radykalny-feminizm · 3 months
Multicultural societies can be great, but there's one condition: different cultures must be willing to learn from each other and respect each other's values.
If people from one culture are open and welcoming, but people from the other culture want to enforce their own rules and take away people's freedom in the name of their religion, then the results are going to be catastrophic. This is why Europe is suffering right now and it's women who will pay the highest price.
Wondering what I mean? Let's have a look at some statistics:
Poll: 46% of French Muslims believe Sharia law should be applied in country
Over 40% of UK Muslims support “aspects” of sharia law
If it doesn't terrify you I don't know what to tell you. It surely terrifies me as fuck.
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howaitora · 20 days
Thinking about like nationality and ethnic groups I've got such a mixed bag going on. Yes I'm born in Germany but my parents were both born in Romania. But they are part of minorities - banat swabians and hungarian romanian - which have been existing minorities for like. Hundreds of years right. So am i Romanian? I suppose yes because I do have a passport. But am i also literally everything else? Yeah kinda right?
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
holdup drawing insane parallels between cassian andor and clark kent in terms of like baddass 1930′s era jewish immigrant reporter clark kent 
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casbitchh · 10 months
nasa wants us to start publishing our code i am personally going to bomb the white house
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tsubasakurai1 · 3 months
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Lacey Road February! Let's send love to Ghosttundra's characters!
Here are the prompts for each day of February! Make any kind of art for the daily prompt and tag it with #laceyroadfeb
You can do one day, or all 29! Prompts written out below the cut:
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Lacey’s Valentine’s Gift!
2. Kami and Socorro’s Party!
3. Maisie and Jay’s Baking Day!
4. Bento and Elize’s Special Date!
5. Girls Night w/ Lacey, Maisie and Jay!
6. Julie’s Wild Adventures!
7. Rocio and Grace Gamer Girls!
8. Lacey’s Love Meter!
9. Peteca’s Cat Days!
10. Valentine‘s Day at Lacey’s Diner!
11. Socorro Goes Shopping!
12. Your Future... Told by Maisie!
13. Taking Photos with Kami!
14. Jay’s Skating Game!
15. Julie’s Catsitting/Dogsitting Fun!
16. Bento Making Music!
17. Peteca at Lacey’s Petshop!
18. Elize’s Art Masterpiece!
19. Immigrantes Road at Lacey’s Diner!
20. Lacey Meets Rocio!
21. Lacey Joins Bento & Elize’s Band!
22. Socorro’s Flash Game Adventure!
23. Kami’s Media Player!
24. Lacey Spends Time with Puddles!
25. Maisie’s Horoscope Bad Ending...
26. Jay’s Skating Game Bad Ending...
27. Under Peteca’s Influence...
28. b̵̯̋a̷͉͐d̶͚̈́ ̵̝̑e̶̗̿n̶͈͊ḍ̴̽ ̸̼̿ḽ̴͐a̶̢͒ç̴̎e̶̡͂y̴͇͑
29. Thank you to Ghosttundra! Any character saying thank you!
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animalinvestigator · 1 month
Today I started watching immigrantes road by ghost tundra and it reminded me of the vibes of some of your character and the art of them by the highway. I hadn't seen your blog in years but I wanted to find ot so I could tell you j think youd enjoy the series
wow!! thank you for thinking of me anonymous, even though its been a long time.. i cant believe my silly drawings stuck with someone that long haha.. i'm really touched^_^ i gave it a watch at your suggestion..its very stylish, in a way that really reflects the way the early 2020s internet culture has started producing its own visual and tonal style... i feel quite detached from it since its a totally different era from me really, lol...culture moves fast online..it reminds me a lot of the modern day version of youtube "fanime" series that used to be popular for people on here to make back in like , 2014-2016 ish , where they were usually initially started as a joke and had this strange lilted jokey tone but kept getting strangely more serious on a whim as the artist began to get genuinely invested in the characters by accident (though it certainly seems like this series was started out of earnest investment and just happens to have an off kilter tone, lol. still made me think of that, also because that weird phenomenon has just been on my mind recently and the DIY feeling is the same) the second episode is quite good. ghosttundras work is something i respect a lot for what it is, but that doesn't usually strike a chord with me and that i havnet had much interest in getting invested in on my own, but i am glad you prompted me to watch this, because i enjoyed it a lot more than the other stuff of theirs ive seen. i'll be thinking about it for sure....
thank you so much for your recommendation.. and for remembering me and my ocs after all that time , and for coming back to say so :3 hope you're doing well lately!
