ashers-transition · 1 year
3 Months T Update (March 13, 2023)
Here's my three month update for being on testosterone!
Just like before, I will be skipping over anything that hasn't changed and only discussing the changes that I have noticed (and I haven't noticed many this time around, so this is going to be a short update).
My other transition logs can be found here:
Pre T 1 Month 2 Months
Please check my pinned post for more info about me and why I started this blog!
CWs: eye contact (in video), discussion of menstruation.
(If I've missed any content warning that I should include, please let me know and I will add them in).
Body Hair
I've gotten slightly more, slightly darker hairs around my ankles, as well as starting to get a little bit of hair on my stomach (not photographed cause I don't know how to make that not look weird, lol).
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Menstrual Cycle
In my last update, I talked about how my period came slightly early, was very very light, and lasted for three weeks. I got my period again only a week later, and this time it was just a normal period for me.
I've noticed a slight lowering of my voice since the 2 month mark, but it isn't that big of a difference. I can definitely tell a difference when comparing it to my pre-t voice though, which is super exciting for me. I actually went shopping just the other day and was gendered correctly by a stranger even after I had spoken!
I know that I haven't been on T for very long, but I'm already very happy with how my voice is turning out. I would still like it to be lower, and it's definitely still got time to lower itself, but this is the most comfortable I've felt with my voice in years and it's been a very validating experience for me.
[Video description: A waist high video of Asher talking to the camera. End video description.]
[Video transcript: "Hi, my name is Asher, and this is my voice three months on T."]
I have successfully switched from testosterone gel to injections!
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ashers-transition · 1 year
When you were taking gel, what was your dosage? (1 pump, 2 pumps, etc.)
Hey there!
I'm not sure if the gel comes in different strengths, but the one I was prescribed was 10 MG per pump. My dose was 40 MGs once a day, so four pumps.
This is a low dose, because whenever you start a new medication you should be started on a lower dose to adjust your body to it and to see how it affects you.
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ashers-transition · 1 year
2 Months T Update (February 13, 2023)
If you're wondering if I'm ever going to post one of these on time, the answer is no. Anyway, here's my two months update!
Just like before, I will be skipping over anything that hasn't changed and only discussing the changes that I have noticed.
My other transition logs can be found here:
Pre T 1 Month
Please check my pinned post for more info about me and why I started this blog!
CWs: eye contact (in video), discussion of menstruation, discussion of appetite and disordered eating.
(If I’ve missed any content warnings that I should include, please let me know and I will add them in).
Facial Hair
Prior to starting T, I already some darker hairs around my upper lip. It's hard to tell for sure, but I believe I not have slightly more in that area. It's still not very noticeable, especially at a distance. Here are some comparisons, with the first image in the set being pre T and the second being now (2 months on T).
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Menstrual Cycle
In my pre T post, I mention that I struggle with chronic pain, and that I get a flare whenever I get my period, with the first day being the worst. I started a new pain medication around three months ago that has lessened those flares enough for me to be functional during them.
For my second period on T, things started to change. This time around, I did not have any extra pain while on my period (at least, not enough for me to be able to tell in addition to my usual pain). That being said, I did have a much longer period than usual, with a much much lighter flow. It was light enough that I could go through a whole day without bleeding through a liner, but my period itself did last for three weeks. I talked to my doctor about this and she did say that this is something that can happen, so there isn't any need for concern.
I know having a month long period sucks, but considering my usual pain when I'm on my period, I honestly would rather have longer, lighter periods with no pain than more "normal" ones with pain.
I have once again noticed a slight increase in acne. It still is within the realm of a normal breakout for me, but I might try switching up my skin care routine if it gets much worse*. If anyone has any tips let me know, lol.
(*note: I fully believe that acne is a neutral feature and is not inherently bad. It only becomes an issue if it starts negatively affecting you; for example, if it becomes painful. I personally struggle with BFRBs, and acne can be a trigger for me).
