#implied full tour?
alexcutecolly · 3 months
thanx for the concern! I’ve been rly exhausted recently but mayb resting in v.olo’s stomach or intestines while he rubs his belly would fix me >w< and he would enjoy that alot too I hope!! I love him a bunch
omg yes! V.olo falling asleep laying on us while we’re in there is so good!! uuu hearing his heart slow down all around us and knowing hes comfy and full!! ❤️
the first time would b a little scary for us and him too but it would be so relaxing after a bit and uuu can you imagine him feeling us slip behind his collarbone the first time ? and then he learns it really helped us relax and not work too much abd hed have more fun with it!! and making friends with his team is rly cute too a cuddle pile would be great and soft! and if he eats us or doesnt hed be so fun to hear talk about his favorite things like ruins n myths!!
omg you drew him as a merman that’s great!! What if he said we got the artefacts together cuz we were with him the whole time? and you’re right he’d be so warm and swaying back n forth when he’s swimming would be nice too!!
uuuuuu yes!! ❤️ and halfsize means he can savor us more and maybe lick his lips and sigh after he gets us all the way down in his human half but we still have a long way to go to get into a comfy spot in his coils where he could lay on us! uuuu omg omg a kiss where were resting in him is making me blush uwu hes so cute!
- v.olo uwu
ps. omg this ended up rly long sry
I'm finally here, I'm so sorry for the wait dear anon! 😓 I hope you're feeling better now! 😟 And oh don't worry about long asks! Write as much as you like! 💕
Mmmmm, V.olo's belly and intestines would definitely be of great help! 🥺 Imagine if they had healing abilities tbh! Like, no matter how exhausted or sick we are, some hours of rest inside of him and we're feeling like brand new! x3 and of course he'd love that! He could let himself relax for a bit and rub our spot, or even fall asleep as he does! 💕 Either option would be so cute hehe, and it'd feel so peaceful to be on the inside while he's slumbering ❤️
Oh yeah the first time ever would definitely be so so terrifying for us!! We wouldn't know if it'd be safe or not to stay inside his stomach, or if we could even be able to breathe at all! I feel like V.olo would feel a little calmer than us though, since he's the one that proposed the idea after all, and maybe he even practiced with some food before! x3
It'd be a whole different experience with a tiny wriggling person though, so he'd be surprised at first to feel us slide down and past his collarbone after swallowing us ❤️ and then we realize no harm is done in his belly and it's actually a soothing event for the both of us, and it turns into a pleasant habit from that moment forward x3
His team would really adore us imo! Like, we could sit down with his T.ogekiss and H.isuian A.rcanine by a bonfire and discuss various topics, like myths and the inscriptions/pictograms found in some ruins as we pet our mons 😭❤️ it'd just be a good time between close friends!
Oh thank you anon! 💕 I'm pretty proud of that drawing, hehe. I think V.olo would definitely say we found the artifacts together, since he's both technically not wrong and also a very endearing guy ❤️ I feel like the inside of his belly would be a little splashy for us because of some water he ingested, but other than that it'd warm us up and we could travel safely with him ❤️ also I think his m.erman scales would be golden imo, cause they'd look really good on him!
Ikr??? Half-size vore is amazing, cause it lets the pred take more of their time with eating and savouring the prey; it's a slower process than g/t vore, but it makes it even more satisfying for the devourer! You're so right btw, I can see n.aga!V.olo sighing and licking his lips once he's finished gulping us down, humming softly as he curls up in his coils and waits until we get to his tail stomach x3 💕 And we deserve a swift kiss when we do, because we've been such a good prey! Hehe, the idea makes me blush too! >w< ❤️
Also dear v.olo uwu anon, what do you think of the new L.egends game that's just been announced? I've never played the X./Y games, but it looks like I'll have to check them out in the future xD how about you?
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thefanciestborrower · 2 months
Laios deserves to crawl around in some intestines like a McDonald’s play place
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lesbianoms · 9 months
— Me, working my way through a cute girl’s intestines
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tparker48 · 11 months
Request for Baszz
There was a party going on tonight at the frat house as Benny got ready in his dorm. He wrestled his shirt on, brushing the comb through his hair as he tossed his ID and Wallet onto the bed. "Alright, this should do for now, just a little bit of cologne and things should be..wait where is my cologne?"
He pulled the drawer out from the cabinet, turning over the clothes as his toothbrush and deodorant came into view. "Gah! Don't tell me I misplaced it again."
"Here it is!." He heard from behind, looking to the kitchen cabinet where a floating bottle made his way toward him, little legs shaking as it carried closer to the edge.
"Austin." He sighed. "How many times have I said not to carry things twice your size?"
"I know, I know, but I wanted to help out. It's not everyday I get do somethING!" Austin tripped as he tumbled over the edge, Benny catching him as he landed on his palm. "Hehe, thanks."
"You know how I feel when it comes to you doing things on your own, you could get lost, or hurt even." He said softly. He tilted the bottle and pointed it at himself, but stopped as Austin crawled on top of spray. He smiled as he removed his finger from the spray, letting him climb above as he came to his chest.
"You don't have to worry about me, Benny," Austin replied, hopping on the spray as it squirted him. "I'm a lot more capable of handling things on my own."
"Like you handled being used as a cushion for the wrestling team?"
"Er! That doesn't count, that was a bet I lost."
"Mhm." Benny chuckled, placing Austin into his other palm as he tucked him into his shirt. "Well thankfully you won't have to worry about that this time, I've got a party going on at the frat's so you get the whole dorm to yourself."
He walked into the living room area, plucking Austin from his shirt pocket as he lowered him to the couch. Zipping up his pants, his phone began to ring as a text appeared on the screen. "Looks like that's them, I'll be back later to check in on ya."
"Are you sure you want to leave me? What if the big bad lamp over here tries to use me as a yoyo?"
"Har har." Benny chuckled. "I'll see ya later Austin."
He went off to the party, Taking the stairs as he made his way onto his campus. Arriving at the frat party, he greeted many of his friends as they went inside. Throughout the night, he partied as the music boomed through his ears, drinking with his friends to his heart's content as he felt himself get lighter. He looked in front of him as vision swirled, his hands in front of him beginning to sway. Alright, that's enough booze for the night, he still had to walk back afterwards. 
 after an hour, he decided to call it a night as his head started to pulse, the music was good, but listening to it for this long has taken a toll on him. Drinking water for the trip back, he noticed one of his drinking buddies, Wally, along the side count. Slouching as he held his cup halfway out his palm.
Rushing to him, he checked to see if he was good, but his words were slurred to answer them clearly. How many drinks did he have tonight? He'd best make sure he doesn't hurt himself, he'll just have to take him along.
His weight was as heavy as a truck, his arm nearly knocking him over as he scooted to the exit. Looks like it's a no go on the shortcut, he wasn't planning on taking the stairs anyway. Minutes go by as he transitioned onto the campus, ushering Wally into the door, as he called the elevator.
Getting to his floor, he stumbled down the hall as he fumbled to get his keys. Opening the door, the cool air met the both of them as they stepped inside, Austin waiting for them as he stood on the counter. 
"Oh hey! You're back early." He greeted them. "Who's this guy?"
"A friend of mine from the party. Austin, meet Wally, he got a little bit too drunk so I brought him home."
"Ai, you guys really gotta learn how to control your drinking habits. Well, thankfully I've got some herbs to help with that. Set him on the couch, I'll fetch some refreshments to get him sober.
Benny nodded as he scooted past the counter. "Good to see you're putting those nurse classes to good use."
"Spare me the flattery will ya. Though thank you."
Benny chuckled before taking wally to the couch, slowly nudging him forward before he fell on his shoulder.
"Wha..who is that?..god, is that you?"
Yup, still drunk. "No, It's benny. Your friend from the party?"
"Oh..Benny..Benny Benny..How are ya man?"
"Im fine, now slouch over here for me." He lowered Wally to the couch, his belly jiggling before it halted. That should get him settled while Austin gives him something to drink. "Wait here,Wally, Austin will help ya get better."
Wally groaned before he turned the other way, he can still smell the booze off his breath, but he couldn't do much about it, as he rubbed his eyes. Getting to his feet, Austin approached as a cup shifted along the counter.  "I've got a major headache. But I can't sleep without making sure Wally's good."
"You get rest bud, I'll handle Wally."
"You sure? I don't want to make it a hassle for you."
"Hah, please." Austin hopped off the counter, climbing onto Benny's shirt. "If I can handle your hunger tantrums at night, I can handle a sleeping friend."
"Heh, well I suppose you have a point there." Benny said. He picked up Austin as he brought him to the corner of the couch, placing him on the armrest before moving back to the kitchen. "And you're sure you can handle it?"
"Yes yes, now get some rest already. You have class tomorrow, remember?"
Benny only smiled at the response, leaving towards the hallway as silence accompanied him. Wally's in good hands, He'll check on him when the morning comes. Though he could..no, he has to trust Austin can handle it. Getting to his, he yawned as he climbed into the covers, glancing at the hallway one last time before his eyelids closed shut.
Birds chirped as the sun peered into the window. Its glow piercing Benny's eyes as he shrank beneath his covers like a turtle. "It's morning already.." He groaned, rubbing his eyes to comfort them.
Tossing the covers to the side, he moved to the hallway and followed the dim glow shining from the other doors. They should be up by now, Austin's usually making breakfast, he hoped it was pancakes, he always made the batter taste so sweet. 
Entering the living room, he stopped as he scaled the room. The lounging chairs toppled along the walls, the coffee table pushed to the center of the room where couch pillows laid on the floor. The heck happened here?
Mumbling catched his attention, looking to a space behind the couch where a large backside laid against it. "Wally?" He asked, the large figure shooting up.
"Oh! Hey Benny! what uh..Whatcha doin' "
"I just woke up. I was about to ask you the same thing..Why are you behind the couch? Have you been sleep walking again?"
"W-what makes you say that?"
"Well I'm no scientist, but there's crumbs along your face."
He paused as Wally brushed his face, white crumbs trickling down as it collected across his black T-shirt. "Ah..I suppose there is." Wally said. "Okay, mayybe I did sleep walk a little bit."
Benny placed a palm on his face, shaking his head in response. "You really gotta get that looked at. Luckily you weren't so bad as the last-"
Gurgle! Wally' quick to grip at his stomach.
