#it was succesful but at what cost
pigeonsareevil · 6 months
Listen, I love Hosea. I really REALLY love Hosea but when it comes to dominoes, that man deserves to get HUMBLED
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Ok I do have another take about the musical. This has been bothering me since forever. So you know the "sinking world" part in which Lucheni talks about different people connected to Elisabeth having met tragic fates during those years, like her brother-in-law Maximilian and her cousin Ludwig II? Well he also mentions her sister Marie, last queen of the Two Sicilies (or Naples if you prefer).
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The only problem is that this is straight up false. Marie didn't went mad. In fact, she doesn't seem to have suffered from any sort of mental illness. It is mentioned in some of Elisabeth's biographies that "her sisters" also suffered from depression, and Marie tends to be included in this statement. However I haven't read any first nor second hand account that explicitly refers to Marie as being depressed (I'm not saying it's impossible tho, just that I haven't seen any evidence backing this up). For what we know, until her last years she kept the clarity of her mind. The US consul general in Munich during WWI met Marie and wrote in his memoirs that "Her Majesty had now reached her seventy-fifth year, but was still sound in body and mind", a grand-niece of Marie also said that "even at her age, she was in good health. No problems moving or walking. Her posture was perfect, and so was her memory" and "she read the newspapers in German, French and Italian. They were delivered to us in Munich a few times each week, and I recall her saving articles she felt were worth keeping".
My guess is that they mixed her up with Elisabeth's sister-in-law Charlotte who did have a mental break down from which she never recovered when she was only 26 years old. But still this is a really weird choice because Marie did fit pretty well into the "sinking world" that Lucheni is talking about. She was the consort of one the last absolute monarchs of Europe until they were deposed when she was only 19 years old, and she lived in exile for the rest of her life. They should've either mention that she was deposed, or had Charlotte in this part instead of her.
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possumcollege · 2 months
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NOBODY needs to be defending these people. Major publishers, studios, streaming services, Tesla, Apple, Adobe, Amazon, social media companies- there isnt a single altruistic bone caught in their teeth. Profit from the output of exploited and captive labor IS their product now. When their contacts look like the one in question, the company is clearly stating that shareholders are the customers, not us!
Why else would it be anything but a stupid idea for Amazon to just nuke the majority of Comixology's self-published titles when they consolidated their services? If our experience was really foremost in their minds, why would they repeatedly purge, censor, demonitize, bury, and delete popular accounts with robust followings if not to allay the moral brainworms of shareholders and investors?
Forfeiting rights to our IP is not a "shitty deal," it's surrendering any potential ability to make money off of your own creative work. It's selling your property to a board of accountants to pitch into a portfolio. It's theirs to trot out as long as it's profitable and bury the instant its projected profit dips too close to the cost of maintenance. Hell, we've seen services drop popular series just because their projected profits started to flatten out! Mothballing it also has the added bonus of removing it from the market to further minimize potential competition. Like how there just weren't spider man movies for ages because the owner of the property didn't think it was worth developing but worth too much to sell.
They will make more money from suing you for trying to reclaim IP they mothballed than you did selling it to them in the first place. I guaranteee their budget for lawsuits is a lot deeper than the one they pay their "original" artists from.
By virtue of being a big, profitable, corporation, "their" IP is going to have an astronomically higher value in a court of law than any individual creator. The financial "damage" will be higher for infringing on their copyrights than any amount you can claim on your own. When it becomes theirs, their connections, their infrastructure, their reputation makes it an asset with much more value than you or I can possibly claim. So if you try to steal a bite back from them it's a bite of a *potentially* multimillion-dollar series. In their eyes, they bought the totality of your work, which you agreed was worth the price they gave you. It's value becomes more dependent on who owns it than whether it's even good.
You may not have the same potential to become flash-in-the-pan, short-term succesful without their resources, but you will still own your rights to distribute, alter, preserve, promote, and negotiate your share if you still own your work. That is worth everything as a creator who is passionate about what you've made and committed to protecting it.
The most effective power we can exercise as artists is our ability to say, "no" when someone else wants to pay us a disadvantageous fraction of our worth. You may lose potentially lucrative opportunities but "opportunities" presented by companies like Facebook or Twitter, whose real product is a platform for ads and data collection, with content as bait, are not opportunities to thrive on as independent artists. This specifically is an opportunity for the company to acquire property.
The myth that the publisher's strength is something for us to exploit, without them getting the lion's share is a trap that they feed from at will.
People like the poster up top are opportunists who see the process as a pipeline towards trading low-investment content for financial treats and maybe a share of ad revive. They're stalking horses for companies to exploit more talented but less experienced artists who are facing a daunting and overwhelming market where their work becomes harder and harder to show, let alone sell. A quick deal may feel like a win but it's selling the cow to save money on bottling the milk. Artists like this serve the publisher by making it seem like signing away your rights are just a necessary part of the game. However it's a game they are playing with exceedingly cheap stakes that weren't going to succeed on their own merit. So what if Mr. Business Perspective loses rights to his sexy Mario Bros. parody to a huge company? The point was always to unload it because it's a product, a bartering chip, a trinket. He's a Business Man, so he sees tactics that maximize profits to the business as maximizing their ability to buy whatever shiny tripe he cranks out. The business is his customer, not the reader. The business is his ally, not the creative community. Fuck him and fuck anyone who tells you the exposure is worth a damn if you don't retain rights to your work.
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Made something?
I've been really obssesing over poppy playime lately, the game is so damn good, I genuinly love it, so this is mostly just work in progress and a small "lab test" if you may when it come to my writting since I want to experiment with stuff.
"You....Your Poppy's angel" Those where the first words you heard from to the giant mangled creature that resembled the critter Dogday.
"Come to save us" His voice was hoarse, his lower body completely gone, all the while his hand where held unto metal hooks to keep his body...or what remained of it suspended in the air.
"Nothing left to save...not here" How right he was, you had come here to try and get answers, at least to try and understand what had happened, what had gone wrong and yet you had only found death and failure...but this was new.
"You're in Catnaps home, angel" For the first time since entering this forgotten place you had found...suffering...fresh real suffering, of course you could guess Mommy longlegs had died painfully but that ws nothing compare to this...thing...
"Their home, a million pairs of eyes are on you now," This was never meant to happen, you had come here with a clear goal and yet now...you could only feel bad...not pitty but genuinely sad, there was nothing you could do for those old coworkers who were long dead, or for the children who you were pretty sure had shared the same fate as your coworkers did.
"Watching, waiting, hungry..." Hungry...that had always bothered you, it was such a huge design flaw, you had tried to tell them, how there needed to be some change so they wouldn't need to eat, you had even given them the absolute best reason, it would cost less to mantain, and yet they hadn't listened...
