#immensely rarepair
Very horny Soundwave is funny. Truly. Man has probably gone through the Internet enough to discover he has some kinks. But I propose to you: “I’m too fucking stress to be horny rn, because im using all my energy to be the one functioning braincell of this ship” Soundwave!
Man is still horny, but is too tired to care about fragging. He is sleeping standing up and chugging their equivalent of coffee or high grade energon in a mug and on his third Starscream nonsense, Megatron high off of dark energon trip stress induced overstim meltdown in the medbay that Knockout has made him a screaming corner just for it.
The one time he actually got a frag in a good long while was when Wheeljack, im saying him because it seems in character at least for prime, offered it as a joke and Soundwave in all his tried glory just went “Fuck it, I’m down” catching the wrecker off guard and somehow establishing the two has causal friends with benefits.
They put him through so much smh
Ssgys yes the screaming corner, I feel like Soundwave screams sure are Something
Soundjack fuck it yes
As far as autobot to decepticon relations go I consider this a win
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surreal-duck · 7 months
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es rarepair week day 6 - holiday/shopping
i think about the flambé santa bears a normal amount
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chiisana-lion · 2 months
the thing about midori and yuzuru to me personally is that even how midori usually gets yuzuru's guard down by his very passionate attachment to him and his art, realistically speaking there's no way yuzuru wouldn't have to jump at least several dozen mental hoops to let himself get too close to someone whom he shouldn't have had any particular relation with initially. while i do love drawing them just hanging out a lot (enrichment!! i think itd be good for them both) a majority of the time it comes from a place where i think this guy would never let himself get too carried away and forgo any chance of making needless deeper interpersonal relationships and goddamn if im not going to study it
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yonemurishiroku · 8 months
Everytime someone posts st like “AB is the best ship”, the angel in me dies a little and the demon is ready to set the world on fire and proceed to chug milk whilst watching it burn.
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lotus-pear · 2 years
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girlboss/malewife duo, hydro edition😤💧
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penncilkid · 4 months
The way I have half a dozen things to do at any given moment— and yet I'm over here, shipping Lovely and Lasko all because I got stuck on a train the other day /lh
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lucassinclaer · 9 months
some dynamics i genuinely think would have enhanced the story if more screentime had been allotted to them in canon. some dynamics i just wanna read and write fanfic about while knowing that their particular focus wouldn't have fit into the themes of the canon narrative.
these things can and should coexist.
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yamujiburo · 7 months
3 random unrelated things:
1) would it be ok to send lil askbox fics?
2) I think Jessie could befriend rayquaza or eternatus. Sneks for the snek team
3) OK OK BUT. Would jessies seviper and arbok get along well?
For sure! I'm assuming it's about hanamusa. And since hanamusa is a rarepair, I'm ALWAYS down to read any lil blips about them. Seeing art and fics from other people about them makes my week
OMG. Give her EVERY snake
I mentioned it before a long time ago but I think Arbok's a little standoffish towards Seviper at first, thinking he's been replaced. But Seviper looks up to Arbok immensely knowing that he was Jessie's first Pokémon. They get along perfectly after a lil bit
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starcurtain · 10 months
Outing myself as a Genshin rarepair lover just to say that what I love best about Diluven isn't the "boy and his god" dynamic (though that is very good, chef's kiss yes yes)--what I love most is that both Diluc and Venti (literally, in Venti's case) are characters shaped by their grief, characters who have responded to loss in different and yet equally unhealthy ways.
Venti hides his grief behind a light-hearted veneer, using laughter and antics to dissuade people from taking him--and the things he's experienced--too seriously. He asserts a carefree (sometimes careless) exterior while internally hiding away the pain of his personal losses and the immense pressure of being an archon.
Diluc is the complete opposite. By all accounts, he used to be a happy child, but he's allowed his grief to completely reshape his external self, from a boy who smiled all the time to a quiet, brooding young man who feels best fit for the dark of night. Diluc carries his loss and his deep sense of atonement outside himself for everyone who knows his past to see. It's a weight he can't let go of and doesn't even try to hide.
But who better to help you heal than the person who has faced the same kind of suffering and chosen a different path?
Through Venti, Diluc can learn that a legacy of loss does not have to mean sacrificing joy and companionship in the present; that letting yourself freely express happiness here-and-now isn't a betrayal to the memory of those who are gone.
Through Diluc, Venti can learn that there's no shame to showing one's sadness nor selfishness in sorrow; that you aren't ignoring what was gained by mourning what was lost--that no one will begrudge their god for the times he doesn't feel like singing.