"Everything good?"
"Y-yeah! Just hungry is all. W-why don't we get some breakfast. I'll even buy." Wally said. Benny barely had enough time to speak before the large jock moved past him.
"Okay?" That was weird, he never saw Wally be so anxious like that. Was it the booze? No, it can't be that. His stomach rumbled as it rolled beneath his shirt, Benny quick to clutch it as he rolled the bottom back over his waist. Looks like Wally's not the one hungry, let's get some grub.
 The two of them made their way down the stairs before turning to the dining room for the dorms. Paying their way in, Wally raced to the bathroom, patting his body as he spoke to himself, but was unable to hear him as he sat down at one of the booths. What kind of herbs did Austin give him? 
Wally returned as he sat down with his plate of food, still holding his stomach before he spooned in a pile of eggs.
 "Are you sure you're doing good?" Benny asked. "you're sweating bullets more than usual."
"I-I'm really fine. Just, have an upset stomach is all.,
"Oh? Well Austin should be able to help with that." Benny replied, flipping his phone before he went to his contacts. "I'll call and tell him to bri-"
 "No!" Wally shouted, his tone shaking Benny. "I-I mean, why bother the little guy just for me? He already helped me out last night, why not give him a rest?"
"Hmm..I suppose you're right."
"Of course I'm right. Besides, I'm sure he's probably having some good me time.
"Mph!" A distorted sound pierced between them, Wally looking at his gut.
"What was-" 
"Nothing, It's nothing! Stomach's really working overtime today huh?" He laughed nervously, scooping more eggs onto his fork. "nothing a little food can't fix." He stuffed his mouth with the eggs, not bothering to chew as a bulge rushed down his throat. In seconds, the side of his plate was gone, before he downed his juice.
The distorted still remained, but quickly fainted as Wally tilted his glass higher, belching as he slammed the cup on the table. "Ahh! See?..better." he smiled sheepishly
"Okay?.." Benny said, eying Wally cautiously.
"Nothing, just my mind wondering." He replied. He looked at his phone when a ring came. 2:00 PM posted on the screen. "Chemistry Class." it read.
"Ah crap I got to go. We'll talk later, try not give yourself anymore stomach aches while I'm away." He said, getting up as he made his way out the door. Along the way, he pulled out his phone and flipped to Austin's contact.
"Hey bud, just checking in. Haven't seen ya all morning, is everything good?" he texted. He paused for a moment when the double check mark symbol lingered below his, bubbles appearing at the bottom, but flickered. Was he doing something? maybe hanging out or..he paused when the dots finally finished, jumbled words scattering below
" I'm..Help…ing..bel." it read.
"Im..help..ing..Bel? I'm helping bel, is that it?" He saw the bubbles appear again, bit they quickly disappeared. "Hmm, they disappeared, wonder who that bel person is? Must be a new friend. Good for him." He lowered his phone into his pocket, making his way to the side buildings as he climbed the stairs. He wasn't looking forward to the 2 hour class, let's just hope the professor makes it interesting this time.
It was the last stretch of class  as Benny held a cheek to his face, his eyes nearly giving out as the professor yapped about how different chemicals mixed. Can the clock go any slower? it's like he was trapped in a loop. He pulled open his phone and glanced at the screen, a message appearing above from Austin. Finally decided to message huh? About time.
He opened the message and was immediately sent a screenshot. The image was dark, dim and..pink? Where exactly is he right now? He looked at the image further, another image popping up below. The image was brighter than the one above, the walls were fleshy, sludge piled above as the fluid surrounded it. Was he eaten?! By who?! How could he when was..he looked to the corner of the image, a slight glimpse of yellow catching his eye. That texture, it looked like..eggs! "He didn't.."
He got out of his seat and left class, running to the exit as he moved on campus. He pushed through the crowds of students as he made his way to the dorms. Heading inside, he took the elevator to his floor, exiting into tue hallway as he ran down the pathway. When he turned the corner, there he saw the black shirt, Wally stepping to the side as he jiggled his dorm key through the handle. "Wally!" He shouted.
He paused before he entered his room, his gaze darting toward him. "Er! Hey, Benny. I uh..thought you were in class."
"I was, until I saw this photo from Austin." He said as showed him his phone,  zoomed in on the images. "Mind telling what happened to Austin?"
"I-I..I have no idea what you're talking about." He replied. He turned as he jiggled the keys along the lock, people starting to stare as the two talked. Opening the door, the large jock pulled at The collar of Benny's shirt, entering into the room as he locked it.
"Don't play dumb! You see that yellow on the corner, these are eggs! The same eggs you ate you this morning."
"That doesn't mean anything, you're talking crazy." He paced around the room.
Benny tackled him as the two laid upon the couch, he lifted up Wally's shirt, the bare belly jiggling out before he rested his head on top. "H-hey! Easy down there!" Wally whined, leaning forward as Benny swatted at his limbs.
"Keep still!" He barked, securing the jock's chest with a palm. "I'm trying to listen."
 He held his breath and listened to Wally's insides. Churns lingered beyond the wall of fat, sloshing trailing beyond it as the warm flesh rose and fell beneath his cheek. Everything seemed normal to say the least, but he knew what he saw. He circled to the side of the Jock's gut, pressing deeper as its sloshes became deep. Along with..Muffling! "Aha! I knew it, you ate him!"
"Buddy it's not-"
"Don't lie, I can hear him inside!" He wrestled his gut, pressing his belly as if he was giving CPR. But Wally rolled on his side, sending Benny to the floor as he jumped to his feet. "Cough him up!"
Wally slinked to the side of the walls, clutching the curtain as he looked at Benny. "It's not what you think!"
He jumped toward him as he extended his arms, but Wally slipped through his grasp,colliding against the wall as Wally scampered to the bed. He rushed again, pouncing forward.as he reached for him, but he slipped again as he bounced off the bed, groaning as he glared at Wally.
"I’m telling you its not what you think! I-"
"Oh crap not again!" Wally groaned. holding his stomach, he raced to the bathroom, his hand touching the handle before he cracked it open.
"Hold it!" Benny shouted, holding his phone in hand. " if its not what you think! Then how about we prove it! He managed to text me, so that means he has his phone." He claimed.
Wally's face grew white upon the sight of the frame, sweat running down his face. That's all the evidence he need. Flipping to his contacts, he held it in his palm like he was holding a trigger to a bomb. "Let's say we make a call."
"N-no wait-"
He pushed the button on his phone, silence filling the room before Wally began to shift. Muffled buzzing suddenly filled the silence, The large jock laughing, as well as groaning as he rolled off the wall and onto the floor. "No please..Haha..turn-rn! Turn it off!"
"Not until you cough up Austin."
"I can't!" Wally groaned. "he's too far to cough up!"
"Then squirm."
More silence filled the room as the buzzing continued. Benny crossed his arms, watching Wally toss and turn as he clutched the table. He's Getting Austin out, one way or another. Minutes go by, the phone never ceasing to ring as the screen goes dark. "Damn it, alright!" Wally shouted. "Just turn the damn thing off!"
Benny stared as he pressed the end call button, Wally finally relaxing as he slumpted against the wall. "Now cough him up."
"I told you I can't." he repeated. "But I can get him out the other way.."
An hour had past since their recent confrontation, the two of them entered the bathroom as the remained shut. Inside, Benny sat along the edge of the sink, arms crosses as he looked at Wally, he stood in the center of the tiled room with napkin places below.
"Aah I can feel myself straining here.." He groaned, his hands on both of his cheeks as he kept them spread apart. "Why can't I just sit on the toilet?"
"Because I'm not reaching into a toilet to fetch him, and you're not doing your business while he's there."
Grumbling ensued inside Wally, an arm clutching at his stomach before it climbed to his waist. "It's starting to get cramped in there.
"You can hold it. The sooner we get Austin out, the sooner you tend to your business." Benny replied, changing positions as he sat along the walls. Seconds pass as Silence filled between them, Benny tapping his foot as he looked at his phone. Another gurgle pierced the silence, this time, Wally roared as Benny looked at him.
"Damn it, I can't take this, I'm getting up!" he said. He rose from his squatted position, pushing a knee into the tiled floor before he planted a foot. Benny Advanced as he grabbed him, forcing his weight to push him back into a squat.
"No! You need stay right here!"
"I'm not risking messing up my floor! I'm getting up!"
Wally's strength overwhelmed Benny's, lifting him off as his back thumped against the ceiling. Cloths and towels knocked off from their hangers, cluttering the floor as they tussled from wall to wall. "I can’t wait any longer, I have to use it!" Wally said. He spun as he stumbled to towards the toilet
Benny saw his reflection in the bowel, swinging his weight the opposite direction as Wally headbutted the wall. “For the last time you can’t do that! Now sit down!” Benny said. He hung onto Wally, his shoulders bucking as his shirt grinded between them. Benny tried to reposition, but a snag from one of the hangers tucked at his pants, yanking him further down his back  as hugged below his waist. 
"Hey! Watch it!" he barked his legs snagging in the jock’s shorts and underwear.
"You watch it! You're on me." Wally barked back.
 He reach backwards as arms flailed towards Benny’s. Grunting, he took a step forward to get a better angle, his foot snagging on a towel as he tripped. The jolt knocked Benny to the ground, landing on top of Wally’s shorts as his legs yanked inward. Looking up, his heart sank as his mass loomed, the jock's bubbled ass jiggling before leaned into the wall..
Oh no.
Thud! The impact shook the walls, wet flesh covering Benny's face as he wrestled for space to breath fresh air, but found nothing musk as his nose plunged into pockets between the large glutes, the puckered ring in between kissing his nose.
"Huh, that actually made it feel a bit better." Wally admitted.
Benny tried to shout upon the response, blubber blocking his words. When a hand finally extended and peeled off one the cheeks, he gasped as he leaned from Wally's ass, Slime and sweat coating his nose as it cooled in the air.
He looked up at Wally's backside, the jock looking back as he sheepishly smiled. "Sorry.." Wally said.
"Why you..lousy-!"
Slrch! A sound came from in front of him as the sphincter puffed open, a small dildo landing in his lap. "What the?" He puzzled, looking at the sphincter as it began to pout. Muffles slowly resonated before fingers slipped through the folds, spreading the wrinkly folds apart as a head peeked out.
