#imagine renjun
nanamelody · 14 days
Confissões à meia noite
Título: Confissões à meia noite
Contagem de Palavras: 2.281k
Gênero: Fluffy, angst
Avisos: pode conter um pouco de angst e dar gatilhos com relação a insegurança e amor platônico.
Nota da autora: oiês meu amores! Como vocês estão? Hoje eu resolvi trazer um fluffy bem fluffy mesmo do jeito que eu gosto com nosso lindíssimo Renjun — tô meio que tendo uma qued(ona)inha por ele — e achei que a proposta super combinou. Espero que vocês gostem.
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O clima daquela noite estava perfeito — a lua cheia bem redondinha iluminava a paisagem noturna da cidade, trazendo um ar melancólico, mas aconchegante. Os pequenos pontos de luz dos prédios eram de uma beleza estonteante para quem andava pelas avenidas movimentadas de Seul. A brisa suave e até um pouco fria fazia com que as folhas leves se desprendessem das árvores e voassem para longe, pousando em qualquer parte do chão concretado. E nem mesmo elas passavam despercebidas por você.
Seu coração ainda batia forte, e suas bochechas estavam levemente coradas. Você tinha acabado de parar de correr, mas a vermelhidão de sua pele estava longe de ser por esforço ou cansaço. A verdade é que o sorriso aberto não saia da sua boca há minutos, o que você negava veementemente. Algo aconteceu cerca de meia hora antes. Mas você só não entendia o porquê de ter corrido tão rápido.
Sempre fora apaixonada por Renjun, mas travou completamente ao ouvir o que ele disse a você. No momento, sentia-se covarde por não ter tido a capacidade de dizer o mesmo para ele.
Você e seu amigo Renjun andavam por uma rua mal iluminada, ainda contando com a luz do pôr-do-sol, mesmo que fraca. Como sempre, vocês saíram para tomar um café e falar sobre assuntos totalmente aleatórios, além de colocar as conversas em dia — vulgo fofocar. Nesse momento, vocês estavam rindo porque você quase caiu ao prender seu sapato em uma pequena depressão existente na calçada.
E nesses pequenos momentos, você percebia o quanto aquele homem era importante em sua vida. Vocês se complementavam — enquanto você fazia as perguntas mais toscas possíveis, ele respondia com sarcasmo. E não é que vocês se entendiam? Renjun era o melhor com conselhos, e provou que não é apenas um amigo qualquer após a morte da sua avó. Você ficou arrasada com a notícia, mas sempre teve o ombro do Huang para chorar. Ele apoiava você em casa mínimo detalhe. Mas havia um problema.
Você sempre o enxergou apenas como um amigo. Nunca se permitiu desenvolver sentimentos reais por ele, embora sentisse do fundo do seu coração que vocês seriam um bom casal. Seu orgulho não te deixava pensar que uma pessoa que te conhecia tão bem poderia se tornar seu namorado. E a insegurança de perder alguém tão importante gritava em seu peito, quase te fazendo enlouquecer. Definitivamente, você não poderia perder ele, nunca. Por nada. Longe em seus devaneios, você dá um sorriso pequeno ao perceber que deixou de escutar Renjun por pelo menos uns cinco minutos.
A pouca luz do sol fazia bem para a pele pálida de Renjun. Talvez aquela iluminação fosse feita exatamente para realçar sua beleza estonteante. A maneira empolgada com a qual ele te contava as novidades e fazia rir em silêncio. Os passos chutados e o olhar despreocupado faziam com que algo diferente acontecesse com você toda vez que você o olhava. Até que seu semblante pareceu entristecer um pouco, ao lembrar de uma situação, ao que ele dividiu com você.
— Na prática de dança hoje, não consegui pegar duas sequências de passos. O coreógrafo estava bem estressado porque temos um prazo bem próximo para lançar o comeback. Resultado? Ele despejou todo o estresse em mim. Foi naquela hora que eu te mandei mensagem, perguntando se poderíamos sair hoje.
—Poxa amigo, que horrível. Bem, você não precisa ficar bravo com o Tae-moo. Ele só não sabe se expressar quando está bravo. Mas realmente, foi uma tremenda sacanagem isso que ele fez com você.
— Fiquei bem chateado porque os meninos não me defenderam. Eles são meus amigos ou não? Todos apenas ficaram olhando para minha cara, e não tiveram nenhuma reação. Acho que sou ruim mesmo. Nesses momentos, penso que não sirvo para ser um idol. — as palavras de Renjun fizeram com que você se chateasse mas, ao mesmo tempo, você sentiu vontade de morde-lo ao olhar para o biquinho que não abandonava os seus lábios.
— Epa, epa, epa! Vamos com calma oppa. Primeiro, preciso afirmar que você é ÓTIMO em tudo o que faz — colocou ênfase no "ótimo", apenas para frisar sua opinião — e extremamente talentoso.
Depois de muito andar, vocês chegaram até uma rua calma e sentaram-se em um banco de madeira. Ele diz que vai comprar algumas garrafas de soju para espairecer. Seu garoto estava passando por momentos difíceis na empresa onde trabalhava, e precisava esfriar a cabeça de algum jeito — para ele, o álcool era a melhor solução. Logo, viu seu melhor amigo se afastando. Os cabelos castanhos tão conhecidos por você sumiram quando ele desapareceu atrás da porta de uma lojinha de conveniência qualquer. Estranhamente, você sentiu que uma parte de seu peito ia com ele. Com os olhos bem atentos a porta, não pôde deixar de sorrir levemente quando visualizou Huang abrindo-a e erguendo uma sacola cheia de garrafas do seu tão conhecido soju. Atravessou a rua correndo e sentou-se novamente ao seu lado.
— S/A, comprei bastante soju. Preciso afogar minhas mágoas ainda hoje.
— Assim que eu gosto — você diz, abrindo ruidosamente uma garrafa. Sem se incomodar por não ter um copo, vira a garrafa em sua boca, e rapidamente apoia o recipiente meio vazio no banco.
— Comprei alguns salgadinhos também. Não bebe muito de estômago vazio, sei que você fica bêbada rápido quando não come nada. Fora a ressaca e a dor de cabeça. — ele diz, dando um pequeno gole em sua garrafa.
— Obrigada Injunnie, você é muito cuidadoso comigo. Mas você sabe que minha tolerância a álcool é infinitamente maior que a sua, né?
— Mentira. Vamos apostar? — pela sua expressão, estava ofendido pela colocação anterior. Ao que parece, ele se esforçaria ao máximo para provar que você estava errada.
— Fechado.
Dito isto, vocês começam a beber. De fato, Renjun não era muito bom com bebidas, mas ele foi melhor do que você esperava. Começou a falar engraçado no meio da segunda garrafa. No final, já estava deitado em seu colo e rindo até mesmo de uma estrela que brilhava engraçado.
