#independent media projects
rationalisms · 5 months
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hi. i would just like to say that this is an attitude i've seen around increasingly often and i find it deeply baffling. like, genuinely could not relate any less to what is being expressed here.
personally, almost all media i'm obsessed with and talk about constantly is because i think it's good and i love talking about the ways in which it's good. yes, criticism can be fun and breed conversation, but so can positive critique. thoughtful, long-lasting engagement with a piece of media doesn't have to be negative. there are in fact ways for media to be good beyond "competent but generally unremarkable"?
and this is ymmv, but complaining about something is more the snack food of media criticism for me. it's fun and great in the moment and it absolutely is something i need to do regularly to feel normal. but i can't live off it. i need to experience genuine appreciation and esteem on a regular basis too, or i shrivel like a raisin. (expressed more seriously: the kind of critique i find actually nourishing in the sense that it allows me to refine what kind of art i would like to make, and what makes me tick as a human being, is the positive kind about media i love very much for being excellent.)
idk guys. is it just that i'm autistic and therefore discussing for the nth time why xyz rules never stops being entertaining? what am i missing here. maybe it's good when media is good?
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breathingxspace · 8 months
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Excuse me (ash, this time) while I descend into creator weirdness, but holy SHIT it is so cool that someone recognized the name of a character who has only ever been talked about, never on screen, never voiced, enough to be ALL CAPS excited about her.
This made my damn day. Thank you.
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tomsawyee · 11 months
Maybe this is mean spirited but I think it would actually be fucking grand if all publicly visible entertainment disappeared for a month if it would make the general public more aware of how enriched their lives are by functionally anonymous artists they have never thought twice about.
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meliohy · 9 months
I've been thinking. I'm on tumblr way too much and want to make better use of my time but I do want to look at art and fandom stuff and queer discussions and things like that when I have time to kill. And unfortunately I really can't think of a better alternative than tumblr for all that.
I downloaded a rss feed reader but I don't have enough ideas of what to put in there and it feels more like something made to not miss an update or article rather than to have something to look at to kill time. It's technically not a bad thing since the goal is also to look at my phone less, and I could also kill time by reading random Wikipedia articles for exemple. But I think I'd still miss out on fandom. A forum like in the old days could be a good replacement but the downside is that it'd be fandom specific and I switch fandoms often.
Tumblr tagging system and the ability to add on posts with reblogs are just so good for community! I can't think of anything else having something like that.
The thing I'd add would be more customization of the dashboard. I saw some people suggest the creation of tabs with only posts with a specific tag from people I follow.
That'd be perfect for me to focus on what I really want to see and not just scroll for scrolling! Unfortunately that's exactly the kind of thing that social media has no interest in adding since it might go toward less time on the app. Unless they paywall it.
Still, I'd rather find an open source website so that there's no fear of losing it someday because some stockholders finally decided the site loses too much money.
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thisisgraeme · 9 months
HABANERA HUSTLE - New Release from THISISGRAEME Music Featuring N8YTY
Discover Habanera Hustle, the latest music collaboration between THISISGRAEME and Nathan Waitai (N8YTY). Learn how you can support independent music and be part of THISISGRAEME's ambitious 20-album journey.
Habanera Hustle: A Collaboration with N8YTY (Nathan Waitai) I’m thrilled to introduce Habanera Hustle, my latest collaboration with Nathan Waitai, who also goes by N8YTY. This instrumental track fuses the captivating rhythms of Latin rock with Nate’s standout lead guitar skills. We thoroughly enjoyed the creative process and are eager for the music to connect with you. If you have enjoyed my…
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fox-mulder-gets-pegged · 10 months
Tragic: I couldn't focus on any of my own school projects but now that my sister's in college, I have awesome ideas for her projects.
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llycaons · 1 year
goddamn I hate disney
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dykecadence · 2 years
once again quietly hoping that this Insane level of corporate fuckery will somehow lead to a renaissance of independent creators coming together to make their own projects or platforms
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alanshemper · 7 months
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punkwasp · 4 months
Free Palestine - ceasefire now!
EDIT: the strike is over but I am leaving this post up in case any of these resources are helpful
There is currently a strike for Palestine taking place from February 18th, 2024, to February 25th, 2024. During this time, I will only be posting about Palestine on this account and doing what I can to spread awareness. If you are able, I highly recommend participating in the strike in whatever way you are able - something is always better than nothing. Staying home from work and/or school, not buying anything that isn't strictly necessary, using your social media platforms only to boost posts about Palestine, etc., are all ways to help the efforts!
