#in italian you say faccia da culo
sheireen · 3 years
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- My coins! They have desappeared from my bag!
- Salaì?
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casmybelovedass · 3 years
Supernatural italian dub highs and lows:
Rai airing the Featurette episode before the actual season thus spoiling spn to non live watchers
Jack's VA sounding older than Dean's
Dean: "He was almost... like a son"
✨Trastullarci ✨
5 different assbutts:
rotto in culo = "broken in the ass" / piece of shit
bastardo = bastard
gran culone = fatass
faccia da culo = ass face
damerino = ✨ Dandy ✨
Dean: "Fanta apocalisse di merda"
Vessels = conteiners
Pugnale di demone & pugnale d'angelo
The Equalizer = The AVENGER
Sam's message chat to Cas changed to Cas messaging Sam from Sam's phone?????
The Lee-orgy triplets were all girls
Dean's VA dubbing directly over Jensen's "You son of a bitch", which can perfectly be still heard
Lee muttering "We..." before dying in Dean's arms. THAT WAS NOT IN THE EPISODE???
Rowena gave Napoleon a short STATUE instead of STATURE
The common italian saying "You have a broomstick up your ass" changed to "You have a broomstick down your throat" WHAT IS THE PARENTAL CONTROL FOR RAI?????
Dean's "I had to bury [Cas] in the box" was stressed so that it ment there was no other way if not throw Cas in the ocean
Cas: "Dean, you made it" Dean: "You did too!"
Guest star = ✨extraordinary participation✨
Dean's VA Stefano giving Dean a lil gay voice from time to time :)
Sam's VA David's performance being better that j*red's
VA Andrea Lavignino being used in 3 episodes in a row for 3 different characters (and I'm convinced he was Mike's VA as well)
Chuck is very excitable
Bad luck = literally bad luck (we say sfortuna not cattiva fortuna)
Claire x Kaia romantically confirmed by Jodi's "She loved her"
deaf!Dean truthing shut down by Cas saying Dean "Hears thing stronger than any other human". Not actually but the way it was worded sounded like this
Cas and Dean's VAs meta-making fun of the "sexually intimate" adaption
Dean to Cas: "Wake up my friend!" WELP
HunterCorp!Dean calling j*hn PAPI
Dean's swears in 15x14: accidentino, accidenti, acciderbola
Stussy, Vussy & Dussy
Dean has a penetrating smell to amara
Guy: "You're an angel?" Cas: "Yes, but not the good kind" BITE BITE KILL KILL
Sam asking Dean if him and Cas had ✨bickered✨
Dean's VA being extremely soft when Cas is leaving to find another way 🥺🥺
Dean: "I love that kid too" 🥺🥺
Jack is a dolce confettino 🥺🥺 (sweet little candy/sugared almond)
You made it loud = It was so loud???
"Let's go reap a reaper" sucked
Vulgar toilet translation cesso used twice. This is actually why the show had parental control suggested
"Being at your side changed me"
Italy once again proves to be THEE homophobic country by keeping Cas' monologue exactly like it was meant to be, until the "I love you", which was made to be a platonic "Ti voglio bene"
Misha Hero Collins imbruttisce the Rai by saying Ti amo both on Instagram and Twitter
What a couple of weeks
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persephone-of-hell · 4 years
Italian's way of saying to use in fanfic. Mostly thinking about Angel Dust but well you can you them wherever you like!
I love being Italian when it comes to imagine some pure Angel Dust's slang. Here some examples, I hope it can be helpful to fanfic writers!
Let's start with some slurs:
Faccia da culo (or "di culo", it is different from region to region): ass face
Cazzone: in between "asshole" and "stupid person"
Figlio di mignotta/zoccola/ndrocchia: variants of "figlio di puttana", "son of a bitch"
Pirla: used in Milan, it means stupid
Ma li mortacci/Ma li mortanguerrieri: both means "curse your dead ones", but the second is less offensive since you just say "curse the dead soldiers". From Rome.