"They want nothing more than to crawl beneath your skin and eat away at you bit by litte bit," You really wish those higher up brainless sad excuses of human beings would still be alive so you could laugh at them...although they did get eaten, so that will have to do at least.
"And feel what is empty inside themselves" The little failures would be dissapointed with what they found...little to fill their empty husks.
"Listen to me, you need to get out of this place," Tempting...
"You need to live," It's not like you're interested in doing otherwise, to many loose ends to leave behind by selfishly dying.
"You and Poppy can fix this, end this madness, the torment, the-oh no," Those small critters had started inching closer to the mangled body of Dogday, they were so fucking ugly, such failures about to twist even more one of the few succesful ones, one you had spent so much work nd time on, he looked utterly helpless, pathetic and...terrified
"OH NO!" He was absolutely terrified, of course anyone would be if small creatures were about to eat their insides bit by bit, it is only natural to fear such  painfull death and yet...
"Leave me, please, just go, RUN!!" He was still trying to get you to leave, more worried about you than himself...
You really don't realize what you've done until after you've done it that the screams of the small critters fill the room as you shoot them with the bengal gun hand as you pull Dogday with all your strength much to his shock as he basically falls on top of you, causing you to almost fall over from the unexpected weight, yet you manage not to fall back as you regain your bearing, holding Dogday tightly, the plushfur of his body was all matted and smelled putried almost making you drop him and recoil.
But you didn't...
"Angel what are you doing?" His voice sounded absolutely shocked yet terrified at the same time.
"You shouldn't have done that, Catnap won't let this pass!" He was now panicking as you manuvered him so he would be on you back.
"Hold my shoulders, don't let go," You order and he does as told, holding unto your shoulders, almost reminding you of a plushie backpack, except the plushie was giant, missing half of it's body and absolutely dirty...
Oh well, you'd fix that later, now you needed to get out of this damned laberynth of a place before those disgusting small critters got to you.
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decepti-thots · 1 year
like, ok. so does everyone know about comic cover variants? you know how every issue has like eighteen million covers? and they're typically referred to with ratios. "1:10" or "1:50" or whatever.
what those ratios refer to is that for every ten issues of a comic a store orders from the publisher, they'll get one issue of the variant. this is essentially a way to get retailers to order more of a comic than they think they can sell organically so that they can offer the invested collectors/fans the rare variant cover at a higher price, which offsets the potential loss of money ordering more copies than they can realistically expect to sell causes. comic book stores make most of their sales from regular customers who have a pull list- you tell them what comics you, the customer, want them to order in for you monthly and they use these preorders (typically made at least one month in advance, with the standard being three months) to decide how many of an issue to order. they'll buy a few extra for walk-ins, of course, but comic book shops are for enthusiasts. most of their clientele are regulars with a pull list, unless you're a very succesful comic book shop indeed. (i used to do mine online because i was too far away to drop in regularly. shipping was a motherfucker. nowadays i live near one of the most famous shops in the country so if i want comics i can go in person, haha.)
this is not ideal for a publisher because it reveals how fucking low their circulation numbers actually are. but if you have a regular who loves a series, they might pay you $10 or $20 or even more for a highly desirable variant cover. they're an enthusiast. they're already in a hobby that is a money pit. so you buy the extra fifty issues and the cost is hopefully offset and maybe over the next year or two you sell (most of) the remaining back issues in the longbox section in the back where people wander through to look for old stuff they didn't buy at the time, or stuff which in the five years it's been sat there unsold has become interesting to new collectors. multiply this effect across a thousand stores and incentive covers with ratios as high as 1:500, and you can shift a lot of product to stores who are basically gambling every month on risk and reward, all these decisions having to be made months and months in advance in many cases.
anyway the comics industry is fucking ridiculous. imagine if books were sold like this. you can't, that would be batshit
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r4yang · 1 year
Layer 3 深衣 (#1)
Shen QingQiu's third layer (and second of shown layers) is some kind of white shenyi. Main color is white with blue(ish) decorated collar. I had a hard time deciding the pattern design I was gonna use, since I needed it to have a collar that's cut streight thought the chest and which ends up in the waist and not the arm pit, like my previous pattern. I also want there To be no seam in the weist line, meaning that I will Need a LOT of fabric...
Two weeks back, when I'm editing this, I got a change to go to bigger city and ended up buying the fabric and some other stuff. I took 5 meter of fabric, just to be on the safe side. Somehow it still ended up not being enought. Thankfully they had same fabric in the store where I live.
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It took me way too long to make a pattern design that i was happy with. At first I had tought that I would want to make shenyi that that had those Nice big sleeves and streight rectangular pieces that optimize fabric use, as shown down in that very bad image...
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Problem was that, becouse I also will be having beizi that has curved sleeves, i Need To háve undergarment with same sleeve design but smaller. Also, I have read the first book. The original SQQ would not have given up a change to stealthily show off how much money he has by having a garment that will use more fabric than needed. spoilers, I think I succesed... but at what cost... Well actually under 30€, since i used the cheapest one i could find :) Then there's about a weekend of criminal about of orange Juice and me suffering in between, but here's the final plan as Bad of an image as before.
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Just realised that these are probably not very comprehensive to anyone else. I might do a post later about pattern drawing process, but basicly i just use few basic principles of hanfu making and rest is just improvisation with springle of inspiration from historical garments and c-drama costume designs.
Drawing the patterns here. My mom helped me To keep my sanity and hold the measure tape becouse those pieces are so long.
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Here are all the pattern pieces cut out. Since most of the side seams are streight lines, I didn't want to waste my paper to them, instead I'm just going to use the fabric sides To my advantage and measure the neened lenght on the fabric.
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Next, I will sleep a little.
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I see you post about Axl's Strive gameplay a lot. I did learn a little bit of him and found him pretty fun, but definitely felt that he wasn't the strongest character, but I was wondering what you would do to fix him?
Personally I'd give him back his XRD DP or would give him even better long range pressure other than Rensen > Explosion, like XRD's sickle rekka move that I can't remember the name of. And yeah his DP was annoying, sure, all DP's kinda are, but if Bridget can have one Axl should too. And given that his kit revolves around keeping you at long range, giving him something better at long range than just "kaboom now I'm -3" would be nice I think.
Also this is just a pet peeve from when I played him but I'd also make explosion not go farther than the wall because whiffing it was annoying :(
I didn't play him for very long, though (and wasn't very good at him,) so I'd love to hear your opinion on how to buff him.
LOL I am so sorry you have beared witness to my whining lately but the meta ever since wild assault dropped has just been slowly gutting him (and zoners in general) and I've hit critical mass of what I'm willing to take on the chin.