Until until, one day:
A Diluc with reasons to smile unreservedly.
A Venti with someone to sit beside his silence.
So yes, it's about a boy and his god. But also: it's about two people who have experienced the same profound grief and who both, in their own ways, are the exact type to soldier on under the burden of their duties to Mondstadt at deep cost to themselves.
It's about healing your mirror in order to heal yourself, and it doesn't get any better than that.
Like goddamn, what a dynamic.
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cryleigh · 5 months
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a rarepair that i still enjoy immensely
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solokabuto · 3 months
So what are your Fate yuri rarepairs?
Thank you so much for asking!!! I treat fate women like immensely complicate barbie dolls i can roll around in my mind until they slot together in ways that make the deeply ill recovering catholic lesbian in me squeal so you may or may not notice some general themes, I’ll be including hcs and fic ideas in here because my brainrot is terrible rn so have fun with this:
Dobrynya Nikitich x Morgan Le Fay
Now this is largely due to the fact that i noticed similarities in them (white haired mothers that are more than they seem and definitely not who they seem with fucked up daughters that have pink hair and pent up rage) and admittedly I’m not in Tungsuka sanctuary so I don’t have a vantage point on Dobrynya’s personality like at all outside of adorable fanart but they seem like they’d be cute. They’re one of those couples that would largely only exist in au’s where Dobrynya runs the daycare that Morgan drops Baobhan at or something. And the entire story is just Baobhan being terrorized while Dobrynya and Morgan make out in the background.
Okita Souji x Nitocris
That moment when you (living vessel for your brother’s vengeance who immediately committed suicide upon fulfilling your goal due to perceiving the cold embrace of death as warmer than the cruel clutches of your fellow man) come across another girl (a hollow mockery of a human being born and bred to slaughter without a care who relates better to broken bones, sinew, and blood than she does to living beings and can kill her friends at a simple order)and link up (have intense homoerotic discussions about death dying and purpose) over tea and wine (cups of literal blood) and fuck nasty (memento memori style)
Olga Marie Animusphere x Ereshkigal
If you haven’t read Afterlife by nd7878 and you have any form of attachment to Olga or Ereshkigal or see the similarities between the two please read it, it’s amazing and I love it so much it fulfills my Olga Marie cravings very well. Anyways i think these two are cute, like super cute like insanely cute and I’d like to imagine Olga would bring out the more forward and irritable side of Ereshkigal and the two would clash in a way that’s still friendly. I dunno she’d make eresh more lively and make Olga feel more loved. I really love afterlife, please read it.
Jeanne D’ Arc x Barghest
I just think the idea of a woman who already sees herself as an offering, offering herself up to a worthy warrior who desperately wishes to stop destroying things she loves to be incredibly interesting. Especially because in my mind Jeanne would probably have little issue with letting Barghest eat her regularly as long as she recovers decently enough. They’re interesting i have fic ideas for them i think Jeanne would enjoy being devoured gruesomely. The knowledge of having a set place for your body to go rather than being burned and desecrated just to be tossed into the river and washed away. I am far too invested in Jeanne D’ Arc. A part of me thinks she would enjoy having something resembling a proper corpse since she was torched to ash and thrown into a river rather than properly being laid to rest. I have vivid images of their entire routine can you tell u have been plagued by yuri visions for far too long?
Baobhan Sith x Galatea
You know how popular girls in hs always have that one girl that isn’t popular or important or really much of anything to a majority of the student body that they don’t play about? Yeah that’s Galatea to her. They hit it off over sculpting because Baobhan has a general affinity for art that includes her love of fashion and eventually they become friends which is incredibly strange to Baobhan because she is deeply unused to being cared for and loved by anyone that isn’t her mother and even then the way she goes about it is very much not like her mother (it’s okay Morgan you tried sweetie). I just think it would be nice to see Galatea slowly help Baobhan build a healthy relationship with love, loving and being loved. They’d be cute. I also think Galatea would find having her blood sucked to be an interesting experience considering she probably finds the fact she has blood to be quite novel.
Merlin (Prototype) x Morgan Le Fay
With benefits. I don’t know what to call their relationship so they’re just with benefits. Morgan would just vent out her frustration on her while Merlin just takes it because why the hell not, being half-succubus has its perks. Additionally, she’d rely on Merlin to have a few moments of complete thoughtlessness and freedom from the stress and general fuckery of Faerie Britain by just allowing herself to fall for the effects of her beauty. Honestly it’s more so method of relaxation for Morgan then a genuine relationship but I think it’s interesting. They probably have insane conversations about the world that usually end in Morgan forcing her to shut up because she says something she doesn’t want to hear but isn’t untrue. Occasionally in moments of weakness Merlin will ask Morgan if she wants her to take her away to Avalon and leave this place for the faeries she hates so much, and Morgan will always refuse dispute herself.
