#it is an area I've gotten acne in for sure
my life is naught but a cycle of *hopes that's nothing* *hopes that's nothing* *hopes that'll go away on its own* *hopes that's nothing* *hopes that nothing will come of that for a long time* *hopes that's n
#personal#like one of my ongoing concerns is some tooth stuff I should probably see a dentist about#some back and hand stuff that would probably be improved by less time in the desk chair and more time doin stretches#but the one of the past half hour is uh#slightly gross so feel free not to read. like this is just a vent post really#but I felt a lump in uhhhh a sensitive area#one that I don't think is a standard area of acne for most people? not that I've discussed it w people but#it is an area I've gotten acne in for sure#but it felt. uh. a lil different ig#it burst kinda like a pimple. but I'm paranoid#not only bc it was big and in a weird area#but also bc now I'm feeling lightheaded on and off#could be unrelated. just seems weird that i only started feeling faint after bursting that thang and like#even if they're unrelated and being faint will pass. I still feel a mass under there#god I hope it's just acne brewing#I'm already behind on work just on account of being fucking incapable of doing anything but Fuck All#can't really afford a medical issue rn#I mean in a financial sense I can afford it it's fine we got the nhs#it's just that I do not know how to book doctor's appointment and I'm living w my parents#so I'd have to tell them about it and aaaaaaaahhhhhh#so it had damn well better go away#be nothing. or else 👊#my body shouldn't play these games of chicken with me I'll let us die to avoid being an inconvenience motherfucker#update from like an hour or two later: it's already starting to go away. the power of Not Worrying About It
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sleeping-satan · 1 year
Tips for facial hair care and shaving for those who are too afraid to or can't ask their parents!
Removing all of it:
When you first start shaving your face it'll cut pretty easily, that's normal. As you continue your skin will get stronger and tolerate it more.
Because of that, if you feel like you just need to shave every other day, it's probably better to do it everyday.
The price of razors does go along with quality. Getting a 20 pack of $10 razors will nic you pretty good. Don't be cheap here if you have a choice.
Scrub your face well before shaving, like, take about ten seconds to scrub the shit out of your face. It'll help get the dirt and shit out that can otherwise get in the way of the razor and nic you.
"Against the grain or with the grain?" Both! Go with the grain first to get what you can before going against the grain. Going with the grain first will again help to avoid cuts, and against the grain is better for a full, smooth, shave.
Chart for reference:
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You can miss spots when you first start and you'll eventually learn to not. The best I can say is to run the razor over a couple of times before thinking you're done.
Use shaving cream! The price and quality doesn't matter as much unless you have skin allergies.
Use face lotion after. You just put a blade to your face and did like three oil removes. If you already have an oily face it might be because your face is trying to keep itself from being a desert.
If you've been growing it out awhile, use scissors or an electric razor first. You can still use the regular one but it's more of a pain in the ass.
The face has less area than other body parts, but a lot more angles and curves. Make sure to bend your neck far so that way you have room.
Don't get down on yourself if you still cut yourself once in a while once you've gotten the hang of it. It happens. I've cut my ear and nose before because it got to be routine and I got less careful. Laugh and move on, after you're done panicking trying to stop getting blood in the sink of course.
Trimming and hair care - there aren't as many because info from my dad is only on having a bare face. I also keep mine at a scruff so I can't say as much for actual beards.
Scrub your face hard with face wash. Not cleaning it will lead to a lot of acne.
If it's long enough I've gone over mine with regular shampoo and conditioner to clean it (along with face wash), you can get special products for it but I've found the regular hair stuff works.
If you keep it at a scruff or it's still short, you can moisturize it with regular face lotion. If it's longer (an inch/2.5cm or so) and thick enough, you may want to get beard oil
When it gets longer it's better to have products that'll keep it in place like beard balm.
Before trimming, I've found it easier to do when your hair is wet. It'll be both easier to trim and easier to clean since it won't go as far after cut.
I highly recommend a good, electric razor for trimming. It's a lot easier and you don't have to worry about making it too uneven as you would with scissors.
Even after going over with the razor though, it's good to pull at bits of your hair to see if any of them are long to get with scissors.