You kinda hit most of what I think on the matter currently, but I'll add in my two cents where I can:
Overall, Axl feels like he's just been succesively powercrept by each DLC character that's zoner like or has big normals. Every time I'm like "Well, Axl shouldn't be able to do X because he has big normals and that'd be crazy if he could mix you up/ convert/do damage" and then you have bridget, who has big normals and can mix you into hell, or Johnny, who can tag you once and wallbreak you or guard crush you forever. Or Chaos who is guard crushing you from full screen (Please do not tell me it's fine because it costs a resource - he reloads that gun in 2 seconds). After a while it's like "The niche isn't even really a niche, and it doesn't even work really well."
To buff him is a great question - I used to think giving him a DP would be too much but then, and you hit the nail on the head here again for me, they gave Bridget one. Furthermore Axl has low health - you bait one DP and he's probably dead. It doesn't even have to be a good DP, just give him his silly old grounded one back.
I'm glad you brought up Xrd Axl stuff too because he's considered pretty low tier in that game, but he WORKS! He actually does decent damage and his zoning is really solid! This is where the core of my problems with Axl lie in this game: they couldn't decide if they wanted him to zone or run weird diet strike throw, so they let him do half of both, which in this game means you're actually doing neither well enough to answer the crazy hyper offense that the majority of the cast is doing. I wish they'd decide one way or the other what they wanna do. I'm not gonna pretend I know everything or how to fix it but there are a couple things that I'd like that might help at least in one way or another:
1.) Hey. Why is my close slash still -1 after 3 years? Testament's is +1 HAPPY CHAOS' is +1 what is the reasoning or justification? It is +1 in pretty much every other appearance. Make it +1. I shouldn't even have to ask for that. Axl's pressure isn't amazing and you have to really give up the ghost if you don't have bar, which is fine, but there's no reason for it to be this dire if we're letting basically the rest of the cast run basic pressure regardless of kit (Faust's is also still -1 for reasons I also do not understand).
2.) Make 6H do actually anything. I'm begging you. Like the above, this normal was consistently +1 in other appearances! Make it plus. Make it guard crush. Anything. Why is this the only slow command overhead that does nothing. May and Chipp's are +2. Why? The most actual use you will see from this button is in corner wallbounce combos off of 5P and even then it's not usually optimal routing (That being said it does at least give you a HKD on air hit, that's something)
3.) Fix Rensen 8 on block. Why is it not consistent or clear what the advantage/disadvantage is. Stop making me guess on my own pull in what I should do next. All my RPS feels weighted in the opponent's favor which is an insane weakness to have in this game. The frame advantage varies based on where they were, how high, whether they FD'd or not, where they landed, if mercury was in retrograde - STOP!! STOP IT!!! I don't even care if you make it consistently minus, but please, just make it clear (Don't make it air unblockable it gives a HKD I recognize that'd be insufferable)
4.) Make 2H stagger if you hit it at max range. This is a suggestion I heard from an Axl I met at CB and I agree with it. It's minus on hit. Why. You are too far to cancel into snail, so you have to react with wind, but they can just jump and land and smack you through the wind because it ignores extended hurtboxes (Yes you read that correctly).
5.) Make Rainwater an actual reset. Why is my fastest button to hit after my pressure reset losing to 6Ps and backdash? That's not even a pressure reset anymore that's just hitting 214S and going "Gee whiz I sure hope my opponent respects 3 plus frames before I'm minus again" you put this in to give Axl an answer to dashblocking and yet to make it effective I have to condition my opponent by giving up my own turn and losing advantage - WHICH IS WHAT DASHBLOCKING WAS DOING TO AXL ALREADY! You can't true blockstring from this - it loses to DP! I wouldn't take issue with that but you essentially take a risk every time you do this even outside of DPs and I just wish the situatuon was a SMIDGE better - just a smidge!
6.) Make delay cherry guard crush on block. This one is a little out there, but if you wanted to go all in on zoning I'd say you could reasonably get away with this and just make it not too plus (it's not fun for me either if I start just getting winter mantises for free I'm not a lunatic) But the delay explosion on block currently doesn't really reset the situation at all - people can still slowly inch out for free. If you're gonna make a glass canon zoner, their zoning should be VERY good - I have no DP and die in 2 interactions, I should have an easier time keeping people out. I realize this seems crazy but I figured I'd throw out a crazier ask seeing the shit some of these characters are getting away with, and I think actually forcing more consistent fullscreen RPS would make Axl a lot better.
I'm not a fighting game genius or anything but that's some of the stuff I'd consider. I'd ask for a whole rework if that was possible and just go all in on zoning but I realize that that's totally unrealistic so here's what I've got. The way Strive is geared toward hyper offense, it just sucks to be a zoner in this game, so if this is how it's gonna be he either needs some form of better actual offense or better zoning - there are too many neutral skips in this game for him to thrive as he is now (White Wild Assault is crime against humanity) so he needs something. More attention SOMEWHERE. He's in a super weird place right now and I hope it gets better.
Thank you for the ask! Also big fan of your Slayer posts I learned a lot reading your first huge one when he dropped.
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autolenaphilia · 16 days
I kinda cursed myself by getting into Diablo, which I've written about before. Because Activision-Blizzard is a terrible company. They are horrible towards their employees first and foremost, and have been for decades. Especially their women workers, who have made credible allegations of a culture of misogyny. They have had a massive lawsuit about this in the 2020s but even Diablo II was made using horrible crunch back in the late 1990s.
Their treatment of their customers is of course a far lesser evil, they have just been assholes to them. Still just looking at the Diablo series, there are examples of pretty much all the bad practices triple-a game studios towards customers have made in the last 20 years.
Diablo III is infamously one of the first notable examples of always-online DRM, despite the game having a single-player campaign. Now the game servers have stayed up a remarkably long time for Diablo III, because it was widely succesful (the fourth best-selling pc game of all time according to wikipedia with 20 million copies sold). But requiring a central server to play will mean the game will eventually die when the server is shut down. And not “die” in the sense that you can’t buy it anymore or can’t play multiplayer, it will die in the sense that you can’t ever play it at all anymore. This is despite the game having a substantial single-player campaign. This is a terrible practice for game preservation and I encourage you to join this campaign against it.
And Diablo III also had a foretaste of the predatory monetization to come, with the infamous real money auction house, that was so bad that it got shut down by Blizzard after a few years. But it was just a prologue to what would come with the next major installment: Diablo Immortal.
Immortal is a mobile game that became a meme right from its announcement. That was because the announcement that it would be mobile-only was greeted with boos at Blizzcon. And we should keep in mind that Blizzcon is a convention just for Blizzard games that cost 199 dollars to attend at the time (now it costs 299 dollars), so a very receptive audience to Blizzard’s bullshit, and Blizzard still got deservedly booed.