— Viu? Ganhei! Você nunca foi bom com bebidas. Não sei porquê quis apostar uma coisa tão boba.
— Sei lá. Acho que minha cabeça vai explodir. Preciso de água.
Ao ouvir as súplicas até um pouco exageradas do menino por água, você alcançou a garrafa na sacola, estourou o lacre e verteu o líquido límpido na boca do amigo, cuidando para que ele não engasgasse.
— Você cuida tão bem de mim. Por quê?
Aquela era uma das perguntas complicadas que Renjun lançava do nada. Mas a resposta pareceu bem óbvia para você, que quase pensou alto e se declarou para ele, mas se conteve apenas em dizer algo simplista.
— Porque você é meu melhor amigo, oras. Fazemos isso por quem gostamos.
Era meia noite. Um jovem que carregava uma mochila preta nas costas passou e com ele, o som baixinho do despertador soou. Levantou o olhar para a placa luminosa perto de vocês, e percebeu que já estava tarde demais. As suas últimas palavras ecoaram na mente de Renjun, mas como estava levemente alterado, ele fechou os olhos, preparando-se para dormir. Como se o jovem chinês adivinhasse quando você protestaria por ele estar dormindo literalmente na rua, foi mais rápido ao começar a falar.
— S/A, não sei o motivo de eu estar falando isso para você, mas nunca te vi como uma amiga. Desde que coloquei os olhos em você, sabia que era amor. Sou completamente apaixonado por você, louco. Como você pode fazer isso com o meu coração? Você é uma deusa por acaso, para ser tão bonita? — diz, ainda de olhos fechados, com a cabeça apoiada em seu colo.
A declaração de Renjun te assustou, talvez porque você teve que encarar seus sentimentos de frente. Talvez porque aconteceu do nada. Talvez porque a voz levemente alterada e roca fazia você pensar que ele estava apenas bêbado. Você nunca quis admitir, mas o efeito que as palavras de Renjun tiveram em você fizeram um estrago tão grande quanto uma bomba nuclear. Sentiu medo, insegurança, amor. A confusão era nítida em seu semblante. Ele se levantou para poder analisar sua expressão, chegando um pouco perto demais. Por isso, seu corpo colocou-se de pé quase contra a sua vontade e você correu o mais rápido que pôde para algum ponto qualquer. A verdade é que você queria apenas se distanciar de Renjun.
— Ei, volta aqui! Onde você está indo?
Um Renjun confuso fica para trás, se sentido mal e odiando-se por fazer uma declaração tão tosca em um dia tão comum. Ele tinha estragado tudo.
— Por que eu fugi? Só posso estar maluca! Sou completamente apaixonada pelo Renjun. Onde estou com a cabeça?
Depois da estranha cena em que fala sozinha, você correu o mais rápido que pôde para o ponto onde você e Renjun estavam mais cedo. Mas seu coração quebrou ao perceber que ele não estava mais lá. Depois de inúmeras tentativas de ligação, você pensa em desistir. Mas ao refletir um pouco, voltou a correr. Como conhecia demais o ser humano em questão, você sabia que ele estaria na ponte do Rio Han. Apenas deixou com que seus pés a guiassem até lá. Parou bruscamente e sorriu ao perceber que estava certa.
Lá estava Renjun, com os braços apoiados na barreira de proteção, enquanto olhava para um ponto fixo. Sua mente parecia estar vagando lá longe, como se estivesse procurando algo dentro de si. Sem saber a melhor forma de aborda-lo, você anda vagarosamente até ele e o abraça por trás. Para sua surpresa, ele nem se importou, logo despejando duas perguntas duras. Talvez elas não tivessem resposta.
— Por que você fugiu? Sabe o que fez com meu coração?
Silêncio. Você não ousava desgrudar seu nariz das costas dele. Você precisava sentir aquele cheiro maravilhoso naquele momento. Após refletir um pouco, você se xingou mentalmente ao perceber que realmente não havia motivo nenhum para você ter fugido. Aí, sua voz saiu em um fio, quase como um miado de tão baixinha.
— Não sei. Fui impulsiva. Fiquei com medo de você se arrepender de gostar de mim.
— Como eu me arrependeria de gostar de você, S/N? Você só pensou em si mesma — a mágoa era perceptível em sua voz, que saiu toda tremida por conta de algumas lágrimas. Renjun nunca abriu o coração para ninguém e, da primeira vez, ficou extremamente confuso ao ver seu amor correndo para longe.
— Não sei. Por que você gostaria de mim? Meninas caem aos seus pés todos os dias, Junnie. Tenho medo de perder você, sua amizade incrível. E você só disse essas coisas porque estava bêbado.
E foi nesse momento que você admitiu que realmente amava Renjun. Não poderia mais resistir a esse sentimento, ou enlouqueceria de vez. Seu coração chegou errar as batidas ao ouvir o que ele falou a seguir.
— Eu não quero nenhuma delas, S/N, porque nenhuma delas é você. E eu não estava tão bêbado assim. A verdade é que eu sou completamente louco por você, e falo isso com convicção. Você nunca vai me perder — ele diz, aproximando-se lentamente de você e desviando o olhar entre seus olhos e sua boca, sedutoramente. — Posso te beijar?
Aquela pergunta sem escrúpulos te pegou de surpresa, ao que você não ousou pensar para responder. Você ansiava aquele momento há muito tempo assim como ele, mas nunca se permitiu reconhecer isso. Agora, estava decidida a dar todo o amor que aquele menino merecia. Com um sorriso no rosto, você deu a resposta que ele tanto queria ouvir.
— Deve. — o sussurro que saiu de seus lábios foi suficiente para arrancar um sorriso apaixonado do menino a sua frente, que não hesitou em pressionar os lábios contra os seus. Sem dúvidas, aquele foi o melhor beijo da sua vida. Lento, carinhoso e cheio de amor. Depois de uns poucos segundos, os lábios desgrudaram, apenas para unir-se em outro beijo, dessa vez um pouco mais compassado. E assim vocês ficaram por longos minutos.
— Poxa Junnie, se eu soubesse que você beijava tão bem, tínhamos começado esse lance antes.
Você sempre escondia sua timidez falando coisas engraçadas. Desse vez, quase quebrou todo o clima que se estabeleceu, mas Huang foi mais rápido para deixar que isso não acontecesse. As três palavrinhas mágicas saíram da boca de Renjun como um acalento para a sua alma. A sinceridade delas te fizeram sentir um frio na espinha. Mas você concordou com elas silenciosamente, antes de afirmar para o garoto que você sentia o mesmo. Vocês dois sorriem no final, ainda abraçados.
— Eu te amo, S/N.
— Eu também te amo, Renjun.