Below are various links for ways you can help Palestine, including educational resources, petitions, fundraisers, etc. If you have any to add on, please do, these are just the ones I've found so far.
Palestine Red Crescent Society
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
eSims For Gaza
Decolonize Palestine (Patreon)
Jewish Voice For Peace
Help Gaza Children
Islamic Relief Canada's Palestine Emergency Appeal
Medical Aid For Palestinians
Gisha (Israeli organization working to protect Palestinians' rights to the freedom of movement)
Click to help Palestine daily
Palestine Action
Attend an upcoming protest for Palestine (remember to mask up if possible, COVID isn't over)
Sign a petition to urge governments to invoke the genocide convention to stop the war on Gaza
Sign a petition from Amnesty calling for a ceasefire
Check this list of ways to demand a ceasefire in Gaza
Sign the petition for Canada to take urgent action for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza
Download these posters to print out and put up in your area and/or share on socials to build awareness
Join the BDS boycott
Check out resources and ways to help from Justice For All
Donate to the Gofundme for medical expenses for Hisham, a Palestinian-Irish-American who was shot in an anti-Palestinian hate crime in Burlington, Vermont
The Palestine Academy's Palestine 101
Palestinian literature recommendations
Check out Independent Jewish Voices Canada and their campaigns to help Palestine
Join Palestine Action to help bring down Israel's weapons trade
Shop Palestine (online store where your purchases support artisans in Palestine and in refugee camps in Lebanon, proceeds go to Middle East Children’s Alliance's work supporting Palestinian children)
Donate direct aid to Gaza (run by a longtime activist and volunteer who has been carrying out donations and humanitarian projects in Gaza since 2021)
Buy from the Hirbawi factory (this is the last kufiya factory in Palestine that is still active, purchasing helps support the Palestinian economy, which has not been in a great state for a while)
Spreadsheet listing mutual aid
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The AO3 Demographics Survey 2024 has arrived!
This project is an independent survey (not affiliated with AO3) which seeks to research the demographics and behaviours of AO3 users. The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete, will be open until 1 February, and can be found at https://forms.gle/2kt5J17ipzcAbnFY9
We are hoping to survey as large a group of users as possible, so we really appreciate anyone who shares the survey, whether by reblogging this post or sharing posts on other social media.
If you have any questions for us, we have FAQs on Tumblr or on AO3 which will be updated as the project progresses. And of course, you can follow us on Tumblr or AO3 if you want to see the survey results!
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1001hertz · 1 year
hello dear instagram please consider this: maybe i don't want to be snatched and hot and stylish and aesthetic and darkly feminine maybe i just want to have a good time, thanks!
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timetravellingkitty · 4 months
History of Kashmir from 250 BC to 1947 [to understand Kashmir's multi religious history and how we got to 1947]
Broad timeline of events from 1947 to the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution in 2019 (BBC) [yes, BBC. hang on just this once]
Human Rights Watch report based on a visit to Indian controlled Kashmir in 1998 [has a summary, background, human rights abuses and recommendations]
Another concise summary of the issue
Sites to check out
Kashmir Action - news and readings
The Kashmiriyat - independent news site about ongoings in Kashmir
FreePressKashmir - same thing as previous
Kashmir Law and Justice Project - analysis of international law as it applies to Kashmir
Stand with Kashmir - awareness, run by diaspora Kashmiris (both Pandit and Muslim)
These two for more readings and resources on Kashmir: note that the petitions and donation links are from 2019 and also has explainers on the background (x) (x)
To read
Do You Remember Kunan Poshpora? - about women in the Kashmiri resistance movement and the 1991 mass rape of Kashmiri women in the twin villages of Kunan and Poshpora by Indian armed forces
Until My Freedom Has Come: The New Intifada in Kashmir - a compliation of writings about the lives of Kashmiris under Indian domination
Colonizing Kashmir: State Building under Indian Occupation - how Kashmir was made "integral" to the Indian state and examines state-building policies (excerpt)
Resisting Occupation in Kashmir - about the social and legal dimensions of India's occupation
On India's scapegoating of Kashmiri Pandits, both by Kashmiri Pandits (x) (x)
Of Gardens and Graves - translations of Kashmiri poems
Social media
standwithkashmir and their backup account standwithkashmir2 (main account is banned in India wonder why)
jammugenocide (awareness about the 1947 genocide abetted by Maharaja Hari Singh and the RSS)
To watch
Jashn-e-Azadi: How We Celebrate Freedom parts 1 and 2 - a documentary about the Kashmiri freedom struggle (filmed by a Kashmiri Pandit)