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thethirdromana · 2 months
DS9 Rarepair Week: Courtship
Message sent to Lwaxana Troi, Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Riix, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed, from Colonel Kira Nerys, Commander of Deep Space Nine.
Dear Ambassador Troi,
I hope you’re well, and will excuse me writing to you like this. I wanted to let you know that Odo has left for the Gamma Quadrant to be with the Founders, and, we all hope, to set them on a better path for the future. I’m sorry to say that we don’t think he’s coming back, or not for a very long time. 
I thought you should know, as under Bajoran law, at least, this makes you legally a widow. In Bajoran tradition, this news is usually accompanied by a fruit basket. Apparently on Earth they send flowers, and the Ferengi send latinum. I don’t know what they do on Betazed, but as Bajoran milaberries are good this year, I thought you might like the fruit basket even if it isn’t your tradition. 
May the Prophets guide you, 
Kira Nerys
Message sent to Kira Nerys, from Lwaxana Troi. 
Dear Colonel Kira,
I am most grateful that you chose to let me know. What sad news for all of us who loved him! Of course, it is without a doubt a virtuous and noble deed, but sometimes a man can be a little too virtuous and noble, don’t you think?
I enjoyed the milaberries immensely, and the moba fruit too. It was too kind of you to think of such a gift. I should warn you that the gift of a fruit basket has quite a different meaning on Betazed; it is the traditional first gift of the Betazed courtship process. You gave poor Mr Homn quite a shock! 
Of course, I know that wasn’t your intention. However, the traditional gift from a mature woman to a prospective young swain is an item of clothing, and I happened to come across this dress that I think would look simply darling on you. I just had to buy it. I won’t be offended if you don’t like it. 
With esteem, 
Lwaxana Troi
Dear Ambassador Troi, 
It goes to show the importance of ambassadors, in helping to avoid this kind of cultural misunderstanding. I never was much of a diplomat. I guess I’m going to have to learn, now Captain Sisko isn’t around. 
The dress is beautiful. You have an amazing eye. I didn’t realise we’d spent enough time together for you to know my taste in clothing. 
The lilacs are in flower on Bajor. I hope the bouquet I’ve enclosed makes it to Betazed with most of the petals still attached. 
May the Prophets guide you,
Kira Nerys
Dear Colonel Kira,
You must call me Lwaxana; this isn’t an ambassadorial reception, after all. 
Regarding the choice of dress, being a telepath has its uses. I think when you’ve spent so much of your life forced to wear a uniform, or whatever is most practical to fight in, it can be a great pleasure to wear something beautiful and impractical for a change. I hope now that the war is over, you have more opportunities to enjoy yourself. The Cardassians took so much from you, my dear, I hope you live life to the fullest now you’re free to do so. 
Betazed, like Bajor, is a beautiful green planet, full of gardens. I think you would like it here. The lilacs arrived in perfect bloom, so I have taken the chance to send you a muktok plant. The flowers are lovely, but their real beauty is if you shake them gently. 
With affection, 
Dear Lwaxana, 
Please call me Nerys! 
I love the muktok plant. I’ve put it in my office, and asked Keiko O’Brien how I should take care of it. She said lots of water and sandy soil – is that right? The chiming of the flowers is so peaceful. 
I would love to visit Betazed some day. If everyone there is as kind as you, then it must be a wonderful place. The station is very quiet these days. I’m sure I could get away for a vacation without anyone minding too much, even as the Commander. 
Or perhaps you’d like to come to Bajor? I’ve enclosed a painting of one of my favourite places. It’s of a waterfall on one of the tributaries of the Holana River, and this artist captures exactly how peaceful it feels to be there. 
Dear Nerys,
It sounds as if your muktok plant will be well taken care of. 
I’ve instructed Mr Homn to hang the painting in my bedroom, so I can see it every day. What a wonderful place to be able to call your home. I’ll make sure to let you know whenever I’m next in your part of the quadrant. 
Uttaberries are now in season on Betazed. I wasn’t sure if you’d like them best fresh, candied, in an uttaberry tart or as uttaberry jam, so I’ve sent you them in every way that I can think of. They’re a little sharp on the outside, but softer and sweeter on the inside than you might expect. Dare I say that they remind me of you that way?
