#immortal whumpees my beloved
letitbehurt · 2 months
Whumper testing the limits of an immortal Whumpee.
A cut, then a burn, then a severed tongue. A fatal shot, a cup of poison, the snap of a noose gone taut. Whumper tries all of this and more, but Whumpee cannot die—at least, they cannot seem to stay that way. No matter how much they might want to.
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albino-whumpee · 1 year
Fushi from to your eternity is a little pitiful thing. His creator created a paradise he himself couldn’t live in and then tossed all his godhood to experience human life. But…he forgot to give Fushi an stop button like his.
Fushi is condemned to aimlessly wander around in search of new vessels and stimuli, but is completely unable to “create” new things like his creator. So, if the world was a barren wasteland, with no people, with no way out, his inability to “create” new things will force him to sit down and observe until something fun and interesting appears.
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chaotic-orphan · 11 months
The Immortal Hunter : Part 4
Continuation of Always a ball
Read Part one here
Part two
Part three
I found this in my drafts and forgot about my vampire babies, so enjoy!
“What can I say,” Heath said easily. “I’m an honest kind of guy,” then he plunged the knife deep into Wolfe’s heart.
Heath relished in the wide grey eyed surprise of the bastard who had orchestrated his own demise. He wouldn’t admit it later on, but Heath even smiled.
He stuck the blade in nice and deep, and still holding the handle followed the momentum through, his other hand grabbing Wolfe’s shoulder and pushing him onto his back with Heath breathing heavily over him.
It was strange being a vampire. He had no heartbeat yet he swore there was something slamming against his chest, thundering euphoria around his body. His ears which shouldn’t have a pulse drunk on the thrill of the kill of another rotten bloodsucker. The hunter’s high was always a little unhinged, but in that moment Heath didn’t care.
His body responded as if it was still alive. Adrenaline keeping him going, not blood from last night’s party. He sucked in a deep breath through his nose, eyes closing in a moment of bliss.
He missed this.
Heath’s head turned with a hyper energy to the sound, where his unfocused eyes found Killian tied to the chair staring at him with human eyes full of uncertain fear.
Killian shouldn’t be afraid, the voice in his head said. His heart still beats. He is sacred.
Heath stood from Wolfe’s body and turned full to face Killian now, ears honed in on his heartbeat speeding up. Which was ridiculous. Heath would never hurt a hair on his head.
Heath bowed to Killian, knife flat on his two outstretched palms.
“An offering,” someone said. Who wasn’t important to Heath. No all that mattered was that precious human life he saved. “I’ve heard of the hunter’s high, but I thought it was a myth.”
“The hunter’s high?” Killian asked.
“When a hunter kills a vampire when saving a human life. It’s like a high we could never begin to understand. This is his promise to you.”
“You need to accept the knife to complete the ritual.”
A pause.
“Oh wait, your hands- let me…”
There was the sound of ropes being cut, then falling limply to the floor.
“I just take the knife?” Killian asked.
“No. Well yes, don’t take it from him. Just grab the handle. It’s like a thank you, if you wanna think of it like that.”
“I thank him for saving my life?”
“No. He thanks you for giving him the opportunity to slay another vampire. Do it. Now.”
A pair of black runners appeared in Heath’s view. Not that he could really register it. But he recognised them as Killian’s from the day before in a faraway part of his brain.
Then there was a warm hand on his, fingers wrapping around the hilt of the blade and Heath wrapped his hand around the owners hand.
Then it felt like Heath crashed back down onto his own body.
He looked up at Killian who looked down at him with a weary expression, as if he was afraid Heath might hurt him. Heath frowned, eyes flicking to Felix who stood behind the chair Killian was tied to watching the exchange with that awful cat like interest that made Heath’s stomach turn.
“Heath?” Killian asked, and Heath looked back at him. Heard his heart beating. He was still alive.
Heath got to his feet with Killian’s help, feeling very weak from the Hunter’s return. He looked down at Wolfe at his feet, blood seeping steadily into a stream from his wound.
“Ah fuck,” Heath muttered, looking over his shoulder at Felix. “I didn’t mean to kill him.”
Felix waved the death of his friend away as if it was spilled milk.
“Don’t be daft. Let’s have breakfast, I’m famished. Killian will you join us for breakfast? Please do. Actually, as your boss I insist. I’ll have the cook prepare some pastries. I feel like a nice croissant right about now.”
Felix kept talking and gesturing as he walked out of the door to the basement and waited there, holding it open for the others to follow.
“Are you okay to walk?” Killian asked after Heath let him go.
“Yeah. I’m fine. Don’t worry about it,” Heath said then took a step and collapsed. Killian was bent double trying to catch him, but before Heath hit the floor Felix had a hand under him, putting Heath’s arm over his shoulder and helping him out of the basement. “Shit,” Heath whispered as his head swam. The rush from the Hunter’s high zapping his energy.
“Hush, dear boy,” Felix said quietly enough so only Heath could hear, “I got you.” Heath didn’t have the energy to argue or repress the shudder at Felix’s old pet name for him, and just let Felix half carry him out of the room.
Felix didn’t turn as he said over his shoulder, “Chop chop Killian.”
Heath heard an immediate: “Yes sir.”
Then he zoned out knowing Killian was safe and let Felix guide him to the dining room.
Celeste was already at the dining table, knife and fork in hand, hair in a simple low bun and she didn’t as much raise a brow when the three men arrived. On the table before her was a small feast of pancakes, fruit, bread and pastries that still had steam rising from them.
“You’re just in time,” she said simply. “The pastries only arrived.”
Killian walked through the door after Felix and Heath. Following Felix around the table after he had deposited Heath onto the chair next to Celeste, and then sat at the head of the table on her other side. Killian sat opposite Celeste on the other side of Felix, her perfect eyebrows raised at that.
“Oh hello. You must be Felix’s new employee. I’m Celeste.”
“Celeste, Killian. Killian, Celeste. We’re all acquainted now let’s eat,” said Felix plating himself some pastries from the table and a side of grapes.
“I’m sorry you’re in debt to him,” she said as Killian sat down and Killian nodded in response. “You have a bruise on your cheek, and a cut… and blood on your shirt and nose. Felix, did you do that?”
“I would never.”
“No. A guy named Wolfe,” said Killian.
“Oh,” Celeste said her voice taking an edge to it as she looked to Heath at her side who was a little out of it. “You’re lucky to be alive.”
“I’ll remember that,” said Killian, taking a croissant and biting into it. “It’s all thanks to Heath.”
“Defender of the Humans that man,” Celeste said with a secret smile. She dropped her voice conspiratorially and added, “He must like you.”
