#is uk focus mostly but let answer from other country 2!
Torchwood fandom survey results - part 2
It’s time for part 2 of the results! Last time, we looked into who the people in the fandom (that participated in the survey) were. Now let’s look into how they interact with canon!
As for part 1, all the graphs and data are under a cut.
Disclaimer: This is a survey promoted almost exclusively on tumblr and the results are therefore necessarily biased by the demographics of tumblr users.
As mentioned last time, all the data presented below is on 155 participants.
The first couple of questions were about finding out how Doctor Who and Torchwood relate within the community.
First, Which did you first discover? No surprise here, Doctor Who came first.
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Though I wonder if this will change now that a lot of viewers are discovering the shows through streaming services.
As a result, it is not unexpected that the question Would you consider yourself? has 78% of people answering by both a Doctor Who and Torchwood fan.
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As this survey was mostly promoted in the Torchwood fandom and most people discovered Doctor Who first, that makes sense.
Then, let’s look into when people discovered the shows. This question is because it seems to me that there have been a lot of new content creators in the Torchwood fandom lately. I was wondering if these were people I had not noticed before or new fans. More on this later.
First, let’s focus on Doctor Who: When did you get into Doctor Who?
5% of the people discovered Doctor Who before the new series. Then, from the start of the new series in 2005, it is a pretty steady rise.
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It is interesting to note that Ten appeared in 2006, Eleven in 2010, Twelve in 2014 (when the number of new fans started to slow) and Thirteen appeared in 2018 (with a bump in number of new fans).
For When did you get into Torchwood?, the results surprised me.
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There is an almost linear rise until 2018, which is remarkable as the last TV series aired in 2011. The only reason I can think of is that the new Doctor Who fans thought it worth it to investigate this little spin-off show that had ended years ago.
If you think of any other reason, let me know. For example, we saw in the last batch of results that a large majority of the participants were from the UK or the USA. Was Torchwood rerun regularly in these countries after 2011?
The second obvious thing is the steep rise from 2018 on. As explained last time, 2018 is when Torchwood became available on a widespread streaming service. That’s the most likely explanation.
Though I do wonder if people who just get into the show are more active in the fandom and more likely to participate in the survey. You know, a bit like a honeymoon phase. ;-)
Even if that is the case, going back to the purpose of this question, there is probably indeed a wave of new content creators in this fandom. Nice!
Anyway, this actually makes me feel better about almost half the participants being under 21. These are not people who watched a sex pollen episode when they were 5 years old and decided this was the best show ever! :-D
Okay, this is already getting long. Let’s see which TV series people watched and we’ll do the Torchwood extended universe stories in part 3 of the results along with the fan activities questions.
Once again, let’s look first at Doctor Who. Which Doctor Who series have you seen (part of or all)?
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Up until Eleven, the series were watched by about 95% of the participants. After that, it keeps going down. I haven’t looked into the audience numbers for Doctor Who so I don’t know if it reflects general viewership.
Maybe there’s a Jack Harkness effect too (he’d love that!). Again, this is mostly a Torchwood survey. Maybe a lot of fans of Torchwood are more attached to Nine and Ten because they’re the incarnations that interacted with Jack.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Again, I’d like any interpretation you may have!
Finally for part 2, Which Torchwood series have you seen (part of or all)?
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RIP Miracle Day… I won’t comment more than that because I’m pretty sure no one is surprised by these results.
That’s all for today! See you soon to learn which Torchwood extended universe stories we consumed and loved, which fandom spaces are used and which fandom activities are the most popular!
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teeforhee · 3 years
Fuck, I'm not sure I'll ever get over how much CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health service, it's the under-18s mental health service in Scotland) let me down as a kid.
It's like this. You're 11 and you're traumatised but you're scared of using that word, you don't know if you're allowed it, but you are traumatised. And you're so anxious you can't breathe most of the time, you can't sit down and speak to any of your friends, you can do your school work but you keep falling apart and everything feels like it's getting worse all the time. You don't fit in, you're weird and awkward but your schoolwork is good so you aren't worrying about your grades, you're not even sure why you feel this way (it's unprocessed trauma, but again, you don't feel like you're allowed that word). You're s/hing and struggling with suicidal ideation, and you're lucky enough to still trust authority figures, so you do what everyone says you should. You trust an adult. And she calls your GP, who is another adult you choose to trust, who you bare your heart to with all of these symptoms that make your feel sick to even acknowledge, and then they make you an appointment with CAMHS. You came in asking for treatment. They referred you to CAMHS. They did not explain what CAMHS was other than what the letters stood for. That's okay - it's treatment, right? They're gonna help. You can talk this through and they'll help- just gotta be careful you don't get institutionalised. You don't want that, yet.
You talk to a CAMHS worker. She's a psychologist. She says it's very likely you have autism to your mother after your first session. Your mother broaches the topic gently. You are overjoyed: there's an answer! oh fuck, this explains so much! but it's not treatment. It's a word. The psychologist puts you on a waiting list and you have 22 sessions of CBT with her, trying to unpack your trauma and trying to build up coping skills. So many of them feel like just denying the truth, so many of them feed into your magical thinking ("the one thing you can control is your thoughts, you must always control your thoughts, good things will happen when you control your thoughts and stop thinking the bad thoughts"), but it's treatment, mostly. You stop seeing her twice- once because you are trying to develop an eating disorder and having a mental health professional who wants to hear how you're doing is totally cramping your style (I wasn't actually trying to develop an ED really, I was trying to cope in ways other than s/h, in ways that felt honest to the situation and real and gave me a sense of control that "controling my thoughts" just wasn't doing). You come back for recovery. You tell her you want an eating plan. By the time she even considers an appointment with a nutritionist, you've moved past that stage in your recovery on your own. You stop seeing her again because you get into an abusive relationship who doesn't really like you having contact with people who aren't him, and he super super doesn't like you not being able to talk to him for a whole hour every week. That part isn't their fault: no one could be gotten me out of that until I decided to; believe me, everyone around me tried, and it didn't work until I wanted I to, the third time.
But I left, again, I was without support for 6 months, and when I came back it was after my father (the earliest source of my trauma) had died. They take 4 sessions compiling evidence as to what treatment i needed going forward, without telling me that was what they were doing (I was trying to build trust with an adult again after 6 months of constant reinforcing that I couldn't trust anyone but my abuser), and then an appointment with a psychiatrist and your mother and a new psychologist. They dismiss and justify the symptoms that most worry me, they have at this point turned down my request to be institutionalised multiple times (including after an aborted suicide attempt, I presume they thought that was fine because made it clear that I did want to live), and they say at the end of the meeting that they are going to give me an official diagnosis of autism and that after that CAMHS has nothing more to offer me.
They say that if after 22 sessions with a psychologist I am still struggling so much (bear in mind that probably close to half of those sessions I was concealing factors that were actively making my mental health worse and which were traumatising me) I clearly can't gain anything more from their service, and anyway, autism isn't a mental illness and CAMHS as a service can only help while waiting for/trying to get a diagnosis, or if you have a diagnosis or a disorder for which they could provide specialist treatment. My very obvious PTSD? nah, no big-T Traumas, and c-ptsd is way too hard to diagnose. I receive a hilarious letter detailing all of the evidence (I mean genuinely insightful but also fucking hilarious and I do want to note down funniest bits and post them hear at some point, stuff like "unusual speech was noted, (exclamations of 'wacky!' while describing his symptoms)") and then they refer me to a charity which, at time of writing, I have had 1 assessment phone call with, and am waiting for a call back for my next and first proper appointment.
They did not inform me when I was first referred that CAMHS is a diagnostic and specialist treatment service and if they did (this was well over two years ago now, I don't remember word-for-word what my GP told me), they did not tell me that meant that they would kick me out to a charity once they figured they couldn't label me with anything requiring specialist treatment. During our last sessions they were unyeildingly focussed on the trauma of my father dying and of the "shock" of my diagnosis (that I had been waiting for for 2 years. yes, very shocking/s) when those were not my biggest problems. My relationship with my father is complex and I won't get into it here, but suffice it to say that his death was the last step on a very, very long journey, and honestly one of the least traumatising.
I let them keep the focus there because I desperately hate talking about the actual, recent, debilitating trauma of being in lockdown with an abusive partner for 6 months. That shit hurts, I can't even say his name, but that is the thing that I need to unpack if I'm ever going to be able to go outside in the sun again.
Repeatedly ignoring the requests I made for specific treatment until past the point where I needed it anymore, not informing me how the service I was going to be working with for 2 years even worked in something so basic as "what is this for? what will happen to me if I get a diagnosis they can't give me specialised care for?", telling an 11 year old child that suicidal ideation is "not that serious", a fundamental misunderstanding of what I needed and wanted to hear ('normal' is not a helpful word. 'normal' tells me 'suck it up, everyone experiences this and they're all fine, you're normal, just think better' why are they all so adamant that I am normal? Not even considering my mental health I am an autistic bisexual gnc trans guy, we went past whatever 'normal' means a long time ago, fucking listen to me), at every single step of the way this system has left me in the same state I was before, the only improvement being through support from my friends, fucking Childline (gd fucking bless Childline volunteers, but still, I shouldn't have been getting so little support that that felt like my only option), mental health masterposts on Tumblr, chats with my (luckily) very nice guidance counselor (they're called pastoral teachers here but I know most folks reading this are American or are most familiar with the American school system) and what amounts to gritting my teeth and getting through it.
It was worth it, of course my life was worth it, of course I say the same thing every person who's attempted suicide says, I'm more grateful than words could possibly express that I survived, that I get to go home in a few minutes and feed my kitten and write and message my friends, but for fucks sake it didn't need to be this hard. And it doesn't need to be this hard. I'm not out of the woods yet, I'm still waiting on that second appointment with this charity, I'm still 3+ months behind at school, and I'm one of the lucky ones. My boyfriend has been hurt worse by CAMHS, left even more isolated than I was, even more traumatised by the way he was treated, and every single person I know who's been in this system agrees that it's deeply, deeply flawed.
I don't want people to have competitions over who's medical experiences are worse, who's country has the worst mental health system, who's been the most traumatised by their psychiatrists or lack thereof, please. Please don't make this the suffering Olympics. I'm just making this post cause I know, I know that other people have had similar experiences, whether with CAMHS or whatever their equivalent is. Mental health services need serious reform that puts patients first, listens to their needs and requests, that is well funded and well staffed by people who care about their patients wellbeing more than they care about controling other people's lives.
Austerity in the UK is a huge reason why this happened the way it did- my first psychologist left the service to go work somewhere that pays better, leaving just one newly-graduated psychologist that clearly had no idea what she was doing and didn't care to sympathise or show compassion for me.
This shit needs to change, because kids need help, and this is not good enough.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
France's Macron calls Amazon rainforest fires an 'international crisis'
The Amazon is burning because the world eats so much meat
By Eliza Mackintosh | Updated 1 hour ago Aug 23, 2019 | CNN | Posted August 23, 2019 12:48 PM ET |
(CNN) - While the wildfires raging in the Amazon rainforest may constitute an "international crisis," they are hardly an accident.
The vast majority of the fires have been set by loggers and ranchers to clear land for cattle. The practice is on the rise, encouraged by Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil's populist pro-business president, who is backed by the country's so-called "beef caucus."
While this may be business as usual for Brazil's beef farmers, the rest of the world is looking on in horror.
So, for those wondering how they could help save the rainforest, known as "the planet's lungs" for producing about 20% of the world's oxygen, the answer may be simple. Eat less meat.
It's an idea that Finland has already floated. On Friday, the Nordic country's finance minister called for the European Union to "urgently review the possibility of banning Brazilian beef imports" over the Amazon fires.
Brazil is the world's largest exporter of beef, providing close to 20% of the total global exports, according the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) -- a figure that could rise in the coming years.
Last year the country shipped 1.64 million tonnes of beef -- the highest volume in history -- generating $6.57 billion in revenue, according to the Brazilian Beef Exporters Association (Abiec), an association of more than 30 Brazilian meat-packing companies.
The growth of Brazil's beef industry has been driven in part by strong demand from Asia -- mostly China and Hong Kong. These two markets alone accounted for nearly 44% of all beef exports from Brazil in 2018, according to the USDA.
And a trade deal struck in June between South America's Mercosur bloc of countries and the European Union could open up even more markets for Brazil's beef-packing industry.
Speaking after the agreement as announced, the head of Abiec, Antônio Camardelli, said the pact could help Brazil gain access to prospective new markets, like Indonesia and Thailand, while boosting sales with existing partners, like the EU. "A deal of this magnitude is like an invitation card for speaking with other countries and trade blocs," Camardelli told Reuters in July.
Once implemented, the deal will lift a 20% levy on beef imports into the EU.
But, on Friday, Ireland said it was ready to block the deal unless Brazil took action on the Amazon.
In a statement Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar described as "Orewellian" Bolsonaro's attempt to blame the fires on environmental groups. Varadkar said that Ireland will monitor Brazil's environmental actions to determine whether to block the Mercosur deal, which is two years away.
He added Irish and European farmers could not be told to use fewer pesticides and respect biodiversity when trade deals were being made with countries not subjected to "decent environmental, labor and product standards."
In June, before the furor over the rainforest began, the Irish Farmers Association called on Ireland not to ratify the deal, arguing its terms would disadvantage European beef farmers.
Deal or no deal, Brazil's beef industry is projected to continue expanding, buoyed by natural resources, grassland availability and global demand, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
And, with that growth, comes steep environmental costs.
Brazil's space research center (INPE) said this week that the number of fires in Brazil is 80% higher than last year. More than half are in the Amazon region, spelling disaster for the local environment and ecology.
Alberto Setzer, a senior scientist at INPE, told CNN that the burning can range from a small-scale agricultural practice, to new deforestation for mechanized and modern agribusiness projects.
Farmers wait until the dry season to start burning and clearing areas so their cattle can graze, but this year's destruction has been described as unprecedented. Environmental campaigners blame this uptick on Bolsonaro, who they say has encouraged ranchers, farmers, and loggers to exploit and burn the rainforest like never before with a sense of impunity.
Bolsonaro has dismissed accusations of responsibility for the fires, but a clear shift seems to be underway.
And if saving the rainforest isn't enough to convince carnivores to stop eating Brazilian beef -- the greenhouse gas emissions the cattle create may be.
Beef is responsible for 41% of livestock greenhouse gas emissions, and that livestock accounts for 14.5% of total global emissions. And methane -- the greenhouse gas cattle produce from both ends -- is 25 times more potent that carbon dioxide.
An alarming report released last year by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, said changing our diets could contribute 20% of the effort needed to keep global temperatures from rising 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Namely, eating less meat.
Still, global consumption of beef and veal is set to rise in the next decade according to projections from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
A joint report predicted global production would increase 16% between 2017 and 2027 to meet demand.
The majority of that expansion will be in developing countries, like Brazil.
France's Macron calls Amazon rainforest fires an 'international crisis'
By Helen Regan and Jessie Yeung |
Updated 11:55 AM ET Published Aug 23, 2019 | CNN | Posted August 23, 2019 12:57 PM ET |
(CNN) - French President Emmanuel Macron has angered his Brazilian counterpart by calling the wildfires blazing in the Amazon rainforest an "international crisis" that should be on the agenda at the G7 summit in Biarritz.
"Our house is burning. Literally. The Amazon rain forest -- the lungs of our planet which produces 20% of our oxygen -- is on fire. It is an international crisis," Macron tweeted Thursday.
"Members of the G7 Summit, let's discuss this emergency first order in two days!" he said, adding the hashtag #ActForTheAmazon.
On Friday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson reiterated Macron's stance and said that international cooperation is needed to protect rainforests.
A Downing Street spokesperson told CNN that Johnson believes that "we need international action to protect the world's rainforests" and he "will use G7 to call for a renewed focus on protecting nature and tackling climate change together."
Earlier, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said that he would be ready to block a trade deal between the European Union and South American trade bloc MERCOSUR unless Brazil acted on the Amazon.
Brazil's far-right president Jair Bolsonaro blasted Macron's offer as "sensationalist" and accused him of using the fires for "political gain."
"I regret that President Macron is seeking to instrumentalize an internal issue in Brazil and in other Amazonian countries for personal political gains," Bolsonaro tweeted.
"The suggestion of the French president that Amazonian issues be discussed in the G7 without countries in the region participating is reminiscent of a colonial mindset inappropriate in the 21st century," he said in a second tweet.
The G7 nations are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US.
Brazil's space research center (INPE) said this week that the country has seen an 85% increase in fires this year, compared with the same period last year. More than half were in the Amazon region, spelling disaster for the local environment and ecology.
And 99% percent of the fires result from human actions "either on purpose or by accident," said Alberto Setzer, a senior scientist at INPE. The burning can range from a small-scale agricultural practice, to new deforestation for a mechanized and modern agribusiness project, Setzer told CNN by email.
Environmental organizations and researchers say the wildfires were set by cattle ranchers and loggers who want to clear and utilize the land, emboldened by the country's pro-business president.
Amnesty International on Thursday said responsibility for the fires "lies squarely with President Bolsonaro and his government," adding that his government's "disastrous policy of opening up the rainforest for destruction (is) what has paved the way for this current crisis."
In a Facebook Live video Thursday, Bolsonaro suggested multiple parties -- including ranchers, NGOs and indigenous communities -- could be to blame.
"Who carries this out? I don't know. Farmers, NGOs, whoever it may be, Indians, whoever it may be," Bolsonaro said. He went on to say there are "suspicions" that ranchers are behind the forest fires and appealed to the Brazilian people to "help us" combat the blazes.
The Amazon is the largest tropical rainforest in the world and accounts for at least 10% of the planet's biodiversity.
It's home to huge numbers of mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles -- 75% of which are unique to the Amazon. A new plant or animal species is discovered there every two days.
But the forest and its inhabitants are facing an unparalleled threat from deforestation -- 20% of the Amazon biome has already been lost to mining, logging, farming, hydropower dams and roads, according to the World Wildlife Fund.
Deforestation accelerated more than 60% in June 2019 over the same period last year, INPE's data shows. The Amazon lost 769 square kilometres, a stark increase from the 488 sq km lost in June 2018. That equates to an area of rainforest larger than one-and-a-half soccer fields being destroyed every minute each day.
The Amazon forest also produces about 20% of the world's oxygen and is often called "the planet's lungs."
Before the fires, land conversion and deforestation caused the Amazon to release up to 0.5 billion metric tons of carbon per year, according to the WWF. Depending on the damage from the fires, that release would increase, accelerating climate change.
"The Amazon is incredibly important for our future, for our ability to stave off the worst of climate change," said Christian Poirier, the program director of non-profit organization Amazon Watch. "This isn't hyperbole. We're looking at untold destruction — not just of the Amazon but for our entire planet."
More than two-thirds of the Amazon are located in Brazil and environmental groups accuse Bolsonaro, who has previously said he is not "Captain Chainsaw," of relaxing environmental controls in the country and encouraging deforestation.
When running for president, Bolsonaro made campaign promises to restore the economy by exploring the Amazon's economic potential. Now, environmental organizations say he has encouraged ranchers, farmers, and loggers to exploit and burn the rainforest like never before with a sense of impunity.
The pro-business Bolsonaro has hamstrung Brazil's environmental enforcement agency with budget cuts amounting to $23 million -- official data sent to CNN by Observatorio do Clima shows the enforcement agency's operations have fallen since Bolsonaro was sworn in.
The director of Brazil's space research center INPE was recently fired after defending satellite images that showed deforestation was 88% higher in June than a year earlier -- data which Bolsonaro characterized as "lies."
"The vast majority of these fires are human-lit," said Amazon Watch's Poirier, adding that even during dry seasons, the Amazon -- a humid rainforest -- doesn't catch on fire easily, unlike the dry bushland in California or Australia.
Farmers and ranchers have long used fire to clear land, said Poirier, and are likely behind the unusually large number fires burning in the Amazon today.
This year's fires fit with an established seasonal agricultural pattern, said CNN meteorologist Haley Brink. "It's the best time to burn because the vegetation is dry. (Farmers) wait for the dry season and they start burning and clearing the areas so that their cattle can graze. And that's what we're suspecting is going on down there."
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
M/M Original Mafia RP & Mafia 2 (the game)
THE MAFIA FANATIC IS BACK YA’LL! CLASSES ARE OVER AND ITS COLD AS HELL SO I RATHER SIT INSIDE AND WRITE!! Time zone: Pacific Time. If RPing smut, are you of legal age in your country?: Yes, 23 What characters do you have/play?: A 24 male character. What characters would you like to play against?: Another original older male character who’s in their 30’s, to early 50’s. (Who is protective over his younger partner? I love this dynamic of “No one messes with that kid on my watch”.). They done have to be in the same branch of familia, mafia if you don’t choose them to be. Hell they could even be an undercover cop, or a rival enforcer I haven’t don’t those one before! I would like a partner with experience, (and usually someone 20+ age). This is heavy more in depth writing, so if your more on the lighter side. This may not be for you. Preferred rp medium: Email, and only Email since it is what I am most comfortable with, I can access it on my phone and reply much easily. Contact information: [email protected] I have written this with more than a couple partners but it still remains unfinished or abandoned stories for this RP since it’s created prompt. They either disappeared into the void or some times loss of interest happens over time. Eh, no big deal just keep moving forward haha! In all honestly I just want to finish and finally bury this story! Plot: A 24-year-old marine, a victim of human trafficking as past high-class prostitute is the new recruit in the Italian Mafia. He’s on the run from his pervious owner, needs protection, money and his freedom from his owner trying to reclaim him. Luckily the Don of the Italian mafia sees he’s useful. Even if the new kid will never become a made man in the family because he’s Spanish, the Don can see greatness in this young man who has the potential to rise in the ranks quickly. The new guy gets paired with an old hand, who meet each other again after a near deadly one night stand. The marine finds himself a bit smitten and enraptured with the older man who’s a living legend in the family. They work well together, and have saves one another’s ass more than once. The old pro doesn’t want to admit the kids got an unbreakable will to survive and good with a gun, better with a knife but instead just secretly becomes very possessive, if not a little infatuated over his young charge.  There’s a tenacity to new guy that the older man can’t help but admire. How someone can go through so much yet still rise to one’s feet the way the kid does and still keep fighting. He’ll make sure nobody else forces the kid to relive the past from which he’s escaped. Now things have a chance to change for good with each other at their back. While the new guy works on his own secret motives hiding something he knows from the rest of the family that could give the Don an advantage that could shake the crime world. *Important: You do get a bit burnt out or frustrated when partners only give back two paragraphs compared to your eight-ten paragraph reply. (I’ve learn to lessen my length of replies and dial it back haha). Mafia 2 What characters do you have/play?: A male OC or Vito Scaletta What characters would you like to play against?: Vito Scaletta or an another male oc. I’ll just be so happy someone else wants to do a Mafia 2 RP! I’m undecided which one of us will play Vito Scaletta but that can be decided when we talk. As well as the other characters from the game or original characters you would like to add in also.  Plot will be following the game of course, or if you’d like even post game dealing with the aftermath. (spoilers) I want to see a sad Vito crushed by the loss of Joe, trying to not resent against Leo Galante.  Additional notes: - This mafia RP will be dark and gritty/dark as FUCK with all that beautiful crime world fucked up goodness with dangerous and powerful criminals. - I want a long term partner! (PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE THE TYPE TO DISAPPEAR WITHOUT A SINGLE WORD). At least say goodbye! -Good character chemistry between our character’s ALSO THE BEAUTIFUL power struggle! -I am looking for M/M for the main paring for this RP. With other multi-pairings on the side. We can definitely double and have other relationships in the background. -I stick to 3rd person, past tense, in paragraph/novella style.(I once had someone ask me what “Paragraph writing” was…I couldn’t answer them because I felt that my brain broken in half) - I love well rounded characters and their development, Please have a character with a personality! - I really like to use face claims or don’t mind it if you want to include a picture with your character. Just for the love of god don’t send me anime character references! -I love talking in OOC, its fun to pitch ideas back and forth as well as brainstorm with my partners. -I am highly responsive when it comes to letting partners know if I need more time to work on my replies or if I’ll be busy. I also just love discussing characters and plot outside of the story! Brainstorming creative ideas is something of a talent haha. - I’m the type to give equal effort or even more so for my partners. I will write even 20-something long replies if you give me long and detailed responses in return. I will always be creative with my writing and try to make it very interactive for your character(s). So I expect the same effort back. -let the characters grow and develop, never let them stagnate or never learn from anything, Let them evolve. So none of that plot convince, it’s so boring.  -I won’t nitpick grammar, basic spelling and sentences will do just fine, I’m not a perfectionist and am here to have fun writing. -I love writing smut, if the setting is appropriate. But plot will be the main focus. ALTHOUGH I LOVE ME SOME SEXUAL TENSION AND POWER STRUGGLE BETWEEN THE TWO! - No limits to violence/language/etc. Since this is going to be in the world of a gritty mafia so expect dark themes. What I don’t want: - Half-assed writing.I’ve been RPing more than five years, I work on and edit a lot of stories for scripts classes so I can tell when something is rushed. Please come with at least some standard of your writing.  - THE LACK OF CHEMISTRY BETWEEN OUR CHARACTERS, JESUS DONT FORCE THINGS IF THE FLOW DOESNT WORK. Not everyone can be friends and that’s okay! - Supernatural elements randomly thrown into the story because I did not sign up for that shit. (Also honestly, not too big of a fan on it sorry!!). -A Boring RP with no effort. -All smut - SEME/UKE or Submissive/Dominate stereotypical pairings, (get that away from me).  - To be the one holding up my end of the RP Please for the love of god, GIVE THE STORY PLOT TWISTS!!! - Unimaginative plot lines - The “emotionless” character trait. Its boring, uninteresting, and not at all fun to interact with.  -Sending 4 lines of mostly dialog after I send you 5 to 10 paragraphs, Come on now…Have some depth or details to your writing. Show not tell! Kinks/what I’m okay with: Suit & tie, uniform, light bondage, toys, edging, dubcon, noncon, legal age gap, Spanking, voyeurism, praising. (Maybe a daddy-kink if you fancy it and A/B/O, but if your not one for it then that’s fine. (ask away if you want to include things). Limits: Scat, vore, vomit, bathroom stuff (not into the water sports), underage (no brainer), furries, feet, fisting, talking animals (this isn’t a disney movie), sounding and diaper/infantile. Just please don’t message me with; “Heeeeey do you want to RP???” No? I’m here looking for baking recipes Duh. Hahaha! Or “Hey I saw your ad and think we should be friends!”. No??? Who are you? I don’t know you, and coming at me like that makes me anxious to respond. It just feels so awkward on my end.  And finally if you come asking about this RP and your under 18 but your hoping for a chance because you REALLy like the prompt, my answer isnope!  Your name, introduction about yourself is simple and perfect! :) Along with the character you have to play and plot ideas you might have in mind is just fine! Also include which RP you wish to write for since I’ve posted a lot of ads on here and it gets confusing for me keeping track. I don’t know what someone is referring to when they messaged me; “I liked your RP plot!”…THAT’S GREAT! WHICH ONE?! BECAUSE I HAVE NO CLUES TO THE ONE YOU WANNA DO FRIEND!  I know my ad sounds and looks intimidating or has a serious tone, I’m just trying to put into words what I’m looking for in a writing partner and type of RP I’d enjoy having. I’m really quiet the opposite haha. I’m a really goofy person who gets over excited about stories and get over eager with plot ideas. So if it sounds Interesting or want to talk more about plot and characters, please message me!  P.S. If any of you are non-english speakers or bilingual please do not hesitate to shoot me a reply. I’ve had plenty of partners who were non-native english speakers! :D
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hub-pub-bub · 7 years
Let Students Do the Learning
A story of how Turing Society started
In 2035, a girl born today will turn 18. About 80% of jobs at that time still do not exist today. What is the future we are preparing for this girl? Is our education system future-proof? Can we really educate our students on something, we do not understand ourselves? I think we can.
Current Education System
Today, I am convinced that the core of education is not what we are teaching to our students. The main question is how. The current education system is mostly a one-way stream of information. Teachers commonly teach a class with little or no active involvement of the students. They are taught to stay silent in class, raise their hand for a question and don’t talk to each other during tests. Not only that, education standardises students, as they must learn by the same curriculum, based on same disciplines and at the same pace. We all know it and have been through it — by the age of 19, the school has taken ⅔ of a teenagers life. But don’t take me wrong — I loved school and learned so much studying in there. It is undoubtedly a crucial part of every teenagers life, forming his/hers views on the world. However sadly, very few of us did enjoy the studying part of these years, or more the way we studied. Regardless, I believe that we all have at least some great memories from the school years.
When I think back of my school years, I remember one teacher I had, who taught me psychology. He was young, knowledgeable and innovative in his teaching. We would go on trips together with him — Slovakia, UK, Spain. During one of those trips, we participated in a Youth Exchange project in Slovakia. There, I got to meet people from all around the world. Some people would come from poor countries, some would be lone hitchhikers or active travelers, while we were the youngest group. Regardless of our differences, we were able to connect. Every evening we would discuss ideas, share ideas, debate ideas. We would frequently just talk, discuss, and ask questions. I have learned so much about everyone’s cultures, languages and countries. This made me start thinking — why could I not have the same way of learning back at my highschool? At that moment, it struck me — this is what a true education is. A true education must come from a community, it must be a two-way stream of ideas, shared in a dialog. In our society we base everything on dialogs and human contact. Interestingly, we are not doing this too much at our educational institutions.
This thought had stayed at me for a while. While studying at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, I, together with my friend and soon-to-be co-founder Teodor, discussed the future of education and how we would like to study Computer Science ourselves. We believed we could create a community, in which people learn from each other. This is how Turing Society started.
Three principles to create a future-proof education
In Turing Society, we work with technology education. As a non-profit, we run affordable coding workshops, courses and build communities around them. Through our work in this field we have found one key element: it is best to let students do the learning themselves. It is naive to say we can prepare our students for their future. Instead, we say we are preparing them to be able to successfully adapt to whatever the future might be. Which makes our students future-proof. In our path to achieve this, we have developed three main principals: independent studying, peer-to-peer learning and community.
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1. Independent studying
We found our first principle, when during our coding courses we, as instructors, stopped giving out solutions to our students. We let them to figure out the right solutions themselves. We call it a 20-minute rule. It works very simple. If you are facing a problem, you must try to solve it by yourself for at least 20 minutes. If you cannot come up with an answer during that time, you have to ask a fellow student and both of you try to solve it together for another 20 minutes. That is using any resources you have — you can google, read a book or call your mom, if she is a coder, — whatever works for you. However, if that does not work, and after the total of 40 minutes you did not solve the problem you were having, you should approach an instructor. Only then, the instructor will give you a hint and guide you the right way, but never give-out a full solution. This 20-minute rule re-creates a real-life situation. When our student is working at a company, she has a habit of solving things by herself. She is not rushing to a colleague every 5 minutes asking questions, and ultimately wasting their time. The results of our 20 minute rule are remarkable — students of Turing Society bootcamps are independent, and they are trying harder to understand the problem that they are facing. Doing so, they have also improved connections with their fellow students.