"Phew..man what a rush that was." Austin said, sludge falling off his snorkeling gear “Is it still Monday?"
"Austin?" Benny asked.
"Hmm?” he steadied his goggles as they adjusted in the light. “Oh hey Benny! What brings you in here?"
"What brings me here?! I'm trying to rescue you!"
"Rescue me? I don't need rescuing."
"What?! But the text message, you were barely able to text me!” he pulled out his phone and showed him the message, along with the photos as he zoomed them in on the screen.
"Oh that. The keyboard was too wet to function, I was trying to say I’m helping Wally with his belly. He said he was having problems getting his bowels under control. so I decided to have a look. Isn’t that right, big guy?" 
“Er! well..Yeah.”
“See, nothing to it.” He said, wiggling himself out as he squelched onto Benny's torso.
"Okay, I’ll give you. But what about the muffles I heard? You clearly were having trouble in there!"
"You try crawling through maze of muscle. It’s like a limbo when it comes to the intestines. Though it did give me some hands on guides while I read about it on the phone. Speaking of which.." He hopped onto Wally's sack and climbed back into the hole, his legs flailing as he fished out his device. "There we go!"
"Wally! You could have at least told me that Austin was helping. I missed half the lecture work because of this!"
"I’m sorry bud, but Austin told me to keep it air tight.”
"But..I..you can’t just."
"Benny, Benny, Benny, you're always so punctual. I told ya, if I can handle you during your hunger tantrums, I can handle a sleeping friend."
"Thanks again for helping out with my problem Austin'' Wally said, lowering a finger between his legs as he fist bumped him. "My bowels feels good as new."
"That's good, if you ever need any more help, you know where to find me."
"Noted. But uh..I do have one request.” His stomach grumbled as he massaged over it. "Could you uh.."
"Of course, duty calls Benny. We should take our leave."
Benny was speechless as he reflected on the situation, his body on autopilot as the two exited the bathroom. Heading out from the room, they made their way through the hallway as they followed the path along the stair.
"Aren't we going to talk about how you care for my safety?"
"I was worried sick! You can't just go in someone's body and expect me to be fine without knowing where you are!"
"Granted, but it sure sounded like you were willing to sit there and watch him do his business."
"That's not what I'd call it!" Benny said flustered.
"Uhuh, well that slime on your face say otherwise, what were you planning rim me out from the 'big bad jock' rear end?" He chuckled.
"No! That's.not..we are ending this conversation, I've dealt with enough ass for one day."
"How about a smartass"
"Don't test me."
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koushirouizumi · 8 months
{Syo} ~ [Rai Rai All * R i g h t]
#koushirouizumi utapuri#koushirouizumi syo#koushirouizumi utapuri ref#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi no rb#a: syo kurusu#s: rai rai all right#maji love starish tours spoilers#(In Other News)#(Guess What Ive Been Rewatching Since Yesterday)#(Warning it DOES Get Flashy at minimal points Id recommend turning brightness down if youre prone to episodes!!)#(At least its much easier for me to watch this way than in fullscreen H.D.)#('UUUU' has similar Issues and HIGHLY recommend brightness turned down on that one in comparison to this one b U T)#: im me#(h E L P)#(THEY WERE WATCHING HIM PERFORM FROM THE SIDE AND WAVING AND SYO POINTS IN THE DIRECTION OF)#(WHAT LOOKS LIKE {NATSUKI}S SIDE)#(Ive rewatched UUUU few more times too I Admit bUT THIS WAS VERY FUN ACTUALLY IM SO PROUD OF SYO HHHHEHEHE)#(SYO... YOURE ACTUALLY PERFORMING... ON A STAGE... IN ANI-VERSE... WITH THE HEIGHTS ISSUE BC)#(THEY STILL CANT GET YOU A PROPER ARC BUT KEEP IMPLYING HEART ISSUETM IN SMALL BITS + ANGLES ANYWAY.....)#(LIKE AT THE END Syos . panting. really heavily and they EMPHASIZE It and like yes Effort but also)#(hE HAS A HEART CONDITION IN OG LORE AND THIS IS WHAT THEY GET HIM DO IN THIS CANON BUT IT *WORKS* HHHHH)#(HOW IS THIS SILLY SERIES LIKE THIS)#(WHY CANT WE GET A FULL SEASON WITH THIS KIND OF EFFORT LIKE YES THESE ARE FUN!!! BUT FULL SEASONS TOO!!!!)#(THIS WOULD BE LIKE PERFECT LEAD INS TO A SYO SEASON AND THEY KEEP REFUSING TO TAKE IT L I K E)#(WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED!!!! JUST DO IT ALREADY SMOOTH OUT THE LOOSE ENDS FROM LEAVING OUT ALL OF)#(SYOS REPEAT ROUTE STUFF)#(OK Anyway im LAUGHING at it too but its fUN thE PART WHERE HE CATCHES THE THING + TWIRLS IT ETC G O O D)#flashing lights
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identityvore · 2 years
If Jack and the Ripper were ever separated into two physical beings, there is a very likely chance that Ripper would pounce on Jack and gobble him up. Licks him all over and remarks on the irony; free at last, only to be trapped by his other half again.
He probably won’t digest Jack, if he’s feeling merciful or sentimental. But he’ll certainly tease and squish him around, and possibly need some convincing to let him out. And even then, there’s no guarantee he won’t make Jack take the natural way. Or that he won’t just eat Jack again quite soon after he gets out of the shower.
Jack isn’t immune to mouthplay at all either. He could be reading, painting, or just relaxing and have to deal with Ripper nibbling and licking his hair and face. He hates it, but at the same time it’s an oddly relaxing feeling. Probably gets used to it after a while.
Bonus: Mini Ripper getting worried about Jack and becomes fussy, so Ripper swallows him down too. Jack feels a little better having a cute pet to snuggle with in there.
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nompunhere · 2 years
I was thinking more along the lines of Lemm has to keep the knight around, which is a hassle because he has to actually DO Stuff. Like, deal with other customers (Quirrel). File and decipher their artifacts....Kinda hard when you have a little buddy in your gut, not to mention ghost might need food and drink too (crushed ice for water). From there, I can think of 3 ways out . 1. Lemm is able to hack ghost up. 2. Lemm needs to break out laxatives. 3. Teleportation (shaman). 4. Digestion (shaman)
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as I said, go for it! you make what you wanna make. the tags in that last post were just my personal thoughts I felt like sharing. your idea certainly sounds interesting enough to read.
(don't go for escape option 2 if you want it posted here though. that's what I meant by including nonsexual in the criteria. even if it's made without sexual intent, it's too close for comfort to post imo.) (I mean I'd. I'd read it, but it would never go beyond my inbox) (yeah I think about F//T sometimes don't @ me) (never gonna talk about it on this blog)
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jedi-starbird · 5 months
Time Travel is my favourite trope and I think we need more fics where both Obi-Wan AND Qui-Gon time travel together because no matter when they get sent it's chaos. They're saving the galaxy and being physic flash-bangs to everyone around them.
like before Bandomeer?
The entire council is baffled to watch as Qui-Gon 'never taking a padawan again' Jinn has suddenly cut off his post-Xanatos depression tour to return to the temple and beeline to the creche with a frantic energy. His wild eyes immediately single out a fluffy, red-haired initiate.
"You." he exhales with a pointed finger, slightly ominous as he towers over the child. Said child starts vibrating with delight. "Me." he agrees, launching himself at the man. Qui-Gon drops to his knees with a thud that cannot be healthy. Obi-Wan's attempts to clamber into Qui-Gon's robes and maybe onto his shoulders is thwarted by the fact that Qui-Gon's massive hands are cupping Obi-Wan's tiny squishy cheeks. He stares at the initiate for a few minutes with an intensity that is starting to worry people.
Finally, "You're so small." Qui-Gon sounds like he might cry.
'What the fuck?' Plo Koon projects at Mace.
"I'm 9! That tends to be the case!" the child chirps back.
"You're nine." Oh. Ah. Qui-Gon's eyes are distinctively misty. He squishes the boy in a hug so hard he squeaks. Mace makes a series of gestures that imply the need for a head-scan. Depa obligingly drifts off towards the halls. Qui-Gon scoops the child up onto his hip and claims him as his padawan on the spot. The assorted council members and creche-masters burst into noise. Mace tells Depa to bring some space ibuprofen as well.
after Naboo?
Anakin is a little apprehensive of his place in both the order and Obi-Wan's life, but then one day Obi-Wan wakes up and is suddenly a lot less sad in the force?? In fact, if Anakin didn't know better he'd say he was almost giddy, but he's watched Obi-Wan try to pretend his world hasn't fallen apart for the past few months so it can't be that, right? And um, Miss Bant? He knows grief is a funny thing that affects people differently but he's pretty sure 'massive mood swing' and 'having full conversations with invisible people' is not...great? and you said to tell you if Obi-Wan got really weird in any way.
Anyway after a lot of medical exams, intense consultation with the archives, and a couple exorcisms, Anakin ends up being raised by his 'real' master and his ghost master. He is far more well adjusted emotionally and far less well adjusted for what counts as normal people behavior(not talking to thin air). When questioned on this, all he ever says is that he's talking to Qui-Gon. Isn't he...dead? Well, yes. Wait, he's a ghost? Ghosts are real? ...Well this ghost is real.
This starts a great number of existential crises among non-force sensitives and incredibly heated theological arguments amongst the Jedi. Whenever Obi-Wan is questioned on this, all he ever says is some variation of "the force got to know him for 5 seconds and kicked him back out." Mace backs him up on this even though that reasoning is technically blasphemous. Qui-Gon is having the time of his un-life. He's ascended to his final form, his sheer existence is a heresy, this is truly all he has ever aspired towards.
the Clone Wars?
The minute they get dropped back Qui-Gon immediately goes and haunts the shit out of Dooku. They have a signed terms of surrender and promise of info on the Sith Lord within the year. Only half of it is because Qui-Gon's giving Dooku complexes that are only perceptible to shrimp, the other half is because they now have a ghost spy that is not bound by the laws of physics nor spacetime.