Chitemmuort: the same meaning of the one before, but from Naples
Cabasisi/cabbasisi: "balls", from Sicily
Trimone: "stupid", from Puglia
Hai pisciato fuori dal vaso: "you pissed out of the pot", meaning you overdid and you messed up really bad
Now some way of saying:
A caval donato non si guarda in bocca: litetally "you don't look inside the mouth of a gifted horse". It means that when you recive a gift it's rude to control it and be picky about it. Just accept the gift
Tanto va la gatta al lardo che ci lascia lo zampino: "The cat goes to much near the meat and lose its leg", meaning that if you try too much to reach something you are gonna hurt yourself
La gatta frettolosa fa i figli ciechi: "the cat who is in hurry gives birth to blind puppies", meaning that if you hurry too much you are more likely to make mistakes
Avere un piede in due scarpe: "having one foot in two shoes", meaning that you are trying to stay in two different situations without really decide which one you really want
Sono cotto di lui/lei: literally "I am cooked for him/her/them", meaning that you have a crush on someone
I can't think of anything else right now, but if you need any help I am here!
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italian-sides · 4 years
Hello everyone! / Ciao a tutti!
I know I’m late since the first Remus’ appearance but shhh, the important thing is to post, still better than not posting it at all, hahaha 
also for this post you’ll have to thank both @misslilidelaney, which is basically the source of half or even more of the headcanons you’re reading, and @watcher-from-the-heights for being the best beta reader ever ((tagging @ts-italian-gang as well bc i can))
today I will indeed introduce to you the Italian version of Remus; since there will be some phrases in heavy Roman dialect, i’ll put a translation at the end of it to better understand what people are saying: so, enjoy your reading, y'all!
oh, yeah, before anything else:
tw: mention of weed
Romeo Stella
- Romolo and Remo’s elder brother, born on 25/06/1988, more or less a year before the twins.
- since he was a child he has always given very clear signs of his love for gore-y and creepy stuff in the drawings he brought to his parents from kindergarten, something which the aforementioned initially worried about but later accepted, albeit with some  difficulty.
- in high school he attended the liceo artistico and he definitely chose it because he wanted to develop this creative flair for drawing, that and because the Green Stuff that used to be spread at his school was the best in the neighborhood- i mean what?
- after gradutation he started attending the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome but at one point he stopped because he found a job almost immediately in a very… particular field and he seized the chance: basically he’s a cameraman for erotica movies, and every now and then he takes part in the scenes himself and if at the beginning he both studied and worked to round up his expenses, after a while he quit his studies to devote himself full time to filming.
- once his parents found out about his job, since Romeo continued to lie saying that he was studying when in reality it wasn’t true, they literally kicked him out of the house and at first begged for hospitality among the houses of his actor friends and the studio where movies were usually filmed, then Remo invited him to Bologna with the promise of a low-priced apartment and showing him the announcement of a film production agency, of the type “he likes so much” looking for a cameraman, and so then he moves up to North Italy.
- as far as his personality goes, Romeo “Er Mejo Der Colosseo” [1] Stella, as he calls himself, is A Mess™: inconsistent like few, he overshares about his life and sometimes his work a lot, to the point of often making uncomfortable  both the Italian Sides and Dolce&Remì’s customers.
- as far as his sexuality is concerned, inconsistency here too reigns supreme because he constantly changes labels and an example of his conversations on the subject is: “I’m bisexual” “I’m pansexual” “No, no, in the end I am straight” “Yes, but that guy has a divine ass” “Okay, I’m gay” “Okay but THOSE BOOBS”, so you can understand what a mess this human being is.
- he wants to be considered triplets with Romolo and Remo at all costs, but each time they introduce themselves to someone new, the conversation between the three of them goes something like this: Romeo: “eh, sì, siamo gemelli” Romolo: “ma n'è ‘n cazzo vero” Remo: “ma che cazzo stai a di’?”[2]; plus the twins don’t speak much or almost never about him because they’re a bit embarrassed about his job.