You can use a typical razor to shape the lines of your beard. I know when first growing mine out it was very itchy to have past a certain point on the neck. Follow above advice for these areas.
Good luck!
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ashers-transition · 1 year
Pre T (December 13, 2022)
Hello! I'm making this post to show where I'm starting out in my medical transition. I'm going to go through some of the changes that can happen on testosterone based HRT and show what those areas are currently like for me while being pre T.
Please check my pinned post for more info about me and why I started this blog!
CWs: full body images, eye contact, measuring tape (in reference to hand width only), discussion of menstruation, discussion of appetite and disordered eating).
(If I've missed any content warnings that I should include, please let me know and I will add them in).
Face Shape
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Facial Hair
I have a bit of peach fuzz (soft, light colored hairs) all over my face. Other than that, I have a small amount of slightly darker hairs around my upper lip area, as can be seen in images 1 and 2. I also wanted to include an image of my eyebrows pre T because T can thicken your eyebrows as well. It isn't fully grown in because I usually shave it (just personal preference) but I do also have a slight unibrow. I imagine this will come in thicker as well.
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Body Hair
You probably can't see unless you zoom in, but I have some light brown hair on my forearms and on my lower legs. My thighs are covered in lighter hairs that are not really visible. (You might have to zoom in on these to see anything).
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Increased Muscle Mass
I have a slight amount of muscle from my previous job, which involved lifting heavy objects on a somewhat regular basis. I no longer have that job, but I may start working out soon to help with my health, so I'm unsure currently in which direction my muscle mass will go.
The most obvious muscles I have are my biceps and my abs, both of which have slightly defined muscles if I flex. My thighs also have a decent bit of muscle, but there is more body fat in that area sitting on top of the muscle so they aren't as defined.
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Menstrual Cycle
I currently have a somewhat regular period that typically comes once every month and a half. Previously, I have dealt with very bad fibro flares whenever I got my period, with the first day being painful enough to take me out of commission. I've started a new pain medication about two months ago, so my period related flares are much more manageable now. Instead of putting me somewhere in the 6-8 range on the pain scale, I'm now at around a 3-4 when my period starts. I'm curious as to whether my period stopping will make these monthly flares go away altogether, or if I will still get them without bleeding. This is something my doctor did not know the answer to, and I'd like to be able to share my experiences with others who have chronic pain and are transitioning.
Body Fat Distribution
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I currently only have light acne on a regular basis, with light breakouts whenever my period starts. The images of my face shown earlier are a good representation of the average amount of acne I have when not on my period.
Skin Texture
I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, one symptom of which is very soft skin. The skin on my face and inner forearms are especially soft. I'm also interested to see if and how that changes considering my disorder.
Hand Size
I'm including this because I've heard some people mention their hands looking "more masculine" after starting T, and even their hands getting bigger. I'm sure this probably isn't something that everyone who goes on T experiences, but I'd rather have the comparison pictures than not.
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Energy Levels, Pain, and POTS
I struggle with chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and POTS. My doctor has mentioned that it's possible these conditions will improve after being on T for a while, and I'd like to document that as well.
Currently, I wake up exhausted every day, regardless of how much sleep I've gotten. I also frequently take naps during the day and wake up exhausted from those as well. I struggle waking up, caffeine doesn't help, and I often struggle to complete basic tasks. Heavy physical activity often makes it worse.
Without medication, I'm typically somewhere in the 3-4 range on the pain scale, with flares bringing it up to 5-7. Since starting the medication I'm currently on, I've typically been in the 1-2 range, with flares bringing it up to 3-4.
I typically get short dizziness spells upon standing, but they tend to go away quickly. I often get dizzy enough that my vision starts to go out, but this does not happen every day. I only experience presyncope a few days out of the month, but when it does happen, it usually happens more than once in a day. So far in my three years of being symptomatic, I have only fainted once.
Due to being autistic, I often struggle to tell when I am hungry. ADHD also makes it difficult to eat sometimes, because I often forget. On other days, I will eat out of boredom. I typically eat 2-3 meals a day while snacking in between.