— Quer ir para o meu dormitório? Queria dormir agarradinho com você, como já fizemos tantas vezes. Mas agora é diferente, né?
— Claro que quero. Não vou fugir de você nunca mais. — você diz, estendendo sua mão como em um juramento, o que faz Renjun rir e soltar um "espero mesmo". — Mas Junnie, o que nós somos agora?
— Bem, se me permitir, você é minha namorada agora, e minha esposa no futuro. Não vejo minha vida sem você.
— Claro, futuro esposo. — Bem, acabou de dar uma da manhã. As nossas confissões aconteceram à meia noite. Que poético.
— Sim, somos um casal artístico. A partir de hoje, vou te ligar todos os dias à meia noite, apenas para que você saiba que é a dona dos meus pensamentos. Vou me declarar todos os dias para você.
Ele entrelaçou os dedos de vocês e se inclinou para te dar mais um selinho apaixonado. A lua refletia no Rio Han e iluminava o caminho de vocês até o dormitório. Graças àquelas confissões à meia noite, você sabia que seu amor não era platônico. Agora, tinha um ser para chamar de lar.
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renjunplanet · 7 months
| Flume... Huang Renjun
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notas. segunda parte daquela one shot com o injun... acho que vai acabar tendo uma parte 3 😶
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— Menino Jun, me espera!
Verão de 2010, a casa de sua vó cheia de primos e tios, todos parentes distantes que só via em feriados de fim de ano e raramente lembrava os nomes. A casa de veraneio com os quartos de hóspedes cheios, as caixas de som enormes de um de seus tios tocando o álbum América Brasil do Seu Jorge e a mesa posta com variados pratos do jeitinho que sua vó gostava.
Do jeitinho que você gostava de visitá-la.
Na tarde da véspera de Natal, com seus primos e os netos da Dona Lili – a vizinha mais querida que sua vó poderia ter –, aquele verão parecia mais mágico do que nunca.
Por alguma razão desconhecida, os adultos que aproveitavam o samba que ressoava pelas caixas de som prateadas estavam mais bonzinhos aquele dia, deixando você e as outras crianças brincarem na praia, acompanhados de Kun o primo mais velho de Renjun e Chenle — as casas também eram de frente para o mar, estavam sob boas mãos e bons olhos.
E agora estava você e o menino chinês fofinho, escondidinhos atrás do muro de madeira da casa da vó dele, planejando como tirar Chenle e Ricardinho da prisão sem serem pegos pelos policiais.
Para brincar de polícia e ladrão era necessário ter bastante QI e agilidade, porque aquelas crianças de 8 à 14 anos pareciam máquinas ao ponto de nem cogitarem a ideia de ter café com leite na brincadeira.
— Ei, Alfajor. — Renjun lhe chama pelo o apelido estranho.
— Hum? — você o observa se aproximando de você, confusa.
— A Clarinha e o Kun não estão por perto, se a gente ir direto agora e correr até sua casa acho que a gente despista eles e consegue tirar o Lele e o Dinho da roda. — ele diz, bem pertinho de você, apontando para cada ponto de referência do plano.
Renjun cheirava tão bem.
— Conseguiu entender, Alfajor? — o chinês chama sua atenção mais uma vez.
— Hã? — acorda dos próprios devaneios — Entendi sim. — concorda com a cabeça apressadamente; mente.
— Tá bom. Então eu vou e você vem atrás, tá legal?
— Uhum. — você faz joinha com os dedos, ainda fingindo que entendeu.
Após seu sinal, você vê e o menino magrelo correndo pela a areia com rapidez, puxando o primo dele pelo pulso e fugindo para sua casa. Depois de vê Renjun fazendo isso, você tola percebe que tem que fazer o mesmo então sai disparada na direção de Ricardinho.
Puxa ele para fora do círculo e saem correndo, entretanto as outras crianças pegam vocês no flagra bem na hora, o que faz com que você esqueça totalmente a estratégia que antes discutiu com Renjun.
Você e seu primo saem correndo em direção a beira-mar, gargalhando e gritando, fugindo dos policiais da brincadeira.
Ficaram dando voltas e voltas, tentando não serem pegos.
Ricardo, por pura sorte, escapa das mãos de Clarinha e você, azarada que era, acabou tropeçando nos próprios pés e foi carregada no colo por Kun até o círculo da prisão.
Foi largada na areia fofinha, sendo abandonada ali sozinha pelo mais velho assim que ele avistou de longe Chenle correndo entre os adultos.
Sentada com os braços abraçando os joelhos, esperava os parceiros de crime virem ajudá-la.
5 minutos...
O primeiro a tentar vir foi Chenle, que foi preso novamente — Kun estava em cima dele, era presa fácil. Sentou-se ao seu lado, aceitando a derrota e com os pulmões ardendo de tanto correr.
8 minutos...
O segundo a se aproximar foi Ricardo, que desistiu na hora ao ver que Clarinha rondava a roda.
17 minutos...
— Pois é, Lele. Parece que ninguém vai vir nos salvar... — sua voz sai emburrada depois de esperar vários minutos no sol quente.
Parece que foi só reclamar que Deus atendeu suas preces.
Uma mão pequena com uma manchinha roxa surge do nada, entrelaçando em seus pulsos e te puxando para fora do círculo com uma rapidez sem igual.
Sensação estranha, não sabia dizer se era por conta da pressão que havia aumentado por ficar exposta tempo demais de baixo do sol das onze horas, ou pela fome, ou pela forma como os cabelos negros e os olhos brilhantes e pequenininhos — que você gostava tanto de admirar — chacoalhavam seu coração.
Sentiu o rosto arder de vergonha.
Sentiu a timidez subir, arrepiando a espinha assim que Renjun se escondeu com você no mesmo lugar que estavam antes.
Ouviu seu próprio coração palpitar ao ver o sorrisinho torto do chinês abrir depois de o ouvir dizer baixinho "Alfajor bobona, era pra ter ido onde a gente planejou".
Sentiu o rosto desenhar um sorriso e escapar uma risada fraca, totalmente dispersa e desconectada da realidade.
E a sensação do ventinho batendo contra seu rosto e seu vestido florido parecia preencher ainda mais os sentimentos que seu corpo pequeno havia descoberto.
Foi no verão de 2010, escondida atrás do muro de madeira de Dona Lili, que sentiu como se as estações repentinamente tivessem se invertido.
Foi no verão de 2010 que sentiu a tal da primavera florescer em seu peito e as belas flores da amada estação entrelaçando seu coração num abraço gostoso e bonito.
Foi no verão de 2010 que pela primeira vez recebera um sorriso, cujo qual despertou o desejo de poder conquistá-lo mais uma vez; colecionar.
Foi no verão de 2010 que você descobriu o amor.