- if you think that the Stella twins together are chaotic, you have never had the opportunity to experience the Stella brothers: Romeo: “A’ Burino” Remo: “A’ Cazzaro” Romolo: “A’ NFAMI VE PARCHEGGIO NA MANO 'N FACCIA”[3]; the first time that the Main Four witnessed a scene like this, Virgilio was half creeped out and half turned on and Luca was comforting a rather upset Patrizio from all the bad words flying around.
- for the reason described above films and TV series’ marathons with all the Sides are organized in rare, very rare occasions, because while Romeo would only like gore/splatter horrors and most documentaries on True Crime, the others, except Giuda, are like: “EW NO”
- Romeo: “VE GUARDATE I FILM DA FICHETTINE, IO VOJO VEDE GLI HORROR. ME SERVE ER SANGUE NO 'E CANZONI DAA BELLA E LABBESTIA” Luca: “Ma volevamo fare la maratona della Marvel” Romeo: “Notteprego 'amo girato a parodia porno e nun posso più guardà Thor coji stessi occhi”[4]
- he’s besties with Giuda and they bonded almost immediately and if the Venetian is not at Dolce&Remì or with Emilio, he’s certainly at home playing videogames on Playstation with Romeo. This is because a while back, at the very beginning of the internet, Virgilio, Romeo and Giuda were invited to a random group on Skype to make friends and while in the beginning they were all very close-knit, over the years Romeo and Giuda had become a bit much for Virgilio and slowly, taking advantage of his transfer to Bologna, he moved away from them, while Giuda and Romeo simply lost sight of each other after a while, limiting themselves to the usual Christmas/birthday wishes; Virgilio low key can’t bear the two of them too much because he’s anxious that they could bad-mouth him on the things that he said and did in his past, but they also have the same fear of him as well, therefore they keep quiet
- him, Giuda and Tommaso are fans of “La Mamma di Crystal” ((“Crystal’s Mom”)), a Saint Seya’s parody, and since the first time they all discovered that the other two follow it too, all three of them don’t have a conversation without quoting it in at least one sentence
[1]: “The Best of the Coliseum”: it comes from the italian version of Thomas O'Malley, the stray Irish cat from the Aristocats, that in Italy was characterized as a Roman cat [2]: Romeo: “heh, yes, we’re twins” Romolo: “but that’s not fucking true” Remo: “what the fuck are you saying?” [3]: Romeo:“You’re a hick!” Remo: “You’re a jackass!” Romolo: “You fools, I’m gonna park a hand on your face!" (as in, slap) [4]:  Romeo: "You always watch movies for pussies, I want to see the horror ones. I need blood, not Beauty and the Beast songs.” Luca: “Actually, we wanted to do a Marvel marathon-” Romeo: “No, please, we shot a porn parody of some of the movies and I can’t watch Thor with the same eyes again.”
so che arrivo in ritardo rispetto all'apparizione di Remus ma shhh, l'importante è pubblicare, ahahah 😂 per questo post dovrete ringraziare sia @misslilidelaney, che ha praticamente la fonte di metà o più delle headcanon che state leggendo, e @watcher-from-the-heights per essere l* mi* beta
oggi appunto introdurrò la versione italiana di Remus quindi buona lettura a tutti! ah, sì, prima di cominciare tw: menzione di marijuana
Romeo Stella
- fratello maggiore di Romolo e Remo, nato il 25/06/1988, più o meno un anno prima dei gemelli.
- fin da piccolo ha dato segni ben evidenti del suo amore per il macabro e il gore nei disegni che portava ai genitori dall'asilo, cosa di cui i suddetti all'inizio si preoccupavano ma che poi col passare del tempo hanno accettato, pur con qualche difficoltà.
- alle superiori ha fatto il liceo artistico e l'ha sicuramente scelto perché voleva sviluppare questo estro creativo verso il disegno questo e perché la roba che girava a scuola era la migliore del circondario i mean what?