Emotional State
I have BPD, which makes it very difficult to regulate my emotions. I once heard BPD described as being "like bipolar, but faster," and I think that's a helpful way to explain it. I have intense emotional states that usually only last a few hours. When I'm happy I'm really happy, and when I'm sad I'm really sad. For me personally, I tend to turn these emotions inward.
I decided to go on testosterone gel instead of the injections. I've heard of people having mood swing when getting closer to their next injection, and would rather avoid that if possible due to my already unstable mood.
Voice and Adam's Apple
My voice is somewhat androgynous, but it does keep me from passing. I also have what I like to call an "almost Adam's apple," though it's more apparent in person.
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[Video description: A waist high video of Asher talking to the camera. End video description.]
[Video transcript: "Hi, my name is Asher, and this is my voice, like, four days on T, 'cause I forgot."]
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sailor-spaghetti · 2 years
Hey! I just saw the post you made about the t pellets you're on, and I wanted to ask a few things?
Generally how painful is the injection (with added question of whats your pain tolerance)?
Can you feel the pellets under your skin?
Have you ever experience acne breakouts due to T?
This is the first in depth info I've ever gotten on them, so thank you so much!
Okay so!
My pain tolerance isn't great. I'm kind of a huge wimp. The worst part is when the doctor injects the lidocaine and that really does sting/burn. Quite a bit. My PCP has informed me though that she can also use a numbing gel before injecting the lidocaine and we will be trying that next time. That said, that stinging only lasts maybe 2-3 seconds per poke and then you don't feel anything. The first few times, after the lidocaine, getting the incision and the implants kind of tickled before I got used to it, but now it mostly just feels like nothing.
You don't really feel any pain for the rest of the day, but then come evening or the next day you will feel sore/bruised but in my experience it's pretty mild. Your doctor will give you an ice pack to apply to the area after the procedure is done and if it feels too bad, then the advice is ice and Tylenol.
You also should not be exercising for 36 hours and you should not submerge the area underwater for 72 hours. Probably obvious advice here, but don't make the stupid mistake I made once and hop on a horse two hours after the procedure - you will absolutely regret that.
I'm not sure what you mean by feeling the pellets. I'm not constantly feeling them - I don't even really notice they're there, but if I were to run my hands over the spot I can feel tiny bumps where they are. But I don't exactly spend a lot of time touching my butt. :P
I'm a bit of a wild card on the acne thing. Even when I was still on the patch, T seemed to make my acne situation better? Like before T my face was a mess and now I can mostly avoid acne as long as I wash my face. It probably also helps that I have a boyfriend with a monkey brain who likes to pick at my face.
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all-of-your-mercy · 4 months
Personal physical changes while on Testosterone: * Since Nov 3rd of 2023
Voice changes. To be expected, tends to quickly change during the early transition period. Dropped to a significant pitch and I actually like my voice a lot better now.
Hair growth. Chin is getting prickly, but considering I'm not really a beard fan I tend to shave it often. I leave hair growth to carry on my torso (chest, gut area) and my eyebrows. I used to have pretty light brown eyebrow hairs. They've gotten a lot darker over time.
Pretty sure I experienced those times where I could actually feel my bones and body shift due to influence of T. For a very brief time the pelvic area felt like bones were actually 'breaking' into other places. At least how It felt at the time. Felt weirdly unpleasant, but not enough to cause me long term discomfort. Occurred very early into my HRT (around the end of the first month) On top of this, I might add that body-fat distribution is definitely a thing. I've been seeing a lot more body-fat changes around my face - more cheek definition (lines).
Temperament shift. I can honestly say that I went from strongly sensitive (not necessarily a bad thing to be sensitive - A lot of my sensitivity comes from anxiety) to someone who's temper has been reduced by 60% for certain. 50 / 50 for everyone for this outcome, I was fortunate enough to have that type of changes where It made me significantly calmer than how I used to be.
Impossible to cry. Unless I am in a really low spot, I won't be able to cry even in instances I would normally cry. If I do randomly tear up out of the blue, It's mostly caused from eye-dryness which leads to excessive tearing up. This also became present with T use (the eye-dryness).
ITCHY. Acne was expected for me, but not the sense of itchiness almost everywhere. It's gotten a bit troublesome, I've definitely caused some rashes from excessive scratching.
