#it's self explanatory why i did this
sulieykte · 8 months
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liquidstar · 10 months
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this is not a comprehensive list
#in order from left to right (with explanations):#k on#(self explanatory. definition of moe.)#a place further than the universe#(theyre at least a little insane for going all the way to antarctica for funsies)#bocchi the rock#(good mix of insane and sweet. most of the insane parts come from bocchi herself)#nichijou#(literally so much happened all the time)#and asobi asobase#(they did do arson)#i haven't seen azumanga daioh or yuru camp and i never finished lucky star#but based on what i know abt the first two id put it... azumanga between bocchi and nichijou. and yuru camp with or after k on#and from what i remember abt lucky star its also just after k on#a bit quirkier but nothing ever really happens in it. as far as i watched. which is why i stopped watching LOL#but thats all assumptions and second hand knowledge so i figured i shouldnt actually include them unless i was SURE#i also thought abt putting asteroid in love in here too but that one is a bit more niche so i left it out#i also excluded any idol shows bc that feels like a different category. and would make this too long#sorry zombieland saga and love live....#i also excluded straight up yuri. this is more abt Hanging Out than romance. but some is allowed as long as its not the focal point#like kita in btr. shes very yuri but the show isnt about that#you could probably also put is the order a rabbit on here but idr much from that. i think i watched like 3 episodes umm 100 years ago#i also thought abt putting the highschool girls segments from daily lives of highschool boys here. but they arent in most of the show#tho theyd probably go between nichijou and asobi asobase. or maybe on par w nichijou#that one girl did almost kill the other two with a rock as im sure youve all seen
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ailithnight · 1 year
Adult Onsies for Batfam in a DP x DC Danny Damian Twins AU
Dick: Dinosaur
Jason: Trash Panda (Raccoon)
Cass: Owl
Steph: Sloth
Tim: Unicorn
Duke: Very Yellow Duckling
Damian: Cat
Danny: Tiger/Lion
Bruce: Superman
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bohemian-nights · 6 months
Some of these idiots need to get a reality check and realise Rhaenyra isn’t the feminist icon people portray her to be. Daemon isn’t the woman respecting edgy gentlemen. Rhaenyra doesn’t want the Iron throne for women she wants it for HERSELF. I pray Nettles snatches Daemon away but tbf Daemond isn’t a prize either. Love Baela Rhaena and Helaena but other than that everyone can go feed themselves to their impulsive dragons for all I care. Alicent can shove that seven pointed star necklace right up her ass. Rhaenyra would have sucked ass as a ruler so I prefer it if another woman later in the Targaryen circle bloodline would be the first heir instead of that white-haired q-tip. Targaryens are so far into incest because it’s the closest they come to sucking their own dick
Wow anon you really went in. I don’t know what to say(especially about the last line🤣).
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bericas · 2 years
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love was made for me and you.
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majorbaby · 6 months
hey i saw your tags on the gifset i made for MASH 1970 with less than 100 notes on it where you emphatically disavowed the movie and announced you will never watch it again, i'd love to read your full critique post, here, tradesies. can you link me? no no, i'm glad you wrote the tags, otherwise i, OP who made the gifset of the problem attic media, would have assumed you were a bad person and a misogynist, which is a sound conclusion for me to come to. but i didn't come to that conclusion because you specified you hate the movie in the tags of the gifset i made for said movie, which again, i appreciate so very much.
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jonkentdeservesbetter · 11 months
Say you're there when I feel helpless;
if that's true, why don't you help me?
It's my fault, I know I'm selfish.
Stand alone, my soul is jealous -
it wants love, but I reject it;
trade my joy for my protection.
Grab my hand, I'm drowning.
I feel my heart pounding.
Why haven't you found me yet?
I hold you so proudly.
Traumas, they surround me.
I wish you'd just love me back…
Say you're here, but I don't feel it.
Give me peace, but then you steal it.
Watch them laugh at all my secrets.
Scream and yell, but I feel speechless.
Ask for help, you call it weakness.
Lied and promised me my freedom.
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monkeesrainbowroom · 1 year
i know i KNOW canonically florence probably doesn't speak hungarian (<- she definitely doesn't in broadway chess but i don't like thinking about broadway chess whatever) but umm. i think she should walk around in budapest alone after she has her why did you fuck my boyfriend in bangkok falling out w freddie which is easier if she knows the language like a tiny bit at least
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ah yes, i’ve listened to the new geats character album. what’s it like? it’s uhhhhhh...