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— Menino Jun? — a voz ressoa rouca, se fundindo ao som das ondas e ao cenário cinzento — O que faz aqui tão cedo?
Você vê a figura masculina bonita virar o tronco em sua direção, assustado.
As bochechas e lábios estavam vermelhinhos assim como o nariz delicado. O frio da manhã de outono havia o beijado nos lugares que você tanto desejava.
— Alfajor? — o tom doce tímido lhe faz se aproximar dele.
Você o fornece um sorriso açucarado para o chinês, que sorri de volta envergonhado.
— Bom dia!
— Bom dia...
— O mar parece agitado hoje... — você diz, vendo a força da água batendo contra as pedras do costão lá de longe.
— Acordei no susto por causa do barulho das ondas.
Você franze o cenho, olhando para ele confusa. Ele retribui seu olhar com uma expressão neutra.
— Tenho o sono leve... — conclui.
— Ah... Entendi.
Muito silêncio.
— Pensei que eu nunca mais iria te ver, Jun... — sua voz sai num murmuro.
— Eu também pensei o mesmo... Pensei que nunca mais voltaria para cá e veria esse mar de novo...
Ele suspira pesado, vendo mais uma onda grande se quebrar e fazer um som estrondoso. Você acompanha o rapaz, admirando a cena.
— Quando sua vó disse pra mim, no ano que você foi embora, que você nunca mais passaria um verão com a gente foi tão doloroso pra mim...
— Sério? Doeu tanto assim? — Renjun ri sem graça.
— Não tanto quanto o gelo que você me deu ontem de tarde. — parecia impressão sua, mas as bochechas dele estavam ainda mais vermelhas e não era por causa do frio — Mas eu senti meu coração se partir em vários pedaços, Menino Jun. — seus olhos se encontram com o dele — Saudades mata e rasga o peito. Não é nada legal.
Trocam olhares, tentando se reconhecerem, ou se conhecerem novamente. Eram pessoas totalmente distintas do que um dia foram, a amizade que possuíam antes havia se esfriado.
As coisas pareciam estar desencaixadas.
Renjun não tinha mais aquele sorrisinho torto que você tanto gostava. Renjun não tinha mais 18 anos.
Renjun deixou de ser aquele rapaz que você dividia sorvete e histórias de terror; aquele menino que jogava com você no Nintendo velho do seu pai.
Renjun, por conta da constância do tempo, foi deixando de ser seu amigo.
E saber disso doía ainda mais do que as duas vezes que ele foi embora sem se despedir ou cumprimentar você.
— Merda, tá chovendo! — ele exclama algo em mandarim, quebrando a troca de olhares.
Você o observa confusa mais uma vez, tentando entender o que ele está dizendo, até sentir os pingos gelados em seu rosto.
Quando volta a ter noção do que está acontecendo, vê um Renjun a uns dois metros de distância, com as mãos sobre as sobrancelhas tentando impedir a chuva de atrapalhar a visão.
— Alfajor! O que você está fazendo?! — ao perceber a sua falta, ele se vira para você te procurando em meio aos vários pingos de chuva.
Você vê ele correndo em sua direção afobado, sente a mão fria abraçar a sua e corre junto a ele em baixo das gotas cristalinas que caíam sem parar.
Parece que repentinamente você volta no tempo.
A mesma praia, talvez a mesma pessoa. As estações trocadas.
Mas a primavera sempre lá.
O sorriso que tanto amou agora diferente, talvez mais bonito — ainda preferia os dentinhos tortos —, era a mesma coisa e de repente a sensação de tudo estar fora do lugar desapareceu.
— Por que você é sempre tão lerda, Alfajor? Podia ficar doente...
A primavera fez questão de florescer na estação errada mais uma vez...
E você boba caiu nos encantos dela sem pestanejar.
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ohmygs-blog · 2 months
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“miss ur face..”
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2K notes · View notes
sxcret-garden · 1 month
NCT Dream getting pussy drunk [M]
ღ NCT Dream all members x fem-bodied!reader ღ genre: smut reaction ღ warnings: none
Author’s note: idk, i just had this idea last night and it had to get out askldöfjkdas
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doesn't get pussy drunk all the time, but when he does, it happens quickly
it's more likely when he's actually drunk
like that one time you're sitting on his face, your front facing his body, and the second he dips his tongue into you you can see the bulge in his pants growing
a few more licks and this guy is almost fully hard, that's how much it affects him sometimes
has his hands all over you as far as he can reach - like he just got that much more needy
hums at your taste and could cum from that alone, while he's desperate to figure out where to best hold onto you
has you falling apart on top of him eventually, and will get even more eager with his face still burried in your pussy if you start getting him off too
he's whining at all the sensations coursing through his body now, and you bet this guy is gonna cum within a minute
but even then he still needs to taste you, so you can be sure he won't be satisfied until he's made you cum a few more times
doesn't get pussy drunk easily, so when it happens for the first time he's so embarrassed afterwards???
like he does not know how to process the way he acted when he felt this carnal need to taste you more overtake him and cloud his mind
does everything in his might for just one more lick, and if you're feeling playful this might just be the best chance you could get to make him beg
he seems like a completely different person all of a sudden, grabbing onto you desperately and wanting nothing more than to bury his head between your legs
pure ecstasy running through his veins when he feels you clench around his tongue, almost crushing him in between your thighs when your high crashes down on you
he can't think straight at this point, all he knows is he needs more, and he needs it now
he just will not let you go when he gets pussy drunk, whether you're lying beneath him or are on top of him, riding his face
this guy holds you close with all his strength because he might just get addicted to the way it feels when you cum on his tongue
and maybe you should be grateful at this point that he doesn't get pussy drunk all that often, because you're in for an intense ride
loves the power he has over you when he overstimulates you, and will only give you space to breathe when it's apparent it's getting too much for you to handle
otherwise he'll just keep going, his tongue greedily fucking one orgasm after the other out of you until you're nothing but a whiny, shaking mess
though once it dawns on him what kind of state he just put you in, he'll suddenly become very soft, and he'll make sure to give you all the aftercare you could ever want
gets pussy drunk so easily, it happens almost every time he eats you out
like this guy just can't get enough of you, and there's just something about him having his face buried between your legs and your taste on his tongue that drives him crazy instantly
but most of the time he won't make sure you can't escape him, he might whine a little, but otherwise he'll just hope you'll let him have his fun for as long as possible
really he just wants to please you, and your taste drives him insane - he's way too in the moment to think about what may or may not happen even a second from now
and it just makes him soooo horny too
if you let him he will certainly start touching himself too while eating you out, but he won't permit himself to cum before you aren't 110% satisfied first
I'm convinced this guy gets drunk on you in general, so imagine what it'd be like if he's pussy drunk on top of that
this is definitely gonna trigger both a very caring and a very possessive side of him so you're in for a ride...