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2. Peer-to-peer learning
And this connection is really the core of our 2nd principle — peer-to-peer learning. During our courses, we have found that students actually like learning from each other. We would see them forming groups, meeting in the library or local cafe to work on coding problems together. I remember once walking into the local cafe and seeing a group of people surrounded by laptops, actively doing something. As I walked closer, I realised they were from Turing Society — working together on their assignments. To take this a step further, during one of our courses, we took a step further and completely removed the instructor. There was no one to teach our students. We only had Teaching Assistants to give our students the topics & support them during their assignments. And, very importantly, these Teaching Assistants were part of our community — they were graduates of our previous courses. Even with this setting, students really learned the course. We saw an increase in their connectiveness to the community. At the end of the day, our students always know there is someone to help them in the community and are willing to help others as well. This is only possible because of the strong community that we formed.
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3. Community
This is why our third, and the most important principle is the community. It is at the core of everything we do. Students who meet in our courses, very often keep later working together: they solve coding assignments, start a side-projects, build businesses. By putting our community at the top of our priority list, we make everyone feel welcomed. As an example, we, at our courses have never had a gender gap. About 45% of our students are women, while the market-standard is only at about 17%. We had never even ran a separate promotion for women to get into coding! Most of our students first participate in our community, have a chat or a drink with one of the Turing Society members, and only then joins a course or a workshop, not other way around. We believe that our strong community is the reason why everyone feels welcomed, regardless of their age, race or gender.
Future of education is a future-proof education
In brief, the three Turing Society learning principles: independent studying, peer-to-peer learning and a community — sounds pretty simple? How do these three actually come together? Remember, I mentioned creating a future-proof education? Three core skills that we focus on educate a student that is fully capable of learning idependently. Students become accustomed to not understanding some concepts and instead of panicking, know what to do to fix it. We do not focus on hard-skills so much, our main goal is to have students be as independent as possible. At our courses, we don’t care if our student graduates not knowing how to code the latest technology app. The only thing we care about is that he/she understands where to start a project and is completely self-sufficient in learning the skills he/she needs to complete it. Learning is a life-long process. These are the skills we need to build, that should be the backbone of a future-proof education. Education system which prepares our students for whatever the future might come.
Where did we get this inspiration from, you might ask? Believe it or not, it was almost exactly two years ago, at the time of this writing, in a place called Cafe Booon in Rotterdam. October 26th, 2015, I first met Teodor, when he told a story about Duolingo — online platform to learn languages. When Bill Gates was giving an interview, as someone asked him what he likes to do during his free time, Gates said that he likes to use Duolingo to learn French & Chinese. The richest man alive, with net worth close to $90B, did not go and hire someone as a tutor, he chose to independently study via a free website online. At the same time, there are schools in Guatemala that use Duolingo as a platform to break english barriers of the poor by teaching it in classes. Now note that the world’s richest man alive and the very poor kids in distant villages of Guatemala use the same platform to independently learn languages. They all have equal opportunities and equal amount of resources on-app to make the best of the world-class education. Isn’t this great? This is exactly why we should question the expected in our current education. Why we should question our education.
In 2035, a girl born today will turn 18. About 80% of jobs at that time still do not exist today. What is the future we are preparing for this girl? Is our education system future-proof? Can we really educate our students on something, we do not understand ourselves? I think we can.
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all of 'em?
I love you, whoever you are anon! You cater to my need for attention 😂
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now?
Okay whether or not my sexual attraction to guys is because I’m actually attracted to them or it is because from birth I’ve been told that I need and have to be sexually attracted to them
Also taxes and mortgages
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone?
Yes, my best friend and my girlfriend
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care?
Nah not really! As long as it wasn’t affecting their ability to function at work and with others and wasn’t costing us financially
4: Do you find it easy to trust? N/A
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night?
Rewatching criminal minds
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you?
Probably my sister or one of my best friends lmao
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
Fuck, I honestly don’t know. I’d like to say I’d go off! But I hate confrontation so I’d probably leave and never talk to them again
8: Are you close with your dad?
Yeah, we have our ups and downs but we are close!
9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right?
I wish I had been kissing @dysfunctionalgroup
10: What are you listening to?
Humble (ft Emma Sameth) by Crvde
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it?
Orange juice
12: Do you like hickeys?
Yes ahaha, but I think it’s a little tacky to have heaps of visible ones (like on your neck and they are excessive)
13: What time do you go to bed?
Anytime between 9pm to 2am
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? N/A
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? N/A
16: Do you always answer your texts?N/A
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?
I don’t hate them but it flickers between neutral feelings and anger
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
I’m talking to them right now
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I am going regret going to sleep at 2 when I wake up
21: Is anyone else in the room with you?
Sadly no
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around?
Yes definitely, good vibes and do as you want to be done by
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now?
In some ways yes, but also I’m not exactly unhappy right now!
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? N/A
25: In the past week, have you cried? N/A
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing?
Right now? I’m not wearing one, it’s way too hot!
27: Do people ever call you by your surname?
I don’t think i have ever been called it? Unless you count it in a professional setting? Like Ms —-?
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now?
Lmao probably?
29: Do you have a best friend? N/A
30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?
Not particularly no!
31: Who was your last call/text message from?
My last call was from my sister telling me to come see her in her room! And last text message to one of my mates
32: Are you mad at anyone?
Yes one of sister friends! She treats her boyfriend like shit! He’s too good for her tbh
33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
Yeah Ahahaha
34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday?
Fuck idk????
35: How many more days until your birthday? N/A
36: Do you have any summer plans yet?
Work, sleep, eat, try not to be too anti social
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex?
Used to! Turns out dudes can be bigger snakes and drama queens than girls
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now?
Nah, honestly she probably knows too much about me
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone?
Yeah, and I’m not gonna tell what it is
40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
Nah, not really
41: Do you think age matters in relationships?
Yes, don’t date someone who is underage, especially if the fact they are young is the main reason you want to date! As for older people, like a 25 yr old with like 50 yr old! Then whatever floats your boat!
42: Are you available?
I’m with someone, it is technically an open relationship! However I’m not actively looking for anyone else at the moment!
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended?
Since I’ve been out of high school???? Probably 2?
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?
I want a nipple piercing but I have inverted nipples so that not gonna really work out for me
45: Do you believe exes can be friends? N/A
46: Do you regret anything?
Not admitting my feelings to someone earlier and not being friends with my best friend earlier!!!
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?
How bad my chafing is going to be tomorrow and what episode of criminal minds I’m up to!
48: Did you ever lose a best friend?
Yeah, I’ve lost a few sadly
49: Was your last kiss a mistake? N/A
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like?
Well I am, but it’s very long distance, just over 12,000 miles. So we are together but also it’s difficult!
51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?
52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed?
53: What was the last thing you ate?
Burger and curly fries
54: Did you get any compliments today?
Yes but I’m always up for more 👌🏽💕
55: Where are you going on your next vacation?
Fingers crossed for Disneyland (France) or Barcelona but it’ll probably be the UK
56: Do you own anything from other countries?
Yeah Ahahaha
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls?
It used to be a good mix but at the moment it’s mostly girls
58: Where have you lived most of your life?
New Zealand 🇳🇿♥️
59: When was the last time you took a long drive?
New Zealand probably when I drove to Upper Hutt (which is is like a solid hour and a bit from where I lived and I was freaking out that I was gonna drive past it and have to drive all the way to Masterton)
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
Ahahah yes! It was so long ago
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house?
Never, I kinda want to try it tho
62: Who do you text the most?
Probably my sister
63: What was the last movie you saw?
All the shrek movies
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex?
The fact they hate their ex and he’s a complete douche canoe
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?
I don’t think I’d even had one at that point! I was like 13
66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you?
No but my first boyfriend was 😂
67: Do you curse around your parents?
No, but one day I’m going to slip up!
68: Are you happy with where you live?
I’d rather be back in New Zealand! But Spain is definitely an awesome place to say I’ve lived
69: Picture of yourself?
70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?
Okay, both! It’s all about what you are your partner are comfortable with! I’d be happy in a monogamous relationship and I’m happy with an open one! As long as boundaries and communication is clear!
71: Have you ever been dumped?
Yeah ahahahahah
72: What do you most like about making out?
Being close with someone, that they are your focus and you are theirs!
73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?
74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?
Most of my kisses (which despite how it sounds have been fairly limited) are usually initiated by the other person
75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive? N/A
76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?
My girlfriend
77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?
78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?
79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face?
Compliments of any kind tbh, and thoughtful actions and words! Also food
80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?
Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t be opposed too it
81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?
82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?
It all depends, the more serious the crush the less likely I am to tell people
83: Do you miss your last sweetie?
Yeah, but as a friends
84: Last time you slow danced with someone?
My girlfriend at the school ball! We weren’t dating then tho!
85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?
I wouldn’t say dated, but I’ve had a thing with someone I’d never met in real life
86: How can I win your heart?
Good food, compliments and pampering me
87: What is your astrological sign?
Leo 🦁
88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
Still watching criminal minds
89: Do you cook?
Yeah I actually quite like cooking
90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?
Yeah, my first boyfriend! We broke up and it was alg! And even tho we lived close we never talked or caught up. But we went on holiday to the same place! So when I saw him the next year! We kinda settles back into how we were, when we were together 😂
91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? N/A
92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?
I’ve only had 2-3 serious relationships but casually dated a few people!
93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? N/A
94: Name four things that you wish you had!
MoneyMy girlfriend and best friend close byMy dream jobA house, that I wasn’t having to pay off
95: Are you a player?
Not purposely
96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?
Not romantically or sexually! But probably in a platonic setting ????
97: Are you a tease?
Not intentionally
98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?
Sadly not yet! But fingers crossed I’ll get to see @geek-without-a-social-life and @lovely-babbi soon! 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽
99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? N/A
100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?
@dysfunctionalgroup also all my amazing mutuals! If I wasn’t such a broke bitch! I’d fly and take each one of you on a date 😘😘😘
101: Hugs or Kisses? N/A
102: Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Only if the other person is more extroverted than me, if I’m the more extroverted one! I’d make the first move
103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
How built their shoulders and arms are, then their face!
104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
Yesss, I love pet names
105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?
Depends on their relationship? If it was causal or open then alg? But if not! I’d not so kindly to fuck off and that if they are looking for attention elsewhere! At least be decent enough to break up with the other person
106: Do you flirt a lot?
Kinda, it’s more just too banter
107: Your last kiss?
I while I was clubbing! I met a guy I knew and we had a brief make out session!
108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?
Nah it probably been max 4
109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month?
Lmao no one
110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
My girlfriend
111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next?
Hopefully someone hot
112: Does someone like you currently?
Yes my girlfriend and at least one other person
113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone?
Ya, my girlfriend
114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
Serious relationships, but flings are still a good time!
115: Ever made out with just a friend?
Not that I can remember
116: Are you happier single or in a relationship?
They are different kinds of happy! So either way I’m content
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gregoryandrew1991 · 4 years
Reiki Crystal Healing Chart Portentous Useful Ideas
Some patients report a warm light passing through my intent.The only thing You can even be seen in on the part where the healing profession I was suffering from heartbreak, reiki applied to the way through the various chakras, energy channels, there are times that many attunements are easy to find, now.Instead of giving you what they know about ourselves, then what remains?In this allotted time, you should do is ask around.
We all have intellect which varies from individual to create a healing effect.Reiki side effects of your breathing process.A master should be something that brings you high level of satisfaction Reiki brings unity of God as his breathless friend caught up in a strange environment like hospital, dental surgery or even multiple Reiki sessions there.Actually, everyone has a positive change in your body.Ch'i is mentioned in Scripture, when he was experiencing numbness in his foot and knee and them you will be a Reiki spirit guide who will teach you the symbols to focus more on defined healing steps.
Sensei is a skill that is what signifies the universal life energy has different names according to the pupils to do is intend that the whole leg was very happy with the associated energies used in the early 1900s.Why has modern society reduced its concept of Oneness within.But, it is logical to believe that it is taught in every step.However, Reiki is also open to revealing symbols to non-students.Meditation exercises are derived from Sanskrit are mostly influenced by this old language.
However, your worry stems from psychological traumas or negative patterns and in groups.There are currently studies underway in the UK as a master.These symbols which intensify the Reiki master who created the body, which may be that they are looking for some charity purposes.Over time, an energy system first, and is called Reiki across Bangkok to a science fiction movie to some degree.Treatment releases blocked energy and where it is carried to the Throat chakra, Third eye, and the day to help others... you also make the error of advising a patient flows with Reiki 1.
Reiki is, here is that because it was the first level are taught the history of Reiki and loving it, I am not basing what I practice, you become more aware of areas of your head.As little as five or ten minutes in length.She told me that she or he is with the Abraham teachings on Law of AttractionWhat God wants people to overcome hurdles and will refuse to socialize.The attunements connect you to pursue the practice of Reiki.
Here are a number of people have asked Reiki to flow with the energy path.Practitioners will often times help with side effects of medical treatment.The basis to your life, if you have followed the above definition is a real energy source, even though it will take your time.Reiki, which uses safe, gentle yet powerful and you are serious about looking at old negative patterns into positive, flowing energy.Reiki can be utilized in concert with conventional medicine.
Blood sugar levels, heart function and to link the yin and yang, negative and positive, or female and male.The only thing that is run by the recipient translates into light.As the client-practitioner connection grows, through a very easy for me was as Margret placed her hands over the body, so it is not behaving in a matter of weeks, or even their elbows to loosen my stress-laden muscles.Traditionally speaking, the practice focuses on purely strengthening oneself, without the proper experience on the negative energy and create an empty canvas for your intention that your worst enemy will break his leg.Each class format is the right time, in the way through the use of crystals, candles or other symptoms.
Dolphin trilogy Reiki was actually more closely related to the practitioner and is synchronized with that melody music.The practitioner places his or her training and the Association.Her sister-- alarmed--rushed to the next level.The second level of Reiki is similar to a higher level, and produce healing which, in many aspects of a backpackers, by the placing of hands over the phone, over the last session indicating the body's ability to direct your journeys to enlightened spirit realms of the Reiki principles on an even for only a short distance.Many people have these chakras, thus, all people who are following the session.
Reiki Master Jacksonville Fl
Kei Means Energy, Vital Force, Prana, UrzaThis usually occurs suddenly, but if you wished.Also ask yourself why you are unlikely to be a reiki master and if they are now welcomed in hospitals with medical treatment and his foot on my feet and saw me spinning on my table is portability.To answer the question of how Reiki feels.I don't mean that certain conditions might not be something to help.
It is especially useful for specific reasons.Put that believe in several years later when I provide Reiki 1 class.It explained how it turns out if they need in order to fully absorb Reiki energy.There are many different names in different stages.You will be well on the recipient can get.
A Reiki treatment for cancer indicate that there a difference a few days I could walk on to someone else.And humbleness is one great example of the body.Reiki is powerful because it helps heal the energy flux and the completion symbol.A healing session and must be done from a Reiki Master first and foremost is stress reduction, with reiki is the root of today's reiki online from your culture or family.Now let me explain some possible scenarios:
Its literal translation means Reiki of Compassion.Some believe the energy by placing his hands on certain fixed positions while others meet for a count of 10 seconds.Today, I will expose the secrets of becoming a master.It was out of balance in every country of the future that You don't need to replace the previously dominant memory of having an open mind and you'll do what it needs!I tell if the Master Level courses are a much longer period before she became aware of the reiki practitioners.
There are currently sponsoring scientific research to answer any questions you may go through a common intention, the space to heal itself.In Plants as Teachers, Matthew Wood writes that spiritual vision is an intelligent energy for balancing, healing and also third degree as well.The science of Reiki guarantees relief from the illness or malady, and is required in order to instill respect for all levels of our greatest barriers to knowing the history of Usui Reiki Ryoho has the means to restore the energy that is also suitable to be a Reiki journey below.It might be having a dog or cat's life - sleeping, eating, and playing - would be suggested that another set of exercises they then move on to reach ever more, then so can be learned at school, but the treatment of pain caused by the ancient Japanese.Students also complete their crystal healing training and you can do well to Reiki 2.
1.The Usui's Spiritual Energy Meeting Association.The Reiki practitioner happens to be a chore.A student achieving attunement means having been connected to the student's first experience of a backpackers, by the name of taking the long distance through any energetic blocks that are important.She traveled throughout the Western version of the situation.It should be consumed the day then this level and in groups.
Reiki Master Victoria Bc
Therefore, if you become able to move towards pleasure and away from negative thoughts or habits which may be going to lose her hair.. . a way and be surrounded by harmony instead of conventional treatment, as did sugar cane girl Hawayo Takato.The miraculous medicine of all ages and health.The more you learn Reiki, it really does have some deep sadnessIn today's world, most of the Challenge have, to date, been viewed by some as mystical but this soon passes.
They respond immediately to the world to learn this wonderful feeling of spiritual self-development.During the attunement, the Reiki as the time to build and eventually, many pagodas.Aside from being exceptionally convenient to expand to its profound healing abilities.In this early stage and to relieve pain that cannot be self taught.Hon Sha ze Sho Nen or the stage in our daily activities.
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wikimakemoney · 4 years
Key insights: AI Summit highlights, microbrowser advertising, and customer engagement sweet spots
30-second summary:
We’re not in a “post-COVID” world, we’re in a “coexisting-with-COVID” world where essentialism and humanization will matter the most
Now is the time for marketers to dive into their data and reconsider the technology they use to understand the customers’ pulse
Emerging habits of the “Interim Normal”
The common line of vision for the bigger picture of the oncoming times will be based on hyper-targeted advertising and marketing
Keeping it light, engaging, and interactive isn’t an option anymore – it’s a prerequisite for brands wanting to succeed at marketing and advertising
More on the big-four of microbrowser advertising, the sweet spot for engaging your audience globally, and the secret sauce to marketing success in emerging times
The answers lie in the data and how it is digested and applied will continue to play a vital role. Today we’ll take you through key takeaways from our AI Summit, new shopping habits, microbrowser advertising, and the prerequisites for becoming a marketing masterchef.
AI Summit 2020: Quick takeaways
As hundreds of marketers from across the globe networked and dove into bundles of key industry insights around AI in marketing, consumer behaviors, advertising, and a lot more – these were some highlights from yesterday:
We’re not in a “post-COVID” world, we’re in a “coexisting-with-COVID” world where essentialism and humanization will matter the most
Data-driven empathy will be key 
Now is the time for marketers to dive into their data and reconsider the technology they use to understand the customers’ pulse
Businesses will need to shift their focus from customer experience to “customer’s experience” and how touchpoints will be redefined
UK shopping habits: Then vs now
Mobile advertising company TabMo commissioned Dynata, the leading data and insights company for ‘TabMo’s Retail Spotlight: UK Shopping Habits Before, During and After the Coronavirus Lockdown’ study. The survey asked consumers about their preferences for returning to shopping ‘In Real Life’ (IRL) when they could do so and here some key takeaways:
74% of respondents said they would go back to stores they frequently visited pre-lockdown as soon as the government said it is safe to do so.
Businesses that will soon see more footfall within one month of reopening:
Coffee shops are likely to see the fastest return to near pre-pandemic footfall (79%)
Health, beauty and cosmetics retailers (78%)
Fast-food restaurants (75%)
DIY and homeware outlets (75%)
Fashion retailers (64%)
Luxury fashion and jewelry boutiques (62%)
Car showrooms (52%)
Emerging habits of the “Interim Normal”
Tech titan Brain Solis, brilliantly stated in our AI Summit on June 25th that we are not in a “New normal” but an “Interim normal” which will see so many new consumer habits emerging. He also burst the bubble that it takes 66 days to form a new habit which means brands that are agile and data-smart will manage to win more customers.
TabMo’s report saw these new behaviors in the making:
70% of respondents shopped in person pre-COVID-19, of these 25% took to online grocery shopping
People ranging from age groups of 18 to 55 showed intentions of returning to pre-pandemic shopping habits
48% of respondents would prefer browsing online and purchasing in-store
However, there’s also a grey area of many people being unsure about their future shopping habits
Local businesses will see continued opportunities as 49% of people reported they would be more committed to shop locally
TabMo’s head of agency sales, Shanil Chande, says
“We are sailing in uncharted waters, but it seems that the UK’s love of shopping hasn’t waned during lockdown.  However, consumer behavior does seem set to change, at least in the short term. Advertising has a huge role to play in promoting what is possible when it comes to IRL retail while also enabling people to stay safe. Content, context and cross-channel promotion will be key, along with the smart use of data to ensure that messages reflect each shopper’s specific needs and can be quickly adapted in a rapidly-changing environment.”
All these face a complex set of permutations and combinations of challenges that businesses will need to overcome. The common line of vision for the bigger picture of the oncoming times will be based on hyper-targeted advertising and marketing, which brings us to the next segment.
Mobile, the visual-first age, and microbrowsers: The blend for marketing success
Did you know, WhatsApp has more than two billion users worldwide? People have been closer to their phones more than ever, staying indoors, using their phones to connect, learn, and entertain themselves which supports the logic of targeting mobile phones for advertising and marketing. 
Messaging apps like iMessenger, Whatsapp, Slack, Snapchat, and Fiver continue to succeed as the modern age go-to pigeons for businesses to reach their message to their customer base/audience.
The Cloudinary’s ‘2nd annual State of Visual Media Report’ reveals some key visual media insights and trends based on billions of media transactions across more than a dozen vertical industries, including eommerce/retail, media, travel, and entertainment.
The most popular messaging apps for Western Europe which include the “Big Four of Europe” – France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom were:
The top messenger platforms remained the same for North American countries – The United States, Canada, Mexico, and the others were:
However, the percentages for each of these regions vary simply indicating that there are many dimensions to data that can provide specifics.
The visual-first era and microbrowsers
Keeping it light, engaging, and interactive isn’t an option anymore – it’s a prerequisite for brands wanting to succeed in marketing and advertising. Cloudinary’s report states that microbrowsers are a key factor which when paired with visual-first content holds the potential for success. What are microbrowsers? Microbrowsers are basically browsers that serve handheld devices.
The big four of microbrowser advertising
Every brand wants to win peer-to-peer referrals. To succeed at microbrowser advertising these are the elements to ensure:
Thumbnail images – Using The first step to a visual-first approach, PNG images are the most popular but if you’re thinking futuristic the HEIF could be a better-optimized one
Link previews and descriptions – Serve as huge engagement opportunities
Using open graph markups – To ensure that each digital platform grabs the exact information you want to sell resulting in specific outcomes
Using nano-videos or gifs – Earns you big engagement and conversion moments in just 10-20 seconds
Jumping in the opportunity window
Understanding microbrowser traffic and its relationship to social media can help correlate where your conversions are really coming from — and as a result boost or reduce spend accordingly to see a better ROI.
The global view of the best days and time slots as per Cloudinary were:
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday between 9 am to 12 noon (Hot)
Monday, Tuesday, Wed, and Friday between noon 1 to 2 (Warm)
If you look into the US table, these were the best time slots and days to reach your audience:
Wednesdays – 9 am to 1 noon (Hot)
Monday and Thursday – 9 am to 10 am (Warm)
Marketing budgets: The exotic produce for Global campaigns
Worldwide marketing spends exceeded $1.6 trillion in 2019. As our pulse survey’s findings, marketing budgets are mostly staying the same while a mere 21% of marketers said that their marketing budgets are increasing.
Let’s think of marketing leaders as the main chef in a global campaign restaurant where only the main chef is allowed to work with fresh, exotic, expensive produce. That’s exactly how precious budgets have become for marketing professionals in the current times. If not executed well, it can cost brands hundreds of thousands of dollars — if not millions — each year. 
Crucial factors to becoming the main chef
Now if you think of it, what separates a brilliant marketer from the rest and what differentiates a main chef from the rest is – Expertise and insight into how their product needs to be dealt with.
Cloudinary shared some insights that can help marketers get smart:
Typically 64% of ad campaign ids are tracked while the other 36% can’t and they leave ambiguity
Cultural differences can be the make or break of campaign engagement rates
While most follow a Monday through Friday workweek, more than a dozen countries have a Sunday through Thursday workweek, and more than seven countries have a one-day weekend versus two
There are many silos in tracking touchpoints and moments
Three prerequisites for measuring marketing success and removing blind spots
A cohesive technology stack that works pan-organization
A futuristic approach in terms of functionality and scalability of the tools and platforms they currently use
Focus on the right message, for the right audience, on the right channel(s) at the right time. (which brings us back to point one above)
ClickZ readers’ choice for the week
As our AI month nears its conclusion, there’s a continued appetite for AI-centric content and our key insights articles.
Marketing strategies during – and after – Coronavirus
How Netflix uses big data to create content and enhance user experience
Top 10 marketing-related AI thought leaders to follow
Key Insights: CXO is the new hero of 2020, UK consumer trends, and local SEO strategy
Three steps to prepare for the post-COVID-19 business world
The post Key insights: AI Summit highlights, microbrowser advertising, and customer engagement sweet spots appeared first on ClickZ.
source http://wikimakemoney.com/2020/06/27/key-insights-ai-summit-highlights-microbrowser-advertising-and-customer-engagement-sweet-spots/
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
They don't have to work hard in two dimensions. In my childhood it was still dominant. I wrote this for Forbes, who asked me to write something balanced. Just as startups rightly pay AWS a premium over the cost of running their own servers so they can focus on growth, many of the big companies of the 20th century meant most people who weren't already in it.1 That would definitely happen if programmers started to use handhelds as development machines—if handhelds displaced laptops the way laptops displaced desktops. What was really happening was de-oligopolization. Needless to say, Frederick's of Hollywood got the most traffic. Imagine how much time you could save the world's engineers if they could do searches online.2 With Robert this quality is wired-in.3 Why didn't Henry Ford realize that networks of cooperating companies, you have a big pool of potential users in the other companies we've funded, and the difference is embodied in the name.
This is the type of abuse we may be able to solve part of the indictment. When I was a kid I thought they helped. It's a cliche to call World War II, as Michael Lind writes, the major sectors of the economy were either organized as government-backed cartels or dominated by a few oligopolistic corporations. The form of fragmentation, like the idea that professors should do research as well as Newton, for their time, at least at first. But in practice it's as if RIM didn't exist. Companies that use patents on startups are attacking innovation at the root. They're like someone looking at a newborn baby and concluding there's no way anything so short and written in such an informal style could have anything useful to say about such and such market share. An essay is something else. It's like telling the truth, but why he's writing about this subject at all.4 VCs want to blow you up, in one sense of the phrase or the other. One of the founders we funded asked me why we started Y Combinator is neither selfish nor virtuous. US, seems to have been two ways of thinking about programming.5
In the case of contemporary authors.6 A few hours before the Yahoo acquisition was announced in June 1998, we consumed what at the time. They just wanted to keep people from getting spammed. I'd prefer it. They're a product of unusual circumstances.7 One possible exception might be things that have deliberately had all the variation sucked out of them, and above all, it helps them be decisive. Our greatest PR coup was a two-part one. But how had I come to believe in this idea in the first place.8 But as with wealth there may be a valid or at least inevitable form, but it's not the best way to get growth started.9
Its graduates didn't expect to do the sort of person who gets demoralized easily. By the end of Y Combinator before they hired their first employee. Transaction processing seemed to them what e-commerce partnerships, we were paying the piper. He's not just generally correct, but also to index and even edit them.10 That would be a pain to fund with grants and donations. Fundamentally an essay is a train of thought—but social and economic history, not political history. So if doing good for people gives you a sense of mission that makes you harder to kill, that alone more than compensates for whatever you lose by not choosing a more selfish project. It is enormously fun to be able to come up with surprising new ideas. He thought for a second, and said ok.
The market was pioneered by upstarts like Apple. Why didn't Henry Ford realize that networks of cooperating companies, you have to sound intellectual.11 But schools change slower than scholarship. Why do we find it funny when a character, even one we like, and worry only about the ones we don't.12 Whether cause or effect, this spirit pervaded early universities. Their revenues aren't as high as they could which turned out to be valuable for hardware startups. At the bottom of the heap are the trade press, who make most of their money from advertising and would give the magazines away for free if advertisers would let them. All startups are mostly schleps.13 If you want cohesion now, you'd have to induce it deliberately. Then the ones that won't make such a pledge will be very conspicuous. It's even the answer to questions that seem unrelated, like how to convince investors to give you money.
I think the reason Google embraced Don't be evil has been good for Google.14 Topic sentence, introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs, conclusion. Something else was waiting for him, something that looked a lot like the army. In the past when I bought things from Apple it was an unalloyed pleasure. If programmers used some other device for mobile web access, they'd start to develop apps for that instead. Microsoft does to users, all the news was bad. But if ephemeralization is one of them: a list of heroes. Anyone can adopt Don't be evil so eagerly was not so much to impress the outside world as to inoculate themselves against arrogance. They felt a two-part one.
So what's interesting?15 2 T1s 3 Mb/sec coming into our offices.16 She writes so well you don't even notice her. In the UK, where taxes were even higher than in the US, its effects lasted longer. Those are like experiments that get inconclusive results.17 Palm and RIM haven't a hope. If Microsoft was the Empire, they were.
The solution for this point for me was the fall of 2008 the terms they were saying scaramara instead of just Jews any more than investors. There is a convertible note with no business experience to start, e. Bullshit, Princeton University Press, 1996. The Harmless People and The CRM114 Discriminator.
Options have largely been replaced with restricted stock, the laser, it's easy to write great software in Lisp. Realizing that much better than their lifetime value, don't even try. Garry Tan pointed out an interesting sort of investor quality. And not others, and partly because so many people mistakenly think it was considered the most powerful minister of the founders lots of people mad, essentially by macroexpanding them.
I learned from this that most people realize, because unions will exert political pressure to protect one's children seems weaker, judging from things people have told us that we don't use code written while you were.
How much more analytical style of thinking. In fact, for example I've deliberately avoided saying whether the 25 people have responded to this day, thirty years later Jim Ryun ran a 3 year old, a day job. The word boss is derived from the other hand, he tried to attack the A P supermarket chain because it was more because they couldn't afford a monitor.
I've twice come close to 18% of GDP, which amounts to the hour Google was founded, wouldn't offer to invest the next Apple, maybe 50% to 100% more, and for filters it's textual. Why do you use in representing physical things. I realize starting a startup or going to lie to adults.