Acne. Expected, so I wasn't too surprised. I'm not happy with it though, since I've always had issues with my skin. Work in progress in handling it. It definitely feels like you are going through second puberty.
Libido has gone to the opposite of direction. I was expecting to be hormonal 24/7, but It's been the opposite. I rarely find things 'interesting' in that sense.
Sexual (gender) attraction has been definitely affected. Previously I used to be more female-leaning, early HRT made me shift to male-leaning but now I'm not too sure. I feel like mentally it 'stabilized' for me and evened out in terms of gender preference. Though this also feels like more of a me-thing as well, considering I've had low attraction in people in general. So I don't exactly focus on which gender I prefer considering I'm not interested in anyone romantically to make that answer clear.
Lots of energy. Dealt with chronic fatigue almost my whole life and always felt exhausted no matter the amount of given rest. Early T use gave me a surge of energy like never before. Now It stabilized, but I can still for certain say I have 60% a lot more energy than I used to. If I add exercise on top of that, I'll feel more physically + mentally better, and not just feel more energetic from it. At least in my experience so far.
JOINT pain. I've not had issues with joins, but overtimes It feels like they tend to wear down a lot more than normally. Too many specific aches from places I would so rarely ache from. I've been countering that issue with supplements and stretching, which works well. Compression gear would probably help better with this as well.
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queen-syko · 6 years
Misha Collins x Reader: Coffee
Author: Francesca Roman
Warnings: Cursing, Light Smut, Ignorance
Word Count: 2,000+
. . . .
It was a cool fall morning. My eyes flutter open as I hear thunder shake the whole house. Yet another stormy morning in Vancouver, Canada. I didn't want to get out of the warm comfort of my bed but I had no other choice. I had to get up and get ready for another wacky day on the set of Supernatural. I sat up in my bed, stretching my arms above my head then grabbing my phone off of the bedside table, putting in my password, then turn my wifi back on.
Immediately, notifications from Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and my emails start filing through my screen as expected. I was fixated on my emails more than everything else because that's how I communicate with my work and coworkers (call me old fashioned). None of the emails caught my attention then my eyes traveled up to the time.
I felt my eyes bulge out of my head and quickly jump out of bed, leave my phone on my bed then rush into my bathroom which was connected to my bedroom. I started stripping my clothing from my body then turned on the shower. I have to wait for the water to warm up so I looked into my mirror and noticed I was starting to get a couple pimples on my face.
I huffed then took my toothbrush and squeezed out some Colgate toothpaste onto the bristles. I start brushing my teeth and tongue. I heard my cell start ringing and jogged over to my bed with my toothbrush still in my mouth. I pressed the answer button and held it up to my ear. "Hello." I muffled walking back into the bathroom to rinse my toothbrush and mouth.
"Hey Y/n, I know you're running late so don't even sweat it because I am too. How about I pick you up and we ride together so we don't have to get shitted on one by one?" I smiled as Osric's voice sounded through my speaker. I spit out the toothpaste and extra saliva into the sink and said, "Yeah sure, thanks buddy. Hopefully we won't get shitted on at all."
I rinsed my mouth with water then mouthwash as Osric went on about why we shouldn't get in trouble. "Okay dude, I gotta get in the shower you know where I live. Thanks, see you in a little bit." He laughed and said, "Okay bye buddy." Then I hung up and threw my phone on my bed. I got into the shower, cringing back as the extremely hot water runs down my body.
I adjust the water then begin to wash my hair and body. I shave my legs, accidently cutting my ankle from going to quick along my skin with the razor. I rinse my body and hair once more before washing my face to try and help with the acne problem. I shut my spout off then get out of the shower. I wrap my soaking wet body with a fluffy blue towel. I walk over to my closet and pull out a pair of black leggings and an over sized t shirt. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a pair of socks, underwear, and a bra.
I dry myself off and put a bandaid on my razor cut and put on my undergarments. I slide the over sized shirt over my head the put on my black leggings. I put my socks on then slide on a pair of brown boots. I grab the towel and dry my hair almost all the way. I brush it out of the way, into the nicest style I could come up with right now.