- ha cominciato l'Accademia delle Belle Arti a Roma ma a un certo punto ha smesso perché ha trovato lavoro quasi subito in un ambito molto... particolare e ha colto la palla al balzo: praticamente è un cameraman per film osé, per cui ogni tanto partecipa egli stesso alle scene e se all'inizio studiava e lavorava per arrotondare, poi ha mollato gli studi per dedicarsi full time alle riprese.
- una volta che i genitori hanno scoperto il suo lavoro, visto che Romeo continuava a mentire dicendo che stava studiando quando in realtà non era vero, lo hanno letteralmente cacciato di casa e se all'inizio elemosinava ospitalità tra le case dei suoi amici attori e lo studio dove riprendevano di solito i film, poi Remo lo ha invitato a Bologna con la promessa di un appartamento a basso prezzo e proponendogli l'annuncio di un'agenzia di produzione di film "che ti piacciono tanto" che cerca un cameraman e quindi si trasferisce su al Nord.
- per quanto riguarda la personalità, Romeo "Er Mejo Der Colosseo" Stella, come si soprannomina lui stesso, is A Mess™: incoerente come pochi, straparla della sua vita e talvolta del suo lavoro fin troppo, a tal punto da mettere spesso a disagio sia i coinquilini LAMP(A) sia i clienti del Dolce&Remì.
- per quanto riguarda la sua sessualità, l'incoerenza anche qua fa da padrona perché cambia labels continuamente e un esempio delle sue conversazioni in materia è: "sono bi" "sono pan" "no no alla fine sono etero" "si ma quel tizio ha un culo divino" "okay I am gay" "okay but THOSE BOOBS", quindi capite bene che casino che è quest'essere umano.
- vorrebbe essere considerato a tutti i costi un gemello, ma ogni volta la conversazione tra i tre quando si presentano a qualcuno di nuovo va più o meno così: Romeo: "eh, sì, siamo gemelli" Romolo: "ma n'è 'n cazzo vero" Remo: "ma che cazzo stai a di'?"; plus i gemelli non parlano poco o mai di lui perché si vergognano del suo lavoro
- se pensate che i gemelli Stella insieme siano caotici, non avete mai avuto modo di fare esperienza di assistere ai fratelli Stella: Romeo: "A' Burino" Remo: "A' Cazzaro" Romolo: "A' NFAMI VE PARCHEGGIO NA MANO 'N FACCIA"; la prima volta che i coinquilini LAMP(A) hanno assistito alla scena, Virgilio era mezzo inquietato e mezzo turned on e Luca stava consolando un Patrizio piuttosto sconvolto da tutte le parolacce che volavano in giro.
- per questo motivo descritto sopra le maratone di film e di serie tv con tutti sono organizzate in rari, rarissimi casi, perché mentre Romeo vorrebbe solo horror gore/splatter e al massimo massimo documentari sul True Crime, gli altri a parte Giuda sono tipo: "EW NO"
- Romeo: "VE GUARDATE I FILM DA FICHETTINE IO VOJO VEDE GLI HORROR. ME SERVE ER SANGUE NO 'E CANZONI DAA BELLA E LABBESTIA" Luca: "Ma volevamo fare la maratona della Marvel" Romeo: "Notteprego 'amo girato a parodia porno e nun posso più guardà Thor coji stessi occhi"
- è migliore amicissimo con Giuda e hanno legato praticamente subito e se il veneziano non è al Dolce&Remì o con Emilio, è sicuramente a casa a giocare alla Play con Romeo. questo perché ancora un sacco di tempo fa, agli inizi di internet, Virgilio, Romeo e Giuda avevano formato un gruppo su Skype un po' a random per fare amicizia e mentre agli inizi erano tutti e tre molto affiatati, col passare degli anni Romeo e Giuda sono diventati "troppo bad boys" per Virgilio e pian piano, approfittando del trasferimento a Bologna, si è allontanato, mentre Giuda e Romeo semplicemente dopo un po' di sono persi di vista, limitandosi ai soliti auguri di natale/compleanno; Virgilio low key non li regge perché ha l'ansia che lo sputtanino sulle cose che ha detto e fatto nel suo passato, ma anche loro hanno lo stesso timore quindi se ne stanno buoni
- Romeo, Giuda e Tommaso sono fan de "La Mamma di Crystal", una parodia dei Cavalieri dello Zodiaco, e dalla prima volta che hanno scoperto che lo seguono, tutti e tre non hanno una conversazione senza citarne almeno una frase
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holylulusworld · 5 years
The Italian touch – Part 4
Could you write a dean x reader virgin series? She's not so skinny, have curves and take place in leviathan period? She's in her twenties and bobby kinda adopted her she's not American but Italian and alone in the world? Please
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, Bobby Singer
Warnings: language, angst, virgin reader, sad reader, arguments, a hint of fluff, terrible use of Italian language
The Italian touch Masterlist
The next days you tried to get comfortable in the cabin. At least there are three bedrooms and a couch. As Dean can’t move without pain he prefers sleeping in the ‘living room’ on an old couch.