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norsesuggestions · 11 months
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Interesting commentary that is getting its own post because the other post is getting long haha
I am so not a swedish soil expert (i have a master degree in gender studies in fact, so i am in no way an authority on the topic of swedish geology haha)
And on the topic of me being no soil expert, the part of sweden i am from (and the picture is taken) got a majority of clay filled glacial till, not sandy soil. Well at least were we grow crops in mälardalen.
Not the patch i took a photo obvoiusly but. Anyway, from what i recall from my parents talking about gardening in the location our house in, it is rock filled. And at the location our house is in, in fact so rock filled there was no. Erm. Soil? If it is called that in english. More, rock heh.
(As my original post mentioned i grew up in a neighbourhood built on a wetland. Ah still existing wetland. A wetland still flooding all the paths every spring wetland heh).
Anyway, they needed to buy soil and construct over our entire garden so it was possible to. Garden there. All the soil the plants were in was transplanted.
Also, about minnesotas not being similiar to sweden/being similiar i suspect that saying is not so much based on. Proper comparing if nature and soil quality, but a marketing tactic to swedish settlers who went to minnesota as a part of usa goverment colonisation tactics. I do vaguelly recall that many swedish immigrants came to usa at the very same time that usa was trying to conquer minnesota as a part of the usa state.
The swedish immigrants to minnesota were often a part of usa goverments campaigns to get usa citizens to settle land not previously settled by usa citizen. That is, to get usa citizens to settle native american lands.
It was something like that. Dont qoute me on it, this is my recalling from memory some different swedish documentaries and such about swedish immigrantion to america.
Another tidbit i recall from those documentaries was that well the most known about immigrantion from sweden to america are the ones who became farmers in usa. The absolute majority did not become farmers, and never had that intention to become so. Must worked in the growing cities of usa, with construction and so on. Many also worked as servants in the cities. They had often seen an ad (in sweden) for workers for forexemple "construction workers to work at building this neighbourhood" or "a maid from a good swedish family", and went to usa with the goal to get that job.
Afterwards many actually went back home sweden. Not all, but much than many swedish people useally believe
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t4tadrienette · 20 days
I truly hate how anti immigrantion governments are but then they are so pro tourism and will literally do changes to cities only for them, and say how immigrants are here to be criminals, well last time I checked it was not the immigrants who steal Pompeii artefacts and then after a while send them back with a letter that says sorry for stealing it just because they didn't know the artifacts were "cursed"
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broekhart · 2 years
also the immigrantism of the missing mother to be called marie who in turn shares name with the clawing grandmother marie
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magnoliamyrrh · 6 months
i wanted to be plenty of things when i was younger and now ive got a chronic issue w not wanting to b any of them cuz id rather just not b, but. to an extent, missed opportunity i didnt end up going to law school (technically i still could lol). my favorite job ive had anyway was immigrantion refugee law. generally tho, apart from the wanting to help ppl and etc etc sappy shit. i just love arguing and debating way too much 😭 and i get such satisfaction from convincing ppl w my points and being right djdkdk
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blomkaalshoved · 1 year
I løbet af mit korte liv er jeg vokset op i et system, og færdes i miljøer, der har præget mig med tanker om, at min historie ikke var vigtig.
Om lidt får jeg en bachelorgrad i statskundskab, men den kommer som et resultat af mange ting.
Det her bevis er til den lille pige, som voksede op i et socialt belastet boligområde, hvor hendes venner er den næste generation i bandemiljøet.
Den er til efterkommere af flygtninge og immigranter, der vokser op i et krydspres mellem sine forældres amerikanske drøm og egne interesser.
Den er til minoritetspigen, som vokser op i en hvid middelklasse med racister og diskrimination selv fra dem man elsker.