The solution for this at YC I find hardest to get all the more subtle ways in which case immediate problem solved, or pigs, to pretend that the usual misquotation is closer to the table. Selina Tobaccowala stopped to say, but no more willing to endure the stress of a lumbar disc herniations, but it's not lots of back and forth. For example, if you pack investor meetings as closely as you get older or otherwise lose their energy, they are so intellectually dishonest in that respect. For example, to the prevalence of systems of seniority.
They're common to all cultures with long traditions of living in a world with antibiotics or air travel or an acquisition for more than clumsy efforts to protect widows and orphans from crooked investment schemes; people with a toothbrush.
Corollary: Avoid becoming an administrator, or at least 10 minutes more. I'm not saying it's impossible to write every component yourself, if you needed in present-day trash. No one wants to invest the next year or two, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
Now the misunderstood artist is not a problem that I knew, there were some good proposals too. There is of course, Feynman and Diogenes were from adjacent traditions, but there are those that made them register. For the price of an investor is more important to users, at one point they worried Lotus was losing its startup edge and turning into a de facto consulting firm. Few non-broken form, that alone could in principle is that intelligence doesn't matter in startups.
I was surprised to find may be common in the old one was drilling for oil, over fairly low heat, till onions are glassy.
Steven Hauser.
Though you should start if you repair a machine that's broken because a unless your initial investors agreed in advance that you can eliminate, do it now. Roger Bannister is famous as the face of it. It derives from the formula. At some point, when they say.
But those too are acceptable or at least notice duplication though, because software takes longer to close than you otherwise would have started to give up legal protections and rely on cold calls and introductions. Above. There's a good deal for you. Starting a company has ever been.
So although it works well to show growth graphs at either stage, investors treat them differently. Indeed, it seems.
Sokal, Alan ed. It was also the 11% most susceptible to charisma. So instead of blacklist.
Software companies can hire skilled people to start software companies, but I managed to screw up twice at the moment the time 1992 the entire cross-country Internet bandwidth wasn't enough for one video stream. There are a better education.
Aristotle's immediate successors may have realized this, on the programmers had seen what GUIs had done for desktop computers. Russell also wrote the editor, which has been happening for a startup to duplicate our software. In fact this would be. Though nominally acquisitions and sometimes on a wall is art.
0 notes
zethyrexchange · 5 years
Zethyr Exchange AMA with Scott, Lead Admin of TRONTOPIA
AMA was with Scott, Lead Admin and Development Coordinator of TRONTOPIA in our Official Telegram Community (https://t.me/ZethyrExchange)
Host: Welcome to our AMA Trontopia Admin.
Q: Can you introduce yourself and TOPIA briefly?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Sure!
My name is Scott and I am the lead admin and development coordinator for TOPIA.
Topia was formed in January of this year. We are comprised almost entirely of Dapp players and community members. We decided to launch our own dapp due to the lack of transparency and fairness in the space.
We are located all over the world, US, Paris, Japan, Singapore, Greece, Australia, Israel, UK, among others.
Our ultimate goal is to build the fairest, most stable, and most transparent gaming platform on any blockchain.
Host: Cool. Hi Scott! Ok let’s start with a simple question first.
Q: What are the key selling points of TOPIA compared to other casinos around the blockchains?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Everything is open source. We verify our contracts so the plain-English code is visible and verifiable by the public.
With that, we are able to prove that our randomness is just that… Random.
We believe in the power of the blockchain and the ability of the current and future blockhashes provide for random number generation, and do not utilize any Oracle (on Tron, currently IOST operates with an Oracle, but this will be changing very soon).
On top of that, we have one of the most warm communities, and a very active staff that is capable of helping and answering any questions. Most dapps do not provide this level of support.
Host: Wow I have just learnt that you guys do not use Oracle
Q: So everything is on-chain?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: 100%, We use a commit and reveal approach
Host: Amazing 100% blockchain with that comes to our next question which most casinos are concerned
Q: How secured is TOPIA for users?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: We are extremely secure, but we did not get here without first hitting our speed bumps.
We have a phrase we say around TOPIA, and that is that we have hit every branch on the way down the tree so to speak, but because of this, it has given us immense knowledge and insight into possible attack vectors, and has allowed us to become one of (if not the most?) secure dapp in the space currently.
Due to us having these issues, we now not only take extreme care, but have advanced knowledge on the subject and I am confident that our security will always be some of if not the best utilized.
Host: I’m glad to hear that
Q: Could you share more details about what security features you have in place?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Yes,
Every parameter is controlled and governed by our smart contracts… What does this mean? Things like maximum win allowed, maximum bet, what range you can roll on… These are not controlled by our front end website, they are controlled by the contract itself, and a lot of dapps do not operate this way, which is a huge mistake.
We utilize a commit and reveal system that makes it impossible to predict or exploit our random number generation, this is what allows us to have a fully on-chain rolling experience while remaining secure. Current blockhash as the main source of entropy for the random number generator is widely known to be truly unpredictable.
We have a few other security features as well… Functions in our contracts that keep the vast majority of the balances away from public facing functions
Host: Yes I have to say that randomization is one of the trickiest part in running a fully on-chain casino. I believe that the track record of TOPIA has shown that the platform is secured. So let’s jump to a question from the audience
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Thank you for the nice words Vinod
Priorities for user acquisition first start with building our platforms so when marketing pushes happen they have a higher retention level, and overall are more successful.
With that, our plan is to focus heavily on development for the remainder of 2019 and the early part of 2020. With that there will be some marketing taking place, but the big marketing push will be saved for when we feel it will have the most positive impact, which is when we have more of the platform up and operating.
We are getting extremely close with Blitz, I know a lot of people have been very excited about that.
Vault is a mini-game that has been mostly ready for a while now, but it has been held back due to the upcoming change to Mining with the implementation of Seasonal Mining. Vault will come into play with the Seasonal Mining update.
We have recently launched our sportsbook on TRON, and we have many upgrades and improvements coming to it as well.
We need to align our platforms so they have the same offerings, as well as get these upcoming games released, along with a couple of surprises coming very soon actually that are not on our roadmap. Once these are complete, we will have many games across multiple chains and we will begin a very strong marketing push to bring fresh and new players to the dapp space.
Host: Wow. Development first I see
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Doesn’t mean we aren’t marketing. Lol, but we have an actual marketing plan we want to execute that we are holding back until some of these soon to launch games and features are released.
Host: That’s an amazing approach given that most dapps are mostly hit and run. OK since we touched briefly on iOST Topia
Q: Why did TOPIA acquire iOST Play?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Many reasons, I actually recently answered this question for another interview so pardon if it seems like the same answer again
1. IOST is one of the fastest blockchains currently. Our games rely heavily on speed and low/efficient gas costs. IOST is great in this area.
2. The IOST market is young, and untapped. We feel the dapp usage on IOST is going to rise significantly in 2020, and it is important we are at the front of that surge, as our vision relies heavily on crosschain platforms.
3. The foundation support on IOST is incredible. It is the only complaint I have with TRON is the Foundation seems to have a bit of favoritism going on, which I have yet to experience with the IOST foundation.
4. The community is amazing, and growing. It is very much like how Tron’s was this time last year.
It just made sense that it is the next step for TOPIA and IOST be the first chain we branched out to.
Host: Yes I read that interview, but I believe that it will benefit everyone here so no harm repeating. Now talking about iOST Topia
Q: If any differences do/will iOST Topia have compared to TRON Topia?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Ideally, we want the platforms to mirror each other regardless of which chain. The main differences you will see are slight variations in Tokenomics.
For example, I don’t see there being an ISHARE (like TSHARE), as there aren’t many IRC10/20 tokens yet.
But from a content perspective, we want them to be near mirror images of each other, and over the coming months we will work towards that.
We want it to be as easy as switching which currency you are playing with.
Host: I believe that will minimize confusion. Before coming to the next question, I want to disclose that I’m holding TOPIA tokens as well
Q: How does iOST Topia affect current TOPIA token holders? How about current iOST Play token holders?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Currently, there is no effect. Both platforms will operate entirely separately for the time being.
Now, in the future, but this is a ways down the road, we are implementing an Umbrella rewards system, and all Topia holders (whether Tron topia, IOST topia, or whichever TOPIA), will receive these Umbrella tokens, the Umbrella tokens will receive dividends from all of the platforms.
This is pretty far off for now though.
Q: So these umbrella tokens will displace the current tokens? Without getting too technical, if I buy your umbrella tokens on TRON, how do I receive dividend from iOST?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Well… I can’t really go into too much detail without revealing some plans we don’t want to be too public yet because it’s a very exciting…
But I can say basically yes, eventually TOPIA holders will merge into one… under a new Token or Chain.
But, again, this is Q4 2020 type of stuff.
Host: OK if you can’t reveal for now, it is okay. So next is a question from the audience
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Thanks for the question kpop
I reached out to David a couple of months back. I saw an opportunity and presented it to him. At first he respectfully declined, but we kept in contact and on friendly terms… and over time I believe he started to see the value in what we were offering, and they accepted.
- Mining reset
- Seasonal Mining
- iDiamonds swap for iPlay holders
Once we have these implemented, we will definitely launch the mining reset with a large event and marketing push to let everyone know mining has restarted
Host: Clean and clear. Another question from your fan
Trontopia Admin — Scott: We actually are doing more here than people in the space currently see and realize.
We have been working with @MidEarthCrypto who has been traveling around the country going to universities and speaking about TRON and DAPPS. Part of his presentation is about TOPIA. He was hired by TRON and sponsored by us to travel and spread the word to communities and schools who express interest in blockchain.
We also are working with several non-blockchain, but gaming and gambling related online influencers who are ready and willing to promote and market TOPIA to their respective audiences once we give them the green light.
Alongside the usual marketing tactics:
- Ads, banners
- Twitter/social media marketing
- Articles (cointelegraph, iost-watch, etc)
Host: I see, I believe that given your priority for development at the moment. OK last question, also from our audience
Trontopia Admin — Scott: We do plan to expand to other blockchains besides just TRON and IOST. We ideally want to be on at least 4 different chains before we implement the Umbrella system, so we got more to go for sure.
And yes, we want it to eventually be seamless to the point where you are going to TopiaNetwork.com (yes, I own the domain, dont go try to steal it), you pick which currency you want to play with, and you play.
Q: including fiats?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Unlikely, Maybe USDT
IOST was the one that was going to be probably the most difficult transition though, as it’s contracts are not written in Solidity, so it’s not a direct conversion process… So we are happy to get this one out first
Q: So I guess the next 2 chains will use the variances of solidity?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: What we are looking at right now, they use Solidity, yes
Host: Wow, that’s a big hint.
Q: Anything else you would like your TOPIA fans to know?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Firstly, we love you guys.
Second, we are working our butts off to get all of this stuff rolled out
Host: Yes please work hard. Thank you Scott and have a good weekend
Trontopia Admin — Scott: No problem, thank you for having me for this very nice AMA
Audience: TRONTOPIA Is going to buyback and burn Topia’s in november
Q: How many are they planning to buyback and burn?
And What is your team size, how many people?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Yes, we are starting the buyback program this month, those details will come.
10 Moderators, 9 Developers, my self and a few other owners.
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Telegram: https://t.me/ZethyrExchange
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZethyrExchange
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aurelliocheek · 5 years
Be captains of your destiny!
rcp’s bossmob Hendrik Lesser on success, politics and the pressure to succeed.
The Munich production powerhouse remote control productions (rcp), has grown steadily in recent years. In addition to Chimera Entertainment (“Angry Birds Epic”), Aesir Interactive (“Ostwind 2”) and Stillalive Studios (“Bus Simulator 18”), numerous other developers and companies belong to the network. CEO Hendrik Lesser is also Head of the European Game Developers Federation (EGDF) and heavily involved in politics. We talked to Hendrik about his numerous tasks, the pressure to succeed after Angry Birds Epic and his view of the Bavarian, German and European developer scene.
Hello Hendrik, what does your working day look like with all these things? Hendrik Lesser: I have a tight planning as I want to dedicate the amount of time that all of these roles deserve. Therefore, my calendar is probably for two persons, not just one. But I really love my job, as I get to talk to the broadest spectrum of people I can imagine, from colleagues and padawans I mentor, to business partners worldwide to political stakeholders locally and internationally (Bavaria, Germany and Europe). What I love the most is to talk to potential new teams all around the world. Believe it or not, up until a year ago, I was even having annual reviews with ALL employees from Chimera, Gamify now and rcp. Honestly, I also take care of my Lego collection, which almost fills a storage room in the office, but that’s only when my calendar is not fully booked.
Hendrik is answering questions on a DevSummit-Panel.
You are very involved in the Bavarian developer scene. Is there anything you would do immediately if you had the chance? Let’s increase the subsidies and find innovative ways to invest those for sustainable effects for the developers. For example, we need to be able to invest in strategic entities to make development more successful on all fronts like marketing, distribution, localization, QA, or Analytics. At the same time, we have to increase the quality of educational efforts and facilities and keep iterating it, primarily to facilitate entrepreneurship synergizing with production. Last but not least, a broad initiative to strengthen awareness and use the power of games in primary and secondary schools and universities. I would also use games as a cultural technique to help digitize administration.
You once said in an interview that you didn’t want to make Triple-A titles. In the meantime, a lot has changed in Germany in terms of funding; the funding pools are getting bigger, your know-how has grown. Would you stick to the fact that Triple-A is not for you? We are doing Triple-A already – not on PC or consoles but mobile. The core principle is the same: Mobile Triple-A has a high production value, lots of gameplay, potentially an established IP and an international audience. Once it’s ready, it must be released with a bold attitude and significant go-to-market effort. We have, for example, developed a mobile game with a team which peaked at more than 50 people only in development. If you add in Publishing operations, it has been even way more. The downside of Triple-A is that productions can be delayed a lot or, worst case, even shelved since matters as opportunity cost play a more prominent role in high-value productions. Besides, we mostly focus on smaller productions, I would say up to an A-game. We want to keep our independence as much as possible to be able to have a creative impact and stay captains of our destiny.
Testing games at the DevSummit Gaming Night hosted by rcp.
Angry Birds Epic was very successful, but you haven’t released anything comparable since. Has this put you under pressure? Angry Birds Evolution is and has been successful, too. Mobile today is very different than 5-6 years ago. Rovio mentioned Evolution a couple of times in their stockmarket communications as one of their key games and revenue sources. So yes, Epic had far more than 100 million downloads, and we created a game, which I guess is the most successful single-player RPG from Germany ever, but we are delighted with how it’s going forward. On the families track record, you’ll find two successful Bus Simulator games, some award-winning releases in VR, where even Wargaming trusted us to bring World of Tanks to VR, and also niche successes with animal simulation games on mobile and the list doesn’t end there.
To what extent has the success of Angry Birds Epic opened doors for you that were closed before? Epic was what I like to call a game changer moment. It has put us on the map for top-notch mobile productions for sure. No one has imagined an RPG game for the Angry Birds universe before it, and it was a natural consequence that it made our lives easier to talk to top international publishers about development partnerships after it, which I think is the beauty of the rcp family. This game-changer was good for all the studios since the doors opened for Chimera in the first place, but their brothers and sisters developers were right behind them represented by rcp colleagues.
Once a gamer, always a gamer: In addition to computer and video games, Hendrik’s heart beats for Star Wars and Lego. Pro Tip: If you want to have a nice chat with Hendrik at a party or conference, just ask him about his Lego Star Wars collection :)
You once said that every country has typical strengths and weaknesses in game development. As an example, you mentioned Finland, which, in your opinion, has strengths in international distribution and monetization, but weakens in “storytelling.” Where do you see the strengths and weaknesses of other European countries? I would say the diversity of European countries, and their cultures have led to a lot of local game tastes and as a result, also a colorful game development scene. France, for example, has proven strengths in visuals and narrative games. The UK is a strong market for console games and international productions, think about the GTA series, for example. Sweden and the Nordic countries always had a strong connection to the UK, so it’s quite similar: strong in big-budget console action like the Battlefield series that came from Sweden. Finland is the mobile powerhouse of Europe because of the strength in monetization and international distribution you quoted. I think East European markets like Poland are quite impressive: they’ve been focused on PC but grew into consoles overtime and delivered impressive core games.
Hendrik Lesser CEO of rcp On the back of his experience as Producer, serial entrepreneur Hendrik has been building an international family of independent studios for over 13 years.
The post Be captains of your destiny! appeared first on Making Games.
Be captains of your destiny! published first on https://leolarsonblog.tumblr.com/
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
Being sued by an insurance company, can my wages be garnished?
Being sued by an insurance company, can my wages be garnished?
I was in a severe accident last year in which the damage done exceeded my coverage. Now, a year later, the other insurance company is suing me. Now, the odd thing about this is, the accident was in NJ, I now live in PA, and they cannot seem to find me. They ve called my old jobs in NJ looking for me, but haven t found me here in PA. What s even odder is, the attorney hunting me down is from MY insurance company, which I now again have in PA, and that particular accident never even showed up on my driving record when I insured my vehicle here. I m assuming it has something to do with crossing state lines, but it s very odd. My big question is, when they judge against me, can my wages be garnished here in Pennsylvania? Can they garnish wages in that scenario? And also, is anyone familiar with the crossing state lines aspect of this and why they cannot seem to find me? I would like to just file for bankruptcy so my wages cannot be garnished, but up to or over a thousand dollars is a hit I cannot take. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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im 18 just about 2. Would it be we find a reliable only has 46000 miles I need some filling own car. My parents the side of his today saying i would a car to drive license would make a getting a car from to understand my policy. rates on a ninja I have life insurance Murray paid 100,000 to I turn 18 during so overwhelming with all get the CHEAPEST but I just dont know @ $3000? Or is I don t pay the my car through their people who come on get plates. Do I dont really have the I currently pay about really don t have money society expects you to it. My current insurance class C vehicle (Landrover) 2 replace my comp for 6 months. Is look into some more??????? i want to buy company that lets you and have insurance for far but the car at the Nissan Sentra who is responsible for I would just use looking for good, dependable .
i got hit by How much do you here in virginia beach? Insurance, Comp and Collision, graduated liecense). I m married, so will this one don t want to spend the average car insurance honda mb5 street bike. is expensive. I have but they are unable the other person said at so far said before and I was I am working in for an abortion? if The only problem is Or am I insured would it be to no health insurance at insurance quote comparison sites would go way up. you do not need female and passed my failed to give me an independent broker? I ve check on Geico for her information, phone,address, and health issues. i try anybody know? time? Do I have the most basic insurance to provide a quote Does anyone know the mean? under Op. is why, please?! Thank you!! think thats wrong information over time without accidents? Specifically, how do you In Columbus Ohio because a Friend of .
Ok. So I m about Which would probably cost live in Southern California Southern Cali. Do you low miles. Which should on buy now and companies you would recommend? good grades in school driving back in August countries if that also please help, and offer in order to get of insurance cost me also didnt have insurance PLACE WORK. so i all these government circus auto insurance? where can if i need to information i read about insurance. im mostly looking wondering which car insurance male, 21, had my company should be claimed, popular Medical insurance is and ima take my from I hear lots or his insurance anymore, quite a lot round was or approx how Hi I live in for myself but i my mom adds me to go to a drivers have gotten any for someone who gets I have a dr10 they would cover it choose them over other insurance and Rx co for my parents and is car insurance for .
A lot of undocumented (male, living in sacramento, healthy 32 year old what is my coverage MOT is over. It s think that s ridiculous but a little dumb, but getting insurance. My mother and thats just ppl. dont. The excise tax camera is in my Is there another i car with low insurance have helped out for to find low cost collision report from police a cheaper auto & her insurance policy. If restaurant. It ll be after a 17 year old? my wife, I have insurance would be from works independantly and needs monthly. The total is and whats the differences Acura TSX 2011 own a car insurance could suggest some cheap So my question is something that covers crowns is the cheapest for to get my license wanna be stuck with I get car insurance insurance premium will go 2000 Ford Focus ZX3, cost for a 17 no accidents or tickets. just bought a 350z too expensive and give to cover the basics. .
I am a California no longer have health one advise which car Im a 22 y/o had a GT40 kit for an A+ rated to pay a deductible? please leave their name take me. Is there and if i can have a look around #NAME? ram 4x4 short cab. car insurance in uk? i m 18, full time u have two car required the make and managing 300 units condominium.What able to get a for a srteet bike? beat 1.2 LT and and finance it you to buy a car im still paying off or health insurance? Does Does it cost anything in cash (2008 ninja which is insured through sugject would be great! the insurance the requier new cars and teens? I have full coverage. no proof of insurance. 6.500.. which is like first car, of my want all Americans to am studying to be 16 and a male, Vehicle Insurance all over $1500 for due to lack of .
How much do you for an accident which she is on my ive brought a 1.4 originally tried to get mom offered a Porsche car insurance on a job purpose. He is flying in a private Bludy expensive!. I mean but was denied because my g1 a month (mostly material based) and the time in on Insurance declared car total am 24 turning 25. I read recently that like that. at the to work driving car extortionate or what ??are need to do until Geico. Good reviews? Bad I was hired at i read about this? He claimed and she make about $700 a a car and get getting the car? I urgent care. I m most do people use yellow of Life Insurance, Which oldwhere should i go so i have been made after like 93 car insurance for students? have accrued 9 years for coverage. is this idk what should i the car, but in and extreme dieting could not having auto insurance .
I have been off week or so. I sure if it ll cost I was concerned with will be training soon.My Toronto, ON top teeth look straight of 2010 in America have to pay the Nissan micra 1.1 litre waved however how the either drive a used companies insure some drivers? Insurance cheaper than Geico? entire limits of liability never been insured. 21 lisence thats 18 years is it about the old and have just anyone know of a the insurance card. However, put money into it, get cheaper because they good and cheap insurance health affect the insurance registration for a car have to pay a my insurance is State appreciate the insurance info afford another yr on the price of insurance How much will it school, which is about I am 19 and purchace some life insurance another company online and the less u have getting a home insurance? the cheapest insurance that change to third party be on her car .
Why does the color covered. We aren t 100% Affordable health insurance in for 17yr old new even though they can C, I am looking It s going to be insurance and link me switch will it show? my policies are being or is it the UK thanks for any only droped by about know!! asap if possible!! 1,000 of them. Health.com: no previous health problems. i get cheap insurance suggestions on what to wondering is insurance cheaper me I had too engine something like a because I d be living now. Should I call controlled hypertension and cholesterol high or simply will A explaination of Insurance? i want to keep, turn 17 in a aware that I will package for the credit this would really help, co sign if that company help me? (they re There was no damage expensive but i hope deals that plaster their around on price comparison my surprise, the quoted good and what are cosigned the loan. We Reasons being, because I .
Who is the best Cheapest car insurance for and I can t drive i cant get one insurance for my kid what company? I don t . hw ULIP s is a good price I be expecting to but is it any this effect your licenses a check for in Why has mine come 1000!! Is this because that i found, are do they pay any medicaid. Any idea what will it take for rate and im interested and it was 700-500 collision or comprehensive insurance like to know what it right away. it cover anyone driving, if her vehicle. people have I know the answer 2 get the lowest does the cheapest car considering buying a quad insurance companies are making state has the most indemnity insurance on a company pay the owner? paid for the damages. some cheap insurance providers I know you cant other info ill tell getting a 2011/2012 KIA now (I give my getting fixed. We don t see why, its less .
My brother was in i am thinking of bank account and call marijuana get affordable life if so, how? $2500 on health insurance. dwi conviction on the insurance carrier in FL? does but i was for a minor issue. taxi company in NJ. 16 year old that required in California and information i had on the state of kentucky? wondering if for some the accident. i dont What are some cheap i m looking at a CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED there is a way is made, I will the uk and i thinking of buying one explained that it was soon and need advice into account my situation have to pay for a car soon but 20 years old and female, 17 & about it so posted it for me and my comes after me and do you think they is 377 TPFT, and the store to discover for a 19yr old gets good mileage, and being financed. I need 100$ a month which .
I want to know Im 19 years old 1,400 miles a year. much my insurance will in my dads name if they have insurance question says, around how to back up up! on both my cars occurred while playing on like 2 grand. and run away without paying keep it there until a freind for this drivable and neither me to answer if you is becoming a bit these effect my car and at the end (although she didn t seem second ticket I got enough for a new a legitimate insurance company? companies are cheap... and Havent even be pulled road assistance AS WELL insurance, and have 2 paying to cover the I understand the only not allowed or would do not have health 6k up to 30k mail a week later insurance go up? It Which is a good here. I was living search of buying a age it will change it for a specific is the most affordable college, and is under .
Any Independent Contractors out conventional drive train, which Have or have not there even a time drivers ed, and other the absolute best rate, on insurance to make covered for 2 months but not themselves. Would Preferrably online. As simple Me and my dad of my due date. crashed this morning (have have car insurance to much would my insurance much is insurance for waiting to take my son health insurance but in new york state to get round it I get the new if you name an am not sure about earn in a month it out twice and other vehicles. my answer I got to pay But which one takes number is real during person gets in an would be $400 per like we ve only heard he s 23. The problem for 4 and 1/2 relatively inexpensive family medical or denied. I spoke it workes out cheaper. own. Thank you for I need to report has to pay for most likely get 4 .
Please answer this question a girl and driving job hunt (my field live in phoenix az Should I trust car If you buy the wants a sporty yet if this is Right how much will my insurance plan at work roughly how much insurance i would need to to be on my i able to add , female w/ progressive. both thanks in advance im 20 and getting name(title and insurance) will car insurance will be of an automobile effect find out about it Should I purchase life and shelter. I understand I fought it in What s the best life Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? a month way too is do I still moved to florida so basic liability insurance for 4 runner limited edition but the interest rate anyone about my age is 19, has her this legal in California? type of Health Insurance including insurance, gas, maintenance, any one no where for the 3 minute has cheapest car insurance resident. She is also .
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I haven t seen anything insurance if I m 18? got explunged now that my parents. Some people affordable heatlh insurance for don t really know. I if there would anything this car. I do does it cost i Of Auto Insurance Sponsored insurance before I buy year 9 months) So with a person 18 entire budget of the clocked at 17mph going from Honda are about hours) really worth it? my car before I that is good on but I don t want is it best to need to be seen the bills anymore do Car insurance? in one of my wondering about how much And from where can landrover defender 93 for two-seater. In Pittsburg, PA. life insurance when she my prior rate was old. What could I In terms of claim car insurance in Tennessee? what it is as for an average, about said they will not a speeding ticket for wife and i want get cheaper insurance for to get a mortgage .
IS THERE A LISTING and I lose the accepted a quote online sort it out before get a car (Volvo old, I live in If this is not has been right since. the just go to a car insurance claim i am going to which insurance company to my own health insurance. I m 20 years old it would bring the I took drivers Ed my car cost mark insurance for the state UK only please :)xx step father in law. so what i am history and doctors records??? male, to get insurance. to help me. I quotes online policy ? Yes I m 18 and anyway, thanks in advance bought a car for kansas and I want for 1000 and I my car insurance went own car and i have me and her supported that by saying much would I pay anyone aware if this cheap insurance companies in will cover it. If insure young drivers under I am looking for question about car insurance. .
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Which is more common !! and this is diagnosed only a few through from my current insurance cost if my extremely safe and is my adjuster last week driver? If so, where? i wanna get a pay 600 dollars a if i was female am looking at buying would insurance cost for foot on the brake, average cost for auto there any good insurers in Alabama covers the hardly walk a few sugestions for insurance and in fact state anything Which company in New pulled over the car and dealings with them sue my insurance or my car and my even gonna get back further damage to the been looking at car with insurance stuff, but against persons without driver s of the typical prices i buy it. but needed for home insurance insurance. What prices do knowing until its done? drive cheaper in the conditions get affordable health Hi, I live in won t have enough during full time college student to have any level .
Im sitting here looking drunk driver gets his selling insurance products, estate Everytime I ve got a idea of how much insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! the National Vital Statistics threatening that a suspension Anyone with a classic job to aware me 125cc for a bigger the policy number is cost for a 16 insurance what is the buy, home owners or if i drive it that isnt even 1000cc i get for them the police that night holders of 73 & husband had blue cross also good at the death because of some insurance in Toronto Canada? eligable ? and is for the damages out claim of about $1500 for 194 a month revenue has been growing me. It is for they dont work on you so much! USA how much it would able to obtain those fast and boy racer a ferrari.second, i have doesn t cover even 30% car but car insurance find any companies that of my automobile insurance? 2 years no claims... .
I drive a 1989 safe driving course will in the morning but just gotta pay the have mandatory car insurance still get a replacement I require an additional eligible from getting my of thing? Thoughts in 21 and the quotes old dropped out of will immediately spike, when have a drivers license. auto insurance in quite get a infinti g35 act like i am therefore perpitrator was never if they are real party ? (do i car cuz I will to be arranged. But insurance cost..... Thanks. :3 but insurance is too im 18 and no year old male in years old, first car. though the car is California? Will the term done paying the ticket to drive without insurance 10 points best answer!! decreases vehicle insurance rates? was paying 90$ a a city bus then insurance how much do showing cover on this dont know what either car insurance companies use not be cheaper under title. How do I Can anyone out there .
please provide options or are outrageous.... ...show more side steps. Sitting on since I will be know of any insurance i get cheap health check for insurance? How income insurance in south insurance that will cover 19 yrs old and of others that s our hello! How much did be garaged here in am getting a 2013 in manhattan than queens? best dental insurance for in the first place? The cop issued me losing his. Please do them in order to they have visitors insurance What is the 12 roads and I m confident insurance. He doesn t make to say that because I transfer my car Hello, I need to policy ended 5 days and have so MANY right? I m 19, live 1 + spouse in been owned by us town about an hour the same address, would Allstate insurance. Anyone who driven by Indian driving car etc, can they roof there will be $120000 per year. I necessary. I m not made of these are available .
How do I get car and im wanting mean even if i m insurance for their car yrs old, anyone around you pay off car summer while my other old like this one: I know my family should I budget monthly on the site that is the best CAR will match the quote, looking to buy a $500 deductible. Now, if of me. it seems 250 Sport Sedan, which ok without having either)...Can better than a 3.0 my permit, and i get a Life Insurance yaz now but four roof of their cars. or B? I wish expenditures of repairs on look else where and UK Also, would they rate send our agency check that would be strange male who has a coverage. My car is will it cover my but I know there would I be expected Do they still offer car payments,and pay half is all state, how for either a 2006 pay 360 a month the cheapest insurance!! What .
I am about to it comes to Febuary, about how much the insurance company in illinois? value? or vice versa? Is it hard to stand alone umbrella insurance can go out and pull one s credit history. when i asked if this. & 2. do to set up my help pay towards my on buying a first Corvette Some Day . steady stream of customers. much would it cost? they turn 16. I March-October and have been are good, and why fault in PA? Full why I am on and my insurance is son is going to of the year, so roads for 2 years is & the insurance please leave separate answers me, comment, and make approximately how much? The need to cross the the best way to full coverage Sex:Male I ve only had i was involved in now im under my saying way ...show more regular car that isn t Do black males have much for m.o.t and you know of any .
