching him playing his violin, you almost forgot how proficient he was at playing the piano.
Biting your bottom lip, you removed your fingers from the keys and rose to your feet. Still playing, Armitage looked at you with could almost pass as a surprised expression. You knew better.
“Let’s go, Lux,” you said, outstretching your hand. “It’s way past your bedtime.”
“But Mama—
“Lux!” You did not let him finish his plea. At some point, you knew you would give in. “Come.”
“But I don’t wanna go,” he pleaded again, his intense chestnut eyes shining with unshed tears. He looked at Armitage, trying to get him on his side.
You sighed. 
“Leave him be,” Hux said in an even tone, even if firmly. “I’ll get him to bed later.”
If he was not willing to share things with you, you would not share your authority over Lux. Besides your unwillingness to do as your husband said, it was very late, and Lux was tired. If he was irritated at the mere possibility of going to bed, it was because it was way past his time to sleep.
Rubbing his eyes, Lux climbed down the seat and walked to you, not taking your hand, but not completely dismissing it either. As soon as you opened the door, you spotted the governess walking down the corridor.
She stopped as she saw you and subconsciously adjusted her clothes. If you were not so mad at Hux, you would probably have smiled at her gesture.
“May I help you, Your Ladyship?”
You shook your head, but your husband was behind you, a hand on your shoulder as he forced you to step back to his arms. His hand over yours prevented you from breaking apart.
“Take Lux to his room.”
“Yes, my Lord,” she replied, offering Lux a hand. The boy quickly took it, casting a final glance at both of you. “Come, Lord Lux.”
As the two of them disappeared in the dim lighted corridor, you stepped away from Hux’s embrace.
“If you kindly excuse me.”
Before you could even leave the room, he had closed the door and pressed you against it. You inhaled sharply but refused to look at him over your shoulder.   
“Talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”
His imperative tone made you snap. You shifted in his embrace and raised your chin, “Why should I talk to you when you don’t show the same consideration to me?”
He did not reply, not immediately. With the back of his hand, he traced your jawline and with his thumb he traced your bottom lip.
“I hate you.”
“I thought we were past that,” he replied lowering his face to yours. As soon as you felt his breath so close to your mouth, you turned your face away from him, letting his lips brush your cheeks.
“We have never been past that.” You moved from under his arms and put some distance between the two of you. He was ready to follow you when you said, “Don’t touch me without my permission.”
He stopped immediately, his hands falling to his sides.
You looked away, your eyes full of unshed tears.
“I thought we were on talking terms now, but it seems I was mistaken.” You drew in a sharp breath. Pressing your fingers firmly against the fabric of your dress, you raised your chin again, “A word of advice, Lord Hux, if you want to convince the King to appoint you as Prime Minister—
His snort made you stop momentarily. However, there were a few things to be said, and be damned his unwillingness to hear them. 
“If you want to be Prime Minister,” you repeated; your eyes narrowed at him. “You should start talking to your wife. Your opponents will constantly do their best to put us against each other and I can’t simply take your side every time if I don’t know what’s going on through your head.”
He approached in purposeful strides. He forced you to release the fabric of your dress and placed both of your hands on his shoulders.
“They will undoubtedly do that,” he said, running his thumb over your cheeks. “And for your and Lux’s sake, you should be ready to turn on me if the time comes.”
You furrowed your brows.
What was he talking about?
“A word of advice, Lady Hux.” He mimicked you, running his thumb over your bottom lip to prevent you from biting it. “Perhaps you should watch whom you make alliances with. Perhaps siding with His Highness won’t bring the expected results.”
Your eyed widened.
“It’s treason.”
He broke apart.
“It’s only treason if I get caught.”
You followed him, your mouth agape. That was a dangerous game — this one he was playing. When you reached him, you put your hand on his face, forcing him to look at you.
“Armitage, hear me out, if you get caught—” You shook your head and lowered your voice. “No. When you get caught, you’ll be hanged.”
He kissed the inside of your hand.
“That’s why you’ll have to make them believe you knew nothing.”
You shook your head.
He was not listening to you.
He was not fucking listening to you.
“There was no meeting this morning with the board, right? You met with the Prince.”
He shrugged.
“The Kings is dying.”
“He isn’t dead yet,” you retorted. “Your personal interests should not interfere with those of the Crown. Listen, I know you want to become Prime Minister, but betraying your King will nev—
He snorted.
…and pulled your head back by your hair, exposing your throat to his lips.
“You don’t fool me, Lady Hux.” He brought his lips to yours. “You pretend your loyalty lies with the King, but I know you want this as much as I do.”
“Yes.” You replied breathless. “I want it, but I am being reasonable here while you are not. You’re loyal to no one, but yourself!”
Placing both hands on his shoulders, you tried to force him to break apart. His hand wrapped around your neck, applying the slightest of pressures to your windpipe.
“Yes… You’re right. I’m loyal only to myself.” He kissed the corner of your lips. “But what about you, Lady Hux? Where your loyalty lies?”
“Think carefully about your answer.” Your answer had his fingers tightening around your throat — not to the point of hurting you.  
