#inb4 anyone telling me to make it myself
theliteraryluggage · 2 years
I don't think I've read a fic yet where Alphonse had a single character flaw, other than the occasional temper that only flares up when provoked very strongly. Like yes, okay, I know Alphonse is the paragon of goodness and all but ... aren't you bored?
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vega-and-the-pleiades · 5 months
Fueled by an alcohol and a content warning for some particularly impressive trauma, and bringing out the classic read more (while recognizing nerds are not gonna read this). TW for probably some dead kids, Palestinian genocide, and god fucking knows what else.
I'm starting to feel like younger generations have a problem fetishizing trauma and violence. Hear me out.
I'm fully capable of recognizing that this is arguably my debut into judging the younger generation and this might very well read like a gen xer saying "man all those violent video games must be messing the kids up" but have you looked at the state of social media right now? Have you taken even a cursory glance at the doom cult that is guestimating how many of us won't survive 2024 and making a habit out of showing pictures of dead children on the regular? I'm recognizing the incredible signs of burnout amongst my pro-Palestinian friends. Discussions regarding how "I can't even bring myself to go to work when this is happening" and, more importantly, ungodly guilt trippy posts about how it's one's duty to push through that. How the only voice for the Palestinians rests upon us and if you're tired, too fucking bad. You're not going through half of what they are so you can deal and keep doing what you're doing. And you're a bad person if you don't.
I've already talked about how I work in public safety and I've seen that attitude kill my friends (or mess them up beyond reason). You know who copes well with the job? People who maintain balance in their life. People who take their weekends to go fishing or skiing or whatever the case is to get themselves ready to dive back into the mess. The ones who can't handle it don't break because they lack fortitude. They break because they work 60+ hour weeks and fail to divorce themselves from the job on their off time. They have a devastating call and don't take the sup's offer to go home early that day. That's not a sustainable model for anyone and I really feel like these youngins don't have the life experience to understand that they are irreparably damaging their brains and their bodies with this.
As a complete aside, I would be remiss if I didn't talk about my personal toll these last weeks with all this. My socials at this point are cute cats, goth fashion, and my friends. Lighthearted and low key. I don't mind activism on my feeds to any extent, and you bet I've gotten some good reminders to kick a few dollars to orgs doing relief work in Palestine and Jewish orgs doing decolonial work here and abroad. But you know what the last thing I needed to see a week before Christmas when I got off a dead kid shift was? More dead kids. We're talking active CPR, ECMO cannulation, whole nine yards on a literal child in literal person, I got home not okay, went for some cute cats on insta and the FIRST THING on my page was dead kids under rubble.
I appreciate the fact that to some of y'all, the shock value of all this is motivating. But I desperately need you to leave your approximation of the grief of seeing a dead child, or a dead pregnant person somewhere out of reach of those of us who have fucking been there, okay? And I SURE AS FUCK don't need you guilt tripping me for logging out of instagram over that, okay? I swear to god it's like some of you are so fucking desperate to live these experiences and if that's the case, public safety, healthcare, and international disaster orgs can use you. But this shit has to stop. Unmoderated doomscrolling trauma porn doesn't help you and it pushes some of us so close to the event horizon that we risk losing our literal livelihoods.
Say what you want for 2013 Tumblr. At least we had content warnings and read mores. Inb4 someone tells me I should quit my job or that I'm weak or whatever.
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franki-lew-yo · 2 years
It means so much if you read this
It's 4 in the morning. I'm off on of my meds so I think I know why I am the way I am right now, but that doesn't make me cry any less. I can't stop crying; I WANT TO MAKE MYSELF STOP CRYING- but I feel selfish just saying that. When I get like this, the worst possible thing is to tell me "you aren't bad actually I know it so; you can do this!" and any other positive-vibes like that. That makes me feel ignored. That makes me feel even more like a burden because it makes me feel like you(whoever) is just wanting me to shut up cuz I'm ruining your vibes. And, the fact that that's the first thing that comes to comes to my mind is what's making me feel worse.
I'm crying because I have what's called Imposter Syndrome. I'm crying because I know, in my happier moments I know NOT to beat myself up...and I'm sad because that means I feel weak now. I'm crying because I can't live without seeing myself as a bad person in order to counteract me actually being a bad person <- this isn't what being self critical actually IS, but it doesn't matter. I don't know how to stop.
I'm alone. I have no one in my friend circle w my condition and no faith in my comfort zone. I'm so scared telling anyone that because I think constantly about what they'll think of me, and how the "criticism is bad"crowd will look at me and use it to justify their media criticism -> self-harm pipeline. inb4 >"well SHE'S a critical person and she's clearly not happy so yeah; media critics and cynics are always just deeply unhappy and making the rest of us feel bad, ugh stupid 'Antis' :P :P :P" I know that's not true...but it doesn't matter. People like this, people who don't have ADD and want to put the blame all on one thing and call it a day- I can't do that. It never is just one thing. If I do that with things that bother me, it destroys me. It has in the past.
I want so much to talk to people closest to me but I will always feel like I'm going to hurt them. I feel I only talk about myself anyway. I feel I'm never there for anyone else.
I want to be comfortable in my own sexuality and lifestyle but I also want healthy criticism and I don't know how to separate the two- I don't know how to not see someone ranting about their problems and NOT apply it to me. I will always feel like I am their problem, like I am their abuser.
No one taught me to think like that. It's just how I am.
I want more than anything to be understood cuz I want to be understanding myself. It feels better just to type any of this out and it really feels better having you guys read it and know this about me. I don't know how to approach people to tell them how sad I am. I know it's something you don't want to be handed in from your friend even when you are capable of hearing it at the moment-
so thank you for really listening to that.
I don't like my posts being completely drabby. Let me end this by saying something petty that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things:
There's two songs at my work that I hate but hear all the time and they drain my soul out of me everytime I hear them!?!? The first is this one that I think is sung by Miley Cyrus cuz it sounds like her and the reframe is "he's one of the good ones". I hate that song so much. What is this "you aren't one of THOSE ones-types?"/TERFcel garbage? If this is about a man in a relationship it just sounds unhealthy to say as the woman. If this song were about a woman it would be deeply concerning. It's bent on double standards.
The other song is this clubby bs who's main reframe goes "In the name of looooove"x4 times, but then on the 4th time the singer turns into this dubstep clubby beat. I hate it. I hate it so much. Please put on the 80s tunes again. Just once.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
Do so many people genuinely lack the ability to “separate fiction from reality” or is this just a thing you say to try and make every single person you don’t agree with sound crazy
I’m not saying I haven’t encountered people who do think literally every depiction of something is openly condoning it, but these people are few and far between. They aren’t that common. What I see more often is “you cannot depict this in any respectful manner and it will always be harmful, don’t use this subject matter”. Do I agree with this point? No. People are always gonna wanna write abt difficult subject matter and there are ways to do so respectfully. However this argument respects fiction is not reality, it is simply trying to make a point about the fiction itself.
I just hate the argument bc of how stupid it is tbh. I’m also half awake or I’d just keep these thoughts to myself and not tempt weirdos to discourse with me. Inb4 anyone says “well one of those stupid ppl did try to tell me fiction isn’t reality and I’m not exaggerating” maybe don’t tailor your central arguments to the dumbest people you encounter. I want the argument to die bc ppl will take any criticism against smth now and go “well it’s not real so get over it” like media doesn’t influence us to some degree and that’s why these same ppl make posts abt how much representation matters
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miutonium · 2 years
your favorites/any that you particularly want to answer from the cafe asks? 🥰 (kittyandco)
Oh thank you 😳 i really appreciate this since I actually gotten a few ask with the same questions and i have 2 that I would actually love to answer hgnnn
Filter Coffee: Are you more of a gusher or silent admirer?
So previously, I believe I am more of a silent admirer? I mean, I do have a blog before this actually but I just never tell anyone about my s/i ocs (other than drawing her) and elaborate my stories because at that time I was still nervous that someone would come at me and say mean things to me and also everyone had cooler s/i with cool backstory and me being uncreative and also not that good at drawing and designing a cool s/i felt kind of discouraged from it. Not to mention I don't really get that enough support to draw and gush about my f/o and my s/i and having to consistently post my f/o or otherwise being leftout just burns me out a lot :/ i ended up leaving my blog and the fandom because of that (and other personal reason)
Though, I actually really like how a lot of people here seems to talk about their love for a character and i just love seeing how passionate they are for them and I never seen that anywhere else on the internet other than here. So I returned to tumblr because I really missed being in a part of something i loved and watch people gushing over a character really makes me happy ;w;
I actually wasn't aware of a selfship community at all when I started this blog, even though I do selfship, I actually didn't know there's a community where people support each other's selfships even though they're not a part of the other person's f/os' fandom . I used to be around with the reader insert crowd too so like I really didn't know anything about selfshipping at all despite using tumblr for 3 years at that time (also you wouldn't believe this but i legit didn't know what f/o and s/i meant and I have to look around to figure out what it means lol). No one told me it was okay to feel very attached to an f/o an and actually feel okay about not wanting to share an f/o with others (inb4 I'm okay with sharing Utonium don't worry about that!)
These days, I feel like I am more confident about talking and gushing about Utonium. Part of it because I love this man to death and he deserves everything good and I also don't see anyone gush about him at all (like i legit scrolled down his tags and i see barely anyone simped for this man) and I just need to change that lol.
Chai Tea: Do you prefer s/is or ocs when shipping?
Okay so I was confused initially cuz I always thought that they're the same (because Chloe's is technically my s/i oc) so like i dont really understand what's going on here until it clicked on me that the question probably meant I design my s/i to look similarly to me hhh my bad
Anyway, I prefer ocs more since I actually don't like to mix irl stuff with my fantasy (also I am actually not into men irl so like it feels off whenever I imagine myself with Utonium these days) and no way I am attractive enough to sway this man away ;w;
I never draw myself with Utonium (and probably never will in the future ;w;) but previously with my previous f/o I actually did that a couple times and hhh you know what I'm just gonna attach some pictures of him and me :3
(Picture Undercut of course)
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I still love these drawings tbh. We both look like bad bitches if you asked me lol. Also yes I had a shorter hair with highlights before hgnnn
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loudjune · 4 years
oh no
another writing post
This time, with game....writing! Or something. Anyway it's 2 am and no one wants to hear blather. Not that anyone reads these!!
Okay so tonight I was thinking about my RPGs again, and how I really should focus and develop the tiny game to learn how to use rpg maker. The tiny game is a fangame. Of Repo! The Genetic Opera. Because it's 2020 and I just discovered the film. Due to tiktok of all things! (🎶Zydrate comes in a little glass vial🎶)
Anyway! I have the basic framework of the story down. I have the main character and a unique use for a familiar character type for the team. It's a short game, probably easy to complete in an hour? So I don't want to dump a lot of energy into it. I mean I want it to be good but, it's okay if it's a little unpolished. It's meant to be a labor of love, not a flex of skill, y'know? I just wanna make something 1) smol and 2) enjoyable for fellow fans and 3) SMOL. Something I can tackle! I mean, it'll have nice graphics and some unique art that fits the Repo Aesthetic, but I'm actually able to do some pixel work myself, and from there I can commission some character art and cutscene pieces. No idea of the cost, but I figure a bit here and there and just syphoning from my paycheck would do it. Of course the cutscene art will be the priciest, as it should be. Anyway! Back to writing bullshit shenanigan stuff.
I'm honestly afraid I'll royally fuck up the IP because I... Don't know that much about it! I'm hoping that because it's a smaller fandom, they'll be a little more forgiving if the idea seems out of place. Or something. Please don't be like the bronies, I will never recover from that. Inb4 brony bitching; ya fuckers ruined my fandom fuck off. Not you; the lusty fuckers who infiltrated older pony sites that was basically safe havens. Fuck you guys.
I really wish I could get in deep with my ideas but, again, lots of fear! So idk, maybe tell me that I can? Idk I don't have people to talk about this with so....here I am, vague posting bullshit on Tumblr. Which is not a safe place for me. God, I'm lonely.
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groundramon · 4 years
So curiouscat has stupid short reply lengths so i had to post this here
Tw for: bullying, fatphobia, discussion of sexual harassment (oh it feels good to have enough characters to write a proper tw)
So it might surprise ppl to know that my favorite frontier character is JP, the raging heterosexual. But like, to me...hes so much more than that. JP is a character that I saw so much of myself in. His social isolation from his peers, leading him to push away others to avoid getting hurt...its not that people outwardly bully him, its that no one sees behind his surface and nobody bothers to truly care about him. People only recognize him as the class clown - no one actually wants to hang out with him. And that...that hit me HARD as a kid. It was the experience i had growing up. I wasn't outright bullied, I just felt...excluded. Judged. I wanted friends but was too afraid of being judged or excluded. And sometimes it caused me to be dismissive of genuinely good people. And quite frankly, that's STILL a problem I have, not even a year after an exfriend of 7 years said that our interests were one of the things driving us apart. My intense fear of being ridiculed for my interests drove me as a kid, and sometimes even now as an adult, to completely stop caring what my peers thought about anything. For all intents and purposes, im a bit of a hipster - i hate on what's popular and i tote my more obscure interests. Because I feel like that's the only way. Obviously i have fairly mainstream interests but lemme tell ya, i went to a christian school in the late 2000s/early 2010s - goddamn pokemon was obscure/counter-culture in a setting like that. But despite my desperate attempts not to care, I DO care, just like JP. It fuckin stung. And now i have depression and social anxiety whoops. Honestly ngl, it got so bad that I genuinely projected that it was implied JP was isolated for being fat/not conventionally attracted, until i was like "wait a minute...frontier didnt go that hard"
But what makes JP such a tragic character to me now is that at the end of Frontier nowadays when i watch it, im left asking myself....DID JP make any friends?