“I don’t,” Heath said, voice raw, reaching across Celeste and taking a pancake from her plate.
“Now that’s a lie,” Felix said, eyes on Heath even as he continued talking with Celeste. “You should have seen him down there, Celeste. He was exquisitely noble.”
“When is he not?”
Heath grunted in response. Killian for his part was mostly famished and weirded out by the three vampires sitting before him. He ate quietly, every now and then grabbing something when his plate was empty as they fell into silence.
“Tell me,” Felix began, cutting a pancake with his knife and fork and easing a piece to his mouth, “Did you know he was the Immortal hunter?”
Celeste froze for a split second, imperceptible to the human eye, the brief halting pause in her limbs. A split second was all it was, but that was all it needed to be for Felix to notice. Silence descended on the table, even Killian stopped chewing as he noticed the change in tone at the table. Felix’s eyes were sharp as a feline’s as he watched Celeste process the information.
“Yes. I was shocked too. I would have thought he’d tell you of all people,” Felix said conversationally, as if he didn’t just drop the bomb of the century on her over breakfast.
“I’m right here,” Heath said. His eyes were shut, his head tilted back on the chair and staring at the ceiling.
“Would you prefer we talk behind your back?” Felix asked.
“I’d prefer if I didn’t have to hear your voice for another decade, Victor.”
“You wound me. It’s not even 9 a.m.”
“I’ve had a long day,” Heath said. He looked at Killian then from across the table. “As have you. Would you like me to walk you home?”
“Heath-“ Felix began but was cut off immediately by Heath’s chair scraping against the hardwood floor.
“Give him the day off. It’s my treat. Plus I’ll be here to wait on you hand and foot.”
Felix shrugged in response. “Fine,” he said in an exhale. “However me and Celeste will be talking about you behind your back.”
“As all good friends do. Come on Killian.”
Heath was out of the room before Killian had even stood up. He did so a bit awkwardly, bowing his head to Celeste.
“It was nice to meet you, Celeste.”
“Enchantée. Don’t be a stranger, Killian.”
Killian didn’t know what to say to that so he said nothing, just nodded again and followed Heath out of the house. He wouldn’t be prey to another Vampire’s stupid contracts and customs in the span of 24 hours.
Celeste waited until they were out of earshot to turn to Felix staring daggers into his face which Felix just blinked unfazed at.
“What do you mean Heath’s the immortal hunter? The immortal hunter can’t be a vampire? And that boy? You let Wolfe hurt him in your own house?”
"Wolfe is dead now, Celeste, so any disrespect he caused me in my house is currently bleeding out of him in my basement. As for how the immortal hunter can be a vampire," Felix said, taking a sip of wine and looking at her over the glass, “I have a few theories...”
Continued here
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whumpy-wyrms · 3 months
it’s my birthday so here’s some whump prompts! feel free to eat these up like birthday cake :)
whumpee being stuck in captivity for so long, unable to track the time or having their memory wiped so that they don’t remember when their birthday is or how old they are.
whumpee’s birthday is the only day when whumper is somewhat nice to them, giving them cake and presents, and spending the day doing whatever whumpee wants to do (except leaving, of course). whumpee has to savor this day as much as they can, knowing the next day will be filled with pain and torment again.
fae whumper who kidnaps whumpee by throwing them a birthday party. whumpee eats the cake not knowing that they’re now trapped there forever.
whumper getting whumpee as a birthday present. maybe they’re a scientist getting their first test subject, maybe they’re a vampire getting their first bloodbag. whatever the case is, whumper is excited and whumpee is terrified.
ghost whumpee who’s birthday continues to be celebrated by their friends, even after they died. they still feel loved and appreciated even if nobody can see or hear them.
ghost whumpee who’s birthday was forgotten or ignored after they died, never celebrated by the people who they thought cared about them.
multiple whumpees in captivity. whenever it’s one whumpee’s birthday, whumper leaves them alone but tortures the other whumpee twice as bad, and forces them to watch.
whumper having nobody to celebrate their birthday with so they kidnap whumpee.
whumpee who’s birthdays are more fun with whumper than anywhere else. whumper getting them their favorite birthday cake, presents they’ve always wanted, spending the day having the most fun whumpee’s ever had. whumper taunting them about how they like it here, and would never be this appreciated anywhere else.
whumpee getting kidnapped on their birthday, rescued on their birthday, recaptured on their birthday, or dying on their birthday.
whumper taunting whumpee during their birthdays. burning them with birthday cake candles, feeding them a cake they’re allergic to, or poisoning it, and taunting them about how another year has passed and nobody has come to rescue them.
whumper who celebrates their own birthday by torturing whumpee, saying it’s the least whumpee could do to give them a happy birthday.
whumper who loves to celebrate whumpee’s birthday, taking the day off and goofing around with them. whumper blowing up balloons and throwing them at whumpee, making their hair stand up from static electricity, or inhaling the helium to sound all squeaky. silly whumpers my beloved
whumper notices whumpee seems lonely, so for their birthday, whumper kidnaps someone new and gifts them to whumpee to keep them company.
whumpee who escaped captivity and is on the run. they’re living in the wilderness, unable to celebrate their own birthday and risk being found.
whumpee who’s birthday marks the end of a time loop. every time a year passes, they go back to the beginning and have to go through the whole year of being tormented by whumper all over again.
for caretaker’s birthday, whumper sends them the bloody remains of whumpee as a birthday present.
whumper forcing whumpee to eat parts of themself (or a loved one) for their birthday.
whumper cutting immortal whumpee open while they’re still conscious and feeling everything, burning candles in their flesh and cutting them up to eat instead of eating a birthday cake.
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rainysflowers · 5 months
Tosses this out into the eather for the most niche audience I could think of. *NYEAH!!*
After seeing the lovely @species-whump-weekly and waiting excitedly for their Demon prompt list for the purposes of using them against my favorite Mazoku, I decided that it would be fun to do something similar. Therefore, I'd like to offer to you, the whump and Slayers community...
Mazoku Whump Week!!
This is the perfect opportunity to take your beloved Mazoku, be them canon or original, and beat them up (maybe comfort them too) for the world to see! What fun ^^ If this does interest you, please look under the cut for more info and prompts!! If not, then have a lovely day!!
CWs/TWS: Themes of Hurt/Pain, Dehumanization of Non-Humans, Neglect, and Similar Content
ALSO I feel that upon farther community interaction that I should mention to PLEASE write out/tag your entries with content & trigger warnings and the characters involved as to not offend/trigger anyone who may come across it without interest in said character/content!!