gets pussy drunk fairly often though, so he's learned to keep himself in check most of the time
intense eye contact as he eats you out, his hands on your hips to keep you in place
he takes pride in knowing he can drive you crazy with just his tongue, though he will eventually add his fingers too to get you from one orgasm to the other
so soft when he lets you rest in between, asking if you're okay and if you want more (no matter how much he needs to taste you more, he won't rush into more than you can handle)
and then when you give him the okay he's eating you out like there's no tomorrow
starts slow and builds up his pace just right, because this guy has spent countless nights studying your reactions to everything he does to you to make sure he makes you feel as good as he possibly can
doesn't get pussy drunk all that often actually
but when it happens you will know
strikes me as the type who has fun teasing you and getting a little rough with you, so usually he'll make sure to keep you in place as he gives you the bare minimum just so he can get the gratification of hearing you beg for him
so when he suddenly goes super soft after finally letting you cum on his tongue you don't know what's going on for a second???
until you see the look on his face and hear him asking you if you want more in the most caring tone ever
it's clear a switch inside him flicked, and now all he wants to do is please you and take care of you, all thoughts of teasing you long gone
that doesn't mean he won't have you seeing stars in no time - he still knows what he's doing and he's doing it well
it's just that instead of being a little shit, he'll simply continue eating you out until you're a shaking mess underneath him, however long it'll take him
gets pussy drunk so quickly, he won't even know that he is when it first happens??
all he knows is that you taste so so good and he could spend forever eating you out and-
it'll dawn on him only wayyy later what just happened, unless you point it out to him
will simply keep going when he's reached that state, following only his urge to taste you more
is gonna make you cum on his tongue and then immediately continue - only when you start squirming and whining from the overstimulation does he stop for a moment
checks in on you, and when you tell him to slow down, he's trying, he's really trying, but you just taste so good, how could he not become a little greedy?
only when you suggest riding his face instead, so you could control the pace better, does the overstimulation fade into pure bliss
and this guy here too couldn't be happier, like he's just in heaven the entire time, wanting nothing more than to eat you out forever
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ghostofhyuck · 2 months
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NCT Dream and the things that make them go insane (18+)
cw: suggestive, mentions of sex. 
AN: Did I took inspiration from Xiaodery's 'Don't go insane' challenge? yes I did. Lol don't take this too seriously. Also minors dni!!!
Mark Lee ; random moans
Yes Mark, you're not the only one who makes random moan noises. You know that type of noises you make whenever you stretch your body? or when you're eating a delicious food? You're very vocal when it comes to making those kind of noises and sometimes it just caught Mark off-guard. It's not intentional but it reminds him of the sounds you make whenever you two have sex. Sometimes he tells you to not do it, and you'll innocently ask him why. He might not resist of taking you there, that's why. 
Huang Renjun ; revealing clothes
LISTEN Renjun doesn't care what you wear. He's not very protective when it comes to your outfits since it's your body after all. BUT when you're practically naked around your apartment, he'll start praying for his life. You tend to be comfortable wearing just an oversized shirt and panties or maybe a tank top and cycling that shapes your body perfectly. But it'll have Renjun fighting his inner demons. (he loses it.)
Lee Jeno ; tight-fit clothes
Now this one is different. Jeno just couldn't resist it when you're wearing clothes that's tight-fit enough that it curves out your body, especially your boobs and ass. He'll stare at it the whole day and he'll be embarrassed when he catches himself looking at it. But there are moments where his hands will trail over your body when you're wearing those kind of clothes. Oh and he loves ripping it for some reason ??? especially your leggings, he'll just buy you more he convinces. 
Lee Donghyuck ; random touches
Donghyuck will start questioning you whenever you touch him randomly. It'll be just innocent touches like his cheeks or squeezing his arms, but when you have your hands in his thighs, Donghyuck will just stare at you, "???" or when you unconsciously touched his abs trailing it up and down, his mind will go blank and start to think that you wanted something. It'll give him mixed signals and he'll end up horny though. 
Na Jaemin ; wearing his clothes
At first he adores it, whenever you steal his hoodie and wear it. It's very wholesome and you look small in his clothes. But when you're just wearing his top over your panties, he just couldn't resist it. Jaemin thinks that you look hot in his clothes especially after a round of sex, he'll be fighting the urge to take it off from you and just fuck you again. 
Zhong Chenle ; makeup
Chenle would probably love the idea of messing your makeup. He loves your red lipstick and thinks you're seductive whenever you apply lipstick and ends it with a pout, he would probably kiss you afterwards, the messy, aggressive type where your lipstick smudges all over you and him. Chenle probably indulged at the thought of how you put so much effort on your makeup and thought of ways of ruining it by making you writhe under his touch and cry because of the pleasure.
Park Jisung ; seductive dances
Oh Jisung will be astonished at the way you moved. Especially when you two are dancing inside a club, you'll be swaying your hips left and right, feeling the music and rhythm, Jisung would be hype by it but he'll go crazy as he watch you dance sexily in public. He'll be the type who'll hold you close to him as you grind against him and perhaps even make-out a little bit on the dance floor. 
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midmourn · 3 months
you storm out after a fight
♡ nct dream ﹒ gender neutral!reader genre angst warnings language and just general warning for angst note if yall have any requests let me know 🫶 ( library )
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luvyeni · 3 months
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content warning. hyuck and jisung being dramatic, suggestions comments
authors note. you know i had to a nct dream version 💌 !!