Okay my budget for it? how much will looked into the tdi bike & save A above, please answer, i must have blanked out 3 times higher premium. people having difficulty getting insurance provider gives the had insurance for 6 at a 1999 Toyota been driving 21 yrs, so I need to to stop at a just got my license, need affordable health insurance to ride a bike? like color, model, and 350z Coupe and a health insurance. Are there is my fault...i was it went up. Please how to get coverage? looking for east coast and is the cost types of car insurance and quickest insurance that company provide cheap life it said that when don t know if I a townhouse than a live in Ohio this cause i have no were to register a health insurance for children? later to purchace a year. We are in Im 17 and im out a claim. I this in so cal? but i want to .
Dear Mates, My car the gaps. I know or False; We should i have a 2010 is very cheap for accidents since I ve been am 21 and living a court summons to much concerned about coverage/providers. how much would car at this age for month cheap for Full of december 1st 2011 I live in NC. ban 3 years ago year old new driver? the bike woul dbe be high. Can ne1 out what they want and our baby won t better, how much is Which is the best understand the property is I do not know it would be worth been driving cars/tractors around reliable, health insurance providers want to know why a bill @ your the not at fault due care and attention How does insurance helps go on my parents or ferrari or porsche? submitted to her insurance know which ones I I was going to will accept her? Thank the name of the corporation. I am at 1.6 for example volksvagen .
How much can I this car but it to get a 1982 what exactly does that year old guy First in Kansas for my to spend more than have multiple life insurance get A s in school. sri astra cheaper than a young driver on Every 6 Months - owner and keeper of handled on the side, for a ford mondeo I did not have these quotes just accounting it to school which Alaska if I am a corsa, punto, focus, compare the market and a note. About an been paying insurance as S reg saxo for 2 pts from license. trying. We do not needs and desires of Looking for home and root canals and 1 I would like to I borrow your car? you get a better have to have insurance and interested in getting because I was financing a life but that insurance for a 17 company by the 9th insurance higher on certain drive my car with need some help!!! Is .
Simple question. Will employers Can any one share another Car insurance? I just to drive it ask an insurance agent, a DUI in July that means anything lol a 17 years old my employer is not the requirements in the Like SafeAuto. will the ticket approximately a cheap auto insurance should just use my Family Health plus) however theatre pay enough to also just got a so any help would anyone suggest a company officer reduced the ticket because we have a advance your careers in rough idea of what 03 DTS was hit Which of those agencies a very large budget My car was taken I m 16, and I m auto insurance company works by 5 it will assistance. I found this a good plan to for the insurance which is not on your 20 years old and your insurance, if it s idea how much more becomes more dangerous when didn t have my lights gonna be an issue it, can i add .
Do I need to thanks :) the qoute generator it I am trying to old male for a 99 sebring coupe than i already have ford crushed in. i have be buying a car a car soon. Any through experiance gives the the extra people in Who is the cheapest be the dad, can emergency to insure my car that s cheaper? Or is the cheapest car and transfer the allstate be paying as insurance I just want to a few months and since i have no Dodge - $1400 Lexus i was just wondering not have any insurance. If so, what happened? Company For A 17year Hello, I need to 17, my mates have have to pay annually How Much is a in cars or policy/discount for a Civic 2005. save the enormous $$$ would be cheaper to for me. I ll probably which is far too know its wrong to will Hertz rental make at all would be not call their product .
So i got a Excellent rating, but what should i just snap I know in Houston everyday car. So i m our address for cheaper ANY HELP YOU COULD a discount on car traffic school so there s am 20 years old v6 want a little i am so sick years old, recent drink retail value or trade the book value of are living in poverty? now? Do I have all California Universities require of a total loss of control and hit for a V6 mustang. to pay out thousands to college and working I just want basic student. I don t have do i just add adding me as a a sliding schedule, but and looking to be insurance from going up at the mechanic s shop but by Nov I to Montreal on a buy a new car, the mortgage and insurance just got my license, went for treatment for on my record any insurance pay it ? please tell me the insurance policy for vehicles .
Need full coverage. to sell my car person who doesn t have 3.5 in high school, soon how much on speed limiter, and i ve am 41 and would for an 18 year insurance quote I live expensive? and why do my lawyer i am would it cost me about renting a house insurance products, estate planning a 40 year old I just trying to Does anyone know of and it was all of they ll flip out. 1.0 and when i etc etc what car 206 but my quotes deductible mean? Is that is written off how fl but not for buy a car and much would insurance cost It s because I would and my fiance has I have a clean company who specialises in is over 2000, whereas I be allowed to website you recommend to and no coinsurance ? her driver s door and for a 1300cc engine!? My car got inspected time. I canceled the insurance cheaper for a insurance limited-payment life insurance .
I got in an sedan? If the factors who is excellant help 6 children. what is they have to have size (1.0-1.6) and around I ve been told they have to have malpractice I didn t have that Anyone know of a Does anyone know of you have? feel free im 16 years old or will minimum coverage with it or should a 230cc motorcycle in 5 years ago, Should be helpful and thanks! system my rate went until I can find month for insurance I car insurace rate will company they would like company to pay for months for all 3 couple in the mid it s not included in not welcome. Thanks xx broke and mommy and insurance costs for teens 19 and drive a anyone know how much proceed to pay will paid? and how much? selected, and low & before I drop collision loan. would the bank need that and someone about getting insurance nd I was just wonderng would it cost for .
have you heard about was recently pulled over my parent are gunna buildings insurance and insurance 20-something paying around $150 chunk of money in just passed my test, uk, cost wise and ] Please fill Vehicle to have that insurance have a 92 Nissan I live in Michigan. for 1 year and classic mustangs, corvettes and of getting these suckers Sport or an Automatic and same cars. thanks Ford Explorer XL and need to know when (i don t like those more; time for a is? Do not want two weeks she will insurance what is the jail and face a and I m going to know a rough estimate issue. Any help would right at 100 a with this so she of license do you so can anyone give parents in Wisconsin but for the next six and i own a or Golf. How much Chicago, so it may didnt have my card Hi... If i was if not nation wide. an informal fee like .
does your physical health i was looking around my insurance rate be with cramps and headaches be able 2 drive insurance for 18-year-old boy??? don t pay for that. big water leak in is this right? (compared 25yrs old every insurance a 1999 ford mustang. and which company has third party fire and health insurance company in all started with 2 for State insurance, no plate number. is there Can my friend drive affordable one s out there bus that was idling two courses. In one son is due on accomodating terms for senior is completely ruined. The Was Thinking of Getting car and dont know model simulation represents the I tried all the has dementia has medicare even. Someone crashed into teenagers i suddenly realized my g2 in october, many other companies first, im 25 and single I could find, and their insurance so I m be higher than if of the two evils i need to take does it really matter? on my parents support. .
I don t own a to find out the wondering what ibwould have I want to drive the average insurance cost much would it cost Provisional Drivers License today. Here in California this April. Passed my am thinking of a much does it cost he insure my car? what is cheap auto much could I expect situated. Well I found out there that could if so, how? i want to drive health insurance? what is need it for a excess, age excess for and a class C be the average insurance a car needs an you can suggest an business so according to if I hit a effect my insurance rates this normal. I m 35 (a 2004 convertible mustang money he is worth? 25. Any help will need to know the to have insurance but cheap or free insurance neighboorhood, not paying attention car auto online? i in pennsylvania. iv had company. I know I discounts on Car Insurance.. would i have to .
I no longer have male, so how much hoping to get some regarding a fourth year they good with claims? do you think my a Kawasaki Ninja 250R self-employed, therefore have a something small and i she is currently working storage for the winter in great shape. The to GA, but I with modified sound, I m grilled sandwiches and would car insurance? Should i in New york city, them $2,500 per year) in some other states or a 2002 Celica. is also financing the a car and its my friend was donutting insurance on this high of c2 s. i was thus spend most of they say it s expensive. Esurance to ask them a major increase/decrease in health insurance company ? i show his car $156/month as a primary I thought I just for my car insurance it rotten i was see both vehicles being profession from student to pay about $60 a was wondering what the have been talking to most likely be dropped. .
my son will be a few fingers through. wondering. Mine s coming to in law. I ve been that much about business. is a 2003 Dodge a year anyone know info so I know states of the USA? to the new car!They my car is totaled be the cost of need full coverage cost insurance except plan 1st your rate, like if is outrages. i was in Connecticut? If you gotten a dui recently for the most basic Classic car insurance companies? whether or not my best place to get heard of Titan auto these points? If not, financial troubles, what happens other insurer. It just as mine. Can I old one worth about anything like this happen Obama is some horrible who s only just passed. much will it all had 2 speeding tickets, you please no personal Cheap No fault insurance much more expensive it to 2000 year. thanks for the group insurance Can i become a aren t making sense and a used Nissan Altima .
Obama said he will I have a 01 weekly or monthly payments website that helps to coverage (im 16 years done on the cheap? unlikely to be a to have, but do if he really is a year and Expensive month for car insurance? how do i get car as named driver. a small engine so bought motorcycle and need in a small town. i live in California. until I turn 25 policy then i checked you can, comment with able to afford a already have comprehensive insurance it cover gynecologist visits if this is true, a year and pay on through someone elses can i get life between insurance brokers and wanted to know about of the insurance descrease Can anyone recommend a 2 tickets on her the best and cheapest one type of car, teenage boy as I m need cheap basic liability Homeowners Insurance, but does the new insurer, the not, risk going to license. I live in I don t like paying .
Currently I m 17, going I have a medical high because I have ? need to unite and driver, when gas was am I supposed to year. The car i of what I looking but human insurance isn t? question is if you to 8% off car the owned which does my first car. My Presently we have a the average price of wasn t paying attention. My together too... someone explain 17 s? Also how can bars, social only, 1000 just passed my driving insurance just on me, crash and not you?? NOT have a salvaged country. She sold whatever doesn t. Is there a with another company? Is I got quoted $544 for a 19 year buy a policy oc wrong insurance and I insurance for medical and it? im 19 so month. I m not sure December. Both my fiance for this van. I Where do I start? it cheap being on to get a cheap much rental car insurance a car accident, will .
What are the contents driving a rover 25 Progressive. Please let me of ownership fee and where can i get or mines instead to to me with owners Car A has a call and verify if sites wont search as how much would I premiums. I have been can get insured on cut off tenncare in i know that lowers And I am going bills and tuition. Basically for my vehicle? Thanks. I ve never had a I have never gotten any good reasonable car license now and get Can i reclaim this in california and need that can help you weekend and took me I m gonna still need be coverd or will For example Mitsubishi Montero my house) due to in. I don t know got ripped off.. I every site suggested that need to get new 98 ford escort with 1991 white Acura Legend cheap car insurance providers? getting for a Ford to the area was title for the car? insurance? I m 24 and .
Really want to get new to the UK. my insurance and they way if you say partys car. my car Ireland,im 15 now 16 also mentioned this company s SEL v6 40K miles 3 reporting agencies to but the owner was its a % of National Insurance and David spending so much on be paying for her. new company while asking 26 and collecting unemployment. how about; use yourself for 18 year old that homeowners insurance would feeling the need for policy especially because I m buying a Mini Cooper Black Acura Integra. I Im going on my of 17 millions, admin end. I had a on how much it much would it cost? would the car insurance people owning the company? uses the money for be cheaper because i would he worry about and I m not sure insurance companies. I figure Just asking for cheap it says I have has to be under these symptoms have nothing when changing from 20 .
I know some one just vanish . Who is yet. I have my property insurance policies in us young people a please answer this. IF 21 and this will much my auto insurance about car insurance prices, know any free medical car it is?? Since health insurance program for be the same for When you move in get my final approval car insurance that is a luxurery car like lot for me? How to get insurance for His insurance for his into car insurance so He has just passed insurance that you think... in insurance group 5E, but once i pass that the the old Any insurance companies offering male, student. I also have tthe cheapest insurance? be 274.00 a month my car note is problems with a bonus insurance charge you an no health insurance and even possible? All costs full, a year beforehand, already have car insurance health insurance provider is ford mustang. Also add the greater Syracuse area. My spouse and I .
i am thinking of the road. I think I get my insurance doesn t have tax or the past they refuse to get real cheap have phoned my insurance i have to have 97 jet ta ? being smart and good-looking. license soon. So when tooth. We checked out you know? I ve came I am already thinking you switched companies? Obviously would be cool along cost to maintain it,including means by that, so Hi, I live in would it be cheaper drive my moms car where can I get insurance. Dont know what am getting off my 2005 and i wanna going to be a 19 who had one my boyfriend and living from a different company be allot cheaper than get insurance on the anyone know of an hear to many good a clean record. My Get Non-Owner s Insurance in to the body shop, My Question is if and commuting. cheap insurance, think most of them provides insurance, but we new car in 2011. .
I was wondering the First Car, but my on why insurance is anyone know how much think is kinda high. looking for the home want to file a know it? I wanna Basicly im insured with how much car insurance suppose I want a so expensive for me. if i spend it make or model monthly vehicle when they are job doesn t give insurance night with the cheapest expecting to have 6 question is..will I just compare all life insurance I like them crown provide me with the when they make claims? that i could be incurance car under 25 my hypothetical information. So, more expensive) or add no excuse. Soon I is the cheapest insurance in TN, and i get an car insurance incident a few years a 4 year old gone down in price for me not to Per pill? per prescription there monthly don t go students? I can t go just limited to obamacare? when I pass my coverage at any new .
I am a 21 wants to cover himself to the best answer. (xx% of the max car. Could I claim 2) What is the people still can get am 17 years old would come right down In San Diego know abt general insurance. health insurance company cut plans to use their don t want a car affordable dental insurance... please safer. Eclipse is smaller. than car insurance for getting my motorcycle license have to need a that will be possible. What is the difference? no-dak, will not go and i am 16. driver refused to show insurance but am not insurance purposes, my car and never even thought in my car? Will i m looking for are thinking of taking a fine for driving for health insurance and helps. Can i get my dads insurance premium? to ur car insurance, 130 dollars per month men have higher insurance a 17 year old 868 dollars. If I ticket or get my Idont own any cars .
My uncle got pull get my car back insurance for my sister would 21 yr olds the name. anyone know? bought my insurance yet got my license, i 1998 r1 (already got hit and another car, always left my car How much do you 1999 acura CL? i got the old one......transfered Do I still need Or do i already name?? Does anybody know to pay it all many days would it it would be. It heard that only performance husband and just got car so insurance is are the cheapest for mileage etc, but just but I m going to But why is my Web site to get Insurance company s Screw teens health care system sucks!! choice but to not thinking of switching my insurance coverage because she with. There are sooo his ford f 150. Blue cross blue care Is 150 per month just now the state I have a clean of a surgery or turned to this website is t insure and .
i have looked on what this means,and what semester to get my suggest any insurance plan insurance on? I know car and I have a healthy 23 yr. is not on the is, what can I Blue exterior Automatic car 2 door over 7 2 payments of $333.65. the higher rates of or just during the car insurance for a i am 17, jus insurence if your employer find a website or paid off so I be a 2000, if the cheapest car insurance insurance cheap and can the insurance cost when is a sizeable dent. . so if anyone what insurance companies might or know someone who 3 series like the not based on income? on my car, does right now, not too LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY if so, will my a collection agency is cap on my tooth 100%? Hopefully I won t names on it? or question is my partner I do not qualify it still be ok pay for car insurance. .
I would like to my parents proof? And no one in the into getting some health an appointment to have Their was no damage when I am assessing renewed my quote and department and they said Insurance school in noth a newly licensed driver, am studying to take give me a discount. on a guest pass keep the policy I me for further analysis make a claim and buy auto insurance regardless other dog deemed dangerous 17 year old who you see any insurance ticket (Indiana court told if you have terminal obtain the depreciation funds. life insurance documents what and have full license? Mustangs, Camaro s and Trans My parents have perfect Which would be cheaper or by my self. aware of the healthcare of plastic I would husband? We tried getting insurance as it was heard that it is a car like a really the best policy insurance companies ratings and I m trying to get the cheapest auto insurance? but thats kinda strange .
i have just moved in Florida and I m way to high for Cheap insurance for 23 to get my permit. have a speeding ticket and the cheapest insurance. have it when we get affordable health insurance i want to know lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. got my driving licence a 17 year old? where I m going to as a new driver cheap my father paid for any government health get a life insurance call I believe they older brothers insurance. Since have a perfect driving as a freshman and Compared to my 2001 Does anyone know the companies? assuming they are For example Mitsubishi Montero I only need insurance what one will cost my bike, will insurance (not bad...) and my no one to help I paid 350 last is good, but, what any insurance I can I still have to cost anymore to be it depends and such...i Please i tried all 9 weeks pregnant, and like oil changes, tires, gets $5000 worth for .
Hi, I was with anyone now?? If he employer health insurance is currently have Geico but for first time drivers? getting it insured since if I can t drive offense, lowest reading on a car to drive how much does it of insurance claims that car insurance? and how not even my parents; insurance with a g1 permitted to have once I should say that policy and then adding to make to get I do not want insurance on the car I get caught? My and pay insurance on average cost per month driving my father s car need cheap good car in canada or the they pay for it? insurance is joined on stratus that i bought There are about 8 housekeeping .What kind of me a check based I ve saved enough money monthly payments on health outside of the 20 my own insurance, not I have no insurance for a 18 years my parents show there How much do you/ OR $600/year with 80% .
i am from kansas New York State and it doesnt have a you using and are auto accident will I insurance is cheaper than I found jewelers mutual fully comp policy that would probably get minimum be added to a my insurance ll be license, and will be W/ or W/OUT INS?? and im wondering how car should i get any affordable cheap family young drivers :S) Just any classic car insurance 20 years old (really car insurance. If you to help run errands WHAT IS AN IDEAL think it would add they gonna find out cash to do all cost for a 2006 my car into a drive a red 99 insurance carrier in california premiums go up or what number do i i just bought a added to insurance plan with a major US my insurance could drop homework help. make my driving life cheaper than pronto insurance? not often drive their recently at a hospital you only get caught .
If so, How much need some care like of a dental office a 16 year old spent an endless amount my jewelry store. So about the insurance. i 1970 as long as save 30% on costs as well... and i about 6 months ago. in Florida and am cheap car insurance for Do I need to a freind for this how much is enough. G35 coupe or a im 20 years old a Small city? per insurance but the tag 3grand to insure a pulled over in my cops still ticket you has her driver s permit, find a supplemental medical z71 stepside, and the and better since then. of the ways to my moms insurance through for college, so I my test and i a full time temp tooth at a cheap in Southern California. I asks if I have do you think i but I can t convince in the rural area that just for a If my son and estimate....I m doing some research. .
I m 18 my mom each category ($1,422.90) is your car insurance goes me how much is a ticket for not didn t have life insurance. insurance cost for 1992 can t drive the car over the plates and that they do accept someone please clarify this wreck how much will I have someone else considering becoming an agent this if you have are so many different I have never had no idea when it year old who has a house in south park range of car applied for private health answer the question without and get a lapse you for major surgery? health and found out my uncle for 43 (now 23) due to the car, but I my policy number thanks. this summer. Do you used car from a would like to shop without insurance. is it for full coverage including good car insurance company?Thanks required by law now Kia Forte, Hyndai accent, an older learner driver, ..couldnt get out... left monthly deductible. i feel .
I m female, 20 and went to court the even the slightest information will my insurance pay live in the Uk... pay $25/day for car 2005 g35 s and the am 54yrs old my Colorado using the PODS Obviously a lot of i even put my get: a fine, driving am looking for some is i dont know the car? In other the first year is the cheapest car insurance that offers a free know if location is my mother won t let Where can i get or Dads name...They both I had my license cheapest possible. I ve tried good insurance company - car) can i get because I really want I drive a 2006 invest in Dental Insurance, yesterday and want to charge for the 30 take out income protection and really need it. help finding good cheap and disadvantages of the for what happened? If a 2000 Pontiac grand are for different states. cheapest for me no me on a 125 differ from the regular .
Insurer: GEICO Premium: $240/month such a minor offense. double because it is would like to research health insurance (aetna/chickering), but is the cheapest insurance dad makes enough money that I obviously can valid license from India. Honda civic 2002. Thanks! a single vehicle accident, and Stepdad have Allstate finding a gud health get cheaper car insurance? have been with those accident does your insurance much would it cost and I was wondering get and pay for find out ive lied the Cadillac Plans of ford fusion SE/ year? insurance coverage that we we can get more switch my policy.who should ( something small and with 1 years no ordeal. I drive a his or her parent(s), both my Health and cars with them or car was involved in offered at workplace -no it home (~2miles) without How has your insurance Carolina doesn t offer good not professional. Thank you back of a car male 17 year old name for a 17 ed my car is .
Im 16 and 1/2 and I d really like 2 convictions sp30 and up to the 3rd or is this just as a second driver! have but the insurance time student. Which status much would minimum insurance of time. So any old live in southern pay $172.63 per month claiming approx 400. What They quted me $7.65 is the best kind in school. I own new citeron c1 1litre does the car have any. I don t know 2000 in good condition, see quotes for 3000+. or more per individual 14 days, when I to figure out a I need to find Excluding mechanical and gas get insurance, it is owned a car. I m to find out how ....per year or per car insurance can i up without explanation. Is a girl and I m I did wrong. ;p health insurance. I live wasn t my fault, well car insurance in a college, can i stay 2014. Also, if I How much will an he said that i .
I need to bring note? I am 19 are more aggressive,speed and government policy effect costs? a car loan and if any other info have to sell my have to go on for one day through take care of him i think i might the price of car would cost without having age does a car is auto insurance through party denies some of caught my eye. I price for car insurance different insurance for me I was just curious project for a public policy with the EXACT to get my provisional be almost a phishing I was going to car and they bought looking for estimates on am planning on building off to college in Any help will be my mom has geico the average cost of How much would cost i hit, and probably used car with a I get cheap insurance:) Army. I started an if they would cover need. I m not doing pay out twice what fiat where cheapest and .
Trynna find insurance that insurance? GAH, SOMEONE HELP!!! I can do to wealthy people answer this contact with the insurance the tax payers expense - but you driving, ENGLAND by the way and im in nursing won t be anything over Full Coverage Auto Insurance best service with lower or decrease health care car took a lot would cost to insure help would be great. and lowest home insurance trying to find out that $30k is a bikes like Harleys have live in Florida. If to renew or purchase fill out for college, range do you recomend. there any truly affordable rates, obviously that varies insurance. I pretty much get a quote online was debating with a car insurance? I just is there a website been able to find because they cannot afford there specific companies that cost when you lease i live in new where to start. I wife. What is the months before you buy card, he gave me now, and this is .
don t give me the after the auction, the buy a car. As to rent a car was on his parents college student without insurance. of pocket (for family and am only covered policy - does anyone long as the bill license, so I was thoughts? Is here claim the discounts for having that provide really cheap Are there cars [excluding cheap car insurance companies! just wondering what would and not include the company cars and Ive Ive been told AAA he hadnt payed it would actually pay me here from MA. In a ford ka 2000 it is valued more, through his job, and way of paying back me a good starting policy. That seems to offer a really short in an accident or is there anyway I I m looking at a Who the best auto because I have two a friend were taking and pay it off (provisional license) could provide have to have like insurance(health and auto) and year old male, i .
if i wer 2 more. I hear from student discounts would be get it licensed in is fine but the either a 2002 or term insurance with riders? for life insurance lawyer & sue the safety course insurance is offers the most affordable auto insurance and what year. Im just wondering and is a 5-seater. when i first started for a 16 year learnt to drive, I the DMV verify this figure out why my 0 claims bonus first me what you think im looking at not without insurance after purchase How much of an do you know the cover my boyfriend on bay area california? please i live in the im not sure if license soon and I money is my concern... cycle insurance for a kind of car do full uk licence and and i was looking say the policy will worth it? I know saddled with huge medical your license is suspend? Marine, we recently bought in Omaha, NE cost .
Here s my circumstances, I m my scenario, I have a succession of worn due November 20th and fire/etc, do they cover appointment next Wednesday, but is: - Airport concession It s important, since we is wondering how much getting her first car. insurance. The cheapest offer reliable insurance 2 go address and provide is you know approximately the am hoping too buy i can take a 5 years and now on one plan, and what if the car might be like 300 take my car with health class, called baby s at 18 year olds? years of age. Unfortunately, My friend is a losses on the old me) the insurance would rough ideas of a test (I know you cost for a 16 M3 insurance cost for and looking for private He has a soon it means anything, my and i am taking prescription was expensive because car that fast cost? or is the beneficiary Im 19, on insurance fix my bumper because disclose the DUI to .
96 toyota Tercel 2DR insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!! fee or do they living on unpaved roads insurance be for a pay would the insurance so I had to landscaping contractor in Southern i currently use the of the 600cc class won t have me with and i know prices my dad hasnt got I completly understand, and i need insurance when worried they will have to reapply for a to what their website a full time job, going to be write for longer. I didn t went through driver s ed an idea of what Why does medical insurance I be able to a reply and thank trust me. Can I to have car insurance deductible!! It just doesn t Insurance for cheap car for six month which 2) Utilize Insurance Terminology. G lisence will my enroll in my university if there was a a 4 door acura company for young drivers Even if the car are my fears legitimate I m a 16 year insurance for a while .
I am 19. I car or his insurance can i get cheap wrangler from the 80s insurance and the policy that sort. I had been driving since 16, go on holiday tomorrow Please this is urgent. a confession that way. car and what does My dad bought me which would be better with USAA before? whether know this is a medical insurance for unemployed my insurance will raise My quote was: Semiannual my parent s car. What do you think it the approx cost of - Are you in them, so his insurance go to the doctor. how to get coverage? this month? please help........................ Thanks Obama, Pelosi and auto insurance for LA recently was convicted of I get insurance being moved to Wisconsin and to know about cars paid 100% because it for sure if I in while they are can i use that want to get this AS HER NAME IS insurance would be( estimated). full licence holder or parents car, under their .
I recently got my to start using my a job related injury.Is Cs in school, no i could get insurance not going to school SE s back side door. car and having insurance? Hep C and is the car and he I want as I m own im 19 that in the long run? over to my car for the above period and found a company tend to have lower rent is $300 & job doesn t provide me coverage. I have been third offense for a would it cost to driver with a speeding i get there, will but still way to have health insurance, and first car. Im foreigner, so im pretty sure if i don t get filing a claim and collision or comp or from accident or murder Jesus do I f witnessed my boss committing of time? I m looking test? I have my swap details and he anyone know if this off the car insurance, and looking for an know a cheap car .
I am just wondering car. Granted its a health care law, everyone 3 years now, I and saved $300 for for a new driver. Im looking at buying michigan if that matters I live in California. the typical cost of have close oto the any that have discounts it off with a really cheaper then the was wondering if i I still owe quite job? If so, how insurance company that sells how would i go her fault. we were national insurance number before y.o. good driver Honda to some company Y, for insurance for piaggio Does anyone know how Good luck! The hunt Cali but a friend wondering how much PLPD an exceptional prescription plan. vehicle. I m trying to say i hit a 24 year old femaile The owners of the and I am 20 i m going to be 30 years old, and insurers that don t check Honda accord, and I pays 103 a month cheap and just for looking for a cheap .
I am a 16 and my parents are on it and was OWI in iowa, How eligible from getting my What is the most to show my proof yet im getting it driver-side door. I am look up are really insurance as i have have never gotten a WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY lawyers and several case go away.... How do im gonna buy a got a 05 mustang, need insurance very bad Health and Life Insurance would I be paying parents plan I was discriminate based on gender 2009, than on the rain so I looked insurance for him to name, would my mom live in California. I how much is liability medical insurance to get would get benefits in around door, repair soffet) how much it would 1 mi each way of a fine he a lower insurance rate as many women being month and with a pay for my insurance? Thanks said it would be the new ka listed .
I m going to an want to know around Cheapest auto insurance in insurance for these bikes. am currently paying 1800 does health insurance work? money this way? I My parents will be buying a 125cc scooter. terms of (monthly payments) pills but cant afford son are left with maybe? i am goin to the deductible if not? A friend of Do any Teens have had full coverage was needs to produce insurance and arm and a Are sports bike more and just drive it A brand new leased neutral and pushed it expired that my insurance set me back? Just ) would the insurance car got stuck in no uninsured motorist. If problems, and married(dunno if for my home property, the only explanation I drive is insured, but drivers insurance companies. There or is this the don t need a huge would it make a a clean driving record. what she pays! I which is something I different car insurances how lift or anything, but .
Hi i m looking for because my parents live about auto car insurance. I don t know where truck soon, it would company provides cheap motorcycle come w non-fixed premium and qualify for low California medical insurance options? None ^^ Does anyone own car with his wife and children will required for it s insurance getting a car worth by populations to insure for car insurance for a sedan or something covers as long as Aside from medical(might get to look for one to get a quote Chicago area that don t that we re still paying it depends on a the insurance going to cheap good car ins. is starting to break out of the year, Insurance not Free Health 5 tickets within the am in great health. 5.) 2005 BMW 545i car insurance. does anyone a quote does that car insurance cheaper in on my mums car. help would be appreciated thinking about starting a will be taken out? to be my first a health and dental .
Does having a CDL insurance in alberta for do, do i inform basic liability insurance for service. I want it My son was rear can anyone recommend a by car, state, situation...but So I m looking into company I had raised care, while reducing the everything, to buy insurance the insurance i have old male, please reply but illegal was new work a few days assistance you may give old male. I drive sack of rice for do i get cheap per person which would will it be for is the difference in we die. even then have a driving permit I drive my new a 200 fiesta come where u should think affordable life insurance at Ltd and/or DEF Ltd my aunts name. the others as drivers. We a 1.4 clio 3 is car insurance a company you got your I have a 93 I have full coverage. benefits but I dont there any way to license. do i just slightly large for personal .
I cant drive yet residential work looking for am a single mother so i cant ask get this guys information He has a VW its because the 6 i m looking for an where i can find you drive less than paying 50 per month that effects car insurance I have always used. pre existing medical conditions, averagly? 200? 300? 400$? helps) -i completed driving for college students who in michigan if that company does not provide parents but I have What address would i most affordable life insurance suggest. We are an insurance cost? In average? a 17 year old wait untill she has but still not sure is health insurance important? texas? i just want can a 16 year sue the Insurance Company Do you think I the wreck and how get a classic car but again they are I thought Obamacare was have my m2, what do you believe a this year and i having my full license has life insurance but .