Energy Levels, Pain, and POTS
I already struggle with fatigue quite a bit, but honestly this past month was more rough than usual. I think it might be related to being on my period for a full three weeks, but I ended up taking multiple naps most days and sleeping odd hours in general. This isn't completely unusual for me, but I haven't had it to that extent in a while.
As for pain and POTS symptoms, I haven't noticed a difference. I did faint once, which is not common for me, but it was in a controlled environment (medical testing).
I have noticed a bit more of an increase in my appetite. It isn't that big of a difference, but I am more consistently eating 3 meals a day, sometimes with snacking in between.
I'm starting to notice more of a difference in my voice. While still not too bad, my voice has been cracking more than usual lately. I'm unable to pretend-scream as easily as I was before (I get dramatic when playing video games), and I also am struggling more when singing in the car lol. That being said, no one has mentioned noticing a difference in my voice other than one of my partners, who I showed a direct comparison to my pre T voice.
[Video description: A waist high video of Asher talking to the camera. End video description.]
[Video transcript: "Hi, my name is Asher, and this is my voice 2 months on T."]
In my last update I mentioned that I'm planning on switching to taking injections due to a reaction I had to the gel. I have not switched yet (gotta wait for insurance stuff), but I have started rotating the application area more than I had been previously and it has helped a bit. By my next update, I will be on injections.
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ashers-transition · 1 year
1 Month T Update (January 13, 2023)
Here's my one month update for being on testosterone! (Sorry it's a bit late, life got ahead of me).
So far I have noticed no physical changes, so I will be skipping over those portions instead of just saying "no changes" over and over, and instead I'll just include the changes I have noticed.
Please check my pinned post for more info about me and why I started this blog! CWs: eye contact (in video), discussion of menstruation, discussion of appetite and disordered eating. (If I've missed any content warnings that I should include, please let me know and I will add them in).
Menstrual Cycle
So far I have only gotten my period once since starting testosterone, since this is only my one month update. In my pre T post, I mention that I struggle with chronic pain, and that I get a flare whenever I get my period, with the first day being the worst. I started a new pain medication around three months ago that has lessened those flares enough for me to be functional during them.
This month, the first day of my period was absolutely awful. Previously, if I could tell that I was about to get my period I would take some as-needed pain meds the night before to help lessen the flare, but with my new daily pain meds helping so much I stopped doing that for my more recent periods and had been fine so far.
This time, the flare was so bad that I once again was not able to function. My cramps and overall pain were so bad I could barely move, and I honestly felt like crying. I also almost passed out at one point while sitting down (my POTS is decently mild, so this is not normal for me).
I am unable to say whether this is due to the testosterone, or if it's just that my fibromyaligia and POTS decided to flare around the same time I got my period by coincidence. I'm hoping this won't be a trend, cause holy shit that sucked.
I have noticed a slight increase in acne. It hasn't gotten too bad* yet though, it's basically just like the minor breakouts I get whenever my period starts but all the time.
(*note: I fully believe that acne is a neutral feature and is not inherently bad. It only becomes an issue if it starts negatively affecting you; for example, if it becomes painful. I personally struggle with BFRBs, and acne can be a trigger for me).
I have noticed a slight increase in my appetite. I still eat around 2-3 meals a day, but I have begun snacking more in between.
I personally haven't noticed a difference in my voice, though there does seem to be a difference between my pre T video and this one. I think it's more to do with the fact that I just naturally have a fluctuation pitch depending on how much energy I have to put into trying to lower my voice. I also have not had anyone else notice a change in my voice, including both those that I have told I'm going on T and those I haven't.
[Video description: A waist high video of Asher talking to the camera. End video description.]
[Video transcript: "Hi, my name is Asher, and this is my voice one month on T."]
I mentioned previously that I was going to start taking testosterone gel, due to my BPD and ADHD making me worried about mood swings and forgetting a weekly shot. I still think this would be my ideal method of taking T, however I did end up having a mild reaction to the gel. The pictures are difficult to see, but the gel was very very drying. I knew this could be an issue because the gel is alcohol based, but it was so drying for me that the skin in the area became super rough and even started flaking. (Image one)
The are also gets red and itchy after application, and sometimes it even feels like it's burning a little. (Image two)
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Due to this, I will be switching over to taking testosterone through injections, starting at the three month mark. (I paid good money for the gel so I'm going to use it all before switching lol. In the meantime I will be rotating the application area more than I have been).