Obi-Wan only nominally pays attention to this as he immediately goes and implements his 19 step seduction plan with Cody (he had to focus on something on Tatooine to pass the time). It fails. Spectacularly. Publicly. Ah right. Tatooine was not exactly the height of his sanity. Everyone in the GAR and temple is now riveted by High General and Councilor Obi-Wan Kenobi's attempts to go on a date with his Commander, who bats him away him like a particularly annoying stray and seems one bouquet of cactus away from committing mutiny. Anakin is worrying if it means his master knows about his secret marriage and this is some sort of really weird power play. (It is, but not in the way he thinks)
The next time Dooku goes after Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon spends a good few months appearing tear-stained at the edge of Dooku's perception and only communicating in terrible wails and discordant mutterings of 'padawan. my padawan. my little one.' 24/7.
"Wait, you're annoying Dooku into surrendering?"
"Oh no Anakin, we're crushing his psyche like a bug. :)"
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angelbarelywrites · 3 months
♡ slashers scenarios | sharing a bed
♡ fandoms; The Boy, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original + 2006), House of Wax, Dead by Daylight, slashers (general)
♡ characters; Brahms Heelshire, Micheal Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Vincent Sinclair
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; very suggestive content, implied smut
♡note; swapped out billy in this one bc i can’t imagine him sharing a bed with someone and not getting literally pornographic
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
Brahms Heelshire
> Once he decides he wants to share the bed, he finds the biggest guest room bed and brings all of the comfiest pillows and blankets he can to make it perfect
> For you more than him, but he doesn’t feel too hurt when you push half of them to the foot of the bed
> It was a lot even for a king bed
> You’re reluctant at first, not used to sharing a bed
> But you find he’s very hard to say no to once you’re in that deep
> He tries to give you space, but it’s not long before he’s wrapped around you, clinging for dear life
> And he almost immediately falls asleep like that, head tucked into your chest
> You sigh and try and relax, petting his hair
> And you fall asleep with your hand still tangled in his black locks, holding him close to you
> You wake up to him nuzzling your neck and practically whining
> “Baby…wake up…”
> You’d ask him what the problem was…if you couldn’t feel it against your leg
> You spend most of the morning still in bed, lazily fixing his predicament
Micheal Myers
> He doesn’t get why you want him to do this
> You know he doesn’t cuddle
> You know he usually gets restless and wanders at night
> But there’s no reason to say no, and even he can’t stand how sad your pout is
> You hum and stretch, tucking yourself in and look at him expectantly
> He takes off his boots and lays on top of the covers beside you, stiff as a board
> You have to coax him to even take the mask off, but he still won’t relax
> You quickly realize he’s used to high security psych ward bunks, not big comfy queen beds full of stuffed animals
> “…do you…wanna sleep on the floor?”
> He pauses.
> Shakes his head and closes his eyes.
> After you finally fall sleep, he sits up, intending on leaving
> But you look so peaceful…he can’t help to stay and watch you. Just for a little while.
> When he touches your cheek, you press into his hand. Maybe a while longer.
> When you wake up he’s still staring at you, hand long gone from your cheek
> But once you blink awake, it creeps somewhere else..
Thomas Hewitt
> He’s almost nervous of the idea
> Y’all are certainly intimate with each other - just as intimate as you would be if you were married like his mama was planning
> But what if the family noticed you were in there? He’d kill Hoyt for calling you anything nasty-
> When he sees you in skimpy PJs, he immediately forgets his worries
> He has a huge bed because he’s a huge guy, so when you curl up in it alone, it’s almost comical
> He’s staring at you as he climbs in after you, cautiously removing his mask
> His shoulders relax a little when you smile up at him, still so amazed you can stand to look at him
>“Hold me?”
> He grunts and takes no time in pulling you flush, spooning you. He’s more relaxed than he’s been in a while, sure he’ll fall asleep in no time
> Until you give a tiny sigh and shift your hips, innocently adjusting
> It doesn’t take much for you to set him off- he’s touch starved and obsessed with you.
> Along with feeling him against your ass, you can literally hear his breathing change.
> “…Tommy baby? Want me to take care of that?”
> It takes another two hours before you fall asleep, both sticky with sweat and sated, your head laying on his broad chest.
Bubba Sawyer
> He’s so happy to have a sleepover- even if you live right down the hall in the same house (I cannot imagine you dating him and being allowed to leave the farm tbh)
> He gives you an updated tour of his room- he’s very happy to show you the collection of polaroids of you he hung up.
> You were wondering where those went
> Finally he drops you on the bed, giggling quietly
> It’s old but comfy, and he has plenty of stolen pillows and blankets, and even some stuffed bears
> He strips right on down to his heart boxers, leaving his mask on for last
> He takes it off slowly, giving you that shy look he always does
> You grin and open your arms and he’s more than happy to scoop you up with a coo.
> By the time you’re settled, you’re curled around his back
> He loves being the little spoon, even if he’s a big brute
> When you wake up he’s bursting back into the room with some slightly burnt toast for breakfast
> It’s a sudden wake up call, but a welcome one
> And you repay him in tons of kisses, all over
Vincent Sinclair
> Like some of the others he’s hesitant
> But you want him to relax, he’s been working so hard- so you take him away from the studio, and into your room
> You’re not even letting him so much as sketch until he sleeps
> He tilts his head and is almost pouting, trying to guilt you - even more so once you help him remove his wax
> Until you coax him into his stomach so you can massage his back, that is
> You’re clumsy and certainly not a professional, but your hands on him is enough to melt away the stress
> He suddenly rolls over and grabs your hips as he hears you yawn
> It’s your turn to pout down at him
> But eventually you relent and let him cradle you close to his chest as he hums a nonsense lullaby
> You keep him trapped in bed the next morning as revenge, again straddling him before he can get up to leave
> But this time, you’re most certainly not yawning
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ghostofhyuck · 2 months
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NCT Dream on their honeymoon!
AN: someone requested this one. GASP, THANK U. Mentions of sex lol because what's a honeymoon without sex. (Implied that you two already did it, but the first night meant having sex as a married couple, why am I explaining this jksdfkjsdk)
Mark Lee
Mark would probably take you somewhere in America. Probably LA or Miami, somewhere in the coastal area. Just you two enjoying the beach and spending the day at the carnival or fair land. You two are young lovers enjoying the night life in America! It'll be full of alcohol, giggles, and just spontaneous foodtrip! You two will book an airbnb with the cutest and coziest interior design. Also the first night would probably be more intimate and you two are nervous but at the same time, clumsy because you two wouldn't stop laughing ?? as if you two didn't fucked before lol. 
Huang Renjun
Since your wedding with Renjun is during the summer or spring season, he would definitely take you to Japan for the honeymoon. It'll be during the cherry blossom season! It's cute and something about seeing the first bloom makes it exciting for both of you. You two will book a nice expensive hotel room and just spent the duration of the honeymoon sightseeing and of course, taking pictures around cherry blossoms trees. The first night with him is just like the first time you two had sex, but this time, you two are now married and much experienced. So it's much more special!
Lee Jeno
Jeno would take you to Japan too because he knows how much you love the culture there. He'll book a nice traditional house, (for the vibe he said.) and just take you to places like Tokyo Disneyland and Ghibli museum because you're a child at heart! He'll enjoy it too of course! You two also did A LOT of shopping. Also his looks are so exquisite, very tourist husband vibes with the shades and camera. OKAY so the first night with him is VERY much intimate, like you two just sitting in front of each other before you tell him to please take care of you. And he'll just smiles and say the same thing.
Lee Donghyuck
I like to think that you and Haechan probably fucked after your wedding, and that's because you two were so drunk after the reception LOL. But despite having a beach wedding, Haechan will still have a beach destination for your honeymoon. Bali, Palawan maybe. Anyways, you two will book a room in an expensive resort that's overlooking the beach. It's just a honeymoon full of beach activities, playfulness, and just you two being lovey-dovey!! Will kiss you under the sun set at some point. Also the first night will be much more romantic compared when you two were drunk. 
Na Jaemin
Jaemin would probably take you to Europe for your honeymoon. Somewhere in Amsterdam or Paris because he's a romantic. Definitely a city tour especially during night where the city's much alive, filled with people and just bustling with noise??? yeah, you two would be holding hands giggling as you two venture out the city. Will also be that photographer husband who takes cute photos of your cute fits. He'll book an expensive hotel room for you two and for the first night, he was very very careful of you, like he was such a gentleman because he wants to show how much he loves you. 
Zhong Chenle
Chenle would think that it's fun for you two to stay within each other's comfort place, so he'll probably take you to Shanghai or maybe Singapore city. It'll be city tour too! Since he's very confident with talking with locals, you two will have underrated food trips and just take you to interesting places that he found while canvassing the area. He's the type to hold your hands because you tend to get lost in the crowd. You chose the accommodation, so you found a cute airbnb that suited each other's taste. The first night with him is full of playfulness! Chenle would constantly tease you but it was still lovely nevertheless.  
Park Jisung
Jisung would also bring you to Europe because he thinks that the 'honeymoon' vibe is just there. Probably in Rome or Barcelona. You two would book a nice hotel that overlooks the entire city, it was breathtaking when you two entered the room. You two would go sightseeing, try local foods, and just take pictures of each other. Jisung has his arms around your shoulder when you two are walking, and both your outfits coordinate! Also he likes to steal kisses from you. The first night would be romantic Like Jisung prepared EVERYTHING and you just lay there and be pretty for him. 
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merakiui · 2 months
the birds and the bees.
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yandere!riddle rosehearts x (female) reader cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, nsfw, slight dub-con, implied stalking, age gap (riddle is 19 and reader is 29) note - you're hired to teach riddle about the birds and the bees. you need the money. he needs to get laid.
The Rosehearts’s Residence looks about how you expected it to after driving past houses of similar size and grandeur. Unlike you, they’re definitely not strapped for cash. It’s an impressive structure with its elegant wrought iron gates and expertly trimmed hedges. You’re immediately overcome with bitter jealousy when you step through the entrance, passing rose bushes in full bloom. If only your apartment could look and feel as nice as this place. You almost wonder if you should keep Mrs. Rosehearts’s contact in case she ever needs a gardener or a window washer…
But then that risks your cover, and the last thing you want is to get tangled up in trouble with the upper middle class.
Gathering your courage, you smooth invisible wrinkles in your pencil skirt, steady your balance in your Mary Janes—both at socially acceptable lengths and heights—and bring your fist down against the door. Seconds after the third knock, it opens to reveal a woman who looks as prim and proper as the landscape of her home. She takes a long moment, drinking in your formal features, and then smiles approvingly.