I grab my phone and bag the shut off my lights in my bedroom and bathroom then walked down my stairs. The weather outside was still horrible. Thunder and lightening was coming thicker with each passing minute. I hear a beep outside my house and open the door after grabbing a raincoat. I put on my coat and pull the hood over my head. I close and lock my door then run over to the big black suv. I oped the door and sat next to Osric.
The suv pulled foward and started driving down the street. "Maybe we should move in together since we're always late." Osric said looking at me. "Nice outfit by the way. Who bought you that t shirt?" I looked down at my shirt sighed. I forgot this shirt had I ♡ Misha on the front. "Shut up." I mumbled then laid my head against the window and waited for us to be dropped off.
About ten minutes later Osric and I walked through the set doors, immediately getting looks from some of the crew members. "Well look what the cat dragged in. Nice t shirt by the way." A snide voice sounded from the set in front of us. It was Hailey Spencer. She is playing as a guest star. She happens to be one of the girls I hated in high school. "Blow me Hailey. At least I look better than you for being late."
The words left my mouth before I could think. I heard covered laughter coming from the guys around me. Hailey didn't say anything she just glared at me and started talking to one of the stunt guys again. Osric and I parted ways. He was being dragged off to make up while I was being dragged off to wardrobe. I quickly dressed into Finley's clothing then walked over to hair and make up.
They restyled my hair then put on a quick coat of simple make up. It's not like we were filming a fighting scene where I needed fake blood and cuts. I had to film a scene with Misha today. I was nervous. I rarely ever film with Misha because we usually goof off and get yelled at and because I've got the biggest crush on him but I don't think he's noticed.
"Okay you're good to go girly. See you later." Geinie said as I got up and thanked her then left the make up station. I jogged over to the set where Misha and I needed to film. A director, some crew and Misha sat there waiting patiently for me to get there. "Hey guys I'm sorry I'm late. My alarm clock didn't go off. Let's get this going."
Misha smiled at me then looked at the director that was filming this episode. "I'm glad you finally got here. But yes, let's get 'this' going" John said motioning to the scene. "Marker! Episode 47. Scene 12. Take 1 and Action!" I heard a snap then the cameras started rolling. Misha quickly got into the famous character, Castiel and I had gotten into Finley. I leaned against the table and looked up at him. He was so handsome. He stated his lines and I said mine. This went on with many slip ups and goofy comments in between slip ups. We finished the scene and then we were dismissed.
I have a couple more scenes with J2 a little bit later so I walked over to the coffee table and started filling my cup with a hot brew. As I managed my cup with sugar and cream I jumped about a mile high when I heard a deep voice sound next to my ear. I almost spilled my coffee but didn't because coffee is too big of a deal to spill it.
"I thought you wern't going to make it." Misha said with a smirk on his perfect lips. "Yeah well I'm here so." I took a sip of the simmering Columbian brew and smiled. "I'm taking that's your first cup if the day?" I smiled and took another sip, nodding. "One of one hundred if I'm going to be working with J2 later." His eyes met mine and my heart fluttered.
His eyes were the perfect shade of blue. It's like I could see the whole Pacific ocean in those eyes. Misha waved a hand in front of my face and I snapped out of whatever trance I was in. I'm guessing he asked something because he was waiting for an answer. "I'm sorry I'm still half asleep. What did you ask?" I said staring into his eyes once again.
"I'm having a small party later to celebrate turning the big four 'o. Maybe you can swing by. I mean only if you want to. I'm not trying-" He started to ramble and I smiled. I cut him off by cover his mouth with my hand. "Sure, where is it?" I asked and he just looked amazed.
"It's at my apartment. It's nothing major just the guys, some crew. Gen might come with Jared." I nodded and took another sip. "Okay I'll be there, I gotta go run lines with Jensen. He said he would help me with this scene we're supposed to be filming today. I'll see you later Misha." He smiled at me and I returned the notion. I turned and walked out of set and over to Jensen's trailer. I gotta get myself one of these.
Later on that night it was about six thirty when we all finished filming. I changed out of Finley's clothing and into an extra outfit I kept in wardrobe and left my outfit from this morning in there. It was still pouring so I took my raincoat and put it on. I took out my phone and called for a ride to Misha's. He doesn't live that far from me.