And then the actual game released, and it had such predatory monetization that it got nicknamed Diablo Immoral. I use the site macrotransactions.org, which grades games according to the presence of predatory monetization and they gave Diablo: Immortal a well-deserved F.
And this trend has only continued with the recent Diablo IV, which is again always-online and has predatory microtransactions.
Not that Diablo II is free from Blizzard bullshit. Both the original and remastered versions of Diablo II can only be bought from Blizzard’s own website, which I wouldn’t begrudge them if they didn’t also have DRM.
The installer for the original Diablo II only requires a key code you either got from the CD or e-mailed to you when you purchased it digitally. So not so bad. The original Diablo II however kinda shows its age and has always been a janky game, despite patches it still has serious bugs like the lying character screen. And the game shows its ages otherwise, despite the excellent art design, the game is also resolution locked to 800 x 600, and that’s only after you install the expansion. And the base game plus expansion still costs 20 dollars, despite being more than 20 years old and not properly patched.
It’s the kind of game that deserves a remaster. And Blizzard thought the same and released a remastered version in 2021, Diablo II: Resurrected that attempts to fix these issues. But the catch is that it also upped the DRM, this time the game requires you to “check in” online at least every 30 days, so the remastered game is just as doomed as III and IV when the servers shut down.
You just can’t win with Activision-Blizzard. The only Diablo game that actually feels worth getting legitimately is the first Diablo, which you can buy drm-free on GOG, and reasonably cheap too when there is a sale.
And it’s not that the games are bad either. They have very talented programmers, writers and artists working for them (which they treat horribly). Diablo II despite the jankyness is a great game, a very good sequel to the excellent first game that massively expands the scope of the series in interesting ways while remaining true to the first game.
I recently watched Noah Caldwell-Gervais’s excellent franchise retrospective video on the series, and he has played all the games, and finds much to praise about even the most reviled entries of the series. Even Diablo: Immortal, despite being a mobile game with predatory monetization, is a full-fledged entry into the series, a proper meaty action RPG with lots of story content. We will actually lose something valuable when the servers are shutdown.
The problem with Blizzard is not that they make bad games. It’s just that they are an evil company, which mistreats its workers (especially the women), ruthlessly monetizes their artistic efforts, and DRMs so badly that it will eventually destroy the games entirely once they are no longer profitable.
At this rate I can at best recommend getting Diablo I from GOG when it’s cheap in a sale, anything else is too heavy with Blizzard’s nonsense to really recommend. And "gamer boycotts" are kinda worthless, so I won't call for one, but I'll admit supporting that kind of company is worth questioning.
And frankly if you want to get into action rpgs, I would recommend playing Torchlight 1 and 2 instead of getting into Diablo.The Torchlight games are very much “Diablo-clones”, spiritual successors to the older series and clearly modeled on Diablo 1 and 2. But the gameplay is so polished, with many added quality-of-life features and way less bugs than Diablo II, that they improve the player experience enough to fully justify being so derivative. And they are not made or published by Activision-Blizzard, so you can buy both of them on GOG without DRM. Torchlight deserves its own post, and there are other worthy diablo-clones out there (i’ve played a bit of Dungeon Siege and enjoyed it). The positive legacy of Diablo lives on, despite Blizzard’s best attempts to pollute it.
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natedraws · 5 months
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I didn't do as many completed projects this year as I have previously so the selection isn't as "high quality" as I'd like but still a fun year! I wouldn't say that it was my best but some improvements have definately been made.
Last year was my first year ever experiencing burnout which made producing art outside of work much harder for me. I have about a million unfinished sketches sitting that will never be completed and that makes me a bit sad - but that's okay! I could tell myself I can work on them this year, but I'd much prefer to turn the year over on a blank slate instead of feeling pressured by past incompleted personal projects.
In 2024 there are a few things I would like to focus on going forward in regards to my work. Firstly is to get back to that childlike passion of just creating whatever I'd like to. I often find myself not pushing to finish something personal ( because I could be using that effort to make much needed money instear ). Or if I do convince myself to finish a piece for me, it must be the highest quality "best thing I've ever drawn" so that it is at the very least portfolio worthy. I worry way too much if I've drawn something and it doesn't look as impressive as a piece I have previously made, everything I put out must be better than the last otherwise myself as an artist is no good. I'm going to try my hardest to just draw things for fun, and for the joy of creating. Leaving behind the mindset of perfectionism that often comes when you start doing art professionaly.
Secondly I would like to do more art trades. These days I know most of us ( myself included ) do not have the spare funds to commission our favorite artists, and art trades are a way to support artists you love and sharing creation with each-other. When I do art trades, I do them with anyone regardless of "skill" or meduim. It can be anything, sewing, needlework, beadwork, sculpting the possibilities are endless. At the moment I operate trades on a "feel free to ask me and if I'm free then I will get back to you and let you know" basis ( mainly because I myself am too shy to ask fellow artists to trade aswell lol ). However I do ask for some time spare before being asked at the moment as I am still struggling greatly from burnout 🙏.
Lastly I want to explore other meduims more. I made two succesful hand-sewn plush from scratch last year and I would like to continue on making more if I'm able to ( pending supplies cost ). My personal goal for that is to make 3 original plush in 2023. I would also like to do more personal cross-stitch projects where I am making my own patterns ( no I will never take commissions for cross-stitch projects - I do not want the joy from it taken from me, please don't ask! ). I would also like to start drawing in a sketchbook again, something I haven't done for around 6 years now.
If you have any goals relating to art for 2024 please feel free to share them! I can't wait to see what we all create : )
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Following up on the previous reblog because every day, my employer pisses me off more and more.
I've been with the company for nearing two decades, and this is out & out the slowest we've ever been--and it's been that way since Fall 2023. Not a day goes by when I don't have conversations with several customers about the high costs of goods and their difficulty in making ends meet. Yet Walmart wows its shareholders with their succesful profit margin, while continuing to fall short of paying a living wage. They continue to hire new associates that make almost as much as I do after all my years of service. And as of the first of this year, they dropped my insurance because they knocked me down to part-time ~ my average work week falls just short of qualifying, although I earn too much to qualify for state insurance.
The Walton family don't run the company any more, they are just well-invested shareholders these days. But they are a prime example of millionaires/billionaires who apparently have no sense of humanity when it comes to the people who keep them wealthy. The customers and employees who frequent the company that bears their name. What's their excuse?
Such greedy capitalism divorced from any sense of morality, frankly, marks them and their ilk as fallen from the natural grace of humanity.