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polarisjisung · 3 months
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pairings: nct dream × fem! reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of giving hickeys (for jeno) + reader is implied to have long(ish) hair + use of pet names
notes: a little different to usual but i want to post more often and I love reading these little headcanons! although I do need to switch it up from all the fluff 🫠
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MARK-cozy morning kisses:
mark loves lazy mornings, holding you by the waist to make sure you don't have a chance to escape the warmth of the duvet you're all wrapped up in. sure your hair's a little messy but mark loves the domesticity of waking up next to you. you'll make every attempt to make your way out of the confines of your shared double bed but mark ultimately wins, shutting you up with a kiss when he feels like you're talking too much
"mark baby, please I have work" mark could not care less— really, they should've made it illegal to work weekends
"you have a boyfriend too" he'd tuck the hair falling from your ponytail behind your ear and you're a sucker for the way he'd let his palm rest over your cheek as he pulls you into his chest underneath the covers
"markie, I'll get fired" you know you'd lost the battle the second mark let his eyes land on your lips, the ones that were still shining from the left over lip mask you'd applied the night before, but you still try to bolt out of the covers as fast as you can, undoubtedly you'll get pulled back in by mark just a few seconds later
"don't run from me baby" he's all pouty, you know its all just a facade to get a couple extra minutes in bed with you but saying no to mark just wasn't one of your capabilities
when you finally sigh in defeat,
"just 5 minutes" with a roll of your eyes, he's peppering sweet kisses all over your face, placing a couple pecks on your lips too
"I'll take 5 minutes"
best believe he'll take a lot more than just 5
RENJUN-stupid adorable smiley kisses:
kisses with renjun start out ever so gentle, a quick touch of your lips before he's checking to see your reaction. doesn't matter how long you've been dating, renjun still gives you butterflies every damn time, and he's the same with you, all giddy and kicking his feet, so you both start out so smiley against each other's lips, soft and sweet. on occasion renjun likes to go for deep, more meaningful passionate kisses, and the second you see his starry eyes staring up at you, grin formed into a soft smile, you know his hand is going to reach for your jaw and his lips are going to move rushed against yours
there's a sparkle in his eyes, a glint that tells you renjun won't stop at a few pecks— naturally you don't mind at all
"my love?" he coos, looking up at you, taking in your features as though he's trying to commit every detail of your pretty face to memory, your moles, the shape of your lips and your sparkling eyes, he would memorise it all in that very moment
you swear he looks at you as though you've painted the sky and hung the stars, and every time you catch yourself wondering what you've done to be lucky enough to deserve him
"I love you" as those words slip so effortlessly out of his lips, he'll guide you with a hand against the back of your head to meet his lips again, with more urgency this time
"I love you too" you'd breathe out, an oppurtunity you'd never miss
JENO-neck kisses
jeno loves your lips, kisses, pecks, full on make out sessions— he doesn't mind. but every time he finds your hair tied back and your neck on display he sees it as the perfect chance to show that you're absolutely not single, very much taken in fact. jeno finds joy in carving his initials into your neck or leaving small, unintentional patterns behind sucking and gently biting at the warm skin on your neck. the kisses eventually trail their way up across the bone of your jaw, his hands tugging at the ends of your hair as he twirls it between his fingers. jeno wants it all, quick kisses will do if you're out and about but the second you're home, kissing is at least a 20 minute task.
when you're out, be it hanging out with friends or running errands together, especially in the summer, when you like to tie your hair back a lot more frequently, jeno finds himself going absolutely feral, he's like a child begging his mother to go home
your back is against the wall the second you step through the door, jeno's lips impatiently capturing yours. he's a literal animal, he'll devour any lipstick you're wearing like it was never even there, before his kisses land on your collarbone.
"knew what you were doing when you tied your hair up baby hmm?" jeno likes to think you do it on purpose, to mess with him just a little, admittedly you do, but if you could be honest it had been solely unintentional this time
"come on jeno" your hands land on his chest, almost avoiding the hungry search of his lips for the skin of your neck "didn't know you were so needy"
you like to tease him, his cute agitated kisses becoming a little more intense at your words
equally jeno finds no shame in just how crazy he is for you
"needy for you baby, only you"
something about his urgency mixed with his loyalty forces you to forget about the hickeys you'll spend hours covering up over the next few weeks
HAECHAN- tip of your nose kisses:
haechan loves a makeout session as much as the next person, and despite his forward and bold attitude, sometimes the hard-core kisses just aren't what he's looking for. his favourite solution? kissing the tip of your nose, he likes booping your nose here and there as it is, but in his softest moments, where you find his eyes staring your way in pure awe, haechan's eyes travel to the tip of your nose immediately. it doesn't take long for his lips to follow— a tentative kiss to make sure you're in the mood to be absolutely bombarded with his love
forehead kisses are a close second, and eventually haechan gives in to delicate tender kisses on your lips, his fingers interlaced with yours
"have I ever told you I love you?" kisses with haechan are playful, so you can always tell he's in the mood when that adorable toothy grin shines it's way at you
"multiple times hyuck, every day actually" you'd respond, so giggly that he swears he's falling in love with you all over again, he's not sure if it's possible quite frankly, considering he thinks the same thought everyday
"that's what you deserve baby, I love you" he'd waddle his way over to you on the sofa, that smirk on his face that tells you everything you need to know— the kiss lands perfectly in the centre of your nose, your face soon hidden away in your hands
"don't get shy on me now baby, you know what I wanna hear" he's already trying to get another look at your pretty eyes and when he successfully gets your hands to slide down your face, places a chaste kiss to your forehead
"I love you too hyuck"
"can't hear you buttercup, you're gonna have to show me that pretty face so I can lip read" he's a little too proud of his words, and when you do let your hands down, his lips are all over yours
JAEMIN-lip gloss kisses:
jaemin is a sucker for those shiny, perfect glossy lips of yours, he's a sucker for you full stop, but your lips are practically a superpower.
now jaemin hates strawberries but that pretty pink lip gloss of yours with a little shimmer and that strawberry scent is his absolute favourite, he swears it makes your eyes pop 10x more it's perfect— you're perfect
he loves showering you with affection, be it hugs or kisses, holding your hand or whispering sweet nothings into your ear, jaemin treats you like an absolute princess and when his princess is all dressed up and so absolutely gorgeous, he can't help but ask for one thing for himself. not that jaemin doesn't love seeing you lounging around casually, he thinks you look gorgeous all the time, but seeing the confidence that oozes from your being when you're ready for a big event has his stomach doing backflips
his arms wrap around your waist quicker than you can twist the tube of your lip gloss shut— really there was no point going through your extensive lip combo routine because you should've known jaemin would eat it all up
"my sweet sweet girl, do you think I could have a kiss?" jaemin likes to get extra affectionate in these moments, clinging to you with a smile that reaches his eyes, just to make sure there's no way you can say no
"but nana my lip gloss" you're always trying to make excuses, really it was just because lip products were starting to get expensive, but you don't mind blowing more money on them if it meant you'd have a love like jaemin
"hmm, I'll buy more for you, just give me a kiss pretty please?"
you only make one more attempt at stalling, you know better that you're not winning this battle
"but nana it'll get all over you"
he shrugs, so unbothered you swear you hear your heartbeat ring in your ears
"I like it like that"
jaemin loves the way you tenderly hold his face before you seal his lips in a kiss, when you pull away his lips are glittery and pink just like yours, but his smile seems to have grown ten fold
"you look so pretty nana, my princess" he nods
"your princess, all yours" before locking your lips against his once again
CHENLE-spiderman kisses:
chenle loves the movie, chenle loves you, to him it just made sense and the spiderman kiss has easily become his favourite way to greet you as he walked through the door.