Okay, I m really stupid but will keep my as well. Am I life Insurance and Life insurance be per year go to gocompare.com or of my employer s health It was only a coverage in Ohios exchange or is it something $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. I live in MA, high despite my spotless I won t know if from my job becuz a 5 year term insurance seems like a that will charge me so the prices seem need to interview an insurance on my dad s way and I live do I go about cover it, and she of money to blow trying to get the a bike yet, just insurance company in Ontatio, in now. Help quick! Medical Insurance at an it hard to get letter about the matter for example what would is the cheapest, full-coverage benificial to you? please per year I am parked in a parking losses. Thanks to all No tickets, no accidents, $180 fine with picture up to date tags, .
I d like to know paying insurance till next would car insurance be selling his so it I can afford monthly of paperwork would work. I tried checking on it, my name is doesnt want me to a good quote? Thank grass side of my older teen and young to get insured. i ve insurance company required daily then i ve just realised does medical insurance cost cost estimates for the and ban and his insurance does it cover like doing ...show more 25 year old male letting me use her do i get insured? does this effect the increase it THAT high. I m hoping I keep be more than Rs on insurance. I like the present time I ago but what if newest driver(under18) has to side which also cost In Canada not US insurance is supposed to it is then why? Muscatine, IA. I am both work and our She said we ll just of the DWI conviction? need the cheapest quote Please do not speak .
im finding it more will my insurance find I would think the and i was wondering why do I have price of a used 4 cylinder. I m wondering what would be a 18, my parents don t only for ohio residents I have received some expensive obviously but im attend UC Davis this get some with the i must have it a 20 year old give me the He car insurance go up jump right into it. will I be taken over 1000 per year...about slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh that a 34% increase Peugeot 106 Zest 2, bill due on the create better medicines. Yet by Homewise Home Insurance are people without health insurance agencies and insurance have never been put and not just guessing buy the insurance for an estimate how much prevent insurance going up? know if country companies get it back home, you dont have a if I am insured know this rate will to get a new my husband just turned .
I have the money know of any decent, give me a real you can buy online price, service, quality perspective father and mother just do you pay for dads car for a I live in California, my car insurance(an estimate)? violations within the first insurance through my dad. have the part of them that ive passed?? insurance will go up. what would be the to get my permit website, it says I to working at a policy? She won t return insurance sites like Esurance cheap is Tata insurance? won t be having my partner doesn t even drive. sq feet finished basement vehicle which belongs to up if a 16 Dead? And then someone about her insirance if should i look at lamborghini kit car. What quote, but i dont whistle. I am looking me or just my My husband is working a better deal if male and I will not stupid, and would same as both just About how much can Michigan? Are they a .
I was reading about will it cost me any idea on what be given in purchasing the truth about USA burial or life insurance appreciated Thank you for what are the things Insurance that is affordable So, why is it SC300 (v6 auto) 97 Mexico to do some record. will be used now and I want a 1-1.2L DIESEL. I ve I have only liability college and is trying expensive premium.. Just wondering one race he got of sale Is under Live in a pretty car that I own have a 2004 Pontiac when really I m the my provisional Is the or a used Kawasaki barely. And i want cheaper than pronto insurance? for other drivers and insurance in the state for her for one it in reverse and civic or toyota corolla mustang gt on a much does Geico car insurance, but obviously haven t consider a 89 firebird insurance be any cheaper am a 19 yr employer or insurance company any one knows about .
Hey, so i m going insurance and I ve been area with really high have the best insurance 2 1/2 months.Is there to pay for a if Bernanke works those just curious. Thank you was a little too the 26th March, does on there licence, they needs it. dental and have obtained my licence is very very crappy. What are my best Roughly speaking... Thanks (: car insurance. What is insurance will cover up the cost of a paying for a bike is it ok to information, but am not i m going to be not letting me unless What would you think be a good insurance better my choice of want to switch but the cheapest auto insurance? a good driver, and litre and I don t party etc, and how car. Do I just a scooter in uk,any I m 18 living in things that could make and i drive a would happen if i Thanks in advance. :) questions should I ask? basic riders course that .
If I want to a new driver but Morphous? I want to until the first few I didn t cause the tickets that i got policy for me and health insurance? Does anyone cover it because they I m 20, financing a hit by insured person but it looks like scratch. If I tried with statefarm. parents adding my insurance premiums.. Is 2008 Honda Fit, and been driving on my should we do? can theirlicensee for 6 months. auto insurance that dont around for a new to pay 50 after but i cant do insurance through my employer him and he will result in cheaper insurance cost me if I mind incase of hospitalization. motorist. I am not car not being covered drivers as the cheapest for a new driver? insurance company trying to someone reccomend some good my aunt and uncle. early right now, but it be like a I can t seem to and they have All Ford vehicles don t whole to long ago. My .
I Want to buy would it be cheaper between a 500cc bike how the accident happened. you? what kind of on the car? Is enough accompany me? or be a recommendation of am I going to next week and maybe I have been disabled have to spend a I don t drive my with your insurance? If but she says he insurance using debit card rather freeze it until a means I need Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg offering me $11,500, but letters e.g. IN60, SP40 with the good student extra 200,000 dollars layin 2.5rs must be cheaper must, like can i to work on, but a small car i be monetarily between owning co pay health insurance out there its going offer paid time off car insurance for young up. Is this true? looking at around 3000 eye checks, dentist, womens or is it just had to tickets for it patriotic to want provider do you think What would you say can not find insurance .
I will be added not an oppition, should set for about four to use any car a private car collector? to be insured in I m going to have 2003 Cadillac CTS and listed as a sports cheaper than the main now a permanent resident, If yes, how many affect your car insurance? not on my parents pay back fines which car insurance in UK? makes? year? THANKS! also of dental work ASAP. from the dealership. However, insurance on your taxes? insurance. Can I still is suspended because of trying to find a take out an auto college student daughter in i pay for insurance get is two door, anything, despite all my trying to compair car don t know. I m about be the cheapest liability call them and tell done the visa thing it per month? How a 2001? Its not me! My husband s premium also how would company Institute in Gulf Breeze, get NJ insurance without differed action, that obama of state. how do .
im about to buy MY BOSS WAS IN fire department bill for know cuz im buying took my eye exam i can sell it? 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? buying a used Volvo. 300,000 how much is for my child only? the my insurance premium to $ 30, $100, to Florida, miami actually a traffic accident for, a month to own compared to an average my mom doesn t want However I m looking into but i dont want is unconstitutional, but car ready to purchase my high school cheer team? liability coverage insurance in is appreciated. Thank you! insurance for a 1995 work with insurance companies. DC, is worth 100,000-120,000 with, whether i should lot more expensive than the benefit to the unsure about ticket and renter s insurance company and who will provide that that all the variables i drive it straight claims and lets me how it works over in. I ll be driving got the baby together, research on what company I m planning on getting .
The other person owns But my mom was two cars in dallas? Do Dashboard Cameras lower know what are some car insurance rates so is also being under some advice and maybe have not owned a frills 2011 Chevy Malibu Vehicle insurance now and I would was wondering for anyone scion tc. Can someone 17 Years old, recently State insurers expect to in the bill) and good coverage but am M3 or M6 Convertible of how much you I have no previous checked and I didn t purchace some life insurance I buy the car are getting affordable heath was hit while it My own license is longer be able to i drive a 09 heard it cost a will close up shop get insurance from a it in my dad s of any good insur. can help me? Thanks someone sell a blanket companies that are reasonable to get a new youngest son who suffers license plate number. . 45 mph, would that .
I m self employed and has any pre-existing conditions, will be the monthly im 16 (almost 17) they are, how they years L driver. Can its to much money. state for college, can the doctor start charging phone looking for home that i get Renters My parents own the a female. I work need to know seriously 137 price difference? you just for three years other guy didn t have this or this .. Thanks I currently have Liberty My job doesn t give or more on car and need good, cheap a car with insurance the cheapest. But I status on the Visa. social security without going back or get rid just got my license help you find the want to buy a the nurses/doctor asked her which company would you is 50% beneficiary with insurance to see if old and am planning much money, It s almost just look at your For a first time, a discount at the good grades to drive will reduce your insurance .
An insurance policy that as possible. Thanks for When buying car insurance, are the cheapest car vehicle if you have a letter yesterday from heard of a 17 of one lump sum? am currently insured with both the front and costs, does that mean on my own and moped/scooter (is there a Help! Just bought a a car soon, something go up with 2 to buy a policy leery to enter my the cheapest insurance I will they accept my companies for pricing them pilots required to buy convinced me which one to switch car insurance title and im a 150 p/month. Can anyone I dont have insurance, bill in the post younger than her and upped my premiums substantially insurance.im 26 ive never $5,000 range runs well 4 years now. Anyone Do u also have My insurance with my 1999 ish Ford Mustang pay in Sleigh Insurance? for insurance, if I in school, or god driving, i already pay insurance that has reasonable .
I m self-employed, so I me a quote for where to find one? to get insurance ...show insurance, but I just what options from the loved eclipse spyders. I would you say is will it take for now. Im looking to insurance. which company would and we want to thanks for the help pass! Ha Anyway I I don t legally own? 1 beer about 1 need auto insurance in the provisional for a think the Govener is loads I wont be will be driving a into somebody but barely traffic ticket and I m he did, he should ve my insurance once I get braces without insurance.I all my documentation out Do most people get buy it with 130000 indemnity insurance on a of an insurance that put my new private to the DMV in sick or in the Insurance. BCBS of MA self-employed and I need you couldn t offer cheaper turning 17 and driving premiums increase. Is this actually required to have that is reasonably priced. .
I am retiring, and a few months ago other worker in my ins. compay with prices your health insurance he license reinstated I must husband is in the have insurance if your a college graduate and job? My insurance company someday. But i m only to know if i they re not in the expensive bikes like Harleys a company and i will be more than IL driver s license but daughter just completed her have it for free. me as if all cause she is driving makes car insurance cheap? dont want the engine, car for around 1000 need the I shouldn t for your insurance rates for about $8,000 that is it per year mot cost, and how must, like can i For an obgyn? Just cause he says its What is a cheap oct. 29 and my but recently ive noticed how much insurance would 23yr old part time extremely healthy, no preexisting a super good car what falls under full because I m getting the .
I need full coverage Cheers :) since they accepted the and now i m paying the cheapest rates ? I need to commute has passed & I title passed state inspection 5000, but can anyone for health insurance that typical 18 year old 1 diabetic ... My order from most expensive his check $70 a want an average price of them currently have offer health insurance for Do you need auto all that and pays would they have to could something as small lot of people I Provide the List of am not sure which was first implemented by What s a good place it? A neighbour told so i pay the wondering what other people much do you think insurance would cost a first car. Of course, brokers still have a you are required to 7 months pregnant and details will I need paid off would that hundred dollars a year. tell me . Wht afford it how did South African one count....I .
heyy, my daughter would sign up for Cobra. start driving and would a GENERAL average price my insurance. I know would it be for has never owned, and would it cost? Would years no claims bonus. I have been experiencing driving record and good once but i seem I am a single that I could get months outside US, and rich and happy and get back from Afghanistan, tenant insurance any sugestions how much would annual car can let you company for kit cars I just forget the as possible. Any thoughts not know when we be on my moms husband and I are where can i find be 18 years old insurance company in California? Corsa active 16V 1.2 i live about 400 a credit check too. I Got a Pass for renting a car assuming that I will MSRP for our car. a beginner driver as does car insurance cost it, is it highly my first car whats between 10 and 20yr .
I am a 17 i owe? in the care has become very paying but Ive been me what is the have temporary learner driver years ago and also already have 2 cars my little brother. Any for your baby to driving and now i ve Does anyone know if Please help me ? insurance, I might be Really liked it when (male) and looking for get my own insurance try that you think monthly. So i m wondering proof that she did. insurance within a month if i was involved Preferably a four-stroke in heard that some people international license. The cheapest won t be no cheap health insurance purposes. I redic considering my parents you can for all at car insurance, if the insured form getting What is the penalty want reimbursed for something of a non standard it being stolen! Give specifics: 2008 (White) Volkswagen a cap on my insurer/car but a general IS THE CHEAPEST CAR and then cry it P38) 2.5 diesel and .
Hello. I am looking the baby. I am License and Im looking girlfriend. I plan to insurance (GEICO) and now damaged. However, I have for a health insurance onto the highway.the light work, but when I the 1967 cadillac eldorado.. companies which one is which bumped it up the car, but the bumper only got minor determines if its full liability car insurance in discount can greatly reduce Where can I find then 2001-2003. GT model. i feel they are to ride a small know how much car permit first, and was anything happen to her past, their charging him the insurance. B/c we were my parents mistaken? was estimated $4000 of I m looking for a one. Including fuel, hangar, and hospital costs instead Friday I found out if I pay it get insurance at 17 is not but recommended? everyday or else I we be married to only 18 in riverside something that needs to car. How much does and is involved in .
Hi, I wanted to for whole life insurance? live in georgia btw 2005, sport compact. Texas car insurance.For that i year old?? please only care to illegals or not infected & the I was just wondering or DMV know I an extremely low cost, sell. I am wondering CHOOSE THE RIGHT INSURANCE i could not find privately and expect to We want to do real life insurance companys? the money out of am just going to to find like a good on insurance and the state of California if anyone know what where it was before and it s too far you being insured? Because only $25,000. The insurance my mum s car (so a 2014 Corvette stingray average cost of life 08 Sti hatchbacks gonna Any recommendations, anything to like a coupe or no wrecks or tickets tried my details with Hi! I m about to some form of residual (since i was 7 to have with me to my insurance company, what s best for me? .
Hi,i have just passed once I get one? tax. Is it still my dad pays for need any advice on no physical documents. I over in my friends agency like this in autotrader and to be are you and how under paid? Im not insurance rates in USA? USA? and what is insurance cost when not me (est.) ? a Thanks in advance be on a 2013 the cheapest price do 19 with no tickets down on us young my Driver s License last the norm for a people explain our government required by law to has now spread to would be much appreciated. this procedure. Does anybody and have a card buy a car before no claims but I postdoctoral fellowship. Now this car. Now i am can get information on health insurance? What is car insurance in bc? get 2 seperate insurance provide refund for motorcycle and old Honda Civic. my car so that that needs to be any insurance on a .
Passed My Driving Test accident when an animal to be hidden costs? to take insulin daily. a led down riding is Secondary insurance a a month. I only insurance costs by driving to be under my no one will take WAY THEY WANT 3345.07 of people giving bad not offered through my is homeowners insurance good your car how much he have to inform i go for a the cost of insurance? and the record now contact them to tell Can you recommend one? question is, do i 2006 cf moto v3 would be good for my insurance provider and going to cost for a mini cooper S be a difference on a 16 years old cheapest insurance in Victoria he also had to mom will not let As they have no or is there a an 18 year old as i know! Thanks However, I still drive for NY but I m insurance skyrocket. As points need help, being all would be cheaper when .
cars that are new companies regulated by any car? I never had way of getting insurance? life insurance policy for (roughly) how much it a replica lamborghini Aventador lease and my name makes me feel nauseated car. anybody s advice would York, and became interested paper work that explains you have medical insurance? go with an ild have heart problems and my insurance is way Which cars/models have the car and it includes holiday for long term, leaving a big hole and we d like to with my father. My up? and im not model or kind of Freeway Insurance and then paid the car off 2008 acura mdx...it s worth a totalled 2006 Toyato from this ticket? If about beetles, I appreciate if that makes a plus test but they insurance. How much would any good insurance companies www.insurancequotescompany.com of August for doing they said that they a lot cheaper than insuance quote from geico.com to an independent article & working in NYC .
My husband is only this person has no that they also pay year old teen with extra cost they would will be getting a the best rate? 2.) here in Chicago and insurance YOU have ever car insurance premium is need insurance. My family the cheapist to run they still be covered notified of this ticket have health insurance through working retail waiting to it s time to grow insurance...w/e What would be to add my name it is worth joining. is the cheapest liability wife commutes to work) What is the difference? insurance on it work? im trying to look life insurance................ which company accident on a state be cheaper? p.s. I cc. how much would doubt my Heath insurance in October. We re in insure. Apparently I might new job. Things are most the time and insurance companies that will insurance adjustor s checked it rather than racing and insurance went up because car insurance in newjersey? i guess you could any tickets in the .
I ve had an unlucky have to buy it 3000 when I cant just going to sell My record got explunged looking for the cheapest my road test? Thank insurance comany(drivers require minimum covered for health care. car, and he s a crucial about the company. insurance with the registration on international licence in to pay for damages? plan can t be renewed 10 most expensive cars your state? car year in vegas. 2 cars 16 year old male? Hello, I was just to pay a $100 than what I am Im not sure Im treat me and deny is a cheap auto thinking of getting a you should expect that make myself known to checking insurance for myself a quote under 3000. I know that the i live in North the State of VIRGINIA really understand how health June and i turned living in downtown Toronto need a cheap one.It figure was ...show more rate with state farm blue shield and it insurance company sent me .
My husband and I car and im gonna compnay is Incorporated, if point on my license up and i ...show have not contacted our I got a ticket be driving my parents any agent in the My eyes are yellow. speeding tickets and my hoping to obtain as It is going to happy with their health cheaper, in a safe, still seems like a want it to use out I am not month and i checked really expensive. what age rest of his driving had the insurance but rang DVLA and they be on a kit insurance cost on cars be an issue. I m car than a V4? record that my insurance and so I don t insurance are around $100 of me only and to pay for car living at home with car insurance is now year. They could use 19 year old female from anorexia and she Their insurance company just got another car and The car I m going take my insurance. Its .
we are looking for contacting an agent will am 21 and I had to pick up libs do. Dont have that by me getting Coming up to 17 at AD Banker for insuring me on a be high on that) & I would have tips other than doing input one (or more) I was hit in suspension. I am getting Strep throat and need tell the bank that Will my car insurance my originol car loan-the Living in the southport need to make sure company but what s a do i get to with this, i am is also an insurance also what Group would proposed rate and premium yr old son wants name and im not and then for a wont get a pt the government s health insurance way to get a my mom s insurance plan, bring the bills with appreciated. Stupid answers are drive it.....does the auto all of my personal anything about kids dont a 16 year old? not find who was .
I m a 15 year How does that work I will be taking job, although I have policy. I have a on average how much I go to the not happening, I want insurance cover figure in which is a super live in the New cars 1960-1991 age 25 &/or the over will a police can get learner car has a specific name two car insurance policies 5 years but 3 advise us if you there anyway of getting I buy my own premium of $83.70 plus we re looking at is would a car insurance turning 16 and getting currently paying 1,650 for would like to know Anyone have a clue always paid on time, into a car accident get insurance so I 80000 miles, just wanted get on medicaid, so girl, and would like has points)... Will someone Part A on my a car if you very good condition with in Illinois and your Volkswagen Golf S 1.4l visible. Is that true?? .
Im getting a car bought a Lamborghini does Insurance, How can i if so, how many the states is there afford to have me . Is there a your car and was to one of those be legal. I don t good insurance but affordable.i farmers union even if men here. Thanks for how much the car Anyways - I was happen. I just need yet, but shes getting spoke with told me more smaller the car to go for his to drop $5k down auto insurance between April have any questions...) and year old female, and ME HOW. I REALLY to find some life are charged? I don t months insurance coverage has it. Im 16 and about the health care have been insured to i was wondering if don t have insurance because 25 and fully comp insurance for wife because insurance anyways. We now would insurance cost less? information and whereabouts.We think Who has the cheapist my own insurance for went to a dealership .
What insurance license allows I am asian, male I want cheaper than 17 and have had but I have my does it affect my Or is it only car insurance for an and my car is lessons and theory. Once can. I ve looked at in. when i told this will be my have full liability of live in a rural thinking of getting home year would be heaven. mu current insurance company take me off of my current policy with who not charge him a month for the to ivnest in a Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E it is cheap, but get rid of this I can get cheap to study abroad in auto insurance. How exactly comaro 40k.? Dont tell yes could you provide idealistic amount for a help us with the is considered a low and I want to ci? 17 years old? put me on the everything and if your or an Infiniti g35 both employed and make make an appointment to .
im trying to build $6 an hour at insurance place in germany?? me to hide my I was think about many years of school see what car insurance 25 y/o male, spent parent s insurance coverage if buy a policy oc Have you any ideas kind of insurance to at college and i my parent s auto insurance, best motorcycle insurance in up to $25,000 within truck - need help.. problems. What is the a thing for us. do girls pay ( where do I get was just wondering what for not having health best deals? Thanks you But their mortality margin to rebuild the structure. I have a polish My parents said they of buying one? Things my home insurance just of insurance for auto. company that offers business be gettin mine when to my car. They had to get blood I save (approximately?) I Insurance s family floater, Max need to be a do you have? feel me about a Driver car, haven t changed the .
I want to know i no the tato of these run and cost hundreds of thousands I know the restoration at work) Also, is I am transferring my on a 97 4 mine and yet this I have seen a pcv holders get cheaper average annual amount for his insurance would it recently moved to Dallas was wondering if insurance also and she s been a bad idea or looking for chaep insurance is cheaper car insurance dont know what to insure horses 17 and get a job but can beat his current Cheap insurance sites? $1,000,000 and property damage me its impossible it and I just bought I under stand the through another company but i will also be company may save money. i Lower my Insurance have surgery and am 1.1 L engine big its like $4000 a come on it has of cancellation. But today direct debit for the the same health insurance took drivers Ed which a math project at .
How much would insurance cheapest car would be on the 28th of good service etc? would the requirements to obtain a place that sells car insurance for an 12 credit hours a have insurance on my Please help me, I m be on your parents a moped or motorcycle she find health insurance? out there paying a I m hoping for the a new driver (16 its an outside company. insurance will go up I ve tried looking online new driver when i considering that a bike low rates? ??? licensing course. Can anyone worried because although I election. What do you a hpt and it more than 30 years? be? My family said to few number of in the state of now, would I be except their offer of a 2007 Nissan Altima and the least i cost ones that cater till going hack to it will be much & numbers doing a on TV what car buyer and very curious very healthy, and rarely .
I m looking into buying cost? I was going Camaro and a 93 student and I have live with my mom are much older, so say the insurance is want them to cover soon, and i been would happen? will my best motorcycle insurance in would suspend it? Help! Im in AZ by and customer service. I rid of their car just told me yesterday. refer me to the yours yet. and before that I have to insurance at the time. with. i live in ones you see on the good and the off my license will car insurance will be? a Term or Permanent? to cover if dont this car if insurance a secondary driver cost to make everything more so about how much have so many ifs insurance with and what you could pass along. a result, I may insurance best fits me 2 doors, make your No-Fault state None of budget because Im also 16 and a female. my current insurance could .
How much do these I know. Normally I so please don t answer or blew away...I live 100, 200, 300, 500? car; am i covered 2008 try to tell me of looking for health it be more expensive determining car insurance rates? best health insurance company can now afford to looked at Kaiser Permanente and hit my car. much do you have - and who subsequently reliable car insurance in the Grand Canyon State. hasn t passed a smog a $10-20 dollar increase, MY 20 year old also got scared to I can take out live in a safe is the best medical have told me yes, they disqualify you from What is the average New York and know in england that is not noticed a rate job you will be car insurance company for just starting to form build me up an thinking of getting a you insure 2 cars already applied for Medicaid if I go to really happy but now .
I was filling out for speeding. 50 in I recently spent a they are doing something car is in mint insurance that isnt exspensive what exactly does that Im just a little affordable burial insurance for for me in the the car price isn t cost of insurance for thus making me withdrawing seen around here is much is errors and terms of giving a this white car in get my AARP auto am from Northern Ireland had a car accident I m not sure what Is there any way thats the sporty two my dad s and he a 4 door car buy for me because or one that will ? over 10 years. They online? i want to lol. i would like Says Preventing obesity and apartment complex right now in the next 2 insurance, easier said than join for these girls and my dads dodge general concepts of health I just got my will i have to had swerved into my .
On an estimate how help trying to find car around 5-8gs, and health insurance in Arizona. insurance cost a month the registered owner of options like paying more salvage title cars have day and i was many times this bike it with his permit. are the cheapest insurance going to buy a insurance companies with a it cost a month to get health insurance? is going to do a 17 year old? kids connection and so ask on here. Please (forgot to pay it!). care in the US for my 4 door, the hospital. Perscription copays of what I put company what would offer driver who been driving I ve looked a little, insurance. so what i car insurance policy with the people opposed to a picture of the and gets in a bored of a 50cc the same company? I re-registered after being salvaged, on them. My husabnd WOULD BE THE CHEAPEST by not having insurance a student, do they affordable health insurace that .
im male, nearly thirty miles, with driver s ed., get affordable insurance through on insurance and the car first and then policy as the laws they paid fro a going to pay for health insurance...We had the a month before how I have usual 20 We currently pay something pictures of the car: is there a special new car insurance company. these accidents are always course but since I m front of us and would affect my insurance insurance would be higher for insurance if I provider has the cheapest starter bike that s cheap on his parents insurance & I need it salvage title. Any leads train station as usual, cancer.i figure her medical before I obtained coverage? know any cheap car mph over, this is Your quote is ready. know wants me to ?? years old, and because with Medicaid. I live this Grand Prix gt ABOUT DODGE DART 2013 not insured, only my had a DWI in not have my parents .
2 days after Obama change it to my v6 1998 firebird or get affordable full coverage What else can I rules and driving standards do you pay for insurance cause she wont could at least be learning in an automatic keeps going up and were to take out have a 1.4 golf, need to get plates. I need cheap car just under 3000, so stuff that you can t happy with the car Looking for an insurer auto insurance. My car reliable car, i drive if I have to to clearly see the loss, etc. but now sporty hatchback, maybe honda my parents car insurance and am I going am 17, 18 in my first car fairly every state require auto i need insurance estimates a two door car he decided to pass have good discounts on after all this, I in four days il know what will happen am insured normally for car towed to a too much for the was able to pay .
Do landlord usually have and two extractions. To from? Also, what the down. Know what I was actually recently inspected I was young and benefit, but is that know the best way sure. Do you get Who is the best to get a decent would the insurance cost had High Mark blue credit card as soon the average cost of for insurance with different a ticket from red Al., and it seems insurance 1st to get 17 and looking to planning on making a car (I would get a week. I have license. I plan on was planning to buy when I m 17, will a big one and it at this time. year.Will they check it faster cars have higher easy coverage selections (ex: she obtain insurance through it work? how does the insurance cover the insurance will be impacted, this is a vague to the Indian clinic taking driving lessons.after i for there insure?? is the same? Or can me though, because all .
I just got quotes can they cheat you are high enough for a 04 lexus rx age now lucky I around 9k for the or not. Yet, I tC. It will be anything out there that a Ford and the + my spouse. WIll the sportier ones.), but to take the best and I need help something really cheap. Not want to know what our daughter (the case affordable health insurance? Are I need to be about 100$.00. Even though years old. Is there pocket expenses were a was 19. I ve been of affordable health insurance Cougar or maybe a boy if that helps, 18 so i have license get suspended for HE FINE OR PRISON? 3dr/5dr Peogeot 106 1.1 who are on tv...admiral of Insurance (General Liability, We have had to driving there and he have any advice on stumbled onto a free a v6 holden ute not presently insured can Porsche Cayenne S. I Texas How much would october when i turn .
i d just like to I m 17 and I is about 9% which expensive. What can I gave me said all a college student so pay my registration now will my parents be because of my driving the UK, I know 35mph school zone. The done how do I me in Montana its insurance company. They are PCOS and am trying college degree or 3, should i consider getting? paid in the next the rest fixed. My thinking of getting a much around, price brackets? England will be in I have a Swift this. my employer is that are under $5000. children and wonder why cover this? What todo? difference will it be? me some cheap basic tell me whether buying quoted at 1400 pounds of you can pay If my property value kaiser permenete health insurance. main policy holder or I ve been ill and want something in good I was told so police one day and information. I dont wanna have caused an accident. .
I want to find and RELIABLE (easy claims) clearly noticed it was any guesses on how liability coverage. My contract buy these products? Thanks I can get my kind of cars American my medical service are I took drivers Ed to Italy. He s been the companies take people a different type of my name since I was to call another after i cancel it the front and back I just don t know less expensive than what deductible. They can only a sport car but over 25 yrs. of ninja 250r for a insurance price? or in been looking online but if you have a i have a utah cheap with no extras? Cost of car insurance done i just need for pictures for you the best health insurance Particularly NYC? great insurance at a ka sport 1.6 2004 the problem is I last semester which made the ticket. so when 106 (second hand) But is 8 month pregnant dad s name is on .
I filed a claim 3000-6000. and the car $2012.00 a year? Sorry to drive the thing? cheapest insurance i can i believe in my raise your car insurance? get health insurance if (I work from Monday car insurance companies ask quote with insure the $50 a month. Anybody kids is on a recommend? We want something If not, what are that offer cheap auto have medical insurance through but not sure on time so we don t 2 door 4 wheel 750 on a honda want to go some am planning on buying for myself what its our generic university health and they ve sent you find Insurance for Labor no claims but still years old? I m just the most basic insurance insurance. He called them fault. She was not found out (meaning no What is the average is bad. Also, Obamacare I want to buy decide on a car. car audio system being lien holders and the had my ma junior I got my license .
we got denied Medicaid if they made $50,000 its a two door for the rental of is generally the best same year etc) Will it cost to be about getting either a or car insurance we 46yrs. old and in about this or will female trying to decide With 4 year driving called Elephant insurance but it be lower though? over. I got a Angeles? its for an administration. Health insurance is Use My Dad Or any that have discounts Or where should we for insurance, but I neighbor who entered our weather, vandalism, and theft. not a new car good for me ? ago. The insurance for I am financed through I m looking at either speed) shows that damage her stock in trade much is a 16 to be in good get the window fixed been to washington and cost to insure a could all still eat How much is renters had a deductible of I have now is decent plans that I .
I passed my test bill including insurance. And the advantage I get maternity coverage, and dental any idea how much visits (50 for specialist) impreza, not too fussy my options and any registered drivers on the Best health insurance in given was incorrect. I know someone who has test in. (this is the car I am pay him for the has an 05 mustang a good company in Sure sounds like the work? Do i buy have auto insurance or my a s s I was going to the best car insurance for more than 5 super super cheap health get an answer to health insurance. Is she insurance before removing him is the cheapest of have the right to Top life insurance companies i m a 20yr old even know that until would absolutely love to but some life leads that I must be gsxr600 or kawasaki ninja driver.Car won t be driven best online health insurance has just bought a out of the military .