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marcusrobertobaq · 7 months
Theory on RK800's MISSION SUCCESSFUL and FAILED status system.
This is an old theory of mine. I'll be using Connor as example since he's the only character we play good portion of the game as non-deviant and he got a good range of autonomy as non-deviant. Doesn't make much sense after all that time (1 year i'm on this mf) but i guess wouldn't hurt post it here?
⚠️ To fully understand my idea correctly i think u should read my theory on Connor's orders given by Amanda so u got a background about some stuff.
Rough summary: for RK800 mission to fail or be successful he gotta check what was asked in the direct order and compare with the current situation and verify ain't got other way of doing what's in the direct order.
Another point to remember: by him confirming what's in the direct order is done, doesn't matter if was done by him or not, his mission can be SUCCESSFUL (or a FAILURE).
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(first one: Destroy Markus, consequently ending the revolution -> Markus: status deactivated = mission succesful)
(second one: destroy Markus, consequently ending the revolution -> Markus: status alive, dirty bomb detonated consequently revolution succesful = mission failed)
If u read my theory u noticed i theorize Connor is an autonomous android, or at least semi-autonomous. That means he can choose approaches totally alone as long as he doesn't break a direct order. The problem is: most orders are vague. Only few things got a direct tone which he can't avoid (for example: find Anderson and investigate the X case), but what to do when the direct part of the order is acomplished but still got something to do?
So, uh, all the times we spare androids or go another direction the order ain't exactly failing if he chooses an option that ain't raising the % of success, his ordered mission actually ENDED. The possibility of not even acomplishing the first part EXISTS.
He can keep going cuz his direct orders have already been "successful". Everything that happens after this he's alone in deciding everything (he only got priorities). After all, NOBODY RELEVANT ORDERED him to do X thing, they didn't even know X could happen in X way.
But if something != his direct order and it's a X OR Y situation (either u do it or not - no mid terms), it fails.
For example:
Not finding the deviant on the crime scene when the order is investigating it and finding the deviant.
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Failing to save the hostage's life when his order was saving the human at all costs.
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Not finding the deviant hideout when the order was finding the deviant hideout.
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I'm not relying on the HUD thing cuz sometimes it doesn't appear, but the logic still the same. Also ain't deviancy cuz he didn't go against these orders, he just failed. Wasn't on purpose.
The only place where we got an intervention with a new direct order is in Crossroads. Like i said in that theory post, first order is finding Jericho (f or s), then we got an update (which is why he can't avoid it without breaking his program) after we found the leader: deal with Markus (f or s). Amanda doesn't know Markus is there, he could be in another place while Connor is at Jericho and not find him there, even if the % is low. That's why we got an update.
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If the leader escape, the MISSION SHOULD STAY OPEN cuz the leader != dead and can still be neutralized before the revolution is a success. If Hank/Allen become an obstacle in the rooftop and Connor couldn't shoot, THE MISSION IS STILL OPEN cuz he's far from the leader and they're != dead and can still be killed before the revolution is a success.
But ofc some stuff can also end badly. What if the mission is "successful" but the outcome u think would happen (high %) doesn't happen and what actually happens is WHAT YOU WERE TRYING TO AVOID?
For example: neutralizing the deviant Connor but not stopping the androids from wake up:
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Killing the deviant leader to end the revolution but not stopping shit from happen after that:
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I mean, ain't his problem anymore, right? He acomplished his mission. The problem is the lack of accuracy in chain effect prediction. In both ocasions we only got one specific goal: neutralize the target. What else...? Nothing xD
And by % everything that happen after this should follow the highest % event: by neutralizing the deviant Connor, the androids won't wake up (cuz the deviant one is dead and couldn't finish converting the androids); neutralizing the leader, the revolution will be controlled consequently Detroit being safe from the threat (cuz without a leader is just a matter of time every single deviant is dead). But what happen is the lowest %, and as Connor himself says:
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An event Connor can also discard cuz the chances are extremly low, leaving a space for it to happen cuz he wasn't careful enough.
But all because of one thing: HIS MISSION WAS ACOMPLISHED...at least the direct order he received. What happens after this? I guess fuck it, right? Ain't his problem anymore. He did what he had to do.
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It all makes sense in my head but may not work with everybody, so...good fucking luck analyzing your own shit.
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tame-a-messenger · 1 month
Good day. I have reason to believe that Tumblr has been eating my asks whenever I go anonymous, but you know what? Fuck social anxiety! I'm not afraid to have my blog name attached to this take.
Aside from everything else that has already been said about the Sword AF situation, I want to add that it also, yet again, reveals a lack of respect from Smosh for their employees. Presumably higher managment decided that the revenue from SAF S1 was too low to justify the production cost, so they walked back on the promise to "go bigger and better" for S2. Not cool, though also not surprising since they're a for profit company. However, they could've procceeded differently from there on out. From the top of my head I'm thinking channel membership, or livestream, or moving it to the Smosh Cast channel (with video). But no! Instead they did the equivalent of taking it behind the shed with a rifle over the arm. And that is just a HUGE 'fuck you' to the cast, the crew, and especially Damien. That was HIS passion project. I remember an interview with a DnD news youtuber from last summer, in which he expressed so much excitement and gratitude that he was allowed to make SAF. And this time around he hasn't mentioned SAF on his socials at all. Honestly, I think the only reason we even got a semblance of SAF S2 is because of contractual obligation. Anyway, this isn't new. I also remember Kimmy strongly implying in her 'leaving Smosh' video that she was forcibly made crew when she had every intention to remain cast. And I remember the post on LinkedIn by former Smosh marketing director Dani Howe, who only lasted a few months, about how a "previous employer" was a toxic work environment to her. Fanbois can cry 'bUt tHEy're a BuSineSs' all they want, playing this dirty is not needed to run a succesful company.
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salmontheking · 1 year
Generalized preventative healthcare sounds great. The fact that its rejection is criminalized because treating the sick costs the state more money, however, and the fact that obesity is extinct, leads me to a one-word conclusion: eugenics. Sounds like some degree of social "purification" would be inevitable in a setting with so much centralized authority and powerful technology. You all but confirmed people are programmed by straining to die before they are 150, perhaps for the good of the state. If I'm right, I'm sure exceptions to that would also exist. In such a monstrous society as that, I'd love to know what other socio-biological minority groups have governments chosen to eliminate to save costs? Is depression still a thing? What about autism-spectrum disorders? Is gender disphoria extinct? What about gay and trans people themselves?