Personally, I like to give a general overview of what content is in the media much like my CWs/TWs above, then also add on SPESIFIC tags for worse things like Major Character Death, and finally PLEASE SPESIFY which character you'll be hurting in the media!!
Now, I call it a week because that's the way i formatted it, but there's no timeframe and there's no start date. I just made it for fun and my own enjoyment ^^ All I ask is that you please tag me in whatever you choose to create [Writing, art, GIFs, ect]:)) You totally don't have to be a part of either community to participate, I just made this for Slayers fans specifically because I love that anime <3 They are also more so anime-based, than light novel-based, as a side note.
Prompts are formatted as a single master-prompt, something that sets the theme for the sub-prompts under it, and three sub-prompts that you can write one, two, or all three of!! There are also seven alternative prompts that follow the same general theme of the master-prompts (I.E. alternative prompt one (1) has the same theme as master-prompt one (1) and so forth). !!! Two alternative prompts are based on my personal headcannons, but those are labeled as such, and do not have to be used !!!
Here is the prompt list:
01) Summoned.
1] I’ll Treat You Like My Pet/Dehumanization
2] Defiance/Defiant Whumpee* (*Whumpee refers to the character who is in pain, which is in this case the Mazoku of your choice)
3] Terms and Conditions
02) Used.
1] Losing Control
2] Astral Wound/Pain
3] Magical Exhaustion
03) Misunderstood.
1] Kindness Makes the World Go Round
2] Starvation
3] Botched Shapeshifting
04) Betrayed.
1] Backstabbed
2] Found Out
3] Ritual Sacrifice
05) Returned.
1] Uncaring Master
2] Can’t Go Back
3] Demonic Punishment
06) Inherited.
1] Immortality
2] Bleeding Black
3] Ingrained Morality
07) History.
1] Scars
2] War Never Changes
3] Falling Comrades
Alternative Prompts
1] Orihalcon Restraints/Weapons (Based on a headcanon where the metal Orihalcon is able to suppress the Mazoku's ability to either return to the Astral Plane or negates their ability to be impervious to physical wounds in the real world.)
2] Reluctant Caretaker
3] Presumed Dead (Based on a headcanon where if a Mazoku is injured enough, they must ditch their assumed form to return to the Astral Plane, leaving them looking like a corpse in the Human World.)
4] “I can’t believe I trusted you.”
5] Assassination (Attempts)
6] “I thought that you couldn’t love?”
7] Survivor’s Guilt
Here is the Prompt List in a Google Doc:
Thank you so much for checking out this post, sorry for the crappiness lol, I just wanted to share some stuff. Ill be back sooner or later, and if you have any questions, please send them on in ^^ luv yall with the strength of a thousand suns <3 Have a good day, night, and whatever else!!
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yet-another-heathen · 11 months
Active Series Masterpost
The Jackal of An-Nadr - [X]
Set in 1,200 BCE. The Jackal of An-Nadr follows the capture of Nadeem, a date-farmer turned thief who was abandoned in the wastes of the desert when he tried to steal from the wrong ship.
Stranded and alone, he is found and enslaved by a crew of ifrit—towering demons that roam An-Nadr in ships that can sail the sand. Will he become a plaything of the creatures from his nightmares? Or is there something more for him waiting in the hands of his would-be captors?
Content | epic worldbuilding, defiant whumpee, environmental whump, monsterfucking, slavery, desert pirates, pre-historic fiction, LGBTQ+ fiction. Adult themes, with occasional NSFW content [including dub-con and non-con]
Cast | Nadeem, Yeezumon, Ifyaa, Adrsiae, Hidhialial
Liliholm and Page - [X]
This series follows Wesley Page, a daring vigilante best known by his alias, Deimos. When he steals and exposes a massive library of blackmail owned by one of the city's worst villains, their entire criminal world goes on a manhunt to track him down. Captured and alone, Deimos is subjected to the revenge and torture of not just the man he stole from, but every villain whose crimes he exposed.
Does he have it in him to withstand their torture long enough to escape? And if so, will he still have the strength afterward to heal?
Content | sci-fi, cyberpunk setting, superpower whump, kidnapping, very brutal torture, gore, repeated noncon // PTSD, an old friend (who just happens to be the city's most powerful villain and a renowned psych professor) turned caretaker. LGBTQ+ fiction. Frequent NSFW content, almost exclusively noncon.
Luca and Garcia
An offshoot of Liliholm and Page. A dynamic duo of bastards that you absolutely hate to love.
Content | EXTREME GORE, VIOLENCE, whumper POV, all hurt no comfort, character death, incredibly brutal whump, painful healing, immortal whumper-turned-whumpee, agender protagonist, villains that are so human you want to strangle them yourself. Aro/Ace friendly!
Cast | Wesley Page, Henry Liliholm, Yalom, Luca, Garcia
Writing Prompts
All my writing prompts are free to use and can be found under the tag #words of a heathen.
The Hare Trap Chronicles - [X]
This story is not one of mine, but one submitted to me in series by my beloved 🐇 Anon. Follow the story of Ignacy, a hedonistic young aristocrat-turned-vampire, and his many lifetimes of misadventure as he lives out his centuries as the 'black sheep' of his family's estate.
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whumpsoda · 5 months
Make oc’s, become insufferable. Here’s some name suggestions no pressure, just had some of these in my notes
If I’m clear, the original first two whumpee and whumper duo was a guy whumpee who was bigger than his whumper, who is skinny but much stronger so I’m including some feminine names too
Damien - to tame
Hendrix - home ruler
Darius - kingly
Adrastus - inescapable
Marva - dark
Mirela - to admire
Lilura - enchantment
Veda - enchanting
Khalida - immortal one
Helah - depraved
Melian - beloved
Venturo - faithful
Malak - angel
Nevan - little saint
Cade - pure
Jasper - treasure
All of these are very nice names, but some of my favorites would have to be Helah, Veda, Marva, Darius, and Damien for the whumpers, and I’m very fond of Melian, Malak, and Nevan for Whumpees!! :D
I’ll DEFINITELY keep these in mind while I think over names, so thank you!!
(Also yes you are correct about the appearance of the first pair :)
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
Your opinion on immortal whumpees? Both those with incredible regeneration that makes them immortal or those who only regenerate after they die.
Castys my heckin beloved.
I think they're very fun and have a lot of potential. I don't do much supernatural whump but wow can I get behind 'you can never escape this, not even into death'
I'm definitely more of a fan of the ones who regenerate after they die because fun. They get to build up all the pain and break completely down over and over. Ones who heal too soon just don't get the fun of having to try to breathe when your spinal chord's stabbing through your lungs. There's a lot of horror that they don't experience the same, and while they're very fun, I like the buildup.