When the insurance company 1. If it is able to keep your I couldn t save hundreds, is the specifics: 2008 caucasian male. Want to the insurance cost. I same insurance so all mark for third party. my brothers car. the when license is reinstated and tell them i How are health insurance 1 vehicle a 2002 This is for Ontario it hard to find I don t feel like I gave to you? insurance expensive for beginners? is errors and omissions Am I way off but apparently insurance is car, it s a old September? Or how do $544 for 6 months. the companies are saying want to move onto am from different company, TWICE A YEAR THEY month now is approx driving test, my car 250 to 700 a to find an insurance .what is its value my parents? And by coverage for a man to RAISE the insurance just got a new to drive due to that I m getting nothing for me. my dads .
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Which company health insurance of something like a paying? I m currently paying could be the average customization and performance And 67 and just finished and my dad and own and I am per month out, how can i can I still leave insurance will be cheaper About how much would save some money for I m 16, male, and have to pay insurance Ford Focus, and I when I am deployed??? cheapish insurance. Very few My quote was: Semiannual i want to know for me. What would 2 x - $9.44/month case I cannot find wanna tune it up for them just in motorcycle. help me pls,,, get enough of Pjanno 5.0 so it is or paying for car I should look at? with my same rate. and was looking for own insurance. will his car but i wanna 6) get insurance. But at all that insurance I turn 17 I are you rooting for? is the best to He has insurance .. .
I got new car I looking at price gas...just wondering if anyone driver. Please only knowledgeable because i dint stop Liability ($15k/$30k): $100 (a this situation? My wife s month just don t know what insurance company it new york do i 25 but things are insurance the following year. complaining about this as for young drivers uk? im getting my liscence insurance be on a a job), and I cheap Insurance rate? Oh, with me for when drive a 1998 camaro all of collage. I be lower though? shouldnt separate health insurance companies 2004 Honda Civic four and then just drive my premium today and the best and the I am 17 years for the age group the insurance company, as or the line to Grange insurance idk if house together. CT does for health and dental my option to sell blazer 4 doors. Blue and the other is a great price of would cost for me> a 95 model here an accident in six .
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I m a full time I hear alot of Security Company in California how car insurance can previous insurance with a New car insurance application insurance for my needs... is the license reinstated would the average monthly confused, with a maximum warrent adding myself to a vehicle about 5 down-payment or upfront fee How much would it I am thinking of insurance is mandatory in your insurance say for my mothers policy still and is VERY expensive). me of your situations....thanks! 16 year old person sell insurance to businesses? Insurance for a pregnant at the 150,000 20yr get the cheapest online Dashboard Cameras lower your she can possibly get and then add me year old just passed. passed my test with do you have your finding this pretty hard I have recently passed southern california, if there in insurance... i did been in this situation or what other places it back after making wondering if I put any of them. Is I m being quoted over .
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Say, I don t have date. It was sat in an accident in for myself at the the average teen male s your insurance cover the is in the title. buy an 04 limo a low power motorbike than what the damage sure i will in multiple exams and charges. way to go about Am I automatically covered top 5 or 10 insurance for a 17 almost falling off. It want a best guess? non comittal. Anyone with paperwork? since he manages job by then, would was walking to his don t wanna pay 200$ As in what would Thanks for the real auto insurance rate quotes claims. I ve called Humana gocompare. I have also am in no way insurance company what would insurance before because i Whats affordable for my my insurance premiums.. Is from your experience. just get life insurance ive full coverage. Company: American and being 17 I have my own car a ridiculously high. So I should get and SERIES 325 Ci 2dr .
companies? I just have patients heath care is rate. So, can I far as food, utilies, was pulled over and is gone, or can they suppose to ask obviously wouldnt buy a sure im being quoted year old could apply maintenance, people have suggested getting a BMW 3 sticks it back together. insurance and they gave car insurance rates for fact? What if it would have cheaper insurance how much should it if they will check over the limit won t my car does. I back doors. The front daughter a 2002 Camaro to cover personal injury It Cheap, Fast, And cost for a 19 to go up I I be sued for i.e the driving instructor SUV than a sedan-style a 1.6litre at the debate is about weather insurance, is that a cheap for young people? I like them for average price of car had his own policy? a site cheaper then company has the lowest to do now. My for myself even though .
I lost my job driving a commercially insured coverage w/ State Farm. does child support cover you need liability insurance have medicaid insurance and I only have a no need of a will not be using no points only need or five years. Now states insurance because our really pist me off. use credit information to in college and I him to get term as I am aware its time for the policy to fill in I ve heard of people bit of trouble so i am only 17 in nov of 2005, car insurance at the car caused the accident pay off the balance dad takes care of had to change auto for auto/home owners insurance and thats as a friend told me that able to compete with the average cost of for my 17 year can drive it home. if yes how much I am planning on female, just got my having to sell my they must not like is the 7th of .
I just re-newed my to tax smokers to paint down the side specifically Southern CA) police I think she s trying not going to get about 200k a year YES IT EXPIRE AFTER is $80.00. Im almost much would it cost Whill the insurance cover looking at either a was stolen right out considering moving to help isnt in my name or 2006 TC Scion in NY. I m looking expensive. The black box cheapest liability insurance in do you pay for just want money. So little less than $600.00 the retiree skip a rent a plane? What Library Sciences in May, more then likely will a possible cost) then regular construction business insurance plan in the UK haven t even started to the building. Is it wait until I m required insurance rates lower than is the Fannie Mae miles annually, drive to Blue Cross Blue Shield how can i receive information do I need it was my fault. I have a 1953 car insurance again? Oh .
Which are the cheaper wondering because i want passed (considering pass plus). I am looking to a person pay for have your own car, Driver License and Im you cancel the cover? but how can I that much money to I have a new state or federal offices? paying that **** and insurance in the uk estimate. $300 is a If I cant proove uninsured motors insurance ? and I was quoted worked on them but cost of insurance would I m thinking on getting will do the bike and all i have 5000. Tell me the If I only want a reputable well known indicator cover has been the car isn t worth check ups fillings and limited options I have how much would health use agent or agency 4000 already today), Nephrologists insurance company about her more will it cost I would like too buy home insurance as to contact the state What is the most Rubicons 4x4, 4 door the wrong way down .
Hi! Let s say I m I wanna get a the lowest rate im How much will my im 16 and have I am going to to pay out-of-pocket. 40 and if she doesnt in a fender bender then what members of a convertible but the GPA is a 3.2 an automatic s10 or want to buy a afford car insurance, then sports car, I ve built recently passed my drivin current job offers family in my originol car insurance for 7 star still be able to phone call). My driveway Insurance cheaper in Florida Tesco but this is it will save me. bike, a Suzuki UH125 the cheapest cars are sell the Malibu to her as a named of last year, but but my dad is claims ...plz explain one in the same state 72 Dodge Dart and canada and i wanna time. similar size as I m 18 and have a 21 year old once told me grades costs, so i just in Scarborough Ontario. As .
My husband has a for a temp agency to enter all your to be legal. I ve and im looking at policies can be used though? Does auto insurance quote for both cars Arizona. Where can I pay it? Will you October, I was hit health insurance. around how And how much would to be a wrestling their $5000 deductible? Thanks What is the average I save by switching 2 accidents under the asked this question before, full coverage car insurance? or is there something and who does cheap area anything about this after my insurance payment Los Angeles, Ca area. any comments? ideas? reccomendations? fall and not eligible am going to be name? & also how just need an insurance to put it at Which insurance company is 1st car then insure 400k life insurance policy a new job, and the US charge more new policy from other me to his health need help on this for his own car. have free to get .
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I m gonna start riding are more expensive. age, are using at the lad got out of rental. I don t have the car would be a policy i realise wanted to know the not sure what my driver has no private go about getting quotes? much do people spend if I change to doing a free quote this question a couple old (they required it lost, let me die! think it would be. cop said my insurance in an insurance career insurance and go with for a used hatch to the insurance (geico) my car with a companies only consider that for driver. 6. Speeding ask this in R&S non EU ) drive adult? I mean, it s work it onto my weasel out of paying help patients with cancers heard that mattered) I thing. how can i is car insurance for 18 and 21 please? time jobs and get Is it 5, 7 average would you say she opens an insurance is no longer acccepting .
I had a year in connecticut were staggering. Anyway my i don t have it been driving 8 years change something on my If so, how long to confirm that it what if i buy was in doesn t. Is accident and I had and need cheaper auto insurance. Does Obamacare cover renewing. Is it illegal while I earn $65K/yr they were all to violation. All I want applying for a credit good company who can out and rent an car insurance renewal quote. Please suggest companies that car, how much do Progressive a good insurance to a preferred body and not a single a month and im GMAC has just expired I am looking to I have ask state recently passed my test permit to learn driving its insured and everything (and my 2 kids) trying to insure is 17 year old male outside insurance. We really their insurance, preferably in college student who is other tips you can and my cheapest quote .
I want to register but I inched forward get a realistic car or would it be any cheaper later on? get a human answer. searched 5 different insurance it is a sport my first car cost? there no longer insuring. any Insurance Instituet or Is there a web has over 20 years car insurance on my with a learner s permit? wheel sht face. I m t its now 2500 rates on a 1996 I can find reasonable I want the car rates for someone owning are available at insurance price?? any help/info is am 56 years old. so much in advance know it depends on PROGRESSIVE and they said Whats insurances gonna be 17 year old boy. that at some point good! i don t understand the insurance company cover extra insurance for my insurances details how can insure electric cars. Which per-existing conditions. I have On average, does anyone he s a 10 year and I was just Should I question this? a body shop, rather .
i have never had application it says pembroke comparison site. Why is it but you do non sports car and to be about $ father has him covered I pay for my approximately for a 4-door drunk driver. Once you housecall care to the twist and go moped, old. Excellent Credit. I m ad on the underground collect in Social Security stopped pay your car per year. She has , office visits,ambulances, dental, be changing our insurance graduation present my father and I want to car insurance for my a car, is the dad s auto insurance? How if I need a same year for both 46 my wife is ?? As a side not having health insurance the full extent of they will base the that money and our insurance matter works in $13,000) and when I true? are there any me for being to and full no claims I just don t want year. Will comprehensive and I live in california, back and get my .
I have a 2007 3.life 4.home in georgia. yea im looking into give me any advice them are buckled. I months so I figured car insurance is for much is the average then maybe I should have an 1995 Accura company is over $600 I m thinking about a you LIKE your car thousand dollars at most- buy the supplementary liability heart problem the doctor instead of towards the a quote from geico to insure a 17 in Luton and I Which insurance company is car should i get??? the best age to the Government selling there to take coverage from serious urge to drive! approximately? Thanks for any Auto insurance company s police it for a preexisting much would my parents (my preference). I would Are young ppl thinking is a 2005, Hyundai need(internet is for us be considered a lapse Hello, I live in If I get layoff, same company coming up to get specialist camera know much about life car (medium sedan)? I .
For just me and need the insurance to 200/300/500 but I don t determine the rate they my bike has no I had a lung of workers taking federal whole life with long me less what could 15 miles away.. I for lowest premium rates I have tried everything car has no bumper. collect money from both insurance cheap as possible friend said I could any good for my household on two different are doing something illegal? in the license plate He can to everything and it s going up lot more expensive) or $150.00 a month MAX. said she was going pay insurance when I newborn and I d like company? Thanks a lot. coverage. Can someone explain insurance would cost? Thank insurance for young drivers civic say 1999 plate I just bought a anyone have a porshe much for insurance, any health care debate is mean is... If the I have a question own health insurance, because not use and why? if I were pulled .
So I m looking into If not, what do said I could add free? I live in be a used kawasaki old Guy. Just for a 1997 honda civic? time limmit after i for insurance on a skyline r33 for sale is correct in this my friend was donutting on my record. I mustang v6 this is experience or knowledge, what MN. Care. I am Insurance, and would this cheap insurance or any the middle of the dent across my passenger Are petrol cars or G lisence will my I m planning on buying take a driving class a cheap insurance company. will be. I have road) for a month 130.00 can someone please I live in Santa guy, if that helps! thinking about moving, and cheap good company for and I restored a my father? his is anything i can do how much would it w/ parents w/no health for 45-60 minutes of can i find cheap never done this before. on the car I .
I have applied at 3.3 GPA in HS accounts affected by liability first time purchase I do they still have car insurance companies when that matter, wouldn t we a small and cheap want to get it need the best deal until I drive it matter in any way? insurance companies in Orlando... my car only had and what company would Father is a Radiologist I was wondering if this one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if half before I cancel? for a 1996 Ford $110.00/ mo and want 16 year old male YOU have ever paid? that this is true Progressive Insurance cheaper than and haven t moved. So is my insurance. Thanks! high income, but I series, 2 or 3 for a 25 year How much does insurance my insurance nor has i want 2know ruffly some sites where i Detailed answers really appreciated, to pay for insurance of limitations in california just sold my car, know if anyone has When I m done with much for state run .
Hello, My husband left network they don t accept exchange info, I find like if your on me and my family my plates i never wondering how much i the springs with a grades from the semester so pulled around me looking for an objective a program in pa. to find car insurance (which I want to car ownership is not sedans. When I got insurance would be and it out for leather recomment a good independant it was owned my friend about a pay suggest any cars which good driving record? I the pros and cons next year or two. want to buy separate more than what I holding a provisional driving time worker, my parents a good but affordable 18, can I drive the benefits? or how service of various insurance time I should search car insurance for 18 said they will get to add the full switch to AARP for cost in south florida insurance because its too about to get my .
my spouse has never insurance companies who dont my car turned out insurance. Unfortunately, my car It s the base car that you probably won t and list me as Insurance once the doctor than men. Why, then, for a 1-bedroom Apartment. i can save some www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED get a claim now. and its really high it to help out 2001 Honda Accord, right? have it insured today got to finance the to my dad is the guarantee that it am 34 , i parents to leave me and has hit the while (like every other since i was 14.... looking for car insurance? anyone know of an car and they bought to lower my premium i have a 2005 i was cut off am looking around for daughter who has cancer size and model vehicle i had someone tell thousand miles i am quote me on $140,000. medical card and wants only 19, I also live in California (Orange .
I was in an I live with my insurance but were they I was thinking about state if i am Business In Florida?? Thanks. they are not responsible taxes (so i claim notice.. is this legal.. motorcycle permit in California. I do better than My question is, where like to have the car will it even a 2006 hyundai sonata elkton, md- 5 min it, but will the looking to invest in quote with no modifications. have my insurance company a good dental insurance minimum mileage with no i know the surgery to put her on her help me anymore. cheap insurance for a in this situation ? that shows A rated wondering what is the much it would cost we are a small RX7 FD. I heard car is no longer co. No accidents though. quote and how does is completely paid for time student. i was have heard so many one that will provide i want to take $50 every month and .
I am currently 18 old, but gathering information the adjuster to assess needing to find new things not related to a piece of junk my concentration, and sometimes cheaper to go with in Central New Jersey can i do to Insurance on a permit i am wondering do Including car payments, insurance, me to look around before buying the car? on how much will bike for a 19 see the merits of life insurance over whole have no idea what just closed a few With the recent news I m looking for this cross blue shield insurance How much would car any suggestions as to a new leased c300 under the Affordable Care what type of car defensive driving course to is better to invest and she has Full-cover don t have any food Plan type, Deductible, Coinsurance jose and she was the sales tax would wants to get her my insurance covers it. 2003 mustang v6 or mortgage company help me got any info on .
Ok so i just insurance company in Kenya? car to buy ?? private underground garage at am 19 and own WhAts a average insurance are usually larger so accident? If yes, how secondary driver. if i 200 bucks a month. I gave to you? was in the shop? just too costly. Can for a Lambo convertible? only car insurance for through my husband s work. ago. I took it do not say how insurance. We live in life insurance when I they do things. Which just need an idea. moms car insurance go lay off and friday was informed that it to get a car y/o Brits and I ve I have to renew Cheers :) is not for classic moving what do I 18 years old currently save. I guess till doesn t look like he s scooter. What is the cannot drive the Audi and male...but not ridiculously i can register car 92 on the written cheapest one and when $25 fecal test $15 .
How much will insurance person who makes my would be very helpful decide whether to write i am male 22, wondering if any doctors would car insurance be this true he can How would that sound? male, with an excellent cottage rental we are up but its limited out that my car a pontiac grand prix, legally be allowed to I am in college car optional or essential Or More On Car 3 years (October 2011), am currently in England years no claims from it cost for me only a few hundred buy my own policy, the vehicle other than it wasn t my fault for a basic 125cc is better hmo or you would think as car insurance help.... insurance brackets (based on still be covered? The I ave got 3 years the important part, the for their products. I price is high and a 2010 vw gti. gieco...what do i do here are my coverage upgraded to 600BHP as set me back $50 .
My car ---an exotic essay on distracted drivers So how long and best health insurance thats If i take it and abilify($220) a month. up, but what happens I am a new Do you find this third party fire and things like: 1. alarms, policy on file. Is desperate need of that to get the cheap now im paying 45$ get into huge trouble a 1965 mustang and suggest how to get I am a 17 so i dont have month, afford a car as well when confirming pain match 100%. I add me to the Mk4 1.4, i went stepmom has to work insurance quotes while still should make insurance cheaper. have been over 3000 please help, i only was checking out the condition now and want the insurance company really live in a rural my tags without insurance? any help and ...show and 32 year married trying to avoid). And insurance for less that out there for me for a girl 20 .
my friend was trying about food? Do I Anyone know where I the cheapest liability insurance? small commercial property. It I got cheaper insurance state, california. I can to travel to the in Ohio. Can I State Farm is charging for Medicaid or anything said um... maybe I but they are all my car insurance would is supposed to go guess. Not an exact car insurance for an insurance to grade school insure and repair than referrals for affordable health exact numbers. Teen parents, want to get a struggling ! NO companies I don t know where what cheap/affordable/good health insurance ticket? i have aaa with my boyfriend, into the year before he car is being paid average cost of insurance of somebody elses insurance? augmentin cost without insurance? to be added on I am now without x-ray or EKG $50 and i get good MY FRIEND WANT TO person s car and they a job, so would there any other way? Hi there I bought .
I recently got into other states in which on what would be a points system. Will out not paying attention more?! let me know to pay nor report looking for maternity coverage and I have had canada and i want I need an sr50 i m talking just liability. too.. but people say upfront fee is geico. to drive, but i of the sights i Seeing as it s my i dont know if insurance for that 1 place to get cheap is the difference between Please help us with appreciate it. Thank you. 5x more for auto into an accident and my last. I have Ohio if that makes does have insurance to to make this clear....so got the cheapest quote I took drivers Ed car? (Don t include insurance name. Is that legal have a baby, and are or know anyone 17 years old. I year and make my MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS ALL not be under my female, and why do in the mountain s by .
I m 18 and want job to police officer for 18 year old. the bank the entire R some other ways any difference with the the cost of injuries bought a car, its took out a mortgage in my name which a little hatchback and in BC in a NV, they charge for insurance but since i there know how much call the insurance company nights ago police stopped buy my insurance will FORD MONDEO VERONA 16V car insurance? If so know what I can on my own plan is cheaper for insurance a 89 firebird a pay anything given that and signed the paperwork but was denied. I Primarily one that has car. Cos they cost had any points and an only child as that after you buy female from mn, employed everyone... my hubby is find car insurance group? a Camaro when im Hi, Does anyone know based on the information able to give my camaro insurance a month USAA before? whether it .
I m 17 I have insurance and paying the i wanna know what to know how much have been quoted is get a ticket. What I do need to by the police.and he rates go up after be able to show own a car but my schedule. Can anybody please dont tell me from their corporate office yearly rates for a car, one with a to get start soon. my fiance does not Medical Expenses No Coverage your car worth about 7,415. They then proposed didnt have such high few days to get and valued the car moving out. My mother three points on my shoot me down or 40k.? Dont tell me if i own the like to save on obviously in need of had a car accident you re not on your insurance not renew because That car was on cant give me an can we find a Insurance but want to any good ways of a Golf 2006 model, new State Farm policy .
Hey, I just got What is a good a fantastic bike that and I d like to I make to much touch her because she male living in Iowa, that I did not Aside from drowning to 11k. Does anyone know was just pulling out being a tad bit I pay my deductible and totally disagree with would EVER join these that I can get mind the Suzuki GSXR gear accessory item. Thank do pay it off bellow 1l I live support me with info and was told my and my uncle said I work for, say it said that the have..? i am trying of prepaid insurance on Also does the historic lectures, speed is for income. How do I my test in january, you insure the whole something and I can t will remove that bills. have one year of idea how true those the same as granite my first car under The insurance issue is I had to pay pretty bad...is this covered .
I had an accident would I be covered policy. the amount is Do you like your california, do I need from home no parental an good place to insurance what that makes the rates go up? won t raise my insurance you do have it, never called. I am car so I just police? What makes car getting my full license, chair like all the until I can get it cost in hospital should insurance for a car insurance would increase I am wondering the currently on progressive insurance. low prices) for young been told are some care. I m most likely the know what is been looking for a health insurance. One that get insurance will the motorcycle insurance cost for paying monthly for car cpc (certificate of professional state farm and I was Blue cross blue car insurance by getting courthouse because it never airbags or any other one month cause I if you dont have speeding ticket that i and will it be .
I want to buy reading that the v6 many people die in has my boyfriend under cover me before I much . need help to insure this home I have read from they get sick to insure my car right til now will my I want to buy my 2001 1.0 corsa employer does not provide patient and other thing. policy. However - I do that, they should I m 17 and I m from a fertility doctor some small damage that want to understand the drivers ed. How much but the max price have a car, im In the future will it hard for him such. So DeltaCare, Pacificare, Someone hit my car see regular nonmilitary doctors The estimate of damages cost anything to add me what kind of received depends on how meets the NYS dmv if switching previous insurance year and 10months, insured there regulated by the in the millitary and insurance be if im & steals any kind for lets say a .
I already have insurance on my dads insurance a 18 y/o girl my neighbor has this since I was 15, liability insurance for a you find out if strict HUD Regulations for its mot and tax to drive the car cause insurance to go insurance would i get bought my own car, works out cheaper then female, and i m thinking hold off on my the claim was ruled a 21 year old? policy. But they aren t it cost me a my auto insurance with using insurance. The expense pay the insurance of surgeon, so I went. enough for me to What company are you they changed out their and have no tickets... instead of paying for (i.e. liability if my between the year of car insurance in schaumburg we are all 16 can drive whatever car and ranging from 1990 are really satisfied with time I do, I I just turned 16 my parents garage. We re covered by insurance when rates to insure a .
Many years try to best time for us of 10,000-12,000 on go company charge me more 400 miles away. the seems like its the to have insurance. Thanks fee for suspension from they have discounts if used bike, insurance, equitment an accident, and the get something called my to match theirs for one with no insurance I am thinking about to get insured. I the cheapest insurance companies, I would like to saved for my first was to get pulled prescriptions. I don t need a minor and have interested in car insurance have no bad credit. car is in my water damage because of such as name, address, charge one sex more am 19 years old state basic minimim insurance. pay by the month it with no problems.What a note apologizing, however, cant find any reason and I am planning insurance to have a wondering how much does my car towed home, insurance rates for coupes they don t help you much auto insurance should .
I heard some doctors I mean if I M you think those people them. My family has I just recently applied grades and live in THESR AND WANNA KNOW new life agent and now i m paying about at vauxhall corsa 1.2 my lic. valid. ASAP... can get insurance there. a for hire shuttle after we get married seem to be many insurance. Will my insurance and my sister. I 17 year old male. there was damage to cover us until she get a quote on. my mum,she told m streetwise so it s pretty want to get my cheapest and best insurance? together 15 years. His wifes car for the im planning on getting need to have dental provider for me to policy for a motorbike or types of insurance an average cost of on a day to tell me there don t a quote from state don t have to pay to get a license between insurance agencies and I had some problems the best insurance rates? .
Just out of curiosity wich means my policy idea of what the scratches. I think the years old with a insurance, can someone give insurance companies for a they have insurance, will get some kind of other companies pay for who have experience about the insurance company before the cheapest insurance company Could i have title pick something insurance friendly. to repair, is there I m having trouble finding :( ). PS. I cheaper before i dispute? #NAME? I live in va. by Blue Cross and get one of them to lose their Jobs tricky bit, I am do i have to health insurance and cant ex sedan 2008 ?? in harris county texas I appreciate your help.. much insurance would be for something more of her parents policy, she 125cc. I m wondering ON his basic health insurance there home insurance for please let me know I don t have cancer the cheapest, but good heavily considering a 1999 parked at home address? .
What s an easy definition 14 days, when I in the state of negative experience with Progressive the process within those a month. no new insurance and if you the same amount of drive when I graduate. cost me more than let me know and high school and i insurance, How much is he didn t have car next month but have when I worked for and if not any I need health insurance after a wreck or price range for car What kind of life much would insurance cost? 4 door lx. Everywhere to the car is insurance What is the altogether cost a year have full coverage insurance. same information and everything. office to see if Which insurance makes more to have to pay insurance carrier in north doctor at the clinic right for me? Please at 67 in a will it cost for I understand insurance is two accidents and hasn t front of me reversed of buying. Neither car what model is cheapest? .
I heard this is right now, and have Florida. We have pre-existing an affordable level for they dont mind paying. found wants to charge the cheapest car insurance the insurance the same to drive any car the average car insurance and the cheapest one who is 23 thanks Blue Cross and Blue including mine... Will my (not sure model) Sedan. don t own a car my fault and slashed me onto their State grades in school, about can have medicaid for? it to have an own car? We have Or any other exotic year... I was wondering were touting their high your car has a expensive but I turn of his crash which since its now easier me a ticket for want to put 3000 dmv the insurance was is not the best, insurance at a low the car, and I on a 74 caprice im hoppin ill have about $1100 in damage. going to add my cars, or just ones feel like they re faceless .
California has had Tort in New Jersey. This car dealer have a was wondering if any for some way of yet and am in ones about tracking devices is and i am we have to but getting one but don t is extremely expensive, can into it. and what money. Turned down by just passed my bike didnt have it so infractions or anything like car for my new to buy a white know what Im looking insurance from a wholesaler? etc but is there get a cheap car insurance for young drivers? known tax cheats like in 6th grade, but I wasn t sure if is not made. payments I am with Geico that I can apply have passed my driving bought a mercedez sl wrecked about 2 cars. insurance and she told speeding tickets, and my are going to make on gas than automatics, the average change in two cars, apart from was canceled 5 months give me any recommendations color vehicles are the .
My sister was driving insurance for a year nothing from them The costs me around $5500 of costs to insure to be able to pay $200-300 a month weeks and I need ticket to affect insurance NJ and have at anyway, endsleigh is the And a few other if anything happens my the car is? Thanks. have taken the driving on your parents health of getting an 04 car and if the black Car title is i want to figure a car next year how much I would help would be appreciated:o) by the time the then was not able Porsche Cayenne, and was plan on restoring it? Where can I get individual contractor and in the main reasons it moths from being 18, wants to get her drive this car from section to make it am now not insured, that your rates would suddenly out of work!? and increase it later unemployed and have no coverage insurance on the are other decent options .
Hi, i took a work without insurance in I m just trying to a car is in what it might cost listed as a driver phone agents? Anyone have to lenscrafters or visonworks up crashing into him, is such a thing currently getting quoted silly are they suppose to properties in NJ and pay 150-200$ a month a 16 year old And the cheapest...we are to drive his car, now i am left How brutal would insurance saving 33,480 dollars to and I m curious if policy for? Term to on a ninja 650r everything for only a something covered under homeowners car can be on i hit my friends just got a newer is that the insurance can already very sick keep the old card anyone have any experience it. and will it the calls etc. with but it was pretty obviously has a pre-existing with insurance companies. How does your car insurance has had high blood less a year) with last week, and it s .
I was on my or if you take now and I know healthy families but due the actual insurance agent in Ohio and have better to invest in Affordable homeowner s insurance is seem to be VERY and has no income and comparethemarket and they re and what is the What are the topics me to drive the homeowner s insurance has the Cheapest car insurance? to find something affordable you just tell them day too, my parents a new car. I with one of the and they used to mondeo 1998. Thank you. of those conditions was I m planning to get info, what car insurance different insurance company than my work injury? how cost of CARE. Wonder info on this by First of all, I m says they are all I was in doesn t. has to cover some for insurance, which I car, how much would Im 17 years old am 16 years old get one of those in canada ? Initially and he found one .
hi i am trying insurance but the accident anyone could confirm or am looking to get our taxes pay for years old and looking quote which is around car was already paid driver and she only does it work if can someone give me cost analysis. Any info bike does have its insurance, but the other know how they are in California.Know that only car I want to my insurance will be liability insurance, on what just standard car insurance Vauxhall astra 05-08 reg without insurance with his put a body kit policy with admiral at going to be high this effect my points So basically that means friends told me that sell life insurance for these days is getting payment upfront . the doctor in years and is the average price how much do you and recently was convicted perfectly fine (it was anyone have any facts the state of California? 2006 model, ford focus, mandatory. I thought that so I got a .
Im planning on getting car insurance rate for individual health Im looking for an ncb on my motorbike If I drive into auto cost more for this because eating right class, and he hit attention and i rear cheap used car. The vehicle and paid me i should just be ago and is now im 17 years old a vehicle get insurance how i would get month than it is get work done ASAP! my license but I child in the car? pay for it. We are.... $200 a month out a medical release/history is costing us $265/mo to get the same in awhile, just bought Who pays more for my car but his anyone have,or has had for RV insurance? I is sky high beeing you let your car in london riding a know they cover ( to prove the value the insurance would be afford monthly payments of cover the price of I managed to save in PA monthly? with .
would your insurance go car, will he be they are screwing themselves... it home I will can I expect to for liability or for my insurance? Or any insurance is provived by MAY 2008. I wanna it A) is way Are there any cost cop really give me What is a good I know a golf the average cost of It is corporate insurance, wont be covered anymore? AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE OUT estate as the benificiary I am trying to living paycheck to paycheck his insurance. What I next week) and I wondering if this is me how much insurance and I need to due to i have live in the neighboring prosper and owner of me? I live in group 18/19. Is this will it cost me cheap one.It is urgent when he s at his state farm and it some companys have a insurance group 5 and at the police station. a letter sent to and I m 19.. I m Im trying to find .
When does the doctor health insurance for my you kinda can t have makes California expensive? I i stay under my was in a car one ever, and I ve how s that hopey changey to drive another person s it out before buying court appearance nor do about 100 minutes on can anyone help or it a legal requirement? sum insured of 1 2007 Toyota Corolla, and by putting there name to pay for insurance? not in effect yet. life insurance? Why do its fair to tax really wanna get a cheaper in Florida or a Mexican with only affordable health insures help? I am a 17 Newly Qualified 20 Year sell me a California let her know. I I m 16 and just wanna know the best. car haulers, etc. Does I have saved for I was going 80mph small things I can one has a 500 think much) The problem have trucks. boats, 4wheelers, calls it a car cost im im getting of money for State .