I recognize that most of your writing on the Megaton Heart setting is toned to imply that power, money & pragmatic interest guide the ideology of world powers. But I think you know people, and the governments they build, aren't really like that. Rancid and irrational ideologies are common throughout history. So tell us about the ugly stuff. Racism and queerphobia surely aren't extinct, just changed into new and interesting forms of bigotry. I'm curious when and how (not if) someone tried to use this versatile biotechnology to try and wipe out an ethnic group or social minority.
What about religious fanaticism? That's another thing that, rather than disappearing, simply changes with the times. I'm curious what religions see the stars falling as divine revelation rather than global threat. And I would like to know if any governments are committed enough to religious liberty (or on board with said religions) to *not* violently suppress such views.
Your setting is so fascinating. I want to know some of its spicy, ugly and dirty secrets.
Noone is programmed to die before 150, impulsion doesn't even work at that age, it couldn't kill you if it wanted. All the presidents and ministers and grand admirals of the world also don't live that much longer, and that's how you know it's state of the art.
...well, except for the Axis president who is officially ±200 years old and doesn't seem to age, but they might just played by actors or even an android, so it doesn't really say much.
Many books were written and riots were started on progressive medicine and race. It was, for decades, mostly available to the relatively rich or citizens of rich and progressive countries, which of course implies a racial bias. The benefits back then were pretty modest, but it lasted long enough to make a difference. Many countries still don't have universal impulsion.
There also exists a practice of stem captivity - basically, making stem strains intentionally flawed and dependent on specific medicine so people can't leave your country. Any developed country can easily get around this - if they care - but if you're trying to run from a miserable country to a slightly less miserable one, tough luck.
Gender dysphoria is extinct in developed countries, in that means of transition got a whole lot better and more accessible in 200 years. All that's left to be dysphoric about is, chromosomes, I guess? You can't even see them, and some cis people have different ones. Enbie heads of state are no news at all. Is bigotry gone? No, it isn't. But it's harder to find and usually not systemic.
It's always worth mentioning that poverty is relative. Today, we are almost all poor by the metrics of 2212.
The period of 2090-2120 birthed a surge in religious extremism and hundreds of doomsday cults, with the peak of climate apocalypse, falling stars and nuclear war all hitting at once. Some of them committed horrific acts of terror, most died off but some became succesful religions. They're rarely recognized as religions, specifically to justify suppressing them. Iran was the first country to make one of them legally equal with major pre-1900 religions, and that was in 2189. Axis is actually one of the least tolerant places in this metric.
Genocides were too many to mention.
Depression and the autism spectrum still exist.
Oh, have I mentioned how the massive progress of stem medicine since 2100 is only possible because of human experiments? No? Well, it is. It's still being done. Usually you don't even know if you're part of it, but the really nasty ones are not done on free citizens.
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valentinebullock72 · 3 months
Where Can I Buy Branded Replica Clothing
According to the survey, 90% of the world’s replica products are from China. One can imagine how developed China’s high replica products trade is. When you're goning to take a position replica clothing business, the following threat you must take into consider. Are you're looking for the most effective costume that offers you a novel movie star look? At this web site then you might be able to find the costume at their catalog for designer clothes available on-line at wholesale and retail costs. However, it is extremely difficult to find a foundry for model cosmetics and do a good job in high quality control. My colleague Alice bought a replica of Airpods in Taobao for less than fifty nine RMB. But it appears precisely the identical as the unique product, and there's no difference in any respect from the skin. Some of the most effective are Handbagstore888, MKshop555 and Yoyoshopping plaza. One way to filter them would be to type within the name of the model you want plus the sort of bag you would like and seek for it. wikipedia clothes Next, filter based on essentially the most bought or the most effective rated. That will filter out the least sold or the bad high quality merchandise. Do learn a number of reviews of the merchandise to get an idea of the seller as well because the product, before you choose to purchase it. You may even be succesful of know where consumers are shopping for their products. Finally, you should have a good idea on what product you must inventory your shelf with. After understanding where to wholesale faux clothing, next, I will share some useful ideas of how to wholesale replica clothes. They have one of the best shirts starting from youngsters' shirts, men shirts, Men polo shirts, ladies Blouses & shirts. If not then let me tell you why it's so well-known in the UK. Hi, I’m Ayla Anderson, and welcome to my website Aylatrendguide.com. If you may be on the lookout for a user-friendly website, Replica Wholesaler is for you. The platform is simple to make use of, and you are capable of do your search by typing in your search engine as directing you to the categories. Here you can see the replicas of brand clothing you need at wonderful prices and bags, belts, footwear, and so forth. This platform provides replica manufacturers at wholesale prices from $6 in numerous feminine outfits. Shop the very best quality reps streetwear style together with sneaker, hoodie, tee, belt, trend accessories & bags. If you're in the midst of buying replica at low-cost value, you might have come to the best place. Ever since 2010, we are the only replica store that produce hype brand such as Fear Of God, Off-White, Palace, ASSC, Palm Angels, Stone Island. Aliexpress’ selection signifies that you get a variety of branded replicas that you could select from. In reality, for the worth you pay for a real brand, you may get 7 to eight replicas on the same cost, from different brands. Blueberry12 is called a pop-culture fanatic go-to store. They provide a variety of clothes that has prints, logos, and aesthetics of pop-culture affect. They have a steady following of patrons from wholesale to retail. Not solely do they have NASA shirts and Friends caps however they also offer tees, attire, and pattern shorts which have all the enjoyable twist on our favorite TV shows, films, and bands. When the public discovers that you simply promote replica brand clothing or accessories without prior authorization, the popularity of your corporation will be affected. Their enterprise cover over 200 countries and 98% merchandise could be obtained by worldwide customers inside forty eight hours. replica designer clothes If you might be after quality then you've arrived at one of the best website, where you can get the most effective provides at inexpensive prices. Whether you’re on the lookout for Louis Vuitton swimwear, Adidas sweatpants, or Fendi sweatshirts, you can find all of them at this one stop store. The transport technique of replica merchandise is similar as normal, however you have to confirm how the customs of your country/region determines whether or not the products are replica products. Knowing the rules beforehand may help you choose a product. Due to the huge demand for copies, a giant number of websites promoting copies have spawned.
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wyrm-in-a-closet · 6 months
Science fact of the day- Saturn!
YEAAAAH GAMERS ITS MY FAVORITE PLANET WOOOOOOO- i like saturn okay. she's just really pretty for one. Also it has beautiful rings too. The origin of these rings is a bit uncertain- right now, there are three general theories, which are: 1. the rings have been around since Saturn's formations, and were initially much more massive, but are now relatively light, 2. They were formed more recently by a collision of some sort, possibly between two moons, and 3. they were formed by a single moon which fell too close to Saturn, and was torn apart by tidal forces (the Roche Limit). These later two theories generally have the rings as younger, about 300 million ish years old. That would mean these rings have been around for less time than life existed on Earth's land. We do know that the rings won't be around forever- various data gives the rings a lifetime of anywhere from about 100 million years to around a billion years, although the higher number is significantly less likely.