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whimpity-whumpity · 1 year
List of my characters because even i forget sometimes and i do not expect yall to remember them when i dont even post abt them much. Will be updated as i remember more of them because there are quite literally hundreds rattling around up there.
Caleb (he/him, immortal, does not have a good time)
Sorin (he/him) (knockoff spiderman)
Lace (lab whumpee) (she/her) (also mind controlled via SCIENCE)
Tango (lab whumpee) (she/her)
Delta(lab whumpee) (she/her)
Yankee(lab whumpee) (she/her)
Charlie(lab whumpee) (she/her)
Lars (gladiator) (anxious big man) (he/him)
Elipso (satyr, emergency food) (they/them)
Emily (she/her)
Quinn (they/she)
Jakob (poor baby i hurt him so bad) (it/its but in a dehumanizing way, then he/him later) (he just wants to play his songs)
Donny "Trix" Riggs (he/him)
Ryder (any pronouns but I only use they/them because they'll stop letting me write them if i don't) (betrayed villain my beloved)
Amy (she/her)(???) (villain whumpee)
Bucky Ark Patton (he/him) (he works for Waylan!) (yes his initials are BAP.)
Arcturus (he/him) (utter asshole)
Esyn aka Emily (she/her) (shy but later also asshole because of how my power system works :<)
Sorin (really a sweetheart) (he/him) (he just wants someone to cuddle and is all kinds of fucked up)
Arson aka Gwid (alien) (they/them) (their culture has very very normalized violence and like. slave gladiators. its not great. they did not mean to come to earth. they hate it here.)
Riclle (vampire, the oldest) (he/him) ("gender? i'm fucking thirsty, fuck gender") (creepy whumper)
Tobias (vampire) (he/him) (pretends to be a creepy whumper, is just trying to protect his little brother)
Phil (he's a surprise tool that will help us later) (reference) (vampire) (he/him) (idk he might get deleted, i made him for a rp and he never really came back)
Sir Nicholas the 23rd (he/him) (PROFESSIONAL asshole. asshole EXTRORDINAIRE. i hate him so so much.)
Lukas (reluctant) (he/him) (crime family go brr) (he just wants to sell glowy clothes)
Harlow (doesn't like its job but gets paid well) (he/it) (only has this job to provide for his son)
Waylan (he/him) ("gender? is that uh, one of them new medicines?") (have you noticed i like giving assholes kids? have you?) (you will.) (her name is ronnie and i love her sm. baby. she kicks off his redemption arc.) (waylan 🤝 sorin fucked up childhoods)
Bucky (he/him) (hes literally that one stereotypical henchman i love him) (also hes trans)
Hadrian "Pike" whatever the fuck surname. (he/him) (basically he gets hired to kidnap people and keep them out of the way and or kill them)
Jude (he/they) (basically a supervillain) (feral) (but also wildly cheerful) (would just strap somebody down and sit on their lap and wait for the knife to wake them up) (giggles like a child while torturing people)
Quinn (they/she)
Sami (she/her) (Waylan's cousin, but she and the rest of the family think he's dead)
Karma (she/it) (hero) (bloodbender equivalent) (starts up a recovery center later <3) (also very much enjoys watching people in pain) (it hates that about herself)
Maewyn (vampire) she/her (successor to Riclle) (can't turn people)
Tobias (kind of) (vampire) he/him (he tries)
Donny (AU of Riggs) he/him (works in a temple of Melu!)
Ophi? Maybe? If she cooperates? (she/her) (Jakob's youngest sister)
Bucky!!! Ark!!! Patton!!!!! (literally he does anything his Boss tells him to hes so fucking blorbo rn)
Kypripos (Chaos and all not written below; Lord of Lost Things, Sky-Painter, and prankster. Father of Fathers, the First, etc.) doesn't really care about gender, goes by he/him through most of the story because their vessel is male.
Estor (Domain: History) he/him
Tai (Domain: War, grief, poets, and strategy) he/him
Rask (Elder Child of the Depths) xe/xem/xeir
Melu (Domain: Illness and Health, often credited with making ALL life) I've been referring to Melu with feminine pronouns till now but Melu just said no so I'm gonna just not until Melu finds some that vibe right.
Saras (Child of the Depths) Saras also sees no need for pronouns. Saras speaks in third person.
Ponma (Domain: Drama, acting, lies) (Dead) Whatever the role demands: he, she, they, xe, it, she delights in wrapping new roles around himself like a new cloak.
Rust (Child of Ponma, once known as Vera) they/them (clown)
Ent (Embodiment of "Chaos comes for all in the end") (Dead) he/they (never STARTED fights but would finish them) (same with pranks)
Misief (Domain: General mischief, pranks, laughter) (Dead) it/its (always started the fight/pranks)
Cosmo (Domain: All the things of the sky)(Dead) she/it (the token serious child)
Arcturus (Domain: magic) (dead-ish) he/him
Esyn (Domain: magic) she/her
Mara (Domain: destruction and rebirth) Similar attitude to Ponma, but less about new roles and more about destruction not needing a gender
Madac ("Sea-mother") she/they
Seli (Parent of selkies) ????
Spiren (Death) Spiren is older than the concept of eyes, Spiren doesnt give a shit. Uses "Father" in refrence to Bilen, Hen, and Renwick, though.
Bilen (Soul-chaser, "The Bear") she/her
Hen ("The Hare", Guide of Violent Ends) he/him
Renwick ("The Rabbit", Singer of Lives) (they/them)
Dara (Domain: Song) he/they
Julokal (Domain: Honorable Combat) she/her
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whumpsday · 2 years
i had some thoughts for the sci-fi Kane thing (because i'm a space nerd) and i figured i'd share:
at least for humans, the sun is kind of worse in space because there's no atmosphere to protect us from the sun's radiation. so it might burn kane worse than it would if he were on earth? even if the amount of radiation doesn't actually matter, since being cloudy makes the sun burn less, i would at least assume being closer to the sun would burn Kane worse (because stars are brighter the closer you are to them).
though i don't know how useful of a concept "worse" is here, since being burnt by the sun like vampires are already sounds unimaginably terrible.
also, while space is very cold, being in the sunlight in space is very hot (i believe i read somewhere that the exterior of the ISS on the side facing the sun is like 120°C). so if kane were out in space with no spacesuit to protect him, the side of his body facing the sun/star would possibly get so hot he would burn from the heat in addition to whatever burning the sun/star may or may not be doing, while the side of his body facing away from the sun would be extremely cold
yeah the sun's effect on vampires isn't radiation-based it's Curse-based, so that wouldn't factor in. it all just sounds awful. immortal whumpees my beloved
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writinggremlin · 7 months
GAH-- Jfc you scared me!! Hi!! :D!!!!
