#it goes into the hoard!
the-sycophant · 7 months
Hello! How are you? I hope you're well!
Is there anything else I can binge read on Miss Marlowe?? I really love her character so far and I feel like she needs a lot of...hugs? I don't know how to explain it but I love her ;^;
I also *think* I've seen you around once or twice in game! idr if it was pvp or an alliance raid but I got excited seeing a screenshot that came across my dash and went, "Is this that pretty hyur I saw that one time??!"
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I am incredibly touched and am happy that people seem to be enjoying her. She'll also accept your love gladly, though I wouldn't trust her narrative 100% (she's prone to subterfuge, that one). I am always happy to answer prompts or questions, but otherwise this is all there is so far: Prompts FFXIV Write 2023 FFXIV Write 2022 Stories
And I do tend to do quite a bit of PVP and Alliance Raids in between staring down my retainers or playing dress up! I hope to see you on the battlefield
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mothmags · 7 months
I might be cringe but I am free
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anyway, have a future Nashi (headcannon) for the soul
her guildmark might be facing the wrong direction. ignore her hand entirely, actually. i only breafly looked at a ref lmao
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ohmuqueen · 23 days
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@wantbytaemin I know I’ve said I love and appreciate your tags before but can I say it again? 🫶
from @atlantis-area’s masterpiece of a gifset here(click)
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teamsieben · 11 months
i feel like dave, while crushing on john, would cut peanuts entirely out of his diet 'just in case' and refuse to elaborate what the 'case' is
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starzwithapen · 5 months
Thinking about Viva as leader vs Peppy as king. Do you think Viva saw what her father was doing and tried to do better? Peppy's first response is always to run- run and hide, leave this place and it ensues mass panic among the trolls. Viva taught the putt putt trolls to fight- they have a well-coordinated attack plan, and they execute it perfectly. When Viva tells them to come with her, to shut down the door, they do so with no questions. They stay
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
that Dad Squad was ahhhhh feeels i just dahjflg;;ajhfj Lofty I love watching Rusl grapple with how much love the others need (and man, it's gotta suck KNOWING Link's been kidnapped, since he already thought he lost his son to kidnappers once)
Rusl’s trying to cope and roll with the punches as best he can, but all the new things and people sometimes subside long enough for anxiety to settle in. Because yeah, it does suck. But if there’s one thing I know about Rusl it’s that he literally will not let anything stop him from pursuing the kidnappers because he was like half dead trying to rescue those Ordon kids and didn’t rest until Link showed up and reported they were safe.
It sure would be a pity if poor Rusl finally just falls apart one of these times. *whistles innocently*
Rusl: *sitting by a lake at dusk* *gets melancholic and glances to his right where Link would usually sit when they go to the lake together* *starts to cry* *Abel and Fierce, by the fire, both glancing Rusl's way* Fierce, whispering: Do you think he is crying? Abel, exasperated: Of course he's crying, can't you see him shaking? Fierce: Abel: Fierce: Perhaps you should attempt to console him. Abel, sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose: I'm... not the best suited for that. Fierce, rising: Very well. I will do so. Abel, warily: Do not pat him on the back.
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mothxart · 24 days
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Happy Mother’s Day <3333
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mattodore · 7 months
theo's worst source of trauma being in the summer and matthias's worst source of trauma being in the winter and theo representing heat and fire and matthias representing cold and ice and theo being soothed by matthias and matthias being warmed by theo and—
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endermagpieart · 8 months
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Day 3: complex outfit!
As soon as I remembered poison type miku there where no other options that’s not true I also considered normal type miku but shh
I put off sleeping to finish this bad boy so if you see something wonky no you don’t :)
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asirensrage · 2 months
I am so tired of blank blogs. like...reblog things. It's not just a matter of trusting that you're a real person, but like...why are you hoarding your likes without reblogging things to share with everyone else? Why would I want to contribute to that? You're not commenting that you like my work, you're not sharing it with other potential readers...
so what's the point?
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moe-broey · 10 months
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Day in the Life of Heroes comic made specifically to cater to me and my sister LMFAOOOO
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Them....... (beyond that though it IS very cool to see the two of them hanging out!!!! The OG OGs!!!!!!!!!)
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the-sycophant · 5 months
Hope you don't mind that I came onto your blog to look for a specific screenshot of yours that I loved so I could queue it up from the source-- and then immediately started liking and queueing up a thousand posts for all my characters' blogs. MAN. What a great blog!
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I never mind - thank you! You have always been so kind ^.^. My blog is a bit slow on other 'content' and is mostly aesthetics at the moment, but I am glad to see people continue to enjoy her space! It is fun to curate 'her', and it also helps to solidify her character. I too enjoy her blog.
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softquietsteadylove · 6 months
Hello lovely!
I'd love to read more of the prison AU ✨🖤
A group of inmates is trying to push Thena around and a guard with bad intentions is helping her. He grabs her afterwards and pushes her into a corner, wanting something spicy in return for his help. Thena declines and is trying to get away, without success. Sweet Gilgamesh is coming to rescue her.
🖤✨Hugs and Love!!✨🖤
"What's going on in here?!"
Thena grunted as she was tossed against the wall again. They had already shoved her around plenty by this point of course. But fighting back against them was a surefire way to get herself penalised.
"Nothing," the other inmate who had done the most pushing and shoving turned with a smile.
Thena blinked as the guard came down the hall and barked at them to keep moving. There was no lingering in unsupervised areas. She stood, dusting off her uniform.
"You okay?"
"Fine," she muttered. She knew which guard this was. She didn't have to talk to each of them, but she knew each of their rotations, which were off weeks and which were on. It kept her mind occupied.
