#it builds cHaRaCtEr
shadow-von-vamp · 2 months
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i think he should have a terrible migraine
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fool for love 5.7
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nana-mizu-shiki · 1 month
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Kk. So. This isn't so much art but more a poem that I'm going to put into a fic I'm gonna make. Y'know song fics? Like that but with a poem. One I made and am going to give you the context of, I just wanna know if you guys would think a poem song fic would be cool.
The fic promt I thought of was:
What if Tim was dipped into the Lazarus Pit, but twice?????
And then I started coming up with a bunch of stuff listening to music, and I was like:
Thought Process? : Tim died in that desert. The Spleen incident didn't just leave him with a surprise surgery. It left him with glowing green eyes and half-white bangs. But of course, none of the Bats can know that, so, hair dye. Suprise, Suprise, the Pits don't bring Rage, they bring out the worst of a person. Jason? Anger. Ra's? Cruelty. Tim? Apathy. Tim's triggers? Betrayal, Abandonment, Reliance, Expectations Set For Perfection. Because. He. Has. To. Be. Perfect. Inherits Drake I. and Wayne E., slowly trying to cut ties with Gotham and The Bats, fades into the background until The Bats are too late to realize and too late to try to even stop him as he and Ra's make a deal. The deal? Cliffhanger. Up to the reader. And Worse? The Bats don't even realize as he left, taken back with The Demon Head to become his heir, and after months, training under Ra's himself, Returning to Gotham Under the alias of Shadow Shrike, civilian Tim D. W. A. G., although legally Timothy Drake-Wayne. Forever 17, hair shoulders length and bangs white, eyes permanently and mix of ice blue and mint green, flecks of Lazarus neon green passing even at simple glances of those he once called family. Dying his bangs temporarily in public, his vigilante-ism the thing that alerts the others of his return, his change. His Revival. His Death. Blah Blah Blah, Angst Confrontation Shenanigans, Details and Description of how the Pits affect Tim, how the Batfam try to reconnect and makeup, Yadda Yadda, Ends on a sorta cliffhanger thing where the reader chooses which Tim goes to as a Confrontation happens on a roof and Tim chooses between Jason, the Other Bats, Ra's, And Young-Just-Us.
Damn that was a word vomit.
Anyway, the poem is below,
Edit: I kinda realized the poem I'd really long and I'm considering putting this on Ao3 itself lol (*>∇<)ノ
Abandoned and left; unthanked for,
Unthanked for?
They're ungrateful.
Lied and unapologetized to,
Left on Their own, and never recognized too.
Complete it all,
Raised to be Perfect,
Can never fall,
Always quiet and obedient,
Now Forever Indifferent.
To bring back the Bat,
Is to travel and turn,
Be ostracized and taken from,
Wings given to another,
Betrayed by those meant to be Their Brothers.
Betrayed and afraid,
Kicked out and replaced and stolen from a child,
To make a deal with The Demon Head
And to sell Their soul,
All Their worth,
All They've done,
What other choice?
What else is left?
Already on the brink,
Like liquid and searching for who it obeys,
Left to die,
All alone
No longer were they meant to fly;
Sacrificing all their lives,
To help others and then left to die?
Alive with no care. No care at all.
Apathy pulls the teen.
Eyes and vision glowing green all because of a spleen.
Okay so I'm not done but I really want to save this, so pls let me know if you want to read more of this poem or the ideas of the fic it will go to. Thanks for reading (*^▽^)/★*☆♪*.゚+ヽ(○・▽・○)ノ゙ +.゚*
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radarchives · 8 months
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sserpent1ne · 2 months
bite your friends
its good for them dw
(sources: cmon man, its okay you can trust me i swear)
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Me after putting my favorite ocs through the most tear jerking, soul crushing, heartbreaking and emotional ass angst known to man
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planefood · 9 months
When I was a wee boy maybe like... 7 years old? I was familiar with the idea of kids making money on the side on cartoons and stuff via the classic lemonade stand or what have you, tho I wasn't really familiar with what lemonade was in the american sense, wasn't sure how I was supposed to make lemonade from scratch when all I knew was like, Schweppes lemonade and soda stream definitely wasn't a thing here back then but anyway I was familiar even back then that people liked my art work and I came up with a scheme, by collecting a bunch of rocks under the house I got a shitty marker and drew dinosaurs on them. I wasn't even in it to make money but I was more interested in people giving me a sliver of attention for my rock art and there was nothing better to do back then anyway heres a recreation:
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based on how I drew dinosaurs at the time:
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I took maybe a dozen rocks and sat on the side walk harassing anyone to buy my rocks, 50 cents for a big rock, very lucrative But nobody bought my rocks, I lived in a small city and nobody was really walking down my street because it was on a very steep hill. These weren't painted or anything and the marker would probably wash away but, it's like that wall banana art yknow its the meaning behind it rather than its longevity as an art piece
Anyway for all those people that doubted me and never bought my dinosaur rocks, I bet you want a dinosaur rock from me now that I'm grown. Yeah bitch, now its at least 50 DOLLARS for a big rock younger me would be so proud
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arthurtaylorlester · 1 year
there is a sick and sadistic part of me that wants the show to end with arthur absolutely despising john. and i truly do mean pure hatred and vitriol
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fanofthelamb · 2 months
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Trying to draw all the ritual icons but game time passes when I’m in the book
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mushed-kid · 1 month
being sixteen was really just me and my fuckass bob against the world
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heich0e · 22 days
As a vegan what’s your stance on Tobio’s milk drinking?
i'm genuinely ashamed of what my knee jerk reaction was to this question. i'm EMBARRASSED by how i wanted to answer this
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watching a new show is so fun like i can't Wait to queerbait myself they don't even have to do it for me anymore i can do it to myself by now better than they ever could even dream of
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soviet-sin-corner · 5 months
I love being into war movies cause you'll look for a fan art or clips of whatever film you just watched online and there's only three references to it on Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit and Amino combined and all of it was posted 2+ years ago by a guy who now exclusively pots about Bridgerton
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wyrddogs · 2 months
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Kermit was one of three dachshunds entered and decided to be a shithead because he dislikes that particular judge. In hindsight I should have entered him under the other judge, but oh well. Our stand for exam was a nightmare. Worst he's been in a long time. XD
At least he gaited nicely. He got Reserve Champion, so no points towards his grand.
I still do love him so I let him clean up the chicken salad I accidentally spilled on my car hood.
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nobodysdaydreams · 4 months
Normalize lovingly dooming your mutuals by the narrative for enrichment purposes.
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alphacrone · 2 years
sometimes you meet a person and can immediately tell they haven’t been uncomfortable enough in life
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