“Ah, (Name), you’re early.”
You soften your face into something polite and demure. “Better early than late.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
She steps aside, gesturing for you to come in. You meander into the foyer and are instantly reminded of those exquisite house tours on MagiTube. There’s a fine layer of modest Victorian wealth to the decor. Flowery wallpaper, a lofty ceiling, an aureate chandelier, a vase filled with fresh tulips of all colors… Oh, how you wish you could live here!
“Your home is beautiful,” you comment as you straighten your bow headband.
“Why, thank you.” Her eyes light up once more. “I’ve always admired this neighborhood. Everything is so well-kept. Speaking of which, where did you say you’re from?”
“Oh, I’m actually getting ready to move back to school at the end of the summer,” you explain, narrowly dodging her question. No way I’m telling her I live in a not-so-affluent neighborhood… She’ll totally kick me out. “I’m staying with my parents in the meantime and working a few jobs to support myself.”
“And what was it you’re studying again?”
You paste a hollow smile on, sensing her distrust. I already told you this when we met at the clinic. Do I really seem so suspicious?
“I’m studying to be an ob-gyn.”
“A wonderful profession,” she praises, nodding to herself. “Very wonderful indeed. And how old are you? I merely ask to confirm. There are so many miscreants nowadays. You can never be too sure.”
“I understand completely, Mrs. Rosehearts. I’m—” you almost falter, your real age on the tip of your tongue— “twenty-two. What about your son? You told me he’s also looking to get into the medical field?”
“Not looking. He will pursue medicine,” she corrects sternly. “Just like his mother.”
You swallow your disgust and try not to let it show so openly. Yikes… Talk about controlling.
Mrs. Rosehearts waves you onwards down the hall. “My Riddle will be leaving for his first year of college at the end of August. Though I’m certain he’s more than prepared, it never hurts to review.”
“Absolutely. So you’d like me to give him the talk?”
“Not just that. I’d like you to teach him well enough so that copulation and any other libidinous ideas are the last things on his mind. Stamp them out if you must. He’s to focus on his studies and make good decisions just as I raised him.”
Shouldn’t he already be familiar with this? Besides, he’s not a kid. Of course he’s going to think about sex. Most of us do when we’re horny.
But you can’t say that outright, so you settle for something vastly different.
“It’s important to stay on the right path and be responsible.”
Mrs. Rosehearts nods her agreement. Your stomach twists in discomfort.
On second thought, I don’t want to be upper middle class if these are the people I have to deal with. Is this guy going to have any chance to be social? To live his life? To make and learn from stupid mistakes? I bet he can’t wait to get out of here and go off to school.
“I apologize if this is rude in any way, but I just want to ensure I’ll be paid accordingly.”
“Of course. Good work must always be recognized and rewarded.” She stops at a door. “I cannot thank you enough for lending my Riddle your time. Teach him well.”
“I’ll do just that. You can count on it.”
Pleased with the level of maturity you’ve displayed, she raps her knuckles against the door and calls out, “Riddle, the tutor’s here.”
“Very well, Mother. I’ve just finished today’s readings, so you can send them in,” comes a muffled reply.
Today’s readings? you think, perplexed. Your gaze slides from the door to Mrs. Rosehearts. Does she have this guy doing summer school? That must suck! What a shitty way to spend your summer, cooped up inside filling out workbooks and stuff.
“I’ll be out running errands in the meantime. I trust you’ll be all right by yourself?”
“Perfectly all right,” you assure her, to which she hums and strides past you. You catch her perfume as she departs, and it reminds you of the types of scents worn by saggy, old ladies who have nothing better to do than sit around and complain about the state of the world and the way their children turned out.
In other words, a scent you associate with misery.
You wait until she’s out of sight before opening the door and stepping inside the study. There’s a mahogany desk in the center, and thick textbooks are piled high on either side. Beyond that, beside a big bay window with cream-colored curtains drawn to let in the sun, two large bookcases are packed with an array of tomes. At the front of the room, a blackboard has been built into a wooden frame. Chalk lines the ledge, situated within reach of an eraser. And sitting at the desk, his eyes glued to an open book, is a young man. A pair of round frames sit on the bridge of his nose, slipping ever so slightly down the slope of it when he peers at the page. He pushes them up when he finally lifts his head to greet you.
“Hey.” You wave awkwardly, easing the door shut.
He seems taken aback by your appearance. “Oh, yes. Right. Hello…”
Silence soon fills the space. You wonder if you should just save yourself this nonsensical waste of time and retreat.
“Sooo.” You fold your arms behind your back, rocking on your heels. “Your mother’s probably told you why I’m here.”
“I’m aware.” He shuts his book and stands from his seat. “My name is Riddle Rosehearts. A pleasure to meet you.”
You blink at his outstretched arm. “(Name). Likewise.” You grab his hand and shake firmly. 
So stiff…
“So where’re we starting? The basics? You want the whole ‘when a man and a woman love each other very much’ version or—”
Riddle scoffs and yanks his arm back. “I’m not a fool. I’ll have you know I’m well aware of sexual reproduction and what it entails.”
“You can call it sex. No one’s forcing you to be all biological,” you tease. His body goes rigid, and his face reddens in what you assume is flustered annoyance. “Anyways, since you’re not as brainless as Mother Dearest wants me to assume, I’ll just get into it.”
Riddle stares at you, his arms folding over his chest. He looks like he wants to argue, but instead he huffs and lowers into his chair.
Wordlessly, you undo the buttons on your blazer and shrug out of it. Your blouse goes next, untucked from your skirt and shucked. Riddle’s eyes are so wide they nearly pop out of his skull when he spies the white, lacy false collar that just barely covers your breasts. You’re about to step out of your pencil skirt next when Riddle clears his throat.
“W-What’re you doing?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“I’m teaching you the birds and the bees.”
“N-Not in that outfit! S-Surely not…” He averts his eyes, crimson crawling up to his ears. “You’re practically nude!”
“That’s the point of lingerie, silly.” Your skirt pools around your ankles to reveal the rest of your frilly ensemble. A black-and-white cupless bra and crotchless panties set, both with plenty of ruffles, held together with a pair of garters. Still wearing matching stockings and your precious Mary Janes, you bend down to gather your discarded clothes. They’re set aside on a nearby chair. “You can look.”
“A-Absolutely not!” he hisses, squeezing his eyes shut. “Y-You… You’re not decent. It’s rude to stare.”
“Come on. You got past anatomy diagrams just fine.”
Riddle opens and closes his mouth, speechless like a beached fish. Eventually, he manages to gather his coherency. “You’re a tutor, aren’t you? Where’s your dignity?”
“Nonexistent. I lied.” His head snaps over to view you, and he seems so scandalized by your admission that it’s almost comedic. “No way I’m studying to be an ob-gyn. I’m not even in school.”
“What?! But you—”
“It’s fine. I looked the part, didn’t I?” you joke, waving your hand about dismissively. “C’mon, mama’s boy. You’re going off to college. It’s nothing like those stuffy anatomy courses.”
Riddle tries and fails to look at anywhere that isn’t you, his eyes lingering on your chest to the space between your legs to the thigh garter and then to the ceiling. He’s so red you think he might explode.
“You’ve been with a girl before, yeah?”
With lips pursed in a tight line, he shakes his head.
“Sounds about right.”
“And you’re so experienced?”
You flash him a cheeky grin. “Don’t worry about it, mama’s boy.”
“I’m not a mama’s boy!”
“No? So you just let your mother treat you like a little baby at your grown age? You let her pick out sex tutors for you?”
“I—” He stops himself from speaking to mull over your questions. “If it’s what she deems necessary…”
“Because our biggest fear is sexually awkward you knocking up some girl at school, right?”
“I… I would never! Safe sex is—”
“Very important when you’re not trying to conceive. Good boy. See? You know your stuff.”
Riddle’s eyes narrow into vicious slits. You brush his scorching vitriol off and turn towards the board. Procuring a piece of chalk, you scrawl words on it: Birds and Bees 101. Wholly unamused, Riddle folds his arms across his chest.
“Your mother told me you’re gonna study medicine, so you’re probably familiar with everything already. And I’m sure you know all about the baby-making process on a biological level.” You whirl to face him, your tits bouncing with the peppy motion. Riddle swallows thickly. “But just to make sure… Let’s review.”
“R-Review? You don’t mean—”
“What’s this?” Your hands close around your tits. Riddle’s enchanted with the way you squeeze them—the way they depress under your fingers.
“Um… Ahem. Well… T-The breasts. They’re a type of glandular organ located on a woman’s chest, and they’re made up of lots of tissue and fat. There’s the mammary gland—that’s what produces milk. Oh, and then there are the areolas right around the nipples. Those are—”
“You can call them what they are.”
Riddle blinks, shaken from his studious spiel. “W-What?”
“You know the word, mama’s boy.”
He flusters. “Yes, I’m aware. But…”
“No harm in saying it.” You run your fingers over your nipples and giggle sweetly like a schoolgirl. “Go on…”
He inhales a deep breath. “They’re tits,” he mumbles, desultory. “Y-Your tits.”
You clap, beaming brightly. “Well done! Moving swiftly on…” You run your hands down the expanse of your stomach, stopping just beneath your navel. “What’s here?”
“Your womb. O-Otherwise known as the uterus. It’s where a baby grows over the course of nine months.”
“Mhm. Good job.”
He pushes his glasses up his nose, clearing his throat. “There’s more to your reproductive system than the uterus. Lots of parts. Important parts.”
“Right. But I don’t need to quiz you on it. You obviously know your stuff.”
Again, your fingers inch lower until they’re prodding at your folds. Riddle’s breath audibly hitches.
“And this?”
“Your vagina. It’s where—”
“What’s the other word?”
Riddle avoids your stare. “It sounds so vulgar…”
“So what?”
“S-So there ought to be a term that’s more…flattering.”
“Like what?” You approach him and, with the grace of a swan, lift your leg onto the desk to give him a better view of yourself. Shamelessly, you dip your fingers inside to spread yourself. “A guy called it the honeypot once. That pretty enough for you?”
Riddle squeaks and flinches back in his chair, his face now even redder than it was before. “T-That’s fine…”
“Really? I’d have thought the implication in that one is much dirtier than calling it a pussy.”