You chose to take the bed in the room next to Dean so you can check on his injured leg and to give him painkiller if needed.
“Here I bought you some pie. Do you want a beer or do you need some painkiller?” You ask.
“A beer would be great and something to scratch my leg. Please, it’s itching so bad.”
“Alright, Bellissimo. I’ll bring you some pie and beer. But you won’t scratch your skin again.”
“Please, help me. I’m suffering,” Dean pleas imitating Sam’s puppy dog look.
“Fine, wait.” Handling Dean his pie and beer you look for the ruler you used as a bookmark.
“Give it to me, give to me,” Dean mutters.
“No, eat your pie and I’ll scratch you, okay?”
“Okay, do it.”
Carefully using the ruler you scratch the skin under the cast. Almost moaning Dean enjoys the scratching.
“Oh god, so good. Please don’t stop. That’s perfect,” Dean groans.
Hearing Dean groan Bobby’s blood pressure explodes. Storming into the cabin he wants to rip Dean apart.
“What are you doing with my daughter?” Bobby yells.
“Huh? I’m scratching his leg. He does it too rough and too long. The skin was bleeding. Remember?” You explain.
“Oh…yeah. Keep going. Sam and I brought water and food. We will get some copies of my books I was hiding. We will be back around tomorrow. Be careful till then, Y/N.”
“Alright, dad please be careful. Both.”
“Will be, Cupcake.”
“See ya tomorrow.”
“Dean, I’m sorry to tell you but you stink.”
“What? No…I don’t,” Dean says offended.
“You do stink. We should get you clean. I’ll bring a bowl of water and all.”
Sniffing at his armpit Dean blows his nose. You’re right…he’s smelling.
“Okay, here are warm soapy water and towels. Strip your shirt off and I’ll help you with your pants.”
“Wait! Why?”
“You can’t stand. I will help you. Remember I’m a nurse? Come on don’t be shy.”
“No, no. I can do this on my own.”
“You can clean your ‘private parts’, okay. I’ll help you with your back, legs, and arms.”
“Y/N…I don’t need your help.”
“Dean you are hurt and you can’t stand alone. You smell like a wet dog! Now let me help you, idjit!”
“I don’t want you to touch me!” Dean says a bit too loud and you flinch.
“I’m not trying to ride you on the couch, Winchester! I only wanted to help you. But I get it. You don’t want a fat chick to touch you. I wanted to help you as a friend but you can do it alone. Or look for a skinny puttana (whore) to help you. I thought we are friends…” Sobbing you run out of the room.
Hurt you let the tears fall. You thought Dean is different…you thought that he likes you the way you are but obviously, you were wrong…again.
To keep your mind and hands busy you unpack the bags with food Sam and Bobby brought to the hut.
Finished with your task you decide to go to the bedroom you inherit at the moment.
Tossing the ruler and some pills at Dean you grab your book to leave the room.
