#it’s 2004 and life is good
sometimesanalice · 1 year
I’m going to a friend’s birthday dressed as Jennifer Coolidge from ‘A Cinderella Story’, so if you see someone with a 36 inch stuffed salmon wearing pink tanning goggles as a headband hello yes that is me.
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detectivehoffmann · 6 months
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sawvhs · 1 year
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Surprise! its adam
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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2004's Superman: Secret Identity #1-4 covers by Stuart Immonen.
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90s-2000s-barbie · 5 months
Good Charlotte - Predictable (2004)
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yoinkschief · 1 year
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In regards to me calling WTFuture!Fartlord a grumpy Persian cat
I will not be apologizing and now it's my own personal headcanon it's his fursona and not even god (Stromboli) themself can stop me/hj
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dayurno · 2 months
i love ur kevjean nest pussy eating fic sooo much & their first time is alluded to where ahem jean didn’t fit and i was wondering if you’d ever… write that…. you write their dynamic deliciously
BAHAH very funnily worded & yes i would, but i fear it wouldn’t be sexy at all because the reason it didn’t work out is because they had no lube at hand and kevin had been on T for so long that penetration of anything bigger than a finger or two without lube would have been very hard to achieve let alone painful 😭 and of course at that point kevin had never done it before, so they were fighting an uphill battle here i fear. it was a very messy first time all in all even if they did have fun w it
i did think about a post-canon sequel though so maybe! i feel like in the nest their situation was so gnarly a sequel where they can fuck in a good place could be very comforting even 😭 like wow you guys can just do it in a bed now. and then sleep on it after. yay!
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love-songs-for-emma · 5 months
new comfort film dropped (two decades ago): phantom of the opera (2004).
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parkercore-69 · 5 months
me offhandedly telling a friend that i’d really like to get a few of the saw dvds from cex to add to my dvd collection but being unable to due to complications with being a minor who can’t by 18s alone, to which she responded “yeah but is it really a matter of life or death??” while i sat mouth agape gawking at the audacity she had to say such a thing.
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simptasia · 1 year
the best reminder that LOST is a masterpiece is to watch any other drama series
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thebrainrotsreal · 2 months
People reblogging my fanart saying they rewatched batman (2004) because of it,,, yes ,,, yess,,, YESSSSSS !! WATCH IT PLEASE, I PROMISE IT'S SO GOOD.
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I love this fandom. Just googled ‘Michael Sheen glasses’ and within a few clicks found exactly what I was looking for. I’m extremely partial to boys in glasses and I saw a gif of him like this and had never seen him in glasses before! So I just had to find the source. Thanks to the Sheedex for archiving everything and for MS (and DT) fans for being so thorough and organised!
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forevercloudnine · 2 years
wait a second I just realized Scarecrow in that one panel you posted claims that estrogen is a hormone 'only found in females' which isn't even true since estrogen and testosterone can be found in all humans regardless of gender. how did this man get a doctorate
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I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and attribute this faux pas to the amount of traumatic brain injuries Batman villains probably get from being concussed on a regular basis.
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one of the weirdest bits of trivia about aoki is that according to the article saeko was reading he ‘was a shut-in until he was 20 then he suddenly took off for america’ and like that’s fine but he would’ve actually been 24 if he enrolled at harvard in september 2001 but a literal line earlier in the same article it correctly ages him at 42 in 2019 if LaD7 takes place in the spring and his birthday’s at the end of the year so i’m just. Why Did You Make it Seem Like you Were Four Years Younger For College. also can no one do math if he was 20 in 2001 he’d be 38 by 2019, he’d have to be in school in 1996 for everything to line up unless you’re telling me the story they made is he left for america in 1996 and graduated in 2000--
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xdelouloux · 1 year
so here's the thing about Clint & Tony. I used to ship them like a lot in fanon and I was talking to my friend and they brought up the fact that Tony lied to Clint when he came back to life and wow now I remember why I stopped liking them together, even as friends
so before civil war in the comics there was the whole House of M fiasco, where Wanda lost control of her reality bending powers and Clint died and was brought back to life and died and brought back to life etc etc etc and then civil war happened and Steve died
in Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America #3 (unsure if it's before he goes off to "confront" Wanda or not) Clint contacts Tony to come back into the fold after being dead for so long because things are crazy. The avengers are split and the world is in pure chaos and Clint just woke up in all this mess like "I want to help"
Tony straight up lies to Clint and talks him into becoming the next Captain America by hiding his true intentions from Clint and using pretty words rather than being honest and upfront. Tony manipulates the information to his advantage because Clint is generally unaware of the state of the world and. It's not great. Not one of my favorite Tony moments
Anyways Tony immediately gives Clint the old suit and shield is like you wanna go for a test run? And Clint is like mourning his friend thinking he's doing a good thing by carrying the mantle and is like yeah let's go until they get there Clint realizes that they're trying to arrest teenage vigilantes for doing the right thing and stopping a villain and suddenly he realizes that something is very off bc Tony doesn't really even care about the villain
Clint protects the two kids from Tony but it takes the next generation of Hawkeye & Patriot (Kate & Eli) calling him out for making a mockery of Cap (it's an incredible speech tbh) for Clint to realize he's playing into Tony's hands and opposing the morals that Cap fought and died for while wearing the same suit. Clint is obviously pissed and tells Tony he'll send back the suit and there ends Clint's very brief run as Captain America. Thanks Tony.
anyways there are some lines you just don't cross imo? I still like tony and you can ship them and it's fine but for me personally as a clint stan I can't see them as a thing that actually works in a healthy sense in 616 anymore because that's just a level of betrayal I can't see Clint getting over
Clint is always so focused on his morals and doing the right thing that it caused rifts in his marriage to the point of divorce like?? Idk sorry Tony sorry to my little multishipper heart I just cannot see it
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blueiskewl · 2 years
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Dom Pérignon, Phantom 2004
1 jero - 3 litres (oc)
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