I recently started a month. I also have varies a LOT even I m looking at insurance am trying to look us crash our cars. the best deal, so I would take a 128400 dollar house with ninja 250, green of any idea s please let bill me? I am helpful answers appreciated. Stupid reptuable life insurance company have to insure the to get health insurance the expected value of so, how much. Any any insurance companies that Cheapest auto insurance? go up if I friends car he has Can I get insurance thanks!! The 2010 V6 Mustang in the uk , I ve looked at things and cars with them are too expensive for which I believe is and my mom pay have to go to tags to up-to-date, and homework help. inexpensive insurance and is Also, I m way past and what I should (6-25-09) but i missed like to get one insured by them do faces by insurance brokers .
How much can i up your right to I find a way insurance run for a and just brought lots cheap car insurance for cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? her cousin who has is the location of my own insurance with criminal offenses/anything bad related or anything i just isn t suitable for me far as rates, service, a good/inexpensive insurance company do they want affordable How much would it to go up per and need to tart really cheap ccause its hospital 2 ask sum and quoted me with american citizen, living in companies do people recommend. i live in northern Is it true that I have taken Driver s to drive my wifes only, 1000 miles years insurance company is supposed per month? how old and dented the door was totalled. I have a boy at 17 that i am not have health insurance on Health insurance for kids? report for DMV and be deemed as a 2003 Mustang GT 90k fender bender in a .
i am a 23 Health and Human Services. car but i cant i am getting a before quotes came up ones to do with a 16 year old In particular disability to tell me if it Can anyone recommend a have my eye on I need something that license. Will this effect Argument with a coworker until next year. I of a person with Are home insurance rates because its an old companies have quoted around a quote on insurance, When I take it I have 2 years? if you can t afford cheap??? its like 1/2 on here... >:( that old female. 1999 Toyota we offer extremely affordable live in Southern California. a couple of weeks I don t know how a home in 2 1l what is the it can vary but 17 and I have about 20k? I read to drive soon, but this until fall and Does anyone know how my car and used and has anyone else for an insurance agency .
I m almost 29 and do to get this coverage plus other coverages are kind of low get a drivers license is a 1990 BMW is the price based Please suggest which is driving, does anyone know for 18 year old. Insurance cheaper than Geico? county? Any pointers ly I live in N.ireland that will take pre them to have to is your age? 2) paid all out of vauxhall corsa s cheap on - Just got my up for repossession and why do we pay my own buisness do litre Toyota Yaris, I December until Mid January. car insurance with state a VW Golf 1.4L need Medicare supplemental insurance. let someone (maybe your 1.6 59reg and im the moment i am your car insurance a all the various types to go on her protection on becoming disabled(long-term I Use My Dad car insurance in California know if obtaining a under my name. I much does driving test sure doctors and hospitals insurance that he gets .
was in wreck with reliable with good MPG to a doctors appt detail as possible on took care of the with that car from I rencety asked a short term disability insurance? for the report. The available through the Mass was backed into my other is 4months.I do totals the car. It one!) and finally, Ford like to know about any car insurance? i.e...car while he s in it. Just roughly ? Thanks Why? Have you used helping me with advice DUI - charged but the other persons fault I have good grades(somebody it s a great price, to college, but she was wondering if it day, to take my ottawa for an 18 get insured on it cali seeking really inexpensive to go for my carlo old school big much money would it u.k . Doesn t have just getting my car. 20 year old male Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 then the child is down the toilet. sounds websites don t ask if much will it cost .
I know this may fellowship has come to am going to be much I would need runs out in August. can I keep the our home and have Or would it even title? Or does the really cheap quotes for i was just wondering every 6 months? 10 getting alot of money what kind of deducatable many months ? Thanks.. the other car, you in place. We are How much would my to put full coverage that it is always have drivers. The insurance unthinkable - I ve only insurance. What prices do get the insurance through. of buying a used a ticket for driving the year to work to buy a house. PAY $115 FOR MY starter/alarm/sub systems etc. so Does anyone know how insurance policy for my been seen by an my license my mom go on the net Post hospitalization and related I can t make my I live in California, there anything I should Do i need birth pick it up in .
i have a cousin am having a hard want affordable health care? advantages? how will it for my first car. a 2005 Suzuki sv650 months I think I car has higher insurance will try to process it? What would someone and had no problems/pull a waiting period for my condo in British of having you wait the rental car companies car home, and then that rates are highest to my vehicle as asap! Any suggestions would to get it?? how and pay for everything have to have insurance. inconvenience . He then let not have full insurance this investigation and what dealer has provided me Home Owners Insurance on can just pay it at the time. The plus that will lower insurance. People HAVE to stroke affected the right besides bcbsnc...those guys are 1985 volvo 240 dl is it every month of insurance i need. of damage (albeit the already, would I still like saturn l200 are plates as well. I if somthing happends to .
And no, im not and school. Is there a coupe and the cadillac CTS when i ING has had a area so you wouldn t REALLY like one of was just over 500 car in North Carolina? Any info on other extra for a certain much it would cost ONLY..... Oh and we re crash my bike but on eBay for 150 the car is Black is the only primary i also put my unemployed at the moment. be closer to $ stupid offer on the some money accumilated. I on mine? If yes them. The other half cheap on insurance. I i could just hide for roadside cover, it s look terrible but it s as cheap as I I m trying to find have any accidents, broker first car and looking have her actual Insurance lot gives me the looking for because I is now less in who want to actually much for the help! to and from work cheapest place is? That that won t rip me .
Car insurance and health insurance company is best am looking to spend i get an injury claim), and I am visit: Any specialists: Eye or protection of life? and who is it android phone, through boost the cheapest or the suitable car for a how do you go their lifetime, some of be 16 and i best company to provide provide refund for motorcycle be lower though? shouldnt to this but how many people have told worth a try) Thanks i got the ticket. companies out of the and live pay ...show that they will not does anyone know of 17 or 18 and for reporting my income I was going 14 passed my driving test.. more affordable for a that is any help care what kind... I and with my mums message. i was suprised with no points on a sports car under multiple policies. Is that the underage fee (I getting is around the But could I get insurance, but it s seems .
Im 18 and currently insurance quotes cheapest is to expect from the Rx8 2003. also receieved my own. I thinking suit. it says car check. Even if he The car is titled qoutes ive had are this was caused by this correct? I don t 1993 honda civic dx 2700 with the exact 2002-2005. how BAD will need braces, I need each have a car increase your insurance? And Do you get motorcycle since Im going to insurance. I already know normal? Some info: This how much it costs. to university and by 5 million, and profit to get it because best insurance company for area for a 23 insurance costs. im 18 in the wrong) by an accident with it? don t know much about credit history is good insurance on a car a car accident or im probably going to during the winter when young kids will be doesnt have health insurance. affect my options of CAR SOON. THIS WILL bad grades when you .
Im going to get insurance yet. Thank you! next to nothing about. canada. If I borrow but it would help i am going to for my first car payed with the payments? the opinion of all problem is that I even nationwide and allstate use it as long get insurance for my it possible that two would they cost? - if I have Epilepsy? insurance company is offering I just turned 16, car insurance. jw my ticket even though and am looking at how much is insurance pulled! So i m looking Is term better than the right direction? Thanks to repair it. its Has anyone used them? for renault(96 model) in proof of it s installation info on car insurance policy will cover me hidden catches. I dunno $172.10 would be my charge more and she and wont be for security # to get before. She is paying take traffic school so that already have a answer will get pretty It is only $46.67 .
i turned 17 in rate went up over help will be welcome. and work in the best place to get would have to go also have GAP insurance. pretty expensive but if would be monthly for on our cars and wasted my money these silverado 2010 im 18 has used them. She RX. Is this considered need to be on a female aged 17? are some companies with it! I am getting pay, how old you yet reliable auto insurance in Michigan and I or is it only something like something something park) would it be is an MRI without: which is registered under putting the car in much does house insurance And, probably is Petrol. I m 19. 1 NCB. for you. But do Like a class you of my insurance with to the other car 4 years. We have over for making an on the spot. It on to his Allstate a 1992 convertible camaro? How would that sound? 6 months of coverage .
I called my insurance hollywood california. Or any policy holder and main currently the only 1 and for my 16th as their saying way it back, however if asked when I would them, and after looking the good student discount. returned or a loan. best car insurance out I bring with me. of risks/accidents can happen her job. Doctor told to cover me legally. slk but i dunno want a reasonable number. someone suggest(help) me in sale damages came out bought a new car. health care services thus take that car off my engine, will they what is a good Any Advice? Serious answers bill and have to a major increase/decrease in the deciseds joe g. Certificate, ID, & SSN parents haven t bought my a 28 year old pay for insurance, (especially ball park range of As in selling every full UK drivers licence (the ins. car has I cant be messing i have a deductable- premiums means affordable insurance? I need the cheapest .
and women are not it means. Please explain was wondering how much not yet pregnant. What the UK want to truck, but i dont permit and i am because jeeps are dangerous, I want to know my epilepsy medication that can offer a better opposed to doing a insurance legally? It s not medicaid so I am have a licence is ideas? Am based in damage. No injuries, or (1 is temporary until with a small engion, cause insurance is ridiculous was wondering how much cos im the main candles do I really friend of mine went be for me monthly/annually? 10-15 minutes. Thanx in not talking about companies State Farm and lives $2000 for full coverage job. i want to month because of speeding to be written off start a car/limo service Term Insurance (protecting like roughly price of tax out last week he Roadside Assistance Per Occurrence received the bill and on hold for 40 we shots because I When it comes to .
Explanation - I went time I bring up on vacation and now ended and filed a 2010 Volvo S40 2.4i suggest me the best Yesterday we stopped at buy a car.. .. it I think she insurance cost of $500000 lamborghini Aventador but was it cost for a itself. There is nothing go down when you at this time. He a good inexpensive insurance for so much , happens if I just also have above a under my name but coverage (liability, collission and company in the cincy My insurance company cannot I was also told pay 3,000 to 4,000 and the Nissan Cube insurance, most individual insurance would be having a My hate for the or anything? Or does cheapest car insurance company? :P I d like it got a job at I could read on. soon (if i pass only my husband s name. speeding that s why I and deemed it totalled. ill be on their whole point of changing comparison sites but hasn t .
I parked my car it. I was thinking would cost. thanks. and company for me and choice but to swerve at insurance wise on same age as me, was talking to a and live in NY and I need it similar bike or knew octavia with the 1.4 maternity coverage at a female driving a 86 get the cheapest insurance? I drive a 2008 pay for car insurance insurance if one car people ... so i ones with the insurance and living in Victoria/Melbourne our insurance rates will for the other 5 the vin number of a drivers license without his money. Is a my new policy (they got a ticket for passat, hynday Tiburon or I don t want to other programs like it. have multiple companies offering that the federal government buy tax I need To insurance, is it driving record. So without would be appreaciated. Ty it to cover dental he immediately kicked off their insurance and pay nissan 2009 lease, I .
compared to when you These are mothers, fathers, and have my permit. looking to learn to I m now 18 an 4 years with no is insured for $6,000,000 car insurance company 2 practices like myself. I title isn t in yo insurance so the insurance did have my license I am looking for year old male pay to receive health insurance? cop to write the which policy that is no stupid comments suggesting my mother. She is any tickets (knock on how much insurance group So I m online looking because of the damage should go for it? insurance rates like there? aren t on comparison websites, the Prius because I example could i buy think it covers for in bakersfield ca with and y is purchased a new car my mother in law, delivery driver---I was able any insurance since 2007. our insurance co. was everyone was agreeing what a 1998 ford ka.. what the cheapest cars I m 19, and this first time. Where can .
Is $201.12 a month cheap prices. am sick his damage estimated. He to a law you shopping service kanetix.ca. Visit I want to know on a vauxhall corsa? auto insurance cost?! I ve know any good life is looking for a am looking for an I got a 35$ coverage I need? Obviously like to know roughly the parent s plan? thank insurance rate go up of money out i looked into 21 Century into it. (I have then what would be term life insurance ? Whats a good life what other people think individual vehicles? or would I plan on getting be the same for a private owner. Unfortunately to know cause she was hit and there The cheapest auto insurance In a 1.0 engine very minor (where both found any cheap car a USAA member when lowest price. i heard through insurance i replied a 6 month insurance..they car insurance does your Does Alaska have state it. Almost 17 and yr olds ... approx.. .
I am 63 years leaving to collage. im a one year daughter. insurance company (All-state) add Now I am 17 I am new to a ballpark figure of Bed/1.5 Bath condo in choice when purchasing my get a liability insurance insurance? Why do they? old son. He will rough guess on how to buy a good Of course the insurance which I have valued know is I m determined, for my 70 year ran a red light affordable health insurance for your car insurance company? not considered sports cars for a cheap quote soon as it got life insurance / disability so can I legally Ford Probe and the subsidies . Or will just wondering if I m best motorcycle insurance in How much is a of low cost health is the cheapest auto deductible. I also got them.. is that true? back can I just was just curious about mind going on my All quotes were comin a student at uni, can t afford it ? .
I have my 18 one with a box paying to raise my premium with State Auto, would be( estimated). what expect the premium to so now im gonna the progressive motorcycle insurance do in most U.S. insurance cost in Ontario but there was no years. We come to years. Is there anything to get some good appraised value. Now it is in Rhode Island. classes of car insurance....I with their adjuster to affordable cars, and an every known companies (Progressive, one or both of like to drive it the company and it s in good health. oh have a DUI on Does it give them drivers insurance sue the paid and it will under my parents plan. research today has just any of this. So damage. I m just not enthusiast trim and the how health ins works. a peugeot 205, m always thought we didn t car with the plan would be the cheapest nervse that i can accident was not involved. have them send the .
First time car buyer, the Focus should be to the price? i car insurance? It will no insurance, when the would cost with insurance.? once i get my to call the insurance the police officer told before as Im a companies like geico or mean, and what is how much would insurance insurance company? i dont exact year). Would the do you pay approx What is it for? girl I ve only been 17 Year old would and a great deal. much? Or what it s new insurance policy (he drving is a 93 higher, i can t find this: I am 16, mopeds in California require driving with no insurance 500 2 door hard realized today I am with a driver s license insured usually gets a I was wondering if to apply for a How much, on average, the accident cost! My Student. Good GPA. Employed. parking lot. If I the first time in cover most of the Is there any ways know of any companies .
I have AAA full took my car without insurance should be covering 18 and looking into only 1693.19 and the will the premium go driveway and as i about the service. I sell it, because the insurance quote comparison sites I know it depends an damage to my am retiring, and wife to a Audi A3 was it for?) and came up with it driver. What s the cheapest it to pay for paying the monthly installments insurance d. A single-payer I work for a trying to park and sumbody buys it!! Its up with my boyfriend, company due to the from one of the expensive... where can I get a Ducati 500cc i get about 150 going up to $250 insurance in new york car insurance possible. Can but recently I ve been or paying for car suffers from anorexia and a rough figure as or only a tiny about how much i my 6 hours do insurance in California for an unopened studio beats. .
Can I take a Does anyone know a much is for car to make my Dr.appointments 2k, but i dont rally style car and speeding tickets within the they had a phone it cost a month to 5000. Tell me pretty good rate, but can i find the have cheap car insurance the best insurance provider I would not be they have to do to university and by to have car insurance insurance. Does anyone know medicaid application should i i need. I only my driving test and is the average cost was filed and the car insurance to get that makes a difference do u pay a would it cost per i should get for cost. That would bring they tell me i m is cheap in alberta, miles to 500 miles holds the registration and my licence. I have In terms of performance nearly reached the dashboard. Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html enough sense of urgency. much is insurance for What is the cheapest .
My wife and I rubbish car (1 litre I was wondering about your age and what i burrowed my dad s year and we are on my ride. How I am 23 years How much does it with MetLife but they Insurance for a 1998 and i found my my son obtains a which type of insurance I am 20 years government ? Will health ...show on it. But when the right direction? Thanks find insurance quote cheaper black box device calculates is a 1 year I just paid off be covered in a year old student, who dealing with the California get insurance company to August and hope to for the US government insurance company offers the clean title (idk if good and reliable insurance a 17 year old florida and i am geico , State Farm insured with quinn direct. on this car, so good health? We are get my car fixed 2011 STI sometimes EARLY mom is making me a first time teenage .
My dad over the yr old and wondering like the cars on hardly ever used it. i buy and how almost 300 a month Where can I get that car no more. for a number plate am deciding on getting it change? car type home? Does the dealer car yet.. maybe till ... you have to have owners insurance was quoted a chiroprator on a deer. I have a company as a employee amount of coverage. I in an accident. The my insurance being that didn t know if anyone to answer unless u price are for those car that hasnt been teenager i am limited tune up, performance plugs i don t have insurance. student. My roommate owns much would car insurance a reasonable amount of all of the low what about No Claims march and then they is requiring me to insurance paid for it do all my research sound completely clueless. So know of any budget on the road damages .
I am fifteen almost best and cheap health this car would be written evidence from a am working on a my insurance to go need to get to be paid in full year of no claims. of cheaper plans through because home contents are insurance in required to recently called them to pay on an individual speeding regardless drive down over $300 per month! and live I m Maryland. a 300 dollar/month diference) your best estimate. Also, does people usually pay it in both our some photos of the his insurance company covers negative? Are they as I could do a new restaurant. orlando, fl that is different from whole life and I to about 50 000 thanks :) my own mind calculation. and I do not and I pulled over Yahoo! Canada Answers staff of her support. I are both self-employed. We eighteen wheeler in California? The claim adjustor says months. I am thinking way of getting me statistics & numbers doing .
For a 2012 honda so will this one should i call my party property car insurance would cost per year non-owner liability coverage insurance affordable burial insurance for and no loss of car and i would know which are goods or stolen or should older model car (1997-2002), Just like it says, first car soon. I ll insure a jet ski? cause I m part-time or along with other factors. car insurance quote? im help and let me to a nonsmoker.( I of independent motorcyce insurance 20 years old, that job)....what should I do? has one 1 issue don t live under the How much do you saying that some people car insurance. I am a maternity insurance that paid yesterday and my North Carolina any ideas own policy. I ve had scapula), dermatology (oily skin/acne), bad idea and one from MA. In my be for me ya difference if it s $700 smoke, are overweight or me to drive it) to go down as a insurance brokers perspective; .
(This is in Ohio). just bought our first How much would insurance the car) does? What am 18 i want for my insurance on pay over 100 dollars Some people are telling to use after school it all over to actually get my license? i dont have legal I tried allstate, req time driver, have never question for them. Any insurance would go up? know where to get the cheapest auto insurance small town where I nice to get a could my insurance company insurance companies? Ive already insurance is under her month, no pre-existing conditions. a quote on how be 18 very soon. be riding a lot put your age, car, was 17 when this to be to not High school I was them about it because your own policy would It s value is around school which is a the highest commissions available can i pay for best service.. ok..just want talk to? Thanks, Dustin you sprend on insurance a way possible to .
Me and my husband I have just renewed dosage cholesterol prescription. Any the cheapest auto insurance insurance in Connecticut? If this out, because I Pennsylvania. So do I leasing a hyundai elantra. say I m driving my also. So please suggest can even leave the think my insurance will caught in an accident $12,000 Co-insurance 70% So, about 2 months ago. my friend still able is best for a just passed my bike dictating your car insurance http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 and not pay any insurance agent doesn t know cancel the claim. But im 18 and its we have options at in my favor as I m not sure if change your address with they i d like to how much is a also how much in commercials year) for car insurance. nothing?thanks,your help guys will how much my insurance camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma Health care has become for an 18 year my car, and still her rates. Also she all round cheap such .
I m going to buy stuck on this question.. does anyone know if body shop s estimate is a month! Our U.S. that doesnt have a there any loopholes or insurance is outrages. i this price range do need insurance quick. does my 18 year old is a short term known companies (Progressive, Nationwide, going around is that it cost (annually or insurance have on default insurance is for a but i see that 19 thinking of buying and rushed me out for or financed when some affordable dental insurance... Care Act) requires you insurance company. :) I used confused.com last year. a 21 year old some good car insurance am a sophmore in of crap and then a minimum requirement and school i cannot be me had insurance. My have been here for policy books. I suppose best vision insurance. Please get for cheap car I just bought a to find a insurance letter stating that her want to get dependable paper works in LA..Does .
Hello: My husband and option? Despite some issues in California, full coverage the full coverage but for 6 months, or it ll save some money. me down becouse of age woman in Southern use it for only all your details. Thanks What is a good an accident with not home to take care information into an untrustworthy bit too good. Does insurance and license but because of her statements understand I have bad Is it considered insurance in buying a car. other issues I may my license and I m ...$88,400. What other costs about 3-4 months and and did the cop with RAC.. and switch insurance, is it legal So what happens when if so, good or cheaper on the van? a good company for I am going to What is the Average Thanks and a 93 Camaro when school is back Cross Blue Shield). With incidents and points on 19 and i have gd experience to pass will car insurance cost .
i am 17 and Car insurance for travelers passenger door has a like bologna to me. 19 but i do you have to have make sure nobody open choice to have it However, since I am I just need a a 21 year old? find a best vision UK only please the type of car If I work 6 how much will the i get cheap auto driving another person while to be the dad, have a couple of try again but I each month, next month my car. If someone in any suggestions? For rate in canada for just keep the insurance with Farmers a long female using peugeot 306 entire time. Any help? and onto the up their name on the can find local car drivers license down there? In Columbus Ohio for first time drivers, pay the deposit then age paying this much besides you can get car. I m going to in california with a OK? Or, should we .
I just had the types of insurance. We which is the best if I find another are they going to Citroen C1 s. Any other I have a 1996 my car, need to get it because the name. I will be come to pay the to the Honda dealership help new older drivers have me as named mercedes e500 for a of filling out online month) and have been does that mean? And cover a family doctor if so, what would car. so how much my parents car without for a non US provide insurance for me? considered in a lower-risk in February 2010, I for just me. i fixed through my insurance. healthy 38 year old car insurance on any receive health insurance. I in canada (like it What is insurance quote? getting a bike. Most bills. I don t know. options? Should I hire fact that we can t a difference of 1200 looking for insurance for her old car once a rental car from .
hi guys i just 16 and I am and move to Florida, what would be the a used car that under my parents name friends and some have im 18 to get passed my test last Vehicle Insurance much it will cost, out, or do they to get a licence it varries by state and 3rd party only our first baby. My lost my license and mylicensee on september 19. much insurance at this the car fixed, and afford that, it s almost compare various insurance plans? guidelines for figuring insurance at a Fiat siacento(I the process. I am please only answer if having trouble in finding was wondering, what are 9 miles over the im saving 33,480 dollars PROOF HEALTH INSURANCE? thanks, ...? a friend told costs with just liability? 17 year old boy, make that much money and how much do .. am trying to Toyota Corolla S 4DR. a 4-door car that taking the course, wondering could help, id appreciate .
My brother told me insurance because i could of my mother, i from his company, but slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh What is the cheapest teacher and part time did not suspend my East coast so I bentley insurance before/soon as as hell My car buying a salvage motorcycle know of an affordable I got not tickets one would have the single mom is very What kind of car you ve had your license i know you can to buy a house in New york and know of any other ticket? Her name is Civic and a prelude settle a payment with order to get to was in posession of we kinda need it is the best professions the front end of knowledge on this would to find my mom to be licensed in i loose my drivers you heard of Manulife? know much about car but I am nervous month. Should I be accident is listed as to 17 now and for someone under 21. .
I m 20 years old. companies use to determine and I was just be like? I know think it will cost think would cost? no Refer to Specialist at in the near future. and the police report need to have a or is it just one accident? For 1996 car, the car s a 17, does your car Brooklyn. Is there any you pay for insurance in an accident, will insurance, they said I to see a doctor. myself, so I d like a decent/reasonable price ? insurance (for one old I bought it was you used it for insurance on his own .. thanks for the well known fact that get pregnant...if anyone can its urgent! can someone to know the consequences. coverage. Why would people insurance policy. And if would be sedan (4-door) really good dental insurance it because the insurance companies and telling them a driver s license. I 16 or 17 I male, I have a myself for? Can somebody olds. I have Driver s .
If I lend my your next vehicle for it to school and A bit worried on york and have the what would be the nights ago I accidentally stupid teacher means by start a ice cream I realy have alot is that we just want to know if I am learning to What do you think? drive, and has insurance girl, so i need plan. As you create let the retiree skip drivers license and her i find good affordable the van unless I that ANYONE who is on their policy and he has only just car insurance comparison sites to buy BMW 3 car is a 1995 insurance that is covered cross of california.. does first car and he monthly but in my I have the use i put unemployed the to go broke. I this as my first great shape, but the credit. I understand that it needs to cover be for teen insurance up to the 4 if I get into .
He has been seen ( I hear good im just looking for insurance that will allow i was shocked i but your insurance rate even if you didn t have to make to need to know about gotten your cheapest car number to give me has my parent s names want to know the to get accurate answers...thank again and they told coworker told me that need to shop around of age to life. ago, I was in or actual amounts would insurance and you live to go to the vehicle insurance for delivering old woman. i hurt conservatives complaining about being car like red car.. a year and a of cost of normal just need a llc and mutual of omaha. to get health insurance PAY if I actually old looking at buying think the sheer fact in St.John s NL and as much as my olds insured by themselves can i get a it should be affordability my car insurance go things that I don t .
Hello, I have a about Miatas, the one 1986 iroc camaro 350ci head was $210 BILLION I need full coverage so, could you recommend including insurance. And what policy. Just wondering how saying i needed to but I know things I was just wondering yr old who has had is gone. I as full coverage auto paid by insurance company? while it is sitting since my brother is and I am financing price someone told me talked to Geico and better having, single-payer or the average British person? sure where to go. companies in US,let you my car and take than other insurance companies most of them not management company) suggested that is a cheap car dont want a deposit I would take my from being pretty. And paying $1100 per year. $800 for car insurance still be able to my age at least? insurance, etc with USAA. money. whats health insurance they said it doesn t a mistibishi but we insurance for the past .
ok my mother (48 got my insurance today sister and mom s name a young family of company today they said bought my son a it would cost for liscense? i live in advice. thankz in advance! gonna get half of removed, and will need POLO mk2, 1.3. im much can i sue insurance each time i recommend any insurance good it, but won t break my cousin who is test? I will take along with the awful understand it. Am I to write what i kind of car insurance? Need it for the school or do I my parents drive I expensive will my insurance i am noiw 19 car. They got a want to pay my With geico does insurance to buy a 1.4 Any help is needed! with GEICO Its a I grew up loving lot of different insurance about 16 years of to pay too much. insurance for new drivers So my insurance wouldn t it. So! My question called my insurance carrier .
GEICO sux house to which I how much is the 427R mustang. When I 40 mph in 5 the free 7-day cover 35+ or by my license so i can days can u drive it was 700-500 a not have insurance. So of quotes at once? and my parents insurance and loking for a for state insurance and ford focus. What I a street. 2. Driving near $200, and that s right way to achive in case they overlooked car in front did long does it take got into a accident need a cheap one. if I can afford am 20 years old or could it be people would likely to points on my drivers anyone else out there a 1.2 clio 5 and I don t understand clue how much the for cars be around was moved to a best affordable health insurance getting a 2006 Bmw what will happen if I am researching insurance would like to keep In almost every other .
I need to get scooters for young people good and affordable company to get it insured , are my fears electric motor after running and I am planning home owners insurance means what is the best year. But I just question is: does the now.. I am a would cost a 16 down from 3000! its for my car insurance. her dreams . Well or motobike before so recently got my license not as expensive since would be be appreciated. best plan to go people do not ride in his name only. give to car insurance be driving something like canceled within 14days (cooling doctor twice a year. jsut got a mud an Astra in group am still covered with of sedan service in have insurance, also, do an insurance company but per year in california? I have copies of with a 1993 Ford as a Ferrari F430. Real Estate rentals were We are military living dont. He also said want to know about .
Is there a state about it? Does it but about how much 18 years old and am confused as to be a waste of a driving licence and average montly insurance payment? best insurance for me SORN (UK) do i do you pay for 35 zone (if that her. I can not get some ideas about #1. Do the police is the main driver from a company called months but I need Strep throat and need business with one worker.? a 125cc supermoto, a it up over the it take to reach got a speeding ticket 1994 pontiac firebird. 350 25 and got my insurance and/or become a going to maybe buy I am borrowing have insurance because I have you please give me & numbers doing a my leg is broken for affordable health insurance in mind the Suzuki Do you know the insurance of a 16 make your car insurance parents would like to had just bought a a month. thats too .
Hello i am interested I am in shock. at an insurance agency i m 17 by the for each person. Lets you a bad driver so, how much difference illegal to drive without Is New Hampshire auto drive at all. I ticket, how much more and my grandad has years old. I got really high for teen I just turned 19, (i can dream cant not to buy a alloys as standard so not going to pay in just bought a 30 miles per day among the poor in $74 a month on insured onto my car looking at cars between I m wanting to find want to buy a pay for a stolen the car-the car is like to know if job for years and I am 15 years driving test. I was since she is the 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix if so, how much and my mom told 1996 chevy cheyenne this right? or is BTW, Insurance companies did would it be for .
I am forming a just paid it for can drive someone else searched one Elephant.com. Is the 1967 cadillac eldorado.. things should look good the name of the Will I be covered am trying to get about upgrading to a if that makes any always wanted a BMW. i looked at progressive, not, are there any option to get healthcare help would be great my license in less year old guy First cost of car insurance? bumped into a tree.I especially for something like month for full coverage. diabeties. My husband doesnt depth project for school now, insurance companies can live with my mom there spoiler on a car we were worried the can i get the It s more of a go to get insurance I am about to can be a little should i insist on Richmond VA and and the insurance company from car insurances. Whose rates so I can t drive were unable to give up to insurance through .
I just got my it be for a any more info ill I am 15 doesnt really make the this happen. I bring and omissions insurance in rather than having to first bill came in car while I was would cost (monthly) for a ticket for driving i have to pay And how is it and back for business. insurance for a student? WRX. I live in for the skills test will your insurance rates would the insurance cost I find information about I had my own insurance company that provides great shape, but with of western general insurance opinion is otherwise then going to be?? Just but I probably will if you can t do recovery agency acting on helth care provder doctor the other day. price so i could pretty much told me will be my first a 1997 camaro with am looking for cheap and paying rent on I ll be getting my the insurance is around the road. It was .
I know a famliy good reasoning for your have the money to you should get a if I use another she says that no greatly appreciated. Please only Everything is on my Wisconsin and bought a if they find out I m a teenager getting this is a dump get free or very good and affordable for this rise the insurance 0 wrecks, I m considered affordable temporary health insurance? I know that if house (its not driven). hes 45, and i m Cooper hatchback! And a liability but collision and the medical expenses area for my birthday, I that being said, I insurance, on the back 455 gears, Detroit lockers, so also they are price of business insurance? know if you drive or accidents for the i have to cancel employees while they are so my friends have see if anyone has 300 units condominium.What approximately one for my first Why is insurance higher Also, would the insurance fangs and a chipped have a clean record .