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ashers-transition · 1 year
I just wanted to say how excited I am to see a blog like this!! I am hoping to start T sometime this year and seeing someone else who shares a lot of the same conditions as I do (hEDS, ADHD, ASD, etc) going through this process is extremely comforting and exciting for me! I can’t wait to keep seeing your updates and your experience throughout this process. I wish you the best of luck on your journey and hope that you get wonderful gender euphoria and everything else you hope for!! 💕
Hey, thank you so much that means a lot! A big reason that I decided to do this was because there were questions I had for my endo about transitioning and how it would affect me that she just didn't have an answer to. I know everyone's experiences are different, but I'm hoping that being able to share mine will will be helpful for others going through the same thing
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ashers-transition · 1 year
Pre T (December 13, 2022)
Hello! I'm making this post to show where I'm starting out in my medical transition. I'm going to go through some of the changes that can happen on testosterone based HRT and show what those areas are currently like for me while being pre T.
Please check my pinned post for more info about me and why I started this blog!
CWs: full body images, eye contact, measuring tape (in reference to hand width only), discussion of menstruation, discussion of appetite and disordered eating).
(If I've missed any content warnings that I should include, please let me know and I will add them in).
Face Shape
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Facial Hair
I have a bit of peach fuzz (soft, light colored hairs) all over my face. Other than that, I have a small amount of slightly darker hairs around my upper lip area, as can be seen in images 1 and 2. I also wanted to include an image of my eyebrows pre T because T can thicken your eyebrows as well. It isn't fully grown in because I usually shave it (just personal preference) but I do also have a slight unibrow. I imagine this will come in thicker as well.
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Body Hair
You probably can't see unless you zoom in, but I have some light brown hair on my forearms and on my lower legs. My thighs are covered in lighter hairs that are not really visible. (You might have to zoom in on these to see anything).
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Increased Muscle Mass
I have a slight amount of muscle from my previous job, which involved lifting heavy objects on a somewhat regular basis. I no longer have that job, but I may start working out soon to help with my health, so I'm unsure currently in which direction my muscle mass will go.
The most obvious muscles I have are my biceps and my abs, both of which have slightly defined muscles if I flex. My thighs also have a decent bit of muscle, but there is more body fat in that area sitting on top of the muscle so they aren't as defined.
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Menstrual Cycle
I currently have a somewhat regular period that typically comes once every month and a half. Previously, I have dealt with very bad fibro flares whenever I got my period, with the first day being painful enough to take me out of commission. I've started a new pain medication about two months ago, so my period related flares are much more manageable now. Instead of putting me somewhere in the 6-8 range on the pain scale, I'm now at around a 3-4 when my period starts. I'm curious as to whether my period stopping will make these monthly flares go away altogether, or if I will still get them without bleeding. This is something my doctor did not know the answer to, and I'd like to be able to share my experiences with others who have chronic pain and are transitioning.
Body Fat Distribution
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I currently only have light acne on a regular basis, with light breakouts whenever my period starts. The images of my face shown earlier are a good representation of the average amount of acne I have when not on my period.
Skin Texture
I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, one symptom of which is very soft skin. The skin on my face and inner forearms are especially soft. I'm also interested to see if and how that changes considering my disorder.
Hand Size
I'm including this because I've heard some people mention their hands looking "more masculine" after starting T, and even their hands getting bigger. I'm sure this probably isn't something that everyone who goes on T experiences, but I'd rather have the comparison pictures than not.
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Energy Levels, Pain, and POTS
I struggle with chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and POTS. My doctor has mentioned that it's possible these conditions will improve after being on T for a while, and I'd like to document that as well.
Currently, I wake up exhausted every day, regardless of how much sleep I've gotten. I also frequently take naps during the day and wake up exhausted from those as well. I struggle waking up, caffeine doesn't help, and I often struggle to complete basic tasks. Heavy physical activity often makes it worse.