This ask was sent in as a part of this ask game, where if you send me an ask with "!!", I will reply with an infodump about one of my ocs! I currently have no other requests and--... (turns to count)... 15 more ocs to go wild about. This doesn't include stuff about my worlds and magic systems, which I would also be more than happy to share!
So if you like what you see here and want to learn more about the lil blorlos in my head, feel free to send in an ask! I want it. I want you to. I know you want it too. Do it. You won't. No balls. (Expect me to take a few weeks tho- I'm not fast at all lmfao)
Now- don't get me wrong, I've been so fucking hype while typing this all out! But I might've also been procrastinating this out of fear of what people might think...
I think I have found the solution though!
(Chucks this violently at the dash)
(Heehoos away)
Cw (Starts at the origin story, below the Blorbo Blingo): Mentions of cults, religious/ritualistic sacrifice, death, and implied manipulation/brainwashing.
Introducing: Mist!
My beloved immortal, my first whumpee before I even knew what whump was, and easily one of my more powerful characters (though she has been nerfed and fiddled with quite a lot over the years).
She started out like many people's first characters do; as an overpowered self insert with a red/blue heterochromia because "oH nO!! oNe HalF iS EVIL aND iS oNlY mUrDeR!!!" (No shame to the people who have characters like that btw! That's not a bad thing! It's just something that I feel is difficult to write correctly, and I was definitely not able to do that lmfao).
Not only that, but I was a Warrior's kid growing up. Her original name was Miststar, and I decided that she was somehow the leader of Starclan. Yeah... I never solved the plothole of how or why a human would become a cat god besides just- dying in the area lmao.
I have kept many of the original things about her though, like her telepathy, the immortality, the "evil half" (who gets lightly mentioned in the backstory, and who I'll introduce next if I ever get more of these 👀), and even being a demi-god (technically). But I have definitely toned everything wayyyyyy down throughout the years, and I'm still messing around with her to this day.
As for today, Mist now feels (to me) like a humanized character who has been given a life of magic and power, where she still struggles with relatable experiences despite that (like Sabrina The Teenage Witch or Bewitched). And there's no demons that live in her head to occasionally possess her and murder everyone for no reason lmfao.
Name: Mist
Nickname(s): Sunshine (only allows Ember to call her that)
Age: About 600 years or so
Species: She's adamant about being human, though technically she could fall under a demi-god type status.
Height: 5'8"
Gender/Pronouns: Woman, she/her
Sexuality: Pan (Almost never gets into romantic relationships. And no, that's not just because of the whole immortality thing)
Relationship status: Single (and that's not likely to change anytime soon)
Personality: Mature, wise, motherly, respectful, understanding, self-reliant. She seems willing to be open about herself, yet also rarely seems to let herself be vulnerable.
Powers: Immortality, telepathy, Shapeshifting (limited to a few forms), Portals (can be inter-dimensional), teleportation (quantum physics+magic), earth and water manipulation
(I may rb this later to go into much more detail about each power's capabilities and limitations and all of that. 👀)
Preferred weapon(s): N/A
Fashion vibes (casual): Cozy and comfortable. Sweaters, jeans, and sneakers are the go-to.
Fashion vibes (special): Extravagant and/or intricate ballgowns with a black, dark purple, and/or dark blue color palette, and a sparkly design, to mimic a twilight or night sky.
Hobbies: Art (drawing, painting, coloring, etc), reading, playing piano, adventure
Likes: Space, quiet moments, classical (or similar sounding) music, waltz music, tea, and almost anything that she will never be able to fully comprehend or understand will fascinate her
Dislikes: Cults (who doesn't), religion in general (though she respects others beliefs. It's just not for her), being placed on a pedestal, crowds, being powerless (literally), being powerless (figuratively)
Extras/Fun Facts: She is susceptible to a certain type of power being used on her. May go more into detail about that in a different character's intro (if I even get more of these, idk if I will lmao).
Because she's been alive for so long, I would just like to confirm that she has, in fact, witnessed the creation of classical music, modern electricity, phones, planes, etc. This bamboozled me when I first realized that lmfao.
And to end this part on a goofy ahh fact: She doubts her ability to drive, yet will willingly volunteer to fly a plane (and she's genuinely good at it). Also, afraid of spiders.
Blorbo Blingus (there goes tumblr, downgrading the image quality again smh):
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Brief origin story (yes this is the brief one):
Mist was born in the 1400's, into a small cult group that lived in a village, mostly secluded from civilization (aside from the occasional trader). Her first several years of life were spent more secluded than the others; not allowed to see the outside world or even interact with the others beyond what was absolutely necessary.
It was to keep her "pure".
For you see, Mist was conceived and raised to serve one purpose, and one purpose only: sacrifice. To be an offering for their "god". Nobody really understood why this was needed, but nobody really asked either, which made His job much easier.
Things didn't go according to plan, however. Reasons and explanations for why this ritual failed were unclear; only spreading through rumours and speculation. Though, Mist had noticed that the person preforming the ritual on her was reciting the wrong words. Whether or not this was on purpose, will always remain a mystery.
Now she did die, as expected. What wasn't expected, however, was her somehow pushing the lid off of what should've been her coffin, before anyone even had a chance to nail it shut. People were surprised, to say the least. (It was around here that she began to slowly gain her other magical powers as well.)
From there, tensions rose. Some of the members, namely ones who harshly judged their "God" for this mistake, saw this as a sign to change their ways, and follow her instead. Other members were more loyal to the original, who was already condemning and shaming her for supposedly betraying him.
The cult divided. ("God" will remember that.)
Around this time, Mist started noticing a little voice in her head. A voice that grew louder and became more real over time. A bitter, spiteful voice, which grew more and more powerful, the more anger and resentment it was fed.
Mist eventually grew close to that voice.
The voice suggested that she run away.
She didn't.
It tried again.
She stayed.
It ordered her to.
She refused.
It said nothing to her, just silently planted a small seed of an idea into her mind.
She left that night, and never looked back.
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albino-whumpee · 2 years
Evil thought, but in the demon angel au, Sann and Albus require human meat to not 1, starve 2. Go crazy in hunger. So what if they found an immortal human?
Sann’s healing powers aren’t as great as they once were, he would pass out healing a broken bone, but if they found an immortal human that regenerates?