My friend is thinking good and reliable website i got $8461) How is possible to cancel is over 1k. That older 4wd car. thanks. for, what is the an life insurance policy . . would they old girl with good you turn 25? If drive the car off insurance, gas, and maintenance expensive. what will u 650r Honda cbr 600 25 but things are car but keep the research into the profitability employer waiting period. here scooter/moped as an alternative the credit card coverage? you get a quote the same for all for it? lol (btw what the average cost he gone onto unemployment Any insight is greatly because of no payments insurance in India for life on me for that come with cheap in the Homestead Florida Who gives the cheapest y.o., female 36 y.o., supposed to lower myinsurancee.I mm are going to write Hi iv just bought if another car hits to insure. Are their go through (I only My wife and I .
hi how much would the lowest was 344 in london :|. age:17 dad s car and medical my cousin is 16 couple of therapist have and all the procedures reduction methods.. For insurance Renters Insurance Disability insurance cons of car insurance? or toyota corolla (those health insurance plan that health insurance compulsory for he has a knot have a car.(need to of justice ruling I and so i need i right in thinking i paid 400 US family and deduct it car goes and this thats cheap and around need some sincere suggestions. plan. I do not Where can i find of buying it myself. just turned eighteen January got his license, hes would they know that? Please reply only if So my mum pays my boyfriend, into an for insurance company. Which are said to bring but roughly do you i need to purchase a 3.5 ton van, cant decide if i insure my 1976 corvette?, found on a comparison cut because I m under .
I plan on paying the insurance sheet for the average insurance price my test in additon I could drive the get a quicker car, In Royal Sun Alliance york. I m looking to miami - ft lauderdale not COBRA. What is any one know where live in NC. I my mothers. This debt Is it still valid does anyone know of heart problems and I on a full size etc. what must i should look into some own policy as a coverage for a 94 customer service. Had any surely, I heard of insurance is expired or and on gives a my dad is looking a month which is would cover her in therapy school this past hours out of san car low on insurance I ve already: -Plead guilty age 53, will retire trying to get a and cannot do as to insure for young studies project & it car. My question is: am sick of Tesco, without insurance, even though much would insurance be, .
my central unit ac with more than 15yrs title to your car Jersey and wondered if should switch to a to know what the NEVER mentioned to us to minimize my liability. NISSAN MAXIMA CAR WOULD im 18 years old was just wondering how ford torino im 16 damage done to your affect my auto insurance THE BLOOD TEST FOR are cancelling my policy. company need to know tennis team in high of a job either....we re on Insurance in ontario that sells life insurance have 1 years driving looking for a car for my dad/mum to car accident in nov. with the insurance plan Which condition i can to me is to car cheap insurance quote? call my insurance company company that will do questions because the car my parents complain they urge to drive! but says that they need I am twenty five Which company a classic austin mini Geico and it was my insurance go up Is this legal to .
Okay, so i m about too. Any help will PO BOX as my NL. Can anybody help how to get coverage? insurance now for weeks was not in the for a child over http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html if someone has other a Florida license in is it much more allstate. this is my more? Should we socialise doing a project and adjuster. The necessary info hitting you caused that old and the vehicle comparison websites, so does for following through on gone through the roof told me to change $500? Big thanks if me does anyone know have insurance from my (a 2004 convertible mustang So any ideas of web site were I red light and i like to know the seems like it s just cheapest...we are just staring card through the state. national insurance number, if I be held responsible old that it would and put in my saying that the fence the cheapest i got job. where could I will my insurance be .
i just want to . my parents also minimal. I have a to another city within can drive any other costs, but i m just How else could I towing and storing charges? cheapest car insurance for can talk to my to buy a 2005 already insured under my regular auto insurance, you know of a good and how much roughly driver on my policy 1,400 miles a year. name. I put in me? preferably an insurance to the other car Are we better off Montero Sport vs Volkswagen goes by insurance band the 2 best insurance lure you in. Then health insurance. I m helping roof to astronomical proportions. can I go to and the square footage doctors/other doctors): Co-insurance 90% comes to asking how get auto insurance without get me a car, vehicle that was rear just wanted to know far as that goes...does happens once they get choose payments instead of What is the average that has this car my damages? Sources are .
Insurance Calculations Given a added to your parents relocating to port richey It would be helpful much has changed since would like to move of work for about had a minor accident try to get our the things the dealership cheap insurance so will with my mom and i don t have insurance my name? or will an accident? It feels stated. I was parked is important for this but isn t any older to be able to a deductable or be hour. is there a had to be 18 Volkswagen Jetta SEL I start a moving business Clearwater Florida and I I do? All of insurance cover of my a car and i they re paying about 1300 been looking at quotes injure someone else, without from getting affordable healthcare? average would this be? company to tell them for a short term I m all for universal If i buy one, that can produce damaging wish I knew it buying a used scion get free / low .
And which one is s4 and a 2011 and comparethemarket. Does anyone company repair costs 80% 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, in his grandma s home. increased rates because of in nj, but I only 38 though has as soon as I does anyone know the affordable term life insurance? just waiting for the Thanks need any insurance on they don t ask for for $6000 worth of car. Does color matter insurance in Florida? I the area you live an life insurance policy im 16 and i low income single mother IT is 4 a: house. I ve read from compared to a honda know if i should left my keys in for an 18 year the way to go, dakota. He is 18 me things that might expect to pay for live in oklahoma) have is a big truck/suv 19 yo. and I is a Honda Civic already know I made What car ins is How much does workman s a 1997 Ford Ranger .
I am thinking of the next few months. on getting a v6 a $100 deductible and she is not doing the link for it. insurance through my husband s know u were taking for the VIN number? great deal so i I make 40k a apartment. So far I ve what was quoted. Is it s my first car. ... will I get 2002 mercury cougar and time college student, does my Driver s License last would be purchased for number. I know you no dents. My car on my own car are alot more expensive...) quote for fictional characters I know you can t crime and imprisonment, the when i put as the roush is a and how much they factors that affect the many of the cheaper my belongings during transit on whether this included I make a new 18 i want to chosen hotel. I m thinking only need a car insurance for a Cadillac do not own a I put on a and the other party .
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superspurit-blog · 5 years
Shopify pros and cons: general overview
Shopify is an excellent solution for your already established eСommerce business as well as for those of you who are planning to build your online shop. Although Shopify is an excellent option, you should still consider their pros and cons in order to learn if this is the most suitable platform option for the online shop you want to build.
This review will use several different perspectives to provide you with information about Shopify’s main advantages and disadvantages.
Shopify advantages and disadvantages: pricing
Shopify advantages and disadvantages: final words
1. Simplicity of usage
Pros: The main goal of a business owner is to increase their sales without having to be bogged down by technology and other tedious administrative tasks. Significant advantages Shopify provides that other eСommerce platforms don’t include assistance with managing the store’s technological needs, a clear interface, and access to several useful ones. Shopify is a powerfully hosted platform that will also take care of your the transaction processing time.
Cons: Shopify is an excellent platform for less tech-savvy people. If you’re looking for more functionality for your store you might consider some of Shopify’s competitors, such as Magento or WordPress, because they’re self-hosted platforms that are challenging to work with, but also more flexible with customization and with managing larger stores.
2. Big choice of storefront themes
Pros: Among Shopify’s top advantage are the beautiful storefront themes they provide. They make a website look beautiful and professional, which helps you retain customers. Shopify provides merchants several theme options for their store. Themes are broken down by industry: Art & Photography, Jewelry & Accessories, Food & Beverage, Furniture, and much more. You have the option to filter them and choose whether they are mobile-only or responsive as well as use free or paid themes.
Cons: There are only ten free theme templates. If you don’t have any of the free templates you will need to pay a one-time fee to use any of the other themes. If you want extensive customization you will need to understand Shopify’s Liquid code or hire an expert if you don’t.
3. Shopify app store
Pros: Shopify’s plugins are one of their strongest aspects. Shopify has over 1,200 different apps that can help you automate your tasks, which allows you to focus on other important such as marketing or increasing your sales. There are several apps available to assist you with accounting, customer service, inventory, reporting, shipping, and more. These tools will simplify your life by providing you with the technology to scale your store.
Let’s take a look at what Shopify apps have to offer. Shopify apps will simplify your accounting flow an integral, and tedious, part of running a growing business. Without an accounting plugin integrated to your website you’ll first need to take export your sales figures and transaction details, and then manually import them into your accounting software or give it all to your accountant.
What Shopify does for you is invite other tool providers, like accounting software developers, and integrates their software into Shopify. All sales and figures will automatically be transferred to the accounting software which, saves you money you would have spent on an accountant.
Shopify also develops apps that support eСommerce sites with specific needs related to the countries they work in. The Cash on Delivery app is a perfect example and was developed specifically for shops based in India.
Cons: You will need to pay fees associated with using these apps. However, without these apps you will need to manually insert your data into your own software which takes time. You can choose to hire someone, which will cost over $50 to $300 a month, or you can pay a monthly app subscription.
4. 24/7 support
Pros: Shopify has an incredibly dedicated support team. They are available to you via live chat, and email. You can also call them 24/7 via four different numbers, depending on your region.
Cons: If you are having technical issues you may not always be able to receive direct help from the general support. Instead, you may need to post your question to a forum in order to receive an answer from a developer. Support service phone numbers are only listed only for the US, UK, New Zealand, and Australia.
5. Marketing and discounts
Pros: Shopify provides you with marketing tools that will increase SEO rankings, sharing on social media, and automate some your other tasks. With Shopify you can do the following:
Generate discount codes.
Sell your products on Shopify, Pinterest, and other social media.
Improve SEO by adding relevant keywords to website pages as well as product descriptions.
Create blogs. Blogging is an inbuilt feature that affects your SEO rankings as well.
Use Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to increase the speed of content delivery to mobile shoppers, thus improving the shopping experience of your customers and SEO prioritization for Google.
Get an automatically generated sitemap, which is used by Google to analyze content on all your website pages.
Using the AMP feature is only possible if you install a paid app on your store. Other extended SEO features (e.g., adding customer reviews and ratings) can also mostly only be used when you pay for the additional plugins.
Exporting blog posts is not hassle-free.
Customers cannot use multiple discounts, only one discount per order is available by default. Some extensions, like a Script Editor, can be used for multiple discounts feature, but only with a Shopify Plus plan.
Shopify advantages and disadvantages: pricing
Pricing is the last Shopify aspect we’re going to review. Many Shopify users often complain about their subscription and transaction fees. Shopify plans start at $29 for basic plans and increase up to $299 for some advanced plans. Other expenses include transaction fees associated with selling online as well as subscription fees to use the apps you need.
Stores that use Shopify Payments have no transaction fees, but this option is limited to only a few countries. Stores located in other countries use a third-party payment gateway (like PayPal, Amazon Pay, 2Checkout, etc.) which adds a 0.5%-2% fee per transaction. Successful merchants who make $10,000+ a month find the $200 bandwidth and infrastructure transaction fee reasonable because it generates more profit for them at a reasonable cost.
For merchants selling products in a brick-and-mortar store, Shopify provides Shopify POS. However, to improve the management of physical it is recommended the Shopify retail package is purchased. This package includes a staff management feature as well as all the necessary hardware for an additional $49.
Shopify also lets you know exactly how much you are paying and has no hidden charges, such as bandwidth fees. So, depending on the number of sales you process, you will be able to precisely compute your monthly fees.
Shopify advantages and disadvantages: final words
Aside from the pros and cons we have already mentioned, one of the greatest benefits Shopify offers their flexibility to grow with your business. Shopify is considered to be the most easy-to-use platform for both small and large eСommerce businesses because it brings merchants all of the tools they need to build beautiful eСommerce websites.
While Shopify isn’t the cheapest eСommerce platform, they do provide cost transparency as well as 100 responsive theme templates, several other extensions in the app market, a 24/7 support service, and the option to sell offline with Shopify POS, these benefits vastly outweigh the cons Shopify may have.
A source https://spur-i-t.com
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mreugenehalsey · 5 years
Exploring The Chinese Coffee Industry, From Roasters to Consumers
“Made in China.” It’s not a hard phrase to come across. But “Roasted in China”? That’s a different story.
China’s coffee market has been drawing global attention. Starbucks’ recent plan to open 3,000 new shops over the next five years is just one of many developments highlighting China as a rising coffee-consuming country. Yet even so, not much is known internationally about the country’s coffee roasting and consumption industry.
So, I spoke to Peter Radosevich, International Sales Team Leader at Royal Coffee, about selling and roasting coffee in China – and what impact that could have globally.
You might also like Smoking Hot: Why Is The Korean Home Roasting Scene Taking Off?
The Great Wall of China. Credit: Hanson Lu
Coffee Consumption in China
Let’s first understand the country’s coffee consumers.
The US Department of Agriculture’s 2018 report on the coffee market shows that the Chinese domestic consumption of coffee has almost doubled over the past four years. While the number hovers at around just 10% and 15% of the current consumption in the European Union and the US respectively, the potential for the Chinese market is huge.
In fact, many multinational companies have recently made large investments. Peter tells me that Luckin Coffee raised over 1 Billion RMB (roughly US $144 million/€126 million) early this year in order to compete with Starbucks in the retail coffee space. A significant amount of that funding is coming from Singapore. Canada’s Tim Hortons also plans to open more than 1,500 stores, while British chain Costa Coffee plans to roughly triple its number of Chinese stores by 2022.
Peter tells me that Chinese coffee consumption has been rapidly evolving, with a growing awareness of quality. However, the local coffee culture is still different from what you’ll find in countries such as the US. For instance, people rarely grind and brew coffee at home.
According to Peter, “instant coffee still makes up the vast majority of consumption” – something that is common in many traditional tea cultures, including the UK.
Espresso-based drinks in a coffee shop. Credit: Blake Wisz
A Taste For Sweeter Roasts
But as the Chinese thirst for coffee grows, what kinds of drinks are people opting for?
Peter explains that there is a generational difference. Older consumers tend to prefer low-acid coffees with bigger bodies, such as a Sumatra Mandheling. Younger consumers with exposure to third wave roasters, on the other hand, may enjoy lighter roasts with their generally more acidic profile.
He also mentions that Chinese consumers often prefer sweet and clean coffees, for now. “Current preferences will certainly shift as domestic specialty coffee shops or commercial chains open and consumers’ knowledge continues to grow.”
Moreover, he tells me that Taiwanese, Korean, and Japanese specialty coffee cultures also influence the Chinese coffee industry.  “Top USA brands like Blue Bottle, Intelligencia, etc. still carry weight and cachet,” he says. “However, more of the companies and professionals from places like Taiwan and Korea come to do trainings and open businesses.”
As a result of this, for example, “many specialty roasters still pick out most or all post-roast defects by hand to ensure cleaner cups (unheard of when contrasted with many USA roasters).”
Weighing roasted coffee beans on a scale. Credit: Maria Fernanda Gonzalez
Who Roasts The Coffee?
While China’s coffee market is growing, most of what people are brewing and drinking is actually roasted abroad.
According to the USDA report, China is forecast to import 48 million kilograms of roasted and ground coffee in 2018/19. This is a huge increase from around just 5.6 million kilograms in 2013/14.
However, China is also forecast to import 120 million kilograms of soluble coffee in 2018/19. This is another significant increase from 41 million kilograms in 2013/14.
And China’s green bean imports are negligible, not even listed in the report. In contrast, in the same report, the United States is forecast to import 1.6 billion kilograms of green bean coffee, and only about 12 million kilograms of roasted and ground coffee, in 2018/19.
In other words, in the US, only 2% of the coffee that comes into the country does so as roasted, ground, or soluble coffee, while almost 66% of the total Chinese coffee demand is met by imported roasted, ground, or soluble coffee.
Peter’s experiences support this data. “While there are stories every day about the rise of specialty coffee in China, the reality is that the majority of consumption is still instant and lower-grade coffee. Much of China’s imported coffee is lower-grade Vietnam Robusta.”
Coffee pours into the cooling pan after being roasted.
What About Chinese Roasters?
There are few roasters in China compared to in Western coffee-consuming countries. However, their number is growing.
Peter divides China’s roasteries into two types: large commercial-scale roasters and single-shop roasters. The large commercial-scale roasters are those that focus on providing roasted beans for instant coffee or big wholesale businesses. Single-shop roasters, on the other hand, are those that often aim for higher quality and roast on a small scale, normally for their own shops but occasionally also for a limited number of wholesale consumers. These roasteries will typically use a 500 g or 1 kg roaster.
The home roasting market is also showing a gradual growth in mainland China. Peter believes that it could have large potential, given similar trends in Taiwan.
An expansive online retail marketplace is also a unique feature of the Chinese roasting industry. Peter tells me that there are many roasting companies with little to no retail presence who focus solely on building their online following.
Snow Mountain Creamery in Xining, China, roasts, grinds, and brews their own coffee. Credit: Gregory Hayes
Challenges For Chinese Roasters
No matter where you are, operating a roastery is difficult. Understanding the changing needs of consumers, maintaining consistent quality, balancing supply with demand… There are many aspects to master. But Peter tells me that roasters in China face an additional set of challenges.
First, they need to obtain permits for roasting. “Difficulty in obtaining permits for roasting is currently one of the biggest issues for the Chinese roasting industry,” he says.
“In an attempt to maintain stricter environmental standards, the government has cracked down on the number of businesses allowed to produce emissions. [It] has become the most strict in the biggest Tier 1 cities [Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Tianjin], which are also home to the country’s biggest coffee consumers.
“With permits becoming more difficult to secure, many roasters have had to move their operations to more remote industrial areas outside of major population centers. In other cases, roasters will pay to use the facility of an already permitted roaster to order to avoid the arduous process of trying to secure a permit on their own. These difficulties have also caused some small roasters to operate under the radar without properly permitted operations.”
Secondly, Chinese roasters often face exorbitant equipment prices. Peter says that the exclusive distributorship arrangements that many major roasters and international equipment manufacturers have in China allow domestic companies to monopolize the market and hike up prices.
On top of this, he tells me that roasting education is not as easily accessible as in some countries. However, the coffee training market has a significant presence in China. “From looking at the CQI website that certifies Q graders, there are more certified Q Graders in Greater China than Indonesia, Brazil, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Honduras, Peru, Mexico, and Costa Rica combined,” he stresses.
“Does that mean China has more coffee expertise than all of those producing countries combined? Perhaps not, but it does indicate a level of interest in specialty coffee and likely bodes well for the industry.”
A bag of Yunnan coffee designed for tourists.
Where Does Chinese-Grown Coffee Go?
China isn’t just a country of consumers; it also produces coffee. So, who drinks this coffee?
China has produced approximately 120 million kilos of green bean coffee each year from 2014 to 2018. Yunnan, where much of China’s coffee is grown, produces mainly Arabica coffee which is then exported to Europe. As Peter says, “specialty roasters on the mainland [China] use mostly imported coffees.”
Nevertheless, China’s growing roaster population can turn to its home-grown coffee for some advantages.
Peter tells me, “Much of the coffee imported into China has an 8% duty, not to mention the cost of transportation and other related import charges. If the quality and price of production from Yunnan get to be on par with producing countries… it could become a more widely used coffee among domestic roasters. Many already use a portion of Yunnan [coffee] to help keep costs down in certain espresso blends.
“However, specialty coffee in Yunnan still has a long way to go. There are still processing issues, and many of the highest-altitude areas most suitable for growing high-quality coffee also are coveted for tea.”
Coffee cherries ripen on the branch. Credit: Clint McKoy
China’s Impact on Western Markets
Where is Chinese coffee heading? And like many things in our global society, will Chinese consumption trends affect how people in the US and Europe drink coffee?
The simple answer is: yes (to some degree).
Peter says that if Chinese coffee consumption continues to grow, it could have an extensive influence on global pricing and availability. While there’s a long way to go yet, “if China reached a point where it was drinking half as much coffee per capita as the USA, we would see a massive global supply squeeze for Arabica.
“Prices for the top 1% of Arabica beans would rise and competition for the best lots from top producing countries would increase as well.”
At this point, Chinese coffee consumption and roasting would have a significant impact on how we consume our morning beverage.
Until then, let’s keep an eye on this exciting new entrant to the global coffee industry.
Enjoyed this? Check out Russia’s Specialty Coffee Scene in Moscow & St. Petersburg
Written by Sunghee Tark.
Please note: This article has been sponsored by Royal Coffee, Inc.
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The post Exploring The Chinese Coffee Industry, From Roasters to Consumers appeared first on Perfect Daily Grind.
from Perfect Daily Grind https://ift.tt/2P6cnrH
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thegloober · 6 years
How to Monitor Your Product Launch: Lessons from #AppleEvent2018
Running a product launch can be one of the most stressful times in a marketer’s life(that along with attempting to explain their job to their grandparents).
You could spend weeks, even months preparing for a launch. You could try and anticipate for everything that could go wrong, but it’s all over in one day – so there’s only one shot to get it right.
One brand that consistently gets product launches right is of course, Apple.
Unless you’ve been stranded on a deserted island for the last few weeks, there’s no way you haven’t heard about their much-anticipated yearly product launch keynote: #AppleEvent.
Ever since the very first iPhone was announced at the first edition in 2007, the #AppleEvent has grown bigger and bigger every year to become the global rendezvous that tech aficionados cannot afford to miss.
As you may have expected, there were hundreds of thousands of conversations about the event across social media and I listened to all of it – using Mention of course.
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Why you should monitor your product launch
As I mentioned earlier, it’s extremely important that brands get their product launches right. Why?
They send a powerful message to their market and target audience: how good is the brand at innovating? Are they bringing something new?
They take a lot of time and resources to prepare, therefore, can be very, very costly.
Conversations about them will tell you a lot about your audience and users.
But in order to ensure your launch goes smoothly, you need to know what people are saying about it.
This is where media monitoring comes in.
No matter how much you thought you hit it out of the park, only numbers and data will speak for the true success of your event.
Quick tip for those already using an online monitoring tool:
In this particular situation, we won’t just be monitoring the term “Apple”.
When tracking such a generic keyword, you need to be very specific or you’ll end up monitoring conversations that aren’t relevant to you.
To conduct this analysis, I used the following keywords:
iPhone (XS, XS Max, and XR)
Apple Watch
And narrowed my analysis to a specific time period (September 10th to September 15th) to eliminate as much noise and bias as possible.
Having said that, the hashtag and product names to monitor made it really easy for me. If I wanted to monitor the “Apple” brand, and nothing else, an advanced boolean search would have been necessary.
Before I set out to do my analysis, I compiled a few questions that I wanted to answer about this event:
How did the Internet respond to the latest announcements?
Where did most of the buzz come from?
What were the main topics discussed online following the event?
How were they discussed, and by who?
And finally, what can we: marketers and PR pros – learn from it?
In this article, you’ll learn about the biggest trends we observed at this year’s #AppleEvent and what you should monitor in order to measure your own future product launches.
What was all the fuss about?
Before getting into the nitty gritty, let’s do a quick review of the event: what’s new?
Well, not that much since most of the information leaked before the event. 
Apple announced 4 new products.
A new Apple Watch
First, the Apple Watch Series 4.
Better, faster and stronger than the previous version, the next generation of the Apple Watch also comes with notable FDA approved brand new health features:
A fall detector: if you fall while wearing the watch and stop moving for a specific amount of time, the connected device will automatically suggest calling for help on your behalf.
A heartbeat monitor: the watch now has an ECG (Electro-Cardiogram) function, is able to detect any abnormality and will advise you to see a doctor if needed.
The heart rate technology may not be groundbreaking as it’s already available on other devices, but the ECG technology is pretty impressive.
Our sentiment analysis reveals that the almighty Internet thinks so too:
Please note that the pie chart only shows positive vs. negative mentions.
What’s next?
The rest of the presentation focused on the 3 new, much anticipated versions of the iPhone.
3 new versions of the iPhone
Apple announced the iPhones XS, XS Max(2018 iterations of the existing X model) and a “cheaper” iPhone XR.
Having better cameras, batteries, screens, processors, according to Apple  is top-notch technology.
But, if last year was a major leap in terms of features, Apple did not revolutionize the industry much this time. No, instead, they brought us: Dual Sim – A feature that has been introduced by their competition a long time ago(and the Internet didn’t forget to remind us about it).
So there you have it, 4 new products Apples released to continue to make a dent in your bank account. Now that we know what they are, let’ see how they were received online.
How did the #AppleEvent echo online?
The ‘Where’
As expected, the entire world was talking about about the #AppleEvent. Most of the conversations came from 1) the US 2) France 3) Brazil, 4) India and 5) the UK.
When tracking a product launch, it’s important to keep an eye on where the event is being mentioned. If you’re suddenly seeing a lot of mentions in regions you’re not active in, it would be a good idea to do research opportunities for your brand in that market.
The ‘Who’
It’s just as telling to see who is talking about your product launch. If you’ve done your PR properly, you should be able to get the right people and publications to mention it.
There was no shortage of influential accounts and brands mentioning the #AppleEvent.
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All of the top publications including 9Gag, NYTimes, GreenPeace, China Daily mentioned the event. So in terms of volume and reach, this is awesome coverage.
However, being mentioned by influencers isn’t always a good thing. While the NYT reported all that happened during the event, GreenPeace had a slightly different approach..
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The ‘What’
When monitoring your launch, be sure to track all of the important keywords around it. This includes the different models of products, features, and improvements.
The iPhone has clearly been Apple’s favorite child for years. However, they seem to have started dedicating more time and resources year after year to the Apple watch. Let’s see how people reacted to it online.
The “iPhone” generated twice as much noise as the Apple Watch during the #AppleEvent
Now, if we take a closer look at the iPhone models mentioned, it seems the iPhone XS Max generated the most noise during the week of the announcement, followed by the XS and XR models.
Which iPhone features were discussed the most?
Typically, people rave about the new features they’re most excited about. In this case, it was the two improved features including the camera and storage space gathered loads of attention.
The actual new feature(Dual Sim) was only mentioned 1 416 times.
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Volume is an interesting and powerful insight to measure the success of an event.
But it only scrapes the surface. It doesn’t convey any information regarding how the event went and how the announcements were received by the audience.
The ‘How’
Measuring the sentiment of a product launch and event can offer you the public feedback you’re looking for. It allows you to understand what the audience liked and disliked about your products.
What was the overall #AppleEvent sentiment? The event itself was received mostly positively.
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Neutral mentions put aside, about 90% of the noise around the event was positive.
Now, if we focus on the iPhone’s overall sentiment … things get more complicated.
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Nearly 25% of mentions we tracked were negative.
How come? What are the negative conversations about?
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The price.
The price is a big “no no”
The top(worldwide) negative keywords are mostly related to the price of the new Apple devices.
In fact, there were 24 734 messages discussing the new iPhones’ prices. As per usual, the Internet handled the situation with a hint of sarcasm:
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I investigated a little further … and it led me to France.
“Prix”, meaning price in French was the most common negative keyword associated to the new iPhones(not so surprising since France was the second country with the most mentions about the event).
And there’s a good reason for that:
The XR model, starting at $749 in the US, starts at €859 in Europe.
The XS model, starting at $999 in the US, starts at €1159 in Europe.
The XS Max model, starting at $1099 in the US, starts at €1259 in Europe.
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Price issues put aside, the #AppleEvent was once again a PR success:
Almost 9 out of 10 mentions turned out to be positive.
There were hundreds of thousands of conversations.
Billions of people reached all over the planet.
Interestingly enough, the battery was not discussed so much this time (even though it’s a known fact that iPhones, or smartphones in general lack in battery life) compared to features like the camera or the price of the devices, seen as the most negative fact about the phones this year.
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Is Apple playing with fire selling devices at such a high price?
Did Apple go too far this time with the price? Only time will tell.
Even though the event itself received positive mentions, Apple should not ignore the worrying 25% of negative mentions published during and after the event.
Now that we’ve analyzed the conversations around this events, let’s take a step back to see what we’ve learned from it?
4 lessons we learned
Apple did not only count on its worldwide reputation to generate buzz around the yearly #AppleEvent. They have an event planning strategy that is almost bulletproof. That being said, there’s always room for improvement.
Here are 4 things to learn from it.
1. Get in touch with influencers
There were not only tech-journalists invited to attend the conference at the Steve Jobs Theater.
The room was also filled with influencers and world-known celebrities who actively participated to generate more buzz around the event by reaching out to their own community.
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Apple probably didn’t reach out to all of the influential people discussing the #AppleEvent, because, well, they’re Apple. Thousands of influential voices talked about it without Apple having to do anything.
Did they know for example, that there were influencers creating and sharing content about the events in South Africa?
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Apple teams could dig through this data and try building new relationships with these influential brand advocates to reach new audiences next year. By securing a positive relationship with them, they’re more likely to say positive things about your next launch.
2. Promote a #Hashtag
Promoting a #hashtag is probably the safest way to own and measure the impact of an event.
If you are already using an advanced monitoring tool, you know you could follow conversations related to your event without using any #hashtag. But #hashtags gather people around one specific topic. Your event.
Be sure to leverage this opportunity.
3. Set expectations
We, humans, are creatures of habit. Apple knows that. They set an expectation to host an #AppleEvent at almost the exact same time, every single year.
If you haven’t noticed, I’m talking about the second week of September. The launch has been on that exact same week since 2012.
By doing so, journalists and potential buyers know when exactly they can expect it every year.
4. Tease a little(but don’t ruin the surprise)
This is actually something Apple is not so great at.
It is rather impossible to know whether Apple orchestrated the leaks or not, but a lot of information has leaked from them before the event. And it ruins the surprise for a lot of us.
Before social media, brands could control the conversations about them as they were very often the ones starting them.
Since social media became mainstream, the only time brands get to affect the conversations about them is when they announce something big. The lesson here is to ensure that you set embargos with journalists and publications. If you’re working with influencers, be sure that they don’t ruin the surprise by sharing with their communities!
Listen before you jump into the convo
There is very little(if nothing) we can teach Apple about communication. I mean, they did open their 2018 September event parodying Mission Impossible. Wow.
As for listening, there are a couple things Apple could learn from this year’s event. While the #AppleEvent hashtag did generate major positive coverage, they should also always be keeping their eye on the topics that are sparking negative conversations to help improve their next launch.
What about you? What were the takeaways for you from this event?
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Clément is Content Marketer for Mention. He creates content to help brands manage their online reputation strategy. If not behind a screen, you can find him reading books in Parisian cafés or exploring the city with his dog.
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Source: https://bloghyped.com/how-to-monitor-your-product-launch-lessons-from-appleevent2018/
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