#it's so wild to me like i'm obsessed with this game but cannot draw the way i see the images in my head to save my goddamn life
kadoodles-on-ao3 · 1 year
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Artist: berrywizard (Deactivated) Source: Reddit Archives: Reddit Repost | Image
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the-meat-machine · 7 months
is stridercest canon-compliant
Hi. I'm not sure how to answer this question, but like hell am I going to let that stop me from rambling on about it for far longer than anyone would consider reasonable.
What does it mean for a ship to be canon-compliant?
My first difficulty is this: what does it mean for a ship to be "canon-compliant"?
I tend to be of the opinion that you can come up with a justification for nearly any ship that, at the very least, doesn't contradict canon. Whether that ship is probable or not is a different story.
To give an example of a ship that's technically possible but canonically unlikely… let's say I were to posit that Nepeta had red feelings for Aradia. Well, we get fairly direct evidence of Nepeta's romantic interests throughout the comic, and Aradia never features in her self-pairing fantasies. Not to mention that if she had such feelings, you'd think it would cause conflict in her relationship with Equius, who does canonically have feelings for Aradia. But Nepeta never says she doesn't like Aradia that way, so for all we know they could have had a torrid romance offscreen that is never once hinted at in the comic. Highly improbable within canon, but not strictly impossible.
A level above that, there are ships where there's basically nothing to go on. Nothing to contradict it, but nothing to really support it either. For example, how would Dirk and John get along? Well, they only ever meet once in the comic and it's when Game Over!Dirk is giving himself over to the glitchy void, so who fuckin' knows. You'll have to base their interactions on a general knowledge of their characters. And hey, you can probably come up with a pretty convincing argument that they'd be great for each other! You can equally come up with an argument that they couldn't stand one another. There's really no canon basis to say either way.
That said, I think Stridercest is on a rung above that. These characters have had significant canonical interactions that revolve around one another, giving a richer basis to draw from. Or at least… Dave and Dirk have. Which leads me to my second difficulty.
What is Stridercest?
"Stridercest" can refer to quite a few possible ships.
For example, Guardiancest. Do I think Guardiancest has a basis in canon? No. Alpha Dave and Beta Dirk lived in different versions of the universe and both died well before the end of the game. They almost certainly never even knew that each other existed.
That said, Homestuck is a pretty wild canon as far as possible character interactions go, what with all the various ways characters can hop between universes, time travel, get resurrected, meet up in dream bubbles, etc. Trans-universal communication is canonically possible (see for example Jade and Jake's letters to each other), so who knows -- maybe Alpha Dave and Beta Dirk could have met each other somehow. Does it seem likely? Absolutely not. But it's not impossible.
Now, if you were asking about the original Stridercest, Bro/Dave, that's a ship that clearly is logistically possible, at least. They spent 13 years in the same apartment. Something could have happened. Did it? I don't know. I don't consider myself a Bro/Dave scholar, so I'll leave that as a question for the reader.
But one pairing I have significantly more to say about is Dave/Dirk.
Here are some things that are canon:
Dave has had, at the very least, passing attractions to a minimum of two of his ectobiological relatives -- namely, Rose and Roxy
Dave has evinced attraction to both men and women
Dave used to idolize his bro, but later came to have more complicated feelings about him
Dirk has had a lifelong obsession with his own long-dead bro. He studied all the minutiae of Alpha Dave's life and patterned his own life after what he's gleaned from that
Dirk is definitely attracted to men
Dave and Dirk had a long heart-to-heart during which they hugged each other
Here are some questions that cannot be directly answered by canon:
Do Dave's incestuous inclinations extend to Dirk and/or Bro?
Is there a homoerotic dimension to Dirk's obsession with Dave?
Now, you could plausibly answer these questions with "no". Maybe Dave's upbringing with Bro made it impossible for him to see Dirk in a romantic light. Or hell, maybe he only likes blond hair on chicks, not on dudes. And for all we know, maybe Dirk's interest in Alpha Dave is strictly platonic. (…ha, that one's hard to type with a straight face. But it's possible.)
Of course, I'm asking these questions because I think you can easily answer them with "yes". There's significant canonical basis to suggest that these suppositions at least could be true. At the very least, conditions are ripe for these two to have some very weird, complicated feelings about each other that are laced with incestuous and homoerotic undertones.
So is Stridercest canon-compliant? For Dave/Dirk, at the very least, I'd argue that it is.