So if anything I could just walk home from his after the party. The black suv pulled up and got into the front seat. "Hey what's up Rob?" He smiled at me and said, "Nothing really. Where am I taking you tonight Y/n?" I looked out the window as we started moving. "Misha's. He's having a birthday party." He said okay and we pulled out of the set area.
We pulled up outside of Misha's place and I thanked him and got out of the suv. He rolled down the window and asked, "Do you need a ride later?" I said, "No if anything I'll just walk. I live like down the street. Thanks Rob. See you whenever." We waved to each other and I walked into the building and rang the buzzer to Misha's apartment.
"Hello?" A deep voice pounced through the speaker. "It's me. Let me in." Immediately, he hit the buzzer and unlocked the door. As I walked though the door a voice from behind me came about. "Wait! Hold the door!" That voice. It was Hailey's. "Oh Y/n." She said as she walked closer to the door. "It's could close the door and lock you out."
She rolled her eyes and walked in after I did. "Whatever let's just get upstairs." I walked over to the elevator and pressed the up button. Nothing was said until we were closed in the elevator together. "I'm surprised Misha even invited you. Misha doesn't even like you." I didn't say anything and waited for this ride from hell to be over.
She spoke up again, "You know him and I are so close. We're practically together." That was when I open my mouth. "Hailey he is like twenty years older than you are. He could be your father. Just shut the fuck up and stop taking to me. You're fucking annoying voice is giving me a migraine." The elevator dinged and I brushed passed her and walked down to Misha's door with Hailey I'm tow. I knocked and the door opened up quickly. Misha's smile matched my own as our eyed connected.
"Come on in sweetheart." I smiled and walked through the door. Misha went to go close it when Hailey pushed it open. "Don't forget me!" Her high pitched voice said coming into the room. She brought Misha into a long hug. Anyone with eyes could see the discomfort in his soul. I sighed as she let go of him and kissed his cheek. She walked passed us and I just stared at Misha.
"Sorry about her. She knows I don't like her. I made that clear when she tried to kiss me on set two weeks ago." I nodded and my eyes connected with his. He held his arms open, waiting for me to give him a hug. "Can I get a hug from my bed friend?" Right, friend. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He was warm and strong. He smelled like watermelon and cinnamon. We pulled apart but not to the point where we let go fully.
Our faces were close. I could feel his minty breath on my face. He was inching closer. Out lips were about to connect but we're interrupted by the buzzer sounding right by our heads. I jumped a little and felt my cheeks become rosy. "You should get that." I backed away from him and smiled. He nodded. He had a faint pigment of pink laying on his cheeks too. He was adorable. Did I just call a forty year old man adorable? Fuck yes I did. Oops.
I turned away from him and slugged my coat off my shoulders. I took it off completely and held it in my hands until Misha came up to me and took it from me. "I can put that in the other room. Make yourself at home." He smiled and left me alone. I walked through the short hallway and could hear laughter and music coming from where I presumed it was the living room.
I saw Jensen and Jared playing darts, Hailey talking to Jared stunt, and some other crew sitting on the couches or standing around drinking and/or conversing with each other. I looked at Jared and Jensen once I heard my name being called. "Come over here Y/n." I smiled and walked over to the two younger men. I was only a few months older than them but Misha was two years older than me.
"What are yah drinking?" Jared asked throwing a dart at the board. "Got Red's?" He smiled and nodded. "Here, I knew it was your favorite so I stocked up on it." Misha said behind me. His hand slipped onto my waist and he handed me my favorite beer.
"Thanks Mish." It was already opened as I took it into my hands. His hand never left my waist. I sipped on my beer and felt myself leaning towards Misha. Jared and Jensen went back to playing darts. Misha and I watched as we sat on bar stools talking amongst ourselves.
Two hours had passed and Misha had his arm around my shoulder now. I wasn't going to complain because I was completely falling for him so why not let it happen? Nothing could ruin this right now. "Want another?" Misha asked pointing to my empty bottle. I already have four. If I went passed five I would be completely hammered. I smiled and nodded. He got up and stumbled over to the fridge and got out his and my favorite beers and stumbled back over to where I sat.