Without medication, I'm typically somewhere in the 3-4 range on the pain scale, with flares bringing it up to 5-7. Since starting the medication I'm currently on, I've typically been in the 1-2 range, with flares bringing it up to 3-4.
I typically get short dizziness spells upon standing, but they tend to go away quickly. I often get dizzy enough that my vision starts to go out, but this does not happen every day. I only experience presyncope a few days out of the month, but when it does happen, it usually happens more than once in a day. So far in my three years of being symptomatic, I have only fainted once.
Due to being autistic, I often struggle to tell when I am hungry. ADHD also makes it difficult to eat sometimes, because I often forget. On other days, I will eat out of boredom. I typically eat 2-3 meals a day while snacking in between.
Emotional State
I have BPD, which makes it very difficult to regulate my emotions. I once heard BPD described as being "like bipolar, but faster," and I think that's a helpful way to explain it. I have intense emotional states that usually only last a few hours. When I'm happy I'm really happy, and when I'm sad I'm really sad. For me personally, I tend to turn these emotions inward.
I decided to go on testosterone gel instead of the injections. I've heard of people having mood swing when getting closer to their next injection, and would rather avoid that if possible due to my already unstable mood.
Voice and Adam's Apple
My voice is somewhat androgynous, but it does keep me from passing. I also have what I like to call an "almost Adam's apple," though it's more apparent in person.
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[Video description: A waist high video of Asher talking to the camera. End video description.]
[Video transcript: "Hi, my name is Asher, and this is my voice, like, four days on T, 'cause I forgot."]
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ashers-transition · 1 year
Hello! My name is Asher, my pronouns are he/him, I'm 23, and this is my transition blog! I am a nonbinary trans man and will be taking masculinizing hormones (testosterone/T).
Due to the nature of this blog being informational, I do not have a formal DNI. That being said, I support all minorities and good faith identities, and I will be blocking anyone who can't behave themself.
In the interest of not clogging up too much space, I'm going to add a read more link. Please click for more info!
So, why have I started this blog when there are already so many people who have done the same thing? Well, besides wanting to document my transition for myself, to see my own progress, I also have a few things going on that have the potential to affect my transition. (Besides, even if I didn't, if we have more examples of people's transitions, we get a better idea of the different ways someone's transition can go)!
Age: I'm 23! While that definitely isn't old, it's a bit older than people usually start their medical transitions (at least as far as the common trans narrative goes).
Disability: I have hypermobile Ehler's Danlos syndrome (hEDS or EDS), fibromyalgia (fibro), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, also called myalgic encephalomyelitis, or ME).
Mental Health: I have borderline personality disorder (BPD), as well as some other, less relevant stuff.
I want to be able to share my experiences with how these conditions affect my transition (and vice versa) to hopefully provide that information to people with the same (or similar) conditions who are also looking to transition. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have! (I may not answer some if they're a bit too personal for my own comfort, but I promise no ill will will go against you for asking as long as you do so respectfully)!
First of all, I am not a medical professional! I can talk about my personal medical transition and my personal experience with my disabilities, but I am not qualified to give any medical advice. Please talk to your doctors if you have any medical questions!
Second, I can only speak from my own experiences in general. There are many demographics I don't fit into and many experiences I will never have or understand. (Even if you check all the same boxes as me, our experiences still won't be the same)! If you have a blog about your own unique experiences with the intersection of your demographics and your transition, please reach out! I'd love to make a list here to share other people's experiences as well.
Accessibility: I would like to make this blog as accessible as possible! That being said, I can't know or meet everyone's accessibility needs, in part due to not being able to know everyone's accessibility needs, and in part due to some limitations that my own accessibility needs cause. If you have an accessibility need that is not being met on this blog, please let me know and I will do the best to implement it.
Regarding specifically image and video descriptions, I have ADHD and autism, both of which can make it very difficult to determine what information is important and what information isn't. I will do my best to provide image and video descriptions, but if you notice any improvements that can be made let me know and I will revise them!
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