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10 characters/10 fandoms
We're gonna go chronologically through my life because I think that's REALLY FUN (I legit couldn't choose a west wing character just know that if there's a secret 11th character is the ensemble cast of the west wing)
Artemis Fowl, Artemis Fowl
My first antihero, and we started YOUNG on that, I was reading these books premiddle school. I was obsessed with these books as a kid, and I'm still obsessed with them today. There's rumors of a third, more adult series when Artemis and Holly may get together and I will EAT THAT SHIT UP I LOVE THEM
2. Vexen, Kingdom Hearts
I Legit think this man primed me to enjoy Hux as a character. Like, I'm not kidding, I was obsessed with him as a kid. I'm 90% certain I wrote deviant art fan fic, but I have since abandoned that account so it's hard to know for sure if it ever got published. I was definitely roll playing at age, like, 13? way too young but god I loved him he was BATSHIT
3. Ianto Jones, Torchwood
Man, I can't really explain how much Ianto Jones as a character, he and Jack's kiss on screen, their relationship, and the events of the 456 changed me? It was DEEP though, I woke up the next day a different person, with much less trust in television writer's and their good intentions.
4. Desmond Miles, Assassin's Creed
We have to jump a few years to mid high school, because no joke I was on that Kingdom Hearts train for a WHILE. I love him, he was probably my first blorbo, before the term was invented. I tried to play the games after (MAJOR SPOILER) but I just couldn't do it. They didn't have the draw without him.
5. Stiles Stilinski, Teen Wolf
Now we've hit late high school, arguably my second blorbo. As a kid with ADHD, he was no joke valuable representation to me, even if it was sometimes played for laughs. I was also the least athletic kid on multiple sports teams who still tried really hard, so I got him, yknow?
6. Will Graham, Hannibal
It's legit tough for me to chose if I like the Will Graham of the books or the TV show better. (Don't ask me about the movies, I haven't seen them, and I probably won't. Movies and I have trouble. See: ADHD.) I'm not sure if he's a blorbo or just like, a regular character I like? My hannibal phase was my last 8 year ship, so the line is pretty blurred.
Now we've reached the part where I dived into a lot of fandoms at once, because I dropped out of college and kind of did a weird spiral? Idk, we've lost chronology is what I'm saying
7. Artemis Crock, Young Justice
god I cannot say enough good things about her and I also cannot express how much (MAJOR SPOILER) made me mad FOR HER. Like it was cruel specifically to her and we should talk more about that, honestly. She was definitely a blorbo, but we're still PRE blorbo as a word in my vocabulary.
8. Darcy Lewis, MCU
My first real fandom bicycle, I ship her with everyone from Loki to Agent Coulson to Natasha. As someone who often feels like the comic relief character in their own life, I appreciate her.
9. Kent Parson, OMG Check Please
My sweet, sweet disaster son. My emotionally constipated hockey boy. The reason captain america is my SECOND favorite character with a birthday on the Fourth of July. I love him, he was amazing, and also my first experience with like, really toxic fandom was being so mad when people tried to equate his canon mental health issues with a noncanon, imagined abuse?? It was wild, I ended up so distressed about it i did have to leave the fandom.
10. Armitage Hux, Star Wars
I mean you've been on my blog for like ten seconds i think it's obvious?? The others needed explanations but like YOURE HERE YOU KNOW
WAIT I FORGOT TO TAG PEOPLE SHIT @sariastrategos @gingersnappish @fallingdeeperintothispit
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polothatmakesyoufat · 3 months
ok but now that I think of it Stuffing in a Don't Starve context would probably be seen as like divine intervention. those guys are STARVING and now they have some excess fat reserves for the winter
This ask unexpectedly made me think so this got pretty long, I'm sorry :') Enjoy my collection of thoughts.
First of all, I draw a line between stuffing and weight gain – although these two often go hand in hand, they are pretty distinct kinks. Stuffing doesn't always lead to wg, weight gain doesn't necessarily require stuffing, etc. (Also I'm not actually into stuffing, weirdly). So I usually think about them separately.
An opportunity for stuffing could absolutely be seen as a blessing BUT I find it more interesting to look at it as a necessity. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about it is that you'd need a large amount of food available, which is probably rare. For that reason I can't really imagine a character stuffing themselves just to enjoy the feeling. It also fills you up for a significant amount of time but effectively leaves you out of commission – you can't run or fight with an overfilled stomach, you'd much rather lie down and not move. It probably isn't something you'd want to do just because, if you had to stay alert. So with that in mind I can imagine a couple of scenarios here.