You wetted your lips.
“With the Crown, obviously.”
He pried his fingers open a little bit, allowing you to draw in a breath and reply — you were not so sure he would not like to hear it, “Because it’s the right thing to do.”
You bit your bottom lip, relieved that he seemed pleased with your answer. You thought about going on differently about it, but you knew he was talking hypothetically — just in case he was caught in his own game, something he did not plan on happening.
“Exactly, Lady Hux.” He kissed your throat softly. Next, his lips were upon yours in a brief — so very sweet — kiss. After it was over, he pressed his forehead to yours. 
“You shouldn’t have to ask it. You know my loyalty lies with you. Because I lo—” You closed your eyes and drew in a breath. It was time you were honest, not only with him, but with yourself. “Because without you I can’t get what I want.”
“And what do you want, Lady Hux?”
Looking into his eyes, you replied, “Power.”
You loved Hux — you really did —, but you also loved the many possibilities a relationship with him represented. Knowing that he coveted — and could possibly be chosen — the position of Prime Minister opened a lot of those possibilities for you. You knew that without him, you would never reach a position of power — at least, not one like this.
“I want power.”
This time, his lips fell upon yours passionately. His hands slithered to your waist as he brought your body closer to his. You gasped, giving him the chance to slide his tongue over yours and deepen the kiss. He walked you back, till you met with the piano bench. He made you sit down, kneeling before you.
Biting your bottom lip, you drew in a sharp breath. He kissed your throat, his hand slithering under your dress to caress your thighs. You watched in awe as he removed your shoes and then your stockings. You knew that as soon as he touched your undergarments, he would find them dripping wet.
“Tell me what you want, Lady Hux.”
You allowed him to remove the offending article of clothing that kept his glorious fingers from you. Arching your back, you offered more of yourself to him.
“You. I want you.”
He removed his lips from your throat and shook his head. His fingers — oh, so close — stopped their caress over your sensible, burning skin. 
That was not the answer he wanted to hear.
You drew in a breath…
…and wetted your lips.
“I want power.”
It was all it took to have his fingers caressing you in the way he knew you needed it and to have his lips falling upon yours in an overpowering kiss.
“And you shall have it. Power suits you.”
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A/N - And that’s all for today. I’m still working on my stories. I hope you forgive me for taking so much time between updates. 
31 notes · View notes
unalomee · 4 years
1. What is your name? Carolina 2. What is your nickname? Carol or Cah 3. Birthday? June 30 4. What is your fav book series? Me Before You (by Jojo Moyes) and  the Cahill Witch Chronicles (by Jessica Spotswood) 5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Yes, totally! 6. Who is your favorite author? Agatha Christie 7. What is your favorite radio station? I prefer Spotify :) 8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Salty things 9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Daora (Cool) 10. What is your current favorite song? Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince (by Taylor Swift) 11. What is your favorite word? pudim :) 12. What was the last song you listened to? Toss a coin to your witcher (from The Witcher) metal version by Dan Vasc 13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? HTGAWM, Big Little Lies, Sharp Objects and This is Us. 14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? About Time 15. Do you play video games? yes! 16. What is your biggest fear? someone i love dies brutally 17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I’m loyal 18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? I can be lazy sometimes 19. Do you like cats or dogs better? obvi dogs, but I like cats too 20. What is your favorite season? Autumn 21. Are you in a relationship? yes, @mvmdesouza 22. What is something you miss from your childhood? having no responsibilities 23. Who is your best friend? 4 amazing woman and 1 man (love them) 24. What is your eye color? brown 25. What is your hair color? brown 26. Who is someone you love? my dog Snow, my mom+dad+brother, my besties + boyfriend 27. Who is someone you trust? my mom always! 28. Who is someone you think about often? familiy, doggo and boyf. 29. Are you currently excited about/for something? maybe this year im going to move out from my families house :) 30. What is your biggest obsession? my agatha christie books! 31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Charmed and Bewitched 32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? my bff Ge 33. Are you superstitious? a little... 34. Do you have any unusual phobias? unusual? no.. 35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? def behind 36. What is your favorite hobby? the sims, reading, tumblr... 37. What was the last book you read?  Red Queen (by Victoria Aveyard) 38. What was the last movie you watched?  The Addams Family (2019) 39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? unfortunately none :( 40. What is your favorite animal? do I still have to say? Dogs :D 41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? so many, idk! 42. What superpower do you wish you had? read minds 43. When and where do you feel most at peace? at home in my bedroom 44. What makes you smile? my friends, my dog, books, animal gifs, series 45. What sports do you play, if any? none at the moment, but i used to play volley 46. What is your favorite drink? Water and orange or cashew juice 47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? at the christimas :) 48. Are you afraid of heights? yes! 49. What is your biggest pet peeve? people smacking while eating 50. Have you ever been to a concert? yes! 51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? no :( 52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? veterinary 53. What fictional world would you like to live in? San Myshuno (TS4) or Hogwarts 54. What is something you worry about? The future and climate change 55. Are you scared of the dark? No! 56. Do you like to sing? yes but im not good hahahaha 57. Have you ever skipped school? yep hahahahaha 58. What is your favorite place on the planet? Verin/Spain 59. Where would you like to live? Verin/Spain 60. Do you have any pets? I think that’s pretty clear by now... :D 61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? def early bird  62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunrises 63. Do you know how to drive? yes! 64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? neither 65. Have you ever had braces? yes! 66. What is your favorite genre of music? I love everything, but Pop and Rock! 67. Who is your hero? My mom and dad 68. Do you read comic books? I read it once... 69. What makes you the most angry? inhumanity!! 