misforgotten2 · 1 year
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Happy Clown Day Care is a subsidiary of Happy Clown Pet Foods Inc. No wonder their prices are so low.
Reader's Digest   October 1972
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weathernerdmando · 11 months
While I'm definitely going to be relieved if I get an answer finally at the rheumatologist, I'm also just...kinda unsure how I'm going to afford the common things I've heard are helpful for any of this sort of thing.
Are there any assistance programs that don't limit your income (I don't think I'd qualify for any federal disability programs though, I can work part to almost full time even if its exausting me to the point of just sleeping when I come home. And I don't mind working! But I'd like to work at a less physically demanding job or just work less and still be able to afford my bills), don't ask for your parents income even if you're a dependant (my dad makes just above a lot of them and he's still paycheck to paycheck because his bills also are just enough. And he works overtime. I can't afford to move out still.), and that might be willing to *just* cover like PT or something? I can't pay for that in addition to my other bills, I don't qualify for Medicaid and I can't afford medical insurance right now.
And like, right now I'm also not really...disabled, I don't think. But I don't know honestly, I don't really think of everything as disabling me bc I can wear knee braces for my knees and it get me to pretty much normal most of the time, sometimes I need a cane but I can still do the things when I have it while needing it, things hurt but not enough to where ibuprofen won't help or I can't just ignore it/push through it. And so far despite the fact I'm fucking done with my job/close to quitting bc it's so demanding, I *can* and do still work normally, and I'd be able to work at another place similar for a bit. I wouldn't need closer parking or anything and while I'd like to be able to sit down for a break every so often like I can for the most part now, I don't really need anything that I cant get without having accomodations. Things hurt but they're not enough to be stopping me working basically.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
i've had a major toothache since yesterday and it's like the whole left side of my head has a migraine
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bzalma · 9 months
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Statute of Limitations Bars Bad Faith Claim
Barry Zalma
Sep 22, 2023
Read the full article at https://lnkd.in/gXR3-NGT and see the full video at https://lnkd.in/gHR5beMK and at https://lnkd.in/gi3w5DGC and at https://zalma.com/blog plus more than 4600 posts.
Loann T. Phan-Kramer and Jonerik Kramer sued American States Insurance Company for underinsured motorist coverage, won, and collected. Then, they sued American States again asserting statutory bad faith, breach of contract/good faith and fair dealing, and loss of consortium.
In Loann T. Phan-Kramer and Jonerik Kramer v. American States Insurance Company, No. 2:23-cv-01867-JDW, United States District Court, E.D. Pennsylvania (September 14, 2023) the USDC took away part of plaintiffs claim and allowed the rest to proceed in a Solomon like decision.
On April 15, 2016, an underinsured motorist rear-ended Loann T. Phan-Kramer. She suffered a full thickness tear of her rotator cuff, as well as other neck and back injuries. At the time of the accident, American States Insurance Company insured Ms. Phan-Kramer, including underinsured motorist (“UIM”) benefits. After suing then settling with the other driver, Plaintiffs filed their UIM insurance claim with American States. American States denied that claim and Plaintiffs sued. At trial, the jury returned a verdict in Plaintiffs’ favor and the insurer satisfied the verdict.
The Tort of Bad Faith
The statute of limitations bars Plaintiffs’ claim. The statute of limitations on a bad faith claim is two years in Pennsylvania. The statute begins to run when the insurer first refuses to pay the claim. When the court denied Plaintiffs’ motion for leave to file a second amended complaint, the court concluded that the statute of limitations began to run on June 28, 2019, when American States denied their claim. Plaintiffs’ time to file this claim expired on June 28, 2021. Therefore, American States’s Motion on the bad faith claim was granted because it was barred by the statute of limitations.
Breach of Contract/Loss of Consortium
The Third Circuit has adopted a bright-line rule that res judicata cannot bar claims that are predicated on events that postdate the filing of the initial complaint. Because Plaintiffs’ breach of contract and loss consortium claims both rely (at least in part) on American States’s conduct following the filing of the initial lawsuit, res judicata cannot preclude these claims.
American States acknowledged that the Amended Complaint “focus[es] . . . on the ways that American States supposedly acted in bad faith during the litigation and trial of the underlying UIM/consortium case.”
Because the bright-line rule bars the application of res judicata, American States’s Motion on the breach of contract and loss of consortium claims was denied.
