#im trying to catch up
pigdemonart · 2 months
Im late to booping …..
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applecrumblefish · 4 months
I'm just thinking of Noritoshi and his name. He was named after the former Noritoshi Kamo, a man who committed many atrocities. Of course, no one at the time knew it was Kenjaku, I feel like if even if they did, they wouldn't be able to separate the guy from the curse. Being given that name must weigh hugely on the younger Noritoshi. His father may have named him this way because he completely rejects the idea of Noritoshi being his child, perhaps dooming this child to become just as evil as the previous Noritoshi. It angered him even more to have to make this child the heir to the Kamo clan when his other son didn't end up having the blood manipulation technique. The name feels sour on his tongue. He can't even bring himself to call out his son's name. His whole life, Noritoshi tried to prove himself to his father. That he's worthy of being the heir to the Kamo clan, to put himself in a better place in front of the whole clan, so that he can provide his mother with a better life to the one she dealt with before she was forced to leave. He longs to free her of the curse that is his birth. And that name will continue to curse him for the rest of his life.
Noritoshi grew up to be incredibly family oriented, and whatever displeased his family displeased him. This meant that he internalised many of their ideals, which is why he was so against Yuuji and the idea that he could be allowed to exist when something so evil lived inside him. To Noritoshi, Yuuji, and Sukuna were one. It may have been that Noritoshi was projecting on Yuuji. Just as Noritoshi was a disgrace upon his family, Yuuji (Sukuna) is a disgrace upon jujutsu society. Noritoshi may have felt that it was not fair that Yuuji could exist and since he posed a much bigger threat Noritoshi took it upon himself to make sure Yuuji could be eliminated so that he could prove his own usefulness. Once he met Yuuji and saw the kind of person he was, what his morals and motives were, he was able to separate Yuuji from Sukuna and accept him. I think it's especially funny because Yuuji and Noritoshi are indirectly related through Choso. I hope Noritoshi feels that familiar closeness with Yuuji. Maybe not as intensely as Choso, or *Todo,* who's just delusional, haha.
This is a huge stretch I know. But I'm obsessed with Noritoshi, and I don't see enough of him. 😤
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sleep-nurse · 2 months
oh i am about to give you so many boops
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thegcng-arch · 5 months
cannot get over how good juno is in fargo oh my god
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kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 20 (ish)
Idea: (February Writing Challenge 2023: Day 3 - First Chance)
The first chance Kallus and Zeb had to talk to each other since Bahryn, they didn’t take it.
The first chance they had to get a drink together, they didn’t take it.
The first chance either of them had to ask the other to spend time with the other alone, they didn’t take it.
The first chance they had to ask each other for something more from the other, they didn’t take it.
The first chance they had to be alone together, the didn’t take it.
The first chance they had to tell the other ‘I love you’, they didn’t take it.
After the Liberation of Lothal, the first chance they had to celebrate alone, they took it.
The first chance they had to tell the other ‘I love you’, they took it.
The first chance they had to go to Lira San, they took it.
The first chance they had to live together they took it.
And the first chance they had to start a family, together, they took it.
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r0tting-raspb3rry · 8 months
Promptober eighteen: potion
"Ow! What the-?" Red glanced around the room to see who hit him, to no avail. It appeared to be completely empty. He was confused to say the least, but resumed tending to his animals. "Ouch!" The second time Red felt it, he swung his fist around and it bumped in to something, or rather someone? It looked as if nothing was there but he definitely had hit something. Another hit. "Hey! I know that's you, Green!" She was usually the one who pulled the sort of jokes.
"I thought Blue swore off invisibility potions! Where did you get it?!" Red said, looking for another sign of the figure. A snicker followed by a box getting knocked over told Red the invisible person had ran out. Of course, he followed the footsteps angrily, down to the floor of the PC. During his chase, he bumped into Green. Wait. Green. Green is right here. If she's here, who is that? "Oh hey, Red." She seemed unbothered by the bump. "Do you want to join me, Blue, Yellow and Orange in the arcade?"
"Sorry, Green. I have a perpetrator to deal with." He started to resume, however, paused. "Wait. Everyone else is at the arcade?" Red questioned, Green nodding in confirmation.
"Then who is--" Red looked over to where the figure was headed and when he saw their hands full of stolen items next to that portal, he knew exactly who it was. Green did, too.
"Purple!!" The two yelled in unison, going after the trickster.
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failcringegf · 2 years
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jonathancjones · 1 month
I'll be home from work in a bit, then I'll answer more things.
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lumineary-arts · 17 days
(Slides 5 bucks across the table) Swap AU prom outfits please? (I’ll make it 10 if needed)
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Y'all wanted some dapper buds, you got some dapper buds! 10 bucks, up front!!
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sunnyyyteaaa · 1 month
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it's a tie between rottmnt donnie and 2012 raph for me so i drew both 💀 i think theyd be best friends
also first time ever drawing 2012 raph 😮‍💨 i need to draw the 2012 boys more fr
challenge prompts under the cut!
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sexyleon · 8 months
obsessed with bram stoker calling every child in this book an ‘it’
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kikker-oma · 7 months
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*dialogue was edited to hopefully fix my lack of cpr knowledge and not make Wind do chest compressions when Time still has a heartbeat hehe*
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pond-eringstuff · 24 days
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corviiids · 3 months
every time i get into a thing i have to write a new essay about how it's just like the iliad. no one needs to see my new thesis about light yagami death note and the ways in which his tragedy arc mirrors achilles fromtheiliad but it exists now
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chandralia · 8 months
I’m being dead serious when I say the new chapter has taken away my ability to SPEAK like I don’t even know what I can allow myself to feel IM STILL IN SHOCK
over a year since he died, almost 600 days since bkdk last saw each other… and they reunite in the most intense, dramatic way imaginable with wordless communication, locking eyes, making the world come to a halt, and everyone’s reminded what this story’s really about.
“their feelings become one” HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE THIS???????????
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localcoffeeshop · 3 months
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some variety at art (marshall lee theme once again it seems. i sometimes imagine him with a punky androgynous cowboy vibe)
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