70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? real books for the win! 71. What is your favorite subject in school? art and biology 72. Do you have any siblings? I have a little brother 73. What was the last thing you bought? food hahahaha 74. How tall are you? 159 cm 75. Can you cook? yes! 76. What are three things that you love? family+doggo, friends, boyf. 77. What are three things that you hate? ignorance, sexism, racism 78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? female friends 79. What is your sexual orientation? straight 80. Where do you currently live? Brazil 81. Who was the last person you texted? my boyf Marcos  82. When was the last time you cried? last night 83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? I dont watch anything on youtube... 84. Do you like to take selfies? sometimes :) 85. What is your favorite app? Spotify, Tumblr and Instagram 86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? love my mom and dad! 87. What is your favorite foreign accent? portuguese from Portugal and English from Uk. 88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? England and Morocco 89. What is your favorite number? 23 90. Can you juggle? no! 91. Are you religious? hum no! 92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? outer space!! 93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? idk... 94. Are you allergic to anything? nope! 95. Can you curl your tongue? yes! 96. Can you wiggle your ears? no! 97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? if I’m wrong, I’m wrong 98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? neither 99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? don't trust everyone 100. Are you a good liar? yes but only white lies 101. What is your Hogwarts House? Ravenclaw!! 102. Do you talk to yourself? best convo ever :) 103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? normally an extrovert... 104. Do you keep a journal/diary? no! 105. Do you believe in second chances? yes, but strike three and you’re out 106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? I look for the person, see if there is any contact in the wallet to call or leave it somewhere appropriate  107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? yes aaand no 108. Are you ticklish? a little 109. Have you ever been on a plane? yes! 110. Do you have any piercings? no! 111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Hercule Poirot 112. Do you have any tattoos? no! 113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? just go with the flow and do 114. Do you believe in karma? hmmm yes! 115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses, but only when I need to see far 116. Do you want children? maybe in the future...a boy 117. Who is the smartest person you know? my mom 118. What is your most embarrassing memory? let’s not go there... 119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? too many times 120. What color are most of you clothes? they are colorful 121. Do you like adventures? yes! 122. Have you ever been on TV? nope 123. How old are you? 28 looking like 20 and never growing up hahahaha 124. What is your favorite quote? “I am who i am today because of the choices i made yesterday” by Eleanor Roosevelt 125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory
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jisungshotfirst · 5 years
50 Questions Tag!
thank you so much @sprouttsse​ for tagging me!! i love these 
what takes too much of your time?
tumblr lol
what’s makes your day better?
skz + kpop in general, listening to music and the sun, man, i love it
what is the best thing that happened to you today?
It’s still early so still more to come hopefully but rn Twice’s album wow all bops (hot is prob my fav)
what fictional place would you like to go to?
camp half-blood. I’m a massive pj fan
are you good at giving advice?
I think I am, I’m pretty mature for my age lol. Also I just want people to be happy in themselves and at peace so my advice is always in hope of them reaching that
do you have any mental illness?
I don’t think so. I mean i’m not always the happiest and have features of mental illnesses but not enough to say I suffer from it I don’t think, and I don’t really want to self diagnose. I’ve enough physical illnesses do deserve at least a partially healthy mind lol
have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
no I haven’t, my sleep isn’t perfect but never paralysis
what musician inspired you the most?
stray kids. I love my boys
have you fallen in love?
what’s your dream date?
Totally stealing this from begin again but walking around a city sharing earphones and showing eachother music and dancing 
what do others notice about you?
everything lol, I’m loud about who I am so people learn pretty quickly what I love, my dreams and ambitions. Also they notice I’m really affectionate, I cling off of people and am comfortable with new people so won’t hide it
what is an annoying habit that you have?
do you still talk to your first love?
a little when in a conversation that calls for it
how many ex’s do you have?
only 1 proper one
how many songs are in your playlist?
my huge kpop playlist has currently 422 songs lol
what instruments do you play?
piano, guitar and ukelele
who do you have the most pictures of?
jisung lol... my folder is at a scary number now... maybe in the 700s don’t judge
where would you like to go before you die?