It takes him a moment to connect the dots, but once he does he gasps. “Ah. Then…”
You press inwards with your fingers, exaggerating a pornographic sigh. “Yeah?”
“Can I… M-May I call it your flower?”
“Sure.” His shoulders slacken with a flicker of relief. Your next words shatter that and his pride in one fell swoop. “That one’s not as special as you think, mama’s boy. I’ve heard it all—every type of flower you can think of.”
“Even a rose?”
“Especially a rose.” His lips twist into a disappointed moue. You chuckle and add, “You can call it a rose if you want. I don’t mind.”
Riddle meets your eyes then, searching them for the joke. When one doesn’t present itself, he relaxes. “All right. It’s a very pretty rose. Soft…”
“Aww. Thanks for saying so. It’s softer inside, y’know. See?” Spreading yourself wider, you angle your hips to bless him with the full view. “My fingers slide right in. Wanna guess why?”
“B-Because the vagina naturally—” He stops himself, his brows knitting together in contemplation. When he speaks next, it’s with a determined sort of conviction. “When you’re aroused, your rose produces a natural lubricant during sexual excitement.”
“Mhm. We call that ‘feeling good and getting wet,’ Dr. Rosehearts.”
“Yes. Y-Yes, I know that.” He eyes your pussy, a ravenous glimmer in his intelligent blue-greys. “And the wetness—it’s supposed to make it feel better. To make insertion easier, I mean.”
“Right again.” You ease your fingers out but not before thrusting them deeper just so he can hear the sinful sounds. They shimmer with your essence, enticing in a forbidden way. “What about the other parts? How about this spot here?” You brush against the hood of your clit, circling it slowly.
Riddle watches, hopelessly spellbound. “The clitoris.”
“I’m impressed. Most guys don’t know about it.”
“But it’s your most sensitive erogenous zone! Just how uninformed does one have to be to neglect such a crucial part to your sexual anatomy?”
“Woefully uninformed, I’m afraid,” you mutter with a pout. Your fingertips drag your hood up to reveal that pretty, perky nub. “I think it’s dumb your mother wants me to talk you out of sex. You’re going to college. You’re an adult. You’re free to do whatever you want.”
“I…” Riddle frowns at that last line. “I have no interest in it. Besides, it’ll only hinder my studies. If I really need it, I’ll just masturbate. That’s healthy every now and then, and it doesn’t break any rules.”
“Really? No interest at all?” You shoot him a knowing look and run your tongue along your bottom lip. “Because your dick’s telling a different story.”
Riddle sputters, embarrassed, and squeezes his thighs together. His hands fly to cover his lap. “That’s because you’re—” He gazes at the floor. “Because you’re so pretty…”
Temporarily thrown off course, you gape at him. “What?”
“You’re beautiful.”
Gathering the remnants of your mask, you piece it together and laugh. “Not the first time I’ve heard someone describe it like that.”
“Not just your pussy.” Your gaze snaps to his. He smiles, impish. “I’m sure you know what I mean, Teacher.”
You exhale a short laugh. “Someone’s suddenly confident.”
Riddle rises from his seat. His fingers close around your wrist, gently pulling it away from your clit. He moves around the desk to stand in front of you and then, before you can comprehend his intentions, he’s pushing you down onto the desk. You yelp at the sudden change in position, your eyes blown wide when he presses his clothed hard-on against your bare pussy.
“You’re doing a poor job at dissuading me from wanting sex.”
“I wasn’t trying to.”
“Not in that outfit.” He grabs at the meat of your thighs and parts them. “If Mother knew you lied to her…”
You shake your head at him. “Please don’t tell her. I… I’m being serious. I need this money.”
Your lip curls into the beginning of a sneer. You hate feeling powerless more than anything, but the fiery glaze in his eyes is just as troubling. “I’m not going to beg.”
“I haven’t asked for that yet.”
You roll your eyes. “Not funny. I agreed to teach you about sex. We’re not actually doing it.”
“A shame.”
“You’ll find a nice girl at school. Don’t lose hope, mama’s boy. Lots of girls like the smart types who’ll give ’em a lecture on biology and stuff.”
“I think you misunderstand. I don’t want other girls.”
“My mother’s paying for a tutor and I desire you, so unless you want to leave here as a lying cheat…” He hums, seeming awfully haughty to hold the only thing that tethers you to him above your head. “You need the money, right?”
“Yes. Sure, of course I do. But—” You shift on the desk, silently horrified when he rocks against you. “We can’t. Your mother—”
“Weren’t you the one saying I should live my life? That I have the freedom to do as I please?”
“That doesn’t mean—come on; listen to yourself. You can’t honestly think I’d fuck you.”
“No? And yet you came wearing this outfit, parading around the study with your pussy and tits out.” He glances past you at the window. “And you didn’t even bother to close the curtains… How brazen.”
Your attempt to jerk away from him is made in vain. He pins you down onto the desk, one hand squeezing your breast, while the other works to fish himself from his trousers. Now hard and leaking, his cock rests against your stomach. It’s not a terrible size. If anything, it’s perfect. Just right for your tastes.
“W-Wait! It’s not safe. You can’t—” You inhale sharply, bucking up towards his hand when he presses his thumb against your clit. Biting your lip, you fix him with a glower. “If you pay me… If you promise not to tell your mother—”
Riddle leans in close. “No one needs to know. No one but us.”
Your eyes flit about the room. With a withering sigh, you submit to his touch. “You’d better pull out in time.”
Riddle rolls his hips once and his cock drags along your folds. You hiss through your teeth at this new friction, a sinful delight more dizzying than any type of alcohol consumed in excess. “Do you want to be a mother?”
“What I want has nothing to do with you. I’m just—ooh—t-trying to survive. You wouldn’t know what that’s like, so don’t poke fun.”
Riddle hums, kneading your breast and rubbing you to the edge all at once. It’s so very obviously his first time, his zealous nature trumping any sort of experienced technique. It still does the trick, though, sending little bolts of pleasure up your spine.
“My mother wouldn’t just choose anyone. Her standards are very high.” His eyes flick to your face, drinking in your expression as it shifts with restrained bliss. “Somehow you’ve earned her approval.”
“Lying’ll do that.”
“Maybe.” His fingers replicate the motions you did earlier, though with a singular objective in mind. He’s so focused on succeeding in this endeavor that it makes him look so stiff. Under any other circumstances, you’d find it cute. “Mother always knows what’s best for me. Obviously you’ve met her criteria if she’s hired you.”
“Spoken like a true mama’s boy.” Seeing as this is now your unavoidable fate, you reach up to touch his shoulders. He jolts, his initial glare softening. You tamp down another giggle and massage up and along his arms. “Relax a little. Don’t rush so much.”
Or do. Let’s get this over with before your mother catches us.
Riddle traces two fingers along your labia. He’s quiet as he takes all of you in, and when he sinks three fingers into your gooey heat his breath catches in his throat. “Are you… D-Do you feel good?”
You reach for his unoccupied hand and guide it to your clit. Riddle understands the suggestion well enough, for he massages you slowly. Sucking in another breath, you nod at him.
“Not bad. You’re getting there.”
His neglected cock throbs at the praise, and so you wrap your fingers around it to give it the same amount of attention he’s currently giving you. Riddle grits his teeth at the contact.
“You can move your fingers. Don’t just focus on my clit.”
“Ah. Right. Of course,” he babbles dumbly, so swept up in everything that you are, so very eager to please.
You’re like a work of art pinned to his desk, a delicacy more forbidden than anything from the bakery. Sugary-sweet, adorned in skimpy ruche, you’re a temptation laid bare. Delicately, as if you might shatter, he curls his fingers to press up against your insides. Riddle watches you arch up towards him, your hand working his cock maddeningly slow and steady. It feels good—better than anything he could have ever imagined.
His eyes trail from your lips to your tits to your pussy stretched around his fingers. “Do you have any plans for this summer?”
The sudden question catches you off guard. You were expecting something related to sex, not whatever this new shred of curiosity is. Still, that doesn’t stop you from dragging him closer to the edge of ecstasy with every tug of your fist.
“I… I’d like to get to know you.”
“Of course. You’re more than a body to me.”
“How charming. I just—” You frown, unable to follow where he’s going with this. “Why?”
“Isn’t that obvious?” Even though he says it like it’s a fact, he looks shy. “I want to know you.”
“Uh… Yeah… Okay.”
“You don’t believe me?”
“Not that… It’s just hard to imagine you having any girl friends.”
Riddle rolls his eyes and grinds his thumb into your clit. You bite back a whine as his fingers pump in and out of you. “Is that space open or closed?”
“You know which one.”
“You could be the one to close it.”
You meet his eyes then. For a short minute, the two of you hold each other’s stare. And then, breaking free from his hypnotic hold, you squeeze his length gently. He shudders, his lashes fluttering against his cheeks.
“And what about you? You excited for your first year?”
“Mm, yeah,” he murmurs, rutting into your hand. His fingers spread you open, scissoring gently.
“Just make sure to take time for yourself. Have fun. Live.”
“What did you do?”
“What do you mean?”
“When you were at school—how’d you manage?”
“I never went.” He opens his mouth to interject, but you beat him to it. “Couldn’t afford it.”
“It’s fine! I’ve got plenty of experience in other things. I don’t need school for that.”
Riddle doesn’t believe your feigned optimism for a second. “If you could’ve gone, what would you have studied?”
You release his cock from your hold and reach up to pull his glasses from his face. Gingerly, minding the fragile frames, you set them aside. You lift your index to your lips, effortlessly coy. “It’s a secret.”
Before he can protest, you tap the hand at your cunt next. Riddle’s fingers, wet and shiny, slide out with a slick squelch. “I think you can do it.”
“Go to school and study what you want. I believe in you.”
A wooden laugh tumbles from your lips. “Thanks for the encouragement, mama’s boy.”
“I have a name, you know.”
You smile easily. “You want me to call you something else? How does ‘good boy’ sound?”
Even though he tries not to let it show, his cock betrays his reticence with a small twitch. He’s an open book. Not wanting to give you the satisfaction, he lines himself up instead. Your fingers slip down to spread yourself for him.
“S-Slowly…” you whisper, stumbling over your breath as the head of his cock presses inside. Shallow at first before more inches fill you.