1. A character has been starving for a long time and somehow finds food! A lot of it! I doubt they could control themselves. Bringing up my brief obsession with the Minnesota semi-starvation experiment, you almost can't get full after being so limited in your food intake. So it's very possible to just keep eating to the point of getting sick – and, going back to DS, that would mean wasting precious resources. But I doubt they could care (consider also the insanity effects).
2. Same thing minus being severely starved. A character finds a lot of food so to make the most of it they gather as much as they can carry and, if there's anything left, eat as much as they can fit in their stomach. They cannot afford to be wasteful. (To add to it, maybe the food is about to spoil? It all comes down to getting as much as possible from what's available).
3. Of course there is also the option where the survival goes exceptionally well and a character can stuff themselves just for the sake of it. But hey. Firstly, this is boring (to me.) and secondly, I SUCK at the game so my takeaway is that the characters must not be fit enough for survival to get to this point. (I refuse to get good.)
Weight gain is a much more long-term thing. I'm not sure how to interpret in-game time but let's believe the numbers and say it's 20 to 55 days between winters. How much weight can one realistically put on during this time? Not a lot, probably (unless we're involving some kind of magic). So for any substantial weight gain to occur a character needs to be well-adjusted in the Constant and have reliable, and excessive, food sources all year round. Another thing to point out is that extra weight obviously helps during winter but also slows you down and probably makes you more appealing for predators. So there's a compromise to be made here if a character is trying to gain on purpose.
For me, wg scenarios are reserved more to semi-canon nano-AUs, like my little evil threeway one. When you're safe(..?), don't have to chop trees/run around/hunt all day and have more than enough food, it makes sense to get fat. But out in the wild, I'm not so sure.
P. S. l'm not taking into account DST with multiple players because... I guess I'm more interested in the survival aspects of the survival game than in character dynamics. At least for now.
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clatoera · 1 year
Hi! I just saw your reply from the anon asking about your thg story! I'm not usually one to send asks or even post on tumblr (never was tbh), but this just hit so close I felt the need to say, me too! That's why I followed you initially, I just gasped at your bio and thought "there's more people like me on here!" and pressed follow!
I too was that insufferable 14 year old. I could not get away with wearing any form of braided hairstyle without being teased that I was trying to be Katniss (I probably was half the time haha). My friends, family, school teachers, everyone knew I was obsessed with the Hunger Games.
It fizzled out gradually for me too. I think it was just the natural progression with the films coming to an end etc etc. It never left though, obviously.
I re read the books before reading the prequel. I'm so with you on these books being a whole different experience now that we're closer to Finnick's age than Katniss and Peeta's. 16 seemed so so old to me, so imagine what i thought of characters like Finnick and Johanna. I can't even comprehend having gone through something like they did at my age now, let alone at 16.
I think back then, the main draw for me was definitely Katniss and Peeta's relationship. It still is one of my favourite things about the books, but after rereading them and the prequel, I agree that there is so much we missed, just by simply being too young to fully comprehend it. I find that I now have a larger interest in the political scope of everything and just the world in general (like...how tf did they rebuild the whole country after mockingay? need to discuss!!)
anyway, sorry for the long "ask". i'm so excited to see another tumblr returner on here! i've been coming back every so often to get content for other things i love, and have only recently taken the plunge and become a little more active.
I suppose there is a sense of shame a lot of us were made to feel about liking the things we like and coming on the internet to form passionate communities around it. I feel the same, it very much is a service to my teen self to come on here and find joy in rediscovering the things I love as well as using this site to explore my new interests. A reclamation, I suppose. I'm a bit more confident now. Back then, I would never, ever have sent asks or made my own posts. I think my 14 year old self is very happy for me, for this little
hope you're having a good day/night, whatever time, where ever you are in the world! :)
Hi hello! I read this as soon as it came in this morning, and wanted to respond, but wanted to be sure to give it the enthusiastic and lengthy response it deserved, that my brain could not formulate at 4 am when I read it.
I am so glad others feel the same. I remember in the early days, I was on Tumblr ( my main blog has existed since 2012 lol), but not active in fandom spaces. I was a fanfic writer. And on Facebook I was REALLY active in fandom and was literally participating in like..Hunger Games RP in Facebook comments. Wild. I was so into it.