Korea, japan, africa and iceland
what’s your zodiac?
do you relate to it?
yes scarily considering I don’t really believe in zodiac. It’s very accurate tho
what is happiness to you?
feeling loved and sharing love and being proud and at peace with yourself and your life. I’m happiest when with friends or when making music
are you going through anything right now?
though anything?? like emotionally? i’m not lol
what’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
not doing things I should’ve said yes to
what’s your favorite store?
pull and bear probably... or urban outfiters if it weren’t so bloody expensive. and tower records
what’s your opinion on abortion?
completely pro-choice in every way
do you keep a bucket list?
no, just kinda a mental one
do you have a favorite album?
god that’s so harddd. albums have to be like bloody perfect for me to put them in my favourites, like not just the best songs, the entire album has to be gold. All I can think of really is Vessel by Twenty One Pilots and American Idiot by Greenday
what do you want for your birthday?
em.. i’ve no idea maybe a guitar
what are most people’s first impression of you?
loud and affectionate lol
what age to you seem according to most people?
normally younger than I am but the other day someone assumed i was in university and i’ve never been more honoured
where do you keep your phone while sleeping?
on the desk beside me
what word do you say the most?
gay, fuck and shit
what’s the oldest age would you date?
5 or 6 years older maybe?
what’s the youngest age would you date?
3 maybe?
what job/career do most people say sould suit you?
most people say teacher and i’m not against it tbh
what’s your favorite music genre?
rock, pop and alternative but a bit of anything really
if you would live in any country in the world, where would it be?
I wanna live in Berlin man
what’s your current favorite song?
current.. mikrokosmos by bts and just from today HOT by twice 
how long have you have this blog for?
this tumblr account for like eons but kpop,, prob almost 2 years now
what are you excited for?
are you a better talker or a listener?
depends on the situation and who it’s with. I’m good at getting people to talk lol so mainly listener
what is the last productive thing you did?
... I’m about to unpack so yeah that lol
what do you want for Christmas?
a han jisung (this was your answer @sprouttsse but i’m not changing it coz shit same man imaginee)
what classes do you get the best grades in?
art music and classics
on a scale of 1-10 how are you feeling right now?
prob near an 8 coz twice gave us bops and the sun is out and i’m on holidayyy
what can you see yourself doing in 10 years?
living in an apartment with tons of cats, making music and having fun :)
when did you first get your heartbreak?
...idk if it counts as heartbreak
at what age do you want to get married?
lol idek if i want that. I wouldn’t even think of settling down until i’ve achieved plenty of my goals
what career did you want to have as a child?
i wanted to be a vet or an astronaut lol
what do you crave right now?
ice teaaaaa
tagging: @fluffylix @doomed-95 @rosycheekedrosie @roseblue-doodles @scene-steala @felixscutefreckles - only if y’all want
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brokenbloodlinesrp · 5 years
Tumblr media
                                         🎅 secret santa 🎅
Seres sobrenaturales, intuimos que ya han escuchado acerca la actividad llamada Santa Secreto. Por ello deseamos incluirla una vez más en esta época del año. ¡Esperamos que se diviertan! Si tienen dudas, pueden comunicarse al ask o chat del main.
¿De qué va esta actividad?
El Santa Secreto consistirá en el envío de mensajes forma anónima a una persona designada para conocer más de ella.
Los participantes, o santas, deberán enviar al menos un mensaje diario a la persona que les tocó. Pueden preguntar por sus intereses, sus personajes en broken, su vida en el rol, sus gustos, disgustos, etc.
Sin embargo, no pueden preguntar aspectos personales. Nos referimos a develar su nombre de algún modo. Nos regimos bajo un seudónimo para la seguridad de nuestros usuarios.
Deberán abrir sus anónimos durante los días de actividad, al igual que activar el submit. No obstante, si existen inconvenientes, les pedimos que nos avisen de inmediato al main.
El último día de la actividad la identidad de los santas secretos serán reveladas, acompañadas de un gráfico hecho por ustedes acerca del personaje que rolea el usuario. Ejemplo: Kol es el santa secreto de Genevieve, el último día envía a su sumit un gráfico de Genevieve más un mensaje revelando que se trataba de él, el cual pueden enviar al submit de cada personaje o subir a su blog y etiquetarlos. Recuerden etiquetarlo como #brokenedits.
Estaremos enviando los mensajes de manera privada durante el día de mañana. A partir de recibir su nombre, pueden comenzar a enviar sus preguntas. 
Modo de envío: Este año hemos decidido implementar preguntas estructuras que pueden utilizar. Sin embargo, si alguien prefiere una interacción coloquial, puede hacerlo. La primera parte contiene preguntas para el usuario; mientras que la segunda parte son sobre tu personaje. 
¿Debo enviar desde el primer mensaje los ask sugeridos?
No, pueden presentarse primero si lo desean.
¿Es obligatorio utilizarlos? 
No, son para hacer más ameno y diferente esta versión. Pero pueden preguntar lo que deseen mientras cumpla lo mencionado anteriormente. 
               Actividad realizada del día 13 al 21 de diciembre. 
Preguntas sugeridas bajo read more.
Preguntas para el usuario. 
Playlist.  ( x )
1- Best/your fav playlist you have listened to so far?
2- Your favorite playlist soundtrack?
3- Fav sci-fi playlist?
4- Fav D&D/Actual Play playlist?
