#it's not a wip cause I won't finish this<3 tho I'd love to do this idea at some point
capricoopla · 3 months
Bro's going back
(Unfinished editing practice)
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hyperbolicgrinch · 22 days
Teehee,,, here she comes,,, to ask,,, questionnnnnsss, (no pressure of course bestie) 1, 5, 12, 13, 16, 25, 29, 33 and 34 !!! But no pressure to anything!!! no pressure to answer either <3 I’m on laptop so this is a v boring ask i apologise it won't let em format this at all :(
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There she is!!!! To ask questions!!! (Bless you for fighting the laptop to send me these, ilysm 💕)
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
I simply can't. It's impossible. I never look directly at my writing so I don't know her well enough 😂
Okay, fine, fine, she's mid, that's what I'll say?? So ⭐⭐ ?? Not doing anything spectacular but gets the job done more than not?
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Maybe my All Out!!! requested ones because I actually finished and posted them, which was a miracle 😌✌️
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Honestly I'm really excited about a silly modern university One Piece au I'm sort of doing on the side sometimes when I need a breather from other fics. Even though I've barely written anything officially for it, it's a cumulation of all my sister's and my 2am ramblings and silly little biased ideas and I just really wanna bring them to life so she can read them. 😂
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Ooo, if my memory serves right it was One Piece or Supernatural. I didn't ever finish or publish any of them but yeah- gateway drugs.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Let me think, what's at the top of my head right now...
Argh, I guess I like when arseholes catch feelings for each other but still stay arseholes about it adsfggh 😅
Ohhhh and where one of them gets injured or beat up or whatever and the other dickhead is like "tell me who did this to you" while cradling their face or something hnggg 😳👉👈
Or when they've been complete dicks to each other but one of them turns up on the doorstep of the other cause they had nowhere else to go and then they have to deal with each other and they fall in luvvvv 😏
I also really am a bitch for the bastard is in love with and pining for other character (in fiction!!! In fiction!!!!). ugh if done right and pulled off well (in fiction!!!! In fiction!!!), I am unfortunately on the edge of my seat 🫣
Love me a bitch that gets jealous and starts acting out too (in fiction!!!!!) because as a bitch that do get jealous (not to that level, I am not pulling that crap, I promise) it speaks to me a little ngl 🫢
Ooooo and the fuck the whole world, I choose you thing. Like if they damn the whole world for their person/people then I'm there. I'm right there. It's gotta be done right thooooo but to be fair, it's pretty hard to mess up 😌
Okay gonna stop outing myself on main because I could go on adafgdhjy and just end with, not really a guilty pleasure, just a pleasure, but if there's a forehead press I am on the floor every time. The chef's are kissing with tongue!! Nothing like a forehead press!!! 😍
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Okay so the big One Piece one I'm working on atm, I keep having an urge to make a sequel after it that let's me kinda do a fix it au and teams the characters up again for a joint revenge plot. I can see it in my mind but making it work is going to be a lot. Still love to daydream about it tho 😂
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Hmm. Well atm I'm writing a lot of seggs and I'm not that (pun intended) jazed about writing it because it's not really my thing or in my wheelhouse, so that might count?
Don't know how it turned out cause it ain't finished yet but pray for me. It's a slog but the uglies must be bumped, I guess (instantly regrets saying that) 🙃
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I'd need an audience first, pfftt 🤭
Nah, um, that it takes literal years and none of that shit is written in order. It's all an illusion, babbeyyy!!
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Crikey okay everything I'm writing at the moment is pissing me off so here's something I wrote in like 2016 and haven't touched since but that I think about often (even if I would change most of it today) because of a compliment I got on it. 😙
(It was for a Zoro pov zolu ficlet after the timeskip meet up when all the crew gets back together again in One Piece because that arc always leaves me with some damn big feelings and they have to go somewhere 👁️👄👁️)
And he will be.
And Zoro will be there when he does, because oh, he's not leaving this thundering feeling for anything in the world ever again.
He shuts his one good eye, and smiles.
The heavens will hear Luffy's name long before they ever hear his own.
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everythingsinred · 7 months
For the writers ask: 2, 3, 4, 17
thank u for asking <3 <3 <3
2) What is your favorite fic of yours? i hope this isn't too much of a cop-out answer but my favorite fic is always the one i'm working on. a lot of love goes into each one and if i'm not fully enthralled in a story i'm writing i might as well not write it at all, imo. i'm particularly proud of atrad right now, because it took a long time, as well as lots of research and i really wanted it to be well-written. but rn, even though i'm on pause for a bit, subjectives is my fav bc it's the one i'm working on now.
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated? it's hard to say when it comes to the ga fandom bc there's usually not as many readers at all, but i must say lack of interaction is what caused me to put not what we should be on the backburner for a few years. i fully intend to write all of it some day, but it is hard to get motivated when it's also a fic i've received negative comments on ;-;
(w the fandom that won't be named, i really liked writing trust, but it was seemingly less interesting to others so i abandoned it. rest in peace...)