I know JP is a raging heterosexual but quite frankly, he is dealt such a shitty, judgemental hand for an innocent crush. JP's most nsfw fantasy is marrying Zoe and holding her hand, like... And yet, despite this, he's accused time and time again of being a perv. JP is, well, a big fuckin guy. As such, he thinks "its probably a good idea to let all my friends climb up this latter before me, so i dont crush them all if i fall - plus ill look chivalrous too!" But he unfortunately forgets that Zoe has a skirt on and, y'know, not pants. I understand Zoe's hesitation completely - i wouldnt trust a man who kept hitting on me either. Her relationship with JP is completely justified. Like, its not like JP doesn't take no for an answer - he just still has a crush on her. Yes he should probably give it a rest but like, he's 13 and his most nsfw fantasy is to hold hands and marry and respect his crush. Inb4 you say "but its a kids show of course it is-" literally everything about Zoe is sexualized so no the fuck its not lol
What gets me the most though is the beach episode... again, not because of Zoe. She thinks someone has peeped on her (understandable but it was a digimon) and confronts them about it. But koji and takuya IMMEDIATELY suspect JP, and only believe his immediate denial when Tommy points out that JP was with them the whole time. Like first of all, YOU FORGOT HE WAS THERE??? it took the baby of the group pointing that out for you to remember???? Second of all, JP has never done anything to warrant not being believed - again for zoe id understand, a bitch has gotta be weary, but not for the guys? And thirdly, and perhaps most importantly of all, YOU GUYS CONSIDER SOMEONE YOU'D EASILY SUSPECT OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT YOUR "FRIEND"???? i would NEVER be friends with someone who i could see sexually harassing another one of my friends!! What the shit!! I realize they're kids but GEEZ. And i know its implied JP only cares about the perpetrator because he likes Zoe but idc, despite being persistent in his crush JP has literally NEVER done ANYTHING to disrespect women. And if the scene where takuya and jp run into Zoe's changing room to see whats wrong after she screams counts - well lol takuya was there too.
Zoe was dealt a terrible hand by the writers (worse than JP imo) so I understand people being weary of JP, but - in the dub at least - he literally did nothing wrong... dont confuse the writers sexualizing zoe and being misogynistic with JP sexualizing zoe and being misogynistic.
And im gonna say it - JP is only treated this way cuz hes fat lol. Its not a coincidence that the only MC in the digimon anime who's treated like a perv (despite the fact that they failed in writing one, cuz hes not a perv) is the fat guy. Japan LOVES the fat otaku stereotype (America, look what you did, you made it fatphobic) and in JP's case he's treated completely differently because he's fat. Takuya doesn't have an explicit crush on Zoe but just look at how he treats her vs JP. And which one is demonized lmao? Like, frontier has major problems in general, but to me this isnt a coincidence.
Also, I think JP's crush on zoe is initially just flirting/wanting to impress a girl to fill the void in his heart, but then he genuinely comes to respect her and like her for who she is. He likes that she's kind but stands up for herself and even though he's hopelessly infatuated with her, he just wants her to be happy, even if its not with him. He relates to her struggles to fit in despite not understanding how someone so beautiful and charismatic (in his eyes) could be disliked by her peers.
Hackers Memory discussion coming up, but the spoilers are minor/vague. Frank discussion of sexual harassment and...pedophilia i guess? But its like...ephebophilia, not literal children.
I realize the Story games and the anime are two different beasts entirely, and Cyber Sleuth especially is targeted at an older audience. BUT... compare how JP is treated in Frontier to how Chitose and even Keisuke are treated in HM. Chitose goes after countless women and isn't even reprimanded for going after someone he considers a CHILD. To clarify - Ryuji and Chitose both call Arata a child. Arata is canonically older than Yuuko. Chitose flirts with Yuuko. It is gross. Like he gets the physical embodiment of the cold shoulder and you get to insult him for it, but that's not proper reprimanding. In comparison, yes JP is older than Zoe...by a year/grade. But JP gets accused of SEXUAL HARASSMENT BY HIS "FRIENDS" and Chitose just gets "haha good ol chitose, hes a wild one." Plus i think Chitose and JP get the shit smacked out of each other an equal amount of times in the story, which like...one of these people is worse than the other!
Then there's Keisuke, the protagonist of HM, who's significantly better than Chitose but still gets dirty thoughts about Yuuko and is only reprimanded by Erika. And honestly I love Erika but HM plays up the tsundere heterosexual couple aspect. So imagine the only person who calls you out on your shit is your fucking love interest, who also beat the shit out of you with a plush toy for entering her room without knocking, not knowing anyone was in there (id say hes not a playboy but considering he befriends a stranger to practice "getting chicks" at chitose's recommendation, hes totally a playboy) and yet all she does when you start thinking weird shit about Yuuko is be like "hey. Stop that. Get some help"
Also Erika's best friend is chitose so like, someone save this poor girl PLEASE
But my point is that Chitose is conventionally attractive and...well they play up the idea that Keisuke isn't but hes not conventionally unattractive like JP is.
Gee, i wonder why they're treated differently? /s
TLDR: JP drinks respecting women juice and i kin him
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prorevenge · 6 years
Destroy me as a person, I'll destroy your entire existence.
I'm warning you in advance, this is going to be a long one. TL;DR at the end. Names of people and places have been changed for discretion. I don't expect you to believe it's true, everyone has the right of doubt. The revenge mainly goes towards my thankfully-no-longer-stepmom, but it comes with a side of fuck you to my Dad who at the time was an enabler.
This story is part of the reason I have borderline personality organization. For those who are not familiar with it, it's not a disorder. I can funtion on a much higher level than someone with a personality disorder, however not as highly as someone healthy. I'm putting this beforehand, because you need to understand that I wasn't always like this. The revenge is the result of my personality being slowly and painfully crushed, and getting a last kick out with it's last breath. That last breath of my dying personality wasn't in vain, I'm getting the much needed therapy and help, and I'm making amazing progress. Part of that progress is sharing this. I only shared this story with my therapist until now. Yeah also inb4 "why your real mom didn't help you", she left with another dude when I was just a baby and reconnected with me 2~ years after these events take place, but that's a story for another time.
You see, my dad is a little bit of a Narcissist (yeah, I know I'm saying at the start of the post that he was also enabling, which is true. He seemed to phase between them depending on situation), but at the same time he is a really intelligent and smart guy, and the combination of these traits was really conflicting. He raised me the "Dad is always right" way, while at the same time he always told me to stand up for myself and never give up. You see, he raised me to be an adult since I was a little child. He taught me everything I know, even the things I needed and used for this revenge.
When I was around 9, we moved to a set of islands in a hispanic country, let's call them Palm Islands. We moved here because my Dad hated our country and wanted to flee. This is important to the story, because he didn't want to move back at all costs. So the island we were staying on at the time is island A. Island A was nice, I quickly learned Spanish and fit in pretty well with the other kids. There were at least 50~ nationalities in our school, so being a foreigner wasn't an issue. My Dad was single, so he was pretty active on dating sites. On these dating sites, he met Lilith (I found this name fitting, look up it's history if you are interested in a demon from the Hebrew mytholgy that kills babies). Lilith was a true Narcissists, in all the aspects you can imagine. She was a teacher, but never had kids of her own even though she wanted. She was from island B. The funny thing is that she catfished my Dad. It was a nice surprise when he went to pick her up to the airport, and was greeted by around 110kg more than he was expecting. Anyways, they got together, and everything seemed fine at the beginning. That's when the big 2008 crisis hit, and it hit really hard in hispanic countries. My Dad was let go at his job and was unemployed. Lilith offered for us to move in with her on island B. My Dad accepted without hesitation, because he didn't want to go back to our country. So this is where the issues start. The first problem was, when we moved to island B, we moved to a really rural and small, xenophobic little shithole of a town. They absolutely hated ANYONE that was not form a latin origin. Well, guess who was the ONLY non-latin foreigner (apart from my dad who didn't move out of the house, as he was unemployed for 2 more years). If you guessed me, you guessed right. It was hell. I didn't even get the chance to fit in. I was bullied all the time. Not just by students, teachers did it and even fucking encouraged it. I was beaten on my way home every week or so by 3 or 4 students, and I remember a time when I was lying on the floor, getting kicked by fuck knows how many kids, when I noticed one of the teachers passing, shrugging, and moving on. There was "go back to your country fucking nationality" graffitied in the town's playground. In the 3 years I lived there, there were several graffity removals, however, this one never got off... As this wasn't bad enough, here comes the fun part. Lilith. Now you are wondering why I named her after a demon that kills babies. Let me answer that for you. If the bullying from school wasn't enough on it's own, Lilith made sure I hated my life. She couldn't stand that my Dad loved me more than her, so she made really fucking sure of it. And why my Dad didn't intervene? Remember I said he didn't want to move back to our country at all costs? The cost of seeing my life destroyed was one he was willing to pay. So he just sat and watched as I suffered. You see, Lilith would always ground me for anything. Lilith would give me really specific instructions for really specific tasks, that were impossible to follow. When I obviously failed, I got grounded. Grounding me meant locking me up in my room with all forms of enjoyment taken a away. All forms of enjoyment for me, meant books. I got my books taken away. All I could do was look on an empty wall and swell in my suffering. Lilith would hold me in constant psychological terror. I was always berated, insluted and talked down on. I heard daily, that my worth is the equivalent to piece of turd, that I am even worth less than that. That nobody loves me and no one ever will. That all that I'm getting is because I deserve it. That I am a waste of space, a piece of human garbage. All the things you can possibly imagine that you don't want a kid to be told. And one last thing to add to the list, starvation. You see, she starved me, even though it wasn't starving in that little piece of garbage that she calls brain. I can't eat crude tomatoes. Not I don't like it and I don't want to eat it, I literally can't. As soon as I feel crude tomato flavor in my mouth, I start to puke. I can't control it. She decided that she will cure this by only feeding me tomatoes for 3 days. Guess how that worked out.. And my Dad? Just looked the other way. I was 14 at the time, and I tried to kill myself 3 times. If any would have been successful, I wouldn't be here telling the story, so hold on to your seats.
This seemingly endless nightmare got a bit better when my Dad got a job at island A and we could move back on our own. But I wasn't the same anymore. I was having serious depression, anxiety, panic attacks. I started smoking and drinking. I couldn't fit in again. I knew that if I wanted to get my life together, I would need to move back to my home country. But you see, being underage, I couldn't do it and my Dad didn't want to move back. Even though we moved back to island A, we still was relying pretty heavily on Lilith financially, so I knew if they broke up, we wouldn't have other choice than to move back.
Just a quick recap about Lilith: a sour lady in her late 40's who is morbidly obese while being really short, around 150~cm, is a teacher but never had kids of her own even though she wanted, was unhappy with her life in general, and being the true Narcissists she is, she blamed everything on the world. She hadn't dumped my dad because she is well aware of her physical traits and knew that if they broke up, she would most likely end up alone. This is where I wanted to hit.
So as I knew some psychology, knowing her personality traits, I somehow suspected that she will try to compensate for the above mentioned with cheating. But cheating is hard when you are a fat and ugly motherfucker, so my next guess were sex-chats. Boy, was I right. I simply installed a keylogger on her computer, and after 2 weeks I had a plethora of sex-chat logs to show my Dad. However, this didn't go as I expected. Instead of breaking up, my Dad got in a position of power after confronting Lilith about it. This was a serious miscalculation on my part, as I should have expected that my Dad won't break up because he doesn't want to move back, but rather use this in his 'games'.
I knew I had to go all out on this one if I wanted to break them up. So I hatched my master plan.
But I wasn't just going to make them brake up. Even after all the things that the place and her have done to me, I had a little fight in me yet, which at the start I referred to as the last breath of my dying personality.
I was out for destroying Lilith's entire life in the process and make my Dad do what he didn't want to while seeing me suffer.
The setup:
Remember when I said my Dad was active on dating sites? Well, he was really active again once we got back to island A. He was relentlessly cheating on Lilith.
First things first, I bought an extra SIM card for my phone. I needed a new phone number for a new WhatsApp account. You see, I knew that if my Dad deemed a lady from a dating site worthy of a fuck, he would ask for a phone number so they don't lose contact. As I couldn't imitate a woman's voice, I opted for leading him on over WhatsApp. Next I set up a dating profile on one of the sites I knew my dad was actively searching on, and I made his idea of a perfect woman, in every aspect, come to life. I spent days fabricating every aspect of her personality and life. This character was named Paula. Paula was a tall, blonde, thin, beautiful, intelligent and nice lady, who worked on island B as a make-up artist for the local news. She grew up in a family with 4 brothers (which I added because I wanted to have a quick and easy excuse if my Dad noticed any male-ish mannerism while speaking to him as her), loved sports, philosophy, and psychology (remember when I said my Dad taught me everything I needed for this revenge?) The pics I used for Paula were from a mostly unknown 30-ish South American actress from a really bad and unknown latin soap-opera (I don't know if it's the correct term in English as well). So I had really nice make-up photos worthy of a local news make-up artist, while having more normal and everyday pics as well. The little twist is Paula is the EXACT OPPOSITE of Lilith in every possible way. It was perfect. One more important thing to note is that my Dad was hooked on a sport that we'll call Squannis. It's a mixture between Squash and Tennis, hence the name, really popular in latin countries at the time. There were familiar Squannis tournaments with Lilith's family, who were really involved in Squannis as well. Also I hope I don't have to explain how extensive a hispanic family is. Important to note that we were the only foreigners in the family. With this information at hand and my WhatsApp and dating profile setup as well, I was more than ready to unleash hell upon those who wronged me.