Insurance companies, like every person and corporation, are imperfect. American States decided it did not owe UIM benefits to its insured, took the issue to trial and lost. It paid the judgment only to be sued for defending the original suit. The court found that the insured/plaintiffs filed their bad faith claim too late and dismissed that action only to allow the breach of contract and loss of consortium claims to proceed. The decision is a Pyrrhic victory for the plaintiffs since they already recovered in the initial suit the contract damages.
(c) 2023 Barry Zalma & ClaimSchool, Inc.
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afawnintheforest · 11 months
Reading a college athletics romance set in the us and written by someone in the uk and I can tell that they don't know how our education system or athletics system works.
It's not bad just takes me out of it sometimes and forces me to wonder what other student athletes go through in college.
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mxivo · 1 year
Types of Life Insurance Policies
Life insurance is a contract between an individual and an insurance company in which the insurer agrees to pay a sum of money to a selected beneficiary upon the insured person’s death.. Let’s explore the various types of life insurance policies available in the market today. Read More: What is life insurance? Importance of Life Insurance Life insurance plays a vital role in securing the…
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efmkemlkfmmlkfmlk · 2 years
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moving companies, roofing companies near me, insurance companies
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lastoneout · 9 months
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votsalot · 10 months
someone tried to pitch non-employer life insurance to us and we said, "we both have health conditions that would make life insuance policies impossible to pay for/get unless offered as an employment benefit" and he said, "oh i'm pretty familiar with what the industry is comfortable covering - if you told me what you have i could estimate your chances" and then we told him and he said, "oh. yeah. not good."
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marmee413 · 1 year
It's Been a Minute
Wow, nearly a year since I posted anything. I hope I haven't lost my three readers.
2022 was a year, wasn't it. Is COVID 19 gone? Is is here and stronger than ever? Seems as if we are on the Carousel of Life (Thank you Joni Mitchell).
My personal journey, lots of money problems and yet we made it through the year. First time I ever met my Out Of Pocket Insuance expenses. November and December were nice not having to pay anything for health care services.
Anyway- from April through at least June I was hardly here. Admitted to a hospital close to my house after the headache thing, then no ability to eat or drink anything (not even vodka!) My abilities to walk just gradually went away by April and a 2nd visit to the ER.
The hospital where the parameds delivered me, from what my oldest tells me because I don't remember details of that visit at all, didn't want to admit me. They convinced the medical staff of my symptoms and that I was losing consciousness more and more and staff finally acquiesced to admitting me. r
After five days of trying to get me to eat and drink, hospital said, she's got to go to a SNF unit (Skilled Nursing Facility). I was no better, I think due to the hospital's negligence-another story-but there I went, to the old folk's home, the place where people go to die, nearly the most humiliating experience of my life.
It was from there, I had a neurosurgeon appointment. The SNF unit's driver, I think his name was Benny the Taxi, got me there, in a most unnerving process.
I tried to talk to the neurosurgeon, attempting to express my symptoms, couldn't think of the titles of some of my specialists, and I must have looked terrible. He said, "it looks to me like you need to be in a real hospital." Nearly crying, I responded with a pitiful, "Yes please!"
Once I was almost immediately admitted to the "real" hospital, so many things happened. I vaguely being taken to tests, many tests, and when in bed, so many blood tests, so many meds. I was pleasantly surprised that staff seemed to really care what happened to me.
Stay tuned...
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jotx · 2 years
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US based companies that seek offshore employees are legit the most insane and inhumane people ever like what a formal way to say “we will overwork you to death but at least youll get what feels like a lot of money in your poor little country for your exploitation. no we dont have health insuance btw <3″
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misforgotten2 · 2 years
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Am I going to buy life insurance? Siam.
The Guardian: Burma's Native Magazine   March 1955
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isocyprys · 1 month
Guarding Your Workforce: The Control of ISO 45001 Certification in Cyprus / Uncategorized / By Factocert Mysore
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ISO 45001 Certification in Cyprus
ISO 45001 Certification in Cyprus thriving economy depends heightening on its workforce. From bustling tourism to booming businesses, prioritizing agent security and well-being is not a reasonable moral commitment; it’s an imperative requirement. This is where ISO 45001 certification steps in, giving an all-comprehensive recognized framework for building a strong Word-related Prosperity and Security Organization System (OHSMS). In 2024, understanding the regard and way to ISO 45001 certification in Cyprus is urgent for businesses of all sizes.
What is ISO 45001?
ISO 45001 is the around-the-world OHSMS, laying out prerequisites for setting up, actualizing, and ceaselessly moving forward a solid word relate word-related and security program. Fitting to all businesses and organizations, it empowers companies to:Proactively recognize and direct work environment threats: The standard emphasizes danger evaluation and control measures, minimizing the likelihood of incidents and illnesses.