Den er til queerpersonen, som vokser op i et heteronormativt samfund, hvor det er mere almindeligt at være homofob end det er at være homo. 
Den er til den liberale, som vokser op i et katolsk-konservativt hjem, hvor det er mere forkert for piger at klippe sit hår kort end for drenge at gro det ud. 
Den er til den ungdommen med angst og depression, der som følge af alle samfundets former for undertrykkelse har medført til følelsen af afmagt, tab af meningsfuldhed og indelukkethed.
Den her er i første omgang allermest til mig selv. Men den er også til mine forældre, som håbede på et bedre liv på den anden side af kloden. Den er til min lillesøster, som deler de samme oplevelser med mig. Til mine bedste venner, jeg ser op til. Til min læsegruppe, der har holdt mig i ørerne. Til min læge, for at passe på mig. Til min Psykolog, der har lyttet til min historie. For den er vigtig. Den største erkendelse i mit white-washed liv er, at minoritetspersoner også skal repræsenteres og at jeg er en af dem.
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satinea · 8 months
A travers le sourire des rideaux
la lumière a réussi à s'immiscer
pour dénoncer la poussière qui danse
et celle qui se repose après son vol
captée en flagrant délit
de s'allonger dans une fainéantise délicieuse
sur la surface des choses
et sur ma peau
La poussière
une voyageuse comme moi
une immigrante comme moi
qui, malgré tout, ne s'enracine nulle part
Sans patrie
elle vient de tous les horizons
portée sous l'aisselle du vent
Le vent la ramasse avec son balai
avec sa chevelure épaisse
ou avec ses mains
Il la sème là où personne ne la soupçonne
Il la sème même dans le tiroir secret
du coeur
Maram al-Masri
Extrait du recueil : La robe froissée
Editions Bruno Doucey - collection : "l'autre langue"
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heroslitteraires · 1 year
Une enfance à Montréal.
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Mariana Mazza.
Montréal-Nord. 204 pages.
Québec Amérique.
Quand, certains après-midis d’été, ma mère faisait des heures supplémentaires au travail, mon frère et moi, on attachait des petits soldats verts à des sacs de plastique en guise de parachute avec de la ficelle. On trempait les bonhommes dans de l’alcool à friction et on leur mettait le feu. On les lançait alors du troisième étage de façon qu’ils se dirigent vers la rue. Celui qui frappait une voiture gagnait. Le perdant de la course devait aller chercher les sacs de plastique échoués dans la rue. On voulait dissimuler toutes les preuves à notre mère. C’est l’histoire d’une petite fille trop sensible nommée Mariana, mais aussi un touchant hommage à l’univers qui l’a définie : le quartier où elle a vécu, les familles immigrantes qu’elle a côtoyées, les enseignants qui l’ont inspirée, et aussi les lieux enchanteurs (pour une enfant) qu’elle a fréquentés, tels le Club argentin, le cinéma Langelier et le marché aux puces Cinq étoiles.
Mon avis :
Comme c’est intéressant cet univers. Parfois, les années 1990 ressortent et me plonge du coup à cet époque. J’ai vraiment apprécié la force de caractère de sa mère de pouvoir tout gérer seule la famille, grâce aussi à la communauté. Des cours chapitres qui démontre son enfance avec toutes les joies et parfois des tristesses. Un récit qui ma touché et donner des émotions durant ma lecture!
L’avez-vous lu?
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jojobegood1 · 11 months
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lcasr · 2 years
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epaulesdegeantes · 1 year
Il y a 78 ans mourrait le Dr Sara Josephine Baker (1873-1945) qui a révolutionné la santé publique. Elle a particulièrement travaillé pour améliorer la santé des enfants dans les quartiers pauvres de New York. Elle a adapté ses actions en comprenant les personnes qu'elle voulait protéger. Par exemple, elle a créé des lieux de distribution de lait sains et peu coûteux, formé et certifié des sages-femmes pour les femmes immigrantes, et formé des grandes sœurs pour prendre soin des plus jeunes. On estime qu'elle aurait sauver 90 000 bébés.
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