Whats really settled with me, as a 25 year old woman, is like..the way mentors had to feel. My baby brother is 17 years old. He is a baby to me. He is just a child to me. I cannot imagine being Johanna or Finnick or Annie, mentoring at my age (or younger, actually), to kids my brothers age. Teenagers feel like Kids and I feel such an immense sisterly, guiding, mentor-ly role to them. Even college kids, I've been a mentor for pre-medicine students in my sorority for years, and those 18 year olds vs me, at 25? massive difference. I cannot imagine watching someone my little brother's age fight to the death. I cannot imagine someone my baby cousin's age, who is 12, fighting someone my brother's age. I cannot imagine watching someone my brother's age lead a war, lead a rebellion, and go through the things Katniss does. I can only imagine the horrors the past Victors learned to feel, and the emotions attached to their tributes every year.
more things that I am horrified by?
Katniss and Peeta. 16 years old. About to be MARRIED in the Capitol.
Gale, 18, working in the mines.
Again, Katniss and Peeta, with the (albeit fake) baby. 17 with a child? I remember being 16 years old, my best friend in the world had a baby. I was there. I remember watching her become a mother far too young, and I have watched ever since the way she has struggled and what it did to her mental health. Two 16/17 year old kids, having a baby, is a horror that should be addressed beyond what I at 16 thought it was. I was so team yes let there be a baby! as a child. But now? Now I see the horror of that. I Have delivered the babies of girls that age. I have held their hands as they are alone in the world. I'm going into a field specifically to help girls and women, in this position especially.
I think to that letter Plutarch wrote Katniss, where he literally says he would put her all through it again for the same outcome.
The youth of these tributes is haunting. If there were capitol doctors around they would be pediatricians. Let that sink in. The things these Victors would need is a pediatrician (also a psychiatrist and a surgeon probably).
Please message me (anyone can actually to talk about this) to talk about these things. The hidden horrors that are missed at 15, that stare you in the face as you reexamine as an adult. I'd love to talk about it in depth. I'd love to talk about how it has shaped me.
But seriously HMU because I want to talk about that most mockingjay rebuilding :)
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toournextadventure · 1 year
Bestie...catch me starting to write a fic of my own. I haven't wrote a damn thing for a few years now, so it could, and probably will be, terrible. The last thing I wrote was a super long ass headcanon for 'Good Omens' based off an amazing piece of art (I cannot remember the artist's name right now, but I did credit them in the post) that I posted here and it kinda did alot better than I thought it would.
And I was going to write a part 2, honest I was! But then I got 'THE FEAR' that it was actually terrible and people were just being nice (because that's how my dumb creative brain works. Thanks alot, 'Imposter Syndrome'!) cut to like 3.5 years later and I didn't write that second part. In fact I never wrote anything ever again.
Until I started reading your fic and a few other, also amazing, reader fics...and catch me now starting to write out little scenes and flesh out a whole ass character for my own Wednesday x Reader fic. So far the character is charming, snarky, has ruinic tattoos, is into punk rock, smokes like a chimney and has a dark past that involved them getting caught up in something far bigger than they could handle when they were a kid.
This resulted in her having to flee her home, and she ends up at Nevermore. So far the powers she has are advanced healing of both herself and others (but there's a catch in that whatever wound she heals on another person, she absorbs it and the pain of it, while doing so. She could potentially resurrect someone but seeing as she takes on what they have, that's end game for her...this may or may not come into her past somehow) She can also communicate with animals and wild creatures (So her and the Fangs plus Enid, in their wolf forms are absolute besties) and that's what I got so far.
As soon as I have time I will draw what she looks like in my head...I blame you entirely for the rabbit hole I am about to throw myself arse over tit down.