The execution:
I started surfing the dating site. As with dating sites in general, you can't search for a person in specific, so I had to go over 200~ish profiles to finally find my Dad and mark that I'm interested in him. That same night, we get matched, and we start chatting. He is loving Paula. Every single bit of her. While chatting, I steer the conversation to make him say things like "even if I had someone I would break up with her in an instant to be with a Goddess like you", "you are my perfect ideal in every way", "where have you been all my life", these sorts of things. The sorts of things I know would get through Lilith's narcissistic wall of protection, and hit her in the very core. My dad was making comments on how she just met the perfect woman in a dating site. He spent basically an hour worshipping why she is perfect for him in every way. Guys, it was the hardest thing to not grin like I just hit the fucking jackpot. He was hooked, like a heroin addict. Next day, all day speaking about Paula. Then comes the third day. He asks for a mobile number, he wants to hear Paula's surely angelic voice. I was prepared. The conversation went something like this:
Dad: I'm having a really nice time talking with you, and I'm really afraid that you might just dissapear - as happened with others - so what if we exchange numbers?
Paula: I'm having a really nice time as well with you, but sadly I've been catfished a lot, and I'm really cautious when it comes to strangers on the internet...:( But anyways, as I'm really liking you, I'll make a kind of exception. Give me your phone number, we'll communicate on WhatsApp, so we don't lose contact, but promise me that you will not call me until I say that I'm feeling ready!
Dad: I can totally understand that, and I respect it. So let's do it your way. :)
When I pressed enter on the catfish message to send, I felt like I was pressing the button that dropped the nuke on Hiroshima. I was feeling the justice enter my pleasure receptors slowly, bit by bit. It was the best thing I had felt every since Lilith entered my life.
This goes on in WhatsApp, I'm taking a screenshot of everything that I think will hurt Lilith. After a week of talking I have everything that I want to send her. But I needed to make it believable, otherwise it will be an obvious catfishing, and I'm sure my Dad eventually would have traced it back to me. However, I had a plan for this as well. Remember when I said my Dad plays Squannis and Paula loves sports but lives in island B, where Lilith and faimily are located? You better do, because this is where it becomes important. Naturally, as any girl who is interested in a guy, will try out his interests. In this case Squannis. So Paula, after my Dad told him about Squannis, decided to get a lesson from a friend of hers, so when she meets with my Dad, they'll be able to play together. But would you know, on a little fucking hispanic island with extended family all over it, this friend happened to be related to Lilith's family. And would you know, Paula was telling him about this new guy she met on a dating site, who is from XX country and that's why she's taking lessons. After more chit-chat, the friend realizes that this guys is indeed my Dad, and proceeds to tell Paula that he has been in a relationship with Lilith for a few years now. So Paula confronts my Dad about this, who is in complete shock and panic mode. My absolute favourite thing was telling him the lines "I KNEW I COULDN'T TRUST PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET, YOU ARE THE SAME CHEATING PIG AS ALL OTHER MEN". After getting the last kicks in I blocked my Dad from every possible way of communication on all of Paula's accounts.
But here comes the sweet part. Lilith. My dear, dear Lilith. I tell her the same story about Squannis that I told my dad, then proceed to send her every screenshot, every piece of conversation that I knew would hurt her. Every sentence where my Dad describes the perfect ideal of a woman, and it's exactly the opposite of her. Every message where my Dad says things to Paula that Lilith always wanted to hear but never got. Sweet fucking Jesus, it felt good.
The aftermath:
After being in a position of power, and being the saint that never cheated in the relationship, my Dad got confronted by Lilith. By confronted I mean traveling to us on island A, knocking hysterically on the door at 2am, while I can't make out anything of what she says because of the fucking tsunami machine that her face has become. Oh, and the screeching. It was like a group of younglings racing on who could scratch the blackboard harder to make to most unpleasant sound. I'm loving every tear, and every moment of it. She is truly suffering. I destroyed the very pillars that held up her personality. I went into a porcelain shop with a fucking sledgehammer. They break up. Lilith is throwing punches. Police is called. In a fit of rage Lilith makes the mistake of hitting one of the officers. I've never seen 180~kg slammed into the ground with such grace. It was truly glorious. As police is escorting her out, I'm looking her dead in the eye. I can see into her soul, and I can see that the person she was is destroyed. As I'm looking her dead in the eye, I'm having the most shit eating grin a human can possibly enforce on it's face. Ultimately, we moved back to our home country.
Oh, and guess who has lost her teaching licence? If you guessed, Lilith, you guessed right. Turns out after this incident she had to go under a really strict psychological examination, which was a long time coming imo, where they determined she is unfit for teaching. Big fucking surprise.
TL;DR: Dad moves away from country and dates maniac, lets maniac viciously abuse son so Dad doesn't have to move back. Son reveals Dad is cheating, crushing Maniacs soul and indirectly causes Maniac to lose job and livelihood, and forces Dad to move back.
(source) (story by shiny-poopstorm)
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aroceu · 7 years
@memordes and i had an interesting conversation today about how sometimes we as readers can be prone to being so swept away with how words sound and how words are put together - i.e. purple prose - that sometimes appreciation or even the writing itself has no substance otherwise. or if the story is good but the characters are bland and it’s hard to get through the scenes themselves because there is a lack of that hook or stylistic compellingness, so you wonder how other people managed to get through it. and i know this can differ from person to person - what we can read or enjoy and what we can’t - and i also realize this sounds rather rude, but: hear me out.
in narrative fiction writing, there are a lot of elements in writing a story. characters, plot, themes, pacing, dialogue, descriptions, and a whole lot of other things that people struggle with or feel confident with or what have you. and writing is hard because it’s maintaining all of these elements to be fleshed out and nice and consistent as needed that on a certain level it can feel like multitasking. because writing has depth, and stories have depth; so your strategies, naturally, must have depth.
and i have read stories where the plot was compelling but the characters were not. i have read stories where the style was fantastic but the experience of reading did not stick. i have read stories where the characters and styles and plot were memorable, but the pacing disjointed me or the mood shifted in too many places or there was just something, anything, that caught me off-guard. i mean, this happens a lot and i’m fully capable of ignoring it and moving on because there’s another element of the story that i enjoy and can appreciate. and my being me, i can usually sense if not analyze the weaker elements really well (and by “my being me” i mean that i literally edit and critique my own writing/fic habitually so i know my own errors as well as others’)
it’s not to say to not appreciate writers, or their efforts, or that you’re not allowed to enjoy a story because some aspect of it is just objectively sound. it’s more in understanding the dynamic and complexities of writing, and how not to be a passive reader and being able to know where a writer’s efforts fall flat in the context of their story without discrediting the writer. plus, like? especially in the realm of fanfiction writing, characterization specifically is very cookie cutter and two dimensional and more lifts an outline of the character from the canon to depict them in that outline, rather than taking the character and putting them under a different colored light so you’re seeing the same person but in a different way. and like, it’s okay if writers aren’t interested in bettering their characterization that way and it’s okay if that’s not something an individual as a reader is concerned about observing. but as a serious writer and reader - well, it’s something i observe and like to talk about.
(and i say this from the basis of someone who struggled with characterization for a really long time, because a lot of my old characterization and sometimes even currently can get..... yeesh)
there’s also the element of qualifying a writer’s time/effort about how many words are in the fic. which also gets conflated with quality. which is yet again another tired out and fallible comparison. you know how many 250k+ fics i’ve seen in fanfiction? you know how many of them i’ve actually bothered to read? and it’s not to say that they’re all bad, because certainly with the right story and the right style longfic is incredibly indulgent and can be good (like any other length story.) but i feel like when the style of your longfic bunks on how many words you can fit into a chapter or how long you can draw out the scene... you might want to rethink your strategy.
anyway upon reflection this is just a really complain-y post but though i’ve been struggling with actually writing recently i never lose the energy to criticize. and also because i studied creative writing for like three years taught by grad students in a world-renowned creative writing program but #whatever
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nightcoremoon · 5 years
potentially controversial post ahead
Republicans: literally running a gestapo, literally murdering brown people, literally screaming for mexicans to "go back home", literally funding racist domestic terror organizations, literally covering up internalized pedophilia scandals, literally driving this county into the fucking ground
Joe Biden: says something taken out of context and overanalyzed to be indicative of some slight racist tendencies which is to be 100% fully expected from a white man in america
You dumb motherfuckers: they're the same thing, both evil, don't vote for biden if he wins the candidacy or you're a racist too, this is a rational mindset to have, this exact same mentality towards clinton lead to landing trump in the white house once already but I'm a dumb motherfucker who never learns so I'm gonna shit on and disparage everyone who isn't sanders (until we dig up some random dirt on him saying he's *throws dart* misogynist) or cortes (until we dig up some random dirt on her says she's *spins wheel* ableist) or whoever the fuck else while being terrible because HEY NEWSFLASH! ALL POLITICIANS ARE BAD!
so you gotta choose who's less bad. and, like, literally anyone would be better than trump for ever singly minority demographic in america.
all white people are racist in some capacity so it's fucking stupid to just discount every white potential candidate for being ~racist when the opposition is goddamn rice and milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm with an unhealthy tinge of orange spraytan. there's a fucking difference between "all blacks are rapists" racism and "hey brown skinned people are given worse opportunities for education than white people so let me make a careless offhand remark that's incredibly tasteless and sounds bad out of context" racism, and "let's shoot unarmed black kids because we cops can get away with it" racism and "I sing gold digger by kanye west and say every word even though I'm white" racism, and "fuck muslims, we should kill them all" racism and "I'm too stupid and narcissistic to understand why any person would have a different upbringing than me and therefore don't know why affirmative action is necessary in situations that I've never encountered" racism, and "BLM are terrorists and kaepernick is the antichrist" racism and "I don't like rap music" racism. like yeah it's all bad and it's all terrible and life is a fucking nightmare for poc in america but logically microaggressions are a better alternative than being murdered, right? there's no magic off switch to turn off all racism forever, but there's a way to make it less bad if even slightly.
but if the prospect of joe "literally obama's vice president" biden sometimes saying dumb and kinda racist shit is JUST AS BAD as donald "literally throwing kids into concentration camps for being brown" trump, then go off.
but like... ethnicity isn't the only demographic that's being treated like shit, being murdered, and having civil liberties stripped from them. if y'all are fine keeping trump in office because biden's "also racist", keep in mind that all the impoverished, the female, the gay, the trans, the disabled, the sick, the mentally ill, the autistic, the jewish, the muslim, the homeless, and the dissenters, they all get fucked too.
it just blows my mind that the radicals and the extreme left are so hard-on for an unattainable image of fucking perfection that nothing short of god herself will ever be good enough for us, that they're willing to let the tangerine stay??? stupid, stupid, stupid. but whatever, what do I know, I'm just affected by the decisions of the government of the country i'm forced to live in.
if biden becomes the democratic candidate I'm fucking voting for him because he'll be the democratic candidate. don't @ me if you don't like it because like it or not we have a 2 party system. so don't blame me. I voted for kodos.
inb4 I get a swarm of angry hatemail calling me racist and telling me to kill myself just because I dared to say that trump is far more of a majorly dangerous problem to ethnic minorities than joe "again, literally obama's vice president" biden ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
fuck republicans
fuck you if you're a conservative
fuck off if you're in the right wing
eat a dick if you're in the GOP
and all nazis and fascists must die
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cs-discourse · 6 years
here we go
ok this attitude has been pissing me off long enough that it's time for one of my Big Ole Posts (tm) about how shitty this is! thanks. 
uuuuwuu every1 whos concerned abt biased judging in comps is just soooow entitled !!!1 i cant bewieve ppl wouldnt want some1 whos literally explicitly stating at this point that they trust their friends more to "demonstrate dedication to the character" they assign to a design to b an influence in judging comps !!!!!11 bc artists Never weigh in on other artist's comps, so obviously thes ppl just want fwee merc designs !!!1!!1 also my last braincell just died pleas h
so here's the og post in question for quick reference
i honestly have no idea why people keep bringing up this idea of bias in judging competitions because, while i do think there is a type of bias that certainly exists, i think a lot of so-called "bias" that people have is ... not whatsoever like what people think it is lol. artists are people and there's always going to be SOME kind of bias no matter what you do, because it's literally fuckin impossible to NOT be biased. by that i mean:
your taste in plots/types of characters/medias influence your judging
quality of writing or art can influence your judging
the person who's applying for the adopt you may have previous judgement about
even if you say you aren't biased, you STILL have preferences and tastes in things that you prefer more than others, which in of itself is a kind of bias
people who know you (friends for example) will naturally know what your taste is. 
a competition is judged based on what form the artist thinks is best, right? 