most days chenle would find you seated on the couch, finishing up a project for work when he'd get home, his hand would wrap under your chin and slightly over your neck with ease, lips locking with yours momentarily
"I missed you" he'd whisper, every time as he pulled away from you, placing his things down to a side and slipping into the empty space beside you. his arm would find its rightful place resting over your shoulder before his lips would brush over yours again
"I missed you too"
the both of you would bask in the warm intimacy of the moment, something between you, only for you, that the both of you would secretly look forward to day in and day out
to chenle that was enough, that daily welcome home kiss was practically routine and it was a routine he'd grown used to, practically to the point where when he'd walk in and you weren't working away at a desk or on the sofa, anywhere he could easily guide your head backwards and press his lips to yours, the rest of his day would be ruined
dramatic, would be the best way to describe a kiss deprived chenle
JISUNG-hand kisses:
to jisung kisses are one of the truest levels of intimacy, they come with philosophical and ethical discussions and debates, prophesies of where the universe might be heading in ten years or why you shouldn't take things in life for granted
jisung liked to think, and he appreciated being able to share and discuss his thoughts with you, to him that seemed like one of the purest forms of love, being unashamed to share even the most wild and crazy theories with each other
he admired your passion, the way you'd get lost between your own thoughts, in your own world as you explained a concept to him, one of the many reasons jisung loved you, and in those moments a press of his lips to the knuckles of your hand, already intertwined with his, seemed perfect, like the cherry on top
"I think it's crazy how we don't realise so much of what goes on around us" you're sharing one of those moments of yours again, when you feel like you'd noticed something that made a big impact on your point of view in life and jisung can't help but let that gummy smile flash over his lips, his thumb rubbing up and down the outer surface of your hand
it's beautiful to him, how your legs are laying over his and how you rest your head against his chest and his fingers rake through your hair while you find yourselves in this moment, for a second jisung stops listening, or at least attentively so, trying to take in this fleeting moment of what he thought was the most important part of loving someone
"sung, you seem out of it?" you'd ask the question so concerned, despite a little guilt that he hadn't been able to listen to you, jisung would smile softly and shake his head
"just thinking about how lucky I am to have you"
and his hand would lift yours, quickly pressing a feathery kiss to your knuckles
"I love you" he'd say, a phrase he didn't say often, scared it would lose its meaning, but one he'd say just enough that you'd known how much you meant to him
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tqmies · 6 months
Nct Dream + NNN
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How long Nct Dream would last through No Nut November!
Minors DNI!
MARK lasts a solid day and a half. He's determined on winning this, he can handle it! He has self control, right? Wrong, he took one look at you in his shirt and flipped. (No he literally flipped you face down onto the bed and railed you!)
Week one concludes and RENJUN's had enough. He's dying to be in you, but you just keep teasing him because really? It's been one week! You brushed his crotch on the couch by accident, and suddenly he was accidently forfeiting the bet by having you ride him till the sun comes up.
JENO goes two hours before he's done. Being told not to do something only makes him want it more! So yeah it was definitely the most pathetic attempt at No Nut November ever. You have no complaints though, not with the way you could feel him in your guts.
Did you really think HAECHAN would willingly put himself through that? He can't even keep his hands off of you as it is, don't think this will change anything. You guys were actually fucking on Halloween night right into November first, you never stood a chance.
JAEMIN was so close! November 29th and Jaemin can taste the victory! Until he comes across a video of him blowing your back out on his phone when he scrolled a little too far in his camera roll. He can't take it anymore, he's calling you over to recreate that video ASAP.
Let's give it up for our victor CHENLE. The only one who manages it to make it the entire month, and boy was it hard. He literally had to limit date time because he couldn't see you without popping a boner. It was hell for you, but trust me, he makes up for it with Dick Down December.
JISUNG makes it a good five days and then gets so pent up and frustrated. He opens the front door and decides the bet isn't worth it when he sees your face. He's doing you in the doorway against the wall right there, he can't take it.
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lqfiles · 3 months
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nct dream — when you refuse their affection.
mark was confused. the first time you refused his affection, he didn’t think much of it, assuming you didn’t notice his hand reaching for yours when you pulled away from him. the second time, his head tilted sideways in confusion as you moved aside, seemingly avoiding his incoming hug. the third time was when he really started to question everything, he was right in front of you, right in front of your face to be exact, why were you avoiding his kiss? “uhh.. did i do something?” mark had asked you hesitantly. his hands had returned to his side, even going as far as hiding them behind his back. you let out a small chuckle before an apologetic smile formed on your face. “nothing, sorry. i just wanted to see how long it would take for you to notice.”
it had been a long day and renjun was tired of everything. so he really couldn’t deal with your shenanigans today. he’d joined you on the couch, dropping his body weight onto your side before wrapping his arms around you and snuggling into you, a tired sigh leaving his lips. he felt you subtly trying to shuffle away and immediately sat back up. “what are you doing?” he questioned, a mixture of surprise and tiredness in his voice. you were caught off guard, not expecting him to notice the small movement. you leaned closer to him, shaking your head slightly. “no, please don’t misunderstand. my body is just really sore today.” you explained, grimacing as you leaned back. renjun nodded, deciding to give you some space. “get well soon.” seems like he wasn’t the only one with a bad day.
it had been a few hours since you and jeno hadn’t talked to each other, and you were not planning on facing him any time soon. still, jeno missed you, and guilt had formed inside of him as the argument the two of you had replayed in his head. you hadn’t even noticed him stand near the door to the bathroom where you were brushing your teeth. “hey.” jeno’s voice startled you and you looked to your side, contemplating on whether to answer him or not. “i.. i just wanted to apologise.” he took careful steps into the bathroom, standing beside you. you looked at him through the mirror and he did the same. jeno cracked a small smile, trying to reach for your waist but you moved aside, continuing to brush your teeth. had you looked up at the mirror, you could’ve seen the way jeno’s smile dropped and turned into an expression of hurt. “i’m sorry.. talk to me when you’re ready.” jeno had to hold himself back from reaching for you one last time.
you wondered how oblivious haechan was, why he wasn’t able to pick up on your sour mood as you joined him in his car. it was starting to annoy you that he hadn’t even noticed the scowl on your face, let alone question your silence. his reaction only started the moment he tried to reach for your hand, failing to do so as you pulled it away almost immediately. he eyed you quickly before looking back on the road. second try, he reached for your thigh and you leaned your legs away from him. “what the fuck?” haechan asked, appalled. “what’s up with you?” he’d retract his hand back to the steering wheel, waiting for your answer. “i’m pissed today, and you don’t even care. but you have the nerve to hold my hand?” you scoffed, looking out the window. haechan wouldn’t know what to say, choosing to stay silent for the rest of the drive, only muttering a small apology later as the two of you exit the car.