I would love to see them struggle deciding what to do. Like in scenario A, the immortal human is cursed, they can’t help it nor control it. So they’re obviously surprised to find the human they just hunted down up and running again. So after the second time, they keep them close to observe and verify they’re in fact, immortal. The human thinks is a curse they gave them, when it’s definitely another demon they pissed. So what if they choose to not torture the poor thing further, exactly like when they were with the butcher, who harvested their horns and feathers?
Or scenario B. Where the human is insane, so they think they’re keeping the demons satisfied in exchange of immortality with their “offerings”. They think they gave them kind of a blessing. After a few months they get used to pain, and they have two demons as allies that defend their town because that’s where their food is! Win win! What’s chopping up a few limbs every once in a while against that?
Or scenario C. Human is terrified of the demon that hold them captive and torture them by regenerating them and then chopping them off. They’re terrified in their little hole in the ground the white demon keeps them on. But they almost die, or maybe they did, of a heart attack when they see another one. The other one has wings and big horns. But somehow, they’re not pleased to find the demon kept food to itself and start fighting when the winged demon tries to take them out of the hole. When they succeed, the white demon snatches them away and proceed to chop one of their fingers, tugging on their hand for the other demon to watch how the flesh and bone regrow.
The human’s knees give out when the winged demon makes a weird expression. The human panics, thinking it will see them as food too. It will definitely try to snatch them for itself. They kinda pass out in their fear, but it’s not like being conscious would have made them understand the seething anger the winged demon has when it attacks the white one. They wouldn’t understand how they scream at each other about how wrong what Albus did is. How he acted like the humans to keep them fed and how sick Sann was that he had not questioned the source of his food, suddenly too frequent to be normal.
I wanna imagine a Sann who is so, so pissed off at Albus, he pushes him into the hole and keeps him trapped there. Waiting for the human to wake up so Albus can erase their memories and get them back to a human village that’s safe, while making sure Albus understands Sann is not taking him out or healing his broken leg and ribs until he concedes to his terms.
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chaotic-orphan · 1 year
Same anon from some days ago ab the vamp prompts, ur v great <3
Ahhhh my favourite little bloodthirsty anon <3 For you, the world - and this part 3!
*Part one here
*part two here
I’ve actually named this Series: “The Immortal Hunter” Please enjoy anon!!
“Let the boy go, Wolfe. He doesn’t know anything about the immortal hunter,” said Heath, barely suppressing a growl. “He’s innocent.”
Wolfe laughed. “You say that as if innocence means anything to me, fledgling. I’ve been alive so long innocence and guilt bleed into the endless stream of time.”
“Would you like me to end your suffering then, or are you just going to make others suffer for your amusement?”
“Big talk for a bloodless vampire currently trapped by their sire,” said Wolfe, cruel grey eyes finding Heath’s and relishing in his wide eyed surprise.
“Felix told me, of course. Your love for humanity, to the point where you abstain from drinking their blood. I bet you’re more attuned to it than even Felix or I, hmm? I bet you can hear poor Killian’s heart racing at the thought of being turned, at the injustice of it all. Every beat of blood pumping through his veins. Your restraint is astonishing.”
“If you’re trying to flirt, I have to let you know I draw the line at psychopaths.”
“And yet you just crawled out of Celeste’s bed.”
Heath lunged for the grey eyed vampire but Felix managed to restrain him with such ease Heath thought he deserved Wolfe’s smug laughter.
“Touchy subject?”
Heath still struggled in Felix’s hold, but Felix just held him against his chest. Arms wrapped around his waist and shoulder like iron not budging in their grip.
It transported Heath back to when he was human and Felix would toy with him. Showing him how weak of a human he was, and how his heart was only still beating out of Felix’s mercy.
Heath vowed to never be so weak again, and yet here he was. Powerless. Like he was before. He couldn’t even save the same fate from happening to Killian. A boy he had just met yesterday and doomed with an exchange of a couple words.
“Hush now, Heath. Calm down, you’ll only tire yourself out,” Felix whispered in his ear and Heath threw an elbow back trying to hit Felix’s face.
“You’re a bastard, Felix,” Heath seethed. “Yet you claim to have loved and missed me.”
“I did. You’re so cute when you’re riled up,” Felix said sweetly, ducking his nose into the place between Heath’s neck and shoulder and sniffed in a lungful of air. Heath froze. Paralysed from a forgotten fear, of when Felix was toying with him. “I sometimes regret turning you, it’s true. I miss when you were powerless to stop me. Frozen like this beneath me. Muscles tensed. At least you still have that amazing scent of the old blood.”
“Fuck you,” Heath muttered when he found his voice again, and he thanked the gods that his voice didn’t shake. Lifting his head he looked at Wolfe through narrowed eyes. “You want to know about The Immortal Hunter? Fine. He’s dead.”
Wolfe blinked at him. Then he started laughing, that same booming laughter ricocheting around the basement. Felix behind Heath however, tightened his grip ever so slightly.
Good, Heath thought. At least one of these idiots believe me.
“You really wanna gamble poor Killian’s life on the hunter, the immortal hunter being dead? Do you take me for a fool, boy?”
“Yes,” Heath said easily. He wanted to throw a parade when his cool façade slipped over his face, he could do this. He could save Killian. “But I’m telling you the truth. The Immortal hunter’s blood runs through my veins, that’s why my blood even now is a beacon to you bloodfuckers. I’m your natural enemy. My blood sings to you so you come close enough to get drunk on it, and then the hunter kills you.”
Wolfe stared, looking over Heath’s shoulder at Felix then back to Heath. His face morphing into a more serious expression.
“You’re not saying that you were the immortal hunter?”
“You were always very strong for a human,” Felix murmured, more to himself than anyone else.
“No. That’s not true. You’re lying,” Wolfe growled, crossing the room in an instant with two long strides and getting up in Heath’s face. “You can’t be. The immortal hunter can’t be a vampire. They can’t be turned.”
Heath’s expression turned grim. “Yeah. I guess we both thought wrong, hmm?” Heath said, voice cracking in the middle. He looked away from Wolfe’s unsettling stare.
Felix shifted behind Heath. Slowly he took his cage like arms away, releasing Heath. Heath turned in surprise but Felix wasn’t looking at Heath. He was looking at Wolfe.
“Wolfe. A word,” he said and he didn’t wait for a response as he walked towards the basement door.
Wolfe looked at Heath then at the wall Felix disappeared behind. He grabbed Heath by the collar of his shirt and brought him close.
“If you untie the boy, I’ll make sure he turns. Stay here.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Heath replied, hands up in surrender. Heath waited until he heard the basement door open and shut a second time before looking at Killian still tied to the chair and strolling over.
“I’m sorry,” Heath said, plopping down onto the ground in front of Killian sitting cross legged.