NEWSFLASH EVERYONE'S IDEA OF "WHAT'S BEST" IS DIFFERENT FROM PERSON TO PERSON ..... "BEST" is literally the most subjective thing there is, and while i agree that there are certain aspects of art and writing that you can use as objective measurements of tangible skill, it's... still subjective. what people think is "best" will vary from person to person because we all have different tastes. so, essentially, this boils down to the idea that the winner of an adopt competition will ALWAYS be the form the artist liked best, because that is what the artist perceives as best. so like. when people appear biased in adopt competitions towards friends or certain circles, it's probably because they're literally friends because they have similar tastes in things, and therefore the form the artist likes best is naturally going to be from someone who shares similar tastes. 
so whenever i hear about """bias""" in competitions i just kind of roll my eyes tbqh because it's usually followed by complaints of "BUT I PUT IN SO MUCH EFFORT" or "I WROTE SO MUCH MORE THAN THE WINNER" uhhhh. if adopt contests were won by effort alone it wouldn't be a contest, it'd be an endurance test lol. literally just "who has the most time to waste writing out 60000k words of absolute meaningless fluff"... because, i hate to break it to you, but ANYONE can write 5000 words of mindless drivel that has literally no substance to it. 
now in caps for emphasis. takes a deep breath
quality > quantity, always. like, i'm sorry you put in so many hours of effort but, those people who win with MUCH smaller wordcounts... did they not work to get as good as they did with writing? you put in 5 hours into one tryout. but others, take me for example: i have been writing for over 10 bloody years. i've worked hard to improve my writing, so you can't tell me i "didn't put in as much effort" as you because i did. i put in YEARS of work to get better so doing simple things would take me LESS time now. inb4 IT'S UNFAIR! dude, the literal definition of a contest is for the best to win. it wouldn't be a contest if it wasn't like that lol. it'd just be charity. what you should be doing instead of complaining about it is ASKING FOR CRIT and WORKING TO IMPROVE like a good sport? i get that it's discouraging but you should be prepared to lose when you join a contest. it's valid to be upset about but the moment you say you deserve it more than others JUST because of your effort, then i have a problem. 
and you know, there's gonna be times where i think a comp winner is objectively less skilled than other tryouts. honestly i just kind of shrug that off on account of different taste lol. sometimes that's just how it be, bc of those predetermined biases i mentioned before, and maybe a judge and i are just in completely stages of life so what i call quality might not appeal to the judge. that's also fine. anyway this really got off on a tangent but i'm leaving it in bc i think it needs saying. back to the og post
 > i cant bewieve ppl wouldnt want some1 whos literally explicitly stating at this point that they trust their friends more to "demonstrate dedication to the character" they assign to a design to b an influence in judging comps !!!!!11
wtf didn't i address this in a different post
here let me link it for you
which was replying to this: https://cs-discourse.tumblr.com/post/179838988303/179837734509-idk-anon-i-kinda-agree-with-the
i said it once but i'll say it again: artist entries aren't main adopts lol. people don't work for artist entries. all you fucking do is post on one like "can i have this pls" .. there is... no effort put into that lol. main adopts you WORK for. it's a CONTEST. claiming an artist entry is NOT a contest. if a bunch of little nasty gremlins come running up to me like a hungry horde trying to be the first one to claim my design, i think giving friends first pick is COMPLETELY FINE, BECAUSE WHAT DID ANYONE ELSE DO TO "DESERVE" THAT DESIGN? nothing. you did. nothing. you're literally coming here with this attitude that NOT GIVING THINGS AWAY TO STRANGERS FOR FREE SOMEHOW EQUALS BIAS? i literally do not understand your logic whatsoever. like. i'm trying really fucking hard. at least with main adopts the "payment" is the effort you put in trying to answer the artist's prompt. i know i sound super dumb repeating myself but i don't know how much simpler i can make this concept tbh
and this is EXACTLY why i say ya'll are fucking entitled because merc and any of the kal artists could be making REAL $$$$ selling their own designs and adoptables and art and NOT deal with all the bs ya'll throw at them. they're literally here because the ENJOY MAKING ((( FREE ))) CONTENT for you, and they're not obligated to do this. they can stop whenever they want. if you had to pay per hour for the length of time collectively worked by ANY species artist staff, the lot of you would be fucking broke. i'm actually constantly shocked that species artists work like, 8 hours or more on some of these gorgeous designs just to give them away for free in a contest. 
so, yeah, as someone who hasn't spent my entire life on CS (i've only been here for a year and a half), ya'll seem pretty fucking entitled to me lol. the world outside CS rarely gives out such gorgeous designs in write-to-adopt contests so i'm honestly baffled at the amount of bloody entitlement i see
>bc artists Never weigh in on other artist's comps, so obviously thes ppl just want fwee merc designs !!!1!!1 
this part i don't actually understand what you mean. do you mean they... help judge other comps? or like, enter them? i don't get what you mean by "weigh in" but listen, lol. just because something DOES happen doesn't mean it gives you a good reason to assume the worst. i mean... of course it happens. it's statistically impossible for skewed contests and bias to NOT happen, because there's always going to be cases of it happening. but like, what proof do you have that merc will be biased lol? like, real proof? because your main point i've basically debunked and don't believe in at all. do better than "i cant bewieve ppl wouldnt want some1 whos literally explicitly stating at this point that they trust their friends more to "demonstrate dedication to the character" they assign to a design to b an influence in judging comps !!!!!11" because this doesn't make any sense to me for the reasons i already listed above lmao. if artist entries were supposed to be contests they'd be contests. what the hell makes you important enough to get first dibs on a stranger's work. ARTIST ENTRIES AREN'T EVEN MADE TO BE GIVEN AWAY, THEY'RE MADE AS ARTIST ENTRIES.... LIKE.... JESUS i struggle to understand ya'll
anyway im done here, if you wanna actually talk and debate this hmu on discord at lysander#9229 bc if you actually talk to me instead of spew this hot mess on the blog i might actually listen to you and change my mind and be nice about it instead of being a condescending bitch. 
wait one more thing
>also my last braincell just died pleas h
yea clearly
p.s., why do you ppl keep going to the blog to give critique on merc's designs when on literally every other design merc makes there's this:
Tumblr media
here i even linked it for you. idk why it's so hard for yall to give constructive crit like decent human beings
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driftingglass · 7 years
inb4 everyone loses their mind about how great BakuDeku is, I'm just trying to make a point. It's a debate, not an argument. That's just my rebuttal. (8/6 wow this got long)
Ah, man, I’m going to have to show all of your messages together because your response was awesome. The thing is, you do have many valid points, and I completely see where you’re coming from and why your point of view on this definitely needs to be heard. 
I hope you don’t mind. I want to respond to you with you knowing that I read every piece of your response and I want to give you the time you’re giving me.
Same anon. Comparing a ship where Deku is told to kill himself and he suffers from depression from everything Baku put him through to “it’s like getting mad at someone for picking green as their favorite color” is a pretty bad comparison honestly. If you romanticize the behavior it leads to people thinking that it’s okay when it clearly isn’t. (1/6)
I agree, that this is a comparably weak analogy. However, I do not intend to romanticize anything when it comes to this ship. These ideas that I’m talking about may sound romanticized, but in execution it would be far harder and more difficult than it seems. 
Also, I would never, EVER, expect the rules of a ship that I like and find interesting in an anime to reflect a real-life relationship or what I would want from a real-life relationship. Maybe this a little confusing, but when it comes to characters and their relationships, I usually never associate them with what I would want in real life. 
Hence, this is why I enjoy writing about it so much, because of how relatively ridiculous and unrealistic it is (and I know that I mentioned the “realism” point on my post and your counter to that, which I’ll expand on). 
Anyway. I agree that romanticizing this behavior is awful, and it shouldn’t be glorified. I don’t think Bakugou should be romanticized as a character at all. I’ve mentioned several times that he’s an asshole and should be held accountable, and in no way would I ever expect this ship to work in canon.
Basically, despite what I love about the ship, I’m completely aware of how horrible the idea of the bully/victim dynamic is reflected in real life, and how circumstances aren’t meant to be built and executed in this way outside of the realm of literature and other artistic mediums.
I understand that you base the attraction of the ship off of healing, forgiveness, growth, etcetera. However, that’s implying that Deku (and others like him who have been in the same situation) would even do any of that. Like he would actually have some kind of mutual love with the same guy who made him fucking hate himself. It literally makes no sense whatsoever considering if you’ve actually talked to anyone who has been bullied, they don’t typically go from “this guy is an asshole”… (2/6)
Hm, you have a point here. I agree with your first statement, but I also want to touch on the “actually have some kind of mutual love with the same guy,” tidbit. I want to clarify that I do think, even with these elements in mind, that Izuku and Katsuki, IF this was based canonically, would have to rebuild some semblance of friendship over years of reconciliation. 
Also… I’m not sure, if Katsuki is actually the main cause of Izuku “hating” himself? I can’t defend anything for Izuku’s complete lack of confidence in the very beginning and the obvious effects that Katsuki’s bullying has had on him. And I don’t plan to, because I think you have a very good point here.
Also, Anon… I have been bullied.
I was bullied verbally and physically through elementary, middle and high school. My family dynamic has led to me being bullied and cornered in my own home. My only two romantic relationships stemmed from mental and sexual manipulation and abuse from people I once considered my best friends, and even though I forgave both of these people, I would never turn back and accept them in my heart again. 
I’ve faced repercussions from every experience, and still do. 
I understand how dreadful and deplorable bullying is, and how it affects victims and the people around them and dear to them. In no way do I want to ever come off as a person who romanticizes bullying or even promotes something similar to that.
But again, this ship is not based off of an idea that I would ever want in my life or want anyone I care about to experience. It’s an idea that I enjoy reading and thinking about in a work of total fiction, with aspects of it that I enjoy and relate to, while also understanding that my life and the works I enjoy are separate. 
You can take that as you will. 
This may seem backwards, but it’s how I feel. 
(Also, Anon, I don’t see parts 3 or 5…? If you want this included on here, send them to me or let me know. I could be missing some of your response…)
Has anyone else who has been bullied relentlessly who is reading this felt that way /ever/? I seriously doubt it. Not only does it not make sense, but it insults the trope as a whole. You continue to make general contrasts and parallels to Katsuki and Izuku which is nice and all. That’s great. In fact, that’s fantastic for a platonic respect that would somehow grow from whatever bitterness they had before. (4/6)
Ah, this is kind of going off my last response. 
I agree that it works mostly in a platonic respect, because mostly of what I love about these two characters and their parallels is their entire dynamic as a whole, both in a romantic and non-romantic context. 
I was focusing on the romantic since that was the subject of the anonymous message you sent me, but there is no doubt in my mind that in the canon universe and even in general, these two work marvelously in the platonic respect.
That’s part of why I love the challenging (and seemingly impossible) idea of carving a romantic image out of it. Is it necessary to enjoy the dynamic? No. Absolutely not. I think your points on this make a ton of sense. 
And no, as someone who’s been bullied for the vast majority of my life, I’ve never felt this way. Ever. I agree with you on that. 
Again, that’s part of the challenge in writing about it, not exercising the practice in real life. I do think the ship is toxic and has a ton of issues, and I’ve mentioned that before–in fact, a lot of the reasons why I mention those to begin with, is based on making readers understand that what happens in this ship shouldn’t be celebrated as an embodiment of perfection or a work of fiction.
But, I see the problematic viewpoints in my arguments, as well. Some of these will lead to us having to agree to disagree, but I really love this rebuttal.
You can forgive someone but that doesn’t mean things are better. That doesn’t mean Deku is fine, it just means he’s let those actions go and he won’t let them haunt him anymore. But forgiveness isn’t an open door for romance. If someone has broken your best friend’s heart and you forgave them for that, it doesn’t erase the memories of you watching them cry or trying to console them because of what their ex did. (6/6 but I still have more to type and this inbox sucks
Everything you’ve said here, is completely, 100%, TRUE.
I absolutely agree on all of the points you’ve made in this specific section. Especially on the nature of forgiveness and how you’ve expanded on this from a previous section you wrote. 
I also agree that forgiveness is not an open door for romance… but it can be.
Now, I’m not speaking from personal experience, and I’m not speaking for the experience of anyone else, but that sentence alone is not universally true. It’s a rather bold statement to make, and it would be impossible to assume that every person who forgives someone would shut the door for romance. 
The circumstances are different with everyone, but it IS TOXIC for a person to immediately forgive, forget, and leap into a romantic situation with no rebuilding or actual time taking place. It’s a complicated subject that you’ve introduced well, and again, I think you’re correct.
Is it true for BakuDeku, though? Yeah, I think in terms of canon, you’re correct. 
But this, again, is why I think it’s challenging. Also, while mentioning this, I do not think that people should feel obligated to open their options for romance upon the nature of forgiveness. Ever.
Again, what I find intriguing in a ship between fictional characters does not reflect what I would want to see from real people, especially those near and dear to me.
Your examples are very relatable too, and help bolster your argument well. 
To clear one thing up, I’m one of few people who ship BakuDeku who completely understands why people hate the ship… for literally almost everything you’ve said so far. I know that this exists, and that your logical viewing behind it is completely valid and makes absolute sense. 