With fondness, 
Dear Lwaxana, 
I have to come to Betazed when the uttaberries are next ripe! They were so delicious. I’ve been eating uttaberries with every meal for the past week, and I’ve been thinking of you. I wish we’d gotten to know one another sooner, but better late than never. 
Quark had a shipment of antiques from the Gamma Quadrant for sale yesterday. I was worried I was going to have to shut it down but it turned out, for once, that everything was above board. So I bought these earrings for you. They’re silver, with a kind of volcanic stone that I don’t think is found anywhere this side of the wormhole. Wear them, please, and think of me when you do. 
Dear Nerys,
The earrings are EXQUISITE. I’ve barely taken them off, and as instructed, I have thought of you, my dear, and often. You’re right that we should have gotten to know one another sooner. If I have a fault, it’s that I focus too much on men, and I certainly did that on my visits to Deep Space Nine. It takes a woman like you, Nerys, to remind me of what I’ve been missing out on. You are kind, intelligent, thoughtful, and – if you don’t mind an old woman like me saying so – very beautiful. 
The uttaberry season is over now, alas. It’s always so brief that they’re at their best. But the roses are in bloom on Betazed now, so I’ve enclosed some handmade soap, to bring their scent all the way to Deep Space Nine. 
If this message goes too far, please forgive me. 
With love,
Dear Lwaxana,
Thank you so much for the soap. I’ve been using it, and imagining myself in a garden on Betazed with you. 
I wasn’t sure what to say to your last message. But someone once told me that there’s a Betazed tradition for exactly this circumstance. I’ve enclosed a fruit basket for you. I hope I won’t shock Mr Homn too much. 
If you’d like to give me another dress, maybe you could come to Deep Space Nine, and give it to me in person?
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banjomelodies · 4 months
This is my first post talking about Detroit (begging for the Detroit Tumblr fanbase to be thriving in these desperate times).
The rarepair of Ralph/Rupert is one of the best rarepairs. I've seen in this game. Granted, I haven't seen many (please tell me about your rarepairs I love rarepairs immensely). I've always been obsessed with the headcanon that they were both workers in Detroit Urban Farms, and that Ralph's assault was what Rupert witnessed and deviated to. Don't get me wrong.. Ralph with the Jerries (or just a Jerry) are really good too, and I sometimes find myself enjoying Ralph and Kara as a pairing (it's a fifty/fifty, mostly since I'm a big KarLuther fan personally (though I also sometimes just enjoy single mom kara too)), but something about this rarepair hits me.
I always headcanoned Ralph as having a love for animals, he just can't quite care for one due to his spontaneous fits of anger. I like to think he likely tried keeping that dead bird in his house as a pet but accidentally killed it when it did something that set off his nerves. Rupert.. obviously.. loves pigeons. The man lived with like 70-100 of them.
They'd bond over birds.. I like to think Rupert would try to assist Ralph with trying to care for animals and nature again, but also ensure that he's being careful with the birds.
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torchickentacos · 5 months
Sad that we don’t see as much Zuki activity on tumblr as we used to but that’s how the whole atla fandom has been lately. I’m glad you ship them tho!
Do you have any spicy Zuki headcanons you’d like to share? 👀 If not that’s fine! Just curious.
Hi anon! God, I haven't been in the ATLA fandom for a long while now, goes to show how dead the zuki fandom is if you're coming to me for it 😭😭😭Rarepair so rare you have to go to an entirely different fandom's blog for your ship. Sad. BUT I APPRECIATE YOU COMING TO ME SO MUCH!!! I am a pokeani blog in spirit but a whateverthefuck/multipurpose blog in practice. I will say though, spicy headcanons are kinda far out of my wheelhouse, and also that fandom's age-up discourse (and everything else discourse) terrifies me so I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole tbh, BUT I can always give other stuff! Ramble under cut.
So, I think I'll just ramble instead of spicy headcanons- one INCREDIBLY FUNNY aspect of Zuki to me is that, in the comics, Suki's kind of giving 'I can fix him', ngl. BUT SHE ACTUALLY CAN, THAT'S THE THING. It's so interesting to me because canon Zuki in the comics is very much founded on that bodyguard/royalty dynamic trust- they have to trust each other with their life if they're going to do the whole bodyguard thing well. And from that trust comes Suki's trust in Zuko as a PERSON. Even when LTIERALLY THE ENTIRE GAANG is like 'ehhh idk he kinda sucks again', Suki's the one who's like 'can you guys chill for .5 seconds and trust him? look at him. he's sad. he needs therapy, not to be killed'.