Oh bestie, just from hearing this alone I'm in love with your Reader, I would kill and die for her, I an always obsessed with healing ability readers and all the different ways it can go, you've got this bestie, I can't wait to hopefully read it!!! 😍😍
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mouseclub · 4 years
hi! i took your quiz and got "i hear a symphony" and i'm curious about the other results, but taking the quiz repeatedly is a hassle. could you post them or something? idk man
if you’d like me to, then sure!! fair warning though, i can’t remember if i mentioned it in the results page but the rest are nowhere near as pretty and are mostly kindof silly stories and memories about weird things that have gotten me disproportionately emotional lol. either way, i’ll put them all under the cut :)
claire de lune (but specifically from the danganronpa v3 ost)
CONTEXT: i'm the type that can listen to a song on repeat for literal hours while drawing/writing but one time i listened to this for around 40 minutes while making a drv3 animatic and it ended up throwing me into an existential crisis so fuckin hard i started questioning what i was doing with my life and why i was drawing and i had to turn everything off and go to bed. what this says about you is up for interpretation. godspeed
fuyunohanashi - given
CONTEXT: the last few episodes of given were coming out when the 19-20 school year started and the episode with this song in it came out while i was in class. naturally, i sat there in my 7th period AP lang class and watched it on my phone. problem is, the scene when this song is played shatters me like 50 stacked panes of glass under a hydraulic press and i needed to cry but couldn't because the room was PIN-DROP SILENT. needless to say the moment class was over i made a run for it and cried like a little baby to my confused but ultimately supportive friends. you're a core high school memory and an Emotionally Taxing Bop and you remind me both of wintery cool tones and the silly school memories i wish i hadn't taken for granted. like a snow day except i'm from california so i've never had that sauce. i respect it regardless
everything she wants - wham
oh god the memories. this one was from when i was really head over heels obsessed w this dude and at my peak yearning hours i wrote a wattpad journal entry saying i was gonna listen to this song on repeat until i "fell out of love with him." i forget the details but i guess i did? what this says about you i have absolutely no idea but the song is still a whole vibe and you remind me of funky shades of pink and purple so i respect u immensely
unforgettable - natalie & nat king cole
this ones SUPER fuzzy in my brain but the weird nostalgia from my childhood combined with the weird movie end-credits vibes of this song make me forget that i'm a person when i'm listening. plus the weird calmness but sense of Oh God This Feels Like It Belongs At The End Of A Movie makes me feel like im about to get game-ended which is unnerving. probably the most subtle yet deeply cursed entry in this quiz. i see you
this side of paradise - coyote theory
CONTEXT: this song reminds me very specifically of a few of my comfort characters/ocs and when i heard it the first time it shattered me like glass (but in the good way). im telling you right now youre a BEAUTIFUL soul this is the one entry that's in here not because i was overwhelmingly sad but rather overwhelmingly Oh God Im So Fucking Soft And I Need To Cry About It For Twenty Minutes. anyways i care you thanks for quizzing
jet lag - nct 127
CONTEXT: last summer i got on a flight for the first time since i was a small child and i was STUPID scared but i listened to this during takeoff all 4 flights and let me tell you. did not help. the song itself is chill and you probably are too, but there's always a lingering sense of dread underneath i simply can't shake. do with all this information what you will.
verbatim - mother mother
i used to listen to this song to cheer up bc the lyrics are Haha Funny and it fucking bops but then i got evicted from my childhood home and it... stopped working. this breakdown is one of my core memories so congrats! ur one of the only motherfuckers in this joint that can handle me. if you take anything away from this know your vibes are IMMACULATE and i appreciate you
heaven - exo
CONTEXT: my synesthesia used to go absolutely bananas to this song bc its so YELLOW and the shapes that bounce around in my brain are very pleasant, but a few years ago i was writing fanfic and i wrote the scene where i killed off a character to this song on repeat for an hour and it has never been the same since. it's like when you look at something's surface and it looks pristine but you just Know there's something writhing underneath... but a less intense version of that feeling, because i know it's just the memory i tie to it that makes me feel this way and the yellow vibes cancel it out yknow
scrawny - wallows
this one's pretty short and stupid. i started thinking about a stupid anime boy that i thought had basically died while listening to this song and fuck bro. he really was a scrawny motherfucker w a cool hair style. cue the waterworks. but then after an entire day of on and off mourning i found out he turned out ok and stopped. no i will not elaborate on which boy i am holding onto my last shred of dignity here. what this says about you i'm not sure BUT youre probably cooler than me and your vibes are immaculate i know it in my heart
i hear a symphony - cody fry
this breakdown was yesterday! i was reccommended this song by a friend and immediately fell in love, but it didn't fully hit until the song's climax. and let me tell you. it BROKE me. the a capella beginning, with the piano slowly coming in, then the strings, and suddenly it's growing and crescendoing and-- there it is. my synesthesia goes wild and i lack the language to describe what it looks like other than absolutely grandiose and gold and christ i'm rambling but despite it's simplicity-- or maybe BECAUSE of its simplicity-- if love were a song, it'd be this one. almost all of the other entries are funny anecdotes where i seem to cry about the silliest things but this one i genuinely cannot come up with a joke for and i'm probably biased right now because i'm listening to it on repeat again but damn. you won. you're golden.
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