Riddle heaves a shaky gasp, his eyes wide with amazement. “I… I’m inside you…”
“How’s it feel?” “Warm. Soft. Snug. R-Really good.” He bows his head and digs his fingers into your hips. You think he has a dozen more adjectives on the tip of his tongue, each one just as fluffy as the last. “D-Do you feel good? It doesn’t hurt?”
“I’m fine.” You wind your legs around his waist to pull him closer. Your hands come to rest upon his shoulders once more. “Move your hips.”
Riddle does just that. His pace is awkward and inexperienced, every motion unsteady and jerky, as he searches for the right rhythm. He falls into it surprisingly fast, and it isn’t long until he’s smoothly rutting into you. You grab at his shirt, your breath coming in reedy huffs.
“Good. You—haa—good. You’re doing good.” Praise pours from your lips like a waterfall, plentiful and refreshing. It invigorates him, fills him with a confidence that wasn’t there before.
The soft slap of skin on skin fills the room. You keep your voice in check, lest you lose yourself and alert Mrs. Rosehearts. Riddle seems to be doing the same, even though it’s obvious he’s struggling much more than you are. He worries his bottom lip between his teeth to suppress his groans.
“You can touch me,” you whisper, petting his cheek. He blinks at you, his face aflame with a bright blush.
Nervously, he reaches for you and then pauses. Contemplation passes over his features. “What feels better? I want you to—no. I will make sure you cum. I’ve studied it, actually. I know how long it takes.”
“Look at you, doing your research like a diligent student. You want extra credit?”
Riddle chuckles and pinches your clit between two fingers. The rest of your teasing tapers off into a lewd squeal. “What was that about extra credit?”
“You’re awfully bold for your first time.”
“I’m not clueless.” His hips press inwards, plastering you to the desk, and his cock brushes that special spot within—the spot that has you seeing stars, your every nerve tingling with pleasure. You choke around a delighted gasp. Riddle, feeling victorious,  places his hand against your stomach, as if searching to feel his cock thrust up inside you. “Will I see you again after this?”
“If your mother wants me to come back and give you another pointless lecture on celibacy and safe sex, sure.”
“No, not that. Outside of this.”
“Don’t you have friends you’d rather hang out with?”
“So spend time with them.”
Riddle doesn’t dignify that with a retort. With the way his eyes gloss over, you wonder just how many of these friends are within physical distance. The conversation stalls out into silence.
“You’ll make lots of friends at school. So many you’ll probably forget all about me.”
Riddle yanks your hips to meet his, driving himself deeper into your pussy.
“A-And you’ll find a nice girl to love if you’re looking for that kinda thing.”
“I am,” he confesses, breathless. “I want to get married and—mmh—start a family one day… I want to study law—become a lawyer… Mother thinks medicine suits me, but I can’t agree. Law is fascinating. It’s a perfect fit for me. Far better than medicine.”
You drag your thumb over your mouth, wetting it with your lipgloss, and then press it to his lips. The indirect kiss sends a tidal wave of arousal over him, darkening the tips of his ears in striking vermillion. You offer him a gentle smile while he recovers from that devastating flirt.
“I’ll make sure to hire you as my lawyer if I ever get into legal trouble.”
“You’d better not!” He laughs and shakes his head in amused disbelief. “But if you do, I’ll be there for you. Always.”
“Thanks, Riddle.”
Maybe I judged him too harshly. He’s not so bad.
In that stuffy study, just as the late afternoon gives way to red-orange streaked across a purple-pink sky, Riddle fucks you against that desk in all manner of rhythms. It’s when he finally picks up speed that you realize he’s nearing his end. You mirror his enjoyment, strung along by titillating touches and whispered words drenched in sweetness. You’ve lost track of how many times you’ve reached rapture alongside him, your pussy now brimming with cum. There’s so much it leaks out of your slick hole when he draws away, only to burrow his cock deeper to stuff it back inside.
The room reeks of sweat and sex. You think, if not your disheveled appearance, the smell will definitely tell Mrs. Rosehearts all she needs to know.
“I love you,” Riddle murmurs, and you’re about to ask him what he means—maybe he’s caught up in the moment and doesn’t realize what he’s saying—but then he lifts your legs up to fold you into a mating press. Coherent thoughts are knocked out of your head when he spills over, filling you up for the nth time that day. You shiver beneath him, eyes rolled back into your skull and tongue lolling out. You feel so stupid, fucked submissive by some inexperienced, upper middle class mama’s boy. Which isn’t even an insult with real heat to it, but in your hazy mind it’s all you can think of to describe him.
He grinds against you in the aftermath, panting from the exhilaration and adrenaline. 
“We need to…open the window,” you mutter, your heart thumping wildly in your chest.
Riddle admires your fucked-out expression in his sex-drunk daze. He slides out just as he feels himself going flaccid. Cum drips onto the desk below. Briefly, you struggle to recall whether or not you took your birth control today.
Something to consider later. Definitely not right now when you’re still clinging to the vestiges of your orgasm.
— — —
Mrs. Rosehearts knocks on the door, opening it to find Riddle sitting at his desk, jotting notes and occasionally pushing his glasses up. You’re standing at the blackboard, writing a list of the consequences of unplanned pregnancies. The room smells pleasantly of roses.
“Pardon my intrusion.”
You gaze at her and smile, wearing the clothes you arrived in. Nothing’s amiss. It’s perfect—thankfully. “Welcome back, Mrs. Rosehearts. We’re just about finished here.”
“Is that right? I assume all went well?”
“Very well. Your son’s a fast learner. Extremely talented.”
“I would expect nothing less.” She withdraws an envelope and hands it to you. “Thank you again for explaining it in realistic terms. Of course I doubt that my Riddle will act senselessly while he’s away, but as his mother I’m prone to worrying. Boys his age are so easily influenced.”
“O-Of course! That’s a very valid concern.” You force a chuckle.
If only she knew.
“Your pay is in that envelope. Should I ever require your assistance again, I’ll be sure to call.”
“Right… Thank you.” You hold it close to your chest. “I’m happy to help.”
You follow her out the door. She pauses to address Riddle. “Do continue reviewing your notes. We’ll convene for dinner in thirty minutes.”
“Yes, Mother.”
Mrs. Rosehearts walks you to the gate. “I wish you luck in your studies. If I don’t see you again at the clinic, have a pleasant summer.”
“Thank you. You as well.” You smile, fidgeting slightly. A bead of sweat tracks a path down your leg from between cum-spattered thighs.
Finally! With this I can pay my rent and still have enough for a treat from the bakery.
It’s worth it, or so you continue to tell yourself.
— — —
From the window, Riddle watches you make the walk to your car. He lifts his phone to fit you in the camera and snaps a secret photo. He continues to watch you until you’ve driven off and turned the corner, disappearing from his sight.
A tiny smile tugs at his lips.
Within his phone, put under a password lock, a special photo album exists. It’s filled with pictures taken from your social media—all of them. Every. Single. One. He’s resourceful when he wants to be. He can play the parody of a tech genius when he sets his sights on something.
And you’re just perfect.
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madelynraemunson · 3 months
Married au with Rockstar!Eddie where he's just a man STARVED when he goes home from tour. LIKEEEE, he's just a needy husband in need of reader's loving and he's been lacking just that for months now ☹️☹️☹️ (please the Eddie brainrot is consuming my every being.)
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☆ The Crawl ☆
rockstar!eddie munson x housewife!afab!reader
CW: 18+ obvs, needy, pathetic sub eddie, dom-ish afab reader, dick riding, cum eating, dirty talkin’ nasty goodness, eddie literally crawling towards us 🫠🫠, facial, implied unprotected p in v sex, dribbler!eddie
author's note: this is my first time writing sub!dribbler!eddie hehehe eds is usually a dom!shooter in my universe. i hope you all enjoy!!! 💌
WC: 686 words
“Need you to have your way with me, sweetheart…need you to use me…Can’t take it anymore. Please."
You meet your husband's desperate gaze as he brushes his stiff cock against your thighs, prodding you for the sensual loving you had promised him when he was to come back from tour.
Craving every inch of your touch, the man is at your mercy. And that damn polaroid picture you sent him a few days ago? The damn polaroid of that pretty pussy of yours, your glistening folds spread apart by your perfectly manicured fingers, the white border holding space for the title, “all for you” signed by your rouge red lipstick? Eddie damn near kicked the tour bus driver out his seat to turn the vehicle back around himself.
But, of course, the show had to go on. And as stoked as Eddie was for Corroded Coffin's Rise of Kas Tour, nothing compares to being with you, wrapped up in your intimacy in the comfort of the home you two share.
And now 385 days later, you two are here.
“Need you to ride me dry…” he pleads. “Need both lips on my cock baby, he’s missed you so much…”
“Nuh uh,” you smirk, enjoying yourself just a little. “Not gonna do away with the flatteries just yet.”
“Fucking please, princess,” Eddie begs. “Been blue-balled all tour, you can’t do this to me.”
“Oh but I can.”
Hellbent and greedy, your smitten, pussy starved husband treads hopelessly towards you on all fours as you guide him to the bedroom.
Too many press photos and interviews. Too many groupies lining up outside the tour bus to claim their spots with Gareth, Grant, and Jeff. And far too many titties to sign, but Eddie knows he shouldn’t refuse, cuz since he built his brand off being a sex-crazed rockstar, rejecting the ladies would mark the end of his — very successful — career.
Too much of tour life on repeat. And never enough of you. And when he finally gets you, the whining only seems to intensify.
Your twinkling, cum-coated tits bounce in Eddie's face as you frantically taunt your clit with his wide, veiny cock. The sight of you tossing your head back, a mewling mess as he splits you open is enough to tug orgasms out of Eddie’s blissfully aching body. And as you clench around him, screams getting louder by the pump, his spewing tip begins to twitch with every jab into your guts.
“Oh baby…shit, mmfuck, ‘m so fucking sensitive baby, you have no idea.”
Your excitement pools at the base of his naval. Knowing he's not going to last all that long, Eddie whimpers at the sight, his photographic conscious saving the episodic eye-sore for a midday work flashback.
“I love you so much,” he moans. Your orgasm begins to splash around him with every bounce. "Missed your beautiful face. Missed your tight fucking pussy."