6- Playlist that makes you laugh the most?
7- Favorite horror/thriller playlist?
10- Which playlist do you listen to the most?
11- Have you listened to any YouTuber’s playlist? If so, who’s was it?
13- How many playlist do you have in your library?
15- Favorite playlist genre?
16- If you could magically travel to the world of one playlist, which one would it be and why?
17- If you had to be one playlist character for a week which one would you be and why?
18- (Random playlist Character) vs. (Other Random playlist Charactet): who would win in a fight?
21- Playlist you are currently listening to?
80′s movies ask. ( x )
bill and ted’s excellent adventure: are you more of an optimist or pessimist?
back to the future: which decade in the last century would you most have liked to live in?
the breakfast club: which high school stereotype do you fit into best?
ferris bueller’s day off: what’s your guilty pleasure?
the goonies: what was the last thing to make you laugh?
the outsiders: why is your best friend your best friend?
the lost boys: would you rather be immortal or objectively beautiful to everyone?
stand by me: why did you last go on a road trip?
pretty in pink: what’s your signature ‘look’?
drugstore cowboy: which historical figure most spikes your interest?
ghostbusters: where were you when you watched your favourite movie for the first time?
sixteen candles: at which age do you consider a person to be mature?
dirty dancing: where were you when you first heard your favourite song?
better off dead: why did you last laugh so hard it reduced you to tears?
heathers: did you apologise the last time you were unreasonably mean?
parenthood: is there anyone you’re not biologically related to that you consider ‘family’?
permanent record: where were you the last time you told someone you loved them?
st. elmo’s fire: what’s one piece advice you would give to someone two years younger than yourself?
dangerous liaisons: which language would you most like to learn?
rumble fish: who do you look to for guidance in times of need?
e.t.: what’s one ‘weird’ feature that you love about yourself?
young guns: what’s one style that you love on others, but would never try yourself?
oxford blues: why did you last pretend to be something you’re not?
dead poet’s society: the last time you made a decision that everyone around you told you not to make, how did it work out?
Ships. ( x )
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
give me a character (from anything ever) in my ask and I’ll rate:
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t know
Give me 6 characters and I’ll tell you who i would: ( x )
Push off a cliff
Set on Fire
Wrap a Blanket around
Be Roommates with
Send me a fandom and i’ll tell you:
the character i least understand
interactions i enjoyed the most
the character who scares me the most
the character who is mostly like me
hottest looks character
one thing i dislike about my fave character
one thing i like about my hated character
a quote or scene that haunts me
a death that left me indifferent
a character i wish died but didn’t
Deep Red - I’m in love with you.
Red - I love you.
Pink - I think you’re cute.
Blue - You’re amazing.
Rose - You’re pretty
Purple - You’re hot.
Violet - I would date you.
Aqua - I could stay on your blog for hours.
Lavender - You are my tumblr crush.
Orange - I want to get to know you.
Tangerine - We have a lot in common.
Amber - I wish you would notice me.
Cream - I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog.
Anon or not, make me choose between (and i’ll gif it):
Show: _______ or ________ ?
Character: ________ or _________ ?
Pairing: _________ or _________ ?
Anything: ________ or _________ ?
Preguntas acerca de tu personaje:
Let’s try this
red: seven insecurities
orange: six fears
yellow: five turn ons
green: four life goals
blue: three fears
indigo: two weaknesses
violet: one thing you love
20 asks for  writers.
Some of these can also be used for canon muses. ( x )
When did you create your muse?
Where did you find inspiration for your muse?
Tell us something about the world/universe in which your muse lives.
What’s your favourite headcanon about your muse?
What’s something only very few people know about your muse?
Are there parts of your muse that resemble parts of yourself?
How many face claims do you have or have you had for your muse?
How did you choose the name for your muse?
If your muse could be a canon character in any fandom, which fandom would you choose?
Do you ship your muse with any canon characters?
Do you ship your muse with any other original characters?
Share a song that matches with your muse!
If your muse were the main character in a movie/book/show/game/…, what would it be called? What would it be about?
Do you have any NPCs for your muse’s world or story? If yes, can you tell us something about them?
Share a random headcanon about your muse!
Is your muse religious?
What is something about your muse’s background story that you’ve always wanted to have a thread about?
Give us one thing from your muse’s wishlist that you really want to write in a thread!
List some of your muse’s favourites! (eg. food, movie, book, song, drink, place, celeb, etc.)
This or that according to your muse: morning or evening? Marvel or DC? Mayonnaise or ketchup? Books or movies? Red or blue? Black or white? Halloween or Christmas?
For each   “ 💐 “   I receive, my muse will tell you one thing about their ideal dream wedding
Headcanons: ( x )
✿: What is your muses favourite scent?
☼: What is your muses favourite kind of weather?
☤: Is your muse allergic to anything?
♫: Does your muse like music? What kind?
✉: What is something your muse would write about?
✈: How far has your muse travelled away from their home?
💕: Does your muse have any crushes?
★: What is your muse’s zodiac?
✞: Does your muse have an religious beliefs? What are they?