He popped them open and sat back down next to me, sliding his arm around my waist and bringing me closer to him. He was so cute when he was drunk. We sipped on our beers and just enjoyed each others company as we watched everyone mingle and party. Misha turned his head and laid it onto my shoulder, and into the crease of my neck. I froze when his hot breath hit my skin.
"You smell so good." He stood up and moved in front of me. I stood up as he set my beer on the counter with his and leaned down to nudge his face back into my neck. I felt him humming on my skin. He wrapped his arms around my waist until we were completely evolved with one another. My arms found their way around his shoulders, almost as if we were dancing. A nice calm song came on as I saw him look up at me. Our eyes connected. "Happy Birthday Misha."
I heard people leaving but I was too focused on Misha to care if I had said goodbye to everyone. I did see Jared and Jensen look at us then leave quietly while dragging Hailey along with them. The door closed and it was now just us, alone together. The music was going softer. J2 probably changed it before leaving. He laid his forehead onto mine. As he inched closer to my face my eyes fluttered shut. Our lips finally connected and fuck, I was so fuzzy inside.
Our lips moved in motion. We both were trying so hard not to miss the opportunity of receiving each and every breath of each other. His lips were like hot silk as they moved with mine. His hands roamed down to my ass, bringing me closer to him to feel his bulge in his jeans press to my stomach. He brought his lips down to my neck and began sucking and biting each and every unmarked area.
"Jump baby." He said grabbing my ass again. I jumped up and he held me to his body, his lips never leaving my neck. He brought us over to his couch and I straddle him. He moved my hair out of my face and kissed my lips softly. "You're so perfect." He said looking into my eyes. I smiled and pecked his lips once more.
"I-" He went to speak but i brought his lips up to mine and kissed him once more before pulling away. "What's wrong?" I asked holding him closely. "I have to tell you something if we're going to keep going." He said seeming very concerned. "What is it Mish? Is everything okay?"
I asked placing my hands on his cheeks. "Everything is fine but I just-" He stalled for a second, "I'm in love with you." I froze and just stared into his eyes unable to reciprocate a response. I just leaned down to his face and kissed his perfect lips softly. His lips moved with mine slowly. "I'm in love with you to Misha." He smiled and pulled me closer. "Really? You mean that?"
The thunder and lightening rumbled the windows. The rain wasn't letting up anytime soon and for once I was happy that I just couldn't run, it's not like I wanted to. "I'm really do mean it. I've been in love with you for weeks now. I just didn't think you felt the same. Clearly, I was wrong." He laughed and kissed my lips. Thunder sounded louder than before and made me jump. "I was thinking the same thing you were honey." I looked into his ocean blue eyes. "Why don't we move this to the other room?" I nodded and he lifted me up with him and started kissing me while moving to his bedroom. This is going to be one hell of a night.
The light of the sun glared through the drawn curtains. The smell of watermelon and cinnamon filled my nostrils. I felt warmth on my back and Misha's arms wrapped around my body. His breath tickled my face as he held me so close. I brought my hand up to his cheeks and caressed it. I rubbed my thumb along his cheekbone. I kissed his lips and then nudged my face into his chest again.
He sighed and pulled me closer. His hand came up and started rubbing my back in circles. "Morning baby." He kissed the top of my head and hugged me closer until I could barely breath. I brought my face up to his and our lips connected once again. This was perfect. I noticed we were still naked from last night and I felt his chest rumble in a low chuckle. "Guess what?" He said looking at me. I hummed in a response. "We're late." I giggled and snuggled closer to him. "Just a few more mintues then we can start rushing around like chickens with our heads cut off." He laughed and kissed my lips once more.
Yup, perfect.
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herpessupport · 7 years
I think I have oral herpes but I'm having a hard time trying to process it. I went to the doctor and she said it's something else but I think I've been mis diagnosed, and when I ask close family and friends if my face looks really bad they say no and make it seem like I'm over exaggerating about my face. It's like I know I have it, but everyone else around me isn't thinking that this could be herpes. But now I'm breaking out around my lips and always itchy, but to other people it looks like acne
Have you gotten the area swabbed while these bumps are there? If they haven't swabbed you I would demand to be swabbed while those bumps are there so you can be sure.
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