Reduce work environment wounds and afflictions: By making a more secure work environment, ISO 45001 makes a distinction that businesses lower hurt rates and related costs.
Enhance agent resolve and engagement: Specialists feel regarded when their security is prioritized, driving to extended confirmation, advanced productivity, and diminished absenteeism.
Demonstrate commitment to ethical commerce sharpens: Certification shows a proactive approach to agent well-being, developing acceptance with accomplices and the community.
Why is ISO 45001 Crucial in Cyprus (2024)?
While not required in Cyprus, ISO 45001 certification offers a competitive edge in 2024:
Aligning with EU Orders: The standard harmonizes with key EU orders on word-related prosperity and security, streamlining compliance for businesses working inside the European Union.
Attracting Best Capacity: A safety-conscious work environment is a significant draw for talented labourers in a competitive workplace. ISO 45001 certification grandstands your commitment to drawing in and holding beat talent.
Enhancing Brand Reputation: Certification implies a commitment to agent well-being, developing a positive brand picture, and building acceptance with clients and partners.
Reduced Assurances Costs: Various assurance companies offer premium discounts to businesses with certified OHSMS, driving potential toll savings.
Obtaining ISO 45001 certification in Cyprus incorporates an organized process:
Gap Examination: Assess your current word related prosperity and security sharpens against the ISO 45001 standard. Recognize zones for headway and make an orchestrate to address them.
Develop an OHSMS: This recorded system will follow your approaches, strategies, and controls to manage work environment security threats and ensure agent well-being.
Implementation: Facilitated the OHSMS into your day by day operations, checking planning laborers on unused procedures and developing a culture of safety.
Management Overview: The senior organization conducts ordinary studies to review the reasonability of the OHSMS and recognize locales for tireless improvement.
Internal Surveys: Conduct inward audits to affirm the OHSMS works effectively and recognize any holes or inconsistencies.
Certification Body Assurance: Select a genuine certification body certified by the Cyprus Accreditation System (CYS).
Certification Audit: The certification body conducts a two-stage survey to study your OHSMS compliance with ISO 45001 requirements.
Certification Insuance: Upon compelling completion of the audit, you get the ISO 45001 certificate, which has been in existence for three years with standard perception audits.
Thoughts for Cypriot Businesses
The scene of word-related prosperity and security in Cyprus is persistently evolving:
Emerging Perils: Be cautious of creating work environment threats related to mental prosperity, blocked-off work, and imaginative headway. Alter your OHSMS to address these progressing risks.
Employee Engagement: Successfully incorporate agents in security talks and exercises. This develops a sense of proprietorship and obligation for a secure work environment.
Leveraging Development: Examine developments like wearable security gadgets and data analytics to update chance recognizable confirmation, event examination, and expansive security management.
In 2024, ISO 45001 certification in Cyprus remains a critical hypothesis for businesses looking to make a more secure, more advantageous, and more advantageous work environment. By executing an energetic OHSMS, you ensure your workforce and choose a competitive edge, drag in the best capacity, and build acceptance with accomplices. Keep in intellect that a commitment to labourer security is a theory in the future of your exchange and the well-being of your
Why Factocert for ISO 45001 Certification in Cyprus
We provide the best ISO consultants Who are knowledgeable and provide the best solution. And to know how to get ISO certification. Kindly reach us at [email protected]. work according to ISO standards and help organizations implement ISO certification in cyprus with proper documentation.
For more information, visit ISO 45001 Certification in cyprus
RELATED LINKS ISO Certification in Cyprus ISO 9001 Certification in Cyprus ISO 14001 Certification in Cyprus ISO 22000 Certification in Cyprus ISO 27001 Certification in Cyprus ISO 45001 Certification in Cyprus ISO 13485 Certification in Cyprus CE MARK  in Cyprus
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meaningtotellyou · 6 months
you should look into a chiropractor most places are covered by insuance also and chiropractor's are great for postures fixtures!
chiropractors scare me
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bzalma · 10 months
Is a Covid-19 Lawsuit Frivolous?                                                                                                                    
Ninth Circuit Is Exhausted by Covid Insurance Claims Suit
Barry Zalma Jul 28, 2023
Read the full article at https://lnkd.in/gKCNenqV and see the full video at https://lnkd.in/guK4wQxp  and at https://lnkd.in/genBucXx and at https://zalma.com/blog plus more than 4550 posts.