This guard was in his late 50s, recently divorced, had two kids who sounded very reluctant to have him in their lives, judging by how he was always saying he had games of theirs to go see and then would be working that night anyway.
"You sure?" he stepped closer, hands on his utility belt. "You look a little roughed up."
"I'm fine," she repeated. She tried to step around him but he moved into her path again.
"Y'know," he began, and she should have known. He leaned against the wall, his arm up against it, in the way of her head. "I can step in and protect you like this any time. Although I would wanna know that you're, uh, grateful, if you catch my drift."
She avoided his eyes as well. Looking people in the eyes only ever riled them up in here. "No, thank you."
He scoffed, "no thank you?--that what you said?"
"Yes," she muttered at the ground. She knew very well that he enjoyed the sense of humiliation he could get off some of the inmates in here. "Excuse me."
"You're excused when I excuse you."
Thena eyed the arm of his in her way. This hallways was already isolated enough for the other women to know it was good roughing up territory. A guard like him could get away with any number of things down here.
"So," the guard grinned at her, "you got a smile for me, gen-pop?"
Thena backed up against the wall again, but he followed her. His hand moved to her shirt, "don't."
She'd claw his face off if she really had to, longer sentence be damned.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!"
Her eyes raised again, and they met his before she could help it. But she knew this guard, too. This was the one who made sandwiches at home and brought them in to work. It was Gilgamesh.
"Just making sure this one gets back to her pen."
Gilgamesh didn't even pretend to believe it. He marched over to them, wearing the same uniform as the other guard but taller, and twice as strong. "Don't give me that shit, I have eyes on it and everything."
The other guard just shrugged, "I kept a fight from breaking out is all. She offered to, uh, y'know."
Thena kept her expression passive. This creep could say whatever he wanted about her, she didn't care. And she didn't care if Gilgamesh believed him or not.
"Don't give me that bullshit either," Gilgamesh growled in the face of his fellow guard. "No one's offering to suck your broken old dick, especially not this one. So are you gonna walk away with a shred of dignity or do I need to bring this footage to the warden?"
Thena looked up as Gilgamesh gathered the front of the shirt of the other guard and tossed him aside. She remained where she was, but Gilgamesh's shoulder partially came between them just by its natural width.
"Fuck you," the other guard picked himself up and stalked off, surely to abuse his power elsewhere, "ass kisser."
"No one's offering you that either," Gilgamesh shouted after him to get one last dig in at him. "Old creep."
"Thanks," Thena muttered down at the ground.
"Hey." For such a big guy, in such a stressful work environment, he sure had a gentle voice. "You okay?"
"I'm fine."
"I was checking the cameras when I saw him leaning over you," Gilgamesh said gently, taking a step away from her until she had the amount of space to which she was accustomed. "What happened?"
She sighed, still looking down at her regulation nonslip shoes. "The three with the smuggling business left me my share of lunch today, but I think they were expecting something in return from me. I didn't have it, so they figured they would try and shake me down for it."
"Oh really," he frowned.
"He came along and," she shrugged, "what he wanted in exchange was more tangible, I suppose."
"I've reported him before but it never seems to go anywhere," Gil scowled in the direction their little friend had scurried. "Maybe if I have something like this, I can finally get him at least transferred to different work, or something."
"One could hope." She tried to drag herself back to her cell again but once again found herself blocked. She looked up, though, finding the deep brown eyes of Mister Gilgamesh. "What?"
He sighed, maybe getting the hint that even if he could do something about it - which he couldn't - it didn't mean she wanted him to. His shoulders wilted and he got this sad puppy look on his face, "nothing, I guess. Just...I'm around, you know. If anything..."
"Are you offering to come to my aid?" she asked him, letting him know how unimpressed she was with the offer.
"Yeah, I guess I am," he offered a jovial and sheepish smile. "I know I must sound like any old asshole. But I mean it--no strings attached."
She gave him a smirk as he began walking her back to her cell, "you don't want a little something?--not even a peek on shower day?"
He blushed. The massive bear of a guard blushed and averted his eyes from her, "okay, okay."
"Sorry," she snickered to herself, "this place has turned me deviant."
He shrugged, "you're tough, you adapted to survive. The ones who don't, don't tend to last. But you're smart enough to figure that out, huh?"
She most certainly was.
"Also, as far as those other three are concerned, if I see them withholding food I'm not gonna just leave it."
"Do as you please," she muttered. What he did while on the job wasn't any of her concern. All she had to do was keep her head down and not do anything to get her sentence lengthened.
"I know you said you had lunch, but," Gil rustled something in his pocket, "was it the burnt corner piece again?"
Thena looked down at the sandwich he flashed at her from his side cargo pocket, like they were exchanging the most dangerous of goods. Well, contraband was contraband. But he did make really good sandwiches. "What is it today?"
"Chicken katsu with curry mayo."
God, he really was a good cook. And just because she'd had lunch didn't mean it was really the freshest serving anyway. And Druig did comment that he was worried about how much weight she had lost (even claiming he didn't think she had any to spare, anyway).
When crossing the doorway Thena snatched the sandwich from him, slipping it under her uniform top and crossing her arms around it. "Thanks."
Gilgamesh smiled, his eyes meeting hers, "any time, really."
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Someone help, I keep drawing hoarding bugs at work
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worstloki · 1 year
Thor bottoms and Asgard considers doing that a bad thing is SUCH an under-utilised genre fr
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havendance · 2 years
Batman #584 is a delightful stand-alone issue to read. Batman’s got to dodge a bunch of film students making a documentary on the Batman and everyone’s just lying through their teeth.
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Yeah, Bruce, I bet Superman doesn’t have these problems. I bet he doesn’t need to worry about vitamin D deficiency either.
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