The ship is ludicrous, and the elements that I find fascinating between the characters is why I want to write about them. 
Also, yeah, the inbox system sucks on here. I’m sorry about that, but I appreciate you breaking up your responses! 
If your father used to tell you to kill yourself and treat you the same way Baku did to Deku, you can forgive him but that doesn’t erase whatever Deku has gone through. Forgiveness isn’t a plot device to spur your ship. It’s far more complicated than that. And last but not least, you can challenge yourself with writing without having them fall in love after all the horrible shit Baku has done to Deku. BakuDeku is in no way realism. (7/6)
Again, I agree with you, especially on the first sentence. 
I do find it… kind of unbecoming, to claim that I’m using forgiveness as a plot device to spur the ship. I suppose that it can be considered that, but I don’t take the subject of forgiveness lightly at all–I know that it’s one of the hardest, if not the hardest thing, you can do individually for both yourself and the person involved. 
I’ve had to forgive quite a lot of people to give myself peace, and that has taken years at a time for some, and months for others. I’m fully aware how complex and emotionally rendering forgiveness is, and what it takes to follow through with it. 
I also completely agree with writing about them challengingly and not having them fall in love. I think that’s what’s going to happen with the canon material, honestly. At least, I’m hoping for it, that they can overcome these hurdles and at least mutually respect each other as people. 
Now, the romantic context? That’s purely for out of canon and not at all based on strict material or realistic representation within the manga or from personal experiences. 
“BakuDeku is in no way realism.” 
Hm. You may have a point here. I can see how my statement earlier on BakuDeku being a reflection of realism is flawed, and with the examples you presented I’ll respect that. I’m aware that it’s in a context of fictional characters with overly dramatic and exaggerated circumstances and personalities, and I do think there are realistic elements that can be taken with a ship based in an anime. 
But I agree that outright claiming it to be based on a foundation of realism on top of everything else is a stretch, considering the argument you’ve presented.
inb4 everyone loses their mind about how great BakuDeku is, I’m just trying to make a point. It’s a debate, not an argument. That’s just my rebuttal. (8/6 wow this got long)
Anon, I think it’s actually really incredible that you bothered to present a well-thought-out, well-presented, and very cordially presented rebuttal to my response to your original message. 
I’m grateful that you contributed to this as a discussion, and I love the points you made. I also don’t want you to think that I do support some of these elements that is mentioned above, and that my intention is in no way to romanticize the ship for what it is. 
I also know you’re not trying to start an argument. I love what you’ve had to say, and I really appreciate it. I appreciate the respect and clear attention you’ve put into the post I made and your response, and I hope that my response isn’t angering you or upsetting you.
And if you didn’t want me to do this, please message me and I’ll gladly take it down
Thank you for this response. 
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“I'm starting to feel more comfortable with my position in the game.” - dem
HOH: Josh C UPSIDE DOWN: Nick & Joshua NOMINEES: Emma & Nash POV: N/A FINAL NOMINEES: N/A EVICTED: Dem (Expelled)
I been struggling in this game which is sad i want to have fun but yesterday made me feel like maybe having a meltdown and leaving 90 percent of servers was a good idea for me i really hope not i just really want to have fun and win for some reasons i always have trouble prejury in games trying to find my footing but at jury and late prejury i always know how to rise ASDFGH the people i really like rn are Jakey loml jev loml aria queen saira queen and also joshua is easy to talk too!!! nathan is also great
i simply think men should stop winning hoh and trying to nom me. its week 2 go target someone else j*sh. jev and i are cool now though <3 love him
I'm starting to feel more comfortable with my position in the game. I think I'm not in anyone's bad graces so far, which is good. But I really need to win one of these next HoH's so secure my social relationships. My plan moving forward is to see win HoH's. I want to win the next to HoH's I'm eligible in back to back. I also want to try to secure my relationships with Gina, Jev, and Jake. Those are three people I want to be close with in this game. Also maybe Joshua? He's pretty cool and chill.
I'm still getting a sense of how the game works but I feel pretty good, there are some people that are much easier to talk to than others but everyone is still so nice! i feel good about josh c as hoh! we get along pretty well and I don't THINK im in any danger but you never know! imma be honest, I don't have an actual plan, i'm mostly playing this by ear, just talking to people, bullying beck when the chance arises, and being myself! 
well, we won HOH and that's really EXCITING. i probably didn't need to win this week but i figured that i'd get a win under my belt while nominating people would still be EASY. i can establish trust with some people and get a "i didn't nom you, please don't nom me" situation going on. i also feel like the two people i'm going to nominate would have NOMMED me anyways because we just haven't talked..
who those people are? nash & emma. (vl don't hate me for only nominating women i didn't want it to come to this either)
but i just.. both of them have really only put in any effort to talk to me now that i'm HOH and i don't really LOVE that tbh. i've already told a few people that's who i'm thinking so i kind of accidentally locked myself in on these noms because there isn't any sense in throwing out more names than i have to!!
i have an alliance with kiki, brianna, jacob, jake, and aria. (i think that's the people in it? i wanna say that's right. LKFMSDG love this game for me) and i feel pretty good in that because i like all of them enough and they're people that will watch out for ME and each other. but i know my social connections go beyond that so i'm feeling pretty good with my spot in the game? i have a solid relationship with almost everyone in the game and i think i should be able to play a cute lil utr game for a few weeks. i don't think that i'll get targeted first if my alliance gets outed and if so.. i have ENOUGH faith in my comp strength and relationships to save me against MOST of the cast.
people kind of want me to nominate DEM because apparently he starts drama with people and has been a bit inactive. he's talked with me more than other people so im not super keen on throwing him on the block RIGHT AWAY but i'm thinking he's a good replacement nom because if people think he's MIA then no one other than him will be upset with me. maybe a backdoor? could be spicy..
i don't really know what else to say here so.. i hope this is enough! love u guys <3
Okay so I feel like pretty comfortable this week because me and Josh have gotten pretty close and bonded over our mutual love of Lucas HOWEVER he's just let me know he's gonna be nominating Nash and Emma which isn't GREAT since I'm in alliances with both of them and they're the only 2 alliances I have so I really wouldn't want to see either of them go home this week, this SUCKS ASS
how is it ONLY week 2 i feel so hecking exhausted fhsabfd, but that might also be the fact that is 2 am so,,,oop. Um okay recap time!!!! Recaps are so hard because theres minor details that i still want to note without seeming super annoying so heres a minor list of things im noticing 
-Dem wants to "start playing the game" I told this to Jake (wish i could bold names ugh)
-Gina & dem told me they were gunning hard for hoh- i told nathan/monty/nick/,,,,and someone else this
-emma feels unconnected from cast
-Jake doesnt like Gina
-Josh likes Me Jev Kiki (told joshua)
-emma knows alliances are starting to form
-joey can get pwr hungry and chaotic + good comp ability
-told gnia my thoughts on the sides being "connected v unconnected" and other tidbits of info
-GIna (potentially joshua) doesnt like nash
-Nathan/Nash ARE CLOSE!!!!! WEE FUCKING WOO!!!!
-Told Jake that Jacob has the power (and the bs excuse he told gina pretending he doesnt have it,,,sure jan)
-jake is GREAT at lowering his threat lvl im sick
-Jev-Josh-Nathan-Nash all bonded p well on vc potentially an alliance
-jake tried to get gina nominated
-Emma Nash noms
-Jake doesnt want emma to leave
So,,,thats what you missed on GLEE! Honestly glee sucks but yeah thats all my info i would weave everything together with cute transitions but im TIRED and lots of this information doesnt really connect well so,,,have a bullet list! 
okok nvm heres some general thoughts bc JUST a bullet point list is so boringgg im honestly not too sure what i want to do this week bc i think emma doesnt have a lot of people (although she has jake apparently,,,she might just be putting up a front of being unconnected ffs) so i would rather keep her around based on our relationship alone esp compared to nash whose been busy w/ irl things to reply i think (nash would prob do gr8 in old school bb,,,but new school is a whole other beast) HOWEVER!!! I need to protect gina who isn't the best conversationalist (sorry bb ily but its true <3) and keeping nash around ensures people have another "inact" target besides her but also nash is such a god connection for people like nathan and jacob and i would rather get her out sooner than later before we have another renee on our hands ...
Also i havent talked to the pasio peeps (omg if we ever make an alliance,,,that should be the name hehe) in a while and idk if theyre distancing themselves or if theyre just busy fndsjafd god im too paranoid for this game its awful. Also i think i mentioned the alliance with josh kiki bri jake jacob last time and it still isnt made and im PRAYINGGG it never gets made bc i have SUCH an awful feeling like SIX FUCKING PEOPLE??? S I X?? THAT IS GOING TO FAIL AND BLOW UP!!!! but i cant say no to an alliance so here i fucking am :/ also im trying to think of my longevity in this game and like,,, idk im nervous. I mean ive mentioned going to the end with multiple people but i have such a bad feeling im gonna go out 9/10 as a big move and i REFUSE to let that shit happen, not on my fucking watch no sir!! Not sure what to do about it yet but i feel like monty in particular doesnt trust me and i need his ass OUT! or maybe not if he comes around but like??? sir pls talk to me- i mean this phase of the game is early im setting up the pawns for later, but before later theres gonna be a couple explosions of my game which i'll have to deal with,,, or maybe not actually i mean in my first org i did a really well mastermind game with it- nvm it did explode on me once FDBSHFDS yeah so theres gonna be an explosion period but i think im getting good at dealing w/ the backlash from it and reintegrating myself..
oh also yeah im safe this week lol
anyway sorry for rambling so much LMAO have a trust ranking!
1.Gina (MY QUEEN!!!!!!!! i LOVE her!)
2.Jake (listen,,,my thoughts go back and forth but he did tell me the noms so,,,have some rights)
3.Saira (we never talk game but i dont think she talks with anyone about game beyond maybe nick and also shes nice and im a sucker for nice girls)
4.Emma (if this isnt all just a front shes gonna make a great number for me,, might need to fact check some of her statements tho)
5.Joshua (honestly? i love him hes so funny and i think he has my back although he could be more act)
6.Nathan (literally havent talked in 3 days but also i have a soft spot for him <3)
sorry the Js are just kinda scary lmao JFNSDKF
7.Nick (!! we gotta an actual connection folks!! heck yeah!)
8.Josh c (im safe! but he D E F trusts others more than me such as Joshua and Jacob)
9.Jev (honestly a king but hes a little quiet although his reccs are the BOMB)
10.Jacob (i know youre being sneaky,,,idk what youre being sneaky with but im getting the vibes)
11.Dem (might be weird but i think he trusts me? at least a little bc he ranted about losing to me so O.0)
12.Brianna (youre adorable and deserve the world but everyone likes you,,,is this how people view me omg fhsabfhds)
13.Kiki (youre SO hecking sweet and actually u probs have a connections to nash but we havent talked ANY game yet)
14.Nash (p,,p-please talk to me uwu)
15.Joey (i dont trust you at ALL! Why? good question-)
was that mean? sorry in advance ilyall but also its 3 am brain empty no filter
i think jev and nathan might end up being good allies of mine (inb4 betrayal)! despite the mistake he made nomming me, talking to jev has been lovely so far he's getting me into loona LMFAO. and i just love nathan's energy & i feel like as the season goes on i can see him winning comps. i'm excited :3 hope josh c does not end my existence this week
I feel FANTASTIC about Josh being HoH. I’m making sure that others are coming to me about gameplans, and I’m making sure I don’t come off as too pushy or aggressive in PMs. With most of the players, I’m trying to give them all the same energy and hype. It seems kinda weird to say this, but I’m not concerned about being nominated at this point. What I need to ensure is building my social relationships with people outside the “Crackhouse”, and yes that big ol friend group moved to Discord in 20 minutes like 6 months ago. 
This is the first major game I’ve ever played with Skinny Nick(yes, I’m absolutely confused as to what to call them, I’m so used to calling Nick “Eve” that its going to take time to adjust.) Speaking of Nick, my social relationship with him is actually surprisingly similar. In the past, I felt as though it would be as “on-sight” as Tom & Jerry, and it actually isn’t turning out that way, which is surprisingly refreshing. Every day, I’m making sure I send Nick something different to diversify my social game with them. Yesterday, I asked Nick about his preferred streaming services for music and TV, and I discovered we have the same music service(Apple Music).
I’ve played one game with Monty before, but it was a disaster. We were in pairs, and it felt like we were on different planets. I did tell him to not worry about personal feelings when it comes to this game, because I compared the relationship of BB Netflix and the Crackhouse to the separation of church and state. I made that comparison because the two entities of church and state should never cross, but when they do it becomes disastrous, and I feel as though that same principle applies to this game.
Overall, I feel good, Emma may be going up on the block, but it shouldn’t affect me that much. We’re in the early stage, I want to make sure I’m good with everyone.