I think Zuki just WORKS because of that trust. And FROM THAT TRUST, she actually is one of the key reasons they're able to help bring him back from the path he goes down in the comics (which i have not read in forever so pardon innacuracies). So, SHE ACTUALLY CAN FIX HIM. /half joking because obviously it was a ton of his own internal work and growth, but like, from a shitposter's perspective, #icanfixhim.
And that trust goes the other way around the entire way. Not only in Zuko trusting the kyoshi warriors to keep him alive, but Zuko also actually TALKS to Suki and opens up to her in the comics. ZUKO. OPENS UP. TO SOMEONE. AND TALKS TO THEM. AND COMMUNICATES. TO THEM. obviously he trusts her as a bodyguard and a friend IMMENSELY, which provides that super good foundation for something more. He feels safe around her, physically and emotionally, which I think is an incredibly rare honor. (lol, honor. zuko. ykwim. )
I just like bodyguard royalty ships tbh, I'm also a zelink hoe (my main three ships have always been zuki/zelink/contestshipping. not sure what that says about me tbh, other than 'likes m/f but undeniably bisexual ships'), but like, despite being a rarepair, the comics gave us a GOOD DAMN BASIS FOR IT!!!! IT'S ABOUT THE TRUST! THE VULNERABILITY!!!! ramble over, ty for listening to my ted talk.
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june16th2018 · 8 months
things i deeply hate in bungou stray dogs (and its fandom)
tw opinions
(disclaimer: bsd is one of my fav manga ever)
1 • those short ass chapters
like what do you mean i've been waiting for a whole month only to get a 12 seconds reading (jk ofc i respect asagiri's work but that's immensely frustrating)
2 • sigzai, kunikizai, fyoya and every nonskk ship being compared to the actual skk
i KNOW every ship is valid but you cannot compare your goofy pairings to a relationship as complex as dazai and chuuya's
you cannot
also if i see one more zigzag shipper saying that dazai kissed sigma bc he's in love with him i'm going to lose my mind, i don't think yall realize how ridiculous you sound
(and don't come at me skk isn't even my fav ship 💀)
3 • talking abt skk, the dumb shippers
sigzai shippers may be ridiculous asl but skk shippers are freaking dumb (hopefully i'm one of the smart ones 👩🏻‍🦯)
no chuuya wasn't devastated when dazai left, he celebrated with wine and it's canon
yall are drooling over the fact skk has the potential to be an enemies to lovers then ruin the "enemies" part, like cmon the whole point of their ship is to be a love hate relationship 💀
4 �� dazai wannabes
"me, a dazai kinnie 🤓" bffr
5 • the fandom bringing up bsd in something about some author who happens to be the reference of a character in bungou stray dogs (when it has specifically nothing to do with bsd)
as a literature lover please stfu i would break my dead ass skull if i was one of those poor authors
6 • "rarepairs (or even popular pairings atp) are valid 🥺" and it's almost only gay ships
i just know yall would have been drooling over margaret and nathaniel's relationship if they were wlw or mlm
7 • goofy headcanons
like wdym you can change a character's whole gender and pronouns just bc it's a hc, and wdym you can change a character's AGE just bc it's a hc???
like if it's canon don't change it idk, i would set my country on fire if i was an author witnessing my fandom changing canon facts about a character i created as if it was their own 😍
just create your own oc atp 💀💀
8 • "us bsd fans are so gay and mentally ill 😝😝"
add cringe to the list
9 • the way the manga is running away from the original aesthetic
again i don't mind it that much, but i rmb when i first watched bsd the vintage/dark academia aesthetic was what made me really into it, before things got as interesting as now
10 • the anime adaptation
obviously, who doesn't
(and before anyone comes at me and calls me homophobic or transphobic i just wanted to say that i'm bi and i used to think i was a trans boy (turned out i'm not but still 🥺🥺))
in conclusion?🤓?? the bsd fandom is like a sort of mha fandom 2.0
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ans-arcade · 3 days
As we prepare for the next event after the Gift Exchange, we wanted to ask for some participation before we announce it. By participation, we are requesting for you to submit some one word prompts to be used in the event!
The event is a rare pair event called ANS Rare Pair Scramble, if that helps with brainstorming prompts or adds extra motivation! The event will properly be announced after the prompts submission deadline ends.
The more the merrier as far as prompts go!
Prompt submission starts today and goes through the end of June! Here's where you can submit your prompts for the Rare Pair Scramble. (Link down below).
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