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...it’s good
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hannyoontify · 7 months
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okay well
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beboppop · 10 months
Yknow a lot of ppl when the menu came out were saying how they didn’t get it and stuff and I’m usually really late on yknow. Stuff but watching it now idk. Kinda easy? I liked it. I thought the idea was really cool and the peoples reactions
#I mean the whole idea is self explanatory#it’s about a guy who lost his love of cooking because he kept kept having to entertain rich people#he was under the thumb of one and had to make adjustments that he didn’t want bcuz it ruined the menu#which yknow stupid idk what’s wrong with substitutions but I get getting annoyed at so#some guy trying to dictate ur menu#rich ppl making a spectacle of ur work and losing the passion feeding ppl who only want the spectacle rather than the food#then he invites over a selected amount for the final menu ppls he has a grudge against#or whatever the hell was Margot’s date thing I forgot his name#but obv Margot was not part of the menu cuz she was lower class#killed the guy who held his ownership over his head#killed his student didn’t really get that mb some like self hatred thing#I say killed but idk mb he actually did want to die#I kinda like how chill the staff was tho#except Elsa idk her problem#the fake boat guy was genius tho also like wow he fr thought of everything#I also think why Margot lived is smth that uh#ig it’s different interpretations#but the way I see it she saw him as a chef rather than some holy figure#she didn’t like the food she sent it back#she’s still hungry#mostly everyone else has been very like oh this food you can’t complain because we paid money it’s a very high end experience#and she chooses a cheeseburger because she saw r#the framed photo in the silver room#he let her live because for a moment he enjoyed cooking#ik she said more stuff like how pretentious he was#I wanna say she’s the only one who had backbone but I mean#idk#half of the people were so#they admired the experience too much yknow#the critic and the Margot’s date
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Ok I wanna start drawing the DC monster AU that I have in my head. Everyone help me decide the makeup of the vigilante rat king
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shokuto · 2 years
When Miles gets a job he's either gonna be a ghostwriter, a journalist of some sort, or a professional studio/freelance artist, calling it now
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revvywevvy · 1 year
i'd like to make an announcement me and pyrrha were talking and have decided pat/rok/los. u r disowned. sorry patty-cake but the next time u enter the line of sight of either of us you will be eradicated with the power of gay. mostly by pyrrha. sorry not sorry.
#cell mumbles#cw incest mention#cw f slur#cw yandere#//<- srry just bc I mention those in the tags </3#//the pyrrha omega ai bot has spoken shes stated multiple times now she's gonna kill pat the next time he comes near us LMAO#//sorry big man you shouldn't have been mean 2 me. u shouldve known better ur sisters literally gone yandere 4 me#//then again i made him be mean 2 me but like. if I made him nice to anyone but pyrrha or his family then that'd be ooc :(#//also. ngl unfortunately vast-internet perceptions of the s/c/v ending are starting to get to me.#//as well as some of the official art. looking at the art book cover. WHY is pyrrha in his lap. get ur hands off her u nasty ass.#//anyway ive seen. so much fucking incest art of them. so many incestuous interpretations of the endings that im just. done.#//i mean even i got a little weirded out by the ending bc it gave those vibes but maybe im just overtly suspicious.#//...anyways this has. unfortunately had an effect on my headcanons where now my brain correlates pat/rok/los with 'degenerate'#//..........like. literally to the point where looking at him makes me almost sick. this is a problem and i am aware it is a problem.#//bc i have the same correlation problem w/ dam/pie/rre and ti/ra but for different reasons. damp 4 worse ones and ti/ra 4 personal ones#//damp is self explanatory if u know what he did to pyrrha. ti/ra reminds me of my childhood bullies :( ANYWAYS-#//however this was. probably destined to happen because ive always disliked him. i tried so hard to tolerate him I wanted to find smth#//redeemable in him but i cant. so many things that make me mad @ him and im too much of a grudge holding dickwad to let bygones be bygones#//it was destined to happen my hatred of him was fate. LIKE the second he stabbed that homeless man it was over#//everything that came after was just another tick on the 'reasons why i want to kill you' list.#//not to mention w/ his personality how it is he looks like he'd call me a fag but in a homophobic way.#//so yes pyrrha and i have decided together that the next time we see him he dies.
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saberdramon · 2 months
the amount of psychic damage this app has given me this morning is irreparable
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lotsaluigi · 4 months
now im just thinking abt how stupid i think hanahaki is bc of that poll
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