Paradise Lost - BBC documentary about how India and Pakistan's dispute over the valley has affected the people
Kashmir - Valley of Tears - the exhaustion with the conflict in the post nineties
In the Shade of Fallen Chinar - art as a form of Kashmiri resistance
Human rights violations (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Land theft and dispossession (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
A note: I know annoying Desis are going to see this and go "Oh but Kashmir is Pakistan's because-" and "Kashmir is an integral part of India because-". I must make my stance clear: Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris, the natives, no matter what religion they belong to. Neither Pakistan nor India get to decide the matter of Kashmiri sovereignty. The reasons given by both parties as to why Kashmir should be a part of either nation are bullshit. The United Nations itself recognises Kashmir as a disputed region, so I will not entertain dumbfuckery. I highly encourage fellow Indians especially to take the time to go through and properly understand the violence the government enacts on Kashmiris. I've also included links to learn more about Kashmiri culture because really, what do the rest of us know about it? Culturally and linguistically Kashmir differs so much from the rest of India and Pakistan (also the amount of fetishization of Kashmiri women...yikes). This is not just a bilateral issue between these two nations over land, this actually affects the people of Kashmir. And if you're still here, thank you for reading
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communist-ojou-sama · 13 days
Like, this may come as a shock to people like Tumblr liberals who are totally stuck in the Western anglophone neoliberal ideology echo-chamber but like, outside of the west, out there where the majority of the worlds people live, Kwame Nkrumah's thought is taken more seriously than Milton Friedman's. So why will left liberals engage with Friedman's thought, even if only to debunk it, but not engage at all with Nkrumah's writings on neocolonialism, and just write it off?
There's a common charge leveled by supposedly "open-minded" liberals toward anti-imperialists, that we just 'blindly' support any force that's contravailing US the US on a regional or global scale, but how am I supposed to take this seriously as anything but projection?
We anti-imperialists often make specific, verifiable claims about happenings in global geopol, such as that the so-called "Free Syrian Army" consisted mostly of salafi jihadists allowed into Syria through their northern border with Turkey, and that it doesn't make sense that a civil war could simply Materialize in a country like Syria which right before the war started had one of the lowest ratios of guns to people in the world, or that the Maidan coup regime that swept into power in Kiev in 2014 was heavily infiltrated with fascists, and would not have been able to consolidate power without the instrumentalisation of fascist gangs and paramilitary organizations.
The liberal response to these specific claims, then, is to point to reports from corporate media with every incentive to lie, themselves doing no independent investigation but instead parroting verbatim the word of the State Department as fact, and dismissing all independent media investigations out of hand with no further thought.
In a situation such as this, can that response really be considered "open-minded"? It seems that time and time again intellectual rigor is reserved for discussions of technocratic tinkering within the west's iron curtain, and not the lives of people outside of it.
There's plenty of brain-juice to be expended on justifying why the US economy is actually in good shape and the people saying they're struggling more than before are just stupid, but when it comes to considering why African heads of state choose the China Development Bank over the IMF as an economic partner or Russia over the NATO states as security partners, these leaders of millions are dismissively written off as histrionically anti-Western, paranoid, and too mentally weak to see through Russian and Chinese propaganda. Is it this really a 'rational' way to look at the world?
Personally, I think not.
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metbuat · 2 years
Metbuat.org is 14 years old
Metbuat.org is 14 years old
Today marks the 14th anniversary of the establishment of Metbuat.org. The website, launched on October 5, 2008, in the independent Metbuat.org domain, was Azerbaijan’s first national news portal in the field of sports. Until now, news sites in Russian, as well as in Azerbaijani as an addition to the agencies, have been operating, but Metbuat.org has gone down in history as the first independent…
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curvecfd · 2 years
Relying On Who?
We need each other, it’s just the human way. There’s a lot we have to do for ourselves (and those we care for) but sometimes, you can pick up a phone to, text or visit someone you entrust with supporting you for a particular reason. It’s in our nature to need each other so we develop ways in which we need people in our lives who play significant roles… Often, spending time relying on someone…
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