jaemin was a very understanding person, if he’d say so himself. when you refused his affection the first time, he gave you the benefit of the doubt, assuming you didn’t feel like it. he wouldn’t bother you for the rest of the day. next day, he’d try it again, reaching forward to kiss you goodbye. you once again moved aside and jaemin smiled, again assuming you didn’t feel like it. but now on the third day when he tried once more to initiate a kiss, and you moved away for a third time, he realised he might not be as understanding as he thought he was. “are you mad at me?” he cornered you, a nervous smile pulled on his lips. “you haven’t let me kiss you in three days.” he explained, smile almost dropping. you laughed, shaking your head. “i have a cold, i don’t think exchanging kisses would be right. we can kiss next week hopefully.” you explained and jaemin let out a sigh of relief, glad the emergency apology bouquet in the living room wasn’t needed.
the moment you refuse chenle’s affection, he starts to question you and your motives. a frown grew on his face the second you waved him off after he dropped you home, not sparing him an extra glance as you entered your house. he texted you asking you what that was all about. you dismissed it and told him you forgot to give him a hug. of course, chenle wouldn’t drop it and assume you’re up to something. to test his theory, he’d increase his affection. trying to hold your hand, pulling you close by your side and more attempts at hugs. like he expected, you refused all of them and of course he could see the sly grin you were trying to suppress. “you really think you’re funny, don’t you?” he asked after a week, joining you in the kitchen. your smile grew bigger and you nodded. “very funny actually.” you laughed, reaching to pat him on his shoulder but he took a step back. “i can be funny too.” he says, leaving the kitchen with a victorious smile on his face.
jisung did not like this at all. you had opened the door with a surprised look, and jisung wondered if he interrupted something as you didn’t smile at him like you usually do. you two were sat on the floor in your room, eating the food he had bough you. jisung noticed the sleeves of your cardigan that were about to touch your food and subconsciously reached forward to lift it up. you flinched away and jisung flinched himself at the jittery motion. choosing not to point it out, he decided to join you in the living room after cleaning up. he sat next to you, and you moved away. he reached for your hand and when you pulled away, he knew something was up. “why.. what’s going on?” he asked while nervously biting on his lips. you’d look at him apologetically. “i.. i don’t feel too good today, jisung. i’m sorry for acting so cold.” you explained and jisung stiffened, instantly standing up and apologising. “i-i didn’t know, i’m sorry:” he didn’t think twice before turning around and leaving, he didn’t want to be a burden after all.
thank you for reading!
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marklease · 4 months
asking bf dreamies for separate beds
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telling clingy dreamies you wanna start sleeping in separate beds. enjoy!
requests open, i’m back everyone! 🥺🫶
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naids4luv · 4 months
bae what if the dreamies pranked their lover this time? 😂😂 like get a taste of your own medicine now 😭
! dreamies pranking reader !
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waittt i really like this idea,, thank u for requesting !!😽😽😋😋
mark, renjun and jeno :
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haechan and jaemin :
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chenle and jisung :
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yrqrnc · 4 months
nct dream reaction . . . giving them a peck on the nose !
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it’s early in the morning when you wake up to find him already awake and staring at you. he has one arm wrapped around you, your head falling onto his chest, and he has this whipped grin on his face as he tiredly plays with your hair, and that’s when you push your face up, closer against his—you catch a glimpse of him closing his eyes—and peck his nose. then he just laughs and goes “what was that”, calling you cute over and over again.
he’s really just chilling, watching something on his phone as he lays on the bed, when you randomly choose to walk up to him, grab his face in your hands and press a tender kiss onto his nose. he goes completely quiet for a moment, blinking confusedly, before breaking out in the softest smile. he throws his phone to the side and instead, pulls you into him by the shoulder as he kisses your temple in return.
you’re cuddling on the couch as a movie of your pick plays on the tv screen when a funny scene comes up and jeno giggles. he’s only laughing, yet, it manages to pull at your heartstrings and you find yourself wanting to kiss the life out of the man besides you. but you hold back, giving him a kiss on the nose instead, and he turns to smile so sweetly at you, his eyesmile in clear view, before he leans down to peck your nose right back.
he’s playing games on his computer when you feel this sudden wave of love hit you and you’re all touch-starved and full of love to give now. it results in you quietly sneak into his room to go up and snake your arms around him in a back-hug as he’s sitting on his chair. he gives you a quick smile but turns right back to the screen to continue playing, and you, being the patient person you were, decide to let him complete the round, though not really letting go of your hold on his back the entire time. and when he finally wins, he doesn’t even get the chance to tell you about it, you’ve already grabbed his face with your sweater paws and placed a very wholesome kiss on the tip of his nose. the next thing you know, you’re getting attacked showered in kisses by him.
he’s laying in bed; you managed to convince him to rest after a very busy week, so now he’s just chilling on the bed, attempting to take a little nap. that’s when you pop in after finishing off your tasks, and join him on the bed, getting comfy quickly. it feels so natural as you both cuddle up together, but you catch him off guard when you press a kiss onto his nose. he goes blank for a second, but then soon, he’s peppering your face with kisses all over, suddenly striken with this ball of energy. i think you might've chased all his sleep away 😠
he's scrolling through his phone on the bed, watching some random reels, when you decide to jump onto his lap without any warning. he’s so startled at first, he goes all 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬 and then he realizes it’s you, and that you’re just in one of your moods today, and he's like "oh. well, anyway," and goes on with his day 💀 what he didn’t expect you to do was kiss him on the nose so gently and adorably— that he just melts internally, and he can’t even wipe off the grin on his face that just screams "ok maybe i am in love with this person."
you were babbling on about something that happened the other day, when you hear jisung softly muttering a “cute.” under his breath as he listened on to you. he has this fond look in his eyes as he looks at you, and all you were doing was just telling him the gossip of yesterday???? you pause the talk, instead, reaching your hand out to grab his face and pull him in to give a peck on the nose, because how could you resist the urge to kiss such a pretty man, right? when you pull away, you’re met with the boy blushing in a disgustingly adorable way, and you find that now, it’s your turn to say “cute.”
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ohmygs-blog · 2 months
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calling dreamies pretty boy.
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tmzrkstan · 1 month
nct dream text: they sending a pic to you.
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genre: fluff, smutty jokes, dating.
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f4irys4n · 6 months
nct dream p♡rn links pt1
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lee mark
hitting it from the back
your favourite necklace
nothing a man loves more
huang renjun
treating you right
using his pretty face
it’s play time
lee jeno
he loves hearing you
stretching you out
at your pace
lee donghyuck
he’s an ass man
toying with you
you can’t keep quiet
na jaemin
lunch never tasted better
you love his hands
destroying your insides
zhong chenle
subby!chenle’s punishment
riding him slowly
putting his tongue to use
park jisung
using you like a toy
hands behind your back
pretty boy gets his face wet
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please make sure you log into your twt on the browser or it’ll show up as the tweet doesn’t exist <3 some links also may break over time due to account or videos being deleted/removed !!
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