In many ways, Saturn is similar to it's larger and more massive cousin, Jupiter. It's almost entirely hydrogen and oxygen, it's history is similar and also tied to Jupiter's, and it's radius is within the same ballpark. However, since Saturn is far less massive, that means Saturn has a very low density- in fact, it's less than water. If you had a planet sized bath tub, then a lot of very very bad things would happen, but if you ignored those things and put Saturn in it, it would float!
Saturn has been visited by a few spacecraft. Most notably, Voyager 1 and 2 both flew by it on their solar system grand tours, although when voyager 1 saw titan, scientists were so interested in it that they changed voyager 2's course so that it could get a close flyby, at the cost of a flyby of Uranus and Neptune. The most important mission to visit Saturn, however, is Cassini. Cassini was launched in 1997, alongside the Huygens probe (which went into Titan's atmosphere). Cassini arrived in 2004, and spent years orbiting Saturn, taking picturing and preforming science on both it and it's moons. It's initial mission was only 3 years long- however, after being incredibly succesful for those three years, it's mission was extended for another 2 years, then it earned nearly 7 more, and then its finale stage which lasted four months. in total, it spent 13 years around Saturn. Cassini's mission came to a close when it was burned up in Saturn's atmosphere, to avoid the possibility of it crashing into any of Saturn's moons and contaminating them.
Cassini is my all time favorite space mission for a few reasons. It studied my favorite planet, it preformed absolutely incredibly, and it went out in a honestly tragic way that i just kinda love. But also, it took what might be my favorite image of all time: The Day the Earth Smiled. The Day the Earth Smiled is a composite image (meaning it's made up of hundreds of smaller pictures taken at slightly different times, which are then combined) which shows Saturn eclipsing the sun, with its rings incredibly visible. Many of Saturn's moons are visible, in addition to the planets Mars, Venus, and importantly, Earth. NASA made the fact that the picture would be taken public, and encouraged people to look up into the sky to wave and smile towards the camera, billions of kilometers away. we're all there! I was just 6 years old at the time, but I'm there! and so are you!!!!!
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anyways so i sobbed a normal amount writing todays science fact
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ayayiiie · 1 year
I’m not worried Pt.2 - Y.Jungwon
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Scenario : You and your little family are facing an Earth Apocalypse. Everything around you is desert as you search for a safe place. But at what price ?
Words : 2k.
Pairing : survivor dad! Jungwon x survivor mom! reader.
Genre : tiny bit of fluff, overall angst, Major Character Death.
Warning : Non Identified Monsters Apocalypse, cursing, violence, blood, mentions of covid-19, a lot of crying lmao.
Author's notes : I have two things to say : I’m too lazy. And… : Please forgive me for it. 😭 Also I recommend you to read Pt.1 here before reading this one ! I pour my everything in this one lmao.
This is a work of fiction, it is not a reference to reality. I do not copy, or had plagiarized any work, every scenes familiar to other works are just pure coincidence ! Reblog if you like :p  
Tag list : @hiqhkey (I know you waited for part 2 TT)
*now play Tori Kelly - Paper Hearts*
April, 2029.
A few days after his departure…
« Where did Daddy go ? » asks your son of three years old. You can feel your heart breaks into millions of pieces at the sound of his innocent voice and big doe eyes… just like him. « Did he go to work ? Is Daddy working ? » he continues to ask, slowly tugging at your sleeve. You nod and hum, caressing his chubby cheek ever so gently. « So Daddy will come back, he will come back. » You show him your best smile, trying to hide your anxiousness and sadness. He shouldn’t know at all cost. Your daughter then comes besides your son, tugging at your other sleeve, « Mommy I’m hungry… I want to eat curry ! » Just like him. Every time you look at your children, they remind you so much of him, from the way they talk, their favorite food, their round faces and habits, indeed he is their father. Damn how much you miss him right now. It’s like a part of your world is missing. Feeling like someone take out a part of your heart. How you wish to have him by your side, playing hide and seek or tag along with the children. How you wish nothing happened this day.
*Flashback in February 2029*
Children's laughter were heard from the garden as you hang out the washing on a clothes horse. It was a beautiful day, a sunny sky with not a cloud in vision. You took a day off to spend some time with your daughter and son while your husband, Jungwon was at work. He promised to finish earlier so you were more than content.
Your family was perfect for you. No, your life was perfect. Being a doctor, Jungwon a succesful taekwondo athlete and soon a to-go coach, your children were happy and healthy. Everything was perfect.
Until you turn on the television during dinner time.
Oh you wished you never turned it on.
Reporters were asking people to stay inside their house for emergency circonstances. Was it a situation like the Covid-19 ? Or even worse ? Up to where humans were able to commit crimes ? As you were asking those questions in your head, panic slowly started to make its way into your veins when you saw one of the reporters being assaulted by someone. The camera was then cutted right away.
You took out your phone to scroll through Twitter, only to see the chaos. People were screaming and running everywhere, giant hideous dark monsters with a slim body, multiple eyes and bony fingers were trying to infiltrate the houses.
You were petrified and your first reflex was to look at your husband. Jungwon seemed deep in thoughts. You didn't know if he was thinking or if he was shocked, you were too anxious to tell.
What will happen now ? Unknown creatures ? They are not zombies, nor aliens ? This is a dream right ? You will wake up in your bed while hugging Jungwon tightly... right ? Your children will be sleeping in their own bed and everything will be perfectly fine, like it has always be.
« We need to leave. Our house is not a secured place. » your husband finally spoke.
« Then where are we going ? » you respond, stressed.
« Mommy , what is happening ? Why are you scared ? » ask your daughter.
« Mommy is tired birdy. It's getting late, take your little brother with you and go wash your teeth. » he smiled at them and did some silly movements to tell them to hurry up. They giggled and run away towards the bathroom.
After making sure they were away, he took your hand in his and stared deeply in your eyes.
« Firstly, we need to calm down. Everything will be perfectly fine darling, okay ? »
« B-but- » you stuttered, on the verge of crying.
« Calm down, I'm right here baby, I'm not gonna let you down. I'm right here and I will protecting you all at all cost. » he reasured you as his hand was caressing the back of yours.
You took a big breath before nodding. It wasn't the time to break down. You were the mother of two children, they were more important. You didn't wanted to show them how much you were scared. You had to be strong.
You and your family officially left your house two days after the news broke.