Khatchik Hairabedian d/b/a Kris Mobil (“Khatchik”) appealed from the district court’s order granting Defendant Security National Insurance Company’s (“Security”) motion to dismiss this action for insurance coverage in Khatchik Hairabedian, Dba Kris Mobil v. Security National Insurance Company, a Texas Corporation, No. 22-55355, United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit (July 21, 2023) applied its precedent.
Khatchik sought coverage from its insurer, Security, for COVID-19 related economic losses. However, the policy had a virus exclusion that provides: Security “will not pay for loss or damage caused by or resulting from any virus, bacterium or other microorganism that induces or is capable of inducing physical distress, illness or disease.” The virus exclusion “applies to all coverage under all forms and endorsements,” in the policy, including “forms or endorsements that cover business income, extra expense or action of civil authority.”
Khatchik argued that the virus exclusion does not apply because government orders, not COVID-19, caused the losses. Here COVID-19 is the efficient proximate cause of Khatchik’s alleged losses.
Khatchik also contended that the virus exclusion does not apply to pandemics because Security chose not to use a publicly available “pandemic exclusion” in its policy. The Ninth Circuit disagreed. Arguing that the Virus Exclusion does not apply to bar coverage for losses stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic defies the plain and unambiguous text of the Policy and is akin to arguing that a coverage exclusion for damage caused by fire does not apply to damage caused by a very large fire.
It is time that courts stop dealing with lawsuits seeking insurance coverage resulting from Covid-19. They continue to fill the trial and appellate courts and they continue to lose. They are causing unnecessary expense to the plaintiffs, the insurers and the courts. Considering the volume of precedent it is beginning to be considered a frivolous law suit that would subject the parties and their lawyers to sanctions.
(c) 2023 Barry Zalma & ClaimSchool, Inc.
Please tell your friends and colleagues about this blog and the videos and let them subscribe to the blog and the videos.
Subscribe and receive videos limited to subscribers of Excellence in Claims Handling at locals.com https://lnkd.in/gfFKUaTf.
Consider subscribing to my publications at substack at https://lnkd.in/gcZKhG6g
Daily articles are published at Zalma on Insurance
Insurance, insurance claims, insurance law, and insurance fraud .
By Barry Zalma
. Go to Barry Zalma videos at Rumble.com at https://lnkd.in/gV9QJYH; Go to the
Insurance Claims Library – https://lnkd.in/gBPMEyqr
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
insuance companies
State Farm is closing its doors to millions of new customers exposed to ‘rapidly growing’ catastrophes — here’s who’s affected (msn.com)
they fall now and we take them over. and pronto. now. we need to. and we do this together now.
Zig Zag
andwe offered help to them no we need to take it over they are all crooked and nothing works and they postpone all awards. now they are hammered and for the small money anddont get it we take huge sums and leave them dead. and the payments continue and cycles. and soon out. tons of them wont be there momentarily. we push the luoses out and use their talka nd behavior it is what they do and represetn
Thor Freya
Olympus to arms. they try ono our places yes abit
and then this. we are not and are. we repel you now.
and ou are at the entire psuedo empire and all over yes and no. up in the north country yes. they fall now and are o ut of russia whole. bugs ate them up and yours. and out of europe nope hard there and under seige and northern europe too. nova scotia falls momentarily then maine as they are weakened. the bunkers will bust shortly. ships in tunnels or not we hear. theya re up there yelling it at them. tommy a is on the lin says stop it. and we say what. and lol. he laughs ok we are at war. we advance and stuff. and we hault him in his areas. go in f him up now. the upper midwest is embroiled psuedo empire breaking. and mostly lake mischigan no superior falls. and is justin. and then michigan yes is eweakening. fast. and they call reserves. tons of them. yes. and they flow up there now. fst and hear it. they will be haulted. tons say it we dont havehim here. nope. and heron and the lake champlain and eerie and in that order left to right justin, mike t mike t daniel and mac and that order too. and then canada a portion and it is all of them, and off to pa and yes northern northern ny and vermont nh maine and that is all iin ca, mac in pa, and all in ny and huge, some in vt no all and all in nh and all in ca. and they were trying to kidnap our son still are. as they are here. and the morlock too but to islands yes. but here first ok to be rescued. and we hate them all are dead.
these fall justin is at 10% and accross in almost exactly 10% to novascotia they are lal there yes. and each is about 10 Mega bases of five 60x60x80 and are huge fuel depots and more for the psuedo empire ships. they will move shortlly and all anciallary. and out. to new england and florida and south and west hit and dsplace replace all morlock. use the fleet then. and true wil and shortly. same happened in russia no. they all died. sat.
Thor Freya Olympus us all yes
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