0 notes
atraceofhonesty · 6 years
All odd questions
1-Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?I haven’t said those words to someone in I think over a year?  This doesn’t count family.  And yea.  I absolutely meant it.  3-When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?When a friend of mine was telling me about her pregnancy and her bf being a garbage person.  Happy about the munchkin, aggravated about him.5-Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?Nope, not that I’m aware of.  And if they were they could kiss the fattest part of my7-What exactly are you wearing right now?Red striped t-shirt, black boxer briefs.9- Do you wear jeans or sweats more?Jeans, most definitely.11-Are you a social or an antisocial person?Antisocial.  Being around too many people for too long especially without an anchor person makes me dizzy and uncomfortable.13-What about ‘R’? (Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with)Nope!15-Do you care if people talk badly about you?I do, I’d much prefer if people told me their discrepancies to my face, because I always try to do my best to be nice and fair and kind to everyone I encounter.  Unless you’re disrespectful to me before you even know me.  Then you’re basically dead to me and I couldn’t care less what you think or say of me.17-When was the last time you cried?Last night.  I fkin cried over the movie happy death day when she talks to her dad.  Keeping that spoiler minimum and for the people who’ve seen it, you know the scene.19-If you could change your eye color, would you?No, I think the blue that it is, is just fine.21-Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.I’ve been having an annoying amount of acid building up in my stomach and while it isn’t too problematic just the underlying feeling of it makes everything I do sour.  23-Are you dating the last person you talked to?No, and the last person I dated I haven’t spoken to in about 11 months now.25-Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?No, this kinda makes me sad, but nobody in my family regularly says it either, not since my grandma passed a few weeks ago >.27-Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?I think it was Shannon.29-Where is the shirt you are wearing from?Bluenotes.31-Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?Well, since I don’t drink at all, that’d be really unusual now wouldn’t it?33-Do you want your tongue pierced? I did in highschool when I was a much hornier brat.  Um, if my partner asked me to get one though, i’d highly consider it.35-Did you have a dream last night?Yes, I got shot at a lot by this guy, but since I’ve been able to control my dreams lately, he grazed me, and I got really upset at him, and he begged my forgiveness and gave me like stacks upon stacks of money and asked if this was enough to forgive him, and aha, I told him it was a start lol37- Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?It’s really hard to say.  I think I’d like to be, but, I can only play the cards i’m dealt.39-Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?I get the feeling there is, yea.41-Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?Definitely not.  It’s been 11 months since I was.43- Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?yes, and I’m pretty sure they cheated on me so like HAHAHA.  Ur loss babe.45-Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?Oh yea, and it’s linked in my aboutme page lol47-Do you replay things that have happened in your head?Constantly, but usually the stuff I feel I should’ve done differently or better.49-Is your life anything like it was two years ago?Oh, absolutely not.  Like night and day.51-Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?Not in the slightest aha, very good friend of mine.53- Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?Yes absolutely.  In fact..55- Are you good at hiding your feelings?I am when they’re bad.  Not so much when they’re happy or stuff like that57- Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?Nope.59-Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry?Yes, it was like 4 months ago and I was in a walk in freezer LOL61-How’s your heart?A little confused, but definitely healed from that last traumatic event.63-Have you ever cried over a guy?Not.  Romantically, but at work a male customer made me cry, so there’s that.65-Are your toenails painted pink?No but they definitely should be lol67-Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct?I wouldn’t say love it, but being honest with your feelings, I would definitely say girls wouldn’t hate it.  69-Who was the last person you were on the phone with?*sigh.  My grandma.71-Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?No.  Unfortunately, I have to try and suppress myself around my friends if I ever get upset about something, and...I don’t know if I’ve ever been able to be completely happy around someone either...which is super depressing to think about.  Don’t read too much into that.73- Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?I have a VERY tight circle, and um.  Yea.  I feel I do.  I think that took a while to admit to myself.75- Did you wake up cranky?I mean I got shot in my damn dream and the notification that woke me up was from the WRONG PERSON.  so maybe a little yea.77-Are relationships ever worth it?yesyesyes, even if they fail, they can teach you so much about yourself and your preferences, and what you want and what you don’t want79- Currently wanting to see anyone?um um um.  maybeeeee...yes.81-Last person you cried in front of?My back was always turned to my coworkers or I’d bite myself to hold my tears back.  Um.  The last person was like a year and a half ago in front of my ex when I had a bad day, she drove me home and I cried the whole way.83- Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you?Protective?  I’m really not sure about that.  I’m sure they’ll let me know though when they read this aha85-Are you over your past?yes.  It took me a long time but yes.87-Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?I kind of already answered this by proxy already so ya89-So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?They came a long ass way, so yea I’m letting em in.  And then asking why tf they’re here of all places.  Not that i’d be mad, it’s just.  It’d be very confusing.91- Will you be in a relationship in 2 months?I’m not gonna hold my breath.  But if that’s what someone I have feelings for wants to do, then.  Only time will tell won’t it :)93Have you ever kissed a Matthew?How can you ask letters and get no, and ask a specific name and get a yes, that’s magical.95-Were you happy with the person you liked in March?HNNNNGGGGG.  I WAS HAPPY WITH THEM BEFORE MARCH.  I’m over it.  it’s been a year.  I’m over it. 97- Who do you have texts from?I don’t text.  Snapchat, facebook w.e.  But I don’t like the constant coverage.  The, I can contact you anywhere you are thing.  If I go for a walk, I wanna know it’s impossible for me to be found.  Sorry not sorry.99-Have you ever kissed someone older than you?yes, but...I don’t think i’ve been in a relationship with an older person since I was in early highschool like 2010 or something lol101- Ever kissed under fireworks?Yes!  Although it was Canada day from 2 years ago.  DANG THAT WAS LONG I HOPE YOU GOT YOUR FIX.  INB4 the anon asking for all evens, I strongly would like you write you an angrily written letter lol
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Episode 4: “Just gotta try to wiggle myself in some where”- Austin
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I kinda wish our tribe would lose just so I could see where the lines are tbh. Also I have a bad feeling that at a swap/merge our tribe is gonna be picked off because we’re going in with the most numbers and on a base level that’s dangerous; however, I do think it could be deeper than that because of the preconceived relationships and I’m looking forward to seeing who goes home tonight and where we go from here.
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This round was a little wild for me. Austin has been my fave since the beginning and we finally created an alliance. We both liked eve so that was easy but we wanted one more person. This is where things got a little complicated. Him and eve both liked isaac but honestly i wasnt feeling isaac and love pat. But i didnt want to push too hard so we just went ahead with isaac. 
BUT we also talked to pat and will have ANOTHER alliance with him (so austin, pat and me). SO basically im working with everyone right now except keaton. Im glad our tribe has been killing it because that means no TC wooo 
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We tribe swapped so that is fun. It's always interesting to have a switch up. I have still yet to be screwed by a tribe swap in my entire history of playing ORGs which is something I am happy with. This is one of the best iterations of a tribe I can think of actually. I can forge a closer bond with Xander and Dylan, because now if we lose I won't need to vote one of them out, they become my core 3. So, right after the swap I made an OG Malakoff chat with myself, Xander, and Dylan. I just wanted the immediacy to show that I was serious in wanting to stick to that, which I am. I have communicated several times that I want to work with Isaac, so ideally Austin will go in the event that we lose. I feel bad because he is a sweetheart, but he doesn't fit into my strategy, and if anyone understands game being game, he does.
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I love my new tribe??? Not only is nick still here so that gives me a safety net, the sammy I like is here. Pat is here. No idea who eve is but that’s okay too. I’m loving this. Inb4 I get voted out next Bc they actually really fucking hate me :^). Byebye payton it was nice kinda knowing you? Hello ~hopefully~ friends <3
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I forgot Austin has a date with Mary Jane daily so Im gonna have to cut him some slack.
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Tribe swap....just what I didn't want to happen . I dont ha e my #1 ashley with me but at least I got issac here. Jared is on my tribe now too so that could go either way for me because he knows how I play the game. Gonna have to pull something out if my ass here .
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This is for Alyssa you dumb ugly fat white bitch why you keep asking me for a confessional with trifling dirty white racist ass big fat bitch x Anyways. Made an alliance with Pat and Sammy! V excited to work with them but we’re snapping in immunity so, I don’t see why we would need to vote off Vi.... I mean someone at tribal! Hehe
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Well....we got our last handed to us. I'm not happy going to tribal bc I feel I'll be the one going. I talk with jared and issac the most but I feel jared will stick with xander and dylan. Just gotta try to wiggle myself in some where.
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I have been busy the past couple of days so this challenge being a endurance/speed comp was a struggle. And it looks like my team didn't do much. To help... It's fine we can get out one of these other two dead weights. Speaking of them. Im glad the swap merged me with two allies but the other two just suck to talk to... And that's coming from me .. Jess knows what I'm talking about. Anyways I don't want them here and want them gone. As for my allies. I like Jared a lot we are getting along and enjoying ourselves. He's definitely the one I trust most in this game and hopefully it gets me to merge where I can start phase 2 and hopefully get far. Dylan is fine .. he's offline a lot but he's from old tribe so like it helps. 
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Just finished the challenge, OH MY GOD i suck at trivia but thankfully sammy snapped and we won, thank u sammy love u so much!!! Still dont believe he is straight tho x IM JOKING PLS DONT KILL MEDFHNSJFDH
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I hate confessions. That’s my confession for the round... jkjk. Eh there isn’t much to talk about now that it’s tribal time. I hope whoever from our og tribe stays safe but I forgot who is there so oops. Sammy killed it. I still call bs on the centipede question but oh well. It wouldn’t have changed the result. It would have just made the gap close by 1. 
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LOVE MY NEW TRIBE. So happy we swapped. I’m with actual love of my life ASHLEY!!! And Chloe is amazing too. Aidan popped off in the challenge. Keaton is Keaton. This is a good group and I’m glad they did rlly well in the challenge. I love this kind of thing but I wasn’t able to constantly be on my phone all weekend bc that’s rude :( so I’m glad it worked out. Hoping the tribe swap works out in our favor and Xander jared and Dylan stay together for the vote. Idk if Isaac and jared are friends??? I hope Isaac leaves because he knows I’m a ‘threat’ in games and because I think Ashley yelled at him once. Idk who Austin is but Ashley likes him. But idk how likely that is if Isaac and jared have a connection. As long as jared stays safe ifgaf who leaves.
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Yowza. We got absolutely wrecked in the challlenge. I don't WANT to lose any challenges, but I believe in the long run I should be happy to take this L. As another way to show my loyalty, I decided to give my idol progress in the chat with Xander and Dylan. I noticed Dylan never reciprocated so that gives me 1 reason to be wary. Then, Dylan posted a very inappropriate joke in the tribe chat in reference to Survivor Thailand, and the word "rape" was used, so that was the 2nd thing to make me uneasy. At first, Dylan and Xander had no opinion on who to vote, so I voiced that I would like to vote Austin- then Dylan remembered who Isaac is and said "he can go." I eventually got things back on track to target Austin, but Dylan better be careful- it's 3 strikes and you're out with me. I have a good relationship with Isaac so I wouldn't be surprised to see Dylan go if we lose again.
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Day 9 on the survivor tribe. My thoughts are about toes and only toes. They are consuming my entire day. I exist merely to think of toes. 
Also Chloe...
Okay so I’m just gonna throw down some of my thoughts right now since I’ve been very quiet in confessionals. I fucking hate these small ass fucking tribes. It makes the thought of going to tribal terrifying because your odds of going home are increased. Since the swap ive actually really been enjoying my time, I really like my new tribe and I feel I can actually connect with these people better than on my first tribe. I am glad to actually have Aidan with me because he’s like THE person I want to work with from my og tribe, along with Vi. I still have my reservations on Nick even though I think he’s nice I can’t trust him as far as I could throw him. I really feel that the trivia challenge brought us closer together as a tribe since what’s a better bonding experience than yelling at Jess that she’s wrong 50 times in one day. I think we’re all collectively quite strong and I really hope that means we can slide past for a while without going to tribal. 
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Honestly i always forget what i confess from last time but i still think I’m in a good position in the game. However I really do not want to go to tribal because I don’t want to show my cards. Eve and Pat both want me to work with them so we have an alliance and then Vi and Nick approached me and want to work with me as well. This was completely surprising to me bc I felt as if I would just be an easy vote out if we were to go to tribal since I’m a lone wolf. However I’m in the middle and I feel somewhat powerful knowing that people want to keep me and want to work with me. Me and nick have had a rocky relationship in past games but i think he’s a great person. He’s just a wildcard. I love vi and i think she’s the sweetest person to have ever existed but my gut is telling me to work with pat and Eve atleast for the first vote. Hopefully I don’t have to make the decision but who knows. That’s all I have for now other than I think the idol system isn’t anything I keep getting zapped. I feel like a fly in a southern home...ZAP.
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I couldn’t remember the day so I put 69. I hate this tribe with my whole heart and my whole bussy. Jared is the only one giving me any sort of shot at making it passed this round. Austin is a slime ball who will do anything to save his own skin, Xander is dead apparently, and Dylan has been tracking down places where famous people died. I feel like this is my own personal hell and while I’ve been assured that Austin is going home (which I wouldn’t be surprised was a lie) I still have to make a swap or a merge and with the clowns on this tribe being inactive and never talking about anything but Star Wars or not talking at all I don’t know how possible it is to win a goddamn challenge. 