4) What fic of yours were you surprised by how popular it was? i am always shocked when any of my fics get attention! my first ga fics in the internship universe on ffn got a lil bit of attention and i was genuinely surprised! but my g*th*am fic play dead getting as much attention as it did really shocked me, especially bc i was on twitter back then and i had plenty of mutuals who would "live tweet" reading whenever a new chapter came out, and it honestly felt so touching... the higher u fly, the more u have to fall and all that.
when it comes to ga, i had surrendered to having no attention especially more recently, but i think atrad got a decent amount of attention for how small the fandom is! and lots of ppl would comment and give me their thoughts which meant a lot too, and which i wasn't fully expecting!
17) Do you have any wips that you can tell us about? What are you most excited for in you wip?
obviously, i still have nwwsb, which someone asked abt recently! i'm very happy there's ppl out there who are interested in seeing it continue bc i am too <3 i'm thinking after subjectives, i'll probably continue nwwsb for a while (tho i had planned on it being rly long so i might get distracted by another project eventually before finishing it lmao)
i also wrote ~7 chapters of a zombie au a few years ago that i enjoyed but never posted bc pretty much all i saw on tumblr back then were ppl hating on zombie aus. i think i'd have to rewrite what i have though if i were to post it, which is why i'm not as excited about that project. i don't like restarting lol
and i also have a restaurant au i like, but it would likely not be quite as long as my other fics <3
and what i'm most excited abt is just sharing more fics for people to enjoy! i love writing natsumikan fanfic and giving as much as i can to this fandom and tho it seems to be in a constant state of shrinking, i won't let myself get too discouraged! thank u to all who read and enjoy my fics <3 i very much appreciate it!
send me a fic writing ask if you would like!
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charleewritesabook · 5 years
11/11/11 tag
Thank you @boredwriter-16 I'm really excited about this one!!
Rules: Answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions, and tag 11 people to answer them
1. What is your favorite theme from your WIP? Did you know that would be a theme when you started or did it just happen naturally?
I'm probably thinking of this wrong but the theme of bittersweet happy endings. I knew I wanted to include it when I first started 60 Seconds but I didn't know how I was going to include it.
2. What are your favorite tropes to read and write?
I really really love the warrior/badass falling in love despite not wanting to at first, also revolution type stuff
3. Where do you draw inspiration for your WIP?
Tbh, 60 Seconds was inspired by some of things I've been through, although its been very very fictionalized. Most of my other WIPs are just daydreams/actual dreams that I write down and then try to expand.
4. If your characters were real, would they want to be friends with you or would they not like you?
I mean... do they know that I'm the one who wrote them? Cause if so, no I think they'd be rather mad at me. Otherwise I'd like to think that at least some of them would be my friends.
5. Have you ever written fan fiction about your own story? (Something you know would never actually be in your story but you want to see what it would look like anyway) Would you ever do it if you haven’t?
I've written excerpts that I've considered putting into my WIPs but not really fan fiction no. I've ventured into the realm of fanfiction before and that was a disaster @boredwriter-16 can confirm.
6. What is your favorite entertainment medium- other than books if that is your favorite? (Movies, Video games, TV-shows, etc.) Why?
Well Books are my favorite so second favorite would be TV-shows, especially crime drama ones.
7. Quick- your WIP is being made into a movie. Name one actor you want to be in it. Doesn’t have to be the main character.
The only one that I'm 100% sure about is Hailey would be played by Natalie Portman.
8. Favorite villain from either something you wrote or something you read/watched?
Mm, all my villains are actually Bad and not meant to be liked. Does Deadpool count? Probably not right?
9. (Because I like this question so much) Whose your favorite secondary character you’ve ever created?
60 Seconds is my only WIP with developed secondary characters so Ryan Stepping is my personal favorite, even tho I'm honestly terrible to him.
10. Do you have any other WIP ideas you want to work on but can’t because you want to finish your WIP? Are they very different from your current WIP?
1. Finding Shelter - told from the POV of different people staying at a homeless shelter, it's pretty similar to 60 Seconds.
2. The Croatoan Virus - essentially a post-apocalyptic world with zombie like creatures and corruption/survival stuff. It's very different from 60 Seconds.
3. Empty Minds - Corruption galore, caste systems and a revolution. Also very different from 60 Seconds.
11. Other than the genre you write, what are your favorite genres?
Fantasy, Dystopian, Thriller (which is technically what I write but shh)
I’ll tag: @benallen-author (even tho he prob won't do it) @girlnovels @pheita @writings-of-a-narwhal @noodle-mum @winchester-with-wings @jaycewriteslikealot @kit-tells-a-story @writing-is-ruining-my-life @lizard-is-writing @tilly-and-her-books and whoever else wants to. Your questions are:
1. What's your favorite part of planning a new WIP?
2. Do you have any old WIPs that you keep coming back to? What are they about?
3. Is there a personality trait/characteristic that all your OCs have in common?
4. Just the opposite, is there a personality trait/characteristic that you avoid writing into any of your WIPs?
5. If you could guarantee that either way would work, would you prefer to self-publish or go through a publisher?
6. Do any of your WIPs have pets in them? What kinds and what are their names?
7. What's your least favorite thing about creating an original character?
8. What is your favorite thing about your favorite OC?
9. Do you prefer silence or background noise when writing?
10. If you could live in any world that you've already created, which one would you choose and why?
11. What was the best book that you last read?
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