∞: Is there something about your muse that has been constant throughout their life?
✘: What are your muses pet peeves?
💲: What is your muse like with their money? What’s their financial situation?
⚽: What’s your muse’s favourite sport?
✔: What is your muse’s sexuality?
✋: Is your muse left or right handed?
👓: Does your muse need reading aids? Contacts or glasses?
🎒: What does your muse normally keep in their bag?
🚑: Does your muse have any disabilities/impairments?
👕: What is your muse’s fashion sense like?
🎲: Does your muse like to gamble?
🍕: What’s your muses favourite food?
🍸: Does your muse like to consume alcohol? What’s their favourite kind?
💉: Does your muse have a substance addiction? To what?
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nightbleeder · 6 years
Tagged by not one, but TWO gorgeous goddesses:  @the-most-beautiful-broom & @dylanobrienisbatman.  Guess I have no choice but to do this, then!  <3
last (1-5)
drink - Water
phone call - My sister
text msg - “Life is crazy, for sure.”
song you listened to - Daughters by John Mayer
time you cried - Good question, I can’t really remember!  
ever..? (6-11)
dated someone twice - Nope.
kissed someone and regretted it - Yep
been cheated on - Don’t think so!
lost someone special - Yes
been depressed - Mildly
gotten drunk/thrown up - Yep (Just this past weekend...whoops).
fav colors (12-14)
sky blue, indigo, coral
in the last yr have you.. (15-21)
made new friends/mutuals - Yes, and I love y’all to the moon and back.
fallen out of love - Nope.
laughed until you cried - YES.  Like, yesterday?
found out someone was talking about you - Don’t think so?
met someone who changed you - Of course.  Everyone we meet changes us!
found out who your friends are - I guess
kissed someone on your FB friends’ list - I ditched Facebook like, six years ago.  Best decision I ever made.
general (22-51)
how many of your FB friends do you know irl - N/A
do you have any pets - One cat named Huck!
do you want to change your name - Nah.
what did you do for your prev. birthday - Hung out and had a BBQ, I think.
what time did you wake up today - Too fucking early, that’s when.
what were you doing @ midnight last night - Passed the fuck out.
what is something you can’t wait for - For this summer class to be over and my vacation to begin!
what’re you listening to atm - Pandora
have you ever talked to a person named Tom - My grandfather and cousin are both named Tom!
something that’s getting on your nerves - I can’t even choose, like all the things.
most visited site - Tumblr, Youtube, Gmail
hair color - dark brown 
long/short hair - Long!
do you have a crush on someone - Not a real one, no.
what do you like about yourself - My empathy
want any piercings - Yeah!
blood type - O
nicknames - Meg, Megabucks, Megatron, Meggie, Megs and Bacon, Megaroni, Megadeth, and so many other ones.
relationship status - single
zodiac - Gemini
pronoun(s) - she/her
fav tv/on-air shows - the 100, GoT, DW
tattoos - I’ve got a few
rightie or leftie - rightie
ever had surgery? - Almost, actually, but no.
piercings - A few
sports - I played a lot of sports in school (Basketball, Softball, Tennis), but don’t really play any these days.  I love watching American football, though.
trainers - I’m assuming you mean sneakers? I love my converse 
more general (52-58)
eating - Steak and pizza are my two favorite foods
drinking - I love a nice cup of green tea
i’m about to watch - I’m at work, so nothing 
waiting for - The next episode of The 100 to air
want - A goddamn nap
get married - someday, that would be nice.
career - clinical social worker
which is better (59-65)
hugs/kisses - both?
lips/eyes - eyes
shorter/taller - taller
older/younger - older
nice arms/ stomach - arms/shoulders
hookup/relationship - relationship
troublemaker/hesitant - troublemaker, since I’m totally hesitant.  Need some balance in my life.
have you ever (66-75)
kissed a stranger - no
drank hard liquor - yes
lost glasses - no
turned someone down - yep
sex on first date - nah
broken a heart - possible, but not probable
had your heart broken - no
been arrested - no
cried when someone died - yes
fallen for a friend - nope
do you believe in.. (76-81)
yourself - I try to
miracles - yes
love at first sight - no
santa claus - no
kiss on a first date - sure
angels - yes
other (82-85)
best friend’s name - Rachel
eye color - Brown
fav movie - Gladiator, or Return of the King
fav actor- Emma Thompson
Tagging: @rocanono, @bellamynochillblake, @istilldothiseveryday, @easnadh1, @winterhalcyon, @mustachioedmoose, and whoever else is interested!
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Will Dailey (* Interviewed while at CSB- so so nerve wrecking but so excited to expose him as songwriter/musician to folk who may have never heard him and to those in the music biz as well)
(With doing notes took over 1.5 hours vs the actual 50 minute interview)
Found instrument
Songwriting came out of
Sick of doing others music/covers
Learning other’s ways
Behind wheel of car finding you don’t like the roads
Songwriting was like making your own road
Sexy violent malleable- songwriting/music
Helped him as a child through everything
Between two houses and it became his own household
Seen as anomaly-musician famous- vs. songwriting as a person
(Circle of Fifths)
Pressure of being “something”
Starting writing “terrible songs”
“Grownup” and peer excited
About something I thought of?