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*insert Da'vonne pretends to be shoocked gif at a swap* Since it didn't happen at 16 I wasn't surprised too see it at 15 but I'm glad because three tribes provides for much more buffer. My initial reaction to my tribe was positive as I saw that I had Chloe and three new people in the mix. I'm not gonna lie that I was getting bored on my old tribe but I do hope that Nick is doing alright. He's one ally that I'd love to connect with again... Vi is alright too but I don't know how strong of a connection we fostered. First impressions of my new tribemates: Keaton - I heard he was fucking with my friend in another game so my guard was up but I tried and he seems aloof and random with his contributions but it makes sense since he's playing 4 games at once. Will probably work off of the others who contribute in challenges? We'll see. Ashley - Sweet and seems like a hard worker. Not too much of a read on her yet Owen - He seems nice and genuine but not much of a read from a game perspective yet. It seems the split is 2-2-1 on my tribe from previous tribes but I don't know how strict to tribal lines people are going to play but I can feel some aloofness with Keaton and Ashley is traveling so... that's that on that. If we were going to tribal I have no idea what the fuck would happen but I want to strengthen connections. Honestly I think we can make it to the merge without hitting an elimination but who knows. THANKFULLLLLLLY my ass had a lucky night on the railroads and jumped to spot number fifty and apparently found a STEAL A VOTE. This is what I DESERVE. Thank you Old West Gods for blessing me, the star, with this iconic power. I'm glad I have it in my back pocket and I'm not telling a fucking soul. If it needs to be used, it will be flaunted and I will pop shit. Hopefully I can save it for after merge but if I need to control a pre-merge vote just to get my way, I'm going to do it. 
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0 notes
xtremedespair3d · 4 years
Anime Fall 2019 Final Impressions + Plans for Winter 2020 [FINAL]
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Before I start reviewing every anime I watched this season, I want to address this first: As the title suggest, this is gonna be my last post, but not my last post overall (as I’m still working on my 2019 review with a little bit of my history from the last 10 years to celebrate the end of 2010 and the start of 2020), this is the last post of the seasonal anime review series.
This may be a one-time thing since it’s the last post, but I’m gonna keep my opinions as short as possible because, here’s a story: right after I published my previous Summer 2019 anime review post, I started by sharing my post on a Discord server, someone pinged me about reading my post I just shared as well as my retirement post (finally, someone who reads my stuff), I later started talking about my issues with making these posts, such as inconsistent formatting, don’t really have much opinion on what I saw or looking forward to, and my least favorite: post-publish editing, about the part of not having much thought on the shows I watch or gonna watch next, this guy from the Karoshi Discord server who atually read my previous Summer anime review post responded with this:
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Well, I’ll gladly try not to write lengthy paragraphs when in reality I don’t really have much to comment, but at the same time, it’s going to be rather weird how there’s one entry with little to no comments and another with lengthy paragraphs whenever I actually feel like commenting. I’ve always been forcing myself to make lengthy paragraphs because I needed to make these posts look even as much as possible. (And I still ended up having a little bit of forced opinions, but at the same time, there are some small things that I needed to get it out of my heart, and there are other lengthy things for the same reason)
However, there are some things that I do really feel like making lengthy reviews, so I’ll point them out with a * representing “Lengthy review written by heart.”
The only things I ended up having no commentary at all were three anticipated anime in contrast to literally everything else which I still ended up making lengthy posts, though I guarantee some of these were from heart.
(Let me know if I should change my ShareX image quality settings to .png or .jpg because I’ve been using .jpg for a while and now I started to notice that the quality is absolute crap. I should have pasted it when I cropped it for sure, but I just wanted to formally upload this, so I can make this post look “formal”, even though there’s a little bit of informal writing, sometimes.)
(Also, check the end of the post for my birthday thanks)
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Ranking every anime I watched this season from best to worst
I should also address why I do these posts from top to bottom even though it should be the other way around, it’s because I like keeping track of what’s my highest and what’s my lowest, although now that I think about it, I should have made outlines of these lists and the moment I start making these posts, I could go from the lowest to the highest like many sites do, but whatever. Also, if that wasn’t enough, the thumbnails already spoil what’s my #1 AOTS.
Let’s get right to the rankings!
1.- Azur Lane: The Animation*: I’m super addicted to Azur Lane, I even play it a lot more than FGO, and when the anime was announced, I defintely was absolutely hyped for it! And now, it’s finally here and boy, it absolutely didn’t disappoint! So let’s get right to it! (Also, expect me to draw comparisons with Kancolle a lot. inb4 y’all gonna tell me “Try to bring Warship Girls for better comparison” and all that jazz and honestly, I don’t even care about lesser known shipfus properties as much as I do with Kancolle and Azur Lane)
For starters, the anime uses the “Azur Lane vs Red Axis” storyline which is a reference to the guild menu.
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(Screenshot from the Azur Lane Wiki with the old UI)
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(My screenshot of the guild menu with the new UI, for comparison)
As someone who always plays Azur Lane a lot, this is one thing I overlooked for the most part and I feel kinda stupid for it.
There’s just like a ton of easter eggs I understood, I could make posts after posts from each episode or just make like a compilation post about every single easter egg from the game in every episode, I was literally geeking out on all of them.
The animation wasn’t the greatest, sadly, and even Kancolle looked better than Azur Lane does, but I’m not really mad about it nor I care! Even so, there were still some interesting sakuga moments! However, for the last time about the visuals, Kancolle has a uniformal character designs (calling them same faces would be a stretch), but Azur Lane does a pretty good job on capturing the different art styles the characters have, at least from their facial structures. It’s still no Chain Chronicle-tier (nor there will be anything with the same animation and character designs as the Chain Chronicle OVAs EVER!), but I’m impressed!
Speaking of the animation, episodes 11 and 12 will be delayed UNTIL MARCH while the entire series will be rebroadcast in January so we could lead up to the finale episodes in March. Well that’s certainly going to be quite a while to wait but they’re doing this to deliver the best animated finale episodes as possible, so I’m totally down for it!
Perhaps my big problem with the story is that the subplot focused more on trying to befriend Ayanami and there wasn’t much of Z23, but I think it’s more like they’re pulling from the JP server’s starter ship roster with Javelin, Laffey and Ayanami while Z23 is an unlockable. But it doesn’t matter, we do not point out issues or think of what I didn’t like which I had no problems, it always leave me a sour taste in what I’ve always been hyped for, so forget what I said.
Not to mention there are a little bit of elements that are completely new in the series and I wish they added them in the game, like Kaga’s giant fox ship and Unicorn’s flying U-chan (I didn’t know U-chan lives, I thought it was a simple lifeless stuffed animal), Hornet and Laffey in swimsuits (Come on, Manjuu, give them these swimsuits), etc.
The anime is also making me like some characters more, I kinda like Sheffield more because she’s badass (and doesn’t wear panties), but I’m liking Belfast a lot more than I have before, her chemistry with Enterprise is just amazing, I really love seeing these two together.
To top it all off, the first volume of the Blu-Ray has a really awesome unlockable of a new Enterprise costume! Which I’ll probably never get of course because I don’t think I could ever buy the BD.
I also didn’t know I needed and find it strange to hear English dub in the anime when the game has 100% Japanese voices, and I really wonder how much of the VAs know about this game and if they play it themselves (I’m sure they might not). This is a common thing with mobage adaptations (and even Kancolle), and Azur Lane is no exception.
Azur Lane The Animation is truly a love letter to the people who play the game, especially me because boy, I couldn’t stop pointing out references galore! It’s sad that the series only has 12 episodes, but I really hope it gets second seasons and even a movie like Kancolle did... Alright, what I’m saying is that I want Azur Lane The Animation to straight-up copy Kancolle The Animation. (Speaking of which, season 2 of Kancolle The Animation is coming and it’s an absolute joke that it’s happening) I want more storylines, I want more ships, I want more Azur Lane anime to exist!
But if this is really gonna be a one-off series, I’ll be forever sad because I won’t get more animated Azur Lane related stuff, I want to see everything being brought to life. Since it’s a big franchise right now, I hope it could get the Fate/Grand Order treatment where there should be different anime by different studios, that’s what I’d love to see!
UPDATE - December 24th: It seems like my dream of more Azur Lane anime is finally becoming true, as they announced an adaptation of the 4koma series!
10/10 - 100% - Rank: S++, I don’t give a shit about what anyone might say about the series’ story or even the animation, I just loved it!
(I’m glad I don’t visit 4chan and I have seen nothing but praise towards Aur Lane The Animation (mostly from Japanese people to see negative comments everywhere so my mind becomes broken and giving me the idea that the general consensus being the series is absolutely terrible, inb4 I share this and tell me otherwise.)
2.- Girls’ Frontline Healing Chapter (JP)*: Yes, I know I already talked about it on my last post, but it’s the Japanese dub we’re talking about and it’s relatively solid. However, there are quite some big changes, starting with the first episode where there’s more sound effects to the battlefield scene where it made the CN version feel poor in comparison, future episodes were having slight changes to the camera as well. Although there are things in the Japanese dub’s acting and scripting that I’m not really satisfied with, but it was still good regardless. Also, forget about “English sub vs dub”, now it’s “Chinese dub vs Japanese dub” now. Though the last few episodes didn’t have much of big changes, other than Chinese text written to Japanese.
The most important thing I have to talk about are these weird post-credits scenes, I have no idea what do these scenes even mean, maybe they just made these scenes as fillers to fill the maximum 4-5 minute run on Japanese TV.
Also, I have to go back to the CN version because, at the time when the first episode of the JP dub aired, the CN dub premiered its final episode and my god, I’m really sad this is over. And now we’re moving on to the other series, Madness Chapter (which you’ll find out as you scroll down this). Man, I really want more of this, I love the art style, but I wish some characters had more screentime and let RO shine!
Goodbye Healing Chapter, it was nice knowing you! ;_;7
Supposedly ShouKin (one of the uploaders for the two Girls’ Frontline anime series, the other being Berizou) found that season 2 for Healing Chapter was confirmed. Sounds awesome but I think I’ll have to wait for more and reliable information about it. Not that ShouKin is not a reliable source, but I really hope we get to hear more of it.
10/10 - 100% - Rank: S++ (Even with the JP dub, you continue to be great)
3.- High Score Girl II*: Supposedly I’ve always been following Moetron’s news about its release and I thought the first 3 episodes were gonna come out on my birthday, it indeed happened in Japan but there has never been any torrent of them and I was seriously disappointed about it! It came out like late October and I was like “What took you so long for this to come out or something?”, there might have been stuff I may have missed that explain these weird releases.
Anyways, moving on talking about the series and all I can think of is that the series continues to give me a big smile, seriously, every time I watch High Score Girl, I always smile for 24 minutes, that’s how powerful this show must be. (Even though everything shown is from the 90s and I was born in 1999, so I’m a 2000s kid, so I probably won’t have any idea of its historical accuracies and references).
Seriously, out of everything JC Staff they made this year, including the absolute garbage that was One Punch Man season 2, High Score Girl is obviously the winner for their best looking anime of the year!
100/100 - 100% - Rank: S++
4.- Fate/Grand Order Babylonia: For the last time, Fate anime adaptations have become quite a hot sensitive topic for me since 2017′s Fate/Apocrypha and 2018′s Fate/Extra Last Encore (And I enjoyed them both), but with Fate/Grand Order Babylonia, I’m qutie impressed, especially with the animation. This is probably the only two-cour series consisting of 21 episodes, it’s a weird number but it’s decent enough, and it’s a very long chapter of the game.
The Type-Moon community seems pretty hateful on other Fate series adaptations, but they’re very chill with Ufotable’s Stay Night adaptations, and nobody really seems to complaint with the New Year’s content and I’m glad for it. (Which by the way, the New Year’s stuff continue to be great! I definitely want it to be a tradition forever.)
5.- Tokunana: This was a relatively fun cop drama with stellar performances, and perhaps it was definitely the most underrated show of the season. The art style reminds me of Shirow Miwa in a way as well.
8/10 - 84% - Rank: A
6.- Beastars: I don’t know much about the story, but my big focus is the animation. Orage continues to deliver great CG animation post-Houseki no Kuni but it suffers the same problems as Sanzigen with the hand-drawn background characters and that shit is seriously annoying.
8/10 - 82% - Rank: A-
Between Beastars and High Score Girl II, I wanted HSGII to be the better looking CG series without blatant hand drawn parts, but I guess it even includes hand drawn parts at times, so having to find which CG anime look better is a hard stretch, perhaps I’m asking too much on what kind of CG anime do I want. Also, I hate to admit, I have to give props to Studio Polygon because they definitely make everything 100% CG. (Or do they? Gah! I don’t know anymore!)
7.- My Hero Academia season 4: Well, I read the manga, it’s no surprising about what even happened with these arcs. (even though when I’m at the current chapters, I forget what happened the previous volumes).
7.5/10 - 75% - Rank: B+
8.- Psycho-Pass 3*: If Tokunana wasn’t enough of a cop drama, then here comes Psycho-Pass 3 which it’s the true definition of a cop drama with the 40 minute runtime.
As someone who wasn’t really offended on Psycho-Pass 2, I’ll have to assume that Psycho-Pass 3 is definitely a breath of fresh air for the series after the movies, perhaps even more.
I’m glad that most of the familiar faces have returned, although it was probably always expected, but there’s just something about Akane, Ginoza and Kogami’s returns from the first few episodes that made me fanboy a little bit, not gonna lie. It’s just that I was really stuck to the marketing and promotional images of the series.