Killian shrugged. “I know the risks of partying with vampires.”
“Still. I’m sorry. Here,” Heath bit his wrist, deep enough for the blood to flow and offered it to Killian, but Killian sat back further in his chair, shaking his head. “It’ll heal you.”
“I don’t do vampire blood,” Killian said. “I don’t want to risk it.”
Heath looked at him for a moment then smiled sadly and pulled his wrist back.
“I didn’t either,” he said softly. “As a human I mean. Felix would force me to drink his after he was done torturing me. He wanted me fresh everyday, to be clean. So he could start from scratch again the next day.”
“Jesus. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. But I admire your principles. Except telling a vampire your name. How did Wolfe find out?”
Killian looked away. Lips scrunching up in annoyance.
“He told me he was human. Didn’t have red eyes. Didn’t know vampires could have normal eyes. He said he was staff too.”
“If it’s any consolation, I didn’t know vampires could have normal eyes either.”
“You mean you don’t know what he is?”
“Very old?” Heath offered, watching the blood drip down his wrist, stopping the wound from healing. “Familiar with magic. Contacts? Who knows.”
Killian started laughing. It was light and airy, and full of mirth, and when he caught Heath’s eyes he started laughing harder. Heath smiled, and unbeknownst to himself the wound healed.
After the last couple of stray laughs died on his lips, Killian’s face settled into a fond smile. Then the smile faded, and his face turned sad. “Wolfe’s going to kill me isn’t he?”
Heath let out a breath through his nose. “Not if I have anything to say about it.”
“Maybe I should drink your blood,” Killian said. “At least then my sister wouldn’t—“
Heath shook his head, and Killian’s breathing became harder. “Right,” Killian said, his voice breaking. “Family isn’t worth it, right? They won’t thank me for it, right? Death is preferable. Maybe in your experience…”
“Killian. . .”
“But it’s my life! My death! I should get the choice at least?” He said, but it came out as more of a question. Heath searched his face with sad eyes. This was cruel. At least when Heath was turned his choice was taken from him. He knew what he was getting into. This boy didn’t. This human boy, so afraid of death because he didn’t want to leave his family behind.
“If they kill you-“ Heath began softly, looking Killian in the eye. “If they turn you, no matter what they do… tell me your family name and I will make sure your sister lives a long, happy life.”
Killian broke down into sobs then, and Heath was there giving him the shoulder to cry on, hugging him as best as he could.
“Thank you,” he mumbled gratefully. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Heath was on his feet in a second, back to Killian standing protectively in front of him as Felix and Wolfe strolled back into the room.
Heath’s hand shot out before he registered what Felix had said. He looked down at the object and saw a sheathed dagger. The same dagger Heath had brought with him to kill Felix when he was still breathing.
He pulled it out an inch and saw his red eyes staring back at him with a pale face. Then he looked at the two vampires, Felix stood leaning on the wall with his arms crossed while Wolfe stood closer to Heath making himself as imposing as possible.
“It’s not a gift,” Wolfe said, voice low with that unstable growl. “Prove you’re the immortal hunter.”
“How can I prove it? Do you want me to kill you, Wolfie?”
Felix laughed catching everyone’s attention. He only reacted to Wolfe’s death stare. Felix raised a hand in his defence, “What? It was funny.”
Wolfe rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to Heath. “The Immortal Hunter’s blood activates the knife.”
Heath shrugged. “So?”
Heath didn’t have time to react before Wolfe was in front of him, claws out and slashed them down Heath’s arm.
“FUCK!” Heath yelled, dropping the knife in surprise as his eyes went to his arm. Wolfe’s claws had tore from the top of his elbow to his wrist which was currently gushing blood. “You bastard that hurt!”
“Cry me a river,” Wolfe said leaning down to pick up the knife and pressed it into Heath’s other hand. “Activate it. Now.”
“A little patience never goes astray.”
Heath’s head rocked back after Wolfe’s swift punch, forcing him to one knee as the world shook around him.
“Now, please.”
Heath shook his head out trying to reorient himself and then he looked down at the knife. “Well since you said please…”
“I don’t even think you’re worth the trouble alive,” Wolfe sneered and Heath hiccuped.
“Technically I’m dead.”
Wolfe brought his hand back to punch him again but Felix’s voice stopped him.
“Heath. Please. Just prove you’re the hunter or I’ll snap Killian’s pretty little neck.”
Heath glared at Felix over Wolfe’s shoulder, but he might as well have glared at a wall or a fish. Felix returned his stare completely unbothered. He even looked amused.
“Fine,” said Heath. He unsheathed the dagger and allowed the stream from his wrist to bleed down onto the knife. The black red blood turned almost luminous when it hit the knife, the runes previously unseen igniting as Heath’s blood ran through every invisible crevice now made visible. When the blood had run it’s course over the surface instead of dripping to the floor, it sank into the metal as of the blade itself were liquid and grew heavier in Heath’s hand as he made his arm heal with the last of his energy.
He looked up at Wolfe then who looked on in an angry sort of shock, while Felix who had been far away before was suddenly right beside Heath watching the runes being revealed before his eyes.
“Incredible,” Felix whispered in awe, looking at Heath with something indiscernible in his eyes.
“So it’s true,” Wolfe gruffed.
“What can I say,” Heath said easily. “I’m an honest kind of guy,” then he plunged the knife deep into Wolfe’s heart.
Continued here
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whumpwillow · 2 years
(My part of a conversation with a friend about the past for an AU for a character I'm doing. TW for semi-explicit mentions of torture and mindbreak. All mentions of fandom-specific names are removed. Character is immortal and unable to die, plus has enhanced healing.)
Something underrated in whump: Multiple whumpers + extremely powerful whumpee + whump going on for literal years
He saved <name> and was captured by the government, where they broke him down little by little until he shattered, then let him soak in that for a long while before offering to take the pain away. Then they took away his memories. They amplified his powers, they trained him in every form of combat and then realized they made him too powerful, so they locked him away on his own and left him, abandoning the facility.
Make him get up off the floor on legs that barely support him. Make him look you in the eye as you grab his chin and lean in close and tell him how much you hate him and despise him. Tell him he's dirty, worthless garbage. Spit on his tear- and blood-stained face while you tell him you hate him.
Make him wash himself off in a salty bath and mock him for crying out as the salt stings every open wound.