“You don’t need my help. Take the pills or not. Scratch your skin bloody or not. I don’t care. You can take care of yourself until Sam is back. Faccia da culo! (You asshole!)
“Y/N? Please. You got it wrong! Wait, let me explain!” Dean tries but you already slammed your door shut.
Looking around the cabin Dean wants to punch himself. He tried to keep you away…too afraid to get a bit too ‘excited’ when you get close to him.
Stripping his shirt off he tosses the fabric aside. His pants are difficult to get rid off. Wiggling he somehow manages to strip the pants off too. Using the soft sponge he washes his body.
Changing into clean clothes he has only one thought. He needs to tell you he’s sorry. Using the crutches Bobby stole from the ambulance Dean slowly walks toward our room.
Not knocking he enters your room and your face darkens. Ready to explode you storm toward Dean to yell at him.
“Please. I didn’t mean it that way. I was just…”
“You were what? Afraid you need to vomit when I touch you?”
“No…uh…the opposite.”
“Opposite? I don’t understand.”
“I was afraid I could get a bit too excited when you touch me, okay. I don’t think you are fat. You are sexy…your curves are sexy.”
“What?” Flushing red you look at Dean with wide eyes. Casting your look down you start laughing.
“Why is that so funny?”
“You are not wearing boxers…right?”
“No. But how do you know?”
“Well, you are showing a bit too much skin, Winchester.”
“I don’t…oh…god…fuck…”
“Wait I’ll help you,” you say giggling when you see his crimson face.
“But don’t…look!” He mutters.
“Believe it or not I’ve seen a penis before.”
“Huh? I thought you are…ahem…you know…innocent.” Dean stammers.
“How do you know something like that? Did you stalk me or what?”
“No…Sammy said he heard you talking to Jo…sorry.”
“Dammit let me help you and we never talk about it again!”
“I’m sorry I yelled.” Dean rasps while you change the sheets on the couch for him. Standing behind you holding himself upright with the crutches he watches you.
Licking his lips he silently groans when you bend over. Finished with your task you help him lying down onto the couch.
“It’s itching again.” Dean whispers and you roll your eyes.
“Fine. I’ll help you idiota,” you mutter.
“That one I understood.”
Ruler in your hand you scratch his leg again. Giving you his brightest smile Dean watches you taking care of him.
“You should sleep now. By the way, you smell much better.”
“I’m sorry. I really like you. You are my friend.”
When you try to kiss his cheek softly you don’t realize Dean turned his face… Kissing his lips instead of his cheek your eyes widen when he kisses you back.
“Uh…sorry…I wanted to kiss your cheek.” You stammer.
“This was much better. Helped me forget the pain for a while,” Dean rasps.
“We should rest now. I’ll let my door open if you need help just yell.”
Slowly walking into your room on wobbling legs your cheeks are flushed.
Fucking shit!
You kissed Dean Winchester!
Forever Tags
@donnaintx​, @screechingartisancashbailiff​, @fallen-wolf22​ , @curly-haired-disaster-deactivat, @sister-winchesters99​, @mogaruke​, @the-is13​, @helloitsmeamie203​, @strayrosesbloom​ , @thewinchesterco, @hobby27​, @kittycatlover18,   @gh0stgurl​, @marvelfansworld​ , @sandlee44​, @hawaiianohana15, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​, @katpatrova17​, @notyourtypicalrose​ , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon​, @flamencodiva​, @echoesofpassion​, @cocklesbelli​, @anushay1998​, @voltage-my2dlove​, @wayward-gabriel​
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags
@spnfamily-thewinchesters​, @love-my-not-natural-babies, @supernatural-bellawinchester​, @butifulsoul125​, @lyinginthegingerlocks​, @mirandaaustin93​, @hawaiianohana15​, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​, @20gayneen​, @x2closebut2farx​, @janicho88​, @thefaithfulwriter, @dreaminemz​, @negans-lucille-tblr​, @sadwaywardkid​, @akshi8278​, @hhiggs​
The Italian Touch Tags
@voltage-my2dlove, @savannah0111
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