*End of the flashback*
« (Y/S/N), you need to wear properly your protection. » you said as you adjust your son's piece of metal on his chest. Not long after your departure from your house, you found out those creatures were feeding themselves with humans' hearts. That's why y'all have a piece of metal around your chest constantly.
« Mommy... What is this ? » you heard your daughter soft voice while she points at something far away.
You feel your hairs ruffling and quickly look at the direction she pointed. You saw the familiar slim body and bony fingers’ monster standing a few meters away, looking around. You inform her and your son to not make any noise by putting a finger infront of your lips and silently start to gather up some of your belongings while looking at it. You then inform them you have to leave. As you do silently, you scrach your knee, a few droplets of blood falling. But it was your least concern, you just hope your son will not make any sound.
« (Y/S/N) » called strictly Jungwon with a frown, « don't make any noise when we tell you, understand ? » he said.
« Understand Dada. » answered your son, a pout on his face.
Jungwon kneeled down and ruffled his hair, face now adorning a smile, « Good job, little hero. »
*End of flashback*
As you're now running in the woods, hands clutching with your loves, your daughter suddenly speaks up.
« Mommy... » she calls, almost inaudibly.
« What is it sweetheart ? » you stop and look at her.
« I forgot my binky... » she confesses, looking up at you with big doe and tears in her eyes. You know how much she can't fall asleep if she doesn't have it and you can't afford to make her cry.
« Shit... » you silently curse. You have to go back and get it.
You were now standing at fifteen meters from your previous camp, and was tetanized. If before there was only one, now there were five. They were smelling and one of them was licking the ground. « Shit, my knee », you thought while looking at your bruised knee.
« Listen up babies. You have to stay here, understood ? No matter what, you ARE staying here, well hide behind these leaves, did you understand me ? » you insist without actually yelling.
They just nod at you. « Good. (Y/D/N), count to 300, you know how to do that right ? », she nods again. « Good girl. If Mommy is not here after you finish, you know where you need to go, right ? Do like Mommy and Daddy teached you, alright ? » you tell her and hug them tightly, not wanting to let go. The tears are welling in your eyes but you stopped them before they fall.
« I love you so much my darlings » you lastly say before kissing their forehead. You hope it won’t be the last time you will see them. You can’t imagine your two babies running in the forest without protection, without you, without nothing.
You quickly stand up and go far at your right, heart about to explode. Five minutes. You can do it.
You gently place a phone on the ground. It was situated far away from your children and enough from the camp. You then return to your previous position and wait for the alarm that you set to ring.
You began to sweat, tension at its peak. It was not the time to flinch. You steady your breath and focus.
*Ding ding ding ding*
The five of them rush towards it while you run towards the camp. Quickly entering it, you grab the binky and come out. But what you did not expect is that the precious bracelet Jungwon gave you on your first anniversary got stuck with one of the corner of the tent. Wanting to remove it, you are suddenly expulsed from where you were. Feeling dizzy, you hurry yourself up, grab the sword on your back and try to defend yourself against the monster facing you, a smile on its face.
« You fucking bastard, come on. » you say, preparing yourself.
Blood is spurting on the floor.
*now play - Westlife - I’ll See You Again*
*Jungwon POV*
I was finally running towards the camp where my family is when I saw a bunch of monsters in circle.
« FUCK ! Y/N ! (Y/D/N) ! (Y/S/N) ! » I scream while running towards them. One of them turn around and I saw its mouth, full of blood. Rage is taking over me as I take my gun and shoot them all. Fuck it if I end up bringing them all. I want to see them and check if they’re fine. As I come closer, I only perceive one body lying on the ground, I feel my heart stopping at the view infront of me. She has blood everywhere and is severely injured. Her right foot is missing and the blood is flowing endlessly… No… tell me it’s a lie… Plus the children are nowhere to be seen, she must have hide them.
« Baby can you hear me ? It's me, your kitten. Darling please, tell me you hear me » I cry while holding her head on my laps.
« J-Jungwon...? Is that y-you ? » she replies, faintly. Her eyes slowly opening as I see the emptiness in them.
« Yes baby, it's me, I'm right here ! Stay with me, will you ? Please don't close your eyes ! » I say, cupping her bruised face in my hands, making sure to be careful.
« The babies... They are... in the forest, around fifteen meters... from here. Give this... Give this to my princess... » breathless, she handed me the binky with a trembling hand, she protected it, so it wasn't soak with blood.
« You will give it to her yourself, okay ? Stay with me, hold on tight, I will treat you baby. » I tear a piece of my shirt, put it around her calf, tie it then take a little stick of wood and turn it as hard as I can before putting her on my back. Her moans and grunts of pain were broking me.
« Darling... They got my leg... The chances to survive... from an haemorrhage are poor... » she says, voice trembling, as if it will fade out anytime soon.
« No ! You can do it ! You will do it ! You're strong I know it ! » tears were already streaming down my face at this point as I walk quickly towards the hiding place that is shelting my children.
« (Y/D/N) ! (Y/S/N) ! Come out ! It's me ! Daddy ! » I shout, voice cracking. They quickly complied and run towards me.
« Daddy ! » they call, happy to see me. They hug me tight and look at Y/N on resting on my back.
« What happened to Mommy ? Is she sick ? » asks your son. Our daughter was too shocked to speak, being old enough to understand your situation. She slowly take her mom’s hand and squeeze it.
« We need to run little guys, Mommy is sick okay ? Hurry up ! » I say and start running.
« Jungwon... My kitten... My lovely husband... Thank you for everything... » I can feel her faint breath on my neck.
« Stay with me baby ! Don't leave me ! I need you ! We need you ! No..! I love you ! » I cry desesperately, still running alongside the children, vision blurred by the tears. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do, we are in the middle of a wide forest, where can I find the necessary to heal her ?! The place I come from is too far from here and monsters can appear at any moment. With her on my back I will not be able to protect the children !
« Take care of them for me, will you ? I love you all so much, thank you... for making me feel love... for » she grunts, « for making me your wife... thank you for those beautiful children... Tell them that I will always... always love them... and... » she coughs up, « and... I... will always be... by... their side... » the weight on my shoulder indicates me that she gave all her strenght left. I stop and lay her down.
« Baby ! Answer me ! Please ! Y/N !! Y/N !! » I call out, looking like a mess, tears won't stop and the children start to cry. I shake her by her shoulders, scream, I try everything to wake her up.
She opened her eyes one last time before whispering…
« I'm not worried... I Love You... » were her last words.
*You have reach the end of the story ! We invite you to chose another world or another story here !*
Hohoho I hope you enjoyed the work of our majestuous Queen ! She will be delighted if you write down your feelings on this paper !
Hoping that you, my Highness, try other worlds suggested.
Please may I be excused.
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