Good feedback and believed it
Key part- believed it
Peer excited and making something you created
Addicted to being around people being better than me
To pull you
To get better
Only going to get better by doing it (AH)
Always try to be the worst person in your band
To learn, to grow, to be pushed
(Same as surrounding yourself with people “smarter” than you)
 Neil Young Crazy Horse changed as artists- with band
Parental advisory,
By 90’s pluralism at our fingertips
You can be whoever you are
Know rules and forms and having cohesive story
Or not having cohesive story
Like a dream
Hardcore Truth right in front of you
Music can be funny, Pop(py), Rock
Operate from that thing
(What I Love about Will, same as MF in many ways- she would agree “male version of (self)”
Never quite found/had genre
Never had niche, could hurt songwriters career
Never belonged anywhere
Too rock for indie crowd too pop for rock crowd too folk for pop crowd
Carve out own fan base
By getting in front of them
By striking one chord at a time
Jungle he grew up in, all that influence
Genre madness from 90s to now
Every song at fingertips
Algorisms send streaming service that find out something about you
“This algorism knows me so well” (smile)
From way back when or something new
Amazing, and daunting
And business of songwriting leaves him hopeless
Same time is exciting
If too many options will walk away and come back later(AH)
Overwhelming vs having structure or type of melody in mind (AH cont.)
When having a hit
How to do it again no idea how
Feel like never be able to have something that big again
Always potential to have that feeling
It is a craft and way of being
Learn every rule of songwriting
Then forget every rule of songwriting
Some songwriters only know 4 chords or one tuning
Being open to craft, learning rules
Talk to other artists, figure out what you can do
Ex. There is a verse, pre, chorus, verse, pre, chorus, bridge, verse, pre, chorus.
When you do verse chorus bridge, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus- then done.
When designing song what you want to do when pouring out of you
Be aware of the rule you are breaking because might be creating a hook
Or special pattern
Everything is pattern or pattern upset ( **Relatable to Sociology**)
Ex. Listeners singing along to altercation of pattern
Learn the rules to break them
Being able to predict what’s about to happen sometimes satisfying
Sometimes too much then can lose interest
Sometimes song shouldn’t have surprises
Sometimes should be a meditation
Also option of production making the surprises
Making those choices as artist and writer consciously
Or the emotion is making choice so definitely you don’t need to use your conscious decisions
Or know the rules you are breaking
Not just chasing knowledge- will leave you frustrated creator
Marry the two parts
Person inside who is in there that doesn’t know rules and it’s just pouring -marry that person with that person that knows the craft- effective to communicate and making the parts that are connected more effective (AH)
(Side note Loved hearing his story about title of album- really had impact/was felt moment live)
Writing while in studio, cleanse palette with
Doing things thought of as totally obtuse and irreverent
Would have haunted if not gotten them out- even not to share with others
Intent behind songwriting is most important part (Yes!!! Across the board in the world- all about intent)
Dogged as artist- using everything at fingertips
Always having intention behind his music
Always had in mind person who was going to freak out about it
Or who was going to totally connect to it
Someone imaginary, himself, someone he knows
Intention to reach them with this piece of music
Ideally in that someone else will hate it too
(Van, tour manager, VAN!! )
Kiss of death is someone says it’s nice or it’s good
You want reaction of wow whether love or hate
Have that fearless while writing (AH)
Not trying to please everyone trying to write for “that person” (AH)
Can write song in 5 minutes of 5 years
When 5 years see as so worth it (own Sistine chapel)
5 minute one like wth why didn’t I do with all of these
Can’t call on either one of them
Frustrated with unfinished- not the end of them (AH)
Just work at the end of the day
Pushing it
Ex. Gun n Roses- “Where do we go now” from “Sweet child of mine”
The rpducers thought song needing another part
Slash solo
Where do we go now came from that
Meaning where do we go in song
Came from him joking and producer saying yes keep doing that
Look up Led Zeppelin rehearsal demos
Robert Plant mumbling stairway to heaven
Coming up with gibberish while creating
If you don’t have a lot of songs with gibberish then not trying
Have to marry all these-
Cadence of vocal, delivery of vocal, words, melody having hook
Have to marry all these parts
Not all need to hit
Advice for someone who doesn’t do it for living but wants to carve out time.
Booking time, open mic- invite friend will
Also sets intention  help carve song out energy wise
Give self deadline to write (ex. starting Monday need to finish by Friday)
A little bit of work each day it will get there
15 minutes a day to work on a song
While creating, more focus on lyrics
If in love and/or married to cadences or melody and trying to fit with words together
Can screw yourself bc a lot of work to do- tough- but can be really fun at same time
Plays “It already would have not worked out by now” (THIS line!!)
Songwriting and music way of being
Huge part of being human
It’s not (a) business
Business is what we’ve manufactured around it
Referred to esp by Americans is in those terms
Really robs us of a huge part of our humanity
Remember while writing, Songwriting really engaging in being human
Engaging in this universal communication technique that we have with music
Don’t let anyone take that from you while creating.