He'd eventually stop making noise until you told him to. He'd look at you with empty, broken eyes and say exactly what you want him to say. Make him degrade himself, make him uplift you, make him do and say what you want. He won't do or say a thing outside of it. Lock him in a dark room and watch him wait, silently going further into insanity. He's an insomniac, so he can't sleep. He's immortal, he doesn't need to eat or drink. Nobody would have to do anything other than put him in there and keep people out. Wait until he's weak enough, he's horrifically changed enough, he's no-longer who he was all those years ago. And then offer him an end to the pain. He'll love you forever. As much as an object can love, anyway. And this time, give him affection when he does what you want him to. Only be cruel on the rare occasion he acts up. But when he acts up, pull out all the stops. Leave him bleeding and broken on the floor, knowing just how pathetic and worthless he is, how much he's hated for his defiance. Set him on a strict routine and keep him working for far longer than anyone should. If he gets tired? Well, that's defiance. if he complains? That's defiance too.
They were horrific to him.
And when they realized they made him too powerful and they may have accidentally created a ticking time bomb that could easily take them all out in less than a week? They locked him up and abandoned him, hoping his immortality would give out. Hoping nobody would ever find him. Hoping against all odds that he would stay in there and die alone.
But he was found.
o-oh my god....this is fantastic 👀👀👀
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A whumpy sketch of Vi I really like. Some anatomy is a little off
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Vampire Royalty Story
wow i wrote it i’m actually so proud of myself
CW: vampire whumper, lady whumper, intimate whumper, human whumpee, royal whumpee, chin grabbing my beloved, vague reference to death, discussion of betrayal
When the guard came to summon him, Adelio didn’t bother resisting or prolonging his demise. He knew what was to come.
The terms of the peace treaty had been clear: in return for peace with the kingdom of Elkinvan, the queen demanded the second prince of Cotredei as tribute. Adelio had heard the rumors; they all had. He knew of the terrible and cruel queen who ruled to the north, who powered her own immortality through the lifeblood of others. He knew as soon as he stepped through the doors of her throne room, he wouldn’t have much longer to live.
When the guard opened the large, gold-crusted door, Adelio didn’t hesitate. He walked through, head held high, back straight, yet his eyes glazed over, not taking anything in, until he neared the bottom of the dais where the queen lounged in her throne. There, he slowly kneeled, focusing his gaze downward, at the deep crimson carpet beneath him.
Better to hide the bloodstains with, he thought wryly.
“What is this?” Her voice was soft, deceptively soft, yet there was a sharpness underneath, a predator-like coldness that permeated from her words.
Swallowing, Adelio lifted his head slightly, facing her. When he saw the queen, though, he nearly stopped breathing.
She was beautiful, utterly breathtaking. Pale skin shone in the dim light, catching the flickering candlelight and bouncing it back. Dark curls streamed down her back, some of it pulled back into an elaborate knot, the rest free to tumble over her shoulders as she moved. Big, bright eyes shone crimson on her face, and delicately pointed ears peeked out from her hair. Everything in Adelio wanted to rush forward and fall at her feet, but he stilled himself.
“Queen Lilith,” he said, voice thankfully calm and even. “I am Adelio, from the neighboring kingdom of Cotredei, here to fulfill the terms of the peace treaty that you set.”
The queen straightened in her throne, a monstrous black thing, yet oddly elegant. “I’m well aware of the peace treaty, mortal,” she said, voice sharpening. “I want to know why you, not Alaric, are you.”
Adelio opened and closed his mouth several times. His mouth felt impossibly dry. “I’m not quite sure I understand what you mean, Your Majesty,” he said finally. “My brother remains at home with our father. I was told your treaty de-demanded the second prince.” The stumble of words caused him to flinch inwardly, mentally berating the slip of his tongue.
Something like understanding shone in the queen’s gaze and she snapped her fingers, looking around the room. “Everyone out,” she ordered, leaving no room to question her.
Once the door clanged shut behind them and the two were alone, the queen slowly rose from her throne, walking down the steps and standing before the kneeling prince. “Look at me,” she softly commanded, and Adelio obeyed.
As their gazes met, her crimson with his honey-gold, his body began to feel.. strange. Almost as if it was floating, like there was a disconnect between his brain and his body.
The queen wrapped her hand around his jaw, cold and impossibly strong, lifting it until he was forced to stand. Despite the fact that he was a good head taller than her, he had never felt so small.
“Tell me why you are here,” she said. Her voice sounded strange, too, echoing and magnifying.
Before he could think, the words were spilling out of his mouth. “I’m here to fulfill the terms of the peace treaty. I’m here to protect my kingdom.”
The queen didn’t let go of him, but something seemed to dull in her gaze, and Adelio felt a sense of grounding steady him.
“What- what was that?” he asked hoarsely.
The queen arched a perfect brow at him. “I did not give you permission to ask a question, much less to speak, but I do want you to know this now. My kind-” her lips twisted- “sometimes have a special ability, called compulsion. We can.. shape the minds and wills of those around us. There are varying degrees of the ability, of course, and not every one has it. I, however, have a remarkably powerful compulsion, which is part of why I’ve been able to maintain my position for so long.”
“You- you- you controlled me?” Adelio said, swallowing hard.
The queen sighed, letting go of him with enough force to send him back to his knees, where he remained. “In a sense, yes,” she replied. “Your questions can wait, though.”
She took a step back, slowly pacing, a thoughtful look on her face. Adelio watched her, the thought of moving not even crossing his mind. 
Finally she stopped, turning to face him. “Did you ever see the terms of my treaty directly, princeling?”
He shook his head softly. “No, Your Majesty. My father just conveyed what was relevant to me.”
She laughed. “Of course he did.” Stepping closer to him, she crouched down like a predator lying in wait. “Well, the terms of the treaty weren’t nearly as specific as you believe them to be. See, I didn’t ask for the second prince- I simply asked for the prince. And it seems your daddy chose your brother, Alaric, the one I wanted, over you.”
Adelio stared at her, not quite comprehending her words. Slowly he shook his head. “No- no, that’s not true. He, he wouldn’t do that.”
The queen stood and resumed her pacing. “He did, darling. And now I’m thinking that I should’ve done more research into that quaint little country of yours. I didn’t even know there were two princes. Your father always made it seem like there was only one.”
She stopped before marching back over to him. Running a rough hand through his deep blond hair and gazing deep into his eyes. “No matter,” she murmured. “I’ll still be able to have my fun with you, my golden prince.””
Unconsciously leaning into her touch, Adelio blinked up at her. “You- you’re not going to kill me?” he asked, voice sounding like a scared child.
“Kill you?” She laughed. “Where’s the fun in that?”
Before he could respond further, she stood, letting go of him and calling for the guards. “Take our guest to the town square,” she ordered, gesturing to where Adelio still knelt, shocked. “He deserves a proper welcome to the kingdom of Elkinvan.”
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