“I love you, sweet boy,” you hum. “Your dick makes me feel so good, Eddie, fuck. You’re not going anywhere.”
Eddie releases one strained groan before he loses control. Now completely shifting the roles, Eddie pins you into place as he probes for his finish, thrusting into you as the sweat rushes down his body, his full sack beating at your skin as you ride out your last together.
“Fuck baby, yes baby, yes baby,” he pants. “Gonna be the death of me baby, oh fuck…”
And before he completely empties himself in you, Eddie retreats and finishes on your face. He beams down at you in awe as he glazes the hollows of your cheeks, glosses your lips, and caters to the tip of your cum-quenched tongue. Eddie then swoops down to collect his own eager laps, before thanking you with a kiss.
And, to your surprise, when all is said and done, and you’re all wiped down with a nice warm washcloth from the dryer, your husband books it to his office as if there were something else waiting for him behind that door.
“Eds,” you wonder. “What are you doing?”
“I need to write a song.”
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thefanciestborrower · 1 month
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Where he goin’
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terezis · 8 months
ok here's the hot goss from the nycc taz gn panel
i don't actually know whether or not it was recorded/ if they're going to put it online so here is my summary. also if i miss anything and u were there pls feel free to chime in. spoilers obviously!!!
got eight new preview pages (four two-page spreads), not the pages on the macmillan website!!!
ok i will tell u about those pages but the main thing discussed at the panel was how they went about adapting this arc into gn form. the actual time spent in wonderland has been trimmed a lot bc they had to think about what was actually important to the narrative as they are building to story and song.
basically in planning out the suffering game they also really had to decide what the rest of the series would look like, bc whatever they include now is seeding the stuff that's going to happen later.
cam is not in this book. it was implied there's less wheel spins. rowan/ash/sterling get much less screen time
almost half of this book is lunar interlude stuff (pre and post suffering game, INCLUDING REUNION TOUR!!! no word on where it ends but they made it clear that a LOT of thought went into what to include and where to end it, and what that would mean for the next book)
ok so about those preview pages
first one was post-taakitz date with kravitz sensing a lich and the umbra staff shooting at him <3 <3 <3
i thought they were going to show us the preview pages that were on macmillan so when i saw kravitz i was so shook
second spread was magnus visiting the voidfish, which now happens right before they leave for wonderland; the whole beginning of tsg from magnus trying to talk to pringles to him kidnapping those guards to the chimera fight was cut LOL bc it never really got… addressed again in the podcast
angus comes to get him for the mission but magnus has been going Through It (outright stated, they were like. he found out he's a red robe. he would probably not be handling it well. he has eyebags now. LOL) and snaps at angus when angus presses him on what's wrong.
more angus content, he will be investigating what's going on at the bureau more (his scene w magnus ties into this)
same for lucretia! more content/ stuff for her to do
third spread was merle w his kids getting saved by the red robe, is at a carnival instead of a random street this time LOL
last one was the boys arriving just outside of wonderland
wonderland looks fuckign cool
what else… oh confirmed like eighty panels of bare ass naked magnus after he gets his body back. so i think we really are getting the full reunion tour this book???
omg ALSO!!! ben (editor) said he campaigned REALLY HARD to have the umbra staff break during the suffering game, freeing lup early, bc he really wanted more time with her, but griffin campaigned really hard NOT to do this, and in doing so his arguments solved a lot of other problems they had been having at the time LOL
travis is the fans' champion when the others get too edit-happy. he's the one who has a good idea of what moments are important to the readers so he's like hey… too far. don't cut that. and then they don't
justin leaves great notes and when they couldn't figure stuff out ben would often say "no it's fine justin will solve this." and he ALWAYS DID
this was news to justin
??? i think that's all the main points honestly i'm v picky about adaptations but overall i feel like these are good changes that make sense when translating the podcast to gn
that said i do hope taako still gets a washing machine dropped on him <3 do this for me carey <3
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salaciousdoll · 8 months
Thrills, Chills, and Whores, Let’s Explore The Haunted Lore Here With Salaciousdoll
Before you take the tour with me, here’s what to expect: reader is Fem and a bit of an airhead in like two fics. You can continue to the Taglist if you are 18+ and have your ages in your bio’s.
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Oct. 4
Mirrors featuring Risotto Nero
Tags: body worship, size kink, hardcore, dirty talking, voice kink, invisibility, mirror sex, etc.
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Oct. 9
His messy dolly featuring Jugram Haschwalth
Tags: Royal au, spitting, impact play, temperature play, praise/ degradation, dom. Jugram, etc.
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Girl Ride featuring Shinichiro Sano
Tags: body worship, spitting, biting, heavy impact play, breeding kink, etc.
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Writing Helper featuring Kenpachi Zaraki
Tags: spit, daddy kink, size kink, talk through it, full Nelson, cockwarming, dirty talking, groping, etc.
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Oct. 21
Break The Rules featuring Kenny Ackerman
Tags: Big exhibition, law breaking sex, marking, sir kink, teasing, vibrator, etc.
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Oct. 25th-31st
Tear You Apart
Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru, Hiromi Higuruma, Shiu Kong, Toji Fushiguro, Atsuya Kukasabe, and Choso Kamo
Please be advised to the warnings of Smut, blind fold sex, a bit of cuckolding here for Geto, Groupsex, double penetration in one and two holes, food play, spitting, fluids( squirting, cum.), marking with a permanent marker, body worship, chubby reader implied but everyone can read, voyeurism, impact play, guessing game, spooky sex, reader is wearing a bunny girl costume, knife play, Shibari play in the first half( kinda like a warm up)
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Nov. 6th/11th (CANCELED)
The Suite Life of Older Men and Women
Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman, Miche Zacharias, Onyankopon, Hange Zoe, Nanaba, Zeke Yeager, and Nile Dok
Please be advised to the warning of Smut, group sex, double penetration in both holes, handjobs, breeding kink, edging, cunnilingus, creampies, overstimulation, body fluids( spit, squirting, etc.), dirty talking, praise/ degradation, hard fuck, pussy eating, sloppy top, impact play( pussy slaps, slapping as and chest, etc.)
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Nov. 16th/21st
Want The Whole Crew
Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Connie Springer, Floch Foster, Colt Grice, and Porco Galliard
Please be advised to the warnings of smut, groupsex/gangbang, double penetration in both holes and one hood, triple penetration attempt, spitting, squirting, a bit of cnc( consensual non-consent), masked men fucking you, voyeurism, voice kink, marking with marker, tit fucking, heavy degradtion and a bit of praise, pet names, recording( consensual)
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Tags: @chosoist @simpingfor-wakasa @honeybleed @mastermindenoshimaalicia @happygoluckyalexis
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゚•┈© all right reserved to salaciousdoll, she does not give permission to steal, plagiarize, and translate.
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weirdrandomtina · 6 months
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Poppy character development appreciation post!
In Branch's old pod, when Poppy says he can talk to her, she pays full attention, never takes her eyes off him, and when he hesitates she continues to smile patiently. In World Tour, while he's trying to talk to her, she has her back to him and is focusing on watering the flowers, and when he hesitates, she only half pays attention.
When a friendly but random stranger picks up Branch who is clearly not liking to be thrown around, Poppy doesn't laugh about it or go along with it. And instead of saying politely, "hey, excuse me, could you please put him down", she literally snaps at JD, "STOP, PUT HIM DOWN RIGHT NOW". (and of course she refers to Branch as her boyfriend🥰)
"JD is only here because he needs something". When JD confirms that's true, Poppy could've said, "Nah, there's more to it than that", and JD could've said, "Yeah, Floyd's in danger..." and Poppy would've gone "See, told you..." Instead, she gives JD a deadpan look and says flatly, "C'mon, I'm trying here." Again, blunt and not Queen Poppy's usual giddy politeness.
Poppy wants to hear the full story of how she and Viva got separated, whereas before Poppy would've accepted Viva's vague explanation like, "Oh well, we're together now, everything's cupcakes and rainbows!" Now, Poppy recognizes Viva is changing the subject to avoid discussing negative feelings, and thanks to Branch, Poppy now knows that sugarcoating everything is not the way to deal with your problems. Also, Poppy is patient and gentle with Viva - she understands this is a sensitive / painful topic for her sister, and isn't pestering, "C'mon, tell me, tell me, I gotta know!"
In Trolls 1, when Cloud Guy teases Branch who clearly is not amused, Poppy laughs despite the life or death situation they're in. In Trolls 3, when JD teases Branch about wearing a smaller diaper, Poppy doesn't find it funny and doesn't say something like "Oh, come on, Branch, just go with it, have fun!"
When Branch tells Poppy he didn't need his brothers growing up and doesn't need them now, Poppy doesn't object or try to convince him to go back and make it work with them anyway. She just follows him, supporting him in the way he needs: being there for him no matter what. Since things didn't work out with Viva, Poppy realized family is indeed complicated.
When Poppy stops Branch from walking away, she doesn't only say, "I've always been by your side, give me some credit". She says how they've been by each other's sides. She didn't get annoyed that he implied she'll leave him, because she sees now that he's afraid of losing her like he lost his brothers and his grandma. She tells him she's not going anywhere in a sincere tone, not being silly or dismissive.
At Mount Rageous, Branch is the one taking the lead / making the plans while Poppy supports it and follows his lead. She isn't being reckless with Branch blindly following along, and she isn't making light of the situation (like in the first movie she scrapbooks his plan. Also, her 'plan' is to 'rescue everyone and make it home safely', which Branch points out is not a plan. Now she's helping him formulate an actual plan). When trying to get onto the yacht, she asks Branch, "What do we do?" She now is willing to listen to him and respects that he can be a leader, not just her.
Poppy very bluntly points out Velvet/Veneer's bad behaviour. No trying to justify it, no trying to change their minds with kind words and catchy songs, no asking nicely to let Brozone go - she screams that their phonies in front of a massive crowd, and the way she's angrily pacing tells me she wanted to say something worse. A huge change from Movie 1 and Movie 2 Poppy.
The protective-hand-reaching forward thing that Branch has always done to Poppy - she did to him!
BONUS - development from both Branch and Poppy: when she goes on her sister rant and he snaps her out of it, he starts shouting her name then softens, while she realizes what she's doing, snaps out of it, instantly calms down and gets to the point.
Here are some other great Poppy development posts I came across:
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