If Psycho-Pass 3 is still somewhat received negatively like Psycho-Pass 2, I don’t know what do you really want from this franchise at this point. At this point you’re definitely thinking that Psycho-Pass should have been a one-off series, but no, most of the fans begged for a second season and so on, they delivered. Don’t try to mess with the creators’ efforts and stuff.
Though my only problem with this season is that I wish the original characters had some more screentime, and then episode 8 didn’t really feel conclusive but I guess that helped to lead up to the upcoming film--which turned out to be a compilation film which gives me a sour taste in my mouth. However, it does confirm that it will indeed conclude the story, for a “compilation film” I don’t know how that might work, but if it’s indeed gonna conclude the story, that’s the main thing I wanted to hear.
7.5/10 - 75% - Rank: B+
First there are anime with 40 minute premieres, movies are a different thing, but a full-fledged TV anime series with a 40 minute runtime? That sure kinda sounds revolutionary but at the same time it’s a total overkill for animators. Besides, I never have the energy to watch anything in 40 minutes, so let’s keep things the way they are with usually having to watch anime series in 20 minutes.
9.- Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode Oracle*: You think that a PSO2 anime that’s actually set in the game’s universe and it’s more serialized could be better than PSO2: The Animation? Well, part of it yeah. But for me, honestly, this was WAY WORSE than PSO2: The Animation for one major reason: This was absolutely rather dark and I wasn’t too comfortable with it.
The animation is kind of alright, it’s not very great but at least Gonzo has definitely improved since the maximum garbage that was 18if.
Is the actual game this dark? Even if I haven’t really seen any story mode (?) cutscenes, from what I’ve seen, I just don’t see it in that light. I haven’t played the JP version (I’d like to but I have difficulties with the download) but I am gonna try to play the English version next year (Can’t believe it’s finally happening).
I just read on MAL that it does adapt these episodes from the actual game but they have anime original content in the process, since I’m not a PSO2 player, I really can’t say for sure if it is indeed faithful but with the anime original stuff, but if it is, well shit.
Surprisingly I haven’t seen some friends I know who play PSO2 talk about Episode Oracle. They have talked about PSO2: The Animation when it came out and they certainly hate it but I can defintely tell they don’t watch Episode Oracle at all (I think it’s for the best).
Anyways, I want to forget this garbage and I want to go back to PSO2: The Animation, it wasn’t that offensively bad after all.
(As of the writing in November 11th, Firefox crashed and I wrote parts of this review a little differently, so I had to rewrite it and it might be different from what I remember, but it’s still decent)
5.5/10 - 53% - Rank: C-
10.- Girls’ Frontline Madness Chapter: Now that Healing Chapter is over, it was time to move on to Madness Chapter, and with the first episode alone... I wasn’t feeling it at all, I’m not super impressed.
Quick info drop, this series is an adaptation of Girls’ Frontline’s in-game 4koma which can be found in the Cafe, though I only play the English version and I assume that the Chinese and Korean servers must have the 4komas like on volume 10 or so.
With that being said about that Madness Chapter adapts the 4koma, there’s just something really off about the animation, it’s just that it’s way too quirky and over the top. It looks more like it’s the true definition of a Chinese anime or something, not for the dub, but for the talent.
Though I have to say, the last few episodes have been really growing on me, but my first impressions will probably remain.
Once Healing Chapter in Japanese ends, I’m definitely expecting Madness Chapter to have Japanese dub as well.
4.5/10 - 45% - Rank: C--
11.- Granblue Fantasy season 2*: A second season with an absolute stepback on animation and decent storyline, everything else is rather forgettable. The Vira episodes were interesting but I couldn’t get myself to care for everything else.
I seriously don't like the new animation at all. A-1 did a very good job on how it looks, but even so, people seem to hate the first season, so the animation in S2 is an absolute downgrade and won't do any favors for me. As for the story so far, I can't really tell if this is from the actual game's campaign (like I said, I stopped at Chapter 17), but I guess it's alright. The most absurd thing about this is that armored characters like the Empire solders and even Apollo are all CG and they look terrible. (Were they CG in the first season too? I can't remember already).
I'm not really one who should be like those "These people shouldn't make cashgrab adaptations doing the story from the very start and instead spend all their money on making OVAs or whatever on their most popular events, like What Makes the Sky Blue?" nazis and I don't give much of a crap about it, but I do really feel like GBF shouldn't really need to be adapted from zero and instead just do any of their popular events or something. I mean, just look at FGO where they only did about one adaptation of the prologue and later they're adapting Babylonia and Camelot, the most popular chapters.
On October 26th, I made a small TwitLonger post detailing my complicated history with GBF and why I’m feeling like I want to walk away from it. (It’s kind of dumb really. And yes, the first paragraphs of this where I gave my first impressions with GBF S2 were straight-up copied from the post).
The most heartbreaking thing that happened in this series is that they showed a Halloween special on November 8th WITH THE FIRST SEASON’S ANIMATION, my god, look how better it was before they went to this crap! This is One-Punch Man season 2 all over again! (But certainly doesn’t top it)
3/10 - 31% - Rank: D
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Honorable mentions
BLACKFOX*: I barely had time to watch it exactly on my birthday, but when I saw it the next day, it was a relatively solid and entertaining comic book-like narrated film. Although it may not be the greatest film like I wanted, but it may be for the best because at the time, my brain was absolutely burned from seeing Joker last night to even care for everything else, it’s a masterpiece.
One problem I do have is Melissa, at the end of the film, we see Rikka, Mia and... surprisingly Melissa with a costume and everything. What’s the origin behind it? What about her character development?
I really hope there’s more Blackfox because the teaser at the end seems too good to pass to make a full-fledged series of it.
(Mia best girl.)
8/10 - 85% - Rank: B+
Fire Force: My opinion on the animation, at least in non-action moments, probably remain, but I really like these arcs more, not that I didn’t like the beginning arcs but I’m really liking this direction.
(I don’t know how to define “better” anymore without using “I like X better just because. It tops, it exceeds, etc.”)
7/10 - 72% - Rank: B
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection*: This one’s a little funny because it’s a movie that came out about months ago, but it came out in Mexican theaters on October 11th, since it’s October and it falls into the Fall category (”Falls to Fall” lmao), I’ll have to include it.
Anyways, having watched the compilation films as a road to get into the Code Geass series, Lelouch of the Re;surrection was good, but it did get me confused at times, I have a lot of questions about what was going on, but the post-credits scene got me the most confused, I don’t know if it was meant to be a teaser, but the way this scene happened is kind of ambiguous.
Even though watching the compilation films may or may not be the best method to get into Code Geass, I had to do it so I could have saved time, if I were to watch the series, it would have taken me forever. Besides, Lelouch of the Re;surrection is from the compilation films’ canon, so it’s something, I guess.
Moving on, the most baffling thing I have to talk about are the technical issues in my cinema. Like around the beginning of the film, the part where Lelouch blows up Shesthaal, the audio cuts off, they had to pause the run of the film a couple of minutes and rewinded some. People in my cinema, while thankfully not very loud with whistles and all, were definitely complaining about the issue, while my older sister and I were just laughing silently and smh’ing.
8.5/10 - 85% - Rank: A-
Lupin the 3rd Prison of the Past: I genuinely didn’t expect there would be another Lupin the 3rd OVA. It’s been months since I saw Goodbye Partner.
It’s probably unintentional but something tells me that releasing this OVA now is like a lead-up to the Lupin the 3rd CG movie in December in Japan.
There’s one thing I’m not happy about is that there wasn’t a memorial for Monkey Punch or anything (but does that “Monkey” branded chewing gum count? Sounds a little insulting), or this might have been made a while before Monkey Punch passed away, but they should have included something like that.
8/10 - 80% - Rank: A
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This is the last anime season of the decade and now we’re gonna reach the first lineup of new anime in the new decade. I of course wouldn’t watch literally every single anime in existence, like I always do with every season, but here are some of the very first anime of the 2020 decade I want to watch!
(I’m surprised no one is hyping up how we’re getting our first anime of the 2020 decade)
I should also try to keep track on everything I want to watch because I think I may forget when they’re gonna come out.
Quintessential Quintuplets season 2 - January ???: A few months ago I binged the series and I seriously can’t believe I slept on this, it was hilarious and pure at times, so I can’t wait to watch more. Though I haven’t read the manga (but I’d like to some day) but it’s enough for me to go blind and enjoy the series.
Speaking of the manga, the series will end on its 14th volume next year and we’re so close on that happening because volume 13 will be released in January 17th 2020. I’ll be sad to see this series go but I’m interested to see what the creator will make next and if the anime keeps getting new seasons, we might actually see the series finale get adapted.
[UPDATE - January 4th 2020: As of now, there hasn’t been any news about Quintessential Quintuplets S2 lately, no promos or anything. I think at this point it’s probably delayed until Spring.]
Heya Camp - January 6th: It may not be season 2 of Yuru Camp (yet) but I’m glad there’s going to be more coziness with the short series lifted from the previews from the base series.
Isekai Quartet season 2 - January 14th: I’m definitely hype for more Isekai Quartet and that teaser with the new classmates at the end of the first season finale is not to be wasted, and those new classmates happened to be Naofumi, Raphtalia and Filo from Rising of Shield Hero. As of the writing this in December 1st, I’m planning to binge Shield Hero, I have pretty much watched every isekai series featured in Isekai Quartet, so I don’t want to be left out with Shield Hero. Regardless of what I heard about the series, I’m still gonna watch it anyways. (Finished watching on December 5th and... DAMN, I REALLY LIKED IT. FUCK THEM SJWs!)
Bang Dream season 3 - January 23rd: It would have been amazing if Sangizen were to do the Bubuki Buranki thing with the first season in Winter and the second season in Fall, but they deserve to take their time.
Madoka Magica Magia Record - January 4th: Fall 2019 was quite stuffed with anime based on gacha, Fate/Grand Order Babylonia, Azur Lane The Animation and Granblue Fantasy The Animation, but Madoka Magica Magia Record is the one show based on the mobile game that decided to not to join the party and it’s kinda funny.
Nekopara - January 9th: That’s right, there’s going to be a full fledged Nekopara TV series now. This is the most unnecessary anime to exist since there already was a plethora of OVAs, there’s no need to make a TV series of the VN now. I don’t have time to rush through the VN if I want to buy it (Most likely from Steam and buy the adult patch too) but I don’t have the money to do it, well, it may depend from my interest and time to try to play it because I’m a bit behind with Saya no Uta.
Speaking of adult content, I’m expecting a bit of fan service somewhere because they wouldn’t do the full blown hentai scenes. Pretty standard VN adapation rules.
Dorohedoro - January 12th.
Danmachi OVA - January 29th.
ID:Invaded - January 5th.
Ishizoku Reviewers - January 11th: I seriously haven’t watched any ecchi series in a long time, and reading the synopsis alone, I’m really intrigued in checking this one out.
There’s quite of anime to look forward to in 2020 but I haven’t been keeping track on what do I want to watch, though I know some that may come in that year, but I’m not gonna get into that since this is just for Winter 2020, I’ll address that in my “10 year journey” post.
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The future of the seasonal anime review series
Since this is my last seasonal anime review post in Tumblr, I’ll probably continue making lists either by tweeting them out or will have to make a Discord channel in my private server, but it’s probably more about anticipated shows, for seasonal reviews, I’ll have to do Tier Maker images, probably for the best because I’ve been making a bit of a weird inconsistencies with ranking shows with scores and ranks, so I’ll probably have to stick to only ranks with Tier Maker from now on.
Although to be honest, I’m not sure if anyone would really care about what am I gonna watch, did I like a show or not, but at the same time, I forget people do really care as they’re quite the show-offs and ofcourse discussions galore. So I think I’ll keep doing what I’m doing but in a more simple way.
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And that’s it, we’re done here. This is the end of the seasonal anime review Tumblr post series, though nobody had really read these posts before, but I finally got my first audition with the Karoshi Discord server from the beginning of this post. I’ve had fun making these posts, even if lately I’ve been getting burnt out but I still enjoyed writing these.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, thank you for the birthday wishes, a day early and even on the very same day.
With a day early, particularly from my Japanese friends, especially you @hinosuna0720/@hinosuna3D21 (NSFW content, viewer discretion is advised) for giving me sweet images with my Custom Maid 3D2 OCs, and you even gifted me VA-11 HALL-A and I’m seriously grateful. I also want to congratulate @ryuuunnji for giving me a picture too.
And on the actual day, I want to thank for @SALthePAL95 making me drawings of my new OCs! And speaking of drawings, my older sister made me one too (but I won’t show it, sorry), it’s been a long time since she made me one... ;-;
And I, of course, want to thank everyone else who has given me birthday wishes!
This 20th birthday was definitely the best I’ve ever had in my life, I’ve had some really sweet surprises that I’ve always been looking for, and I wish my future birthdays continue to be this good, especially in the next decade.
(Not you @kirishima_ss. Thankfully it was a day after my birthday but, come on... (he blocked me)) 🖕🔪 (Although that did teach me a valuable lession: I’m not gonna promote my birthday literally every day ever again, because I was seriously getting pretentious)
Anyways, it’s time for making these Tumblr posts to stop, but alas, there’s one more Tumblr post to make, it’s a whole different topic but it’s extremely important, it’s super long but I hope you’ll understand. See you there. Also, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance.
Tumblr media
Check out my Carrd.
My retirement announcement for one last reminder. (And just fixed it to make it more readable)
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