(Side note- random ish I love that his site uses the word “Shows” versus “Tour”
And also not so random this was such an amazing interview prob I think even fav thus far)
Thank you again and again Anne Heaton
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rnaxwellbeaumont · 7 years
tagged by the lovely @eleanor-waverley and @protect-drake <3
LAST… [1] drink: latte [2] phone call: home [3] text message: omfg mgggg (my friend got commissioned by our old psych teacher for a tattoo!!) [4] song you listened to: bad at love - halsey [5] time you cried: like... yesterday when i was replaying endless summer and diego died
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: nope [7] been cheated on: nope [8] kissed someone and regretted it: nope [9] lost someone special: yep [10] been depressed: still am lol whoopsies [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] royal purple [13] pink [14] pastel blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: ehhh [16] fallen out of love: i don’t think so [17] laughed until you cried: yup [18] found out someone was talking about you? there was a snake infestation at my new school !! noped right out of there [19] met someone who changed you: yeah [20] found out who your true friends are:  y e s . [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: nope
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: haven’t used fb in prob 5 years, gives me such bad anxiety but like 99%? [23] do you have any pets: nope but i would give anything for a dog. like. a limb . [24] do you want to change your name: i’ve thought about it! i love victoria/elizabeth/anything elegant tbh [25] what did you do for your last birthday: had a dolan twins youtube marathon ayeee then had a buffet dinner w my fam!! [26] what time did you wake up: 11 am [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: rewatching supernatural for the 94th time i may have problems [28] name something you cannot wait for: august, phuket holiday!! [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: 15 mins ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my mental illnesses what fun [31] what are you listening to right now: dua lipa’s new rules!! a bOP [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: UM DOES TWEETING MY BABY TOM HOLLAND COUNT [33] something that is getting on your nerves: OUR BUSTED AIR CON [34] most visited website: tumblr and twitter [35] moles: 7 that i can see at the moment? [37] marks: freckles, moles, birthmark under my left arm, scar above my EYE from WHEN I WALKED INTO AN ARROW DURING ARCHERY IM SO DUMB (though it’s faded significantly) [38] hair colour: naturally black but dyed it reddish brown last year and since it’s grown to become an ombré. i wanna go pastel or blonde but that requires like 80 layers of bleach on my dark hair soooo [39] long or short hair: long [40] do you have a crush on someone: like on 52453 fictional characters [41] what do you like about yourself? my wit [42] piercings: my ears [43] blood type: O or B+ [44] nickname: steph [45] relationship status: single and incidentally i’m eating pringles atm lmao [46] zodiac sign: aquarius [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: supernatural, teen wolf, black mirror (i’ve literally sat and watched tv shows for over 3 months of my life no regrets) [49] tattoos: I WANT THEM SO BAD AND I AHEV SO MANY IDEAS but my parents despise them and my sis said she’d totally go behind their back to get one if she ever were to do it so i totally have the a-okay to do the same bc she’s the older sibling lmaoo [50] right or left handed: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: something pierced into my foot when i was 7? [52] piercing: last year, my earlobes [53] best friend: so glad she’s out of my life [54] sport: basketball [55] vacation: canada to visit my dad’s side of the fam when i was 8 [56] pair of trainers: a pair of black and pink sneakers lmao 6 yr old me knew how to dRESS
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: homemade cookies [58] drinking: water [59] i’m about to: work on on my about me page i guess? [60] listening to: the hum of the aircon [61] waiting for: MY NEXT CHOICES KEY [62] want: new clothes [63] get married: do i marry prince liam or not???/// leo or william or the bartender??? QUESTIONS [64] career: none
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller [68] older or younger: older [70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms!! im WEaK also have yall seen sam drakes arms like,,,,  [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? no [75] drank hard liquor? yep [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? BOTH FFS [77] turned someone down: yep [78] sex on first date? nope (side eye pixelberry wyd) [79] broken someone’s heart? didn’t realise i was doing so [80] had your own heart broken? don’t think so [81] been arrested? no [82] cried when someone died? yeah [83] fallen for a friend: ugh yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? lol workin on it [85] miracles? yeah [86] love at first sight? not really [87] santa claus? nope [88] kiss on the first date? no [89] angels? castiel counts right lol
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: kinda specific so i’d rather not [91] eye colour: intensely dark brown [92] favourite movie: iron man trilogy, spider-man: homecoming, harry potter series, catching fire
@diamondsaregold @firefly-hwufanficwriter @the-light-of-stars @endless-vall @zigsexual @kittenmusicals @hollyashton @heart-jake @pbophelia @endlessbeaumont @ohmymaxwell @secretpasswordahead @queenreginascontour @lanapowellblog @ladyashtonofcordonia @choicesvoices @davesreyes @jakecollins @ohmysnarkydrake @shazrystyles @xxchoicesxx @stephschoices​ @alwaysanotheroc @principal-mc @jakesmckenzies
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